#but you gotta vote scar ok? he needs it
mleemwyvern · 2 years
Vote Scar for MCYTblr Sexyman
- constantly shirtless
- is a superhero called hotguy
- was a wizard once twice
- evil captalist. come on
- the whole s7 mayoral arc
- has a how bad can i be animatic
- so so much good looking fanart
- scitties (scar titties)
- remember when he got into mcc and everyone on tumblr Lost Their Minds?
- vex
- canonically eats people
- has the sluttiest minecraft skins i have ever seen
- he plays the villain SO well
- hes silly
- loves to scam people
- jellie would be sad if you didnt. do you want to make jellie sad? you monster.
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s14e3 the scar (w. robert berens)
all right, here's hoping i can get through this today. tail end (knock on wood) of a bad migraine but i can listen to things with headphones now and not feel horrendous so maybe?
lol just stab him with the archangel blade somewhere non-lethal, see what happens, there's an angel test for ya. still bothered that they apparently have no desire to truly confirm michael isn't playacting dean? whatever
DEAN It’s just every time I think about it, you know. It's like a nightmare. I mean I can’t eat, I can’t sleep - it’s always just there watching me. SAM Dean, it’s just a beard. I’ve been a little busy lately.
absolutely have seen gifs of this whole bit a bunch of times. why is sam's beard watching you while you sleep, the perennial question (has enough time even passed for them to try to sleep? :p)
DEAN So, I’m good. I’m just really, really, happy to be... home.
i watched until this scene when i started this episode a couple days ago and noped out. their home being taken over by all these people continues to give me the heebiejeebies. granted their home is massive and more like a work space than a home, so it's more like it's getting used like it was designed, but they've been so isolated forever basically this is just a lot. (also i'm a jealous asshole in some ways and i'm like oh dean's gotta share sam with all these people now? lol 😬)
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why's bro always getting weird scar things on his person? the hand print, the mark, whatever the fresh hell this thing is
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is it the spear of destiny lance of michael whatever business. doesn't seem nearly wide enough to account for his scar. wonder if this is another episode by that different editor (john fitzpatrick on imdb), reminiscent of those visions of jody dying in 13x09. ding ding ding, it is indeed the same editor. funny. last episode he did was 13x21
speaking of, hey jody! even though i just referenced the episode with her in it i forgot about the whole kaia / dark kaia thing -_-
JODY No, no. I have video surveillance going down at the fair, Claire practically sat shiva down there. There’s been nothing.
shiva reference #3 (7x10 and 8x16)
cas conveniently has to stay back to fix rando hexed girl, so dean and sam can have some arguments on the way to jody. after dean upset jack too of course by refusing to let him go with. which i think was the right call but, you know. do it less dickishly.
SAM C’mon man, this isn’t a joke! Something huge happened and you won’t really even talk about it. Look, this whole Michael thing: we need to deal with it. DEAN I’m going at 80 to deal with it. How can I be running from something when I’m RACING toward it?! SAM I know, kinda your thing. DEAN Ok. SAM I’m just saying. You said you let Michael in, then bang, you’re back in a blink. But for me, you were gone: for weeks. I didn’t know if you were alive. I just need you to talk to me. Slow down so I can catch up. DEAN Call Jody, let her know we’re almost there.
way to talk about your feelings, sam! way to be a jerk, dean. both being able to open up at the same place and time has never been their strong suit. honestly don't have the wherewithal to even ponder why dean's being like this
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LOL very cute. like the little "see dean, people do like the beard!" from sam. also cute little exchange where dean rolls his eyes about sam knowing a serial killer fact and sam makes the wtf bro face
very special episode where jack realizes he can Be Useful in other ways than a rock 'em sock 'em hunter? helping with the hexed girl
DEAN We’ll make better time if we split up. SAM No, Dean we’ll be safer if we stick together. JODY If I get a vote, I’m in team stick together. DEAN Fine.
man i do not enjoy dick!dean :p he gets like this sometimes and i wanna smack him. use your words, asshole, instead of taking whatever out on everyone else
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no one was expecting dark kaia! oh, how i do not care. sorry, girl.
LORA Is that your Dad? JACK One of them, yes.
can i say again i really appreciate how they make it textual that sam, dean and cas are all jack's fathers. it's just nice. doesn't have to mean anything outside of their relationship to him, regardless of their relationships with each other. as it should be
JACK Do you have parents? Or someone we can call? LORA My mom, but she probably hates me. JACK Why? LORA Because I left, I ran away. I hated school, I hated our crappy one star fleet town and I hated her rules. I was sick of being treated like a kid. I thought I could make it on my own but then I met her.
lol this show can be so literal when it wants to make a parallel to a victim of the week and a recurring character's situation. literally laughed out loud when she started "because i left"
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i'm sure the giant necklace gifted by the evil witch is unrelated. i keep looking at her (false) lashes. they're pretty but a little unexpected in the locked up by a witch situation
SAM Or it could have been Michael. C’mon, three vamps in Sioux Falls and not a single civilian death. That’s not an accident. I think they were hunting her. DEAN Why? SAM I think because Michael sent them to finish what he started.
trying to remember what michael had to do with kaia and drawing a huge blank, clearly retained almost nothing of her storyline. imagine how bad i'd be at keeping track if i didn't write these posts.
back when i was watching game of thrones (as it aired so i'd get a week to process between episodes) i would always read recaps/reviews after the episode because they were so densely packed and i knew i missed stuff, but i dunno, i just don't want other people's takes muddling up my feelings about this show in particular. more personal investment or something in it (it's also a *lot* more straight forward, it's just got the overloaded plot/characters syndrome past the first handful of seasons)
did not manage to watch this in one sitting so we're day 2 but i think (knock on wood again), demon migraine was smushed into 2 days instead of 3 and is gone
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way dean is acting reminds me of a little how he was acting, and how i expected him to be acting, directly after purgatory. bro is pissed and gonna make it everyone's problem
losing my mind, just take the necklace off the girl -_- as she writhes around with this giant bauble flopping around where she's actively mummifying
JODY They have a right to know but I can’t. I promised Claire human cases are mine, but anything "monstery" I’d loop her in: this. God. Claire’s been doing so good. I mean anything connected to Kaia, she’s a powder keg. First loves strikes quick, and then to lose it like that.
couldn't remember if that was a thing that we knew about or not lol seriously, brain.
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JODY Well, you two are having a time of it. SAM Yeah, he’s working something out and he’s working it out alone. The only thing I know is he’s not ready for this case. JODY Maybe. Maybe he needs it.
maybe he needs it but also him haring off (practically) alone with not enough information rarely ends well. nonetheless, glad jody's here to support them. my favorite family dynamic on the show, and the one that i don't feel like i need the text convincing me of. it's just there
DEAN That pig sticker she’s hiding, it is the only thing that we know that hurts Michael. I’m gonna do whatever it takes.
literally just raised my hand. um hello, what about the archangel blade?? do we not have one anymore?
JACK Lora’s life force: it’s in here. CAS Jack, are you sure? JACK No... (he smashes the pendant and green smoke twirls its way in to Lora’s pendant and she comes to life.)
this is so goofy :p
SAM Wait a second: you’re a dreamwalker, too? Your powers, they connected you. DARK KAIA Our whole lives, what she saw, I saw. I know where it comes from your anger, your impatience: itvs fear. You’re scared and you’re weak. DEAN Alright, shut up! DARK KAIA Michael hurt you. He hurt me too.
i mean, everyone is doing a good job acting-wise but this is just. ridiculous. so is dean mad because he's feeling guilty about what michael did while using his body against his will? that probably should have been incredibly obvious, i'm just so not connecting with this story 🥴
SAM So Michael wants the spear because he knows it can hurt him? And that’s why his monsters are coming after you?
okie dokie
jody sure gets pretty serious injuries a lot? how about pop back to the bunker so cas can just fix it :p like the... broken leg? was it? hmm, guess it wasn't healed magically there either
from 11x12 JODY Oh, it had to be the leg. I'm gonna need bionics.
DEAN Jody. JODY Dean Winchester, you have nothing to apologize for. DEAN How is the arm? SAM You sure you don’t want a ride to the hospital or… JODY I’ve driven with a broken arm before. I’m more worried what I’m gonna tell Alex when I get there. And then once I get home… SAM Claire. JODY I’m dreading those consequences. She’s got to know, she’s got to know that Kaia’s killer is still out there. SAM You alright? JODY It’s just seeing her face again. Raising three hunters and fearing every day that I might lose one of them. I didn’t even really get a chance to know Kaia before she died - just feel like I already lost before I even ever began.
again, well acted but this is a stretch emotionally, for me
CAS Well, Jules is off. She’s taking Lora back home to her mother. Jack, I just wanted to say I’m sorry. I know that you have been going through a lot lately:. We’ve all been going through a lot but it’s no excuse. I just haven’t been there for you: not the way I should of. JACK Cas, it’s okay. CAS Well, what you did today made me so proud. You know, learning to hold your own in a fight without your powers. That takes time and training, but today you proved that you have the mind of a hunter and the heart of a hunter. I was thinking, erm, I’ll talk to Sam and Dean, but maybe-- maybe we could go on a hunting trip -- I mean if you want to?
good sentiment but oh so cheesy -_-
JACK (coughing) Yes (coughing again) Sorry. CAS You ok? JACK I’m fine: I’m human now. Must be getting my first cold. CAS Well, I’ll make you some soup then.
LOL not ominous at all. i'm sure it's fine. not a plot relevant illness, just a garden variety cold!
DEAN I put us all in danger today, stupid danger. SAM Dean. DEAN You were right. I just didn’t want to look at it, what Michael used me for. I just wanted to race ahead. You know, skip to the end of the story the part where I get the weapon and I take out the bad guy. The part where I kill Michael. SAM Yeah, I know. DEAN You know I said yes to him because I thought: it was stupid. I was stupid. SAM Dean, you did what you had to do.
just following directive number one, keep sammy safe
DEAN And it wasn’t a blink. I got possessed: I made it sound like that but it wasn’t. I don’t remember most of what Michael did with me because I was under water. Drowning. And that I remember. I felt every second of it - clawing, fighting for air. I thought I could make it out but I couldn’t: I wasn’t strong enough. And now he’s gone: he’s out there putting an army of monsters together. He’s hurting people. That’s all on me, man. I said yes. It’s my fault.
i know i've talked about the moral calculus of it all, the number of people they saved vs the number they've gotten killed by their decisions, specifically to save each other (insert enraged noises that my blog is nigh on unsearchable so who the fuck knows when i actually talked about it). sam more directly gets a lot of credits i think from preventing the (first) apocalypse by jumping into the cage, puts them all in the black possibly indefinitely :p but how many people died because dean killed death to save sam and sam needed to save dean by removing the mark and letting out the darkness. from dean stopping sam from dying to finish the trials and closing the gates of hell.
not even sure what i'm arguing here. get over it, bucko? you've done worse? lol i don't know. round and round we go. we've been down this road too many times and i'm tired. yeah, he said yes. he thought he could make deal with michael that he'd uphold, and he didn't. and we're always gonna swim around in dean's neverending crushing guilt
jack's got the (magical??) consumption apparently
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the-somwthing · 1 year
I got like 2 votes so far for yes and no other votes so lemme post a few guys from the rp
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Plume Agate Grian! The first one I drew so he has less solid coloring lol. Forgot to mention we let them keep some little design things which is why he has tiny wings (they’re tiny cuz agates aren’t meant to have wings. Tho it fits cuz he’s a plume agate lololol). His gem is in the same place as the one canon agate we see in the show!
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REN DIAMOND!!! OMG!!! Get it cuz Red. Ren. They call him Ren Diamond all the time. He has pink diamond size and powers (mostly cuz without any healing these guys would be screwed, size because lol imagine a full size diamond). I imagine instead of healing tears or healing spit he uses healing blood cuz that’s fun
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And his pearl, Martyn! A lime pearl. Note that in cringefail au (which this rp is based on) Martyn has a lot of symbolism with princesses (long story) so I kind of went for that vibe.
Ahhhg I gotta draw everyone’s weapons I guess we will discuss weapons later then lol WHEN I DRAW THEM.
You know what why don’t I just post all the ones I have done here under a read more
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THE SECOND PEARL, JOEL! An olive pearl. He has an extremely petty rivalry with Martyn and is constantly flexing on him. There was a competition to see who would get him and Scar won, I haven’t drawn Scar yet tho.
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rubydubs and bigruby! I mean. Bdubs and BigB as the rubies. It is pretty much just because Big-B, B-dubs, Ru-B… it popped up when we were randomizing things and thought it was cute 😭 when they fuse they become Ru-B
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Jimmy Sapphiredarity! He may or may not foresee himself being the first out. Like any good canary, he warns others of future dangers! This pick was kind of random and for the lolz but I’m actually becoming obsessed with sapphire Jimmy.
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Tangodot! My sister plays him in the rp so I just drew this design and she tweaked it a bit, this is the final result. In case someone doesn’t know a lot of su I should clarify he’s a peridot..
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Impulse, the Bumblebee Jasper! Too many guys have their gems on their backs tbh but it was important for this guy ok… we had one quartz and one jasper, impulse was randomized into Jasper and I instantly decided to make him a bumblebee jasper.
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Aquamarine Skizz! Very goofy. Also no I can’t post the quartz I didn’t draw that one my sister did.
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PearlescentSpinel! Tell me Pearl isn’t Spinel vibes specifically DL Pearl. The idea is if she goes emo mode she gets more red.
I have more but I think I’ll post them later they need a bit of changes plus if I wait I can post them with others.
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nekoannie-chan · 5 years
No reasons
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Pairing: Steve Rogers X Reader.
Word count: 1693 words.
Summary: Steve had made you several promises, but he made a mistake, will you forgive him?
Warnings: None.
A/N: This is my entry to the @thefanficfaerie​ ‘s Heather’s life in song with the song prompt #11:
“Don’t speak” by No Doubt.
Song lyrics are in italics and bold.
Flashbacks are in italics.
My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistake please let me know and I will correct it.
I don’t give any kind of permission that my fics be posted in other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don’t steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other’s people. The only exception is the ones I gifted ‘cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and is not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Marvel’s characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
My other media where I publish: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
If you like it please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog. 
 You and me, we used to be together Every day together, always I really feel that I'm losin' my best friend I can't believe this could be the end It looks as though you're lettin' go And if it's real, well, I don't want to know
 The tears didn’t stop running down your cheeks, you still refused to believe what was happening, all those promises now unfulfilled, all those dreams and plans were going to waste now.
If he had told the truth earlier, you would have understood and put your feelings aside, many things would have been avoided.
You didn't want to hear from Steve again in your life, you weren't the only one who thought the same thing, A simple selfish act had ruined many lives.
He had left not only you but also his best friend, what kind of person would do that?
Abandon his wife and his best friend without giving them any explanation, without caring about what they had lived together, or everything he had promised them.
"I'm with you to the end of the line" was nothing more than the vile lie with which he had deceived you, which you had long believed.
 Don't speak, I know just what you're sayin' So please stop explainin' Don't tell me 'cause it hurts Don't speak, I know what you're thinkin' I don't need your reasons Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
 "Y/N, please understand I must go," said Steve exasperated.
“Why you? Anyone else can do it, there are more team members besides you.
"It must be me," he insisted.
“Why? You haven't given me any good reason,” you claimed.
"I am the team leader."
“Which team? Steve, we don't have a team, you know that for the last seven years everything has been a disaster”.
You knew that something strange had happened in the time travel, you didn’t go with him, you went to Vormir.
After that fight, while Steve was bathing, you took his compass and opened it, when you discovered the contents you felt as if a bucket of cold water had been thrown at you, you had finally understood everything.
 Our memories, well, they can be inviting But some are altogether mighty frightening As we die, both you and I With my head in my hands, I sit and cry
 You saw the wedding photo, that day you thought was the happiest day of your life, currently, it was a memory that made you sad.
Now you understood Steve's insistence on not having children yet, he had always told you that you wanted you to enjoy your marriage a little more without those kinds of responsibilities.
“Y/N? “ Wanda knocked from the other side of the door
You wiped your tears away and looked up at the door quickly, every time you heard a noise nearby you couldn't help but maybe it was Steve.
"One moment," your voice trembled.
You got up and went to open the door to see what Wanda wanted.
"What happens?" You asked.
You hadn’t left your room in several days, Wanda was the one in charge of bringing you food, you didn’t speak to anyone and you were devastated.
"They need you in the boardroom," she said as soon as you opened the door.
You went to the place when entering as she had indicated, when entering, the rage invaded you.
"Y/N ..." Steve said when he saw you.
"I'm not going to be in the same place as him," you sentenced.
You turned around and almost collided with Bucky.
"Please, I need to talk to you," Steve asked.
"I have nothing to hear from you, unless it's to tell me you've already signed the divorce."
As soon as he told you what he was going to do you asked for the papers, you had suspicions, which were confirmed at the time he left, so you signed them.
 Don't speak, I know just what you're sayin' So please stop explainin' Don't tell me 'cause it hurts, no, no, no
You had met Steve on the first mission you had with the STRIKE team, it had been fun to see Steve and Rumlow fight because they couldn't agree”
Eventually, you and Steve became best friends, you spent a lot of time together and in all missions, they were a good team, one of the best that S.H.I.E.L.D. had.
You were afraid to confess your feelings to him and you thought that if you did Steve would walk away from you because he probably wouldn't reciprocate.
 Don't speak, I know what you're thinkin' And I don't need your reasons Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
It's all ending We gotta stop pretending Who we are
 "Are you going to deny the truth that you left for?"
"No, but I just went to the dance I promised her and came back."
Y/N and Bucky looked at each other, they knew Steve was lying, it had been much more than a dance.
"How many years were you there?” you asked.
"It was just the dance," he said, but his voice didn't sound confident.
“Do you really think you can fool us? We know you very well,” Bucky said.
"Ten years, but I couldn't stop thinking about you" he excused himself.
"You made a big mistake."
"You would have thought long before, Rogers, I don't want to crossword with you again if it's not for you to give me the signed document," you sentenced before leaving the place.
 You and me I can see us dyin' Aren't we?
 You had been sent on a mission at first it seemed disastrous, but in the end, you achieved the goal
They were in the facility that had indicated that it is fine as a shelter when finished before the extraction
“You’re ok? Did they hurt you? He asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, just a little tired and dirty," you replied.
"I think the shower works well."
“Are you suggesting we bathe together?
"N-no, it’s not what I meant, no...”
He was completely blushing, you had fun teasing him. You took a shower to clarify your ideas, it was the first time you felt nervous, and you had decided to confess your feelings.
"Hey, do you want dinner? I cook something," he said when he saw you.
You sat down to eat but it was difficult, your nerves increased.
"I like you," you finally confessed.
Steve saw you without saying anything, for a moment you thought that he would reject you or that he would leave, he got up, went to you and kissed you. 
"I like you, too," he said when you parted from the kiss.
 Don't speak, I know just what you're sayin' So please stop explainin' Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
"But Y/N I love you," said Steve.
"No, you never loved me, you just didn't want to be alone in this time, and all those words were lies."
“But you love me…”
You pressed your lips tightly, you had been holding back not to slap him or be close enough to him to convince you with his charms.
"I still love you, but I also hate you. None of this is easy, but I must worry about myself," you thought.
"Before all this yes, but now no more, you hurt me too much, you broke my heart, there is nothing that can remedy all this," you replied.
 No, no, don't speak, I know what you're thinkin' And I don't need your reasons Don't tell me 'cause it hurts
 Steve don’t waste telling you how much he loved you.
You knew that he sometimes visits Peggy, but you always thought it was out of nostalgia.
You always supported him, you didn't have much to lose so you stood by him in the Accords.
Bucky seemed a little suspicious, at first, he believed that you wanted to steal his best friend, but the three managed to form a great team.
He had even helped Steve with planning to propose to you.
 Don't tell me 'cause it hurts I know what you're sayin' So please stop explainin' Don't speak, don't speak
 Peggy threw herself into Steve's arms when she saw him at the door.
“It is a long story”.
That night they danced for hours.
"I want you to stop being Captain America," Peggy demanded.
“What? I cannot”.
"If you love me, you will."
 Don't speak, no I know what you're thinkin' And I don't need your reasons I know you're good, I know you're good I know you're real good, oh
Steve was nervous, he would ask Peggy to marry, he had to admit that he missed his previous life, but it was something that she had asked him, he could not deny her anything.
He opened the door of the house, seemed to hear something, went to the room, the scene he saw left him frozen.
Peggy separated from the man she was in bed with.
“What are you doing here? You were supposed to be at work.
The woman covered her nakedness to go after Steve, who said nothing.
"It's not what it seems, Steve.”
“Do not? Are you going to deny that you were having sex with him?
She was trying to come up with some excuse.
"You know, I made a mistake I should never have come back, I should have stayed with my family," said Steve with deep sadness.
He left the house, he needed to go to the particles where he had stored them, he took out the box and found a separator that you had given him, a heart that you yourself made for him, you had scarred yourself by burning yourself when you emptied the material into the mold, in the center it had the inscription "I LOVE YOU" and on the another side of the date of that anniversary.
He would go back to you and Bucky and do whatever it took to forgive him, raise a family with you, and forget everything that had happened on that last trip, which had perhaps been the biggest mistake of his life.
 La, la, la, la La, la, la, la Don't, don't, ooh, ooh Hush, hush, darling Hush, hush, darling Hush, hush
 “He's going to see her, isn't he?” You asked Bucky.
After seeing the compass you had left the room in silence, in the courtyard you had met James.
"I don't know," he replied.
"Bucky is your best friend, please, I need to know that," you asked.
"Yes, he will, did he tell you?"
"He didn't want to give me any explanation, but all the signs seem to indicate it."
"What do you think about it?" Bucky questioned you.
“I would have preferred that we never would have gone out if I continued loving her, she always said that you and I were the most important thing, but this shows us that it is not true”.
The day he left you weren't there, you stayed in the room, erasing all the photos they had together, you wished it was so easy to erase all the memories and experiences they shared.
 Don't tell me 'cause it hurts Hush, hush, darling Hush, hush, darling Hush, hush
"Are you okay?" You asked Bucky.
"I'm not, but I will be, will you forgive him?"
"I can't, it's just difficult, we had made a promise but I think he didn't care in the end," you replied. "What will you do?"
"I still have to redeem myself for what I did."
"It wasn't your fault, you were under HYDRA's control," you said.
“Do you have any plans?”
"All my life I've been in this job, I guess I'll stay, but I don't plan to work with him, the less contact I have, and the better for me," you replied.
Steve had made a big mistake and he will do anything to fix it.
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moist-astronaut · 4 years
things my friends and I have said over the last year
“I’m verbally illiterate” “Isn’t that called dyslexia”
“I’m going to chemistry and I’m gonna light myself on fire” “No” “Damnit let me burn like the witch I am!”
“Don’t worry it’s not anti-Christ it’s just anti-government”
“I’ve been getting migraines everyday and I’m considering chopping my head off” “But that would kill you” “Two birds one stone!!”
“I swear to god I will hug you” “My house is 5 miles away and my doors are locked” “Your locks are FEABLE”
*writing an email* “Bitch comma”
“Ok but I could be a top” *laughing* “What I totally could be!” *laughing and crying for literally 6 minutes straight*
*on a group call, friends cat misha walks into the room* “Tell misha I would live and die for her, whichever she prefers” “She says thank you” *cat noises*
*joins discord vioce chat at 11:26 pm* “You guys are gae but I love you” “Thank you saeren very cool” “Goodnight” *leaves chat at 11:28pm*
“Jake jake jake jjjake -j-jaaake hey jake” “W H A T” “Can I eat your pens” “I literally have a restraining order against you”
“I’m educatn’t”
“Me calling you to dumb to be a slytherin is payback for you leaving multiple handprint bruises on my legs” “It’s not my fault your skin is weak”
“He’s rolling so that we can walk” *rolling in the grass and collecting leaves on his jacket* “I’m rolling for your sins”
“There are 7 of us so we can each be a deadly sin” “I wanna be Ross” “You mean wrath?” “No that dude from Friends”
“Ok but other than his strict attraction to women, his multiple wives, his hatred of gay people, and the fact that he is dead, what is standing between me and Joseph Smith the All American Hottie from being happy together”
“Consider: Mullet” “No”
“I do my homework while loudly eating a pop tart asmr”
“No no listen, he’s my brother, he’s a bastard of my dynasty…I might just ransom him off”
“These Norwegian bastards indroduced a fucking PLUAGE to my COUNTRY”
“Ooooo meth”
“Half of my life is me resisting the urge to sing the zaboomafoo themesong, the other half is me actually singing the zaboomafoo themesong. So either way my entire life revolves around zaboomafoo.”
“I just don’t think I would hire a gay man-wait no I’m not homophobic”
*chucks half a gallon of milk in a gas station* “-ah- got milk?”
“Gimme your sternum boy”
“Nooooooo he stole my sternum!!!” (Side note these were two separate occasions)
*being force fed milk duds* “No!! This is the worst way to die!!”
“Hey babe come over I have a hammock and a heated blanket”
“Be afraid, be prepared- IN THE WORDS OF SCAR”
“Stress eating stress gummies Stress eating stress gummies Stress eating stress gummies stress eating-”
“I thought to myself ‘Y’know if I die today this is how I want to be remembered- a leather skirt and leg warmers’”
“I think I’m telling you to go to sleep” “You’re gonna have make me” “I can’t tell if this is cry for help or flirting” “Yes”
“This is at best cannibalism and at worst being straight”
“Oh look Percy Jackson’s here now, ooh they replaced every character’s face with Mr. Bean. I hate it”
“You can’t be mean to me! I’m gay AND a woman! That’s a hate crime!” “Yeah well I’m brown and Muslim! Square the fuck up bitch!”
“Babe it’s not very metal to be afraid of your hair dresser” “It’s not very metal to have a hair dresser and yet here we are” “It’s fine you’re into glam metal”
“Hey augie, got any grrrrrrapes?” “I’m doing IXL :(“
“Can I come?” “No” “What if I bring watermelon?” “You can come, leave the watermelon, then leave” “:(“
“What in the jersey shore”
“Ok but consider: Mullet-hawk” “I can and will divorce you”
“Dee-vorce 👏 Just to 👏 re-vorce 👏 👏 “
“Ah yes, that’s why I’m fat…for combat reasons…”
“You fool I consent!”
“My Boston fern is being a bitch but that’s because it’s winter and that’s BITCH season”
“You walk through the rest of the house and it’s like ‘ooo witchy and aesthetic’ then they’ll get to the guest room and it’ll just be a tacky twink Fever dream”
“Who needs a scalp”
“HeHe, sexing”
“Council has decided, your vibes are rancid (and not the band)”
“You’re never to young to hate women”
“Look at me I did the dishes I’m a 1950s housewife with a strangely new jersey accent and affinity for lesbianism”
“Well look who has the table now”
"contrary to popular belief, fuck you"
"There's nothing here that requires whisking, i'm just problematic"
"If you could go anywhere in the world with two people, who would you choose?" “New Orleans!”
"So he proceeded to bite me on the butt...like, really, really hard."
“I don’t cheat, I win. It’s not cheating if it’s consensual.”
“My mouth, my choice”
“Do you like my ombré of a tan"
“Who’s the cutest in the chat right now then?” “It’s Paige!” “No, it’s obviously Augie.” (paige's boyfriend)-said by a straight man
“Francis is just a one and done.”
“Would you ever have a threesome?” “...yes...” *To Francis* “Sure!”
“How do you feel about anal sex?”
“Of the people in this room, who would you most want to make out with?” “Augie” “The answer is yes, but only if it’s 6 feet apart.”
“Square, flat, and overcooked.”
“The virus would be over if everyone would breathe underwater for 5 minutes.”
“I have daddy issues, but not with my father.”
“You’re a ladies man but you have two boyfriends.”
“That means lesbian in sign language” “No, that means fuck boy in American”
“I’m like a parasite, you can’t get rid of me. I’m here forever.”
“You’re like my long term hit man”
“Is it Jake?” “No, why would the evil Russian man be Jake?” “Because he would never hire a gay man and you don’t look like a gay man”
“Jake is homophonic, Augie is racist, and Francis is a woman hater!”
"Grew a korean radish, 1 star"
"I've got more cause i'm a rich boy, and by that i mean my father sometimes buys avocados. And that's on what? Upper middle class"
"Tell your good for nothing boyfriend to stay away from my mom"
"It's not inciting violence it's just ~inspiring it~ "
"Listen bitch just because you have avacados and a roomba doesn't make you better then me"
"i would totally let narthex ruin my life. and that's on what? daddy issues and bisexuality"
"who is titty"
"how is he racist" "he hates the french and russians right?" "don't forget italians" "that's just self loathing"
"This is the last time i wear a thong- it's for educational purposes"
"babe come over i'm a burrito"
"he put bread with milk. luckily he passed away"
"you touched my wiener!" "you offered it!"
"i took a shower and realized the floor doesn't bounce"
"i love ass whoooaaaaaa i meant cassie"
"Rosalie you're the deciding vote. Be decisive." "Dude i'm bisexual and a gemini. what're you talking about?"
"Okay so to recap: jake is homophobic, augie is racist, francis is a woman hater, and now paige is a bunny abuser?"
"Just bring a watermelon keychain and it'll be fine" "Whooaaaa i'm gonna need a big key then"
"If you were blind what would you even see"
Post Traumatic Youth, plus D for danny's disorder"
"i think she's past the phase where she likes people just because they're russian"
"francine is a lesbian, but only during quarantine"
"don't be a home wrecker!" "i can't help it!"
"we are not doing coed tents" "i wanted to go purple-ing though"
"if it's not perfect i'm gonna through hands" "with who" "i don't know, the CEO of stupid"
"don't make me feel guilty for bullying you"
"it doesn't look very cash money cool but okay"
"slinky cat" (ferret)
"The pond behind my house didn't freeze all the way through this winter, so i couldn't go ice skating" "okay, so i have an idea. we can go to walmart and get-" "ANTI FREEZE!" "well, yes- wait, no. No, the more i think about that definitely no."
"The amish will win, the amish will prevail" "the amish will conquer us all!"
"He do be kinda mafia doh"
"i'm being sneaky sneak. stairs go creaky creak. and i need. DRUGZ"
"brain on shutdown, power saving mode"
"Somebody go tip her, she's dancing like a stripper" "thatd be nice- oh wait no!"
"fellas, is it gay to lick your homies eyeball?"
"it's not racist if you're only targeting one group of people" "that literally racism" "but what if they're french"
"i'm not racist yet but the option is available, and it's good to have options"
"they don't call me Mr. Steal Yo Boy for nothing!" -a straight man who has a girlfriend
"i think he has a bad habit of not dating girls"
"kinda hot tho 🥵 in a Santa Claus kinda way...hoe hoe hoe"
"i'll be your hot jacuzzi bubble dealer"
"when deceit and doubt fills you up, you cleanse your mind through creative activities, such as making organic soap"
"friendly reminder #4: you're never to old to eat a freezie-pop"
"sorry i'm just nervous" Chinese Teacher: (Waving her hand in front of her face) “Just pretend I’m cabbage.”
"me when my dads name is publicly broadcasted on the radio for his 14 felonies and assorted war crimes"
"<@!523669420435046401> I sentence you to a solid nine by the banhammer. For your crimes against Humanity, God, Satan, and Matt Frank. See you in hell."
"Danny, just because you're playing *Just Cause* doesn't mean you need to Just Cause our friendship!"
"Silly Matt! You fell for the ole’ Heimlich maneuver!”
"i got a bunch of new shirts over quarantine" "you would"
"Ok, there's a 32 year old doctor in new Jersey dying right now" "Yeah, but to be fair everyone in new jersey has a pre-existing condition"
“This is the longest period of time we’ve had without a Nintendo direct” “Maybe they’re gonna make a Nintendo indirect?”
"you’re looking extra white today.” "thanks i've been practicing"
"do you have any batteries" *looks inside shirt* "not yet"
"let's go colonize the middle school!" "yyayayyayayay!!!" " wait I gotta ask my mom first" What happened next is know called the *Juniors burden*
"oh so you're a DOWNSTAIRS milk kinda guy"
"you are literally the human embodiment of crumbs in a bed"
"The Berk-ey Creamery isn’t a place, it’s a people!”
 "He shoved a floating joy-con straight up his flux-capacitor.” "great! now it's paired"
"No, that isnt armor, the real armor are the friends you made along the way"
"This one goes out to all my lady friends out there *proceeds to kill himself in game*
"i'm a coward" "that's what a coward would say!"
"rest is for cowards and fools"
"every time you speak you take years off my life"
"Shark dick hoo ha ha"
"Me and the boys brushing our teeth at 3 AM"
"remember if you kill yourself the fascists win"
"The Beatles aren’t real. Have you ever seen a beatle? No? Exactly." "Babe” "Shut up I’m right."
*reading over these quotes* "god i hate that" "you said that!"
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conchstellations · 5 years
watching the 1990 LOTF movie!! my reactions:
hello all!!!! i was bored at midnight again so here it is: me watchin the 1990 movie, for the first time, hell yeah!!!!! here we go!!! its got the other movie to live up to, so im excited for a comedy lmao!! tl;dr at end if u want!!! its kinda long btw lmao
- castle rock entertainment??? piggy u better watch out bro
- fuck is that the pilot???
- k this isnt a big thing but why are they in water? the plane left a scar in the earth, they were on land.
- okay, again, me nitpicking. but idk, to me, they dont look 12?? maybe its just cause theyre all dressed up n that but they dont look like 12 yr olds to me like the last movie
- why tf does ralph (?) have a glowstick lmaooooo
- why are they all together. where is my conch. wher are my stupid ass choir outfits. maybe im not there yet and they have them, but i want my stupid cloaks!!! jack would not stand for this!!!
- why TF is the pilot alive???
- am i supposed to know whos who by now?? did i just miss that?? which ones ralph? which ones jack?? wheres simon???
- conch??? the conchs main job is to bring them together, and here theyre already together so???
- piggy already makin me love him gosh piggy is child
- okay so im guessing brown hair kid is ralph
- piggy protecting conch rights
- i do like piggys sass... very iconic
- okay whAT??? is that blonde kid supposed to be jack?? first off, jack has red hair. second off, there is no way in hELL THAT MY basTARD child jack merridew would let ralph win the election just like that??? wheres my choir??? wheres my c sharp???
- okay jack would for sure call piggy shitbrain nvm
- wheres simon????
- r they fuckin cookin lizards??? nvm look away simon pls dont be in this
- is thAT BITCH supposed to be Simon?? hes got a lot to look up to. also why the FUCK is the adult alive. taht ruins the whole purpose of the entire book
- was that a dream??? sorry im dumb af lmao
- alrght simon is kind of an adorable hild and he likes lizard maybe hes valid?
- idk.. for some reason this ralph isnt like, giving me ralph vibes?? hes just not bring like ralphish u know??
- now im getting a little bit more of our beloved lil bitch ralph..
- okay wtf is going on lmao
- “SHOVE THEIR DICK IN THE CONCH” had me laughing for a solid fucking 30 minutes. william golding who??? whoever wrote that line is the new icon
- ‘EAT SHIT AND DIE”  okay wtffff im so confused but also vv entertained
- for some reason jack’s character is like 100% off, but also somehow 100% on point “thats exactly what i meant” like holy shit. like idk hes not jack but just sometimes he radiates “jack if he was allowed to swear and was less of a lil bitch” energy
- ok simon and lizard?? valid
- i swear to FUCKING GOD i will kill that child!!!
- im gonna cry. wtf. why would you kill his lizard. even this movie’s jack seems like he thinks thats fucked up and hes a psychopath. also, lemme say, at this point, i think most of the book characters would beat the shit out of someone if they were mean to simon like that, bc the choir were his friends, and ralphs tribe respected him, sooooo
- why tf is it simons job to take care of the adult that shouldnt even be there? liek wtf hes grieving asshole
- no fucking duh hes scared of everyone but simon i would be too 
- honestly kinda glad they let ralph say fuck he deserved it
- “back off man im sick of ur shit and sos my gang” fuckin got em
- let me guess pilot dude is the new beast???
- honestly wtf is goin on lmao
- okay piggys actor actually made me sd when he was crying about his glasses so good job
- simon comin through with the glowstick. also, good job simon
- well at least the lord of the flies looks terrifying as always
- are samneric putting on warpaint this early?? bc i WILL NOT stand for that shit. i am a samneric STAN Ok??? they were two of the tHREE left when simon died who didnt become cowards and go savage. they wree LOYAL to ralph until they were LITERALLY tied up and FORCED to join jack, and even then they helped ralph!!!! so fuck u. samneric are better than that.
- oh simon :(
- im glad they actually kind of (?) shwed simon like with the pig head bc last movei it was just ike them flipping the camera from pig to si so idkk
- ok that was a pretty ralph move to bring up the fire 24/7 lmao
- piggytits?? tf
- simon with hus fuckin glowstick lmao
- awe, simon
- okay HOLY SHIT. the sounds of what i assume to be them fucking stabbing simon are horrific. and then that cut to simon’s fucking mutiliated corpse?? holy SHIT. like as much as im complaining, thats the gruesome shit i expect from this book. i was expecting them to shy away from it bc its so awful, but im SO glad they didnt, bc that gave me fuckin chills. finally, something i can praise them on. thats the lord of the flies i expect. 
- i feel bad for ralph.. good job
- ok good. samneric came back. good job again.
- ok. nvm. the disrespect to my loyal children. alright.
- okay that child screaming as hes being whipped?? wtf.
- ok that line of piggy being scared that the russians will take them nad make them go into the olympics? gold. 
- piggys laugh is so pure
- why the fuCK are they finding instruments lmao
- poor piggy
- did roger just wolf whistle at ralph what the fuck is going on
- holy SHIt this movie does not hold back on the blood. but, wheres my conch explosion?? if ur gonna show him getting hit u gotta show the conch exploding. although, the conch means like nothing in this movie lmao
- okay wow piggys dead body cool cool cool
- ralph fucking YEETED that kid to the ground lmao
- okay, ralph crying?? good acting
tl;dr/conclusion/my thoughts: hooooo boy so i see why everyone likes 1960 one better. 
first, lets start with the obvious: why this isnt lord of the flies. because its not. if this wasnt telling me that its lord of the flies, i would think of it as that, really. first off, the conch. the conch represents civility, it brings them together. its important. when piggy dies, it dies, representing how all civility is now gone. i maybe saw the conch three times this movie. didnt do anything.
second, the pilot, captain whatever. the point of the beast to me is that they made it up. sure, the corpse was real, but it didnt pose a threat, it was simply a corpse. they made it into what it was, therefore proving that they are the beast. sure, the pilot here was harmless, but he grbbed a boy’s foot and was therefore making himself a possible threat. maybe its not a big deal i guess.
third, the characters. the point of lord of the flies is that they are rich kids who havent gone through anything. theyre the perfect, spoiled kids who havent done anything wrong. half of them are in choir. chOIR. in this movie, lets take jack for example. they said he stole  a car and got sent to military school. no. the point of jack is that he was a perfect kid. leader of choir. he was manipulitive and got even ADULTS to trust him. its part of hs character, showing that this perfect choir leader kid went fucking insane to prove how literally everyone can be evil. also samneric???? the direspect!! they were loyal to ralph until they were tied up and FORCED to join jack, and even then, after roger like beat the shit out of them, they were STILL loyal. fuck you.
so those are the MAIN reasons why it wasnt lotf. 
now, what i liked i guess.
the swearing was NOT lotf, and it didnt fit with the story, but ill admit that i laughed, so i guess thats a plus.
second, i liked how they showed the gore, i guess? sounds weird, hear me out. lord of the flies is a gruesome, violent, awful book. theres descriptions of death in detail, and im so glad they showed it. when simon’s body was there, literally torn to shreds? the shock of it, the true savagery you see that these boys murdered him SO violently, is amazing, because thats the essence of lotf. simons death shows how theyve lost all their civility, and showing such a gruesome corpse really brings that through. so good job.
and now, of course, the obvious: thats not the characters i pictured when i read the story. simon doesnt look like that, ralph doesnt look like that, jack doesnt look like that.
 where did the choir go, too? forgot to mention that, and i think that also adds into the whole, theyre supposed to be perfect kids and then become savage thing. also, the choir was a group. they voted for jack and went with him for a reason. 
so yea, thats that. dont know why people would read this lmao but thats my thoughts!!!! i just need to keep myself busy when i watch movies and to make sure i focused, i figured id just write down my thoughts as i went. if u wanna watch for free, look up lord of the flies 1990 google drive. 
;)))) and yea im posting this at 230 am lmao why not
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hellagayweird0 · 6 years
Jay’s Season 14 Episode 3 Chat
(Read more will be included)
~ “Some people say I look good.” YES AND YOU DO, BABY
~ “No.  No, Sam.  No people say that.” Dean I stg don’t you dare insult the Sammy beard, I will hurt you.  SAM LOOKS GREAT
~ “Michael bailed.”  The fandom:
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~ Ok camera hi um I like his face but I don’t need to see it so close, thanks
~ Chief is now and forever going to be a nickname I use for Sam in my fics, thank you very much.  I LOVE CHIEF
~ Jack: “Dean?”  Dean: *starts singing* “I heard that you were talking shit and you didn’t think that I would hear it.” *But seriously, that part of the song just automatically started playing in my head when they saw each other 😂*
~ “Is it really you?” Jack noooooooooooo it’s a liiiiiiie
~ Dean and Cas: *smile at each other*  Me: 
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~ “How’s Nick.”  *crawls into a corner* We don’t mention that name in this household, sir.  He’s not welcome here
~ There are so many layers to suits, damn
~ “Cas, I’m gonna need you to get in my head.”  All the Destiel shippers: 
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~ Oh that’s a Dark Kaia and a stabby stab
~ Hey Claire my wife, what’s up I miss you
~ Aw Jody happy to hear from her son again
~ Oh I’m glad the “giant meat fork” thing has context now 😆
~ AW JACK *hugs him*
~ Dean you can’t come back and just start giving Jack orders.  You aren’t the parent here
~ “I didn’t mean to be a dick.” *coughs and remembers last season* Sure, Jan
~ (Also ok I get he’s been through a lot and I’m being hard on him BUT I CAN’T HELP IT)
~ Oh hi new people, you’re both adorable and I already love you
~ Ok nope I’m calling so much bullshit here.  You’re telling me that Dean literally cutting Sam off to insist that Cas stay in the bunker and not go with them to help, even though Cas could be a huge help to them, is normal Dean?  He seems waaaaay too eager to have Cas not go with them.  I don’t trust that AT ALL
~ See, Dean and I handle hard times/pain the same way.  By joking, not taking it 100% seriously, and sometimes flat out ignoring/avoiding it.  Not for bad, insulting reasons.  Just because it’s easier to joke than to face stuff.  (Sorry, this took a dark turn 😆 I just wanted to say that.  I relate to Dean a ton.)
~ I love the looks they give each other when Jody’s not looking 😆 little things like that make a scene so much better
~ Dean wtf is going on with you, you’re so eager about this, I don’t trust that
~HE WROTE THEM A NOTE I’M CRYING (also 2 things.  one, who taught him how to write?  two, HIS HANDWRITING IS AWESOME.)
~ “Like Sleeping Beauty.”  *starts sobbing* Jack, could you be anymore pure?  ALSO WHO TAUGHT HIM ABOUT SLEEPING BEAUTY BECAUSE I WANT TO GIVE THEM A GIANT HUG.  THANK YOU, STRANGER
~ Oh thanks for mentioning Rowena.  I miss my favorite witch
~ “Are you going somewhere?” Cas parent mode is activated YES CAS BE A GOOD DAD I LOVE YOU
~ Jody, you don’t even have to ask, of course you get a vote, you queen
~ Sam is like “Nope this is some bullshit.”
~ Oh hey Dark Kaia, my love
~ I love how Dean just casually lands on Sam
~ I LOVE WHEN DARK KAIA IS A NINJA (also what was that “throwing the spear, diving to it, grabbing it, and running off 😆 it was strange but cool.)
~ Ok but for real I’m super curious as to who this AU!Kaia is
~ “Let’s find her and ask.” Oh yeah, I’m sure you’ll have a nice, calm chat over some tea maybe
~ “It’s marked ‘gross stuff’.” Could I love this show anymore than I already do?  The answer is no
~ “Is that your dad?” “One of them, yes.” If you’ll excuse me, I have to wrap myself in a blanket and sob into a pillow
~ Oh that glance, the pressure is on, Cas
~ Look at that floppy Sammy hair
~ Well isn’t that pretty and purple
~ Now let’s all take a second for dramatic timing to kick in- yup there it is
~ “First love strikes quick.” THEY MADE IT CANON, BITCHES!!  YEEEEEES *breaks out the whiskey* TIME TO CELEBRATE KAIAXCLAIRE
~ Oh Sam knows a little about losing love (I’m sorry I had to)
~ Dark Kaia jump scare, hi
~ Those crackers will dry out your mouth so quickly, my dear.  Take some dirty water with you
~ Here’s Deany
~ Oh well you’re welcome to tie me to a chair any day of the week, sir (i mean what....)
~ “I was trying to kill the blonde.”  Jody: *pulls out a gun* “I WON’T HESITATE, BITCH.”
~ Oh no the poor girl!!
~ In what world does a chair slide that easily?  Apparently this one
~ “You’re no different than him.  Threats, violence, anything to get what you want.” *starts clapping*
~ “I am nothing like him.” SURE JAN
~ “Jack, are you sure?”  “No.” *breaks it anyways* I love him
~ Heeeeey she’s okaaaaaay YOU DID IT JACK I’M SO PROUD OF YOU
~ Why do I miss Michael!Dean?  Is it bad that I want him back? 😆
~ Excuse me, don’t kick her
~ Aw Jody
~ Yay new friends coming to visit
~Guys, you didn’t even knock first.  Rude
~ “I was never one to turn down a buffet.” ME TOO
~ Hi um don’t touch Sam’s beautiful face, thanks
~ Wait wait wait, would a chair losing a leg really loosen the ropes?  HOW DOES THAT WORK, AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE 😆
~ Dean: “Now you’re in trouble.” Dark Kaia: *dives out the window*  Dean: “Well shit, never mind.” 
~ I hope we meet again, wifey
~ Jody, you’re such a fuckin queen
~ Aw yeah, Claire deserves to know
~ “I just feel like I already lost before I ever even began.” Was that shade towards what happened (or rather, didn’t happen) with Wayward?  WAS THAT SHADE?  IF SO, I’M SO PROUD AND I BOW DOWN TO JODY
~ Jack just lying on his bed, contemplating life, is meeeeeee
~ Not gonna lie, I had to take like 5 minutes because I was crying over this scene BUT I NEED AN EPISODE WHERE CAS AND JACK GO ON A HUNT TOGETHER PLEASE AND THANK YOU
~ Other parents are proud of first steps, first words, and stuff.  And the fandom is over here like AW HIS FIRST COLD HOW PRECIOUS 😆
~ “I’ll make you some soup then.” PLEASE HOLD AS I RESUME MY CRYING
~ NO I’M NOT READY FOR THIS B.M. SCENE, NOPE, NO *jumps out of the impala* *screams from the distance* NOOOOOOPE
~ “I put us all in danger today.  Stupid danger.” YEAH WE KNOW
~ As hard as it is, baby, you can’t skip like that.  You have to be careful.
~ Hey um Dean I don’t like this “putting yourself down” part *hugs him* stop it
~ Are we forgetting that both Sam and Dean have been possessed by archangels?  I’m sure Sam knows what it feels like (I’m not yelling at Dean 😆 I’m just saying)
~ Dean: “I was underwater.”  Me: *breaks out into singing All Of Me* MY HEAD’S UNDERWATER-”
~ Okay, let’s pause for a second.  Dean, sweetheart, you said yes because Sam and Jack were in danger.  If you hadn’t, Jack would be dead and who knows what would’ve happened to Sam.  You did the right thing, and whatever Michael does/did, isn’t on you.  You had no control after he took over.  You said yes to him helping you save Sam and Jack.  You didn’t know he’d take over and start doing all this stuff.  Not. Your. Fault.  Alright, let’s resume
~Also, I’m getting Sam S8 flashbacks and I don’t appreciate this
And that’s it for S14 E3!  This episode was the best one this season so far by a long shot.  It felt like the first real episode.  And for some reason, it felt really short.  But it was still good!  I’m really excited for next week’s episode!  Even though it’s a filler, it looks awesome! (even though Sam beard is gone....I’m not sad....*sniffs*)  And that mystery girl with Sam who I’ve been trying to figure out the identity of for so long is in it SO MAYBE I’LL FINALLY GET SOME ANSWERS.  She’s adorable.
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raisindeatre · 8 years
ok but Picture This: a zutara musical lead au or tbh any type of acting
FIRST OF ALL: thank you so much for this prompt, anon! (if it was indeed a prompt. Maybe you were just telling me to picture this? I don’t know.) Second of all: I am so, sorry how long it took me to get around to this. Finally: I am 124% sure this was not what you were looking for (it really became more of a childhood friend thing than anything else?) and so I’M SO SORRY BUT I HOPE YOU LIKE IT ANYWAY (also this got… so long i’m SORRY)
love amongst the dragons
“I cannot believe,” Zuko grumbles as he puts his tray down, “that Bumi is directing this year’s school play. After what he did with The Boy in the Iceberg last year? A travesty!”
“The Boy in the Iceberg was pretty terrible,” Sokka says, reaching over to grab a handful of fries from Zuko’s tray and stuffing them into his mouth. “But at least the effects were decent.”
“Who cares about the effects?” Zuko replies indignantly, swatting Sokka’s hand away as the other boy reaches for more. “He absolutely butchered the story - if you guys had bothered to read the original, you would’ve known that the Blind Bandit was originally a girl -”
“I like Bumi,” Aang says absent-mindedly, and Katara smiles and bumps his shoulder with hers.
“You would,” she says affectionately, and Zuko has to turn away a little at the sight, his stomach clenching uncomfortably. Ridiculous. She and Aang were just friends. She and Zuko were just friends. What was his problem? “I swear, Aang,” she continues, “You guys are so close it’s like the two of you were friends in a past life or something.”
“Best friends, more like,” Aang says cheerily, and Zuko clears his throat.
“Are any of you listening to me?” he says. “I’m telling you, he’s going to mess this year’s play up just like he did last year! And Love Amongst the Dragons is completely different from The Boy in the Iceberg, it’s going to be much harder to direct -”
“How so?” Suki asks.
“Well,” he says. “The characters are different. The hero, for one. Roku. He’s a really difficult character to play, okay? Trust me. He has to be smart and brave and daring and - oh God, Bumi’s going to want to play him himself, isn’t he?”
“Lighten up, Sparky,” Toph says. “What’s the big deal?”
“It’s a big deal,” he says sharply, and he knows he’s gone too far. They’re all looking at him in surprise; even Toph has tilted her head at him, sightless eyes fixed unerringly on his face. The silence stretches out between them, awkward. “Look,” Zuko continues, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, okay? It just. This play means a lot to me. I don’t want him ruining it. I don’t.”
For a moment he thinks they’ll ask him why he cares so much. But he forgets, sometimes, that they are his friends, first and foremost. That they have each other’s backs, no matter what. That they will be with each other until the end of the line.  
“Then you should audition,” Suki says thoughtfully, and for a moment all Zuko can do is blink at her.
“What? Me? I can’t -”
“That’s actually a really good idea!” Sokka jumps in. “You obviously know all about this play, Zuko, and you know how the main character should be portrayed - and listen, if you were part of the play I’m sure Bumi would let you have some input into how it should be directed! It’s perfect!”
“No, it’s not!” Zuko protests. “I don’t know anything about being in a play! I can’t act!”
“Please,” Toph says. “You’re the world’s biggest drama queen, Zuko. You were practically made for the stage. I gotta say, I’m liking this idea more and more.” She nods sanctimoniously, crossing her arms. “Toph approves.”
“Well, Zuko doesn’t -”
“You can do it, Zuko,” Katara says, and he turns to look at her. For a moment, the world narrows to her, this girl sitting across the table. His chest twinges, something that’s been happening more and more lately. Her eyes are very blue in the sunlight streaming over them, and for a moment,he experiences double vision: Katara grinning down at him as they climb a tree, six years old; Katara blowing pink bubbles and laughing when they burst on her lips, ten years old; Katara stretching her arms over her head and diving gracefully into the local swimming pool. How long he has known her, known all of them. Where have all the years gone?
“How do you know?” he says softly, and she smiles at him, just a little.
“When have you ever not?” she says. “You always do what you put your mind to, Zuko. You don’t ever give up.”
Uncertainty flits across her face, then, and she clears her throat awkwardly. It’s only then that Zuko is aware of the rest of their friends at their table, listening. Katara’s smile turns into a grin, playful. “And even if you can’t do it, you have to. It’s like you said. If you don’t play the hero, Bumi will - and we know that if he does he’s going to want to do it shirtless.”
“NO!” everyone at the table groans. Sokka goes so far as to make the sign of the cross.
Aang pipes up, “I heard Bumi has an 8-pack. That Bumi is shredded -”
“NO!” everyone at the table shouts again, and by now Zuko is laughing. The tense feeling in his stomach has evaporated, replaced by the sight of Katara looking at him, eyes bright.
“You have to do it, Zuko,” she says, laughing. “Be heroic. Don’t subject us to that!”
“Do it, Zuko,” the rest of them chirp, like baby birds. “Do it, do it, do it! Do it, Zuko -”
“Oh, my God,” he says, and so he does.
“Bumi really creeps me out,” he says to Sokka later as they make their way down the hallways, clutching the script to his chest. Auditions are in two weeks, and when the thought crosses his mind he abruptly shoves it away. His friends have made him do any number of stupid things in all the years he’s known them, but this really has to take the cake. “Have you noticed that one of his eyes is bigger than the other?”
“You’re one to talk,” Sokka says, laughing, and promptly dodges the half-hearted punch Zuko aims at his shoulder.
“I hope laughing at my scar is still funny when you’re in hell!” he says, mock-irritably, but Sokka just grins at him.
“Hey, for what it’s worth, it’s not like looking like the Phantom of the Opera has cramped your style. Katara was just telling me the other day -” Sokka breaks off. “Ah, forget it.”
What? “What? What did she tell you?”
“Look, if I tell you I’m worried your head won’t fit through the classroom door, and frankly I can’t have that -”
“Sokka. What did she tell you?”
Sokka sighs, world-weary. “Apparently, her class voted you the hottest senior in school. But she said that to me after I drank the last of her orange juice, so she could’ve just been saying that to get me back. In fact, I’m almost positive that’s what it was. You were probably second place, buddy.”
“I’m sure.” Her class. Not her. “Was it her whole class? Do you know?”
“Look at you, fishing for compliments. Is that a blush I see?”
“Oh, forget it.”
They walk on in silence for a while, until Sokka says thoughtfully, “You know what? They probably thought I was a sophomore. That’s what it is. I bet they voted me the hottest sophomore in school.”
Zuko turns his head away to hide his smile. “I’m sure, Sokka. I’m sure.”
“I heard you signed up for the play auditions,” Azula says to him later, almost causing him to jump out of his skin.
“God, Azula,” he says, and she raises an eyebrow at him from where she is leaning against his doorway. “Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”
“People out of the way? Sure. So. You’re auditioning for the play.”
“Did Ty Lee tell you that? How did she even find that out? That girl’s nose for gossip is terrifying. You need better friends.”
“Sokka has been going around school wearing a shirt that says ‘If you’re reading this I’m a senior’, and you think I need better friends?”
“Point taken. Was there anything you wanted, Azula?”
“I know why you’re doing it,” she says, and he shrugs at her, weakly.
“To pad out my college application?”
She smiles at him, and it’s cruel, but then all of Azula’s smiles are cruel. Even dressed in a tank top and pyjama shorts, everything about her manages to scream predator, but then her eyes slide to the framed picture by his bed, and something about her - well, not softens, exactly, but it’s like she’s sheathed her claws. She straightens up.
“Mum would be proud,” she says softly, and she turns to leave before he can reply.
His friends jump into helping him practice for the auditions with an enthusiasm that Zuko knows can’t be completely attributed to not wanting to see Bumi shirtless, and he is accordingly grateful.
“You know,” Suki says, “You don’t have to memorise the whole script, Zuko. I’m pretty sure for auditions you just have to read out a page or two.”
“If I’m going to do this,” he replies, “I’m going to do it right.” It’s not like it’ll be that hard to memorise the script, anyway - to his immense surprise, Bumi has thus far managed to stay loyal to the original material, and Zuko - well, Zuko knows the play like the back of his hand. He can recite half the lines in it from memory.
He runs lines with Aang as they walk Appa; Aang, who delights in the old-fashioned dialogue. “Have at thee, coward!” he says, looking very, very unintimidating with his cheerful gray eyes, standing a full six inches shorter than Zuko and breaking into a hasty jog as Appa barks and strains at his leash to chase Momo. (”God,” he says later. “Aren’t old-timey phrases the best? I swear, sometimes I feel like I was born into the wrong century, Zuko.”)
He runs lines with Toph, who only ever wants to be the villain. “Away, you mouldy rogue, away!” she says gleefully, and thumps his shoulder. (”That wasn’t in the script, Toph!” he complains, rubbing it, and she replies, “Sparky, you know I can’t read.”)
In the scenes where the whole cast is involved, he practices with everyone in Sokka and Katara’s living room, the whole gang, Suki’s voice low and steady, Sokka’s good-natured, Aang’s bright, Toph’s dry and Katara’s soft. He looks around at them, stretched out on the floor and crashed out on sofas, scuffling as they fight for the chips and guacamole, speaking through full mouths as he paces around the room and recites his lines, and feels his entire centre soften. How did they get here, him and Sokka hovering on the brink of eighteen, college on the horizon? Where have all the years gone?
But it’s not until Sunday, a few days before the auditions, that he realizes that he has yet to practice any of the love scenes: not a coincidence, but not something he can put off any longer either.
He already knows Toph will refuse flat-out to practice them with him, and Suki, Aang and Sokka are gone for the day, taking Appa to the vet. He briefly, briefly considers asking his uncle to help him, and immediately un-considers it, shuddering inwardly. He can just imagine it, and that is a mental image worse than any shirtless Bumi.
(”I have waited so long, Roku. Kiss me now… She looks deeply into his eyes. Oh, wait, nephew, am I supposed to read that part out?”
“…. No, uncle. You’re not.”)
And besides, maybe a small part of him wants to do this with her. He picks up his phone, and hesitates just for a moment before tapping out a message to Katara. SOS, he writes. Can you come over?
She comes in smelling like rain, all damp clothes and silver-stained cheeks, the ends of her dark hair curling, and when he takes her jacket from her to hang it on the rack, for a minute all he can do is close his eyes. He has a hundred memories of her like this, a thousand - running through the sprinklers together, sliding through mud puddles in the rain, the sight of her gracefully hauling herself out of the community pool from that one summer she worked as a lifeguard. Whenever he thinks of Katara, he thinks of water.
“What’s up?” she says, and he looks down at his feet for a moment.
“I need you to help me practice some scenes for the play,” he says in a rush, and then clears his throat. “The, um. The romance scenes.”
“Ah,” she says thoughtfully. “You know, I was wondering when you would ever get around to doing those.”
His heart stutters in his chest. “You - you were?”
“Yeah,” she shrugs, squeezing the drops of water out of the ends of her hair. “I mean, it’s called Love Amongst the Dragons, right? None of the scenes I saw you practice were particularly. You know. love-y. Romantic.”
“Right,” he says, as she sits down on the couch next to him, tucking her long legs underneath her. “I mean, I wasn’t super keen on them.”
“No, I guess not. You’re not very romantic.”
His head snaps up, affronted. “Hey! I’m plenty romantic.”
“Zuko, I don’t think I ever saw you compliment Mai when you two were together.” His mouth opens, and she says, “And ’I don’t hate you’ doesn’t count!” He closes his mouth, and she smirks at him.
“You want a compliment? I’ll compliment you right now!” he says, casting around. Ah crap. “That shirt you’re wearing. It looks - it looks good on you.”
“Thanks,” she says, genuine surprise in her voice, and of course he has to ruin it by saying, “I mean, I think it’s a little small -”
“Thanks, Zuko.”
“I didn’t mean it like that -”
“Forget it. I need to go iron my muumuu now.”
“Katara!” he says pleadingly, and rolls his eyes when he sees her laughing. “Look, Mr. Smooth,” she says, turning sideways on the couch to face him. “Let’s just get around to practicing, okay?”
And so they do, and it’s… easier than he thought it would be. A big part of it is probably the fact that Katara’s eyes are on the script as she reads out the lines; it’s so much easier to say things like “moon of my life” and “my sun and stars” to her shoulder than it is to her face. He rattles off his lines from memory, and watches the way the sun slants through the windows to illuminate her, so that her hair falls into a thousand rich shades of mahogany and chocolate and at its lightest, a colour that seems almost red, and where have the years gone? The slope of her neck is only inches away from his face, the warm juncture where her throat and her shoulder meet so close to his lips.
And then Katara looks up from the sheets in her hand, her eyes so blue, and says, “Kiss me now,” and he -
- jerks back from her so hard he almost falls off the couch, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest so that for a moment he is almost gasping.
“Zuko?” she says, her voice confused, and he turns his head away from her for a moment.
“You -” he stutters, furious and bewildered, “You broke the rules!”
“I’m allowed to look at the script!” she protests.
I’m not talking about those rules, is what sears across his brain, white-hot and terrible. There were roles the people in his life were supposed to play, a plan he had for high school and what comes next, and she was never supposed to make him feel like this, not Sokka’s little sister who he’s known all his life, not her, no.
“Forget it,” he growls, pushing up from the couch. “This was a stupid idea. I’m gonna go -”
“What is with you?” she says, irritable, rising to her feet to mirror him, and for a minute he is six years old again, ten, twelve. How many times have they done this before, facing off over Capture-the-Flag disputes, over dodgeball squabbles? Where have the years gone? “God, what is the big deal with this play anyway?”
“It’s a big deal -”
“But why?” she says, exasperated, and he snaps.
“Because!” he says, almost shouts. Then the fight goes out of him; his shoulders sag, he reaches back to rub his neck. “It was my mum’s favourite play, okay?”
She doesn’t say anything, but something about her posture softens, the tension bleeding out of her frame even as it does his. Ever his mirror, ever his shadow. He swallows.
“I just want to do right by her,” he says. “I just want to make her proud.”
“Oh, Zuko,” she says, almost sighs. “You already have.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because,” she says, and shrugs at him, a little. “Because. Who wouldn’t be proud of you?”
He rolls his eyes. “Whatever, Katara -”
“I’m serious,” she says, stepping closer to him. “You told us that the hero of this play was smart and brave and kind and determined - you’re already all of that, Zuko. I mean, God!” She shakes her head, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Remember that summer you decided you wanted to learn how to use dao swords? And you actually did! You watched YouTube tutorials and you took out books from the library and you practiced with them every day in your backyard. I was tired just watching you. But it was so inspiring to see, Zuko. You don’t give up. You work for the things that matter.
“And the time Appa got stuck in a tree!” she continues. “Remember? And we were all crowding around at the bottom and Sokka was talking about building some pulley system to get him down and Aang was about to call the fire department and you just - You just rolled your eyes and climbed up there and then - well, you both fell like ten feet -”
“I actually don’t remember that at all. Concussion, remember? But I’ve been assured by many people that it happened.”
“Stop,” she says, her mouth twitching. “That’s what I mean, okay? You’re kind. You’re brave. Your mother would be proud of you, Zuko. Your mother is proud of you. Your mother will always be proud of you. Look at all the tenses I’m using. My English teacher would approve.”
He laughs, just a little, and she tilts her head to smile at him. “Thanks, Katara.”
“You’re going to get this part, Zuko,” she says. “I know it. And even if you don’t, you have to.”
“To save you guys from Bumi. I know.”
“No,” she says. “Because I heard Jet’s trying out for the main role too.”
“You’re kidding!”
“I’m dead serious! Ty Lee told me she heard him practicing his lines with Smellerbee and Longshot during lunch today. Well, with Smellerbee.You know Longshot doesn’t say much.”
“God,” he says. “I really hate that guy, Katara.”
“I know you do.”
“No, I really hate him. He’s the worst.”
“Careful,” she says, laughing. “Keep saying stuff like that and you might be best friends with him in ten years.”
“What do you mean?”
“Isn’t that what happened with us?”she says, and for a minute all he can do is think about the word us in her familiar voice, how it makes the breath catch in his throat. “You used to hate me, Zuko. And look at us now.”
“I never hated you,” he protests, and even as he says the words a thousand memories come to mind: raspberries blown across the road, his outrage at seeing his platoon of GI Joes  dressed in bonnets, hair pulled and knees kicked and drawings scribbled on.
“Sure you did,” she says easily. “I was your best friend’s annoying little sister. You used to tell me that all the time. Remember?” She reaches out to jab his stomach, playfully, and like muscle memory his own hand reaches out to grab her wrist, a motion they’ve performed a thousand times over the years. But this feels both strange and familiar.The way his fingers close over her skin is routine. The way his thumb traces circles across her pulse is not. This is the part where she would squeal and push him away. But instead she stands very still, letting him hold her, her pulse unsteady and delicate against his skin.
“Remember?” she asks again, her voice hoarse all of a sudden. She looks away, clears her throat. “When you didn’t used to like me?”
“No,” he admits to her softly. There’s no point in lying, not after all these years. The truth is in the way their skin is pressed together. The truth is in the way her wrist feels in his hand. I will kiss thee, then, is what the script says next, the last lines of the play.  “Not really.”
They wish him good luck before the auditions, all fist-bumps and high-fives, but Katara hugs him, briefly. “Be heroic,” she says, and he remembers the first time she said that to him, sitting in the cafeteria when all of this was just beginning.
And so he does. He marches into the audition room like a general into the battlefield, and he delivers his lines with all the Best Actor panache he’s learned to muster, all the sincerity he’s learned from Aang, all of Sokka’s cheek, all of Suki’s confidence and Toph’s bluntness. All of Katara’s faith.
Bumi gives him the role on the spot. “We’re going to have a lot of fun, young man,” he cackles, and despite the nerves that crackle in his stomach at that, Zuko can’t help feeling… happy.
And it is fun. A girl named Jin is cast as his love interest, and they get on well enough. Jet is the villain, and they get on… less well, but hey. Method acting, right? The days slip by quickly, with all the rehearsals. A lot of Zuko’s time is devoted to trying to restrain Bumi from butchering the play, but somewhere along the way - and he’s not sure where - he finds the outrage he used to be able to summon at the very idea of revamping Love Amongst The Dragons is just… not there anymore. Your mother is proud of you. And he knows, somewhere in the truest part of him, that Ursa would’ve been delighted by all the wacky details Bumi wants to implement.
“It’s a metaphor, Bumi,” he sighs for the millionth time as they’re walking to the auditorium after school, but he finds his heart is no longer in it. “They’re not really dragons.”
“Which is exactly why they should be, in this play!” the old man counters. “It’ll be funny, Zuko. Shake things up! Make things new!”
“I really don’t think we should -”
“Oh, you just don’t want to wear a tail.”
“No! I mean, yes, but also,” Zuko sighs, rubbing the back of his neck. “I think there’s merit in staying true to the original material, you know?”
“Maybe,” says Bumi. “But things don’t stay the same forever, Zuko. Times change. Things change. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing.”
Zuko opens his mouth to reply, but a flash of movement catches his eye.He turns his head to see Katara walking out of the school gates with Toph, gesturing with her hands as they talk. Something in him softens.
“No,” he says. “I guess not.”
“Excellent! I’ve already had three tails made, come along to my office and you can choose the one you want -”
“You what?”
The night before the play, Zuko leaves rehearsals nervous and wound-up and - surprised, when he sees Katara leaning against the wall waiting for him.
“What are you doing here?”
“McDonalds?” she says, which is not really an answer to his question, but he falls into step beside her anyway. “Good luck nuggets?”
He smiles at that. “I can’t believe you remember.” They have a longstanding tradition of eating McDonald’s nuggets the night before - well, anything really: piano recitals and Parent-Teacher days and the first day of summer jobs. So much history they have, the two of them. So many lives lived together.
“There are a lot of things I remember,” Katara replies, and she sounds a little wistful, but before he can reply she asks him, “Are you nervous about tomorrow?”
“Are you kidding me?” he says, as they get into his car. “Absolutely. I can’t remember ever being this nervous about anything.”
“You’re going to be fine,” she says, looking out of the window as they slide through the streets. “What do I always tell you?” She smiles; he can see her reflection in the glass as he glances sideways. “Be heroic.” Her voice wavers for a moment. “You’re the bravest person I know, Zuko. You’ll be alright.”
They are quiet for a while, the gentle shhh-ing of the tires across puddles the only sound in the car. He pulls into the McDonald’s parking lot, and that’s when he says softly, “I’m not, though. Brave. There are lots of things I’m afraid of.”
“Like what?” she says. City lights rain down the passenger seat, catching her elegant features in a net of shadow and neon. In the shadows, her eyes look almost silver. “What are you afraid of?”
This. Us. Something more. But instead he says, “Well, Toph, for one. Sometimes when we’re playing pai sho I lose to her on purpose. She has a real right hook, you know.”
She throws her head back and laughs delightedly, and for a moment relief sweeps over him. This is Katara, after all, and for all that she’s seemed like a stranger lately, for all that he’s thought about her in ways that are new and different and exciting, she will also always be familiar to him, just as much home as Uncle Iroh is. “You lose to her on purpose?”
“Katara, I’ve been playing pai sho with Uncle since I was three years old. It’s literally impossible for me to lose to anyone but him.”
“Only you, Zuko,” she says, shaking her head, smiling. “Only you.”
Later, they sit on the bonnet of his car, legs dangling, trading the box of nuggets between them. “God, how long have we been doing this?” she says out of nowhere. “The good-luck nuggets thing, I mean. It feels like forever.”
“Ages,” he agrees, and she hums in assent, tipping her head back to look up at the sky.
“We’ll have to do this again before you leave for college,” she says, and he thinks he can hear sadness in her voice. It’s a sadness he himself is beginning to feel more and more now, as the days slip past and graduation looms on the horizon. And here and now, under these stars, her face is awash in radiance, a face he’s seen hollow out as the baby fat disappears, a face he has seen with eyes sore from crying and bright from laughter and lips split during scuffles in corridors, and he just wants to keep this moment, lose himself in its half-light, because the future could wait, couldn’t it? The future could just stay put, wherever the hell it was. What are you afraid of?
You broke the rules!
But no, he thinks, all of a sudden. Yes, he is afraid, but Katara is right. He has never given up when something mattered to him. And as much as he is afraid of it, he finds that he wants the future, too. And he wants her. And somehow along the way they - this girl and the days that lie before him - have become one and the same.
“Do you ever miss it, Zuko?” she says, and the wistfulness in her tone is evident now. It makes his chest thrum in response. “The good old days?”
No, he wants to say. When I’m with you, I miss the days that haven’t happened yet. The lives we have yet to live. And that’s when he knows, quietly but irrevocably, that he is ready for this, for her. For something more. Be heroic.
“Sometimes,” he says. And then, before he can say anything else, he says in a rush, “Thanks for the nuggets, Katara.”
There is a pause. “Wait, I thought you paid for them.”
And then they’re scrambling off the car and racing to McDonald’s, and Katara is wheezing through her laughter, “Did we just dine and dash?” and Zuko is sniping back at her, “It’s alright for you, you’re not eighteen yet - you’ll be sent to juvenile court, but it’s the big house for me!” and maybe the moment is gone, but this is a moment too, the way they scuffle to get into the restaurant first, all tangled limbs and hands at the door handle and Katara’s breathless laughter, the way Zuko hurls his wallet at the bemused cashier’s face and declares, “The debt is paid!”, and then how he has to trudge across the floor and get his wallet back, undermining the dramatic gesture of it all.
This is a moment too.
And then it’s the day of, and when Zuko steps out into the stage and squints past the spotlight shining on his face, he sees all the faces of the people he knows and loves, all the people that he will have to leave behind this time next year. Or maybe you could put it another way: that they are the people he will always carry with him, no matter where he goes.
Sokka is wearing a shirt that says “Team Zuko,” and Iroh is there, in his apron, loud enough that Zuko can hear the old man say excitedly from the audience, “That’s my nephew, there! The one with the red tail!” Even Azula is there, and the sight of his sister, even with disdain on her face and one eyebrow arched, makes gratitude wash over him. He straightens up, and turns his attention to the play.
It is a success, of course. The lines are memorized, the special effects in place, the audience enraptured. At one point, he says to Jet, “Away, you mouldy rogue, away!” and he makes sure to thump the other boy so hard that Toph can hear it from the audience; when he glances sideways at her, she is grinning so wide he has to bite back his own smile.
But when they stand to take their bow, the roars of the crowd loud in his ears, the applause ringing up to the rafters, no amount of biting his lip can hold back his smile. Jin is smiling at him as he takes her hand, and Sokka is hollering “That’s my boy!” and Jet is growling through his fake smile, “Did you have to hit so hard?” and Bumi explodes onto the stage in a shower of confetti, ever dramatic, to take his director’s bow and this? This is a moment, too.
They make plans to go out for dinner - “My treat!” Iroh says, “Um, as long as we’ll be eating at the Jasmine Dragon, that is,” - and so Zuko waves them off, telling them he’ll meet them there - he has to change out of his costume first. When he sees Katara waiting for him backstage, a flurry of emotions whirl in his chest: nerves and happiness and below all that, wanting.
“I’m so proud of you!” she says, reaching up to hug him, and he holds her tight, resting his face in her hair before she pulls back.
“Did you really like it?” he asks, and she rolls her eyes good-naturedly.
“I loved it,” she says, and some part of him registers that she hasn’t really stepped out of his arms, not really. His hands are resting at the small of her back, just below her hips. Her mouth is inches from his. “But I have to say, I wasn’t super impressed with how Jin delivered that line. I think I did it much better.”
“Oh?” he says. His heart is hammering in his chest, but when he blinks he can see the pulse in her throat is beating just as fast, and that helps to steady him somehow. Where have the years gone? Finally, he has an answer: here. The air between them is full of the things they have been through together. “Which line was that?”
“Kiss me now,” she says, almost whispers, and Zuko looks into her eyes. He knows what to say, the next piece of dialogue, the last lines in the script. So he was graduating. So what? College was a while away yet. And he will always leave a part of himself here. She will always be his way home. Be heroic.
“I will kiss thee, then,” he says, and he does.
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“Do you need a hand?” AVERY MEETING KAAS
Ok, so... have some really bad pep talks.
Morning. At least, he thought it wasmorning. With the heavy curtains drawn over the window, it wasdifficult to know what time of day it was. He was certain he heardbirds chirping, but that didn't really mean anything. It would havebeen sensible to look, but every fiber of his being kept him in bed,staring up at the ceiling.
His arm throbbed. It was doing thatless and less as the days wore on, but it still hurt. The healer whohad stood over him once he had stopped screaming warned him he mightfeel some phantom pain in what used to be his wrist. They had beenwiping off their bloody hands when they had informed him of this, asif they weren't the reason he was in so much pain.
No, that wasn't fair. Kaaras shookhis head weakly. Solas was the cause of this. The others, as much ashe hated them at the moment, had only tried to help him. Of course,when help is holding him down when someone sawed through his dyingarm, it's hard to see things clearly. He would eventually have toapologize for half the things he said, but that wasn't for today.
Sighing, the qunari closed his heavyeyelids. Sleep was getting more natural. He was weaning himself offthe potion they had given him for pain, and soon he might not need itat all. What he would do afterwards, he had no idea.
Off to the side, beyond the heavydoor that had been slammed shut a day prior, he heard footsteps. Oneof them was rather heavy, while the other practically skipped. Bothstopped before his door, and began to speak in low tones.
“How's he doing, Varric?”
“It's not good. He cursed hisbrother out yesterday. Healer says he should be up by now.”
The other voice snorted. “Healerssay a lot of things. Only ones I trust wear feathers. Just give mesome  time with him. I think I can help.”
There was a pause, and then the knobjiggled uselessly. “Just uh... can you pick the lock? All thumbs.”
Had he the strength, Kaaras wouldhave laughed. Instead, he just stared over to the door. Varric'stools were making short work of the lock, large fingers somewhatclumsy. That used to be his job, way back before any of this hadhappened.
The door swung open anyway, and afigure stepped inside. It took him a few moments, but he recognizedthe large pair of blue eyes glowing faintly in the half gloom. Hehadn't had much time with Varric's friend, but she was alright.
Avery Hawke crossed the room withouta sound, hopping onto the chair next to the bed like the little birdsthat hopped across Skyhold's garden. She gave him a toothy grin,crossing her legs in an altogether unladylike fashion. Of course,when one wears armor, that tends to be a little hard.
“So, can I give you a hand withanything?”
That might be a little difficult,considering she herself was also disarmed at the moment. This wasprobably the first time Kaaras had seen her without the prostheticthat connected to her right shoulder. Someone had folded up thesleeve so it didn't get in her way, someone with quicker fingers thanthe dwarf standing in the door frame.
Those blue eyes glanced over to hisleft side, and Avery let out a low whistle that was still pretty highcompared to most of Skyhold. “Damn, they did a number on you. Ithought you would at least get to keep the elbow.”
So had he. The qunari glanced over tohis arm, or what was left of it. Apparently, the green glow hadspread farther than his elbow. The thin scars that remained almosttouched his shoulder in places. If anything, he seemed to be lucky tohave kept what he did.
“Guess that's what happens whensomebody else deals with it.” She tapped her own shoulder. “I didthis myself.”
When he gave her a rather incredulouslook “Well... Anders finished it off. Apparently, a bloody sword isa really poor choice of bone saw. Who knew?”
That time, Kaaras did chuckle. It wasa rough sound, probably because he hadn't really spoken much. He satup a little straighter, wincing as he felt nothing but air when hetried to use his left arm to prop himself up. It was kind offrustrating, being without his dominant arm.
“I'm never going to get used tothat.”
The small warrior at his side shookher head. “You mostly will. Sometimes you'll forget and fall flaton your face. I've done it twice, and nobody's let me live it down.Hopefully, you do it less than me. There's a lot more air betweenyour face and the ground.”
That there was.
Kaaras made sure to use his right armon his next attempt to sit up. He dwarfed Avery when he did, and hisneck throbbed from the awkward positioning. In response, she stoodand sat on the back of her chair, never even rocking it once.
“Anyway, Varric wanted me to talkto you to make you feel better. I don't know what I could do, I'm notexactly known for my bedside manner.” She shrugged. “So, getbetter and get your ass back in the field. I bet that big qunari guya sovereign that you could beat your brother in hand to hand.”
He had to snort at that. “Really,hand to hand?”
“What, your brother's a mage. Ifyou can't beat him in good old fashioned ass kicking, we have biggerproblems.”
Somewhere, he was pretty sure Akriwas sneezing. It would be easy to spot, since a building might move alittle bit.
Kaaras shook his head in response.“You'd be surprised what he can do with that mace.”
“Yeah, but mages are squishy, evenif they are 7 feet tall with horns.” She grinned. “It's like alaw of the universe. Qunari are big, the chantry sucks ass, and magesare squishy.”
No doubt the newly Divine would havea problem with some of those proclamations, but he couldn't see muchwrong with them. Others might, particularly those in the 'squishy'category, but they weren't in the room so they had no vote at themoment.
At least, that was what he would tellthem later. Much later.
One thing did cross his mind as hestared over at his impromptu pep party. He looked down at his own armfor a brief moment, and then back to hers. Their eyes met in themiddle, and she cocked her eyebrow in response.
“What, got a question?”
Kaaras felt his face heat up alittle. “No, I was just wondering about your prosthetic. I've neverseen one work like that.”
Indeed, it had been something of amarvel when they had fought together in the Fade. Most fake limbs hehad seen were somewhat clumsy, but hers moved as if it was actuallyattached to her. Since she currently was a little underhanded at themoment, that wasn't the case. Magic came to mind.
Not surprisingly, she grinned. “Ah,I was wondering when you'd ask. My friends made it for me after mylittle chat with the Arishok. It's enchanted, or so they told me. Idon't understand much besides the little bit of lyrium helps it moveand the rest I do with this.”
At this, she pointed at her ear. Asmall earring sat there, a dull purple at the moment. “This doessome weird magic shit as far as I know. Makes it move. If you wantone, talk to Varric about it. He's the one who set me up. Bit of awarning though, it wears you out like nothing else. I'd advise it forass kicking only.”
Well, maybe he would have to talk tothe dwarf about that once he felt a little more up to it. His armwould probably have to heal up completely first. Since it still hadsome bandages on, the qunari figured he wasn't quite there. Still, itwas better than when he had been brought in. He didn't remember much,but there was the memory of his entire arm pulsing a sickly green.What had happened to it after it was removed, he didn't know andfrankly didn't care to find out.
The further away it was from him thebetter.
“I'll ask Varric later onceeverything's healed up.” Kaaras paused, looking to the side as hedid. “It might come in handy.”
What could he say? He was a suckerfor dumb puns.
Outside the room, he heard a groan.Apparently, they were being watched. Still, it didn't matter. Hechuckled at his own bad joke, and his guest joined him in it. It feltgood to laugh, though it still scraped a little bit. He'd have towork on that.
Avery flashed him another grin as shestood at last, barely coming up to his shoulder when seated. “Anyway,I have to go. Keep this between you and me, but I kind of didn't tellanyone in Starkhaven I was leaving. We've been kind of busy since,you know... the defenestration and accidental takeover. If you needto talk or whatever, send me a bird. I have plenty of bad puns foramputation. Though I gotta say, it seems like you have that undercontrol.”
With a small bow that was not in theleast bit sincere, the small woman left, closing the door behind her.Kaaras was left in the quiet room, listening to her footsteps.Varric's heavier boots followed behind her at a steady pace, but hecould still listen.
“Thanks, Hawke.”
“Hey, you got me out of Starkhavenfor a couple days; we're even.” There was a pause. “I think thebig guy's gonna be ok. He's tough.”
Tough; well, he would have to takeher word for it. Right then, Kaaras really didn't feel much ofanything but bored. It was like an itch he couldn't scratch, right inthat spot between his shoulder blades where his horns kept him fromreaching.
It had been a while since his feethad touched the ground, and they felt rather heavy when he did.Still, once he started, walking wasn't a problem. He still reachedfor the heavy drape with his left hand, though, and frowned when allhe saw was air.
“That's going to get annoying.”
Shaking his head, Kaaras finallyopened the window to peer out. The sunlight nearly blinded him;apparently, it was the middle of the afternoon. Blinking hard, he satback down in bed. What he was going to do next, he had no idea.
But, it sounded like he had sometraining to do. After all, he was never one to help Iron Bull win abet. Just, probably not that day. He had other things to relearn,such as the lost art of shirt buttons. Those kind of came first.
Training was a high third, though.  
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joshuazev · 7 years
On the state:
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Who knows if I’ll ever have the proper time to reflect about this year and do the type of year in review that I would like to.  Sometimes you just gotta put your mind to it and write what you can come up with, so, that being said, I’m gonna do a sort of spur-of-the-moment year in review if that’s ok.  It’s not gonna be anything too crazy.  It’ll be opinionated.  Hopefully not too much for your taste buds.  Instead of just going ahead and reviewing it straight up, my plan is to talk about the current state of things with respect to the area I’m highlighting and also predicting what I think will happen in the upcoming year.  How things might change?  Anyway, enough of telling you what I’m going to do.  I’ll just go on right ahead and do it.  Without further ado, I present 2017: the state of things, edition one.  
The state of politics:  Trash.  Garbage.  Bullshit.  Completely fucked.  Depressing.  I’m not sure some of the aforementioned terms would be found in a thesaurus, but I think you get what I mean.  I know to me it is remarkable that Donald Trump survived his first year (not complete yet, I’ll remind you) without killing us all and honestly, without getting himself killed.  I didn’t think it was going to happen or maybe, I hoped that he wasn’t going to still be in office.  While the White House is indeed still standing it certainly isn’t standing tall.  I’ll bet if you were standing at the gate by the front lawn and stared long enough you’d see it slowly but surely starting to erode and crumple to the ground.  One thing is for sure, the White House has never been whiter.  There is a blinding glare emitting from the wet paint that is threatening to take away everyone’s vision for a brighter future.  The president, his wife, his daughter, and son are all doing their wonderful individual duties (but mainly the president) to literally bring us to a point of no return.  It’s as if they each have their personal agendas to not only erase the work of the president before them, but to create scars that cut so deep that they’ll never fully heal.  The sad thing is, I couldn’t even tell you half of the shit that “The Donald” has done.  There was a tax bill that passed recently that wasn’t so hot.  From what I read it’s giving tax breaks to the richest people in America.  Hmm.  Homeless people remain homeless.  Homeless people remain ignored.  And the middle class, which always seems to be the Democratic party’s favorite topic during a campaign hasn’t been mentioned at all.  So, the tax bill.  And, apologies if I get some of this information wrong, but there was an effort to get Obamacare removed.  That didn’t work.  While there clearly has been a changing of the guard since Trump took office, the most stark difference to me is a complete change in values.  Lives other than their own and the people in their circle have become meaningless.  I don’t even need to talk about a Democrat or a Republican or an ordinary American citizen.  I’m talking about a huge number of people who voted for Trump.  Meaningless.  The life of a woman…meaningless.  The life of an immigrant…meaningless.  The lives of minorities…meaningless.  The lives of others…meaningless.  I realize I am being divisive in saying a lot of things, but the country is a divided one and it has never been more obvious.  The House is full of a bunch of snakes with the grass cut.  They smile for the cameras.  They smile in spite of their worst decisions and their damaging actions.  Unaffected.  Police brutality.  Racial injustice.  Environmental changes.  Income inequality.  Gun laws.  A divide between the city and the state.  The urban and the rural.  The vocal and the voiceless.  This is the current state of politics.  A far cry from 2016, but maybe not so much in the way we think.  A common opinion of the modern man and woman is that they are more comfortable nowadays (take this with a grain of salt ladies and gentleman) because everything is so overt.  At least now they know how and what people think.  In the days of Obama, there was a little more care taken to shield your point of view.  Not anymore.  Like any decent human being, I would hope that this year is not the standard for the Trump years ahead.  I would hope that things can get better, despite feeling in my body, in my gut, and in my mind, body, and soul that the opposite will transpire.  But what will it cost me to keep that hope?  What will it cost all of us to be optimistic for the future?  Energy?  Time?  Pain?  Suffering?  I think we can handle it.  2017 and politics.  You were a motherfucker.  A disgusting, icky, piece of shit, that I hope we never have to deal with again.  2018, I hope you’re better.      
The state of film…including the state of Hollywood:  Predictable.  Uninspiring.  Lackluster.  Boring.  Occasionally pretty good.  Most of the time pretty not.  If you were to tell me how a year in movies was gonna go, you could do so with ease.  It can be broken down just like any other thing.  “Summer Blockbusters.”  “Award Season.”  Those are the only two I really know of.  The popcorn crap comes out in the summer and the films that are vying for February and the Academy Awards come out November-January.  I’m probably wrong, but it is along those lines.  Last year was a solid year for movies.  “Moonlight, Manchester by the Sea, Lion, La La Land, Hidden Figures, Hell or High Water, Hacksaw Ridge, Fences, and Arrival” were the best picture nominees.  Not too shabby.  This year—and again, this is just a matter of opinion—there is, collectively, not as a good a group.  If I had to guess which movies will be nominated for Best Picture this year they would be, “The Shape of Water, Call Me By Your Name, Get Out, Dunkirk, Three Billboards, The Post (?), Lady Bird, The Disaster Artist (?).”  “Get Out” won’t win, but that was the most effective movie of the past year in my opinion.  It was timely.  It was provocative.  It was extremely well made.  It won’t win, in all likelihood.  And it’s a really good movie.  Is it a best picture winner?  I don’t know.  Maybe.  I guess so.  As much as I loved it I don’t think it’s a best picture winner, but compared to the rest maybe it will be.  Did anyone see the other movies I named.  Most of them were good right?  Were they revolutionary?  No.  Not at all.  In my opinion.  Maybe that was part of the problem.  My expectation for film and cinema this year was to see a lot of really daring movies that seriously challenged the status quo, literally the state of things right now.  In all fairness, movies aren’t made and released within a year (I don’t think they are, at least).  So, that being said, maybe next year the unexpected films that we need to see, the political satires, the strong takes on life as it is, or as it was in relation to now, will see the silver screen.  Maybe all of the good movies were made this year and will be released in the next.  Something like “The Florida Project,” a phenomenal movie about a marginalized people and part of the country that go unnoticed and undiscovered and might get some air time in a political campaign for a second or two.  Now, with all that in mind, Hollywood fell down HARD this year, as will happen when one of the biggest and arguably the most powerful production company, “The Weinstein Company” does the falling.  By now we know the scandal that took place and had been taking place for years and years with respect to Harvey Weinstein.  A sick fuck to the maximum.  A power hungry, abusive, motherfucker, who exploited the lives of countless women and countless actors.  Some knew, some didn’t, but a lot did and once one domino fell (the words of one woman reached the masses), the rest started falling with it.  The depths of Weinstein’s evil have yet to be fully escalated, but what has been pulled out has been murky beyond our wildest belief (in one sense).  On the other hand, this was a long time coming.  The actions of producers, executives, agents, managers, and other people in positions of power was damn common knowledge in those circles.  That was the hierarchy and it stood like so for decades.  We’ve all heard of the terms “casting couch” before.  That’s not a new term, so maybe this is the year where that mythology was broken down as fact.  Weinstein was the beginning and the well known face and once he fell, so did the others.  The Kevin Spaceys.  The Louis CKs.  Brett Ratners.  Jeremy Pivens.  Jeffrey Tambors.  Dustin Hoffmans.  And so on and so on…for a long, long time.  It didn’t just extend to Hollywood—and maybe this is a minor digression, but to other media platforms.  The Charlie Roses.  The Matt Lauers.  I guess it’s all under the Hollywood umbrella, in some ways.  All of the people I mentioned will suffer severe consequences for their actions.  Kevin Spacey was stripped of “House of Cards” and other projects.  Louis CK lost his show, his directorial debut, and so on and so forth.  What remains to be seen is if this issue will be a 21st century issue, an instant gratification headline that dies down like the rest of them or will the ripples keep vibrating for the near and distant future.  How will Hollywood change and what direction and means of action will they take?  In many ways, the change in the political climate and the feeling of the supporters and their political groups can be translated over to the state of film and the state of Hollywood.  Covert to overt.  Now we know.  A lot is still covered and kept under wraps, but if this year is any indicator, there will me much more unwrapping to come.  2018, you’ve got your work cut out for you.  
Well, I guess that’s part 1.  More to come.    
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skiasurveys · 7 years
Lowkey having a panic attack so
01. Do you have a nickname? -eh jen I guess 02. Are you a virgin? -nope 03. When is the last time you had sex?-this evening 04. What are your bad/good habits?-bad would be biting my nails , stressing over stuff that is out of my control, assuming people hate me because they don't respond to my texts/. Good: I don't know !?? 05. Have you ever walked in on someone going to bathroom? Who? -I did once in like grade 8 when my friend asked for a tampon and I didn't think and just walked in and she was sitting on the toilet and I just threw it at her face and ran hahaja love you Julia 06. Name one thing about your body you love?-nice ass 07. Name one thing about your body you hate?-I have flab on my tummy 08. Do you have any freckles on your hands? -no 09. Are you wearing a thong right now?-yes 10. What color is your underwear?-blue 11. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?-yes I do 12. Have they ever cheated on you?-no 13. Did you wake up to a good morning text?-didn't have to since he was beside me 14. Have you ever purchased condoms?-no I don't use condoms lo 15. Have you ever had shower sex?-yes it's weird but really intimate lol 16. Do you find yourself sexy?-sometimes 17. Have you ever watched porn?-yeah 18. Have you ever caught someone else watching porn?-no 19. What size show are you?-I don't understand 20. Have you ever got into a fist fight?-nah 20. ^ Be honest, did you lose that fight? 21. Have you ever sent a nude snapchat? Yeah but not on Snapchat 22. Have you ever found a teacher sexy? -not sexy but cute 23. Have you ever had sex at school?-noooo maybe I will this year ;) 24. Do you have your period right now?-nope! 25. Did you shower today?-just got out of the shower like an hour ago 26. Can you count on one hand how many people you made out with? -not one hand but both 27. Do you smoke weed?-I have 28. Do you plan on getting drunk today?-no 29. Do you have a go-to sexy outfit you wear to get someones attention? -I have one I like to wear in front of my boyfriend 30. What color is your bra?-pink 31. What do you see yourself doing with your life in 5 years, 10 years?- 5: finishing college , maybe new city and starting new career. 10: it all depends if I'm still with my bf.. 32. What has been an embarrassing moment for you?- when I got my period during sex 33. What is your biggest goal in life?-to find a job i love 34. Describe yourself in 3 words. -melancholy, creative ,funny 35. Tell me your 3 weaknesses. - I am always nervous , I assume the worst , I make people my happiness 36.Did you masturbate today? - didn't have to 37. What are your point of view of the world? Liberal/conservative, spiritual/atheist - I am a liberal.. I believe everyone should have their basic needs done but I don't believe in just giving people free stuff except for shit like people who can't work , people who sick , single parents etc 38. What to you would the perfect life consist of? - being rich , nice body , everyone loves me etc 39. Is there an age where being a virgin, you think, would be awkward? - I feel like past 30... 40. Do you still have feelings for your ex?- no 41. Do you think you look okay without makeup on? -yeah 42. Ever skinny dipped? Nooo 43. Ever skinny dipped in the ocean?-nope 44. Have you ever peed outside?-yes 45. Gay rights are human rights, right?- yes 46. List 3 of your hobbies: drawing , video games and recording videos for YouTube 47. Have you ever had a sexy Skype chat?-yerp 48. Do you think you would make a good parent someday? -no 49. Are you a teen mom? -no 50. Your first kiss was _______, (describe it.) well we were friends from school he was a year older than me . We went to star bucks then went to a park and he just kissed me and it was gross 51. What is your dream job?- animator 52. Do you remember your dream from last night? -kind of 53. Do you have a stripper friend? - no 54. What is your ideal vacation? -Disneyland!! 55. Do you have a favorite movie?-eh 56. Is there a song that makes you cry?-yeah 57. Did you cry today?-no 58. Did you see the bed as a kid? -no ? 59. What are your views on open relationships? I mean you do you . As long as the other partner is OK with that. I think it's stupid Do you know what an open relationship is? Yes 60. Have you ever had a sexual gay experience? No I'm straight 61. Do you believe long distance relationships can work? They can. I did one with my current bf for a month but it was supposed to be longer but you just gotta trust them and have communication 62. Do you believe that “Money can’t buy happiness?" Yeah but it sure can make you feel good 63. Do you like your job? It's ok 64. Is there someone in your family that you wish weren’t part of your family? -oh yeah 65. Do you know anyone in jail? No 66. Have you ever shoplifted? No 67. Would you like to be famous? In what way? I would love to be well known in the art community or YouTube 68. Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die? No 69. How do you feel about your relationship with your mother? It's good 70. Do you know who your father is?- yes I do 71. Do you believe in Karma as "what goes around comes around”? Yes 72. Do you pick your nose in private? I don't ever really pick it lol 73. Do you fart in front of your friends? If I have to lmao 74. Have you done drugs other than weed? No 75. Would your parents be pissed if they saw this survey? No 76. Do you find Zac Efron sexy? No 77. Do you think aliens are real? Of course 78. Do you swim well? I can't swim 79. Have you ever had a emergency surgery? No 80. Do you think you are fat? No but I could loose weight 81 Do you have a gym membership? No 82. Have you ever dated a guy after your friend did? No lol code 83. What age did you start drinking? 18. I only ever had wine before then. But I only started to drink when it legal for me which is 18 84. Is your mom your best friend? Eh close 85. Are you regretting taking this survey?-no 86. Are you in/planning to go to college?- I am going this fall ! 87. What was the wildest dare ever given to you? Lick dirt 88. \What was/is High School like for you?- it was okay . It was confusing and weird 89. Do you find any of your friends hot?- Connor ;) 90. Are you glad this survey is almost over?- sure 91. What do you think of Obama? I miss him 92. Are you registered to vote? Yes 93. Did you take a selfie today? Yeah lol 94. Who was the last person to compliment you? Connor I think lolol 95. Do you believe that ghosts exist? No 96. Do you have any scars on your body? Yes from my car accident 97. Have you ever thought about getting plastic surgery? Yes 98. Name the one person you can count on? Kyra 99. You got 99 problems; name one: money 100. What is your goal for today? To sleep well
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