soilem · 7 months
my mom asked to see the art i mentioned in a conversation and i thought “oh well i was a kid when i watched dp on tv and she was at work most of that time and my style is pretty different to the style of the show, surely i can show her one piece without her recognizing it” AND SHE IMMEDIATELY RECOGNIZED IT???
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female-rappers · 2 years
Byrie Irving Performs "Favorite Nephew" @ Agora Strip Club in Michigan
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toecrust69 · 11 months
Summary: Damian helps you feel better
A/n: This is just a short lil' story for now. More coming tomorrow. Anyway, I'm a bit tired rn, so wish me good night!😴
Tw: insecurities, bad writing
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Everybody knows that reassurance isn't easy to come by, let alone ask for. It's like an unspoken rule of life to not ask for it, no matter how much you crave it.
Luckily for you, Damian gives it to you. And due to his hypervigalince, he was quick to notice even the slightest change in your emotions.
You're sat comfortably on your couch, scrolling through your phone in an attempt to distract yourself. However, it only works to make you feel worse because all you see are beautiful, skinny models on your feed. The opposite of you.
You're sad, and it's shows. He notices it as soon as he walks through the door.
And he sure as hell notices the way you don't greet him and you're still in your work uniform.
'Maybe she didn't hear me? ' He wonders, but that thought immediately dies down when he makes eye contact with you.
But still, he doesn't say anything as he takes his shoes off and leaves them at the door.
Then, he comes to sit beside you. He drags you onto his lap and combs his fingers through your tangled hair.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks plainly.
You shake just shake your head and try to byry your face into his shoulder to not show your tear-streaken face, even if he already saw it.
He nods his head and begins detailing your hair. He knows how hard the simplest tasks can be on days like these.
He continues until he hears soft snores from you. You had fallen asleep.
"I love you," he whispers in your ear, eventhough your fast asleep. He kisses your head "I love everything about you, habibti"
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culmaer · 2 months
I've been looking for various references to the Cape "snoek horn" (fishmonger's bugle) and came across a story/blog post written phonetically in Kaaps-Afrikaans dialect with English code mixing. certainly worth looking at for anyone interested in Afrikaans and Dutch, to get a sense of what the Cape Town dialect can look like. (the full post is on Jeremy Vearey's blogspot)
but my main reason for sharing, and with my sincere apologies @geschiedenis-en-talen, is the phonetic rendering of the final words of this paragraph :
As djy vannie Tiervlei se lane is en djy kennie vir Boetie Stinkvet tie dan is djy vaak gebore en het annieslaap grootgeword. As djy innie 80's van Tiekie-stage byrie hoek van Balvenie en Connaught verby Bataan se winkel straight orrie sandveld galoeppit dan kô kry djy die begin van dertiendelaan. Nou nerra oppai hoek, daa was Boetie Stinkvet se rooisink disco, smokkie, bioscope, restirant eksekera eksekera.
I stand by what I said, that Afr. "ensovoorts" / Eng. "and so forth" are more commonly said here, but I guess this is proof that this pronunciation does in fact exist at the Cape
with standardised spelling, but maintaining the dialect and code-mixing, the above paragraph would read :
As jy van die Tiervlei se lane is, en jy ken nie vir Boetie Stinkvet nie, dan is jy vaak gebore en het aan-die-slaap grootgeword. As jy in die 80's van Tiekie Stage by die hoek van Balvenie en Connaught verby Bataan se winkel straight oor die sandveld geloop het, dan kom kry jy die begin van Dertiendelaan. Nou net daar op daai hoek, daar was Boetie Stinkvet se rooi sink disco, smokkie [smokkelhuis], bioskoop, restaurant et cetera, et cetera.
English translation :
If you're from the streets of Tiervlei, and you don't know Boetie Stinkvet, then you were born tired and grew up asleep. Back in the 80's, if you walked from Tiekie Stage on the corner of Balvenie Avenue and Connaught Road past Bataan's shop, straight across the sand field, then you'd find yourself at the start of Thirteenth Avenue. Now, right there on that corner was Boetie Stinkvet's red sheetmetal disco, shebeen [speakeasy ?], movie hall, restaurant, et cetera, et cetera.
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misalpav · 1 year
🎶 jaya srinivasa jaya venkatesha vrusha shailanatha sri padmanabha vaikunthanatha jaya jaya jaya vishwateja rajadhiraja tava jaya jaya jaya devadi deva jaya vasudeva sri ramachandra jaya kalkiroopa shaureesha modha byri ninadha jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya jaya 🎶
🎶 mammu kachina vaadu maa manasu dochina vaadu mangalakarudu maa srinivasudu 🎶
and u my bestie, on this very fine day, have made a very good cinematic decision. feel free to pat yourself on the back, sit back, relax, and enjoy the next 2-3 hours of your life
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alecoftheyouth · 5 months
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yuyuyuann · 11 months
Fishing for the Moon, Chapter 40: Grandeur, Part 2
The lower end of Chlhuan sprawled down from the ridge, overlooking the sea. Sharn’s claws clicked, echoing off the walled streets. Ever so faintly, the ghostly shadow of the moon rose above the top of the tower. He snuffled in the dirt. Astal had come this way, with Byri. The metallic scent of the rifle clung to the corners, where it clipped the walls as Byri passed. Overhead, the bowed, parapeted rooftops glistened with droplets, and Sharn licked his nose. Heheh, the dew’s settling. More smells for me.
next: Ira pries further into unravelling the mysteries of the orchards
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iam-valrie · 3 years
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“How I am able to relate to the true story the film-’Prayers for Bobby’ was based from”
Reflective Essay (Not a movie review) written by: Marie Rosalina D. Valencia (Grade 12 HUMSS Quartz)
After watching the 2009 Drama film known as “Prayers for Bobby” starring Sigourney Weaver and Ryan Kelley presented in the Google Meet meeting by my teacher in Creative Nonfiction class, there are a lot of things that I was able to realize. I have learned so much about the story-all based on a true story-the story of Mary Griffith herself and her son Bobby Griffith. In this essay, I will share my own story and experience related to the events of the film-or rather, the true story that happened to the characters in real life, at the same time try to prevent myself from sharing too many spoilers for people who have not seen the film yet. Anyone can read the plot or summary of the film on Wikipedia. It can also be watched on this YoutTube link I believe is the same link my teacher presented in our gmeet class. 
When I was a young teenager, I never found myself questioning my sexuality like other people I knew, mainly because I considered myself as a girl who has had previous crushes on boys and thought of having one as a partner and marrying one as a husband in the future. But I never experienced any issues with people who became honest with their sexuality towards me and told me that they are part of the LGBTQ+ community, most of them have become my dearest friends now that are able to freely express themselves-their personality around me, as well as I am able to freely express myself and my personality around them, though I make sure that the jokes I throw at them are not sensitive to who they are, being cautious and careful with my words making sure I do not say something unintentional that can offend them or hurt their feelings. Most of my friends are bisexual, and other friends I have who are considered straight like I am-say that they do not have any issues with people part of the LGBTQ+ community and would love to have them as friends, but not as partners. We are all open to each of our ideas about being in relationships and our sexualities. My mother has also told me before that back when she was working, she had so many friends who are gay, some now turned transgender, and she said they are really fun people to be with and hang out with, and I can agree on that as some of her friends have become my aunts and uncles and as a child I also found myself enjoying being in their company and looking up to them as the fun adults we both knew. 
I have also had teachers that are gay, other friends that are also gay, and to me, being around them and seeing their personality shine makes me want to make the people they will eventually meet in the future and fall in love with realize just how special they are being themselves. My friends and I also look up to international singers from the music industry that are part of the LGBTQ+ community as well, singers like Hayley Kiyoko, Halsey, Tove Lo, Troye Sivan, Lynn Gunn, Fletcher, Pabllo Vittar and Kim Petras-listen to their music days on end, inspired by the way they freely express themselves through music. These previously mentioned singers have taught me growing up how it’s okay to be yourself and never apologize for being who you are, and loving what you love, loving who you want to love, and these are lessons I remind my friends of every time they feel insecure or ashamed of themselves. Though, one true issue here is how my friends are not able to freely be themselves around other people-like our classmates, schoolmates, teachers, relatives-even their parents, with the initial thought that they will not be accepted for being who they are. My mother has met some of my friends and she was able to tell and figure out their sexuality somehow-and I was surprised by it but she explained she already knew since her friends acted like how my friends act like now, and she has always been open to other people and has accepted their personality no matter what, and she never told me to keep my distance from my friends or stop being friends with them, so I stick around with them and I will stick around with them until our hairs turn gray for real and without any hair dyes. She never also thought about telling their parents about her observations about my friends either since she knows it's none of her business, and it’s the responsibility of my friends to tell their parents about their sexuality-which until this very day, they are working on, I can tell, no doubt. 
I know about how worried my friends are about their parents finding out about who they really are-since some of their parents are very much religious-whether they are Christian or Catholic-they are those types of parents who are very much devoted to their religion and also believe that God only created one man and one woman. But I know that they do not, and I cannot blame them, since they practically grew up with this teaching-depending on what has been written in the Bible. This enters another true issue I can see-that is related to any teenager’s problem with their parents-how they are not able to connect or see each other eye to eye, mainly because of their beliefs. I have seen news on social media of parents disowning their children, the second they have disobeyed them-whether it was choosing to not finish school, not getting the job the parents wanted, entering a relationship with someone else when dating has rules and is forbidden, and sometimes when the child just defended themself, the parents think of it as a way of “answering back” when they are not supposed to. And it’s very sad, and heartbreaking, how my friends have developed that fear, that all of the love their family has for them, might disappear in a blink of an eye, if they had an open forum kind of conversation, so I get why they are scared. But like the priest said in the film, the markings and teachings in the Bible were written by people who disapproved of what was considered as “heinous acts” during the time they were alive, everything has practically changed now, during this age and time-it’s a new era we live in now. 
A lot of people have become open to children just wanting to be kids and to play with the toys the opposite gender has, people who prefer wearing the clothes of the opposite gender, people who love people of the same gender, people who believe they were born in the wrong body, people who want to change, in order to be themselves. That is why I think, parents, even when they have disagreements with their children, must be open to all of their thoughts and ideas, without an initial reaction of wanting to change their mind, change who they are, stop them from what they are thinking, or even wanting to kick them out of the house. It is not easy for teenagers-mostly, to figure everything out, not every teenager can have all the answers to their questions, sometimes life can be confusing, and that should be considered as okay, the teenager should not be looked down upon for being uncertain or unsure, they are teenagers after all, they will learn everything eventually when not rushed, when allowed to live at their own pace. Now that parents mostly work from home, they should take the opportunity to talk with their children, and understand their behavior, why are they acting the way that they are, and what can they do in order to help them with their problems. Since I cannot insert myself in between the conversations my friends have with their parents, all I can do is have hope that one day, there will come a time when they can converse about life, about themselves freely, without any judgment from their mothers and fathers or guardians, where they can say what they want without a second thought or to hesitate, because their parents themselves are willing to sit down and listen to the voices of their children, before anything else happens. 
Though this was not the same with how Mary Griffith dealt with Bobby in real life, I believe the movie can serve as a reminder to the children and their parents how communication is not the key to understanding one another, but comprehension and patience out of love is, in order to build a deeper and meaningful bond and connection between families, that not all children need to be healed, some, just need to be heard, before time runs out. 
A picture from a scene in the movie, and a picture of the Griffith parents at PFlag
May Mary Griffith rest in peace, for her change of heart and mind, was able to contribute to help so many families change and accept their children’s sexuality just as they are.
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bballinspiration · 7 years
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jawsandbones · 5 years
“With the legends associated with this place, I’m surprised it isn’t crawling with students,” Yuri says as he takes the last step, walks onto the landing. He seems content to wander, to look, but he pauses in the middle of the room, looks over his shoulder and smiles at Byleth. “Or maybe they saw you here and were too scared to try and sneak inside.” Byleth still has one hand on the balcony as Yuri resumes his wandering. Steadily, surely, he closes the distance, chooses the spot closest to Byleth. Yuri leans back against the railing, tilts his head upwards towards Byleth.
“Are you escaping from their fancy ball? Thought you’d find some refuge here?” Byleth nods once at his question. Yuri smirks, lets his chin drop and shakes his head, full of mirth. “Really? You didn’t enjoy dancing with all the students who could get their hands on you?” He’s getting easier to understand. The blank face of the Ashen Demon was something to behold, at first, but he’s not as expressionless as many would believe. As Yuri looks back at him, he can see the slight frown between his brows, and Byleth shakes his head three times. “Well, you’ll have no refuge here, because I’m not afraid of you.” He practically crows it.
The frown softens. Something akin to a smile takes its place, Byleth’s eyes full of soft fondness. Yuri looks away, clears his throat. He takes his hands away from the balcony, allows himself to sink down. His hands at fists on his side, he looks at the cobwebs which twist in the moonlight. It’s not entirely surprising, or unwelcome, when Byleth sits down beside him. Byleth splays his hands flat against the cool cobblestone, rests his head back against the balcony. “The legends… if you believe in such things, one says that any wish made here will come true,” Yuri speaks slowly. “What would you wish for?”
Byleth bends a knee as he tilts his head thoughtfully, and lets his arm rest over his knee. His other hand is still splayed between them. The frown has made a re-appearance, and he seems to search the crack of each stone for an answer. In the end, he simply shrugs. Yuri snorts amusement, “For someone so decisive in battle, you sure are useless everywhere else.” He watches Byleth’s shoulders fall, his gaze drop to the floor between them. “Don’t worry, I don’t mean it. You’re plenty capable.” Byleth takes a moment to rub the back of his neck before resting his arm on his knee again, pointing at Yuri.
“My wish? Let’s see…” Yuri’s gaze drifts around the opening to the balcony. Vines curl around stone, their roots so far below, now reaching for the heavens. He follows the line of the entrance, to the railing, all the way around to – Yuri leans a little closer to Byleth, his fist shifting with him. He reaches out a single finger, lets it rest against the back of Byleth’s hand. “What if I wished to get to know you better?” Byleth holds Yuri’s gaze unflinchingly, the cool midnight breeze sending stray wisps of dark hair curling against his temple.
“You don’t need to waste a wish for that,” Byleth says, his voice low, barely more than a whisper. Still, it echoes deeper, sounds warmer than any other voice Yuri has heard before.
“It wouldn’t be a waste to me,” Yuri tells him. A sick feeling of satisfaction coils in his belly as Byleth breaks the gaze for only a moment, the slightest hint of a blush on his cheeks. Then he looks back, the color clearing away as quickly as it had come. “The other legend, the one that really gets students excited, is that if two people share a vow at the Goddess Tower, they’ll be bound together forever. Doesn’t that sound interesting?” Yuri’s finger is still resting atop Byleth’s hand. Byleth nods slowly.
“Then, let’s make a vow,” Yuri says, his other hand moving between them in a clenched fist, save for an extended pinky. Byleth looks curiously at it for a moment, then moves his arm from his knee to link his pinky with Yuri’s. Byleth’s skin is cool, his touch tentative but sure. Yuri keeps them tightly locked together. “No lying. Ever. About anything, big or small. Even if everything else falls apart, we’re never going to have to guess about trusting each other.” Byleth’s face is mere inches from his. Yuri’s lips are slightly parted, waited on baited breath to see if Byleth accepts that vow. It’s only now that he thinks of the possibility that Byleth could refuse. Byleth gives Yuri a small nod, the slightest squeeze of his pinky.
“Now I’ll have to think of all the questions I want to ask you,” Yuri says, “I wonder where to begin?” Byleth’s back straightens, stiffens, his eyes widening with the sudden realization of the implications in the promise he just made. Yuri laughs as he breaks their link, pulls back his hand. Byleth mirrors him. “I’ll try not to take advantage of it. You realize you could do the same thing, right?” Byleth shakes his head. He did not. Yuri stifles more laughter. Sometimes he’s unbelievably easy to read.
“Well,” Yuri says as he rises to his feet, brushes the dust off his trousers, “it’s something for you to think about until our next meeting.” Byleth’s hands are folded in his lap as Byleth looks up at him. “You shouldn’t stay away from the ball too long. Someone might miss you.” Byleth looks unbelievably weary at the suggestion, aging a decade in a single breath. Yuri smiles at poor Byleth. Fine, he’ll be the one to take pity on him. “Or you could come hide out with me, where it’s certain no one will find you.” Yuri extends his hand. Without hesitation, Byleth takes it, and Yuri hauls him to his feet.
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tarragon-hq · 4 years
what helps us grow together in this relationship (while apart)
1. sending each other mail
2. writing on this platform, creating together
3. sometimes cooking together
4. communicating as much as we are able 
5. being there for each other, keeping our word
6. frequent words of affirmation and love
7. supporting activities that we know keeps the other well, keeping each other accountable to it (eating well, movement, calling loved ones, creating)
8. date nights with movies, she-ra. we can maybe start playing a different game together.
9. knowing that we are where we are supposed to be right now
10. planning for next times!
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narutomaki · 6 years
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For Valentine's day I thought I'd draw my two OCs! Left is Byris and right is Eliot!
Byris is the Warden, and Eliot stays at the circle and ends up being made Tranquil because of his greif. When Byris rescues the circle and finds this out he recruits him and makes sure he lives until the end, Zevran trains him to use daggers as well as the appropriate times to use them because due to the whole tranquil issue he struggles to fight. End game is Zevran, Eliot, and Byris in a polyam triade, Byris finding a cure for the Blight and Eliot's tranquility being reversed.
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arzraiia · 2 years
TRYST by RI For ARZRAÍIA  TRYST is a line where ARZRAÍIA collaborate with public figures who will design their own piece of fashion clothing or accessories with us. It will begin with ARZRAÍIA founder as the first figure, for upcoming designs after that we will invite other public figures✨ 10% of profits will be donated under each public figure name and ARZRAÍIA to charity chosen by the public figure self💐
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doomed-dirk · 6 years
I’m aware I haven’t posted anything here in a metric year. Here’s Driver’s Ed, the Netflix Original. This is the unreleased script and I’m breaking the law by sharing it, but oh well. If I get arrested for breaching my own copyright, may my martyrdom inspire the mourning masses magnificently. The spirit of snakes and Dallas Halley rests within you all.
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clumsyfoxdesigns · 2 years
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🥧 Cozy Names - Aesthetic name ideas for trans & nonbinary people! 🧸
Bea - "blessed; voyager, traveller"
Bo - "to live; wave"
Bonnie / Bonbon - "pretty; good"
Cerise - "cherry, red"
Claret - "cherry, red"
Dotty - "gift; from god"
Fawn / Faun
Juni / Junie
Kit / Kitty
Nell / Nelly / Nellie
Pax - "peace"
Sade - "honour confers a crown; rule with nobility"
Descriptors (Adjectives & Adverbs)
Cinna / Cinnamon
Crim / Crimson
Dulce - /ˌdəlsā/ "sweet, mild"
Fox / Foxtrot
Jelly Bean
Pooka -  /púca/ "goblin, fairy creature"
Curl / Curly
Lock / Locke
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smileybyri · 7 years
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Flu season can’t stop me
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