#but yeah. how do you even save detective conan now
bleauktopus · 2 months
Hiii ! Hope im not too nosy for replying to your tag to my post but im just a yap king;; I definitely think that the fact that kaito can pass as shinichi was like, invented after dc and mk got their universes merged? i dont think it was intendet at the beginning at all, but its definitely such a fun gag that, yeah theyre just similar,, and its implemented more nicely that them being related :(
ALSO YEAH EVEN THE TOICHI ALIVE REVEAL ??? I AM JUST PROCESSING THAT ??? imagine thinking your father has been dead for the past 8 years and then ??? IT TURNS OUT HES ALIVE ?? i wonder what will kaito react,, like i would just be in shambles if i would out my father was actually alive and i have been sacrificing my own life once a month just to find his murderers… also from what i heard toichi has been conversing w yusaku; if thats true, why not share it with kaito that his father IS ALIVE even if not well ?? i definitely hope there will be some decent explanations or something but damn,,,
also toichi & yusaku's relationship is definitely more different with the lense of them being siblings ? all these fuckass plot points make me want to rip my hair out at this point i say lets just invent our own plots i really do have to watch the movie as well because ive been just consuming other ppls posts djhgdjdsghkjfs
I was the nosy one anyway. I don't even watch Detective Conan anymore. I really don't like where it's going. Ran and Shinichi dating and she still doesn't know??? Isn't that unfair to her? What happened to hiding because the Black organization will kill his loved ones (such a stupid excuse but fine. Maybe he's scared whatever) wouldn't the Black organization prioritize killing Ran now? She's his girlfriend now after all. Isn't it stupid for such a huge secret organization to just massacre people because one kid didn't die? It's so stupid.
But it is my first anime. I loved it to bits as a kid and it still holds a soft spot in my silly heart to this day.
Kaito and Shinichi being doppelgangers was important so Kaito could pull his stunts so well, even if it happened after the merging of universes (lol) it's still canon that they look the same. Even enough to fool Ran who seems to have some weird Shinichi sixth sense sometimes. But I mostly remember those happening in the movies and the movies are 'not canon probably' most of the time.
It's stupid but????? Kaito Kid's dad is alive?? What? Poor Kaito is getting shot at once a month by the police and the people who almost murdered Toiichi (What's up with the organization Kaito is fighting now? Were they just staged to be killers? Did they fail to kill Toichi???) Looking for a magic red stone of immortality to find his dad's killers and his dad is alive? And you know his dad knows about the stunts Kaito pulls. Kaito Kid is infamous and he'd be a shittier dad if he didn't even check up on his son while in hiding.
What??? Yusaku is involved now?? Did he so easily agree to not touch Shinichi precious Black organization case because he's helping his brother? Are Shinichi and Kaito even aware that they are cousins? Are Yusaku and Toiichi aware that they are brothers? So many questions. It's so stupid I also wanna rip my hair out!
Oh by the way, about the ship stuff. Found this gem on twitter. You guys, just do you XD
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floofiestboy · 3 months
Official DC App’s Voiced Stories: Amuro Tooru
The official Detective Conan app offers a number of voiced stories - short conversations between characters - to its premium subscribers. I translated all thirteen stories that include Rei. (Three of these are in the Akai post.)
Other characters that appear in these stories are Conan (10), Akai (3), Heiji (2), Kazami (1), Ran (1), and Vermouth (1).
Table of Contents
Voiced Stories: Akai Shuuichi
Voiced Stories: Amuro Tooru
How Old Are You, Amuro-san? (安室さん何歳?)
Heiji: "But I gotta say, I ain't been back here at Poirot since the case..."
Heiji: "Yer deductions sure were somethin' back then! You sure ya ain't sharper than old man Kogoro?"
Amuro: "Certainly not... I still have a long way to go."
Heiji: "Speakin' of which, how old are ya?"
Amuro: "I'm at least a zodiac cycle older than you, I'd say."
Heiji: "What'd ya say?! Yer that much older than us?"
Amuro: "Us? Conan-kun is an elementary schooler, no?"
Conan: "T-That's right! I'm an elementary schooler! Heiji-niichan, what are you saying? Hahaha..."
Heiji: "Right, yeah yeah! Sorry, my bad! It's just, when I'm with this kid, I can't stop feelin' like Kudo's right by my side! Hahaha!
Amuro: "Is that so? Hahaha."
Conan: (exhales) "That could've been bad. Geez..."
Amuro's Cooking Class (安室料理教室)
Amuro: "Yes, now all you need to do is cut it in half..."
Heiji: "Boo-yah, we got it done! Man, I'm beat..."
Conan: "Thank you, Amuro-san!"
Amuro: "It was nothing. I'd be happy to help you with something like this whenever you'd like."
Heiji: "Nah, was a huge help! Ya saved us! It ain't like we woulda managed crap with just me and 'im."
Conan: "Man, I couldn't believe it when I saw your cucumber wasn't even cut all the way through..."
Heiji: "Hey! Says the guy who couldn't even shred the cabbage! Ya cut it inta squares!"
Amuro: "Now, now, calm down. But what made you want to make sandwiches all of a sudden?"
Heiji: "Ah, that's, well... it ain't real important..."
Amuro: "What is it?"
Heiji: "Mm, ah, it's just... Kazuha and them, they said they wanted ta eat yer sandwiches... so I wanted ta make it myself, y'see? Ta see what the hype's 'bout..."
Amuro: "Oh? So that's why you cooked for your girlfriend and her friends?"
Heiji: "Ah, nah nah nah, we ain't like that! It's just, um... she was just super naggy 'bout it, yeah?"
Amuro: "It's nothing to be embarrassed of. I think it's quite lovely! To cook for your girlfriend, even though you're bad at it!"
Heiji: "Nah nah nah, I-I'm tellin' ya, we ain't like that! Geez..."
Conan: "...Ha ha."
Kazami's Observant Eye (風見の観察眼)
Kazami: "...That concludes my report. Shall we bring him in?"
Furuya: "No, we'll let him swim a little longer. At this rate, they'll cut him off and escape scotfree."
Kazami: "Understood. In addition, erm. That is..."
Furuya: "What is it? How many times have I told you to report any news straight away? Particularly bad news."
Kazami: "Y-Yes, sir! But ah, this isn't a report, per se... I'm aware this is quite impertinent of me, but Furuya-san... would you consider taking a short nap after this? You've, ah, looked quite wan these past few days."
Furuya: "Ha, I've still got a long way to go if I have you worrying about me. I won't deny we have a modest amount of time until our next meeting. The weather is quite nice today. Shall we rest in a nearby park?"
Furuya: "Kazami. You're coming too!"
Kazami: "Furuya-san, I will accompany you!"
Furuya: "It's been quite a while since I've relaxed outside like this. You ought to r- oh, hm."
Kazami: "What is the mat- gargh!"
Furuya: "Hey, you guys... you need to look around you before you play catch! It can be really dangerous if you hit someone by accident! Like it was just now."
Kazami: "The ball is here."
Kazami: (sniffs) "Please be more careful next time."
Furuya: "You ought to be more aware of your surroundings as well. What happened to your observant eye that caught my poor physical condition?"
Kazami: "I can say nothing in my defense."
Furuya: "Well, I suppose it's fine. It makes me more excited to whip you into shape."
Kazami: "P-Please be gentle with me."
Mediating a Fight (喧嘩の仲裁)
Conan: "Ouch, I guess I've got a cut inside my mouth too..."
Amuro: "Hey there, Conan-kun. Oh? Why are you injured?"
Conan: "Amuro-san! Are you out shopping for Poirot?"
Amuro: "Yes, that's right. And as for you, what case did you poke your nose into this time?"
Conan: "I didn't really poke my nose into it... I more got dragged into it. Some of my classmates started arguing about cleaning duty, and it devolved into a physical fight."
Amuro: "I see. So your injuries are marks of valour from your role in mediating their fight."
Conan: "Eheheh. I'm sure you would've been smarter about stopping them."
Amuro: "Mm, I wonder about that. I'd say I'd be the one fighting and needing to be stopped."
Amuro: "If my opponent's taunting me into a fight, then I'd have to take them up on it- and I'd end up in a fist fight. Right?"
Conan: "Huh?"
Amuro: "Just kidding! More importantly, show me your injuries. Let's treat them."
What's on the Menu? (メニューは?)
Conan: "Huh? Amuro-san?"
Amuro: "Hey there, Conan-kun. Are you shopping as well?"
Conan: "Yeah, Ran-neechan asked me to. Does 'as well' mean that you're shopping too?"
Amuro: "Yes, we're running low on ingredients at Poirot. I'll be using these ingredients to-"
Conan: "Ah, wait! Lemme guess what you're gonna make! ...um, you've got carrots and celery....?"
Amuro: "Then you've got thirty seconds on the dot, with no hints! Now then, let's see how you do."
Conan: "Huh? Um... carrots and celery, carrots and celery... mm... a stew?"
Amuro: "Incorrect. Ten seconds left..."
Conan: "Urgh, just wait... you're stocking up, so you're not only using these ingredients..."
Amuro: "Sadly, you've run out of time."
Conan: "Whaaat?!"
Amuro: "The correct answer is curry! Was it too difficult for Sherlock Holmes, who only ever eats meals made for him by Mrs. Hudson?"
Conan: "Celery in curry? I can't believe you'd do that..."
Amuro: "Hahaha, it's not a rare recipe. You ought to look it up. And besides..."
Conan: "And besides?"
Amuro: "I'd like our customers to enjoy eating it. It's my favourite food, after all!"
The Trick to Making Ham Sandwiches (ハムサンド作りのコツ)
Conan: "Is it really okay for me to be in the kitchen?"
Amuro: "Certainly! I'd welcome you anytime! But did you like my ham sandwiches that much?"
Conan: "Yeah! Ran-neechan tried to make them the other day, but they ended up a little different from yours..."
Amuro: "Oh, Ran-san did?"
Conan: "I think she made them just like you taught me before, but..."
Amuro: "I see... she did apply olive oil to the ham?"
Conan: "Yeah! She said she did!"
Amuro: "And... when mixing the miso with the mayonnaise, did she keep it to just a dash?"
Conan: "Yeah! I think that was fine too!"
Amuro: "The only thing left is... did she heat the lettuce in lukewarm water?"
Conan: "Ah... I don't know. I guess I'll double-check with her!"
Amuro: "That sounds good! By heating it a little, it retains its crispiness for a while even after putting it in the sandwich."
Conan: "Right! Thank you, Amuro-san!"
Amuro: "I'd love to try some as well once she succeeds!"
A Perfectionist? (完璧主義者?)
Conan: "I'm home! Ran-neechan, what's for dinner toni- huh, Amuro-san?"
Amuro: "Welcome home, Conan-kun. Ran-san is at the supermarket. She said she ran out of the beef she needed for the gratin she was making tonight. I volunteered to look after the place while she was gone... I'm sure she'll be back soon."
Conan: "I-Is that so? Why are you at the detective agency, Amuro-san? Kogoro-no-ojisan has something to do tonight- he isn't here."
Amuro: "I'm here for you today, not Mouri-san. Did you forget this book at Poirot?"
Conan: "Ah, I forgot to put it back in my bag when I left! Thanks, Amuro-san! You're a big help!"
Amuro: "You're most welcome. It's important to you, yes? You need to be careful not to lose it."
Conan: "Yeah! You don't seem like the type to lose things, huh. It's like, you never show any weakness... have you ever made a mistake?"
Amuro: "I wouldn't call myself a perfectionist or anything, you know. Let me think... nothing in particular comes to mind. Though I certainly made plenty of mistakes as a child."
Amuro: "Well, now then, I still have work to do. So I'll be leaving now."
Conan: "Okay! See you at Poirot!"
Karaoke Contest (カラオケコンテスト)
Amuro: "Welcome, Conan-kun."
Conan: "Hi, Amuro-san. Huh? What's that poster?"
Amuro: "Ah, it's a poster for our shopping district's New Year's event."
Conan: "An event? What kind?"
Amuro: "It's a karaoke contest. There are some luxurious prizes prepared, so the owner and Azusa-san are both pumped about going for the win."
Amuro: "Oh, right. This is a good opportunity- why don't you enter as well, Conan-kun?"
Conan: "Huh? Ah, I-I'd rather not."
Amuro: "I do think you have a good sense of rhythm. Look, the prize for the elementary school division is an imitation Holmes set!"
Conan: "W-Wow... ah, are you not going to participate, Amuro-san?"
Amuro: "Oh, I'll be working at Poirot. I do plan to close a little early to cheer on the owner and Azusa-san though."
Conan: "I see. I think I might go cheer them on too, then."
Amuro: "Oh, please do."
Advice About Part-Timing (バイトの相談)
Ran: "Excuse me, Amuro-san... could I get your advice on something?"
Amuro: "Certainly, as there's no other customers right now. Is something the matter?"
Ran: "I'm actually thinking of starting a part-time job... Amuro-san, what do you think of your job?"
Amuro: "My job? It's quite fun! But why?"
Ran: "I wanted to go out with Sonoko somewhere..."
Amuro: "I see... well, I feel as though you could excel in any part-time job, Ran-san!"
Ran: "I-Is that so?"
Amuro: "You're cute, and smart as well, no? You're Mouri-sensei's daughter, after all!"
Ran: "I wouldn't go that far..."
Amuro: "And you can do karate too! You may just be stronger than me!"
Ran: "Hey, what's that supposed to mean?!"
Amuro: "Ahahahaha! It's a joke! I apologize, I pushed too far..."
Ran: "Geez! Be serious here!"
Have a Walking Stick Ready Before You Fall (転ばぬ先の杖)
Amuro: "Geez... no matter how much news is aired about cyber-terrorism, people won't stop using simple passwords... I'm appalled at how little they care for security despite being a government research institute..."
Amuro: "Though well, someone like me shouldn't be saying this."
Amuro: "Now then, I suppose it's about time for me to head b- who's there?!"
Vermouth: "Good work, Bourbon... my, you're more laid back that I thought."
Amuro: "Vermouth? Our meeting isn't for an hour yet, no?"
Vermouth: "I can't say I mind meeting at a hotel restaurant, but I felt I'd appreciate a drive in your passenger seat from time to time..."
Amuro: "You disguised as a research assistant for that reason alone?"
Vermouth: "Ha... better safe than sorry." [said in English]
Amuro: "I see, you mean 'have a walking stick ready before you fall'... I'd like to tell that to the supervisors of this research institute's system."
T/N: 'Have a walking stick ready before you fall' is a Japanese idiom equivalent to 'Better safe than sorry.'
How to Make Ham Sandwiches (ハムサンドの作り方)
Who’s the Culprit? (犯人は?)
Let’s Go to the Scene! (現場へ行ってみよう!)
(Refer to Voiced Stories: Akai Shuuichi)
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takaraphoenix · 7 months
20 Questions Game for Fic Writers
Tagged by @blairwaldcrf ! Thank you, dear! <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
As of right now, 1214 works! Damn, I've been busy :D"
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
Currently at 9,167,371 words, slowly inching toward the 10 million mark!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Oh gosh, the total list is so long at this point, with various one-off kind of deals, or fandoms I've moved on from.
I am currently considering myself an active writer in these fandoms though: Shadowhunters, Percy Jackson, Detective Conan/Magic Kaito, DC Comics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Sorted by kudos, my top 5 fics are:
How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful (Marvel, Loki/Tony), with 7,945
My College Boyfriend (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 6,353
The Lion's Pride (Voltron, Shiro/Keith/Lance), with 6,163
The Ghost King of Summers High (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 5,600
Percy Jackson, Ambassador of Hades (PJO, Nico/Percy), with 4,985
Which actually looked really fucked up because yeah sure there's four super popular multi-chapter fics of mine. And then there is My College Boyfriend, which isn't just a oneshot, it is a oneshot with under 3k words. What. What.
And the, quite frankly frustrating, part here is that this oneshot only has 24 comments. Not even every 100th reader felt the need to leave a comment. That's just... so sad. Like. Genuinely, I think the kudos system broke commenting because the convenience of pressing a button beat actually expressing yourself genuinely through words and from the bottom of my heart, I find that depressing as fuck.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always. Every single one of them. Because comments mean something. Someone took the time to tell you, with words, that they liked your work and maybe even what they liked about it.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooof, multiple contestants from back in my day when I wrote German fics for the Beyblade fandom and wrote about... darker themes. Not all fics used to have happy endings. I wrote some fics that ended in a suicide, so I guess those.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Impossible to answer, because for as long as I've been active in English writing, all my fics have had happy endings. The guy gets the guy, the girl gets the girl, and they live happily ever after. The world is saved or the evil defeated, maybe there's even an epilogue of a next gen in there. That's my standard, it ends happily. So that makes it impossible to pick one that somehow ends happier than the rest. xD
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Right. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah, of course. Funnily enough, never on the things you would assume attract hatred - the incest, the explicitly non-con stuff.
Nah, I got death threats and words that were somehow worse than death threats on my Oliver/Felicity fics in the DC fandom... a... straight canon ship... but not the canon ship from the multiverse that these vile assholes liked, so, ya know. Threaten the fans who love a ship you hate.
Also over the years, lotta nasty general homophobia for Nico/Percy in the PJO fandom - I have been writing in this fandom since 2010, and yes, there were really a lot of people especially in the earlier years who just hated the idea of making either Percy or Nico gay.
And the dumbasses who declare Jace/Alec incest and thus hate and threaten this ships fans in the Shadowhunters fandom. But still, inexplicably, like Alec. Even though, in canon, he's the one who was in love with Jace. I don't know, but if you claim the nasty, nasty incest is The Bad Thing, I think you should hate the character with the nasty, nasty incestuous feelings, instead of the fans who write perfectly tagged and filterable fics. But that's just me, I guess.
So yeah, top three of hatred I got over the years - but if you wanna read a highlight reel of bullshit hate mail I got, feel free to go and check out my Dear Anonymous Shitheads tag!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
All kinds of smut? I don't know how to answer this question, to be honest. xD
I've written oral, anal, vaginal, mlm, wlw, m/m/f, rare m/f ships but usually either she pegs or it's ABOverse and she's an alpha, I generally pepper in some flavors of BDSM into it, I've written dub-con and non-con before, bestiality, double penetrations. I have written a lot.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
Oh, that is absolutely going to my first ever crossover. Because my usual crossovers are, ya know, that Big Four animated movie crossover verse (Tangled/Brave/HTTYD/RotG), or "I like these two fandoms, how would A's characters fit into B's world/how would B's characters fit into A's world?" for... essentially all my fandoms, and I wouldn't call any of these crazy - because the Big Four crossover is a beast of an own fandom so it's not really "original" or far out there to write for it, and in all my other crossovers, I do pride myself on making it work, like, not just throwing characters together but fitting their backstories and special powers into how the other world works.
So the craziest one is absolutely A Hundred Times Over, which is a oneshot sequel to my first-ever English-written fic and was written as a celebration because it was my 100th fic back then.
The original fic was already a crossover between Detective Conan and PJO, so for the celebration I thought "okay so what if I throw in my current obsession - Doctor Who - and my first ever ship - Shere Khan/Bagheera?". So, yeah, this crossover between Detective Conan, Percy Jackson, Doctor Who and Jungle Book has to be my craziest so far.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
So often. So, so, so, so often.
If you see my fics on watpad or any other platform that isn't AO3 or Fanfiction.net - and if you see them on those two but posted by an author that ISN'T Takara Phoenix - then please, let me know. Drop me a link wherever you can, I always greatly appreciate being told that my fics have been stolen so I can report that person and have it taken down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. All of the stealing of my fics has made me incredibly uncomfortable with the idea of my fics flowing around on other people's accounts or other websites, especially since the first like four or so stolen fics I had were translated.
Someone took my fics, translated them into Spanish and Russian, and posted them on other platforms, without ever asking my permission.
I don't want thieves to more easily slip through the cracks in between authorized repostings of my stories, so I have the blanket policy to not allow translations.
If you see my fics in other languages, tell me.
(There is one story that has been translated, but I'm not sure how far it counts, because I did the translating myself, and that's Lass Uns Etwas Dummes Tun/Looking For Something Dumb to Do. It is a PJO fic about Nico/Percy that I wrote in celebration for Germany legalizing gay marriage in 2017; I wrote it in German first, due to that, and then decided to translate it into English since I know my core-audience are English-speakers and not German-speakers.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeees!!! With my wonderful, amazing, lovely @kimmycup!!! ^-^
We've written a total of five fics together so far.
Three Shadowhunters fics: Hurting and Healing, a Magnus/Jace oneshot, Three Times the Boys Felt Left Out, a Jordan/Simon/Jace oneshot, A King By Any Other Name, a Alec/Jace oneshot.
A Vampire Academy oneshot about Mason/Christian: The Chance at a Happily Ever After.
And, our pride and joy, our 51k multichapter Shadowhunters/Vampire Academy crossover fic about Mason/Christian and Simon/Jace: Double Puppy Dare.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
That's such a hard question to answer for me as a multishipper.
But to be quite honest, I think I would have to go with Kaito/Shinichi from Detective Conan/Magic Kaito?
It's the ship I've been the most consistently been faithful to and that, whenever I see it, sparks joy. That has proven that even when the fandom's gone dormant for me for months or years, it can reignite into a wildfire, where other fandoms just fizzle out and disappear from my interests then.
These two get me, they've been getting me for one and a half decades now and I doubt they'll stop any time soon.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of my unfinished German fics over on Animexx. When the German Beyblade fandom started to die, I tried to cling on, but at one point... when all your favorite writers, all your friends, have moved on? And then I started reading fics in English and soon after, also writing them in English. I feel bad about it, but it's just been far too long now.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Personally, I'd say world building. That's also my passion. I love creating elaborate worlds for my stories to take place in - I mean, damn, for the book series I'm writing, I developed my own language, religion and drew a map of the city it takes place in, among other things. A well-developed world is so important.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Oh, fight scenes and action and other things that...
When a character is good at a thing that I am not good in or know a lot about?
Like, when a character is super quippy and funny, but I am not really a one-liners-person so now I have to come up with quippy one-liners to capture his personality?
Or fighting or science, when a character is an expert in a field that I know nothing about and would not understand jackshit about even if I tried because it's not my wheelhouse? Those things, I really struggle with.
Also, I hate action and fight scenes. Like. That's the parts when I check my phone usually to avoid that my eyes glaze over from boredom. So, naturally, writing these things? Not fun. Not good at it either, imo. But certain fics - or rather, certain characters too - require action and fight scenes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Painful if you have to use Google Translate. If you know the language? Yeah, go for it! If you have to resort to Google Translate? Maybe just write it in italics and note that it's in x language. It spares both, the native speakers who will die from second hand embarrassment, and the non-speakers who... won't understand it anyway.
But in the cases that I use foreign languages (and usually when I do, it's just... pet-names. Things you can't really fuck up that much and things that people would say in another language even in English-main-dialogues), I always put the translation right behind the sentence, because it's a special brand of obnoxious when you have to scroll ALL the way to the end of a chapter or fic to see what tf you just read, and then scroll back up again.
Hate doing that, so I won't do that to my readers.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for?
Oh, that's Yu-Gi-Oh!, with a hurt/comfort Kaiba/Joey fic.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Can't answer that, it always depends on my current mood which of my babies I love the most ;P
Tagging @kimmycup and @justonemorechapternicercy and @fallenqueen2 for this fun! And anyone else who wants to do it! <3
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radibe5 · 9 months
Hey, haven't heard from you in a while
How are you doing, fellow mutual? :^
oh damn a social interaction 😳😳 uhhhhhh im doing aight! been pretty irl busy lately which has been Very tiring but i def could be worse, esp now that ive actually gotten sleep... p sure i slept 10-12h last night which. yeah lmao (i needed it lord)
ive had a response to ur latest tag game open in a tab for a while cause i have too many drafts on this acct that if i saved it and closed the tab id lose it xD but i can't think of any answers bc i haven't watched/read anything lately and my obsession w dbh has been waning in intensity so i can't even give THAT an obvious answer lol. been reconnecting with past medias i've obsessed over (heishin and shinran from detective conan are so cute again! and sokka is the best character ever made change my mind)
ive been feeling a little less un-confident in my writing/artistic abilities recently which is really nice and i hope i can utilize it while it lasts! but scrolling tumblr and discord is such an effective time-consumer sooo xD
anyway, long answer lol. how are YOU doing, fellow mutual? :)
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kawarikisaki · 1 year
How I spoiled P5 for one of my friends.
This is a story from a while back, but I keep thinking about it and I feel like someone on this site will appreciate this story, so; I had one of my coworkers over to my place to watch anime and they saw that I had P5, and that sparks us talking about P5 a bit and she just suddenly says “I bet you like Akechi.”  She’s right, but I have no idea why she would have thought that. So I reply, “Ah, yeah... I mean he’s not my favourite, but I do love a crazy crime boy every now and then.” She looks surprised, “Crazy?” I assume that maybe it’s been a while since she played and she forgot some key details, “Eh? I mean... you know.... the murders.... the crazy laughing in his black suit....” “Akechi murders people?!?” “You didn’t know??????” “How would I know??” “....... what? How far are you?”  After a bit of discussion I find out that she’s just cleared up to Okumura’s palace but has hit a skill floor because she is just very bad at the gameplay; she’s afraid of fusing personas in case she needs them, she doesn’t have enough money to buy anything useful from the compendium because she doesn’t know how to grind.... I don’t even know what else yet but I’ve promised to help her get further so I’m going to end up seeing how much of a mess her save file is at some point. Anyway, knowing that she doesn’t actually know shit about what Akechi is really like I had to ask her why she thought I liked him, since she only knew the smug goodboi detective side of him.... Turns out it was just because she knew that I like Detective Conan, and that one of my favourites is Kaitou Kid..... so she figured I probably like the white costumed phantom thief detective boy. And while that logic checks out I actually like him more with his black suit. 
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subbe93 · 2 years
The Light in my Nightmares, T, chapter 15
Ran has been taken hostage by Averna, and she is going to use her to get in touch with Shinichi. What Shinichi is going to do? Can he do anything to save Ran?
A/N: I finally gave a chance to Detective Conan's live actions. I know, it's been over two years since I caught up with Conan, but to be honest, when I tried to watch that first drama special movie back then, I felt a little bit embarrassed and I didn't buy those characters. I don't say that the actors were bad, I just... People called them Shinichi and Ran, but when I looked at them, I was like: No, they aren't Shinichi and Ran. Kogoro was a little too overdone. So I didn't watch more than like first five minutes and decided that not now, maybe not ever.
But now I gave them a second chance and to be honest, I enjoyed them much more than I thought I would! They weren't perfect or the best, but I liked them. And to be honest, maybe I enjoyed them also because I didn't watch them with a thought: "This doesn't fit with canon or the timeline." I just watched them as their own thing, wanting to see how they have made them, what kind of story they are telling, aaaaaaand because I wanted to see ShinRan x)
But to the point, in the first movie Shinichi - of course - got a challenge that one of his classmates is going to be kidnapped. Well, of course, my first thought was that I wouldn't be surprised if it would be Ran, but since it was pretty beginning, I thought that it is going to be someone else. Though on the second time that the criminal told him that they are going to kidnap another one, I was like: "Oh yeah, this time it's certainly Ran, because it is how it works: Bad guys take the main character's love interest, and the main character would be crazy and worried and of course very mad at the criminal who dares to touch their love one, so there is no way that Ran wouldn't be the one who they kidnap. So classic, nothing unique here."
And only a few seconds later I remembered this story and thought: "Well, joke's on me" x'D
Prologue ~ Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9 ~ Chapter 10 ~ Chapter 11 ~ Chapter 12 ~ Chapter 13 ~ Chapter 14
Chapter 15
~ Shinichi ~
“Ah, Silver Bullet. It’s good to see you.”
Silver Bullet. That name he hadn’t heard for a while, and truth to be told, he didn't even care to hear it. Part of him wanted to forget, but maybe it was something that is going to live with him as long as he would.
“Vermouth”, he greeted the blond woman who smiled while she sat down on another side of the table. Then she raised her head and icy blue eyes looked at him through the plastic window. She looked as good as he remembered her, still proud and high, like she was still free, with the Organisation, like...
Shinichi shook his head a little, without breaking eye contact. There was no Black Organisation anymore.
“You’re looking good”, she spoke without bothering even to hide how she checked him from head to toes and back – or at least what she could see from her side. “I was… a little worried about you.”
Shinichi let his eyes wander to the floor. Part of him wanted to laugh ironically and ask why. Why would she, from all people, be worried about him? In the end, she was one of those who took away everything from him. She could have stopped them, but she hadn't. She hadn't even tried...
She was his mother’s good friend. And still, it hadn’t bothered her at all. Why she would care what would have happened to her friend’s son?
Yet, he didn’t do it. Because she was also a reason why he was still alive.
If he could have told her to protect his parents instead of him…
He squeezed the back of the chair that he didn’t want to sit on. He was too restless to do that.
He was too restless to be here.
“Well, you’re also looking good”, he said eventually and turned to meet her gaze. “Looks like they have treated you well.”
Vermouth smiled and looked around her. “Well, if I can be honest, I would like to escape from here, be anywhere else than here. But…” Light blue eyes turned back to him. “But I owe this one to you.”
“Anywhere else than here, huh?” he repeated and forced a smile on his lips. “Like Averna?”
Her expression didn’t change, but he could see something changing in her eyes, and it only verified his fears. She was still alive.
“Why didn’t you tell them then?” he asked quietly and leaned himself a little bit closer. “You knew she was still alive.”
“What would have it mattered?” Vermouth asked and leaned her back on the chair. She crossed her legs. “I was the only one who saw her, and since she is just a kid, she can’t be harmful to anyone." She tilted her head. "You know, she isn't anything else than cunning. She isn’t the one who can do whatever she wants and kill without someone like you noticing…”
“And yet, she tried to kill Ran, and almost succeed.”
Vermouth frowned and there was a hint of concern. “Averna… tried to kill Angel?”
Shinichi frowned. “Angel?”
“That assistant of yours”, Vermouth explained and looked away. She got back her little smile, and this time it was a fond. Like she had softened while thinking of something - or probably at this point someone. “You probably know already that she came here a few days ago. She…” She shut and opened her mouth a few times, like trying to find some words, but there were none. Finally, she let out a little laugh before shaking her head and meeting his gaze. “She… must be an angel.”
Shinichi had mixed feelings about it. First, he felt very nervous about the thought that Vermouth knew about Ran, knowledge her, and had already given her a nickname. Vermouth was still part of the Organisation and if she only decides so, she could tell the others. Shinichi got the urge to go back home to check that Ran was okay and safe, and try to do everything to keep it that way.
He needed to remind himself that there wasn't the Black Organisation anymore, and he didn't need to worry about it. Well, there was still Averna, but as long as Ran would stay inside and not let anyone in...
He wanted to ask more. He wanted to know what Ran had done to make that impression on Vermouth who was very eager to kill people for her own benefits. But when he thought of that beautiful, kind woman, her breath-taking smile and gentle eyes, he could understand better than well. She was so kind and understanding, and whatever she had said to Vermouth, it was something that had touched Vermouth very well.
Ran was too good in this world.
And personally, she was an angel. In the end, she was the one who had come into his life even though he had fought against it, she was the light that had led him on the right path… With her, the world looked a much better place to be.
Vermouth wasn’t wrong. But he still didn’t like the fact that Vermouth was so aware of Ran. Because if Averna had been here…
“What did you tell her?” Shinichi asked instead. Vermouth frowned. “To Averna.”
“Nothing”, she answered. “Why do you think she would have come here at all?”
“Maybe to try to get you all free?” Shinichi suggested.
Vermouth let out a laugh. “She could never do that alone”, she said.
He shrugged. "Well, another good reason to come here to seek help."
Vermouth smiled shortly. "I don't think they would let anyone in that easily", she answered. Then her smile widened while she tilted her head. "You on the other hand probably can come in and leave as you please."
"And Ran probably just mentioned my name and get in", Shinichi said, being disappointed that no one had bothered to check it from him. He wasn't angry that she had come here without telling him, maybe he deserved that after being rude to her, but the thought that anyone, who can just prove their identity, could come here to meet someone just by telling them that Kudo Shinichi had sent them...
“Are you sure that it was Averna who tried to kill Angel?” Vermouth asked, taking Shinichi back to reality. She looked at him like doubting. “Because I assure you, she isn’t anything like we others. And to be honest, if she would have been smart, she would have fled as far as she could.”
“I’m pretty sure”, Shinichi answered and looked down. “The problem is that police forces don’t have any proof that she is really dead, but I have no proof that she would be alive.” He had tried to find anything the whole morning, but without any results. He went to Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and talked about the subject with detective Takagi and Inspector Megure. He had read all the files of that case even though they weren’t very detailed since they weren’t a big part of it. He had rung a few people he knew from the FBI and PSB, but they didn’t have anything either.
To everyone, Ojima Rini was dead except for him. And for Vermouth, it seemed.
He had gone back to the Ran’s apartment, but there hadn't been much to sniff out. If he would have been clever, he would have been there as soon as they got that fire down, but he wasn’t. He really had believed – or at least he had wanted to – that it was just an accident. But since Ran had been very sure that she hadn’t forgotten anything…
“I know she is after me”, Shinichi said eventually and looked at Vermouth. “But if she just wants revenge, why she hasn’t come directly to me? I have been alone many times and at my weakest. She has had so many chances, and yet, after ten months, she decided to go after Ran. Why? Ran doesn’t have anything to do with her or with the Organisation.” He frowned. “But it means that she has observed me for some time to know that Ran has something to do with me.”
“Well, I can’t say that I know what Averna is planning, but I know why she hasn’t come directly to you.”
“And that is?”
“Because she can’t ever beat you one to one.”
Shinichi let out a forced laugh and pull himself away from his chair. “She won once, she could probably do it again”, he said.
“She didn’t win”, Vermouth disagreed. “Well, maybe she got you to our hideout, but nothing more, nothing less.” A dry smile came back to her lips. “To be honest, it was probably a mistake. But she knows that she can’t beat you alone. You’re too smart. If the whole organization together couldn’t take you down, how could she? But she knows that taking you down, she needs to do it through someone else - someone who you care for.”
The air thickened around him, yet he tried to do his hardest not to show it – not to her. He reminded himself that there was nothing to worry about. Ran was home, safe, and sound. The Organisation was in jail, and since they weren’t just small fries, they were observed all the time, and the place itself was very highly protected – anyone couldn’t get in and no one gets out. So, there was no one to hurt Ran, except Averna, but she had promised not to let anyone in. There was nothing to worry about…
“She knows that you don’t care what happens to yourself”, Vermouth continued. “But she knows that you care about people around you…”
The explosion for a few blocks away, drowning the professor’s voice on the phone. His father grabbing his wrist with his last strength, his mother shouting his name just before falling. Opening door and the bullet that took down Heiji…
“And she knows that you would do anything to save them.”
He grabbed the back of the chair and tried to focus on something, making him stay in the reality. He couldn’t lose it, not now. He felt how his hand was trembling, and he squeezed the chair, trying to make it stop…
He saw her face. Ran’s brown long hair framing her light face, orchid eyes full of warmth, lips turned into a most beautiful smile, her melodious voice telling him something nonsense...
He closed his eyes and let out a curse.
Averna knew it. Of course, she did! And of course, she needed to be alive. Of course, she needed to come after him. And of course, it needs to be Ran…
He shouldn’t have let her in his life. He should have known better, remember… He should have fought against her more stubbornly, but… He should have told Araide, tell him that he doesn’t need that nurse. Ran didn’t deserve this, she didn’t have anything to do with this whole thing. The nicest and kindest woman in the world didn’t need to see the side of the world that he had…
He can’t lose her.
“Silver Bullet?”
Breathe. Keep calm.
Slowly Shinichi opened his eyes yet didn’t look at Vermouth. He hadn’t lost anything, not yet. After this, he would go back to TMPD and tell them what he knew. Though first, he would call Ran, checking that she was alright. Or maybe he should take her with him? At least he would feel better if he could see her all the time and act as if something happens…
“I need to go”, he said eventually and met Vermouth’s gaze while letting go of his chair. “I… I need to handle Averna before it’s too late.”
Vermouth tilted her head a little. “If I can be honest, I’m not sure if she is only after revenge”, she said finally.
Shinichi frowned but didn’t say anything. Vermouth continued: “I think she is after the flash drive.”
“Flash drive?” He got some shaky memories from their hideout and how he had looked around while chasing down members and searching for the boss to make that madness end. He remembered searching also some information or actually anything he could take with him and use as evidence if needed. Luckily he didn't need any, since they got many members alive and most of them told everything they knew.
He remembered that in one room, there was a computer open. With a fast glance, he had seen some information about a few people, about a few places, and some news… He hadn’t had time to check them properly, but he had grabbed that flash drive with him - just in case.
But he had forgotten it. After waking up in the hospital he had remembered having something with him, but the nurse had told him that the polices had taken care of them. And after all the formalities… After everything was finally over… he had tried to forget everything.
Vermouth smiled. “There is a reason why she joined the Black Organisation”, she said and lowered her head a little while raising her hands somewhere behind her neck. Shinichi observed while she played with her braid before she took out something little. She raised her hand in front of him, showing a little black flash drive between her index and middle finger. “And it’s all here.”
Shinichi frowned. He almost wanted to ask how she had smuggled that with her all this time, but she was Vermouth. He felt like she could do anything she ever wanted.
“That flash drive”, he said, looking at that little thing, starting to remember it somehow. “Is it the same…”
“Yes”, she confirmed and lowered her hand. “When I took you out from collapsing hideout and waited that someone would come, I saw this with you.” She observed the flash drive in her hand. “I recognize that it belonged to Averna. I thought to let you have it and do whatever you want with it, but when I saw a glimpse of Averna just before everything was over, I knew that she would come after you.” She met his eyes. “I took it from you because I thought that she would let you be if she would find out that you don't have it. Maybe she would have left the country while she still could.” Vermouth let out a laugh. “Well, I kind of hoped that she would come to see me and maybe ask about it.”
“And you would have given it to her?” Shinichi asked and crossed his arms.
She smiled. “No”, she answered to Shinichi’s surprise. “Since our eyes met that day, I thought that she would have thought that I checked you, and she would have come to ask about it, and I could have confirmed that there was no flash drive with you or me. She would have believed that she lost it herself or it disappeared under the hideout. But she never came”, she said and leaned to the back of the chair. “I also waited that you would have come after it so that I could have given it back to you, but you never appeared. So I started to ask the guards if I can meet you.”
Shinichi shook his head. “I wonder why she is searching for it that badly."
“She was after revenge”, Vermouth answered. “I don’t know precisely, but I knew that she would have gotten help from the organization. It was her and the boss's agreement. And I believe”, she continued and raised her hand to show that flash drive again, “that this one has information about it, maybe her plans…”
“I take it that she hadn’t got her revenge yet, because that flash drive and its plans still exist”, Shinichi suggested.
“Well, she is young”, Vermouth said. “We had always so much going on, and she needed her training since she wanted to be part of her revenge”, she explained. “And… well, I think she was close to being ready for it, but then you appeared and since you were the real threat, we needed to drop almost everything else.”
Shinichi looked at her before lowering his gaze to the flash drive. So, that thing would include some important information, but to be honest, it wouldn't prove to anyone that Averna was still alive. Vermouth would be the only proof anyone would get, but how many would believe in her? And if they don’t know where to find her…
“I assume you don’t know what she is planning to do or where she would hide”, Shinichi said and raised his eyes back to her.
She shook her head. “I know as much as you do”, she answered.
Shinichi didn’t answer. He already got a little plan in his head. He already knew someone who could help him to open that flash drive and see what it hold inside. But before that…
“I assume you could give that flash drive to me?” he said and nodded against it. “I could use it.”
“My pleasure”, she answered and stood up. “Hopefully they don’t keep it themselves.”
“I’m more worried about how you’re going to explain how you have smuggled that thing all this time without them realizing it”, Shinichi said and put his hands on his pockets.
Vermouth smiled. “They just haven’t done a very proper job of examining me”, she answered.
Shinichi wanted to argue against it since this was a highly guarded place, but since she was Vermouth... He smiled shortly before turning and walking towards the door.
“Silver Bullet?”
He stopped and turned a little to see her. She still stood there, and this time, her face had softened, and her smile was gentle. “Take good care of Angel. After everything, you deserve someone like her.”
He get out of the facility and with long steps, he walked towards the metro. He took out his phone and searched Ran’s number. It had been five hours since he had left home, and part of him started to be worried about her. Well, he shouldn’t be since he made her stay at home and make sure not to let anyone in while he was gone.
But now he was sure. Averna was alive and hiding somewhere. And he needed to check that flash drive, to see what it held inside. After that, he could ask for help from TMPD and see what they could do with that. Maybe not much, but at least he knew that Takagi would help him…
Shinichi pressed Ran’s name to start the call and raised the phone to his ear, listening to those long beeps, taking their time.
But what he should do with Ran? Like Vermouth pointed out, Averna probably knew that right now Ran was the closest person he had. If she had some kind of plan to kill someone, he could understand that as long as she thought that Shinichi had her plans, she would try to get him. The exchange between the flash drive and Ran would be an easy win for her.
If Averna would try to get to Ran with fair play, she would never make it. That nice and kind shell made Ran look like easy prey, but he had seen her karate skill, and hopefully, Averna didn’t know that side of her. If Averna would try to think to take Ran down fast and easy, she would be wrong. She needed to have a plan and probably make sure that Ran would be alone…
He wouldn’t let that happen. As much as she would be Tokyo's karate champion, he wouldn’t take any risks to let her and Averna meet. And if Averna knew about Ran’s karate skills, she probably was prepared for them. He probably needs to send her somewhere, somewhere far, among other people that Averna couldn’t…
Why did it take so long for her to answer? Had she…
The line opened.
“God dammit, Ran!” he breathed out and looked around before crossing the street. “Why did it take so long for you to answer? I started to be worried, that…”
His words died before he got them out. Why she didn't say anything? Why didn’t she start to defend herself like she usually did?
“Ran? Ran?!”
“Hello, my sweet Shin-chan.”
It felt like the carpet would have pulled away under his feet, making him slowly fall on his back, and he couldn't do anything else but look at the world that had frozen around him, and let it happen. He couldn't do anything to stop it from happening. It was like he was hitting his back on the ground, it felt like all the air would have escaped from his lungs, letting him lay on the ground, gasping the air like a fish on dry land.
Except he just stood there like a frozen statue, staring in front of him without seeing anything, feeling anxious and frightened. It was the only voice he didn’t want to hear ever again, the voice which had haunted him almost every night all over again, the same voice he had tried to ignore, to forget… The only voice he had hoped not to hear ever again.
And yet, here it was.
“Averna”, he let out trying to keep his voice calm, impassive. Focus Kudo, he reminded himself. Don’t let her take better of you. Don’t let her think she has you.
“It’s been a long time. What happened to Rini?”
“It has”, he agreed, trying to keep his mind calm. Don’t panic, not now… “And I haven’t missed you at all.”
She let out a laugh. “Oh, Shin-chan…”
“Don’t call me that”, he interrupted.
“Am I disrespecting your mother’s memory?”
“That too”, he answered. Gosh, she really knew how to try to get into his nerves. He gritted his teeth, holding his anger. She knew more than well that his mother had been the only one who ever called him Shin-chan, and now she called him with that only making fun of him. She knew how much it irritated him. He wanted to ask how she even dared, but at the same time, she dared to do much worse.
“Where is Ran?”
“Ran?” she answered like wondering before continuing: “Oh, that girl of yours? I wonder…”
“Don’t play with me, Averna”, Shinichi said calmly. “I know she is there with you. Why else you would bother to be on a speaker?”
“She looked very miserable when she saw your name on the screen”, she answered a little too cheerfully, and Shinichi felt his heart starting to sink. Even when he had been sure that Averna had her, part of him had hoped that maybe he was wrong... “You know, I look at her now and she looks like you on that day, when I took you on our hideout and they tried to break you…”
That dark room, bright lights… He, captived on that chair, having no way to get away. Only people in black moving around him, almost every one of them on their own turn, making fun of him, asking questions… Gin and Vodka, having their sadistic expressions on their faces when…
He shook his head. Not now!
“I’m kind of disappointed that you have replaced me for this girl…”
“On that, you can only blame yourself”, Shinichi answered.
“Don’t be like that, aren’t you going to tell me how much you loved me?”
“Didn’t you hate to hear that?” he asked, gritting his teeth. “Besides, after everything, I realized that I didn’t like you that much.”
“Shin-chan!” she shouted sounding shocked, yet he knew better. He could almost imagine her face right now, how her words said something but her face tell the other story. Why pretend anymore. “You told me that you did…”
“Didn’t you say that yourself, huh?” Shinichi interrupted. “I was only a pitiful and arrogant man who was too full of himself? I was just a man who liked to feel interesting and loved. There was nothing lovable in you, you told me" he said and forced the smile even though he knew that she wouldn't see it. "Or have you changed your mind?"
There was a silence, which surprised Shinichi a little. He had thought that she would have something to say, something to mock him more, but she didn’t.
He didn't have time for this.
“So, what do you want from me?”
“What do you…”
“Cut the chase, Averna”, Shinichi stopped her. “I know you and you know me. You started to attack Ran because you have seen her with me and thought that we are together. You know that you can make me do anything just because you know that I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” He kept a little pause, thinking carefully about how much he wanted to reveal at this point. He needed to play his cards right, and since she had Ran... If he only could save her and then stop Averna. “So, what do you want from me?”
“I want you dead.”
Her voice was cold. Almost a year ago, it would have hurt him. Now? He wasn’t even surprised.
“Tell me something new”, he answered.
She sneered. “Well, you have something which belongs to me. And I want it back.”
He tilted his head even though she couldn’t see it. “And what is that, I wonder.”
Averna took her time. “You have my flash drive.”
“Flash drive?”
“You know what I’m talking about!” she almost shouted on the phone. Shinichi took the flash drive from his pocket and looked at it. Her voice sounded so impatient… This really must be important to her. “That flash drive you took when you were snooping around on our hideout! I couldn’t find it in my room, and I’m pretty sure that you found it and took it with you.”
Shinichi stared at the flash drive. So Vermouth was right, this was the key item to Averna. The key item to save Ran - or that was what Averna told him. Shinichi himself wasn't so sure if he believed in it, and it make him anxious and nervous. He almost wanted just to say that he had it and give it to her if it meant to have Ran back, but...
Vermouth had talked about revenge. He wanted to see what there was, what she was planning, and try to stop her. But to be honest, he wasn't sure how much time he would get since she really wanted it back, and since Ran's life was in her hands...
But then again, she couldn't hurt her, right? Because if she would, she could be very sure that Shinichi wouldn't give her that flash drive back.
He wasn’t sure which one of them could make demands here since they both got something that they wanted back. And in the end, he didn’t believe that he would get Ran back even if Averna would get back her flash drive.
But if he admits now that he had it, he wouldn't have time to check what there was. But what about Ran?
“You have searched it already, haven’t you?” Shinichi asked, hoping that she wouldn't have noticed his little break. And now he was sure that that night when they went back to his home, his instincts had been right: There had been someone snooping around, and that someone had been Averna. “If you didn’t find it from me earlier, why do you think I would have it now?”
“Don’t fuck with me, Kudo”, she spitted out, and Shinichi found himself pleased that he was under her skin. “You’re not stupid. You have given it to the police or hid it very well! And I want you to get it back to me!”
“Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I hadn't done any of those”, he answered, feeling how his heart was beating fast. “You’re not wrong, I found and took one flash drive with me on that day, just hoping to have some kind of evidence against your organization, if needed. Yet, when I woke up in the hospital, I couldn’t find it anymore.”
“You’re lying!”
“Didn’t you say that you know me?” Shinichi asked and felt how his heart was racing. Only the thought of Ran being in her hands… “If you really do, you know I wouldn’t lie about this when there is other’s life in sake.”
There was a new silence and he hid the flash drive in his palm. He raised his head, looking around, trying to be calm. He wanted to ask about Ran so badly, just to hear her voice, to know that she was okay, but he didn’t want to show Averna his concern. He just knew that showing it would give her an advantage, and… he somehow hoped that he could turn the tables.
But right now, he wasn’t sure if it was a smart move to say that he didn’t know anything about the flash drive.
“So, is there a chance that polices have it?”
“I don’t think so”, Shinichi answered. “They don’t have habits to take other people's things without asking.” He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to remember what he had thought when he realized that he didn’t have the flash drive even though he had thought he had grabbed one. To be honest, at that point, he hadn’t really cared about it. At that point, it didn’t have any meaning for him. “I thought that I had lost it in the hideout while trying to get others and you out from there.”
“And yet, I couldn’t find it, so I don’t think it was there”, she answered. Shinichi wanted to question it since the flash drive was small, and the whole place had fallen apart. If it would be under that facility, it would be lost forever. But then again, Averna had been there for the whole time, not ready to leave… Still fighting back when Shinichi had tried to get her out before… But maybe at that point, she had searched the place.
It was still a mystery how she had gotten away from there in time, but it didn't matter at this point.
Then she breathed out something. It made Shinichi inhale before he could stop himself, and he hoped that she hadn’t caught it. “What did you say?” he asked, hoping to sound as normal as he could.
“Vermouth”, Averna said with a determined hint in her voice. “I saw her… She was with you. She took it!”
She was losing control of the situation. That flash drive… It needed to be important to her. But if she knew it was with Vermouth, she doesn’t need Ran anymore, which means… He needs to find them before it’s too late! But how… How he can…
“You know where Vermouth is, don’t you, Kudo?”
“What?” Shinichi asked, taken by surprise. “You should…” He stopped. If she wanted him to find it... But why? “You want me to go meet her, don’t you”, he said, trying to sound unimpressed. He was kind of happy that she couldn’t see his face.
“Of course”, Averna answered and he could hear a hint of mock in her voice. “A great detective like you can go and do whatever he wants to. No one would stop you, ask questions…”
He wanted to point out that she could do it herself too, but if he does…
“Shinichi, don’t do it!”
“She is just playing with you, trying to hurt you, don’t…”
“Shut up!”
Slap. A scream and other noises, like something had fallen on the ground…
“Averna, stop!”
His heart banged on his chest like trying to get out. All the fears started to get better of him, all those people's faces he had lost flashed in his mind.
He could imagine Ran, lying on the floor, beaten...
Gods, please, don’t… Not her… Please…
“I search that flash drive for you”, he said, trying to calm his mind. “And you don’t touch her.”
“Shinichi, no…”
Averna’s laugh drowned Ran’s words. “Oh sweetheart, I don’t think you are the one who can make demands here.”
“I am”, Shinichi said determinedly. “Because you know that I have access in many places. Without me, you can’t ever find that flash drive of yours." His voice got a cold tune in it. "And you are very well aware that I'm not going to do anything for you if you dare to hurt her.”
It hurt to hear her plead. But… he had a plan. Some kind of. Well, not a very good one, and it probably is going to include so much gambling, but… It was what he got right now, and she just needed to trust him. He wanted to tell her that, but if he would, Averna would find out that something was going on. As long as she thought that he don’t have anything…
“Just… When you got that flash drive, send the message on this phone and I tell you where we meet. After I get that flash drive, you can have your woman back and we don’t meet ever again.”
Like I believe in those words, Shinichi wanted to answer. Like I let you leave without consequences.
“If that woman just agreed to open her phone”, Averna continued.
“I don’t ever open that phone to you”, Ran’s voice disagreed.
Gosh, he missed her.
“Ran, it’s okay”, he said gently, hoping it would assure her. “Don’t worry, I search that flash drive and…”
“I don’t want you to do that”, Ran shouted. “I..."
“Just open that phone when I sent the message”, Shinichi interrupted her. “Just do that, okay? I don’t ask anything else.”
“Well, I can also give you my number”, Averna suggested. "It would make things easier."
Shinichi let out a dry laugh. “Don’t bother”, he said. “I’m not going to even try to remember it.”
“Oh, don’t be like that, dear”, she purred. “I don’t have yours anymore. It seems that you have changed it and you haven’t put it anywhere to be found – which is kind of bad for your private detective business if people don’t know how to get in touch with you.”
“And maybe, if you would have been clever enough, you would have found the information that I’m not working for the time being”, he said. “And if you can’t catch my number from Ran's phone, I’m not going to tell it to you either.”
“But how…”
“Just be nice to Ran and I believe you can work together”, he said and get more serious. “And I warn you, Averna: If I even get a little hint that you have hurt her, I promise to destroy your precious flash drive and take you down.”
She let out a laugh. “Oh, like you can ever find me.”
“I will”, he promised. “And I know that you know it too.” Then he lowered the phone and stop the call, staring at Ran’s name before the screen changed to dark.
Chapter 16
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seiwas · 8 months
SLOWBURN IS ALWAYS SUCH A GOOD TROPE so nice to get lost in and build relationship (and develop feelings 👀) and aslfasdlkfjsdf slowburn i love slowburn
AND OMG COLLEGE AU'S now that i'm actually in uni now i have such a deep love for college au's like that is what keeps me going i'm ngl AND CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM JUST WAITING OUTSIDE THE BUILDING FOR YOUR CLASS TO END SO THAT YOU CAN EAT LUNCH TOGETHER??? or studying together (reminds me of another vid i saw but don't have saved this time where the bf tells his gf like babe i love you but there's no way you're passing this test AND I FEEL LIKE THAT IS SO IWA HAHAHAHAH) living together in college au's coming home to each other agh i love it
OH MY GOD THE BODYGUARD AND MAFIA AU'S this totally calls for iwa in like all formal wear and tattoo sleeves. yes. HE WOULD LOOK SO HOT and his piercing eyes as he glares down at anyone who even breathes near you
and speaking of bodyguard/mafia au's...... THE ROYALTY AU'S????? WITH HIM AS THE CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD OR READER'S PERSONAL GUARD OR KNIGHT OR SLDFKWOERJSLFJ god i'm such a sucker for royalty au's
and omg omg omg underground boxer iwa has my jaw on the FLOOR please this reminds kinda of that detective conan movie where ran's best friend (the korean name is bora but i can't remember the jp name lasjfalsjdf) has a bf and he KEPT THE BANDAID 'bora' GAVE HIM HE DIDN'T EVEN NEED ANYMORE AFTER THE CUT (or whatever wound it was) HEALED HE JUST KEPT IT BECAUSE IT WAS FROM HIS GF (bora)
when he's mid-match and he thinks of returning home to you in his mind and now any soreness or fatigue he felt moments earlier disappears and he's reinvigorated asdlfkasjdalskf and wins :,)
FWB IWA OMG okay i'm ngl i am so intrigued too CAN WE MAKE IT CLICHE AND HE WANTS TO SETTLE DOWN WITH YOU PLEASE CAN WE PLEASE (OR WHAT IF WE COMBINE LMFAO THE SLOWBURN FRIENDS TO FWB TO LOVERS when reader and iwa grew up together and reader's been crushing since middle school but iwa goes down a... different path and moves away but they're reunited at uni and he's so different from what reader remembers but he's still the same and when he makes a move reader doesn't hesitate to accept even with his... differences and yeah)
OIKAWA'S LITTLE SISTER SLDKFJSDFLSKFSF oikawa getting butthurt like 'do you come to see me or her' with that pout and crossed arms asldfasdflkjsf
koi... u r literally feeding our iwa brainrot rn PLS
same!!! i love slowburn a lot bc of how gradual and natural it feels 🥺 either that or just give me the established relationship alr 😭 i think i fall into either extremes shdfsjfa
YEA COLLEGE AUs!! oh koi he really would wait outside your building for you 😭 would drive you around if he had a car too 😭 and that vid u saw omFG HE RLLY WOULD SAY THAT while studying in the library and u're always distracted bc of him 🥹 but also... u r a Chronic Procrastinator, and every single time he watches the same cycle happen 😭 and he tries to get you through it each time 😭 being roommates would also be so so cute 🥹
YES EXACTLY U GET THE VISION 😭 iwa in a SUIT. my god. and the TATTOOS... i feel like i've read one before where it was seijoh4 and lET ME TELL U . I LITERALLYASBASDFB. iwa gives very guard dog energy and i think putting him into a bodyguard/mafia role would play into that a lot....
am familiar with detective conan but haven't watched so i am nodding along as i am reading what u said 😭😭😭 but that's so cute the concept of leaving the bandaid on even if it's healed 😭 i think he rlly would be the type to downplay injuries tho sjhdasj i think it comes with the fact that he's knowledgeable of how far he can push his limits 😭
koi. ofc we are making this fwb cliche. i can never be satisfied with an fwb if one of them doesn't fall helplessly in love with the other 😭 the slowburn friends to lovers and fwb is TORTURE oh my god 😭 the fact that there's so much /history/ there KOI PLS omg no YOU ARE SPARKING IDEAS FOR ME. PLSPSLPSLPS NOOOO. the fact that there's so much trust already established, and how reader is alr in love so will practically do anything with and for him 😭 oh gosh when he makes a move he better be SINCERE or else i will cry...
i think it could very much go in the direction of they accidentally kiss maybe and iwaizumi feels a little oh it's different, but he can't put his finger on it, only that he likes it. they talk about it obviously, but bc reader doesn't want to ruin anything, they say that it's no biggie! (even tho they're dying inside bc they're in love w him 😭), and tries to play it off by saying it was silly and fun! and iwaizumi, being the blunt man he is, literally says that he liked it and enjoyed, but reader takes it as him trying to hint at a kinda-fwb arrangement and not as a 'i could have feelings for you' type of thing 😭 (all just very miscomm) so. reader tells him that if he wants to keep doing it they can sahjdbjasd and so they do 😭😭😭 & of course somewhere down the line, iwa develops feelings but doesn't fully realise it...
UNTIL reader can't take it anymore, starts to drift from him, and he NOTICES and is confused, so confronts them and is straight up like: what's wrong, did i do something? and reader tries to deny it but iwa hates it so he's like: if you don't like spending time with me anymore, just tell me. it's okay. and reader is looks at him like r u srs rn... and says: i like spending time with you too much. that's the problem. and he's confused bc hOW CAN THAT BE A PROBLEM?? HE LIKES IT TOO...??? until reader sighs and drops it onto him: hajime i've been in love with you since we were kids. i thought doing this with you would be good because at least i'd get to have you, even if it's just like this, y'know? and iwaizumi stares back, expression unreadable and he doesn't say anything so reader shifts around, nervous, rambling: sorry i just disappeared on you, but it would have been unfair if i stuck around hiding that i always wanted more.
(sorry i keep switching between you/reader omg but i basically mean the same thing)
and he's just. like. really frustrated? bc it was real to him? and how could he have missed the fact that he didn't make it clear to you? that he was developing feelings too? how could he have possibly not communicated that? not made it obvious? so he goes: what if it was always more to me? and reader is like. what. WDYM. WHAT. and this guy... THIS GUYYYYY has the audacity to LAUGH bc of how confused ure looking rn AND IT'S ANNOYING bc even when your feelings are in a twist! and you're hurting! and aching! you're still so in love with him, especially when he looks like this. boyish smile, eyes crinkling, straight teeth peeking through the lips you still can't believe you've come to be familiar with. then he takes your hands, thumbs rubbing circles on your knuckles, before interlacing your fingers together. he looks up, dark peach blooming on his cheeks and olive green staring back at you: i love you too. sorry i didn't make it clearer, i thought you already knew. AND HE chuckles at it too and THAT LITTLE SMILE ON HIS FACE oh that little smile on his face mAKES YOU SO ANGRY and so!! SO!! so!!! relieved. and in love. shocked. enamoured by this boy in front of you you've loved your entire life.
tears well up in your eyes and you're trying so hard not to laugh and smile because you know that's what he wants, so you pout, and frown and tell him he's unfair, that it would have saved a lot of trouble if he told you earlier on. but he tells you the same, that you could have told him too and you just!! hate how smartass he is!! how he's right!! almost all the time!! so you playfully push him away only for him to pull you close. and you're against his chest as he hugs you tight and you can hear his heartbeat!!! how it beats loudly, a bit faster than his resting heart rate. then he whispers by your ear, vulnerable, raw: come back please, i miss you. and you hug him tighter, nodding, words insufficient for everything you feel right now.
AND I sorry it got so LONG OH MY GOD SDFBASDJFBASFBASJF koi u took me away w that one literally WROTE An idea duMP hJBDSJAFK but oikawa's little sister yEA ! he rlly would pout 😭 would try to give iwa shit for it maybe like the first 30 minutes after finding out 😭 tries to be all BIG BRO but iwa stares at him deadpan and is like: do you really think i'd hurt her and oikawa thinks about it, tries to rebut, but his mind blanks bc if there's anyone he CAN trust w his sister he knows it's iwa 🥺 then he resumes being the clingy bestfriend and big bro he is shdbfhgsadbjfask "u don't love me anymore u love iwa-chan more 🥺" PLSSHABDFJSFk
-- also koi i will respond to the reply u sent to my ask here just so everything is collated sjdbgajd --
i totally get what u mean by how u read x reader!! i don't really insert myself in x reader fics also sdfnjs i envision a blank person i think jhsdb (same with when i write x reader! i think of a blank person embellished with details i put abt them shdfbja like col reader!) but aaah i'm so glad you enjoyed reading it bb thank u so much u r soso sweet 🥹
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detshin · 3 years
Some Shinichi and Heiji analysis for your soul
Okay, so a while back I rewatched movie 7 because it remains one of my favorites, and I realized something kinda interesting about a couple of dialogs in it. The monk at some point compares Heiji and Conan/Shinichi and their dynamic to that one of the Japanese historical figures of Yoshitsune and Benkei.
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The story of these two could be summarized in Benkei growing up being an invincible swordsman who had a history of battling other warriors in order to prove himself stronger along with giving a slice of humble pie to those who were arrogant and stupid. He managed to win 999 times, but then he faced Yoshitsune on his 1000th fight and lost against him. From then on he grew respect for Yoshitsune and served him, fighting alongside him during battles. Sounds familiar yet? Doesn't it lowkey remind you of Heiji solving cases, going to Tokyo to prove himself a better detective than Shinichi, losing, then becoming his ally and friend, solving cases with him since then, helping him in Shinichi's battles against the organization? I know. Poetic cinema. 
One could think that in this comparison the monk was making, Heiji was clearly Benkei, while Conan/Shinichi would be Yoshitsune. But listen up because there's more:
In another scene, when Shinichi jumps to save Heiji from an incoming arrow and then runs off after the shooter, Heiji tries to run after him, somehow being left behind and unable to catch up to him even when Conan has shorter legs. Heiji's stunned by Shinichi's agility and then calls him "Oniwakamaru" (which I believe roughly translates as "demon child" or something like that? Yeah. I know. Very fitting lmao). (Forgive the misspelling in the subtitles)
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BUT here's the surprise, because Oniwakamaru is supposedly another name to Benkei! (Not Yoshitsune, who we previously aligned with Shinichi).
Benkei is a beloved figure not only because of his incredible strength and power, but specially because of his loyalty and determination. During their last battle, he stayed by Yoshitsune's side no matter what and even in death, he stayed outside of the castle's doors to fight off their enemies on his own (while Yoshitsune was inside to commit sepukku), trying to keep them away for as long as he could. This man was such a scary and amazing fighter that their enemies wouldn't dare get close to fight him head on, so they decided to shoot arrows at him from afar. Dude stood his ground and died STANDING UP protecting Yoshitsune. His loyalty was unwavering. Now,... One could still apply this to Heiji's character, who is clearly loyal to a fault and has helped Shinichi numerous times. But in this movie, Heiji himself gives Shinichi the role of Benkei. And he wasn't wrong because in the end Shinichi, weak and on the verge of a transformation, also stood his ground to protect someone precious:
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It just happens that Heiji was there to help. Remember how the story of Yoshitsune and Benkei started? with Yoshitsune winning against Benkei? Well, let me just quote Heiji when he appeared to save Shinichi and Kazuha: “Maybe you can be the best detective, but if you’d like to be a warrior you have a long way to go”.
Still, we can’t deny Shinichi had balls for doing what he did. He was loyal to the bone here. I guess Ran is right whenever she calls him reliable.
Anyway, just a little fun piece of info that I wanted to share because damn, these little references are so interesting and it brings so much to the table. Let me know your thoughts! 💖
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
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Update to this post about where to find textless openings and endings for Detective Conan/Case Closed!
To my knowledge, I now own every music album containing a bonus DVD with clean footage that's been released at this time (save for the Detective Conan edition of the "TRY AGAIN" single, since that content is also included in The Best of Detective Conan 5 and Mai Kuraki x Detective Conan Collaboration Best 21).
So, I can definitively confirm: across the nine DVDs, you can find creditless versions of 27/55 openings and 32/65 endings. You can also find clean movie endings for five of the films—5, 6, 7, 13, and 21—but there's a bit of a catch. For the two Mai Kuraki songs used both as TV and movie endings, "always" (ED 12, Movie 5) and "Togetsukyō ~Kimi Omou~" (ED 55, Movie 21), you don't get a textless version of the show ending. The videos depict the movie ending only.
That creditless OPs and EDs (generally) aren't included on the literal hundreds of volumes that the series is sold in, which each contain only the runtime equivalent of about four episodes and sell for 4,620 yen apiece, still baffles me. But given that one of Discotek Media's highlights for their recent Lupin the 3rd vs. Detective Conan: The Movie Blu-ray was "a clean opening sequence not available anywhere else," I guess providing this content just really isn't DetCo's thing.
And while I admittedly bought close to a dozen albums pretty much solely to get my hands on the textless footage included on a separate disc, you do of course also get a lot of music—a fact illustrated to me in crystal-clear clarity when I finished importing all of the CDs to iTunes:
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Granted, these are some bloated stats; they also include The Best of Detective Conan 3, which I purchased to fill out the collection even though it lacks the bonus DVD, and there are 13 duplicates of Mai Kuraki songs if you buy every album pictured above. But subtracting all of that, there are still 77 Detective Conan or Conan-adjacent songs and about 5 hours and 24 minutes of music. If the 1,000+ episode count and 25 movies don't do it enough, these numbers put into perspective how massive this franchise is! Enough OPs and EDs that only a portion of them fill hours.
And make quite the fat stack:
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Anyway, I can't say that this was my preferred method of picking up creditless footage—ideally, I would have liked it all included with the dozens upon dozens of Japanese Conan DVDs sitting on my shelves—but I am glad that you can purchase this content somewhere. Plus, you get loads of music, and the packaging can be quite cute, with some nice extras here and there, too.
For example, The Best of Detective Conan 5 comes bundled with three adorable music-themed prints; I think my favorite might have to be this one with Shinichi on guitar and Conan on harmonica (though the one with Ran playing piano and Conan singing is a close second!)
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And for the "Countdown" single, there's a pin featuring one of three scenes from the opening sequence. Mine's this Heizuha moment, but I wonder what the other two are?
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I also have to say that Mai Kuraki's stuff is wonderfully charming. The disc designs are pretty and pleasing; the "Barairo no Jinsei" and "Kimi to Koi no Mama de Owarenai Itsumo Yume no Mama ja Irarenai" album contains one disc adorned with a rose and another with the moon, fitting the lyrics of both songs:
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And while "ZERO kara Hajimete" translates to "Start from ZERO," call me silly—I didn't make the connection to Shinichi's speech in the "Holmes' Revelation" arc until I saw the disc with the English translation and Conan's face next to it:
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Also, what a cute back cover:
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So, yeah! If you're looking for creditless DetCo OPs and EDs, buying these nine albums is one way to find a nice chunk of them—and get you a ton of music to boot!
#detective conan#case closed#detco dvd saga#ish#ramblings#shut up goop#long post#bleh not to be super whiny because i am sleeping in my bed for the first time in months lol which is great#but it's been kinda a bummer time lately#dropped my computer on the audio jack with headphones plugged in and broke the headphones and the audio jack#fixing the jack would require replacing the entire motherboard so i opted for just using a usb headphone adapter#which works but the sound quality is definitely impacted (but maybe it's because i bought like the cheapest adapter on the market....)#then the 2018 pin i got for being my region's nanowrimo ml fell off my bag and luckily it was the 2018 one#because you can still get that from the ml shop#but the new one is smaller than the other ones? idk if that was always the case i'm so unobservant... probably why i lost the pin at all#a button also fell off my coat so i felt like a culprit in a detco filler lol#(seriously how many use that plot where someone kills a person and their button gets loose or lost in the process?)#and i'm still super bummed about reposts of my work on reddit that are used as ammunition to be a jerk#and this comment on one of the reposts (that was literally copy/pasted and not credited) basically saying that survivors need to shut up#not to be too serious on this post but i'm so sick of klk fans telling survivors to shut up#and work's been a struggle lately and blgh i know nothing that bad has happened and i'm really lucky but i've just been down in the dumps#so these albums were nice to get; many thanks to dcrewatch for letting me know about them!#expect a spamming of opening and ending gifs lol#it was also nice that i initially messed up the shipping for this order by using a po box when they don't ship to those#and i thought i'd have to pay reshipment fees but i got a refund! so that was good#also note that there are duplicates but the videos aren't entirely the same#some of the endings use different episodes for example so there are different clips#mai kuraki's collection generally looks higher quality too imo#anyway would love to know if there are more options for clean ops/eds! i really really wanted ed 10 clean but alas idk if it exists....#hope this can help anyone else looking for clean footage though!
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azusa-mefu · 2 years
Liar Satsuki Can See Death
binAn interesting horror manga that I ran across while trying to find Mieruko! I ended up giving it a read and it’s actually kind of interesting, so let’s get into it!
TW: death, discussions of blood, gore, corpses
General: Main character Satsuki sees bodies 24 hours before they actually die, and she does her best to prevent these deaths. Unfortunately, she can’t lie for shit, so when she warns someone they don’t believe her, and she’s got a reputation for lying to people that they’ll die, because they never end up dying thanks to the work she puts in to prevent it. The first person we see her save is Komachi, and she gets a bunch of other friends this way too.
Story: I think the story is alright, there are some interesting bits and occasionally they’ll pull off some Detective Conan stuff with corpse analysis and stuff like that. It does show a little in the early chapters that the author wasn’t 100% sure where to go with the story and some details feel a little weird(I think Satsuki would be the type of person to know Not to throw water on an oil fire), but it’s still a nice read!
Visuals: The art style is rather nice to look at, I like how the author does the eyes and hair. Actually, I went and read their previous work, Shi Ni Aruki, because I heard that it was also horror related, and it was actually quite an improvement! Overall pretty nice, and the corpses and environments are also drawn with a lot of detail.
(Romantic) Relationships: Liar Satsuki isn’t explicitly a yuri manga, but there’s quite a bit of teasing(Edit: actually I went back and checked, it Is tagged as shoujo ai). Komachi is the first one saved and while she doesn’t really get what Satsuki’s doing, she’ll support her anyways(even though the way she supports may not always be what Satsuki actually wants...). Yeah, Komachi has hints of being a little weird, to say the least. Akira is a brasher partner in crime, who actually befriends her after Satsuki discovers her plan to kill her dad, and they don’t see eye to eye on whether or not Satsuki has to save every corpse, but they care about each other and work together in the end. Those are the main two relationships, although as of recent chapters we also have Sae and Miho, class rep and gossip girl respectively. Those two aren’t really pushed in the same way, but I do like the overall dynamic of the cast. they play off each other well and it’s nice to see different moralities being brought together.
Overall: I don’t have much to say since the manga itself doesn’t have a ton of material, but it’s nice to read and come back to every once in a while! I personally read it when I’m waiting outside class. I also just personally enjoy a little murder mystery now and then, and it’s fun to try and guess at how the death will actually happen, as well as how they’ll stop it. For this one, you can binge/speedread this, but I recommend trying to pick up details to figure out the puzzle, since it’s a little more fun that way.
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phantoms-lair · 3 years
The Phantom Detective Redux Chapter 3
“Vultures, that’s definitely Vlad’s work.” Danny glared at the ceiling. He wished the little girl who also spoke English had told him that over the phone. He could have been flying around trying to find them instead of wasting time getting here. 
In all of the mess of last night with him accidently turning Conan into a halfa (and wasn’t THAT unsettling? Was that a new power he could just do? Could Vlad?), he’d never gotten a clear answer as to why Vlad was after Conan.
Like, yeah the kid was scary smart, but Danny hadn’t realized it until he’d spoken to him and as far as he’d known Vlad hadn’t. And his initial guess that it was because he was the detective's son (in an attempt to blackmail said detective) was dashed by Conan admitting he was under a ‘witness protection program’. He doubted Vlad wouldn’t have done the research to show that.
He needed to find some way to keep him safe, but most of the methods he knew for keeping malevolent ghosts out weren’t exactly safe for Halfa use. Which Conan was now for unknown reasons.
He could think about that later. Right now he needed to track the vultures, save his fellow Halfa and-
His train of thought was interrupted by the door slamming open and the girl he had saved yesterday from Skulker storming in with Conan in her arms. She did not look happy.
This was borne out as she began yelling at them in Japanese, only for the small girl to say something involving his name.
“I don’t speak Japanese, but I am very fluent in being thrown under the bus.” Danny said with a mild glare as the angry girl turned on him.
The short walk to the Professor’s (it hadn’t been very far) had given Ran more than enough time to build up a heady steam of indignation. As much as she wanted to shake Conan-Shinichi and demand answers, she couldn’t do that right now. He wasn’t waking up, which scared her and fed her anger even more.
Shinichi had been lying to her. And Agasa had been helping him. And if one couldn’t give her answers, the other would.
She barely stopped to kick off her shoes as she marched in the door. The Professor was there with Ai-chan and someone she didn’t know. In any other circumstance, she’d be more discrete, but she was done.
“Hakase, why did I just see Shinichi turn into Conan?  Why did he look so strange? What else have you been keeping from me?” 
Everyone in the room looked at her in shock. Surprisingly, it was Ai-chan who spoke first. “Danny did something weird to him. We don’t understand what.” ‘Danny’ glared at her and said something in English. That was all the impetus Ran needed to turn on him. “What did you do to Shinichi?”
He responded in English again. Ran wasn’t doing badly in her lessons, but he spoke too fast and she was too flustered to translate.
Cona-Shinichi held protectively in her arms, she lashed out with her right leg. The boy ducked back, still shouting in English. Ran shifted her weight and struck again. 
The kick should have smacked him in the head, if not for the fact that his head detached from his shoulders, floating half a foot above. There were twin thuds as Ran misstepped her landing and Haibara fell to the floor in a dead faint. Agasa didn’t look much better himself.
Danny reached up, grabbed his head, and pulled it back onto his shoulders. Conan was still out cold and the only other English speaker had fainted. Great.
He looked to the Professor in a silent plea for help while the kicky girl just looked at him in terror. The Professor looked at him with a bit of fear in his eyes, but he turned to the girl and began to speak. Danny only hoped they were friendly words.
"Ran-kun, I know was Danny-kun did was scary," And wasn't that underestimation. As much impossible as he had seen in the past day, that took things one step too far. "But he has been trying to help fix whatever it is he did."
"H-He's a monster!" Ran stammered, clutching Shinichi tighter to her.
Agasa winced. Not just for Danny's sake, but for Shinichi's as well. At least he hadn't been awake to hear it. "Danny-kun's not normal, it's true. But that doesn't make him evil."
"What is he?"
"A yūrei hanyou. At least that's as close a translation as Shinichi-kun and I got." Not much use in hiding that little tidbit when she'd seen him transform.
"You mean yōkai hanyou. A yūrei hanyou doesn't make any sense."
"It doesn't and that's driven Shinichi-kun up the wall." Once quite literally. He'd paced to the end of the room and had gotten halfway up a wall before realizing what was happening. Gravity had temporarily reasserted itself, only for him to catch himself mid-fall, levitating a few inches above the floor before falling the rest of the way. But it didn't seem like a good idea to mention it at the moment. "That's the best translation we have though. Danny-kun doesn't speak Japanese."
Ran turned her attention to the harmless looking boy she's just seen decapitate himself. He was a monster and he'd done something to Shinichi, but apparently was trying to help? She needed answers so badly, but didn't think her English comprehension was good enough to understand them. She thought for a moment and cradling Shinichi in one arm she pulled out her phone. She typed a few moments then held up the screen for him to see. On one side was Japanese, on the other the words 'What did you do to him' 
He looked at the screen then pulled his own phone out of his pocket and began typing before showing her 'I think he absorbed some of my ectoprism. I don't know how. It's never happened before.' 
Ectoprism? Okay she didn't know that word. And somehow Shinichi absorbed it? 'What is ectoprism?' 
Danny assumed she meant ectoplasm. 'Basically the essence of ghosts. The accident pushed a lot into my DNA.' 
Ran felt a shiver down her spine at the idea of 'Ghost Essense' being shoved into someone's genetics. 'What kind of accident' She regretted it a moment later when he saw her question and just looked sad and uncomfortable. 
He was claiming to be part ghost, was she asking about his death? Was that a taboo subject? Somehow the question 'Are you dead?' didn't seem any better. So she switched her question. 'How did you make Shinichi a child?' 
He stared at her phone, but this time just looked confused. He fumbled with his phone a bit. 'What is a shinichi?'
She gave him a look and pointed at the child she was holding. He typed back and showed her 'Conan is a shinichi? I don't know why he was older. It was weird. Maybe it's because he's an adult for his age?
That gave Ran pause. Danny's answers had all been about ghostly things, none of it about Shinichi deaging. And the fact that he didn't seem to know his real name was even a name... "Hakase?" Ran asked in a dangerously sweet voice. "Is there a reason Danny-san, who I was just told was responsible for this, doesn't know Shinichi's real name, and in fact seems to think Conan-kun somehow aged up into Shinichi?" 
"Ah well, that is to say, the part Danny-kun's responsible for, that only happened last night." Agasa definitely looked nervous as he helped Ai onto her bed. 
Her eyes narrowed. "Okay, then why don't you tell me the rest of the story."
Well apparently whatever he'd said had been enough to turn her attention to the Professor. She was still mad, but not at him, so good? He had no idea what was going on, though. 
He wished he had someone with him that could help him explain and spoke Japanese and English and... Danny smacked himself in the face then hit a contact number on his phone. "Jazz, are you free? I need some help?" 
"Kisaki-san is talking to Mom so sure. Is this about Vlad?" 
"Kinda, but not really." Danny sighed. "So Vlad's been targeting this kid I thought was the detective's son-" 
"The one you thought could see right through you?" 
"...Yes, and you will understand once you meet him, but that's not the problem. The problem is I...kinda turned him into a halfa last night." 
There was silence on the other end, then "*What? Danny what the actual fu-wHAT DID YOU DO????”
"I just touched him Jazz. And it was like my transformation ring spread like fire over him." Danny ran a hand through his hair. "And now someone I think is his older sister is here, and I'm using google translate to try and explain, and there's something else going on she's mad at this professor guy over and...Jazz I need help." He heard her sigh over the phone. 
"Send me your address, I'll be right there."
Danny hung up and texted her the number. He looked over to the girl and Professor, they were talking about something, something that seemed serious. Also that word shinichi kept popping up. It had something to do with Conan, and he really wished he could find a translation.
The more Agasa talked, the more Ran wanted to scream. She felt hurt, used. She looked at the child who wasn't still wrapped in her arms. She wanted to rage at him, but he still wouldn't wake up and that kept an undercurrent of worry beneath all her anger. 
"Was this all just a game to him? A joke I was too stupid to figure out?" 
"Ran-kun no he..." Agasa looked at the still unconscious Shinichi. "You've never seen the back and forth. It's torture. He used to scream..." Agasa shut his eyes. In a way he hated that Shinichi had become so used to the pain he didn't anymore. “There was a very real chance each transformation would kill him. As it is, he has permanent heart damage, barring this whole ghost thing that none of us understand." 
"If Shinichi-kun were truly selfish, he could have started over. Left everything behind and began a new life. That would have been the smartest thing he could have done. But he clung to the one thing that made his old life worth keeping. He clung to you, because you were the most important thing he has. And he'd rather face death then leave you behind. He never took a cure without the intent to see you."
But Agasa was wrong. She had heard the screams. In the diplomat’s house, and after the case where Shinichi was being impersonated. She’s always convinced herself they were nothing, since nothing appeared to be wrong afterwards, but that sound had shaken her.
And Shinichi was still Shinichi after that last incident, which meant after being in that pain he’d immediately gone through it again
 “How are you sure? About the heart damage?” Ran asked quietly.
Agasa was quiet for a moment. “Ai-kun had a bad cold and started to feel pain in her stomach. The doctor wanted to do an ultrasound to check her organs, but she was scared, so Conan volunteered.” He didn’t mention that this had been carefully orchestrated. Not the illness or the kidney infection, but when Ai realized she might get an ultrasound she got the idea to give them a chance to check Shinichi’s internal organs in a way she normally couldn’t.
If the technician hadn’t been focused on the frightened little girl and looking at the screen when she held the scanner over Shinichi’s chest…
“I saw the scarring myself, on the ultrasound screen.” Agasa was very solemn. “He’s been cut off from the temporary cures since, but with so much damage already done-”
They turned and saw Danny, looking at his screen. He was frowning as though he knew the pronunciation of whatever he was trying to say was off. Finally just turned his phone around so they could see what he was trying to say. Daijōbu desu ka Are you okay?
No, she was very much not okay. She fumbled for a moment with her own phone, now even less willing to put him down. ‘Conan’s heart is hurt’
Danny frowned. The kid was a bit young for romantic heartache so - oh. Oh no.
His face must have given something away, because her eyes narrowed. ‘What’
‘I had a bad idea’ he typed back. He didn’t want to say more, but the look she gave him demanded it. ‘Ectoplasm should not affect a normal person, but if he was probably very close to death’
The response hit Ran in the gut harder than any of the blows she’d taken during her matches. Whatever Danny had done to Shinichi had happened because Shinichi was dying. And he was dying because he refused to give her up.
A sudden knocking at the door startled them all. Danny brightened and ran for the door. 
Ran and Agasa shared a confused look.
Danny came back with a young woman with bright red hair. "Hello, you must be Conan's older sister." The girl said in clear, but accented Japanese. "My name's Jazz, Danny's my little brother, he called me to help." 
"Your brother?" Ran asked, even as she inwardly shrunk at the reminder of Danny still being under the misconception she had been until not to long ago. "Are you...like him?" 
"One hundred percent normal human, if that's what you're asking." Jazz reassured. "But I've been helping my brother adapt for the past years, so I'm very familiar with what's going on." Of course the early days were her weak spot, as she hadn't known till about two months later, and hadn't been let in on everything till the stupid test incident. 
"Do you know why he won't wake up?" Ran asked in a small voice. 
Jazz asked Danny something in English, then nodded and turned her attention back to Ran. "Basically his system didn't have the ectoplasm reserves for what he tried to pull off to escape the creature that kidnapped him-" 
The what that did what now? How many loops was she being left out of?
 "-and his body strained itself trying to maintain. He'll sleep until his ectoplasm levels are back at a safe amount. The first time Danny tried pulling a stunt like that, he was out for four hours." 
"His ectoplasm levels? I don't understand. Danny-san said that he'd absorbed some ghost-essence from him but..." 
Jazz pinched her nose. "Right. Google translate. Okay, so normally ectoplasm, the 'Ghost-Essence', has no effect on humans whatsoever. But there are rare cases that involve a lot of ectoplasm and a fair amount of electricity that can alter a human body to the point where their mitochondria start creating it instead of the usual oxygen based chemical energy. This causes the person to exhibit certain ghost-like traits."
"Yūrei hanyou." Ran whispered. 
"In a nutshell." Jazz agreed, making note of the term. She'd take it over halfa, if for no other reason that Vlad must have approved of the term for it to be bandied about so much. 
And now Ran understood what Danny had done. No wonder he'd had trouble explaining it, the concept shouldn't exist. This wasn't some one and done magical side effect of absorbing some ectoplasm from Danny, something that shouldn't have even happened if he hadn't been dying by inches. 
Co-Shinichi was in the process of becoming a yūrei hanyou. That's why he'd looked so strange as Shinichi. Unbidden, every scary story about people becoming monsters flooded her mind. No. No she could not focus on that because obviously it wasn't true. Danny still had a close connection to his human family. His big sister had stood by him, she'd have to too. 
(Though she had no idea how to define her relationship to him at the moment)
 "I can answer any questions you have, but we might want to wait until he wakes up, I'm sure he has a bunch too." Jazz continued on, unaware of all the thoughts running through Ran's head. 
"He speaks English, wouldn't Danny have-"
Jazz let out a frustrated puff of air. "Oh I have no doubt brother dearest tried explaining. But Danny's not," she glanced at her brother, "he's not the most adept at explaining things even when they're not deeply personal and he's not panicking all over the place, which it seems is what he's been doing. Not that he doesn't have reason. This nice family vacation has turned into a cluster." She sighed deeply. "But one thing I really need to impress is how important this is to keep a secret." 
Ran felt something dark curdle in her stomach. That sounded enough like what Agasa-hakase had been saying to bring the bitter feeling back. "Why?" 
Jazz clenched her hand worriedly. "Are you familiar with a law in America called the Anti-Ecto Act? It basically states that 'Ectoplasmic Entities', despite being sentient and sapient, are not living people and don't the same - or any- inalienable rights. And they don't differentiate between yūrei hanyou and true ghosts."
"If Danny was discovered, he'd be taken to a government facility. The Agents were boasting about all the painful experiments they were going to perform on him. Thankfully Danny convinced them they were wrong about him." She certainly wasn't going to go into the magic artifact with mind wiping capacity. 
“But for a short time we had proof of how people would react to a yūrei hanyou's existence. Those that knew him stood by him, but..to anyone else, he was just a monster, a threat. And I don't know if Japan has an equivalent to the Anti-Ecto Act, but I do know that you place a greater emphasis on conformity than America does. And yūrei hanyou definitely break that mold." 
Ran wanted to argue that Shinichi had never conformed to anything, not since preschool when he'd accused the teacher of trying to do something terrible to her. But she knew the difference between excelling and nonconforming, and the truth was Shinichi excelled, physically and mentally. 
This was very different. If word got out Conan was Shinichi, these mysterious people in Black Clothes would kill him. If word got out he was a yūrei hanyou, his life would be effectively over. It felt like balancing on the edge of a knife. Shinichi standing on tiptoe, trying to avoid falling into ruin. "How did your parents take it?" 
Jazz's expression darkened. "Our parents' work was instrumental in helping draft the Anti-Ecto Act."
"What? How could they?" 
"They don't know. Danny always insisted if they did, they'd change. They'd love him anyways. But it's been two years and he hasn't told them. I don't think he's ever going to. In some ways he feels safer with actual malevolent spirits that definitely mean him harm, because he knows they can't hurt him the same way Mom and Dad can." Emotionally or physically. "It's not healthy growing up and hearing your parents talking about how much they'd enjoy ripping apart beings like you 'molecule by molecule'."
Ran shuddered. Hearing it that way, it sounded like the ghosts weren't the scary ones in this scenario. And if Jazz-san was right about Danny not being able to explain things well, Shinichi might have no idea of that added complication. "So what now?" 
"The first month to month and a half are going to be the roughest part. His body doesn't know what to do with its ectoplasm, and will have trouble regulating its use. This results in ghost powers that randomly go off, especially in time of high emotions. After that he'll be able to control it more, no more passing out, for example, since his powers will simply fail rather than push him past his limits. Or accidental power usage. Once he hits the two month mark, he'll be fine, it'll just be a bit awkward until then."
Two months. She could keep it together for two months. “Is there any way to wake him up?” She asked. It helped being told this was normal, but not as much as him waking up would.
“We always let Danny sleep it off, although…” Jazz trailed off as she thought for a moment. “Would you be willing to let Danny hold him?”
“Why?” Ran was loath to let Shinichi go, and moreso to Danny, who was the  reason Shinichi was turning into a yūrei hanyou in the fist place. 
“His body needs ectoplasm right now, and barring letting it generate naturally in his cells, Danny’s the only other source we have.” Jazz explained calmly. 
It made sense and she hated it. She held Conan a little closer and almost screamed as Danny suddenly changed in a burst of white light. The last thing she wanted to do was hand Conan over but…
But she’d seen those green eyes and white hair before. On Shinichi. Danny and Shinichi were the same, being afraid of one would be being afraid of the other, and she couldn’t bring herself to be afraid of Shinichi like that.
She reluctantly handed him over. Danny cradled him and his arms began to glow green.
Before she could change her mind, Shinichi’s eyes blinked open and he looked around blankly. 
He felt...not warm, but it felt warm. Like in the laying in a sunbeam way, or being cozy in a blanket on a cold morning. But it wasn’t a temperature thing. It was weird.
He opened his eyes and saw Danny in his ghostly state. “Why are you holding me?” he asked dryly.
“More I’m recharging you.” Danny answered back in the same tone. He raised a glowing hand. “You used up all of your ectoplasm and knocked yourself out. Now that you’re back with us, hopefully your sister can calm down a bit. Also what’s a shinichi, she keeps using that word.”
His sister? Wait, he couldn’t mean… “Ran?”
“Who ran?” Danny asked, but Conan ignored him and looked around.
“Shinichi,” she said in a tone that meant the jig was well and truly up.
“Seriously, what does that mean?” Danny grumbled.
Conan gulped and flickered for a moment.
“Nope, gonna need you to stop that.” Danny chided him. “I know you can’t really help it at this point, but you’re still low on power.”
Conan was only half listening to him, half to the one person in the roof he didn’t know. “Invisibility and Intangibility tend to trigger as a fear response, and if he’s like Danny, he’s going to be on the verge of both of those until he’s more settled.” The young woman then turned to him. “Hello Conan, my name is Fenton Jazz. I’m Danny’s older sister and I’m here to hopefully explain things a little better.”
"Now keep in mind, the science of this isn't my main area of expertise, but between listening to my parents ramble my whole life, and helping Danny for the last two years-” Jazz began.  She’d gone into full lecture mode. Ran and Agasa were sitting on the couch with Haibara between them, and Conan between Ran and a once more human Danny.
“- I've picked up a few things. Now mind you some of this will be theoretical, but I'll let you know when those things come up and - Danny are you falling asleep?" The last part was said in English.
"I don't speak Japanese Jazz, I'm not going to get anything from your lecture because I can't understand a word of it. Yesterday sucked and Vlad could be doing something at any moment, plus I was just used as a human battery. Lemme rest."
She rolled her eyes. "Ignoring my brother, let's go back to what makes a ghost." 
"Death." Said Haibara bluntly. 
"Yes, but also no. While the death of a living thing is certainly the most common way ghosts are formed, not all deaths created ghosts, nor are all ghosts the result of something dying. The real answer is ectoplasm.” 
“A living being is made up of two parts, a body and soul. Bodies are well documented, souls less so. They're not physical and made up of what I'm going to call, for lack of a better term, spiritual energy. When a living being dies usually the soul passes over or dissipates - we've got nothing to help figure that out so we're not dwelling on it. But very rarely it doesn't. Instead the spiritual energy in the soul is converted to ectoplasm and the being becomes a ghost." 
"Unlike spiritual energy, Ectoplasm is..." Jazz faltered for a word. "It's more in your face. Where the soul can't be seen, ectoplasm can't help but express itself. It can be solid or ephemeral, and can mimic any state of matter. It's potential can be almost limitless, however the potential in each individual ghost is limited."
"All ghosts have a core, which is a bit to a ghost what a soul is to a living being. Though it's a part of them, it can't be seen or extracted." Her parents had tried, which she didn’t like dwelling on. "But is ineffably a part of them. The core also functions a bit like a nucleus, as it defines what a ghost’s focus is, what powers they have, and their inherent nature. As a ghost's appearance tends to be a reflection of their self image, that can change over time. But the only way to alter a ghost’s core is by forcing them to experience something literally soul shattering. This...it's something that will never end well and that's all I'll say on the matter." She'd seen it happen to Danny in another timeline and she'd never let anyone go through that if she could help it. 
"There are two more kinds of ghosts, but they're not what you want me to be here for, so I'm just going to touch on them briefly. Throw-offs are ghosts that are created by the will of other ghosts, formed of their own ectoplasm but as an independent being. Penelope Spectra, the ghost of an abusive psychologist, created a throw-off named Bertrand to act as her personal assistant. Likewise the self-styled 'Captain Youngblood', the ghost of someone who died as a small child created a parrot to act as both playmate and parental figure. Both of them can shapeshift to better suit their creator's needs, though without a larger sample size I can't say if that's a coincidence or a common trait of Throw-offs."
"The final kind are what I call Spontaneous. The limbo ghosts tend to be stuck in unless they find a way to the world of the living seems to be made primarily of ectoplasm and sometimes unlife just happens. This can range from barely sentient blobs, such as ectopusses, to beings of comparable human intelligence, like Skulker, whom you met yesterday. But for now let's move on to the rarest ectoplasmic beings, which is what you actually need to learn about. Halfas, or as you called them yūrei hanyou."
Jazz motioned to the small boy sitting between Ran and the now snoozing Danny. "Conan-kun here is the fourth to ever exist, as far as we can tell. We only have minor observational data from the first, the third was a special case, so mostly what I'm going on is Danny, since he and his friends have been cataloging data practically since day one." 
Agasa nodded, pleased they had thought to do so. 
"So yūrei hanyou are usually created by a living person being ground zero for a rift between worlds opening due to ectoplasm being charged with an incredibly powerful electrical current. And by which I mean ‘could kill several people in seconds’ powerful. Thankfully the ectoplasm changes it enough that the person exposed enters what I call the 'Schrödinger State'." 
"Alive and dead at the same time." Conan said darkly. 
Jazz nodded. "The person's spiritual energy is fully converted to ectoplasm without the soul separating from their body. This gives you access to a ghost form. In addition, as I explained to Ran-san earlier, the mitochondria in each cell are producing ectoplasm instead of it’s normal adenosine triphosphate, which allows you to manifest ghost powers in your human form. But your body hasn’t learned how to regulate it yet. That's why you're unstable right now. Not helping that is because of the energized ectoplasm that creates them, yūrei hanyou are by default some of the most powerful ghosts in existence."
"Really?" Ran asked with some trepidation. She didn't like hearing about ghosts, though the more lecture-like nature of Jazz as opposed to Sonoko's scary stories made it more palpable. 
"As I said, despite what living in Amity Park might have you believe, becoming a ghost is really really rare. Much less than 1% of people who die become ghosts and those who do are mostly weak enough that if they make it to the land of the living they can't be seen, heard, or affect anything. Most ghosts need to find a way to siphon energy from elsewhere to boost themselves enough to do anything. Some feed off human emotions, others find a nexus point saturated in ectoplasmic energy. But the process can take years to decades depending on the abundance of the source. And that level of power, the type that takes decades to achieve. That's your starting point."
"Power absorbed through the environment or emotions is reliable, but temporary. They would constantly need to recharge to maintain a steady output." Hence Spectra's need to feed the misery that fed her. Without a flowing source her power consumption far outstripped what her core was capable of. "That's not to say ghosts can't become more powerful in their own right, just that it's not a quick process." 
"Here's where we're entering some of the more theoretical stuff, namely how Ghosts can permanently raise their power. One theory is self awareness. Ghosts who are the result of dead humans tend to be composed of memories and emotions from when they were alive. And that in better understanding those, they deepen their own abilities. I won't say it's untrue, but as many ghosts wouldn't have the patience for it, it would be at least highly uncommon." 
"Some, shall we say, rather biased individuals believe ghosts can strengthen themselves through human suffering. They are wrong. While ghosts can feed off human emotions, including negative ones, as we established before it's a temporary fix. Then we get to the theory I have the most faith in. Obsession fulfillment." 
"What fulfillment?" Conan asked, startled.
Jazz winced. She was used to this part being common knowledge. "I mentioned ghosts tend to be made of emotions and memories. Usually there's something tying it all together into a drive. This drive, usually referred to as a fixation or obsession, is central to the ghost's being and usually forms their identity to a greater degree." 
"It's...easier for yūrei hanyou. It's there, but more of a compulsion than an all consuming drive. Something they can choose to ignore, but it won't necessarily be easy to do." 
"So I'm going to develop one of these?" Conan's voice was small. 
Ran snorted. "Going to? You've been obsessed with mysteries and mystery solving since at least kindergarten. I really doubt there's going to be a noticeable difference."
"Going back to before,” Jazz continued, though it would be cute if Conan-kun’s thing was solving mysteries to be like his father, “it's my personal theory that the best way for ghosts to grow their core is by successfully doing whatever their fixation is focused on. It also explains the growth difference between Vlad and Danny." 
Conan had been looking like he was halfway between sulking and being relieved, but he shot straight up at the mention of their culprit. "How so?" 
"Vlad's fixation is about having things. Once he had his powers stable, it was easy for him to just take whatever he wanted through force or trickery. He's only been active twenty some years, but his power levels had risen to a degree it takes most ghosts centuries to obtain. Talking with other ghosts I've been able to chart a pretty steady growth - until two years ago." 
Conan raised an eyebrow at Jazz's self satisfied smile. "What happened two years ago?" 
"Vlad found three things he couldn't obtain through money or power. Ownership of the Green Bay Packers, since they can't be owned by an individual by their charter. The love of his college sweetheart, since Mom has standards. And for Danny to love him like a father and hate our actual Dad. Don't think I have to explain why that's not happening. But because of those three things, he wasn't getting what he wanted. He tried to get them, but it didn't strengthen him since he never actually succeeded." 
"Danny's fixation is-" Jazz rolled her eyes fondly, "- being a hero. He's driven to help people who need help, even putting his personal safety at risk. It's something he sadly gets to indulge in often, sometimes multiple times a day. As a result Danny's growth has eclipsed Vlad to the point where he's almost caught up to Vlad's core power level in a mere two years." 
It was good to know there was a strong chance Danny could supersede Vlad in not too much time, at least on one playing field, but that brought up a new worry. "So if my thing is solving mysteries, and I solve them fairly frequently, this is going to get worse?"
"Worse is a bad way to think about it." Jazz said gently. "I won't say parts of it aren't going to suck, especially for the next month or so, but it's not all bad. However illogical they may be, powers are useful as long as you have control, and that's something you can have with a bit of work. Can you honestly tell me there's no time being invisible would have been useful as a detective? Or walking through walls would have made an escape easier?" 
He didn't like how easily past examples filled his head. Heck, if he's been invisible when spying on Vodka that night, he wouldn't be three feet high now. "I still don't like it." 
"Neither did Danny at first. In fact he downright hated it. But now it's so much a part of him, I don't think he'd know what to do if he got back to normal." Honestly probably get himself badly hurt trying to protect other people. "Do you want me to keep going, or is that enough for one day? I know it's a lot." 
"If there's nothing vital, I think I'm good." He had more than enough to dwell on. 
"I don't know if Danny's mentioned this, but be aware around things meant to ward against spirits, they can be uncomfortable." Jazz advised. "Other than that you should be good." 
Ran sighed and glanced at her watch. "We should probably go home. Dad will be getting worried."
"You go. I think I should stay here until I'm a bit more stable." Conan winced, "Imagine trying to explain any of this to him. And it's not like I can hide it." As if to prove his point, he started to sink into the cushions. 
"Danny wake up!" Jazz said sharply. Danny shot awake and rolled forward, ready for a fight. Jazz simply pointed to where Conan was stuck in the couch. He rolled his eyes and turned his arms intangible to pull him out. "Would it be okay if my brother stays too? He can help Conan and act as a defense if Vlad tries to silence him again." 
"Certainly. There's not a lot of extra bed space but there's somewhere Shinichi and he can go if needed." Agasa said
“Who’s Shinichi?” Jazz asked.
“There’s that word again,” Danny muttered.
There were awkward looks abound, but no one answered either sibling. Jazz sighed. “Unless you have anymore questions, I’ll see you tomorrow Danny.”
Danny blinked. “Tomorrow? Aren’t I going to the hotel with you?”
Jazz rolled her eyes. “I just said you should stay with Conan to help him manage his powers and in case Vlad makes another attempt.”
That made sense but…”I’m guessing, like most of what you’ve been saying, you said it in Japanese. The language you know I don’t speak.” He grinned, knowing he had her.
Jazz stared at him a moment, then pinched her nose. “Point to you. I’m still heading out.”
“Wait,” Danny stopped her. “In your lecture did you mention Halfa’s regeneration ability?”
“No, and you really should start using yūrei hanyou, like they do.” Jazz advised.
Danny rolled his eyes. “And why would I want to change the only word I’ve had for myself for the past two years.”
“Do you really think all those ghosts would use a word to describe Vlad that he didn’t personally approve of?”
Okay, any distance between himself and Vald was good. “Okay, but seriously. Please tell her about yurry hanyo healing.”
“Yūrei hanyou,” Jazz corrected his pronunciation. “And they’ve all had to deal with a lot of new information at once. Non essential things-”
“It’s essential. Trust me.”
Danny looked so serious Jazz sighed and gave in. “Before I go, brother dearest wants me to go into a little more detail on one of the perks of being a yūrei hanyou, namely their healing capacity. Though not instantaneous, they do heal much faster than baseline humans and can recover completely from injuries humans never could without so much as a scar. I have a theory about how it’s related to their core, but that’s far from proven.”
Injuries...like heart scarring. Ran gave Danny a grateful look. “Thank you.” Both for telling her and...she may not have liked the idea of Shinichi becoming a weird ghost hybrid, but from what she’d been told earlier, it very well have saved his life.
Agasa and Ai shared a look of their own. They’d need confirmation but if that were true it would be a huge relief to both of them. Conan glanced around and read the reactions of everyone except for the honestly confused Jazz. “You told them.” He accused Agasa.
“Yes he did.” Ran confirmed.  “And I’m glad he did. And- we can talk about this later.” It was obvious Danny and Jazz didn’t know the truth about Shinichi and it wasn’t her place to tell them. “But rest assured, we will.”
Conan gulped and his form flickered again, before vanishing completely from sight.
“It’s a good sign your ectoplasm is regenerating.” Jazz said. “That being said, it’s obvious there’s something you’re not telling us, so if you’re trying to keep other people from figuring it out, you need to be better about the fact that you’re hiding a secret. I won’t ask what it is, we understand better than most how life or death a secret can be.  But at least one of your secrets isn’t just your own.” With that, she walked out.
Danny sighed heavily. “I really need to learn Japanese.”
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yzkhr · 3 years
Third installment of the Love Language Miniseries
It might be OOC so please bear with me
Dedicated to the one who gave me this wonderful yet painful series idea @meitanteisachi!
Words of Affirmation- You get a thrill from receiving compliments and unexpected praise. You like it when others say they care about you or appreciate having you in their lives. You love feeling understood and receiving recognition for a job well done.
Shinichi trusts Ran a lot. But having a recent 'misunderstanding' along with being busy with his detective work and texting an apology yet receiving a slur of misspelled sentences with only the words 'Sonoko' and the name of a specific bar being decipherable, he can't help but worry and overthink.
(The name 'Kazuha' was readable as well and it did lessen his panic, but the reassurance he felt was nothing compared to Sonoko and her constant tricks that worsened when they became adults.)
Reaching the said bar on Rans' text message, he rushes inside and immediately dislikes the smell of mixed alcohols and smoke everywhere. Face indifferent, he passes through the dancing crowd and went straight to where he deduces his girlfriend to be.
Knowing Ran, she's not someone to go wild in such a tight place, nor does she appreciate the smell of cigarettes all over the dance floor. She would be somewhere comfortable and quiet enough to converse with Sonoko and Kazuha. Shinichi can't think of a better spot than the bartenders' counter.
And he was right.
There she was, in the middle of a familiar drinking blonde on her left and a brown haired woman on her right, reclined in her stool and mouthing words to her left side. Despite her back being the only thing he can see from where he's standing, he recognized it in an instant, having been familiar from the sight since childhood (her iconic hairstyle also helped).
Walking a little closer to be heard and putting his hands into his pockets, he calls out. "Ran."
The girls, save from the gulping heiress who ignores him, turns around and express the same visage upon seeing him. Rans' expression instantly change however, as her wide eyes and agape mouth closes and curls up into a smile.
She stands up from her seat and walks over to him in an odd unbalanced manner. On a closer inspection, Shinichi noticed how her cheeks flushed a rather more healthy red than normal.
Raising an eyebrow, he opens his mouth to scold but his prepared reprimands die on his throat as Ran hugs him instead of just standing in front of him, her slender hands wrapped around his neck slowly, her feet tiptoeing as she concluded she wasn't tall enough to reach Shinichis' height.
He instinctively backs away from the unexpected warmth and weight, flustered and confused. Ran didn't even gave him the time to recover, leaning her head into the crook of his neck and sniffing it as he felt her sigh, successfully making his mind blank.
"You smell nice." she whispers, letting out a giggle as if entertained at her out of nowhere compliment while he stands there, frozen and left with no words to respond. Even after five years of being together, her effect on him stays consistent and powerful, similar to their first meeting.
Fortunately, he was brought out of his reverie by a familiar—not in a good way— smell of rum mixed into her natural sweet odor. From that, everything clicked. Her red face, wobbly walking and unexpected behavior finally made sense to him.
"You're drunk." he deduces as he looks down at his girlfriend who avoided eye contact by looking sideways and pouting, confirming her guilty.
"Sorry Kudo-kun," he redirects his gaze at the source of the voice, finding an apologetic Tooyama Kazuha. " We're the ones that invited her here and as you can see," her eyes went to Ran briefly before going back to him and continues sheepishly, "We kinda got carried away."
He expected the answer. After all, Ran rarely drinks, much less get drunk. She'd only really go all out when there's an important celebration or a really big problem, like a certain misunderstanding that may or may have not happened between the two of them.
"It's fine." he acquits as his eyes looks at anywhere but Kazuhas' green ones, unsure of how to ask. "Umm, did Ran told you anything concerning? Like if there's a huge problem or something?"
The Osakan woman's eyes widened and suspiciously travelled to Ran as if asking for permission, who in return tightened her grip around his neck to bring him down a little. Kazuha now seems to have an answer, glancing back at him.
"Nope, Ran-chan said nothing like that at all." with the way she puts up a tight lipped smile, it was obvious she was lying. "Besides, if there is an issue like that, why don't you ask her? I'm sure she'd tell you."
He wants to disagree, being aware of Rans' nature to he very considerate that she might dismiss the topic. But Shinichi really isn't fond of the idea of pressuring his bestfriends' girlfriend, so he didn't say anything. Besides, Kazuha was right, if there was anyone to ask about what is wrong, it would be his girlfriend.
"Yeah, you're right." he laughs and attempts to change the topic, not wanting to make the atmosphere awkward. "Anyways, it's pretty late. Want me to take you guys home?"
The brunette shakes her head and looks from behind. Shinichi follows her gaze, only to find Sonoko still on the counter and talking to someone on the phone. Her voice is so loud that it can mildly be heard from where they're standing.
"No thanks, it seems Sonoko-chan is already calling Makoto-kun to pick her up."
"It seems so," he now looks back to her. "How about you?"
"No need," she pulls out her phone, showing him her private chat with Hattori. "The ahou already texted he's on his way."
"And besides," Kazuha sends him a teasing look and an amused smile. "Even if we didn't have our boyfriends picking us up, you'll still get your hands full."
As if on cue, Shinichi was reminded of his girlfriend who's still clinging on to him, her constant breathing on his ear enough to make him go red, as if he's the one intoxicated.
He silently agrees to Kazuhas' statement.
Ran insists on walking home instead of getting a taxi. He protested but after being presented with the same adorable pleading look she always used on him back when he was Conan;wide eyes, pouty lips, and blushing cheeks, he was really left with no choice.
Now, they tread across the empty streets of Beika with the moon illuminating the area, Shinichi makes sure that his girlfriend doesn't trip from her quivering steps, choosing to carry her on his back, her arms hanging loosely around his neck while his hand secured on her thighs, assuring of no fall. The night serves peaceful, accompanied by a comfortable silence.
Until he decided to break it.
"Hey Ran--" he starts, wanting to ask her about the 'problem' he wasn't sure they're having, but was cut off by her instead.
"Ne, Shinichi?" her voice is a bit slurred but with his proximity, he heard it just fine. She seemed to have timed it when he decided to speak, deliberately avoid the questioning from him, concluding that something is wrong. He wanted to ignore her distraction and push further, but with Rans' current condition, he gives up and lets her get away.
"Did it hurt?" he stops walking in confusion at such a sudden question, prompting him to face her as she wears an innocent smile.
"What hurt?" he asks, not getting the point. It took him a few seconds to catch on to what her 'innocent smile' and question means, and he isn't exactly happy at the conclusion he got.
"Please no," he exclaims as she looks at him expectantly, really wanting to continue. he complains. "Isn't this supposed to be the other way around?"
A glare is all it took for him to know she's not giving up. However, Shinichi isn't going to comply so easily either.
"Let me guess, when I fell from heaven?" he teases her, ahead of the supposed pick up line she's about to say.
Instead of being angry however, Rans' smile widens more than before, not looking as innocent. "No."
Eyebrows furrowing in confusion he asks, "What?"
"When you fell for me."
He stares in disbelief. He had never expected such a cheesy pick up line to be even more cheesier than it already is and it honestly impresses him(in a bad way). Meanwhile, Ran looks way too proud of herself, a huge grin plastered on her face.
"Okay, you win." he states rather dejectedly and continues walking, wishing his surrender to be the end of her drunk flirting.
If he were to be completely honest, Shinichi somewhat expected Ran to do something crazy and uncharacteristic, since it isn't the first time for her to be this intoxicated. The last time, she sang random songs with the most intangible lyrics he had ever heard, her drunk singing voice comparable to his normal one. This time it's the same, only now it's sappy pick up lines instead of crappy lyrics( he isn't sure which one is worse).
"Shinichi," she starts again, and it was cue for Shinichi to pick up his pace to get home faster, and he did. But Ran is stubborn. She calls his name on repeat way too many times, that he has to stop and finally decides to listen.
"Alright, let's hear it and quickly take you home to your apartment because I'm already tired of this." he yields, defeated and weary. On the other hand, Rans' expression is the complete opposite, too cheerful and energetic like neon lights on a dark room.
"You know why you're tired?"
"Yeah because of your pick up--"
"Because you've been running through my mind all day long." she breaks into a laugh as he stops functioning, wondering how his girlfriend can be so witty and stupid at the same time whenever she drinks a lot more than usual.
He ponders if Kaito has something to do it. After all, there is no one better and worse at flirting with words than he is. Rans' are tolerable but maybe it's because he loves her so much that he does appreciate them, but they're still pretty bad.
He deadpans at her still cackling form just to express his emotions. "You know, other people will call you an idiot if they know you're doing this."
She pauses, her turn to be confused. "Just other people? What will you call me then?"
"My idiot who's doing this."
Her reaction is instantaneous. Her face blossomed a shade of crimson as she coughs, too taken aback while he tilts inwards, smirking at having to get back at her antics.
"That's not fair!" she whines, throwing daggers at him as she cough a little more.
"You started it." he yawns, the night catching on to him.
He really thought it was the end of it, but Ran always proves him wrong as she started once again. "Yeah, being good looking must be sooo tiring."
He really is impressed at how her mind can processed a mundane action and turn into a bad and cheesy pick up line. But he didn't become friends with the worst flirt in the world for nothing. Clearly not accepting defeat, he decides to play along. "Then you must be exhausted."
Her face turns into a blushing mess either from embarrassment or frustration or maybe even from both.
And that's what they did until they got home. He truly was worried that there was something bothering Ran, but from the way she conversed and flirted with him(even though he's sure it's the alcohol talking), he was confident that if there was a problem, it isn't as bad as he expects it to be.
After an hour of throwing trashy jokes at each other, they finally made it to her apartment. He grabs the key he got from her earlier and opens the door, going straight to the sofa to put down his girlfriend.
Ran looks tired, eyes constantly blinking as she takes off her shoes, slower than it's supposed to be. She flops down on the couch, ready to doze off. Making sure she won't fall off, he strides into the kitchen to get some water.
Going back in the living room with a glass, he now finds her sitting instead of her laid down position a minute ago. She's dazed, eyes dead set on the table across as her brows intensely furrow as if trying to figure something out.
"Here you go," he sits down beside her, offering the water. He watches her drink it languidly, attentive to her every move. After finishing and putting it back on the table with a thud, Ran stands up, a hand on her throat.
"What's wrong?" he asks as the panic becomes visible on her visage, eyes roaming everywhere.
"I think I'm gonna throw up," as if on signal, she makes a strained sound while Shinichi rushes her inside the bathroom, certain that Ran won't appreciate walking into her living room with vomit all around it.
Upon reaching the toilet, Shinichi lets her bend over it and finally lets out everything she ate and drank that day as he soothes her back, stroking it back and forth. He also holds her hair up just make sure it doesn't get in the way.
"Are you okay?" he tilts his head in confusion as she turns around now done with her task, eyes watering slightly.
"I'm hungry." he sighs, having predicted it. He isn't the best at cooking, but letting his girl cook for herself while still being a bit visually impaired and losing her self balance every now and then sounds like the worst decision he can make in this situation.
"Fine. I'll make you something." hearing such words, Ran wipes her tears and beams at him. He leads her out of the restroom, leaving her on the couch and heading to the kitchen to cook at least a soup just to quench her hunger.
A few minutes passed and he comes back to a yawning Ran, with a hot and steamy soup laying in his hands. She offers him a drowsy smile, and he gives a knowing one in return.
"Here," he places the bowl on the table in front her and Ran takes it leisurely. She takes a chunk of food and blows at it, in the hopes of lessening the heat. Satisfied, she puts it on her mouth and makes a noise, glancing at him.
"It tastes good!" he chuckles and shakes his head in disapproval. "Thanks but, I'm pretty sure it only taste like that because you're drunk."
He leans in the wall as he watches her consume the soup with gusto, making his heart swell. When Ran finally eats half of it, he speaks out.
"Seriously, what made you drink so much like that?" despite the high chance that she won't answer, he still gives it a try.
After hearing no response, the detective sighs and looks away, deciding to let it slide and thinks that he'll just try again tomorrow.
But it looks like that he doesn't have to.
"It's Shinichi's fault." she said it so casually and quietly, but it didn't get pass his ears. Shock at the fact that she replied and at the specific retort, he looks back and stares at her.
"It was Sonoko's little dare," she finishes the rest of the food without care and continues, "She told me how you're always so indifferent and said to make you blush or whatever. But, you you were so busy with the case that I didn't even had the chance and just gave up."
He was left dumbfounded. The events three days ago went back to him in a flash. All of Ran's little glances, her stuttering words, and even her hold on him before he left after taking her home finally made sense.
'That Sonoko!' he twitches his eyebrow in annoyance. He really should've seen that coming. If there was anyone this world who could think such an idea, it would be none other than their childhood friend.
He attempts to talk, but she beats him to it.
"But, now that I think about it, I really dont mind Shinichi being busy like that," she's now looking at him, a smile plastered on her blushing face, sign of still being under the influence of the alcohol. "After all, I really love Shinichi's face whenever he solves a case. Shinichi's eyes always lights up, like it's alive and burning. As if seeing a world no one else knows."
"Whenever Shinichi solves a case, he helps a lot of people. And it's amazing to know, that tons of people are alive right now—because of Shinichi." she rambles on, calling his name too many times as if she's only talking to herself, like he isn't standing right there at all to listen.
Her voice, despite being slurred holds honesty in them that didn't make the current condition of his heart any better as he's hearing her compliment him.
"I guess that just means, that I really love Shinichi." she laughs at her own words, finding such a revelation amusing.
Meanwhile, Shinichi stands there having only two things in his mind; that Ran is really drunk, and that he's just glad the dare is over. Because if it wasn't, with the way he feels his face burning right now, he was sure Ran would've absolutely won it.
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muninnhuginn · 3 years
DC (you can choose which one)
Sorry for the delay on this! I started it then saved it in my drafts and proceeded to forget that drafts were a thing OTL.
Anyway, I'm going to go for the Detective Conan DC because my knowledge of the other DC is... lacking.
The first character I first fell in love with: Haibara. Her character arc is still my favourite even now. She was very much traumatised in a number of ways and that wasn’t much shied away from. Like, she’s actively terrified of Gin and Vermouth and when we first met her she’d just lost her sister. But despite that, she still managed to open up over time. And it wasn’t a linear path because she still freaks whenever someone from the BO is present (and I know the entire BO sense is kinda weird in terms of how much of it is like a magic realism thing vs her panic response but there’s some of both of it in there). But she is happier after her development and her friendship with Ayumi is precious honestly. The case about being able to call her by her first name was legit sweet.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Akai, I think. He was pretty clever without getting nerfed for it and saw through the Conan shtick, same as with Yamato and Koumei (who are both also charas I like). But then, I was just incredibly amused by his Okiya act. I have no idea how much of it was intentional trolling but turning up with curry to incredibly non-subtly check up on Haibara cracked me up. And obviously alongside that you have how he was freaking Haibara out and it just led to a lot of scenes with tension between them where Akai wasn’t communicating his reasons (because he got her sister killed. yikes.) and Haibara had enough pieces to have an idea but not enough to complete the puzzle as to Akai being a “good guy”, so to say. It was fun, I think. Even if the setup of characters not communicating definitely started to become frustrating after a while. But anyway, Akai has the range. He has the clever dangerous side and the “wdym, I’m just here for curry” memeability.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: This isn’t an “everyone” thing exactly but I’m not sure there is any one character who is universally liked by the entire fandom. Anyway, I find Conan frustrating nowadays. I think he was decent up past Desperate Revival (maybe even Vermouth reveal?) but after that stagnated big time. The main issue is that DC is a long runner and so at some point character development has to be put on hold. It’s more obvious with Conan because we literally see him every case as opposed to the other characters who have fewer appearances. But I think to narrow it down further, the problem is how Conan is not allowed to make mistakes that are punished by the narrative (aside from perhaps when it’s time to show off Yuusaku). Say for instance, he can actively refuse an information exchange with Akai because he doesn’t want to confirm his identity despite the fact that Akai already knows who he is. And this is treated as though it’s fine and logical even though it really isn’t? I don’t mind character flaws. If anything, I want characters to have flaws. But when the manga continues to twist the narrative around to try and pretend like character flaws aren’t flaws, it really puts me off that character.
The character I love that everyone else hates: This is more a case of the potential than that I actually think she's super well done, but early era Sera was actually pretty good? I find the later choices (especially once Mary is introduced) to be too inconsistent with her previous characterisation and strongly dislike how her intelligence gets retrospectively nerfed by the revelation that Mary was helping her out all along. But Sera in her first few cases and especially in the case with bomb at the detective agency? She was being the most realistic person there and it was really refreshing. (I feel like talking more about this could go off topic but basically I get that Ran is supposed to be the kinda pure more idealistic style morality because that’s what Aoyama is gunning for with her chara and that’s what Vermouth likes about her and Shinichi, but what Ran did with blocking the snipers’ views there was actively dangerous. It would have been safer for everyone else if they’d just gone with Sera’s plan and let the sniper take out the bomber)
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Gin was a pretty intimidating and challenging antagonist all the way up until maybe around Clash? I just feel though that he’s become less and less of a serious antagonist the more spies get revealed within the BO? Peak Gin was Dark Footprints though imo and since then, well. Nowadays, I really struggle to see the hype around him.
The character I would totally smooch: Uh... none, sorry.
The character I’d want to be like: I was so stuck on this question but I’ve settled on an answer now. I’d go for Haibara because even though her science knowledge keeps getting nerfed (ngl, so salty she didn’t know basic physics in the Maria case) she does have that biochem background. And even though she’s quiet and not actively trying to fit in she still manages to gain friends willing to put in the effort for her. It’s sweet and I’d like that.
The character I’d slap: Shuukichi. This guy. He decides without consulting her that he will ghost his girlfriend so he can win a shogi title “for her” which will somehow prove that he’s worthy of marrying her (????). He hasn’t even told her he plays shogi professionally before he does this. What. Maybe I’m just someone who would appreciate communication in relationships of any flavour but I don’t think I’d ever want to marry someone who breaks up with me out of the blue to ghost me for years only to reappear and say he wants to marry me because he’s won some competition I don’t even care about. And Yumi doesn’t care about shogi or she would have known years ago he plays professionally, especially considering it’s aired on TV.
A pairing that I love: TakaSatou. In a series where most of the relationships start with some kind of childhood connection, TakaSatou is definitely refreshing for entirely bypassing that and gunning for a more mature relationship overall. That said, there are a couple of their stories that rely way too much on second hand embarrassment for me to rewatch.
A pairing that I despise: Okay, I'll just go for the worst offender here with Shuukichi/Yumi. See my answer on why I would slap Shuukichi for reference and also the fact that I’m about 95% sure Aoyama is going to make it canon despite this. I wouldn’t mind half as much if the manga actually critically examined why Shuukichi pulled his ghosting stunt, but it’s just brushed over as a big romantic gesture. So yeah. I’m out.
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 11
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader (Best Friend) Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 1531
Warnings: Language, Bullying Themes
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
Eyup my Loves! so it’s been a while since I last added to the story, I tried my best to keep my writing similar to my previous chapters, let me know what you all think! any advice or constructive criticism is welcome :) I’ll shush now, enjoy!
(This is what I Imagine Annetta to look like :) )
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So, in case you were all wondering, the day didn’t get any better. I mean I kinda knew that kids my age could be massive A holes to each other, but I didn’t really expect to see it literally the flipping second I ‘walked’ through the doors. And by walked I mean dragged by the duo known as my own personal demons, or Steve and Bucky to the rest of the population.  A crowd of kids were all gathered around a row of lockers, loads of the shitheads were cheering and encouraging whatever the hell was goin’ on, and as I was about to find out it wasn’t a surprise performance by Frank Sinatra. Safe to say that was a bigger disappointment that diet coke. Anyway, what was I saying ? oh yeah, stood at the front of the crowd were a bunch of lasses that couldn’t of been older than 16, in their hands was a bunch of eggs and flour. At the bottom of their feet, on the floor, was a kid around the same age as me, her glasses were snapped in half and the bottom of to shirt was ripped, but what disgusted me the most was the fact she was begging for help as these girls smashed egg after egg into her face. You know how bulls lose their shit when they see somethin’ red? Yeah imagine that but 10x worse, the lads didn’t have time to stop me as I tore through the crowd ready to beat the ever-loving shit outta these pricks.
“‘OI! WHAT THE ACTUAL SHIT ARE YOU DOIN’”  the crowd fell silent as the girls turned to me with what one can only assume was supposed to be a ‘threatening’ glare, if I’m being completely honest it looked like they’d all simultaneously crapped em self’s. One of the girls stepped forwards, she was only a tad taller than me, her hair was a bright red, her green eyes were narrowed at me like she couldn’t believe someone was actually talking back to her. I think this is the part where I yell surprise right ? no? okay then. “Not that I care, but who the hell do you think you are? You got any idea who I am?” she sneered at me, oh my god! I’ve found someone with a bigger ego than Bucky. How in the hell is that possible. “well from first glance I’da said Santa Clause’s ex-wife but I reckon he’d have a better taste in girls now I’ve seen you up close”. And que the outraged gasps from her minions in 3,2,1…. I could hear a few people laughin’ and if I weren’t mistaken a very loud “Oh Jesus wept” from barney boy. Oooh yeah that’s when I know I’m doing my job right.
“YOU BITCH!” she screamed at me, her grubby little hands started swinging towards me in such an exaggerated way it was almost funny, I mean come on anyone coulda seen that comin’ from a mile off. And like the genius I am, I literally just side stepped her as she lunged forward,  an’ from the look on her face she weren’t expecting that, it was like the world slowed down as she surged forward unable to stop herself. Well that was till she landed head -first in the bin. I’d be a big fat liar if I said I wasn’t on the floor dying from laughter. Her legs were flailing above her head as she struggled to pull herself outta there, her cronies tried to help by grabbing her legs but that ended with one of em sporting one heck of a shiner on her right eye. A small sniffle pulled my attention away from the rather hilarious sight, glancing behind me I saw the young lass still on the ground, holdin’ her glasses which were in half with tears rolling down her cheeks. “hey, it’s okay now, they’ve gone. Here take my hand, lets get ya cleaned up eh? Reckon they’re be a bathroom round here somewhere”. The lass didn’t say anything to me, only looking at me with apprehension before taking my outstretched hand and leading us to the bathroom, the sound of the crowd growing quieter as we moved further away from it. “Thanks for saving me from Monica, she’s been bullying me since we were 11, nobody’s ever stood up for me before.” Her voice was so quiet, it shook from the effort it took her to hold back her tears, and I admired her strength, not a lotta girls woulda gone this long and not tell a teacher. “Don’t worry about it mate, I’m sorry it took so long for someone to defend ya, my names y/n by the way, don’t think we’ve met” her brown eyes met mine, as a small smile spread across her face, I couldn’t really tell what colour her hair was but I’m guessing it’s a shade a brown,  other than that she looked like a completely normal person. “My names Annetta, you’re right we ain’t met yet but I’m glad we did”.
-Later that day
It took us ‘bout 30 minutes to get all the egg off Annetta, best we could do was wash it off and cover up the stains with the cardigan I leant her, but what really put the icing on the cake was the teacher in period 1 yellin’ at us for being so late. The temptation to yeet my shoe at someone had never been as strong as it was in that moment, fortunately for the overgrown turnip of a teacher I had to settle for a mean ass side eye. And man was it a mean one.
Apart from that the day had gone by with no more incidents, well unless you count me chasing Bucky round the canteen with a carton of milk for stealin’ half my lunch, much to Annetta’s entertainment and Steve’s embarrassment. I mean the butthole deserved it, nobody and I mean NOBODY messes with my lunch. Even blue-eyed boys with a smile that could charm the devil….what am I sayin’?!
ANYWAYS it’s now what? 4th period I think, which meant English with Annetta, and maybe my favourite boys in the world. Shakespeare and Charles Dickens. Bet ya thought I were gonna say Steve and Bucky right? Well they’re currently sat behind me debating who’d win in a fight, Popeye, or Bugs Bunny. I’m surrounded by idiots. Thankfully, the teacher walked into the classroom and saved me, Mrs Davis seemed like a nice woman, she had a friendly smile and roundish face, her hair tied back into a neat bun as she took a seat. Now I’ll save you the boring bits, she started the lesson with a pop quiz which was just plain rude, about halfway through it the door burst open and there stood my best friend in the entire world. Monica. I have to say I loved her new style, the schools P.E kit really brought out the judgement in her eyes, did you detect my sarcasm yet?.
You wanna know what made her entrance even more dramatic ? the lovely aroma of gone off milk and rotted banana skins that followed her around the room,  I could help the smirk on my face as everyone around me started gagging at the smell. If you ask me I reckon it’s an improvement, I mean she certainly captures the attention of everyone in the room. Monica’s face started to match her hair, quickly racing over to Mrs Davis to give her the tardy slip before taking her seat which just had to be across from me, whoopee for me. Eventually Mrs Davis got the attention back to her, carrying on with her lesson, which moved onto matching up the famous English literature quotes with the character and book. To be fair this was actually a load of fun for me, even if Steve butchered a line from Romeo and Juliet, I don’t remember Shakespeare saying, ‘ A rose by any other name would smell as bad’. The way I banged my head on the table made Annetta think I broke my neck. Fun times people.
Of course, my reaction didn’t escape Mrs Davis’s attention, just my luck eh?. “Miss y/n, seeing as you seem to know everything, answer me this. Elizabeth Bennet is a main character in a well-known book, she’s known for the quote ‘I am a no bird and no net ensnares me. I am a free human being with an independent will’. The question is who is the author of this book is it A) Charles Dickens B) Jane Austen or C) Arthur Conan Doyle ?”. Is she being for real right now?. “Miss? With no disrespect the question itself is wrong, that wasn’t said by Elizabeth Bennet from pride and Prejudice, but said by Jane Eyre, and it was written by Charlotte Brontë”. A small smile spread across her face, which was confusing as all heck and a tad creepy to be honest, “very well-done Miss y/n, that’s the first time a student has gotten that question correct.”……
What in the name of ever-loving fluff just happened?….
So our girl is back and kicking butt! hopefully it’s not as bad as I think it is, and again I want to thank you all again for being so patient with me, good news is I’ve got the rest of the book written already! I’ll be posting them at least once a week.
Lots of love,
Rose xxx
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jack-antonoff · 3 years
get to know me tag
tagged by @njaems
tagging: anyone who wants to do it!
What day is your birthday? July 20th
What is your favorite color? Mint green, and pastel pink as a close second
What’s your lucky number? 24. Vietnamese students get assigned a number each year and mine typically was 24
Do you have any pets? A mixed hound pup named Ginny 
How tall are you? 158cm / 5′2 :(
How many pairs of shoes do you own? ~ 9-10 I think
Favorite song? I have too many but Such Great Heights by The Postal Service always make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside so maybe that song?
Favorite movie? Clueless. Emma is my favorite Austen book and both Clueless & Emma (2009) are my go-to comfort movie/ show (my url when I first became active on tumblr was knightley-woodhouse haha)
Who would be your ideal partner? Someone who I can banter well with 
Do you want children? I think I would like to adopt one someday? Pregnancy/ giving birth scares the shit out of me but I think I might wanna have children
Have you ever got into trouble with the law? Nope
Baths or showers? Showers. I just don’t have enough patient for a bath though ngl those bubble bath/ bath bombs do seem alluring
What color socks are you wearing? None
What type of music do you like? Well the 4 playlist that are divided by genres on my Spotify are: bubblegum bops, infectious indie, alternative anthems, and grungy gems. I also have a playlist called ethereal for dreampop/ shoegazey songs. I do have an rnb playlist but I’m still organizing that one so it’s not public yet
How many pillows do you sleep with? 2. One to lay my head on and one to hug
What position do you usually sleep in? On the side, hugging my pillow like a shrimp
What you don’t like when you’re sleeping? When sleeping with others it’s the sound of snoring. When sleeping alone it’s the sound of mosquitoes/ flies/ bees zooming around. So I guess just noise in general
What do you typically have for breakfast? When I stay with my mom she cooks traditional Vietnamese breakfast like noodles or rice. When I’m on my own during the school year it’s typically just toast/ cereal/ granola bar
Have you ever tried archery? Nope, it looks cool tho!
Favorite fruit? Vietnam has this fruit called sapodilla that is super delicious but I can’t find it here. I also like dragonfruits, watermelons, mangoes, cherries (Basically sweet fruits) 
Favorite swear word? Can’t go wrong with fuck. A classic. Fuck off and Get fucked are my go-to
Do you have any scars? Not anymore. I got run over by a motorbike in elementary school and got 3 scars on my stomach but they all faded now
Are you a good liar? Not really. But since I’m a bad liar I typically tell the truth, which ends up making ppl trust me during the rare times I lie :p
What is your personality type? Well I got a different ones everytime I do the quiz so I just ended up google what each letter stands for and sorted myself lol. I align myself with ISFJ the most
What is your favorite type of girls? Fictional? Emma Woodhouse/ Cher Horowitz along with Ai Haibara from Detective Conan are my favorite heroines of all time (Snarky bitches with heats of gold). Irl? Girls with great sense of humor
Are you an innie or an outie? Innie
Left or right handed? Right
Favorite food? Vietnamese, Japanese, and Korean food
Favorite foreign food? Sushi/ poke, Korean bbq and fried chicken (In fact I just had a Korean cheese fried chicken earlier lol), tacos (esp fish tacos)
Are you a clean or messy person? Messy in terms of organization but I can’t stand actual dirt/ sticky substance
Most used phrase? “Well I guess...” or “Yeah...”
How long does it take for you to get ready? 15 mins normally, 45 mins when I wanna be more dressed up
Do you talk to yourself? Yeah. She makes a lot of good points!
Do you sing to yourself? Yes
Are you a good singer? Nope, I can’t hold a tune to save my life
Biggest fear? I have severe flight anxiety and always imagine what if the plane crashes when I get on a flight. Otherwise just typical stuff like ghosts or getting murdered
Are you a gossip? Not really irl but I do enjoy lurking online drama from time to time. Highly recommend the subreddit r/hobbydrama I have wasted a lot of times reading things on there haha
Do you like long or short hair? I typically cut my hair to chin length, let it grow to around my boobs & then cut again
Favorite school subject? From K-12: English (as a foreign language when I was in VN), French (when I move here, but I already forgot most of my french by now rip), History, Literature. So typical social studies stuff. I also enjoy math from time to time
Extrovert or Introvert? Mostly introvert but going to concerts is one my favorite activities ever and I do enjoy being in the crowd during those times. Also HCMC/ Saigon population is like 9 million so even though I cherish my own space I am kinda used to crowded places in general
What makes you nervous? Flights as mentioned above, public speaking, confrontations
Who was your first real crush? That one kid in elementary school who I can’t remember the name of but was really good at drawing
How many piercings do you have? Just 2, one on each ear. I haven’t worn earrings in a while tho I hope they haven’t closed yet...
How fast can you run? I’m terribly out of shape so not very fast lol
What color is your hair? Black. Had I been able to fly back to VN this summer I think I would have dyed it to a brown-pink color (think Jisung during Boom, but maybe more brown)
What color are your eyes? Black (although I read that black irises technically don’t exist, it’s actually a very deep brown color instead)
What makes you angry? Lots of things but unfairness & hypocrisy in general
Do you like your own name? Yeah. I like that it’s unisex, short, and easy to spell/ pronounce for people of all backgrounds (although some still misspell it as Ming...). It also means bright/ light which I think is cool. I also like my full name as a whole, kinda long but pretty unique
Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? I think a girl but I’m open to both
What are your strengths? Straightforwardness and I’m pretty self-aware
What are your weaknesses? My lack of patience and my tendency to procrastinate lol
Color of your bedspread? Mint
Color of your room? White
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teatime-scans · 4 years
WPS Chapter 10 Text Translations
After a long time of waiting, we’ve finally been given a new chapter of WPS! Here’s the text tl’s for said chapter, hope you enjoy! Translation: Manaphy TLC: Holmes
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Big left text: Morofushi arc!
Left side text: A man carrying a passionate sense of justice, while wearing a peaceful smile. What is the fury hidden in his own heart...? 
Right side text: A justice burning silently... Azure flames!!
Detective Conan Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story
Original Work: Aoyama Gosho Artist: Arai Takahiro
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Upper note: The long-awaited Morofushi Arc begins...!
SFX: Fwooosh
Date: Stop it! Date: Morofushi!
Matsuda: You won’t make it in time anymore!
Hagiwara: Come back!
Amuro: H...
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Detective Conan Police Academy Arc Wild Police Story
Amuro: Hirooo!
Text: Ignoring his comrades’ voices, the man dives into the raging flames...
Side Note: Together with an ultra-gorgeous and super-complete benefit! The First Volume will go on sale during the 18th November! 
CASE 10. Sow evil and reap evil Original Work: Aoyama Gosho Artist: Arai Takahiro
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Box: 3 hours earlier Matsuda: R’lly now... SFX: Scrub
Matsuda: How come the bathroom’s so dirty? Date: That’s what I told you, right?
Date: During the dry run for the Sports festival happening this weekend... Date: Guys from all the classes were covered in mud... Date: On top of that, they did it under the rain yesterday, so... Box: Date Wataru (22)
Amuro: That reminds me, the class flag design you made for the sports festival, Hiro... Amuro: Was really stylish! Morofushi: Thanks! Box: Furuya Rei (22)
Morofushi: Well, I did think that doing a cherry blossom design... Morofushi: Was somehow cliché for the police, though... Box: Morofushi Hiromitsu (22)
Hagiwara: If I’m right, it was finished and delivered this morning, right? Matsuda: Yup! Matsuda: As you see... Box: Hagiwara Kenji (22)
Matsuda: I’m carrying it... Matsuda: Close to myself! Box: Matsuda Jinpei (22)
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Matsuda: Ta-daaah! SFX: Extend Banner: Onizuka Class - Cherry Blossom Riot - Instructor : Onizuka Hachizou - Assistant Instructor : Matsumoto Shouta
Hagiwara: The colors are nice too! ♪ Morofushi: Right? Amuro: I’m excited for the Sports Festival! Date: Hm?
Date: Cat footprints...? Date: And it stinks a bit...
Matsuda: That’s right! As I hung it out outside the window to boast in front of the guys from other classes... Matsuda: It got blown away by the wind... and on top of that...! Matsuda: A stray cat whose paws stepped on a shit walked over the flag...
Matsuda: When I tried to catch that cat with Hagi, he scratched me, and now look at this mess... Hagiwara: So that’s why that cat was stinking...
Matsuda: And so, just when I was about to bring it to Tomori geezer’s cleaning shop... Matsuda: We got summoned by Oni-jerk... SFX: Squeeze
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Onizuka: I think you guys have noticed it as well, but... Onizuka: Complaints from other instructors have been coming too...
Onizuka: That recently, the bathroom and dressing room are too filthy... Date: Wait, that’s not only our faul- Onizuka: Therefore!
Onizuka: In the one week until the Sports festival ends... Onizuka: I decided to have the five of you clean the bathroom every day!
All: Huh?!
Amuro: I-Instructor Onizuka... Morofushi: However you put it, that’s... Onizuka: Come on... I’m saying that I’m giving you a chance to make up for... Onizuka: All the evil deeds you committed up to now...
Hagiwara: All the evil deeds? Onizuka: I won’t let you say that you forgot!
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Onizuka: On top of slipping out from your rooms in the dead of the night and fighting by punching each other... Onizuka: You got your stories straight and gave a false testimony in order to hide it!
Onizuka: You gathered a lot of classmates in a convenience store... Onizuka: And scuffled with a group of robbers!
Onizuka: And not only did you drive a vehicle of your own accord, even though it’s prohibited for students... Onizuka: After doing an eccentric car chase, you completely damaged the precious car my acquaintance entrusted me with... Onizuka: Furthermore...
Onizuka: You also used a gun without permission... Matsuda: Y... Matsuda: You bas... SFX: Whisper
Matsuda: But that saved your life, goddammit! Onizuka: Anyway!
Onizuka: I order the five of you to clean the bathroom and dressing room during one week! Onizuka: If you shirk even one day, I’ll have you get out of this school, Onizuka: So get ready!
Onizuka: Over! Onizuka: Without delay, start it now! Morofushi: ?!
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Morofushi: ...
Onizuka: Ah, that's a picture of a primary schoolgirl who was reported missing yesterday night in this jurisdiction. Onizuka: I heard she hasn’t gone home ever since going out on an errand... Hiromitsu: ....
Onizuka: What’s up? Morofushi... Onizuka: Do you know this child? Morofushi: Ah, no.. Morofushi: I only happened to see her downtown a short while ago...
Morofushi: Is it fine if I take this with me? Morofushi: Since I might recall something... Onizuka: Sure, I don’t mind!
Onizuka: Well, I’ll go check on you later, so... Onizuka: Before the bathing time at 17:00, be done with the cleaning!
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Matsuda: Jeez, ‘till when is this gonna take?
Matsuda: The bathroom’s still so dirty, and yet...
Matsuda: We didn’t touch... Matsuda: The dressing room at all...
Matsuda: At this rate, if we keep taking it easy... Matsuda: It’s gonna be bad, y’know?
Matsuda: How ‘bout we do it while talking about something more exciting? Hagiwara: Exciting, huh...?
Hagiwara: That reminds me, Morofushi-chan... Hagiwara: That little girl on the missing report you were looking at just now... Hagiwara: Isn’t there something about her? Morofushi: Eh?
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Date: Indeed... Date: Just because you saw her in the street, that reaction was strange, right? Morofushi: Ah, yeah, that child...
Morofushi: She looked just like a little girl I used to play a lot with when I was a kid... Morofushi: Well, that girl back then died from an illness, but... Morofushi: There’s something bothering me...
Amuro: If it’s your childhood friend, does it mean that I also met that little girl? Morofushi: No... Morofushi: Since it happened back when I was in Nagano...
Matsuda: Now that sounds interesting! Date: Go ahead and tell us about that story! Hagiwara: We’d listen to anything!
Morofushi: In... Morofushi: In fact...
Morofushi: Ah, but... Morofushi: That story isn’t interesting at all, so...
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Matsuda: Aaah, damn it! Matsuda: I’m done, I’m done!
Morofushi: Eh? Matsuda: Since Zero asked me to wait until you bring it out yourself... Matsuda: I was holding back, but... Matsuda: I can’t keep with that anymore!
Matsuda: You’re searching for the criminal who killed your Dad and Mom, right? Morofushi: Eeeh?!
Matsuda: And because the little girl from that missing report... Matsuda: Looks related to that case, you’re at a loss... Matsuda: That wrong?!
Morofushi: R-Right... Morofushi: That’s right, but... Morofushi: I can’t!
Morofushi: This is a case I absolutely have to solve myself... Morofushi: I don’t want to involve anybody else anymore... Morofushi: If someone ends up dying again...
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Group: We won't die!
Date: Until now, we've been...
Matsuda: Crossing risky bridges non-stop, but...
Furuya: When it’s the five of us...
Hagiwara: We’ve always pulled through, right?
Matsuda: So talk to us, boss Hiro... Matsuda: We won’t do you bad, y’know... Morofushi: ...
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Morofushi: Pft- Morofushi: “We won’t do you bad”... Morofushi: That’s a villain-esque line, right?
Furuya: That's true... Date: Cruel Bailiffs do say that a lot... Hagiwara: Since Jinpei-chan is rooted in evil! ♡ Matsuda: Shut your mouths! Hiromitsu: ...
Morofushi: Understood! Morofushi: I’ll tell you...
Morofushi: About that night of dismay... Morofushi: which made my inner clock's hands freeze in place...
Morofushi: Enshrouded in that stench of steel... Morofushi: 15 years ago from now...
 Left Side Text: Continues in SS #49
Right Side Text: Morofushi’s past, revealed... Next issue.
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