#but you can still tell that they are besties from the closeness of their areas and teh merging items
achilles-tears · 4 months
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forfucksakesniall · 1 year
Hi bestie, when you have the time could you make something for lewis, like just domestic vibes and/or he being a complete simp
Domestic Vibes and being a Complete Simp
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Trigger Warning/Content Advisory: Too much fluff
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He doesn't show it much, but Lewis is a huge cuddler. When it's a lazy morning, he would bury his face in the crook of your neck and wrap his arms around you. It's a force of habit by now.
Lewis doesn't mind being the "little spoon," wrapping his arms around you as you both cuddle. His reason is because he can hear your heartbeat, but you know why he lays on your chest. You can feel the way he nuzzles his face and leaves small kisses.
He would turn the TV on and watch your favorite shows together while your koala of a boyfriend cuddles under a cozy blanket.
He talks about cooking pasta in an interview, but in reality, he is a menace in the kitchen.
But you enjoy spending time "trying" to cook something decent with him in the kitchen.
"No, Lewis. You need to add the water after." He does his old man laugh. "Oh well, we can just do it again. I guess."
When working out on his balcony in Monaco, he would encourage you to join him, making him your personal trainer. "Just one more, baby," he whispers in your ear. "I can't anymore, Lew." you try to catch your breath. "But you've only done one squat, baby."
When he did have work, he would wake up early and give you a kiss on the head before getting ready. Before he leaves the house, he would give you a kiss goodbye while you were still asleep and leave a message on your phone to see when you get up.
Good morning, baby.
Didn't want to wake you up.
You deserve some rest after last night ;)
I'll see you later.
I love you so much!
I love you too!!
If you ever did wake up before he left, he'd make breakfast for you and make sure to use all the time he has with you.
"You'll be late!" you tell him while he has you caged under him. "I still have some time, baby. Just let me take care of you. Don't want you feeling neglected."
When he comes late, you would wait for him in bed watching a movie or reading a book.
"Hey, baby. Why are you still awake?" he asks you. "I wanted to wait for you. You've been gone all day."
Both of you would end up in long, late-night conversations about life and dreams, making sure you always feel listened to and supported.
There may be times when you feel under the weather or when your hormones are acting up. He would stay with you longer and even call in sick if needed.
"You shouldn't have done that... This will pass. I'll be fine later anyway," you say as you cradle his face while lying in bed.
"I don't want to leave knowing that you're not feeling okay. I would be thinking about you even if I leave. Might as well stay here and take care of you," he says, leaning in close to give you a sweet kiss.
Lewis is known for being fashion-forward. While he shops for himself, he would go to the women's section to check out anything that you might like.
He would come home with dozens of bags from different brands."Looks like someone had Christmas early," you tease him. "Oh baby, this isn't even close to Christmas for you," he tells you while setting all the bags down on the floor. "I need you to be a good girl and try some things for me," he winks while getting more bags from the car.
He is seen on all your social media posts. He can't resist leaving flirty comments and adorable emojis, making sure everyone knows he's head over heels for you.
Lewis is known to be very private with his life, definitely with you. So, whenever you guys were in public, he would always take you to a place where there's a private area to be with you. Being this protective also had its perks. He knows that after they serve your food, no one would come over to check on you two again unless you both are done with your meals. He would be really handsy under the table. Light touches on your arm, the way he looks into your eyes then lips and at the same time leans in closer to you. At this point, the only thing stopping him was the table between you.
But when you're with him or your friends, he doesn't shy away from PDA. He would hug you from behind, holding your waist, have you sit on his lap, kiss your cheek from time to time, and whisper sweet nothings.
Lewis loves taking pictures with you or of you, creating a personalized gallery of your love story.
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quack-quack-snacks · 2 months
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Time Will Tell - Chapter 6
My Time Will Tell Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
The Time Will Tell Glossary
Warnings: Arguing with Seok-hyeon. Word Count: 1,902
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The night was restless for you, luckily having warmth from your jacket but becoming increasingly uncomfortable on the cold concrete floor as the hours passed. You woke up multiple times, visions of your family dying in your arms from the creatures you saw outside the gate flooding your head and making it nearly impossible to rest properly. It was about 6 a.m. when you gave up on getting any more sleep and decided to just get up. 
After a while of wandering around, you found yourself sitting next to the girl who came in after the bitten and well-dressed man from before. You weren’t sure how exactly it came to this and why you were sitting with her but you felt a peaceful and somewhat comforting feeling in her sarcastic personality. 
You learned quickly that she was Eun-hyuk’s sister, Eun-yu, and she was taking possession of his flannel until further notice. You laughed when she told you that. 
“So, why were you with that guy yesterday? It seemed like you were walking together,” you asked.
“There's no reason, really. I’ve met him in passing before, the fucking bum, but yesterday he helped save me from this freaky cannibal contortionist. We were both just walking down to the lobby after that.”
“Ah. That makes sense. Your brother helped save all of us from another freaky cannibal creature. It was a really scary situation, to be honest, and I’m glad he was brave enough to do something. Everyone else just ran away. I tried to be helpful too but all I could really do was press the button to close the gate,” you explained to her while playing with the cuffs of your jacket. She rolled her eyes and smacked your shoulder. “Ow!”
“Don’t belittle yourself! You did your best with what you could and guess what! Most of the people down here are still alive! So shut the fuck up,” she scolded you. Her tone was rude and even her words were a little condescending but you understood the message she was trying to get across. It made you smile. 
“How would you know that I did my best? You only met me 10 minutes ago,” you teased with a small smirk. 
“Only met 10 minutes ago and yet now we’re besties,” she teased back and interlocked her arm with yours, pulling you closer to her from where the two of you were sitting and over-cheerfully smiling at you. It made you burst into laughter which she quickly joined in on. 
The two of you started talking about anything and everything. It was nice having someone like her around because she seemed like such an easy person to talk to. You liked her bluntness and how she wasn’t afraid to call someone out on their bullshit. You never asked but you were pretty sure you were about the same age as her, so that was a bonus too. Safe for Eun-hyuk, everyone else staying with you seemed to be much older than you and more awkward to make friends with. With Eun-yu, you were positive you could call her a friend. 
It must have been hours later when you were in the middle of talking about your family, specifically your siblings and your fears about leaving them alone, that Eun-hyuk walked into the area you were chatting in and looked at the two of you. 
“The group has decided we will be staying in the daycare. It’s the safest place on the first floor and farthest from the entrance. You should head over whenever you can,” he told you both. Eun-yu scoffed from beside you but you subtly elbowed her in the rib while giving him a smile.
“Thank you, Eun-hyuk. We’ll head over soon.”
He nodded at your words, shooting a fleeting glance at his sister before walking back the way he came from. 
You turned to face Eun-yu and lightly pat your thighs before standing up. “Well. I’m going to go to the bathroom before heading over. So, I’ll see you when I get there.”
She grabbed your arm before you could go and shot you a serious look. “I’m going to head back upstairs to my apartment first to get some stuff. Don’t wait up.”
You hesitated before nodding and squeezing her hand. “Just stay safe, okay?”
“I will.”
The bathroom still had running water, which was a blessing you wanted to appreciate to the fullest while it lasted. If the government wasn’t able to contain this whole disaster before it spread worldwide then you would savor every bit of the modern tools you had before they were gone. 
Your point of that was proven later that day when the sun had gone down and you were sitting in the daycare reading a book. You'd found a small bookshelf in the security guard’s office with many classical reads like Romeo and Juliet, The Great Gatsby, Pride and Prejudice as well as some more indie authors that you’d never heard of before. You got about halfway through the book you chose when the lights suddenly went out and you were plunged into darkness. Confused, you sat up from your reclining position against the wall, as did everyone else in the nursery. You stood to your feet and walked toward the management room where you knew Eun-hyuk was looking at the surveillance cameras. You weren’t one to shy away from scary situations, and you decided this wouldn’t be the day you started. 
Just as you neared the door, it shot open and Eun-hyuk walked out. He looked startled at the sight of you in front of him before his expression cooled back into his normal neutral look. “Oh. Hi. I’m guessing you noticed the blackout as well?” He asked you, motioning for you to follow as he walked in one direction. 
“Yeah, none of us could see anything in the daycare so I wanted to see if you had an idea what was going on. And also offer my help if you needed any.”
“I’m not sure,” he said just as you passed some barred windows that were higher up on the wall. 
“Wait,” you said when you noticed there was still light shining through them. You quickly climbed up some of the boxes stacked against the wall, nearly falling but catching yourself in time, and looked through the window. “All the buildings down the street have their lights on. Do you think there’s a circuit problem or something?” You questioned somewhat rhetorically as you got back down from the boxes. 
“Could be. We should meet up with Yi-kyung and figure out a plan. I know the electrical unit is down in the basement so that could be an option,” he thought out loud and your eyes lit up. 
“Yeah, that’s definitely the most promising. I could maybe go down and look around, figure out if maybe something got flipped or broke,” you offered. He suddenly got more serious and looked at you. 
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go. It could be dangerous.”
You scoffed light-heartedly. “Everything is dangerous right now. At least this way I’ll be doing something that could benefit the group and I won’t just be sitting on my ass all day.”
“The answer is no,” he shot you down, continuing his walking while you stared at his back for a moment. You could tell he was just worried and probably a little protective but it aggravated you. You just hoped the reasoning behind why he wouldn’t let you do anything was because of some stupid sexist reason - though you somehow doubted it.
The biggest reason you could think of was because of Eun-yu. Anyone with eyes could see they cared about each other like true siblings, despite Eun-yu’s complaints about him and Eun-hyuk’s cool, calm, and indifferent facade. 
You wondered if he saw some of her in you because of your similarities in age. 
When you caught up with Eun-hyuk, you walked with him in silence until the two of you got to the small supermarket with Seok-hyeon, his wife, Seon-yeong, and Yi-kyung already inside.
“Can you two stay in the management office? I need to check the electrical room,” Eun-hyuk asked Yi-kyung and you before speaking to the woman directly. “We saw some places with their lights still on outside on our way here. A blackout would affect the whole district.”
“Which means it’s probably something to do with this building and we should get it under control as soon as possible,” you urged. 
“I’ll confirm all of that when I go down there,” the boy told you with a reassuring nod. “That’s all the food we have,” he said, looking at the food inside the fridges of the market. “So, we have to be quick.”
“What?” Seok-hyeon asked as he looked at the boy beside you. “Hey, you don’t think this is all yours, do you? Don’t be fucking ridiculous,” he scolded him. 
“You shouldn’t be so selfish. If you hog all the food and we all die, then it’ll be you who’s living with twenty corpses and spoiled food,” you told him with a sarcastic smile. “You don’t want that, do you?”
“Why you little punk!” He yelled but Yi-kyung diffused the situation by responding to Eun-hyuk and his original statement. 
“I’ll do it,” she declared. While part of you was thankful Eun-hyuk wasn’t the one going down there - not only for his own safety but for the sanity of your new friend, and his sister, Eun-yu too - you were worried about the firefighter in front of you who started stuffing certain items from the shelf into her bag as she prepared for the trip. 
Seok-hyeon started screaming at her for stealing, making your ears ring while he was at it, meanwhile, she ignored all his complaints. “You’re stealing you know!”
“It’s an emergency,” she reasoned, though you felt she didn’t need to. 
“Hey!” The man screamed again and you rolled your eyes in annoyance before taking your backpack off and pulling out your wallet. Taking out 30,000 won and throwing it in the rude man’s face. 
“Please just shut up. You’ll burst my eardrums,” you complained, nearly laughing when you saw his shocked face at your audacity but holding it back. You walked out to follow Yi-kyung and Eun-hyuk after they’d left, grabbing a small pocket knife from off the shelf and bringing it with you. 
You jogged to catch up to the two just as they finished their conversation and Yi-kyung turned to leave. “Yi-kyung!” You called out to stop her. She turned around and you held the closed pocket knife out for her to grab. “Just in case anything goes wrong, you should keep this on you.”
She took the knife and looked up at you, giving a grateful nod before silently turning and heading to the basement door. 
“I’m worried. I have a bad feeling about the basement in general,” you confessed to the boy. He was staring in the direction Yi-kyung just went but looked at you at your words. 
“I know what you mean. All we can do is hope nothing goes wrong,” he said. You nodded but couldn’t shake the strange feeling you got from his tone. There was a hint of something like guilt underneath, though you couldn’t be sure you heard it correctly. 
“Hope might be all we have.”
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lylian333 · 2 months
Yandere fem senior crush x fem junior reader
a/n: I was kinda inspired by this song and i just found out that I am bisexual so i want to try writing about Bia/les scenarios/headcore
warning: stalking, a little pervert behavior, love obsession, crazy lesbian behavior(English isn't my first language)(please tell me if I missed any warning or spelling mistake)also this story will be about your high school era
-yandere senior crush who has had her eyes on you ever since you started your first day at school
-yandere senior crush who is an extrovert around everyone expects around you and always blushes when you are around her and can't control her feelings around you
-yandere senior crush who always thinks about you well smiling
-yandere senior crush who observes you every chance she gets even if it means risking and always finding her staring at you
-yandere senior crush who finds out that her older brother is actually your older brother best friend and uses this advantage to try to befriend you without feeling like she a creep
-yandere senior crush who finally talks to you after a whole year of stalking you and trying to find every detail and schedule that you have
-yandere senior crush who smiles and blushes as red as a tomato the entire time you guys talk which makes you concerned
-yandere senior crush who loves your smile and tries her best to make you laugh which she actually accomplishes
-yandere senior crush who found out about your interest in basketball but you have nobody to teach you. Don't worry your senior has your back just come to her mansion every weekend
-yandere senior crush who teaches you at her private mansion basketball and gets very close to you well teaching. which makes you a little uncomfortable but you ignore it since you thought it would be fine since you guys are girls and you thought she was into males and that she was just trying to teach you
-yandere senior crush who eventually becomes bestie with you and even convenience you to join the basketball club with her and you eventually also gain feelings for her
-yandere senior crush who started getting touchy with you but you just couldn't say no to her
-yandere senior crush who you still visited every weekend for a another whole year but then she realized that she was about to graduate but she was afraid that she would not have you by her side so she decided to risk it all
-yandere senior crush who took advantage of you visiting her at the weekend and pushed you against her bed and forced herself on you that's what she thought
-yandere senior crush who was extremely surprised that you kissed her back so you guys end up-(scissoring)
-yandere senior crush who you guys now are friends with benefits and regularly fuck at every weekend visit
-yandere senior crush who sometimes couldn't control her urge to just fucking fuck you so she would call you aside to "accompany" her
-yandere senior crush who pulls you into the changing room and pushes you into one of the stalls and process to finger you till you're your legs basically are shaking
-yandere senior crush who swears to you and herself that she will take care of you and you guys would be a happy family
-yandere senior crush who gets extremely jealous when the guys would non stop flirting with you and would be very aggressive during sex to get her small revenge it would leave scars that she purposely left on the most revealed area which will be very difficult to find a cloth that can cover it
-yandere senior crush who tells you to always pass the ball to her and only her unless it is at a significant event then she'll perhaps allow you to pass to others
-yandere senior crush who's not ashamed to show you off to others by her always hugging you and holding hands together almost all the time and she touches you inappropriately jokingly but you knew that it wasn't
-yandere senior crush who hugs you from behind as a cute small jumpscare
~ I thought she was crush then i remember ,crushes suppose to break you instead she doesn't she make me feel whole~
(This poem i find it on Pinterest) i know this is short but at first I wanted to do it as a novel but I was lazy if you guys very love it i'll try to find a time and write a novel about it since I'm not sure if this is good but I hope you guys still understand this and love it .Thanks ~! ;3
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sanaxo-o · 21 days
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Brought The Heat Back (Kim Sunwoo)
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Too @from-izzy : happiest birthday to my flower, my honey bee, the Sunwoo to my Chanhee <3 it’s been like almost a year since we knew each other??? Can you believe it 😭. We got so close so quickly that it’s crazy. Me calling you while walking back home and giving you a tour as I yap and you just sitting there and listening to me might be one of the best things we do 😼. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed to talk with someone the most 💗. You might be the only mutual who knows the most about me and it’s kind of crazy how our first conversation started with me flirting with you but I guess that’s my charm lol. Will always listen to you deny your feelings for Sunwoo but it’s okay since it’s you. Honestly I’d do anything to never lose our friendship which we built over the year and it’s just so pretty. Anyways, I’d never come to Australia since it’s pretty scary there but you’re always welcome to come to India 🥰. With that being said, I hope we always continue bickering, nagging each other over things and what not. And no, I will never stop sending you hot pics of Sunwoo 🧍‍♀️. With that being said, happy birthday to you my flower and I hope you like this little something I prepared. I swear I will try my best to publish watch it in October if it doesn’t come out in September (I really don’t think it will ever come out tho…) 🥰. I do hope you understand the small references I added in here bitch 👹. Was honestly so hard keeping this a secret :( Love you and have a great day (and years ahead) (plz stop overworking and stressing yourself out too much and start sleeping on time…)
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Warnings/Genre: from friends to strangers to lovers to sum it up, jealous Sunwoo in a good way, fluff, angst ig, kissing scenes, mildly suggestive (wow finally my debut??), Sunwoo gets drunk, Eric being the bestie everyone deserves, cursing ig? I don’t remember honestly, Sunwoo and the reader are both stupid honestly. Idk what else comes here so yeah…tell me if I have to add more
Sana: so I wrote this like last month but had to wait a whole month because I wanted to publish it on Izzy’s birthday. A huge thanks to @deobienthusiast @winterchimez @mosviqu and @itsbeeble for beta reading it and giving me countless compliments 🫶🏻. I honestly loved writing this so I hope you guys enjoy reading it just as much!
Word Count: 4,943
Taglist: @deoboyznet @kimsohn @a-dream-bookmark @cloverdaisies @quaissants @loserlvrss @bella-feed
Clenching his fist tightly Sunwoo couldn’t help but let out a scoff unknowingly when he saw you flirting with that same guy again. 
It might have been a few weeks since summer break ended but Sunwoo didn’t expect for you to already move on from whatever the two of you had. 
It wasn’t like you both were dating per se. You weren’t but it wasn’t even like you both were just friends. 
I mean from what he knows friends don’t kiss each other, nor do they make out in the summer heat with their fingers intertwined with one another. 
It was like it was yesterday when the two of you were ‘dating’ and while it lasted it was nothing but a safe space of heaven for Sunwoo. 
He was never someone to take a person seriously but with you, it felt different. It was as if you were the one for him the moment the two of you decided to hang out together in summer. 
The way you ditched your friends at the party because he was sitting outside alone. No one had ever done that for him, even though it was just to keep him company Sunwoo still felt his heart swell with content as he listened to you ramble on and on about some plushies you had at your old house in Australia. 
At that very moment Sunwoo had that sudden urge to show you around the town, I mean you were new in the area. You probably didn’t know the most shortcuts so it was kind of his responsibility (it wasn’t) to show you around, no? 
“Do you wanna go for a walk?” He whispers softly as he extends his hand towards you waiting for you to take it. 
Sunwoo could feel his heart racing at an abnormal rate as he waited for your response. The longer you took to answer the more he felt like it was a stupid idea. 
I mean who in the sane mind would walk around a town at night with someone they barely know? 
“Uh sure I guess?” Sunwoo hears your small mumble as you flash him a nervous smile. 
Maybe you were insane enough to do just what he had in mind. 
Heaving out a low chuckle Sunwoo slowly wraps his fingers around yours as he pulls you up from the floor. 
“So why did you come to this town? I mean it’s summer break..” Sunwoo asks as he walks beside you on the empty road. 
“Oh I came here on a scholarship. I wanted to explore more in the summer break and maybe if I like it here I can study here for this semester. That’s what I had in mind so far.” Unknowingly Sunwoo’s eyes light up when he hears your consideration on staying here for the whole semester. 
Maybe it was just because he never had met someone like you but your vibes were just so different from the girls he normally hung out with. 
With others he never felt like he could truly be himself but with you it just felt like he was free. 
Call him crazy for feeling this was about a girl he just met but that was just how he felt and somehow this new feeling was making him feel alive more than anything. 
“Dude why the hell are you staring at Y/N like a creep?” Snapping back to reality Sunwoo throws a glare at Eric as he diverts his attention back to the now you who was just flirting with Hyunjae. 
Seeing you getting all touchy with someone other than him made him feel like punching someone.  
Now that’s something he never felt before because why would he ever feel like punching the guy just because you were flirting with him? It’s not like you guys were dating before for him to feel that way. 
Then why? The more he stared at you smiling at someone who was not him just made him lose his patience. 
If someone said that punching someone without getting in trouble was allowed then he’d waste no time in doing just that because his patience was running too thin for him to control it longer. 
Looking away Sunwoo sighed as he closed his locker with a thud. He knew that if he looked at you for any longer than he might just lose his patience and he did not want to create a scene. 
It’s not his fault he’s feeling that way. It’s just that you have the ability to make anyone want to talk with you more and more. He’s only admitting that because he felt it when you decided to strike a conversation with him for the first time. 
If it was anyone else he would have just rolled his eyes and walked away but when he saw it was you he felt that feeling of getting to know you more. 
The curiosity of knowing you better and spending time with you was bigger than anything else and now seeing you standing there with Hyunjae just made him go crazy. I mean, why were you even flirting with other guys when he was right there? 
“If you’re wondering why you got ditched like that then it’s totally your fault.” Sunwoo hears Eric’s voice say from beside him as he does nothing to deny it. 
He himself knows that you’re ignoring his whole existence and presence because he was the first one to do so. 
He didn’t want to ignore you but he was just scared of hurting you by doing something which wasn’t supposed to be done. He was scared that if he let the relationship you had escalate further, something wrong would happen along the way and he would lose you. 
He did feel like he was gonna commit to it for real this time but then maybe overthinking about making a mistake in the future led him to distance himself with you and now he is the one who has to see you with some other guys who’s not him. 
It’s a weird feeling he’s having but somehow he’s envious of Hyunjae because he gets to be close with you and hear your laugh everyday unlike him who was even scared to approach you now. 
“Can I ask one thing?” Eric asks Sunwoo who had just entered the classroom and was placing his stuff down. 
“What now?” Sunwoo asks in an annoyed voice as he flashes a glare at Eric and diverts his attention back at you, who was busy talking with that guy again. 
He couldn’t believe you would just ignore his whole existence as if that night didn’t almost take place. 
“No need to get annoyed at me..” Eric mumbles as he heaves out a sigh when he notices Sunwoo’s longing stare at your figure again. 
Eric admits that he has never seen his best friend be this jealous over a certain girl. Now if Eric decided to confront Sunwoo about his jealousy over you then he’d deny it for sure and he didn’t want to argue with his stubborn ass again. 
“You both were talking when the semester started. Why did you cut ties suddenly?” Hearing Eric’s question Sunwoo stiffens in his seat as he remembers the events that took place the night before you both stopped interacting with each other completely. 
Covering his eyes with his hands Sunwoo takes in a deep breath as he tries to get his thoughts straight before answering Eric’s question. 
Sunwoo POV 
My ears perk up when I suddenly hear the doorbell ringing. Looking up at the clock I tilt my head in confusion as I see the hands indicating that it was 11 o’clock. 
Why would anyone come over at this hour? I stand up with shaky legs as I grab the pan from the kitchen and take slow and steady steps towards the door. 
Opening the peephole I furrow my eyebrows when I see you standing outside with just a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. 
I let out a yelp when you throw yourself at me the moment I open the door. 
“Hey hey, what’s wro-” I widen my eyes when you kiss me without letting me even complete my sentence fully. 
It’s as if someone had turned the gears in my mind as I immediately sink my lips with yours. The way your tongue was battling with mine to prove dominance was something I had never experienced with you before. 
I snake my hands at the small of your back as I lead you towards my bedroom. Opening the door I push you against the wall as I caress your cheek with my free hand while the other plays with the loose strands of your hair. 
I pull away from the kiss slowly when I feel your hands tapping against my chest. 
I feel a small smile creep up my face when I realise that for once I wasn’t scared of what was going to happen next and I was fully on board with whatever thought you had at the moment. 
“I…were we about to..?” I feel my heart sink when I hear you ask that question. Wait…did you not want it? Was I going too fast? Was I pushing you into doing something you didn’t want? 
“Uh…I don't know. Did you not have the same thing in mind?” I questioned back, as my voice came out shakier than I intended it to be. 
“No..no it’s not that..” I take a step back when you say that, too afraid to hurt you by any chance, “Fuck..I just had a lot in my mind and I didn’t know what I was thinking..” 
My eyes widen when you say that. Worry and concern immediately coming across my face as I reach out to comfort you but retract my hand back when you back away from me. 
“You know what…forget..forget this ever happened. I should go..” I take a step forward to stop you. To tell you that I am there for you to listen to your problems but I didn’t have the guts in me to do so. 
Not after what just happened. What if you were uncomfortable by being around me? That can’t happen though…we always had our own way with our conversations. 
I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my front door close with a thud. It was as if the moment I closed my eyes, your smiling face would flash in my mind. 
From that moment on, I decided that I would distance myself from you. I cannot imagine losing someone like you over something so small…
What if you guys go on a date and get in a relationship? You’re bound to break up and then that break up would lead to you cutting off ties with him. 
And if he does that first then he doesn’t have to worry about you getting hurt more, right? It doesn’t make sense he knows but the way the events turned out at the moment isn’t really letting him think clearly. 
“Did Y/N try to approach you the next day?” I look up at Eric when I hear his question. 
I let my pencil slip from my hands as I stopped scribbling around on the book. 
“She did but I may have ignored her…” I mumbled quietly as I shared a look with Eric. I could see his eyes flash a tiny bit of disappointment but he shakes his head and looks ahead at the professor again. 
“Why can’t you just talk it out with her? I am sure she has an explanation for whatever happened and why she stormed out that night.” I look up thoughtfully at his suggestion but quickly shake my head as I ponder on that thought more. 
“Why not?” Eric asks in confusion as he continues staring at me, waiting for my reply but all he got in return was my silence as I slowly diverted my attention back at you. 
I mess my hair up as I feel that weird feeling back at the pit of my stomach. I felt like I was going crazy the more I stared at you smiling so sweetly at hyunjae. It should be me instead of him. 
“WHAT THE HELL!” I yelled loudly when Eric suddenly pushed me off my chair. I glared at him as I looked around the classroom and noticed the countless eyes staring at me but you were still not looking at me. 
It’s as if you just wiped out the fact that I just screamed loudly and possibly hurt myself because of Eric. 
Standing up from the floor I bow as I feel my cheeks starting to burn from embarrassment. Getting back in my seat I shove Eric away from me as I bury my face in between my hands as I try to forget about what just happened. 
“At least tell me now why you won’t confront her.” Eric asks more calmly now as he tries to make me sit straight. 
I sigh as I look at him from the corner of my eyes, “I am scared of what she will reply. It’s better if we both act like it didn’t happen, right?” I reply as I steal one last glance at you and Hyunjae only to look away in less than a second when I feel my head spinning. 
“Do you know what you’re feeling right now?”  I groan when he opens his mouth. Why does he never shut up? 
“What?” I ask in annoyance as I place my head on the table, not taking any interest in whatever he was about to say. 
“Jealousy.” I whip my head at him when he says that. Me? And being jealous? For what? Yeah sure whenever I see you smiling at him I feel that burning sensation, or when you laugh at whatever stupid joke he made. 
I scoff as I shake my head, “Yeah sure. I don’t get jealous over such a trivial matter. I bet I know Y/N better than he does.” I mumble before sliding down on the chair to try and possibly hide myself from the whole world. 
“Tell that to yourself but I sure do see you being jealous.” I flick Eric’s head when he says that again. 
I am definitely not jealous. 
I sighed as I heard Sunwoo’s voice arguing with Eric. It wasn’t a new occurrence for me anymore and honestly I was quite used to it ever since I started hanging out with Sunwoo in summer. 
I’d hate to admit it but Sunwoo was the only guy who honestly made me alive enough in summer (to be frank I never truly enjoyed holidays because I am someone who felt like I needed to be busy and working all the time). 
I diverted my attention back at Hyunjae as I smiled softly at him. He was a good guy but he was not Sunwoo. 
He didn’t have the same aura or personality like Sunwoo and I begged myself to try and find at least some of that charm in Hyunjae which I was dying to see. 
I admit that I was kind of in the wrong to storm out of Sunwoo’s house when we both knew what it was leading to. I didn’t want to make him overthink about my reaction too much but to be frank I was just too damn nervous to think straight that when I snapped back into reality I didn’t know what to do. 
It was as if I didn’t have control over my own body and I just stormed out of there after blabbering some shit which probably made Sunwoo misunderstand the whole situation. 
BUT I did try to explain myself the next day but Sunwoo acted as if nothing had happened the day before and it just made me feel worse about my actions. Did I hurt him that much? Was I too nervous to realise that maybe what it was leading to could have been nice? 
I don’t know but I wish I could just turn back the time and relive the moment so that I don’t make the same mistake as before. 
“Are we set on tonight?” I blink my eyes a few times as I look at hyunjae for a moment only to look away quickly while clearing my throat. 
“Uh for what? I was just spaced out for a moment there.” I mumble as I scribble down the notes in my book in shabby handwriting (I could still read what I wrote so that’s all that matters, no?) 
“Yeah I noticed later on. I was talking about our date. I will pick you up at 8:00. Fine by you?” I nod my head as I chew on my nails as I drift back to the unconditional memories I had made with Sunwoo. 
“Sssp!” I flinch when Sunwoo shoves my hand away from my mouth with a hiss escaping his throat. I threw a glare in his direction as I hit the back of his head before slowly bringing my nails back to my mouth only for it to be pulled away by Sunwoo as he intertwined our fingers together to stop me from biting on the nails. 
I could feel my cheeks burning from embarrassment and shyness as I cleared my throat and looked anywhere but at Sunwoo. 
“Look I know you have grown a habit of biting your nails but instead of biting on those nasty nails why don’t you try and talk with me instead? I am here to listen to you, you know?” When I hear those words of Sunwoo it strangely enough comforts me in ways which I never knew were possible. 
I didn’t even know that I wanted to be comforted. Maybe all those thoughts getting jumbled in my brain really messes up with what I really need. 
I give Sunwoo a small nod as I look ahead again, “Well now you have me to stop you from biting your nails.” Sunwoo whispers as he pokes my cheeks with his other finger. 
I just chuckle at that and bring my other hand up to squeeze his cheeks. The way I loved it when he pouted I thought as I smiled at him fondly. 
I look back at Sunwoo in thought, my face contorted with slight pain as I try my best not to have a breakdown over not only Sunwoo but also just about life in general.  
I feel my heart racing rapidly when I make eye contact with Sunwoo. It was as if it was just the two of us in the room and everyone else had either just disappeared or they were in slow motion. 
It didn’t seem to last long since before I could even offer a smile at Sunwoo he had already looked away. 
Oh how I wish I could change this awkward phase in whatever relationship we had and just go back to how it used to be. 
I kick the rocks on the ground as I try to drown out the voices in the background. Well the date did not go well per se (it’s not Hyunjae’s fault. It’s just…I couldn’t help but only think about Sunwoo while Hyunjae was busy talking. It’s as if no matter how hard I try Sunwoo would always be at the back of my mind and it’s driving me insane.) 
I roll my eyes when I feel my phone vibrating in my bag, I let it ring as I was in no mood to talk with anyone. 
Looking up from the ground, my eyes sparkle when I see an ice cream shop. I start walking towards it when my phone starts vibrating again. 
I sigh as I open my bag to take a look at the caller ID but what  I did not expect was the caller ID flashing on the screen. 
‘Why the hell is Sunwoo calling me?’ I think as I slowly accept the call while walking towards the shop. 
“Is this Y/N?” I stop walking when I hear an unknown voice on the other side. I couldn’t help but think the worst. 
Did Sunwoo get himself in trouble? Did he hurt himself? Is he okay? 
“Yes, that's her..” I replied. I could hear Sunwoo’s voice at a distance but it seemed to be coming out slurred. I couldn’t help but furrow my eyebrows together in confusion. 
“I am sorry but I think your boyfriend is drunk…” I slap my hand against my forehead when I hear that but immediately feel my cheeks heat up when I hear the word boyfriend. 
“Where is he right now?” I ask shyly as I immediately call a taxi to go over at the location the person told me. 
Why the hell is this guy drinking alone at night and that too in a PARK? Did he for real lose it or is he close to losing it? 
I quicken my pace when I see Sunwoo sitting on a bench with a guy trying to keep him straight and awake so that he doesn’t fall asleep in the park. 
I approach them as I take over Sunwoo and apologise to the man and grab Sunwoo cheeks which were a slight shade of pink. 
I sit beside him on the bench and slap his cheeks a few times to help him gain some consciousness. 
I giggle when he blinks his eyes a few times and stares at me for a second before he brings his hands up as he drags his fingers over my lower lips. 
I push his hand away slightly as I mumble softly, “You’re not sober. So, you’re not allowed to touch me.” 
A small stupid smile creeps up on Sunwoo’s face as he brings his hand back to himself as he rubs his eyes while speaking, “So am I allowed to touch you when I am sober?” He mumbles before staring back at you. 
“If I say yes will you shut up?” I mumble as my eyes trail down to his swollen lips for a second before I glance back at his eyes again. 
I smile when he gives a gentle nod, standing up I extend my hand out towards him to help him stand up, “I am only saying yes because I know you will forget all about this in the morning.” I mumble as I drag him towards the cab which was waiting for us. 
“Do you really think so?” He slurs out the words while getting in the car, “Ack!” He yelps in pain when his head bangs against the roof of the car. 
I immediately lean forward and take a look at his forehead. My eyebrows furrow in worry when it starts to swell but all Sunwoo does is laugh at the drunken guy he saw outside (who was busy puking by the way.) 
I enter the house with Sunwoo as I drag him towards his bed. Okay, all I had to do was throw him on his bed, put a warm blanket over him and wash his face with a wet towel. 
I can do that without thinking about the past, right? Of course I can! 
Sunwoo POV 
I groan in pain when I feel my head throbbing. Maybe drinking till late at night was a bad idea but how did I even get home? I don’t think I went to drink with any of my friends. 
Grabbing the glass of water from the bedside table, I drink some of it when my attention drifts to my arm. I see some messy writing on it. 
Getting curious, I place the glass down and take a closer look at my arm after blinking a few times to get rid of the blurriness. 
‘She says I could touch her when I am sober.’ She? Who’s she…
I close my eyes as I try to think back to the moments which took place yesterday. 
“No fucking way…” I gasp as I recall the conversations me and Y/N had. Nooo this is so embarrassing. She saw me being a drunk idiot. 
I place my head in my pillow and scream in it as I try my best to hide my whole existence. Why can’t the world just swallow me right now? 
Entering the auditorium I see Y/N with that Hyunjae guy again. Gosh…he looks so boring. What did she even see in him? 
I scowl as I take a seat right behind them because someone decided it would be a great idea to sit behind my ex who was not really my ex because we never officially dated BUT we did kiss and make out a couple of times but let’s not talk about that. 
I kick Eric’s leg when he strikes up a conversation with Hyunjae. He was my sworn enemy! How could he just talk with that boring ass? Gosh this kid really needs to level his taste up when it comes to talking with just anyone. 
The whole time the lecture was going on not once did I stop burning holes in the back of Y/N’s head. 
I could tell she wanted to look back at me by turning around but maybe I was just looking too handsome that she didn’t even want to take a look at me.  
Heaving out a sigh I stood up once the lecture was over. 
“I think we should talk…” I stop dead in my tracks when I hear her voice. No fucking way is she talking with me? 
I gulp as I look at her for a moment before I immediately look down at the books in my hands. 
I hand the books to Eric without any second thoughts as I follow you to the back of the auditorium. 
I sit down on the floor as you follow behind and do the same. I couldn’t believe that after so long we’re finally talking again but I could feel my heartbeat rising more as you stretched the already tense moment.  
“What’s up?” I mumble out as I try not to make it sound awkward even though the way I spoke already gave away the fact that it was more than just awkward silence. 
I cover my face with my eyes as I wait for you to start speaking again, “So…about that night.” I hear your voice speak from beside me. 
I slowly bring my hands down as I take a small peek at you, “You don’t have to say it if you don’t want to. I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” 
“No no you didn’t make me uncomfortable. I was just nervous…I was scared I would do something wrong and embarrass myself.” I just stare at you as you explain yourself. 
“I am sorry…I am sorry that I didn’t even give you the chance to explain yourself. I hate to admit it but I was scared to listen to your explanation.” I say softly as I take your hand in mine. 
I smile when I hear your small giggle. Oh how I missed making you laugh…
“So what do you think about Hyunaje?” I furrow my eyebrows when you ask me that question. Were you really pulling my leg? 
“Hyunjae? I hate that guy. Who does he think he is?” I mumble as I scoff in irritation.
I stare at you again when you laugh at my answer. You were really enjoying this, no? “What if I go on another date with him?” 
It feels as if my eyes almost bulge out when you ask that question. “Date? I dare you. I will come and burn everything that is there and take you away from there.” I mumble as I kiss the back of your hand while our fingers are still intertwined. 
“Aww you’re such a jealous baby.” I scoff and roll my eyes and mumble out a small ‘I am not jealous’ when even I know it’s not the truth. 
“I am kidding. I hope we can give our relationship another chance?” My eyes light up when you finally say the words I wanted to hear. 
“I swear I won’t mess up this time.” I say quietly as I kiss the crown of your forehead and give a peck on your cheeks.  
“So what did you feel like when you used to see Hyunjae and me together?” I just stare at you silently when you ask that question. 
You really were having fun teasing me. I get up and walk out of the room with you following behind while laughing at my jealous ass. 
I stop on my tracks when I see hyunjae being buddies with Eric. I couldn’t help the disgusted face taking over my facial features as I stared at that guy doing some stupid handshake with Eric. 
“I cannot believe you’re jealous over Eric and Hyunjae now.” I side eye you when you say that and flick your forehead once before walking away with you yelling my name out. 
“Geez I am sorry!” I yell loudly when you suddenly come in front of me and kiss me on the lips. 
I smiled in between the kiss when I noticed you going on your tiptoes just to kiss me. I slowly lean down so that it’s easier for you to kiss me. 
Giggling I look at you when you pull away, your cheeks slowly turning hues of red as mine does the same.  “Maybe I am a jealous guy after all.” I mumble as I hug you tightly.
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justagalwhowrites · 11 months
This so random, but I love the way you write Joel talking with other people about Beautiful in New in Town.
For example when he’s talking to Tommy about how he’s in love with her but is worried it’s too soon to tell her. I’d love to see more of interactions like this! Him talking to Sarah about her, Tommy being annoyed about how obsessed he is. Him planning the engagement. He’s just so in love ahhhh
OMG Hi Bestie!
Joel is down so bad for her and I love it lol
I keep feeling like Joel is a deeply emotional person who tends toward attachment, he just is so traumatized in the OG timeline he can't let himself do it. So no-trauma Joel ends up being SO IN LOVE. Like he just adores his partner, thinks about her all the time, she is his area of special interest. I love it.
I hope this is the vibe you wanted!
The Ask
Joel has a question for you. It just requires some planning first. Between the chapters First Thanksgiving and Second New Year in New in Town.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader (both from New in Town)
Warnings: STRAIGHT FLUFF Y'ALL But in general, 18+ only content, minors DNI
Length: 1.2k
“Over here!” Sarah’s arm went up from the corner of the restaurant, waving Joel over from the entrance. Joel smiled and thanked the hostess before heading for his daughter, trying not to feel nervous. 
He didn’t have a good reason to feel nervous. None of this should come as a surprise and he knew what his daughter was going to say. Probably going to say. 
OK, so he was nervous. 
“Hey old man!” Sarah got up, grinning before wrapping her arms around Joel’s neck. “Good to see you! I love that I only live a few minutes away now, we can just do things like meet up for lunch on a random Saturday…” 
“Me too, Baby Girl,” he smiled, giving her a squeeze. He really did love it. This, he thought, was how it was supposed to be. Sarah, having her own life and own interests but close enough that he could be a part of it. “Settling in OK?” 
“Yeah!” She nodded, sitting back down and sipping her cocktail. “I do really like the apartment, the gym is really nice and either my neighbors are really quiet or there’s actually decent soundproofing.” 
“Well I looked into the construction for a reason, Kiddo,” Joel smiled. “Not gonna let my baby girl move into a shoddy apartment.” 
Sarah laughed and shook her head as the server came over. Joel ordered a beer and the two of them ordered sandwiches even though Joel wasn’t sure he’d be able to eat any of it, the way his stomach was in knots. 
“So,” Sarah asked conspiratorially. “Been a while since I saw just you. Everything OK?” 
“Oh, yeah,” he said. “She’s got a hair appointment today…” 
“You know to tell her she looks good when she gets home, right?” Sarah teased. 
“She always looks good,” Joel smiled as the server put the beer in front of him. He took a long sip of beer, steeling himself before sitting back in his chair, watching his daughter across the table. “But I did want to see you without her here for a reason…” 
“OK…” She frowned a little, sitting forward, leaning on her arms on the table. “What’s up, Dad?” 
Joel looked at his daughter for a moment, marveling at her in a way. Sarah had always amazed him. From the day she was born it seemed like she did nothing but amaze him. But she had grown from an awe-inspiring girl to an incredible woman. She was still so young but had already accomplished so much, all while being uncommonly kind and thoughtful. Everything Joel had now he could only credit to Sarah. 
It’s why this conversation was so intimidating for him. He couldn’t do this without her blessing. 
“I was wondering,” he said slowly. “How you’d feel… if I proposed.” 
Her mouth dropped open for a moment before she clamped both hands over it, an excited squeal slipping through. Joel laughed a little as Sarah stomped her feet excitedly before she smacked both her hands on the table. She took a deep breath and looked like she was fighting to not smile hugely as she looked at him. 
“OK,” she said, excitement obvious in her voice. “OK, let’s talk about it.” 
Joel laughed again, anxiety easing. 
“Course, Baby Girl,” he said. “What do you want to know?” 
“Is this really what you want?” She asked, tone more serious now. “Or is this just what you think you should do? Because I know you grew up going to church and crap but you don’t have to marry someone just because you’re living with them, you know?” 
“I know,” he nodded, smiling a little. “That’s not part of it.” 
“Good,” Sarah said. “That’s good. So… Why?” 
“Because I love her,” Joel said, thinking about how to put how he felt about you into words. “She’s… Besides you, she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Wake up every day wonderin’ how the hell I got so lucky that someone like her wants anything to do with me. She’s so kind, the kindest damn person I’ve ever met. She does this thing - it’s like she can read my damn mind - she just knows when I’m having a shit day and she knows exactly how to fix it, she just… she takes care of me. Don’t remember the last time someone did that. And she’s so smart, she’s so damn smart. I see how y’all are friends, you’re both the smartest damn people I’ve ever met… and she’s so funny. We watch those crappy movies and she…” Joel laughed and shook his head, remembering just a few nights earlier. “She says the funniest shit, I swear she’s funnier than the damn movie and she’s just… she’s the most fun I’ve ever had. Doin’ everything with her is better, everything is better when she’s there. I love her more than I thought it was possible to love anyone who wasn’t you and I wanna do everything with her. Everything, for the rest of my life.” 
Joel was quiet for a moment, taking a sip of beer as he watched Sarah from across the table. She was looking back at him, her eyes glistening and his stomach knotted for a second. What if he’d said the wrong thing? As much as he wanted this, he couldn’t do it without Sarah… 
“Oh Dad,” she said, her voice thick. She got up from her chair and came around the table, all but falling on him to hug him, kissing his cheek. He gave her a squeeze before she went back to her seat, drying her eyes on her wrists. “I’m so happy for you. I’m so happy for both of you. I wouldn’t think anyone would be good enough for either of you but, it turned out, you were just perfect for each other and I’m just so happy you found each other.” 
He smiled back, the pinch of tears in his own eyes. 
“Well, you knew it before we did,” he laughed a little. “Have you to thank for it, Baby Girl. All the best things I got in my life I have because of you.” 
She laughed back. 
“You’d have found each other eventually, with or without me,” she said. “You’re meant to be, I’m convinced. I couldn’t be happier that you want to propose, Dad. I couldn’t be happier for either of you.” 
He smiled, looking at his daughter for a moment. She’d grown so much since she was the silly little girl sitting across from him, learning how to drink through a straw or struggling to sit still for more than two minutes at a time. 
Her eyes went wide for a moment and she grabbed the table excitedly. 
“Have you picked a ring yet?” She demanded. “Because I have some thoughts…” 
Joel laughed, taking another drink. 
“I haven’t picked the ring,” he said. “Wasn’t going to take that step until I had your blessing.” 
“Well, you’ve got it!” She said. “Can I go shopping with you? I’m not saying I have great taste in jewelry but… I have great taste in jewelry.” 
He smiled, thinking of getting to spend his life with her and with you, getting to be happy forever. 
“Course you can, Baby Girl,” he said. “Course you can.” 
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earthtoharlow · 7 months
Faux Love
Chapter 2
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“Should I wear this cream colored sweater with these pants or this pink one?” Jack asked, lifting up both sweaters in front of him. Jean let out a small giggle at her text and replied without looking at him. “The cream one, like I told you ten minutes ago!”
“Who are you texting?” He asked, tossing the pink sweater on the bed next to her before pulling the cream one over his head.
“No one”
“Yes, you are! Who is he? I wanna meet him.” Jack said, looking at her through the mirror as he tried to tame his curly hair.
“Absolutely not! You chase away every guy I introduce you to!” Jean said with a pout, she couldn’t remember the last time he actually liked one of the guys she was dating.
“I don’t chase away all of them, just none of them were good enough for you.”
Jean rolled her eyes and texted something witty back, trying to play hard to get. She threw her phone and stared up at the high ceilings of Jack’s apartment. She looked over and saw him still struggling with his hair. “Jack come over here and sit down, so I can help you.” Jean said before sitting up.
Jack sat on the edge of the bed as Jean got up to grab a comb. As she runs her fingers through his curly hair, she asks, “So, tell me about this lucky girl you’re going on a date with tonight. What’s she like?”
“She has dark hair.” He says with an eyebrow raise
“Oh, shocker!” She said sarcastically before hitting him lightly on the top of his head with the comb. “Ow!” Jack said in laughter.
“Where’d you meet her?”
“I met her during my music video shoot yesterday! She’s an extra, so you know she’s ridiculously hot.” He joked.
“You’re an idiot, but here you go I’m done.”
Jack looked up at the mirror, inspecting his hair. It looked perfect. “Thanks, Scout.”
As they made their way downstairs to the kitchen, Jean perched herself up on the bar stool and took a look around the dining area. Nothing looked ready.
“Um, are you sure you have a date tonight? Where’s the candles, wine and soft music? She should be here soon, right…you’ve lost your touch!”
“No no, this is part of the plan.” He says and then continues. “Once I let her in I apologize for running late. She’ll see how extravagant things are but not think that I was waiting around all day for her to show up! I’ll finish everything in front of her while we talk, I’ll pour her some wine, kiss her on the cheek dangerously close to her mouth and then the night begins!”
Jean couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous her best friend sounded. She picked up her phone when she heard it vibrating, signaling she had a new text.
“Oh c’mon, who is this guy!”
She laughed again. “Relax, I promise he’s just some guy. No big deal. Now, I should probably go before your date gets here.” Jean hopped down from the stool, and grabbed her purse.
Jack pulled her keys from his pants pocket as he always holds on to them because she tends to lose things.
“Thanks, bestie.” She said as she took her keys from him. “Have a good time tonight.”
“I will!” He said with a wink, and pulled Jean into a hug. “What are you going to do, it is Saturday after all.”
“There’s some UFC PPV coming on tonight, gonna go watch at Urban and Brielle’s house.”
“Oh.” Jack muttered. “Well, have fun.”
“Jack…just come with me. Cancel this silly date and come have fun with us! Brielle and I are going to make party snacks while Jasmine pretends to help!”
Jack shook his head with a pout. “Nah, I have plans.”
“Ugh, you suck! But okay, call me tomorrow.”
“Night, Scout!” He yelled behind Jean as she walked down the stairs. “Night, Jackman!” She yelled over her shoulder.
Jack and Jean had been friends for a few years now, it started when Jack flirted with her at a coffee shop and the rest was history. Except they decided they were better off as friends, as they were freakishly the same person. Jean knew that he would never be anything more than her best friend.
Over the years, Jean had become close friends with his younger brother Clay and his other best friend Urban. Since she’s known them, they had both been in long term relationships. Clay just got engaged to his high school sweetheart, Jasmine and Urban has been happily married to Brielle for two years now.
With everyone being so close, they constantly hung out together. Jean has been rumored to be “Jack Harlow’s hot girlfriend!” for years now. What was funny about that was that Jack hasn’t been in a serious relationship for a long time. He was enjoying the rest of his twenties and being a hot bachelor. Which wasn’t exactly a crime.
When Jean arrived at Urban’s home, she knocked on the door politely, waited a few seconds and proceeded to open the front door.
“You’ve gotta stop doing that.” Urban said as he walked towards her holding his arms out for a hug.
“Y’all should just make me a key at this point.” Jean replied with a shrug and walked into the hug. “Hi, Urb, Jack says hi by the way.”
All Urban could do was sigh. “He’s not coming?”
“Nope, sorry to disappoint you. But you’re just going to be dealing with me tonight.” Jean said with a smile.
Urban laughed. “Brielle and I just wanted everyone here but it’s okay. She's waiting for you in the kitchen, by the way.”
Jean nodded and skipped towards the kitchen. “Oh it smells good in here!” She sniffed the air and stood next to Brielle trying to see what she cooked. “Hey, B!”
“Hey! Is Jack with Urban?” She asked, trying to peek from the kitchen. “Actually, Jack’s not coming.” Urban answered as he walked in the room.
Brielle immediately put her mixing bowl down, visibly upset. “What? We were—“
“I know, but we should still tell—“
“Telling everyone without him here? It won’t feel the same. He’s basically your brother. We were going to ask him to be…” Brielle trailed off, not finishing her sentence.
Jean raised an eyebrow and looked towards Urban to see if he was going to finish her sentence like he usually did.
“Can you two just spit it out!” Jean exclaimed.
“Spit what out?” Clay asked as he walked into the kitchen holding Jasmine’s hand and a bottle of wine in the other hand.
Jean immediately walked to the cupboard to grab some glasses and placed one in front of everyone. When she got to Brielle, she began to shake her head. “No thanks, I’m not drinking tonight.”
“What?! I bought this just for you, it’s your favorite!” Jasmine said with a whine.
“I’m sorry!” But Brielle didn’t look sorry at all as she glanced over at Urban with a huge smile. “Doctor said I can’t drink for about 8 to 9 months!”
“You’re pregnant!” Jean squealed, lunging towards her. Brielle laughed as Jasmine joined in the hug. “Oh my gosh! This is amazing! Jasmine, we gotta start planning a shower immediately!”
“Already on it, I think I have a venue in mind!” Jasmine said, pulling out her phone to begin planning.
Urban walked over and wrapped his arms around Brielle’s waist, nudging his nose against her cheek. “We wanted to tell you all at once.” Urban admitted. “I’ll hit up, Jack tomorrow I guess.”
Jean noticed the sadness in his voice as Clay crossed in front of her to give Brielle a hug and congratulate her.
“Congratulations, daddy!” Jean said with a giggle. “You know, Jack would’ve loved to have been here!”
“And yet, he’s with some girl who he won't even talk to anymore by this time next week.”
Urban had a point. As Jack’s 30th birthday loomed closer, he caught himself in a whirlwind of dates with different women, not wanting to be alone. He wasn’t ready to settle down, like his brother and Urban were. Jack wanted to enjoy life while he could.
As Urban and Clay retreated to the living room to watch the fight pre show, Jasmine and Brielle cornered Jean. “So, Jean…” Jean sighed knowing what was about to happen. “When are you and Jack going to get together?”
“I was just talking to Jack before I got here and we decided the week after NEVER would be a good day!”
“Oh c’mon Jean! It’s like a match made in heaven!
“Think about it. You two already have such a strong bond. You understand each other so well…” Jasmine tried to stress.
“Look, I love Jack. He’s my best friend. Completely platonic.”
“That’s exactly it! Sometimes the best relationships start from friendships!” Brielle exclaimed
“Ok, you and Urban have been watching too many romcoms.” Jean said giggling, before continuing. “We wouldn’t work out, we tried, remember?”
“That hardly even counts, and the sooner the two of you figure that out the happier everyone will be! Especially those two.” Jasmine said, nodding towards the living room.
“Especially Urban. He’s really disappointed he’s not here tonight.”
“Clay too.” Jasmine added
Jean sighed, hating when they did this. “Ugh, I’m the best friend! Why don’t you go find some girl to hook him up with and maybe they’ll hit it off!”
“Hello?! That’s what we are doing!” Brielle exclaimed
“Just sleep with him already so he can realize he’s in love with you! I mean, you already think about him naked.”
“WHAT?! No! You guys are insane! We’re ending this conversation!”
“Fine but we’ll gang up on you with the guys during every commercial break!”
And they stayed true to their word. The four of them have been trying to get Jack and Jean together since the day they met her. It’s not that she wasn’t attracted to him because, c’mon the dude is hot.
Jean was very attracted to Jack but their personalities were too similar. They thought too much alike and Jean knew too much about him to ever have real genuine feelings about him.
As Jean walked into her apartment after leaving Urban’s house, she was met with an unexpected crash in her kitchen. She immediately grabbed her phone, ready to call Jack just in case she needed backup. Her heart was pounding as she crept closer to the kitchen, she grabbed the nearest weapon she could find—an umbrella.
Jean braced herself to confront the intruder, but as she rounded the corner, her grip on the umbrella loosened, and her eyes widened in disbelief. There, standing in her kitchen, was none other than Jack himself, stirring a pot on the stove.
“Jack?!” Jean exclaimed, relief flooding through her as she lowered the umbrella.
Jack turned around, startled by her sudden appearance, and his expression morphed from surprise to amusement. “Hey, Scout. You scared me for a second!”
“What the HELL!”
“What’s with the umbrella?” Jack asked, confused.
“I thought you were a burglar or something! You scared me half to death,” Jean replied, still trying to catch her breath.
She walked closer to him and saw he was making a double decker grilled cheese sandwich. His kitchen was ten times bigger than her own, she would never understand why he insisted on using her kitchen when he was hungry.
“How was your date?” Pulling two glasses from her cupboard and grabbing the milk from the fridge.
“She left, had to be up early in the morning for work. Thank god, she was boring. So I decided to come here. You want half?” Jack asked not waiting for an answer and slicing the sandwich in half.
All Jean could do was shake her head at him as he turned the stove off and followed her to the bedroom with the sandwiches while she held the glasses of milk.
Jean quickly changed into her pajamas and wiped the makeup off her face. She climbed into the bed with Jack, she thanked him as he held the cover up so she could slide in and handed her a slice.
“I hope you don’t mind but I used your shampoo.”
She took a bite of her sandwich before responding. “I had a feeling your curls looked better than usual. Also a quick question, are you capable of using any of the things in your own house?”
“Hell nah, now how many times did you get the talk?” Jack asked before grabbing the remote and turning on cartoons.
“Just a couple.” she said with a shrug. “It definitely would’ve been more if you were there. We missed you tonight, the guys were sad you weren’t there. Brielle is pregnant!”
“Seriously?! I’m gonna be an uncle?” The biggest smile formed on Jack’s face as he always loved kids. “That’s amazing! I’m really about to be an uncle.” He frowned a bit. “I saw Urban yesterday and he didn’t say anything.”
“They just wanted to tell us all together, but you know Brielle, she couldn’t hold it in! They’re so excited!”
“I’m excited too, wow” Jack said with a smile. “A whole baby!”
Jean smiled at him and offered him the last bite of her sandwich. Jack of course bit it off her fingertips and finished both glasses of milk.
Jack stayed for a couple more hours just making sure Jean fell asleep before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before leaving to go home.
For some reason, Jean was disappointed when she woke up and he was gone.
AN: thank you for reading!!
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wheatnoodle · 2 years
so my ex and i used to constantly be falling asleep around each other. nobody else tho. we had shit sleep schedules and i had some pretty bad paranoia so i couldn’t even sleep when i was tired. but then we’d be like sitting on her couch or doing whatever and we’d just get so fuckin tired no matter what, yawning and bobble-heading around. y’know, the whole thing like you sleep around people you trust?
im trying to think it’s cute without thinking of her, so that but with steddie xoxo
eddie hosting hellfire at his trailer one night and steve’s there to be the kids’ ride. he doesn’t really feel like watching so eddie brings him to his room and finds something to occupy him with. while he’s in there, eddie takes off the shirt he’s currently wearing and switches it for the hellfire one before he’s taking off for the living area again.
hour and a bit later, they take a break and eddie goes to check on him and there’s steve in the worn motley crue shirt he discarded and sleepin oh so soundly in his mountain of pillows and blankets. UGH literally the cutest
they have family movie night at the hopper-byers house every thursday night. most of the time, eddie gets dragged away by the kids and steve is busy being robin’s personal space heater (which she will fall asleep draped over, drooling on his shoulder ten minutes in). but some nights, eddie gets to stretch out, lay his head on steve’s thigh (thats so close to his dick holy shit holy shit ok ok he’s your friend don’t think about his dick don’t think about his dick dontdoitdontdoitdontdoit-)
and one of steve’s hands will card through his hair, brush it away from his face, scratch at his scalp. eddie melts, dude. like, embarrassingly fast. the title card could still be going and eddie’s already become a deadweight on the couch.
“seriously?! it just started!” dustin will say when he tries to get eddie’s attention and sees he’s passed tf out. steve shushes him, holds a protective hand over eddie’s ear and lets him sleep.
steve will only fall asleep during a movie if it’s just them watching it. and they sit next to each other on the couch, like a couple of bros. besties, even. you know what eddie does? he pulls the whole “stretch my back, arm around the back of the couch” trick. and steve doesn’t even pick up on it as something to make fun of! he should! he knows every trick in the book, hell, he wrote the damn book!
if anything, steve just relaxes more. he doesn’t even take his eyes off the screen, just settles back into the couch, doesn’t wait a second before he leans his head on eddie’s shoulder. eddie rests his cheek on the top of steve’s head and hopes and prays he can’t hear his heart racing.
MAYBE ITS WINTER TOO??? MAYBE STEVEN IS SHIVERING???? and eddie grabs one of the many throw blankets the harrington’s own, holds it in front of them.
and eddie’ll drape it over both of them. and now that opens the door for cuddling. a door that steve marches through, because he’ll take whatever human contact he can get, okay? he curls into eddie’s side, turns a bit to face him more so he can lift his legs and put them over eddie’s thigh, his feet dangling between his friend’s spread legs.
eddie will let his arm come off the headrest and instead wrap it around steve’s back. he’s pulling him closer, his other hand resting on steve’s thigh. both hands are stroking wherever they’re touching so tenderly, steve cant help but bury his nose deeper in eddie’s neck. he’ll breathe him in, so familiar and cozy, and something in the back of his mind tells him that if a demogorgon broke down the door right this second, eddie would protect him. and isn’t that a thought?
so he lets himself sleep. and he lets himself feel safe. because eddie will protect him
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Am I the Asshole for reporting my coworker a second time? (TW// Sexual Harassment, Mentions of Suicide, Mentions of Self Harm)
(🍫💵 so I can find it later.)
I work a job where I (22 F/NB) am a cashier at a local supermarket. I have a few coworkers close to my age, but most are either in their late thirties/early fourties' or are kids who go to the local high schools in the area.
Around the beginning of this year, we'll call him Abe (17~ M) attempted to ask out my coworker who we'll call May (16~ F). They'd hang out semi-regularly along with the other kids still in high school, and while they never caused trouble, they did tend to goof off and joke around a lot.
May refused him, saying she wasn't interested. For WHATEVER reason, he did not accept this rejection and continued to ask. This was an issue, as not only is it sexual harassment, but Abe is a cart-pusher and May is a cashier. He was already a pretty lazy employee (management was always upset at him because he'd get caught playing on his phone instead of working), but now he'd purposefully go through her lane at the supermarket just to ask her out repeatedly and beg to be with her. Every time he found her alone, he'd go right up to her and keep pestering her about it. She felt so uncomfortable and unsafe about it that she told our team lead, who agreed to stay by her side. This was spread to our management, who make sure she isn't alone so that he can't corner her about going out with her.
I have witnessed him doing it many times, enough that I reported it to HR when May refused to do it herself. They told me to get her into contact with them and report it to them, and finally I convinced her to do it.
There was a sort of peace period after that, where they weren't scheduled at the same time. But recently he's taken it a step further and has decided to come in on ANY day she is scheduled (even if he isn't) to keep trying to ask her out. Most of the cashiers are aware of the situation and got upset with him. One of the few who is around my age (and recently pregnant) even cussed his ears off for harassing her so much because it didn't look like management was doing anything. Abe declared that the pregnant coworker broke his heart, and now his behavior had gotten WORSE.
Abe would look at those who he'd "hang out" with at work and either try to guilt them into helping him win over May's heart, complain about her not living him, and talk about how "white people suck"/"white people are so shitty" despite BEING white (to my knowledge, please don't go after me in the notes about this) himself. He'd also stalk her work bestie around and trash-talked the pregnant co-worker, all while NOT DOING HIS JOB, by the way.
One of the habits he has picked up however is miming actions to his fellow minors. The one I heard him use mostly was of him pretending to shoot himself in the head.
But one day I was working as the customer service rep for the night (no one else could do it), and I gave him a polite nod when he walked past. He smiled at me and then mimed cutting himself.
This was not something I had heard of him doing before, but when I talked to my coworkers they said "yeah he was doing this too".
In the moment I had given him a very firm No, because it was not work appropriate. Abe insisted, and pretended to cut his wrists again.
I'm on anon so none of you know me, but I used to severely struggle with suicide and self harm from a young age. However I have gotten better since becoming an adult and have made MASSIVELY impressive strides to a happier life. From this, I understand joking about suicide, because if you joke about it with someone you are not only in a safe place to bring it up BUT are coming around to the idea of telling people that you need help.
Joking about self harm, however? I've never heard of it. It's an entirely different ball park. You don't joke about those things.
In the moment, I was in disbelief, and I felt sick. I even started mentally shutting down, to the point where I couldn't even do my usual tasks properly without being specifically told to start them. Everyone noticed. I even cried once I was in my car while my sister was picking me up and safe, because I was trying so fucking hard not to think about that time in my life when I had moved myself so far past it.
Right at the beginning of shutting down, I did tell a manager. I told the manager who worked the next day as well, just so that I'd be SURE something happened about it. Abe visited that day on his day off because May was working again, and I panicked so much at seeing him that I hid behind customer service until one of my work friends told me he had left- instead of staying at May's side like I usually would. (I put my mental health first- it was a tough lesson that I managed to learn last year to the point that I do it in my day-to-day. She wasn't left alone with him though, don't worry.)
It genuinely sickened me that he has been miming cutting himself to other minors, when I know that if I had been May's age and had seen that amidst recovery, I would have spiraled and started all over again. Abe's lucky none of them are like that (at least openly) and that I was uniquely affected whereas the others were just "creeped out".
I ended up reporting his actions towards me about a week after I convinced May to personally report his harassment, and then I found out that the first manager I talked to (who has a soft spot for him, he does use this to his advantage to get out of trouble at work) asked him what was wrong and his response was "I'm having a bad day".
Considering that he does this every day he comes into work, whether he's actually working or not, on top of everything else (and how it effected me)- I am very hurt and genuinely hate him after all of this when I hadn't hated him before (despite the fact that I have only hated 2 people in my life before that point). However, I don't know if he was joking about how bad he feels about the fact that she does not want him at all or if he's genuinely hurting himself, and I feel sick at the thought of my actions if it's the second scenario.
Even if he's sexually harassing my coworker, no one should ever feel like they deserve to be hurt or that they don't deserve life. That's what I believe. And I'm worried that, should Abe find out I reported him twice over this, that he'll yell at me and say that I'm an asshole for doing that (and I know it would happen, because that was his response with my pregnant coworker). I know I'm doing the right thing by reporting the continuous harassment, but my heart is genuinely conflicted now. He needs to stop, but what if my actions are causing this response? I could never live with myself knowing that I was the reason someone hurt themselves. My anxiety won't let it rest.
And so, Tumblr, I must know...
Am I the Asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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spookyjuicefiction · 10 months
Violets & Plums: Astarion/Tav, Part 4
A/N: Look at me updating and not completely abandoning a work! I literally have no plans for this chapter I'm just gonna freeball it and hope it gets where it should go. I read a really sad Ascended Astarion fic last night that I want to flush out of my brain by rambling on and on with fluff
Also Astarion and Shawdowheart are besties and helping each other work through some trauma
Masterlist Part 3
Astarion emerged from trance sluggishly, feeling unusually well-rested. No nightmares clung to the backs of his eyes, and he was so warm.
He froze, suddenly alert.
He was never warm.
But she was.
His eyes snapped open and he took in the scene. The room looked stark in the morning light that cascaded through the skylight above; the previously flickering candles melted to stubs that dripped over the side of the bed table. And, of course, there was her. She took up most of the bed, her arms akimbo and hair splayed messily across the pillow. Her mouth hung open slightly, and she snored a little with each deep inhale. She was still shirtless; he took inventory of each scar and freckle dotted across the expanse of her skin. His limbs were tangled in hers, and he couldn't ignore the extra heat where his leg split hers open. Fuck.
They were so wound together that she stirred at even his slightest movement; he was trying to angle his morning excitement away from her hip.
"You better not be trying to get out of this bed."
Her voice was thick with sleep, eyes still closed as she yanked the blanket back up over their shoulders.
He chuckled awkwardly, unsure of what to do. He couldn't remember the last time he woke up in bed with someone. At once the warmth was both suffocating and intoxicating; he wanted to nestle back into her so badly, but he felt exposed and vulnerable in the sunlight. He tried to deflect.
"Darling, we have a very busy day today. There are so many goblins to kill! I should think you'd want plenty of time for your breakfast."
"I can have breakfast any day. I likely won't get to share a proper bed with you again until we reach Baldur's Gate, and I intend to enjoy it."
Astarion grinned in spite of himself. "Very bold of you to assume I'd jump into bed with you again. You must think you're quite the cuddle."
Smiling, she finally opened her eyes and looked into his. His stomach flipped at the expression they conveyed, all sweetness and sleepy desire.
"You wound me. And here I thought we had something special." She let out an overly dramatic sigh. "If you'd rather room with Gale in Baldur's Gate, I suppose I can understand. Just give me some time to get over it."
He was too weak to resist her. Her charming playfulness, her nudity, and her gentle hands on his shoulders were a heady mixture that his conscience simply couldn't contend with. He succumbed to the warmth, closing the distance between them with a hungry kiss that left them both a little breathless.
"If my only lodging option is Gale in the future," Astarion told her seriously, "I'm taking a page out of Lae'zel's book and swearing off beds altogether. I refuse to be the first person that dies in a Netherese orb explosion."
Giggling, she stroked his cheek and replied, "I swear to never make you bunk with Gale if you admit that I'm the best cuddle you've ever had."
Astarion rolled his eyes with exaggerated exasperation and she playfully slapped his cheek lightly, still giggling. "You bastard."
"Very well," he sighed, leaning forward and nuzzling his nose to hers in a way so a nauseatingly sweet he would certainly punish himself for it later, "you are the best cuddle I have ever had. And it's not even close." For once in his life, Astarion was telling the complete and entire truth.
The saccharine mood from the morning cuddle hung over them both as they strapped into their armor, packed, and headed to the dining area to meet the others. Astarion felt he hid the giddiness better than she did by nodding stiffly to the table at large and heading to the corner to sharpen his daggers in solitude. Tav, on the other hand, greeted everyone with unbridled enthusiasm that had the entire table raising their eyebrows. Very subtle, Astarion mentally chastised her. But even he had trouble committing to the thought, warming at the idea that he might be the cause for her smile as she sat down and dug heartily into her breakfast. Mine.
It didn't surprise him when Shadowheart fell back to walk in step with him on the way to the goblin camp once they set out. She seemed determined to dig up gossip on whatever was going on between he and Tav.
"How was your evening?" she asked innocently. Astarion shot her a knowing look, and she chuckled.
"Lady Shar would be ashamed at my lack of subterfuge," she remarked. "Although I'm not nearly as bad as you and Tav."
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean." Astarion's tone aimed for dismissive, but even he couldn't hold back a smile when Shadowheart snorted in return.
They walked in companionable silence for a while, and Astarion found that he did not entirely dislike the cleric's company. He wondered if she considered him a sort of friend, the way Tav did.
"Can I ask you something?" he surprised himself by asking her quietly.
"Sure," she answered, sounding a little surprised as well.
"You surrendered your memories to serve Shar. Do you ever..." he wasn't sure how to ask the question that was on the tip of his tongue. "Are there times that you sort of.. clamp up? Like there's something you can't remember, but it... paralyzes you?"
Out of the corner of his eye, he felt Shadowheart regard him. After a beat, she answered, "yes."
He looked to her now. Her fingers were brushing the black spot on the back of her hand that she claimed was an "old injury that acted up from time to time". She continued, "it sort of feels like my brain is resetting. Like I should be able to remember something, but it's blocked. It makes me feel..." she searched for the right word. "Afraid. Outside of myself."
"Hmm," Astarion hummed in reply. He found that he wanted to confide in her further. "It happened to me last night, when Tav and I... I became afraid, quite suddenly." He frowned at the memory. "I feel... ashamed."
"Astarion, if there is anyone who would never judge you, it's Tav," Shadowheart reminded him gently. "But I'm sorry that happened to you. And I'm sorry for whatever memory caused it." He felt her hand touch his wrist, and she gave him a little squeeze. In response, he lightly bumped his shoulder against hers.
"What a mess we all are," he sighed. They were approaching the edge of the goblin encampment now, and the pair dropped to a crouch in unison.
"Well, luckily there are plenty of goblin skulls to crush as therapy."
"What kind of a name is Priestess Gut, anyway?!" Astarion yanked Tav behind a pillar as a flurry of arrows launched their way.
"That's what we all call you behind your back." She was panting as she chugged a quick healing potion and wiggled her fingers, willing electricity to buzz between them. The grand hall of the old Selunite temple was a mess; the group had managed to schmooze their way in and take out two leaders, but a guard had caught Karlach cracking a scrying eye against the stone wall and alerted the whole camp to their trickery.
"No no, that's what I call you after you pig out on sweetrolls after supper," he shot back through gritted teeth as he yanked arrows out of a dead body nearby. She shot him a wicked grin as the sparks between her fingers began crackling even bigger.
"Hang on, I've just had a thought!" Astarion plucked up a carafe from the ground nearby and flung it around the pillar, covering the ground with water. "Alright, sweetness, light them up."
She happily obliged, sending a current of pure electricity through the line of goblins in a chain reaction. The pair whooped excitedly as they ran forward, trying to catch up with Wyll and Lae'zel ahead.
"Watch out!" Shadowheart's panicked scream hit them too late; an arrow whizzed past Astarion's face. Looking up, he saw they'd missed a guard in the rafters, which he took out with a rapid arrow from his own bow.
"Little shit," he cursed, "come on-" but Tav had dropped to the ground next to him, slipping through his fingers as he tried too late to catch her.
"No, gods damn it, NO!" the rogue arrow was poking out of her shoulder, just above her heart. Her eyes were blinking rapidly as blood soaked her jerkin. Panic seized his heart as he tried to drag her out of the center of the room; the fight between Karlach, Gale and the last leader, Minthara, was spilling dangerously close to where Tav had fallen. Shadowheart was on the other side of the room shooting off shield spells, and Wyll and Lae'zell were rushing forward to join the fray.
What the fuck do I do? Tav was losing consciousness, and he needed to get her out of the way.
Suddenly, he remembered the ring Gale had pressed into his hand a few days before and the conversation that had ensued:
"Gale, what in the hells am I going to do with a Misty Step Ring? I don't even use magic."
"You have fey magic in you, Astarion. You never know when it could come in handy. Just hang onto it."
Astarion threw his arms around Tav and tried with everything in him to channel the power of the ring.
"Come on, fucking faerie magic," he grunted. I have to save her. He let out a scream as a white hot feeling crashed through him - and then they were gone.
What if she's dead?
The question wouldn't stop ringing in Astarion's ears as he paced outside the door to the room in the temple they had deemed as the hospital ward. He didn't quite know how to feel about the question. Only days ago he swore he wouldn't have cared if Tav had fallen off a cliff, but now... everything had changed. When was the last time he'd lost someone? Someone that mattered?
"It was quick thinking, mate," Wyll said for what must have been the third time. The warlock was cleaning a scrape on his leg on a bench along the wall. "You did everything you could."
Astarion picked up a piece of rubble from the ground and threw it as hard as he could down the hall. He hadn't done enough. She could be dead.
Belatedly, it occurred to him that he hadn't once been distracted by her blood as he tried to stopper the wound. It almost unnerved him that the frenzy of his thirst had been overpowered by his panic over losing her. He wanted to smack his skull against the wall. His confusion over his suddenly strong feelings for her flavored his fear of losing her with extra nausea.
Finally, Shadowheart appeared in the doorway, wiping her bloody hands on a rag. "She's alive," she assured him quickly, assessing the pure panic in his eyes. "She's lost a lot of blood and will need some time to recover, but she'll pull through."
Astarion thought his knees might give out. "Is she awake? Is she in pain?" he tried to peer over the cleric's head to get a look into the ward. "Will it be alright through the night?"
"I promise, Astarion, I've done everything I can." Shadowheart looked exhausted - depleted, even. He wanted to hound her further, but he knew she was telling the truth. He hadn't forgotten their tender conversation from earlier in the day, and he was grateful to her for that and for tending to Tav.
"Can I see her?" he asked in a small voice. Shadowheart nodded, stepping out into the hallway and holding the door open for him. Astarion understood - this was the changing of the guard for the rest of the night.
He moved into the dimly lit room to take up his post and nearly shuddered at the sight. Tav was laid stiffly out on a table in a way that reminded Astarion of a body at the morgue, covered by a loose piece of cloth. Her tangled hair was pushed back over her head, and her forehead and upper lip were glistening with sweat. He hesitated for a moment before stepping back in the hall, asking Wyll to keep an eye on her for a few moments.
He returned to the tableside with a bucket of warm water, his bergamot soap, a sponge, a comb, and a clean set of loose clothing. He spent the next hour gingerly scrubbing the crusted blood and dirt off of her pretty skin and gently working through the tangles in her hair. He sat at the head of the table and worked the strands into an intricate braid pattern that he hadn't realized he even knew how to do. Hair-braiding was an intimate act amongst elves; he briefly wondered whose hair he might have braided before to learn this design. He was glad that he didn't remember; he wanted it to be only hers.
When he had finished cleaning her, he sat and watched her for so long that he lost track of time. It felt as though he was trancing - thoughts seemed to come and go before he could catch them. They were tiny things, inconsequential. A vicious master, a putrid dungeon full of rats, a squirming parasite digging through his skull. An infernal tattoo. An army of cultists marching on the city. It didn't matter now, he knew. As he looked at her, he at last finally, calmly accepted the seismic shift in the cosmos. The center of his universe now lay on the table in front of him, dancing between life and death, the axis of the planet spinning unknowingly around the core of her being. He was but a tiny moon in her atmosphere, helpless to her gravitational pull. Perhaps it was time to stop resisting. With a sigh, he settled into orbit.
A dim light had begun to creep through the dusty windows when she finally stirred. A groan of pain, followed by a thick swallow. Astarion was at her side in an instant with a water skein, tipping it to her cracked lips. She swallowed and coughed lightly, blinking up at him.
"It smells like shit in here."
He chuckled, tucking a stray hair behind her ears. "My apologies, madam. I'm not sure I can wash away, what, months worth of goblin piss in one night? But I can certainly try if it should please you."
She huffed out a laugh that made her wince, tenderly bringing a hand to touch the wound area. "How bad is it?"
"Shadowheart says you'll live," he smiled at her crookedly, "though I had my doubts. You looked quite poorly."
"You must be disappointed she was right," she smirked up at him, although he thought he caught an unguarded flash of uncertainty. If she only knew what he now understood, she would never doubt his devotion to her. But how could he even begin to explain it?
"Not in the least," he all but whispered. Leaning down, he ghosted a kiss against her lips first, and then to her forehead. "Don't scare me like that again, please."
"Then don't forget to check the rafters next time." Tired as she was, her eyes were full of adoration as her hand clasped around his.
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cherryyan49 · 1 year
stay with me
Tumblr media
an isaacwhy fic
she/her prns, uses of [name]
kinda based on the song:stay with me by miki matsubara
a/n:hii! I'm back with a slightly different vibe fic, finally smth not besties to lovers ik ik. it will be returning I'm just saying c: anyways this is just a comfort type fic, so basically all fluff so enjoy <33
* . °•★
It was rather quiet in [name's] apartment. The sun was setting, allowing the golden colors to seep through the windows, filling the room. Numerous candles were lit as she sat on her couch waiting for a text from her boyfriend. She had known Isaac, her lover, for years before realizing she was in love with him. It started out sweet and soft, marking just over six months with the label. The relationship is still soft, but you can most definitely tell you're comfortable with each other. She was bored and felt like seeing him despite him coming over just a few days ago. You looked around your living room, spotting the fresh Statice flowers he had gifted you one night. A soft smile formed on your face, glancing over at your phone from a buzz.
'I'm on my way, and we're gonna go for a little adventure, hope you're up for it :3 I'll be there in ten <3' -isaac
The girl giggled to herself, and blew out each candle around her place to get it ready. No matter how many times they've seen each other, it still sends her heart racing.
After what felt like an eternity, a knock was heard on her front door. Immediately opening it, Isaac's arms were found right around her, melting in her touch. It felt so intoxicating to him, yet not bothersome. Letting go, you had invited him in, wanting to ask where the two of you were going this lovely evening.
"It's a surprise, but it's something you love. Aside from me, obviously," he teased dramatically.
Teasing the girl was something Isaac took much pride in, to see her reactions, to see just how she'd respond to loving him. No matter how many months pass, he still cannot get over the fact that he's with you. After fighting with himself, and finding himself longing at her and everything she did, he's finally with her. Isaac can't help but smile and tease when he's with the girl, he's in fact still swooned as if it's day one.
In response [name] rolled her eyes playfully. Just because you're together does not mean you don't banter with one another, but she took the latter's word as she walked up to him. Grabbing his hands softly, she placed a gentle kiss on them and Isaac couldn't help but feel weak in the knees. How can this girl, still, have an effect on him? He giggled softly, grabbing her hands back and leading her out the door they were once at.
➶ 。˚ °
The two of you were in his car as Isaac refused to let you get the aux on this lovely evening. He had a specific idea in mind, japanese city pop, despite her fussing she was about to play that. Isaac smiled widely and playfully winked in response at the girl in his passenger side of his car. The melodic songs played softly, filling up the car as Isaac drove to his very secret location. That was until someone wanted to banter with him once more,
"What if I recognize where we're going?," [Name] questioned as she looked out the window, trying to get something out of the guy.
But he refused to budge, "Nuh uh, if you do, just um," he paused, "–close your eyes?"
The girl laughed, causing Isaac to softly grin to himself. She shook her head but complied with the latter, and decided to push him just a bit further.
"What if I don't wanna close my eyes, mr. why?"
"Baby, I will turn this car around and take myself on this date instead," he threw his head to the side to stare at her briefly. You couldn't help but giggle proudly at your work of pushing his buttons, not in a serious way of course.
The sun was settling down more than earlier as you've reached atop a grassy empty hill. Your eyes lit up and immediately looked towards Isaac, who's finding a place to park. The area is filled with trees and beautiful greenery, looking over a majority of the city. The sight was breathtaking, making it one of your favorite spots to decompress. 
Isaac turned the music up as he rolled down all the windows so that they could enjoy a little something while sitting outside.
[Name] got out of the car and leaned on the hood of it. Joining her, Isaac pulled his girlfriend closer towards him, snaking his right arm around her waist. The atmosphere was calm and quiet, with the music softly playing as you watched the sky's color fade and bleed into one another.
"It's been so long since I've watched the sunset, Isaac" you said while taking his hand into your own.
Isaac smiled gently, "I know and I thought maybe you'd like to see it again, for fun, and with me," he replied just above a whisper. The air felt so intimate between the two of them, so surreal. [Name] leaned back to face him while smiling sweetly.
"Thank you love," she leaned back in and gave him a kiss. It was a gentle, sweet kiss, to show her appreciation for the idea. And Isaac ate every bit of it up. He loved doing things with you, simply being in the same room gives him all the joy in the world. But being sat next to you, in this atmosphere, doing something you love, made him fall twice as hard as he was before. He couldn't stop himself from smiling when he was around you as he smiled into the kiss, and placed his forehead on yours before placing a light kiss on it as well. Isaac’s eyes lingered on the way the pinks and oranges reflected on your skin, basking in the welcoming sun. If he knew that the golden hues complimented you so well, he would have done this ages ago.
Not to mention how he looks as well. His eyes were glittered and the sun rays bounced off of his brown curly hair, causing a slight blush to appear across your face. His choice of outfit didn't make the situation any better as he wore a black tank with a black short sleeved button up, opened, over it. It was one of his best fits, in your humble opinion. His skin was kissed by the setting sun, and god was he something. [Name] laid her head on Isaac's shoulder, breathing in deeply as his hands played with the hem of your shirt. Giggles were shared between the two of them, along with quiet confessions and lingering touches.
As the sky began to darken, you got up and offered your hand out towards Isaac. Confused, he takes it and you start playfully dancing with him. Getting the hint, Isaac giggled and spun her around. Stay with me played aloud in the background as the two of you messed around. Isaac couldn't help but softly laugh as he enjoyed every second of this, dancing like you're the only ones in the world. Normally, he wouldn't be keen on dancing, especially if anyone saw, but he loved it with a certain someone. She made him feel alive in a sense, the same way he made her feel. It felt so cliché and silly, but it warmed your heart hearing him enjoy himself.
You snuck a laugh when Isaac began to sing dramatically as he swung his hips slowly with the song. It was ridiculous but it was a sight to see. He grabbed your left hand, spinning then dipping you smoothly with your free hand landing on his chest. His face was barely two inches over yours, as a rosy tint spread across his cheeks as he smiled. There was a brief pause in time, that's what it felt like at least, before he gently kissed her. It was rather more passionate than before, but it was endearing–until his stomach rumbled causing her to giggle.
"Someone's hungry," she teased as she fumbled her phone to check what time it was.
"Uh no, I'm Isaac," he joked as he was embarrassed, gaining a look in response.
"That was lame, come on I'm also hungry," she grimaced teasingly.
"Lame or not you loved it," he teased back, pointing his finger at her. 
"Oh be quiet, I'll leave you here to starve," she laughed as she pushed him into the car. Isaac laughed with her, waiting to see what else the night held for them.
*☆•° . *
a/n: I had fun writing this ngl, thought I would give yall a nice lil break from my usual. I'm not too sure how I like this style, but thought I'd try it out :P anyway I hope yall enjoyed <3
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makedatmoneymayne · 2 months
✨✨Welcome again to the boys:4✨✨
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Antony Starr x Black Reader(Oc / Khadijah) x Chace Crawford
**Continuation of Welcome Backity Back To the Boys**
(If you decide to start here Julaya and Kapoia is Khadijah's(oc) best friends)
(I barely proofread guys im sorry.)
- = Chace Crawford's POV
- = Antony Starr's POV
Warnings: Fluff, Awkwardness, Kissing, Slight Smut(M receiving), Cheating but like not really fr
"YALL DID WHAT WHERE?!" Julaya couldn't believe what she was hearing.
When Khadijah met up with the girls in Kapoia's hotel room, she had to tell them every. last. detail. Of course their eyes popped out after hearing her tell them Chace saw them both and looked like he wanted in.
"Girl byeee didn't you fuck Jessie right after leaving me standing by myself."
"So yall fucked NO FUCKING CONDOM, Chace was damn near drooling for you, and this is all within a 30 minute time in an area where anyone can walk through the door and see yall get it in." Kapoia piped up super confused but at the same time amused giving a weird smirk.
"What you smirking for?" Khadijah said lookin at her odd smirk.
"Nothin at all they just want you REAL BAD it's funny." Kapoia finished, reaching for her bag of matching pajamas she got for all three of them.
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**^^What they are wearing^^**
They all shuffle toward the bed lying down with a duffle bag of snacks. Khadijah looked at her phone the time said 6:30pm. Beginning the movie, they fuck up some snacks still sort of discussing early that day.
Khadijah heard a knock on the door but the rest of the girls didn't believe her telling her it's just the tv. Another knock came around, Khadijah had to excuse herself. As she got closer it started to sound like it was actually her door from across the hall being knocked on.
Opening the door, she saw the back of a man that didn't look like Antony at all, this guy was a bit more built. It clicked in her head fast, it was Chace.
"Uhh hi Chace what are you doing here." The mood felt awkward between them and what made that worse was her besties heard the whole greeting and decided to hide on the walls so they can hear the convo.
" Hey Khadijah, I just wanted to say.." He thought about it for a second.
"Actually I'm not sorry, I want you and seeing you earlier so desperate giving me an air kiss. Just made my need for you even larger." Chace rushed everything out so he can get her reaction in a timely fashion.
Antony already bragged about having a date with her at around 8:00pm. The hallway clock said 6:46.
"I- I don't know how to.. I think you're hot as fuck Chace of course..." He got excited too quick.
"...everyone in the world thinks you're hot at this point, so i'd be completely lying if I didn't find you attractive." Khadijah tried to be careful with her words already being loyal to Antony and they aren't even official.
"Okay well um thank you but I have one last question. Will you go on a date with me tomorrow around noon? Maybe tour New York a little?" Chace could help but to ask giving her his signature smile
The girls in the back were going through a roller coaster of emotions with this interaction.
Khadijah nodded her head, not being able to decline.
Before she knew it, he kissed her passionately. Chace was about to apologize but Khadijah reached up to pull him back into an even deeper kiss. He added tongue and so did she, throughout the apartment and hallway all you hear is them sharing saliva, eating each other's faces.
Khadijah heard giggles during the their kiss which snapped her back into reality. She broke the kiss looking at him in the eyes. His face had confusion written all over it.
"i-" Chace began.
"Okay Chace see you tomorrow!" She rushed and closed the door in his face.
(Chace's POV is green bc the deep)
I stared at the door with a slight smile on my face.
" I fucking got her man." I thought to myself.
I Punched the air in excitement but paused when I looking over and saw this old woman looking at me, afraid. What Khadijah didn't know was, me and Antony have been discussing you A LOT and we both admitted to each other we wanted her.
We decided after a few hours of arguing, that we both can have her. We just can't put that all on her at once we have to ease into it, or maybe not I don't know she might freak out and I would HATE for that to happen to her. I began texting Antony I got the date AND a hella nice kiss. He sent a thumbs up emoji and a smiling face. He was very short with me sometimes. I walked to the parking lot hopping into my car, and waited. I wanted to see her one last time before everything possibly went to shit.
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Khadijah was now in her hotel room when she threw this dress on with her cute brown boots that stopped at her knee. It was hitting 7:59 when she heard a knock. She giddily ran to the door calming down before opening it. He was dressed to the fucking nines, an all brown suit with black dress shoes.
"Wow you look really good." She wanted to say fucking sexy as hell and I think He knew from her stutter while saying good.
"Thank you baby you look sexy as hell too." He said back confidently.
"I didn-" Before she could finish her sentence he kissed her deeply, gripping her waist.
"Now let's go I got us reservations." Antony grabbed her hand leading her out the hotel building and into the car.
Before the two pulled off, Khadijah could've sworn she saw that Chace's car was still there. Did he not leave all that time? She tried to shake the thought. When Antony put his hand on her thigh, all worry began to disappear.
"Reservation for Starr please sir." Antony said fluidly passing the waiter a dollar bill Khadijah couldn't verify her angle.
The date was going amazing so far they talked about simple things like family, pets, favorite colors. She told him about her dreams in life which were to become a wealthy worldwide baker and he loved it. Antony couldn't stop staring into her eyes and her lips he wanted to see them somewhere else but right here right now was not the right place. Soon enough the date came to an end.
"Let me take you home baby" Antony asked Khadijah, kissing her on her lips before closing her door and getting in on the drivers side.
She didn't reply, she in fact didn't know how to reply she wanted to go to his place and ride him til dawn but was it too soon. She didn't know. It was like he read her mind when he squeezed her thigh before asking.
"You wanna come with me instead?"
She nodded so fucking fast it was embarrassing. He just laughed and kept driving down the highway.
Antony's POV
Mid drive, I felt my phone vibrate. As I expected, it was Chace.
Chace 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼🤞🏻
I'm here do I go in?
I sat my phone back down and gave Khadijah one of my signature sexy glances. When my head turned back to the road I heard her seatbelt click. Damn was the look I gave her that ugly she wanted to jump out the car. When she got on her knees I understood what she was trying to do.
"What're you doin baby" I still decided to ask wanting to hear the words come out of her mouth.
"I wanna suck your dick and swallow all your cum baby."
She left me fucking speechless, she's lucky I have a good focus level, because if i didn't, as soon as she said "suck your dick" I would've let go of the wheel. Instead I gripped the wheel once I felt her unzip my pants and dig into drawls to grab my dick. She was a fucking animal, she immediately sucked all inches of my dick into her throat without trouble, making her throat so tight I could barely drive straight.
"Baby your cock always tastes so good." I let out a moan from her words glancing down at her practically gargling on my dick. I sped up my driving once my house came into view down the street.
When I got into the garage and parked, for the few seconds she took her breath, I stole her lips with mine licking and sucking on her tongue making the most nastiest sounds that echoed throughout the garage from me opening the door to let air in. She got back down to "business" this time sucking my balls WHOLE as soon as she licked back up to my tip I spurted my cum all over her face.
"OH fuck Khadijah get all my fucking cum." I damn near moaned like I was a pornstar, that was the first.
"You always taste so good daddy." She gave me the most sexiest face I've ever seen before she tried to wipe the cum.
"Leave it on" Was the only thing I heard when he lead me into the dark living room from his garage.
When the light flicked on I almost had a fucking heart attack from all the possibilities of who that could be on that couch. What if it was his parents I thought I HAVE HIS FUCKING KIDS ON MY FACE!! To say I was panicking was an understatement.
"Aw y'all started without me?"
I slightly calmed to the familiar voice.
"In the flesh baby." He gave me the hottest smile.
What the fuck was Chace doing here? Am I going crazy? Why is Antony not jumping to hide my face or anything in fact, he's for real FUCKING SMILING. When I glanced down I saw a real THICK bulge in Chace's sweats waiting to be tested. They both were smiling and me. Tell me this isn't real oh my gosh.
I Uhh I wanted to add flavor and to a cliffhanger thing but the 5th story is coming soon after this.
Lil Chace tryna come thruuuuu
Hope yall enjoyed❤️
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bluesgrxce · 4 days
Yandere Glamrock Animatronics Headcanons
Note: This was written back in 2022 so it's a bit outdated
Glamrock Freddy
Freddy honestly doesn't know why he loves you. Like, he literally shouldn't be able to romantically love somebody, it's not in his programming. But you've snuck past that somehow and made him absolutely smitten over you. Overwhelmingly so. And now that he is, all he wants is to keep you safe. 
Since you visit the Pizzaplex all the time, he's constantly worried that something is gonna happen to you. There's no telling what kind of danger you could run into, and you could easily get hurt... No, you will get hurt if there's no one to protect you. He has to become your personal body guard, he needs to follow you everywhere or you'll end up dead. It's for your own good. 
Thankfully, he wasn't following you without your permission. (In blunter terms, stalking.) He acted more like an innocent tour guide than anything, escorting you around the area and ensuring you wouldn't get lost. When you got too close to certain places and people, he would carefully direct your attention elsewhere. He would never fully explain why he did so afterwards. 
But it's hard to hate him. He treats you so kindly, praising you for every little thing and calling you his special superstar. Heck, you're even hesitant to tell him no when he offers to carry you in his stomach hatch, despite you not being a child and having no way of fitting in there. But he'll carry you around in other ways if he must! The closer you are, the better!
Unreasonable as that may be, Freddy isn't always that way. He understands that humans need space from time to time, so he'll let you go off on your own from time to time, just as long as you're not anywhere too dangerous and he can keep watch. (Low-key like how a parent would watch their kid at the park 💀) 
He understands that you have loved ones outside of him, as well. Admittedly, he does feel a pang of jealousy when you mention hanging out with other people, but he's concerned over your safety above all else. As long as these people aren't actively harming you, he won't try to meddle. Not too much anyway. ...He can't help himself sometimes. 
Freddy's just such a soft yandere. Even when finds someone who poses an actual threat, he'll still try to be polite with them. He doesn't want to upset you or create unneeded conflict, so he attempts to settle things civilly. But if that doesn't work, well... He's fine with getting a little more aggressive. But he'd try to avoid killing unless it was needed to protect you. 
Glamrock Chica (She's underrated as hell, can you guys start appreciating her more please?)
It's glaringly obvious that Chica doesn't have any concept of what portion control is. When she wants something, she wants all of it, all at once. And she won't let anybody stop her from taking it. Usually, the thing she's chasing after is food, but now you've become her new addiction. Surprisingly, it wouldn't be too bad at first. 
Chica comes off less as a creepy yandere and more like a perky, clingy best friend. She acts sickeningly sweet in order to gain your favor. She goes out of her way to bring you gifts from the prize counter, shares all of her snacks with you (some of them originating from the trash, but it's the thought that counts) and she acts like your personal cheerleader, bringing sunshine into the darkest parts of your life. She's the one you would least suspect. 
This innocent persona has allowed her to effectively make her way inside your heart, and now that she is, you're not gonna kick her out. She makes sure you're not wasting your time with anybody else by taking your hand and dragging you around the Pizzaplex, looking for a new way to excite you. "So! What should we do now, bestie?"
Whenever somebody tries to come between your quality time, her passive aggressive side shines through. The worst she'll do in front of you is say vaguely threatening things, but when you're not around... There may just be another scandal at Fazbear's Entertainment 🙈
That wouldn't be the only scandal. The more time you lose, the more she wants to make up for it. Which includes her trying to squeeze her way into every second of your life. If you're not careful, she might follow you home. ("Take me home with you!") She'll eventually find some way to disobey her coding and leave the Pizzaplex, just so she can give you a """surprise party""" once she shows up at your door. Or more realistically, outside your window. Even more realistically, raiding your fridge and garbage cans 💀
It's either that or she'll lock you up somewhere in the Pizzaplex. Actually, has anyone else heard that one theory that says Vanny uses Chica to kidnap kids? Whether that's true or not, she could still kidnap you almost exceptionally easily. She's an advanced, athletic animatronic that is likely better than you in every way, at least physically. So you're screwed.
In the end, Chica can never get enough of you. She'll eat all of your time, drink all of your affection, and steal whatever innocence you have left. She'll just take and take, because you're hers for the taking, aren't you?
Roxanne Wolf (Roxanne, Roxanne, all she wanna do is party all night, goddamn, Roxanne, never gonna love me but that's alright /lyr)
Many would say it's a mystery how Roxy went so head over heels for you. Her narcissistic exterior makes it seem impossible for her to care about anyone else, when really, she's just trying to make up for confidence she doesn't have. When you look at it from that perspective, it makes sense why she fell for you.
She's always wanted to have certain "perfect" qualities and you seem to embody all of them. She can't truly decide whether she loves or hates you for it- On one hand, you're living proof that it's possible to be "perfect." You're extraordinary in every way, at least in her eyes. On the other hand, ugh, why do you have to be so much better than her?! What's your deal?!
Despite the mental war going on in her head, she still feels the need to gain your approval. She'll see it as another race she has to win, and we know how much she hates to lose. She'll do anything to get your eyes on her. Impressed by keytar skills? She'll give you personal performances. Impressed by her racing skills? She'll take you on as many rides as you want. Impressed by her looks? She'll give you her OnlyFans password She'll work twice as hard to maintain her appearance, freaking out if she has even a smudge from some grubby kid wiping their hands on her. She has to be flawless in your presence or there's no point. 
Everybody, and I mean everybody is a rival to her. Her insecurity is so deep-rooted and she has no healthy coping mechanisms, so jealousy is common. She growls at people who get near and barks at them to back off. This alone is typically enough to keep others away, which is good or else she might pull a Bite of '87---
Roxy's desire to impress you gets worse by 1000% whenever you start getting closer with people other than her. That makes her feel like she's losing the race, and that's when she starts to get desperate. She'll want to stick by your side 24/7 so she can have every possible opportunity to flirt with you, and you can't say no. Hiding from her is impractical, too, given her keen sense of smell and ability to see through walls. You might as well accept it. She's just trying to squeeze that affection out of you, make you prove that you still love her deep inside. 
If that doesn't work, she'll start playing dirty. Similar to how she taunted Gregory in the game, she'll harrass anyone trying to steal you away by putting them down and raising herself up at the same time. To help convince herself she's good enough for you. "What, you think they would waste their time on you? You're nothing! Nothing compared to me!"
And if that doesn't work? Well it's time for the Bite of '22---
If you ever argue with her for being a piece of shit to your friends, she'll push the blame on you and act like you're the asshole. She'll strut away, pretending as if your disapproval doesn't bother her, as if she doesn't base her self esteem completely on your opinion of her. But she does. And the moment she's alone, she'll break down crying and hate herself even more for being a failure. If you can't love her, then surely nobody will. 
Roxy is simply unstable altogether. Don't drive her over the edge, as she barely holds herself back to begin with. The only one who could be worse is... 
Montgomery Gator
Yeah, it can't get much worse than this. Ever since Monty was first activated, he wanted to be the star of the show. The one who everybody adores. But he quickly found out that he'd always be overshadowed by somebody else. He was forced into the position of a background character, when he knew that he was destined for more. He should be the one in center stage, not anybody else. 
This main character syndrome carries over to his relationship with you. He figures that he can use you as a source of approval in the meantime. He can handle not being the star of the show (yet) as long as he's the star of your heart. 
And if he already is, then things could go surprisingly well. A lot of Monty's anger stems from the frustration of not feeling loved enough, so if you can supply him with enough intimacy, he might actually calm down a bit. He'll stop using his time being destructive in favor of spending time with you, which would be much appreciated by everyone. 
But don't get too comfy. You shouldn't expect much from someone like Monty. He's insanely paranoid that your love could be stolen away, so he acts controlling in order to prevent that. If he says you're not gonna hang out with that person, you're not gonna hang out with them. If he says you're gonna go somewhere with him, you're gonna go somewhere with him. And you have to act like you love every second or he'll be offended and yell at you. Not a good relationship to be in. 
And if you didn't reciprocate his feelings to begin with... You've just put everyone in the Pizzaplex at risk for death. He'll blow his fucking lid, throwing the biggest tantrum in his life and destroying everything he comes across. Tearing apart every human and bot that walks by- He doesn't discriminate. And he's so blinded by rage that he just might hurt you too. 
If he did, he wouldn't feel much remorse. He'd just use it as an example, saying that's what'll happen if you ever try to go to someone else. Because he's going to make you love him. He'll hurt you and everybody you care about if you don't. He already took down that stupid rabbit and that jerk bear is next- What's another life mean to him?
And together...
Never mind 💀 It got much worse than that 
So let's establish one simple fact first: None of them want to share. The one who's most pissed about it is Monty, who as we've learned, does NOT want to be treated like a background character. And having to share with his bandmates definitely makes him feel like that. He's going to be the most confrontational out of all of them and will jump at any chance to hurt the others, no matter how inconvenient it may be.
Roxy would do the same as Monty if she weren't smarter. Since Monty is always causing trouble, he's often locked away in his room and left in his own little version of time-out, which Roxy knows she can't afford. She has to make the most out of every second! The race to your heart is a lot more difficult when she's competing against her bandmates, so she's got to speed up or else she'll be left alone. And just the thought of that makes her want to sob. So she attempts to one-up everything the others do and paint herself in the highest light possible, desperately hoping that'll be enough to attract you. If not, she's got a ton of arguments she needs to get into...
Remember how I said Chica won't let anybody stop her from getting the things she wants? Yeah, that still applies. Doesn't matter if it's her bandmates or not, if she wants a piece, she's gonna get a piece! But she has to be more clever about the way she handles you. She's not about to get yelled at by Roxy or torn apart by Monty, so she'll find ways to sneak you away, even from Freddy's safe grasp. Or maybe she'll just kidnap you so she can keep you all to herself. Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Freddy has changed the least. See, all this scenario does is confirm that he was right-- The Pizzaplex is a dangerous place for you to be in, and his very own friends are the ones making that true. It greatly upsets him, and yet, in a sick way... He's almost glad. Because you're too scared of the others always bickering with each other and harrassing you. This might be the best thing that's ever happened to him, because you run into his arms for protection. And he's more than willing to oblige. Just say the word, superstar. 
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bcolfanfic · 4 months
saw your tag about you giving helen Lore in young veterans au and what you've done with her so far has made me so /wipes tears/ i'd love more if you have more you want to share! her and jean being besties is so cute, was the FB group they met in a military thing?
helen my love <3 more below the pics (hi nash)
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yeah the fb group her and jean met through was in my mind some sort of spouses/families group for the guy's unit. they were both young wives with lil babies so they started messaging and got tight pretty fast. jean called the group cursed in the social media au bc there was always drama, notttt from them though. helen and jeanie are good girls <3 mostly <3
but winding it back, helen grew up in west virginia in the same little area that nash did and that's how they met.
grew up catholic but her family went to a charismatic catholic church so. catholic and deep south charismatic protestant mashed together. super healthy combo of things for a young girl to grow up in (: obviously (:
met nash in high school and he was kinda her saving grace when her home life was rough/her parents were really goin' a little crazy. nash would go stand outside her window at night and cheer her on crawling out and being soooo brave jumping the like. two feet down to come see him.
then they'd go run off in the woods by her house and (: talk (:
literally. he was a good little catholic boy too. at /most/ before they got married they got a little hot and heavy making out fully clothed.
which good little nash went to confession over. tells that story to the guys in bagram once when they're shooting the shit about religion (in the vein of "i told my priest i needed to repent over busting in my pants") and they laugh so hard they're in tears lmfao.
her parents liked nash though. well, his nice catholic parents more than him but. good enough.
his folks weren't as crazy as hers and adored helen/were happy to have her hanging out at their place instead of going home.
got married the second helen graduated high school (nash graduated two years before her) and she got pregnant with baby wyatt on their wedding night. bc of course.
he already started to process to enlist before they got married so talk about timing w/ her being pregnant. but he gets through basic and tech school before the baby comes.
is in florida doing some sort of training thing under rosie w/ the guys in that crew when she's gettin' reallll close to giving birth. but rosie likes him, and likes helen so he pulls some strings so that nash can get his butt back to west virginia in time.
that baby is his whole world <3 best day of his life. best day of helen's life. if it's a smidge because it's the happiest her parents have ever seemed with her then that's something to unpack later but.
she loves nash, loves their baby boy, life is good.
he ends up bringing her and the bby down to florida so he can be with him while he's still stationed at the base down there which is for quite a bit. the distance from her folks does her some good too.
then that crew of guys gets their orders to deploy to bagram (((:
wyatt is about eight months old. they see him off from florida and then move back up to west virginia to be closer to family while he's gone.
except seeing him off in florida is the last time her and baby wyatt will ever (outside of a screen, they do video call a bit before It Happens) see him again.
this is getting long so i’ll call this past one and end it here but i can do more parts if ppl are interested (: <3
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borathae · 2 years
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↳ Index [Day 16 - Oil Massages]
Pairing: Good Boy!Hoseok x GFD!Reader
Kinks: sensual love making, a sexy massage, Hoseok’s hands, oil, praise, puppy play, a lil bit of teasing, thigh fucking, naked grinding, vaginal penetrative sex, creampie, cockwarming, cuddly aftercare
Wordcount: 4k
a/n: only one person wanted subby!Hobi and I am here to deliver because :( this affected me deeply btw the panties scene is now burned into my memories fandfna enjoy besties 🤍
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You didn’t have the best day today. It wasn’t a truly terrible day or a horrible one, but it was still not good and left you just that tiny bit moody. Said mood was instantly lifted by your long-term boyfriend and bestest friend Hoseok, who not only came home with your favourite food but also offered an open ear to rant to. 
The food has long been finished and the rant has long stopped, but your little evening date with Hoseok is still going strong. The television is running in the background, but you aren’t watching. Face buried in a pillow and tummy first, you are lying on the makeshift massage table Hoseok built out of your sofa. The latter is busy with oiling up your back, having his hair in a messy bun to make sure it doesn’t accidentally poke him into his eyes. The oil is warm on your skin as he heated it just slightly to make it even more relaxing. It smells like vanilla and almonds, lulling you into such a nice state of relaxation.
You shiver as it hits your skin, feeling goosebumps cover you instantly. 
“How’s the temperature?” he asks, pouring the oil along your spine. 
“So good, very cozy”, you answer him, already feeling so much more relaxed and he hasn’t even started yet. 
“That’s good to hear. Tell me if I should change something”, he says and puts the now empty bowl aside. He places his palms on your back to spread the oil in slow circular motions, using his entire palms for it. 
You sigh happily, closing your eyes. Now it finally starts, you can finally relax. His hands feel so soft on your skin. Hoseok has always had the softest hands ever. Delicate, strong and so, so soft. He says that it is because of all the moisturiser he uses and you honestly believe him. Hoseok uses hand cream religiously. You sometimes even have to chuckle at him when he spends minutes rubbing his own hands together before bed, teasing him that it makes him look like a cute fly. Hoseok always chuckles when that happens and makes little buzzing sounds to elicit another chuckle from you.
“Is there a part which hurts the most?” he asks you, hands lingering on your lower back for now.
“Like everywhere?”
He chuckles, “okay, I’ll make sure to get everything”, he says and begins his massage at your upper back on your shoulder area. 
He uses his thumbs for it, digging them into you in slow circular patterns. 
“Oh that’s nice, that’s really nice”, you sigh, melting in relaxation.
Your boyfriend really knows how to use his fingers. In more ways than one, but let's not dwell on that horny thought for too long. Hoseok however, really knows how to give massages. You learned this during your first month with him when you had a terrible tight neck and he managed to massage it well again. Ever since then, it has become tradition that he massages you on your bad days and in return you massage him on his bad days. It relaxes you greatly and strengthens the bond between your hearts so very much. 
Hoseok guides his touches from your shoulders closer to your spine, changing the circles for movements up and down on each side of your vertebrae, chasing all those tension points right out of your muscles.
“That's so nice there. Keep going”, you encourage him and sigh happily. 
Hoseok loves this. He loves pampering you and touching you. Hoseok is so goddamn obsessed with the way your body fits under his hands and the softness of your skin against his fingertips. You probably think that he massages you to serve you, but he must admit that it has more selfish reasons too as he soaks up those moments like a dry sponge. Hoseok seriously loves touching you, feeling his heart flutter in his chest now that he is doing it again. 
“You are really beautiful”, he says softly.
“Gosh, thank you. You are so sweet”, you say with a racing heart.
“No but, I mean it”, he insists, “you are so beautiful. Every inch of you. I love how this part looks”, he says, tracing the soft spot where your shoulder blade stops. He touches both sides, dancing his thumb over it repeatedly. 
“And this part”, he says, moving on to massage the middle of your back, “it's so perfect”, he whispers with his voice shaky in awe. He uses all of his fingers for the massage, drawing patterns on your back while his eyes race over your body obsessively. 
“You're the cutest”, you whisper, feeling so good. Both physically and emotionally. Hoseok makes you feel so beautiful. 
The parts on your lower back make you groan just slightly and so Hoseok softens his touch, eyes flitting up to look at your face. Your cheek is squished against the pillow and your eyes are closed. He looks back at your body, putting more strength into his touches again. Another groan rumbles in your throat.
“Am I too rough?” he makes sure.
“No, it’s so nice. Sorry I know I make weird sounds”, you mumble and chuckle.
“It’s fine, I’m just always scared that I hurt you”, he says, tracing the spot right above your tailbone. The latter is currently hidden behind the hem of your sweats.
“You don’t, just keep going puppy”, you encourage him, “love what you’re doing so much.”
Hoseok feels himself….shift desperately at your words. He knows that what he is doing right now isn’t inherently sexy and your answers aren’t meant to be sexual, but he still feels affected by it. Your little groans and moans make his stomach tingle and the way your back seems to tense and relax each time he touches a new spot mesmerises him greatly.
He feels like such a dirty man, thirsting over you when you are trying to relax, but he can’t help himself. He thinks that you are so beautiful and all he wants to be is to be close to you.
“That’s nice, so nice”, you groan and wiggle your hips.
Hoseok gulps, letting his gaze flit down to your butt. The fabric of your sweats is stretching around it just slightly, making it appear so round and sexy. Hoseok truly has to fight every urge inside him not to reach down there and cup it. Not only because it would leave two oily handprints on your clothes, but also because you never gave him permission to touch you that way.
Hoseok breaks his eyes away, looking at your back instead. He climbs on top of your legs and uses the new position to glide his fingers from your lower back up to your shoulders. He uses some of his weight for it to really deepen the touch. You react with a sigh of his name and a content purr, lips curling into a little smile.
He lingers on your shoulders, holding them between his fingers and massaging them almost vigorously. His head he keeps lowered right above your face, eyes racing over your features obsessively. You are so pretty. Oh, how he wants to kiss you. Maybe he dares to steal just one.
You giggle, peeling your eyes open just to glance at him fondly. He just kissed the corner of your lips, now looking at you with slightly widened and shy eyes.
“Well, hello there”, you say in a chuckle.
“H-hey”, he whispers.
“Is that a new massage technique?” you tease, making Hoseok lower his gaze shyly.
“I'm horny”, he confesses, making you laugh.
“Awww poor puppy, he's horny”, you coo, bending your elbow to play with his soft baby hair at the nape of his neck, “you’re one special massage therapist aren’t you?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it. You’re so sexy”, he whispers, blushing like crazy.
“And what should I do about it, mhm?”
“Can I maybe get off?”
“Get off?”
He nods his head, “please? I’ll get you off too” he whispers almost inaudibly, pouting cutely.
Here he is with his big puppy eyes and his hard bulge rubbing into your butt and his fumbly, oil covered hands restless on your shoulders. He looks so adorable that you truly can’t say no. 
“Of course you can. Use my thighs for it”, you order, making Hoseok moan even without touching him.
“R-really?” he asks, rolling his hips into your butt without even noticing that he does it. It makes you crave so much more. His cock is so hard already and his touch makes you so wet. You want him. Want him so bad.
“Yes. Go ahead. Undress me”, you order, settling back into the pillow with closed eyes.
Hoseok works quickly. He pulls your sweats down, throwing them on the ground. Then he reaches for your panties, hesitating for just a second. You feel the touch, lifting your hips.
“Yes puppy, those too. And be a good boy, do it properly.”
Hoseok merely gives you a little bark, climbing down your body to take your panties between his teeth. He tugs them down carefully, wiggling his hips and whimpering softly as he does. He feels so dizzy from this simple act, the desire to serve you oh so well, feels unbearable in his chest. 
Once your panties are off, Hoseok climbs up the couch until he can place them next to your hand. He sits back down on his heels, looking at you with sparkly eyes and his hands resting on his lap.
“Good puppy, such a good puppy”, you praise him, gazing up at him.
Hoseok wiggles his hips, whimpering softly. He loves being your good puppy, it makes him feel so loved and important.  
“Go on, your treat's waiting”, you say and close your eyes again, settling back into the comfortable pillows. 
Hoseok doesn’t hesitate. He crawls back down and reaches for the oil bottle. Sadly it isn’t warmed up like before, but you are burning up so much that a little bit of cool oil is a welcome change. 
Hoseok trickles it over your thighs and butt, sending shivers through your whole body. He spreads it with his hands first, giving you such a good massage that for a second you consider opening your legs and letting him massage something else instead. Honestly, Hoseok isn’t the only one feeling horny. His massages always get you so hot and bothered.  
“Your butt is so sexy”, he says, massaging the flesh with hungry hands. He gathers it, squeezes it, digs his fingers into it before releasing it again and using the flat of his palms to trace it. He repeats those movements until you feel like bucking your hips up and ordering him to stick his fingers into you.
“You’re such a tease”, you grumble, rolling your hips into nothing. Your breathing is sped up and irregular, you almost start crying when he abandons your butt to instead spread the oil on your thighs.
“So sexy”, he whispers, “I'm so obsessed with your thighs”, he confesses and squeezes his hands between them just to feel up your inner thighs. You open your legs far enough to give him easy access, moaning softly when this exposes your dripping pussy to the cool air. You throb around nothing, aching for more stimulation. Can Hoseok see how affected he has gotten you?
He runs his hand up and down slowly, eyes following the paths he draws and cock aching in his sweats. All he wants to be is to be between those thighs. 
“You’re so beautiful”, he says, eyes lingering on your pussy, “so wet”, he breathes, placing his hands right under your aching core. His thumbs press into your flesh, his body heat swirls over your pussy. He moves closer. Just once. For a feather light touch then it disappears again, leaving you aching for more. He draws his touch down again, massaging your inner thighs right under your pussy. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.  
“Okay seriously”, you laugh breathily, rolling your hips up, “if you decide to tease right now, you can forget getting off.”
“Sorry, yeah sorry I’ll behave”, he stutters, pulling his hands away before he can rile you up even more. He undresses messily, soaking his clothes with the oil without a care in the world. They are already messy from his excitement either way, a little bit of oil won't make a big difference. He throws them on the ground and then climbs on top your legs, placing his hands on your butt for support.
“That’s better”, you say, pressing your thighs together. Even that simple act sends heat through your pussy. Oh how sensitive he has gotten you.
“I’ll start now”, he says, panting desperately.
“Yes, start”, you order, wiggling your hips.
With his eyes glued to your thighs, Hoseok lets his hard cock glide right between them. The oil covering your skin makes the slip feel so easy, giving him enough lubrication to bury himself to the base.
“Shit”, he presses out, closing his eyes, “so soft”, he lulls and begins rocking into you, fucking his cock between your oiled-up thighs.
You are so warm, the oil is so wet, your thighs are so soft. Hoseok swears that he instantly feels dizzy and out of breath because of it, moaning softly as hot electricity runs through his cock.
“That’s so sexy, keep going puppy. Keep going”, you sigh, eyes squeezed shut and fingers gripping a piece of the blanket he placed underneath you. You love this.
Hoseok is angling his hips just right that his cock grinds against your pussy with each thrust. His veiny shaft fits perfectly between your lips, the tightness of the position really presses his cock against you. Each movement feels like paradise, sending heat through your pussy and the rest of your weakened body.
“It’s so nice”, Hoseok whimpers, squeezing your butt. He loves getting off with your thighs. Especially like this. He can reach your pussy so well in that position. You are so incredibly wet this evening, covering his cock in your sweet juices and making Hoseok chase them almost desperately. He loves that contrast of oily thighs on two sides of his cock while one side gets the warmth of your heavenly pussy. The difference in sensations makes him dizzy, head soon falling down and now tangling tiredly.
“It’s the best, it seriously is”, you agree, meeting his every second movement in a roll of your hips. You know exactly what to do to elevate the thigh fuck and make it even more enjoyable for both of you. You keep rolling your hips up, forcing your clit to glide over his cockhead each time that happens.
“Your pussy’s so wet”, he whines, “I can’t.”
“Mhhm yeah…” you lull, not knowing much else to say. Quite frankly, all you want to do is melt into a puddle of relaxed pleasure and moan freely. You love grinding with Hoseok.
Hoseok is a very passionate lover. Attentive, intense, fiery. He fucks deep. He fucks hard. And he fucks long. You blame it on his personality. Hoseok fucks like he treats a choreography. He learns fast, but then practices until even perfection seems imperfect to him. And only then he keeps going, pouring his all into perfecting the already perfect and somehow always managing to actually do so. Hoseok fucks just like that. He learns what gets you both off and then fucks perfectly, passionately and with all his heart poured into it.
And that is why you fucking love grinding with him. Because when you grind, Hoseok lets go of some of that perfectionism and merely allows himself to feel the sensations. He becomes perhaps a little sloppy at times - like right now when his hips stutter for a moment as bolts of hot pleasure run through his cock - and maybe a little uncoordinated - when seconds later he completely loses his rhythm to instead whine about how sensitive he was - but that doesn’t stop you from loving those moments with him, because they feel like goddamn paradise.
“I’m so sensitive”, he whines as second time, trying to find his rhythm again.
“Me too puppy. My pussy’s so sensitive”, you answer him breathily, twisting more of the blanket.
“I wanna be inside”, he confesses, eliciting your aching desire to be stuffed.
You roll your hips up, whining softly as this once again makes his tip glide over your clit. You are so sensitive by now that the touch makes your toes curl.
“Do it, fucking do it”, you order, opening your legs just far enough to present yourself to him. Like this, the pressure around Hoseok’s cock stops and all that remains is the wetness of your pussy against his cock.
Hoseok peels his eyes open, looking at where he is touching you. Your thighs are glistening in his excitement, covered in it and marked as the reason for why he was so incredibly horny tonight. His cock is so hard, gliding right through your wet folds. Your hole is right there, glistening and looking oh so empty.
“Darling”, Hoseok moans and feels his composure break. He angles his hips and thrusts them into you, allowing his cock to glide into your wet pussy.
“Fuck yes”, you moan loudly, welcoming him with desperate clenches. Inch by inch you feel him slide inside, filling you up with his perfect cock and reminding you once again why he was the best. You needed him so much. The stretch feels so nice, so intense, so good. “Move puppy, move.”
Hoseok exhales shakily, slipping his hands from your butt to press them into your back instead. He tightens his jaw, furrowing his brows in concentration before finally beginning to move. He goes slow but deep, feeling his thighs tremble each time he is buried inside you completely.
“Keep going, don’t stop”, you encourage him, meeting him with equally as slow and deep movements.
You love doing that. You love fucking back on him when he fucks you. You are very well aware that Hoseok doesn’t need any help and that he is very capable of getting you there without your guidance. But it feels so good. Grinding with him on a melody only you and him can hear, fuels you. Smooth movements, deep strokes, needy wiggles. The dance feels so goddamn good that you possibly couldn’t stop.
Hoseok loves it too. He doesn’t want to admit it, but he is struggling a lot tonight. His cock’s so sensitive that moving is really hard. All he really wants to do is collapse on top of you and lie limp as pleasure washes over him. So to have you grind back into him helps him so goddamn much to stay focused. He loves grinding with you. Cock deep inside you, wet pussy tight and bodies burning up. It’s his favourite kind of dance to do.
Hoseok lowers himself to his elbows, pressing his chest into your back. He knew going shirtless would be a good idea because that feels amazing. Your skin is so soft and warm, the oil feels so good on his skin. He melts closer because of it, cock pressing right against your sensitive spots in the new position.
“I love this so much”, he rasps, voice shaky in pleasure, “do, do you love it too?”
“Yes puppy, love it so much”, you sigh, reaching behind yourself to grab a bundle of his hair. It sadly messes up his bun, but that truly isn’t a tragedy. Hoseok looks so good when his hair is all messy and ruffled. You crane your neck, claiming his lips in a sloppy kiss.
Hoseok moans throatily, hips rutting into you so deeply that you possibly couldn’t meet him anymore. You don’t mind. His weight on you, the warmth which that brings, the depth of his cock. It all makes up for the lost opportunity to grind.
Like this the blanket bunches up between your legs, lying just right so that a fold of it is grinding against your clit.
“Shit Hobi”, you break the kiss when you realise it, moaning against his lips with squeezed shut eyes, "Hobi, ah Hobi…"
Hoseok answers you by moaning against your lips, bending his arm so he can cup your face. You don’t even mind that he covers you in a little bit of oil, enjoying the tenderness with a fluttering heart.
“It’s so good, puppy”, you get out, head falling into his palm as your body forsakes you. You are so weak, you can’t hold up the weight anymore, all you want to do is fall deeper and deeper and deeper.
“Say it again please”, he begs, trembling on top of you.
“Such…a good…puppy”, you get out in sighs, basking in the strong shake that courses through him because of it.
“Again please”, he whimpers.
“Good puppy”, you lull, pussy tightening around him because of how desperate he gets you. He fucks so much better when you praise him, sounds so sweet with all those whimpers leaving him.
“Oh god”, he croaks, cock throbbing deep inside you, “ah..I’m close.”
“Keep going puppy, fucking make my pussy cum first, yeah?”
“Yeah”, he whimpers, dropping his head against yours, “fuck, darling.”
“Yeah, fuck”, you agree, dropping your hand from his hair to grip the blanket instead. You twist it harshly, head falling against the couch because Hoseok’s own arm gave up on you. Now his hand lies between your cheek and the sofa cushion, thumb running over your skin in mindless circles.
Hoseok chases you, nuzzling into your neck to whimper your name. His hips can barely even move. Rocking back and forth in the smallest movements. He is so swollen and hard that you don’t mind the slow movements. On the contrary, you are so sensitive that even those slow movements feels like too much.
“Hobi I’m close too”, you get out, making him whine desperately. Your clit throbs against the blanket, his cock grinds right against your g-spot and the warmth in your stomach gets too much to bear, “now, Hobi n-now.”
“Oh god”, he squeaks out, gripping your hand twisting the blanket. His hips fall still completely, chest pressing into your back tightly as underneath him you shake and rut in your high.
“Fuck yes, fuck yes”, you chant, rolling your hips into the pillows as best as possible, “fuck puppy, such a good puppy. You’ve got the best fucking cock”, you growl, feeling your burning high in your entire body.
“I can’t hold it any longer”, Hoseok whimpers and sobs softly, “please c-can I let go too?”
“Yes, fuck yes. You can, yes”, you chant, throwing Hoseok over the edge so violently that he actually wails up for you, collapsing on top of you as his hips chase the flames of his deep high.
You can feel him cover your insides, moaning deliciously because you goddamn love being creampied by him. Given how you can’t get pregnant because of all the precautions you both take, feeling his hot cum inside you is paradise. Warm, wet, addicting paradise.
Hoseok comes down after you, growing weak on top of you. His weight doesn’t feel constricting, you actually love having him lie on top of you. He feels like your own personal weighted blanket. Warm, comforting but also sweaty. Very sweaty from all the heated grinding you have been doing. You want all of it. It’s so goddamn nice.
“Thank you so much”, he whispers, voice raspy from his intense high.
“You are so cute”, you lull, intertwining your fingers with him, "this was amazing, you know?"
“Yeah…I don’t think that I can get up.”
“Good, don’t. Let me warm your cock for a bit.”
“God I love you”, Hoseok whispers, nuzzling into your neck.
“I love you too”, you answer him, feeling yourself sink into the fluffiest and softest cloud of sweet afterglow.
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Vala Deserved Better and This is My Proposal For How I Would Give Her Better
Here are all the things that I think Vala and I would do if they ever let her breach fucking containment. Jesus H. Christ let the woman LIVE!!! Shout out to @judgeverse and all the other fine folks in the discord for giving me this powerful vision
Go to the club 
Obvious but apparently too much for the writers to handle 
We would go with like 40 dollars between us and we would find a man to buy us drinks for the night and then give him a fake snap/number at the end of the night 
She would finally experience the experience of the bathroom at a club and I think she would find it extremely healing 
We would close that bitch and then go and get kebab before we called an uber to get us home 
Pre Drinks 
This would happen before the club obv but I think pre is a VITAL component to the experience while also being nearly entirely separate 
All the SGC girlies chilling doing their makeup 
We are all chilling on the floor of a living room using what using whatever mirrors we have close to us sharing big pile of makeup  
Our brushes are filthy and Janet is low-key lecturing us about the dangers of sharing eye shadow and having dirty makeup brushes 
Her's are also dirty 
We have a Spotify jam going that absolutely shreds 
We started out w a playlist but then we all wanted to show Vala some tracks so we needed to collaborate. 
I show her Meghan Thee Stallion so when she comes on at the club she knows what to do 
Janet shows her all the Y2K bangers 
Sam just goes fucking crazy on the queue and puts everything from midwest emo to sea shanties on there 
Shots obvs 
Cam and Daniel keep texting the gc to ask when we're leaving for the club and we keep saying we're leaving soon 
We brief Vala on club/bar safety so she doesn't go missing or perish or something 
Watching movies but specifically the Barbie movie 
I think she would find it very healing 
She starts calling men Kens 
A week later I find her watching TikTok edits under the 'close your eyes and feel' sound and we watch them together and cry 
I gather mine and my mom's old Barbies and we play with them because there is no age-limit on Barbie!!! 
I get distracted and go over the bonkers plotlines I used to give my Barbies back in the day. 
I also show her other movies that altered my brain chemistry 
The Breakfast Club 
Mean Girls 
Legally Blonde 
Pretty in Pink 
Ferris Bueller's Day Off 
Freaky Friday (2003) 
Hairspray (2007) 
Going for drives in a total shitbox while blasting music 
She needs to experience driving around aimlessly for an hour and then ending up having a life-changing conversation in a random parking lot 
Girlhood (TM) 
Going to the mall  
Sometimes you need to show aliens capitalism in action 
I have to physically drag her out of bath and body works before she gets swindled into paying full price for a candle like a rube 
I explain to her that she just has to wait a couple weeks for candles to go on a like 6 for the price of 2 sale or something and that I will tell her when it's happening 
She is baffled by this revelation but listens to me because of my credentials (used to work at a mall and have a spending addiction) 
We also buy a new outfit and then go to Sephora to get our makeup done to go w the new fit and also so I can show her my roots 
She will also experience The Mall Pretzel  
I would do my best to create the ultimate sleepover vibes 
I'm talking we buy brand new fuzzy PJs, I string up christmas lights, every snack we could ever want, the entire living room is transformed into a comfy cozy area with everything we could ever need close to us 
Trashy reality show playing on autoplay on the TV at a low volume so we can still talk and listen to music but also hear Kris Jenner saying out of pocket shit to her children 
I would also give the experience of playing Nintendogs with your bestie 
Maybe even a powerpoint night??  
Putting tinder on the big screen and roasting men together 
Playing the Sims and collaborating on the most ridiculous sims and houses to ever exist 
Go Karting 
Let this woman at the wheel immediately!!! 
We could kick ass and then get a lifetime ban from the track 
These 10-year-olds aren't ready for us!!! 
Lighting section at Home Depot 
We would spend so many hours there just pretending we were furnishing a mansion with unlimited money 
Saying: "Omg this should be in the Sims" to each other 
The IKEA cafeteria my beloved 
The only thing we buy is a Djungelskog each 
Racing the carts in the warehouse part 
A crucial yet forbidden part of the experience 
She would love karaoke 
No further points your honour 
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