#c: fiyero
possible-cryptid · 2 years
PLEASE tell me about your married couple they are SO cute (and come to think of it, I don't actually know your plot! Could I possibly request... A back-of-the-book summary? 👀)
Hehe okay
sO I have multiple stories that for the most part all exist in the same universe (there are some exceptions but yeah).
The very basic set up is that ages ago the earth had magic, but said magic was lost and forgotten and all magical creatures went into hiding. Later on (like the 50s-60s maybe) magic suddenly reappeared and the people of the modern age have to deal with it. Races like Dragons and vampires are making themselves known, Organizations dedicated to either understanding or eradicating magic are founded, and magic users are hailed as Heroes (or monsters) in the eyes of the public.
Fiyero and Natalie specifically are the parents of a main character (more on her later). They met when they were about 12 or 13 and have been friends ever since. Natalie doesn’t have any sort of magic but Fiyero does, and he hates it so he pretty much just ignores it. They’ve got two kids, a son and a daughter (the aforementioned main character) and steady jobs and their ultimate goal is to provide a normal, stable life for their children and each other. Which of course doesn’t go exactly as planned
The story they appear in is about their daughter Ari, and how she discovers she has magic, and also that their city is a little bit haunted. And also the world might be ending maybe. Everything is probably fine though.
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jbaileyfansite · 1 year
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First look of Jonathan Bailey as Fiyero on the Wicked’s set [x] 
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pdouwes · 6 months
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Or you wouldn't be so unhappy.
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remma-demma · 3 months
Idk if I’m going crazy because it’s only been one week on T but I do feel like I’ve lost the highest register of my voice. I was a soprano so it’s only the A5 + range but. Strange.
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wallacejwriting · 2 years
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The Alphas of Veda
In Veda, the top one hundred Betas and all Alphas are kept on a power ranking list. This is done for a lot of reasons, but the one most people care about is the online shows that broadcast the updated list changes. The hosts of these shows often show off public ability showcases the Betas and Alphas have done, events involving them recently, and all sorts of other BS.
Think of it like celebrity culture, but with superpowers.
The Alpha list only has seven people on it, at the start of Descent. It contains only the Alphas who are both currently alive and currently residing in the city.
There have been other Alphas in the city. Three of them have died before the story begins and one is currently not in the city. Thus, there are four Alphas in the history of Veda left off this list.
The first Alpha in the world, Gertrude Grey, was marked as an Alpha in 1994 and held the position as number one Alpha from the list's conception in 2011 to her death in 2034.
The list, ranked from most powerful to least powerful, in accordance to R scores, is as follows.
#1: Fiyero Monasterio
He/Him, 26. Pyrokinesis. Joined list in 2034.
The terrifying right hand of Thad Fabulon and the boogeyman of the Chorus. The third Alpha to ever be granted the rank of #1 Metahuman in Veda and the only person to ever regain that rank after losing it. Fiyero is a tattooed, smokey man who answers to Fabulon for reasons unknown. He is known for fighting in underground fighting rings, for which he is infamous for his prowess and efficiency, and he uses a cane for reasons unknown to the public.
There is quite a bit of controversy over having the #1 position filled by such a dangerous and notorious criminal, but as he is noticeably above the others, the position is officially his.
#2: Guy Carnell
He/Him, 25. Gravity Alteration. Joined list in 2036.
A pompous social media influencer who primarily uses his powers to pick up hot women and get ads and sponsorships on his online accounts. Guy takes the celebrity aspect of Meta culture very seriously and considers himself the "first professional Metahuman influencer". In interviews, he tends to come off as shallow but well-meaning and very charismatic.
As the most powerful Metahuman who regularly makes public appearances, Guy functionally acts as the #1 Meta of Veda, unofficially, something he takes massive pride in.
#3: Hani Qadir
She/Her, 31. Plant Communion & Control. Joined list in 2032.
A PhD holding botanist trying to solve hunger and drought problems throughout the world. Considered one of the most benevolent and powerful Metas to ever live. Hani has spent years working toward healing the damage made by global warming to plant life and food security, as well as helping nature thrive in a changing world.
Hani comes off as a saint on television, always well-spoken, always polite, always sweet, but her friends will tell you she has the sharpest, driest wit you'll ever find. Hani keeps quiet about it, though she is often seen giggling behind a hand in interviews.
#4: June Holiday
She/Her, 15. Vector Manipulation. Joined list in 2037.
The youngest Alpha to ever be recorded, as she was ranked as such at age thirteen. June is a dorky, energetic teenage girl who wants nothing more than to be the best twin sister to her brother, Jonas, and the best girlfriend to her girlfriend, Simone, as she can be.
June is considered, by the government (Veda, Canada, UN) and by the culture of the city to be the perfect Alpha Metahuman. She exists entirely without trauma, something thought impossible of Alphas, and her powers are by far the most stable and most capable of growth. While June manages to balance this pressure most of the time, she is terrified of messing up and causing more people to hate Alphas.
#5: Sage Beaufort
They/Them, 34. Teleportation. Joined list in 2028.
The owner of a pizzeria, Sage does their best to avoid the spotlight and celebrity life that being an Alpha brings. However, Sage has never been able to stay away from people in need, and so whenever Riko calls, asking for search and rescue help, Sage gears up and heads out. It's a unique situation, as heroes are illegal, and Sage had to be authorized to work with the firefighters on a volunteer firefighter basis.
You won't find anyone more jaded by the Alpha list and Alpha hate-love culture of Veda than Sage. Sage lacks the charisma to make themself seem less scary than their powers make them look, and mostly just scowls when on camera or in public. They're a hard worker, and they want to help, but Sage has no love for Veda and stays only because it's easier than trying to run.
#6: Riko Yamamoto
She/Her, 32. Durable Constructs. Joined list in 2029.
A firefighter and a trans woman who is considered one of the closest things to a modern day superhero the world allows. Riko utilizes her ability in her work to help her firehouse be one of the most effective in the city. She and her wife are quite happy together.
Riko has been on the list for ten years and has remained near the bottom the entire time.
As she puts it, however, being on the bottom of the Alpha list still puts you at the top of the food chain and in the public eye. Riko is a working class woman with a crude sense of humour and a deep love of bar games, cheesy poetry, and making people laugh.
#7: Thad Fabulon
He/Him, 29. Psychic Puppetry & Hub Connection. Joined list in 2037.
The most famous Alpha of Veda is Thad Fabulon, who is also the only unofficial Alpha. Technically, Thad's abilities have never been recorded at Alpha levels, but they also haven't been recorded in over a decade. Based on prior knowledge of his abilities, and subsequent showcases of greater power, he is assumed an Alpha. Though it could be argued he's also in this list for safety reasons. After all, when a man like this runs a cult, you take notice.
Thad Fabulon is the founder and leader of the Chorus, an infamous cult of Metas and non-Metas alike who live and work in Veda. Thad strives to connect people, to bring people together, and to remove the burden of overwhelming pain and struggle from everyone who lets him. Or so he says, anyway. Mostly, Thad is publicly known for staying in the background, allowing his Muses to do his work for him, and making spectacles of how little the police can do to stop him.
He's a dangerous man and it was his act of pulling Fiyero Monasterio into his cult, and thus under his incredible psychic power, that cemented his status on the Alpha list.
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ichiwashername-o · 25 days
Sorry to bug you, but I had a question: as someone who's full extent of knowledge re: Oz and Wicked is "I have seen the 1939 Wizard of Oz movie, and I've been told both that the books are super crazy and Dorothy's actually gay as hell, and also been told Wicked is the secret sad gay backstory of Glinda and Elphaba." I'm surprised to learn a) that Scarecrow was a real guy, b) he and Tin Man knew each other pre-Oz movie's story, and c) he apparently dated Elphaba, so my question is: is he a "her boyfriend until it turns out she was gay and the romance was doomed" boyfriend, or was I lied to about the nature of the story of Wicked being a sad lesbian backstory?
Oh boy, a lot to unpack here so let's see if we can break this down XD
Without getting into spoilers, it's important to know the book Wicked is a very, very different thing from the musical Wicked. I admittedly had never read any of the original Wizard of Oz books beyond the first one so I don't know anything about the whole "Dorothy is gay" thing but apparently that's true? I'll leave it to others who've actually read the series to verify on that.
My comics are solely focused on the musical adaptation of Wicked and such major plot points and characters are very different from the book, and if you'd like a break down, I'll post it under the spoiler below. Although I would recommend either waiting in eager anticipation for the movie to come out this November or find a Wicked bootleg slime tutorial on Youtube if you'd like to see the theater adaptation yourself. I highly recommend doing so.
Ok, so to break it down: Yes, both the Scarecrow and the Tin Man were actual people before they become the iconic figures we know and love (at least as far as the musical is concerned) And yes, Wicked is gay as hell, and though the musical isn't nearly as gay as the book, the relationship between Glinda and Elphaba that can absolutely be read as gay.
The Scarecrow, whose name is Fiyero, was a prince who initially dated Glinda but then things happen and he falls for Elphaba instead. He breaks off his engagement to Glinda to run off with Elphaba. The two have a steamy sexy duet together but tragically the relationship is bitterly short; the Wizard's guards take Fiyero prisoner and try to torture him for information on where Elphaba is hiding. In a desperate gambit to save his life, Elphaba casts a spell on him, which turns him into a scarecrow.
Also Fiyero and the Tin Man (who in the musical is Boq) went to university together so they sort of know each other. In fact, all four of them went to school together, which is where the majority of Act 1 of the musical takes place.
The book is very, very different: Tin Man (Nick Chopper) keeps his original backstory of getting his limbs chopped off by an enchanted axe and Fiyero dies (I can't remember exactly how but probably somewhere along the lines of "Wizard's guards capture him and beat him to death"). Obviously the musical changed these things to tie all the characters together and give it a bit of a happier ending.
I do not blame you if you are now more confused than before.
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jack-kellys · 1 year
i said i'd do this today so here you all go. disclaimer this is not every single question, just the ones i cared about (so the fun ones)
notes from the most recent uk fansie night q&a:
i was not there but i was sent a video lmao
FOR DAVEY: how much free range have you been able to build on with your character?
answer: ryan said they all basically started with a blank canvas, but davey has rly grown since december. specifically davey's gotten “weirder”, and he hopes that “he will get even more strange.”
nothing is confirmed but the whole cast really wants one lmao
dance class from ireland came :) asked abt dance tips and industry ins
fav dance moves/moments in the show 
box jump for ross <3
sam demonstrated the leg pats as his fav
matthew loves the role call triangle lmao
michael demonstrated a front kick they do holding a rolled paper
have you ever hit anyone w something thrown into the audience?
archie tells on jack bromage (who isn't there to defend himself) and how he kicked a paper ball into a kid’s FACE LMFAO
jacob called out matthew for his slingshot hits into the audience 
biggest malfunction during a show?
ryan and michael acted out waiting for bronte and a les to enter during WWH reprise’s scene- “and that is what you call a beginning! ………….chill out, man!” “…you got a problem?” HELLO??
box jump update
if you could put your character into another musical what would it be
davey for mean girls 2023
splasher for matilda
jack for wicked lmao “him and fiyero might fight”
specs as one of the annoying kids in charlie and the chocolate factory 
kath for sylvia!
ritz for young frankenstein (bc putting on the ritz heh)
mush for annie
ike for something rotten
elmer for WSS
al for a rocky musical (fights.)
romeo for grease!! “kinicky vibe”
how do ur jumps get so high
ross: "i’ve been jumping for.. a long time"
what are the hidden personal gems that audience members might miss during the show?
albert pickpockets one of the theatergoers in medda’s theater. holy shit. and sometimes the actor leaves jacob and actual object to steal in his pocket PLSLOKFSF
crutchie sees snyder from his perch by the soundboard and reacts in fear
how long is fight call and do you call every stunt
this is interesting to me so. depends on the day bc of swings so they do the big fight and child actor stunts every day.
ryans is bad romance
poker face ross
applause for sam
matthew is not a gaga person oops
“thank you for that question <3”
how do you approach making roles individual?
“determined early that its a diff version of jack and kath” (bronté)
purposefully ignore things that have come before!!!!
bronte and michael talked a LOT abt their jath 
“can only do the best version of your version” <3 (michael)
doing what you think is the right way, “offering your voice into the discussion” of a character’s legacy/existence. MICHAEL ONCE AGAIN FCUVKING GETS IT THIS IS !! WHAT I WAS FUCKING SAYING. fyi. we understand each other
fav character and why!
ryans is kath heheh
ross’s IS FINCH!! he loves damon and thinks he’s made finch special <3
owen (oscar) rly likes racer!
michael rly likes davey, “unsung hero”
sam likes kath <3
bronte likes the brooklyn newsiessssss, especially stray and mentioned the art piece of stray with a stray :) @chimeofthecomet YOURS BRO SHE MENTIONED YOURS !!!
lucy likes specs
matthew thinks pulitzer is cool to find nuance in
kai’s fav is lillie’s spot!
archie thinks finch is best bc he’s mysterious
damn bradley likes finch too! “always trying to come up with a solution” OKAYYYYY GO DAMON!! gets an a+ in characterization
jacob on his pulitzer villain moment stuff again
spencer likes davey’s contrast!! “one of the strongest characters in the group”
fastest quick change you’ve done
the oscar immediately laments his changes lmfaoooo
michael was morgrim??? in lion witch wardrobe??? a wolf??
preshow rituals
interesting he was given her as a reference for a fast talking new yorker so heavy city accented davey jacobs truthers rise up we won (its just me) we won! 
the new kids dressing room does the wolf of wall street chest hitting thing lol
michael listens to two diff revolution speeches i think?
bronte’s is seeing ryan :)
matthew talks abt what alex hatton used to do, look at a pic of his gf and grandparent pls aw
archie used to jump on a chair at the five before he. hit his head. bro
jacob does a diff riddle for each mic check!!
that’s all the best ones i could catch!!
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medium-observation · 4 months
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Beetlejuice - First US National Tour
January 21, 2024 - Medium Observation
Video | Matinée
Justin Collette (Beetlejuice), Larkin Reilly (u/s Lydia Deetz), Megan McGinnis (Barbara Maitland), Matthew Michael Janisse (s/w Adam Maitland), Jesse Sharp (Charles Deetz), Sarah Litzsinger (Delia Deetz), Hillary Porter (Miss Argentina), Abe Goldfarb (Otho), Brian Vaughn (Maxie Dean), Lexie Dorsett Sharp (s/w Maxine Dean/Juno), Haley Hannah (s/w Girl Scout), Ryan Breslin (s/w Ensemble)
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Excellent video of Larkin and Matthew as Lydia and Adam respectively. Minimal washout with very little to no obstruction.
NFT DATE: August 1st, 2024
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Video is $20
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Moulin Rouge! The Musical - First US National Tour
January 6, 2024 - Medium Observation
Video | Matinée
Mark Doyle (u/s Christian), Arianna Rosario (alt Satine), Robert Petkoff (Zidler), Kevyn Morrow (e/c Toulouse), Andrew Brewer (Duke), Danny Burgos (Santiago), Sarah Bowden (Nini), Harper Miles (La Chocolat), Nicci Claspell (Arabia), Max Heitmann (Baby Doll), Kamal Lado (Pierre), Sam J. Cahn, Darius Crenshaw, Jimena Flores Sanchez, Tommy Gedrich, Cameron Hobbs, Tamrin Goldberg (s/w), Pepe Munoz (s/w), Tanisha Moore, Brayden Newby, Elyse Niederee, Kent Overshown, Stefanie Renee Salyers, Adéa Michelle Sessoms, Preston Taylor
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Absolutely perfect video of Mark, Arianna and Kevyn as Christian, Satine and Toulouse respectively! Zero obstruction, minimal washout.
NFT DATE: August 1st, 2024
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Video is $20
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Wicked - Second US National Tour (Munchkinland)
January 28, 2024 - Medium Observation
Olivia Valli (Elphaba), Celia Hottenstein (Glinda), Colin LeMoine (u/s Fiyero), Timothy Shew (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Tara Kostmayer (Nessarose), Kyle McArthur (Boq), Boise Holmes (Doctor Dillamond), Mitchell Tobin (Chistery), Jane Brockman (Midwife), Alexia Acebo (Witch's Mother), Wayne Schroder (Witch's Father / Ozian Official), Jennifer Mariela Bermeo (Ensemble), Remmie Bourgeouis (Ensemble), Sean Burns (Ensemble), Jōvan Dansberry (Ensemble), Matt Densky (Ensemble), Marie Eife (Ensemble), Jenny Florkowski (s/w Ensemble), David Kaverman (s/w Ensemble), Lauren Leach (Ensemble), Megan Loomis (Ensemble), Madison Claire Parks (Ensemble), Jackie Raye (Ensemble), Kat Rodriguez (Ensemble), Anthony Santos (Ensemble), Derek Schiesel (Ensemble), Tregoney Shepherd (Ensemble), Brett Stoelker (Ensemble), Maggie Van Wieringen (Ensemble)
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Fantastic video of Colin Fiyero! Some readjusting throughout, minimal washout. 
NFT DATE: August 1st, 2024
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Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at [email protected]
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gliyerabaa · 7 months
what are your headcanons around the characters and music? do they sing? what instruments would they play?
I have lots of thoughts regarding music in Shiz-canon but that involves a level of music history and speculative analysis that I don't wanna get into right now
so. I'll just stick with modern AU band kid headcanon ideas Elphaba: Not in band, but knows how to play guitar or maybe bass. has tried to start a garage band with the boys but it never quite pans out. also likes to sing but would never admit it
Glinda: plays flute and piano and loves to sing (but has never joined choir)
Fiyero: plays a MEAN saxophone (just like me!!)
Crope: percussion
Tibbett: trumpet (I have no justification for C+T, it just fits in my mind)
Boq: clarinet. this one I do have a justification for. every single guy clarinet player I've ever known has either been short or a nerd or a sweetheart or any combination of the three. I rest my case
Nessa: loves singing (especially in church choir)
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aussie-tea · 1 year
Glinda: *sobbing* It's Fiyero, isn't it? Elphaba: We've seen his face for the last time. Elphaba: Elphaba: And by 'we', I mean 'you'. C ya.
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An Autocorrect Arrangement Ch 2
Fiyero:  Dinner 2nite?
Elphaba:  Sure. Pub?
Fiyero:  My place?
Fiyero:  i premise no Lurlinemas carols
Elphaba:  I'm assuming you mean 'promise' which I have to admit IS a perk.
Elphaba:  OK, sure. Just send me your address. What time? Can I bring anything? What's the occasion?
Fiyero:  have a huge favourite 2 ask
Elphaba:  You seriously have to proofread your messages before you send them.
Fiyero:  trust me. u have no idea how much i am award of this. C u 2nite.
Fiyero:  *Aware. Dammit. FML.
FFnet Link:
Ao3 Link:
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possible-cryptid · 2 years
Mistrr Fiyero, what's ur fave kind of music and genre of literature
“Classical. Other genres are a bit…much for me. As for literature, mostly non-fiction. Memoirs and the like. I also enjoy a little bit of historical fiction from time to time.”
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jbaileyfansite · 1 year
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More on set pictures of Jonathan Bailey and Ariana Grande filming ‘Wicked’. You can find more than 20 pics here.
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zjboots · 2 years
Big thank you to everyone who has helped grow our collection recently! 💖
Here’s a lot of current wants that i’d be willing to trade unfairly for:
✨ & Juliet - Grace or Roshani u/s Juliet
✨ & Juliet - Billy u/s Francois
✨ Heathers - Ben u/s JD
✨ Heathers - Hannah u/s Heather C
✨ Waitress - Matt Willis as Dr Pomatter
✨ Wicked - Matt Willis as Fiyero
✨ Bonnie & Clyde - Any West End videos
✨ Lazarus pro-shot
If you’re interested in anything on my list, feel free to drop me a message on here or email. Even if you’re new and don’t yet have a list together, I might be able to gift you 😊
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papermachie · 5 years
What’s up, Fieryo?
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wickedlyozian · 7 years
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For the next week, Kyle Dean Massey will be back with Wicked, covering for Michael Campayno, who is out on an injury.
(Photo above is from Jennifer DiNoia’s Instagram.)
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