#but yeah the point more or less stands
Do you happen to have any pics of bears standing up really tall/reaching for things? Uhhhh a little Tippy-Toes Tuesday content, if you will?
We do we do
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
I know, especially with how much more proactive he is in the live action, some people think that Iroh was too complicit with Zuko and should have put more effort into pushing Zuko down the right path.
But I don’t know I think the point was that it had to come from Zuko. This great change had to be something that Zuko wanted for himself and not something Iroh pushes him into. It’s why although he tries to distract or dissuade him subtly he’s pretty content to let Zuko do as he feels the need to (except when he’s taking insane actions that would have killed him if he wasn’t too spiteful to die) but yeah there’s no obvious push to get Zuko to believe this or that or even to undo the fire nation conditioning he simply just worries for his safety and honestly with how reckless zuko was probably the safest route without pushing him into full mental breakdown.
It’s not till he’s almost captured and they go on the run do you actually start to see that maybe Iroh has a side in all this and it’s not the fire nation. But even then being on Zuko’s side takes precedent. It’s not until Zuko is on the cusp of real change, he’s right on the precipice does Iroh start to push a little harder but even then it’s focused in Zuko making a decision for his life one that nobody else can make for him. The closest Iroh gets to forcefully pushing Zuko towards any direction is him yelling “It's time for you to look *inward* and begin asking yourself the big questions. Who are you and what do *you* want?”. And then siding with the avatar during the fall of ba sing se.
If Iroh tried to manipulate him, take advantage of this scared angry child to unconsciously steer him towards his own side then he’d be no better than the fire nation, he’s just be another person wrenching control from Zuko life. But instead Iroh offers him that control, let him go out and see what the world is and let the conclusions of whatever he finds be the foundation on which he is rebuilt again and and again. It’s why when he stands infront of Ozai and says “ No, I’ve learned everything! And I’ve had to learn it on my own” we feel that shit. Because yeah he did he struggled and he fought and he learned and damn it all, he is making a choice for himself.
The story works because Iroh isn’t his mentor, he’s his uncle and he loves him enough to push aside his own personal belief to allow Zuko the space to decide who he wants to be, to give him the agency over his own life. That’s why Zuko’s redemption works so well because he’s not forced into it, If he decides to join the avatar to take down the thrown that has been his choice. If he decides to stay with the fire nation be the prince he was born to be….well that had to be his choice as well. Because that’s the crux of this. None of it matters if it isn’t Zuko, with everything that he has learned, making a decision for his own life.
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 month
you can't be a good leader, let alone an ultimate-level one, if you can't work with people or connect with them on a personal level? DICE are referred to as 'friends bordering on family' for a reason. just because he doesn't do that in game doesn't mean it's like 'oil and water'/something he's fundamentally incapable of
I meant that he's like that *in the game specifically*. Of course he's close to DICE, or else they wouldn't've been in his motive video. Hell, outside of the killing game he probably would've worked just the same with the other v3s. Its just the situation that he's in that has him acting on edge and paranoid, pushing the others away do better do what he wants in what he thinks is for their own good. And so he eschews collaboration in favour of trying to pull the strings from outside to best "lead" the others through the killing game as much as possible.
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ratatatastic · 1 day
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terribly in love with how stanced up he is on a tuesday afternoon
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lord-squiggletits · 7 months
This might be bc of my personal reading of exRDI/OP bc I'm pretty sure the authorial intent was to just write Optimus as having some fall from grace/borderline tyrannical edge but like
I really kinda wish the story had been written as more of a political intrigue, almost GOT-esque thing (sorry for the cliche) where like, instead of Optimus being written as the narrative's scapegoat to be condemned both by the characters in universe and the meta narrative, he was just written as...morally gray? With more of a focus on "this is a shitty situation where no decision is good" rather than having Optimus just be some sort of white guilt stand-in of how oh, he's a Prime so that means the most important part of his legacy is how Cybertronians are awful and he's no better than the other ones etc.
Like Barber doesn't write Optimus as EVIL or in a way where he's unilaterally condemned as a person who did more harm than good, it's just imo the vibes of the story is more of a dark political/war story where no person is clean and there's no solution to the war that doesn't involve moral compromise. Instead Optimus is forced to make these moral compromises but then everyone else in the story loses their absolute shit and immediately starts calling him a tyrant or a fascist or something.
Like idk, it was partially an issue of the set-up. Because for one, it was really hard to take it seriously when the humans went "omg he's annexing Earth the Autobots were literally the colonizers all along!" (I think the dialogue was written almost exactly like that too sjdjsidn, so bad dialogue was also another issue) yet were perfectly fine working with the Decepticons led by 1. Soundwave who personally helped execute the attempted invasion of Earth and 2. Galvatron who constantly talks about wanting to kill these puny organics. I feel like I would've been able to take humanity's fears of being colonized again more seriously if like, they hadn't literally teamed up with The Colonizer Faction just bc Soundwave promised they were good guys again. So really it's just execution + plot holes + bad dialogue.
And another thing about the annexing of Earth specifically that I wish got talked about more (mostly by the fandom more than in universe) is that like. Basically the reason Optimus did that was because the neo-Decepticons were planning to invade Earth again, but since he's not actually a formal political leader any more he has no power to actually force a war to stop them/request military back up. But also, Starscream didn't give a shit about Earth and neither did the Council of Worlds, so appealing to the government for help defending humanity wouldn't work either. So Optimus annexing Earth was an absolute clusterfuck yes, but in a way it was also kind of a shrewd political move to force Cybertron to dedicate a spot in the government for humans and thus grant humans a say on Cybertronian politics.
What I mean is that in a story/with an author like that of GOT, where the setting is grimmer and every character is morally ambiguous, I feel like Optimus would've had way more room to be an interesting and compelling character. Bc then instead of the story immediately screaming "ALL HAIL OPTIMUS DID YOU KNOW OP ANNEXING EARTH TO THE COUNCIL IS BASICALLY THE SAME AS MEGATRON ATTEMPTING TO GENOCIDE EARTH," Optimus could have been played around with more as a political figure making the shitty decisions in an effort to stop another genocide. Instead of just unilaterally condemning Optimus and immediately comparing him to fucking Megatron of all people, there could've been more focus on the politics of it with maybe some sort of theme of how "being a leader in war is an inherently unethical position where every decision you make will lead to death/conflict/hate."
Like idk I just think it would've been more interesting if the narrative spent less time going "zomg Optimus is totally a tyrant now" and instead went all in on exploring the political conflicts and how far politicians (Optimus now being one, since he's declaring wars and forcefully acting as an ambassador that no one asked for) can go on manipulation and forcing people's hands for the sake of an ultimately good cause. I mean, Windblade was doing shit like covering up for Chromia who killed people in a bombing, making backdoor deals with Starscream, and conspiring with Optimus to bypass Starscream/overthrow him as Cybertron's ruler somehow. The difference of course is that Windblade and exRID were written by two different authors with genre/thematic differences, but as a reader it is really disappointing to see two different political narratives where "a hero turned politician turning to morally gray/unethical methods to outmaneuver a deadly opponent" is treated as clever and heroic for one character, but tyrannical and worthy of ostracization of another character.
Like for God's sake this narrative where Optimus gets lambasted at every turn sometimes by people who work with/are literal tyrants/terrorists themselves is so fucking exhausting. I'd rather read a story that focused more on the idea of, well what Optimus did was unethical but on a political level it was actually advantageous in several ways. Then you could write a story that really dives into a view of like, idk... Does power inherently corrupt or is it just situations like war that allow leaders to seize power and become tyrannical? Are politics an inherently dirty field where the only way to beat your competition (and secure a decent future for the nation) is to become underhanded and manipulative yourself? Is it okay to bypass or work against rightfully elected officials when those officials are turning a blind eye to things like war and invasions and historic racism?
ExRID did somewhat touch on these themes to be fair, but I feel like in Optimus' case they were either poorly executed or just thrown away in favor of having every other character talk shit about him and how he's the worst person ever. Bc like goddammit, I do think Optimus' polarizing and sometimes bad decisions as a character DO make him skirt on the edge of tyranny and shouldn't be downplayed, but on the other hand, I feel like no one (fandom or in-universe) ever tangles with the OTHER side of the story, which is just... Would it have been unethical for Optimus to NOT have done anything? Cybertronians literally put a colony on Earth, injected Earth with alien technology and sleeper agents, used Earth as an incubating ground for dangerous elements like Ore-13, invaded Earth and killed 1 billion people-- after all the shit Cybertron did to Earth, is it not fair (even morally obligated) for Cybertronians to clean up their shit and help Earth defend itself against a crisis that Cybertronians caused? And if Cybertron's government/the individuals within are racist enough that they don't care about Earth, don't see it as their problem, and don't even see human life as meaningful since they don't live that wrong anyways... is it not, in a way, a good thing for Optimus to have overstepped his authority and forced diplomatic relationships between the two planets? So that humans had an actual political channel to go "fuck you, we're in your Council so you'd better ally with us" and so that Cybertron would be forced to go "welp can't write off these humans as Not Our Problem, guess we have to help them." Doesn't forcing Earth to be part of the Council in a way legitimize Optimus' fight to help Earth, since without a formal political office he's just a rogue general fighting an unauthorized war, but with the government involved, defending Earth now becomes a politically sanctioned act?
Like idk. I guess exRID and OP did get into some of this stuff, but as a whole it felt like the story underutilized its political elements and got bogged down in shit like pointless crossovers, and constantly pausing the narrative to have Side Character #2847 talk about how Optimus is a fascist, and having Optimus go on white guilt-esque monologues about how maybe all Cybertronians should die and are unworthy/unable to ever have a peaceful society because their society colonized other planets.
Just so much wasted potential honestly. ExRID/OP as written felt like it was going way too hard into "omg Cybertronians bad and Optimus is actually a tyrant" instead of just writing a complex story and letting readers come to their own conclusions. And also lambasting Optimus for doing things that other characters did (or characters who did even worse things), but letting those characters exist in peace while Optimus has to just be some allegory for colonialism that has to be torn down at every turn because that's Deep and Intellectual.
I just like the kinds of stories about politics that play around with the ethics of it all, like, "this politician is a shitty person but their policies actually prevented some sort of disaster from happening" or "this person did something illegal and defied the law but they did it because no one else was doing anything" or even "everyone hates this person for forcing them into a political deal they didn't want to be involved in, but the fact that they were all forced to become allies actually allowed them to cooperate and save themselves in a way they wouldn't have been able to alone" (which is pretty much literally how the annexing of Earth ended up going).
Like man I don't want to sit here being lectured/having my favorite character be lectured about how much tyranny is bad. I want my favorite character to do shitty things and then go "whoa that was shitty...but also kind of smart...but also caused a lot of problems...but also solved some other problems that could've turned awful if he hadn't forcefully resolved them."
#squiggposting#idw op love#it's less like i want OP to be framed as sympathetic or good and more like....#'yeah what he did was fucked up but it was also in many ways a good option'#like i wish we'd gotten a more politically interesting story where the goods and bads were explored#instead of it being almost unilaterally the characters all gasping and screaming any time OP#does something morally gray. even tho the entire universe is morally gray and he'#isnt even close to the worst person or political leader in it#like idk what it really comes down to is that a lot of the story felt more like#it was trying to make OP some embodiment of colonialism and how everything bad is on his shoulders#regardless of his personal actions just bc he'#s prime. it feels like it was some weird white guilt allegory pasted onto robots#instead of just writing a cool story about politics and moral grayness and how far one can go#before morally gray means turn into morally gray ends#i feel like under a different writer the story couldve been way more interesting#and it couldve even kept OP's whole tyranny arc thing but just been more well written#treating him as a character who MAY HAVE HAD POINTS ABOUT SOME THINGS#AND MIGHTVE BEEN THE ONLY PERSON WHO GAVE A DAMN ABOUT HUMANITY#AND CLEANING UP THE MISTAKES CYBERTRON CREATED THAT HARMED HUMANS TO THIS DAY#but nah instead of just letting OP's moral grayness stand on its own for reader to judge#he had to literally write in characters going 'zomg the Bots were the colonizers all along'#'[OP's leadership] is LITERALLY FASCISM' (actual dialogue btw)#ppl going surprisepika when OP decides to just kill the genocidal asshole from the golden age#like goddamn could you let OP breathe and be allowed to be morally gray#w/o having the whole story exist to make him some white guilt colonialism allegory that all the other characters scream at
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revvethasmythh · 7 months
That Specific Take TM is part of what led me to stop watching critical role entirely. Wouldn’t go so far as calling myself a “stan” of Nott, but I adored her. And I adored her progression into being comfortable with being Veth. But it feels like people see what they want to see far more than they see the character that’s been portrayed… TLDR I sympathize entirely, it’s kind of miserable to know so many people dislike characters you find very compelling for how they are portrayed simply because they are misinterpreting that portrayal at a rather fundamental level!
I actually do not think a take like that stems from dislike! Misinterpretation, yes, but misinterpretation is not always connected to disliking a character. Like, as many insane and wrong takes I've seen about Orym that have popped up during c3, the OPs of those posts often do not necessarily dislike Orym (at least, so they say). They just have a particular perspective that is not, uh, correct if you actually engage with the textual evidence. I think re: this take in particular, it really does come from a sense of disappointment that the dynamic between Nott and Caleb didn't maintain course, that the Veth reveal did irrevocably alter the dynamic.
Which--okay, there's a lot going on with that, and I think people who were overly attached to the "dynamic" over the individual characters involved tend toward Caleb-specific fans (hence how he's the listless sad boi of the post, the queer neurodivergent guy, while Veth is cast as a flat perfectly happy straight neurotypical woman (that was painful even just to write, but that is what the post is positing), and ignorant of all of Caleb's sad boi feelings--which of those descriptions is going to be more relatable/sympathetic to your average tumblr user, you know?), and if you were to track fandom engagement with Nott as a character, I feel like you would find a significant drop-off of investment in her after the Veth reveal. Because she yelled at Caleb, she altered the dynamic, her story separated from his story, she moved away from him narratively, and when the focus was placed more fully on herself and her character details, I suspect a lot of people drifted away from her. Because Nott was Caleb's funny sidekick and qpr and loving mother all rolled into one, and it's just not the same if she is a married woman, a mother, with goals of her own that may--and do--cause her to shift away from her very tight relationship with Caleb. In the eyes of a lot of people, she was there to serve at the altar of the dynamic, and her role was to support Caleb. Breaking the dynamic is a cardinal sin--it's similar to the way some people react so weirdly to the Nein all splitting ways after the finale. There's that deep attachment to The Dynamic, the Found Family, that rifts and conflicts and alterations to the dynamic are distressing to people and they'll come up with similarly incorrect metas full of projections and act like they're canon as a reaction to that.
So, instead of "dislike", I think perhaps the better word to sub in there is "disinterest." If people cleave so strongly to the original representation of the dynamic, when alterations to it are made they are disinterested in letting themselves be invested in, think deeply about, and care for the new dynamics created, because they're too tethered to a thing that was already lost--OR never really existed the way they're imaging to begin with.
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starlooove · 3 months
So which is it? Did Bruce treat everyone like that or was he only super mean to Steph bc of the writers? Like I’m tired of the excuses being made, if it was one and done whatever but the way Bruce treated steph did impact her story and then changing stephs personality to golden retriever blond doesn’t change that at all lmao
#fans when the character flaws are socially unacceptable 😖😖😖😖#like yeah a lot of tim and Bruce’s writing did reflect racism classism and misogyny of the writers#that doesn’t make their impact on the characters they were talking to any less racist misogynistic or classist#and i genuinely think choosing to ignore it in order to preserve ur image of ur white fave whilst completely changing the way steph Duke#Damian cass etc. behave is more racist than the writing#this is just to me#to ME changing the things tim said and making Steph a ditzy Girlboss blond is more misogynistic than ANYTHING they could’ve written#at least they had a point where growth could happen and the possibility to give Steph a backbone#y’all just say tim is a coffee addict and go#and It’s the personality shifts that bother me the most#like this most recent Damian is ass sorry#like in canon making his relationship with Bruce good or closer than it actually was….#and ppl saying Bruce changed post death like no he hugged Damian once lmao#like that didn’t change a damn thing between them before#and if it was presented as codependency and trauma bonding whatever but it’s not they just act like he was always a difficult fave#which fuels racist fans who already thought that even more#yuck#and every single personality shift that happens is to prop Bruce up and by extension tim bc the meanest thing dc does to him is nothing#like y’all think tim is most hated NOT true#he’s badly written in the sense that his personality becomes being the perfect soldier for Bruce#which y’all play into by doing the same shit downplaying everyone else but making him pissed about it#get real#if I see another fic or hc about how Damian actually can’t withstand torture or needs Tim’s help to hack smth 😭#y’all can’t stand that Damian IS talented it’s so sick like his whole issue is that he’s a kid with kid emotions who knows how to do all#this shit and mentally knows he ‘should’ behave differently and fails in an effort to go towards that bc he doesn’t take him still being a#kid into account UNLESS it’s an advantage. saying ur a better writer than dc by saying Talia was play fighting? ok…#when ppl are like ‘Talia/Ra’s would never respect a kid enough to do XYZ…’ THATS THE POINT!!#anyways sorry tiktok vid pissed me off this went everywhere
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arpiniko · 4 months
just saw some aestethic post about ahh art school academia core
💜✨how relaxing and nice is walk home from art school everyday. 😌just nice painting. 🌻so soul freeing. so esoteric. ☀️so divine. 🎨✨
and here i sit. right before the final exams (starting on monday)
with my 3rd period in last fking 30days.
did i say sit? no i grovel and squirm in pain. and i have stuff to still do. but i'm unable to. bc i'm bleeding again.
i havent had the time do draw for myself anything in past 2 months.
sorry i had to let out a little rant.
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
and of course essential to me in thinking about this that past!even gravitates towards missy and the doctor and future!even gravitates towards saxon. for a bit, anyway.
#mostly so simm!master can say something about how missy is letting the doctor destroy who she is. they are. and future!even agrees with him.#the thing is that past!even Has stable ground because they’ve been around the master for. actually well. it’d be more accurate to say they#think they have stable ground because past!even thinks they’ve only been on this ship… maybe a year? because *someone* is feeding them#regeneration energy drip by drip and can’t let them catch onto that fact by noticing they aren’t aging so it’s good that said someone has a#fair hand in hypnotism. so anyway. believed stable ground. and they’ve *missed* the doctor. they have. he’s not their doctor but he’s The#doctor and that’s what matters and they’ve missed him so much and when he looks at them he doesn’t hate them. and missy intrigues them.#and in contrast future!even feels very fucking unsteady and has been boiling for years now and. really Bill in trouble is the snapping point#probably. for them. because you know how the doctor is trying to talk that guy down and all before he shoots bill. yeah. so see the thing is#that even also has a gun.#anyway. what im saying is that simm!master is reliable in his assholery and the fact that he knows how to Survive and even agrees with him#about the doctor leading missy slowly to her death by making her a better person. which. that part they’re right about. if not for the#reasons they thought. but if missy was just a little worse. a little less like the doctor. then her past self wouldn’t have had the chance#to even take aim. but she is. she wants to make a point. she wants to put that point in his head the way the doctor does. they *will* stand#with him. and that little speech? that gets her killed. that and turning her back on him.#so im putting this together slow is what im saying but something is certainly coming about#dw oc
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nate and trent during s3/post-canon has got to be like. a hilarious dynamic. not to mention nate returning to richmond and like. trent crimm is also here. they're like yeah he's our emotional support biographer now. yeah he's been around all season. we like him now. they make the world's most awkward eye contact before both immediately fleeing in opposite directions.
#actually i think they would get along i would like to see it#but also how do you reconcile you both did something you super regret to hurt someone you both care about a lot? and like#how exactly that happened? how trent quit about it and also BURNED NATE AS A SOURCE? how nate was the one who made the situation?#etc etc etc. but like also i dont think. like.#i get fanon of trent being all protective or whatever but i like to think he's taken enough cues from ted that he's also just like.#i get it. hurt people hurt people. and nates like what you dont hate me? you LSOT YOUR JOB but like#no. trent doesnt hate him. how could he#also this is made ten thousand times funnier in a tedependent fix it fic because nate comes back full of regret and crying and like#trent crimm--who WROTE AND PUBLISHED THE ARTICLE HE FEELS SO BAD ABOUT--is just. Also There.#vibing. everyone likes him now. how the hell--#and then when nates like [trying and failing to be casual] hey so um. why is. why is trent crimm here?#he gets the following answers:#a) he's writing a book about us! b) he's writing a book about ted! c) we think he and ted might be kissing. unclear#nate comes back to richmond and teds like oh trent? yeah hes my bf <333 and nates like hes your WHAT#also see: nate is a really sweet dorky and kinda anxious person and now hes kinda back there at this point except#hopefully with more self confidence and ability to stand up for himself#versus trent who always seemed so confident and cool. now letting himself be a sweet dork at the cost of being less confident/firm#like. i just think they'd be neat is all#let them bond over being dorks actually
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yoihino · 5 months
I see your 'Jax is an npc' theories and I raise you 'the one who actually is an npc is not Jax but Ragatha instead'. Because I think it being Jax is way too obvious (as we are only at the 2nd episode, if it was obvious at later in the season it would be understandable) and Ragatha would have much more impact on Pomni and everyone else on the cast than anyone else (drawing a parallel with Gumigoo, as well as Pomni not feeling so alone because of both of them).
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silbeni · 6 months
Brewing an alt timeline w Ryoma in the Rohan live action
#idek if duwang gang exists in that universe even so#its a lot more ryohan focused#in da lore Ryohan gets art block and starts to live in squalor#izumi visits him and shes like damn you live like this and either she sends a house keepers or he does#he gets a list of candidates and Ryoma is in that list#shes notably less qualified than anyone else and she got there by recommendation#blah blah blah Rohan starts interviewing the potential housekeepers and he doesnt like any of them until ryoma#Rohan tries to read Ryoma but it activates gadzooks and starts making him into tape instead#eventually Ryo gets gadzooks to stop and theyre super apologetic#but Rohans like. THIS IS THE ONE (thinking he can get inspiration from them)#i believe thus spoke rohan kishibe rohan (live action) doesn't knows about other stand users#so this would be exciting for him. ryoma would be so confused to be accepted but thankful bc they really needed that job#their relationship starts out distant and professional but morphs into something more casual as time goes on#to the point ryoma is essentially just being paid to be his friend skabs they still try to do work but he doesn't require that of them#ryoma feels bad not working.. like shes just being a leech#around this time ryoma gets upgraded to working 24/7 there so they basically live together#rahh im just thinking of cute stuff now <3 Rohan gets sick and hes a huge drama queen about it. ryoma doesn't mind pampering him though#but of course there are also evils. thinking of an episode plot where a creature attached like. a time bomb to Ryoma. paranormal stuff#saw trap ish? blow yourself up or i explode all of morioh type thing. (or wherever the heck they live)#not sure if rohan lives in morioh in that universe yeah#Anyway gn
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gibbearish · 8 months
it is fascinating seeing ppl say "if you still vote biden just bc he's protected trans rights youre putting your own rights above that of the other people he'll kill" bc i'm like. well that operates under the assumption the Not Biden Option won't be killing those same other people Plus Trans People and given the history of presidents i would say that is a. how should i say this. wild fucking assumption? like idk framing it as "hello transgender, would you rather kill a bunch of non-americans or a bunch of fellow trans people. oh, you don't want to kill trans people? so you personally want to kill non-americans? racist selfish piece of shit" seems uhhhhh disingenuous at absolute best and a psyop at worst
#like my dudes we are literally in the trolley problem as we speak#do you think we like. enjoy living in a country where voting is just 'which one do you think will kill less people'?#ur standing there saying 'if you pull the lever then the guy who tied those people to it will take that as a sign he did the right thing'#and its like. idk i dont think he wouldve tied them there to begin with if he didn't already think he was in the right i gotta be real w u#or honestly its less the trolley problem and more just#'you have access to the orphan crushing machine control panel. theres no off switch but there is a speed dial which is cranked all the way#up. do you turn it down?'#where if you try to turn it down someone will pop up going 'youre such a piece of shit for killing those orphans by adjusting the speed#rather than destroying the machine'#and if you try to point out that the machine is a trillion times bigger than you‚ is made of titanium‚ and has defensive turrets#that gets brushed off as making excuses#and its like.. well ok why arent /you/ destroying it then asshole youre just standing around talking about how#eomeone should blow it up already but youre not even willing to turn down the dial much less actually blow it up#and i dont think turning down the dial does tell the guy who made the machine that it was a good machine to make‚ actually#and especially given how many other people are in their control rooms cranking the dial higher and higher‚ yeah i think ill turn mine down#origibberish
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itstimeforstarwars · 9 months
I am constantly thinking about gender in the galidraan au. To the point that even the cis characters are a little weird with their gender in the rough drafts.
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wrecking · 1 year
expired white cheddar popcorn, my only solace rn.
edit: oh fuck i didn't mean to post this yet i wanted to like. space this out from my last post? sorry in advance i guess
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somerunner · 25 days
Drafted in my notes on August 18, 2024 at 12PM
There are some songs and albums on Spotify that make me think, “wow. It’s almost criminal how under-listened these are.” As it’s Sunday and I’m listening to the album as I’m writing this, the subject of this post will be the album “Lamb of God: the Concert Film (The Motion Picture Soundtrack)” — I haven’t seen the whole film but iirc it’s just the songs being performed in a concert hall. I have listened to it all, though, several times.
There are so many moments in this album that have made me cry, silently sobbing in the library one time. Usually because of feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness, which I then exacerbate by listening to the album (it’s cathartic, okay). Probably the most egregious offender is “I Cannot Watch Them” but the buildup over the previous several songs is pretty necessary to really make it hit hard.
I usually am apathetic about trying or making an effort, whether to live up to my religious ideals or to be productive. Or to even work on myself in any manner. When I was 9-15, I tried berating myself over every inadequacy and generally just make myself feel bad in an attempt to feel catharsis and also motivate myself to work. That, along with my screen addiction (I spend 6-10 hours a day on Tumblr and other time wasters. And I haven’t successfully reduced it. I think there is such a thing as screen addiction despite what some popular posts here say, unless you have another name for whatever this is), has made me somewhat numb to guilt, self-inflicted or otherwise. I still try beating myself up for my mistakes, but far less often than I did — now I usually just ignore and minimize my mistakes, so it’s not like I’ve improved much. But I’m certainly happier and less judgy, so it’s not a completely lateral change.
Anyway, listening to this album does kind of bring me back into that mindset of “I can do good things, so I have the duty to do good things.” It also makes me aware of the immense privileges afforded to me in my life, as well as the opportunities for help/redemption still afforded by both my earthly parents and by my heavenly parents.
All this to say that if you’re Christian, or if a majority of this post resonated with you, I think you would really enjoy this album.
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