#c: Lucille
tmrrwppl · 5 months
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"You missed me, sis, admit it. Everything is boring without me around. Also your husband needs to be regularly beaten with a tire iron to keep his massive ego in check."
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liuxmei · 2 years
Amongst every other thing happening on the island, Mei Lian was very aware that a pair of siblings were now here, the younger of whom had utterly broken her daughter’s heart decades ago. Mei vaguely knew of the Hart family, and honestly figured it’d be a matter of time until their paths crossed. She just hadn’t expected that the Hart children would arrive to the island at somewhat of the same time that Xiu An did as well. But she supposed fate was like that- given that she and Julian wound up on the island as well despite being apart for almost two centuries.
She wasn’t going to do anything about it though. Xiu was an adult after all (and she wasn’t even sure if her daughter knew the other girl was here). Just the same though, in doing her daily check of blood rationing, she noticed Lucille’s name hadn’t been checked off, and since she was done for the time being at work, Mei decided to do a home visit. 
Bag of blood securely in a small cooler, Mei Lian headed off to the where the high-rise apartment buildings were, knowing exactly where the girl lived (just in case) and soon enough she was knocking on Lucille’s door. “Delivery.”
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musicalfilm · 1 year
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lucille ball in ziegfeld follies (1945)
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thegayfangrrl · 5 months
KILSOM Valentines (Round One)
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tromroan · 5 months
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Jirel ☀️
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Someone stop me of adapting all of C.L.Moore’s work into comic form ⚔️
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
During DID recovery, its important to remember you are all parts of a whole in some times more than others, and one very important time is when dealing with hardships and "screw ups" and traumatic events within the system. It can be easy to start pointing fingers, blaming parts, taking blame and talking about what parts messed up - but by engaging in that conversation internally tends to skip over the assumption being made that any of you should take responsibility for what had happened.
As an alter myself, I 100% understand how easy it is to look at a part / protector who "didn't do their job" or "carry their weight" and feel as if they let us down, they failed us, they hurt us, because it was "their job to keep an eye out for / prevent this exact thing" but more often than not, they should not have even *had* to make those calls in the first place. Pointing fingers at other parts, whether it feels it or not, is a DID version of internalizing blame and responsibility for trauma you should not blame yourself / yourselves for.
Bad things happened that may or may not have been able to be prevented in hindsight, but it is very unlikely that it is any part's fault for "letting it happen".
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full-tiltboogiearc · 6 months
@hellfollowed // from (x) // eli x luce
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Eli couldn't help but laugh dryly. Luce had deflected his question masterfully; it almost garnered praise. His eyes snapped down at the first aid kit she'd shoved his way then back up at her. "Can't let a man eat in peace?" The question was more rhetorical than anything. He glanced over to the side as the two sat at his kitchen table, under the sole pendulum light that illuminated the two of them and not much else in his quiet duplex.
He cleaned his throat, leaning in as if he was giving in. "You're smart. No, a fire didn't do this," he said. "I just got into it with a buddy of mine. Nothing serious, I promise. We... spar."
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claudia1829things · 6 months
"LITTLE WOMEN" (1949) Review
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"LITTLE WOMEN" (1949) Review
Louisa May Alcott's 1868 novel is a bit of a conundrum for me. I have never been a fan of the novel. I have read it once, but it failed to maintain my interest. Worse, I have never had the urge to read it again. The problem is that it is that sentimental family dramas - at least in print - has never been appealing to me. And this is why I find it perplexing that I have never had any problems watching any of the film or television adaptations of her novel.
One of those adaptations proved to be Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's 1949 adaptation, which was produced and directed by Mervyn LeRoy. It is hard to believe that the same man who had directed such hard-biting films like "LITTLE CAESAR", "I AM A FUGITIVE FROM A CHAIN GANG" and "THEY WON'T FORGET", was the artistic force behind this sentimental comedy-drama. Or perhaps MGM studio boss, Louis B. Meyer, was the real force. The studio boss preferred sentimental dramas, comedies and musicals. Due to this preference, he was always in constant conflict with the new production chief, Dore Schary, who preferred more realistic and hard-biting movies. Then you had David O. Selznick, who wanted to remake his 1933 adaptation of Alcott's novel. One can assume (or not) that in the end, Meyer had his way.
"LITTLE WOMEN", as many know, told the experiences of the four March sisters of Concord, Massachusetts during and after the U.S. Civil War. The second daughter, Josephine (Jo) March, is the main character and the story focuses on her relationships with her three other sisters, the elders in her family - namely her mother Mrs. March ("Marmee") and Aunt March, and the family's next-door neighbor, Mr. Laurence. For Jo, the story becomes a "coming-of-age" story, due to her relationships with Mr. Laurence's good-looking grandson, Theodore ("Laurie") and a German immigrant she meets in New York City after the war, the equally good-looking and much older Professor Bhaer. Jo and her sisters deal with the anxiety of their father fighting in the Civil War, genteel poverty, scarlet fever, and the scary prospect of oldest sister Meg falling in love with Laurie's tutor.
Despite my disinterest in Alcott's novel, I have always liked the screen adaptations I have seen so far - including this film. Due to the casting of Margaret O'Brien as the mild-mannered Beth, her character became the youngest sister, instead of Amy. Screenwriters Sally Benson, Victor Heerman, Sarah Y. Mason and Andrew Solt made other changes and they left out some of Alcott's memorable plot points from the novel's narrative. But these changes, however regretful a few of them were (namely Jo and Amy's conflict over the former's manuscript) did not have any real impact on Alcott's original story. Ironically, both Victor Heerman and Sarah Y. Mason wrote the screenplay for Selznick's 1933 film. This should not be surprising, considering that this adaptation bears a strong similarity to the earlier version. I thought Mervyn LeRoy's direction injected a good deal of energy into a tale that could have easily bored me senseless. In fact, MGM probably should have thank its lucky stars that LeRoy had served as producer and director.
As much as I admired LeRoy's direction of this film, I must admit there was a point in the story - especially in the third act - in which the pacing threatened to drag a bit. My only other problem with "LITTLE WOMEN" is that I never really got the impression that this film was set during the 1860s, despite its emphasis on costumes and the fact that the March patriarch was fighting the Civil War. Some might say that since "LITTLE WOMEN" was set in the North - New England, as a matter of fact - it is only natural that the movie struggled with its 1860s setting. But I have seen other Civil War era films set in the North - including the 1994 version of "LITTLE WOMEN" - that managed to project a strong emphasis of that period. And the production values for this adaptation of Alcott's novel seemed more like a generic 19th century period drama, instead of a movie set during a particular decade. It is ironic that I would make such a complaint, considering that the set decoration team led by Cedric Gibbons won Academy Awards for Best Art Direction.
I certainly had no problems with the cast selected for this movie. Jo March seemed a far cry from the roles for which June Allyson was known - you know, the usual "sweet, girl-next-door" type. I will admit that at the age of 31 or 32, Allyson was probably too young for the role of Jo March. But she did such a phenomenon job in recapturing Jo's extroverted nature and insecurities that I found the issue of her age irrelevant. Peter Lawford, who was her co-star in the 1947 musical, "GOOD NEWS", gave a very charming, yet complex performance as Jo's next door neighbor and friend, Theodore "Laurie" Laurence. Beneath the sweet charm, Lawford did an excellent job in revealing Laurie's initial loneliness and infatuation of Jo. Margaret O'Brien gave one of her best on-screen performance as the March family's sickly sibling, Beth. Although the literary Beth was the third of four sisters, she is portrayed as the youngest, due to O'Brien's casting. And I feel that Le Roy and MGM made a wise choice, for O'Brien not only gave one of her best performances, I believe that she gave the best performance in the movie, overall.
Janet Leigh, who was a decade younger than Allyson, portrayed the oldest March sister, Meg. Yet, her performance made it easy for me to regard her character as older and more emotionally mature than Allyson's Jo. I thought she gave a well done, yet delicate performance as the one sister who seemed to bear the strongest resemblance to the sisters' mother. Elizabeth Taylor was very entertaining as the extroverted, yet shallow Amy. Actually, I have to commend Taylor for maintaining a balancing act between Amy's shallow personality and ability to be kind. The movie also featured solid performances from supporting cast members like Mary Astor (who portrayed the warm, yet steely Mrs. March), the very charming Rossano Brazzi, Richard Stapley, Lucile Watson, Leon Ames, Harry Davenport, and the always dependable C. Aubrey Smith, who died not long after the film's production.
Overall, "LITTLE WOMEN" is a charming, yet colorful adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's novel. I thought Mervyn LeRoy did an excellent job in infusing energy into a movie that could have easily sink to sheer boredom for me. And he was enabled by a first-rate cast led by June Allyson and Peter Lawford. Overall, "LITTLE WOMEN" managed to rise above my usual apathy toward Alcott's novel.
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abearirl · 7 months
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a bug and a half, at it again
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knifeeater · 2 years
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Earwig (Lucile Hadžihalilović | 2021)
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filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Peter Vanderbilt Pronouns: He/Him Age: 30 years old   Hometown: Upper East Side, NY Occupation: Gallery Owner, Yale Alum Social Status: Insider Faceclaim: Henry Golding
Who Is Peter?
“Money can’t buy you happiness but it sure as hell can try.”
Peter Vanderbilt, how exciting to see you again. How is the gallery? I know that the ‘I told you so’ you hold over daddy dearest does depend on its continued success. You’re the eldest of the Vanderbilt family and by default the most sensible. You’re very good at keeping up appearances and having everything together. You invest wisely, dress to impress and can schmooze anyone. Charm comes easily to you and you do enjoy wining and dining when the occasion calls for it. Or, better yet, when you actually have time. You dedicate most of your time to your work. If you’re going out, it’s to meet with a client. If you’re at a party, it’s with potential investors or artists. Maybe one day things will slow down for you, Peter but I for one doubt it. See you soon. XOXO ---Gossip Girl 
A Little Extra
Peter Vanderbilt is very charming. He’s always had a way with people, able to make anyone feel comfortable. Charm is good for business since building and maintaining relationships is key for keeping the gallery the hot spot it is. Whether it’s artists, buyers or investors, Peter is able to tailor every conversation or schmooze-fest to their tastes. As the eldest Vanderbilt sibling and only one to go against their parents’ wishes (so far), Peter feels obligated to defend Nick and Chris’ actions to their parents when appropriate. Peter also knows about Chris’ deferring from college and doubts about becoming a lawyer. He will actively cover for Chris.
For those who don’t know, Peter is the owner of a gallery and he didn't get that by standing still. He worked hard and always has worked hard, especially since his father doesn’t approve of him being into art instead of politics and law. The ‘Vanderbilt Way’ has always been this: go to college, go to law school, become a lawyer or politician. Be a Vanderbilt. Peter’s mom was supportive though. He also dabbles in art himself - and not just the gallery alone, painting is a passion of his and it takes up all the little free time he has left. You see, he is always working, partying for meeting clients, that he has little time for anything else. Romance hasn't been in the cards for him (the workaholic!) but he is not a prude, he’s had flings now and again, just nothing that left that mark, you know?
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
What most don’t know is that Peter Vanderbilt isn't only into art - he's also into men, exclusively. It’s something he’s kept close to the chest, for now. Unlike some members of his family, he’d rather keep his private life private, thank you very much! At least, that’s his reasoning- excuse?- for now.
Nick and Chris Vanderbilt - the younger siblings! Peter would never admit it out loud (usually) but Chris is their favourite. Nick would argue otherwise but Nick thinks he’s everyone’s favourite. Will always be there to bail them both out.
Tripp and Juliette Vanderbilt - the Vanderbilt cousins. Peter is interested to see if Tripp is going to cave under the family pressure or not after college. Juliette is everyone’s favourite and Peter always has time for her.
Nate Archibald - the cousin! Peter feels protective of Nate especially after everything that’s happened with his father. Is trying to have more time to spend with him.
Emmeline and Lucille Fairchild - the Fairchilds have been close family friends of the Vanderbilts their whole lives. They would summer together at the same beach house every year.
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trendyshadowqueen · 1 year
Remember that one-shot that I said I was going to write?
Well, here it is:
Tw violence.
And it happened again. Someone had done something in Uranium, and Liam was paying for someone else's actions. At this point, he was used to getting hurt. 
When the people beating him up left, he was in more pain that he had never been. 
Whatever. It's not like he had the money to go to the hospital.
He stood up as best as he could, grabbed his backpack from the floor and started walking.
He felt a sharp pain on his chest, but he tried to ignore it.
“Liam!” he heard a voice behind him. It was Lucille. 
“I forgot to give you back the book in class. I just finished it today. You were totally correct, it is such a fascinating story and…”
As Lucille kept speaking, Liam slowly started losing focus. The pain in his chest had grown stronger.
The world started to go blurry.
The last thing he heard before fainting was Lucille desperately calling his name.
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triggeringtommy · 1 year
also hi hello i’m very sad 2night i miss my best friends (those living and dead)
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sharpenurdamnknife · 2 years
“you’re the only one who can protect me.” (from Lucille - context coming in IM)
Piper wrinkled her nose as she opened the door. She didn't know when she had become the stop for outsiders to come in but at least the ones that came to the house were pretty. She supposed it might have something to do with her being one of the few that had actually left town but that didn't make her anymore of a people person.
A little sigh left her. "Come on in." She opened the door wider. "Is it people or magic?" She asked. She kind of really hoped it was people. her make-shift hexing skills were....fine for the house and keeping ghosts at bay but she was way more effective with the shotgun propped up against the side of the front door.
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rascalcurious · 4 months
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today i have a set of defaults for some of the base game hairs for you guys :) there's also defaults for fhairlong and fhaircornrowslong included that aren't pictured, you can take a look at them here . all clones and unnatural colours are also replaced.
download all: SFS / MF
pick and choose: SFS / MF
i hope you enjoy these defaults :) information about each one and links to custom versions of the hairs are under the cut
credits for original hairs: @simcelebrity00 @dogsill @oakiyo @imvikai @arethabee @aharris00britney @catnipsims @buzzardly28 @laeska @miikocc @clumsyalienn @c-cerberus-sims-s @goamazons @candycottonchu @jellymoo @oydis @feralpoodles
credits for conversions: @kestrelteens @platinumaspiration @miniculesim @shiftingparadymes @pforestsims
1: fhairacorntuck replaced with my conversion of simcelebrity00's lauren hair. CF-EF. 3.8k poly. animated.
2: fhairbarrette replaced with my conversion of dogsill's lucille hair. CF-EF. 7.5k poly. updated with animation
3: fhairbowltwist replaced with my conversion of oakiyo's brandy hair. TF-EF. 4k poly
4: fhairbraids replaced with kestrelteens conversion of imvikai tabitha. CF-EF. 5.5k poly. animated
5: fhairbraidsup replaced with platasp's conversion of dogsill jinx braids. CF-EF. 6.2k poly. animated
6: fhairbun replaced with pforestsims' mesh edit of kestrelteens' conversion of arethabee vega v2, using EA colours. TF-EF. 5k poly. animated
7: cfhairbun replaced with miniculesims' conversion of aharris00britney eve. CF-EF. 4.1k poly
8: fhairfeather replaced with my conversion of catnipsims groovy. TF-EF. 7.8k poly. animated
9: fhairflypigtails replaced with shiftingparadymes' conversion of axa britney. PF-EF.4.9k poly. animated
10: fhairformal replaced with platasp's conversion of ep15 butterfly. CF-EF. 4k poly (note: child sims who wear this hair will age up into fhairfrenchbraid when they age into teen)
11: fhairfrenchbraid replaced with my conversion of buzzardly28's gytha updo. TF-EF. 5.1k poly
12: fhairfuzzylongcp replaced with my conversion of laeska oliva v1. CF-EF. 7.8k poly. updated with animation.
13: fhairhalo replaced with kestrelteens conversion of miikocc marigold hair. CF-EF. 5k poly. animated
14: fhairlongsimple replaced with my conversion of dogsill natalia v2. TF-EF. 11.1k poly. animated
15: fhairlowbun replaced with pforestsims' mesh edit of platasp's conversion of clumsyalienn aelia. 7k poly. animated
16: fhairmediumcenterpart replaced with my conversion of dogsill karlee. CF-EF. 10.1k poly. animated
17: fhairmessy replaced with my conversion of axa brittany. TF-EF. 5.5k poly. animated
18: fhairpagepunk replaced with my conversion of cerberus mia v1. TF-EF. 4.2k poly. animated
19: fhairpgchoppy replaced with my conversion of goamazons lucrecia hair. TF-EF. 5.9k poly. animated
20: fhairpigtails replaced with miniculesim's conversion of oakiyo aria. CF-EF. 6.9k poly. animated
21: fhairponytail replaced with my conversion of candycottonchu's athena hair. CF-EF. 4.3k poly. updated with animation
22: fhairponytailhigh replaced with my conversion of jellymoo maddy. CF-EF. 6.9k poly. animated
23: fhairpoofs replaced with platasp's conversion of clumsyalienn linnea. CF-EF. 13.2k poly
24: fhairshorttuckin replaced with my conversion of aharris00britney amy. CF-EF. 4.2k poly. animated
not pictured
25: fhairlong replaced with my conversion of @oydis dahlia v1. TF-EF. 4.9k poly. animated
26: fhaircornrowslong replaced with @miniculesim ’s conversion of @feralpoodles zara (get custom version here). TF-EF. 14.3K poly. animated
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