#c: Zed
evamovska · 5 months
where,  — Zed's apartment closed  — @zedechemist
It was too quiet — an observation made from the outside of his door. Naturally, Sasha would raise hell, wherever he was; an adventurous, curious child that was probably swinging from Zed's ceiling and causing absolute chaos for the last sixteen hours. And still would, based on her calculations — however, there wasn't a sound.
She turned the door knob and allowed herself inside; phone tightly clenched in her other hand, a reminder of a recent conversation she had with Vanya still lingering not only on the device, but on her mind as well. She was the one that had to deliver the message, simply because the siblings barely talked. Это был просто удар, Эвочка! Он меня жутко разозлил. — Ванюша, ты с ума сошла? Just a punch.
It's been a while, since any of them were in the headlights.
"I better find both of you alive in there." she called out, as she was taking off her shoes. Out of habit — the sidewalk was more sanitary than his apartment.
"Your sister called."
She never did, but she had messaged, and Eva, being who she was blew up her phone and pried the words out of her mouth —
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unifiedtheories · 1 year
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Main-character adjacent people. Friends, foes, etc.
I am missing thumbnails for some people but they don't deserve rights idc.
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negativezerohues · 4 months
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*doodles your zedaph
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zedtiae · 3 days
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happiness takes time, time is my life, if I have no time, am I still alive?
gooooooooood morning toontown!!!
meet the Lampshade, your plucky Lawbot Secretary Intern who's raring to assist those Managers in need! While some may find her methods to be suspicious, she's got a burning passion for helping others and a radical degree of patience that helps her do just that. Just... try not to peek underneath the shade without her permission...
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hi hello welcome to my ref post for Pylar lmao
I def plan on posting lots about her, so here's a small bio to get folks started :-)
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Honorifics: Ms. (she/her)
Full Name: Pylar Cassandra Flow
Employee ID: #25052
Suit Name: Lampshade
Position: Secretary Intern
Date of Hire: 18 months ago Current District of Employment: Offshoring & Drilling
Likes: Conspiracies, groovy artwork, moving with the flow
Dislikes: The cold, "squares," being face-to-face
Backstory: A bright individual built by two light-casting Suits out of spare parts and a whimsical dream, Pylar was never intended to have a specific intention — she was simply made. While for the first portion of her life this was fine, inevitably Suit society collapsed in on the young construct and the pressure to conform grew from deep within, leading to her first lampshade during her third year of school. Now as a Suit of the workforce, Pylar carries on at C.O.G.S Inc. with a hidden face and personality, positively hellbent on maintaining her facade atop the workflow as to prevent others from ostracizing her like she had experienced so long ago before.
Personality: To know this Suit would be to know two different sides of the same construct: the Lampshade and Pylar herself. The former is a clever, conniving little shadow who pulls strings until the best outcome is inevitably produced. For some Managers, her interference is nothing short of a Cog-send; to others, she's a fiend against all that is laid-back and relaxed. Meanwhile, the latter personality — Pili's true identity — is far more complex. While generally playful and boisterous, she continues to hide a softer, more glass-like core that frets first and foremost after the comfort of her loved ones. Hardworking and loyal all around, there's very little Pylar wouldn't do on both sides of her veneer for the constructs that she cares for.
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selenealwayscries · 2 years
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Day 4: Iconic look (FUCKIM MAIDAPH............)
every day I am plagued by the knowledge of maidaphs existence . why is it official merch what is wrong with him /zedaph stan
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macaroni-n-sneeze · 2 years
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theconstantine-moved · 11 months
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elektra616-ar · 1 year
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yanlei-a · 1 year
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i think i've mentioned the Other part of this page before w shen saying akali reminded him of zed but this part.... this part gets me bc shen is obviously protective of akali and cares for her even though she left the kinkou (he is her Dad) and when zed says i understand shen is quick to shut him down and say he doesn't but i just think he really does bc kayn is his finest student and his son and he'd also be concerned for him even though he's very capable of defending himself (all the more so when it comes to a situation like with jhin, which is just. personal and entwined with so much trauma)
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sayorseee · 2 years
Mob AU (a prompt for when you feel better :) :
Addison’s always taken care of herself. So when she gets sick, and Zed wants to help, she wants NONE of it. Unfortunately, this just results in a very sick and crabby Addison, and an equally determined Zed who wants nothing more then to coddle her until she’s better.
Let Me Love You, a mob au side story (ao3) (ff.net)
warning: this short contains spoilers for Kings, Queens, and the Pawns In Between
PART 1 of 3
Addison Jacobs lays in a curled up ball between two chairs in the employee break room. She's pretty sure she still has twenty minutes before she needs to be up to be cheery, peppy, friendly Addy, instead of the Addy that went to bed a little congested and woke up feeling like she had a love affair with death and was suffering the consequences. 
The back door opens and she feels the heat of sunlight burning against her face. Addison groans, tucking her face into the chair. 
From a few feet away, she hears her manager and close friend, Eliza, ask, “Um, what's wrong with her?” 
Her coworker and other close friend, Wyatt, answers with, “She's sick, but if you ask her–” 
“I'm fine,” Addison grumbles. 
She sits up, her head wavering with a wave of lightheadedness and nausea that she barely managed to ignore. But still, she puts on her best game face. “Just a little tired.” She scrubs a hand over her face to cover up a sniffle. 
“You are definitely sick,” Eliza says. 
“I've been trying to tell her to go home!” 
“I'm fine,” Addison reiterates. 
Wyatt throws his hands up, frustrated. “You look like crap!” Addison simply rolls her eyes; they've been going back and forth like this since she got there, but she didn't plan on admitting she was too sick to be at work. 
Eliza grumbles loudly and Addison looks over, watching her angrily typing on her phone. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I'm getting Willa to come in early. And letting Zed know you refuse to go home and get better.” 
“You won't listen to us!” 
“Zed is not my keeper, and I'm fine!” Addison argues. “I'll just bus tables all day if I have to, but you can’t make me go home.” 
“Addison –” 
She growls, actually, physically growls, startling both Eliza and Wyatt. “I feel fine. Trust me, okay?” She starts for the door to the main dining room, intent on working through her opening procedures (or lying down in one of the booths while Eliza and Wyatt aren't looking), but stops and turns back to them with one final thought. “And don't. Tell. Zed.” 
In Addison's defense, the diner was slow, and Eliza was strict in her duties for today: bussing tables, and only bussing tables. If Addison even so dated as to cough near a patron, she was done. 
But Addison wasn't that sick. Sure, the king she stood the more her head would pound, and the tightness in her chest continued to get worse. But she chugged a bottle of DayQuil this morning, and even sat down in one of the empty booths while the diner was slow to calm her racing heart. 
Which brings her to now: being shaken away by her boyfriend, Zed Necrodopolis. Seabrook's most infamous character, heir to the Necrodopolis family fortune and the mob throne. And the one person Addison didn't want finding out about her little ‘lapse' in health. 
“C’mon, Addy, get up,” Zed grumbles, tugging on her arm and pulling her up into a seated position. 
“I was just…resting my eyes,” she rasps. 
“Mhm, sure you were.” 
Addison just rubs the sleep from her already aching eyes. She has no idea how long she was out for, but she really needs to get back to work. Unfortunately, Zed sits down next to her, boxing her into the booth. 
“Zed, I'm working,” she whines. 
He raises an eyebrow at her. “You were knocked out a second ago.” She rolls her eyes in response. “And, no offense, baby, but you look like crap.” 
“I thought you loved me no matter how I look?” She tries to sound flirty and teasing, but with her sore throat it just sounds pathetic. 
Still, Zed chuckles. He nudged her shoulder playfully, despite her grumpiness. “I'm just worried about you. Eliza says you're refusing to take the day off.” 
“I told her not to tell you,” she mumbles. 
“Well technically, Willa told me.” Zed leans over, showing her his phone with his texts to Willa, starting with a picture of her, passed out in the booth. 
“Yeah.” He repockets his phone. “Do you wanna tell me what's going on? Why you don't wanna go home?” 
Addison frowns. Instead of answering, she leans into his side, hiding away from the world. Zed reached over with his other hand to stroke her hair. “Come on, babe, let me take you home. You can rest up and get back to work as soon as you feel better.” 
“I can’t,” she mumbles. 
He turns his head, and although she can't see him she can picture his face: his big, brown, caring eyes, staring into her soul, prodding her to open up to him. 
She sighs and lifts her head. “It's the twenty-ninth,” she says quietly. “And…I'm still short.” 
His expression shifts, a deep frown filling his gestures. “Addy…” 
“I can pay my own rent, Zed.” 
“But at the expense of your health?” he counters. She clamps up and he continues, “Number one, you spend more time at my place than your own home. And you know you can always ask me for help, no matter how big or small the ask.” 
He cuts her off, knowing what she's going to say before she can say it. “Addy, you know I don't think that. And I don't care what other people think. I know you love me, and I love you. And I'm always around to help you. Even if it's as simple as reminding your stubborn self that you should not be working customer service when you’re this sick. I mean, people will complain.” 
Addison giggles, which quickly turns into a fit of congested coughs. Zed pays her back until she claims her breathing down enough to return to her normal, sickly labored breathing. 
Okay, maybe she should go home. 
“Come on,” Zed says as he slides out of the booth, “I'll take you home. Make you my mom’s famous chicken noodle soup.” 
“You mean the soup we have here.” 
Zed holds out a hand which she graciously takes, letting him pull her up to her feet. 
“Well I make it better 'cause I'm a Necrodopolis. We add a little extra love.” He even kisses her temple, then walks her to the break room in the diner. 
Addison slides into a chair at the break room table, the same table she'd been laying at that morning when Eliza first found her, and put her head down while Zed went into Eliza's office. She didn't know what he planned on telling her, and frankly, she didn't care. With every passing second, her head grew heavier and heavier. 
She vaguely remembers Zed coming back out and taking her outside to his waiting car, but everything after that ends up as a blur.
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evamovska · 5 months
surprise :  for one muse to come home and find the other already inside.
A spare key she's had for years turned into a lock that hasn't been changed even after countless threats.
С днём рождения, Зед.
A card on a velvet string hung from the neck of a Beluga Gold she knew he would appreciate. Anything else, he would not care for, so she spared him the presents.
"Your landlord is quite worried about the odour." she spoke, once she felt a presence; hands on the hunt for a tea mug that wasn't chipped or stained somewhere in those cupboards. It was an answer to a question that haven't been asked, yet she knew was coming. "It's how I've been allowed inside, if that's what you're wondering."
He didn't need to say anything, not just because he was her family and she knew her family quite well, but because Eva liked to know bits and pieces about everyone —the way the mechanics turned and twisted in someones brain and what exactly made them tick (she was always prepared, always vigilant.) She liked to think about the words still stuck in the confinement of a dry throat, too afraid to let them slip.
His landlord had been worried, as he was an elderly man ridden with paranoia so suspicion of every tenant came only natural, but Eva had taken advantage of that years ago.
"Do you have any tea?"
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yanlei · 9 months
[ from: kayn 2:25am ] CAN U COMR GET MDEEE
[ from: kayn 2:25am ] UD B MAD IF I DROVE
[ from: kayn 2:25am ] DPNT DRINK N DRIVEEE
[ from: kayn 2:26am ] PLSSZSS ITS COLDDDD
KAYN has turned his location on.
— @umbane
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The light from the screen is enough to make him stir, the sound of the cellphone's vibration against the wooden surface of the nightstand fully waking him up. A glance at the clock is enough to tell it's no reasonable hour to be awake; a glance at the screen dissipates any lingering trace of sleep, concern taking over before he sighs.
At least he had been responsible enough to text instead of trying to drive.
→ [ Kayn ]: Yeah, I would be mad if you drove like that.
→ [ Kayn ]: Stay where you are, I'll be there soon.
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legendaryturk · 1 year
“I’m not a regular dad. I’m a COOL dad.”
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titles · 11 months
happy birthday zed from league my beloved !
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deathsmark · 1 year
🖤 Jayce cause I’m nosy and curious 👁️👁️
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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brknmnds · 11 months
@coastercrushed asked:
“…Want some smoothie?” // for zed
"That's healthy isn't it?" He questioned as he looked down at the empty bottle of fizzy that he had finished off not too long ago.
"I probably shouldn't...." He trailed off, his eyes moving the plastic cup Mapplethorpe held. "Maybe just a sip, that wouldn't hurt right?"
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