#but yeahhh lol
dailyinkk · 2 months
DAY 19 !!! BOOP!!!!!
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shalpilot · 6 months
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my era of longform Fuck It We Ball comics hath come to an end 😔 anyways haha weed funny
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
two a.m.
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it's two a.m. and lucifer is giving you a playful bite on your cheek while you sit and laugh on his lap, trying to not spill your tea.
it's two a.m. and mammon is kissing your knuckles, spilling his heart out to you while laying on the parks soft grass.
it's two a.m. and levi is holding your face, confidently covering you in kisses and praising you for passing that difficult level in his game.
it's two a.m. and satan is kissing you after a messy food fight; after trying to bake something from an ancient cookbook.
it's two a.m. and asmo is helping you knit a blanket that you both can share, to cuddle and kiss under later.
it's two a.m. and beel is making you laugh out loud as he pumps out witty jokes of the terrible movie you're both watching, surprising you with a kiss mid-laugh.
it's two a.m. and belphie plants a kiss on your forehead after clumsily dancing and singing in the attic.
it's two a.m. and it's just the two of you. ♡
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⬦ you might also like: so this is love︱ mc's voicemail︱pick-me-up
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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How are people gonna take that?
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potato-lord-but-not · 10 months
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feketeribizli · 1 year
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where would we be without old man yaoi
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starmonsterrr · 6 months
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Autism forced me to draw him (I just love him so much)
His face...HIS FACE!!! he looks so.... Ahujrkrkfnfkeksb he so pretty and squishable...... need to head-bonk him and cuddle w him and purr at him like a cat and do the paw thing on his scarf (I think it's called making biscuits????) i just....aargh... why do I have to be stuck in this realm without him.....:(
got inspo from @/letsatomicbanana's art
Ink Sans belongs to @comyet
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carmyboobear · 2 months
i think carmy has the potential to be a passionate listener. after all, you listen to him when he’s got a million things to say about his incredibly niche interests.
maybe you’ve gone into great detail about the stylistic choices of ur fav movie or tv show. eventually, when you end up watching it together, at one point he says smthn along the lines of “oh i see what you mean with that”. like, lets goooo!!!! ur not talking to a wall!!
i’d personally love to make him to try and play my favorite video game with me after i’ve lore dumped for hours. (i betchya he’d be awful at it). maybe he’s absorbed a bit of that info tho, and he’d point stuff out while we play.
that would make me embarrassingly giddy.
hiii i'm that guy that can go into great length about films if you get me started. or anything i'm obsessed with at the moment really. 
you don't listen to him talk about food (or in general) because you feel obligated. you do it because you love him, and he listens to you because he loves you, too. he genuinely cares about the things you care about. carmy's a sweet boy!
“If you look for it, you'll see that circles are a motif throughout the whole movie.” You're watching your favorite movie, cuddled with him on the couch. He makes an affirmative noise. “I'll tell you more when we're done watching, too.”
“I'd like that.” He looks at you expectantly, and when you give him a confused look, he says, “You can keep talking if you want, y'know.”
“I know, I just…” You shrivel into the cushions behind you. Carmy's arm that's tucked around your shoulders brings you closer to him. “I don't wanna annoy you.”
“You could never annoy me talking about the things you care about.” He presses a quick kiss to your forehead, and you make a pleased noise. “I think the color stuff you were saying earlier is cool. The red and green, right? I can't stop seeing it now that you pointed it out.”
“Mm, yeah,” you say, like the fact he was actually paying attention to you doesn't make you wanna roll around with giddy. “It really tells you the whole story without saying it.”
“I have some predictions, then,” Carmy mutters, eyes focused on the tv. You could just kiss him (which you do).
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hyewka · 16 days
I go on and off boypussy beomgyu and i know it’s pretty taboo and controversial but oh my lawdd he looks so androgynous and like a pretty girl with his long hair anyway just imagine fingering and eating out his puffy sensitive pussy, kisses to his clit and beomgyu wearing pretty lacey lingerie with ribbons 💞💞💞 it’s a bit silly and makes no sense and idk if you’d like it but a crack fic idea where the reader and beomgyu gender swap for a day and he ends up waking up with a pussy and you with a dick 😭💀 he’d be like “MY DICK IS GONE MY BALLS 😨😨⁉️” okay but imagine fucking him instead and showing him how it’s like when he usually fucks you, the feeling of having a pussy and being fucked too much for him and he’s making noises and sounds and moans you’ve never even heard even heard him make so embarrassed and high pitched and whiny, beomgyu loves the feeling of being full and getting fucked and his thighs trembling. Maybe by the end of it, he wouldn’t even mind having a pussy at all…
ok holy shit the gender swap idea is mind blowing oh mygod. FUCKKKK😭😭
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cinnamonest · 15 days
how do you think goro would feel about a childhood friend!darling?
Goro Akechi has a lot of hate in that heart of his, but other than the man he hates more than anything, there are two other things he hates the most: lack of control, and vulnerability.
He needs control over situations, over people, and when he can manage it, over the course of fate itself. The Metaverse and years of hard effort into a public persona he wears so flawlessly have granted him the sort of control he desires, for the most part.
He hates to be vulnerable, hates his own weaknesses, hates them being perceived by others.
You present both.
It’s been a long time since you’ve seen him. Really, up until the point you saw his name on screen one day, you admittedly remembered him as ‘that sad boy at school I was nice to when we were little,’ and your memories of him had all but faded into the background of your life, never thinking of him much after that until he pops back into your life.
At first, you think it can’t be the same person, surely. At least until the familiar — albeit aged a bit older than in your memories — face comes on the screen. It feels quite surreal. A drastic shift from the little boy you remember angrily sulking on the playground all by himself away from the other kids, whom you admittedly talked to mostly out of pity. Still, you felt like you bonded in the end, before he got whisked away when the relatives fostering him decided to dump him off onto someone else, thus forcing him to transfer schools.
You’re happy for him. He looks very happy now, you think, his situation must have improved. He’s even living in the city now apparently, just like you.
The positive coincidences stack atop each other when you actually get to see him.
Completely by chance, not seeking him out or anything, you just so happen to be walking home on an uncrowded street, and he just so happened to be coming back from a hit, now as normalized and mundane to him as any other work-related task — and you just so happen to meet right as you each turn a corner, perfectly scenic, as if ordained by fate.
And while Goro Akechi has spent a very long time by now perfecting the art of composure, what he sees takes him so far aback that even he lets the mask momentarily slip — completely freezing up, slack-jawed and stiff with shock and disbelief. There’s a moment where only silence passes, he looks at you like he’s seeing a ghost, an expression almost like horror managing to escape his automatic efforts to keep a straight face.
You don’t notice that part. You’re too caught up in the surprise and elation, gasping and smiling and rambling on about what a coincidence it is, and—
Do you remember me…?
The shock only lasts a split second. The composure is back, the mask pushed back into place, and with practiced mastery of charm, he bounces back near instantly.
Even in spite of the sudden onslaught of emotions and memories that feels like his very soul is being stabbed at, he manages to keep up the usual Prince-Charming act of his. Says the lines expected of him, so standard you could probably guess them before they come out of his mouth — wow, long time no see, what a coincidence, it’s good to see you, how have you been, all the generic phrases and lines one should say, just like the ones you provide in return. A back-and-forth dialogue predetermined by conventions and standards of normalcy and expectation as composed by a given social framework in which all humans live. You do mention that you’ve seen him on TV — for some reason, it makes his stomach feel like its twisting, but he gives you a humble-sounding reply all the same.
All as his heart pounds so heavily it feels like it’s going to burst though is chest. Adrenaline surges thought his veins and every nerve on his body feels like it’s frozen over, an ice-cold chill that runs through his blood, a ringing in his ears, even a lightheadedness that begins to take hold, his entire body reacting in shock and panic.
You fetch a piece of paper from your bag, scribble something down, hand it over to him — his own hand moves reflexively, as if out of his control, to take it. A series of numbers — oh. Your contact. You’re smiling now, saying something about how you would love to catch up sometime. Your voice sounds far away, his head feels like it’s spinning, but he still manages his signature soft smile and voice as he gives you yet another generic reply.
Sure, that would be wonderful.
A few more lines back-and-forth that he doesn’t even remember by the end of the day, his brain essentially giving replies on an auto-pilot means of conversation. He manages to make some excuse about work, churns out a farewell, briskly walks off with a noticeably deliberate fast pace.
You feel a little embarrassed, as you walk home. He seemed in a hurry to end the conversation. Perhaps it was presumptuous to give him a contact. He probably couldn’t care less. He’s a big, important person now, someone like that has no time for someone like yourself.
Your suspicions are more or less validated. He doesn’t contact you.
In fact, from the moment he gets home that day, he tries to forget the interaction entirely.
There’s multiple reasons why. For one, you present a potential obstacle, a burden, a risk. He can’t afford to have you complicating things, getting in his way. It takes some time for his heart to stop racing, and that alone irritates him — why do you get to have such a reaction from him, beyond his control?
Moreover, the emotions that hit him when he saw you were too much. Dangerously intense, something he can’t allow to weigh on him, doesn’t have the time to focus on.
To be frank, those emotions were largely negative anyway. The mere sight of your face stirs up all sorts of memories from that era of his life, most of which were deeply unpleasant. There’s a deep-rooted bitterness that rises up in his stomach, old emotions he’s worked so long to suppress, and you came and dug them up in just a few brief minutes. In truth, he thought about you very often back then — he never really got to say goodbye to you (even if, he often bitterly thought, you never cared that much about him anyway), and he had to force himself to forget you over time, and yet you’ve come and undone his efforts.
And finally — the thought of you makes him feel a new emotion, one he does not like. Something like anxiousness, fear, and in turn, anger at himself and you alike for inducing such a feeling. You stand as a sort of weakness, a single unstable factor in a world where he feels like he has some degree of a grasp of control on nearly everything — you feel uncertain, unsteady, out of his reach… no, it’s not just that. You feel unsafe. You have knowledge and memories of him that no one else does, you have seen him at his weakest, and that makes him feel far more vulnerable then he can stand.
And yet, he saves your number to his phone all the same. Lets it sit there.
Most of the time, it’s easy to ignore. He is a busy person, he can keep himself distracted. Sometimes, though, in the odd hours of the night when his emotions are at their peak, he types a message, two, a dozen, he loses count — only to shake his head and come to his senses, huffing in frustration and holding the backspace down until it’s all deleted, cursing himself internally for even coming close to doing something so foolish.
You keep coming up in his thoughts, an emotion he can’t pretend is anything but yearning feels like a knot in his chest, yet the very thought of you makes him feel sick to his stomach. The conflict between the emotions is unbearable, makes him lose sleep, makes him lose focus.
You who knew him when he was this quiet, sullen, embittered child — you were nice to him, one of the only people who showed him genuine kindness back then — you who certainly knows that the charming act in front of the cameras is merely that, an act, a mask, a lie. It feels as if playing a game with one’s own cards facing outwards towards the opponent, completely exposed, laid bare. The act can’t work on you when you know what he’s really like, know his pains and vulnerabilities, have the potential to strike at the weakest parts of him.
Nor do you fall under his realm of control. The means he has for control relies on his ability to enforce it — means to kill and ruin lives. What he wants from you, though — at least, what he wanted from you back then, he won’t let himself even consider the matter now — falls entirely out of the realm of how he likes to control people, the usual purpose for which he desires the manipulation of others — power, advancement in his goals, to snake his way inside to strike.
It's all confusing. Irritating. It's outside the realm of what he has an easy way to manipulate, and that means he's at a disadvantage, that you have an upper hand, and he can't stand for that.
Still, he wonders about you. Every time a camera faces his way, he wonders if you’ll see the filming. When he makes posts to the little page he runs that the fans eat up, he wonders if you visit it too, if you’re one of those thousands of faceless followers. He wonders how often you think about him. He wonders about the day the two of you ran into each other for the first time in so long — did you go home, and look him up online? How long did you spend doing so? What did you read? Did your view of him change, positively, negatively?
And of course, he thinks about you and your life. What have you been up to, since then? Where has your path in life taken you? You probably have friends. You probably have a partner too. You’re someone who always seemed to be loved by others — he still recalls perfectly the burning bitterness in his stomach when he saw your happiness, your family, your friends, the things you had that he did not. How he resented you for it — he still does, even if he tries to tell himself such emotions are childish. Sometimes he almost thinks he hates you, even if in the end he always finds that he can’t.
And worst of all, he finds that the mere thought of you changes how he behaves.
When he’s at a lower-end news outlet interview, he doesn’t put quite as much energy in… until it occurs to him that there’s always a chance you’ll see it, and he finds himself sitting up straighter, putting in more effort into being charming and witty for the camera.
He almost says something in another interview, but it occurs to him that he doesn’t know how you feel on the matter, and he finds himself taking what was originally a strongly-worded response in his head and neutralizing it as much as possible, to avoid upsetting you should you see it and disagree with him. He doesn't even realize it until the words are out of his mouth.
You do that to him. He who has come to think of himself as so far above others, and yet you — some child from long ago who just so happened to find him again and speak to him for no more than a few minutes — influence his actions, you consume his thoughts. You control him, and you don’t even know it, nor did you have any intention to. And even though he recognizes it, even though he tries to put it to rest and forget you entirely, he can’t bring himself to do it, can’t tap the screen to delete the contact.
It’s infuriating. He can’t stand it. The fact that you do what you do to him so effortlessly leaves him seething and stewing in a rage you probably don’t even realize he’s capable of. And that much he’s acutely aware of as well. You know more of the “real” him than anyone else, you saw him in a phase when he was always pouty and melancholic — yet even then, you don’t know the half of it, don’t realize just how much malice and fury rests beneath the calm outward surface, nor how deep it runs.
He’s not a delusional sort, he’s very self-aware, and he knows how ridiculous the thoughts he’s having are — yet he has them anyway. It’s what, three in the morning, and here he is sitting on the edge of is bed, hunched over in the dark with his face in his hands, stewing in bitterness because he just can’t stop thinking about you. Yes, he knows the thought is absurd, yet he allows it anyway — allows himself to blame you, to resent you for it as if it were an intentional act on your end, to think of you as audacious, having committed some grand transgression against him.
He’s a celebrity, a genius, he has powers unfathomable to the average person — and here you are, you’re nobody, making him think about you. The more he gives in and allows himself to slip into that way of thinking, regardless of how nonsensical he knows it is, the angrier and angrier he gets, the greater the malice that swells in his chest—
—and the darker his thoughts become on what to do with you.
If he forces himself to think it through reasonably, of course, he realizes that you’ve done nothing wrong, that you’ve been nothing but kind to him, and maybe, just maybe, a part of him even feels guilty for any unwholesome, sinister thoughts run through his head — you don’t deserve anything bad to happen to you, and he’s being embarrassingly childish for such boorish, overly-simplistic thoughts like keeping you and taking you away and hurting you and making you pay. Particularly the last — you’ve done nothing wrong, nothing to deserve any harm, and in the rational part of his mind, he knows this.
But if he were to allow those petulant feelings to take over…
If he let the irrational resentment and yearning and attachment and bitterness take over, if he stopped being rational about it, if he just acted on impulses and feelings alone, then he would have something to make you pay for. To make you the object of all the negative emotions that plague him, make you an outlet for his crippling desperation and rage and affection and covet and pain and misery and yearning — yes, he could put all those emotions into you, unload that burden and force you to take it off his shoulders, force you to be something for him to have to himself and use for his own desires and ease of his pain like he always wanted back then.
Maybe he never stopped wanting that, even if he forced every thought of you to the back of his mind for so many years. It was easier to deny the yearning when he could tell himself he would never see you again. He doesn't have that to hold him back anymore — he stares at the screen of his phone that burns his eyes in the darkness, knowing contact with you is a few mere taps away.
But even back then, he wasn’t so stupid as to not realize you interacted with him because he was pitiful and pathetic and obviously troubled and you were the sort of sweet person that went out of your way to be nice to such other children. He was acutely aware of that fact, it irritated him then, it irritates him now. Yet he latched on like a leech anyway, a fact that makes his face feel hot with embarrassment when he recalls how his child self clung to you so strongly, so pathetically. He couldn’t help it. He was so weak, back then.
But here he is, spending hours of his time thinking about you — can he really say he’s less weak to you now?
It’s not as if it’s the first time he had dark thoughts regarding you. Of course, he envied your life back then, but far more than that, he envied you. To have you to himself, as if an object from which he derived happiness that should be just for him. How upset he was when you were kind to people who weren’t him, spent time with others. Even back then, as a child, you have no idea the sort of things he crafted in his head, elaborate fantasies where everyone important to you died off somehow so he could have you all to himself. Fantasies that soothed both his bitterness for you and his desire for you — let you feel pain like he had felt, make sure you couldn’t think yourself better than him, while still ending up something all for him alone to have and enjoy for himself, ensure your kindness was just for him.
Only back then, he had no power to act on such fantasies.
...And one night, his resistance finally breaks.
You know what? Maybe he does deserve that. After all the effort he’s put in, after all the things he’s endured, maybe he does deserve to have something all for himself, something he truly wants, something he can secure and know with certainty won’t ever leave his side — you can’t if you don’t have the option.
Maybe you’ll hate him for it. Maybe he’d deserve it if so. But if you do, well, he’ll cross that bridge when he gets to it.
His fingers move without having to really think much about it. Generic, typical lines, just like when he spoke with you. Apologizing for the delay, but surely you understand he’s busy and all, so on and so on. He only pays attention to the very last line, as his fingers slow down in their typing with nerves and anticipation.
>Would you still be up for getting together sometime?
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lifeof-pink · 3 months
kim dokja wants to die so fucking bad that he almost manages to convince you that it would really be more merciful to let him kill himself than to force him to live in his own epilogue, but the thing stopping you is the fact that at this point in the story you love him so much that you could never possibly allow that to happen and just by continuing to live yourself you keep him alive and and and
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bread-is-my-life · 27 days
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(this animatic literally was the reason why I got into tf2 so GO WATCH IT IT'S BEAUTIFUL I PROMISE!!!)
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storge · 7 months
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ZHANG LINGHE as Xie Wei Story of Kunning Palace (2023)
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creature-premium · 2 months
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Icarus from fable smp stimboard for my boyfriend!!!
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mewtwoandme · 10 days
if not a card game playing anime protagonist, there's always voicing a bipedal red furred echidna with super strength guarding a giant emerald of unimaginable power housing the soul of his anscestor & a water demon, Jeo :3
W- what are you people on about???
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crest-of-gautier · 10 months
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THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE !!! RYOMINA IN SPLATOON 3!! the ryomina of splatona 3!!! fuck yeah!!! love wins!!!
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