#c: balthazar
Also from "The Fall of Falcon Company": I don't usually choose dignity options with Gwen (she's more charm+ferocity), but I do love me some dramatic irony:
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moonypears-blog · 9 months
I will stand by the fact that Sofia is Cedric's pride and joy. Whenever she masters a spell he has to stop himself from getting emotional.
Just look at this MF at Sofia's graduation
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I know he felt like screaming "THAT'S MY BABY"
Honorable mention to this
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evilpol · 1 year
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My cardinal sin in this game is being a guardian main
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junglejim4322 · 1 year
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Au Hasard Balthazar (1966)
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gloireceleste · 9 months
❛ there is nothing wrong with letting the people who love you help you. ❜ (Castiel and Balthazar)
[ memes ] || accepting @protectxthem
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" i... "
oh he wants to laugh until his vessel's throat hurts. he wants to scream. nothing wrong? nothing wrong? he swallows thickly and closes the lapels of his jacket around him, as if to protect his body against... whatever.
it's through gritted teeth that the words finally fall between them.
" that's very rich coming from you of all people. "
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castielmacleod · 2 years
Every time I see some heIIer saying “aww Dean just immediately nicknamed Cas that’s so cute 🥺” I remember that Balthazar had already been calling his sibling Cas since the dawn of time and I feel immediate peace fall over me
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archersgoon · 10 months
actually the finnikin balthazar guilt hole is so crazy because hes convinced himself so hard that him wanting to be king when he was 9 is what killed the royal family but then u go ask 9yo finn why he wants 2 be king so bad and hes like "i think we should improve society somewhat"
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julesthequirky · 6 months
The Choice: Chapter Three
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All my work is purely aimed at those 18+ so minors kindly, DNI.
Summary: You find three of your favourite characters in your home. It shouldn’t be possible, but there they are. In the flesh. How the hell did they get there? And surely there’s a way to get them back? But as you get close to each one, the thought of sending them back proves difficult to comprehend.
Characters: Fem!Reader, Dean, Beau, Soldier Boy/Ben.
Warnings: Language, angst.
W/C: 1,644
Ben turned to exit your room, leaving you standing like a moron, stuck on what to do. Fuck! Your ex always said you were shit with making tough choices. Said you always looked like you were forever stuck in a damn action, like a mannequin. He always saw the pain in your face as you struggled to decide. He’d clap his hands in front of you, and you’d look at him in annoyance. Then he’d choose for you, and that voice in your head would chime up.
Can’t even make a single decision for yourself.
Well, it wasn’t true, and you could. You pushed yourself. If you followed after Ben, you’d just have to get the box again. But if Ben left…No, the door was locked. Unless he broke the lock. Would he? Fuck!
Your clenched and unclenched your fists. Your heart raced in your chest, your body heating as you continued to struggle.
Your voice sounded so strangled, so strained. From outside your hallway, you heard a huff. That seemed to snap you out of your mannequin state.
You rushed back up the chair and reached to grab the box, and once it was in your grip, you jumped down from the chair and ran out. Ben was making his way down your stairs.
You followed him as he headed into the living room. He bent to retrieve his shield. You shoved the box in Dean’s hands and hurried to pick the DVDs from your shelf. The Supernatural box set almost knocked the wind outta your chest as it fell into your grasp. You grabbed The Boys and Big Sky and dumped the sets on your coffee table. Ben had turned around at this point and was looking at your display with his signature look of disgust.
“The fuck is that?”
“I tried to tell you. You’re fictional.”
You let your words sink in. Turning to Dean and Beau, you rubbed your forehead. This was not how you wanted them to find out, but Ben had forced your hand. You hadn’t planned on a way to tell them, it wouldn’t have been like this. You would have softened the blow.
You paced in the limited area.
His brow furrowed, deepening, his lip curled, he snarled. He picked up the DVD set with Butcher’s face on the cover.
“I knew I had to tell you. Not like this but— but shit…this world, my world. It’s the real world. And the same man plays each of you. Look.” You slipped your phone from your sweater pocket. Your hands trembled as you typed the name in, and then you passed the phone to Dean. His eyes widened, and his mouth opened, only to close a moment later. His head tilted to one side as he took in the information. There were those damn butterflies in your stomach again.
“It’s like that time Balthazar sent me to that alternate dimension.”
“Yeah, except this time, you’re not Jensen. Jensen is an actor who plays a character on screen. God, this makes no sense.”
Yeah, it made no sense. It was fucking insane. Jensen played Dean, Beau, and Ben. They shouldn’t even exist. Yet somehow, they were here.
“This ain’t makin’ a lick of sense, darlin’. You’re sayin’ we’re not real. None of us? Except you?”
“Yet, somehow, thanks to a picture frame, we are.”
You nodded.
Ben’s gruff pants pulled your attention to him. He had his fists tightly clenched, his eyes squeezed shut, and his chest heaved as he huffed breaths in and out. For someone so tough and brave, seeing him like this killed you.
Your hand reached out to comfort him. His eyes snapped open and shot you a glare. You pulled your hand back in fright.
“Fuck you. I’m real!” He spat and stormed off.
Your first instinct was to follow him. To smooth things over. Apologise.
As you stepped towards the hallway, a hand rested on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.
“Let him go, darlin’,” Beau said softly.
You watched Ben’s hulking frame leave your sight. Shaking your head, you turned to Beau. Dean was inspecting the box the frame came in.
“I can’t. He could break something. He could hurt himself.”
“Give him space to process.”
You pressed your lips together, grimacing, not fully agreeing with the Texan. Your eyes darted towards the hallway. God knows how he was feeling. Or what he was even thinking.
“You go in there, you’re just gonna make everything a million times worse. He needs space.” Dean said a matter-of-factly, looking at you momentarily.
You stood there, hand on a hip, chewing your bottom lip, finger twirling and tugging absentmindedly on the hair at the nape of your neck.
“You don’t know what he’s like.”
“And you think you do? Because you’ve seen him on TV.” Dean asked pointedly.
Hurt flashed across your face. The air whooshed from your lungs as your mouth fell open.
Right here. Was reality. His words stung. Sure, they’d never affected you before. But that was because you were never on the receiving end. Reality struck. What the fuck did you think was gonna happen? That he would fall madly in love with you and live happily ever after?
You heaved in breaths as you stared at him. His words rang in your head over and over. Your ex’s voice collided – “You don’t know anything!” – making Dean’s jibe that little bit more painful. You felt your throat constrict painfully. You strengthened your resolve. There was no way you were crying in front of Dean or Beau.
“What the fuck do you know? You’ve barely been here ten seconds, and suddenly you think you know everything?”
You lashed out and stormed off, stomping up the stairs like a child having a tantrum. You slammed your bedroom door, huffing and puffing, pacing, fingers rubbing your temples. Fuck. A year after the divorce, your ex was still inside your head, finding ways to assert his control. And you were no better, throwing your ex’s words right back at Dean. Dean didn’t deserve it, of course. He had only been trying to help, and you’d gone and made it worse.
It was time to face the facts. You always made things worse. Everything you touched turned to shit.
You slumped on your bed, gripped your pillow, and stuffed your face into it. You screamed, releasing all your pent up anger and frustrations. The initial release felt cathartic as hell, but on the third, it just felt pathetic.
They were right. What the hell did you know? You didn’t. He was just a damn character off a dumb TV show. A show you took way too much of your time, consuming. Just to escape reality. It didn’t mean a damn thing.
You didn’t know Ben.
You didn’t know Dean.
Shit, you didn’t even know yourself half the time.
You brought your knees up, hugged them and sobbed. Great big chest heaving ugly sobs, clutching the pillow. Your mother was right. At thirty-six, you were a divorced loser with nothing to call your own except your dead dad’s house and a black cat.
Perhaps you were just being overly sensitive, melodramatic, or self-pitying, but the truth was the truth.
You mourned the breakup of your marriage, your dad, and your sad, pathetic existence. Fuck, you wished your dad was here. He always knew the right thing to say. He’d wipe your tears and tell you it would be if it was meant to be. He’d kiss your forehead, stroke your hair and then he’d tell you a corny joke only dads find funny, like – How do you get a country girl’s attention? A tractor.
You smiled and chuckled a little. He always knew how to cheer you up.
A soft knock roused you from your reverie, and you sniffed, wiping your tears from your cheeks, and eyes.
“Hey, you in here?”
“Yeah.” You called out, sounding so small.
The door opened, and Beau stepped in. He eased himself down beside you.
“You wanna talk about it?”
You shook your head.
“Talking does nothing.”
“Oh, I dunno ‘bout that. In my experience, talking does a world of good. So does a punch list. And breathing exercises.”
“Yeah, I know. You got Musk on there.”
Beau smiled and nudged you with his arm.
“So, come on, what’s really going on? I may not know you, but I can see there’s more inside than you’re letting on.”
You stared at the pillow in your hands. It had soaked up your tears. Soaked up your screams. Now, it was going to soak up your fears.
What to say? Your throat felt painful and tight, like something constricting your airways. You swallowed thickly, hands tightening their grip on the pillow.
“Last year, I got divorced. I’m thirty-six with no kids and a broken marriage. That’s my legacy.”
Beau shook his head.
“Hell no. That’s not your legacy. You’ve got plenty of life still left in you. There’s still plenty of time.”
He spoke kindly, softly.
“Divorces suck. I should know, and it’s only been a year. You’re still grieving. It’s natural. Your fears will only manifest if you let them. Don’t listen to the naysayers. Ignore them. They only feed into them. You’ve come this far. You’ve got so much further to go, and you know what? It gets easier. You just gotta take one day at a time.”
You smiled faintly, and he pulled you in a side hug. You said your thanks, and he smiled warmly.
“Come on, darlin’, let’s get back down there. Gotta check on Grumpy Captain America in the kitchen.”
You snorted and placed your pillow back on the bed. It seemed that he, too, possessed the ability to cheer you up, just like your dad used to.
@deans-spinster-witch, @curlycarley
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pollsnatural · 2 months
Masterlist of polls for other characters
"Love of my life", "my best friend" etc are just names for the tiers. If you think that in your ranking system a character is at the top of your list and is your favorite, then you should vote for S tier. If you think that a character is good but not your favorite, then it's A tier. And so on (only exceptions are E tier and H tier, I think that they just kind of represent mixed feelings).
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specialagentlokitty · 3 months
Daryl x reader - no angels here
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Part 13:
Balthazar placed his hand over your side, pouring as much of his power into healing your wound as he possible could do.
It wasn’t enough to fully heal the wound, but it was enough to stop the bleeding, and allow you to start your own healing process though it was a little slower than normal.
“Here, get her to her room.” Balthazar said.
Balthazar helped Daryl pick your up, helping Daryl standing up, then cleared a path through the crowded people so they could get through.
Daryl adjusted you slightly in his arms, letting your head rest on his chest.
“I don’t wanna go…”
“We’re going home.” Daryl whispered.
You locked eyes with him, brows furrowed a little bit in worry.
“I don’t wanna go home.. don’t make.. don’t take me there..”
Daryl gave you a slight smile.
“Our home (Y/N). Not heaven, not hell, our home. Where you and I live.” He whispered.
You slowly nodded your head, turning your gaze to the sky.
Daryl walked inside the house, over to his room and he laid you down on his bed, laying himself down next to you.
“It.. it hurts…”
“Yeah, getting stabbed hurts.”
“I.. I haven’t felt pain in a long time…”
Daryl brought a hand up, running his fingers along your cheek, slowly turning your head so you were able to look at him.
Despite being in pain you smiled a little at him, bringing a hand up to brush some hair from his face.
“Will you stay with me…?”
Daryl nodded his head, wrapping his arm around your waist, placing his hand over your wound almost as if he were trying to ease your pain.
You closed your eyes, and you turned your head to the ceiling again.
You had hidden your wings, so Daryl couldn’t see them, but he could have sworn that could feel the heat from them around him.
You fell asleep with your head near his shoulder, and Daryl just laid there staring at you, occasionally running his hand through your hair.
You spent nearly a whole day just sleeping, every so often he would check your wound, checking how it was healing, making sure it didn’t reopen when you moved.
He got up at some point to get something to drink, and when he made his way back to the room you had somehow moved halfway off the bed.
Daryl sighted slightly, and he walked over, placing his hand under your head to move you back on to the bed.
“Where did you go…?”
“To gets drink, I’m back now.” He mumbled.
He climbed back on to the bed, laying back down so you could roll over, tucking yourself into his chest.
Daryl placed his hand on your back, running it up and down slowly, and you soon fell back asleep once again.
It wasn’t until the morning when you were awake, feeling a little sore but a lot less tired and in a lot less pain then before.
You slowly sat up, letting Daryl’s arm drop from around your waist to your lap, and you carefully moved it.
You swung your legs over the edge of the bed, lifting your shirt so you could see the scar residing against your skin.
It was pink, still needing to be healed, but it was mostly healed at this point, meaning you could walk around without any pain or discomfort.
You made your way outside, down the steps of the house and into the street.
You made your way to the tallest building, flying up to a ledge where you stood.
You didn’t go somewhere nobody else could reach this time, you didn’t want to worry them, so you went to the highest point you could get to where they could still go.
Sitting down, you swung your feet back and forth as you watched the sun rising, your wings folded neatly behind you back.
You were sat along for a short while, but not all to long, because a set of steps walked towards you, and he leant against the ledge next to you.
“You okay to be moving?”
“It doesn’t hurt anymore, so that’s great.”
Daryl nodded his head.
“How’d you find me?”
“I know you.”
You laughed softly, nodding your head, and you turned a little bit in order to look at him.
Daryl glanced at you, taking in how the early morning light lit up your eyes, hues of (E/C), red and gold all mixed in together as if they couldn’t decide what you were.
Your wings were almost like honey, a soft gold that almost acted as if it had were a liquid, shimmering a little bit with every small movement that you made.
Daryl reached up, touching some of the feathers and you just watched him.
“You healed them.”
“I had to… I wouldn’t have saved you if I didn’t…”
“Show me.”
You jumped next to him, and took a few steps backwards.
You stretched your wings out, not in a way to be intimidating, in a way to show yourself in all there was to show.
All the emotions that you usually let bottled up you laid down here and now for him, exposing yourself, showing the real you.
Daryl carefully walked around you, standing behind you to raise his hands to your wings, running his fingers through the feathers.
Everything was healed, right down to the exposed bones which were now hidden beneath skin and feathers.
He could feel the odd scar here and there but that was it.
Daryl walked back around you.
“I… I wanted to say goodbye.” You said.
“What the fuck are you on about?”
You sighed, tucking your wings to be resting against your back.
“I was going to leave, with Balth, take him back to heaven, I was going to go back to hell…”
“Like fuck are you two doing that.”
You furrowed your brows a little in confusion.
“He’s staying, so are you. I ain’t lettin’ you go nowhere.”
“Daryl I can’t stay here.”
He was angry, you could tell by the way he spoke, you didn’t even need to look at his face to see that he was furious with the choice you had made.
“I’m a monster Daryl, I have to go back to hell at some point.”
“And what? Just leave us all here? Leave me here? Yeah, great plan.”
“Daryl please…”
He scoffed a little bit, turning away from you.
“Go on then, go. That’s what you want ain’t it? So go!”
You sighed heavily.
“I don’t want to go!”
“Clearly.” He scoffed.
You rested your arms on the ledge of the building, resting your head in them.
“I.. I’m scared okay? I’m scared of what’ll happen now… I’m scared that I’ve changed again… I’m scared that you called me Angel…”
Daryl sighed.
“Look at me.”
You turned around to look at him, and he cradled your face between his hands.
“You ain’t got anything to be scared of. You ain’t changed you’re still (Y/N). Still the same (Y/N) who came here years ago, still the same happy person.”
Daryl placed his hand on the back of your head, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“You ain’t going nowhere, got it?”
You nodded a little.
Daryl pulled away and you both just looked at one another for a moment.
“I love you.”
You smiled brightly, leaning up to ghost a kiss to his cheek.
“I love you too…” you whispered.
You wrapped your arms tightly around him, and he did the same thing, running his hands through your feathers.
You reached into his pocket and pulled out one of the many blue flowers he was hiding in there, and you stepped back, tucking it into the shirt of his jacket with a little grin.
He scoffed a little, pretending to hit your hand away.
You laughed a little bit, just grinning at him.
“Come on.”
Daryl made his way back through the building so you followed him, letting him lead you out into the street.
He didn’t say a word as he walked down to the water, but when he sat down you sat down with him, curling your wing around him slightly.
You picked some flowers while he just simply tossed little stones into the water.
You worked the small daisies into a chain, and Daryl looked to you as you eventually worked it around into a crown.
When you had, he took it from you, resting it on your head.
“You know I have an actual halo that works wonders.”
“So what? Look better with flowers anyway.” He mumbled.
You turned around, laying down so your head was resting on his legs, and you held his hand to your chest.
“So what is this? Like do we hide it from everybody else?” You asked.
“Why hide it?”
“Cause I know you don’t like people knowing all your personal business, you like to keep your personal life private and stuff. Are we even together?”
You began rambling more and more questions and Daryl eventually just covered your mouth with his hand to make you stop.
You lifted his hand up.
“That’s rude.”
“You talk too much.”
You huffed a little bit.
“I don’t care who knows.”
“You don’t?”
Daryl shook his head.
“Everybody already does, talking crap already so ain’t no point hiding it.”
“So, what does this make us?”
Daryl shrugged a little bit, not answering your question.
All he did was take hold of your hand, going back to tossing small stones into the water and you just watched him with a gentle smile on your face.
This was all you ever wanted, something exactly like this.
You took a small breath, clothing your eyes as you basked in the sun, listening to the sound of the water.
You two still had a lot to work out, but right now you were going to focus on the present day, because in this life now there was no point focusing on the future.
A future that may never happen, may never be. But the present will always be there, so you would focus on that.
You eventually sat up, moving to sit next to Daryl and you held out your hand, letting him pass you some small stones so you could throw them as well.
You shuffled over, sitting between his knees as you carried on throwing little stones, resting your head on his chest.
“Angel…” he mumbled.
“Stop it…”
He wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Angel…” he whispered.
“No angels here…” you mumbled.
“There is.. always has been…”
You grumbled a little bit, and turned around, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, playing with the hairs at the base of his head.
You leant up, connecting your lips with his, and he closed his eyes, leaning into the kiss before he pulled away.
He reached into his shirt, pulling out his necklace you gave him.
“I want a gold one.”
“Cause it’s your colour, gimme a gold one.”
You laughed a little, pulling out one of your feathers, swapping the old one for the new one, and he tucked it back into his shirt.
Then he reached into his pocket, pulling out a blue flower and he took some of your hair as he began to braid the flower in it.
“What’re you doing?”
“I got your color, you get mine.” He mumbled.
“Aw that’s so cute!”
“Shut up.”
Daryl finished braiding your hair and he pushed himself up, walking away and you jumped up to ran after him, running in front of him with your hands behind your back.
“Daryl loves me!” You teased.
“He’s so cute!”
“Oh my god..”
Daryl placed his hand on your head and pretending to push you away but you did see the slight little grin on his face when your eyes connected.
You beamed brightly at him, turning around to run over to your best friend and he just watching you, just quietly admiring you like he always did, like he had always done.
You had always been his Angel, even before all of this came out into the open, and you were always going to be his Angel
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I already had a human female mesmer when I created my Gwen namesake, and quite a few alts, so I decided to make leveling her up more interesting and challenging through three self-inflicted rules:
I couldn't use any boosters of any kind—no damage boosters, regeneration, XP, banners, anything.
I couldn't use any food or utility items—only festival status could affect her.
I could only use racial utility skills—as a human, these are the prayers to the gods (I headcanon my Gwen as deeply devout). I had to amend this because there aren't enough non-elite prayers to fill out the bar, so I had one free utility skill with four prayers.
I'm now within a hair of 80, and it was honestly pretty fun. I didn't die nearly as much as I expected, mostly thanks to Balthazar (...eep), who answers human PCs' prayers with fiery hounds who can tank for you. I know he goes really wrong, but I'm still going to feel kind of bad about fighting him after he saved me so many times :(
The funnest prayer, though, is undoubtedly the prayer to Lyssa for sheer chaos value (random boom to you, random condition to foe, 1200-ft range). I definitely used it as a sort of hail Mary a few times when my health was going down fast, and Lyssa generally came through for me.
I do like that the Character Adventure Guide has made leveling really fast, but not so fast that you don't experience the lower-level game. My challenge mode slowed it down a bit further, so I got more of ~the experience, but not so much that I didn't have fun fighting the Shadow Behemoth through the power of prayer.
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moonypears-blog · 7 months
I don't know why but I find it cute how Cedric calls Sofia "princess." He isn't overly regal or anything with it, he just speaks to her like he would anyone else. It feels more like a nickname rather than a title. And he clearly isn't being pressured to call her that as he says "My Dear" a lot too. I think Sofia probably prefers it as well because she doesn't like being made to feel better than everyone else, so it's nice that he's so casual with her.
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1five1two · 1 year
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'Allegory of Fortune'. Balthazar Nebot. c. 1730.
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just-eyris-things · 2 months
I've been tagged by @the-elven-star and @archesa, thank you guys!
-- B A S I C S
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name: Eyris
nicknames: Ris, Rissie,
age: she's 27 this year! she started personal story as 15yo
birthday: May 29th :)
race: sylvari
gender: female (she/her)
orientation: pansexual
profession: Aurene's champion.
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
hair: a mix of dark blue, blue, green and purple
eyes: blue
skin: green
tattoos/scars: scar on the right side of the face, a scar wrapping around her waist (thanks Balthazar).
-- F A M I L Y
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parents: The Pale Tree
siblings: Caithe and Canach.
grandparents: Mordremoth, I guess?
in laws and others: Trahearne is like this weird cousin to her. She considers Airell family too, but it's hard to give them a role. It's not really sibling-like relationship, but "sibling" is the closest term to it i guess?
pets: Airost the fern hound (old boy's retired :) ), Aiari the jackal (they parted ways in the middle of LWs4), currently there's [Name] the skyscale (I'm working on that)
-- S K I L L S
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Ranger: her core profession
Thief: Eyris was Caithe's student, so she has some thief skills
Soulbeast: Eyris is able to channel the power of an allied creature
Dragon Champion: Eyris is able to summon/create crystaline arrows
hobbies: travelling, animal care, drawing, fishing
-- T R A I T S
most positive trait: honestly, i dont know. i drew a blank so hard I had to talk to my friend. apparently she's good at thinking on her feet so...let's go with that
most negative trait: stubborn, selfish
-- L I K E S
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colors: blue, teal, sea-green
smells: forest after a heavy rain, fried fish, cocoa/hot chocolate, old books/scrolls
textures: soft fur, silk, soft sand underneath her feet at a beach, wet animal nose, tree bark, smooth stuff
drinks: strong ale, cocoa, tea, mulled wine, carrot juice, aloe juice
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
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smokes: sometimes, socially
drinks: yes, but as long as the time is right.
drugs: she was offered a few times to try, she did, she didnt like it, so nope
been arrested: way too many times.
alright, im gonna tag... @i-mybrunettelady @the-tired-commander @charico @mystery-salad @ascalonianpicnic @moonlit-grove :)
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Disney Villains
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Links below to all Disney Villain Masterlists ^^ Fully Updated as of 18/03/2023.
*Those that are not in red do not have a masterlist yet due to lack of content.
Alameda Slim
Bill Cipher
Bill Sykes
Captain Hook
Charles F. Muntz
Chick Hicks
Commander Lyle Rourke
Cruella De Vil
Don Karnage
Dr Facilier
Edgar Balthazar
Emperor Zurg
Evil Queen Grimhilde
Governor Ratclife
Greasy Weasel (Also Accessible through the Toon Patrol Masterlist)
Henry J. Waternoose
Horned King
Judge Claude Frollo
Judge Doom
Lady Tremaine
Long John Silver
Lots-'O'-Huggin' Bear
Madam Medusa
Mother Gothel
Negaduck / Jim Starling
Oogie Boogie
Percival C McLeach
Prince Hans
Prince John
Professor Ratigan
Psycho Weasel
Queen Narissa
Queen of Hearts / Red Queen
Randall Boggs
Shan Yu
Shere Khan
Smartass Weasel
Stabbington Brothers (A.K.A- 'Sideburns' and 'Patchy')
Stupid Weasel
Syndrome / Buddy Pine
Toon Patrol
Turbo / King Candy
Wheezy Weasel (Also Accessible through the Toon Patrol Masterlist)
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outeremissary · 2 months
I saw @arendaes do this days ago and thought it seemed like fun (while I was also procrastinating), but after realizing I only had two portraits on hand I wound up spending more time than I should have putting together a third ^^;; Ash I hope you don't mind me tagging you despite all the time that's gone by!!
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B A S I C S Full name: Balthazar Lucienne Gender: man (trans) Sexuality: bisexual Pronouns: he/him
O T H E R Family: Kostas Stefanos (father), ??? (mother) Birthplace: Absalom Job: “traveler,” leader of a country Phobia: being controlled Guilty Pleasures: singing Hobbies: fashion, esoterica, strategy games
M O R A L S Alignment: CE Sins: Pride, Greed, Envy Virtues: Patience, Diligence
T H I S O R T H A T Introvert / Extrovert Organized / Disorganized Close-minded / Open-minded Calm / Anxious / Restless Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between Cautious / Reckless / In between Patient / Impatient / In between Outspoken / Reserved / In between Leader / Follower / Flexible Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between Optimist / Pessimist / Realist Traditional / Modern / In between Hard-working / Lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S OTP: Balthazar/Tristian, Balthazar/Vio Acceptable Ships: idk I’m not picky lol OT3: Vio/Balthazar/Tristian Brotp: Balthazar & Jaethal
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B A S I C S Full name: Carmen Regis Gender: woman (cis) Sexuality: bisexual Pronouns: she/her
O T H E R Family: mother and father, Aunt Marcela, grandparents (maternal), grandmother (paternal), two other aunts and uncles, about seven cousins Birthplace: Andoran Job: knight errant, Knight Commander Phobia: being lost Guilty Pleasures: tea, a good book Hobbies: n/a
M O R A L S Alignment: LE Sins: Pride, Wrath Virtues: Patience, Diligence, Temperance, Humility (my hand didn’t slip.), secret extra Greyhawk answer is Chastity
T H I S O R T H A T Introvert / Extrovert Organized / Disorganized Close-minded / Open-minded Calm / Anxious / Restless Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between Cautious / Reckless / In between Patient / Impatient / In between Outspoken / Reserved / In between Leader / Follower / Flexible Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between Optimist / Pessimist / Realist Traditional / Modern / In between Hard-working / Lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S OTP: does toxic yuri count? In that case Carmen/Arueshalae all the way babyyyyy Acceptable Ships: Carmen/Galfrey, Carmen/Daeran OT3: I can't show you an OT3 but I CAN show you my toxic yuri love triangle where everyone loses in the end Carmen/Galfrey/Arueshalae Brotp: Carmen & Greybor, Carmen & Ember (family!!), Carmen & her horse June
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B A S I C S Full name: Kasander / Asperia (keeping it simple and just them.) Gender: nonbinary Sexuality: asexual Pronouns: they/them, any
O T H E R Family: Orin (“sister”), Sarevok (half-brother), Bhaal (father), Helena (niece, deceased), Ismene (“half-sister”); Shadowheart (adoptive sister), Jaheira (adoptive mother) Birthplace: Baldur’s Gate Job: assassin/cult leader adventurer? Phobia: Father, home, failure, abandonment Guilty Pleasures: eavesdropping, dockside street food Hobbies: lyre, people watching, theoretical plans
M O R A L S Alignment: CG, CE Sins: Gluttony, Envy, Pride Virtues: Kindness, Humility, Diligence
T H I S O R T H A T Introvert / Extrovert Organized / Disorganized Close-minded / Open-minded Calm / Anxious / Restless Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between Cautious / Reckless / In between Patient / Impatient / In between Outspoken / Reserved / In between Leader / Follower / Flexible Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between Optimist / Pessimist / Realist Traditional / Modern / In between Hard-working / Lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S OTP: none <3 Acceptable Ships: cult leader breakup (derogatory), Kasander/Wyll OT3: nothing comes to mind <3 Brotp: Kasander & Astarion, Kasander & Shadowheart, Kasander/Asperia & Jaheira
Not tagging anyone on this... if anyone would like to do it feel free to tag me haha
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