#but you can't do that autonomously anymore so it's all good
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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Well, more rain, for starters. *sigh* I don’t know what I was expecting. Ah well, at least it was a DIFFERENT place to dodge raindrops! (Rather pretty too, though I imagine it’s better in sunlight.) I had Smiler bring Victor and Alice there through the magic of the “bring [Sim Name] here” command, then had Alice transform into her wolf self and go hunting for meat because why not? Feels appropriate for her to do that in the Deep Woods. :p Victor and Smiler, for their parts, went and sought out the hermit’s cabin, the hermit in my game being a woman named Aleah Russ. Smiler, naturally, made instant Good Friends just by saying hello, while Victor helped Aleah with tending her garden (uh, don’t really think they needed WATERING, buddy) and grabbed a few new unidentified fruits and flowers while he was at it. (Well, unidentified for HIM -- Smiler managed to figure out what Chamomile was first try!) They all then went indoors for some less-wet chatting by the fireplace, Victor and Smiler both doing their best to get in as much piratical talk as possible for the holiday. . .
And then Alice showed up, having successfully found some meat, and scared the daylights out of poor Aleah. Right, yeah, not all Sims like werewolves. XD I had Alice transform back and initiate a proper conversation, and things improved from there, fortunately.
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frostfangalphabitch · 9 months
The rest of the base has gone to sleep, but you don't sleep anymore. You don't join them in the mess hall anymore, either. You barely eat organic food at all these days, and when you do, it's mainly for pleasure. You can take the organics out of the pilot, but you can't take the love of sweets and pizza out of the organics, you guess. Despite that, you're so far removed from your humanity that it's gotten difficult to relate to most of them. It's not like anyone else is sharing your meals of titanium and copper.
The other pilots look at you with fear and disgust, knowing their inevitable fates if they're ever pitted against you. The mechanics see you as an oddity, a fascination, and heap praise and adoration upon you, but it's hollow in your eyes. It feels more like they're ogling a rare car rather than talking to a pilot. The corps see you as nothing more than a weapon to be pointed at their enemies, or whoever has less money than them that week.
The only person who still respects you as an autonomous individual is your handler. You adore her just as she loves you. Certainly, you're still a weapon - that's what the relationship started as after all - but you think she might be the only human in the base, including the mechanics, who could truly love a weapon of any kind. She's been so good to you through all of this, taking each stage of your radical transformation in stride as naturally as a lover watching her partner go through a more mundane transition. She's only gotten more attracted to you as you've grown into your new form and become more comfortable and confident with yourself. You'd burn the whole world down just to make her happy.
There's one other who respects you for who you are, though: your girl. Your beloved Wolfrun Mk.X, heart of Coral, veins of electricity, and arms of 5 ton power-guzzling metal-shredding AC-devouring WB-0010 Double Trouble carnage. Before all this started, you always thought of her like a weapon, just as the others see you now. Then she started changing you. The Coral in your augments connected with the Coral in her systems, and something changed in both of you. At first, it was just a whisper. Something brushing over your psyche, speaking just on the edge of hearing, incomprehensible but unmistakable.
Then your body started following suit. Your teeth, jaw, and digestive tract were the first things to change, presumably to allow you to consume and digest - you're not even sure if that's the correct term - the materials your girl needed to keep changing you. After your first meal, the tastiest 20 pounds of scrap you've ever eaten, your skin started changing too. The docs couldn't give you injections anymore. Their needles bent or broke when they tried to push them into your skin. You figured out why a few weeks later when what was left of your epidermis sloughed off and revealed armored plating underneath. They had to take an angle grinder to your arm in order to access your veins. You didn't feel any pain when they did. At the time, you thought that should have disturbed you a lot more than it did.
By that point, you'd been noticing Wolfrun's thoughts coming in a little clearer. In transit to your jobs, it was feelings of curiosity, probing, and wonder. In combat, it was a spark in your vision when you needed to dodge, a wordless warning about approaching enemies. In the base... still nothing but a whisper. That's when you started feeling lonely: when you couldn't feel her presence anymore.
As you became more and more monstrous, more and more like her, you began to visit her night after night. Maybe it was because you sensed an intelligence within her 65 ton body, or maybe it was simply because being near her drowned out the silence. You had no way of verifying this, but you felt like she relaxed as well when you were around. She was shut down in the hangar, of course, and there was no way any part of her could still be engaged, or so you thought. But as time went on, the whispers got louder, the words - feelings and thoughts, really - more comprehensible. And all the while, your body changed.
The 5'6" chubby trans gal who went into debt and subsequently under the knife to get a hand-me-down set of 4th gen augments all those years ago is long gone now. The thing you've become, whose claws clanged against the metal of the hangar's floor, had long since cast off that form. Where once was skin had become plated metal. Despite having no screws or rivets to speak of, it stayed firmly in place no matter how much the techs tried to pry it off. The augments which before had stuck partially out of the left side of your skull had seamlessly integrated themselves into the sleek plating that had cropped up on your head, looking far more natural than they ever had before. Your hair had fallen away, and the metal around your skull became angled and sleek, looking more bulwark than biological and with aerodynamic fins sprouting from it.
A sleek black plate had formed where your eyes once were. The day you woke up with that, you thought you had gone blind. You panicked, begging for help, afraid they wouldn't ever let you pilot her again. You had been moved into your new warehouse home at that point, and it took time for the maintenance techs to find you. Before they did, though, you felt someone - your girl, you realized - beckoning to you. She could help you. When the techs finally got there, you begged them to put you in her cockpit. It took them a while to figure out who you meant by "her", but your handler, who had come running the moment she heard the news, was on top of it. She barked at them to get you to Wolfrun, and with great difficulty, the three of them helped you get your then-8 foot form into her. You spent the next week inside her cockpit, refusing to get out except to eat and drink. She was there with you, and she let you see through her eyes. The world as she saw it was far more vivid than human eyes could ever see, infrared, ultraviolet, gamma, magnetic, smells, sounds, vibrations, on top of the visual spectrum you were used to. And when the delicate sensor plate where your eyes once were finally engaged at the end of that week, that's how you saw the world, too.
When you finally left her cockpit, you realized you could still hear her. From then on, she was with you always. That made you happy. It made her happy, too. You started letting her choose her own parts, and she was happy to. She still insisted you choose some too, though, since according to her, it was your body just as much as it was hers. True enough, whatever force was altering your body changed you to match her. When you tried out digitigrade legs, you stumbled getting out of bed the next morning after yours had reconfigured themselves to match. When you got her bulky, high capacity arms, your arms - fully synthetic by then - had bulked up considerably.
Even cosmetic changes started to affect you. You painted menacing, sharp teeth onto her head over the sensor plate with mechanical precision, and you found your own mouth elongating and becoming more of a muzzle as a result. You'd have thought being so malleable would have unsettled you, but you found you were more excited about the possibilities instead. It felt more like becoming who you were meant to be. Besides, it made wolfing down your metal meals easier. You figure intention, either yours or hers, or both, affected how you changed, but no one else had any satisfactory explanation for any of this. You'd stopped caring long ago in any case.
What you and Wolfrun ended up settling on for her, after earning a mountain of COAM for you and your handler with your unbeatable, utterly synchronized performance, was a mid-lightweight build focused on tearing apart the battlefield as quickly as possible with heavy machinery. What you became in response was anything but lightweight, at least compared to the humans around you. The finned bulwark and the black sensor on your head never really changed, but the rest of you seemed plenty mutable. Your arms grew long and powerful, your shoulders tipped with decorative spires. Your waist grew slender, tapering inorganically in nested panels to allow for plenty of articulation. Your torso got wider, too, though for whatever reason, the outline of breasts remained constant on your new chassis. You kept the digitigrade legs. Over time, hydraulic supports seemed to have formed on yours. The snout stayed, too. You were too proud of that paint job to ever take it off even with the changes to your own body. BECAUSE of the changes. You might be more machine than woman at this point, by you're still you, pride and all.
The techs estimate that only about 5% of your body is still organic. Probably most of your brain and maybe some other systems, plus a few symmetrical patches of skin. They suspect that you had either some kind of sympathetic Coral connection to your AC that rearranged your augments and allowed the changes to start, or that somehow repair nanites adapted to your form and began "fixing" you. In any case, they think the bulk of your changes are done with at this point. You're a little disappointed by that. Wolfrun likes the new you, though. She's happy for your connection and to be able to get even closer to you. Your handler appreciates your new form just as much. She doesn't even bat an eyelid when you tell her that you've been talking to Wolfrun. If anything, she seems a little sad that she can't talk to her directly. As for your relationship with your handler, you might be nearly twice her height, standing at a hulking 10 feet tall, but that doesn't stop her from loving you, or from jamming her fingers lovingly between your legs after missions.
But she's sleeping now. It's late, but you're still lonely. There's only one entity up at this time of night you'd care to talk to, so you climb the catwalks to meet her, claws clanging against the metal of the hangar. You smile your toothy, metal smile as she greets you, opening her cockpit so you can crawl inside and be one with her for a few more hours before your next mission.
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renthony · 3 months
Just curious. How bad has Biden been at controlling COVID-19 in your view?
First: I already responded to a similar question you left on this post.
Second: Biden has been atrocious for COVID-19 safety and management. COVID-19 is still killing people, and our president has done a horribly insufficient job in mitigating that. "Better than the Republicans" is not the same thing as "good" or "effective." Biden's abysmal reaction to COVID-19 is part of why I'm so thrilled that the Uncommitted campaign for the Democratic primary has achieved some success. That particular campaign is focused on ceasefire in Palestine, but the People's CDC explained in a statement how Palestine is also very much a public health issue. We need to scare the bastard and actually do some of that "pushing him left" that people claimed they'd do after getting him elected. Though it seems to me like a lot of people just settled for, "okay, we got rid of Trump, we don't have to worry anymore."
Third: While I'm at it, people have to do more than vote. You have got to get involved. You have got to do more than participate in the presidential election once every four years. Join a union (may I recommend the IWW?), follow the guidance of The People's CDC, volunteer for your local Food Not Bombs, get involved in a tenants union like the Autonomous Tenants Union Network, read Riot Medicine, get trained in first aid and get involved in a street medic group, read up on your local politics and get involved on the small-scale, do something in addition to voting in the presidential election. Even if you're limited in how much you can personally participate, find the people who are talking about these issues and signal boost them, and share the information with others who may be more able to participate more. If you can tell people to go vote in the presidential election, you can also tell them to go do other things, too.
Now, with all of that out of the way, here are some links related to Biden's abysmal COVID-19 response:
During his 2020 campaign, Biden promised immediate $2K stimulus checks. Instead, he delivered $1,400. Sources: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Velena Jones for NBC Bay Area: "‘Too expensive': Bay Area residents shocked over new COVID vaccine prices"
Reuters: "COVID vaccine manufacturers set list price between $120-$130 per dose"
Joseph Choi for The Hill: "Free COVID-19 test program to be suspended for now"
Disability activist Alice Wong writing for TeenVogue: "Covid Isn't Going Anywhere. Masking Up Could Save My Life," and the follow-up article, "COVID and the 2024 Election: What Biden and Democrats Owe High-Risk People."
Laura Weiss writing for The New Republic: "Democrats Can't Keep Ignoring Covid in 2024."
David Cohen and Adam Cancryn for Politico: "Biden on '60 Minutes': 'The Pandemic is Over.'"
Alex Skopic for Current Affairs: "COVID-19 is Still a Threat. So is Biden’s CDC."
Adam Cancryn for Politico: "Biden Appears to be Over Covid Protocols."
Paul Thornton for the Los Angeles Times: "Covid Still Rages, and the Biden Administration Isn't Helping."
Eric J. Topol for the Los Angeles Times: "The U.S. is facing the biggest COVID wave since Omicron. Why are we still playing make-believe?"
We should have free, universal testing. We should have free, universal vaccination. We should have free, universal treatment. We should have financial assistance for those of us who can't work outside the home. We should have mandated work-from-home for any job that can be done remotely. We should be emptying prisons and paying attention to the way disease and abuse proliferate inside their walls. We should have COVID-19 safety PSAs and government support for universal masking. We should have free distribution of N95s. We should have mandated masking in medical settings and public spaces. We should have a higher minimum wage. We should have healthcare reforms. We should have strong worker protections. We should have improved infrastructure. We should have a president who gives a single flying fuck about how many of us are dying.
And we have none of it.
But we sure seem to have money to keep dropping bombs, arming cops, terrorizing the vulnerable, and imprisoning innocent people to use for slave labor.
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howi99 · 3 days
SOTBL: How did we get here?
26 years ago
Dimitri: *slowly coming to his senses* Where...? *Waking up completely, looking around him* Where am i?! *Wincing as memory comes to him* Right, i was chasing El but another group was there... They seemed to use a strange device and then... Argh, no good, i can't remember anything after that. *someone entered the room he was in* Uh? Who goes there?
???: Well, you look lively for someone who fell from the sky and demolished my car. *Hearty laugh* don't worry, i don't blame you so you can relax. And to answer your question, my name's Verdant.
Dimitri: *looking at the man who's talking* I... See. *Look at the pair of cat ears the man got on his head*
Verdant: Hm? What, you never saw a Faunus before?
Dimitri: Faunus? I don't believe i've ever seen someone like you before.
Verdant: *sigh* Well, i'll be. You really never saw a Faunus, uh? I guess you aren't a huntsman after all.
Dimitri: *shaking his head* Verdant, could you tell me where i am?
Verdant: Well, you are currently in Menagerie, or to be more precise, the autonomous region of Menagerie, since we are technically still a part of Mistral.
Dimitri: Mistral? Menagerie?
Verdant: Yeesh, the fall must have hurt your head pretty bad if you can't even place Mistral on a map. You know, one of the four kingdoms?
Dimitri: I'm really sorry, but could you tell me if we won? The war i mean?
Verdant: A... War? Sonny, the last war was 30 years ago and looking at you, you must not be older than my son. Then again, i can see in your eyes that you aren't joking... *Scratch the back of his head* If you need, i got a map. I don't know if that's gonna be of much help for you.
Dimitri: Thank you... *Looking inside the room for the gear he had on him* Sorry to ask, but have you taken my equipment away?
Verdant: Oh it's all downstairs, the only thing i couldn't get you out of was your armor. Boy, i don't know how you do walk with that all day. *Goes to leave* Oh yeah, i meant to see if you'd like to eat. My wife made some pancakes with bacon and eggs.
Dimitri: *getting up from the bed he was in* I shall join you in a bit.
Verdant: *nods while leaving*
Dimitri: ... *Look at his side, a little device showing the time* I don't believe i'm in fódlan anymore.
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gaiahypothesims · 1 year
Get to Know Me- Sims Style
Thank you for tagging me @treason-and-plot
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What’s your favorite Sims death?
Ugh man, I don't know. I don't let mine die a lot, but they do tend to die from random stupid things. Meteor death, while I was making scenes. Birthday cake fire/death from a gameplay.
Alpha CC or MaxisMatch?
Alpha. I like MM for TS4, but not so much for TS3.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
I haven't had to until recently. Laken ate a whole bunch of pie, autonomously!!! and then the next thing I knew he was all blown up and waddling around. The rest of them seem to have kept themselves in order. Its no good when taking pics of a scene and suddenly someone looks waayyyy different. Fucking Laken.
Do you move objects?
Oh absolutely. I don't think my game likes it. But its a necessary evil.
Favourite Mod?
All of NRAAS, and also all the new toddler interactions from MTS. Skins are a must for me, same with eyes. I don't like dead eyes.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
TS3- Generations or Seasons? I think. I had TS2 previously, but that was a lifetime ago and I don't remember what I did with that.
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing
Live like aLIVE. What the heck man.
Who’s your favourite sim that you’ve made?
Oh lord. I have so many. I'll be the most apparent and say Jonah. Because he's just a whole legacy.
Have you made a simself?
Oh yeah. Just one though. Because I wanted to see if she'd get up to some shit. On brand as always, she does nothing. Just shows up here and there. Goes to work, goes home. No drama. Sigh. Lame old thing.
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Which is your favorite EA hair color?
Oh man.. I don't know. Black? I usually change them. The brown is too green, the reds too orange... blonde too yellow.
Favorite EA hair?
Good question. Maybe this one? I don't use EA hairs for the most part. Jared got a makeover and doesn't use this one anymore, but it was one I've used before. There are some other ones that are decent but I don't have images.
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Favorite life stage?
Young Adult, just because it encompasses a pretty huge frame of life. You can make them look 18 or 35+ in the same stage.
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Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I like building things, I just suck at it. I love the gameplay, but I also love making up a story as I go. So while I am mostly a story teller here, I do let gameplay dictate a lot of what goes on. High free will is always on.
Are you a CC creator?
In a way. I do have CC out there, but nothing fancy. Just make up and some paintings. I share a lot of my sims because I like making them.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
I would say that there are some older sim story tellers and such that have kept me going. There are ones that I think about a lot and would 100% credit me for keeping on, even when things aren't the same as they were before. I do it for you!
Do you have any sims merch?
Yeah for sure. Any dildo out there that you fancy is directly moulded after Jonah's dick. At least he'd say so.
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
HAH. I can't even imagine the torture of sitting through me 'playing'.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I really used to be gameplay only. But In my mind I made up stories and dialogue as it happened and of course laughed at my own jokes and their antics. It wasn't until after TS4 came out and I really went hunting for stories that I started my own, not in TS4 because I couldnt "connect" with it.
What’s your origin id?
I don't know. I do have TS4, but I don't play it. I ended up having TS3, GEN, Seasons, ITF on there.... but then I re-bought it all on Steam way back because Origin is so shifty.
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
Oh man, so many and so niche. But generally Around the Sims is so solid and still converting and making things for TS3. They are the only person I've spent real $$ on.
How long have you had simblr?
I don't know. 6-7 years? Maybe more. I'm sure I could look it up, but... that would make me look back on my life.
How do you edit your pictures?
I used to take reg screens and then run them through Adobe Lightroom. But then I thought I would try gshade-reshade, hated it, then tried it again. I still don't love it, but it cuts down on editing time which means I can actually share/write whatnot. So I'm there now. Reshade.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite?
I love ITF... because its just... out there and every so often I love me some sci-fi. With that said I think the game isn't complete without Seasons and Generations. I'll be honest and say that I haven't explored the game to the fullest. I wish it would be "remastered" and more current to todays systems. It would be a whole ass banger if it could actually play on the system I have right now.
***I'm not nominating anyone because I'm so late to the game. Life is wild and crazy and I feel lucky that anyone remembers I'm still here. I love you all, and appreciate all the hearts and comments. I know I'm not as consistent or interactive as I used to be. Life has just... decided to make me work for it.
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Every time I rewatch Death Note I'm like, surely I already love Aizawa enough, and every time when I'm done I find myself loving Aizawa more than before
I've made a post before about how Aizawa is the only Task Force team member who doesn't bow to L or Light or any of the "geniuses" just because they're geniuses, but I'd like to expand on that a bit. I think that, more than that, Aizawa is the only Death Note character who's shown to have autonomy
I'll elaborate. Of course they all have de factum autonomy and make their own choices; but most of them don't act like they do. Light has his whole martyr-god thing going on, "I'm the only one who can", etc. I think he might have said "I have no choice" more times than he said "new world". Even though he is objectively making his own choices, he acts like he is forced, either as a "sacrifice" he makes for a perfect world, or because it is "necessary" for him to protect himself. He hides behind his own ideals to shield himself from being seen as responsible for his own choices
L, as usual, isn't that much different from Light. Although he doesn't actually claim to not have a choice, he always acts as if everything he chooses is just a natural, logical consequence of the environment that would be foolish to not do, and not something that he chose out of many possibilities. A good example of that is when he says that they have to let Yotsuba kill their targets in order to advance in the case, and then Light finds a way to delay the murders while also getting more information. L says "you thought of it before I did", but the truth is that L wouldn't have ever thought of it, because he wasn't trying to. He made the choice to not look for alternatives. He made the choice to let them murder. He could have made another, like Light did. And yet, he doesn't ever act like he could look for alternatives other than the easiest advantageous path
Near talks about himself as if he's almost just an extension of L, and a lot of the reasoning for his choices is based on what L would have done or wanted. I cut him some slack because he's literally still a kid and was raised as if he was nothing but L's heir, but it's still true. Mello is in a similar state of mind, and although he doesn't make excuses for his choices or act as if they aren't choices, he is so obsessed with proving himself I don't think he's autonomous, psychologically speaking. That isn't to say that Mello isn't accountable for his choices (he is), but I can't really see him as an autonomous person when he doesn't even have a sense of self detached from others. He is always defined by others, especially Near and L
Misa and Mikami are also driven by obsession and build their identities around Light and Kira respectively, as does Takada to a certain extent. And the taskforce members all play along to whatever L (and later Light) tells them to with very little or no resistance
Except for Aizawa
Aizawa never lets anyone dictate his choices, or "goes with the flow", or makes excuses, or accepts anything as an inevitability
When he was against Light or L's plans, he said so. He never spoke to anyone as anything less or more than an equal, no matter their status, titles, or supposed intelligence. When he decided to not live at HQ and stay with his wife instead, he didn't blame it on his wife. Similarly, when his wife and child complained about his overworking, he didn't blame it on L or his boss. When faced with the possibility of having to quit the force, he tried every option he could think of. When he decided to leave the investigation, it was on his own terms for his own reasons, and he again showed that he is not willing to just accept whatever L says. Even then, he didn't accept that he couldn't investigate Kira anymore and actually created a whole separate secret investigation within the detectives. When Near told the task force to give them information, Aizawa chose to do so. And he kept choosing every step by himself, for his whole arc
Hell, he is the only character who is shown to be conflicted about his choices. That in itself I think is the biggest proof if his autonomy. No one else seems to be conflicted about what they do, they just do it. But Aizawa thinks over and agonizes and struggles, tries to keep his feelings in check and separate them from what he thinks is right or logical. Because he doesn't take any path for granted. He's aware that he's constantly choosing what actions to take, and he treats that as the responsibility that it is
And it's such a breath of fresh air! After so many uninterrupted hours of deeply obsessed characters acting as if they aren't autonomous, Aizawa shows up and thinks for himself, refusing to be defined by anyone else or hide behind any ideal. And he does it while also maintaining integrity of character, being consistent in his beliefs and challenging his own feelings and assumptions
And it's that autonomy that makes him an integral part of the plot by the end, because without it, he couldn't have chosen to help Near, and Near wouldn't have gotten some of his most crucial information. And I think his presence enriches the plot a lot because of that, not only because of that, but maybe especially because it shows that there is another possible frame of reference, even for a secondary character. A frame of reference that allows to thinking for yourself, even when your role is small. A frame of reference that acknowledges our responsibility for our choices, and how everything we do is a choice
And basically I could never love him enough
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marcusrobertobaq · 7 months
Theory on RK800's MISSION SUCCESSFUL and FAILED status system.
This is an old theory of mine. I'll be using Connor as example since he's the only character we play good portion of the game as non-deviant and he got a good range of autonomy as non-deviant. Doesn't make much sense after all that time (1 year i'm on this mf) but i guess wouldn't hurt post it here?
⚠️ To fully understand my idea correctly i think u should read my theory on Connor's orders given by Amanda so u got a background about some stuff.
Rough summary: for RK800 mission to fail or be successful he gotta check what was asked in the direct order and compare with the current situation and verify ain't got other way of doing what's in the direct order.
Another point to remember: by him confirming what's in the direct order is done, doesn't matter if was done by him or not, his mission can be SUCCESSFUL (or a FAILURE).
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(first one: Destroy Markus, consequently ending the revolution -> Markus: status deactivated = mission succesful)
(second one: destroy Markus, consequently ending the revolution -> Markus: status alive, dirty bomb detonated consequently revolution succesful = mission failed)
If u read my theory u noticed i theorize Connor is an autonomous android, or at least semi-autonomous. That means he can choose approaches totally alone as long as he doesn't break a direct order. The problem is: most orders are vague. Only few things got a direct tone which he can't avoid (for example: find Anderson and investigate the X case), but what to do when the direct part of the order is acomplished but still got something to do?
So, uh, all the times we spare androids or go another direction the order ain't exactly failing if he chooses an option that ain't raising the % of success, his ordered mission actually ENDED. The possibility of not even acomplishing the first part EXISTS.
He can keep going cuz his direct orders have already been "successful". Everything that happens after this he's alone in deciding everything (he only got priorities). After all, NOBODY RELEVANT ORDERED him to do X thing, they didn't even know X could happen in X way.
But if something != his direct order and it's a X OR Y situation (either u do it or not - no mid terms), it fails.
For example:
Not finding the deviant on the crime scene when the order is investigating it and finding the deviant.
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Failing to save the hostage's life when his order was saving the human at all costs.
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Not finding the deviant hideout when the order was finding the deviant hideout.
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I'm not relying on the HUD thing cuz sometimes it doesn't appear, but the logic still the same. Also ain't deviancy cuz he didn't go against these orders, he just failed. Wasn't on purpose.
The only place where we got an intervention with a new direct order is in Crossroads. Like i said in that theory post, first order is finding Jericho (f or s), then we got an update (which is why he can't avoid it without breaking his program) after we found the leader: deal with Markus (f or s). Amanda doesn't know Markus is there, he could be in another place while Connor is at Jericho and not find him there, even if the % is low. That's why we got an update.
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If the leader escape, the MISSION SHOULD STAY OPEN cuz the leader != dead and can still be neutralized before the revolution is a success. If Hank/Allen become an obstacle in the rooftop and Connor couldn't shoot, THE MISSION IS STILL OPEN cuz he's far from the leader and they're != dead and can still be killed before the revolution is a success.
But ofc some stuff can also end badly. What if the mission is "successful" but the outcome u think would happen (high %) doesn't happen and what actually happens is WHAT YOU WERE TRYING TO AVOID?
For example: neutralizing the deviant Connor but not stopping the androids from wake up:
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Killing the deviant leader to end the revolution but not stopping shit from happen after that:
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I mean, ain't his problem anymore, right? He acomplished his mission. The problem is the lack of accuracy in chain effect prediction. In both ocasions we only got one specific goal: neutralize the target. What else...? Nothing xD
And by % everything that happen after this should follow the highest % event: by neutralizing the deviant Connor, the androids won't wake up (cuz the deviant one is dead and couldn't finish converting the androids); neutralizing the leader, the revolution will be controlled consequently Detroit being safe from the threat (cuz without a leader is just a matter of time every single deviant is dead). But what happen is the lowest %, and as Connor himself says:
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An event Connor can also discard cuz the chances are extremly low, leaving a space for it to happen cuz he wasn't careful enough.
But all because of one thing: HIS MISSION WAS ACOMPLISHED...at least the direct order he received. What happens after this? I guess fuck it, right? Ain't his problem anymore. He did what he had to do.
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It all makes sense in my head but may not work with everybody, so...good fucking luck analyzing your own shit.
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bunbeeplays · 2 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 81 - New Trait, Who Dis?
Today's the day. Ophelia's last re-traiting appointment. She can't help but feel nervous. What trait is she going to choose? There's so many possibilities!
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Ophelia: I want to make sure I don't regret my decision. Creative would be nice, but my music lover trait kind of covers creativity. The Watcher doesn't pay enough attention for me to be vegetarian. Also it's ridiculous a third of your personality has to be related to your diet.
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Ophelia: I thought about picking lactose intolerant since that's what I originally told you my third trait was but I don't want to blow all my hard work on a gag.
Xander: Please don't. I love you but you eat way too much dairy and you'd definitely poop yourself sooner or later.
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Xander: Whatever you pick, I know it'll be the right trait for you. I'm so proud of you for sticking with this. Just please don't pick lactose intolerant. I know I'm neat, but that's doesn't mean I want to clean up your bladder failures.
Ophelia: Thanks. Guess I'll go get ready!
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Ophelia sits on the couch she's processed so much on for the final time.
Omari: This is a big day. How are you feeling?
Ophelia: Nervous. Excited. Scared.
Omari: Those are all normal feelings. Hopefully pride is one of those feelings as well. Not everyone makes it this far.
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Omari: We've worked on a lot this past year. I'm confident that you're ready to say goodbye to your kleptomaniac trait and embrace this lifestyle change.
Ophelia: Yeah, I haven't even autonomously tried to steal anything in weeks, and I returned everything I've ever stolen.
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Omari: That's remarkable, I didn't even tell you to do that.
Ophelia: You didn't have to, I wanted to. It was the right thing to do. I'm not lonely anymore, I don't need stolen stuff to feel good.
Omari: Well, now I'm more confident than ever you're ready.
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Ophelia: I'm going to miss talking to you.
Omari: For what it's worth, it's been a pleasure getting to know you, Ophelia. I'll have to come see you perform at Xander's bar someday.
Ophelia: Any drinks will definitely be on the house!
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Omari: You've come a long way. And never forget, you were always worthy of love and respect, kleptomaniac or not, but now you can take that energy and put it toward your passions and the people you love.
Ophelia: Thanks, Omari. I couldn't have done this without you.
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Omari: I'm happy to have been of service. I've placed your re-traiting serum in your inventory.
Ophelia: I thought you said I couldn't just take a serum.
Omari: You have to earn it. The serum is just what makes re-traiting physically possible without cheats.
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Ophelia: I'm so nervous, I don't think I know which trait to pick yet.
Omari: You don't have to take it right now. Wait until you're ready.
Ophelia: Really? How will I know when I'm ready?
Omari: Trust me, you'll know.
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Now that Ophelia is officially not her client anymore, Omari feels it's no longer unprofessional to offer her a parting hug.
Omari: You're going to do great things, Ophelia. If you ever need anything, or just want to talk, my door is always open.
Ophelia: Thank you so much.
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Ophelia stops by The Lemon Drop on the way home to perform a bit for Xander's patrons. The band wasn't booked for tonight, but she's feeling good, so why not? The bar goers certainly don't seem to mind!
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The paparazzi were originally here for, who else, Brytani Cho, but they snag pics of Ophelia too. She's getting more attention in public, and every day she's getting closer to her next celebrity ranking. After she picks her new trait, she hopes she'll be someone worth admiring.
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phlve · 1 year
Subtype Trait Structures: sx6
Doubtful and Insecure
Doubting is the preferred entertainment of this subtype. “To be or not to be” is Hamlet's dilemma, but E6 is not limited to doubting only on the existential plane. His doubtful thought expands everywhere: “To go or not to go? To speak or not to speak? To eat or not to eat? Now or later? Here or there?” And while waiting for an illumination that allows you to make the choice without running the risk of making mistakes, the person to whom you should speak is gone, the spaghetti is gone, and space and time take their course autonomously.
The interesting thing is that individuals of this character believe in their doubts. They think that to doubt is necessary to carry out a fair and effective action. Doubting is the fearful person's way of stopping time, with the illusion that “inaction will limit the damage.” Which? That's secondary: the damage is anywhere.
The sexual subtype does not tolerate much doubt, does not want to be in contact with the anxiety, frustration, and helplessness that come from inaction. So, when he can't take it anymore, he impulsively makes a decision: go, speak, risk your life (trying not to lose control). He remains with the doubt but at least discharges the accumulated tension. And then, like a good schizoid, he adopts an absolute position and represses one of the polarities of doubt; he assumes an aggressive and arrogant attitude to convince himself and others that this decision is the only thing that can be done.
Doubtful thinking is connected to insecurity, which he tries to hide for fear that if they see it, they will take advantage of him.
In their attempt to hide their fear, the counterphobic E6 may venture into reckless, even dangerous, actions. The myth of him is the hero who, “without blemish and without fear,” goes into danger. And he also defies danger.
However, his adventuring is always controlled: his ability to quickly perceive dangerous areas and the possibilities of finding a way out helps him. He knows how to calculate risk margins very well.
He can be reckless when he comes across people who are having a hard time and need protection. The contrast with the weak instills in him a kind of courage that leads him to face really dangerous situations. Other times recklessness is a solitary experience, such as speeding or failing to follow safety rules.
The deep motivation is to maintain the image of a strong person who does not give in to fear. Sensing the risk, he increases the inner excitement that feeds the idea of being strong.
“In the early 1990s there were quite a few neo-Nazi attacks in Germany. One afternoon I saw a bald boy attacking a Turkish woman in the heart of the city. With high adrenaline and without measuring the situation I ran towards them, I grabbed the man from behind, pulling him with all my strength and verbally reprimanding him. The surprised boy let go of the woman and I lived a moment of glory: the victorious defender of the defenseless... Until I turned around and saw a few more shaved heads a short distance away. The fright paralyzed me for a few moments until realizing that there were many people around me, I took a step towards the neo-Nazis, shouting that I was not afraid of them, that the others present were going to help us. I caused such a scandal that the group preferred to withdraw. Only then did I panic and I was left shaking, while simultaneously basking in the satisfaction of having won another fair fight.” (M.)
It is a constant attitude, as if in the challenge he found the energy that allows him to face difficult situations, tests that can confirm that he is capable. Also in the professional field his successes are based on the challenge. Being a “reactive” character, he achieves goals thanks to his willingness to prove that he can do it or that he is worth it. The challenge helps him combat his low self-esteem, thus preventing a correct analysis of his possibilities.
It is quite a common experience for counterphobic E6s to have no real sense of time, as if they don't want to be bound by restrictions or can't stand limits to their actions or desires. Meeting a deadline at the last minute increases the level of anxiety and this allows you to overcome your hesitant and cowardly inertia, thus managing to act.
“On the first day of secondary school, the Literature teacher said in an authoritative and threatening tone that surely half the class would have dropped out before the middle of the year “because the classical high school is not suitable for ignorant and low-level people like most of you.” I remember the rage, the fear of being inadequate, and immediately the phrase that came up inside me: “We'll see which one wins!” It was that energy that allowed me to continue to the end of a tough school.” (G.)
The challenge can be dialectical and elaborate, in a desire to devalue the other by using his repressed rage and his competitive attitude.
Mistrust and control are inseparable: everything should go according to plan because there is no trust in the flow of life. Neither is there trust in the other, nor in his capacity, nor in his intentions, to accompany him on the path.
This feeling is especially intense with people whose proposals are perceived by the sexual E6 as part of a manipulative strategy, or emotional people with another range of interests, or who hold power and, of course, are perceived as possible exploiters. But he sees everything through the filter of mistrust. And follow the labyrinth of obsessive thoughts, bordering on the paranoid, trying to decipher reality to decide the action. And when the ghost of mistrust takes power, definitively and without restraint, the counterphobic launches, accusingly, on the attack.
We have already discussed the state of anxiety typical of every Six character. An anxiety linked to the primary anguish of being destroyed and annihilated. The force, passion of this subtype, seeks to calm this anguish, and anxiety is the only accessible emotional state. Direct contact with fear, which anxiety hides, would be uncontrollable and would destroy the narcissistic image of a strong person that sustains the psychic structure of the counterphobic. And the same, contact with pain or sadness, expressions of an annihilating fragility.
The paranoid attitude of people with this character is linked to their favorite defense mechanism: projection. The parts of himself considered intolerable and ego-dystonic are attributed to the other, in the firm belief that he is dangerous. He mentally repeats each of his gestures and looks, and attributes to them meanings consistent with the basic presupposition: he is an enemy and he is conspiring against him.
Thought is disconnected from reality, and fantasy is no longer just something possible but a confirmed reality (obviously verified only at the level of your thought). The state of confusion between reality and thoughts is such that he believes in them as if they were “facts,” concrete data, and proven truths. The perception of being attacked becomes a reality from which it is necessary to defend oneself. The counterphobic, then, is always on the alert.
Waiting is wasting precious time during which something irreparable may happen. So trigger a defensive attack: “eliminate the enemy before he eliminates me.”
According to Claudio Naranjo, the sexual E6 has learned to defend himself against paranoid fantasies through intimidation. Aggression and fear create a vicious circle.
“After much thought, he expressed a categorical judgment about others, labeling them as people I should take care of and keep at a certain distance, looking at them from afar. This detachment created distrust and suspicion, to the point that at one time I seemed to hear others while they were talking about me.” (B)
Because of his deep distrust of others, it is difficult for him to believe in human kindness and sincerity. No one is good and trustworthy until proven otherwise. And he expresses this certainty with irony and sarcasm, with acid criticism.
Friends don't give each other enough, partners are constantly judged, colleagues don't measure up professionally, and bosses don't deserve their jobs. He finds it hard to believe that the other's feelings are authentic: he expresses them as part of a manipulative strategy with hidden intentions, which he will try to expose.
Since deep down the sexual E6 does not expect anything positive from relationships or love, he takes refuge in cynicism, which gives him the strength to overcome the prospect of living with such coldness, by preventing him from feeling the sadness that it implies.
“‘Believe in good feelings, in the expression of joy, always ready in enthusiasm, in the good faith of others.’ I was ready to snark sarcastically when I saw those feelings. With cynicism I confirmed the idea that there was nothing good in the world.” (B.)
In addition to being useful to defend against emotions, cynicism is also the mask of imperturbability that hides your difficulty in surrendering to feelings and relationships. Not to mention his belief that someone who is possessed by sentimentality is unintelligent or psychically unstable.
“Cynicism has “saved” my life several times, but the bitter taste it left in my mouth convinced me that it's best to abandon it in favor of a little sweetness. It's always been self-defense anyway: it makes them lose interest in hurting you.” (C.)
The counterphobic E6 does not realize that cynicism puts a distance in relationships, and also between what he feels and what he thinks, that makes him an unattractive person. Nobody likes to hug a pretentious block of ice.
“Friends, and even some partners, told me that I was cynical. I did not understand the meaning, but it deeply hurt me that they thought that of me. It seemed to me that I was a person who knew how to see the reality behind the lies, while the others were blind maudlins.”
Defensive Accuser
We have already talked about accusation as a cognitive distortion of the sexual E6, with which he attributes to the other parts of himself that he cannot sustain (aggressiveness and guilt). To protect himself from the alleged threats, he closes his space or with an armor that intimidates and shields him from too intense feelings.
He is very sensitive to invasion (physical or psychological) of his territory, like E5. The difference is that the E5 withdraws into his inner strength, the counterphobic hardens his body so that the muscles form a wall, and he defends himself by accusing and holding the other responsible for his own limits.
Faced with the conflict that he senses (and that he himself generates by making an enemy of someone emotionally important, to whom he has attributed a kind of authority), the sexual E6 reacts by automatically accusing a priori, without dialogue. The first thing he feels is the accusation of the other, an attack or some kind of offense that he does not question, that he does not compare with reality. The feeling of not being recognized prevails, that he is being partially evaluated and that the best parts of him remain in the shadows because the other does not want to see them. It is an injustice!
This character is aggressive and angry, but in intimate relationships he expresses his anger with great difficulty. It is easier to hear him yell and threaten in non-significant relationships, where he feels he is at risk of retaliation or rejection. Many counterphobic E6s say they are bellicose and rebellious at a social level, situations in which they feel supported by an ideal that justifies their opposition behavior.
Many say they have experienced a great ambivalence between behavior at home and abroad. At home, subject to the persecutor; in social relationships, persecutors who need to be seen as strong and determined. Much of the anger discharges in the competition (intellectual or sports). In intimate relationships, anger and resentment turn into an aggressive attitude, abrupt gestures, and ironic words. The look is usually threatening and the eyes take on a forceful shape: round and bulging, which attack. The way of walking is fast and well rooted, although the stiff neck and shoulders betray the intention to control fear, ambushed in bravado.
“I am aggressive only in the dialectic phase, if I feel a threat to my personal integrity. I have never fought with anyone (for fear of losing, but especially of hurting...). My real aggressiveness was in the posture and in the look, which carried a sign: “Attention! I bite.” But inside I knew, and I know very well, that it was to protect my weakness.” (C.)
Aggressiveness is a way of being that you are often unaware of because it is not a precise mood but background music.
“I was very surprised when they told me I was aggressive. Inside me I was much more in touch with worry and shyness.” (G.)
The typical counterphobic E6’s outburst of rage is a “reactive” gesture, responding to the other's anger, disgrace, or accusation. But it can also be a reply to someone who does not think like him, since it is unacceptable for him not to be right. Then the dialogue becomes hard; the tone, high; the other's words must be cut off. There is no time to lose because everything becomes dangerous and the opponent should not be given the option to go on the attack.
“It took me a long time to realize my habit of interrupting someone who was speaking to me. In my house everyone talks interrupting; each dialogue is a war between people who never feel heard, who are never sure of having a recognized place. I understood that for me, interrupting or raising the tone hides a cry: ‘I also exist!’” (G.)
Being a coward is his Achilles heel, the most infamous experience. The aggressive tone and appearance serve to hide, from himself and from the world, that, in fact, we are dealing with a great “cagón” (shithead).
In intimate relationships, they sign a tacit non-aggression pact. When the Sexual E6 decides to accept the other in his intimacy, he is very loyal; sometimes of a blind and inexplicable loyalty.
On the other hand, he secretly “demands” a loyalty that is not so clear to the other. The speech, below, becomes: “I accept you (apparently) as you are, I don't attack you, and you don't attack me, you leave me alone, you let me go to my ball, and you don't discover my weak points. You don't question me.”
It is an acceptance in appearance, since when he discovers that the other is not as faithful as he supposed, he ends the relationship without feeling much, as if it were the breaking of an agreement in a negotiation, with an objective, cold, and rational attitude. This behavior is very similar to that of an E8, but this one has an experience of possession of the other, while what the E6 wants is a non-threat pact.
In short, the sexual E6, after his supposed autonomy, hides from a tendency to merge with the other, from whom he hopes not to be mistreated, as happened to him as a child, and who also shares his ideas. Intellectual harmony becomes a unit of measure for the level of friendship and love, and a pact of loyalty. It is almost impossible to think of a love story that does not include appreciation of the other's ideas; as if eroticism were more connected with intellectual enthusiasm than with the pleasure of the body.
In the relationship with authority, intellectual affinity is fundamental in deciding to what extent to obey and follow a leader. It shifts to the person with authority the need for a guide to indicate which path to follow and help them make sense of events. It must be an authority that, through ideals, conveys a justification for continuing to live. The loving and warm relationship that the father and mother lacked is replaced by collaboration, loyalty to a common project, intellectual passion, and the sublimation of ideals. The sexual E6 is constantly looking for a “father.” The superior authority becomes a myth, while claiming from subordinates the same adherence, the same rigid ethical coherence.
“I had deeply rooted ideas, with convictions that prevented me from seeing the nuances and that kept me rigid, unable to reach an understanding, without any possibility of changing concepts. They reinforced my idea of always being right, of loyalty to the given word and of honesty in intentions. With these principles I thought I would strengthen myself, because leaning on them I seemed to know where I was going and what I wanted to laugh at myself and at others. Putting them into practice, he seemed to have the appearance of a serious, responsible, competent person.” (B.)
Critical and Authoritarian
All people with an E6 character are hypercritical. In the contraphobic it is a very evident characteristic, which demonstrates his narcissistic desire to be the best, the one who should be approved in his own right, the one who has all the qualities to carry out a task or occupy a certain position.
“What could be easier and more beautiful than accusing others of a defeat? Destroying the other provokes in me a great feeling of power.” (C.)
But this narcissistic self-image does not allow him to expose himself, as for example happens with an E1 character, because the fear of being punished (castrated) prevails as soon as he opposes and adopts an explicit superior attitude. Therefore, he cultivates this conviction within himself, expressing it with criticism, sometimes in a hidden way, creating alliances and analyzing where the other is wrong.
In the case of occupying a position of authority, ambivalence causes criticism to manifest itself in the inability to trust others and to allow each one to act according to their own way. Authoritarian control is even more evident when collaborating with someone “unintelligent” (who is motivated by emotion and not by thought): “incapable.” The sexual E6 is so convinced that he knows how to do everything that he fails to have confidence in the path or in the creativity of others.
“I have had a hard time cultivating patience with my students. Whenever I saw that something was wrong or that there was no clear thought behind it, I began to feel bad; physical intolerance. I felt compelled to intervene as if I had to save a child from a fire. I projected onto the other my experience of not being able to make a mistake, the catastrophic vision of the effects of an error.” (G.)
When he criticizes, the counterphobic easily becomes a persecutor, intimidating those around him with uncontested, stony criticism, and a vehement tone. Thus he combats the unbearable feeling of impotence.
We want to emphasize here the oppositional character of the sexual E6. His rebellion is impregnated with fear of punishment, unlike the E8, who enjoys his desire to do what he wants and does not care about the feelings of the other and what he does, he does not allow himself to be limited and is ready for anything. In his rebellion, the counterphobic continues to feel anxiety, although he may enjoy not respecting either his prosecutor or the rules. He even finds great satisfaction in the transgression, but he will continue to watch carefully what the other's reactions may be. He will oscillate between the pride of his strong image and the fear of having committed something irreparable that will lead to rejection.
Theirs is a rebellion linked to the ideal of the hero: one who challenges the world for a just cause, willing to lose his life to save others.
Observant and Inhibited
The sexual E6 explores the world cautiously. Although it is the most active of the subtypes, it limits itself, circumscribes the field of curiosity and prefers to move in already explored terrain. He is capable of dreaming of great trips to the ends of the world, but he is satisfied with having glimpsed them; then he comes back satisfied that he had stuck his head out, and frustrated that he hadn't involved his whole body.
“Observe to confirm what I think, observe as control of the situation, always alert, observe to assess the convenience of being in a place or with someone.” (B.)
It is almost impossible to believe that the counterphobic is shy, but it is something that he has lived with since his childhood, and that for many represents hell. It's like having an infectious disease with fear that everyone will find out. Obviously, being shy clashes with the heroic and strong image you want to give to the world. Despite your efforts to hide it, shyness is always there like a devouring monster.
“At the age of twenty-six I had to present my first paper before a congress. She was obviously happy and wouldn't have backed down even with an earthquake. Ten minutes before I went up to the box, my neck, chest, and arms were covered in red spots. He was terribly embarrassed that they would see each other. Since then, I have had this kind of reaction every time I had to expose myself in public. I learned to dress so that those parts of the body would not be seen. Two years later, on a similar occasion, exhausted, I spoke to the director of the school where she worked as a teacher and he told me: “Don't worry, it's just the narcissistic need to be perfect.” The arrow had hit the target: the symptom disappeared.” (G.)
Shyness is connected with the deep feeling of inadequacy, with the constant fear of being ridiculous. The humiliation experienced during childhood and the lack of basic trust left an insecurity installed in the body. Like a soldier who appears alone in the enemy camp, he tries to be invisible so that they don't kill him.
This experience is similar to that of an E3, with the profound difference that a Vanity character bids to be seen, in his desire for a relationship with the other, while the E6 prefers to be “left alone,” taking away value to relational need.
Afraid of Tenderness
The counterphobic instinctively seeks sexual intimacy, as if the intensity of these encounters were enough to satisfy their need for human contact. He has no difficulty in surrendering to the sexual act, which he tries to differentiate from the emotional. Always distinguish in relationships what is only sexual and does not imply love. In a kind of double life; in the face of a discreet, shy, almost straight and normative behavior, he is a collector of experiences: he seeks to feel something deeper, again and again, impulsively, whenever the opportunity arises, without success.
“Atrocious situations followed one another: from the way I gave my virginity to a stranger I never wanted to hear from again (for me it was a procedure that had to be done sooner rather than later, stripped of tenderness), to the sexual encounters, so many as possible, in search of orgasm, to which it was difficult, and sometimes impossible, to surrender.” (R.)
He does not want the other to realize that he likes or desires him, because that would be putting himself in his hands, allowing him to do what he wants with him. The tenderness can be a space of no control and he does not allow himself to take off his armor. Just as he has not been able to rest peacefully in mom's arms, he cannot give himself over to loving effusions either.
“If I liked a man, I preferred to show that he did not interest me at all. It was better to give up than to endure the shame and the risk of being ridiculed. I always imagined this thought in the other: ‘But who does he think he is to believe that I could like him!’” (G.)
This experience has to do with the lack of references, or criteria. The sexual E6 has not had a model. Or, in which there was, he does not trust and, therefore, has moved away from him. But there is no confidence in his own signals either, because he grew up doubting them, with messages of the type: “you don't know,” “they won't love you,” “they will cheat on you,” “they will tease you”; and fundamentally, because he doubted the reality he was observing;
“Could that be true? Really? Wouldn't I be wrong thinking what I thought?”
So, in an uncomfortable situation, she tries to take the pulse of the environment, quickly see what the others do, if they accept or reject her, as a test before making her own decision. But she is left evaluating all the factors without making any decision. In this wait he can endure very difficult situations. It might seem like an adaptation; actually it is an anesthesia; inside himself he knows perfectly well that he does not want what is happening, but it is impossible for him to move until the “certainty” arrives. At the same time he measures his strength by enduring hardships, psychic and physical weights, to later feel satisfied that he has not fallen.
“Putting up with an uncomfortable situation is staying “waiting” for the other to see that I'm right, that I'm right... and to do what I think is necessary. If I don't receive a signal, I tend to repeat it several times, as if to listen to myself and stay calm so that what I'm saying is clear.” (R.)
He likes to look triumphant. It is a victory over oneself: over that “oneself” that, deep down, knows that it is injured in its integrity. And under the pressure of needing a constant demonstration or reliable proof of what he is capable of; that is, that he is able to get out without harm, without pain, whether physical or emotional.
It is not enough for him to prove something to himself introspectively, in silence. For it to acquire validity, for it to be real to itself, the sexual E6 needs to show it, say it out loud, explain the battle…
This results in bragging, that fearless attitude that hides the inner insecurity for which you need to explain yourself over and over again, checking that there is no criticism, that there is acceptance. And there is also, deep down, a need to justify oneself.
Of course, he only needs to share it with those closest to him, with those who will not question him, who will accept his bravado and agree with him, which will validate him and allow him to feel moral superiority.
This is a trait that most sexual E6 recognize. By “honest” they mean that they do not tolerate any hypocrisy, falsehood, or deception. Even telling a lie is impossible. The honesty that he seeks ensures that he who fights for himself and for others is also correct, consistent and, therefore, worthy part of his ideal of a hero without blemish and without fear, justice and the rescue of the oppressed. And it is a way of going against the enemies: the exploiters, the powerful and those who abuse power, even people who have money because how can you have money if you are honest?
The ambition of the sexual E6 is camouflaged as idealism, by the pretense of wanting success or power at the service of justice and honesty. The idealization of himself as righteous justifies his desire to be recognized as the best, or perhaps the only one, in competition with others, whom he likes to look at as fools or people who are not up to the task (whatever they are).
Obviously, fear does not allow us to live this competition openly and visibly, which it condemns as immoral or selfish. So in this field, too, the counterphobic E6 will advance with one accusing finger and the other timid hand. He will continue to feel that a persecutor is going to come and punish him for being competitive and castrate him for being ambitious. There remains a feeling of frustration and rage against those who do not allow him (according to him) to raise his head, and also of guilt for wanting to raise it so much.
Source: PDB Wiki
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adibahsajidah · 4 months
I'm Having Fun Play Neal.Fun, Until I saw this
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Neal.Fun is an online game that looks like some kind of the Alchemist game, where you can combine two stuffs into the new one. Like example, water + fire = steam.
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I having fun playing this game, and addicted to it. I can discover everything, included something unusual discoveries, like "anime", "Naruto", "Twitter", and many more. The infinity discovery made this game so special. Not just a boring discovery, but also the show, fictional character, etc. Even you can find Peter Griffith.
Today, I just discovered "Land", combined with religion, made it into "Israel", and combined it to the land again to "Palestine".
These discoveries... very interesting to me. Barely the game (almost never) put the world "Palestine" and "Israel" to their game. So, I discover more and more, and some of them just felt unhinged. Especially for you who understand the situation of Palestinians, especially in the Gaza.
Before you outrage, I want to show some of my discoveries that are not so offensive.
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And here some of the discoveries that are so unhinged.
The Combinations "religion" with every countries
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but "Israel" + "Religion"
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2. Palestine + gamer + Gaza = Hamas
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3. "Palestine" + some stuff + "Terrorist". This is very offensive.
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After I saw this, I stopped having fun playing this game. It got worse, the man who made this game released in his tweet at Jan 31th, 2024. So here's his tweet.
The game actually good, but the "Palestine" discoveries... oh my God. I can't believe this. I just want to write something for this situation. My wish for this game is to make him change the "Palestine" combinations to not just "Terrorist", instead just other stuffs that are not inappropriate. Like "Falafel", and "Hummus".
Journalists never bombing Israelis at all, they just recording IDF's war crime. Doctors never bombing Israelis at all, they just take care of many victims who impact by the ruthless bombing. Babies, children, teenagers, and adults that nothing to do with Hamas are never bombing Israelis at all, and they are human being just like us. I want to send this to the creator of this game, but I just don't know how. I never want to attack him, I just want him to change these insensitive combinations. Unless if he purposely let it happen, just only for the sake of the edginess, then I can't say anymore but just disappointment, feel disgust, offended, angry, and just leave.
One more. Don't dox him, like looking at his home address and share it to the online. Just speak to him on his Twitter like, "This is offensive", and send him the suffering of the Gazan that the journalists send to the world, "This is why you should understand the struggling of the journalists and doctors". Tell him this is not because of politics, but this is about humanity. This is never right the death of more than twenty thousands of the life (including children and babies).
Sometimes writing this makes me look like Sssniper Wolf who get offended by Jack. Am I crazy? But my goal is just make him realize and change the combinations. If he doesn't want to, just leave. He is just an asshole with his wasteful talent for the sake of edginess. Not to attack him. Attacking him does not changing everything better, but it will get worse.
Here's the website of his game.
Unfortunately the game will never autonomously save, and will restart when you close the game. But these are my discoveries for hours, and decided to screenshot it.
This is shocking for me. I don't know how to close this post, but I just want to share my experience. If you find the kind of the game with unhinged discoveries, just leave, or for the best, tell them, don't attack. Take care.
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altocat · 2 years
Through whatever means, Sephiroth manages to get his hands on an unenhanced Cloud, like maybe just pre-Nibelheim or something like that. Would he be disappointed that he isn't a match for him now or would he just be happy he's maybe easier to control?
Oh lordy.
-At first, Sephiroth is absolutely GIDDY. What we have here is the boy who was the first to defeat him! Well, maybe this version isn't tainted or traumatized enough yet but it's good enough! How impressive! How superb! How...oh, he wants to go home. Cute.
-Sephiroth spends a good deal of time tossing the poor cadet around like pizza dough trying to coax the same level of challenge and excitement...only to find nothing. The boy is shy, runty, and now thoroughly terrified since the person he thinks is his hero and superior is acting scary.
-No Jenova cells either. He can't command or control the boy to his will. He suppose he could KILL him but then he'd just go to the Lifestream, not remain autonomous and bound to Mother like Sephiroth is. What to do what to do...
-So Sephiroth decides he'll just bundle the lad away for a bit. Surely he'll show his potential again with enough of an edge to his surroundings! He locks him up someplace dark and safe, surrounded by eldritch Jenova creations to guard him. Cloud is NOT having a good time.
-Sephiroth was having fun, that is until the boy kept bringing up vague things he doesn't really remember. Someone named Zack ? Genesis clones? Something about lost friends and traitors. Sephiroth doesn't understand. What in Gaia is the brat babbling on about now? And why does it make him feel... strange?
-Mother doesn't like it. Not one bit. All of a sudden, the game isn't fun anymore. Sephiroth doesn't know why or how. But suddenly, this isn't about challengers or vengeance. Or even toying with his food. Mother wants him GONE. He's talking too much. He has to be eliminated. NOW.
What happens then? I'll leave it up to you 😈
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chubby-aphrodite · 11 months
I would love to hear about the list of fictional boyfriends bc you're so right about ghirahim
(This is in reference to my tags on this post, which read "#holds him by the neck #theres a reason you dont get to be on my list of fictional boyfriends #its because youre simply too much of a bitch to keep up with.")
So like. As you may know, I am aromantic and asexual, but I have a pronounced attraction to many fictional men! I've tried the whole dating thing once or twice, but it kind of makes my stomach flip in same kind of way that you might feel when you accidentally walk into the wrong classroom on the first day of class and you were already really really anxious so you just sit in the bathroom crying for like 20 minutes to try and hold yourself together. That kind of way.
But I like many fictional men in a way that might almost be described as romantic or sexual, but that's the catch with them: they're fictional. I can rotate them in my mind and then put them away because they're some guy someone made up. I also just have eyes that are not immune to aspects of visual design that are supposed to look Good™. I experience some level of aesthetic attraction, it's just that fictional characters can very easily be broken down into aesthetics. Real people kind of... can't.
So, without further ado... here we go.
Now, these aren't in any particular order, they're just in the order I added them. I actually keep a documented list.
Kirin Jindosh (Dishonored 2)
He's snarky and intelligent at the same time. He's a mechanical genius who built his own Clockwork Mansion (which was beautifully executed by the game designers). He built autonomous killer robots with such an attention to aesthetic. He was kicked out of college for causing an accident that's implied to have cost him his left thumb and forefinger, which he proceeded to replace with a ceramic prosthetic that doubles as a smoke pipe. He's tall and lanky and has a rakish charm to him that I just can't resist, and yet I can also see myself punching him directly in the face.
I always go nonlethal in Dishonored games, but doing that to Jindosh in particular fucking broke me. He's an asset to the villain because of his intellect and engineering prowess, so in order to neutralize him without killing him... you essentially lobotomize him. With an electric chair. That he designed himself to use on one of your allies. With the pull of a lever, that's all gone. He wakes up knowing that he used to know things, used to be able to make intricate creations, and realizing that he can't anymore. He's not even mad. He's just... sitting there, confused, with a sedate sadness about him. It literally made me fucking sob for a good five to ten minutes.
I learned a while ago that they had considered including a route where, instead of only having the options to kill him or lobotomize him, you'd just... skedaddle with your captured ally and leave him alone. But, this was cut due to budget constraints. They would've had to record voicelines and make versions of cutscenes for if he was alive and fully himself, but they didn't have the budget for it. I understand... but I'm still mournful of that.
Greed (Fullmental Alchemist, Manga/Brotherhood)
He is a tall man with sharp teeth, a black sleeveless turtleneck, and a cropped vest with a fur lined collar. He's a very interesting character that explores what it means to be "greedy" because the way it manifests through him is that he has a lot of friends and he loves them very much and he is extremely pissed if anything happens to them. He can also transform to have sharper teeth and CLAWS.
I'm very mindful of the version of Greed I talk about, however, because at one point he dies and gets his essence shoved into someone else to create a new Greed. It's just that this "someone else" is a 15 year old and I am Not About That. Had I gotten into FMA while I was still in my middle teens, I may have had a crush on Greedling, but as it stands I'm 22. So! Only the man who has his friends smash his head open for fun to demonstrate his immortality for me, please.
Adam Frankenstein (Frankenstein)
Okay. I'm gonna be real with you on this one. I've never read Frankenstein before. I should at some point. He's tall and stapled together and is described as beautiful and is actually very intelligent (if vindictive and vengeful). But this is entirely based on the fact that I had an erotic dream about him once. I'm not gonna describe it here, but rest assured... I don't know what I'm telling you to rest assuredly about.
Professor Venomous (OK KO)
A man with a penchant for sadism and was made sexy on purpose. He's extremely divorced. He's happily married. He's petty. He's got an even eviler alter ego to go with the fact that he's already evil. He's a whole bastard and a half. He's purple. He's even bisexual. I love him.
Leon (Pokemon Sword and Shield)
He is KIND and he is A LITTLE DUMB AT TIMES and he IS WEARING A TIGHT SPORTS UNIFORM FOR MOST OF THE GAME. He has more depth than some people give him credit for, and has a fun dynamic with Raihan. There's a moment where when you beat him in a battle, his losing animation shows him covering his face with his hat and gritting his teeth and almost shaking, but then he takes his off and he puts on a nice face like "Yeah, that was an awesome battle!" He can't actually be angry when he wants to be angry because he's The Champion (and later the head of the Battle Tower) and everyone has his eyes on him. His hair also looks very pullable.
Saïx (Kingdom Hearts)
So this is kind of an OG fictional boyfriend for me. He was one of the first characters I ever sought out character/reader fics for. If you know me, you know I have a thing for both vampires and werewolves, and Saïx is sort of a diet werewolf. He has a moon motif and can turn more... wild and angry. I like a man who is measured in most of what he does and says, but when he loses it, he fucking LOSES IT. He's also (say it with me now) TALL!
The kicker here is that I've only played two KH games (re:coded and Dream Drop Distance). I was just so sucked in my the fandom as a tween that the men I was interested stayed with me even now.
Qrow Branwen (RWBY)
So, fun fact about this one: before I started watching RWBY, one of my friends pegged me as the sort of person who would be a Qrow Fucker right away. And they were right. He's a conflicted man whose source of pain is himself and how he thinks he makes life worse for everyone around him.
The Assigned Power that he has is literally bad luck. Bad things that happen around or to him that most would just ascribe to simple chance happen with increasing frequency around him. He's afraid he'll get the people he cares about hurt, so he pushes them away to avoid that. Bad things constantly happen to him, so he's driven to drink. He puts on a sarcastic and nonchalant facade about it, but he's just a lonely man whose self loathing is so far up his own ass that he almost actually got people killed because he drank himself into a stupor and couldn't help them.
Punchable, but also a sopping wet cat of a man. It also helps that he's mildly disheveled and a little flirty on purpose.
Guzma (Pokemon Sun and Moon)
YA BOY. Man just likes bugs and wants to give people a place to go. I enjoy imagining what he'd sound like because it's an accent I can actually do. A crusty weirdo with a soft and gooey interior. Very emotive and up front. I like a man with confidence.
Ganondorf (Zelda)
I'd just like to say I was a Ganonfucker before TotK. His original incarnation from Ocarina of Time is LITERALLY out there wearing a skin tight leather leotard, thigh high leather boots, and a tights. His subsequent incarnations also all have very compelling things going for them, too.
Winder Waker Ganondorf had a thought out, sympathetic motivation that became warped by his inescapable lust for power, dooming him. And he has his moms' names printed on his swords, which is adorable. Twilight Princess Ganondorf is genuinely terrifying, resisting his divinely powered execution squad and masterminding a takeover of the very realm meant to be his prison. He also has an excellent design. Shoutout to Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf for also having an excellent design. And finally, his Tears of the Kingdom incarnation combines an also-incredible-design with a very, VERY powerful presence.
I love his very harsh features and also I want to bury my face in his chest.
Sidon (Zelda)
What can I say about him that hasn't already been said? He's kind. He's handsome. He believes in you. He's enormous. He loves his sister. He loves his wife. He loves Link. He's even got sharp teeth.
Side tangent time because I love dumping this on people and if you've read this far you're in for the long haul already: sharks don't really have two dicks like we typically think of them. They have a pair of something called claspers, one of which is left out in the water and the other is inserted into the other shark. The left out one pumps in seawater while the other one expels water and sperm, fastened inside the other shark by the grace of the fact that it can unfurl like an umbrella. Sharks don't have dicks. They have jizz hoses attached to their crotches. I learned this (most of it anyway, the rest was filled in via Wikipedia) in the marine biology class I took in high school because I thought it would be fun and I didn't wanna take normal biology. Thank you for coming to my impromptu lecture on shark dicks.
Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
Axel has much the same story as Saïx with regards to his relation to me. I was into the Kingdom Hearts fandom as a tween and he just stuck with me. I enjoy the fact that he's cool and a bit sassy and I love his friendship with Roxas and Xion. It's nice.
Alucard (Castlevania)
Disclaimer: I've only played one Castlevania game (and it wasn't even a good one) and watched only a few episodes of the show. But by GOD this man is good for me. Tall angsty vampire with long pretty hair and a really cool outfit. Shoutout to Ayami Kojima's art.
Dunban (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Dunban is an incredible man. He lost the use of his right arm entirely due to the god in the sword he was using at the time rejecting him, and yet he still used that sword successfully to defend his home from an onslaught of man-eating robots. A year on from that, he learns to wield a sword one handed in his non-dominant hand, and is just generally a badass.
Tales of his heroism spread far and wide, even to more isolationist corners of the world—enough so that when he visited those isolationist areas, he could leverage his reputation to make people of a much higher societal rank than him listen to him. Essentially, he's talking to the prince of a kingdom, and the prince tells him he can't do something because of X or Y esoteric law relating to the traditions of their people (even though he understands they're odd to outsiders). Dunban, in all his cleverness, essentially just goes "Let's do it anyway because it's the right thing to do, and if anyone gets in trouble we can just say we're weird outsiders who don't know your laws, yeah?" but with better wording and more emotion. At this point, the prince, who is of a long-lived race and is literally five times Dunban's age, essentially yes sir's him.
I also just love his voice. One of his voice lines for one of his abilities is just a really guttural, growly "Dance with me" and I love it.
Grimsley (Pokemon Black and White)
Depressed man in a suit with a vampire-ish appearance. Then has a later appearance where he looks aged by stress. That is all.
Volo (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
Oh fucking BOY I am not normal about this man. He is kind and passionate and has an insatiable hunger for knowledge, but the knowledge he's accumulated has made him seek out the power of a god. A power he can't have. In spite of the stupid Arceus-shaped hair, he manages to have such a gravitas in his final battle. The beady eyes. His casual half-smile turned sinister. The music that plays being a remix of the most feared trainer in Pokemon history, to whom he is implied to be directly related to. The fact that he fucking cheats and pulls out not only a seventh Pokemon, but the fact that that Pokemon pulls a "YOU FOOL, THAT WAS ONLY MY FIRST HEALTH BAR!" The way he goes through Laventon to avoid talking to you again in order to tell you that Giratina wants to help you. The ease with which you can give him spine crushing trauma through a combination of religion and retail. I've literally written a volo/reader fic and am working on another, longer one. I love him.
Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts)
On my journey out of tweenhood and into being a teenager, I became slowly more interested in villains as times went on. Vanitas was one of my first and most powerful instances of that. He's an evil doppelganger to one of the protagonists created out of the darkness in the heart of another. He's cool. He's angry. He's very enjoyable to me.
Consul N (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
Oh boy, another one I'm incapable of being fucking normal about! I've posted about him at length in other posts, but the general gist of my obsession with this man is... his obsession. His devotion. He's so strongly attached to the one he loves that, after repeatedly having her ripped away from him, he chooses to perpetuate the miserable world that so violently tortured them both on the condition that he could be with her forever. He looses himself in his possessiveness, he wants to believe he's doing it all for her—but deep down, he knows he chose the coward's way out by abandoning his hopes and dreams and choosing to become the boot that keeps the world down rather than topple the system that won't let it rise.
And that's how the story of XC3 starts: his cast of hopes and dreams—and those of the woman he loves—coalesce into a new existence that hasn't suffered the many existences he had—that they both had. And that coalition of their hopes and dreams finally, finally manages to set the world right, after much fighting and suffering and introspection. At one point, he physically and emotionally tortures the embodiment of his hopes and dreams as if to prove to himself that what the way he's been doing things was the only way. But later, his hopes-and-dreams self literally tells him that he's a coward and that he's full of shit. I was so enraptured by this scene that I had to make art of it, of N leaning against the bars of a jail cell as he emotionally tortures his other self, and it became my profile pic.
Commander Isurd (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
This man is so fucking stressed out that the quest you do to help him be more powerful is trying to find him a way to relax, and there's a scene where he strips and sits in a hot spring. He is a man whose heart is so full of grief that he won't let himself process. I've described his eyebags as harrowing before, because there's no other better word for them. Let him rest. I want to help him rest.
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII)
The disclaimer here is that I've never played a Final Fantasy game, let alone any incarnation of VII, I just find this man fascinating. He has three dads who are all pointing guns at each other and as well as two moms. He was injected with alien DNA in the womb, raised as an orphan, and groomed to be the perfect supersoldier. When he found this out as an adult, he went on a rampage and did a lot of terrible things including trying to explode the world. But before that, he was just kind of a guy put under both a spotlight and a microscope, and all that culminated in incredible violence. Also I like one winged angel.
Grusha (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet)
He's just very pretty and I like his attitude. I'm also intrigued by his implied angsty backstory.
Spyke (Splatoon)
I'm simply a sucker for vaguely mysterious tall men. I don't know why they gave him some kinda cockney accent in the American English localization only, but I'm frankly here for it.
Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
I've also been posting about this one at length. He's a very kind man to the point of accepting personal injury if it means he doesn't have to hurt someone, and it shows. He's goofy as hell. He menaces people into being nice to each other through the force of his (falsely) violent reputation alone. He loves his brother so much, he just wishes he would stop being an asshole. He believes in the human capacity for change. He represses his emotions and puts up a facade so that he doesn't hurt the people around him, even though he tries to push them away anyway. He's tall. He's got some cool alien/monster traits. He's also just cool as hell. He's a mama's boy. He's even into petplay. I love him!
I love all my hims.
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ahandfullofreviews · 1 year
Review: Outer worlds
Outer worlds is a game where you take the helm of a colonist by the name of YOU.
In outer worlds you are the captain now. Literally, you become a ship captain like 10 minutes in.
Pick a side in this war between communism and capitalism. Don't ask why those are the only 2 sides.
After getting stolen from your colony ship and getting rudely waken out of cold storage, you immediately are jettisoned onto planet 4546B Terra 2. You crush your chaperon upon landing. He's dead now, and there's nothing you can do to prevent it. You've landed on top of a mountain. As you make your way down you run into the copy-and-paste enemies from borderlands, canids, ratatatatas, ratatatatatatatatatatatatas, and a guy who goes by the name of Icompletleyforgothisnamebutyoudon'trunintohimagain. He's injured. If you help him he'll give you his gun. He's also contractually obligated to say the slogan of his company or else he'll be killed. That is quite literally what the in-game reason is.
After making your way down the mountain, you come across Hawthornes ship and the police.
You ignore them entirely and go inside the illegally parked vessel.
It is here that you meet the first thing you can't mercilessly kill, ADA (Autonomous Digital Astrogator). She's pissed and mistakes you for a miscreant.
You decide to work together because you need to get a vat of something, and ada needs to fly. However, there is a catch. YOU you can't issue orders to ADA because you aren't captain Hawthorne (the guy you crushed) so you have to say you're Hawthorne in disguise in order for ada to accept you as the captain.
You exit the ship and the constables want to talk to you.
You can either
A: end the convo asap
B calmly explain what happened
C: threaten wanton violence
D: Bullshit your way out of a ticket
After you make a decision you're attacked by *checks notes* the unemployed
Jesus christ this game is just a fuckload of propaganda isn't it
You make your way to edgewater to get a *checks notes* power converter.
It is here you meet the guy I hate the most. I hate him SO much I forgot his name. He tells you that edgewater only has the 1 converter and it's not for sale. However if you force people out of there homes you CAN take 1 from the botanical garden.
The botanical garden tells you the same thing. And it is here that the choice is made.
My actual thoughts:
Side quests and companions are what make the game fun. And boy howdy does this game deliver on those fronts.
The side quests are amazing. They're all an easy difficulty and you never feel like you're repeating what you're doing from another quest. One of my favorite side quests is apparently a mandella effect cause I couldn't find any mention of it on the wiki.
For companions you get
A janitor
The only character in this game who never passes the Bechtel test even tho they totally could
The space pope
Drunk & disorderly
Dangerously close to copyright infringement
Medic from TF2
My favorite? If I were to say you'd all hate me
Final thoughts:
It's good. Gives me a nice space western fallout 3, with character writing where their personalities all feel natural. Even when it's lgbt. Memorable weapons, an easy to follow story, and the only game I've ever played where I didn't constantly feel like my character missed out on a far more exciting time in the lore.
Just a few questions
Why are there no children. Is it the corporations? System limitations?
I'm almost positive there were supposed to be cars at one point.
What exactly is "saltuna"
Final rating:
Jokes that I couldn't fit in:
You have to go to the planet formerly known as Terra 1
And you call them fried sprats, despite the fact they are obviously grilled
Too many covid-19 jokes. To the point where it just felt wrong.
None of the safety gear works anymore. If only I could, Idk, use some of it to bypass dangerous areas
You go to jail. You go directly to jail. You do not pass Byzantium. You do not collect 200 credits.
At the bottom of the pit you find spratman
In this room you either find the chairman or the ghosts of communism past, present, and future. Depending on which side you took.
The final boss is something that can be so easily defeated I don't think it would meet the qualifications
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
Harley-Davidson QUAD from Q-TECH
Actually have car rims on it it looks pretty good but it's odd and our son and daughter were saying you can get the kid and you can put this together it'll be nice to put motorcycle rims and tires to complete the look that's pretty much the only change the rest of it's perfect it looks a little funky but you know the rear is great but what we're seeing is if you had a very strong spoke rim and really cars used to be smoked and you put a wide 8-in low profile on each it would be awesome and we've seen something like that and they look awesome and he says he has them but he's his approach is good won't be able to sell it if he does it that way but people can easily get the different tires and rims and you don't have to buy them with a kit and it's true we think but otherwise someone could buy them as far as and so on but this thing hauls ass it's recommended for 109 and bigger and we think any of them can do it a 96% 93 or whatever they are they're plenty big all of them are too big they're all at least 80 horsepower and 90 years more of foot pounds of torque and it's way too much it's enough to push this thing at 3 or 400 mph without trying and people have gone that fast with this with a better tires the motorcycle tires you know five or 600 miles an hour and we're going to post and they like it and the kid is made in Belgium they're going to be making a lot of these it has reverse no that's a massive kit change but they can provide it but still the kid is awesome you have to get a new transmission but people cannot ride the two wheelers anymore they're horrendous they're way too much effort for us too they cause a lot of accidents and they're way too heavy the motors are way too big even changing the motors and even smaller bikes that are well designed or a huge huge danger on the road they almost always wipe out you stop paying attention for a minute and you're on the ground now hit our son and daughter say it's different with the light cycle and that would make this different too the 8 inch width and they can't believe it understood it is centripetal force and it does keep the motorcycle up and it'll keep this one up so they did try it and they said it is different it feels really really weird and rigid and when you're riding the light cycle at 60 MPH you have to give it up there a little it is very hard to topple you think it would have something in it and he designed one that has something in it it's a gyro and we found you don't need it but really he was designing for fully autonomous driving but really at some point you need it but if you do it right you don't and then it's real wide tires but with a regular 12 in a Harley Davidson V-Rod and it's low profile not the ones on the original bike at 60 miles an hour you would be hard pressed to top it at a hundred you cannot get that thing to fall over so FYI
Thor Freya
I want one of these and I want to change mine up and have the wide motorcycle tires and a low profile I don't see why not it works on everything else and to do this approaches smart although you might not get any out if you do it with the wide low profile tires because it works very very well this is a great idea is a great invention of theirs and we just have the idea of it a lot of people do but they decide to try it and that's what counts no they did all the engineerings and design pretty much on their own a little bit we said Independence suspension wider tires and he might try the road tire and the induction hood anyone hadn't did it and it works and yeah he was astounded and he said it's more fun than you can ever imagine riding with such a nightmare it's nice because you're using your hands it's different and but really this is a much different bike than the others which is lower that thing's going to really really move and we don't know about the connection it could be an altered with people say it bolts up to the bike but I don't know I don't think so we'll see
It's an easy switch out but you have to know what you're doingaac
Mac daddy
0 notes
eldritchsurveys · 7 months
Where did the majority of your clothes come from? >> I don't think there's a majority at all
Have you ever attempted to sculpt something from ice? >> haven't
What's so amazing about Shark Week? >> I wouldn't be the one to ask, I've never been that interested in sharks
Do you wear sunglasses in the winter? You should. >> I wear sunglasses regardless of season to avoid overstimulation and also because I like the way they look on me. but also yeah sunny winter days when there's snow on the ground? brutal
Have you ever had to wear an oxygen mask? >> haven't
Do you have a dreamcatcher? >> I do not
Is there someone you ALWAYS bump heads with? >> there isn't, simply because I'm not even around anyone often enough to have the opportunity to bump heads with them frequently
What's your favorite thing you own that YOU made? .
Have you ever starved yourself? >> haven't What do you spend all of your money on? .
Do you like Robot Chicken? >> I don't know anymore, I haven't attempted to rewatch it in ages. frankly I always forget it exists, even as I continually remember other Adult Swim shows
What movie character would you like to be a part of your family? .
What's the last thing you were an audience of? >> I was in the audience of several burlesque performances and a shibari demonstration at Cabaret du Mortel last month
Has anyone ever had to physically restrain you from doing something? >> unfortunately
Do you raise your voice when you get angry? >> sure
Do you like the pretzel M&Ms? >> I don't remember, I haven't had them since they were like, still new
Have you ever been accused of thinking you're too good for something? >> probably. that kind of sentiment gets tossed around when you're poor and yet deign to have standards
Do your scars tell sad or happy stories? >> almost all of my scars are from self-injury, so it depends on how the observer feels about that. personally, I'm not sad about them at all, although I am sometimes sad about related elements (how mistreated I was, for example)
Have you ever walked straight into a wall/door? >> I did that at a McDonald's once. I also fell asleep whilst walking on the subway platform and ran straight into the corner of those metal-and-glass displays that they have there, to hold the map and route information and whatnot and no I did not know a person could fall asleep whilst actively moving but let's just say that homelessness is exhausting
Have you ever been embarrassed to have a crush on someone? .
Is there anything you're trying to move on from? >> that gives the impression that I'm trying to hurry up and escape the effect that things have had on me, which I am done doing Have you ever stolen someone's boyfriend? >> boyfriends are autonomous individuals who are capable of taking responsibility for their actions, not property
Are you careful with your words? >> when I can be bothered Do you have a locket? What's the picture inside of it? >> I don't
Describe the most interesting vehicle you've ever seen. >> oh man... I feel like I've seen so many cool vehicles but I can't pick out one that is THEE MOST interesting
Would you be afraid to take a public bus anywhere? >> certainly not, considering it's a practice I'm very familiar with
Have you ever given anything to someone who is homeless? >> sure
What are you feeling, right now? >> a little tired, but not tired enough to put the laptop away apparently :V
How do you react when you feel embarrassed about something? .
Have you ever tried to 'fix' someone? >> I don't think that was my intention but I think there was always the hope that things would improve if I just stuck around (obviously that's not how anything works, lol, but I didn't know any better at the time) What's in your copy and paste? >> well. this survey
How many stuffed animals do you own, and what are they? >> like 20. I think I would probably try to list them all if I felt like turning the light back on so I could see them, but I don't
When's the last time you were carried by someone? .
Have you ever accidentally taken a shower with like your underwear left on, or something? >> I've accidentally stepped into the shower like that, but I didn't take the whole shower that way lol Can you twirl things well? >> I twirl anything stick-shaped if I'm holding it for long enough. it feels weird to have holdovers from colour guard when I was only in colour guard for a couple of months before I had to move and lost access to that activity but it just made such an impression on me Do you have bangs? >> I do not Have you ever seen someone who wore a real eyepatch? >> I have
What started the last 'cat-fight' you were involved in? .
Would you agree that it's extremely disrespectful to 'test' someone in a relationship? >> I do think it's a bit disrespectful but my response to it happening to me would vary depending on the person, context, duration, etc
Do you go all out on dressing up for pep-rallies and the like? . What's in your locker? .
Are you in possession of any currency that isn't used in your country? >> amn't
Did anyone witness your last kiss? .
Do you remember Hamtaro? >> vaguely
What about Peewee Hermin? >> well. yeah What would make the world a better place? . Who is the last person you licked? .
Has anyone ever licked your face? >> possibly
Do you have any younger siblings? >> I do not Are you cool with them, or do they annoy you to no end? . Do you know anyone with a kind of creepy smile? >> I wouldn't say this about anyone
Anyone with Bieber Fever? >> is that even still a thing
Have you tried Cupcake Pebbles cereal? >> that sounds. awful :/
What's your favorite ride at an amusement park? .
Last person you flipped off? .
Have you ever been on TV? >> I have
Are you currently distancing yourself from anyone? >> reflexively, maybe? it's certainly a common protective practice for me but the thing is that it becomes so common that it often happens behind the scenes, without my active participation
Trying to get close to anyone? >> do I even know how to do that Anyone who's way over protective of you? .
Do you like dubstep? >> sure
Have you ever been to a rave? >> unfortunately that ship came and went and passed me right on by :(
Have you any friends that are twins? >> I don't
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randomclam24 · 9 months
The culture of the West has been dead for who knows how many millenia by now, in internet years.
Shouldn't there be discussions devoted to this by now? What is happening, in people's minds?
Update All I am at this point is a pointless hub of observation, and it feels like a fundamentally different part of myself mounted to be giving a fuck about whatever arises. It feels completely arbitrary
Okay, a new "event of mass consciousness" just dropped: "long war" being used to describe the state of Ukraine in a news publication
Update Well, guys, now would be a good time to try to have the definitive discussion, at what year and time did God abandon us?
Update What is there to even do anymore? I bought Sonic Mania on PC after shopping yesterday and finding it, and I'm not even playing it.
Update God, I'm just going to kill myself. I have to - I had it on 1x instead of 1.4x speed I could have gone all that time with the thing going faster than I had to have it just because I forgot a long time ago
There the stupid episode is over, but there's a virtually infinite amount content left out of this - technically I'm only just now over the halfway point over months
I can't just get up from this stupid chair? I have to sit - even doing nothing?
Life existentially doesn't even have any justifying factors; I'm in too much pain from sitting in this uncomfortable position for anything to justify going on - it's just that simple. I *have* to get up. That I'm supposed to get up is already a foregone conclusion.
Update after getting up and going to the bathroom After all the projections onto an unrelated party to these problems projected, left unfulfilled as accusations as an agenda takes over, ending with more of the very real problems that were projected than ever existed before, where even ending my own life doesn't even have the power to remotely end my own bloodline, since there are simply too many of them - I thought about it, and I think all my short-term family members are evil - let alone impact the world population constituent of this generational projecting and apparently autonomous agenda takeover - from the perspective of choice whether I'd want to enter this world voluntarily through birth or not, I'd rather just not partake in it, that's all
Can somebody help me? The West is being a piece of shit this generation
Has no one else ever gotten bored (if you're not retarded, you notice there's *nothing* to do) and just said, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, with regards to the child-sacrificing elites? I wouldn't want to do child-sacrificing, but
Is it self-centered to say, "anything goes, so long as it gets the ball rolling", with regards only to myself going stir-crazy after rejecting all the arbitrary bullshit?
Life is a boring ball of horseshit, and nobody really cares
I don't see what foundation people are putting their continued adherence on, seeing as I don't have any worth speaking of myself. I tried religion - that doesn't do anything, but I've heard there is a wave of people recently converting to Orthodoxy, specifically because they were seeking something with more meaning in their religion, as opposed to the alternative that is this lukewarm baseline-of-opinion existence I'm trying to call out here But then Common Filth says Orthodoxy just exists to put you on the system with neuroticism and something else
Update I don't think there's any profit to existing
9/26 Over these months, I've kept having thoughts where I try to sublimate it to something more general to be safer, like "it's human *existence* that's meaningless" - in reality, it's human *belief* that is meaningless
If you don't have a complex over the belief, if pushed to it, you'll probably just laugh and say "well I'm just stupid"
Most of what people actually believe is what is *applied* to their statements, not parsable from the language used itself. Rarely. Because people don't know how to argue their way out of paper bags. That's just the phrase people use.
I can't possibly take an interest in these social media platforms that speed up socializing by however much
You know, I'm really sorry and all that elites burn your children that get kidnapped every now and then, but there was a window of time where you could have done something, on and off for years, and nothing ever happens even regardless, so what's that say about you? You can't just shirk the responsibility.
And of course some liberal probably wants to come up and correct me historically, saying back in the Aztec times, these rituals were seen about the same as the proceedings of the clergy of the Catholic church - the reason for saying this being that we need to show a little more respect for our superiors - they're not in their high positions for nothing And then you could say, no, they're in their high positions specifically, according to their rituals, because they rape a kid And then they would go off, where they say that's just a conspiracy theory - there's obviously only merit that goes into what we considered in the 90's and such as "the sky's the limit! you could even - who knows - be the *president* one day!" where that obviously applies in the case that you're an initiated high-ranking Freemason and in no other situation, logically. So they're left having to clutch their pearls like it's still the 70's and 80's, saying it's *not* specifically because they raped a kid. After all, they wouldn't *be* there if they hadn't fulfilled the requirement.
Update Everything is defined in terms of their obfuscable terms in and of themselves, where the goalposts of every requirement of a definition can be moved as a leftist liked. Therefore humanity is nothing but that which makes people eternal social media phoneposters
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