#but. c’est la vie.
dirtbra1n · 2 years
the river looks different than it normally does.
it’s nighttime. the moon hangs gaunt and yellowed over his head.
more than that, masato stands knee deep in the water and watches people walk the paved riverside, red neon carving shadows into the hollows of their eyes.
the river looks different than it normally does, but so does he.
a white kimono, fitted too well, is wrapped wrong over his chest.
the water tugging at him is murky, the smell over-sweet. the kimono is taking on the color.
evidently, though he can scarcely see, it’s red.
his room is pitch dark when he opens his eyes. masato damn near throws up. moving to stand, his knees buckle beneath him. gravity acts particularly cruel in the dark.
aegri somnia, latin; a sick man’s dreams.
it’s usually green. the space outside the water is usually green. masato would even go so far as to say it’s always green. washed out, sun bleached, makes him feel a little like he’s always being watched, but it is always daytime and it is always green and the water is always clear enough for him to see his hands in front of his face as—
this doesn’t actually matter right now.
what matters is that it has never been anything but green before.
(when he was sitting cold and dying in a frozen river, that was a fluke. that doesn’t count.)
ordinarily, he stands in the river—unpaved, the riverbank wasn’t ever paved either—and watches what he’s decided has to be centuries old scenery exist, only here, to torment him.
then masato drowns himself. ordinarily.
(with the development in the subconscious violence he’s inflicting upon himself now, he figures he might as well admit that much plainly.)
masato is good with history, not that this topic takes much savvy—river valleys universally birth societies. they tend to be fertile and bursting with opportunity. lively. full of life.
all those flood myths are universal because the destruction is always catastrophic.
the overlap of history and literature here isn’t something he’s left wondering about; he’s had plenty of time stuck with himself to think it over.
what existed must be razed to be remade.
what masato is wondering is if he missed something else.
all those drownings, but the coffin bobbed downstream to save him only once.
but this last time… he didn’t drown, did he?
he doesn’t know what he was expecting.
when masato finds himself, this time, past his knees in changed river water, yellowed moon hanging over him like a sickle, deep blues of the night muffling the sound of his own breathing, lantern light and buzzing neon so red that it masks the dyed water creeping its way up the same white kimono as before…
he doesn’t know what to think. it’s horrifying. it’s gorgeous.
it has to be blood, though.
why the hell is there blood?
masato squints up at the masses of people shifting on the pavement. their faces are indistinct, their movements stiff.
they don’t so much as glance at him. he’s standing in the river with an audience for the first time and no one even looks at him.
reluctantly, he looks down at himself.
he’s bleeding.
it wasn’t really the first time, though, was it?
masato forgot how annoying it is to be in this situation. he got too used to the old scenery, and he forgot.
he only wishes that this scenery wasn’t so breathtaking. only one thing is supposed to be taking his breath away, and it hasn’t done it in… a while.
(he doesn’t remember. he figures that’s bad, but look where he is. everything, it turns out, is bad.)
his latest observation: the moon, waning and never any closer to full, is getting sharper. its reflection in the water is rippling harmlessly, but the real thing, when he squints, looks to be pointed right at his stomach.
and the water is past his hips now.
oh. oh, good.
his new latest observation: time loops, and it warps the blood in the water over and over and over again. every time the water level’s higher. every time the moon gets sharper.
every time masato is surrounded by ghosts, and every time masato is the only one dressed for a funeral service.
as the corpse.
so what if graduation is less than a week away. yes, masato has been waking up in the middle of the night because of an unsettling now-recurring dream where he is a corpse in a world of faceless ghosts. yes, it sucks.
but he and tashiro are playing rock paper scissors over which of them has to turn off the gym lights and make a run for the lights outside, and this is the last time masato is ever going to hold any responsibility here.
and they both keep tying on rock.
so they agree to do it together.
tashiro’s the one to flick the lights off, and they both drop into a dead sprint towards the open doors. they hear a noise. they find it in themselves to run faster.
they make it outside in one piece, and masato fumbles the key into the lock, and they fall halfway into each other’s arms from the adrenaline and the fear. and masato is laughing.
as they’re walking away from the gym, towards the front gate to head home, masato is hunched over, clutching his stomach.
tashiro walks alongside him with his hands on the back of his head, pouting a little. “we could have DIED, you know.”
so it’s like that.
the moon is falling. pierces his lungs clean through.
tashiro gonzaburou doesn’t actually dream very often. this is something he can tell you in confidence, and he will tell you in confidence.
but this is definitely a dream, and he has no idea where something like this came from.
to set the scene: he’s at the bank of a river. he’s alone. the sun beats down on him, and the glare of it on the water makes him turn his eyes away.
apparently, in this time, the river floods. it, also apparently, took basically everything with it. including the sun.
it’s night now, and everything that was green is either dark orange or blood red. dim and damp alleyways run jaggedly between impersonal skyscrapers and crumbling, very old storefronts.
gonzaburou’s scared as hell about it. it’s all really cool.
he’s standing on damp cobblestone, staring down at his scattered reflection. his hair is loose, and his roots have grown out way more than he likes. a dark kimono hangs loose off his frame. he frowns.
he looks back up and around. it looks like there are other people, but he can’t get a good look at anyone’s face. the lights glazing their skin are distorting common features, or they’re facing away from him, or their hands are resting over their eyes.
for all his sightseeing, the river never lets him forget that it’s there. from two steps away he looks into murky water, sees a yellow crescent moon flickering, like it’s trapped, in its reflection. then he sees the briefest trace of a hand, and white cloth, and bubbles surfacing.
and then he sees his room’s ceiling fan. dusty.
gonzaburou feels a little like he wasn’t supposed to see that. and he feels even more strongly that he definitely isn’t supposed to remember it awake.
but how could he forget? how could anyone forget something like that?
it was really pretty. up until he saw what looked like someone drowning, anyway.
masato sits up. lays down. sits back up.
he wants to break his windows. he doesn’t, though.
he was underwater looking up, and he was bleeding, and he saw the moon, yeah, but what matters is that he also saw the faintest silhouette of a person against the red light, ripples only just obscuring his face.
and then he gasped, and the water burned as it flowed into his lungs and made him heavy.
he’d been in that situation before, usually by choice, but it hasn’t ever been that thrilling.
4:00 in the morning. not a chance in hell he’s getting back to sleep.
…he has to have weird tastes, right?
hanzawa masato is a high school graduate when he eats shit on the pavement.
a little flatly, masato tells tashiro, “I’m usually better at compartmentalizing than this.”
tashiro, his sole witness, only replies, “I know.”
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dustsculptures · 4 days
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malfeasant or whatever
in @kintsugi-tigerstripes earrings
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wizardsisananimal · 8 months
can I get a wizard tat or is it mean to trap them in skin like that
at the risk of saying something that sounds deranged without context: the wizards like to live inside your skin they’d like that
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neil perry graduating and his father choosing to go back to work after the ceremony instead of to lunch with todd, neil, and mrs perry. keating showing up halfway through lunch and sitting down happily, telling neil he’s proud of him, and paying their bill.
that’s it. that’s the post.
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say cheese!!!
[real life version of this below the break :’]
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will not be recovering from this for awhile +__+
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Ⲃⲩ ©️ⳐⲘ®️
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sade-alicious · 29 days
idc we were robbed of will commenting on how mike grew out his hair, and then when mike talks he nervously babbles for a bit before explaining why. and then will says something like “its nice… i like it” and mike does a dorky smile again because will likes his hair
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eyesickmerlin · 2 months
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a post from another world, commissioned by @dicaeopolis!!
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luvvybee · 1 year
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I just know he uses $85 pureology shampoo on them luscious locks
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sleepytownzzz · 6 months
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quick smiley abby sketch because….work sucked :) also i added stars because i love stars and thought they’d look nice with her 🫡
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I just realised that the Old Man Sleep and The Good Man Grace is talking about abusive parents and coming to accept that your parents will always be the core of you but they dont have to rule you. The old witch sleep is the mother trying to soothe the conflict between father (the good man grace) and child without ever actually solving the problem. This is a four act song about coming to terms with the fact that you will always be reminded of your parents by your own actions but you dont have to be like them. You can be better. This also harkens to inkpot gods and how he will be the man my father never was. This makes sense right?
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nottspocket · 2 years
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Scrapped panel from my last comic oooooooo
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mpuures-non-verba · 1 year
Asxhmo na mhn eisai proteraiothta kanenos
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suntails · 1 month
two left to draw and it’s done. the series will have taken over two months but it’ll be DONE. sleepy silver sweep <3
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pamhr · 3 months
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slowbrews · 1 year
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redesigning cynthia is an impossible task because she is perfect but what’s a little more
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