#the good thing about having a weird job is I can really drink whenever I want
lcriedlastnight · 2 months
Y/n thinks Lando slept with someone else and they have a big fight about it, only for y/n to learn Lando needed help proposing
as soon as i seen this in my inbox i got excited to write it! thank you anon, it's a great idea!
tw: fem!reader, swears, sneaky lando but i'm sure you know where it's going based on the ask, lmk if you want me to add anything.
w/c: 1.8k
lando has been acting very suspicious lately. at first you has brushed it off to busy weeks filled with important racing duties but when he was still secretive after a lovely spa day you had set for him at your apartment, you knew something was up. the night of the spa day you were laying in bed with lando and usually if he's forgotten to set an alarm for the next morning, he will ask you to just go onto his phone and set it for him, so when he asks you to hand his phone over so he can set an alarm? well it sets off your own alarm bells in your head.
lando had never ever hidden his phone from you, always completely open with you and willing to scroll through his phone if you wanted to. you had never felt the need to but sometimes you liked to scroll through his photos and have him explain them to you.
you did not say anything to him about it that night, or afterwards but you kept a note of things you found suspicious or weird or even just a little out or character for your boyfriend, knowing that if the time came where you found out something you could not even think about then you had have evidence. if you had more guts you would have asked to scroll through his phone that night to see what he did but you did not want to fight after such a lovely day. maybe you were just postponing the inevitble.
the next time you had written down in your notes was a doosy. you had gone out to lunch with a few of your friends and lando had offered to drop you off and pick you up once you had all caught up. you had gotten ready and lando had dropped you off with a sweet kiss goodbye and promises of picking you up whenever you wanted to come home, you were just to give him a call. you grin and agree as you close the car door and make your way to the table your friends had sat at. it seemed you were the last one to arrive.
it is only when you have sat down and gotten comfortable that you realise, your best friend is not here.
"hey, where is lacy?" you ask the group, confused as last night when you were all confirming in the group chat if you guys could make it or not, lacy was the first one to confirm.
everyone mutters that they are not sure or that they thought she mus be running later. you all shrug and you try to forget about it but you have a lingering feeling in the back of your mind. it is a bit big to push all the way to the back of your mind but a few drinks and a gossip with your friends would do the trick.
you guys chat away and drink through three or four rounds. none of you drunk, really but none of you even thinking about drinking and driving. everyone had sorted out how they were getting home before coming. "responsible group of girls." you had joked when you had asked about it and they had all told you they had a way home.
everyone texts their lifts home as you head to the foyer where it is a bit quieter and call lando. it send you to voicemail. you try him again but it does the same thing, ringing until the voicemail blared in your ears. you were pissed off to say the least. you did not mind if he wanted to go out and do things without you but do not promise you will pick someone up if you will not be back in time! is that not just common courtesy?
you ask one of the girls if her boyfriend can take you home and she says it is no problem. you are embarrassed because you are just after bragging about how amazing lando was and now here you were... getting proved wrong.
good job you remembered to bring a key with you so you did not get locked outside. you thank your friend's boyfriend as you get out your car and see lando's car parked in front of the apartment complex.
you stomp into the apartment and throw your keys down on the table in the hallway.
"thanks for remembering to pick me up lando! i had to get a ride with micheal and amy!" you shout as you pull your trainers off and put them in the rack. you walk into the living room to see lando on the couch and lacy in the kitchen, making tea.
"what the fuck?" you ask, internally freaking out but not showing it. this paired with your suspicions that lando was cheating send your brain into panic mode. instead of freaking out and jumping to conclusions you ask "why weren't you at lunch? and why are you here now?".
lando could tell you were pissed and at this point, he felt like saying he was cheating would be the easier option, rather than hiding all of this from you. he hated lying to you. the boy had literally never done it before. you could tell from how sloppy he was, this being a prime example.
"i couldn't make it to lunch in the end. you know that boy i've been talking to? he asked me out on a date and i just couldn't say no." lacy explained, handing you a cup. her explanation did not ease your worry though, lando could easily be the boy she was talking to and they have went on a date when you were busy out with your friends.
"i came over to tell you about it but i forgot you were out at lunch with the girls. i've only been here like ten minutes." lacy adds, lando nods on the couch not really doing much. you decide to believe them but you put it in your notes. lando and lacy out together? while i'm with my friends. lando cheating on me with lacy???
you end up taking that out of your notes a few weeks later. you lay in bed while lando is in the shower and you think that now is a good time to go through your notes, thinking about things you could add or take away and if it all still makes sense in your mind.
as your sorting through the semi-long list you make you lando's voice. you had not realised the shower had stopped. at first you think he is talking to you so you are about to shout back when you hear the distant sound of someone speaking through the phone. not to sound like you were accusing your boyfriend of cheating but it sounded like a girl. it sounded like a girl you did not know.
"i can't tell her. it's stressing me out to no end. i just want to be done with it now." you strain to hear his hushed words, done with what? tell who? you? why was he stressed?
you are tired of all the secrets. the hushed conversations, lando hiding things from you. you do not think you can deal with it anymore.
once lando is off the phone he makes is way into the room, a towel wrapped around his waist. "hi, baby." lando acknowledges you as you lay on the bed. the towel around his waist distracted you for a moment before you got your mind back on track. it helped that he had gotten changed into some pyjama trousers, although his abs were still on display.
"are you cheating on me?" you just come out and say it, you voice is a little worried. lando drops the towel in his hands at your words.
"am i what?" lando stares at you. "is this one of those tiktok trends? what am i supposed to say that will get the most views. where's your phone we can start again?" lando glances around the room for your phone. he thinks this is a joke. a tiktok prank. you does not think you are distressed over this.
"i'm serious lando. you've been acting weird for a while now." you tell him your frown deep as you speak.
lando is surprised and practically leaps towards you.
"i'm not cheating on you. i swear to you. i would never even think about hurting you like that." lando swears his hands holding your face gently to stop you from avoiding his eyes.
"then what are you doing? because you're acting weird. you're not acting like you. i miss the old you, when you didn't set your own alarms." you pout at him.
lando sighs. "i guess i'm gonna have to tell you, huh?" the driver asks. you are confused as he gets off the bed and walks over to your dressing table. on top there is a small dish where you keep all the rings you wear when they are not on your fingers. you prefer the dish to a box, it is less work to get to them. lando calls it lazy but you call it time efficient. he grabs the one your grandma got you for christmas back when you were still at school. it is old and most of the rose gold plating has come off, the colour does not match with the rest of your jewellery but you wear it everyday.
it is quick and sudden the way he is standing in front of you a few steps away from the bed, then he is on one knee holding out the ring. "the ring i was gonna use isn't here yet because you're too impatient for me to do anything properly. i had a whole day planned out, you know?" lando is joking with you but there is nothing in you that wants to laugh right now.
your hand slapped over your mouth as you feel your eyes well up with tears.
"what are you doing?" you ask him, it is muffled from your hand but lando can make you out.
"what's it look like? i'm proposing. will you marry me please, baby?" he asks the old ring sits in between your fingers as you stare at him, tears finally falling.
"yeah." you murmur.
"yeah?" lando asks, a little cocky but mostly to make sure.
you nod frantically, lando takes your right hand and slides the ring on your middle finger (it is where you usually wear the ring. you honestly cannot believe he even knows where it goes). you then jump towards him, arms swinging around his neck to pull him in for a kiss.
lando's lips mould over yours as he you kiss him frantically. the kiss is cut short because lando can not stop laughing.
"why're you laughing?" you ask him, smile plastered on your face from his laughter.
"just can't believe i get to love you for the rest of my life. i can't wait." you kiss him again.
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zweiginator · 18 days
frat!pat who has a crush on his classmate that he got paired with for a class project🤭 only thing is that she’s in a long distance relationship and he’s doing everything he can to sabotage it
and Patrick has asked around, knows you've been dating your boyfriend for years and years. high school sweethearts. all over each others' social media, the picture-perfect couple. but he graduated a year before you, and now he lives across the country. you love him. you're lonely. and Patrick gives you so much attention. he walks you back to your dorm from class on the days you have it and maybe, secretly, you've really come to like Mondays and Wednesdays.
but you're open with Patrick about your relationship. your dorm is full of photos of you and your boyfriend. you talk about him all the time. and Patrick asks you about him. he pries, when he knows he shouldn't.
"why'd he move away?"
you shrug. "he got a good job opportunity out west."
Patrick chews on his bottom lip. "who could leave a pretty girl like you behind?"
and his comments eat away at you. because you never really thought much about it, him taking that job at a company he doesn't love at a place that's so far away from you, the girl he says he loves.
"do you ever get nervous?"
you set your pen down. "about what?"
"about him being so far." Patrick changed the subject from biology to this but you don't mention it.
"I guess sometimes I do." you pause. "why do you ask?"
Patrick clicks his own pen. "I just wouldn't want you to be held back. you know, from college fun while he's doing whatever out west."
and you've thought about that before. what does he do without you? he doesn't text or call you nearly as much anymore. and Patrick is so attentive. he notices when you're sad, remembers your coffee order.
of course you've noticed how attractive Patrick is. you've stopped to watch him practice at the tennis courts after a study session and you've seen him without a shirt, grunting as he hit the ball. you notice how good he smells and how his lips curl up in menacing smiles whenever you decide to gossip with him after class.
but there's one day where Patrick brings some drinks to your dorm on a Friday night. you didn't have class so maybe you should tell him to go home, this is inappropriate and you don't have any assignments to work on. but you like to be with him and you like watching him take swigs of his beer.
"when's the last time you had sex?" he asks you.
you gasp. "Patrick that's--"
"that's what?" he holds his hands up.
"none of your business."
"you don't need to answer if you don't wanna."
but Patrick is never told no. "maybe since December."
it's October now.
Patrick swallows. "didn't he visit you last month-"
"yeah." you interrupt him.
"I don't mean to be weird but--" Patrick licks his lips. "there's no fucking way I could resist you for that long." and you open your mouth to respond, but Patrick interrupts you. "--I can barely stand to do it right now."
you look up at him through your lashes and your voice cracks and you don't know how to answer but god--you really wish you didn't have a boyfriend.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 3 months
Yandere! Male! Stripper x client! gn! reader
Ehh it feels so weird writing another yandere after MONTHS of only writing about the pre-implemented boys. So, enjoy!
Also, Dino isn't human. Just putting that there so ya'll aren't put off!
Also, extra long fic as an apology for the delay.
Notes: Inherently sexual talk, exploitation, implied coercion (not to the reader, and not elaborated. Only mentioned) Cryptid(?) Mentioned is not accurate, more like a self interpretation.
Yandere! Stripper name: Dino (Dee-no)
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The music was so loud inside the prestigious strip club named "Tease." Red lights that hurts to look at if you're not used to it, the smell of alcohol, smoke, and sex lingering in the air, and how can one forget the display of skin exposed?
In this strip club, almost everything is allowed as long as it's consensual.
That comes with a lot of loopholes that a lot of clients exploit, but the way the club only panders to those who have a lot of money, aka the upper echelon of society, means that they get to get away with their... faults, most of the time.
Prestigious in name, their workers and strippers were pampered yet were overworked in a sense that they are obliged to do thing even if they're not in the contract. For example, sleeping with their clients.
It's called the "Special golden shower". Despite it's unfortunate yet intentional name, the client will order from an array of drinks on a menu, and one of them is the "Special golden shower" or SGS for short. This 5,000$ splurge of money is a way to order a stripper for a night. And, if you add 5,000$ more, the stripper is theirs for 24 hours. Of course, the club isn't stupid enough to not throw in freebies. The client can rent a "special" room, in which there's a stripper pole on a stage, a king sized bed, sanitized toys, and contraceptives. There's also alcohol, even food if they want. And the add on for 5k$? They can take out their choice of stripper from the club.
The stripper? Forced to accept it since the split of the money is 50/50. That's 2,500 for a night. If lucky, 5,000.
There's also a special incentive to those who "booked and hooked" clients the most every month. Straight up 3,000$ bonus.
Now who would say no to that?
And the stripper who consistently got number 1 spot for the male strippers, and possibly overall, is Dino.
Nobody knew where Dino came from. He just came to Tease one day, wanting a job as a stripper, saying that he fits their criteria with so much confidence.
And he did. His body, obviously a product of rigorous work out, is lean yet muscular. His hair was luscious and smooth, obviously well groomed. A smooth, angular face that's universally handsome, and stature that rivals even to those in beauty pageants.
Also, his demeanor that's always a "yes-man" made him the perfect employee.
The Tease management love him. He rakes in so much money because he pulls in so much clients. Like an idol, he has loyal fans that goes crazy whenever they knew Dino would have a show. Money upon money, they would scramble to get the SGS bundle. And those who underwent Dino's "care", they would say it was the best sex they had in their entire life. Hell, they said they felt so tired and so weak afterwards. Some even had to get a wheelchair.
Well, that was the rumors anyways.
But this honestly made you curious.
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"Hey! Did you hear that the owner's kid is visiting?"
"Really? Why?"
"I don't know really. But this means we need to put on a show. Like a really good show."
Dino paused from washing his face, hearing his other stripper-mates talk about the owner's kid.
He grabbed his soft towel and patted dry his face, intrigued by the news. So he went to his chair and started to slowly put his skin care routine while eavesdropping on the conversation.
"Shit, do you think I can bag 'em? Maybe they'll order the SGS."
"You sure the kid isn't ugly or something? I don't want to fuck some ugly ass--"
"SHUT YOUR TRAP DUDE. Do you want to get fired or something?"
Dino rolled his eyes and decided to shut the conversation from his mind and continued to do his skincare.
'Foolish humans, really. Can they be so conceited in face of such a large sum of money?'
Dino isn't exactly human.
When he's finally of-age, he decided to leave his hometown and mingle with the humans. He's always been so fascinated with them, seeing these people that holds no kind of power at all yet almost dominated earth.
His parents warned him that they are nothing but greedy and destructive. Did he listen? No.
When he finally got to the mainland, he got swept up by the wrong crowd. And naive Dino, got plunged into the night life.
The once bubbly and kind incubus is no more.
At least, with his current lifestyle, he gets fed regularly with sexual energy and life force to the point that he doesn't need to drain that much energy at all. Besides, he enjoys the attention sometimes. If the people weren't creeps.
His parents were right. Humans are disgusting creatures who will spend so much money just for a night of pleasure. And they don't even need it, it's a want.
Their stares, their words, their touches... It's absolutely vile.
But then, Dino is a hypocrite. The money that came from it was too good to be true that even though he doesn't like it, he continued to be Tease's number 1 employee.
He sometimes dream of what his life once was. A hopeless romantic, someone who will find the perfect partner, and promise eternal love with one another. Respecting boundaries, safely and consensually explore kinks and plays, and Dino would only feed on their sexual energy and not anybody else.
That's now a far fetched dream.
The door creaked open, making him snap out of his train of thought.
"Show's in an hour. The owner's kid will be watching, so be presentable... As much as a stripper can be, and give them a memorable time." The stage manager said, before leaving them once more.
Dino sighed and put on his latex micro shorts, kinky boots, and his leather straps. A little bit of perfume, and a sweep of his hair. Some glitter, and he's done.
As expected, a lot of people came for Dino. He tried to squint his eyes as he leaned on the pole. The blaring lights didn't allow him a clear vision of the people on the audience. So he can't tell who's who at all.
The money kept raining as he did a back bend, ascending to an Ayesha. He wanted to bag the owner's kid so much. Maybe they'll give more money.
So he amped up the allure, and admittedly, he raised his charms by using his powers.
More money raining on him, he decided to just give the ultimate show he can.
As expected, he heard the bell that someone ordered the SGS bundle for him.
"You lucky dog." The stage manager slapped his ass, making him glare at him. "The owner's kid booked a 24 hour SGS bundle for you. That's 5k. But that must mean nothing to you since you always get 'em."
Dino smirked, it worked well.
So, he cleaned himself up and went up to the special room.
He saw you, and he's genuinely surprised. He thought you were gonna be some... "Facially challenged" person, but he finds you very pleasant looking. Attractive even.
"Hello, i'm Dino." His smooth voice came out of his mouth. "And may I ask your name, master?"
He smirks. Most clients liked it if he called them master.
You frowned a bit before waving him off.
"Please don't call me that." You said, a bit overwhelmed. "Honestly, i'm only here to shake off my dad. He's really strict, and thinks I shouldn't go anywhere near Tease. So..."
Dino blinked. He didn't expect the owner to be a "wash-hand" type of person. Wash-hand as in he tries to keep his reputation clean but his work involves something "nasty" in society's standard.
"Really? And you're already an adult. So what's with his business breathing down on your neck like that?" For the first time, Dino felt comfortable talking with a client. He sat down on the stage's ledge and looked at you.
"Ugh. I don't know." You twirled your hair with your fingers. And this action didn't go unnoticed by Dino who was looking at you intently. "He's not the best person. He thinks that if I go near here, i'll turn into a... Whore."
Dino was flabbergasted. "What the fuck? What kind of father..."
"I know right?" You raised your hand, annoyed. "I hate him so much."
He started to examine you. True to your words, your outfit is on the conservative side. The only skin showing is your hands, neck, collar bone, and face. In all honesty, you stick out like a sore thumb.
"Hey, you know..." Dino cleared his throat. "With you booking me, that means that I will do whatever you want. Um, so are you here to rebel? Maybe loose your virginity to me or something?" Dino tried to laugh, wanting to lighten the mood. "Or are you secretly not one already?"
"Oh no. I'm not here for that." You stopped him from saying more. "I'm just here to piss my dad off, spend his money in here. I mean, it will still be his really. And renting you for 24 hours will make him go crazy. So uh, help a poor person here?"
For the first time, he didn't dread SGS. Somehow, that lifted a heavy weight on his shoulders even just this once.
It's a well needed break that he welcomed.
"Yeah, sure. Why not. What could go wrong?"
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Everything went wrong.
Dino panted, gripping the counter as he washed his face again and again.
But somehow, he can't get rid of the fluster he's feeling right now.
It's been months since he first met you. And true to your words, you both only hung out. A natural friendship born out of helping each other took place. You were his rest, and he was your hero.
He's content with that.
"Like hell I am." He spat out, glaring at the mirror as he brushes his hair back.
That only lasted for two months.
The way you talked to him like he's an actual person and not a sex toy-- it was so refreshing that he started to look forward to your every booking.
Yes, you regularly went back to Tease to book him again and again to piss off your dad who can't do anything. After all, he's all bark and no bite.
It was dangerous.
The more he learned about you, the more he wanted to dig more. At first, he thought you were just a spoiled human who wanted to rebel against your father. But in reality, you were a person who was swallowed by FOMO, and been left out so much because of your upbringing.
He felt pity at first, and that pity turned into a need to save you from your father. He wanted you to experience things you wanted to. Like alcohol, sex, or just to party in general.
As bad as it sounds, he desires to drag you down and influence you to the night life that he knows. Which is darker than the standard. He wants you to know how it feels, he wants you to feel what he knows...
Until that want turned to wanting you.
When did it all start? This heavy feeling inside of him?
His buried innocence was surfacing once more. His hopeless romanticism is eating him alive every time you talked to him. He felt like you were saving him from the wretched world he knows.
Classic knight saves the princess trope, he knows. But god does it feel good to be treated like a person for once. He felt so alive around you and your understanding and non-judgmental personality. He loved that you didn't feel disgusted every time he touches you, or winces at his clothes.
He aggressively rubs the towel on his face and throws it back on the hamper before marching to his chair. He started to quickly apply his skin care routine. The unwanted excitement of seeing you again was bubbling beneath his skin.
He needs to be more beautiful. More handsome, exquisite.
More. And more.
Your damned eyes. Your eyes that he can't forget about at all.
"Fuck!" He almost broke the mirror when he threw his moisturizer bottle at it. "I'm so far gone..."
Your eyes that didn't hold any affection for him.
He can feel it. The need to take you against your will. The hunger for that life force and sexual energy that he desperately needs. But he shouldn't. He really shouldn't.
After all, you kept booking him again and again without any sex. He's about to keel over and just take you then and there just to get what he needs. Especially that it's the first time in so long that he's gone so long without an abundance of it.
He's loosing control. Quickly.
"Hey, Dino. The owner's kid is here again. They said you're booked again for them. Just making sure you know." The stage manager said, breaking the silence in the empty dressing room. Dino nodded and grabbed his boots to wear.
He's going insane.
He wants to be the only one in your eyes. He wants to be your every firsts.
So he'll doll himself up more and more just for you to look his way with unbridled love that he so desperately craves.
And maybe, you'll save him from this hellhole he created once and for all.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Post outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: Tommy's daughter was born a couple of months ago but Joel can't bring himself to be around the baby as painful memories of his late daughter continue to haunt him and you try your best to support him
(This can be read as a continuation of SLEEP BLISS 💤, SHOWER BLISS 🫧 and MOONLIGHT BLISS 🌙 or as a stand alone, it's up to you)
Warnings: established relationship, age gap, fluff, angst, hurt, anxiety attack, talks of pregnancy, as usual, out of character Joel as always lol
2k words
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You thought Joel was indestructible. He was fearless, courageous, when needed, he was violent, brutal, mercilessly. You'd seen him take down men and creatures without flinching.
Nothing seemed to faze him, and you were sure he feared nothing in his life.
So watching Joel Miller being scared of a baby was actually pretty funny. At first.
Ever since Maria's and Tommy's baby was born, you'd been to their place a lot of times. You just loved helping them out with the baby, it wasn't the smartest idea to have one during the apocalypse, but then, they were married, in love, safe in a community and who were you to judge after all? Babies represented a new life, a wind of change, so when you saw that beautiful little thing for the first time, your heart melted.
She was an adorable baby, so quiet and small and you loved holding her whenever Maria would let you to.
Her sweet precious Flora smelled really good, you had heard of people talking about how babies smelled good but you didn't think it was true until you held her. You just couldn't get enough of your niece.
That made you giggle.
You and Joel finally made things official after he took you on a date. You had been in love with each other for long, but you were both too scared to admit it.
Looking back at things now, you realized how silly it was because of how obvious your feelings for each other were, and you could swear you were the happiest woman in Jackson, as you could be with the man you loved.
But when you saw how happy Maria was with her baby, you realized maybe you were the second happiest woman in town.
The only thing that felt off was Joel's reaction. He never seemed very enthusiastic about the news his brother was going to be a dad, and when Maria finally delivered the baby, he was just in a weird mood. He kept to him, didn't say much, congratulated his brother and took him out for a drink, but he declined when Tommy offered him to hold Flora.
And since then, he kept his distance from the baby. He glanced at her from afar and that was it.
At first you didn't give it much thought, but you began finding it weird, especially after the uncomfortable silence that lingered in the room whenever Joel didn't actually acknowledge his niece.
Tommy didn't pressure him into holding Flora or anything like that, he had an idea why his brother was distant, so he'd rather not go there and make him uncomfortable.
You'd spent the whole after at Maria's while the men were out in town working and doing other tasks. Very often Tommy and Joel went back to some construction jobs, just as before everything went to shit.
He knew you'd stay at his brother's so he'd told you he'd stop by later and you two could walk home together.
Joel was hoping that you'd be good to go once he got there with Tommy, but of course you had to be inside, he sighed and looked around, trying to come up with an excuse so he wouldn't get in, but his brother was already holding the door open for him with a dumb smile and he could hear your voice inside.
The house was silent, the only thing they could hear was your voice, but you weren't speaking, you were humming.
Maria was in a comfortable slumber, she lay on the couch and ended up falling asleep once she saw her baby girl was safe in your arms. She'd spent most nights awake and it was a relief to have you around helping her. She didn't even know how to thank you, but to you, it was such a bliss to take care of Flora.
Joel stepped inside, he swallowed hard the moment he saw you holding the baby. You hummed a lullaby but she wouldn't close her little eyes. Flora was smart and curious, always looking around and cooing at people. He knew you'd already told him he should be a little warmer to her, of course she was a small baby and didn't understand things, but you reminded him maybe Tommy and Maria could be offended if he didn't show any interest in their daughter, after all, she'd been born a couple of months ago and Joel had barely looked at her.
But he didn't want to look at her, because if he did, he would recognize the features he used to love so much and he lost. He didn't want to hold her, because he knew her smell would remind him of the smell of the one he lost for good.
He couldn't do that to himself, he didn't want to live through that pain again, now he was happy and though he would never forget what happened, some days it hurt a little less, because he had you in his life and you made it all easier. But when he saw you holding Flora, he didn't feel strong enough. The way she cooed in your arms and blinked curiously and the way you pecked her forehead so gently, it gutted him.
"Hey princess, that's uncle Joel" you cooed at her and saw her fussing a little before giving him a gummy smile.
You chuckled and got closer "do you wanna hold her?" You offered gently. He saw your eyes sparkling and he wondered if you ever wanted to be a mom, you were a natural with kids, they always seemed to love you and sometimes he closed his eyes and wondered what things would be like if you ended up pregnant, but he dismissed this thought as soon as it appeared.
He could see how happy you were to be holding Flora, and how comfortable you were with a small baby in your arms.
He hadn't told you why he didn't want anything to do with the baby, he knew he was kind of a jerk, but since his brother never brought it up, then he didn't feel the need to explain it.
But when you looked at him that way, it melted his heart, he couldn't bring himself to say no to you. He heard a small coo and looked down onto your eyes, taking a deep breath and extending his.
You didn't think Joel would be willing to pick Flora up, and if he weren't you wouldn't insist it at all, but there he was, surprising you after all. Little Flora settled comfortably in her uncle's arms, her small nose nuzzled his chest as she began closing her eyes feeling sleepy. She looked curiously at him, but he was so warm she couldn't fight sleep for much longer.
Joel was in awe at his niece. She didn't even know him, and yet she trusted him enough to fall asleep, silly little princess, he thought to himself and smiled. She was so soft and small and the warmth in his arms brought him back so many memories he thought they were buried deep.
He didn't know why he was blushing, but he still avoided looking at you or Tommy, wanting to focus only on the beautiful little girl he had in his arms. He scanned her features and smiled at her, closing his eyes as he inhaled her characteristic baby scent.
His heart skipped a beat and his smile died as a lump formed in his throat. He was enjoying the moment, he really was but then everything came back, all at once and the moment he opened his eyes again he didn't see Flora anymore, all he saw was Sarah.
His sweet baby Sarah, it'd been so long and yet there she was in his arms. He felt a pang in his chest, thinking he'd gone crazy. The first time he held her in his arms, her first word which was also the first time she called him dada, the first time she scraped her knee and called for him, the movie nights they had together and finally how he held her limp body against his, the smell of her fresh blood invading his nostrils and how cold she got in his arms.
Joel let out a sob and opened his eyes again, Flora was still asleep but Tommy quickly picked her up from him "I got this" he said in a concerned way as Joel walked out the backdoor.
The lump in his throat was making it impossible for Joel to breath, he placed his hand in his chest, trying to reach for air but his heart hammered faster and faster in his chest. He looked around hoping he could find something to focus and calm down, but it seemed impossible. Tears ran down his cheek as he fought for control but felt he got to a dead end.
You ran to Joel as fast as you could, he was anxious and tense and you didn't know exactly how to help him, your eyes glistened with tears as you saw his own.
Your arms wrapped around his body.
"I'm here Joel, I'm here" you whispered to him and felt him fall onto his knees, you followed him and felt him burying his face into the crook of your neck. You pressed it, caressing his hair so gently, reminding him you were there for him.
"Breath honey, breath" you said as calmly as you could. Joel's grip was tight around your waist and you lost track of how long you stayed there.
The walk home was silent, Joel didn't say anything and you didn't ask. He was embarrassed after what happened, to him it was a sign of weakness and he was sure that changed how you viewed him. He would rather be alone than be with you if you pitied him.
You, on the other hand, didn't want to leave his side at all, you didn't feel sorry for him, you felt love. You felt a burning ache, longing for him. You had seen the most human portrait of Joel someone could ever witness.
He wasn't a murderer, he wasn't cold blooded, he was a wounded man. A man who lost all but somehow made his way back to being happy with you.
Once at home, Joel went to his room and stayed there, complete silence filled the house and though you wanted to give him all the time he needed, at the same time you felt a need to be next to him.
You knocked on his door, and opened it, Joel was sitting on the bed, watching old pictures of Sarah.
You smiled sadly as he hid them quickly. They were his and he never let anyone see them, not even you. And you respected that.
You sat next to him and ran your fingers through his hair, feeling his arm pulling you by the waist as he let his heavy body lay comfortably in bed and pull you closer to him.
"We don't have to talk about what happened if you don't want to… but I want you to know I'm proud of you, proud of how strong you are, Joel" you told him and kissed his lips gently.
You wanted to tell him so many things, you wanted to tell him that you were proud he managed to hold his niece, you wanted to tell him you were sure she was as beautiful as Sarah was and you wanted to tell him if the world wasn't going to shit you would be more than glad in carry his baby, or you would never get pregnant at all, you wanted to tell him you would do anything he wanted you to, because you loved him.
So those were the only words you let it out.
"I love you, Joel"
He looked at you completely silent and pulled you even closer, kissing your forehead and closing his eyes, he wasn't there yet, he wasn't ready to tell you those three words, it could've been superstition, as he lost everyone he's ever loved, so you didn't mind, you respected his silence, because you loved enough for the two of you.
A/N: I love Joel so much
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mcflymemes · 5 months
PAST LIVES (2023) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
who do you think they are to each other?
i guess that doesn't make sense.
why are you crying?
what did you decide?
i will probably marry him.
you want to go on a date with him?
if you leave something behind, you gain something, too.
you're really leaving? you're never coming back?
there was so much in it that i responded to, but the one phrase that sticks with me the most is the line "the long journey is rotting."
who else should we look up?
think of it as a blessing that you broke up, and consider this a new beginning.
of course you miss her, you moron.
do you have a secret girlfriend or something?
who's messaging you at 3AM?
thank you for this meal.
did you drink a lot last night?
why are you in such a good mood?
i recognize you.
how are we meeting again like this?
i didn't even know that you remembered me!
i just looked for you as a joke, then i saw that you'd been looking for me.
i tried really hard to find you.
do you still cry a lot?
you would always stay with me whenever i was crying.
you can't cry in new york city.
i'm a really fun person to talk to.
what time is it there?
it doesn't make a lot of sense, but... can i even say something like this? i missed you.
i only speak korean with you and my mom.
you're the same as the 12 year old kid in my memory.
have you seen eternal sunshine of the spotless mind?
will you come to new york sometime?
will you come to seoul sometime?
i want us to stop talking to each other for a while.
i want to accomplish something here.
what are you sorry about? were we dating or something?
tonight, we drink 'til we die.
you got the worst room.
maybe you and i were somebody to each other in another lifetime.
do you believe that? that you and i knew each other in another life?
it's going to rain the whole time you're there.
i missed you. i was disappointed.
we're not together right now.
do you not want to get married?
i'm too ordinary.
my job is ordinary, my income is ordinary. it's all ordinary.
is it hard to get married if you don't make a ton of money?
want me to take a photo of you?
you look good.
why do you fight?
it's like planting two trees in one pot. our roots are finding their place.
you're worrying about me?
getting married is hard for idealistic people like you.
why did you look for me?
i just wanted to see you one more time.
i think i was a little pissed off because you just left.
you're right. there's nothing to be sorry about.
i don't have a right to be mad.
i'm not gonna miss my rehearsals for some dude.
we're not meant for each other.
we slept together because we both happened to be single.
you make it sound so romantic.
that's not how life works.
this is my life. and i'm living it with you.
this is where i ended up. this is where i'm supposed to be.
it's just that you make my life so much bigger, and i'm wondering if i do the same thing for you.
you're forgetting the part where i love you.
you never sleep talk in english. you only dream in korean.
i didn't know that. you never told me.
most of the time i think it's cute, but sometimes... i don't know. i get scared.
you dream in a language that i can't understand. there's this whole place inside of you where i can't go.
you really are exactly the same as i remember you.
when we stopped talking... i really missed you. did you miss me?
i don't know, seeing you again and being here makes me have a lot of weird thoughts.
what if you had never left? if you hadn't left like that, and we just grew up together, would i have still looked for you?
would we have dated? broken up? gotten married? would we have kids together?
you had to leave because you're you.
i think there was something in our past lives.
i never thought i'd be part of something like this.
i'm really glad you came here. it was the right thing to do.
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rashoumon-homo · 9 months
No Such Tastes In Men pt.2 (Dazai x Reader)
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Dazai x Male Reader, NSFW
-> Content Warnings: oral (m!reader receiving), dom/sub undertones, dom!reader
-> 1.4k words
<- Previous Part
Author Note: This accidentally ended up being twice the length of the first one, oops
You expected that sucking Dazai off in an alleyway would make things weird between the two of you. You’d mentally prepared yourself for him to avoid you, but the next day things are… normal. Whenever you spot him on your usual spy routes, he looks fine; well-adjusted. Not at all like someone who’s in the midst of a sexuality crisis.
Maybe he really is straight after all.
After a week of uncomfortable normalcy, you’re beginning to wonder if you imagined the whole thing. Not only has Dazai not mentioned the incident at all, he gives every impression it’s not even on his mind. Your weekly one-on-one update meeting with him is in an hour and somehow you’re the one who’s nervous.
You’re too anxious to drink your usual coffee beforehand, so you decide to head to the meeting location early instead. This time it’s at an abandoned warehouse you haven’t been to before, so it’ll be good to scope out the spot anyway.
When you arrive, a whole 45 minutes early, you’re surprised to see Dazai sitting on a crate reading that book he carries everywhere with him.
When he hears you coming, he glances up, looking a little surprised. “You’re early.”
“So are you,” you say defensively.
He hops down from the crate and dusts himself off. “The mission I was on ended early and I had time to kill, so I thought I might as well wait here,” he explains, even though you didn’t ask. “Are you okay? You seem nervous.”
“M’not,” you insist, sidestepping him when he inches closer.
“You don’t need to be,” he presses further. “I don’t want things between us to be weird just because you sucked my dick once.”
Your heart skips a beat. “So you do remember it!”
Dazai flashes one of his flirty smiles at you. “Couldn’t stop thinking about it.” He leans back against the crates, arms crossed loosely over his chest. His gaze is on the rafters above, rather than your face as he continues. “I’d heard the myth that men give better blow jobs, since they’re more familiar with the equipment so to speak, but I admit I was surprised to find that it’s true. And when I think back on that night, I’m not just thinking about the feel of a mouth around me - I’m thinking about everything. Your hands on my thighs, the feeling of my fingers running through your hair… it’s YOUR mouth I’m turned on by.” Dazai rakes his fingers through his hair in frustration. “And I guess by extension, it’s you.”
His cheeks are pink when he fixes his gaze on you again. You’re playing with your hands nervously, running the pad of your thumb over your bitten nail beds. You feel like a deer in the headlights with him looking at you so intensely. There’s no doubt in your mind he can see your anxiety written on your face.
“So I decided,” he says, more softly, “I want to do it to you too.”
You gape at him. “Me?” you ask. “You want to… suck my dick?”
“Yeah,” he says casually. “Maybe I have more of a taste for it than I originally thought. And besides, I feel like I should pay you back somehow for all the orgasms you’ve given me.”
“Orgasms, plural?” you ask. You feel like your knees are gonna give out so you sit on one of the crates nearby.
Dazai smirks. “The one in the alley, and all the times I’ve jerked off to the memory of it.”
He moves to stand in front of you, slotting himself between your legs. He fiddles with the shoulder of your shirt and asks, “So, can I?”
You grip his forearms and gently push him to his knees in response. He looks up at you with those adorably eager eyes, obediently waiting for instructions.
“Ever given a blow job before?” you ask.
He shakes his head. “I’m a quick learner,” he offers.
You don’t doubt it. Your fingers trace along his jaw, pushing gently at his lower lip. “Open for me,” you say, pressing against the seam of his lips. He does, allowing you to slip your thumb inside. You feel along the ridges of his teeth, mapping out the inside of his mouth by touch. When you press lightly against his tongue, he pushes back against you.
“So good,” you murmur. You remove your thumb and replace it with your index and middle finger. You press along his tongue, further to the back of his mouth, until you hit his gag reflex and he makes a choking sound.
“You okay?” you ask, quickly taking out your fingers.
“I want the real thing,” Dazai whines when he recovers. “Stop teasing me!”
A brat, hmm? you think to yourself. You’ll be nice to him today, but if this arrangement continues, you’ll have fun breaking him.
“Take it out then,” you say, leaning back.
Dazai eagerly unbuttons your pants and takes your cock in his hand. He looks like he’s about to just go at it, but you stop him.
“Don’t try to deepthroat, okay?” you warn. “That’s too much for your first time. I want you to take your time learning how to use your tongue and your hand to make me feel good. I’ll give you tips here and there but for the most part you should be able to tell what’s working from my reactions. Got it?”
He nods. “Good boy,” you say quietly.
Dazai looks at the cock in his hand for a minute, running his thumb along the veins before gently stroking it. He tests out a couple different speeds, settling with a slow, firm pace when he notices how it makes your breathing go shallow. A bead of precum wells at the tip, which, after a second of hesitation, he laps up.
You laugh at the way he tries to hide his grossed-out expression. “Cum tastes better,” you assure him.
He licks your cockhead again, and this time takes it into his mouth. His eyes are trained on you as he runs his tongue over it. Your hips stutter when his tongue flicks over the slit. He sinks a little lower, but his hand has stilled completely.
“Try using them at the same time,” you groan, tapping on the back of his hand to remind him it’s still wrapped around your shaft.
Dazai resumes pumping you, now pairing it with little licks and bobs of his head. You groan, hand moving to stroke the back of his head.
“That’s it, just like that,” you sigh. “Think you can take me a little deeper?”
Dazai can’t nod, but he increases how much he takes into his mouth on the next bob. You know you’re probably right against his gag reflex now, so you’re careful not to push his head.
“Fuck, Dazai,” you moan. “Your mouth… so fucking good…”
You can see him palming himself through his pants out of the corner of your eye. He lets out a little whimper at your praise, and the vibration feels incredible.
“Ngh, gonna come soon,” you warn him. “Pull off… if you want… or you can keep going.”
Dazai doesn’t change his motions, and within a few seconds you’re spilling into his mouth. “Dazai…” you moan, abs clenching hard.
When the orgasm fades out, you carefully drag your softening cock out of his mouth. His mouth is still full of your cum, like he’s not sure what to do with it.
“You can swallow or spit, I won’t be offended,” you say quickly.
He thinks about it for a second, then spits it on the ground beside him. There’s a thoughtful look in his eye as he runs his tongue around the inside of his mouth, tasting you.
“It’s not bad,” he says finally.
You tuck yourself back into your pants. “You’re right that you’re a quick learner. That was pretty good.”
“Eh, it was just my first try. I know I’ll get better with practice.” A playful look makes its way across his face. “Wanna be my tutor?”
“More than anything,” you say with a smile. You raise an eyebrow. “Does this mean you do have a taste for men after all?”
Dazai pouts. “I have a taste for you,” he clarifies. “I’m not ready to label myself yet anyway.”
You nod knowingly. “I understand! There’s no rush.”
Before you get the chance to continue the conversation, your phone pings with a reminder.
“Time for our weekly meeting, apparently,” you say, grinning. “Shall we get to it?”
Dazai grins back and stands up. “Now, where were we?”
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I am a very loud and expressive person and so when I was watching season two last night with my good friend, whenever I noticed something or thought of something I scribbled it down quickly to get it out of my system and to not ruin the experience for my good friend.
Here are the notes haha
In the scene where Aziraphale is retrieving the box from his front door you can actually see the Gabriel fly crawl inside the box. I hadn’t noticed it before.
When Crowley is trying to get Jim/Gabriel to remember stuff the second time round you hear his distinctive miracle casting sound go off before Gabriel is able to spit out the line from Job. Just thought it was interesting.
With some extra thought about the whole thing I came to realise why ineffable bureaucracy made so much sense. I feel as though some feel it was very out of the blue but it really wasn’t there were hints from the beginning.
For example: Why was Beelzebub so hung up on trying to find Gabriel in the first place? Because they were worried about him. If the two hadn’t found love together Beelzebub wouldn’t be so hell bent on finding him. It wouldn’t concern them at all whether an Angel was missing from Heaven. Just thought it was kinda neat the little inconsistently.
Also I was laughing over the fact that the Gabriel fly was just around watching Jim/his body just do the weirdest shit. Do you reckon he was disgusted watching his body drink hot chocolate for the first time?
What would’ve happened if Jim had actually used the two book successfully as a fly swat and crushed the container? Would the memories have been destroyed? Or would they have just flown everywhere and looked like the set up in heaven with Gabriel’s file.
Also something neat the fact that Gabriel gladly accepted the hot chocolate from Aziraphle and then drank it should’ve been a very strong indicator to Aziraphle and Crowley that Gabriel was not faking anything.
Lastly I had a theory come to mind.
Now that Aziraphale (curses) is going to become the top dog in heaven will he get purple eyes?? Or at least weird eyes
I just thought cause no other Angel has different eyes accept for Gabriel
I would say it has something to do with being an archangel but we see Crowley (who is more or less confirmed Archangel) before his fall and his eyes are pretty normal by all standards.
Thank you for sticking around for my mush of thoughts
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dcartcorner · 10 months
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a fantasy/dnd au because i can't help myself and the thought of ancient blue dragon simon who disguises himself as a human brings me joy.
please enjoy this small one shot ft. s1 adventuring crew (please excuse any errors, writing is not my strong suit!)
Rumours at the Tavern Characters: Tim, Simon, Sasha, Martin, Jon Ships: none
It wasn’t what Tim would consider a nice tavern. He had performed in nicer ones, ones where the counters were meticulously cleaned and the patrons were at least passably polite to the serving staff, and a mug of ale would set you back a silver piece. This place was not quite like that.
Then again, Tim had been to worse sorts of dives.
The Lazy Storm sat right smack in the middle of the two kinds of taverns, perched on the cliff side overlooking the choppy seas of the western coast, amidst the fjords in the town of Killn’s Rest. Not a bad place, not a good place. Just a place, somewhere to  find some warmth, a quick meal, and something to drink. It was also the sort of tavern that didn’t take fire hazards all that seriously, if the number of people making merry that evening within its walls was any indication of the owner’s outlook on safety. It was busy, to the point where crowds spilled out onto the street even though the summer had come to a close and the winter, with its biting chill, was fast approaching.
Perhaps that’s why Tim noticed him - the old man. Because he was sitting on the bar top. 
There were few other seats around. Sasha had managed to charm their way to a table of their own earlier in the night while Martin tried to see about rooms, and their party had stayed planted at said table all night as the crowds slowly but surely filtered in for the evening. They were lucky, in this regard, as many other people were forced to stand shoulder to shoulder. Not that old man, though. Perched on the edge of the bar like a bird, smiling kindly at the person next to him.
And his choice of seat was not the only peculiar thing about him, Tim thought. He wore clothing that Tim could only describe as ornate. If this was one of those nice taverns Tim had played in, he might have expected that sort of the look, but this wasn’t one of those places. This was the Lazy Storm, and that man was incredibly overdressed. 
“It’s weird, right?” Tim said aloud. Martin looked up, then glanced around. Sasha craned her neck to look at him. Jon didn’t look up from his book. Tim nodded in the direction of the old man. “Someone dressed like that in a place like this. That’s odd, isn’t it?”
“Not really,” Sasha shrugged.
“Where?” Martin asked.
“Good on him, getting dressed up to go out for a night,” said Sasha. 
“I think it’s weird,” said Tim. Because it was. 
“Where?” Martin asked again. “Oh. Him? I mean. I suppose it’s… well, it’s a little odd.” The twist of a frown at the corners of Martin’s mouth. “Someone should offer him a seat.”
“Seems happy enough where he is,” Sasha said with a huff of a laugh as the other man at the bar leaned closer to the old man and whispered something to him. 
“Could we please focus,” Jon finally interjected, shutting the book. 
Tim rolled his eyes as he took a swig of his drink. It wasn’t silver coin ale. This was a copper-piece-per-tankard-ale, and it tasted like it. Which was to say, it tasted like a good night in the making.
“Have any of you actually asked anyone about any jobs yet?” Jon said.
“Asked just about as many people as you,” Tim said. By this, Tim meant: none. 
“There’s a rat problem in the sewers,” Sasha said, “according to one guard. Doesn’t pay well, but at least it pays.”
“There are bandits, too,” Martin added. “Uh, just out east of here. Somewhere. Apparently they have a den in the woods? But I think someone might’ve already taken that one.”
“Mm.” Jon was not impressed. He looked over at Tim. “Anything?”
Tim raised his hands. “Don’t look at me, I can get a job whenever.” Plenty of people out there who were willing to pay for some good music. “Or did you forget who bought the rooms and drinks?”
Jon leaned his elbows on the table and put his face in his hands momentarily. Then looked up at Tim and said, “Could you please just. Ask.”
“Jon, maybe we should just… take a night off?” Martin suggested. “It wouldn’t be the worst thing…”
Jon shot him a look and that was the end of that conversation.
Well, didn’t matter. Jon didn’t have to join them in having a good night if he didn’t want to. Tim wasn’t going to let it bother him, and he got up to go order another drink with his own hard earned money, ignoring how much lighter his coin purse was compared to earlier that day.
Why was it his problem anyway, that they didn’t have much in the way of coin? He wasn’t going to let it get to him. It wasn’t getting to him. He and Sasha and Martin were just some poor souls dragged along on Jon’s pointless quest to find some answers that had nothing to do with any of them. So why did it matter?
It didn’t matter.
The old man was not the first person he asked that night about a job. As he waited for a drink he asked the person to his left and to his right, but neither of them were keen on talking - and it took him a little too long to realize they were part of their own adventuring party based on the matching bands on their arms, and wouldn’t be sharing any information with him. He tried to ask the bartender as well, but she was too busy to give him any answer that was not a look of inconvenience. 
Tim sighed. And he kept asking, until finally his route around the tavern brought him to the old man at the bar. Sat there, dressed strangely, looking for all the world like he should be just about anywhere else. 
“Are you quite alright?” the old man asked him. Tim blinked. “Not that I mind, but I’ve been told it’s rude to stare.”
Had he been staring? “Sorry,” Tim said. The old man smiled at him.
“Something I can do for you?” the old man asked. 
Tim looked around briefly. The other person with whom the old man had been speaking earlier that night was gone. “Don’t suppose there is,” Tim said. “Unless you know of any get rich quick jobs around this place.”
The old man chuckled. “Well now, I can think of a few, but I’m not entirely sure those are the type you’re looking for,” he said, resting his hands on the head of his cane which he had propped up on the empty edge of one of the bar-stools. “Tough times, out there. Or so I hear. Something about the supply and demand of it all, I think. Too many adventurers, too few problems that need solving! At least around these parts.” The old man sighed thoughtfully. “This coast isn’t what it used to be. Time was you couldn’t take two steps on the road without running into bandits or cultists or a proper mountain troll. Now you’d be lucky to find a good sized rat nest to clean up.”
“Yeah, well. Killing rats doesn’t pay well,” Tim said. 
The old man smiled, watching Tim over the rim of his glasses. His eyes were sharply blue, Tim noticed. “No,” the man agreed. “No it doesn’t.” He tilted his head. “Terribly sorry, but I’m afraid you’ll have to go further afield to find anything.”
“Thanks anyway,” Tim said, defeated. 
“Although,” the old man said as Tim was turning away. Tim paused and looked back at him. “I’ve heard a rumour. There have been a few ships that have come into the harbour with some particularly strange news out of the Shivering Straight. Up north. Word is there have been a handful of whaling ships that have gone missing around Helkelson Bay. Only a couple of survivors. Those that do manage to best the frostbite say… well. You know how sailors can be, always creating the most fanciful stories. A ghost ship, they say! The mayor of Helkelson isn’t altogether convinced it’s anything so peculiar as that, though I hear he’s offering a handsome reward to anyone willing to… solve the problem. Whatever that problem may be.”
“Helkelson?” Tim said. 
“That’s right,” the old man replied with a smile. “Ask around the docks, I’d say. Plenty of merchant ships coming and going that way. Of course, it’s only a rumour.”
Tim smiled back. “Better than nothing.”
It was at that moment the old man’s companion returned and gave Tim a wary look. Tim took it as his cue to leave with a nod of thanks and an imaginary tip of the hat before he returned to the table to join his companions. 
“Let me start,” he said to them, “by saying you’re welcome. Now, any of you been to the Shivering Straight?”
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foggycrusadepenguin · 4 months
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Sometime you just have clowns so much on your brain you see two cats and it's suddenly the only thing you can think about.
There also this which I have I just had to do, they only had one ship art and it's just to hilarious not to.
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But it also sprang ideas which is always fun, sooo here I go.
It all starts when Buggy is around twenty two he is in the north he just suffered his first mutiny but he is dandy not like his ex crew at least who he saw being eaten after they left in him his little lifeboat so duck them anyway.
He has a bit of money, his juggling and little clown act gave him a little more money and he deserves a treat, a alcoholic treat so to the bar he goes and he is having a great time.
He drinks a bit to much but everything is great...
So great he doesn't notice the rather notorious leader of the Donquixote pirates that is having his own good time with some booze and pretty ladies.
Of course this is until his great luck comes into play and he may have done something rather flashy that may have inquired the joker ire.
To which things may have taken a interesting turn when Doflamingo tried to cut him into ribbons which earns him a funny result thanks to Buggy devil's fruit.
I thinks it would have sparked a new interest for Doffy towards the clown (Or more like what he can do with the clown, Doffy probably would be over joyed being able to split Buggy to pieces with his strings and Buggy would probably like the bonuses of having a little affair with Doffy particularly the he won't kill me card)
So that's the start of a there relationship (if you can call it that, I actually have a few more ideas for this but no patience to write it out so maybe later)
Relationship that would actually end with him meting Corazon in the flashiest way posible.
So it all starts after a rather rough night with Doffy one which Buggy enjoyed a lot and a Corazon searching for his brother.
So he goes to Doffy room just to find a dismembered body laying on the bed, bits and pieces everywhere and he is in his second in command this can't bother me mindset, he can't let Doffy see weakness and it would be the worst his brother has made him do to try and test him.
Which is why he starts cleaning the room ignoring the lack of blood (maybe the boy was cut post Morten) he would do his job, he would stop his brother from doing this again.
It's when he grabs the head to throw it out that he finds black eyes opening blearily before the head yawns and he is pretty sure his heart stops.
So he does the most sensible thing throws the head away, trips and smashes against the floor.
Meanwhile Buggy is just waking up from his nap and woah does Doffy look different this morning, just to be thrown like he was a ball, which rude.
Doflamingo comes back to his room just to see it all unfold and he finds it hilarious.
Finds it even more hilarious when he notices they get under each other skin.
Which ends up of course with him pushing them together whenever Buggy visits the north.
And that's the end of this times little rant, I had a au idea that kind of follows this but more detailed but I'm feeling lazy and I just found the idea of how Buggy meets Corazon and Doffy being the first Corabug, not shipper he doesn't ship them he just likes there disdain of each other,influencer hilarious and wanted to share it.
Apart that Doffybug? Is just really under appreciated, I like weirds ships sue me ╮⁠(⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠)⁠╭
Anyway have a nice night, day or whatever!
(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)/
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
oh i know we're on the topic of best friends sisters and whatnot but can i offer an absolutely out of left field alternative? best friends brother with dodge
as in ur daynas friend from high school, u guys have always been pretty close, but dodge hasn't seen u since they moved away, but now they're back and ur in his living room and oh shit, uve grown up. i mean, he has too, obviously, he graduated high school, hes taller and stronger and over that awkward gangly teen phase he was in when you met him. but you. u wear shorts, around his place, those ripped denim ones with the fraying hems that show off the glimpse of a waistband of pretty pink panties. and tank tops, sheer, tight tanks to fight the scorching texas heat. and you laze around his house like youve always done, drinking his sweet tea and eating his food, chatting with his older sister about things he does it care about.
and you're cool, and older, and pretty, and interesting, and hes so surprised to hear about how youre single (from dayna, in passing), a string of bad exes behind you. cheaters and losers and broke idiots. dodge would never do that to u. dodge would treat you right. like a real man should. dodge would make you feel really fucking good. and hes determined to prove it to you.
-kit (going insane)
Sigh whenever I think abt any dodge AUs I just want to lean heavy into small town aspirations that fail and send you right back to where you started. Maybe you leave the city for Dallas, or a suburb of it, auditioning to be a cheerleader for the Cowboys. You were the cheer captain back in Carp, but things are different in cities with a population over 5k.
So you come back, work at the salon in town painting nails. It’s the perfect job— all gossipy, surrounded by the sweet smell of lotions and shampoo.
Maybe you have a reputation around town for dressing kind of skanky, for being a little ditzy. Rumors of you stealing husbands and boyfriends (untrue!). But Dayna was your friend in high school, and she’s still your friend now. One of your last remaining ones in Carp. So you lounge around their house, spilling all the gossip you learned from work in his sister’s ear, giving her free manicures in the house since the salon on Main Street isn’t wheel chair accessible.
“I can do your nails, Dodge,” you offer with a pretty smile. “Just clean ‘em up a bit. Half the men in town come to get manicures from me.”
He makes a face, lips twitching into a grin. “I don’t need my nails to be hooker red, thank you.”
You shrug, apply another coat of pale pink on Dana’s nails. “Bring ‘em over here. I wanna see.”
He sighs and takes a few ambling steps towards you. When he’s close enough, you grab his hand and hold it up to the light. Your nose wrinkles, and you raise a dissatisfied brow.
“Hands say a lot about someone,” you say as you trace your fingers along the back of his hand, then the rough, work-worn palms and fingertips. “Wanna know what yours say?”
He makes a face, but concedes. He’s handsome, grown up a lot in the two years since you left for Dallas. Nineteen now, more sure of himself. More muscular? Jesus, the rodeo had been treating him right. “Sure. Why not?”
Your thumb strokes over the back of his hand. “They’re rough. These are a workers hands. They say you know how to take care of the people you love. That you’re real hands on.” You pause, grin. “But the dirt under your nails… that tells me that you aren’t taking care of any ladies.”
His cheeks turn pink as you and Dayna grin, and he forces a sarcastic laugh as he pulls his hands back. “Wow. Thanks.”
You meet his gaze and offer a pretty smile. “Really, let me clean your hands up sometime. I’ll bring you Whataburger, or Sonic, or Dairy Queen.”
He laughs despite himself, shrugs. “Maybe.”
Dayna slaps your arm once Dodge slips away to his bedroom. “Stop hitting on my little brother. Its weird.”
You grin, but say nothing.
It’s a week later that you’re back in his living room without Dayna in sight. You’re holding a bag of Whataburger, sprawled across the couch. “Can I do your nails?”
How can he say no?
@gamesetart this took forever but I need him <3 I love this concept it’s so fun
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kopfkino-o · 3 months
okay modern acotar au but the setting is a shitty local bar and I might or might not have been tipsy when I wrote this.
Rhys inherited this crusty bar from his business tycoon father and, despite being utterly incapable of maintaining a well respectable establishment, he lowkey loves being able to boss the staff around and enjoys the all the “free” booze whenever he wants. No he does not file taxes. But he has given his wife, Feyre, creative reign over the place and she painted the walls herself, which was definitely a choice, but the patrons don’t really seem to mind the various eyeballs staring down at them so it sort of works for the place.
Cassian works security with Jurian but most nights he is the one who ends up starting something and it lowkey causes a lot of insurance liabilities but Rhys isn't really worried about all that. Cas also can’t stop sniffing after veteran bartender, Nesta, who will definitely throw your ass out if you so much as look at her wrong. The tension between them is causing a lot of “bad vibes” for the bar’s regulars, Lucien and Eris, who only come to this shithole establishment to get away from their dad (he’s sleeping on their couch because their mom left him for another man). Tamlin always wants to hangout, especially on open mic nights, but he doesn’t have a car and Eris refuses to drive a few extra minutes to pick him up because he doesn't want "unnecessary mileage" on his 2008 beat to shit BWM.
Elain works the front well because she’s the only one who can use the bar's new POS system and Mor waits tables because she’s a customer favorite (she's comps drinks for literally everyone). But there’s really no need for three bartenders on every shift (the bar gets like five customers, max) and Nesta definitely has that shit handled, so most nights Mor and Elain just sit out back near the dumpsters drinking wine coolers and gossiping. They occasionally upload TikTok videos with Gwyn and Emerie, two waitresses who work at the restaurant next door, but Rhys and Feyre let it slide because it’s good publicity.
Vassa, Tarquin, and Helion occasionally meet up at the bar after work (they work at the pr firm across the street) but only because the drinks are cheap and their asshole boss, Amarantha, thinks the establishment is "below her", so they don't feel obligated to invite her along. Helion has slept with like half the staff, and has some weird thing going on with one of the regular's mom, but he always tips well and at least he's consistent. Once, Tarquin let Cassian borrow his boat so he could take Nesta on a date, but he crashed it into a dock when he was trying to park and it ended up being this whole thing. Amren, the lawyer Feyre hired, has sorta advised the staff to refrain from talking about all that though.
Azriel, the bar manager, smokes cigarettes in the old walk-in cooler (Feyre painted it one night during a staff party) between shifts and wonders how the fuck he ended up being in charge of keeping this trainwreck running. He would have quit the job five years ago but he needs the money and Rhys at least offers half decent health insurance. The bar occasionally gets letters from Beron, the local health inspector who is totally on Rhysand’s case, but Az just throws them away in the raccoon infested dumpster outback (the girls swear they haven’t been feeding them) and yearns for the day this whole shitshow finally gets shut down.
Oh, the baby? Yeah he handles accounting and the shadow monster in the basement is in charge of the social media. don't ask.
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animeomegas · 2 years
Imagine the omegas with like- civilian alphas
Sasuke’s heart going all a flutter over a bartender alpha who beat the shit out of a creep who was harassing him while he was out with Naruto and Sakura and proceeded to flawlessly report Sasuke his drink that spilled
Shikamaru’s obsession is just a desk clerk at shinobi headquarters; who always gives him files with a smile and is sure to be punctual and he just follows them throughout the building to continue their conversation
Neji desperately trying to court a trader who make an imported goods store in the village and gives him hefty discount of whatever he wants from the store as a means of flirting, who flirtily blows smoke from their cigarette at his direction whenever he walks into the store
Shino who frequently visits an alpha nurse at the hospital during their rounds to share fun science facts and make cheesy joke to to aleveate the strain of their job
Haku who finds a fellow forager/hunter on the outskirts of the leaf village who lives their life and solitude and rarely goes to town, and he’s immedietly enamored by their quiet and sturdy nature and their kind eyes
Just food for thought
I love this!!
Honestly, I was about to say 'I don't think Sasuke would go for a civilian', but then I read it properly and I think I was wrong, because I love him with a super strong and badass (but still civilian) bartender. Sasuke loves someone strong, fearless and confident, but you're so right that that doesn't mean they have to be a shinobi.
Shikamaru really would come to appreciate the paperwork ninja as he got older, because they keep things organised and make his job so much easier. Like, he was so happy to see this alpha completing all this stressful paperwork, and they smiled so brightly at him, and it was over. His Obsession triggered right there lol. He would totally slip little coded notes in the paperwork for his obsession too. Nothing explicitly romantic because he's too embarrassed, but stuff about what they plan to do on the weekend, or asking what their favourite ice cream flavour is. He gets hot and flustered if this civilian manages to decode them.
I can totally see Neji falling for an expensive goods trader, like luxury goods, because he's a sucker for good quality items lol. He has expensive taste in every sense of the word, and while he's suspicious at first about all the discounts, he gets a happy blush whenever the vendor says something flirty and offers a price cut. I don't think he'd be the type to find smoking sexy though. He's too much of a 'you know that's bad for you' kind of person.
Yessssss!!! Shino with a medic s/o, I love that so much! They would take turns sharing biology facts about either people or bugs, and that would be flirting for them. Their dates would sound so weird if anyone were to eavesdrop. shgsjgfsa this is so cute, Shino needs a medic s/o pronto.
Haku really would go for a sturdy, stoic, but deeply kind s/o. I don't know if you know anything about the Arcana game, but I feel like he could end up with someone like Muriel so easily. Haku really respects skill, but he's not the sort of person to look down on civilian skills. I imagine the civilian alpha being amazing at woodworking or something and making Haku little charms, that would be so sweet!!
Thanks for your ideas anon, I loved them! <333
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in1-nutshell · 11 months
Bot Buddy being Swerve’s older sibling
SFW, familial, platonic, Cybertroninan/ Bot reader, slight angst but has a happy ending
Part 1 of 2
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
For this writing, Swerve’s older sibling is going to be BIG. We are talking Fortress Maximus Big.
How does Buddy have a sibling like Swerve with their height? No one knows and quite frankly, Buddy doesn’t care. They are very close to Swerve.
Buddy doesn’t mind their younger brother talking their audial off about the most random things. They have gotten used to it by now.
“Hey Buddy. Do you think that if minibots ever became a combiner it would just turn out to be a normal sized bot?”—Swerve
“I honestly don’t know how to answer to that question.”
“No, no, but see if the size of one minibot—“—Swerve
“There goes my sleep…”—Buddy
Swerve is insecure, that’s nothing new. But it increases a bit when he is with Buddy in public. He doesn’t like it when bots or himself start comparing them with him. He really wants them to be proud of him and all of his accomplishments. Would 110% support anything Buddy… but he also has his limits.
“Hey Buddy, what are you doing?”--Swerve
“I’m trying to hone in my hiding skills.”--Buddy
“Under a table?”--Swerve
“Yep, and it surprisingly comfortable down here in this crouching position.”--Buddy
“Your stuck aren’t you.”--Swerve
“… maybe? Yes? Help?”--Buddy
“I’ll get the screwdrivers.”--Swerve
“Thanks Swerve!”--Buddy
“This has been the third time I’ve had to disassemble that table…This is getting ridiculous…”—Swerve
Swerve has taught Buddy a thing or two about what he knows about being a metalourgist. As well as teaching them bit of knowledge he knows from doing weird jobs here and there.
“Swerve what do we do when the light turns red?”--Buddy
“Oh! That’s a good question. That usually just means to-- HIT THE DECK!”—Swerve
Buddy is extremely protective of Swerve. They can sometimes get to a ridiculous level of overprotectiveness for Swerve. For example, breathe wrong in his direction, you will feel pain.
“Swerve hold my drink. I’m going to go teach a mech about keeping one’s servos to themselves.”--Buddy
“They just brushed by on accident! There is no need for violence!”--Swerve
It was no surprise that around the time the war rolled by, Buddy was approached and recruited into the Elite Guard. Swerve despite his worries fully supported Buddy.
“Don’t worry about it Buddy! I’m sure your going to have the best stories to tell me when you come back from your missions!”--Swerve
“You really think so Swerve?”--Buddy
“I am positively sure of it Buddy! You know what, this calls for a celebration! Lets go find some engex.”--Swerve
Whenever Buddy was on long trips, they made sure to try and send a message through their personal channel. Swerve tries to make his messages short, but that was nearly impossible for him to do.
“Hey its Swerve! I have so much to tell you, Buddy! First there’s this bot named Blurr and I got his number and now there is a big plan when the wars over. So the plan is that…”--Swerve
Now for some hurt.
Swerve gets notified from some officers from Buddy’s team that there was a good chance that they were killed in action in the last mission. Swerve was in denial at first, but it soon turned into a depression that would follow him for many years even after the war was over. To try and cope with the loss he would still try and send out deep space messages telling them about his day and how much he misses them.
“Hey Buddy, its Swerve again. It’s been a slow week at the bar today. Whirl’s has been on a cocktail binge and nearly attack a poor bot when he asked for the time… And Tailgate, did I talk about Tailgate, well Tailgate is… and then he exploded, I swear Buddy, he exploded!”—Swerve
Timeskip after the events of Swearth
Swerve was getting better. Sure, progress was slow but he was getting to a better place mentally, with the help of his friends and therapy. The only person who he had ever talked about Buddy was Rung. Buddy was a subject that Swerve was not comfortable speaking about too much about. Now Swerve only knows that Rung knows about Buddy ever existing but there were two another bots on board who knew about Buddy. It was Rewind and Whirl
Why? Why those two bots?
Rewind knew after accidentally stumbling on some footage of Swerve and Buddy. After seeing enough footage, Rewind could tell that Buddy at least meant something important to Swerve. He doesn’t bring it up to Swerve. He wants to but he knows if Swerve wants to eventually talk about something then he will talk.
Whirl knows Buddy as his ‘Buddy’ when he was working with the Wreckers. Buddy had joined as a collaboration between the Elite Guard and the Wreckers. Buddy ended up saving Whirl from certain doom and from then Whirl made sure that he was now Buddy’s problem.
“Hey Buddy, what do you think about breaking into a Decepticon clinic and crushing Killmasters brain module?”--Whirl
“How about we don’t do that.”--Buddy
“Your no fun, you know that.”--Whirl
“Yeah, yeah, let’s go get with the others. I think they are debriefing now.”--Buddy
Absolutely loved working with Buddy. He did find out the Buddy’s designation was on the KIA lists after he heard of their mission going off the rails. He had long accepted that Buddy was dead, or missing. Now being on the Lost Light, Whirl has some hope that Buddy might still be out there. If Swerve could create a giant holographic planet for months and not die or Rewind coming back, in a way, then anything was possible.
Now present time
Buddy was very much alive.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Hello ! Could i request edgar allan poe with reader s/o who had trouble speaking english? Thry can understand it, read it, write in english etc, but struggle speaking it out loud. They also have a really really thick slavic accent that theyre shy abt. English isnt readers mother tounge!
Thanks for the request!
'•.¸♡ Text ♡¸.•'
Poe x slavic reader
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As a writer, Poe is infatuated with languages. There are so many different languages, and so many different people speak them!
Poe does not care about accents. They can make people interesting, but that's about it.
When he noticed you were shy about your accent, he tried to tell you that your accent is cute and you should not be shy about it.
He was very red while saying that. If you hugged him after it would make him feel better.
If he writes a character who speaks the language you fo you will become his own personal translator.
He also likes hearing you talking, just talking about anything really (especially if that something is you praising him)
He would help you with pronunciation and read out loud whenever you ask, but you would have to ask every time.
He'll tell you "good job" every time you pronounce some thing more properly or in a more English/American way. If that makes sense.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Heyyyy hello hi, it's me again.
I'm getting more motivated out of no where, and I didn't even drink last night! So this is very weird.
Also, it's almost July! Time really flies by.
Hopefully I'll start writing more, like before.
Also the 1 year anniversary of me starting writing in (on?) this account is coming up in October and I'm still thinking of what I should do for then.
I'm the type of person to plan big some time in advance and not go through w my ideas.
Have a wonderful day/night and stay hydrated.
-love. Az
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obsidiancreates · 1 year
Taishen's Guide On Being The Best Uncle You Can Be
(Somehow I hit exactly 1,400 words for this. I just wanted to say that because that is a damn satisfying wordcount.)
It takes just about a year after traveling with Gricko and Frost for Gideon to start being called "Uncle Gideon" whenever Gricko mentions him to Hootsie.
"He sure warmed up to us quick," Kremy had said one night, sitting by the campfire and keeping an eye on his roux. "Callin' us family already seems a little much, don't it, Gid?"
"Yeah, but he's a fuckin' weird little guy. Not really surprisin'."
Truth be told, Gideon doesn't mind it. He thinks Kremy doesn't mind the "Uncle Kremy" title either, because there's always just enough room in the budget to buy Hootsie a trinket, or snack, or new little hat. And sometimes Gideon decides not to go back for thirds of whatever Kremy cooks so Hootsie can have seconds, and sometimes Gideon doesn't even need to hold back because Kremy sets aside extra just for her.
The first time Gideon accepts it aloud, though, is when they're staying in a little inn, and Hootsie is dancing just for fun in the tavern area, and someone throws a tankard at her and calls for the "wild beast" to be thrown out.
The man finds himself thrown out, his throwing arm broken, and the shout of "That's my fuckin' niece, asshole!" haunting his drunken dreams.
"That was very violent, Gideon," Gricko says later as they're all prepping the single room they could get. Hootsie is curled up in the corner, a little rattled still, but Gricko already has his pack set out and is making up a little bed for both of them where she lays. Gricko's tone is scolding, but he mouths "Good job," when he knows Hootsie can't see it.
"People shouldn't be throwin' things at her," Gideon says with a shrug, fluffing up his thin-as-paper pillow as much as he can. "She's just a baby."
"Your little baby niece," Gricko says with a wide grin. "Isn't that right, Hootsie? You've got big strong Uncle Gideon to protect you!"
Hootsie looks up at Gideon with those giant round eyes and hoots. Maybe Gideon's starting to catch some of Gricko's strange brand of cookoo-bananas, but Gideon could swear she looks and sounds grateful.
"Yeah yeah, I'm Uncle Gideon, we all heard me say it." Gideon gets into the bigger bed in the room as Kremy and Frost play a game of cards to determine who gets the other one (card counting versus slight-of-hand cheating, mind-reading versus shadow magic, it's tough to know who'll win) and shuts his eyes. The sounds of shuffling cards, Gricko telling Hootsie a bedtime story, and the bed likely splintering beneath Gideon's own weight lull him to sleep.
Gideon walks into a tea shop. He doesn't really drink tea, that's more Frost's thing, but he's here anyway.
He doesn't question it, as is the nature of dreams.
"Finally!" an excited voice rings out in the empty shop as Gideon finds himself sat down at a counter. The golden dragonborn on the other side grins brightly at him as he pushes a cup of fresh tea forward. "I've been waiting so long for you to finally realize you're an uncle!"
"Uh... what?" Gideon takes a sip of the tea. It's actually not bad. He didn't know tea could be spicy.
"That little owlbear has a lot of support, but that doesn't mean you can take being her uncle any less seriously." The dragonborn gestures at an ink painting hanging on the wall, of himself and a younger dragonborn girl. "Mei Li taught me just how important this role truly is, and I'm going to help you be the best possible uncle you can be."
"Hey man, listen. I appreciate the fuckin' thought and all, but, I don't know who the hell you are!"
"You won't remember once you wake up anyway," the dragonborn says, pouring himself a cup of tea and pulling a stool over to his side of the counter. "We've talked a few times, actually. But those were usually extremely upsetting times, and now we finally have something to celebrate!"
"Celebrate with tea?"
"I know you prefer alcohol, but if I can get Skrimm to enjoy tea I can get you to enjoy it as well."
"Well, I dunno why I'd need any advice on bein' an uncle, 'cause it seems pretty fuckin' easy t'me." Gideon knocks the rest of his tea back. The cup is full when he sets it down. "Give her treats, buy her stuff when she wants it, and punch guys who're fuckin' dicks to her."
"Those are all part of it," the dragonborn agrees, "But there's more to it than just spoiling her and protecting her. You have to nurture her as well!"
"I mean, Gricko's her dad, he's the one who's doin' all the raisin' and stuff."
"If you all lived in a town, that might work out just fine. But you're always on the move! You're the only four constants in this young girl's life, so you're all very influential on her as she grows!"
"Aw, man. I gotta be a good fuckin' influence now? I just got outta havin' to watch my every fuckin' move all the time, man."
The dragonborn seems to deflate, suddenly growing weary and ancient. "I'm... very aware. But I promise it's nothing like that. I just mean that Hootsie is an impressionable little girl right now, and it's a good idea to teach her important, valuable lessons."
"... Like... if somebody's bein' a fuckin' dick, she can bite their fingers off?"
"Well, I don't know if I'd encourage it to be that extreme, but self-defense is a good lesson, yes! And self-respect, it's much easier to defend yourself when you respect yourself and your value."
"Okay... I think I get it. And uh... knowin' when somebody's talkin' a load of bullshit."
"Exactly! Not to insult anyone but, you and I both know that Gricko can be... quite gullible. I mean, I understand him, I was very much the same way for most of my life, and can still be now. Oh, I remember Skrimm told me that a certain gesture was a universal greeting-"
"Which one? This one?" Gideon flips him off.
"That's the one! He always managed to find me when no-one else was around and pull pranks on me like that." The dragonborn laughs a little, fond. "Oh-ho, when it was a matter of life or death I was truly distressed, but now it's easy to look back and laugh."
"Alright, so, make sure she knows she can bite people, make sure she knows when she's bein' tricked, and I guess... make sure she knows how to get outta tough situations!"
"That's another great idea!"
"Man, I knew this whole uncle thing'd be easy." Gideon knocks the tea back again and looks around the shop. There's lots of ink paintings like the one he saw before, with these two dragonborn enjoying life. One catches his eye, of the man who sits across from him letting the young girl ride around on his shoulders.
"That'll be easy too," Gideon says, gesturing at the painting with cup in hand and sloshing spicy tea all over the floor- or would, if it ever hit the floor, but the tea just ceases to exist before it makes an impact. "Fuckin' piggyback rides and life lessons, easy as hell."
"And best of all, rewarding. It's an incredible joy to care for a child, as much as it is a serious responsibility." The dragonborn looks around. "And if you see Yorgrim when you leave here, let him know about the piggyback rides you plan to give. I think he'll appreciate a little warning."
"You're right, I'll tell him. I think you're waking up now anyway."
Gideon picks Hootsie up and plops her onto his shoulders as the group exits the inn and gets going. Hootsie gives a startled hoot at first, and then looks down. Her face lights up, eyes ghetting as big as possible, and she gives another, more excited hoot as he leans over to watch everything from her new height!
Taishen sighs happily as he watches, and looks up at Yorgrim. "Does that help soothe some of your old wounds?"
Yorgrim huffs a little. "It's... bittersweet."
Taishen reaches up and pats Yorgrim's arm. "I understand. ... Tea?"
Yorgrim is quiet for a moment before sighing and holding his hand out. "Thank you."
"Of course, my friend."
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fromafars · 4 days
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( MASON GOODING. TWENTY EIGHT. CIS MAN. HE / HIM. ) since you aren’t aware of them yet… that’s ( JERICHO BURKE ) wandering around in hollow creek! from what i know they’ve lived in hollow creek for ( HIS WHOLE LIFE. ) i’m also aware of the fact that they work as a ( PARAMEDIC / HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL COACH. ) in town! but if you were to ask me, what i see when i think about them are: ( SPENDING HOURS ALONE ON A BASKETBALL COURT, GETTING MEANINGLESS TATTOOS, RARE SMILES, THE DYING HOPE OF WANTING SOMETING MORE ) if anything, i feel like they could be ( CLEVER, PROVIDENT, HOTHEADED & ABRASIVE. ) it’s really weird, though… because they seem to be hiding something that no one else knows. but i sure do! and that is ( CLOSED FILE … REDACTED. ). wild, huh? i know. they’re hoping no one will ever find out. and the very last thing that i’d say about them is that they’re mainly known to be ( THE BLACK SHEEP. ) just keep a lookout! who knows if they’re putting on a facade!
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: injury & violence
full name: jericho elias burke
nickname: jer, jerbear
date of birth: october 24, 1995
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him
occupation: paramedic & high school basketball coach
birthplace: hollow creek, massachusetts
sexuality: heterosexual
height: 6'3″
fluent in: english
jericho was born to a very upper middle class family with both his parents being doctors who sometimes have to travel out of their small town to do bigger surgeries in the bigger towns nearby
he has a twin sister who's like his absolute ride or die but he will never let her forget that he's older than her by 4 minutes
growing up, his dad had instilled in him his love of basketball and it was one of their things like whenever his dad would have time, they would watch games together, play together so it was no surprise that jericho absolutely loved that sport since he was a kid
everyone could see that that love and passion was special because with his dedication, jer turned out to be really good at it. like REALLY good at it that the sport became his main focus in life, his dream turning singular: to make it to the NBA
even though that was his focus, he would always make time for his family and his friends and he was definitely like the golden boy during high school
however, right after graduation, he suffered a really bad leg injury that included surgery and that had him off his feet for almost a year. his dreams of making it to the nba went out the window tbh because he's not the same and it absolutely crushed him
that injury had him off his feet for a year but the rehab was excruciating and the emotional toll it had on him had him in therapy for years
like tbh that man became volatile like the years he spent in uni (which he started late because he was focusing more on healing and staying inside) were some of his darkest years
like he became a whole dick, got into so many fights, drinking, partying, did drugs, fucked around, slept around (even with married women), just didn't really have anything good going for him because he lost hope tbh
even his relationships with his family and friends suffered because he most definitely pushed them all away tbh
it took him years to finally get to a better headspace and even though he can still be volatile, i think he has come to terms with the fact that this is his life now. it's not what he pictured for himself, it's not necessarily what he really wanted, but he's semi-okay with it now
and tbh he genuinely loves his job too
but also nobody make him mad pls because that anger is still there and he can be scary mean when he wants to be
+ steadfast, determined, responsible
- discontent, violent, dishonest
has a lot of tattoos, not full on sleeves but he’s on his way there for sure
spends most of his time at the gym or with his friends
has a german shepherd named bolt (it’s short for troy bolton)
still loves to play basketball tbh and can usually be found in a basketball court somewhere
not so cynical when it comes to love tbh but whatever serious relationships he may have had, he definitely sabotaged them during his Dark Years
it's not like he's a whole cynic because he does believe that love exists but he also doesn't know if there's anyone who can handle *gestures to all of him*
like it's a fuckboy saying when a guy says "i'm working on myself" and even though he can be a fuckboy tbh he genuinely is working on himself because he knows it's soooooooooo easy to go back to the asshole that he was
loves to sleep around though but with no strings attached (he hopes)
EXTREMELY protective of the people he loves
isn’t afraid to be an asshole tbh, kind of his previous default setting but he's now #tryinghisbest
his label is the black sheep because as much as he loves his family and friends, he has always, always felt like he deserved more than this town and so he doesn't fully feel like he belongs here tbh
unironically loves the high school musical movies
the epitome of “i’m gonna do it, i just gotta complain first”
ngl when it comes to relationships, he can be a simp but it's been a minute since he's been like that
ngl is a walking red flag but at least he makes things fun and entertaining lmaooooo
is winter and the cold's #1 hater
his fave shows are all like cartoons omg like rick and morty and bojack horseman
ride or die
close friends
high school sweetheart
unexpected friends
friends with benefits
toxic relationship (could be a past or current one)
gym bros
good influence
fellow dog lovers
childhood friends who stayed friends
childhood friends who drifted apart
drinking buddies
people he used to party with
fellow basketball lovers / players
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