#c: HJ
luminarytex · 1 month
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happy maid day!!!
cbenchtrio in different maid dresses, tubbo in steampunk (ish), tommy in idol, and ranboo in a more “traditional” dress :3
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the individuals
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dooblez · 7 months
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himbofag · 10 months
the entirety of wilson’s cancer arc has been like “what if we took the most romantic scenes of this entire show and made them so incredibly sad. dw though we’re still making gay jokes”
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teongkas · 1 year
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gathering sticks to keep warm later tonight, why they decided the tundra was a good place for a family reunion i do not know
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rottenr0ckets · 8 months
When I first saw that clip of when revivebur said he didn't actually care about l'manburg the first thing that came to my mind was when he told Tommy that he though of l'manburg as an extention of him. I can imagine that was what Tommy was thinking about to. Also when wilbur tried to blow up l'manburg.
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cocksley-and-catapult · 4 months
I just read that ask where they proposed catacomb as a ship name
I think that cockpussy would be a better name because (cock)sley and catapult is a (pussy)cat
am I smart or what. I ship cockpussy
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sum sketches and full drawins of pizza tower drawpile....
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alchemical-candy · 2 months
I'm getting back into Good Omens, pray for me
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minty-sweet-art · 1 month
What would make me even more of a KAUFMO SIMP if I already draw self insert oc x canon for Kaufmo several times.
Including this silly doodle one that I haven’t made it own post for yet but just a repost.
This Kaufmo was specifically carnival kaufmo but I love all Kaufmo of course.
The report from a silly kidnapping kaufmo joke leafy started (this started a little series of jokes)
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polyfragcultureis · 1 year
polyfrag culture is oh my god how many of you fuckers are secretly subsystems its getting a little ridiculous at this point-
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ryoko-san · 11 months
Since a lot of people hc their honey to be a wolf shifter...i decided to make my honey be also a shifter but in a different direction 👀
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drew some raphaels in my lecture today 🐢 🚩
close ups vv
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dooblez · 7 months
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i feel like they would hate the shit out of each other at first and then they get nice
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paragal · 1 year
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Day 13: Jack Tinyfold
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c!tntduo not having that make up scene set us into the bad timeline. the server got nuked because they didn't say sorry. end post.
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usernose · 2 months
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This video was made by a Cedfia shipper. It's also a fan theory, so it's still fan made. And just like our Lord, Matpat always says, "It's just a theory. A FILM THEORY!" Sure, you think he's in his 20s, and that's fine, but don't use a video made by someone who ships a canon child with an adult man as your factual evidence.
Anyway, OP wouldn't find or reply to this post because I blocked them for comparing the show creator to a terf. I mean, who does that to prove that they're in the right and the people who say that's he's older is the wrong.
Now, my whole thoughts of this whole "argument": Yes, people can have headcanons about the character's ages, hell even I did before the pitch pilot. I headcanon Cedric to be 41 when I mathed Obake to be 37 for my au. When I found out about the pitch pilot of Cedric's age to being 37, I thought it would be funny to have Obake, despite having the same age, being smaller than his lover. So I changed it because I like to humor myself. Now, if only the recipient could reply with more of a "That's nice, but I prefer to see him as this" tone and not a "No you're wrong and here are my facts on why you are wrong" tone, then maybe the other would talk to you with some respect. Now, to be the even bigger person is to just block them. If you don't agree/respect their opinions, just block. It's been working for me in every fandom I've been in, and thank goodness that one of my fandom's creators was pro blocking as well, or it would be all hostile and toxic in the bigger part of the fandom. Now, even though I was on sweetmarii side, I still think that both parties were flawed by Cedric's age "debate."
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