#techno fans. listen. i know you love your guy and i do agree that out of all the dsmp he deserves it most
mleemwyvern · 1 year
Vote Scar for MCYTblr Sexyman
- constantly shirtless
- is a superhero called hotguy
- was a wizard once twice
- evil captalist. come on
- the whole s7 mayoral arc
- has a how bad can i be animatic
- so so much good looking fanart
- scitties (scar titties)
- remember when he got into mcc and everyone on tumblr Lost Their Minds?
- vex
- canonically eats people
- has the sluttiest minecraft skins i have ever seen
- he plays the villain SO well
- hes silly
- loves to scam people
- jellie would be sad if you didnt. do you want to make jellie sad? you monster.
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where-is-aslan · 7 months
What kind of music do they listen to?
Fandom: Call Of Duty.
Characters: Kyle “gaz” Garrick, John “soap” Mactavish, Simon ”ghost” Riley, John ”bravo 0-6” Price.
Genre: Headcanons (random)
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Kyle “gaz” Garrick
Gaz is ACTUALLY the type of guy who can listen to everything. I totally see him listening to Nirvana in the morning, 2Pac the day, and Adele the night. Mainly into american rap and hip-hop tho, probably a huge Gorillaz fan.
I KNOW he hates phonk, i just do. He really hates it. He surprisely really likes Price's music tastes, and always ask him for new songs recommandations. Vibes with John because they have similar tastes when it comes to pop.
Always listens to music when he's working out, walking outside or chilling, always has earphones on him. ALWAYS. Definitely has many playlists for every situations.
Used to listen to electro and techno all the time. Was so sure he could rap like Eminem when he was in middle school...
Simon “ghost” Riley
This man has serious anger issues, and that's the only reason why i think he listens to metal. He's a chill metalhead tho, like, he doesn't go to festivals or any event. A Slayer and Cannibal Corpse lover, he likes it fast and hard.
And surprisely, im 100% sure bro loves metalcore and nu metal (he probably listens to Slipknot religeously...) Enjoys jazz and sad rock songs when he's home alone. Radiohead saved his life. Says he hates everyone's music tastes except Price's.
Pretends he doesn't listen to music, and he never does in public. (And he actually doesn't often, only when he's off duty.)
Used to be a Nirvana teenager, the basic Kurt Cobain lover. Probably tried to learn how to play guitar when he was younger, and sucessed to have a decent level.
John “soap” Mactavish
Johnny is a radio music tastes guy. He listens to whatever comes on the radio. Harry Styles? Of course. Mäneskin? Pretty sure he loves them. Even Lady Gaga? HELL YEAH!
But, we all agreed that our Johnny boy is a pround scottish man. And i love to think that he actually listens to that angry scottish music. 100% Sure he loves Imagine Dragons and Ed Sheeran... He thinks Ghost's music tastes are cool as fuck.
He hates earphones and headphones, he needs everyone to listen to his playlist with him. He randomly starts to sing, whistle or hum when he's slightly bored.
He never tried to do anything with music, he knows damn well he can't sing even if he loves to do it as a joke.
John “bravo 0-6” Price
Good old rock. A good Black Sabbath on Spotify while he drinks some whiskey at home is always good. Knows a lot of rock (and some 80's metal) bands, thats why he gets along with Ghost's tastes so well. He's a nostalgic man, he has tones of vinyls at home.
Kyle influenced what he listens to a lot, im sure they made a playlist for eachother. Really likes Gorillaz just because Kyle loves it. Nothing more to say, this man's tastes are perfects.
Usually only listen to music when he's alone, but won't hesitate to give song recommandations if you ask nicely. If you're way younger than him, he'll laugh and tell you won't like any of that because you're not old enough to apreciate best things.
Used to wanna be in a band when he was a teen, but he quickly gave up. Can play the acoustic guitar pretty well and has a nice voice.
☆•°.•.°•.. ☆•°.•.°•.. ☆•°.•.°•.. ☆•°.•.°•..
That's all for now, i hope you enjoyed these silly headcanons :)
-Aslan, your local metalhead.
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I'm sorry for adding on to your pile of requests but I just wanted some family fluff with sbi where all of the siblings are having fun on a road trip or vacation
I don't know if that's specific enough for you if you want a little more detail maybe they're just being really dumb and making stupid videos with each other because that's something my sister and I do a lot
(A/N): I hope you don’t mind that I added Kristin and Tubbo (BASED ON THE CHARACTERS, NOT ACTUAL PEOPLE). Real life AU btw (no covid tho)
Okokok so this is deadass something Philza and Kristin is both dreading and looking forward to
1. They love spending time with their family especially now since yall are getting older and don’t spend as much time together anymore/getting ready to fly the coop
2. Have you met the SBI fam? Chaos incarnated.
After packing, yall set out on your trip to the hotel yall rented for a week or so (about an eight hour drive away from the house)
You and your twin Tommy 100% smuggle Tubbo underneath all of the luggage and a blanket
You’ll just ask them for forgiveness when you’re about halfway through
It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission 
Wilbur and Technoblade catching you hiding the stowaway and blackmailing you both into doing their chores for a few week 
Seating: Phil and Kristin in the front, Tech and Wil in the middle, You and Tommy in the back, and Tubbo in the trunk (it’s a mom van)
Before getting too far into the trip, a gas station is raided for snacks and drinks
Philza raising a brow at the amount of food you and Tommy get 
Philza’s eyes were torn off from the refrigerator in front of him by his wife lightly nudging him. Looking at her in question, she raised her eyebrows and pointed at their youngest kids. It looked like they were just looking at the Monster drinks, so why- oh god the last thing he needed was two already hyper teenagers hopped up on Monster trapped in a car for eight hours. Before he could go over there to stop them, Kristin grabbed his arm. 
“They’re up to something. Listen to what they’re saying.”
He strained his ears to hear what you both are whispering to each other. “...e like this flavor?”
Tommy shrugged, “I dunno. I’ll text him.”
As Tommy texted someone, Phil looked back at his wife. She wore a similar wary expression as they both stared at each other. He nodded in confirmation, “definitely. How do you reckon we confront them?”
He watched as his wife thought for a moment before she sighed and looked at him with a hint of excitement in her eyes, “let’s wait to see. It might be a pleasant surprise.” 
“What? Are you mad?” He eyed his youngest gremlins once more. It seemed that they finally decided on a flavor and are now moving on to the snack portion. He looked back at his wife and felt his heart skip a beat at the small grin on her face. “...fine. Let’s just see what they’re doing after they do it.” Oh, the things he does for love.
He kept a very close eye on you two after that 
You both are on your phones for longer than usual
Texting Tubbo so that he wasn’t lonely 
Tubbo has fun with hiding too, never being bored at all
The only thing that he (and you and Tommy) struggled with was holding in his laughter
You jumped as you felt someone gently slap your shoulder. Turning around, you saw Tubbo’s hand peeking over the backs of the seats. You glanced at your parents in the front seats, they were deep in conversation. Good. You saw Tommy stifle a laugh and pull out his phone to record. 
Tubbo made grabby hands at something but you didn’t know what he wanted, so you decided to mess with him a bit. Smirking, you put your earbuds in his hand. It snaked back underneath the blanket before he threw it back at you and did more intense grabby hands. You put your metal water bottle in his hand. He did the same thing before he threw it back at you. It collided with your forehead with a loud bong sounding throughout the car. Tommy started to laugh loudly and ended the video. You followed suit in the laughter as Tubbo’s hand froze midair and quickly slinked back into his lair.
All noise in the car came to a halt as they all looked behind them (well, Phil glanced through the rearview mirror suspiciously) to see you and Tommy laughing your asses off with you holding your forehead. Through blurred vision, you could see Kristin looking at you with worry and Techno and Wilbur looking confused and mildly annoyed.
“(Y/n) honey are you alright? What happened?” You opened your mouth to respond, but only wheezes came out making you laugh harder. You could hear Tubbo silently cackling to himself in the back, the blanket shaking slightly. Without being able to speak, you only nodded your head and gave her a thumbs up. 
Tommy sent the video into the siblings' group chat and you could see over Wilbur’s shoulder as he watched it before starting to cackle and save the video to his phone. Even Techno got a good chuckle out and saved it to his phone making Phil and Kristin even more suspicious. Well, Kristin was just excited for what you two (four? Was Techno and Wilbur in on it as well?) had planned. Phil could just imagine the chaotic things you had planned. And he did not like what came to his mind.
When the rest stop came eventually (about three hours into the trip), you all left the car to stretch your legs and take care of business
Taking separate ways to walk in pairs (same person they sat next to in the car)
You and Tommy wait until Phil and Kristin leave before getting Tubbo out of the trunk
You three vibe walking along the winding sidewalks for a bit before you come back to the car and get Tubbo back into the trunk
You, however, forgot to use the bathroom so you leave Tommy and Tubbo in the car 
“Fuck, I forgot to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
“Be quick, I’m not fuckin telling em if we forget you.”
“Pfft, they won’t forget me. Stop joking around.”
With that, you left the car and made a beeline to the bathroom. After that, you went back to the car. Well, where the car was supposed to be. There was no sight of a van anywhere in the parking lot. That asshole, he just let them drive off? He and Tubbo’s probably giggling to themselves in the backseat like school girls. You were only gone for like eight minutes. 
Sighing, you walked over to a nearby bench and sat down, pulling up Techno’s contact and calling him. 
He picked up after a few rings. The second you heard the dial tone stop, you spoke to him, “check the backseat.”
“What? You’re taking a nap, why’re you calling me I’m literally right in front of you.”
“Just fuckin check, Tech.”
In the background, you could hear Tommy snickering to himself. You heard some rustling before Techno started laughing, “Dad, we left (y/n) at the rest stop.”
You could hear loud laughter from your brothers and muffled cursing from Phil. You heard Kristin tell Techno to hand her the phone. 
“We’re so sorry, we’re turning around right now. We’ll be there in about five minutes. Stay in one place and don’t talk to strangers.”
“I dunno Mom, that trucker looks really friendly. Might do some hitch hiking with him.”
You ended up befriending an old lady when she sat next to you on the bench with her husband. She even gave you some butterscotch and those strawberry hard candies that all older people somehow have but you can never find in stores. Her husband was telling you stories about his younger days when you saw the familiar van pull into the parking lot. Waving goodbye, you thanked them and hopped back into the car. 
After profuse apologizing from your family and scolding Tommy for tricking them, you were on the road again. You glared at Tommy with a small smile on your face, “you fuckin prick. Did you seriously make it look like I was sleeping under a blanket?”
“Yeah, I told you that I wouldn’t tell them if we forgot you.”
“You fuckin dick,” you grabbed a few butterscotches and strawberry candies and handed some to Tubbo after ensuring your parents weren’t looking. He took them gratefully and quickly. You heard him whisper a ‘thank you’ and opened them with plastic crinkling. 
“Wha- are those butterscotches? Gimme some.” He was about to snatch them out of your hands before you moved away from him. “No, you left me at the rest stop. You don’t get any. Do you guys want some? I’ve got butterscotches and strawberry candies.”
After you handed them out to your family, Phil looked at you confused in the rearview mirror, “(y/n), where’d you get these?”
“Oh, I just made some friends with an old couple while I was waiting.”
“You what? What if they kidnapped you?”
“Naw they couldn’t’ve. Ethel has hip problems and Charles was in a wheelchair. They were chill anyway.”
“...Just- just don’t do that again.” “Well don’t forget me again at a rest stop three hours away from home and you got yourself a deal.” 
After a while the family was chill again and everything was back to normal
It was getting closer and closer to when Tubbo would make his reveal
You three agreed that Tubbo would just wait for the perfect time 
That time came about three hours later when Phil and Kristin was asking everybody where they should stop for food
“So kids, we have three options: McDonalds, Wendy’s, and Arby’s. What do you want?”
“Wendy’s is obviously the superior choice.” Tommy proclaimed and you nodded in agreement. You leaned back and whispered to Tubbo, “now would be a great time.” You pulled out your phone to discreetly record the front seat. 
“No it isn’t. Arby’s is you heathens.” Wilbur chimed in, glancing at his twin for back up. Techno shrugged, “I’m fine with anything as long as it’s edible.”
“I’m more of a fan of Wendy’s myself!” Tubbo’s muffled voice chimed in from his makeshift hut in the trunk. You snickered as Kristin whipped her head around to look at the back seat and Phil’s eyes snapping up to look at you through the rearview mirror. 
“Hi Mrs. Tommy and (y/n)’s mum!” You flipped the camera around just in time to catch Tubbo poking his head out of the blanket and grin sheepishly at them. You panned over to Tommy’s ruby red face as he was holding in his laughter before flipping it back to the front. 
“You absolute gremlins, this is what you’ve been hiding?” Phil scolded you and Tommy, his knuckles whitening from gripping the steering wheel. You could see his shoulders bouncing slightly with a slight strain in his voice from holding in chuckles. 
“Honey, have you been in the trunk this entire time?” 
“Yeah, but it’s quite comfy back here! Tommy and (y/n) gave me pillows and some snacks. Got some stretching done at the rest stop.”
“You’ve been back there for six hours?” Phil’s incredulous voice asked. 
“Yep! Don’t worry, I had a lot of room. Anyways, my vote goes to Wendy’s.”
The car was quiet before Kristin started to laugh, “Wendy’s it is. See Phil, I told you it was gonna be a pleasant surprise!”
Tubbo sat between you and Tommy in the backseat for the rest of the trip 
Techno and Wilbur saying that they knew Tubbo was back there but left out the blackmail part
There was no way they’d risk losing their little siblings doing their chores for them for a few weeks
At the hotel, the rooming was the same as the seating in the car
You, Tommy, and Tubbo having the time of your lives alone in your hotel room
Jumping on the beds, checking for hidden cameras and double sided mirrors (well, that doesn’t sound fun, but you had fun doing it), truth or dare, racing each other down the halls at night time, the works
B L A N K E T  F O R T S (but always cleaning up the hotel room in the mornings bc yall are respectful to the staff)
Getting plenty of videos of you guys ding dong ditching Techno and Wilbur’s room
Them getting tired of it so they tell Dadza and Momza and they tell you to stop : (
Walking around aimlessly around the hotel hallways with Wilbur and Techno
Going up and down elevators aimlessly 
Pulling an all nighter with Tommy and Tubbo on the last day
Philosophical late night talks when yall hardly know what you’re saying anymore (and becoming closer than ever before)
“Tommy, Tubbo?” You three were currently sitting on the balcony chairs looking out at the empty parking lot and the occasional cars driving by. It was about three in the morning and you guys were determined to stay up all night. “If you think about it, a hotdog is puréed meat in an intestine casing. When we eat the hotdogs, we turn it back into puréed meat. It eventually goes through your intestines which makes you the hotdog for a solid couple of hours.”
“...What the fuck, (y/n).”
“No no, they’ve got a point. Don’t you understand, Tommy? We are hotdogs.”
“...I’m starting to think you guys need sleep. Speakin nonsense.”
“Do you two reckon we’re alone in the universe?”
“What do you mean, Tubbo?” You glanced at the male next to you and raised an eyebrow. He was looking up at the stars with furrowed brows. 
“Like, do you guys think there’s life out there. Looking down at us right now wondering the same thing.” 
You hummed and looked up at the stars. They were twinkling down at you with the occasional shooting star blazing by. Red lights from far off satellites being the only visible sign of humans in the dark expanse of space. “I think so. I mean, nobody knows how big the universe is. You never really know.”
“Honestly I don’t know what’s scarier, being the only lifeforms and being completely alone or having things out there that we don’t know about.” 
You sling an arm over your twin’s shoulders, “that doesn’t matter. As long as we have each other, we’ll never be alone. We’ll face whatever the universe has in store for us together.”
“I don’t know, I just hate it when people only see me as the loud annoying one. It really gets to me sometimes and I don’t know what I should do about it. Fuck, even Wil and Tech see me like that.”
“Toms, fuck them. They don’t know you like we do. You’re caring, ambitious, and brave.” 
“Yeah, don’t listen to what they say. We’ll prove them wrong when we form our own nation one day.”
Tommy’s sullen expression slowly melted into a smile, “yeah, I’d like that. You’d be the president.”
Tubbo grinned back at Tommy, “and you’ll be my trusty vice president and (y/n)’ll be our Secretary of State. We’ll rule together.”
“Our nation would be a place for people to escape tyranny and injustice. Somewhere where men could live free, you two would be amazing leaders.”
“What do we call it though is the question,” Tubbo hummed in thought.
“How about ‘Manberg’?”
You looked at your twin with half lidded, exhausted eyes, “I like it, but it needs more… pizazz. How about L’manberg?”
You watched as he smiled widely at the stars, “it’s perfect.”
Watching the sunrise together on the balcony wrapped in blankets
Sleeping on the rest of the way back home
Best sleep of your life
When you wake up (about an hour or so away from home), you see that there’s blankets over you three and you had your head on Tubbo’s shoulder, Tubbo had his leaned up against the seat behind him, and Tommy’s cheek was squished against the window
You stretch out your limbs a bit trying not to disturb the two beside you
Checking your phone to see pictures of you three sleeping sent into the family group chat with Kristin replying with a bunch of heart emojis
You send the videos and pictures you took along the way of you, Tommy, and Tubbo doing stupid things in the hotel room and in the car
If you looked in the middle row, you could see Wilbur watching the scenery pass by out the window with his earbuds in
Techno is reading one of his books (you have no idea how he doesn’t get car sick)
Phil and Kristin are talking lowly to each other holding hands on the center counsel 
Soft radio music is playing in the background
Life is good
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii  @satansphatass  @bxkubitch  @bxmentchildxx  @roxy3457  @montygator17  @feverish-dove  @the-fictionwriters-hairdo  @jichuuchaeng  @404rynnotfound  @luluwinchester  @laura--444  @the-cult-classic-bitch  @youngstarfishdinosaur  @nottheotheruser
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nocturnal-dreams · 3 years
I Just Want It To Stop
Pairing: Philza x GN!Reader (platonic)
Warnings: depression, cyberbullying
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You sighed staring at your monitor, your twitch chat going by fast on your other monitor, you could barely catch up with what everyone else was saying. You were playing minecraft with your friends Technoblade and Philza, you were the only one streaming so currently you had almost all of Techno’s and Phil’s viewers on your stream eager to see the boys. 
You had the blanket that was normally draped over your gaming chair wrapped around your shoulders with your knees tucked to your chest as you listened to the two ramble. You guy were just mindlessly strip mining in your shared hardcore world except the risks were even higher that even if only one of you guys died, then the entire game was over. 
Glancing at your basically empty glass of water next to you, you tried to think of an excuse to leave that wouldn’t make Phil worried. Sure you were greatful for Phil and how much he worried about you, he definitely cared more than most people you knew, but you also very almost guilty. The thought of messaging Kristen came to mind to tell her about your problems recently but Phil would definitely find out from her, you weren’t even sure how Techno would be able to answer or help you with your situation. 
Wilbur and Niki definitely did cross your mind but it was pushed aside, the same reason you didn’t want to tell Phil, you didn’t want to feel like a burden. 
You glanced at the time on the wall noticing it was getting pretty late, sure you didn’t exactly want to leave the call since Phil and Techno were being pretty funny and it was bringing a smile to your face but you were struggling to hold back the tears that were wanting to make themselves known. Thank god you didn’t have a facecam on this stream and your camera wasn’t turned on or else Phil, Techno, or even chat would wonder what was up.
“I think I’m gonna end the stream since it’s getting pretty late and I’m kind of tired,” you said quietly into your mic, your voice cracking slightly as you prayed Phil and Techno didn’t get suspicious of how quiet your voice was or your voice crack.
“Oh okay Y/N, take care of yourself, you know streaming is just something to do on the side, put yourself first,” you could sense Phil smiling like usual, Techno giving a casual goodnight as you ended the stream.
When you made sure you were 100 percent off the call and the stream was over, you hugged your knees closer to your chest and your head between your knees. You hiccuped with each sob, the hiccups almost more painful than the emotional pain you were feeling right now. It just didn’t feel like anything was going right, especially with some hate you were getting online was getting to you. 
The hate had started when you first joined the sleepy bois inc group, people getting mad saying you weren’t a guy or that you were splitting up the group. Phil had been the one to get on call with you telling you to not listen to what people were saying online and that a lot of the fans actually loved you but it didn’t help the comments that really got under your skin.
‘I’d rather Niki or Tubbo joined tbh’ ‘But it’s sleepy bois inc, not sleepy bois and Y/N inc’ ‘They aren’t even that funny’
Those were some that hurt the most, you had told Wilbur on call a few times how much you just wanted to quit streaming but Wilbur kept insisting you keep going, that you shouldn’t let the people online dictate how you feel, that you should let the people around you allow you to feel good, not some face behind a screen.
You slid out of your gaming chair uncomfortably and fell face first into your bed, a pile of blankets over your shoulders lighter than the amount of pain you felt as you cried into your pillow. Your body trembling with each tear that ran down your face, hiccuping quietly not wanting to alert your neighbors downstairs and have anyone see you in such a broken state.
You jumped at your phone buzzing beside you, the facetime caller idea lighting up your face inside the dark room as you read ‘Dadza <3′. You sighed knowing you couldn’t just hang up on Phil, that would worry him. You quickly tried to cover up that you had been crying, trying to steady your breathing before answering, Phil’s face appearing on your screen as you pointed your phone up at the ceiling to hide your tear stained face.
“Y/N you okay?” Phil asked on the other line, he seemed to be editing something as he was still sitting at his office, his microphone pushed to the side and his phone perked up so he could see you, only getting met with your ceiling, “I’m sorry, I just notice on call you didn’t sound okay and I got worried.”
You tried to let words slip past your tongue but all that did was a loud sob as you quietly cried trying to hide it but Phil definitely heard.
“Y/N let me see you, please, I’m worried,” you swallowed the large lump in your throat and picked up your phone pointing it towards your face. Phil’s face softened and his heart broken looking at your puffy red eyes from crying and your body shaking slowly as you tried to hide your sobs. “You okay mate? Do you wanna talk about it?” You quietly shook your head watching Phil’s full attention going away from editing and towards his phone where you were, “how about I’ll just talk with you before you go to sleep, I’m pretty sure its late where you are right now and I’d rather you get at least an hour of sleep, you seem overwhelmed-”
“I just want it to stop Phil,” you said, barely above a whisper but Phil heard, his eyes getting glossy just from hearing your broken voice, “everything hurts, I want to quit streaming, its doing more harm than good.”
“How about this,” your head perked up at Phil’s voice, “I’ll talk to Kristen and see about flying over to you to spend maybe a weekend or two, depending how much support you need right now, that’s the best I can do. When it comes to streaming, I know you aren’t gonna like this answer but I agree with you to a degree, maybe not quitting all together but taking a much needed break. If people want to be jerks about you needed a mental break than fuck them.”
You laughed quietly to yourself hearing Phil swear, he always managed to put a smile on your face even in your darkest moments, “I’d like that,” you rested your head on your palm, your tears finally starting to clear up as you curled up in your blankets.
“Until then, do you want me to stay on call with you until you sleep? I can even stay on when you go to sleep in case you wake up and need someone to talk to,” Phil smiled on the other line, the weight on your shoulders feeling like it had been lifted by dadza.
“I’d love that,” you smiled leaning back in your bed, your phone propped up on your beside table, you watched Phil grab his headphones so he could edit while you slept and he wouldn’t wake you up, “wait.”
Phil paused, he put his headphones down quietly, “yeah mate?”
“I love you dadza, thank you for putting up with me.” You smiled warmly.
“Of course kiddo,” and with that, you laid down in your bed, humming to yourself quietly to sleep, Phil still on call like a protective dad although you loved him for it.
Thanks for reading, don’t forget to like and maybe reblog as it really does help me out
Taglist: @sadassflatass @ajesterscrown @sugarsoftie  @aremegay @twist3dtinkerbell @nova-is-a-goodgirl​ @appl3-c1d3r​ @eave3​ @elebeleb @1-800-dreamteam
To be added to my taglist just dm me
S-Tierre Taglist: @writinginnit​ @okschlatt​ @corpse-br1de​ 
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whatdyk · 3 years
Reunion, chapter three | Commander Wolffe x Fem!Reader
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Word Count: 2.4k
Chapter Warnings: None that I can think of. Just pure, unadulterated fluff.
"So, what do you think?" You ask Wolffe as you re-enter the bedroom, showing off your new outfit for the evening.
You purposely chose something that would drive him mad, and you hope that he'll provide you with the reaction that you're looking for. The ensemble is one of your favorites, a little black dress partnered with stilettos and a matching clutch. You may be a little over-dressed for the night, but this is the first time that he'll see you dolled up like this and you want him to fall head over heels.
Your eyes are on the soft carpet as you walk in, so you miss the way his jaw drops, "Wolffe?" You ask again, finally lifting your gaze to meet his.
His heart has been hammering in his chest ever since you agreed to go out with him tonight. He knows that his men will be on their best behavior around you, but he's still nervous about what you'll think of them. His men can be playful, to say the least, and when they're introduced to a new target...well. He shakes his head of the thought as he hears you call out, listening to the gentle clicks of your heels as you wander back into the bedroom.
When you finally re-enter, he instantly notices the way your curves are wrapped in soft black silk. Your waist cinched in as slit up the side of the dress threatens to reveal your thigh, your neck and collar bone are almost fully exposed; displaying some of the marks he'd left there earlier. The heels you've chosen accentuate the length of your legs, but he takes pleasure in knowing that he'll still be taller than you when he stands. Your hair falls in gentle waves, curling around your face and falling against your back, its light color a perfect contrast to the dark material.
"You," He starts, letting out a large sigh as he takes in your appearance once again, "You look amazing, cyare"
You can tell by the look in his eye that he's being genuine, and it would be a lie to say that he didn't look just as good. He wasn't able to wear anything outside of his regulation uniform, but you always love how he looks in his armor. The plates flatter the size of his muscles flawlessly, sculpting his already toned body to perfection. You feel so lucky as you look at him, acknowledging that it's only you who can see him like this, that it's only you who knows this side of him.
After a short second of mutual admiration, he stands from his seated position at the end of the bed, moving to place himself just an inch away from you. From the proximity, you can feel the heat of his breath fan across your cheeks.
"We should probably get going soon" You whisper as you meet his gaze, his cybernetic and amber eyes already staring at you with intensity.
He nods his head but makes no move to leave, instead placing his hands on your hips and resting his forehead against yours. You hum in contentment in his firm grip, but you have no illusions as to what he's trying. Especially when one of his hands begins to wander further south.
"I'm serious!" You attempt to say through your laughter, "No way did I just put in that much effort for you to ruin it straight away"
He only groans at you in response, but you can see the wicked smirk beginning to ghost his plump lips. You take a step back to avoid any further temptation, telling him that you'll call a speeder. You don’t doubt that his eyes are on your ass as you walk to the living room.
The ride to the bar is shorter than you had originally anticipated, and you're now feeling your anxiety pool in your stomach. Paying the driver and stepping out carefully, you cling closely to Wolffe's arm, allowing him to guide you to the meeting spot. He said that he's taking you to one of the only places clones were openly accepted, a small bar called 79s.
"There's still time for you to back out, you know" His voice cuts through the crowded streets of coruscant as you walk on.
At that, you can't help the nervous laughter that escapes your lips, "Is it going to be that bad?" You question, hoping that he'll put your nerves at ease.
"Do you want the truth?" He says through a sigh, though you can hear the humor in his tone.
You hum and look up at him, admiring his strong profile, "I suppose so, Commander" you eventually respond, "But I'm sure that they aren't as bad you're leading me to believe"
"They're just very...lively" He begins, "they mean well but, let's just say that they enjoy causing mischief"
You look at him with your brow raised, "then I believe we'll get along just fine," you wink.
To your surprise, the bar is heaving as you arrive. You're not entirely sure why you thought that it'd be quiet, but you certainly hadn't been expecting this.
Bodies are everywhere, writhing and dancing in rhythm with the beat of the techno music. You can see the sheen of sweat covering all manners of creatures; you watch on as they make their way around the room, cradling either a drink or another person.
Gently, Wolffe guides you through the crowds of people with a protective hand at the small of your back, leading you to a more secluded area. There are tables and seats surrounding you, but before you can say anything, your thoughts are interrupted with the sound of roaring laughter.
"Commander!" Someone shouts from your right, calling over from a booth filled with troopers. The Wolfpack, you soon realize.
Wolffe takes your hand and offers a reassuring squeeze as he leads you over, being sure to keep you close.
"Sinker," he starts, nodding his head, "Boost, how long have you been here?" he questions, the tone of his voice now somewhat serious as he addresses his men.
"Relax, Commander!" Another trooper stumbles up from behind him, placing a heavy hand on his shoulder, "We're on leave! You don't need to act so grumpy now!"
At that, you can't stifle the laugh that manages to escape, and you can feel as all eyes land on you. Damn.
"And who's this then, sir?" The clone that Wolffe had called Sinker asks, "It's not the only person who's been able to thaw your ice-cold heart, is it?!"
Your cheeks flush at the comment but you step forward either way, "guilty as charged" you offer, holding out your hand awkwardly.
The men look at you with a spark in their eye, a hint of emotion that you can't yet decipher. But before you can even attempt to, the trooper that had been groping Wolffe stumbles forward, enveloping you in an almost suffocating hug.
"We don't shake hands here!" He sniffles against your shoulder, "you're family now!"
Is this guy crying?
You attempt to squeeze him back, but you find that your arms are trapped against your body with your head nestled into his chest.
"Thank you so much!" You mumble out against the material of his clothing, wondering if he can even hear you.
"Alright that's enough, Warthog" Wolffe eventually steps in, pulling the soldier from you by his shoulder, "I think you've had enough."
You laugh and readjust yourself as you watch the Commander take care of his men, realizing that Warthog had been crying. You neaten your hair and pull down the skirt of your dress, but it's not long until you catch the attention of another member of the wolfpack, Comet you realize.
"So, care to tell us some embarrassingly soft stories about our Commander?" he offers, scooting over in the booth to make room for you.
As you sit down next to him, you have to ignore the way the cushion beneath you feels sticky, praying to a higher power that it's just residue from previously spilled drinks. It doesn't help either when the Commander wastes no time sliding in next to you, sandwiching you tightly between him and his brothers. It's a bit of a squeeze to fit you all on the bench, but you're left smiling as nobody even attempts to move.
"I can assure you," Wolffe says as he wraps a possessive arm around you, "that there are no embarrassing stories to be told."
"I find that hard to believe, sir" Sinker smiles as his eyes find yours, "You should see how he gets when he's been away from you for too long, we all know to avoid him or face sanitation duty for a month"
"I can believe that," you respond before Wolffe can interject, "the first thing he always asks for is a cuddle" You turn to wink at the now blushing Commander, joining in with the laughter of his men. After a second, he joins too, but not before pressing a firm squeeze to your thigh. A warning for later, perhaps.
The rest of the night goes by in a blur, listening to Boost's awful jokes over the sound of hypnotic music; drinking any liquid that was placed in front of you. Somehow, you had even entered into a game of eye-spy with Comet, unknowingly screaming out the name of every inanimate object that met your eye line. It was 20 minutes until you both realized that he'd never even picked a target, to begin with. But, it was when Sinker was repeatedly asking you to dance that Wolffe finally began to draw the line, finding that his brothers had been enjoying your company a little too much.
"Alright princess," he taps your leg, "I think it's time to head back"
Your head falls to his shoulder, "'M fine," you mumble, closing your eyes and enjoying the way he feels beneath you. Your head shakes as his chest ripples with laughter, a wide grin finding its home across your face. It was so good to see him relax, for him to finally let go and have some fun for once.
After another moment, you feel as he begins to ease you both up from the booth. Initially, you think to stop him and insist that you stay for a bit longer, but the exhaustion that is beginning to weigh down your eyes tells a different story. You allow him to help you up and once you're standing, his arm finding its rightful place around your waist as he supports you.
Your goodbyes to the wolfpack are short and sloppy, finding that they're even worse off than you are. It's no surprise to anyone that Warthog starts crying again, soaking your shoulders in tears as he thanks you for taking such good care of his vod.
"Alright, come one, let's go," Wolffe supports you as you finish your goodbyes, urging you to walk with him through the cantina.
"Where are we going now, Commander?" You purr, attempting to sound even mildly seductive as you follow his steps.
"Home... let's freshen you up, come on," Wolffe patiently says, nodding at his men a final time to say goodbye. You miss the way they tease him for handling you so gently as you finally make your exit.
"My hero!" you loudly announce, stretching your arms into the air as soon as he steps inside the living room; he can't help but laugh at the quiet giggle that follows your words. On your way back from the speeder, you had complained that your feet were hurting from your shoes, so of course, he took it upon himself to carry you for the rest of the way.
Wolffe carefully places your feet back on the ground, and, as soon as he's convinced you can stand without stumbling, he turns to shut the door. His chest is swelling at the domesticity of it all, imagining that this could've been his life had he been blessed with normality. Enjoying time with you, making sure that you got home safely, returning to the home that you would share together. He turns to look at you, admiring how you're still standing where he had placed you, just waiting.
"What wrong?" You ask after a quiet moment, your eyes large and doe-like as you take a step closer to place your hands on his chest.
"Nothing, mesh'la," He says with a kiss to your forehead, "let's get you to bed, hm?"
You envelop him in a tight hug before nodding your head against his chest, "M'kay" you murmur.
Taking your shoes off, you pad next to him as he guides you both to your bedroom. You laugh and squirm as he helps you out of your dress, goosebumps erupting across your skin in the wake of his deft fingers. He passes you one of his long-sleeved shirts to sleep in, and you revel in the feeling of being surrounded by his scent. He unfolds your comforter and helps you into bed, tucking you in tightly with the blanket. You close your eyes for a moment, expecting him to join you, but when you hear his footsteps begin to walk away, your eyes snap back open.
"Wolffe?" You whisper, stopping him in his tracks.
"Yes, cyare?"
You hesitate before you continue, attempting to hide your face in the comfort of your covers, "You're not going to leave me, are you?"
Wolffe is absolutely sure you have no idea of what that question actually means to him, that you're probably just curious as to why he's leaving you in bed by yourself. But, how the words fall from your lips and enter his ears, he can sense the feelings he harbors for you begin to rise. Beautiful, kind, annoying, you.
Moving meticulously slow, he rounds the side of the bed, making his way to the empty space beside you as he strips from his clothes. The instant he lays down you're already crowding his space, pressing yourself to him as close as you can possibly get. He wraps himself around you and places your back to his chest, his chin resting against your head.
"Of course not" He promises, placing a delicate kiss on your head as you both finally close your eyes.
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innittowinit · 4 years
Can you pick me up? my uni burnt down (Chapt. 2)
Relationships: Sleepy bois inc (all fics i write are platonic)
 In which Techno goes to England for University, his building catches fire in the night, and he isn't prepared for the difference in climate between England and California. SBI fluff ensues
Chapter summary: 
After waking up, Wilbur has the great idea that they should do a sleepy boys stream. Tommy doesn't get told about this id
Words: 1785
Language: English
AO3 Chapt. 1
Listen, waking up on a sofa, with a thin blanket shared with 3 men was never going to be the best morning. His back hurt and his legs were numb from Wilbur having sprawled out over the three of them as he slept. 
Stretching his arms back, he recounted the events of last night. God, it really was only a few hours ago, he was so tired. Had this been last year, he would have been able to stay up for days on end and then just crash for an entire weekend. It wasn’t last year though and Techno had gotten himself into a fairly healthy routine, he couldn’t exactly be sleeping through his uni classes anyway. 
“Alright you two” Hearing Philza’s voice, he propped his head up, “Get up, you can’t lay around all day”
A groan came from the mass of blankets and cushions that happened to be Wilbur, who was curled up in the centre of it,
“Phil it's so early and we went to bed so late. It’s fine to sleep in”
“Okay” he chuckled, humouring his tired friend “It’s midday Wil, im taking the blankets away now”
Techno thought it was much too early too, as he tugged the sleeves of Wilbur’s hoodie down a little further so they could act like gloves. 
“Do you mind if I use your PC to try and find out what’s going on with my classes at some point? They'll probably send me an email or something” He grumbled, standing up so he could stretch his back out properly, following Phil slowly to the kitchen.
“That’s fine, it's up in my room, do what you need”
Breakfast was nice, it had been a while since Techno had had time for it honestly, and even longer since he had been able to eat with people he cared about. He had a couple slices of buttered toast and a bowl of some british cereal which he didn’t really like but he didn’t want to be rude so he ate it anyway. 
“You wanna stream together later?” Wil asked through a mouth full of food, earning a snort from Phil. This was nice. 
“Yeah maybe, you use face cam though, I’m not like against showing them my face but y'know, it is what it is” he shrugged, spooning another mouthful of his breakfast into his mouth, he had to admit it was very bland, he much preferred the sweeter ones that were more popular in America. 
“Well think about it, if you decide you don't want them to see you, you can always just sit off to the side and I'll turn my monitor so you can still see it. My office is big enough for it anyway, it’ll be like where Niki was during that one MCC remember?”
Techno nodded and carried on eating, they really were 3 very sleepy boys right now. Maybe he’d take a nap once he found out what was going on with his classes. 
Streaming without any gameplay to comment about and with facecam on? Techno wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. That just didn’t really sound like something he was going to enjoy.
It was nerve wracking and he always seemed to glance at the camera too much when it was pointed at him. He knew the fans would be disappointed if he didn’t do it though, When Wilbur tweeted out saying that he and Phil would join him in a ‘you laugh you lose’ he watched as the replies freaked out. 
You could say he was just a bit camera shy, he wasn’t incredibly insecure, sure there were things he didn’t like that much but everyone had things like that, it just made him nervous to know that people were looking at him. 
He’d be okay with his friend’s though, he trusted that they’d never put him in an uncomfortable situation. He knew if he got overwhelmed he could sit outside the frame. 
It would be okay. 
“Hey hey chat” Wilbur mumbled into the mic, making it loud enough so that everyone could hear but it still sounded like he was whispering. 
“We’ve got the blade here, bet you weren’t expecting that huh chat? Or maybe you were, maybe you read the title of the stream, bet there’s someone watching who didn't think he’d be here though” he finally turned the music off and switched from his ‘starting soon’ screen to his regular camera. 
Wil went through the rules, it was the normal stuff, he added in some jokes here and there, prodding Techno and Phil to talk at times. They’d already agreed that this wouldn’t be for youtube, since that seemed to add a bit too much pressure for Techno, but hey, he still had to welcome his chat. 
“Okay!! First media share! Lets go”  
After a series of videos, some funnier than others, Techno had started to loosen up a bit. He was getting more comfortable with the camera and while he’d probably cringe while looking back at the footage, at least he was having fun right now.
He had a warm feeling in his chest that wasn’t usually there when he was streaming alone, sure it was usually fun but nothing was better than being with his friends while doing it, there was really only one person who was missing. 
As if on queue, chat started spamming Tommy’s name, for a moment Techno thought he had been mumbling his thoughts out loud, before he looked between Phil and Wilbur, who both seemed equally confused. Moving Wilbur’s mouse over the chat to pause it, Techno tried to read some of the messages. 
“Oh he tweeted something” he mumbled, pulling his phone out of his pocket without a care. Maybe some irl streamers would have used the computer but knowing Wilbur’s history, he doubted it could run Chrome and streamlabs at the same time. 
Looking at the tweet he felt a little pang of guilt. It was lighthearted and jokey but he knew there’d be a little truth to it. He nudged the other two and read it aloud to them. 
‘Damn guess I’m not a sleepy boy after all’
The air felt a little thick after that, they hadn’t meant to exclude Tommy; all of the excitement of Techno coming to stay had just made it a little hard to arrange to have Tommy here after all. 
Still, they probably should have still told him though. They were supposed to be each other's family.  
“Hey chat I think we’re gonna have to end stream early.” Wilbur finally piped up, deciding it wouldn't be right to carry on when they had hurt their friend, not that chat needed to know that though, he didn’t want to embarrass Tommy. 
“I feel kinda sick and I don't think you all wanna watch me vomit right? Yeah so it’s best we end it now” 
Techno sniggered to himself at that, in games Wilbur always seemed to be very cunning but he supposed he wasn’t very good at lying when it was about something he actually cared about. Said something being Tommy.  
After raiding Fundy, the trio hopped straight onto discord. 
Tommy didn't answer the first time he was called. 
Or the second. 
Finally, after three calls, Tommy decided he’d talk to them. 
“You are all a bunch of dick heads, you know that? What the hell! Why wasn’t I invited to the sleepy boy’s stream! Wilbur you bitch!” Through all the vulgar language and the constant yelling, it was clear that Tommy was genuinely upset. 
He had every right to be, as far as Techno was concerned. From his point of view his friend’s had just gone off and hung out without him. He just hoped he’d calm down once they explained everything.  
“You know I thought we were friends! I thought we were brothers! But if you don’t wanna hang out with a ‘kid’ you can just tell me and i’ll- i'll go!” He was still yelling, as usual, it was clear he was trying to make this into a joke where he could overreact but Techno noticed the small sniffles and the quiver in his voice. 
By the looks on Phil’s and Wilbur’s faces, they recognised it too.  
“Listen, Tommy” 
Wil was the first to talk, it made sense, it seemed that Tommy trusted him the most at times. Sometimes Techno could be a bit too cold and sometimes Phil could get a bit too overbearing.
Techno understood this, he didn’t take it personally, he knew it was only natural that you have people you trust with your emotions more than others. It didn’t mean Tommy didn’t love them just as much, just that they weren’t his ‘go-to’ when he felt down. 
Techno felt the same way sometimes. Feeling’s got complicated and personally he thought Phil was the best to talk to about that, the fact that he was older and had his life sorted out gave him a sense of comfort, like he could trust him because he knew what he was talking about. 
“We didn’t plan a meetup, it just sorta happened. Phil was at my place, helping me record, and then Techno’s Uni had a fire and he needed a place to stay while they’re making it safe again” Wilbur sighed as he heard Tommy moving on the other side of his mic. Techno wondered what he was doing. 
“We would have invited you, had we known that we’d all be in the same place Toms” 
Phil took over, giving Wilbur a little sympathetic smile. The brunette so obviously felt guilty about the situation. 
“But when we got the call from Tech’ it was past 3 in the morning and it was tipping it down with snow, as soon as we got home we all slept. We decided to do a stream this morning but never once did we intend to try and make you feel like you aren’t welcome with us” 
Finally it was Techno’s turn to talk...Fuck.
He wasn’t exactly the most sentimental guy, he struggled to show his emotions and he just assumed everyone he cared for just knew that he cared for them. He rarely had to say it out loud. God okay. He just had to swallow his pride and go for it. 
“Tommy you are a sleepy boy and you are our brother. We did kind of a dick move today and if I was you I’d probably be upset too. I know I didn't like seeing you guys playing without me during MCC and that wasn’t even any of our decisions. We should have called you or something. I know I kinda tease you a lot but that’s just how I show I like people. Listen Tommy if I didn’t care about you I wouldn’t be comfortable enough to make those kinds of jokes with you. It’s not funny if it’s hurting you though..”
Techno bit his lip, this wasn’t as hard as he had anticipated but it was coming out like word vomit. 
“You’re young Tommy but you’re so talented. We love you”
There was some more rustling, it sounded like Tommy was wiping his eyes. Maybe the boy had expected a yelling match, only for it to turn out to be very emotional. 
“I love you guys too.. If you ever exclude me ever again though I’m getting my vlog knife out”
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anothermcytblog · 3 years
Of Theseus, Of Echo || Tommy and Tubbo Interlude
Style: One Shot Word Count: 1669 CW: None that I can think of!
Summary: The story of Theseus popular on this server, and Tommy wonders which Theseus people think of. // As he walks into New L'manberg, Tubbo wonders if Echo would have exiled her best friend. // "Besides, who wants to admit they didn't notice gods among men?"
Contrary to popular belief, Tommy was not an idiot. Impulsive, reckless, loud, childish, possessive- All true, but he isn't an idiot. He knew that perhaps his choices weren't the best- but come on! Exile seemed a bit extreme. He deliberately told Tubbo he didn't want to be vice president yet- not while Dream still had his discs- but did anyone listen? Nooo, they just continued to act like he was still vice president! And he wasn't just going to repeat himself, it would make him seem like a coward! And Tommy Watson-Innit was no coward!
Still, as he sits on the shore of the beach with a fishing rod in hand, he can't help but wonder if perhaps he really was an idiot. Why did he stick up for Ranboo? A guy he barely knew. Sure he was Nikis' old friend (Younger brother? Tommy really didn't know. Gentlemens' rule of the SMP, you don't ask about someone's past) but he didn't need to lie for him and take the sole blame. Ranboo may have stuck up for him but was it really worth it? ("Of course it was," a Wilbur- Not Ghostbur- sounding voice told him, "That's how I raised you. Always be kind unless given a reason not to be. You're not a bad person Tommy, you're just a child.")
Dream appears beside him and Tommy half wants to snarkily ask him if Dream wants to blow up his fishing rod but he holds his tongue. No use arguing with Dream now, not when Dream is his only real person to talk to outside of unreliable messages with Ranboo and an amnesiac ghost who's just a shadow of his older brother. "I wouldn't take you as a fisher," Dream says after a moment. It's hard to tell but Tommy thinks Dream is looking at him from the corner of his eyes, but it's almost impossible to know with his dumb fucking mask.
"There's a lot you don't know about me bitch," He responds, reeling in the rod and grabbing the fish, tossing it back into the ocean as he waits for another bite.
"Really?" Dream asks and Tommy knows Dream is baiting him to reveal some grand secret, a chance to 'one-up him' in something big, "Like what?"
"My real name is actually Theseus," He says, unable to hide the pleased look on his face when Dream physically turns to him in what Tommy assumes is surprise, "Techno named me and Phil just agreed to it to make him happy. Wil-" His name gets caught in his throat and he knows that Dream heard it, "He gave me the nickname Tommy and I much prefer it. Though, I can't help but wonder," Tommy says, laughing so Dream can't hear the way his voice wavers as he tries to hold off of mourning whatever he had left to feel about Techno, "Do you think he knew? That I'd grow up to my namesake? Once a hero, now exiled. All that's left is dying in disgrace."
Dream stays silent, and Tommy can't help the pride he feels to have caught Dream off guard. He half wonders what Dream is thinking right now, and he almost asks before Ghostbur interrupts and asks Tommy if he'd like some blue.
The story of Theseus popular on this server, and Tommy wonders which Theseus people think of.
New L'manberg is pretty at night, Tubbo has to admit. The lanterns Ghostbur made light up the sky and the paths between areas, giving Tubbo the warmth he's been slowly losing. In the back of his mind, he wonders if this is what Wilbur meant when he said he was always cold. Walking along the path, Tubbo makes his way to L'mantree and sits outside of the obsidian encasing the tree. "Ah, Mr. President!" Someone calls for him, and for a moment Tubbo believes it to be Ranboo but a flash of green next to him tells him it isn't.
"Dream!" Tubbo greets, giving the masked man a smile, "You're out late, are you on a walk?" ("He's using you kid," Schlatt whispers in his ear, voice soft in a way it hadn't for a while, "You need to open your eyes. Dream has never been on your side. He made you exile your best friend, remember? Dream isn't your friend here, just like I wasn't your friend.")
"I could say the same to you!" Dream laughs, light hearted and friendly, "Just like you said, I'm taking a walk. How about you?"
"Just thinkin'" He shrugs- because it's true! Technically, at least. The entire reason he went on a walk was to clear his head, the upcoming Green Festival weighing heavy on his mind. When Dream tilts his head, Tubbo realizes he needs to come up with something- what did Schlatt tell him? The best lies were based on truth? "About Techno," He tells Dream, turning to face him, "He used to tell me this story- an Old Myth- whenever he and Phil would come home from adventuring. I... I miss hearing about it, Wilbur did his best to tell them but he was more of a Modern Myth slash Sky God story kind of guy. He spoke so much about then you think the Sky Gods actually told them the stories themselves!" He laughs a bit, "Do you know the story he'd tell me?"
"Theseus?" Dream asks, making a confused noise when Tubbo shakes his head.
"Echo," Tubbo says, smiling a bit, "He wanted to name me Echo actually, though Wilbur put a stop to it and since Techno named Tommy, Phil let Wilbur name me. Have you heard the story of Echo?" He asks, almost perking up when Dream shakes his head no, "Right- Okay, it's been a while since I've heard it so I might get a couple things wrong but! Echo was a mountain nymph and Zeus was just in love having sex with nymphs and would visit the overworld a lot because of it! Hera naturally became suspicious and tried to catch Zeus in the act with a Nymph but Echo, under Zeus order, kept distracting Hera. Eventually, Hera found this out and took her wrath out on Echo and cursed Echo so she could only repeat the last thing she heard! Echos' misery doesn't end here though, because she fell in love with the handsome Narcissus! However, she was never able to tell Narcissus how she felt- not like Narcissus liked her anyways- and eventually Narcissus was cursed to fall in love with his own reflection and Echo was forced to watch Narcissus perish due to his own vanity! No one really knows what happened to Echo after that though, I feel bad for her. She was pretty much forced to become everyones yes man after she was punished because Zeus told her to protect him from his wife even though Zeus was in the wrong. I think Techno was trying to warn me."
"Warn you?" Dream echos back, a curious tone in his voice.
"Yeah!" Tubbo nods, "I mean..." He trails off for a moment, suddenly remembering who he is talking to and how he needs to be careful, "Like, I've always been Tommys yes man you know? I go along with what he says and does what he asks- sort of like how Echo, well, echos back whatever people say! Then with Schlatt I did everything he asked of me, even when it led to my own exe... execution- Like Echo did what Zeus said even though it got her cursed! Ooo do you think Techno can see the future?"
"Maybe," Dream says, content for now, "You should head on back though, mobs are beginning to spawn and you're not very armed. Maybe you can tell me more Old Myths later."
Tubbo nods, giving Dream a wave goodbye. As he walks into New L'manberg, Tubbo wonders if Echo would have exiled her best friend. He shakes his head, picking up his pace as he hears a Zombie groan- Of course Echo would have, only if Zeus asked her though... If Tubbo is Echo, would that make Quackity his Zeus?
Sitting on top of a grand tree, Wilbur looks over at his dead ram friend, the pool of water around them shimmering as the image of Tuboo walking into New L'manberg fades, "Think they'll be okay?"  He asks, although he already knew the answer to that.
"Ehhhh..." Schlatt replies, "Depends on if they listen to us or not. Though, we haven't done this in a while so who knows how effective it'll be."
WIlbur snorts, as Schlatt waves his hand over the water, switching it to a sleeping Ranboo, "You think Connor would be able to sense us, or at least you."
Schlatt shrugs, laying on his back as he looks at the sky, "He was never the most magically adapt, he was better at the human shit. Besides, Mr. Sky God, it isn't like he knows what Dreams aura is. The tricky bastard likes keeping his secrets."
"Well, Mr. Sky Champion," Wilbur responds, the familiar cocky grin on his face as he looks up from the water, "It seems like the narrative is going to get a lot more interesting from here on out. Dream seems to be preparing for something. I always have been a fan of history rhyming and the God of the End has always been a word smith."  
"Gods of old I forgot how much you talk," Schlatt groans, "I forgot how fucking cryptid and nonsensical you are as well."
Wilbur cackles, "Well, you have an eternity to remember at least. They won't figure us out for a while at least, I have zero faith in them. Besides, who wants to admit they didn't notice gods among men?"
Rain falls somewhere in the distance as TNT explodes, a pool of lava bubbling somewhere below though the god and half-god don't pay much attention to it. They've already dealt with the rhythm of betrayal from them.
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Survey #338
“i can’t decide if you’re wearing me out, or wearing me well”
Are you a fan of techno? I've gotten more into it lately, actually. I've never minded it. Who’s your favorite horror movie villain/monster? Pyramid Head, though he's called Red Pyramid Thing in the movies. Do you have a favorite muscle car? Nah. I'm not big into cars. What would be a total deal-breaker for you, relationship-wise? You so much as lift your hand at me, bye, motherfucker. Would you consider yourself to be accepting of others? Yes, but not as much as I used to be. There are certain opinions I just don't tolerate in people anymore; I feel like by staying associated with people whose views invalidate or in any way harm others (racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.), you're on the side of evil as well, even if indirectly. However, I genuinely do feel I have a wide range of viewpoints I'm willing to accept in others, even if I don't agree with them. Are you flirtatious? No. I think I'm only capable of flirting with someone I'm already with and very comfortable around. I'd feel way too shy and awkward otherwise. Have you ever just felt "drawn" to someone, but you didn’t know why? "Didn't know why," no. I've felt drawn to people with good reason, like if I was romantically interested in them. Is there anyone you currently want to reach out to? There's a number, honestly. Especially with the aid of therapy, I'm being motivated to strengthen bonds with old friends and/or acquaintances via Facebook. Freddy or Jason? I think Jason is scarier. Freddy tends to come across as cheesy for me. Have stickers or gems on your cell phone? Nah. Ever teased your hair? Bitch I damn well tried in high school because I wanted the ~ l e g i t ~ emo hair, but mine was just too heavy to hold, at least with the hairspray my sister had. Have any friends with benefits? Nah, that's never been my thing. Ever lost of bunch of valuable information? Ummm I don't believe so. I've lost massive RP posts before, but I can't really call those "valuable information." What drinks or food make you hyper? None, really. Most expensive thing you ever bought? With my own money, my snake. She's a champagne morph ball python. What type of toothpaste do you use? Crest. How much time to spend putting on makeup daily? Zero. When listening to a song, what do you listen for (lyrics, bass, beat, ect)? The beat, more than anything else. What is the color of your toothbrush? It's a white electric one. What is your favorite color(s) of eye-makeup? Black. Just black. Are you sexually active? I'm not. Do you have sensitive skin? Very. Are you attracted to several guys atm? I'm actually not attracted to any guys in my personal life atm. How many toilets are in your house? Two. Do you have an older sister? Excluding the one I don't know, I have three older sisters. Favorite song by Owl City? Probably "Hot Air Balloon," but I don't know many at all. What color is your mum’s car? White. Do you truly understand the (LDS) Mormon religion? I don't know what "LDS" means, but as my former best friend developed into a Mormon, I learned some stuff from her in her self-discovery. I don't remember a lot of it, not that I knew all that much in the first place. Where do you keep your kitty litter box? Ugh, Mom's unmovable about it being in my fucking room for some reason. And we have an extra goddamn room no one uses yet. Roman's shit STINKS, like we think something might actually be wrong, but nope, it has to stay in here. e_e It would literally inconvenience nobody if we moved it in the spare room. Are you a lighter complexion than your father? MUCH lighter. He's very tan. Do you like apricots? No. Solid soap bar or liquid body wash? 100% body wash. Bar soap slips so easily, and as someone who lives with another person, I'm not rubbing my body with the same bar my mother uses, no offense to her. Sharing it's just gross. Where do you live (country or state)? Shitty 'ole North Carolina. Do you use plastic, wooden, or wire hangers? I think we have a mix of them, actually. What is your favorite shade of yellow? I only like pastel yellow. Otherwise, it's one of my least favorite colors. Are there any shades of blue that you don’t like? If so, which ones? Ehhh not really. What is something you want to accomplish before you turn 30? God, can I please have a stable career by then. Who has the best decorated house in your town? I don't know. We live in a cul de sac community thing where it's just houses next to houses, so there's a lot to choose from. I don't pay attention to them. What is your favorite part of Halloween? The decorations. Do you feel a connection to the moon? "As above, so below," as the saying goes. What does your heart long for? Peace and contentness with myself. Did you decorate a pumpkin this year? Last year, I didn't. I do want to this year, though, if I can just think of a really good idea. I have to be motivated. What are some fall activities you would do with your kids? I'm not having kids, but I'll follow along, hypothetically. With how much joy Halloween brought me as a kid, I'd want to do SO much as a family with them. Homemade decorations, carving or painting pumpkins together, and hell yeah I'd be taking them trick-or-treating once I felt they were ready and they wanted to. I'd be one of those parents that probably spends too much on whatever costumes they want, haha... Oh, and then besides Halloween, I'd certainly rake leaf piles together for them to jump and play in. This question has brought to mind like ONE thing I could enjoy as a parent, haha. Have you ever seen a fox? I have; besides in a zoo setting, I've seen one or two in the wild run out of sight, and I also found one poor fellow as roadkill that had been disemboweled by I'm assuming vultures. With my whole roadkill photography thing, I literally almost kneeled into a strand of intestines I didn't see at first. :x What color are the squirrels where you live? We only have brown ones. Is there anything about Halloween you find offensive? lol no What do the trees look like where you live? Lots, and lots, and LOTS of pine trees... There are others, but I'm not well-informed on tree species and such. Oh, then of course there are dogwoods (our "state tree"), which are unmistakable because they smell like fucking manure. What is your dream vacation? Maybe the mountains on the western side of NC during the fall... ugh, that would be breathtaking. We actually have an abandoned The Wizard of Oz-themed park around there that allows tours at certain times of the year, and I'd love to visit and photograph there. As well, western NC has the zoo, which would be spectacular to visit with autumn weather and, once again, load up on photos. Did you like field trips when you were a kid? I LOVED field trips. Do you find museums boring or interesting? Very interesting! Would you ever wear a shirt with your country’s flag on it? No. I'm not patriotic enough at all for that. What’s a medicine that makes you sleepy? Historically, larger doses of Klonopin can knock me the fuck out. Do you like bath bombs? Never used one, because I don't do baths. Who are your favorite small YouTubers? I'm going to guesstimate you mean less than 1M subs as "small," because I really don't know what you consider to fit that description. I watch a lot of people with less than 1M, so it's hard to say, but lately it's probably been a let's player John Wolfe. He's really funny. Then there's some tarantula YouTubers, along with the animal educator Emzotic... and really just many others. I think most of the people I watch actually have sub-1M, but more than 500k. Who are your favorite big YouTubers? Markiplier is absolutely, positively #1. I also really enjoy Snake Discovery, GameGrumps, Jeffree Star (don't judge me ok, he's a fuckin hoot), and while I haven't watched them in years, Good Mythical Morning will ALWAYS be deeply, deeeeply embedded in my heart. What was your favorite girl group when you were growing up? Ummm probably the Spice Girls? Have you ever used an outhouse? Ugh, yes, at old childhood sports games. What was the last good cause you donated towards? When I cut off like 8+ inches of hair to accomplish the style I have now, I donated it to Children With Hair Loss. My hair has always been mega-thick and healthy, so why in the world waste it? One of my most cherished items is the certificate I got in return many months later that my donation had been used. Have any of your exes gotten married or had kids since your breakup? I haven't had contact with Juan in many years, don't know what Tyler's up to either, and I haven't spoken to Jason since 2017, so. I'm very doubtful he's married or has kids yet, though, just knowing him and how "I need to be fully prepared for this" he is with big life stuff like that. Does it bother you when people get super emotional? Not at all. I'll do my all to comfort them. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? No. Do you get a lot of thunderstorms where you live? Depends on the time of year. Summertime? Brief but super intense thunderstorms every late afternoon. What was the last drive-thru you went through? Taco Bell w/ Mom. Do you know anyone who claims they can see/feel spirits or other supernatural ‘things?’ No. Do either of your parents have a mental illness? My mom has depression, and Mom is also convinced Dad has either depression masked as anger and/or bipolarity, but following the divorce, I don't see it in him at all. He's never seen a doctor in that field to be diagnosed with any mental illness. What fun things are there to do where you live? Jackshit. Do you know anyone with a really poorly-trained dog? Mother of fucking god, yes. My little sister lives with her best friend, and said friend has a colossal black lab named Hudson that is absolutely uncontrollable because she neglects the shit out of him. Won't listen to you even if it saved his life. He jumps on you, barks endlessly, and if he escapes the house? Good fucking luck getting him inside. She has absolutely no right to own a dog with how shitty of an owner she honestly is. When you were growing up, did your family rent or own your home? They owned it. The idiots who were moving in after us accidentally burnt the place to a fucking crisp, and my parents were SO not happy to lose that house because people were dumb enough to place boxes atop the goddamn stove. Do you do meal-prepping? No. Do you know anyone who got preggo less than a year into their relationship? Multiple people, not that that's my business. What did you dream about last night? I don't remember it clearly, other than I was with Jason and his mother was also present. What's the biggest age difference you've ever had in a relationship? That would have been with Juan, but I don't remember exactly how old he was. I just know I was a freshman and him a senior that got held back a year or so in HS. If you could save one animal from ever becoming extinct, what animal would you pick? Probably bees, given how vital they are. Name the coolest thing about one of your grandparents. My maternal grandmother worked at Disney World. I can't remember what her position was, though. Do you ever eat peanut butter straight from the jar? If I want a healthy snack, sometimes I'll have a scoop. Do you prefer your clothes loose or close fitting? They need to be loose. Favorite thing you’ve ever painted? This big painting of meerkats grooming on burlap I did in high school. Do you always wear a bra? I question the self-love of anyone who can sleep with a bra on. ;__; Do you normally finish one book before starting another? Oh yes, I can't read more than one at a time. Do you prefer reading books, comic books, manga/graphic novels, magazines, or the newspaper? The normal book. Do you know how to play chess? I don't. Are you watching anything? No, but I do have Manson's "Third Day of a Seven Day Binge" on in another tab. What is your blood type? A-. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it? Yes. Do you twitch when you're falling asleep? Dude, I more than "twitch." I can just suddenly spaz out and look like I'm seizing for a moment. Another side effect of my nightmare suppressant medication. Are any of your pets “overweight”? No. Has anyone ever bought you a ring? My mom has bought me a few, and Jason gave me one for one of our anniversaries. Where was the last place you took a bath/shower, other than your own house? My sister's place. What first attracted you to the last person you kissed? Just how unique and happy that way she is. And her pretty much undying loyalty. Has someone ever taken a pic of you while you were making out with someone? No, considering I wouldn't go that far with someone unless we were alone. Had a crush on someone you thought shared your sexuality, turns out didn’t? Yes. What’s your favorite color to wear? Black. Does it gross you out if a guy has hair on his chest? I personally don't find an excess of it attractive, but it doesn't "gross me out." If they bathe themselves just like everyone else, why should it? Do you think sexuality is a choice or not? It is absolutely not a choice. If it was, I'd assume most people would choose to be straight, given phobias, hatecrimes, etc... I could write an essay on this. Do you like industrial piercings? Yeah. Do you think stretched ears are disgusting? "Disgusting" is, once again, the wrong word. Gauges don't really gross me out - hell, I want tiny ones -, but they can reach a size that, to me, is not visually appealing. Did you watch animated Barbie movies when you were little? I do remember loving Princess and the Pauper as well as the Rapunzel one; my sister was addicted to them. Oh yeah! Then there was the Swan Lake one that she adored, too. We usually watched movies together. Do you like fruit in your cereal? Big No. Do you like raw vegetables? Ugh, no. Do you listen to A Day to Remember? I do! They're on my list of faves. Do you like funnel cake? I actually don't. Have you ever been with someone while they were getting a tattoo? Yuh.
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vampexx · 4 years
ML babies just hangin' out and bonding
Marinette: Hey, can I ask you guys something?
Alya: Sure, what's up?
Marinette: What are your favorite artists/ bands?
Alya: Well I love Rihanna and Fifth Harmony, and I know Nino loves Marshmello.
Nino: Yup. I really like Bruno Mars too. Uptown Funk's the shit. Adrien?
Adrien: Well my father really insists I listen to and practice classical music. But when my father isn't around, I listen to my mom's old records and I really like Jagged! He's so cool...
Ivan and Luka: Same. Except the classical part...
Ivan: yeah...I also really like Metallica and Green Day. Anyways, what about you Mylene?
Mylene: Well, you know I love BTS.:)
Alix: I like Eminem, he's sick. Drake too. Well, Max? How about you?
Max: Well, I don't really have a favorite artist or band, however I do find the techno genre particularly interesting. I love how it's made electronically! But if I had to pick one, I guess I would agree with Nino.
Marinette: Makes sense
Nino: Yeah, dude that's cool. Maybe you can come over next time I DJ?
Max: Sounds great! I can't wait!
Lila: Well I like Beyon-
Marinette: So what about you Juleka?
Juleka: I really like Evanescence...Panic! at the Disco.... Billie Eilish.....and My Chemical Romance....stuff like that....
Marinette: Same, that and Jagged too.
Adrien: You too, Marinette? That's awesome! :) Chlo?
Chloe: Ugh....I LIVE for Ariana, she can sing circles around all your favorites, obviously! I'm sure she's a huge fan of me too!
Lila: Not Beyon-
Chloe: Sabrina? Hurry up and tell us yours.
Sabrina: Oh I like Ariana too, Chloe! And I like Taylor Swift!
Chloe: Excellent choice Sabrina, I was just about to say that!
Lila: I said I like Beyonce.
Marinette: That's cool. Kagami?
Kagami: I don't really listen to music that much, but I like P!nk because she seems like she's not afraid to kick someone's ass and I really relate to that.
Everyone except Adrien and Marinette: ...
Marinette: Cool! Uhhhh.....Marc? Nathaniel?
Nathaniel: Imagine Dragons are really cool! They have a lot of really creative beats! Oh! And I like Muse, they're really unique too! Marc?
Marc: Ummm.....I really like BTS too......
Mylene: Oh cool!!
Nathaniel: That's so cool Marc! :)
Juleka: Rose?
Rose: I.REALLY.LOVE.SLIPKNOT! Oh! And some Disney songs.... they're so cute and fun :D
Everyone: ...Yeah...why are we not surprised..?
Juleka: That's like, really cool Rose :)
Luka: Yeah, that's pretty sick Rose. Twenty One Pilots are really cool too
Rose: NAAAWWW! Thanks you guys! :)
Marinette: (sees Kim shaking with excitement, waiting impatiently for someone to ask him) Kim? Who do you li-
Kim (screams excitedly): N I C K E L B A C K!!!!!!!!
Adrien: Nickelback? Who's that?
Luka: Don't worry about it...
- Extra -
Wayhem out of nowhere: WELL, I LOVE ADRIEN!!!!
Everyone: We know...
LMAO sorry/ not sorry! My first time doing something like this so I hope it was good. Sorry if it sucks....
Kim and Lila's part are really the reason why I wrote this LOL I couldn't let it go...
Have a miraculous day!!!!!
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funkadox · 5 years
Stealing Stars From The Night
Part 2
"Ruby please stop snickering about my underwear drawer! Everyone has one!"
"But you have granny panties!" Yells an amused Ruby from Weiss' bed. Since Weiss had asked her to grab a pair of pantyhose from her dresser Ruby had been teasing her. Who puts pantyhose and period panties in the same drawer? Apparently Weiss
"For the last time. THEY ARE NOT GRANNY PANTIES YOU DOLT!" Weiss says as she steps out of her closet fully dressed. Elegant and beautiful were understatements to describe Weiss. The white haired girl wore a long, black velvet dress with black heels that made her taller than Ruby by about an inch or two. The spaghetti strap dress looks like it was made to be worn by Weiss Schnee, it even has a silver snowflake across the back.
"Holy shit."
"Language. But thank you.." Weiss says bashfully and walks up to Ruby who's jaw is open and eyes are lit up with not the purest thoughts running through her mind. Her hand cups the younger girl's jaw and smiles as it shuts. "Careful you might catch a bug, Yang does live here you know." She jokes and walks to the door.
"I- I gotta get dressed. I'll be right out." Ruby says and salutes her awkwardly. Weiss just shakes her head and leaves.
The clock strike 10 and the group is ready to bounce. The club is pretty close so they decide to walk which is a good idea considering that none of them would be in the best shape to drive after tonight.
"Remember, do not ask for pictures with celebrities! As far as everyone knows you are celebrities. No hookups in the bathroom, this is not a normal club and so don't treat it as such. Finally, do not talk to celebrities unless talked to first! I repeat do not talk-" Weiss is interrupted by a hand being drapped around her waist.
"We got it snow queen, we are not kids you know." Ruby states with a cheeky smile and chuckle.
"You are most definitely a child but whatever just behave everyone."
"Sir yes sir!" Sun drones and continues his conversation with Yang about how he is going to get pictures with every celebrity he sees.
The line for Atlas is incredibly long but Weiss just passes it by.
"Do you need an ID?"
"N-no ma'am please go on ahead." Is all the bouncer says as he opens the door for the group. Weiss' father owns Atlas so the staff all know Weiss.
"Woah this place is amazing!" Yang gasps as she looks around. The club has a decent amount of people in it but not nearly enough to seem crowded, the dance floor is lit up with neon colors alternating color tiles. She definitely understands why this place is so popular. "Hey I'm gonna get a drink are you guys coming?"
"The colors are so pretty! I'm gonna dance first but I'll see you soon!" Ruby says and runs to the dance floor.
"Ruby this is a club not a playground!" Yells Weiss who runs after the excited girl.
"I'll come with you, I can't leave the most dashing girl here alone." Sun flirts jokingly and walks with her to the bar.
"Ya know, god sure was cruel in making me a lesbian because I'm in love with you Sun!" Yang dramatically states and wipes a fake tear away.
"If only I was a girl! Then we could be together my love!"
"If only!" The two crack up and the bar keep just looks at them confused.
"So what'll it be for you two?" He asks and smiles charmingly.
"I'll have a strawberry sunrise with one of those little umbrellas! And he will have-"
"Your number~" He purrs smoothly and leans in.
"H-huh? I mean... Okay.."
"Wait that really worked!?"
"Yeah the name is Neptune and my standards have just been met."
"Wow they must be pretty low then." Yang says quietly and Sun growls at her. Neptune writes his number on Sun's wrist and goes to get Yang her drink.
"I didnt know you liked dudes?!"
"Neither did I." Sun shrugs and looks at Neptune who is trying his best not to look at the blond.
"So I'm the only one here who has no date? Wow I'm lame." She looks down at her long sleeved navy dress. "And I thought I looked like Hell in heels!"
"Oh honey you do, you are just too picky for your own good. It's not a bad thing but if you are looking for someone there is a dark haired beauty who keeps eyeing you from across the room." He says quietly and takes the drink Neptune was giving Yang.
"Thanks I'll be around, say when do you get off?"
Yang quits listening when she turns around and sees none other than Blake Belladonna. She is indeed looking over at her from a booth in the back corner. The red haired man from earlier is next to her talking to a girl with brown hair pulled into a pony tail. Yang smirks and turns back around. "Ay Nept what does the girl in that booth back there like?"
"Ah Belladonna? She doesn't drink a lot when she is here but- oh shit she ordered a long island! I totally forgot!"
Ay calm down, make it and I'll go give it to her so you can continue talking to lover boy over here."
"Thanks fam! I owe you one." Neptune says and begins making the drink. Yang smiles and puts a hand on Sun's shoulder.
"You sure you want that one? He seems a lil spacey."
"He's perfect shut up!" Sun says and looks up at her. "So youre gonna go flirt up some celebrity huh? Even better Blake Belladonna? She's like so famous! Especially now that the third season of White Fang dropped on Netflix. Better make sure Weiss doesn't see ya."
"Hey she's eyeing me so technically that's kinda talking to me first right?"
"Oh definitely." Sun says and shakes his head. Neptune returns with the drink and hands it to her.
"Good luck, Adam can be a bitch so try not to get into it with him."
"Will do!"
Yang begins her walk to Blake and waves at Weiss who is currently trying her best not to look like she is having fun with Ruby dancing with her. The guards stop Yang before she gets to the booth but Blake waves them off.
"Finally my tea."
"This is a long island, darlin."
"Yes, the best kind of tea around." She says softly and smiles up at Yang. Yang grins and sits the drink down.
"I would agree with you but I'm not much of a tea drinker."
"Yeah you seem more like the alcohol 24/7 type."
"Why does everyone always make that assumption!? I'm not a raging alcoholic I'll have you know." Yang shoots back with no malice in her tone but a pout on her face.
"Sorry, sorry well now I feel bad is there anyway I can make it up to you?"
"Hmm maybe a dance could help your case but I wont promise anything."
"A dance sounds lovely." Blake says gently and slips out of the booth. A hand grabs her wrist and she groans. "Adam I'm fine, just because you're my tv boyfriend doesnt mean you have to be so protective or whatever.." She says and shakes her wrist free. Yang had been ignoring the glares she was getting from the man since she had walked over. The two walked to the dance floor and began to dance to the techno beat that was playing. The sparks only got brighter as they dance. Their bodies seem to fit together like puzzle pieces, finding their way back together when one separates to get a drink. It's like magic. And not drunken magic that you'll regret later buy real, heart racing magic that only comes once in a lifetime.
"So I'm gonna guess ex boyfriend?" Yang begins when he catches Adam scoffing at them.
"Hm I guess you can say that.. We kinda got together for publicity reasons but he is just so uptight and mean to fans and just people in general that I couldn't handle being anything more than costars with him."
"I'm sorry, well maybe he will get the hint that you're not into him now."
"And why's that?" Blake asks with a sly smirk. Yang only answers by putting a soft hand on the other's hip and dragging her hand down her spine, pulling her closer as she does so.
"Because you're obviously into me." Yang says seductively into her ear. The girl is surprised when she hears a purr like sound escape Blake's lips and a hand on her neck.
"Hmm well I might be but I don't do one nightstands or club flings so if you really want me and not because I'm hot and famous meet me at that library around the corner."
Yang is certainly surprised by the beauty's words, Blake is smart for not wanting to go home with some stranger off the street. It would ruin her image in the public eye and make anyone think they could just walk up to her and ask her out.
"Alright, what time?"
"Hmmm how about 3? And dont bring any friends with you, I dont like to share." Blake says softly against Yang's lips, tempting her but Yang knows what she is doing. Yang knows that she is seeing if she will take the bait and try to rush things.
"3 sounds great and I was guessing you'd be possessive." Yang jokes and spins Blake around to which Blake only grins back. Yang spots the guards making their way towards them and looks at Blake. "Well I guess this is farewell."
"It seems so, but not for long. I'll see you tomorrow. By the way I didn't get your name."
"It's Yang. Yang Xiao long."
"Well Yang, Yang Xiao long here is my card." Blake grabs a card out of her bra slowly and tucks it into Yang's hand. "Bye~"
"Bye" Yang looks at the card and back at the girl.
Adam tries to push her for entails on Yang but Blake only brushes him off to talk to Ilia who gets in the limo awaiting them. She looks back to Adam who just walks back in the club ignoring the camera flashes.
"So tall blonde and goofy huh?"
"Yeah she's really sweet and not like in a creepy overbearing way. Which is surprising to find at a night club."
"Well you are a celebrity, maybe she is just a raging fan."
"I thought that too but she has never watched the show, she knows what it is but it never peaked her interest. She thinks the CGI cat ears are cute on me though."
"Well of course she isnt going to tell you she watches the show."
"Oh dont be like that, you sound like Adam."
"Well maybe he is right!?" Ilia says a little too loudly, but takes a breath and sighs. "Sorry.. I'm just tired I guess."
Blake looks at her in confusion but shrugs. "I don't expect you to get it but he isn't right. I'm a person before a celebrity you know? And I guess I like being treated as such for once.." Blake gets out of the car once it reaches her large estate. It's not as big as she could get but it is indeed very nice. "See ya around Ilia." Is all she says before walking up the gravel path and going inside.
Yang makes her way back to Sun who hasnt stopped flirting with Neptune. The two seem to really be hitting it off especially now that Neptune isn't working anymore. "Hey guys hows it going?"
"Well well well if it isnt the deserter."
"Oh I'm the deserter? Boy you are so caught up with him that you might as well be pinning him-" Sun covers her mouth before she finishes.
"Ahahaha shut it."
"Sorry sorry."
"HellO Everyone I love you all!" Yells a very VERY intoxicated Ruby with Weiss holding her up.
"I told her drinking 5 strawberry daiquiri's in an hour would be dumb but she never listens." Weiss groans and puts Ruby on a stool. "Cross your legs your dress is short."
"No." Ruby says defiantly and spreads her legs.
"Ruby close your legs!" Weiss says and covers her face.
"Make me then." Ruby pulls Weiss close and winks at her making Weiss a blushing mess.
Yang cant help but laugh which doesnt help the situation at all. It only spurs Ruby on making her hug Weiss and lay her head on her chest.
"Yang, Sun help me!"
"No can do sweetheart I have a hot date~" purrs Sun and wraps a hand around Neptune's waist offering a shy wave.
"Wait, wait Sun you are a gay too?! That's so cool bro! You can like all the dudes cause I like no dudes, none of them. I mean I like you but not LIKE like you, you are gay and I'm gay so we are just bros! You keep doing you boo, I love you Sun-" she starts to cry and buries her face in Weiss' dress. "I love you!"
Sun holds back a laugh and shakes his head. Yang chuckles and helps Ruby up.
"Alright Ruby-roo lets get going wouldnt want you confessing your love to anyone else." Yang says softly and practically throws Ruby over her shoulder. She offers a small wave farewell to the boys and leaves with Weiss. Or does she?
-end part 2
I wanted to continue more but I hit max length :/ hope you guys like this part tho!
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raegrave · 6 years
The Rock Star and The Cosplayer
“Miss?” Said the short man working at the booth.
Marceline brought her attention back to him. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Your change.” He held out his left hand to give her the twenty-three cents he owed her.
“Oh, right.” She took the change from him, before turning her attention back to searching the crowd for the beautiful girl in the Princess Peach cosplay.
She held the plastic bag with the rolled-up Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan art she had boughten from the booth tightly in her right hand, pushing past the crowd as she searched for the cosplayer. She was more of a Princess Daisy fan but the cosplay had been so well made that she couldn’t help but want a picture with it. And the phone number of the girl wearing it would be nice too.
She finally managed to spot the blonde wig through the crowd of people. Marceline internally thanked her genetics for her height. The girl had stopped to take pictures with a small group of kids dressed as various characters from the Mario Bros franchise. She waited until the pictures were taken before walking up to the cosplayer.
“Hey,” She greeted. “could I get a picture with you?”
When the cosplayer turned to her with wide eyes that were to blue for them to be contacts, Marceline personally made it her mission to get this girl’s phone number.
“Of course.” Peach said. “Do you want to ask someone to take it or do you want to take a selfie?”
“A selfie’s fine.” Marceline said as she turned her phone on.
She held her phone up and they got close enough to fit in the frame. “Say cheese.” Marceline said before taking it. “Mind if I post this on instagram?” She asked once they had both agreed that they looked good in the picture.
“Sure, I just need you to tag me in it.” Peach said. “My username is Princess Bubblegum with an underscore between the words.”
“Cool, I’ll follow you too. My username is Marcy the Vampire Queen, no spaces.” Marceline told her as she put her phone in her back pocket. “Hey, uh, are you coming to the cosplay dance party tonight?”
“Yeah, I’ll be dressed as Utena Tenjo.” Peach told her. “What about you?”
“I’m actually the lead singer of one of the bands playing.” Marceline boasted. “We’re called Marceline and the Scream Queens, I’m Marceline.”
“My names Bonnibel.” She replied as a stressed looking mother asked if she could take a picture with her son. “I’ll see you there.” Bonnibel said before kneeling down to pose with the son dressed in a cheaply made Bowser cosplay.
Marceline couldn’t help but smile to herself, she may not have gotten Bonnibel’s number but she did get the name of her Instagram account and she knew to look for a Utena cosplayer at the party tonight. All in all she thought she had a pretty good chance with this girl.
As Marceline sang the chorus of the song into the microphone she scanned the crowd for a Utena cosplayer. It was no use, the large crowd that filled the room was too packed together to spot anyone specific and the strobe lights didn’t make it any easier.
As the last notes of the song were played by the rest of the band she yelled an adrenalized goodbye to the crowd and ran off the stage as deafening music played over the speakers while the next band set up. It was clear that Keila, Guy, and Bongo were still as hyped up as she was, pulling her out onto the dance floor before she even had a chance to sit down.
They danced along to the techno music, less dancing and more jumping up and down. None of them were very good dancers.
After awhile Marceline yelled over the music to tell Keila she was going to get some water before pushing past the hoard of cosplayers to the outskirts of the room. The outskirts weren’t much better, kissing couples,teenagers too shy to dance, and people whose cosplays looked much to delicate for this kid of party leaned against the walls. She slipped past them all, careful not to touch any of those delicate cosplays, she knew how it felt to have something she spent weeks working on to be ruined by one simple mistake.
There was a small booth by the door that was selling drinks and snacks, Marceline bought a bottle of water and a bag of chips, disappointed at the lack of alcohol before she remembered there were minors at the party. Feeling a small headache she decided to go into the hallway where the music was only a muffled pounding.
She cringed at the bright light that filled the hallway, a sharp contrast to the dark party that was illuminated by the strobe lights and the spotlights on the stage. As her eyes adjusted she leaned against the wall and instantly chugged half the water in the bottle. She rubbed her sleeve to dry the water that had dripped onto her chin as she examined her surroundings. It was mostly groups of friends laughing and eating snacks and a few more kissing couples.
She was about to dig into the bag of chips when a flash of pink caught her attention from the end of the hallway. She stared towards the source, filled with hope. Her stomach did somersaults when she realized that the pink hair belonged to a beautiful girl in a Utena Tenjo cosplay. She picked her water bottle up from the floor and held the bag of chips tightly in her hand as she made her way towards the girl.
Marceline waited until she was closer to call out Bonnibel’s name, if it turned out to be someone else she’d practically die of embarrassment. But when she was close enough to recognise the big blue eyes she didn’t hesitate to get the other girl’s attention. “Bonnibel!” She said as she waved. “Hey, did you see me perform?”
Bonnibel quickly shut off her phone when she saw Marceline walk closer. “Hi, Marceline.” She smiled brightly. “You were freaking amazing.”
Marceline ignored the blush on her cheeks as she smiled proudly. “Thanks, if you want to listen to more our albums are on youtube.”
“I’ll check them out later tonight. Sit down, you’re probably tired.” Bonnibel said as she patted the floor next to her.
Marceline took her invitation. “Yeah, the adrenaline is starting to wear off but it’s the good kind of tired.” She said before remembering something. “Might not be my business but why’d you shut your phone off so fast when you saw me? Sending nudes? Reading smutty fanfiction?” She laughed.
“Marceline! Don’t be so distasteful.” Bonnibel said as her face turned red. “I was actually looking at your instagram.”
“Oh, that’s not bad.” Marceline sighed. “Nothing to be embarrassed about. I spent some time looking at yours too.” What she didn’t say was that she went through every picture Bonnibel had posted.
“Well I was a couple months into it.” Bonnibel admitted and Marceline relax a little, so this girl like to stalk instagrams too. “You cosplay a lot too. Why so many vampires?”
“When I was a kid people called me a vampire. Once I started cosplaying I decided to embrace it, so I became the Vampire Queen. What about you? Why ‘Princess Bubblegum’?”
“My parents own a company called the Candy Kingdom. The factory workers loved me and I used to pretend they were all people made of candy while I ruled over them as their princess made of bubblegum.” Bonnibel giggled at her child-self and Marceline laughed along with her. The image of a child version of Bonnibel bossing around a group of factory workers was adorable. “Tell me about your music. What instruments do you play? What made you decide to start a band?”
“I play guitar, bass, ukulele, piano, cello, violin, and I’m currently teaching myself how to play the harp and the trumpet. I thought I should learn something that doesn’t have strings.” Marceline joked. “I met Keila, Guy, and Bongo in high school. We all went to this prestigious boarding school that rich parents sent their kids when they didn’t want to deal with them. We basically started the band as a way to rebel against our parents who only wanted us to play classical music.”
“Harsh.” Bonnibel said under her breath.
“Yeah, but it’s true. After my mom died me dad didn’t want much to do with me. I spent the summers with my Uncle Simon.” Marceline sighed. “Sorry to be a downer when we’ve only just met.”
“Nah,” Bonnibel shook her head. “everyone has emotional baggage and sometimes it’s easier to talk to people you’ve just met. It doesn’t matter if they judge you as much as it would if it was someone you’ve known for a long time.”
“Wow Bonnie, are you psychoanalyzing me right now?” She laughed.
Bonnibel shrugged. “I majored in psychology.”
“In your instagram bio it said you were an intern at a hospital.” Marceline said, tilting her head like a confused puppy.
“I quadruple majored.” Bonnibel said nonchalantly as she shrugged again, as if what she said was no big deal.
Marceline just stared at the beautiful and smart girl sitting next to her. “You quadruple majored? Jesus christ Bonnibel, I nearly failed my classes when I double majored. What did you major in?”
“Well, you already know I majored in psychology. I also majored in biochemistry, economics, and pharmacology.” Bonnibel said, counting the majors off on her fingers. “I’m starting at a medical school next year.”
“Oh my god, how are you so smart?” Marceline gaped. “I majored in creative writing and music theory.”
“Me?” Bonnibel scoffed. “You’re the one who plays eight different instruments. I took music classes in middle school but I could never understand the different notes and symbols.”
“Different talents, I guess.” Marceline scooched towards the nearest wall and leaned against it before opening her previously abandoned bag of chips. “Want one?” she asked, holding the bag out to her.
Bonnibel nodded her head and moved closer to the wall. “Thanks.” She said as she took a small handful. “Oh, here.” She said before opening her handbag and pulling out a half eaten bag of Hershey's kisses.
Marceline took a few from the bag and was unwrapping one when she got an idea. If everything went according to plan Bonnibel would think she was really cool. Marceline smiled to herself as she held the unwrapped chocolate to Bonnibel. “I’m gonna show you a trick. I need you to hold this between your lips and don’t move, okay?”
Bonnibel screwed her face up in confusion but curiosity got the better of her and she followed the instructions. Marceline was just amazed this was working, for such a smart girl Bonnibel sure didn’t know when someone was flirting with her.
A sudden surge of confidence allowed Marceline to follow through with her insane plan. “Now you need to close your eyes.” Bonnibel looked at her suspiciously but closed them anyway. Marceline leaned closer to her, her heart pounding in her chest, for a moment she almost thought about not going through with the plan, but she knew that might be even weirder, she was sure that Bonnibel now knew what was going to happen. She parted her lips before closing the gap between them. The kiss lasted for only a few moments before Marceline pulled away, taking the piece of chocolate with her. “Thanks for the kiss.” She said when Bonnibel realized the piece of chocolate was gone.
Bonnibel burst out laughing. “Oh my god, that was the dorkiest way you could’ve gotten me to kiss you.”
Marceline laughed too. “If I’m a dork then you’re a nerd.”
“Wow, what a nice thing to say to the girl you just kissed.” Bonnibel rolled her eyes but she was still smiling and she was now shifting closer to Marceline. “Although you’re not wrong. I mean, we are at a cosplay party.”
They sat in peaceful silence for a couple of minutes, listening to the muffled music of the party, when Marceline remembered to ask Bonnibel. “Oh, hey, could I get your phone number?”
“Yeah, here. “ Bonnibel said as she took her phone out of her pocket and opened her contacts. “I have myself listed as a contact, just copy that number.”
Marceline added her number into her own phone and sent a quick text to Bonnibel’s phone. When it lit up with a notification Marceline said “That’s me, you can add my name later.”
“Cool. We can make plans to meet up soon. Do you live in this state?” Bonnibel asked as she put her phone away. “It’s a pretty popular convention, I know that some people have come from across the country.”
“Yup, just a couple towns away.” Marceline nodded her head.
“Me too. It won’t be too hard to make plans, then.” Bonnibel said, just as Marceline’s phone lit up with a text.
Marceline looked at the text and sighed. “I’m sorry I need to go. That was Keila, they need me to pick up the payment for the performance. They can’t do it ‘cause I’m the one who signs all the papers.” She explained as she stood up from her spot from the floor, Bonnibel following suit.
“I’ll talk to you later.” Bonnibel said before standing on her her toes so she could Marceline a quick kiss before they said goodbye. “Bye.”
“See you.” Marceline waved before heading back to the party, basically radiating positive energy as she pushed past the crowd and back towards the stage. She had gotten gotten Bonnibel’s phone number and even after a single day of knowing Bonnibel, Marceline hoped their relationship would last.
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blkwidowsweb · 5 years
A Conversation with DJ Spivey
Originally from Detroit, now living and working in Miami, DJ Spivey fell in love with Dance music at the age of 13 when he was given his first set of turntables and has been in love with the music ever since.  After a break from the music, he returned in 2012 and his journey began again.  The dance music prompted him to start mixing on the internet via his YouTube channel with over 30k followers and his SoundCloud account with over 5k followers.  Those mixes caught people’s interest and he became a DJ in demand traveling as far as China.  He is currently DJ'ing and producing edits and remixes and working on Producing original music.   I had a chance to speak with him about his journey and playing at this year’s Summer Oasis Music Festival for the second time!
Black Widow:  What was your introduction to House Music and House Culture?
DJ Spivey:  I’m originally from Detroit.  It wasn’t called house music back then.  We were playing what we call, Progressive Music”.  This around 1980/81.  It was dance, euro, and disco music.  The music all had that 4/4.   It was a lot of R&B Artists that created dance songs. That’s what we were playing.  I had a guy who was somewhat of a mentor to me. I remember going in his basement and I fell in love with the DJ gear. I begged my grandmother and mom to buy me a system and I started to collect records. From that point on and all throughout high school, I was spinning records. 
Black Widow:  You fell in love with the art form before the music?
DJ Spivey:  Yes! I fell in love with DJ’ing before the music. I loved music but when I saw the setup I was infatuated with it. It wowed me.  I wanted to know how to do and he walked me through it. I started collecting music after and from there I started buying music with more intention. I was purchasing music I wanted to spin.  I remember the first record I ever bought was “Don’t make Me Wait” by the Beach Boys.  I used to love the crack in the song. I thought it was so cool.  I remember the day I found my first milk crate in the back of the store. I remember bringing it home and putting my records in it.
Black Widow:  Once you get the crate you are official! [LAUGHTER]
DJ Spivey:  Yes! [LAUGHTER] Exactly I had the bug for sure!
Black Widow:  So what was your first gig? How did you know this was more than a hobby?
DJ Spivey:  In Detroit we had social clubs and I was a member of one. Social clubs threw parties and I was the DJ for the social club I was a member of.   I loved spinning records. It was fulfilling and I loved making tapes too.   We would pass those tapes out at schools and such.   It was just fun.
Black Widow: I told you earlier but I actually learned about you from a DJ Friend of mine, who sent me one of your YouTube Mixes.  She knew I was a huge Jill Scott fan and you had a mix of some of her classics.  What I noticed is that many of your mixes on YouTube and SoundCloud are artists specific.  What makes you create so many artist specific mixes?
DJ Spivey:  I do. I like to look at them as tributes.  The first one I did was at the suggestion of a friend. I did a best of Josh Milan mix.  I was hesitant initially but did it and was amazed at the incredible response.  It was a huge hit.  I had no idea people were going to dig it like they did. It felt like I was on to something.  Since then I’ve done a few; Sade, Jamiroquai, Monique Bingham.  I collect so much music and I loved so many artists and their catalog so it’s fun to create mixes covering the catalog of certain artists.   It also brings a lot of people to listen who may not necessarily be “househeads’ to the genre.   They listen and end up enjoying the groove because they love the artists.  It may turn them on to another house song and artist.  
Black Widow: I found your marketing style to be really interesting.  You’ve built your brand and following almost completely via social media.  
DJ Spivey:  I started while living in Atlanta. I was a bedroom DJ. I didn’t think it was going to get big but it gave me a chance to play and get my ideas out there when I wasn’t being booked.   From there people started to contact me and booking me for jobs.  AS my audience grew, I got more offers.
Black Widow:  Everyone has to start somewhere and it looks like you’ve utilized social media to your advantage to help you create and build a brand and create even more opportunities for yourself.
DJ Spivey: Yes absolutely! Even now in Miami, it’s not a big house town. We don’t have a scene.   We get the big stars but we don’t have a week to week scene like you have in Chicago. I keep my energy out there by continuing to play online and putting my mixes out when I’m not playing clubs and such. It’s been instrumental in getting my name out there and I’ve been able to travel quite a bit as a result.
Black Widow:  Do you find that Social Media is a double edge sword for you?
DJ Spivey:  I haven’t had too many negative experiences with social media.  What I like about social media it is that it keeps my wheels turning. I’m learning new things, meeting new people, learning new ideas.  One of my favorite artists of all time is Herbie Hancock.  He is constantly evolving and reaching out to younger artists. He just did a project with Carl Craig who’s a Detroit techno guy.   I’m always trying to keep my mind open to new ideas, new directions and see where it takes me.
Black Widow:   What inspires you to create?
DJ Spivey: wow…good question.  I get inspired by other songs, things I like, or even photos. Movies too! It hits you in crazy ways. Some of my best ideas come from movie soundtracks.  Even long road trips where I’ll listen to the radio and hear certain songs that are so random. 
Black Widow: I definitely relate. For me it can be a party that I attend or other music that I hear. I actually write songs while listening to other people’s songs sometimes.  It’s weird; I’m usually creating new house songs while listening to neo soul music! [Laughter] it’s really about allowing life to inspire you.
DJ Spivey:  I feel you! 
Black Widow:  I think it’s so interesting to speak with other artists, especially DJs because you have such a vast array of music to pick from and get inspired by.    Music from all genres.  That’s always reflected in a DJs set. 
DJ Spivey:  Right, you have a million records to choose from so now which ones are you going to choose? I always find that interesting
Black Widow:   Exactly! I would be totally overwhelmed! [Laughter] you really have to think fast and really have an incredible ear in order to blend music property, put songs together that work…it’s definitely something I know I couldn’t do! [LAUGHTER]
DJ Spivey: It definitely gets interesting.  I’m usually more relaxed when I start the event. I get nervous beforehand sometimes.  Once the system is on, I’m free.
Black Widow:  I noticed you do remixes and edits, are you breaking into producing?
DJ Spivey:   I’m trying to find my sound and what direction I want to go in.   I definitely want to get into it.
Black Widow:  My dad always says your art will make space for you if you allow it.
DJ Spivey:  That’s exactly where I am.
Black Widow: so let’s talk about Summer Oasis! This is your second year playing this event.    What do you love about Summer Oasis and playing this event?
DJ Spivey:  It was so magical last year!  I didn’t know what to expect but it was almost spiritual. Once I arrived, I felt free and connected with people I didn’t even know.  I’m looking forward to that again. I don’t know if it was the spirit of the ancestors or what but it felt great. 
Black Widow:  I really believe it is the ancestors. Just knowing the history of that land. I remember walking around and just being transported in a way. I totally get it.  Their spirit is definitely present.  I really felt connected to that space knowing our ancestors came to kick it and let their hair down and be free…
DJ Spivey: …Yes! It was a safe space! That’s really it!  That’s what Summer Oasis is too in a sense. It’s a time for us to leave that hustle and bustle and let our guards down and just enjoy. No TV…just free.
There was a little spot right by the campsite and there was a man, the owner I think. I was literally talking to him most of Friday. He and his friends would grab a beer and just tell stories. I loved it.  They reminded me of men I knew growing up.  He was amazing. It was so much history; he was funny and had a cool demeanor. I’m looking forward to the entire vibe. The entire vibe of Summer Oasis is just amazing.
Black Widow:  I agree.  It’s the peace of the lake, the music, the community…
DJ Spivey:  It’s a magical thing! 
Black Widow:  I can’t wait to hear you play! You gotta stop by my Moroccan Hideaway!
DJ Spivey:  Oh for sure! Absolutely!   I’m looking forward to it.
Black Widow: See you in Idlewild!!!
You can listen to DJ Spivey on the following:
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/djspivey
MixCloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/discover/dj-spivey/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3V1k-v-bMwDsvxtUZCwBgA
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fitono · 6 years
How Much Should a Personal Trainer Keep Personal?
Personal trainers are like onions. We’re layered. While we may come across as one-dimensional gym junkies who live and breathe health and fitness, it’s not the only thing we think about, engage with, or are interested in.
We also listen to music, watch movies, read books, follow sports teams. We call our mothers (something we should do more often), eat pizza (something we shouldn’t do quite so often), and press the snooze button. In short, we’re humans.
But how many of our layers should we reveal, in person or online? How does what we share affect relationships with our clients, and what effect might it have on future ones?
READ ALSO: “How to Grow Your Social Media Followers Organically”
To Be Yourself, or Not to Be Yourself? That Is the Question
In the spirit of this article, I’ll share why I’m writing about this:
I submitted a story idea to the PTDC, which led to an extended email conversation with Lou Schuler, the PTDC’s editorial director, which then led to me contacting a few fitness pros to get their take on this topic.
Schuler observed that I wrote an article and made a video about the Hero’s Journey, a story structure rooted in mythology that you see in countless movies to this day. It’s a topic we’re both interested in, but while he tied it to fitness in this audio lecture, I didn’t.
I knew it was a little out of the ordinary for a fitness guy to post content that wasn’t about fitness, but putting up a façade has never sat right with me. And it’s not that I never write or share information about my field; I wrote this article for the PTDC, and if you look at my Twitter feed, you’ll see I go back and forth between health and fitness and other interests like movies and philosophy.
It’s hard not to be yourself. It can be fatiguing and confusing. “It’s easier to share who you really are than to create an image you could never be,” says Dean Somerset, a strength and rehab specialist and pro wrestling fan. “What you do in your spare time is a big telling feature for who you are.”
Tony Gentilcore, owner of CORE in Boston and occasional movie critic, agrees. “Relatability is part of the game, and what will often persuade someone to choose X coach over the other,” he says. By talking about his favorite movies and love for techno, readers and clients can “appreciate that I’m not some deadlifting Terminator and that all I do is eat, sleep, and breathe strength and conditioning.”
“I’m a big fan of revealing personal interests and hobbies to clients and potential clients, both in-person and via social media,” says Molly Galbraith, co-founder and owner of Girls Gone Strong. “I think it humanizes us to our clients and potential clients.”
It’s also, she adds, “the perfect filtering system. It attracts more people who like me and believe in the work I do, and it repels people who aren’t a good fit for me.”
So how can we figure out what’s the right amount of sharing, and what crosses lines? Let’s start with a simple and admittedly arbitrary classification system Schuler created.
Risk Level 0
You follow the local sports teams, support local businesses, or enjoy watching Netflix series.
These are the simplest and least revelatory things we can say about ourselves. It’s like saying you’re a fan of fresh air.
Risk Level 1
You’re a pop culture nerd, like a particular type of music, or share basic facts like your marital status or how many kids you have.
While it’s hard to imagine anyone would be offended, you’re still revealing something that isn’t obvious simply by looking at you. As Gentilcore says, “Does the world need to know I have a special affinity for Julia Roberts’ romantic comedies, and that I can re-enact every line of Notting Hill? Probably not.”
Risk Level 2
You’re a fan of a team that’s a rival to the local clubs, or that people in general hate. Or you go to events that most people associate with a certain type of behavior or belief system. Or you share details of your personal life that, while not extreme or unusual by any definition, go beyond what we typically reveal.
A perfect example is this comment Galbraith made during an interview for Fitness Marketing Monthly: “I started going to therapy 10 years ago because I was struggling to be vulnerable with my boyfriend. The joke is that therapy worked too well because now I’m vulnerable on the Internet.”
Again, there’s little risk, but it does leave an impression on those who follow you online.
READ ALSO: “How to Build an Online Following from Scratch”
Risk Level 3
You have strong religious or political beliefs, in any direction, or unconventional relationships.
Now we get into the gray areas. “It’s very easy to share an opinion and instantly be branded as either ‘left wing’ or ‘right wing,’” Somerset says, “even if you would vote the opposite way on 90 percent of things.”
“People used to recommend not talking about politics or religion, but even that feels like it’s going out the window a bit these days,” Galbraith says. Her own business is a case in point. “Like it or not, women’s health issues are inherently political. I cannot educate on creating a safe and welcoming gym environment for female clients without explaining to coaches that 81 percent of women in the U.S. will experience sexual harassment, and 33 percent of them will be sexually assaulted.”
Other times, as we’ve all observed on our social media feeds, fitness pros deliberately wade into the most controversial issues.
“I’ve often said I would burn my own house down out of principle, which isn’t always a great thing,” says Jay Ashman, a strength coach and owner of KC Barbell. “The same goes for politics. I believe strongly in certain principles of being a human and have a difficult time bottling it up when it starts to fester inside of me.”
Has being outspoken ever cost him a client or gym member? “Not a single time,” Ashman says. “I have clients from all walks of life and they respect the fact that I stand by my beliefs.”
The same, however, doesn’t hold true for friendships and professional contacts. “I’ve largely left behind a lot of former friends and colleagues because of how they believe and how I believe,” he admits. “That’s a fact of life if you have principles.”
But perhaps the bigger loss, from a business perspective, is the time and bandwidth you sacrifice when you talk about politics online. You can’t just walk away from a conversation if you’re the one who started it. You have to engage with those who disagree, which means you have to figure out who’s sincere and who’s just trolling you out of pure sadistic glee. (“I’ve done my best to not act like a fool when discussing things, but others don’t always share the same decorum,” he says with diplomatic understatement.)
And in Ashman’s case, he chose to do it while opening a gym and running an online training business. That’s why he says he “toned it down a lot” after the 2016 election.
Risk Level 4
You have universally reviled beliefs or associations (men’s rights activist, survivalist, white supremacist, etc.), cheat on your spouse or partner, or conduct business in an illegal or unethical way.
And now our story takes an unexpected and eye-opening turn. On November 5th, the day before the midterm elections in the U.S. and several days after Ashman told us he wasn’t engaging as much in politics, he made this announcement on Facebook:
If you have been with me on Facebook for any length of time, you would know how adamant I am about fighting the far right and being aware that this dangerous segment is growing more bold by the day.
There is a reason for that.
I used to be a part of it and contributed to it in a major way.
This is something I am scared s***less to write about because it is opening not only a can of worms but also tied into my business.
I have been out of the “movement” for well over 15 years, but those scars will never, ever fade. …
I am sorry I was a part of this. It is one of my only regrets in life.
The lesson, Ashman says, is to “be transparent and real with your life. Judgment errors are real, but so is fixing those errors.”
To Thine Own Clients Be True
Perhaps the best advice we’ve heard is in this podcast interview with Krista Scott-Dixon of Precision Nutrition:
“I always ask myself, ‘What is in the service of my client? What will help my client in this moment?’ … I come down on this side: Strategic self-disclosure can be a way of creating connection with your client. …
“Every time you self-disclose, you want to ask yourself … ‘Is this self-disclosure appropriate? Does it enhance the relationship? Is it in the service of my client? What’s my reason for sharing? How much am I sharing? How am I framing it?’”
Everyone Schuler and I talked to agrees that displaying our uniqueness can work in our favor, and may even give us an edge over trainers who’re less interesting, personable, or memorable.
But that’s contingent on being memorable for the right reasons. While we may love to get drunk on a Saturday night, or argue politics like a drunk uncle on the Internet, or favor one side of the political divide, or can’t get enough of a notorious “We Are the Champions” remix, we have to ask if we’re doing our followers any favors by sharing it with them. After all, our reputations and legacies are on the line.
    Ignite Your Personal Training Career with Authenticity
“Be authentic. There is no other you, and trying to be anyone other than who you are will seem contrived. Authenticity is always in style, and will allow you to attract the type of client and customer that you truly want.”
– Excerpt from Ignite the Fire (page 19)
When you truly, deeply know your clients and your unique client niche, you’re better able to navigate the tricky topic of transparency discussed in this article. You’re also able to better find, market to, and sell to your ideal client.
Learn how to identify and successfully market to your client niche in Jonathan Goodman’s book Ignite the Fire. You’ll get a clear road map to build your clientele, your reputation, and income.
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    The post How Much Should a Personal Trainer Keep Personal? appeared first on The PTDC.
How Much Should a Personal Trainer Keep Personal? published first on https://medium.com/@MyDietArea
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gabriellakirtonblog · 6 years
How Much Should a Personal Trainer Keep Personal?
Personal trainers are like onions. We’re layered. While we may come across as one-dimensional gym junkies who live and breathe health and fitness, it’s not the only thing we think about, engage with, or are interested in.
We also listen to music, watch movies, read books, follow sports teams. We call our mothers (something we should do more often), eat pizza (something we shouldn’t do quite so often), and press the snooze button. In short, we’re humans.
But how many of our layers should we reveal, in person or online? How does what we share affect relationships with our clients, and what effect might it have on future ones?
READ ALSO: “How to Grow Your Social Media Followers Organically”
To Be Yourself, or Not to Be Yourself? That Is the Question
In the spirit of this article, I’ll share why I’m writing about this:
I submitted a story idea to the PTDC, which led to an extended email conversation with Lou Schuler, the PTDC’s editorial director, which then led to me contacting a few fitness pros to get their take on this topic.
Schuler observed that I wrote an article and made a video about the Hero’s Journey, a story structure rooted in mythology that you see in countless movies to this day. It’s a topic we’re both interested in, but while he tied it to fitness in this audio lecture, I didn’t.
I knew it was a little out of the ordinary for a fitness guy to post content that wasn’t about fitness, but putting up a façade has never sat right with me. And it’s not that I never write or share information about my field; I wrote this article for the PTDC, and if you look at my Twitter feed, you’ll see I go back and forth between health and fitness and other interests like movies and philosophy.
It’s hard not to be yourself. It can be fatiguing and confusing. “It’s easier to share who you really are than to create an image you could never be,” says Dean Somerset, a strength and rehab specialist and pro wrestling fan. “What you do in your spare time is a big telling feature for who you are.”
Tony Gentilcore, owner of CORE in Boston and occasional movie critic, agrees. “Relatability is part of the game, and what will often persuade someone to choose X coach over the other,” he says. By talking about his favorite movies and love for techno, readers and clients can “appreciate that I’m not some deadlifting Terminator and that all I do is eat, sleep, and breathe strength and conditioning.”
“I’m a big fan of revealing personal interests and hobbies to clients and potential clients, both in-person and via social media,” says Molly Galbraith, co-founder and owner of Girls Gone Strong. “I think it humanizes us to our clients and potential clients.”
It’s also, she adds, “the perfect filtering system. It attracts more people who like me and believe in the work I do, and it repels people who aren’t a good fit for me.”
So how can we figure out what’s the right amount of sharing, and what crosses lines? Let’s start with a simple and admittedly arbitrary classification system Schuler created.
Risk Level 0
You follow the local sports teams, support local businesses, or enjoy watching Netflix series.
These are the simplest and least revelatory things we can say about ourselves. It’s like saying you’re a fan of fresh air.
Risk Level 1
You’re a pop culture nerd, like a particular type of music, or share basic facts like your marital status or how many kids you have.
While it’s hard to imagine anyone would be offended, you’re still revealing something that isn’t obvious simply by looking at you. As Gentilcore says, “Does the world need to know I have a special affinity for Julia Roberts’ romantic comedies, and that I can re-enact every line of Notting Hill? Probably not.”
Risk Level 2
You’re a fan of a team that’s a rival to the local clubs, or that people in general hate. Or you go to events that most people associate with a certain type of behavior or belief system. Or you share details of your personal life that, while not extreme or unusual by any definition, go beyond what we typically reveal.
A perfect example is this comment Galbraith made during an interview for Fitness Marketing Monthly: “I started going to therapy 10 years ago because I was struggling to be vulnerable with my boyfriend. The joke is that therapy worked too well because now I’m vulnerable on the Internet.”
Again, there’s little risk, but it does leave an impression on those who follow you online.
READ ALSO: “How to Build an Online Following from Scratch”
Risk Level 3
You have strong religious or political beliefs, in any direction, or unconventional relationships.
Now we get into the gray areas. “It’s very easy to share an opinion and instantly be branded as either ‘left wing’ or ‘right wing,’” Somerset says, “even if you would vote the opposite way on 90 percent of things.”
“People used to recommend not talking about politics or religion, but even that feels like it’s going out the window a bit these days,” Galbraith says. Her own business is a case in point. “Like it or not, women’s health issues are inherently political. I cannot educate on creating a safe and welcoming gym environment for female clients without explaining to coaches that 81 percent of women in the U.S. will experience sexual harassment, and 33 percent of them will be sexually assaulted.”
Other times, as we’ve all observed on our social media feeds, fitness pros deliberately wade into the most controversial issues.
“I’ve often said I would burn my own house down out of principle, which isn’t always a great thing,” says Jay Ashman, a strength coach and owner of KC Barbell. “The same goes for politics. I believe strongly in certain principles of being a human and have a difficult time bottling it up when it starts to fester inside of me.”
Has being outspoken ever cost him a client or gym member? “Not a single time,” Ashman says. “I have clients from all walks of life and they respect the fact that I stand by my beliefs.”
The same, however, doesn’t hold true for friendships and professional contacts. “I’ve largely left behind a lot of former friends and colleagues because of how they believe and how I believe,” he admits. “That’s a fact of life if you have principles.”
But perhaps the bigger loss, from a business perspective, is the time and bandwidth you sacrifice when you talk about politics online. You can’t just walk away from a conversation if you’re the one who started it. You have to engage with those who disagree, which means you have to figure out who’s sincere and who’s just trolling you out of pure sadistic glee. (“I’ve done my best to not act like a fool when discussing things, but others don’t always share the same decorum,” he says with diplomatic understatement.)
And in Ashman’s case, he chose to do it while opening a gym and running an online training business. That’s why he says he “toned it down a lot” after the 2016 election.
Risk Level 4
You have universally reviled beliefs or associations (men’s rights activist, survivalist, white supremacist, etc.), cheat on your spouse or partner, or conduct business in an illegal or unethical way.
And now our story takes an unexpected and eye-opening turn. On November 5th, the day before the midterm elections in the U.S. and several days after Ashman told us he wasn’t engaging as much in politics, he made this announcement on Facebook:
If you have been with me on Facebook for any length of time, you would know how adamant I am about fighting the far right and being aware that this dangerous segment is growing more bold by the day.
There is a reason for that.
I used to be a part of it and contributed to it in a major way.
This is something I am scared s***less to write about because it is opening not only a can of worms but also tied into my business.
I have been out of the “movement” for well over 15 years, but those scars will never, ever fade. …
I am sorry I was a part of this. It is one of my only regrets in life.
It’s impossible to say what lesson to draw from this, except that it’s easier to understand why Ashman has lost friends over his politics, while his clients and gym members remain loyal.
To Thine Own Clients Be True
Perhaps the best advice we’ve heard is in this podcast interview with Krista Scott-Dixon of Precision Nutrition:
“I always ask myself, ‘What is in the service of my client? What will help my client in this moment?’ … I come down on this side: Strategic self-disclosure can be a way of creating connection with your client. …
“Every time you self-disclose, you want to ask yourself … ‘Is this self-disclosure appropriate? Does it enhance the relationship? Is it in the service of my client? What’s my reason for sharing? How much am I sharing? How am I framing it?’”
Everyone Schuler and I talked to agrees that displaying our uniqueness can work in our favor, and may even give us an edge over trainers who’re less interesting, personable, or memorable.
But that’s contingent on being memorable for the right reasons. While we may love to get drunk on a Saturday night, or argue politics like a drunk uncle on the Internet, or favor one side of the political divide, or can’t get enough of a notorious “We Are the Champions” remix, we have to ask if we’re doing our followers any favors by sharing it with them. After all, our reputations and legacies are on the line.
    Ignite Your Personal Training Career with Authenticity
“Be authentic. There is no other you, and trying to be anyone other than who you are will seem contrived. Authenticity is always in style, and will allow you to attract the type of client and customer that you truly want.”
– Excerpt from Ignite the Fire (page 19)
When you truly, deeply know your clients and your unique client niche, you’re better able to navigate the tricky topic of transparency discussed in this article. You’re also able to better find, market to, and sell to your ideal client.
Learn how to identify and successfully market to your client niche in Jonathan Goodman’s book Ignite the Fire. You’ll get a clear road map to build your clientele, your reputation, and income.
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    The post How Much Should a Personal Trainer Keep Personal? appeared first on The PTDC.
How Much Should a Personal Trainer Keep Personal? published first on https://onezeroonesarms.tumblr.com/
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allmymisters · 6 years
Missed Beats
I was foreign to jazz when I met you, it was only used as a tool to portray coolness at parties. If you had it on vinyl, extra points. It was the millennial equivalent to sneaking Johnny Cash onto the playlist. I didn't know dick about jazz, nor was I really concerned about the amount of pretentiousness I could display. I looked at music the way I listened to art, if it made my ears happy I didn't care. When I met you, I was going through a musical transformation. I had a pretty mixed bag of tunes on my playlist, but I kept mainly to the basics and, as all things men, I wasn't unpredictable with the migration to new musical genres, the latest was the immersion of techno and it's quick omittance after a breakup which would bring me back to---goth, punk, industrial, you know the usual suspects.
When I met you, you had just gotten back from Berklee School of Music in Boston. Apparently the winter there was too much for you and I think you had a healthy fear of the Music Theory class. Much to my newfound happiness, you would be pursuing those endeavors at Virginia Commonwealth University. I honestly had no idea anyone could major in jazz percussion. All I kept imagining was you in a penguin suit at the back of the orchestra banging that really big bass drum --- how silly you looked in that image, but like most things of that time, I was a young adult trying to find her way through ramen, a breakup, and who my BFF was that week. 
I had listened to music my whole life. My parents were avid fans, and weekend mornings were filled with the crackle and pop of Motown, the Blues, Zydeco, Latin music, and power ballads...yes, my dad, loves the power ballad, nicely juxtaposed between Glen Campbell and Scott Walker and my mother had a massive crush on Neil Diamond and could sing ABBA's "Fernando" til her voice gave out. The point is, I was no stranger to music, but it was rather routed in my blood from early on.
When I was in third grade I was given the xylophone, made of steel pipes because our school couldn't afford a real one. In 4th grade, I migrated to this little organ my parents got for playing Christmas songs around the house. In 5th grade, I surrendered to peer pressure and joined marching band. We all had to pick which instruments we wanted to play. I did not hesitate in my want to play the drums. I loved the drums. "You can't choose the drums. You're too small for the drums," I was told. My music teacher did not think I was apt enough to carry a snare drum and march at the same time, even though I could place First doing a gymnastics bar routine at the Junior Olympics. "Flute?" He responded with, "No, you don't have the lips for flute and there are a ton of flute players already, how about trombone." I stared off into space on that one. Trombone? How is a girl to look remotely cute carrying a trombone?? It wasn't until I got to the cliche clarinet that the excuses stopped. 
So, you wanted to play drums huh? Yeah, I mean who doesn't want to learn drums? Well, I know a good drum teacher if you are ever looking to learn.
And that's where it all began with you and I. Between paradiddles and double flams, I fell in love with you and in love with jazz. You taught me so much about the construction of music. I have never listened to it the same again. We would listen to Miles or Coltrane in your room and talk about different movements in a composition. It fascinated me, as it was "math" I could understand. It wasn't just because I was crushing on you hard, but it deeply changed my listening capabilities. You were a great teacher and it was difficult to have to stop learning. I had discovered that all these "flirtings" I was experiencing were imaginary, for you, I discovered had a very real girlfriend. It was too intimate and romantic for me to be listening to jazz with you and having you teach me proper stick holding technique. I adapted quickly and decided to have a friend who loved music as much as I did and would soon become a fan of your playing instead.
I've always gravitated towards men in bands. It wasn't something I seeked out, but rather a product of my environment. In high school it was skaters and in college it was musicians. Right after we met, I had one break my heart. It was fortunate that his band dissolved shortly after. It made things easier going to their shows because I loved that band. It has been rare, if even at all, that I've dated a band member whose group I didn't like. Ultimately and honestly, I tend to choose music over men. Robert Smith won a place in my heart long before I started dating, and would always be there with every breakup.
During the early 1990s, as emo started taking over the aggressive hardcore scene here, I was getting introduced to some new sounds and your band was no exception. I have to say it was a bit more civilized than the environment I was coming from --- less wifebeaters, more cardigans. I also retreated from said "scene" due to some unfortunate circumstances and it left a very bad taste in my mouth. Let's just say, boys will be boys and I didn't believe in the cause anymore.
I started going to post-punk shows during this time with reunited friends while attending Goth dance night at the local spot. You would casually tell me when you were playing, and I casually made my presence known. You guys were good. You guys were tall. I didn't have to get punched in the stomach listening to you, so that was nice. So there you were, a jazz percussionist in a post-punk band. I asked you about it, what it was that you were aiming to do, and you plainly said, "Play drums." You aspired to be Elvin Jones, but you would have to settle for Matt Chamberlain if you wanted to see any real success. It wouldn't be until a year later that I would learn just how dedicated to your craft you were, but I was your biggest cheerleader from the beginning. I enjoyed watching you play and picking out certain mannerisms that had become quite common in your playing. You were infamous for sticking out your tongue! 
You showed me a whole different side of you one night in Bogart's backroom. I got to really see your talent as you sat in with a jazz quartet. You could really play. I was proud of you in ways I'd never been proud of a friend before and although I enjoyed your rock shows, the jazz ones were the ones that got me. A year would have to pass before you and I made any kind of music together and within that, we we found our rhythm.
Emo. The first time I ever heard this term for music was in 1991. The first "emo" band I was witness to were a quartet from New Jersey called Policy of 3. Emotional punk rock. Meh, it had some build to it and instead of barking there was wailing, but I did love it! What music that was deemed "emo" after 1995 was, in my opinion, not emo. Semantics I suppose, but you and I grew up with skateboarding, punk rock and good hip hop, we didn't give the glammed up kiddies any street credit for these things. I think you and I were also entering an age where we were being exposed to new bands constantly. Richmond had become a haven for bands, touring and residing.
You started playing and touring with some notable bands during this time. I never thought that it was serious business. I just thought, all of you guys, in your Vans and corduroys, were having a good time. I know, I was having a good time. I loved going to shows at that time and I love going to see you play. I was always up front, rockin' out and of course always with the perfect outfit. If Gwen Stefani did anything for us girls at the time was allowed us to don chokers, baggy cargos and show off our midriffs or was it us who did that for her? 
That year you and I remained close. You kept teaching me, playing for me, exposing me to develop my relationship with music. It was a hard fight not to fall for you. You were smart and I felt more comfortable with you than I did with anyone else. You had become beyond a boyfriend. You had become my friend who I adored and wanted good things for. That was the most resistance I ever allowed myself in my life. I am always the person who visualizes success in her endeavors and I tend to make them happen, but with you, there was something in the way and I respected that. 
You entered my bedroom in a huff. My heart literally fluttered at the site of you. Tall, hovering over me. I hugged you and welcomed you home from your cross country trip with your boys. You had sent a postcard or two and inside me, I knew you cared. You handed me a tape.
Listen to this. I made it and put some new music on there for you.  Wow, thanks! I gotta go, but hey, have you ever been to New York? What? Um, no, why? We are touring there in a couple of weeks, you guys should come with us.
Before I could answer, the tape was in my hand and you were gone with nothing more than a "Later". How mysterious, and I was kinda upset that you left so quickly. I immediately and religiously listened to that cassette. My roommate came home and I tackled her with the request we go on this mini-tour. She agreed, as she was gaga over the guitar player. I felt like this was one of those moments like in Some Kind of Wonderful, where Keith (Eric Stoltz) is chasing after Watts (Mary Stuart Masterson) because he's realized that he's in love with his best friend, but instead of John Hughes I got Aaron Spelling. New York is another story for another time. 
I would soon see you share the stage with Jimmy Eat World, No Knife, Fugazi, Piebald, and other notables of the time. You continued to open up my world musically and I continued to pine wishingly, but as the universe weaves it's plan, we would have to wait for our song to be written. I never missed your band play and it is you who gave me the spectator sport of watching drummers play. I don't listen to jazz anymore, but I still hear you on your practice pad --- Left-Right-Left-Left Right-Left-Right-Right...and the beat goes on.
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eastcoastgrooves · 6 years
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House Employee of The Month #1 - Interview w/ Reggie Dokes
Hello Reggie, it's a pleasure to have you here. How’s your day going so far? RD: So far my day is going great. Whenever I get a chance to wake up, it is always a gift to try and get it right one more time. I am teaching myself to not always focus on what I may be lacking, but focus on what I have, and be greatful for that always. I've discovered your music back in 2017 via We Play House Recordings. 'Jazz Is My Mistress' is undoubtedly my fav track of the year, very emotional. What was the idea behind it? RD: The title came from the fact that I listen to a lot of modern jazz. It has been that way for a long time. However, I do listen to various genres of music. But I think jazz and a lot of African rhythms play a huge role in me making music. Jazz is my Mistress is one of my favorites, and WPH is a great Belgian label run by DJ Red D. DJ Red D has a very broad and diverse understanding of music, and that label gets me, and how I create.
I've heard lots of afro parts in your tracks. How strong is the african influence for your production/DJing? RD: I think one journalist called me a " beat junky" and I agree. I like to think of myself as an "afro interstellar musical being". I love creating some interesting rhythms with that touch of other worldly or futuristic sounding elements. So yes, Africa plays a huge part in my creations. It is only right to infuse that which moves you spiritually and emotionally. And I like to think that what I create translates most times in what I DJ, when I play out.
I see you're running Psychostasia label for almost 20 years. It all started when you came back to Detroit (where you were born). How was it in the very beginning of your 'label life'? RD: Man when you look at it, yes I created Psychostasia in 2001. My first release was 2001. Wow. In the beginning it was challenging trying to find distribution for my label. Then I started getting smart and looking at who some of the distributors were dealing with overseas. I started sending records for free to a lot of these record stores to create a buzz. Once things caught on, it took off and I was able to get the label out there properly.
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Talking labels and friends - House scene in our country is not as big as we want. We don't have many labels and collectives who are following the real and true spirit of House music but we're trying to 'get connected' somehow. Do you have any tips and tricks for us? RD: I think with technology, it allows us to connect with the music, even if you are in the most far reaching point on the planet.  Like with anything though, you have to continue doing your homework and or research, especially when it comes to the soulful stuff. Now there are so many labels out there, it is hard to keep up, and then you have to sift through so much bad music to find the good. You have to keep digging and finding that which moves you. In these days and times, it is not easy finding the real deal.
What's the situation in Detroit at the moment. Are there any new House and Techno labels growing up? Any new young artists? Something we should know about? RD: Although I was born and raised in Detroit, I live in Atlanta now, and have for 9 years or so. As far as Detroit goes, keep your eyes on Generation Next, Big Strick, Javonntte, Pirahnahead, Diviniti and DJ Minx. As far as Atlanta goes, keep your eyes on DJ Ashley, Stefan Ringer, Jay Simon.
Do you have any producers or DJs who are currently inspiring you - if yes, who and how/why? RD: There a few DJs that inspire me, one is Byron Blaylock the Aquarious. He plays an actual keyboard during his DJ sets. This guy is coming up, and I love to see him work. It is probably safe to say that Kai Alce discovered this guy and turned him on to House Music. The other DJ would be Jay Simon in Atlanta, this young guy has a very broad and diverse selection of music when he plays. This kid plays records that are older than him, which tells me he does his homework. Very knowledgeable and is truly going far with this music journey.
When you're not making music or DJing, do you have some other activities? RD: When I am not making music or DJing, I usually like to read in my spare time. Right now I am reading " The Black Apollo of Science" and " Think and Grow Rich" at the same time. I also like visiting the Atlanta Museum with my family, because I find that many different things inspire me. Like they say, " Art imitating Life". Love watching a great movie or television show that is science fiction related. Right now I am a huge fan of " Stranger Things" on Netflix, lol.
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Any special/future plans with Psychostasia and Mr. Dokes? RD: Future plans are continue DJing out in the world, my first London performance is in April, excited about that, stay tune for details. Continue pushing music that will hopefully inspire people. Currently I have Detroit Luv EP featuring new artist Brian Neal, and right around the corner is dropping Feel Me Deep EP featuring Gari Romalis, also a Detroit artist. My label has been dormant for some years, and I am just glad to be back, and that some people still care. Peace and Blessings.
Thank you for yout time Reggie. Peace! Dave
Follow Reggie Dokes Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/reggie-dokes-372805002 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/djreggiedokes Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reggiedokes
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