#by JAX
hanihazeljade · 4 months
Three Idiots
Part 1 of Three Weeks
Part 3 - Three Hopes
(W/N: I am very sorry for abandoning you guys, it's just some tough shit decided to wreck my life and I just finished this while crying about the said tough shit. Anyways, have fun with this part xoxo.)
Tim takes back his words.
He wants to go back to Japan ASAP.
Might be asking,why? He once said that he can stay in Gotham for three weeks. But this bloody family makes him want to stab them. Dick always looks at him and hugs him more often than not. Jason sneaks an arm to wrap to his waist. Damian just drags him to the music room that was also now converted to Portrait Room with all of the portraits Damian paints but the grand piano still sits on the corner. 
He wants to go back to the damn winter fields of Hokkaido and probably have some hot cocoa and go buy some soba. But all of this suckrifices, yes suckrifice, for Cass and if she and Stephanie divorces, he will hunt Stephanie and probably make her lose one of her four limbs, or two depending on his mood, because his anger will probably dissipated by the time he already tear her two limbs. 
Dick has always and always been a cuddler. Who knows where he bloody got those arms but he is not digging information, he is retired from that shit. Jason is a sneaky little bastard whenever he wraps his arm to his waist, almost possessively. And what is he even proving that Tim is his? His, to slit Tim’s throat? And Damian, the little (not that little anymore because he is now taller than Bruce, fucking biology and genetics) shit just drag him like a damn sack of rice and he is not appreciating any second of it.
He unpacked his things and already changed into a more comfortable red cashmere turtleneck, yellow scarf and blue earmuffs as he planned to go to the Drake Manor. He knows that he practically abandoned the place but he still hire Mrs. Mac to clean it, but she retired three months ago, to rest her gracious old body and now he needs a new caretaker and it will sucks since the Drake Manor is still filled with some of the artefacts that his parents, illegally, bring back and  he actually likes some of it, and he cannot afford to let those things to be stolen. So, he planned on cleaning some of the manor while visiting it. And maybe hire someone to take care of it.
He was about to go out of the Wayne Manor, when Jason suddenly spawn before him. How are we sure that he is not a meta? Or am I just really rusty? “Hello, Jason.” he greeted as he walked past the man but Jason seemed like didn’t get the memo that he didn't want to talk to him, as the man grabbed his wrist and made him go back to where he was.
“Where are you going, Timbo?” Jason asked as he looked at Tim’s outfit.
“Outside.” He shrugged at the bigger man.
“It's 45 degrees outside.” Jason reasoned but Tim lives in Hokkaido.
“And in Japan, it hits ‘til 35. I’ll live, Jason.” He waved to the man and restarted his walk to the door.
Jason gripped gets tighter, “Uh, nuh uh, Timmerly. You stay here.” he said as he dragged him back.
“Ugh, Jay! I will be next door, so calm your paranoia, seriously you are being a Bruce like now.” he whined, where is Alfred when he needs him? Oh yeah, right. Never.
“Did you just use Bruce as a verb? And I am very offended by that.” Jason scoffed.
“Then let me go to my childhood home, hmm?” he smiled, a smile filled with ‘let me fucking go’.
Jason didn’t get it because he said, “Wait for me, I’ll be dressed in 5.”
“You are not…” and the man was already out of his sight, he sighed, “...invited.” he rolled his eyes.
He starts contemplating whether or not to wait for Jason but then he decides that he doesn’t want to know any of the consequences of his actions so he decides to wait for the man. He pulled his phone out and started to scroll to his Instagram, not Twitter, he doesn’t like how aggressive Twitter can be. He is laughing silently at one of the relatable reels when he sees Jason in the corner of his eyes.
He didn't say anything as he went to the door and let Jason follow him.
“You are not gonna talk to me while we take this 15 minute walk, TimTam?” Jason asked as he caught up with Tim, and Tim ignored him.
“Hey, Timmy TimTam, talk to me.” he whined, holy shit is he being a Dick right now?
“If you want someone to talk with, you can go and talk to Bruce,” he said.
“And what? Let the two of us have an awkward staring contest?”
“Maybe, or go talk to Dick. Maybe it will improve your social skills, Mr. Todd.” 
“Nah, I'd rather die again than to have a talk with Dickie.”
“Where is he anyways?”
“He is in Wayne Enterprise to pissed Damian off, he said it was his duty as an older brother.”
“I wonder if he will still have his limbs still intact.”
“Maybe. But then it was Dickie so probably he will.”
They got to the driveway of the Drake Manor and the snow piled as no one swept the snow. He tried to walk over the snow but he was suddenly carried like a sack of potatoes and Jason started to move like a tractor and no, Tim is not envious.
“Stop pouting, Timmy. It’s not your fault you are small.”
Tim hit him, “I am not small, I am average, above average actually, you and your family are just giants.”
“Where is the key?” Jason said as he stepped to the porch of the Drake Manor. 
“I have it with me.” Tim said as he tried to get the key inside his back pocket while still being carried like a sack of potatoes by Jason. But Jason beat him to it since Jason already got the key to his back pocket and opened the door of the manor with one hand.
Jason put him down after he opened the door. Dust accumulated everywhere after three months of not being clean. 
“You need something around here, Timbo?” Jason said as he looked around the dusty Manor.
“No, I just planned on hanging around here and maybe cleaning. I really need someone to clean the manor.”
“Why not just sell it? Maintenance is an expensive thing to do in this type of house."
“And let the only connection towards my parents be gone? Don’t be ridiculous, Jason.” Tim rolled his eyes at the dumb idiot in front of him.
“You still consider them family? Really, Timmerly?” Jason snickered, definitely remembering the talk of how shitty Tim's parents are. 
Tim clenched his fist, ‘It’s not fucking worth it, Timothy. Don’t waste your breath on that shit.’ He thought and just calmly replied, “They love me, Jason. Not like how Bruce loves his sons, but my mother loves me and my father loves me. I know of it.” he said with so much grace.
“Still, your parents are kind of shitty —” Jason is still trying to fight his narrative. After all, he also has shitty parents. Maybe Tim and him can bond over those facts.
“Jason.” Tim interrupted him, “If you are not gonna help me clean or dust the furniture, get out. I don’t need you.”
Jason brings his hand onto the air as a sign of surrendering and asks Tim if he knows where the cleaning supplies are.
The two start on cleaning, mainly just dusting around, since no one actually makes a mess to an unlived house. Seconds of cleaning turn into minutes turn into hours. They didn’t know how long they were cleaning until Jason told him it was past lunch time. Tim looks at his watch with the reading of 2:14, they have been cleaning for almost 4 hours.
“Let’s go, Timberina. Alfred probably makes some kickass soup.” Jason said as he put away the cleaning supplies and dragged Tim back to Wayne Manor, before even Tim could protest.
Four days in Gotham and his sanity is already giving up. 
Jason is being a bitch, Dick is being a jerk, Bruce is being overprotective, Cass and Steph are being a couple, Alfred is making s’mores, and Damian is being… non-Damian.
Wherever he goes and if Damian is in the Manor, he is always in Timothy’s peripherals. He considered smacking the man but he rather not wanted to die seventeen days before Cass’ wedding. He wants to see his sister walk down the aisle.
Damian though is not behaving what he was like seven years ago, which is good. Tim doesn't want this beast to throw knives at him at any given moment, he may have years of training but all of them are pretty much useless as he doesn’t use them anymore.
The thing is that Tim hates how everyone just kept on observing him, goddammit. It is his job to observe anyone, not to let anyone observe him, unless they will get him laid.
So when Tim was cleaning his camera to take some pictures to add in his personal portfolio, he can’t have Damian lingering into his visions.
“You know it’s creepy to stare at someone, right?” He called Damian out while cleaning the lenses. He wanted to focus because these lenses are so sensitive but Damian is just taking out all of his concentration and it is frustrating every single nerve he has.
“Tt. I am not staring at you.” Damian replied and walked closer to Timothy and sat next to Timothy. Still actively watching the man to clean his lenses.
“Sure, you don’t.” Tim rolled his eyes. He  may be out of this game for so long but he is still very much able to detect lies.
“I am not, clear your mind, Timothy.” Damian said as he tucked a stray hair off Timothy’s face, noticing the light sheen of red in the black locks.
“What do you want, brat?” Timothy asked as he set down the camera lens he was holding and looked at the huge behemoth in front of him. 
“I see that you are preparing to take photos, and I am offering a proposition to paint with you.” Damian said, definitely not ordering or demanding Tim.
“We have a whole different thing to do, Damian.”
“I could be your model, and you can be my model.”
“I am not posing for the same pose for hours, Damian. And I already have a subject model in my mind.”
“And that is?”
“Me.” Tim smiled. This bastard really just thinks that he can’t do that, HA! Tim is a badass at taking self-portraits photographs. Fuck you, Damian. He just left the stunned demon there and started walking away to go to Alfred’s greenhouse. He has never been there, because they surprised Alfred five years ago with a greenhouse for him to rest or just have some peace, after all, Alfred is getting old.
He put down his fucking expensive ass tripod that he got during his trip in mall in Tokyo, and start prepping to take his self portrait shot. The flowers and the overall fauna here will make Ivy jealous, or maybe Alfred and Ivy actually having tea together to share different ways to take care of plants, but he doesn’t care actually.
He was inside the greenhouse until the sun set. Now, there has no natural lighting and his photos are kind of wonky. Blergh, he hates it. It’s one of his ick in photography, after all, night photography just triggers some bad crap in his sanity.
He starts to tidy up his equipment and get out of the greenhouse and go to his room. But as he went inside the manor there was silence. ‘Maybe they decided to eat out then” Tim thought as he shrugged and went to his room to deposit his equipment. 
He walked to the kitchen with two packets of tantanmen and he still didn't see anyone, so he grinned, no one is going to stop him from having ramen as his dinner. He grabbed the pot and started boiling water and he opened the packets and the seasoning inside it. He scavenges Alfred’s fridge and sees some carrots and cabbage and he starts prepping them, and he opens the freezer and it seems like Alfred just finished doing groceries on the meat section as there is a new pack of meat, well… sorry Alfred but Tim will have it.
After 15 minutes of meticulously crafting this ramen, he finally grabbed the pot and went to the dining table. He opened the pot and grabbed the chopsticks that he grabbed somewhere, doesn’t know why they have a ceramic chopstick but Tim is not complaining and started eating. Best ramen that he made it, probably because of the half pound of meat there, but he will eat it though.
After he ate, he washed the dishes and he started walking to let his metabolism work and as he walked he had a hit of nostalgia. A huge house with him in it, he shivers at the thought and ends up in the portrait room. He opened the lights and different artworks of Damian were there, staring at him. It feels like the portraits in Harry Potter, it’s fucking eerie. He was about to leave but the grand piano in the hidden corner of the room enticed him.
He opened the seemingly left up piano and he tried some basic keys and the piano is still properly tuned. He sat down on the stool and he tried some classicals when his fingers started to play a familiar tune, when he finally remembered what song it was he started all over again. He starts with the F then C to D minor and A minor and the B flat. He remembered this song. After all, this is the song he dedicated to his parents.
Like My Father
Song by JAX
I wanna come home to roses
And dirty little notes on Post-its
And when my hair starts turning grey
He'll say I'm like a fine wine, better with age
I guess I learned it from my parents
That true love starts with friendship
A kiss on the forehead, a date night
Fake an apology after a fight
It was publicised how negligent his parents were. The truth is that they are parents that Tim will never swap to someone. His parents are the best. Sure they are not physically there but they care about him, they care about his happiness but he also cared about their happiness
I need a man who's patient and kind
Gets out of the car and holds the door
I wanna slow dance in the living room like
We're eighteen at senior prom and grow
Old with someone who makes me feel young
I need a man who loves me like
My father loves my mom
He remembers playing the piano whenever they start swaying to their living room, and after they finish dancing with each other, his mother will pull Tim with them as his father will put a record in the gramophone and they will dance in circles. It was fun, he remembered the way his father would carry him after they finished as he was so tired of dancing, they would tuck them in and kiss his forehead and tell him “good night”.
I want a road trip in the summers
I wanna make fun of each other
I wanna rock out to Billy Joel
And flip our kids off when they call us old
He'll accidentally burn our dinner
And let me be the Scrabble winner
And when my body changes shapes
He'll say, "Oh my God, you look hot today"
He is never allowed on their road trips, as Tim is more prone to getting sunburned after living in Gotham for so long. But he is fine with that, their road trips are not Tim’s style and he knows that because they bring Tim one time and he was never ever going road tripping with his parents, they are disgustingly sweet but also at the same time wild. It is a shock that they haven’t gotten a ticket or even got banned in one of the states. And also their music taste clashed with Tim’s classical one.
I need a man who's patient and kind
Gets out of the car and holds the door
I wanna slow dance in the living room like
We're eighteen at senior prom and grow
Old with someone who makes me feel young
I need a man who loves me like
My father loves my mom
He missed his parents. He missed how his mom would hug his worries away. He missed how his father would keep on holding his hands whenever he was unsure of what was happening. He missed the way his parents looked at him whenever he finished a task that was so easy. He missed the way they comforted him whenever he got a bad grade. He missed how they encouraged him to sleep with them whenever he had a nightmare. God, he missed his parents.
He was still playing the piano as a wave of loneliness filled him, maybe he really should visit his parents tomorrow. He already abandoned them for so many years and he needs to love them more.
When he stopped playing, he heard clapping behind him. He looked around and he saw Jason, Damian and Cass together. Cass ran to him and hugged him. 
“Beautiful.” she simply said.
“Where do you get that voice, Baby Bird?” Jason said as he walked over to them and Damian followed him.
“I didn’t know you play the piano, Timothy.” Damian asked.
“I was an ordinary rich white boy before becoming Robin, of course I know how to sing and play instruments. And it also doesn’t help that I am at least a quarter asian. I need to live up to the stereotype.” Tim jokes.
“You are definitely killing it Timmy.”
“Sing at my wedding?” Cass asked, making Tim flustered. Tim read the invitation and most of the people that have special standing in the weddings are from the caped community and Tim just hates all most of them.
“I dunno. I am kind of shy, when it comes to that.” Tim just nervously chuckled and he saw Cass pouting. “Oh yeah, what is your wedding motif?” Tim tried to distract them and it clearly worked.
“What is the motif?! The wedding is in three weeks, Timmy!”
“Yeah? And you also know that in the power of Bruce Wayne they can do it in three days?” He rolled his eyes, this family is so dramatic.
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skronklpus · 4 months
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What are you ordering ?
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rosenkrone · 5 months
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Let's kill jax
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mylifetherant · 5 months
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Crazy what one episode does to a mf
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chulacola · 4 months
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From that Futurama scene.
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mattmonss · 4 months
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some frames
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teashteinn · 4 months
Before the concert, Kinger ate a lot of bananas.
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bluepandadraws-log · 5 months
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The Amazing Digital COMIC #6- Kaufmo's funeral
[❤PREV] | [🧡START🧡] | [NEXT💙]
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sm-baby · 10 months
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I wanted to try my own take at a sort of "swap au " :3! though-- it's more a "role swap" than anything else, haha!
I give yall Zooble another time cuz I'm sleepyyy
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iguessimfished · 5 months
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Reposting this bc i decided i wanted to color it
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attleboy · 4 months
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YES ‼️ KILL ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️
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nonbinary-arsonists · 11 months
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I will take that rabbit and give him found family whether he LIKES IT or NOT.
Click for higher quality + alt text :)
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skronklpus · 4 months
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Jax NPC theory … what if they’re all NPCs tho 🤯
Btw ^wallpaper sized
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blorbosinmyheadcentral · 11 months
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Supervised Machine Learning
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fleshgerm · 5 months
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shippyo · 5 months
Well earned rest
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took this from the official account of Glitch,they posted this along side other funny pics of the plushies and HOW i can't redraw this one,,,
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