#buuuuut I could always drink tonight or tomorrow
rosicheeks · 2 years
Hi I want to send you money and get you drunk. What do you like to drink?
0 notes
hannitizer · 4 years
To Have a Home Part 27
A/N: Hey Y’all! I have officially finished my semester! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while; school was taking up most of my life. Anyways, here’s the next part. As always, I hope you all enjoy!
Summary: After Draco is found guilty of an attempted murder, he is  sentenced to the Lupin’s house with hopes he’ll finally understand what  it means to have a family. Only problem? Draco doesn’t want it.  
Or, for this chapter: Fred and George fluff
It was a knock at the bedroom door that startled Draco back to reality. He and Remus had stayed where they sat for the better part of five hours, just watching Abigail sleep. There was nothing else they could do.
Draco was surprised when he saw Fred and George standing there, dopey smiles on their faces. He didn’t get up to meet them; no, he waited until they were close enough so that he could throw himself into their arms. 
“Been a long day, Draco?” Fred asked, and his reward was George punching him lightly on the arm. Draco didn’t notice, he just nodded slightly. 
“How is she doing?” George asked Remus, who finally had a chance to stretch. He had held the boy in his arms for the majority of the time, trying to calm the distressed boy’s nerves.
“Not much. She’s breathing. She’s stable. That’s all that really matters.” It was Isla who answered. Remus nodded along to what she said. 
“Castor’s not taking it well. At least that’s what I’ve heard.” 
“Damn right he shouldn’t.” Sirius stood up from the chair next to the bed, one that had been hastily moved from the kitchen. 
“Sirius,” Remus pinched the brow of his forehead, “We’ve already talked about this. He thought he was doing the right thing at the time, and it was an honest mistake. It happens.”
Sirius huffed. “Well I’m glad you’re okay with it, because if not…” Isla grabbed the fist he was making with his hands, a silent warning to tell him to calm down, which he did. 
The group of them talked for a long time in that room, occasionally stopping when Abigail would stir and cough. She never quite regained consciousness, but it was just a little reminder that she was alive. The sun had gone down hours ago, and Draco was finding it harder and harder to keep his eyes open. 
“What brought you two here anyways?” He asked the Weasley twins.
“Well... we came to look after you!” said George, glancing nervously at his brother. “We knew that there was going to be a lot happening in the house, and we wanted to help in any way we can…”
“And what better way than hanging out with our good friend Draco!” Fred finished the thought with a relaxed smile. 
“Thanks guys, but I think I’m okay right here.” Draco said, looking back at Abigail, but he could feel the adults in the room looking at each other.
“Well, Draco, it’s getting late, and I think that you and Remus need some rest…”
“That’s okay,” Draco cut George off before he could finish, scared of the rest of that sentence. “I’m going to just sleep right here. I can watch m--Abigail for tonight.” 
“Sirius and I are going to do that, Draco. You don’t need to worry about it.” Isla said, looking at Sirius for support. He just nodded along. 
“Come on, Draco,” George said, grabbing his shoulder. “Why don’t we go up to your room and get ready for bed? You can come back down here in the morning.” 
“No! No, I can’t leave Abigail.” Draco said, almost grabbing her. He would have too, if Remus hadn’t grabbed his hands before he could reach her.   
“Draco, you need to go upstairs and sleep in your room tonight, okay? I can go up there too if you’d like.” 
“No! But what if she gets hurt?”
“That’s what Sirius and I are here for. We’ll take care of that.” Isla said with a reassuring smile. 
Draco shook his head, looking desperately at Remus. “I thought you said that you loved me? That this was a loving family?” 
“Draco, we do love you. That’s why we want you to get some sleep. Isla and Sirius are going to keep watch of her; she’ll be okay. They aren’t even letting me stay awake tonight. If anything happens, you’ll be the first to know, okay? But right now, you need rest.” 
Fred went to grab for Draco’s shoulder, but Draco was not having it. He was ready to fight tooth and nail to stay in the room with Abigail. He had already lost his mother; he wasn’t about to do it again. 
When Fred reached for him again, he lashed out, swinging his arms, trying to get some sort of leverage on him. George jumped to the aid of his brother, attempting to calm the boy, but nothing can stop a caged animal; not when they’re fighting for their life. 
It wasn’t a pretty sight to see, when Sirius charmed Draco’s bracelet out the door, dragging the screaming boy with it. Draco wrestled with it, trying to bite it off, claw it off. Anything to just stay in the room with Abigail. With his mother…
But the damn bracelet. It was relentless. 
Fred and George waited until the boy was out of the room before they even tried to lay a hand on him. Fred had scratch marks on his arms from where Draco had landed his blows. George’s hair felt ripped out of his head. Remus went to go after his son, but it took one look from Fred and George to let him know that they had this under control. That is was going to be fine if he left them alone for a while. So he slipped into his bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar, just in case the twins decided that they did need him. But after a few moments, Isla shut the it for him. 
For Draco, the problem was on a whole other level. As soon as he was out the door, he pushed back, trying with all his might to break through the invisible barrier that was the door to the Lupin’s bedroom, but nothing was working. The final straw was Sirius shutting the door on him, as if sealing his doom. He pounded on the door, screaming with every breath in his lungs, but nobody was going to open that door to him. 
The tears that had finally stopped started to reappear again. Draco couldn’t help it. He sunk to the floor, wrapping his arms around himself, rocking slightly. The sense of peace he felt in that room was suddenly gone. 
Fred and George whispered behind his back for a few minutes before nodding in agreement. 
“Draco,” George said from somewhere behind Draco’s shoulder, careful not to touch him, “Fred is going to go make some tea and bring it up to your room. I’m going to sit here with you until you’re ready to go upstairs, okay?” 
Draco didn’t respond. He simply stared at the door in front of him. So George sat down next to him, waiting for Draco to be ready. There was nothing rushing them, and George thought that if Draco had just a little sense of control he would come when he was ready. 
Something dawned on Draco, and he started to shake. “My… my wolf’s in there.” 
Although it was almost silent, George understood what he said. Before Draco could go into a full blown panic, he was up, opening the door to the bedroom, much to Isla’s anger, and grabbing the wolf from the ruffled bed sheets.
He slipped the wolf into Draco’s hands, and Draco allowed himself to sink into the smell of it’s fur. The lavender was there, but there was another scent there too. One he couldn’t put his finger on. It was getting stronger, but it didn’t bother Draco. He liked it. Kind of.  
Soon Fred returned with the tea, saying that he was going upstairs. He fraised it as a question, hoping that Draco would come with him, but he didn’t respond. George looked up at him, shrugging his shoulders. He mouthed that they would be there in a few minutes, so Fred left. 
After a while Draco’s breathing evened out, and the shaking sensation he had felt was finally leaving. He looked up at the door and then back to George. 
“How are you doing, bud?” 
Draco turned back around quickly, avoiding the question. He was angry. And sad. And worried about Abigail. And confused. And hurt. And…
“I know I said I wouldn’t rush you, but listen; the ground really isn’t comfortable, and I don’t know about you, but my back’s starting to hurt from it. Buuuuut…” he nudged him playfully, “you know what is comfortable? Your bed. I would know. I wrestled you on top of it.” He paused, waiting to see if Draco would respond. When he didn’t, he continued.
“So, why don’t we go up there right now? And then we can be comfortable. And Fred’s got tea up there. And Fred’s there too. And Fred’s pretty cool. I should know; I’m his twin, and I’m pretty cool.”
Draco snorted a little at his remark which caused George to continue. 
“What do you say, Draco? Let’s go. Abigail will be here tomorrow, and you’ll be able to see her then, okay?” 
And then he waited. He waited patiently until Draco, ever so carefully, got up from the ground, wolf still in his hands. George smiled. “Come on, then. Let’s go.”
They walked up the stairs slowly to Draco’s doorless room. Fred was already there, pouring tea for them on the bed. 
“The tea’s getting cold, you know.” Fred said, trying to hurry them up, but George shushed him instantly. 
“What? I make good tea, and you two are going to drink it before it gets cold.”
Draco sat on the edge of his bed, cautiously accepting the cup from Fred. He hadn’t been up in his room since…. Well, since he broke his ankle. It was jarring; how familiar yet strange this room felt. Like it was his and yet it was completely foreign. He hadn’t slept up here in Merlin knows how long. 
The three of them drank their tea in silence, Freg and George occasionally trying to test the waters with a joke or two, but Draco never responded.  
The clock struck midnight by the time they had finished. Draco set his cup carefully on the tray, stifling a yawn. 
“Would you look at that? He is tired.” Fred exclaimed, whisking away the empty teacups, presumably to the kitchen sink. 
“Fred and I are going to set up some beds in the room down the hall, okay?”
Draco sat in silence for a moment. Fred looked at George and nodded, ready to head towards the door, but Draco shot out his arms.
“Wait!” He cried. George wheeled about, eyebrow raised. 
“Can you… Can you guys sleep in here tonight? I-I don’t want to be alone.”
George smiled. “Of course.”
“It’ll be like a sleepover!” Fred yelled, racing to the hallway closet to grab two shrunken beds. He handed one to George, and together they used the engorgio spell, making the beds large enough to sleep in. 
“I feel like such a baby.” Draco mumbled into his wolf’s fur. He hated the way he relied on everyone. He was a Malfoy, dammit. He should be braver than this. He shouldn’t need the help of these mudbloods, let alone a werewolf. And yet he couldn’t help feeling safe with them. He felt he was betraying himself, and he held his head in confusion and pain. Why couldn’t he just go back to his normal life? 
“Hey, Draco. You okay?” George asked, sitting on the foot of his bed. Fred had gone to use the bathroom across the hall, mumbling something about needing to get ready for bed. 
Draco didn’t respond to George, just burying his head deeper into the fur. He didn’t want to talk to George right now. He didn’t want to feel anything.
“I know things are incredibly confusing right now. But if you ever need anything, I’m right here for you. You can ask me anything; I don’t mind.” 
Draco didn’t respond, and Fred soon returned to the room, hopping into his bed. 
“Goodnight Draco! Goodnight, brother mine.” 
“Goodnight Fred.” George got up from Draco’s bed, laying a hand on his shoulder. “Goodnight, Draco.” 
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dragonsaphirareads · 5 years
Dancing Melody
Day 20 of @tsshipmonth2020 Fluffuary
Ship: Deesleep
AU: Human
Word Count: 1591
Summary: Ernest has trouble sleeping on his own, so when his husband is out on a trip, he doesn’t tend to get a lot of sleep. Remy gives him a gift to help.
(Like listening to podfics? You can listen to this oneshot on my YT channel here!)
Ernest groaned, throwing off the blanket for the fifth time in the last ten minutes. His body couldn’t decide if he was hot or cold, probably because he kept tossing and turning.
He reached over to the other side of the bed instinctively, grabbing at empty sheets. Desperately, he took his husband’s pillow and shoved his face in it, hoping that the smell would be enough to make him drowsy.
It didn’t help, and he wanted to scream. He hated that he had security issues, because he knew everything was going to be fine! Remy was coming back from his trip tomorrow, so really, he should be relishing the chance to have the whole bed to himself. Remy sprawled when he slept, limbs on every corner of the mattress, and Ernest constantly had to push him away.
He’d been working on his abandonment issues, and during the day he was perfectly fine to be away from his husband. Even when he was halfway across the globe, Ernest hardly gave it a second thought.
At night it was different. In the dark, he couldn’t help but fixate on the fact that there wasn’t another person in the bed. He couldn’t hear Remy’s steady breathing as he drifted to sleep, he couldn’t reach out and tangle their fingers together, he couldn’t be comforted by the fact that he was there.
Fed up with his racing thoughts, he got out of bed, grabbing his phone and laptop and heading to the living room. If he wasn’t going to sleep anyways, he might as well get some work done. He quickly glanced at the time on his phone - nearly three am.
It was almost nine am where Remy was. He knew he was probably busy packing up from the hotel and getting to the airport, and that he should really just suck it up and push through it, but late night Ernest didn’t have the self-control that daytime Ernest did.
Remy picked up on the second ring. He sounded like he was walking, with air rushing past the receiver and Remy slightly out of breath. “Hey babe, what’s up? Isn’t it super early at home?”
Ernest immediately relaxed at hearing Remy’s voice, pulling a knee up and resting his chin on it. “Yeah, it is...”
Remy sighed. “Trouble sleeping?”
“Maybe a little. I swear the room is colder when you’re not here.”
“Did you bring out the weighted blanket from the closet?”
Ernest nodded, though he knew Remy couldn’t see him. “I did, but it didn’t help... and my pills aren’t working either.”
“Is there anything I can do to help, hun?”
“Tell me about your trip?”
He could hear Remy smile through the phone. “Sure thing, babe. Well, it’s been a great trip actually, although they don’t make coffee here like they do at home. I’ve been dying for a proper drink the whole weekend.”
Ernest huffed a small laugh, listening as Remy rambled about mundane things, and soon enough he felt his eyelids drooping. He shifted to lay down on the couch, still holding the phone to his ear.
“You still there, babe?”
He hummed, too tired to answer completely. Remy seemed to understand though.
“I’m sorry, Ernest... I know these trips are hard on you...”
“‘S not your fault I’ve got issues...” Ernest drawled sleepily.
“I know, but I don’t like leaving you alone. I’ll be home tonight, alright? It might be late, but it should be before you go to bed.”
“Can’t wait to see you...” Ernest yawned, snuggling into the couch and drifting off. He felt a little better having heard Remy’s voice, but he knew he couldn’t keep doing this forever. He needed to be able to fall asleep without relying on him, because Remy wouldn’t always be able to drop everything for him.
The rest of the day went by without much fanfare. Ernest worked from home, so he alternated between chores and work, taking a trip to the grocery store so he could make a nice dinner for Remy when he got home.
His husband sent him a text around five pm that he had landed, and that he would be home in an hour or so. Ernest replied quickly, telling him not to pick up anything on the way home because he would have dinner ready.
He hummed to himself as he cooked. It was one of his favorite things to do, because there was something so satisfying about it. To be able to take raw ingredients and some spices and turn it into something delicious, and to see how happy it made his husband when he came home to hot food on the table, it made him happy in return.
Ernest looked up as he heard the front door open and his husband came into the kitchen as he was setting the table. “Welcome home, Rem!”
“Hey babe, smells good in here!”
“I wanted you to have something nice when you came home. I hope you’re hungry! There’s also coffee cake for dessert.”
Remy grinned, dropping his bag in the corner and sweeping Ernest up into a kiss. “You know the way directly to my heart, don’t you?”
“I would hope so, we’ve been married for three years now~”
They both laughed, and then they sat down to eat. Ernest felt himself relaxing as he talked with his husband, holding his hand across the table as they finished up.
“So, I was thinking while I was on the plane.” Remy changed the topic after they had cleaned up dinner and moved into the living room. He’d rummaged through his bag before he came to sit down next to his husband, a small wrapped parcel in his hands.
“Thinking? I thought you would’ve been sleeping.” Ernest joked, eyeing the package curiously. Remy rolled his eyes.
“Well, there was that too. But when I was awake, I was thinking about things we could do to help you to sleep when I’m away.”
Ernest’s face fell. “I’m working on it, I promise! I was fine most of the time, it’s just late nights that get difficult...”
Remy smiled gently at him, rubbing his knuckles with his thumb. “I’m not saying that you aren’t! You’ve done a lot and I’m proud of that, but there’s nothing wrong with talking about other things we can do, right?”
“So, my first thought was that you need someone else in the house with you when I’m gone, and I nearly stopped by the pet store to get you a dog or something to cuddle with when I’m not there.”
Ernest laughed, and Remy scratched the back of his head. “Buuuuut I thought that might be something we wanted to decide together, so instead I made a stop by my grandma’s house.”
He pursed his lips. Remy had been raised by his grandparents, so it was basically his childhood home. But what would he have gotten there? “How’s she doing?”
“She’s good. We might be going over to clean her attic soon, though, because it’s a mess.”
Ernest raised an eyebrow. “What were you doing in the attic?”
“Well, I needed to find this.” Remy handed the wrapped box to Ernest, who opened it slowly after an expectant look from his husband.
Underneath the plain brown paper was a carved wooden box, burned with intricate designs and varnished to a deep brown. Curious, he flipped it over and noticed the crank sticking from the bottom. “Is this... a music box?”
Remy nodded. “You know that my grandpa passed away when I was eight. Well, for a year or two after that, I had a really hard time sleeping in my own bed. I was so convinced that my grandma was going to go the same way, and the only way to keep that from happening was to sleep in the same room as her. That way, I could keep her with me. It doesn’t make sense, but hey, I was a kid.”
He reached out and shifted the music box in Ernest’s hands, popping it open and hearing a little tune plunking along as a little ballet girl spun around and around. “My grandma gave me this music box, and she told me that all I needed to do was turn the crank three times, and then the music would ease the spirits who took grandpa for the night, and they would leave my grandma alone.”
Ernest stared at him for a moment, and Remy laughed quietly. “I know, I know. It’s morbid, but it worked. I started sleeping in my own bed and now I can’t get enough sleep! I know your situation is different than mine, but I thought maybe, if you played it when you were going to sleep, you would think of me and know that even though I’m not there physically, I’m still with you.”
Remy looked up, and he noticed that there were tears in Ernest’s eyes. “Aww, babe...”
“You’re such a bastard...” Ernest laughed as he swallowed down the lump in his throat. He put the music box to the side and threw his arms around Remy, burying his face in his neck. “Making me cry...”
“You know you can always call me when I’m away, but I want you to feel comfortable on your own.”
“Thank you...” Ernest whispered.
“And maybe we can go to the shelter tomorrow and see about getting you a little pup?”
“... I’m starting to think the dog is more for you than it is for me.”
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iamsaha · 4 years
Finnegan pulled her skirt up to show off some more leg and undid an extra button to show more cleavage. She frowned. The expensive push-up bra she had gotten - after telling herself that it was a work expense - was extremely uncomfortable. As if every dollar she had sunk into it was eager to remind her that it should have been spent on something else. 
“Hey, Finn.” Roan came into the locker room, already in the process of tearing her shirt off. “Slow night.”
“Yeah? That’s good. Could use one.” Finnegan applied her lip balm, smacked her lips, and turned to face her friend. The brunette was massaging her own feet with a look of bliss on her face. “You alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine.” Roan smiled. “The night is slow but the day was packed. Especially this afternoon.”
“Lucky me then.”
“Yep.” Roan sighed as she got up to get changed. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Finn. We’re both working the night shift.”
“Goodnight.” Finnegan hugged her friend and left the locker room. The dark hallway smelled of fried food, alcohol, and a slight hint of the lemon-scented cleaning product used to clean the floors. It was a combination of smells that Finnegan had hated at first when she first started working at Buck’s but now, after five years, it was something she could think of fondly. She thought it was weird she could do that but she didn’t question it. It’s always nice to have something to think of positively. 
“Hey, gorgeous. Didn’t see you come in.”
“Well I didn’t want you to see me before I got all pretty.” Finnegan smiled at Cooper as he stuck his head out the kitchen door. “What do you think?” She twirled for him.
“You’d turn a gay man straight, Finn.” Cooper nodded approvingly.
“Well did I?”
“Fuck you then.” Finnegan punched his shoulder and headed towards the main room. Roan was right. It was a slow night. She could count a grand total of ten customers in the restaurant’s fairly large main room. The majority, a loud group of five, weren’t even in her section. She watched for a second to see how they were treating the new girl, Shelly, as she dropped off their food. Their eyes wandered but that’s about it. Since adventurous eyes were encouraged in their workplace, Finnegan kept moving. As she passed them, one called out to her.
“How about you join us, sweetheart?”
“I’d love to but we’re not allowed to spoil our customers.” Finnegan winked at him. “Not too much anyway.” She lifted her skirt up to show off her thigh before letting it drop. That got her a cheer but otherwise the men left her alone. It was always risky pulling a move like that. Some took it as an invitation to get physically friendly. But most of the men at Buck’s were polite and knew what was allowed and what wasn’t. For the ones that didn’t, there’s a gentleman standing by the door that was very protective of his female coworkers.
“Good evening, sir, I hope you haven’t had to wait too long.” Finnegan said when she got to her first table for the night. “My name is Finnegan and I’ll be your waitress tonight. You can call me Finn.”
“It’s fine.” The man said. “Is Roan not in tonight?”
“Her shift just ended.” Finnegan frowned apologetically. “She your favorite?”
“I just had her a week ago, which was my first time here. I’m sure you can be my favorite.”
“I’m sure I can be.” Finnegan brightened up like he had just made her day and moved to stand by him, her hip resting against his upper arm. She put her arm around his shoulder and leaned over. “So what can I get started for you...?”
“Greg! That was my high school volleyball coach’s name. Had the biggest crush on him.” Finnegan said. “What can I get you, Greg?”
“Just get me a diet coke for now, Finn.” Greg said. “Haven’t looked at the menu much.”
“Well how about I suggest an appetizer for ya?”
She leaned closer and ‘casually’ pushed her breasts against the side of his head. “Our chef Cooper makes the best mozzarella sticks. I don’t know what he breads the cheese with but I think it’s drugs. And the marinara sauce that you get to dip with is to die for. ”
“Then I would love some of those.”
“I’ll get that right out for you, Greg.” She started the order on her tablet and put in what he had asked for. She squeezed his shoulder and went to the soda fountain to get his coke. On the way back she greeted customers that had just been seated. “I’ll be right with you gentleman.” She winked at them and they smiled back. She made sure to sway her hips a little extra on the remaining few steps to Greg. “Here’s your diet coke, sir.”
“Thank you.” Greg took a sip of the drink. “I think I’ll have Buck’s Burger.”
“Fries or onion rings on the side?” Finnegan asked. “Or a mix of both for just a dollar extra?”
“Neither, Finn. Trying to watch what I eat.” Greg shook his head. “Shouldn’t have said yes to those mozzarella sticks.”
“Well since you’re being smart and taking care of yourself,” Finnegan said. “You want a turkey patty for that burger instead of beef?”
“Does it cost extra?”
“Buck fifty buuuuut,” Finnegan said. “I do love a man that takes care of himself.”
“Turkey patty it is then, Finn.” Greg laughed. “You’re gonna get every penny out of me, aren’t you?”
“Well not every penny. I do want you to come back.” Finnegan grinned. “Just as much as you wanna give me.”
“Fair enough, honey.” Greg handed her the menu. “Now get this outta my sight before I get tempted by the other things on there.”
“Your appetizer will be here in a second.” Finnegan took the menu, dropped it off at the hostess’ podium, and returned to the two men that had recently arrived. “How y’all doing? My name’s Finnegan and I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Call me Finn.” She said. “Or call me sweetie if that’s what you want.”
“W-w-we’ll call you F-Finn.” One man said, trying to seem like he wasn’t staring at her cleavage. 
“Booo.” She said playfully. “How about you, sir? Will you call me Finn too?”
“I’ll call you sweetie, sweetie.” The other man said. He seemed at least a decade older than the first. “Lighten up Mike. You just hurt her feelings.”
“Oh. S-s-sorry.” Mike blushed and looked down.
“Don’t worry about it, Mike. Call me whatever makes you comfortable.” Finn smiled and patted his back. “What can I get you two to drink?”
“Got any new IPAs?” 
“Electric Jellyfish.” Finnegan said. “Has a nice citrus flavor to it and our chef swears he can taste a hint of mango.”
“Two pints of that then!”
“J-j-just one.” Mike said. “I’ll h-h-have a water. With l-l-lemon.”
“It’s your birthday, Mikey. Come on.”
“I drove us here, Jake.” 
“Ooo responsible. Love it. Happy birthday, Mike!” Finnegan smoothly interrupted before Jake could argue. “A pint of Electric Jellyfish for one cutie and a glass of water with lemon for the birthday cutie. Any appetizers?”
“Y’all still have those crab cakes? I didn’t see it on the menu but I’m hoping anyway.” Jake asked. Mike looked pleased at being called ‘birthday cutie’. 
“Wow you’re a frequent customer aren’t you, Jake? Yes in fact we do still have the crab cakes. Secret menu item now.” Finnegan smiled. “How come I haven’t seen your smile around before?”
“Was out of town for a long while, Finn.” Jake said. “Came back just for my brother’s birthday.”
“That’s so nice of you, Jake.” Finnegan crooned. “Well I’ll get those crab cakes started and be right back with your drinks.”
“Enjoyin’ those mozzarella sticks, Greg?” She asked on the way to the bar. He gave her an appreciative nod and she winked in return. It was when Sal was pouring the beer for her that she saw that another man had been seated at her section. He was wearing a hoodie and seemed intent on keeping his hands in the kangaroo pocket in the front. On her walk back to Jake and Mike’s table, she noticed the new guest take a hand out for a brief moment. Finnegan thought she saw heavy bandages but the hand was put away just as quickly as it was brought out. “Here you go. Do you know what you want to eat? Or should I give y’all more time?”
“Some more time. Please.” Mike said. “Sweetie.”
“I think you’re the sweetie, Mike.” Finnegan winked. “I’ll be back in five.”
“How about sooner because we’ll miss you?” Jake grinned.
“As you wish.” Finnegan curtsied, being sure to tip her cleavage in Mike’s direction. Birthday boy deserved it. And she wanted to earn back the money she spent on the bra. Then, she walked over to her new guest. “Hello! Welcome to Buck’s. I’ll be your waitress Finnegan but please call me Finn. What’s your name?”
“Barry.” He said, keeping his head bowed but looking up at her from under the hood. 
It worried Finnegan that he was keeping himself concealed but his table was close to the entrance. When she glanced at Brent, he nodded his head subtly. Satisfied that she’d be safe she returned her attention to Barry. “Very nice to meet you, Barry.  What do you want to drink?”
“Just water? Not even a soda?” Finnegan smiled. “Our food goes well with sugary, bubbly drinks.”
“Water is fine.”
“Suit yourself, Barry.” Finnegan shrugged. “Any appetizers or do you need more time to look at the menu?”
“Time.” Barry said. “Please.”
“Sure thing, honey.” Finnegan smiled. “I’m a fan of those beer battered fish and chips you can find in the specials but I’ll get you whatever you ask for.” Instead of patting or squeezing his shoulder like she normally would have done, she tapped the table and smiled again. Before going to check on Shelly, she walked over to Brent. “Hey, baby.”
“Evening, Finn.” Brent nodded at her and gave the slightest of smiles. “How’s your sister?”
“Awww that’s so sweet of you to remember. She’s out of the hospital now. Trying to rest up but my new nephew isn’t letting her.” Finnegan said. “Keeps wanting his mama’s milk.”
“Glad to hear it.” 
“Listen. I know you already noticed but,” Finnegan lowered her voice just in case. “Keep an eye on the guy in the hoodie, will ya? I hate profiling him like that. But him hiding his face rubs me the wrong way.”
“You got it.”
“Thank you, Brent. You are the best.” She blew him a kiss and walked over to Shelly who was attempting to balance five drinks on a platter. “Oh sweetie here. Let me help you.”
“No no. I got it. I have to practice.” Shelly frowned stubbornly. “Thanks though.”
“If you say so. How’s your table treating you? Eyes only?”
“One put his hand on my ass.”
“Which one?” Finnegan tensed. “I’ll have Brent talk to him.”
“No no it’s okay. His friend hit him for me.” Shelly shook her head rapidly. “And it’s my fault anyway. I don’t know what’s too far and flirted with him a little extra.”
“Shelly. Sweetheart.” Finnegan sighed. “It is absolutely not your fault! You understand me? The rules here are simple. You flirt. You tease your body a little. But our customers are not allowed to grope you. They come here to look at something nice and get some extra attention while they eat good food. If they want to grope a woman they can get a prostitute or a stripper willing to bend the rules. Buck’s girls do not provide that service.”
“Okay, Finn.” Shelly smiled gratefully. “Thank you. I’m gonna go serve them now.”
“Remember, Brent is there for a reason. He’s our friend not our customers’.” Finnegan headed to Greg who had just been served his burger. “Well, Greg. How’s that burger treating you?”
“Treating me better than my ex wife.” Greg chuckled. “Wasn’t sure if I’d like the turkey patty but it’s damn good.”
“Well screw her if a patty is better!” Finnegan laughed with him.
“What’s that sauce on here? Never had anything like it.”
“Well that’s Buck’s secret! Even Cooper doesn’t know what’s in it and he made you that burger.” Finnegan said, then pointed over to a shelf situated next to the bar. On it were bottles of Buck’s Sauce. “You wanna take a bottle home with you?”
Greg looked over at the shelf, then pointed at the shirt rack next to it. “I’ll come back for the burger. But I think I will get myself a t-shirt. I should get the word out.”
“That would mean so much to me, Greg.” Finnegan grinned. “What size does a big strong man like you wear? A large?”
“Extra large, sweet heart.” Greg chuckled. “I wasn’t kidding about watching what I eat. I need to.”
“Oh hush you’re handsome.”
“I said I was fat, not ugly.” Greg winked. 
That got a genuine laugh out of Finnegan. “Truer words have never been spoken. I’ll drop the shirt off in a minute.” She squeezed his shoulder and walked over to Mike and Jake’s table. “Well, gentleman. Enjoying those crab cakes?”
Mike hurriedly swallowed. “Delicious!”
Jake took his time chewing and swallowing, but he did smile at her. “Just like I remembered.”
“Wonderful!” Finnegan said. “Are you ready to order your main course?”
“Yep.” Jake said. “Mikey go ahead and tell her.”
“Oh. Uhm.” Mike’s face didn’t blush when he looked at her but his ears did turn lobster red. “I’ll have Buck’s Spicy Chicken Sandwich w-with fries on the side. A-and Jake wants the Southerner Chicken Sandwich. With fries. Fries.”
“Two chicken sandwiches for my boys, coming right up.” She placed the order on her tablet, then smiled at Mike. “I like your tattoos, Mike.”
“Th-thank you.”
“He’s a tattoo artist.” Jake chimed in. 
“Really? That’s amazing!”
“I’m an a-p-prentice still.” Mike corrected. “Not official.”
“Well you’ll need to practice on someone then, right?” Finnegan asked. “Why not me?”
“You have tattoos?” Mike glanced at her pale hands and arms.
“Where they are is a secret.” Finnegan winked but she did pull her collar to the side, slightly, revealing a hint of ink. “Write your shop’s name down when y’all pay the bill. I’ll come and check you out. See if we can work out a design.”
“C-cool. Thank you.” 
“Told you coming here would be a good idea.” Jake grinned. “You just got a customer.”
“You sure did.” Finnegan squeezed Mike’s shoulder. “Alright I’ll be back in a bit. Need me to get a refill for that beer, Jake?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Jake got up, stuffing the last crab cake into his mouth. “Gonna head to the bathroom, Mike.”
Finnegan waved at Mike, winked at Greg as she passed him, and arrived at Barry’s table. “Well Mr. Barry. What can I get for you?”
“The fish and chips.”
“Sure!” Finnegan smiled. She noticed him peek at her before looking away. “No appetizers?”
“No. Thank you.”
“Suit yourself, Barry.” Finnegan shrugged. “It’ll be out in a little bit, alright?”
“Okay.” Barry nodded. “And a soda. Please.”
“Ahh changed your mind, did ya?” Finnegan said. “What kind of bubbly goodness do you want?”
“Dr. Pepper.”
“Man of excellent taste.” Finnegan gave him a thumbs up and patted the table. “I’ll be right back with that.”
She was getting that drink when Jake approached her. “Hey, Finn.”
“Hey, Jake.” Finnegan said. “Need something?”
“Just wanted to thank you for being so nice to Mike.” Jake said. “If you couldn’t tell, he’s a little awkward around women. It’s why I brought him here.”
“Well of course, Jake!” Finnegan smiled, leaning on the counter and facing him. “And he’s not that awkward. A little shy maybe. But it’s cute.”
“I’ve tried telling him that women aren’t scary but…” Jake sighed and shrugged. “Hopefully tonight helps a little.”
“I’m sure it will. I’m glad I can help.” Finnegan grabbed the fresh beer as Sal handed it to her. “And here’s that beer you wanted.” Finnegan watched him go, then headed to Barry’s table. “One Dr. Pepper for you, Mr. Barry.”
“Thank you.” Barry said. “Finn.”
“You’re welcome.” Finnegan said. “Anything else I can do for ya? You’ve got a good view of the tv so I can change the channel for ya, if you’d like.”
“That’s fine. I have my phone.” Barry gestured with his chin at his phone. The screen was filled with text. 
“Oooo what are you reading?”
“Wheel of Time.” Barry said, tone hesitant. “It’s a series by…”
“Robert Jordan.” Finnegan finished. “I haven’t read it but it’s on my list.”
Though she couldn’t see his face that well, Finnegan was sure he looked shocked. “What? Can’t a pretty girl like me enjoy some fantasy?”
“You can. It’s just…”
“Surprising?” Finnegan laughed. “I know. I get it all the time. But I’m a fantasy nerd just like you.” She looked around then leaned over conspiratorially and whispered. “I’ve got a Brass Allomantic symbol tattoo on my waist. Do you know what that means?”
“Yep!” Finnegan cheered. “Sanderson is an absolute genius, isn’t he?”
“He is.” Barry nodded.
“Well I’ll leave you to read. Don’t wanna get in the way of that. I know how annoyed I get when people interrupt my storytime.” Finnegan stood back up normally. “Your dinner will be here soon.”
“Thank you, Finn.”
Finnegan winked then went to grab an extra-large shirt for Greg. “Here ya go, Greg. And since you were being smart and taking care of your health, the shirt is on the house.”
“Really?” Greg beamed. “Can you do that?”
“Buck is flexible with his favorites.” Finnegan said. “And I’m his number one.”
“Seems like a great guy.”
“Only ones better than him are his customers.” 
“You’re never off, are you?” Greg laughed. “With the customer pleasing.”
“Oh Greg I am always on.” Finnegan winked. “Anything else I can get for you?”
“Well I want a milkshake. But I wouldn’t want to disappoint you so I’ll just have the check.”
“Yay! Good man.” Finnegan jumped in place and clapped her hands together, pretending to not notice the attention it got from him. “I’ll be back with your check. The t-shirt will be on there, for our own inventory purposes, but you’re not going to be charged. If it seems like you were, though, let me know!”
“Thank you, Finn.”
Finnegan headed to Jake and Mike’s table after grabbing Greg’s check and dropping it off. “How are you boys doing?”
“Well I’m doing great.” Jake laughed, putting his sandwich down. “How about you, Mikey?”
“G-g-good.” Mike sniffled. He looked as though he had been crying.
“Awww Mikey… I assumed you could handle spice since you asked for it.” Finnegan held back a chuckle. “We usually do a complementary slice of cake or pie for birthday boys but we can do a milkshake instead. It’ll calm your tongue down. Vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry?”
“Vanilla.” Mike sniffled again. “Please.”
“Oh wow I’m so surprised you picked vanilla.” Finnegan smirked. 
“Could I get a milkshake too? Chocolate.” Jake asked, watching her put in the order.
“You aren’t the birthday boy, Jake. You’ll be charged for that one.”
“Really?” Jake frowned exaggeratedly.
“Yep.” Finnegan frowned in response as a fake apology.
“Ah it’s fine. Bring me one anyway. Along with the check.”
“Sure! Be back soon, boys.” She walked over to Greg’s table and, when he caught sight of her, began dragging her feet in as slowly as she could without looking stupid. “Do you really have to go?”
“My dogs are waiting for me. So yes.” Greg smiled. “I had a good time tonight, Finn. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Give your pups extra belly rubs on my behalf.” Finnegan picked up his card along with the check. “And please do come back! Hopefully I’m the one that gets to wait on you.”
“I hope so too.”
After double checking that he hadn’t been charged for the t-shirt, Finnegan swiped his card. With his receipt printed, she returned to Greg’s table, once again walking as slowly as she could to it once they made eye contact. “Here you go, Greg. Drive safe.”
“Will do.” Greg said. “Listen. I know all the attention you give us and everything is part of your job. But it’s still really nice. And it feels authentic.”
“Wouldn’t feel right to me if I wasn’t being authentic, Greg.” Finnegan said. “It is my job. But I enjoy doing it.”
“I believe you.”
Finnegan hugged him from the side, once again pressing her breasts to his head, and walked to Barry’s table. “Mr. Barry.”
“How are the fish and chips?” Finnegan asked. “As good as I promised?”
“Mhm.” Barry nodded. “Thank you.”
“I knew it! That’s what I always get when I eat here. Cooper is a genius cook.”
“I know.”
“You know?”
“He’s a friend.”
“Oh! Didn’t know that.” Finnegan raised an eyebrow. “Well that makes you family. Sort of. How come we haven’t seen each other before?”
“Been a long time since I came here.” Barry said after a few moments of silence.
Finnegan assumed it had something to do with the bandages he kept hiding. “Ah. Well. Good to have you back, Mr. Barry.”
“Good to be back.”
Finnegan felt she could get him to talk more if she pressed him but decided against it. “After my other two customers leave, do you mind if I join you? I can take my dinner break early.”
“Oh. Sure.” Barry looked up at her in shock and she caught sight of a scarred face. He jerked his head back down immediately. “If you want.”
“Dinner is more fun with company.” Finnegan said. “Want me to bring over any dessert for you to have something to eat while I do?”
“Apple pie. If you have it.”
“We sure do!” Finnegan patted the table then went to grab the two milkshakes that were waiting for Jake and Mike. Once she had those, along with their check, she returned to the boys. “Here you go! One vanilla and one chocolate. Happy birthday, Mikey!”
Mike grabbed his and began sucking on the straw immediately. Jake laughed. “He says thanks.”
“Thank you…” Mike added quietly.
“You’re welcome. Are you the type to enjoy people singing happy birthday or….” She saw the look on his face. “No. Gotcha.”
“Aw come on.” Jake threw his hands in the air. “You being uncomfortable is the best part.”
“Birthday boy gets to pick.” Finnegan put the check in front of Jake. “And birthday boy’s brother pays, right?”
“Right.” Jake sighed heavily. He took his wallet out and gave her the card and check.
“Aren’t you gonna look at the check?”
“I trust a girl that works for Buck.” Jake smiled. 
“Good policy. We’re the best.” Finnegan smiled back, then walked away to charge him. Despite her rush to get back to Barry, Finnegan checked to be sure Jake was being billed for the right items before swiping his card. Once that was done, she returned. “Remember. Write down your tattoo shop’s name, Mike!”
“I will.” Mike said. His milkshake was almost done.
“Careful! Don’t want you getting a brain freeze.” Finnegan patted his back playfully before giving him a pen to write with. “Alright then. You boys have a safe night, alright?”
“You too, Finn.” Jake said. “That’s what Brent over there is for, right?”
Finnegan laughed, gave them both a side hug, and grabbed the check from Greg’s table. She raised both eyebrows in surprise at the extremely generous tip he had left her before heading to the kitchen. “Hey, Cooper!”
“Hey, Finnegan.” Cooper didn’t look up from the burgers he was grilling.
 “Your friend Barry is here. I’m serving him.”
“Is he? Cool.” Cooper smiled. “Been convincing him for weeks. Don’t bill him, by the way. His meal’s on me.”
“You got it.” Finnegan nodded. “Any chance I can be nosy and you can tell me what he’s hiding?”
“No chance, Finn.”
“Ahh that’s fine.” Finnegan shrugged. “Tell me this though. Is he a good guy?”
“The best.”
“In that case, could you have some fish and chips sent over to his table for me? I’m taking my dinner break with him.”
“Little early for a dinner break, don’t you think?”
“Who’s gonna stop me? The only one here with seniority over me is you.” Finnegan pouted. “You gonna stop me, Coop?”
“Love ya.” Finnegan said. “I’m gonna grab a slice of pie for him as well.”
“Help yourself.”
Pie in hand, she returned to Barry. “Either you’re not enjoying your meal or you’re a slow eater.”
“Slow eater.” Barry said. As if to demonstrate, he took a single bite out of a fry that was small enough for him to eat whole.
“I’m a vacuum.” Finnegan put his pie to the side. “Thanks for letting me join you.”
“Thank you.” Barry said. “Didn’t know that happened here.”
“There aren’t any rules against it.” Finnegan said. “Just as long as we don’t go past our break time. Also helps that you’re a friend of Cooper. Wouldn’t be comfortable doing this with a customer I don’t know.”
“You don’t know me.”
“I know Cooper though.” Finnegan winked. “A friend of Cooper is a friend of mine. He doesn’t make friends easily.”
Barry chuckled. “No. He doesn’t.”
“How long have you known him?”
“Since we were kids. Fifth grade.”
“Wow!” Finnegan exclaimed. “Only people I’ve been friends with since I was a kid are my parents.”
“I got lucky.” Barry said. “How long have you been working here?”
“Five years once we get to April 15th.”
“Thank you. I love this job.” 
“Easy to tell.”
“Is that so?”
“You’re very enthusiastic and friendly.” Barry said. “Hard to fake.”
“Never underestimate a girl working customer service.” Finnegan laughed. “But you’re right. Only days I’m not genuine is when I’m not feeling alright. But if I’m good on the inside? Every smile you get comes from the heart.”
Their conversation mainly revolved around the various fantasy worlds they wished they could visit, if not live in. Even the dystopian societies had a draw to them due to the amazing magic that happened there. Barry seemed interested in anything that took him away from whatever was happening in his life. He never blatantly said it. But Finnegan could pick up on his escapist fantasies, perhaps because she could directly empathize.
“You’ve been here awhile.” Barry said, after the conversation lulled for a few moments. “You want to stay at Buck’s?”
“Saving up for grad school.” Finnegan said.  “If I get into the local school I’ll still keep working here though. Girls gotta eat, right?”
“And buy new books.”
“Yes, sir.” Finnegan smiled and tipped her glass to him. She then saw that a new group get seated in her section. “Well shit. Looks like my break is over.”
Barry looked over to where she was looking and sighed. “Ah. Okay. It was nice talking to you.”
“Booooo.” Finnegan pouted as she got up. “Only nice?”
“Great, Finn.” Barry laughed. “It was great. Could I get the check?”
“...huh?” “Coop is paying for ya.”
“He doesn’t have to do that…”
“He wants to, silly.” Finnegan said. “Next time you come in, you can pay for his dinner.”
“Yeah. I’ll do that.”
Finnegan could feel his smile. “Elbow bump goodbye?”
“Elbow bump see you later.” Barry held his elbow out and she bumped it with hers. “Thank you for tonight, Finn. I really needed it. I hope to see you again when I come in.”
“You’re very welcome Barry.” Finnegan smiled at him. “And you will if you’re lucky.” They bumped elbows again and Finnegan watched him go. She sighed, stretched, and walked to the new group of customers. “Welcome to Buck’s, gentleman! I’m Finnegan, you can call me Finn, and I’ll be your waitress tonight. How y’all doing?”
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Beer me,I mean: Forgive me - Request
Requested by anon:  Sherlock and reader get drunk please x & anon: I was wondering if you could do a super angsty Sherlock x Reader where they get into a fight and the reader storms off and goes to a bar to drink herself into oblivion?
Word Count: 2.608
Pairing: Sherlock x reader
Warnings: OOC Sherlock, bit angsty, use of alcoholic beverages, unedited. Also, by no means, Sherlock’s actions in this fic are justificated and you should definitely not allow anyone talk to you or about you in the way Sherlock does here. Remember it’s fanfiction.
A/N: Don’t allow me to name my own fics, please.
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“A proper apology, that is all I’m asking for, Sherlock,” (Y/N) cried out.
“Why should I give one if you don’t deserve it?” Sherlock argued, without getting up from the leather couch.
“Don’t deserve it?!” She exclaimed, “I stood by you and all you did in return was humiliate me in front of everyone!”
“HUMILIATE YOU!” Sherlock mocked, “I defended you, but you women take everything personally.”
“Us women?” She glared at him. “At every chance you get, you humiliate me, you insult me, you diminish me…”
“No, I don’t,” Sherlock finally turned to look at her. She was standing right beside the couch he was laying in, walking from one side to the other angrily. “You do it all on your own, all I do is point it out!”
“POINT IT OUT TO ME, YOU MORON!” She yelled, “Point it out to me only, not to everyone in Scotland Yard behind my back.”
“Technically, you were the one behind my back.”
“I’m sick of you, I’m truly sick of you.”
“Yeah, right,” Sherlock chuckled, “this little rant of yours will be forgotten tomorrow.”
“No, it won’t.” She huffed and turned around, taking her coat from the hanger and slamming the door behind her.
Sherlock, inflated with ego, didn’t mind at all. To him, she was being overly dramatic, and that was it.
Two seconds later, Mrs Hudson walked in. She looked rather suspicious, but Sherlock figured it was because she didn’t know how angry he was after that fight.
“You had a little domestic?” She giggled shyly from the door.
“Same old thing,” Sherlock shrugged his shoulders, “I will think twice before taking her with me to any other crime scenes.”
“What did she do?” Mrs Hudson asked, taking a seat near Sherlock.
“Well, she was trying to act all clever and smart,” he said and Mrs Hudson encouraged him to keep talking. “Of course, she was all wrong.”
“So you pointed it out to her,” the lady finished.
“Yes, as usual.”
“She got mad because of that?”
“Oh, no, not at all,” Sherlock dismissed, “she got mad because of what she heard me say, which is complete nonsense as I was defending her.”
“Defending her from what?”
“Rough night?” The man behind the bar asked.
“Very much… Would you please?” She gestured to her jar of beer, which was already empty.
“That’s the third, and you’re not very big we say…” The bartender observed, “How are you going to get home?”
“That’s none of your business” she snapped.
“You’re not driving, are you?”
“Nope,” She said. The bartender poured her another pint.
“So, what happened?”
“My boyfriend is an arse, and I hate him.”
“You’ve said that ten times tonight, might as well tell me the story.”
“We were at a crime scene,” she started, “he is some sort of detective, and I was with him. I was just trying to help but his fragile ego can’t stand someone else being right so he corrected everything I said and it’s okay, he’s all smart and whatever… But then we were leaving the building and I had to get back to retrieve a piece of evidence he solicited. I come out and he’s there, talking to the police about me.”
“What did he say?”
“He said I’ve got no brains at all, but can compensate with other qualities and attitudes.”
“Ouch,” the bartender frowned.
“That’s the soft part, I can’t even say the rest.”
“Apologise from what? I AM RIGHT!” Sherlock argued.
“You said the only reason you were with her was because she was, above all, smart.”
“Smart is not the same as intelligent,” Sherlock explained, rolling his eyes.
“You embarrassed your partner in front of people you hate, even though she always stands by your side… Even when nobody else does.”
“So be a real man and apologise, or else.”
“Or else what?”
An hour later, Sherlock walked through the bar’s door. He instantly found his girlfriend, sitting by the bar, with an empty beer jar in hand.
“(Y/N),” he said, “I was an absolute bastard and I hope you forgive me.”
“Mrs Hudson sent you, didn’t she?” She spoke, without turning back to face him.
“Yes, indeed, but I do mean…”
“See?” She interrupted, “I don’t need to be a clever detective to know that.”
“I’m aware…”
“You know why?” Sherlock didn’t answer, “Because the Great Sherlock Holmes never apologises by his own will.”
“Not that I need to,” he muttered.
“That’s what you think.” She turned to see him. Her makeup was almost gone, her eyes were puffy and red, and she could barely keep her posture for she was too drunk.
“You’re drunk,” Sherlock commented.
“Took you long enough to notice!” She mocked, “I’m surprised you didn’t notice from the minute you got into the bar!”
“Please, just let it go and let me take you back home,” Sherlock begged in a whisper.
“No,” she whispered back.
“Please, this is no place to talk…”
“We’re talking here, though.” Sherlock rolled his eyes and sat on the stool by her side.
“Bring me as many as she had,” he asked, instantly regretting his own decision.
By the third pint, Sherlock was seeing double. He was swaying from side to side as he tried to formulate a coherent sentence.
“The truth is… I do love you,” he started.
“Buuuuut,” he turned to look at her, “it scares me.”
“Boo…” She replied and took another sip of her own beer.
Sherlock drank the rest of his beer in one last sip and shivered after putting the glass down.
“Want me to get you two a cab?” The bartender asked.
“I think I can get my own cab,” Sherlock fumed and got up. Two seconds after, he fell.
(Y/N) looked down at him as if nothing severe had happened and then back at the bartender. “You know what they say: fall like a drunk and nothing will hurt.”
“Who says that?” The bartender asked with true concern.
“I do,” she snapped and winked at him.
(Y/N) got up as well and managed to stay on balance. She, surprisingly, succeeded at helping Sherlock up and the two of them left the bar tumbling and babbling nonsense.
They were standing by the sidewalk, somehow not falling to the ground, as they waved to cab drivers for them to stop and give them a ride.
“They’re not coming,” Sherlock said turning to look at her.
“One will come,” she said, looking back at him.
Sherlock, in his drunken state, couldn’t control himself. Hence, he leaned towards her, trying to give her a kiss. She, although drunk as well, pushed his face away.
“Please,” he begged.
“No,” she replied.
“Pretty please…”
“I said no.”
“Pretty, please…”
“Not after what you did,” she insisted and Sherlock sighed tiredly.
“I already apologised for that,” he whined and pouted his lips, asking again for a kiss.
“Not enough.”
A cab stopped by them, and asked them if they needed to be taken. (Y/N) instantly said yes, and hopped on as best as she could. Sherlock took a bit longer, but finally managed to get in.
“Fun night?” the cab driver asked.
“No,” Sherlock shook his head, “she’s mad at me.”
“He’s a narcissistic sociopath who doesn’t value me,” she slurred.
The cab driver made a strange sound, presumably a giggle, and shook his head. “What did you do, lad?”
“I was only talking to my employees…”
“Co-workers,” (Y/N) interrupted.
“No, I don’t co-work,” Sherlock muttered then continued. “I only said she’s not as clever but can compensate with other qualities.”
“Why would you say that?” The cab driver inquired, seemingly hurt.
“I was only getting along with those chaps!”
“That was so posh…” (Y/N) whispered and fell to the opposite side of Sherlock, starting to fall asleep.
“I suppose they were all men…” The cab driver mumbled.
“Oh no, there was a lady… not much of a lady, but she is a woman… I think.”
“Are they your friends?”
“Oh no, not at all,” Sherlock wiggled his finger from side to side, enthusiastically. “I hate them all.”
“Then why did you say those awful things to them?”
“You know men,” Sherlock shrugged his shoulders, “it’s a matter of masculinity.”
“Your concept of masculinity and mine are rather different, I’ll tell you that.”
“Yeah?” Sherlock asked and the cab driver nodded. “Well, I didn’t mean it, but she doesn’t believe me.”
“You ought to say exactly what she deserves to hear, apologise and be a good boyfriend for once.”
The cab parked right in front of the flat. Sherlock paid him a bit more than needed “for his advice” and tried to wake (Y/N) up.
“We’re here, Sleeping Beast,” Sherlock whispered.
“Right,” Sherlock nodded, “wake up Beauty Beast.”
The driver rolled his eyes and breathed out a chuckle. “You sir, are one of a kind.”
“Thank you!” Sherlock exclaimed, waking (Y/N) up. “You heard that?”
“Hard not to,” she complained and pushed Sherlock out so they could get out of the cab.
Sherlock got out first and extended his hand for (Y/N) to support her weight on her way down, but once she did they both tumbled and almost fell once more. The cab driver asked them if they were all right and, when they said yes, he wished them a good night and left.
“What a nice man,” Sherlock smiled.
“Oh yeah, you do say good things about him, huh?” She hissed and walked to the door, struggling with each step she took. Sherlock rolled his eyes and tried following her.
They got to the door, and Sherlock stopped her from opening it. Instead, he trapped her between his body and the door, which was wet from the recent rain, and focused on saying what the cab driver had told him to say.
“You ought to hear exactly what you want me to say,” he slurred and (Y/N) tilted her head in confusion. “No, that’s not how it went… You ought to say what I meant to mean to hear.”
“Why not?”
“I mean, that’s not how it goes,” she chuckled sassily and pushed him so she could open the door.
They stumbled inside and slammed the door behind them.
“It’s hard for me to talk right now,” he explained, trying to enunciate each syllable properly.
“Write it down, then,” (Y/N) suggested and Sherlock agreed.
They dragged each other upstairs, constantly giving a step back instead of a step forward, but generally managing just fine.
Once they were inside their flat, Sherlock rushed to his desk, took a pen and a blank paper and started to write something. Once he finished, he gave it over to (Y/N), who had waited patiently on the floor next to him, for her to read it.
She held the paper in her hands for a long while, reading over and over again the words Sherlock had carefully spelled, until she gave up.
“I don’t understand a single word,” she said, handling the paper back to Sherlock.
“I can’t write when I’m drunk,” Sherlock excused himself, falling to the floor next to her.
“Yeah, I can’t read either.”
Sherlock looked at her and bursted in laughter. She followed along for a couple seconds and then leaned towards him, resting her head on his shoulder.
“I shouldn’t forgive you, you know?” She whispered, “What you did was wrong… Very wrong.”
“I know, I regret it deeply.”
“Why did you do it?”
“I just…” He sighed, “Just…”
“Just what?”
“I wanted to be part of the group for once,” Sherlock said, “they always talk shit about their partners because they think it makes them more manly, and I figured I could feel that too.”
“And did you?”
“No,” Sherlock confessed, “not after the way you yelled at me in front of everyone.”
“You deserved it,” She chuckled.
“I know,” he said, giving a kiss to her head.
“It’s funny you want to be like the rest when all that convinced me to date you was the fact that you’re not like them,” she commented.
Sherlock looked at her with utter concern before yelling a blasphemy. He dropped the rest of his body to the floor, laying like the drama queen he was as he mumbled incomprehensible words.
When the sun rose and people outside started moving, (Y/N) and Sherlock woke up. The noise from the street was too loud for them and had to run away to the bedroom, which was farther away from the main street.
The got on and covered their head with the pillows, complaining about life in general.
Since it was of no help, they both decided to just live with the terrible hangover they were having. They got out of the bedroom, without saying a word, and poured themselves a cup of cold tea and took two aspirins each. They ate some leftovers that were on the fridge and crawled back to the bedroom.
“I’m very sorry about yesterday,” Sherlock mumbled suddenly.
“I know,” (Y/N) replied.
“I will understand it if you no longer want me in your life, I deserve that kind of rejection,” he continued.
“I’m not leaving you…”
“What I said was not true and you don’t know how sorry I am for saying that,” he insisted, “just know that I don’t actually believe any of those awful things that I said.”
“Would you do something for me, please?” (Y/N) interrupted.
“I’d do anything for you.”
“Would you please, please, please, please, please shut up?”
Sherlock did as asked for a minute and then spoke again.
“Do you forgive me?”
“Yes, I already told you that.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and left the room to go look for her phone. The battery was almost dying but was enough to show Sherlock the evidence.
It was a video of them, laying on the floor, while being drunk.
“Sherlock says drunk people and kids always tell the truth,” (Y/N) spoke to the camera, “since he is a drunk kid right now, he will say a few words.”
She passed the phone to him. He held it too close to his face, but his identity was still clear.
“I am very sorry, I am an idiot and I don’t deserve you, (Y/N). The only reason why I said it was because my fragile ego needed a bost, and I am lame.”
“That’s not exactly what I asked you to say,” her voice was heard on the video.
“Shhh, I’m talking to you,” Sherlock hushed, “I am victim of my own ego and you are one hell of a guy.”
“Gal.” Sherlock smiled drunkenly, “I love you, you are very smart and all. Even more so than Donovan, who claims to be the smartest from Scotland Yard, although of course it is filled with imbeciles and…”
“And I love you very much, bye.” He kissed the camera and then struggled to turn it off, finally handing it to (Y/N) for her to stop the vídeo.
“That was… a bit embarrassing,” Sherlock confessed, surprised by his own behaviour.
“Yes, that’s what Mrs Hudson said.”
“You showed it to her?” Sherlock exclaimed, “When?”
“Right after you recorded it, I asked Mycroft to send it to everyone,” She shrugged her shoulders, “It’s in your blog, actually… and in John’s…”
Sherlock groaned and covered his face with his hands.
“I’m never insulting you ever again.”
To-Do List
Forever Tags: @dekahg @myfriendmagislit @thecrazyhatwoman @pureawesomeness001 @bingewatchingmylifegoby @cutie1365 @one-left-foot
BBCitters Tags: @marietrevosa @phantasyphamily
Sherlock Tags: @procrastinating-my-life-away @charlottemalfoy @zena-dukmak @just-a-blog00 @wefracturedmotivation @beccamullz@sugarshai @vancepter @roseyhxnt @thisisjessicatalking @foureyedsiopao @nicole-pierce @captain-sherlockomg @😘-by-white-🐺 @samanthasmileys @💛-charmer-sketch @givemeamemoryicanuse @diesintheshower @demonminnion3 @thatmoodindigo @sexyporntime@neonpinkbeard @destiel5100 @peachyoshi64 @1enchantedfantasy1 @thesherlockblr @yehummno @jaspar-error404 @spaghettiicat @duubaduu @milychetto @frayedphan @violenttgod @comicnerdmia@shadyladyperfection @thisisafanficblog-blog @dandonish @marymaia00@xx221bxx @fanderrawr @landofthemusicalassbutts @lovelyblackdespair@xx221bxx @thegameisafootwatson @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday@oneshotsdeanshort @sarkina @ihave-danxiety @igirl7plus-sky @super-magical-science
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liesfromalover · 7 years
Virginity For Sale
Tired of being a virgin you look to your friend to help you out, he, however has other plans.
Genre: Smut
Word count: 5k
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You stared up at the cloudy night, pulling your coat closer against the slight breeze flowing up your skirt. The sky was a hazy purple as the last bit of sunlight slid below the horizon. You squeezed your knees tighter together and pouted. It was your birthday and you were finally able to go out to drink with the rest of your friends. Your best friend was Kim Hansol and he promised you a party you would never forget. Knowing that he wouldn’t disappoint, you bought a new dress that hugged your every curve. It was a beautiful red satin mini-dress with sweetheart neckline with a black lace overlay, intricately covering the dress and your arms.You completed the outfit with black and red pumps, red lipstick and Hansol did your eyeliner so you knew the wing tips were perfect.
The only downside of this night seemed to be waiting for him to actually bring you to the party. You frowned and pulled on your best friend’s arm, whining loudly. “Hansol oppa, why are we still here? I want to go to the party you promised me.”
He looked at you and rubbed your head gently. “Relax, you’ll be going soon.” He checked his watch then took out a phone and sent a quick message before you could see who he was texting. “Ok, how about we wait in that cafe over there? That way I can tell you about your present and warm up.” He smiled brightly and pulled you along, crossing the street and entering a little cafe with sparkling lights decorating the outside. It had a cute patio for those wanting to enjoy their drinks and snacks outdoor but for tonight it was empty, the chilly winds proving too much for customers.
You took in the homey decor and smiled at the warmth that washed over you. Hansol pulled you over to a table by the window and smiled more. “What’s the one thing you’ve been asking me for for a really long time now?” His eyes were bright and filled with mischief. You frowned in thought then a slow heat rose to your face and it wasn’t because of the temperature in the room.
“Oppa, are you going to take it tonight? I mean that’s great but I wish you would have told me back at my house, we could have just done it there.” Your voice was small and embarrassed. Losing your virginity was never a big deal between you two but knowing that he was actually going to take it made you feel nervous. His frown, however, told you otherwise.
“I’m not taking it. That would change too many things between us and I care about our friendship way too much to make you fall in love with me.” He reached over and held your hand gently and you sighed in disappointment. As much as you were actually relieved, you also didn’t know how else you were going to lose it.
“I wouldn’t fall in love with a dork like you.” You pouted and stared at him
“Sure you wouldn’t. Anyway, I put your virginity up for sale a week ago an-.”
“You did what?!”  You hissed through your teeth and glared at him, making him frown and pout.
“Oh, relax. It's not how it sounds.” He looked down and squinted. “Actually, it's exactly how it sounds. I’m going to pay someone to take your virginity buuuuut~” He actually looked happy despite the growing fear on your face. “I just happen to know the guy personally so I can guarantee that he’s not some creep.”
You just stared at him for a moment before getting up and heading towards the door. Hansol called out for you but you ignored him. You were going to go home and just enjoy being a virgin for the rest of your life. You made it 22 years, what’s 70 more?
As soon as you were outside a black Maserati pulled up, a boy with bright orange hair stepping out and smiling at you. You blinked and looked around to see if anyone else was around.
“Yes, I’m looking at you beautiful. Are you Kim Hansol’s friend?” His voice was so sweet and airy, almost the way you imagined what an angel would sound like. You nodded and looked down subconsciously. He was absolutely gorgeous, his hair was long enough to hang in his eyes which were currently shaped like crescent moons, and his plump lips were in a dazzling smile. He walked over slowly and took your hand gently, bringing it to his lips and kissing your knuckles gently. “My name is Jimin. I’m here to make sure you have a good time tonight.” You looked in his eyes shyly, face bright red and a small smile on your full lips.
Hansol came out and laughed happily. “Good, you met. Now ____, please enjoy yourself and Jimin, I’m putting my best friend in your hands. Don’t hurt her and make sure she comes to me in a great mood tomorrow.” He handed Jimin an envelope and gave you a big hug. “You know how much I love you right?”
You hugged him back and watched Jimin go to the passenger side of the car, opening the door for you. You whispered softly. “How much is this costing you?” He groaned and you could feel his eyes rolling.
You frowned and looked at him. “Just thirty dollars?”
He furrowed his eyebrows then laughed softly and rubbed your hair slowly. “Oh, how I wish you would always be this innocent. Thirty thousand dollars. But, you’re worth it.”
Your jaw dropped. That explained how someone that looked as young as Jimin could afford a car of that class but it seemed like it was too much. Hansol must have seen the resignation in your eyes because he cupped your face and kissed your forehead. “It’ll be fine, the price wasn’t a problem. I would have paid three times that to make sure you get what you want.” He smiled then turned you towards the car and slapped your ass hard, making you yelp. “Now go make sure to get my money’s worth.”
You frowned at your friend then walked to the car, smiling shyly at Jimin before getting in. The leather was chilly but still held the warmth of the car. It smelled sweet like cinnamon and vanilla, making you relax although your stomach was a doing backflips. At least it was going to be fine, he’s basically a professional at taking virginities.
Jimin entered the car after saying goodbye to Hansol and smiled at you warmly. “Are you ready to have some fun?” You nodded and smiled back, finding it almost impossible to not want to while he was looking at you like that. He drove off and you watched as Hansol stood there waving, getting smaller and smaller until disappearing around a corner.
You sat in silence for a while but your curiosity was eating at you. Turning to face Jimin you spoke softly, “So, how do you know Hansol oppa?”
He glanced at you then smiled nervously. “We used to work together. Not doing this but at another job. It was a fun time and we just kind of stuck together.”
You nodded slowly and thought back to Hansol’s job before his current one but the only one you could remember was the one at the club. “Were you a stripper with him?”
Jimin’s wonderful almond eyes grew wide and he looked at you a moment before looking back at the road. “He told you about that? Wow, you guys must really be close. Yes, I was but I wanted more as you could probably tell. So did he, so we left around the same time.”
Smiling you ran a hand through your hair. “I was his friend back then. I was actually the one that told him he deserved better but he won’t tell me about his current job. As long as he’s happy and healthy I don’t really mind it though. I had a pretty interesting work history so I never judged him.”
Jimin licked his lips and you grew excited thinking the places his tongue could go. “How did you meet him? You don’t seem like the type to just go to strip clubs.”
You laughed softly and looked down shyly. “That’s because I’m not. It was about 5 years ago at my cousin’s bachelorette party, he was the stripper for the party. Somehow we met at this cafe and he was completely different. I approached him and he was a bit nervous since we met during his work but once I told im I just wanted to get to know him then it was a match made in heaven.”
“Hmm, sounds like you love him.” His voice was teasing and it made you blush.
“No, we’re just friends. He comforted me through many heartbreaks. We tried dating but it was just weird so we went back to being friends before anything could happen.”
Jimin nodded then pulled over and reached in the glove compartment. His arm was resting on your thigh and you felt electric jolts travel up to your core then bit your lip nervously, eyeing the black silk he pulled out. Smiling reassuringly he rubbed your thigh slowly, trying to sooth you. “It's standard precaution, we don’t want the girls to be able to find the place again.” You nodded slowly and closed your eyes.
He immediately tied the cloth over your eyes and adjusted it as needed. “Is it too tight?” His voice was so soft and comforting, you could imagine yourself falling asleep to it. You shook your head slowly and smiled a little. “Good. Let’s go, not much further now.”
You felt the car start to move and sighed, mentally preparing yourself. You began imagining Jimin’s hands on your body, caressing your breasts and his plump lips taking your nipples in your mouth. You felt a throbbing ache start between your legs, smirking as you pictured his lips travelling down to lick your juices. It was almost here. You were finally going to have sex.
You were much more excited than you were nervous by the time the car stopped. Feeling his hands unbuckle your seatbelt, your body shivered at the warmth that spread from his touch. You smiled and listened as he exited the car, jogged over to you side and opened your door, grabbing your hand gently. “Come on beautiful.” Somehow his voice was even more attractive to you as you let him help you out the car.
His hand was on the small of your back and he held your hand gently. “Ok, there are some steps. Yah, are you sure you can’t see? You took them perfectly.” He laughed and the sound filled your ears. Giggling you shook your head slowly.
“I can’t see but Hansol and I played a lot of games where we had to be blindfolded. I was always better than he was.” You smiled proudly and stopped walking when you felt the wall or door. You weren’t sure which it was.
“Wow, you even found the door. You are good.” You heard the jingle of keys and he opened the door, leading you inside. Once the door was closed he took the blindfold off. You looked around the house and gasped softly. The decor was chic and modern, all black and white with splashes of blue in all different hues. The walls were lined with artistic nude stills and paintings that you’ve never seen before. Jimin saw you staring at one of the painted landscapes and smiled. “My hyung painted that. He seems grumpy but he’s really a sweet guy. Come on, I’ll introduce you to the guy that will be taking care of you tonight.”
You blinked and looked at him confused. “I thought you were going to do it.”
“Oh no. I don’t do this anymore. Virgins tend to get attached and it hurts me to always have to turn them down afterwards. No, you’ll be dealing with someone that’s a little less emotional than me but I promise he’s a good kid.” He held his hand out and smiled at you sweetly. You were starting to panic, wondering what this new guy would look like and if he’s less emotional if that means he’d be less gentle with you. Biting your lip nervously, you pulled your coat tighter against you.
“I’m not sure if I can go through with it…” Your voice was small and you looked down nervously. Jimin walked closer to you and lifted your face to his gently, smiling warmly.
“I promise you it will be fine, but if you really don’t want to go through with it I’ll call Hansol and we’ll bring you back.” You smiled sadly and nodded.
“Thank you.”
“And yet you still don’t know why girls always get so attached to you. Hyung, you’re pathetic.” A deep warm voice spoke from the hall behind Jimin. He rolled his eyes and rubbed your cheek with his thumb.
“____, this is Jungkook. The person you were supposed to go to.” You looked at the boy that was standing in the archway. He was cute, muscular and had a smug smirk on his face. His black hair was hanging in his face and he wore a black hoodie with light wash jeans that seemed to hug his thighs.
“You can still come to me if you want. I’m not as nice as Jiminie hyung, but I can make you feel just as good, if not better.” He walked over and you blinked at the height difference between the boys. Jimin was taller than you but Jungkook was nearly a head taller than him. Jimin released you and tilted his head.
“It's up to you, ____. We won’t force you to do anything.”
You looked down and tapped your foot. If you left now you may never get this opportunity again. He was really handsome and his large brown eyes seemed eager to see you. Taking a deep breath you looked at the younger boy and held out your hand. “Let’s go.” He smiled and you could have sworn your heart skipped a beat at how beautiful it was. Grabbing your hand he started down the hall. You heard a door close and looked at the boy confused. “Did Jimin leave?”
“Yeah, it's a rule of ours. Only one guy in the house if there’s a client. It helps keep the girls comfortable.”
When you reached his room, he stopped and pushed you against the wall, pressing his lips to yours gently. Your eyes were wide in shock before you allowed yourself to melt into the kiss. His lips were soft and tasted of something fruity. He slid his hands down your body and under your coat and dress, gripping your ass gently. Your hands went up to his hair and you tangled your fingers in the locks, licking his lip slowly. You felt him smile against your lips as he opened his mouth and you slowly slid your tongue in, exploring his mouth and savoring every part before you found his tongue, massaging it slowly. He groaned softly and picked you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist and you tugged his hair gently.
One of his hands released you to open the door before it was quickly replaced as he carried you into his room, closing the door with his foot. He placed you on the bed and pulled away slowly, looking at you with a mixture of lust and amusement. His voice was deep and sultry as he took off his hoodie, exposing his bare chest and beautifully sculpted abs. “I thought you were a virgin.”
Your hands ran over them slowly and you smiled up at him. “I am.”
He stood you up and slowly took off your coat, taking in a deep breath when he saw your dress and bit his lip. Blushing you smiled and twirled for him slowly. “Do you like what you see?”
He nodded and smirked. “Red is my favorite color and it looks damn good on you.” His hands ran down your body to the hem of your dress, lifting it up slowly. You smiled as he took in your red and black underwear, smirking at it then pulling you tightly against him. “Did you know that you were getting laid tonight or do you always wear sexy lingerie?”
Feeling bold you leaned up and bit his lip gently. “I didn’t know, but I hoped that I would.”
He groaned and kissed you again, rougher this time. His growing bulge twitching against you as he flicked his tongue into your mouth, hands travelling over your body. You slid your hands down to his waist and unbuttoned his jeans before his hand found yours and pulled it away, a low growl sounding in his throat. Smiling against his lips you brought his hands back to your body and let your own explore his back. Slowly, you dragged your nails down his back and he moaned softly in your mouth then squeezed your breasts gently. You bit his lip gently to try and hold back your moan but it didn’t work in your favor. He smiled and unhooked your bra, letting it fall to the floor and broke away from the kiss to leave a trail of soft kisses down your neck to your chest.
You ran your hand through his hair and bit your lip shyly, his lips felt so much better than anything you could ever imagine. He took your hardened nipple in his mouth and sucked gently, running his tongue over it teasingly while gently pulling on the other. You moaned softly and licked your lips, feeling yourself getting more and more wet with every motion of his tongue. Once he was satisfied with one side he went to the other, his free hand moving down between your legs and rubbed over your slit slowly.
You gasped at the warmth of his hand against you, blushing deeply and moaned louder. You felt yourself coming undone and he seemed like he was just beginning. His tongue flicked over your nipple once more before pulling away and sliding your panties to the side, rubbing your opening teasingly and looking in your eyes lustfully. He leaned in and kissed up your neck, sucking on it hard, leaving plum bruises in his wake. When he reached your ear his breath was hot and sent chills to your core. “Why do you taste so good?”
Your voice was breathy as you tried to hold back your moans. “You haven’t even tasted me yet.”
He looked in your eyes and something ran through his before he smirked and brushed his lips against yours. He kissed you slowly and pulled his hand away from you, slowly laying you down on the bed. He pulled away then licked his lips slowly. “Take off your panties and sit at the head of the bed.” You smirked and did as you were told, taking your time as you slid off your panties slowly then got on all fours and crawled up the bed slowly. When you reached the head of the bed you turned over slowly, sitting facing him and spread you legs slowly and licked your lips slowly.
He watched you with seductive eyes, licking his lips slowly as he unzipped his jeans and pulled both them and his boxers off, revealing his hard member. You bit your lip at it's size and your nerves returned. He crawled over to you until he was close enough to kiss you, rubbing your thigh slowly. “Don’t be nervous, you’re doing so good baby.”
his words relaxed you and you nodded, kissing him gently. He smiled and kissed you back then slowly made his way down your body. You felt your clit throb in anticipation, wanting to feel his mouth against it more than the sex itself. He looked up in your eyes and smirked before flicking his tongue across your slit slowly. The warmth of his tongue made you shiver with a rush of pleasure, smirking down at him. He raised an eyebrow then rubbed it slowly with his finger, spreading your folds slowly then licked your clit in slow fast flicks. You moaned softly and bit your lip, gripping the sheets gently. He chuckled against you and enclosed his mouth around you, sucking harder and flicking his tongue relentlessly. Your moans filled the room and you arched your back, squeezing the sheets tightly until your knuckles were white from the strain. Alternating between quick short strokes and long slow ones made you feel your high coming faster than ever before.
He rubbed your opening slowly with a finger then eased it in, making you moan and whimper softly. His eyes darted up to you and he found your hand with his free one, entwining your fingers together. Getting used to the feeling of his finger in you, you were able to focus on the feeling of his tongue on your clit bringing you closer but not fast enough. You released the sheet and grabbed his hair, pushing his face deeper into your core. At that he added another finger and started pumping them in you quickly. Instead of focusing on the slight pinch of pain your body was overrun with waves of pleasure as you felt your orgasm coming closer and closer. The tight coil at you center winding tighter and tighter. Your moans echoed in the room with the lewd sounds coming from the wetness between your legs. “Jungkook-ah. Fuck! I’m gonna cum!” You moaned loudly and his fingers sped up in you, pounding into you while his tongue slowed. The extreme change pushed you over the edge as your orgasm washed over you, causing little tremors through your body.
Jungkook slid his fingers out slowly and smiled, sucking them slowly and rubbed your knuckles with his thumb. You watched him and laughed softly, licking your lips slowly. “Your turn.” Your voice was breathy as you tried to come down from your high. He looked at you confused then shook his head.
“No, this isn’t about my pleasure. Tonight is all about you.” He smiled and kissed you gently then started pumping himself slowly. You rolled your eyes and got up on your knees then bent over, putting your ass in the air and licked the tip of his shaft slowly. He moaned softly and his eyes fluttered shut. “You really don’t have to do this. Most girls don’t even let me eat them so it's- ahh fuck.” You slid the tip of him in your mouth and hollowed out your cheeks, making it as tight as possible. Taking him as far back as you could then sliding out slowly, you eventually found your rhythm. You bobbed your head up and down quickly, using your hand to stroke whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth. His moans filled your ears while his hands found their way to your hair, gripping it gently.
He thrusted in your mouth gently, enjoying the feeling as you massaged his shaft with your tongue. You pulled him out and sucked up the side teasingly, looking up at him. He was watching you with hooded eyes, biting his lip gently. His hand went to your chin and he lifted your face up enough to kiss you gently. His voice was soft as he whispered against your lips. “What are you and where have you been all my life.”
You laughed softly and sat up, kissing his neck gently. “Mmm, I’m just a girl and I’ve been stuck being a virgin. Wanna fix that?”
He smirked and laid you down, spreading your legs slowly and rubbed your core slowly, “That’s what I’m here for.”
“Mmm, is that all you’re good for?” You looked in his eyes and saw them darken before he pushed it down and kissed you gently. He rubbed his tip against your opening teasingly slow, making you shiver with pleasure.
“Let’s save that for later, I don’t want you to get attached.” You rolled your eyes and he started to ease in. Your breath came in a hiss as he stretched you out slowly, a sharp pain blossoming at your core. He looked at you then looked down nervously. “Are you ok?” You nodded slowly and ran your hand down to his . He smiled softly and nodded, entwining your fingers and pushing the rest of him in you, groaning softly at your tightness. You whimpered softly and bit your lip. That was it, you were officially no longer a virgin, Hansol would be so proud of you for not crying. Jungkook kissed you gently and twitched in you, anxious to move. “Ready?” You nodded and he eased back slowly then back in. It was a strange pleasurably sensation. Licking your lips slowly and looking in his eyes.
He stared in your eyes, picking up the pace until he was thrusting fast and deep in you. Your moans were loud as you squeezed his hand gently. He bit your lip and thrusted harder, groaning softly. Your free hand was on his back, dragging your nails down slowly and you licked at his lips slowly. The sound of your moans mixing with the sound of skin slapping against skin bounced off the walls. You arched your back and clenched around him, making him moan and bite your neck gently. “Don’t.. Ah- fuck. Don’t do that.” He moaned in your ear and it made you shiver with pleasure.
“Mmm, you mean this?” You clenched around him again and he moaned, biting your lip and looking at you darkly.
“If you keep that up I won’t be gentle.” His threat stirred something in you that you didn’t know was there. As he thrusted in you again, you let him think he won. Moaning his name softly you clenched around him again, holding it for as long as you could and his moan was so sweet to your ears. He growled low and let go of your hand, grabbing your hips roughly and pounded in you. You gasped and moaned loudly, biting your lip hard.
He repeated the motion, somehow getting harder with each thrust. Your moans turned to screams but it felt so good, you closed your eyes feeling your climax start to build. His hand went to your throat and you opened your eyes, looking at him nervously as he leaned down and rested his forehead against yours, growling low and pounding into you erratically. “Keep your eyes on me, ____”
You obeyed, loving the way he was sounding as his thrusts became more desperate. His hand went down to your clit and started rubbing it roughly. You moaned loudly and closed your eyes, feeling your body getting hotter and hotter as it became more wound up. He squeezed your neck gently, his voice needy. “Look at me.” You opened your eyes and looked in his. They were flooded with pleasure, black with his pupils with a little ring of brown. They were incredibly sexy.
You tried to speak but it just came out in moans as he pounded you. Each one bringing you closer to the edge but something was making you hold back. You bit his lip hard and he moaned softly, giving you that last bit of pleasure. You felt the heat from your orgasm hit you harder than it had earlier, your already tight walls clenched around him as he rode you through your orgasm. your moans filled the room as you started shaking gently. He continued thrusting a few more times before cumming deep in you, filling you up before pulling out slowly and laying next to you.
You were saddened by the emptiness you felt but ignored it as you tried to catch your breath, chuckling softly to yourself.
Jungkook lay there watching you with a strange expression on his face. You looked at him and smiled, rolling on your side and poked him. “What’s with the face?”
He frowned then shrugged. “Nothing. I was just thinking about something.”
“Hmm. What was it?” You reached over and brushed his hair out of his face, he really was a cute kid.
He looked at you for a moment then sighed and rolled onto his back, looking at the ceiling. “It was nothing I can talk about with a client.”
You frowned and looked at him hurt then sighed and closed your eyes. “You’re right, sorry if I was crossing a line.” It hurt but this is exactly what they tried to avoid, getting attached. You weren’t friends, just strangers hooking up for a one time thing. He felt him shift on the bed then gasped softly when he pulled you against him. You opened your eyes and looked up him confused. “Umm, should we be doing this?”
He looked at you then kissed your forehead gently. “No, but I want to.”
You blinked slowly then pulled away slowly. He looked at you longingly but didn’t move towards you. “Why?”
“Because.” He paused and looked at you, conflicting emotions on his face. “I just do. You’re different. I want to know you outside of here.”
You looked at him then a slow knowing smile spread on your face. You rolled onto your back and grinned at the ceiling. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked at you frustrated. “What?”
You shook your head and giggled. “Tell me.”
“Well, Jungkook, it sounds like you got attached.”
He stared at you for a long time, you looked at him and watched the emotions go to war in his eyes. It was quite amusing to watch and you rolled back on your side to get a better look. When he finally spoke he reached for your hand. “If I say that I am, will you let me hold you?”
You blinked slowly then nodded, cuddling close to him. He smiled and held you tightly against him.
“Am I the first girl you got attached to?” He nodded slowly and kissed your head gently.
He lifted your chin gently, making you face him. “Tomorrow morning I’m telling Jiminie hyung that I quit.”
You frowned and furrowed your eyebrows. “Why would you do that?”
“Because if you’ll let me, I want to get to know you better.” He smiled sweetly but you were still confused.
“I don’t see what that has to do with you quitting here.”
“Really noona? I’m asking you to be my girlfriend.” He blushed and rolled his eyes. “No wonder you were a virgin for so long.”
“Oh.” Your cheeks turned a bright red and you looked down. “I don’t know, Jungkook.”
“Don’t tell me no. We didn’t just have sex tonight, it was much more intimate than that.”
You bit your lip and looked at the boy shyly. There was a strong attraction there that could possibly lead to something great. What could go wrong. “Ok, I’ll be your girlfriend.”
His smile was so bright that it warmed your heart. He leaned down and kissed you deeply. You kissed him back then pulled away, nuzzling his chest slowly. “Let’s go to sleep.”
“What? Oh, no noona. We have to celebrate.”
You looked at him confused. “What are we celebrating?”
“Your birthday silly. I took your virginity as a professional, now I’m going to fuck you because you’re mine.”
His lips were on yours before you could protest, his hands rubbing slow circles between your legs and you felt the warm tremor of pleasure rush through your body.
Well, at least you know it’ll be worth it.
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