#butchering my sasusaku moments
emotican · 2 years
Something that hasn’t changed - SP being so FOUL. Lmao. At least the Sasuke Retsuden manga adds more cute things and then you have SP literally changing up the entire scene of Sasuke grabbing Jiji’s hand before he tries to touch Sakura.
Like... what was the reason????? Speak into the mic, SP.
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stopthebig3 · 1 year
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To the Sakura stans who ship sasusaku and narusaku in my mentions liking my anti hinata posts, (and being too lazy or incapable of making such posts themselves) know that Sakura is also a useless and selfish character that Kishimoto despises..
Kishimoto wrote her as selfish. She never cared about Sasuke as a person, she doesn’t even know who he is. She only knows he’s hot. Her crying every five seconds doesn’t mean she cares about him, it means she cares about herself. Both of her confessions were about herself.
The fact you guys can see Hinata is useless and selfish but can’t see the same with Sakura, despite the fact it’s underlined in the manga over and over again, only shows that you overlook things in characters you relate to. Sakura doesn’t even make a good self-insert considering everytime she makes a confession, she is brutally rejected, by both boys.
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This is Sakura uselessly moping over the fact Sasuke didn’t care about her getting stabbed. You know, instead of focusing on the task at hand like a good shinobi would, she focuses on the fact a guy that never showed interest in her still doesn’t. Her whole attack before getting stabbed wasn’t based on any well thoughtout plan but was solely fueled by her selfish need to satisfy her own ego as we see in her inner thoughts just before.
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Here she had another moment of realization that she isn’t that important to Sasuke. But she still pushes on because self respect is not something she has.
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And here is yet another moment in which she realizes she isn’t that significant to Sasuke. But since she is stubborn and refuses to take no for an answer, she gets all angry and starts to scream her selfish confession, despite it’s not even relevant to the situation. I mean look at her, I remember someone said she looks like she is getting ready to fight lol. And then she gives her self pitying confession that some people think is love. Sad.
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This was how Naruto was acting after Sasuke almost butchered Sakura. He wasn’t approving and was telling Sasuke not to do it, but he wasn’t that angry either.
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Or here, after Sasuke put Sakura in a murder genjutsu. “Hey that’s not nice” but overall doesn’t care much. When will you Sakura stans realize Kishimoto doesn’t care about her nor has any respect for her? Even when Sakura confessed to him, Naruto wasn’t heartbroken. Sakura is just a tool to Kishimoto, and he is well aware both Sasuke and Naruto deserve better than Sakura any day. He even implied twice that Sasuke never kisses Sakura.
You people simply sacrificed all reading comprehension, standards and logic at the pink altar of a subpar female character. Hopefully you people are at least young so there’s some room to grow. Sorry if this feels like an attack, but I’m tired of seeing Sakura stans liking my Hinata posts and Hinata stans liking my Sakura posts when both characters have the same bad traits and are constantly being trolled by Kishimoto. It’s hypocrisy.
But I see this person reblogs Sasuke Retsuden stuff so it’s not like she cares what the actual author of Naruto thinks. Wonder if she has even read the manga. Fanfic written by someone completely different is much better I guess.
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enby-axels · 3 years
i have nothing against narusasu, in fact, i understand why an immense amount of people ship them. but i can't help but feel its queerbaiting? what do you think? at the end of the day, it's all business. kishi and the executives know that narusasu is the most famous ship so they took advantage of that. the canon ships are all just collateral and ways to create a new generation. it's like their thinking, "oh it doesn't matter if we haven't put any effort in developing the canon couples. as long as there's a new generation, we're good. we have narusasu anyways to keep majority of the fans engaged but we can't make them canon cuz otherwise, no kids. no new gen. no new series. no money." yes, developing a story as large as naruto ain't easy. there were other heavy plots to be addressed which are the main themes of naruto. romance is the least thing of significance but godammit, the way they executed the canon couples is so cheap and poor. i used to ship ss and it's really disappointing how these two characters' development got butchered. they should've just remained friends in the end if canon is how they're currently being handled. it's really telling that genin ss had more development and moments than shipuuden ss & adult ss combined. you're right, platonic sasusaku is underrated.
i honestly dont know. i wouldnt call it queerbaiting; personally, i think all the queer interpretations of sns are completely unintentional on kishimoto's part. and i dont know enough about the popularity of naruto ships to say for sure that sns is the most famous.
plus, with queerbaiting, there also has to be an expectation of representation. i for one never expected romantic sns to be canon, and most of sns fandom didnt either (im assuming).
i agree that the main ships (naruhina and sasusaku) werent developed very well at all. it feels like their romantic moments were just sprinkled in, rather than truly developed and prioritized as part of the storyline and greater narrative. for instance, compare the development of naruto's canon ships to the development of bleach or atla's canon ships. you can tell kubo and bryke actually cared enough about ichihime, renruki, kataang, and maiko, because the romantic relationships actually mattered to the plot, characters, and the main themes.
ichihime and renruki's relationships contributed significantly to bleach's themes of protecting loved ones and being protected by them. kataang and maiko's relationships contributed significantly to atla's commentary on imperialism, grief/loss, forgiveness/redemption, and choosing love over power/nationalism. meanwhile, naruhina and sasusaku's relation to naruto's main themes were put on the backburner. there was potential, but to me, it feels like kishimoto just didnt care enough about the romances to make them essential to the story he was telling.
and yes, platonic sasusaku is underrated. i wish there was more content, but we cant have it all 😞
just in case you're interested, here's one of my favorite naruto fanfics (x). it's sakura-centric and very focused on sasusaku friendship. i cant recommend it enough; the characterization, relationship development, and take on chakra theory are so good
(tbh, the more i think about it, the more i feel my preferance for platonic sasusaku is due to the way naruto fanfic writers portray it in contrast to romantic sasusaku. the platonic sasusaku fics i've read tend to have better characterization, in contrast with the romantic sasusaku fics i've (tried to) read)
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madara-fate · 6 years
What would you consider to be SP's top three most heinous insults or grievances to Sakura's character/SasuSaku's relationship in the Naruto canon? What would you consider to be the fandom's/antis?
3. Having Sakura doubt who she’d save first between Sasuke and Naruto
This was of course an anime only filler, but it was so stupid and made absolutely no sense when considering Sakura’s very obvious allegiances to the village despite her endeavour to save Sasuke from the darkness. It occurred during Shippúden episode 222 (which adapts chapter 491 of the manga), and it was during a scene where Sakura was being tutored by a medical ninja.
During this scene, Sakura has flashbacks of their reunion with Sasuke in The Land of Iron. That’s when she wondered to herself who she’d save first between him and Naruto if they were both seriously injured.
The scene occurs shortly after Naruto is transported back to Ichiraku Ramen:
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In the manga however, after Naruto returns to Ichiraku Ramen from Mount Myóboku, the scene goes straight to Tsunade being pissed during the 5 Kage Summit because the general consensus was to hide Naruto and Killer Bee during the war, rather than to use them. Sakura having those thoughts never happened in the manga. Canonically, despite her love for Sasuke, she would of course save Naruto first, not only because Naruto was also striving to save Sasuke anyway so it was really a no-brainer, but also because Sasuke was a rogue ninja who was aiming to destroy the village; Sakura isn’t stupid.
SP decided to include those absurd scenes in the anime because apparently, canon material just isn’t good enough for them sometimes. Goodness, If they only knew how “good” their fillers truly were…
2. Portraying Sakura as being ignorant of Sasuke’s darkness during Pt.1
During episode 212 of Shippúden, the whole long scene of Sakura remembering her times with Sasuke on her way to confront him after his battle with Danzo, didn’t happen at all in the manga, and it didn’t do anything positive for SS either. All it did was wrongfully imply that Sakura was ignorant of the darkness that Sasuke carried, whereas Naruto apparently knew all along:
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That’s just pure Studio Pierrot bullshit. Sakura was canonically the very first person to know of Sasuke’s darkness; she knew about it ever since he was bitten by Orochimaru in the Forest of Death, and was shown to constantly worry about it throughout the remainder of Pt.1, up to when Sasuke eventually left the village to seek Orochimaru. Which again, was something that only Sakura was shown to have foreseen, because unlike Naruto and Kakashi, she was indeed very much aware of the darkness inside Sasuke’s heart.
She was shown worrying about Sasuke’s darkness again:
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And again:
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And It was because Sakura knew how deep Sasuke’s darkness ran that she was the only one who was able to predict that he would leave, and she even predicted when he would leave, despite Naruto and Kakashi’s reassurances that he would stay and everything would be alright.
On the other hand, Naruto was the one who was completely ignorant of Sasuke’s darkness up until he fought him at the Valley of the End, and was made to see his Curse Seal and the way he acted first hand; it was just purely a rivalry thing to Naruto prior to that, and Kakashi was none the wiser:
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Naruto just wanted to be acknowledged by Sasuke, and it was due to this that Kakashi likened their relationship and rivalry to that of Jiraiya and Orochimaru. That’s literally all either of them thought was up with Sasuke at the time.
So despite both Naruto and Kakashi essentially telling Sakura that she didn’t have to worry about Sasuke, and that everything would be alright because of their own ignorance of Sasuke’s darkness:
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Sakura still knew that Sasuke would leave, because she was the one who was privy to the depth of Sasuke’s darkness and understood it better than anyone else did at the time. That’s why she anticipated his departure and intercepted him while he was making his way to the village gates:
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And yet Studio Pierrot decided to feed the gullible viewers with more bullshit about how it was actually Sakura who was ignorant of Sasuke’s darkness, whereas Naruto had apparently noticed all along… What a load of fake nonsense, seriously. It was literally just a complete lie.
1. Actually changing Sakura’s thoughts, from thinking about Sasuke, to thinking about Naruto
Watching this butchered scene from Shippúden episode 074 made me physically ill; it was just so awful to watch. When Sakura was looking at her photo of team 7 and getting sad over it, in the manga it was purely a SS moment (Chapter 319) due to the huge emphasis on the crescent moon (which was highly prominent during Sakura’s first confession). She was obviously thinking of Sasuke, missing him dearly, and longing for the days and the good times they used to share together as part of Team 7:
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That much was obvious. However, what SP decided to do with this scene in all of their wisdom, was just wrong, so so wrong…
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Out of all the times in which SP downplayed SS moments, this was by far the worst in my opinion, because at least for the other examples, they were still identifiable as SS moments. In this instance however, they changed it into a NS moment in its entirety.
In the anime, SP made Sakura have these random Naruto flashbacks which had nothing to do with anything. They made her think about how hard he’s worked, how far he’s come, and about how she can help him from now on:
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They even had the audacity to make Sakura recall how someone said that what really mattered were her feelings for Naruto, (despite the fact that this scene was supposed to depict her being upset over Sasuke’s absence):
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“What really matters are your feelings for Naruto”? What feelings? What did that have to do with anything? Another SS moment completely ruined, and that was absolutely terrible by SP. They didn’t even have Sakura think about Sasuke at all. The only thing she thought about was Naruto’s journey, and how she could help him from now on. Why couldn’t they even remotely stick with the manga? This scene was downright awful. It almost makes me angry just remembering it.
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pain-somnia · 6 years
Mirepoix [1/?]
Pairing: SasuSaku Rating: M (for future sexual content) Day’s Notes: hey guys! I was originally going to wait until I wrote at least 4 or 5 chapters of this work before I posted it anywhere but I decided to give y’all a peek at it. It’s another Real Life AU and I hope you guys enjoy a bit of Chefsuke Disclaimer
you can all thank @kirakurapon who motivated me to finally turn this idea into an actual fic and not just a bunch of headcanons
next chapter
Chapter One: “Real Food”
This was his happy place. The heat of the stove top. The smells of sauces as they simmered. The sound of knives hitting their cutting boards. The sound of Tsunade shouting at one of the station chefs.
Sasuke did what he always did when Tsunade Kato was shouting. He ignored it.
He didn’t have time to worry about what was stressing her out. She had fired the head chef which gave him even more to be responsible for. About now he would be checking on the pantry and discussing the tasks the swing cook was required of that day.
But apparently the swing cook had other things to do.
Sasuke opened the door to the walk-in and glared at Ino Yamanaka. She was curled inward to keep warm as she whispered into her cell phone. She shrieked when she realized who was staring her down with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
“Has the delivery come in today?”
“Yes, Yamanaka. We were expecting a shipment today from Sabaku’s farm. Since you’re in the pantry I’m going to assume that you received the order.”
“Lighten up, dude.” Sasuke grit his teeth at the sound of Naruto’s nasally voice. “Gaara just pulled up around back.”
“Inuzuka and Uzumaki!” Sasuke called out to the busboys that were making puppy eyes at the commis pâtissier in the hopes of being fed. “To the truck.”
Sasuke rolled his eyes at their grumbling. He was sure that they were close to cracking the little resolve the Hyūga girl had and he had interfered. In a moment the pâtissier would be checking in on her and they wouldn’t get another opportunity until dinner service had ended.
“You’ll be the garde manger tonight, Yamanaka.”
“Pantry chef, right, got it.” The blonde girl nodded her head enthusiastically. As she walked past him she muttered, “English dude, speak it.”
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes again, Sasuke began taking inventory of the meats and the daily catch. Tsunade boasted always fresh and it helped that her farm-to-table restaurant happened to only be a fifteen minute drive through city traffic from the waterfront fish market.
Everything seemed to be in order so he went in search of the head waiter to inform him of the change to the plat de jour.
In the narrow hall between the kitchen and the bar among the hooks on the wall was a suit bag.
That’s not supposed to be here…
Sasuke turned over the slip of paper pinned to the suit bag. HARUNO was the only thing on it.
Frowning, Sasuke headed to the bar where he could see Kakashi’s silver hair poking out from behind an orange book.
“Any idea why there’s a suit bag on my smock hooks?”
“No clue.”
“Really?” Sasuke cocked an eyebrow up. Kakashi just shrugged.
“New staff for front of house.” The head waiter, Neji, swung up the counter to get behind the bar. “Don’t scare this one away too.”
Wait staff. Sasuke’s brows furrowed and he scoffed. It wasn’t his fault that the waitress had been completely incompetent. She should have counted herself lucky he didn’t know her name. With the exception of Tsunade, Neji, and Kakashi he only knew the names of the employees he yelled at.
The one incident shouldn’t have been enough to have her running away. He didn’t even open his mouth! All he did was glare at her when she knocked over the order she was supposed to be picking up.
“Service is in an hour so let’s get the meeting out of the way.”
“Where’s Tsunade?”
“Either yelling at the kitchen porter or the boucher.”
“It was most likely Lee,” Neji sighed.
“Are you saying that because you have a thing for the butcher or…?” Kakashi trailed off at the look Neji gave him.
“Either way here are the specials for today. We have added a new grill option that’s also available at the bar. I’m sure you noticed when you were stuffing the menu folders.”
Neji nodded barely looking up from the menu. He was trying to memorize the changes and specials for the night. He wasn’t one to need to consult a menu throughout dinner service.
“And please refrain from acting like a complete snob tonight with the guests.”
“She wanted a red with her halibut!”
“Kakashi?” Sasuke ignored Neji’s outburst and stared pointedly at the bartender.
“I’ll keep an eye on him.”
Despite his aloof appearance, Kakashi was someone Sasuke could trust. He was the person that introduced him to Wisteria Place after he was brought back home from Paris by his cousin Obito. He stood behind him and offered him a place to stay when he was temporarily disowned for pursuing a culinary career.
After meeting with front of house staff, Sasuke returned to his kitchen where hopefully no one had burned anything down. He should have more faith in his fellow kitchen staff members, but sadly he did not.
He would have more faith in Yamanaka as his swing cook if she wasn’t constantly being distracted by something. Distraction usually came in the form of her boyfriend, the other bartender, but today that job belonged to her cellular device.
“You better be on your way Forehead! Neji hates tardiness more than he hates haircuts.”
Sasuke almost snorted at the comment but he was more frustrated with her than amused.
“What does ‘almost here’ mean? Hello? Are you there? Sakura!”
“Yamanaka what’s the rule in my kitchen?” Sasuke swiped the cell phone from her hand.
“No! Chef Uchiha, I need to have this call right now.”
“Yamanaka’s friend? Yeah, she’ll call you back when it’s her break time if she gets a break tonight—”
“You wouldn’t! No!” Ino wailed when she saw his expression as he continued to talk into her phone as he made his way to the back door to check on the handling of the produce delivery.
“I am confiscating her phone. Don’t attempt to call back.”
“Watch out!”
Sasuke blinked when he heard the warning through the phone and it’s echo from the back alley. It was the last thing he heard before he was tackled, someone’s very pink head ramming straight into his sternum.
. .
She didn’t mean to be running late but the trains were always unpredictably delayed. She had adjusted her schedule for the rush hour but not for the trains to be running on a single track.
Instead of transferring lines like she was supposed to, Sakura decided she was better off heading to Wisteria Place on foot. Or by roller skate.
Rolling down the sidewalk, she hoped she would make it in time. Normally it would have been faster to take the train but the transfer was delayed by over an hour.
Dodging pedestrians and beating the blinking walking sign was no problem. Usually when she was speeding in her skates she was also trying to dodge the hits of opposing blockers as she tried to score points.
It just didn’t help when Ino was blowing up her phone with her calls.
“I’m almost there. I just had to switch to my skates.”
“What does ‘almost here’ mean?” Sakura grunted as she hopped onto a curb. “Hello? Are you there? Sakura?”
“Yeah, Ino—“
“No! Chef Uchiha, I need to have this call right now.”
“Yamanaka’s friend?” A smooth baritone replaced Ino’s haughty soprano. “Yeah, she’ll call you back when it’s her break time if she gets a break tonight—”
Ino wailed in the background of the other end.
“I am confiscating her phone.”
Sakura rounded the corner and dodged a parked truck she hadn’t expected. She didn’t hear what else was said as she spun around a gangly blonde young man.
“Watch out!” She shouted too late as she spotted a tall man all in black come out of the door she was hoping had been the back door to Wisteria Place.
Sakura was used to taking hits in roller derby but the body she slammed into was hard and the impact was like hitting a wall.
Her face slammed into a chest and her hands clawed, trying to grab onto something so she wouldn’t head face first onto the floor. They found purchase gripping onto muscular triceps and the hands of the owner found their way around her body to her back. Together they found her balance and steadied her.
Grateful, Sakura beamed upward and prepared to thank the man that caught her. She was met with a set of livid smokey gray eyes.
“What are you doing in my kitchen?”
“Wha—? Your kitchen? Doesn’t Tsunade Kato own this restaurant?”
“Ms. Kato’s restaurant but my kitchen,” the tall man fumed. “Skates aren’t allowed in my kitchen and neither are random strangers.”
Sakura’s face flushed red and her cheeks puffed out. It wouldn’t do to get into a fight on her first day at work but he was pushing all the wrong buttons.
“Haruno!” Tsunade stormed into the kitchen. “About time you got here.”
“Hello Ms. Tsunade!” Sakura straightened up and gave Tsunade all of her attention. “Sorry I’m late, it won’t happen—”
“Enough rambling!” Tsunade barked. “Neji is in the wings waiting to give you further instructions. Don’t keep him waiting any longer. Uchiha, you need to be getting ready for service not bothering my wait staff.”
Tsunade turned to lead her down a hallway. Sakura skated backwards sticking her tongue out at the chef and only turning back around after seeing his jaw slightly drop at her immature behavior.
. .
He waited for her to screw up.
Sasuke wasn’t expecting much out of the short girl with the rose gold hair.
He could admit that she cleaned up nicely after she changed out of her torn up jeans and raglan crop top into the white button down shirt, black dress pants, black vest and red tie uniform required of the wait staff. Her long hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail showing off a proud high forehead.
And she must have impressed Neji because she was put right to work. Neji only supervised her directly for the first table.
She was always the fastest to retrieve her orders. It was if she knew exactly how long something would take to prepare and timed the kitchen right after she dropped her tickets. Sasuke searched for a watch on one of her wrists but didn’t find one. Either it was coincidence or she was able to calculate the time in her head.
“Pretty!” He heard her squeal when Yamanaka placed a salad with julienned vegetables on the serving counter.
He rolled his eyes at how smug Yamanaka looked when she returned to making the various ribbons necessary for their ribbon salad. It wasn’t even the most complex dish he ever had her prepare.
But there was a sort of power that compliments gave. When he was younger and worked on desserts he hated, it always made his chest blossom with warmth when he saw his mother and brother’s faces full of joy when they took their first bites.
It was probably the same for Yamanaka, to hear from her friend how well of a job she did.
And Yamanaka typically excelled in everything she did in the kitchen. She was the only person he had ever accepted as his commis. As the swing cook he trusted her at whatever station he placed her in.
If she were quieter he would probably be on friendlier terms with her instead of being the coworker that was constantly snapping at her.
“Thank you,” the pink haired skater told him like she did every single time he handed her a plate. She had been quite amicable despite how they had met earlier.
He refused to admit that her shy smile when their eyes met, was charming. Refused to admit that by the end of service he was a little impressed with how well she handled herself.
“Haruno’s good with guests,” he heard Neji comment as he turned in his review to Tsunade. He added, “It also helps that she’s pretty.”
“That it does!” Tsunade barked out as she laughed. “Can you talk to Tenten and Lee? Her job is to debone fish, not to debone Lee. I can’t afford to find a new kitchen porter right now.”
Sasuke snorted. Not many people were able to deal with the hiring process and put up with both Tsunade and him. The kitchen porter was an odd one and took all criticism with the widest grin humanly possible. Sasuke was sure he was a masochist.
“Alright, I guess that’s all for tonight. Finish cleaning up and you’re good to go.” Tsunade stood and stretched. “Gonna see if Kakashi minds mixing me up a cocktail before heading out.”
It was time for Sasuke’s favorite time of the night. The staff would be wiping down their stations and then he would have the kitchen to himself. There was something therapeutic about taking nightly inventory in his quiet kitchen.
Sasuke sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. As much as he loved his job, he was ready to go home and take a hot shower for his sore muscles. Standing for hours every day was taking a toll on him.
Sighing again, he unbuttoned his smock as he shuffled his feet toward the locker room. He was always the last one to leave besides Kakashi and Tsunade who would toss back a couple of drinks before heading home.
So to say he was shocked to see the new waitress huddled in a corner would be an understatement. But nothing shocked him more than what he saw her doing.
“What are you eating?”
“What?” She drew her can of sweet corn closer to her body, as if she were trying to shield it from him. “Not like I took this from your pantry.”
Sasuke scoffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Of course she hadn’t! Wisteria Place didn’t use any canned products. They even made their own mayonnaise.
“You’re not seriously eating corn straight out of a can?”
Sasuke had seen some disgusting eating habits. Inuzuka and Naruto were some of the worst offenders. And as much as he turned his nose up in disgust at instant ramen, at least Naruto has never stooped so low as to eat canned corn as though it were normal.
No. That wasn’t happening. Not at Wisteria Place. It was unacceptable.
“Hey!” The waitress whined when Sasuke snatched the can out of her hands. He threw the can into the trash can. “I was eating that!”
“Not anymore.”
“I paid for that! It was my last can you ass.” Her cheeks flushed a dark pink in anger. “What am I supposed to eat now?”
Sasuke rolled his eyes and shuffled back into the kitchen. He turned slightly and locked eyes with the pouting girl. He sighed and beckoned her to follow him with a nod of his head.
“Sit. And don’t talk.”
She hopped up onto one of the counters and he resisted the urge to snap at her for putting her bottom where they prepped food. He had already shouted his voice hoarse and no longer had the energy to talk.
He pulled out the cod he was saving for his lunch the next day and some mussels from the fridge. He brought them over to the stove top where he set a pan to bring some wine to a boil. He tossed in the mussels and shook the pan until the mussels opened up.
If it weren’t for the fact that he kept seeing her sitting there from the corner of his eye as he made his way around the kitchen to grab more ingredients he would have forgotten that she was there.
The only noise she made was one of distaste when he shook the cayenne pepper into the house-made mayonnaise. He stopped in his mixing and raised a brow at her. She clammed up, letting out one last giggle.
The waitress had leaned over to prop her elbows on her thighs, lips slightly parted as she watched him, her eyes sparkling with wonder.
He was sure the heat on his face was from the stove as he seared the cod not from feeling flustered from being watched so intensely.
He plated the cod and mussel aoli in the same manner he would beautifully plate a dish for dinner service. Just because she wasn’t a guest didn’t mean he would serve her anything less than perfect. He delicately garnished the cod with red bell pepper slices and handed it to her.
“Here. Real food.”
. .
Sakura was entranced. She knew through Ino and her own mother how much work went into cooking but never had she seen the task look so beautiful.
Chef Uchiha was art in motion. When he was quiet and at work it was hard to relate him to the same man that had yelled at her after she ran into him by the backdoor or simply grunted when communicating with the wait staff.
Sakura swallowed hard watching his forearm muscles flex when he shook his pan or whisked the contents in his bowl.
Nothing sexier than a man cooking, huh?  A voice in the back of her mind whispered and her face warmed up.
Her eyes wandered from the way his snake tattoo coiled around his forearm to his broad shoulders and down to the way the seat of his pants fit on his rear.
Yeah...the cooking…
Sakura was so distracted by her thoughts that she was caught off guard when Chef Uchiha stood in front of her, a beautiful plate of seafood in his hands.
“Here. Real food.”
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Technically, sweet corn was real food.
“Thanks,” she muttered when their fingers touched when he slid the plate into her hands.
Sakura dug in and couldn’t help the moan she let out from the first bite. Despite the spice sitting on her tongue, the fish and mayonnaise was delicious.
And to think she had been satisfied with her can of corn only twenty minutes ago.
The feeling of being watched wouldn’t go away so she looked up, still chewing, and narrowed her eyes at Chef Uchiha. He had a smug smirk on his face.
Stop with the arm crossing already, she groaned inwardly. How did being a cook cause guns like those?
“You may have a point,” she grumbled. He only laughed through his nose and then moved away from her to clean up his station.
“Clean up when you’re done. I gotta cut the lights soon.”
Sakura ate as quickly as she could while still savoring the food. It had been a while since she had freshly cooked food. If she was lucky Ino would make her something when she was home in their apartment but usually Sakura was on her own.
“Come on.” Chef Uchiha was waiting for her in the hall when she was done changing. “Tsunade already went home so I gotta lock up.”
Out in the alley, Chef Uchiha had a Kawasaki waiting for him. Sakura had to take the train so that was where they parted.
“A Ninja huh?” Sakura whistled at his bike.
He simply raised an eyebrow at her as if he didn’t expect her to know anything about motorcycles.
“Well, g’night Chef Uchiha!”
Chef Uchiha snorted and put his helmet on.
“It’s just chef in the kitchen.” He paused for a moment before finally saying, “Good night Haruno.”
Sakura beamed at him. She was sure he hadn’t even bothered to learn her name at all.
“Good night Sasuke,” she altered her previous farewell and waved at him before heading home.
It was a good first day.
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kairi-chan · 6 years
SasuSaku, 42 (foolish). Haha, if the forehead poke is a thing in their relationship, so too should be this. :) :)
Title: Mind Your Manners
Genre: Cutie baby SasuSaku fluff
Rating: K+ 
A/N: My first time writing Itachi and Shisui. I hope I didn’t butcher your babies. ^^; 
“Foolish little brother,” Itachi chastised. “She is only trying to show you kindness.” 
Sasuke puffed his cheeks and glared at his older brother, being the ever petulant brat he is. 
Shisui, on the other hand, was squatting down, trying to placate a crying little girl with pink hair. “Hey, it’s okay. You know, you shouldn’t waste your tears on a little prick like Sasuke.” 
She sniffled, and salty tears continued to roll down her cheeks. Her pink bangs covered her big, green eyes. She used her left hand to wipe her tears away, as her right hand clutched on to the cosmos and baby’s breath flowers she had so carefully arranged and intended to gift to Sasuke. 
“But Nii-san!” Sasuke whined. “I don’t even like flowers!” 
Shisui winced as she cried a little harder. “H-hey! Don’t listen to what he’s saying, Sakura-chan!” He panicked a bit, and tried to comfort her by rubbing her back. He sent a glare towards his cousin. “Can you stop being an asshole and just apologize already?” 
Sasuke stuck his tongue out and crossed his arms across his chest. This earned him a pointed stare from his older brother, who was towering over him. His dark eyes grew wide and he frowned. Sasuke knew this was his last warning. 
He stomped over to Sakura and glared. “I’m sorry,” he spat out. 
Shisui hit the back of his head. “Say it like you mean it!” He snapped. 
“Ouch!” Sasuke was about to tackle his cousin but stopped in his tracks when he saw his brother’s nonchalant gaze. He back pedalled and turned around to face Sakura again. 
He gritted his teeth and looked at her. She peeked at him from under her hair, and sniffled. Sasuke felt his heart twist a little at her forlorn expression. She was actually pretty cute. But this didn’t change the fact that he found her annoying. 
An Uchiha, apologizing. How unthinkable. 
He looked back to see Itachi and Shisui. Both were intently watching him. The latter cracked his knuckles, giving him a fair warning what was to come if he didn’t apologize. 
He puffed his cheeks and glared at his cousin. Sasuke abruptly turned back to Sakura and stuck his hand out. “Give it!” He said.
Sakura sniffled. “What?” 
“The flowers,” he scowled. “Give them to me already.” 
“Sasuke,” Itachi’s voice was low, and had a hint of lethalness. “Mind your manners.” 
The little boy ground his teeth. “P-please.”
Shisui looked like he was going to die of laughter. Sasuke looked so constipated. 
Tentatively, the little girl extended her right arm to give him the flowers that were now, nearly crushed. He accepted it, and took it into his grubby little hands carefully. The moment he saw her eyes light up, and a wide smile come up to her face, he had to look away to hide the pink tinting his cheeks. 
Itachi took a few steps closer to Sasuke. “What do you say, Sasuke?” 
He pouted, as more heat rose to his face. “Thank you.” 
Shisui slapped the little boy’s back, making him lose balance. He took a step forward to recover. “See, that wasn’t so hard, right?” His grin was returned with a glare. 
Sasuke stole another glance at Sakura. She was still beaming at him. A small smile made its way up to his lips. If saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ would make her smile like that more often, he secretly promised he would do it more often to her. 
 A/N: I don’t think I used the prompt like how you expected me to, but I hope you liked this anyway! :) 
You can read more of my stories here on tumblr, or visit my FFnet! 
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onearmedphenom · 6 years
Defending sakura from her extremists. Sakura fan apologizing to sasuke fan.
Hi. I am pro sakura so excuse if there is bias. I have just visited a pro sasuke blog who is pro ss and found out some things that he complained about. This is me basically admitting where her extremists can be nonsensical. I have seen many people say that Sakura is miserable as sasuke tried to kill her but the same can be said about sasuke as Sakura tried to kill him first but people don’t think sasuke is miserable. The truth is, sakura was trying to save him at that moment but had she really given up on him she would have gone through her intentions. Now, defending sasuke, he had no reason to be nice to be her since in his mind she was an enemy who supported his family’s murder and they were clearly on opposite sides. Sasuke’s reasons for killing her were more justified than her trying to kill him.
If Sakura is miserable for being a single mother then so is sasuke as sarada seems more concerned about naruto idol sama and Sakura doesn’t talk about sasuke and walked right past him in gaiden(sakura is excusable though as she appeared concerned about him for 699 chapters and punching shin she did mention her husband ,screw you sp) and so is sarada as I myself feel awkward around my father despite living with him since birth. The truth is none of them are miserable, it is purely head-canon
Now, as for multi shipping, sakura is often multi shipped and so is sasuke(probably not the same extent though). This is mostly because sakura is friendly so it is easier to mistake her friendliness for romance but canonically sasuke has her heart. Please sasuke fans, excuse those kind of multisakus as I have read their fanfics and Sakura is completely out of character. Us Sakura fans don’t like sasuke being multi shipped as we feel as he does belong to sakura but we multiship her sometimes(even me) because in those fanfics we can flesh out her character and make her a badass and force tropes on her, to make up where kishi couldnt. That is because we know sasuke is a badass and is perfect but people have their doubts about Sakura. You probably understand as sasuke didn’t get justice in the end .I myself feel this is wrong as sasuke fans should be allowed to multiship too.
Sometimes I myself want sakura to be a bit miserable with life, but not because of sasuke. It is so that people sympathise with her. people like characters with a tragic past, don’t they? A lot of Sakura hate comes from the fact that she isn’t sad with her childhood. People say that Sakura is singlehandedly raising a child but that is because us fans need something to be proud of, an accomplishment she got, like sasuke being alone for years make you sympathise with him.
Sasuke isn’t bad. He is the most perfect in my opinion and had I not been a Sakura fan I would have liked sasuke but female characters catch my interest more than males. But sasusaku fans are more pro sakura as sasuke fans don’t generally outwardly ship sasusaku, they are more pro sasukarin or sasunaru on blogs. But Sakura fans do defend sasuke’s actions too. Those who complain about sasuke are probably pretential ns fans or want sakura to receive less hate as marrying sasuke is one of her most heinous crimes according to antis. But that is just my observation. As for fanfics, very few get sasuke’s character, or depict sasuke as overbearingly jealous kinda lover to probably contradict that sasuke doesn’t care about Sakura or want sakura to be perfect so sasuke gets butchered in the process. I know things can be anti sasuke but you can read kuriquinn’ fanfics, sasuke has on point characterization.
That is it. I am trying to excuse sakura extremists actions as I myself find some claims bullshit but understand the reason behind it. I like sasuke too, but I think he deserves better too, like sakura (more One on one fights for her). I just found out today how bad her extremists can get sometimes. TBH I never expected to find a pro sasuke and pro ss fan to have any reason to dislike her but I did, both sasuke and Sakura stans can get extreme. P.S. Sakura is probably called deutratogonist as they probably thought sasuke as one of the protagonists😜
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sasusakufestival · 8 years
Gentle Relief by dearltachi
a sasusaku fanfic - the story of their first loving encounter. 
~ by rebecca haley sigmon :: http://dearltachi.tumblr.com/  
TIMELINE | after the war 
RATING | sfw 
I watch Sakura momentarily as she crumbles into her pillow, eyes squeezed tightly closed as she grips the white sheets. Sweat beads appear across her forehead and I wonder what she’s so upset about.
“Sasuke!” she cries. I flinch in the doorway and immediately come to her bedside, almost falling from my own hindering wounds, but catch myself and sit softly down next to her restless body. I place my hand on her face, she’s still fast asleep and tossing. Did she really say my name?
“Sasuke!” she yelps, and curls back on her side. I’m sure of myself now, I reach out and gently nudge her shoulders. Her sleepy green eyes open slowly, searching the dark hospital room for clues. She focuses on me and her face lights up; she’s breathing so heavily.
Sliding up in bed, she pulls away, as if she’s scared to touch me. I don’t know how to tell her I’m not an illusion, I’m not leaving her again. “Sasuke, what’re you doing here,” she rubs her eyes, careful of the IV, “is Naruto okay? Did something happen?”
I look at Sakura and gratitude floods through me. She blushes, looking down, then bravely back into my eyes. “Sasuke..?”
I consider myself; I’ve always thought long and hard about a lot of things, but never really thought about how to say them, I’ve never needed to.
“Sakura…an apology won’t suffice for the trials I’ve made you endure with me. I often thought about you, but tried not to…,” how exactly could I put my thoughts into words? I sighed, struggling. “Sakura, I will never put you through something like that again,” I looked back into her soul, too. She stared at me, with a serious face and ever forgiving eyes.
Sakura reached out and clutched my hand, so much bigger than hers. “Sasuke, you don’t have to apologize to me,” she smiled, the moonlight leaking in the curtains dripped down her face and long, dark eyelashes. “You did what you had to do! Naruto and you are safe and home and that’s what matters. I know, you had to go after what was eating you from the inside,” her voice dwindled, as if she was losing her nerve. “ I just wish.. I could have been of more help.” She smiled at me again, this time less genuine, and quickly looked back down at her other hand, resting on her lap.
I squeezed her hand once and twisted my body so that I would lay on the bed next to her. She slid over, flustered, but didn’t question me. I wrapped my one arm around her and caught her eye, as she looked at me, her pink lips parted and she gasped lightly. My eyes morphed, deep red stricken black and I ignored the sting behind them. It was in that moment that I showed her the thoughts I couldn’t bare to speak aloud.
The first memory I had of Sakura, admiring her pink hair. The one time I asked big brother how to talk to a special girl. I skipped the parts of drowning, around the time of my clan’s falling, skipping to the time when we fought Zabuza. I showed her how she stayed in the back of my mind when Naruto and I were battling, and when I woke up and she was laying on top of me on Naruto Bridge, how I hadn’t really minded her, it’s just that the needles were bothering me.
In real life I looked over at her, her gaze was lost somewhere in my genjutsu, and her emerald eyes sparkled, her mouth partially open in awe of my secrets. I smiled a little, moving on.
I showed her the time we were in the forest, how I forced myself to move because of her existence next to me, how I could never let the people I love fall again. My fury when I awoke and had seen her beautiful luscious hair butchered by those punks, as she had fought so hard to tend and protect Naruto and myself. How no one else could have purified the curse mark, made it reeced as she did when she wrapped her fragile arms around me that day, begging.
I showed her how my concern erupted when I was rendered helpless against Gaara and Shukaku, how it lit every ounce of my anger on fire, how it reminded me of the night I couldn’t stop Itachi, my hatred for myself but my love was for her and Naruto.
The sickening memory of the genjutsu Itachi had left me captured in, and how much I needed her hug that day when Tsunade released it.
I also let her see how afraid I was, from my eyes, that day I fought Naruto on the rooftop, how if Kakashi wouldn’t have come…what could’ve happened, and how I cursed myself.
At last I let her see my world the night I left the village, how I was truly thankful for her love, how after I laid her on the bench, I stared momentarily.
Next, letting her see how I thought of them when I was with Orochimaru for three years. How I detested their love for me and the ties that binded me. My comrades reminded me of my family, and the last time I loved my family, it terrorized me to the core.
I considered stopping, wondering if she could forgive me if she knew my reality, but I promised myself to let her in, as she hadn’t given up on me yet, therefore she deserved to know the truth. I caught my breath, a small stream of blood chased it’s way down my cheek, I continued.
I had to murder them, especially after the unbearable sorrow from learning about Itachi’s life. I had to get revenge on Konoha. I unwillingly showed her how angry I was, confused, and how I only felt comfort within my hate, and dwelled in my darkness. I also let her see something I desperately tried to forget: outside of the darkness was always always a dim light. It was the love of my parents, of my brother, of Naruto, of my comrades, of Sakura, and the panic I fed trying to block the light away. I exposed how I felt the day I tried to murder her, that I…was very much going to…but because there was no other way. Every time I saw their faces the odd, unwanted hope would strengthen and it scared me, to face the light, and to face myself.
Lastly, I allowed her to feel my emotions, hear my thoughts, the day that the acid ocean ate her skin, the moment I saw her with Obito in the other dimension, the relief of being saved, and the relief of being loved, valued, forgiven, as she fell into my arms. Finally, I supported my beautiful Sakura, was there to catch her falling as she was the one who always was selfless in my respect, the one that gave me the salvation I craved, the one who patiently waited for me to go find myself, the one who gave me love to cling on to in the darkness, even though my soul trembled at the thought.
How sorry I was, how insecure I had been, how, if I had allowed Sakura and Naruto in, if I helped them understand, could it have been different? What is done is done, if does not exist, and now and here I show her the reality.
I love you, Sakura. Thank you so much, for everything.
I closed my eye, covering it with my hand, and looking at Sakura through the other. She stared at me again, a shocked expression, and then after a moment, her face was joy. Loving and forgiving and so happy was she. It caught me off guard, that still, after revealing my darkness, she responded with her bliss. I did not deserve her. I finally felt safe enough to smile back at her, and she giggled, giddy with delight.
What a strong, kind woman. I grasped her chin, right above her neck as she still smiled, lifting her eyes to mine. Her cheeks immediately splotched bright red and I leaned down, closing my eyes as she closed hers, and enveloped her mouth as gently as I could, fighting the urge to hold her so close to me, closer, closer, closer. It was a short exchange of my long lasting love for her, and I nuzzled her, excepting that she loved me and it wouldn’t hurt to let myself love her in return.
I stood from the hospital bed, needing to get back to my room before the nurses made their rounds, and heard her sigh a small, sweet breath. “Sasuke…thank you.” I turned to her as the corner of my mouth pulled up, and poked her with two fingers, on her forehead. I leaned down and kissed her cheek once more, smiling, and reluctantly left her room, the moonlight dancing on the tiles beneath my feet.
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