#byler slides
blueandyellow7 · 1 year
bro did you seriously just talk during the 325-pages byler proof slideshow??
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13personalities · 3 months
sometimes I think back to that fever dream of a night where I finally found and read the entirety of the byler slides at like 3:56 am on a Wednesday night
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willbyersoffical · 8 months
Me and my best friend were on call last night and I was screen sharing the byler slides....i highly recommend because it was funny asf.
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britney-rosberg06 · 2 years
Me after showing a Minnesota the Byler Slides and they’re still not convinced
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ghostlycleric · 2 months
Will donating his dnd stuff at the end of season 3 was a more on the nose metaphor than I thought.
[Context: dnd = their relationship. The goodbye scene itself, the rain fight, and their overall conflict all point to this.]
So, Will walks into the room and gives their relationship away right in front of Mike. Mike panics for a second, confused: “woah, dude, that’s the donation box”. Will doesn’t bat an eye. Instead he tells Mike that the ball is in his court: “we can just use yours…if we still want to play”. Basically, we can be us if you want us to be. Then Mike asks if he’ll move on from him. Will says that isn’t possible, and he walks away. Both of them are smiling, happy.
Then we get to season 4…
Will doesn’t move on, doesn’t join another party. But… Mike doesn’t make any moves. He doesn’t reach out to Will. That’s the core of their miscommunication. Will thought they agreed that Will wouldn’t replace him, and Mike would prove that he wanted to stay with him. He gave the ball to Mike expecting him to do something with it, and then nothing happened.
Why? Because El lied to Mike, he thought Will didn’t uphold his end of the bargain. He thought Will got new friends and was super happy in Lenora and their goodbye meant nothing to him. Mike was jealous of these imaginary people and upset at Will for lying to him in their goodbye.
Mike and Will spend season 4 unraveling the above miscommunication (that was set up in their s3 goodbye scene). You’d think that’d be the end of it. Mike and Will’s relationship has finally been restored and they can be best friends again. But then…
At the end of season 4, Will donates his love for Mike, again. They just made it more literal. Season 4 was just Will giving up his initiative in the relationship because of everything that happened in season 3. Now, a new, mature Will quite literally donates his side of their relationship to El. He gives away his love and his painting.
If Mike and Will were supposed to just be best friends, they wouldn’t have reintroduced that conflict in a more serious way. Season 4 would’ve been the end of it. It’s just like how Mike and El had ‘silly fights, stupid fights’ in season 3 that were reintroduce in season 4 in a more serious way. For Mike and El that was meant to deconstruct their romantic relationship. For Mike and Will, this conflict reintroduction is meant to construct their romantic relationship.
The plotline is different this time, though. They flipped it on it’s head. Now, Will is the one lying to Mike, not El. This time, Mike’ll be forced to realize that Will put words in El’s mouth in the same way El did for Will in her letters.
El’s lie caused Mike to ignore Will, destroying their relationship. In the end, he restablishes their relationship. Will’s lie caused Mike to “confess his love” to El, restoring their relationship. In the end, Mike… stays with El?
The painting lie is set up to be unraveled in season 5. Mike’s reaction to this lie is important and it changes something. Otherwise, the painting wouldn’t exist.
But, yeah, they’re definitely writing a slow burn rejection…
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strawberrybyers · 9 months
the byler kiss is going to change lives. the passion, the frustration, the sadness, the yearning, the love, the shame, the fear is all going to be released in that kiss. like the kiss scene is going to be on a whole other level of cinema
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mazzycharmer · 1 month
byler sketch for the soul 🙌
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mirkwoodsuperspy · 11 months
okay but will byler endgame really come as a surprise to the general audience? because where were you guys while the bylers were making proof slides?
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notmontauk · 2 years
fellow bylers let’s say that i am (hypothetically) making a powerpoint presentation to (hypothetically) explain to my friends that byler will be canon during our powerpoint night. may i ask what are your favorite pieces of evidence that i could add to the (hypothetical) collection?
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
“It’s Hawkins— it’s not the same without you.”
“These past few months, she’s been so… lost without you.”
yeah and im supposed to be okay about that?? i’m supposed to be okay with the fact that they felt lost and alone without each other? will felt alone and lost without him just like mike did??? they both went through their lives wishing the other was there, looking around and being constantly reminded of the other’s absence and the ache it leaves despite being surrounded by people. and im expected to be normal.
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lemonycranberries · 1 month
sometimes i'm out there living my life in the real world and suddenly i find it so bizarre to remember normal people exist. i mean just completely average people, living their lives regularly. like. what do you MEAN your life hasn't been completely consumed by a gay ship that may or may not become canon from hit netflix tv show Stranger Things (2016).
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gayofthefae · 8 months
Oh, so Mike can't sign El's letters "love" but he signed a POST IT NOTE to Will "crazy together"?...K.
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rotisseries · 2 years
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voydhund · 9 months
some byler as things i found because i'm sad today
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hazmatazz · 1 year
hey! vote mike wheeler for cringefail loser!! @cringefaillosersummit [link]
here's a few slides as to why i think he's cringefail and a loser!
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axquiva · 2 years
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