#buzzard day
arthistoryanimalia · 2 years
It's #BuzzardDay!
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Image: A. Lindsay, "A Buzzard Roost," Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 1887.
Begun in 1957, every year the Cleveland Metroparks Official Buzzard Spotter welcomes these migratory birds back to their roost in Hinckley, OH:
BTW, in the U.S. "buzzard" is a colloquial term for the Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura), not closely related to birds commonly called "buzzards" outside of the Americas. But feel free to celebrate any and all of them today!
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secret-tester · 6 months
Happy Final Anniversary DuckTales 2017!!!
The Last Adventure... Or is it?
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Thank you so much Ducktales!!
Thank you for giving the best show that I ever watched in my life! Thank you for the memories, adventures, and emotional rollercoasters...
This show taught me a lot about life and got me out of a pretty bad place... Overall...
Thank you DuckTales Crew for giving a show that I will never forget
These funny fictional birds and ducks... They are still ALIVE. They are alive through our projects, events, artworks, writings, edits, ect.
Ducktales will never die if we still do what we are doing
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aheathen-conceivably · 9 months
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His hands seemingly held her in place as the buzzards circled and the desert called. Run, Josephine. Run. Run before it’s too late. But he lifted her face to his and nodded, pulling her toward the house and away from the desert.
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dansnaturepictures · 8 months
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Some squirrel shots from last year for Squirrel Appreciation Day; Red Squirrels at Dell Woods in the Cairngorms, Newborough Forest on Anglesey and Brownsea Island in Dorset and a Grey Squirrel at Winnall Moors in December; and some photos from one of my most memorable wildlife and photography days a year ago today at Winnall Moors and Mercer Way in Romsey of Kingfisher, Buzzard, Redwing, Hawfinch and views on a beautiful day.
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writebackatya · 1 year
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I like to think both Bradford Buzzard and Black Heron both personally interviewed all of FOWL’s key members together. And during the hiring process they both approved each members for different reasons
Buzzard: How said person would be beneficial to FOWL’s evil goal for world domination
Heron: Said person’s evil aesthetic and their villainous qualities
Bradford: Well Ms. Dee, all though your methods are quite unorthodox, you do get results and your work speaks for itself. Now if we were to contact one of your previous employers such as…{glances at resume} Mark Beaks, would he speak as positively about you?
Gandra: Oh…yeah, probably not. I did do the job he asked me to do, but at the last minute I sorta betrayed him for my own personal gain
Black Heron: Oooh! How delightfully villainous!
Bradford: Heron, please. And what exactly was this job?
Gandra: I had to seduce one of McDuck’s scientists and trick him into saying a passcode for Mark Beaks.
Black Heron: {writes down in her notes “evil scientist, spy, wears black, temptress, love it!”} I see…
Bradford: And this employee you had to “seduce”, you’re not still in contact with him, correct?
Gandra: Whaaaat? Of course not. I dumped his ass right after I betrayed Mark Beaks.
Black Heron: OH THAT IS COLD!! SHE IS IN!!
Bradford: I still have other questions to a-
Black Heron: {grabs Gandra’s hand and shakes it} Oh you do NOT know how happy I am to finally have another villainess on our team and one that’s a spy no less! It’s a real sausage fest in the inner circle!
Bradford: Heron!
Gandra: Actually I would prefer to be referred to as an “anti-hero”.
Bradford: Enough! We’re not an evil organization!
Black Heron & Gandra: Uh-huh…
Bradford: {sighs} Well regardless you start Monday, please dress a little more formal for your job
Gandra: Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.
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etchif · 7 months
Hi. Reblog this and tell me in the tags about the cool birds you've seen recently
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blood-injections · 1 year
I fucking love the desert I haven't been there in years but between constant danger days thoughts and falling in love with it back when I've visited family there i can just zone out and feel like im standing there im so fucking like spiritually connected to it.
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just-honey-dewd · 2 years
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haveihitanerve · 6 months
Boots: hey hazard can i ride you? Gregor: *spits out drink* Luxa: *inhales soup and chokes* Ripred: *wheezing into his shrimp* Howard: *freezes mid conversation with hazard* Ares: *falls from sky* Aurora: *also falls from sky* Nike: *falls from sky but from laughter* Hazard: i-er- uh-um *looks at gregor* i- uh Boots: i've ridden howard before! Its fun Ripred: *chokes* Gregor: *death glares him* Boots: yeah he used to carry me all around the palace when i was little Hazard: *immensely relieved* oh! You mean a piggy back ride! Boots: *confused* yeah? What else would i mean? Ripred: *opens mouth* Ares: *covers mouth with wing* don't you fucking dare
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chthonicthemeter · 1 year
YOOOOOOO his ass is seeing bird omens! But cannot properly augur!!!!! Look at this loser!!!!!!!
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b-blushes · 2 years
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(also blurry photos sorry!) as i was walking around the garden earlier i heard a call i recognised, looked around, and sure enough it was the buzzard alarm call of one our local corvids! it's not uncommon to see one (or a group!) chasing away one of our nesting pair and escorting them off the premises :P the disgraced buzzard, vanquished to a tree just out of territory:
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etchetceteraart · 7 days
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Two photos because neither quite captured the coloring. I love using teal and green paints, but they never photograph right!
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caca-cam · 1 month
Cam's song of the day #4
Dr. Buzzard's Original Savannah Band - Hard Times
never heard of these guys before last week, but MAN is this great.
it's soulful, psychedelic, and mellow as fuck.
Cory Daye's vocals glide and flow throughout the song like silk, and sit in the mix like perfection, the entire song feels like a loving embrace after a cold, hard day.
I can't stress this enough
CAM'S RATING: 10/10🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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dansnaturepictures · 11 months
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14/10/23-Lakeside Country Park
Photos taken in this set: 1. A lovely Woodpigeon. 2. A Speckled Wood on bright red hawthorn berries, this delicate butterfly which I saw a bit of on the walk looked woven in fine silk as it basked in the autumn sunlight. A powerful moment. 3, 5, 8, 9 and 10. Beautiful views of bright green trees and the lakes. 4. A Coot I enjoyed seeing. 6. Beautiful water mint. 7. Black-headed Gull on a buoy.
As I loved putting together a list of species seen and heard for the Global Big Day as part of Global Bird Weekend this weekend and World Migratory bird day today on the walk it was also great to see outgoing Swallow over a lake, smashing views of Long-tailed Tits including intimately, Mallard, amazing views of Great Spotted Woodpecker including seeing this cracking bird I love right at the start of the walk, a rousting Buzzard soaring view, an exciting Sparrowhawk view, Great Crested Grebes, Moorhen, House Sparrow, Robins seen and heard, cherry Chiffchaffs a star of the walk, a lovely Dunnock view, Chaffinches another star and Blue Tit. It was also powerful to enjoy bird song and sounds today at Lakeside hearing Wren, Goldcrest, Jay and Ring-necked Parakeet well. Brown Rat and Grey Squirrel were interesting mammals to see, with Red Admiral enjoyed a lot for butterflies too. Migrant Hawker and Southern Hawker seen were great dragonfly moments and wild carrot, yarrow pineappleweed, daisy, dock, rowan berries, wild service tree berries, rose hips, apples and conkers were other key plants/fruit seen. It was nice to get Lakeside into my Saturday for a third week running.
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pikaclan · 2 months
Moon 619
Season: Leaf-fall
Overarching Events
Not enough medicine cats
Flypaw holds their head high as Spikestar announces it is time for them to be given their warrior name. They are named Flybark in honor of their hard work, and the Clan explodes into loud cheers
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Buzzardshell died from a mangled leg. Despite being an incredibly compassionate cat, they go to the Dark Forest due to their deep bond
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Bloombreeze died of greencough
Crocusfuzz and Flybark grieve but are not stricken
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Shellpetal and Alderpaw drown after the camp floods
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So much grief and death has taken place, Smokewatcher is particularly shaken by it
Cherrywhisker believes they are part of a new prophecy
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Dayholly seems to have herbs in their fur all the time
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Raggedpaw was seen arguing and borderline-fighting with a loner
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Sparknip ran too fast over harsh ground and hurt their paws Milkweedshine tripped and sprained their paw Smokewatcher's heat exhaustion abated Sootpaw was grabbed and dropped by an eagle Crocusfuzz got whitecough Runnelpaw's fleas left Heartkit got a running nose Hollyhockpaw's dislocated joint popped back into place
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bigbadbuzzard · 3 months
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Happy Independence Day!
Chappy is lighting a firework to celebrate this patriotic day.
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
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