#c: illya
visxionaries · 4 months
who: @illyaoakheart when and where: the royal apartments of queen illya of house oakheart, the night following king cedric tyrell's return from dorne. he arrived earlier in the day, alongside the rest of the entourage - including a silver haired, purple eyed woman who had been seen in the court of the reach before.
there remains an ample difference between a mistake and a choice; there always would be ample difference between a mistake and a choice, and in extending the branch that once again rerooted laena oldflowers to the tree that was of house tyrell, cedric tyrell had made his choice. laena oldflowers leaving within the entourage in the reach had not been entirely suspicious, considering her position was once a seamstress; she had been one of many attendants that made the journey into the red mountains and through the pass into the lands of the dunes.
it would be too easy to claim the haze of dorne itself influenced the decisions that came with the build up, the night after night in which he had not called her to his chambers within the fortress of sunspear: and the night he finally did, the string that bound them finally snapped.
not once did the king of the reach think of the woman he had chosen to make his wife, the woman he had plucked from the stem from her roots in old oak and placed upon an ancient throne that stemmed from the gardener line - not once. not in all the nights he spent entangled within a familiar touch, or the nights he spent with his hand on the small of her back as he passed by in the crowded, heated halls of sunspear's festivities; not even the nights when the sun rose and laena oldflowers remained stretched over silk cushions, his arm lazily remaining against her porcelain flesh in being around her waist.
he did not think of the queen, until it was decided that something sustainable and permanent was needed; something that gave her more of a position, considering she was not merely a woman he would not see to spill his lust into. it was when he spoke of making laena oldflowers his official mistress, in accordance to the will of the king, did he finally think of the queen of the reach; whose stomach remained swollen with the heir. his heir. and even then, he felt as though there was nothing that could be said to sway him of his mind: for this was his right. and he would have it.
courtiers talked. gossip spread. he could not know if any rumours had reached back to her, or if she had quietly noticed the silver haired woman amongst the entourage; why would she? he had arrived hours ago, and had gone directly into council discussions to update them of the discussions he had with the first and second minister of dorne regarding the summer isles. and it was the same time they always had dinner did he finally show up at her chambers, candles flickering, the night having taken over the sky - and he knew he would not be staying this night.
as he crossed into the chambers, his gaze fell upon her; it had been weeks since he had seen her. almost months. she continued to glow in the way women did when they were with child, a union blessed by the gods and showing their acceptance - or so, her and her people had spoken of. cedric did not know much of the gods, or the extent of their influence in his life - cedric feared no gods, just as he had learned to fear no gods.
it was the biggest sign of his arrogance, the way in which he maintained a scepticism toward the gods, their creators; and if they did exist, they either had abandoned their children at some point - or were not as benevolent as many insisted they were. it was the biggest sign of his arrogance, the way in which he thought not of the feelings of his wife. only of the health of the child she carried, the heir that he needed to secure his realm.
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"your grace." cedric greeted, his tone the same as it always as; for what he brought her was news, the same way he would bring her any other news. and then he dismissed the attendants, including the ladies; it had been months since they had seen one another. he had not missed her. still, he approached her to softly kiss the palm of her hand; the epitome of chivalry found within the rolling hills of the reach. he watched as the others curtsied and left, closing the door behind them; he continued trying to work out whether she knew had heard anything. "i have been meaning to inform you of something, but tell me how you found the last weeks first." something must have leaked back to the highgarden; it always did.
"you've done well in holding court together in my absence. all spoke of your prowess in the council meeting, with no criticism or point to make." he spoke, remaining stood for a moment, maintaining her dark gaze. her stomach was more swollen; and for a moment he found himself startled. soon he would be a father, if matters went well. he were thankful he had never become a father with the one that came before. "thank you, illya." her name came naturally to him, and as much as there was a clear difference in the paths they walked, their cooperation was apparent. obvious. a united front to the eyes of the world, specifically in regards to matters of state. he was sure he could trust her to work alongside her cousin the hand, and his instinct had proved correct.
what news he brought her, he suspected would upset her; and yet eh thought there was no reason for such thoughts and feelings. they were not in love. they were two strangers, bound together by the words of some old man before some statues. truthfully, she had been given her station, her grace, her title; her rights and duties were being met as much as his own, as evidenced by her pregnancy. she had been given a voice, a bed, a roof. "how did you find the experience?" he asked, wanting to hear how she found it from her own point of view. cedric truly believed he owed her nothing more when it came to matters of his personal life.
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lucreziasredwyne · 2 months
who: @illyaoakheart when and where: the starry sept
the great bells of oldtown's starry sept had continued to ring throughout the majority of the morning, though the lady of the arbor had drifted and danced along the lines of a restless sleep; paired with the discomfort of an ache in her lower back and the heat which rose in her suddenly beneath the sheets, she found herself silently staring into the darkness of the canopy above her - praying the day would not come.
alas day waited for none, and when it came, the streaks of pink and purple in the sky was no comfort; there was no easing of the constant flow of tears which seemed to pour from hazel orbs, a waterfall of everything and nothing all at once. she knew little of how to put into words the increasing despair she felt in picturing the final moments time and time again, and the words that had been exchanged between the beacon of the hightower and the sails of the arbor that fateful day.
the regret, was dizzying; hollowing, and emptying. as though it carved and scooped the very essence of her from within her soul, and scattered it for the world to see time and time again: and then came the talk. the constant talk about the actions of the man whilst he lived, some in rooms where she was, and some in rooms where she was not; the worst were those who made no mention of his essence at all.
the bells rung again as she remained seated upon a fountain outside of the starry sept, her breathing slow, steady. and with the final ring of those bells, she was aware that it was finished.
a pregnant woman was barred from the funeral services, barred from the preparation of the body of her beloved aunt; there were many across westeros who frowned at the closeness of such a thing, and yet, it had helped lucrezia to prepare her mother for the test that was to come. she despaired in knowing she could not do the same for the last living link she had with her father; the last able to recall memories of his youth, of who he was other than a father. than a lord.
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there came a sudden flurry of black skirts and a burgundy cloak hurrying up the steps of the starry, as fast as lucrezia redwyne always climbed; with enough time to quietly enter from the doors and see two shrouds being carried into another room. then came the faces, the expressions of remorse, and of complexity. all knew of what happened between them. her presence gravitated toward the queen, her queen; her illya, whilst desperately trying to maintain herself.
and she did. a small curtsy was what she dipped into, before raising back to her full height. "your majesty is gracious, and the most deserving of my gratitude." for stepping in for lucrezia, and seeing it done. lucrezia did not need to speak to illya in such a way, but she would; because illya was her queen. it was known who the lady of the arbor and brightwater keep held great favour and loyalty for. "thank you, illy." she added quietly, stepping forward.
how many questions she had. questions she could not ask. but there was something she wished to speak to her of.
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myriamas · 4 months
who: @illyaoakheart when and where: during the coronation festivities of king jaehaerys targaryen, a multitude of women have spread from the feasting hall to the grand ornate gardens, illuminated by candles. there were groups of women from various different courts along the wide gravel path - the difference was clear to see in the way all the women were dressed, and even in their behaviour. the separation is clear to see between the dornish and reach women specifically, no doubt a reflection of the tense conversation between cedric tyrell, baashir dayne and dante uller. and the separation remained constant, until a puppy belonging to one of the reach women darted it's way over to the dornish women, biting on the shawl of lady ophelia fowler.
the night was still young, the sky a tint of dark blue against a backdrop which had no stars within the sky; only a vivid full moon, out to play following the coronation of a new dragon king - those who supported him and were now his subjects ended up being part of new valyria. what a name, she thought to herself as she remained seated upon some chairs which were dotted around the sprawling gardens of the red keep, celebratory in the fact she was able to remove silks of white from her skin and instead adorn herself in shades of bronze and deep brown, gold bangles chiming in the reflection of the night's fire.
her legs remained upon another chair, specifically upon the lap of lady zahra sand; the women were all quite tipsy and light in spirit, as noted by the way their laughter echoed across the gardens - they paid no mind, or did not notice, the looks they were getting from the others.
and the looks they were indeed getting from the others; considering the outfits they wore was enough to make others double look in shock, considering the amount of bare skin that was on display. myriam herself wore a sari which clasped behind her neck, jet black hair remaining straight and separated only with a gold tikka between her hairline; her arms were entirely bare, aside from golden bangles, and the sides of her hips remained entirely visible from where the silk wrapped around her.
something was uttered regarding another group of women looking in their direction, and myriam only waved her hand dismissively, leaning forward to take another sip of her goblet: the taste of wine had suddenly began to feel like home upon her tongue. "let them look."
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the intrusive thoughts that began to fill her mind was clear in the way she got quiet as the other women talked around her, recanting zahra sand playing cards with two andal men; a half drunken myriam laughed loudly at the details, carrying through the night like a water fountain. when she was drunk, she became restless: cheeky, impulsive; she found herself looking over her shoulder at the entrance to the grand hall, wondering whether it would be too obvious if she decided she wanted to stumble across the sword of the morning by any chance. and then fall into his bed.
and then came a sudden shriek from the lady of skyreach when she felt herself nearly be tugged out of her seat, by something gripping on her shawl; myriam peered over the side of the chair to find a small puppy tugging at the pure silk threads, a little rabid looking thing that appeared as though it needed a wash. she reached forward to grip the shawl from the mouth of the dog, and whilst pulling it back, she ended up picking up the small creature with it - lifting it into the air, kicking. "ugh." myriam let out a sound of disgust, when she heard the sounds of many women approaching.
old way women, of course. "is this yours, your highness?" myriam asked the queen of the reach, still holding the dog at an arm's length by the shawl as it continued to play with it. she lowered it to the ground, watching it scamper back to it's owner, a woman who had knelt down to pick the dog up. "perhaps a leash."
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lencra · 1 year
setting: highgarden, the reach. a small sept along the road between the castle and the city. the sept is full of people who have sought refuge from the storm, among those who have sought refuge is a small group of westerlanders arguing with the septon who is trying to kick them out. who: @illyaoakheart @anya-snow @torrhen-stark @vlxyrianclaws
the clouds in the sky had turned dark at an alarming rate, and the very air itself was heavy in anticipation of what was to come. the middle lefford daughter had started the trek back to the castle, but she had not even managed the halfway point when the skies suddenly opened and within a matter of minutes lenora's dress was soaked through by the rain. the winds had picked up and she felt the cold quickly take hold of every inch of her. it was clear that she had to wait out the storm somewhere, it was simply too dangerous to try and reach the keep.
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nora ran towards the small sept nearby the road she was on, she was followed by two other ladies who had the same idea. as they entered then it quickly became clear to her that others had sought refuge here as well, and while she had expected as much, she had not anticipated hearing raised voices. while wringing out her hair, she neared the dark-haired septon as he was arguing with a knight lenora recognised from the court of the lion king. then the septon seemed to tire of their discussion and loudly declared to all of them: "all westerlanders, without exception, need to leave the sept, you are not welcome within our sacred walls!" this was immediately met by fierce protests from the small group of westerlanders huddled together in the middle of the sept. it was a mix between lords, ladies, knights and even servants. "we will catch our deaths if we go out there!" someone yelled in response. it was clear from the agitation from both sides that they had been arguing back and forth for a while. eventually, the septon tried to call for a vote but the westerlanders also protested that.
the arguing could not drown out the deafening sound of the rain pelting against the windows of the sept. the group continued to argue with the septon, surrounded by smaller groups of spectators safe from the threat of being kicked out, and the tension only grew with each harsh word traded between them. lenora spotted the new queen of the reach standing to the side. there were a few others around her, she recognised the stark prince and the celtigar lord but not the raven-haired woman. it mattered not because she only had eyes on illya. it was fruitless to try and convince the septon to let them all stay. the septon had started ignoring her countrymen and was now talking to some of the locals instead, evidently trying to enlist them to help kick out the westerlanders. lenora would try and take a different approach as well. she went over to the group, gave a quick curtsy to show her respect, and spoke directly to the queen. "your grace, surely you can see that this is madness. we are here as your guests."
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kcwells94 · 1 year
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A blast from the past?
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Just an innocent nurse ^_^
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wehavefoundthestars · 2 years
you don’t ever say too much.
"Are you sure? Sometimes I think I do because you can be really quiet sometimes." Of course, Elio enjoyed the occasional quiet time as much as anyone else but some days Illya could be awfully quiet. Was he deep in thought? He couldn't blame him with the past he had but it made him feel like he should do something, anything, to help him. Occasionaly this would lead to him talking too much in an attempt to chase away the ghosts there were following his lover around.
"If I ever do say too much let me know though."
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olderthannetfic · 22 days
What are the ships pictured in that ot3 post? I've been really looking to find more pairings of exactly your vibe
Hah! I was wondering if people were trying to figure them all out. Some are considerably more famous than others.
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These are Haven and White Collar. I didn't watch either to the end and have no regrets about that, just saying. There's plenty of good fic though.
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This is the venerable Highlander, baby's first OT3 for many a 90s slash fan.
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The Book of Life and Singin' in the Rain.
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This is the extremely underrated Man from U.N.C.L.E. film. It came out at the same time as Straight Outta Compton, alas.
Some oldschool show fans whined that it was nothing like the show, but they are wrongity wrong wrong and have forgotten season 1, particularly Marion Raven and Gervaise Ravel, upon whom the love interest and the villainess are based. (And yes, I absolutely ship show Illya/Napoleon/Marion.)
There was a nice little fic fandom for a year or two, but it withered in the absence of any sequels. The show is more of a m/m juggernaut with the very occasional foray into the main dudes having a one-off threesome with some lady. Show Illya is pretty iconic and very different from movie Illya though, so I understand that disappointment.
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Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty and Mysterious Lotus Casebook. These are historical mystery and wuxia mystery respectively. The former has a more satisfying series end than the latter, but I liked both endings all right. (Look, with c-dramas, that's always my first question: Did everyone die and/or everything get left hanging in a way that will make me throw things?)
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The Two Faces of January might as well be called Daddy Issues: The Movie and has allll kinds of badwrong vibes. It's not a happy story. I'm not sure Patricia Highsmith knew what happiness even looked like. But boy is it delicious! The scenery is gorgeous too.
And that last one is Les Spécialistes, a film I only discovered from a fan bitching about how it was the OT3iest thing ever but nobody remembered that it existed. It's a silly French heist movie from the 80s with some identity porn and twists.
Other people added Leverage, most notorious of OT3 fandoms, three of the side dudes from The Untamed, Arthurian legend, and Girl Genius.
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blond-jerk-tourney · 10 months
Brackets + Participants Masterlist
Have you ever thought who is the JERKIEST and MOST LOVEABLE MEAN BLOND ASSHOLE?? Well then this is the tournament for you!
read this if you're new
complete list under cut. the order of images does not reflect matchups.
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Champagne Bracket (alphabetized by media)
Sakyo Furuichi from A3! Act! Addict! Actors! Kristoph Gavin from Ace Attorney Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (musical) Clotted Cream Cookie from Cookie Run Yoshiki Kishinuma from Corpse Party Jiwoo from Dandelion - Wishes Brought To You - Byakuya Togami from Danganronpa Hiyoko Saionji from Danganronpa Eichi Tenshouin from Ensemble Stars Nazuna Nito from Ensemble Stars Karin Sauer from Fear and Hunger Rufus Shinra from Final Fantasy Zenos yae Galvus from Final Fantasy XIV Sharpay Evans from High School Musical Vace from I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Natsume Minami from Idolish7 Cindy from Kindergarten Felix from Kindergarten Larxene from Kingdom Hearts Kromer from Limbus Company Johnny Cage from Mortal Kombat Mikhael / THE MAVERICK from OMORI Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5 Bede from Pokémon Sword and Shield Oleana from Pokémon Sword and Shield Babette from Raggedy Ann and Andy A Musical Adventure Haley from Stardew Valley Joshua Kiryu from The World Ends With You Clownpiece from Touhou Project: Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom Vil Shoenheit from Twisted Wonderland Camus from Uta no Prince-sama Ryuji Goda from Yakuza Honey Bracket (alphabetized by media)
Andrew Minyard from All for the Game Mean Generic Golden Retriever from Anon Ask (link) War from Bonus Links AU by @bonus-links Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes Richard Lazarus from Doctor Who MacKenzie Hollister from Dork Diaries Ryusui Nanami from Dr. Stone The Blond "weird sister"/"bride of dracula" from Dracula Arte Ente Conchita from Evillious Chronicles Dave Strider from Homestuck Dirk Strider from Homestuck Trophy from Inanimate Insanity Emma Frost from Marvel Comics (usually X-men titles) Brittnay Matthews from Most Popular Girls in School Ambrosius Goldenloin from Nimona (comic) Danburite “Danny” Skinner the OC of @porcelain-animatronic Rose Thorburn Jr. from Pact (art by @wraith_ly on twitter) Brandish/Carol Dallon from Parahumans (art by @cpericardium Glory Girl/Victoria Dallon from Parahumans (art by @cpericardium) Goddess/Bianca from Parahumans (art by raikiri on reddit) Tattletale/Lisa Wilbourn from Parahumans (art by monkeyjay on reddit) Shaka from Saint Seiya  Thranduil from The Hobbit Achilles from The Illiad (art by ancient greek polychromatic pottery painter c. 300BC) Ianthe Tridentarius from The Locked Tomb (art by @starcanist) Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray Adam Parrish from The Raven Cycle Rachel from Tower of God Arlo from Unordinary Mathis Quigley Sr. from Unsounded Benedict from Violet Evergarden Linton Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights
Platinum Bracket (alphabetized by media) Brad Morton from American Dragon: Jake Long Biff Tannen from the Back to the Future Trilogy Patriarchy!Ken from Barbie Howard Hamlin from Better Call Saul Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer  Johnny Lawrence from Cobra Kai/Karate Kid Daring Charming from Ever After High Ed Rooney from Ferris Bueller's Day Off Zap Brannigan from Futurama Joffrey from Game of Thrones Gideon from Gravity Falls Heather Chandler from Heathers Helga Pataki from Hey Arnold Simon from Infinity Train Dee Reynolds from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Cindy from Jimmy Neutron Ankh from Kamen Rider OOO Villanelle from Killing Eve Regina George from Mean Girls Arthur Pendragon from Merlin Skwisgaar Skwigelf from Metalocalypse Chloé Bourgeois from Miraculous Ladybug Steff McKee from Pretty in Pink Angelica Pickles from Rugrats Gunther and Tinka Hessenheffer from Shake It Up Prince Charming from Shrek Bartleby Montclair from Sonic Underground Illya Kuryakin from The Man From UNCLE (2015) Lyle Lanley from The Simpsons Tom "Iceman" Kazansky from Top Gun Julia from Total Drama / Total Takes Flash Thompson from Ultimate Spider-Man Strawberry Bracket (alphabetized by media) Lilith Bristol from Absolute Duo Rio from Assassination Classroom  Mello from Death Note Beelzebumon from Digimon Tamers Laxus Dreyar from Fairy Tail Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist Char Aznable from Gundam Kei Tsukishima from Haikyuu!! Shaiapouf from Hunter x Hunter Anzu Futaba from Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls Dio Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Isobe from Kamisama Kiss Nozomu Nanashima from Kiss Him Not Me Hanazawa Teruki from Mob Psycho 100  Katsuki Bakugo from My Hero Academia Neito Monoma from My Hero Academia Arcangelo Corelli from Neo Yokio Cavendish from One Piece Donquixote Doflamingo from One Piece Sanji from One Piece Panty Anarchy from Panty and Stocking Nanami Kiryuu from Revolutionary Girl Utena Jadeite from Sailor Moon Zoisite from Sailor Moon Akagi Ritsuko from Shin Seiki Evangelion Sofia from Space Dandy Kuusuke Saiki from The Disastrous Life of Saiki K Ryou Shirogane from Tokyo Mew Mew Sylvio Sawatari from Yugioh Arc V Malik/Marik Ishtar from Yugioh Duel Monsters  Mizael from Yugioh Zexal Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri on Ice The brackets are based on the type of media they are from. It isn't perfect but I think that is okay. I was thinking of posting all the initial matchups, but I've decided I don't want to change them as they are now and I also want them to be surprises.
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justabigoldnerd · 9 days
Thinking About The Blorbos Again
This time brought to you by my penchant for holding cups in the Wrongest Way Possible for shits and giggles lol
I talk a lot of smack about Solo going ballistic about culinary things like how to hold different glasses or eating dry Ramen or what not. But really? I think the only people who he would genuinely do this to are Gaby and Illya.
As a part of a cover identity as a Wealthy Socialite? Definitely. Judge the "uncivilized" working class to earn the trust of the elite.
And he holds himself to those high standards, but he would never harp on a blue collar worker for eating with his elbows on the table. I fully believe Solo grew up poor (and actually Cavill has backed that up with things he's said in interviews lol). He knows Struggle Meals, he knows that your average person isn't going to know what an escargot fork is. He will never look down on a hungry person for eating what is available.
Hell, even putting that aside, Solo was in the military before he was roped into the CIA. I have a headcanon that he started teaching himself how to cook because the c-rations (the MREs of the time) were so godawful. But if they were all you had to eat, they were all you had to eat, and there were no fancy etiquette rules to follow on the front line.
So as much shit as he gives his partners for their culinary sins, it's all because he feels safe to tease them and knows that they won't take it to heart.
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awholelotofladybug · 3 months
(Stammering Adrien AU: Chloe and Katrina getting along? Based on Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya 2wei scene)
Marinette: Although Katrina is always hate and despite Chloe, she's actually being nice to Chloe this time.
Adrien: *stammers* I-I guess y-you c-could s-say t-the same w-with Chloe too! S-she's getting a-along w-with K-katrina v-very w-wells. I g-guess th-they're-
(Before Adrien could finished his sentence, both Chloe and Katrina falling into a bottomless swamp)
Marinette, Adrien, Alya and Nino: *sweatdrops*
Alya: A bottomless swamp...
(Both Chloe and Katrina's heads came out from the swamp)
Chloe: *yells* Why is there such a fatal trap in a place like this?!
Katrina: *scowls* What's the meaning of this?
Adrien: *stammers as he pulls Chloe's hand*: C-Chloe!
Marinette: *pulls Katrina's hair* Are you okay, Katrina?
Katrina: *cries* Ow, ow! Why are you pulling my hair, Marinette?!
Nino: Oh, it doesn't look you can pull them out...
Alya: Guys, with a bottomless bog like this, I believe we'll have no problems disposing of the bodies.
Plagg: *inside Adrien's bag* It's not the time to say something like this!
Marinette: Wait, I have an idea. Let's go, guys! Chloe, Katrina, stay here. We'll be back to laters.
(As Marinette, Adrien, Alya and Nino began to hiding in some trees. Chloe and Katrina cried)
Katrina: *cries* Don't leave us here!
Chloe: *cries* Where are you guys going? Come back and pull us out!
(Chloe and Katrina were fighting inside the swamp. While, the Miraculous gang began to transformed)
Chloe: *growls* Stop trying to climb up me!
Katrina: *screams* You thinks I want to climb up to your body, you stupid blonde?!
(Chloe kicked Katrina and Katrina knocked Chloe out while both of them are almost drowning)
Katrina: *growls* That hurts, you stupid blonde!
Chloe: *yells* Let go of me, you sausage-curls! You stay there, I'm getting out first!
Katrina: Why, you...
(They were almost drowning inside the swamp)
Chloe: *glares at Katrina* I won't let you get out before me!
(Five minutes later)
Chloe and Katrina *drowns but you could still see their hairs outside the swamp* Ughhhhhh...
Ladybug: Chloe! Katrina! Are you guys okay?
Marinette: I don't get it. One minute, Katrina hates Chloe's guts, the next they're practically sisters. You think something's up?
Adrien: Who knows? They s-s-s-seem to be pulling it off though. Maybe Katrina's finally...
*Suddenly, Chloe and Katrina fall into a bottomless swamp*
Marinette: Mon Dieu!
*the gang rushes over to find them*
Marinette: Chloe! Katrina! Are you guys alright?!
*Chloe and Katrina pop out of the water*
Alya: This trap seems a little too convenient. An easy place to hide bodies.
Chloe: Can we PLEASE skip the morbid observations and work towards a rescue?!
Marinette: Wait right here! We'll get help!
*the gang leaves to do just that*
Katrina: Wait! Don't leave!
Chloe: Guys! There are SNAKES and ALLIGATORS down here!!!
Katrina: Oh, this is hopeless! I knew this would backfire!
Chloe: Backfire?! Wait, you were a PART OF THIS?! You know what, don't answer. I already know. This has your deranged uncle's fingerprints all over it.
Katrina: W-What?! Wh-Who told you about my Uncle Anton?
Chloe: Katrina, your mom's maiden name is Moreau, and there are, like, four other people in Paris with that name. It took me twelve seconds on the Internet. I'm not stupid.
Katrina: *gets angry* Could've fooled me, you dumb blonde *shoves her*
Chloe: Hey! Don't you shove me! *shoves back*
Katrina: Well then you stop shoving me! *shoves back harder*
*Thus begins a fight between the two, which causes them to sink, only for a yo-yo to pull them out*
Chloe: *coughing and pulling seaweed off of herself*
Ladybug: Are you girls okay?
Chloe: *panting* I'm fine. Katrina, look, I know that... *sees that Katrina has made a run for it* Katrina!
Chat: Let her g-g-go. We'll deal with her later.
*Katrina turns down a dark alley, and pants then panics as Bogeyman (aka her uncle Anton) appears*
Katrina: Uncle, I-I-I-I can explain...
Bogeyman: Explain what?! That you jeopardized my plan because you forgot that you were only pretending to like Bourgeois?! Criminy, Katrina, you're supposed to be smarter than this!
Katrina: Hey! It was YOUR stupid idea to make some sort of dumb swamp deathtrap, and maybe a warning could have... *gets grabbed by her uncle*
Bogeyman: Are you talking back to me?
Katrina: Uh.. I-I-I-I...
Bogeyman: *eyes glowing bright red* ARE YOU TALKING BACK TO ME?!
Katrina: N-No, I'm not! I'm sorry!
Bogeyman: *softens* Look, my little dandelion, please understand, that I have long-term plans, and they're all for you. To give you what you deserve, remember? But they can only work if you do what I say.
Katrina: Yes, Uncle Anton...
Bogeyman: So follow my instructions as closely as possible, understand?
Katrina: Yes, Uncle Anton...
Bogeyman: Good girl. Now you run along and remember, this is between you and me, okay?
Katrina: Y-Yes, Uncle Anton.
*Bogeyman slips into the shadows and disappears*
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visxionaries · 2 years
who: @illyaoakheart​ where: highgarden, the kingdom of the reach
The prestigious and ancient name of Oakheart had been one that was mentioned several times over the course of various council meetings, the quiet knowledge of the communication the ruling Lord of Old Oak had kept up with the now dead Lord Tarly and Lord Gilbert of the Hightower, deposed in favour of his eldest and now ruling son; and yet, upon hearing of the news of Alaric having found himself a base within Longtable at the hands of his traitorous wife, the King of the Reach had summoned Lord Oakheart to court in Highgarden.
"My Lady."
Cedric enjoyed watching the sight of those who were just slightly on edge, the slight narrow of a lingering eye watching from a corner, those with years of knowledge and experience who seemed to be caught in a world that had slipped away from them; and how he had given them the chance to make a new place in a new world, an offer that had seemingly been accepted and rejected all at once.
The man had the littlest of ideas as to what the King of the Reach would have summoned him for, though, he would be lying to himself if he said a small part of him felt no pleasure in knowing there was no denying the thoughts of scrawled handwriting upon notes that had been exposed. No; he had not been summoned for an audience for the sake of confronting the fact his actions had been exposed, but rather for an offer. An offer any ambitious, noble and proud house would hold most highly; the chance to be the family of the Queen of the Reach.
"Should you have any questions you wish to ask of me."
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Cedric thought little of the Lady Illya Oakheart, truthfully; only that she were a woman he had passing interactions with as a result of her links with both Houses Rowan and Redwyne, and he was sure she had been present for a summer or two in their youth - only that she was in a position that seemed to lead all signs to point back to her. And so, she had remained upon a balcony as the conversation between the King and the Ruling Lord of Old Oak occurred. It was done and settled before the hour was up, for despite any allegiances, Alaric Tyrell was already married to a Merryweather - as opposed to his own daughter.
"I assure you, you may ask them."
There was no need for Cedric to make it clear he knew, and yet, his choice of language only planted the seeds of insult, of pride being damaged at such a pass up: and so, he waited for the Lord to speak briefly to his daughter, before stepping away and leaving the room, Oakheart guards remaining present for the safe of ensuring any interactions were appropriate. He knew not what was said between father and daughter in that conversation, but could guess not much was said on her behalf, considering the briefness of it all.
There was no promise he would tell the truth.
His presence beside her on that balcony overlooking the rolling hills of Highgarden's immediate lands and the Mander was a quiet one, and yet, ocean hues flickered over her briefly. A stranger, and yet, not one all at one go; there was no place for anything more than duty in this heart, something he knew she already silently understood for all had known of the woman that wore the crown before.
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lucreziasredwyne · 1 year
who: @illyaoakheart​ where: the maze within the gardens of highgarden, following the rumours of ‘the watchers’ regarding the nature of cedric tyrell and lucrezia redwyne’s relationship
Highgarden's seemingly endless maze was once a place of good memories, a place where it felt as though the beginning of her place and her association with those in the realm had quietly begun; with the sound of her footsteps breaking twigs, and being utterly lost after wandering away from the Great Hall her mother and father were within. Hazel hues moved quietly to the sight of an overhanging tree, in which she had once seen two nine year old boys hanging upon it; one of fox thorn and one of the Goldengrove's oldest way.
Her eyes now looked upon the very same tree, and it were almost as though she could sense the silhouette of him remaining within it; how he had been the one to drop seamlessly down from the tree, whilst striking blue eyes continued to look upon her from above with curious, amused eyes. Different to warm ones. Seven Hells, it's a girl Mathis. Yeah, I can see that Ced.
There was a familiar, quiet sting that seemed to come from the very back of her eyes as she felt her throat close up around her; when the Lady of Old Oak had wished to tour the grounds of Highgarden's endless mass of gardens, considering she would someday soon preside over them all, the Lady of the Arbor was happy to accept. They needed some air, and she wished for some time alone with the woman considering the recent bump they had worked to communicate through. 
Society pages continued to whisper, and yet, Lucrezia did not wish to speak on such rumours; and did not wish to speak on the idea of her reputation being tainted.
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Nor did she wish to speak on what horrible things had been said about the woman she deemed her sister. There would always be those who wished to undermine and see them fall, for their positions were so powerful in court. Lucrezia understood that, however needed to remain patient whilst others got accustomed to learning it too. They had gone around in circles countless times now, and were lost; still, they were within Highgarden's grounds.
She quietly realised the beginning of this maze was where Helena Tyrell had been murdered on her wedding day. To him. This maze was full of ghosts, and worked to ignore the feeling of the hedges closing around her. "At least in here, there are no eyes looking at us with taints of scandal and shame." The Lady of the Arbor spoke, wondering whether she could hear the sound of twigs snapping, or whether she were caught in history. 
"We'll have to go around a few times, and we'll get out eventually. How embarrassing - imagine should the guards notice we have not emerged and have to come looking."
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cha-melodius · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday
This week's theme: Rec a fic that starts with the same letter as your username (or, if you like, a part of your username) The rules: Tag a fic that starts with the same letter as your username and describe why it's so good / how it has a hold on you. Then tag some people to see what everyone else is reading. Spread the love! Also, she'll do the round up on Sunday, so if you're still recc-ing on Saturday, no pressure! Please tag @welcometololaland or tag #fic rec friday so she can compile the masterlist.
Thanks Lola and @rmd-writes for the tags. I'm also gonna cheat and give more than one per fandom because I actually sorted all the fics in my fandoms by title and went through all the C's, which was enlightening but also gave me too many options that I love. Narrowing it down to three or less was hard enough.
Red, White & Royal Blue
Cinnamon & Earl Grey by @everwitch-magiks This is actually a series of 100-word drabbles, one each week, that tell a complete outsider-POV story. I'm still in awe, especially since Evie didn't even know what the theme would be each week, but it still fits!
Come Fly With Me by politics_and_prose Super adorable airline passenger/flight attendant AU. The flirting is so on point.
Competent Guardians of Horny Little Miscreants by M0ssPiglet Amy POV! Missing canon scene. I am obsessed with Amy and Cash moaning about having to protect our two horny idiots. Someone give them a raise.
The Man from UNCLE (2015)
Careful of the Company You Keep by @alienfuckeronmain (objectlesson) Oh, the angst. This is one of my favorites dealing with the messiness of them getting together. I love how this deals with Napoleon’s past and relationship issues from Illya’s perspective.
Closer and closer by @heytheredeann (Elisexyz) OCTOPUS NAPOLEON RIGHTS. I'm not sure I need to say more. So soft and snuggly and lovely.
Loki (Series)
A can of josta by @jim-jam-gem A lovely little season 1 coda of Loki looking for Mobius, and he finally gets a hug!! 😭
Cold, Cold Heart by @amadness2method Country music AU! I just love the world that was built here. This is a WIP that hasn't been updated in a while, but well worth reading the 15 chapters that are already there (and if you see this, Cyn, I'd love to see more, but also know I love it as it stands 💕).
Tagging the above authors, and also @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @14carrotghoul, @xthelastknownsurvivorx, @three-drink-amy, @clottedcreamfudge, @orchidscript, @wolfpup026, @athousandrooms, @natendo-art, @celeritas2997, @cricketnationrise, and anyone else who sees this to join in. Share the love!!
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sixknight · 7 months
A Moment's Peace
Media: Court of Darkness
Pairing: Fenn/OC
Illya doesn't attend classes everyday, but when they heard that Toa was substituting for a teacher offering C class students a magical history lesson at some old ruins they decided it might be a good opportunity to learn more about this realm.
On the day of the outing, they met with Aquia on the way to the ruins. Once there they both find Toa and Lance waiting for them.
"Wasn't expecting to see you here." Illya says, looking at Lance who is leaning against an old wall.
"Same could be said for you." Lance responds without even a glance.
“Fair enough.” They respond, pushing their glasses up.
"Well I'm happy you're both here." Aquia grins, "I was afraid I'd be attending this lesson by myself."
"It seems Dia is absent again." Toa interrupts, "We will proceed without him." He turns and leaves. Aquia and Illya immediately trail behind him as Lance takes his time to catch up.
Toa goes over a brief explanation of the kingdoms of Tristitas and Vanum. Explaining how they were absorbed into the current kingdoms of Akedia and Qelsum and how The Isle of Colde was once part of Vanum.
Illya listens intently, hoping that understanding this land will help them learn how to harness their power and get home. They feel sadness upon hearing about Tristitas and Vanum though, almost as if they can feel the very sorrow of the souls that were lost in these ruins. They're so caught up in the history lesson that they don't hear the footsteps approaching from behind.
"Treasure!" Fenn swoops in, wrapping his arms around Illya and rubbing his cheek against theirs, causing their glasses to fall lopsided and he lets out a playful laugh.
Toa turns around and gives a deep sigh, "Fenn I am in the middle of teaching a class here. I would appreciate that you not distract my students."
"And the student would appreciate it too." Illya says, trying to pry themself out of his grip and fix their glasses.
Fenn pouts, "But I am bored."
"Then go to the class you're skipping out on." Toa frowns.
"I do not see how that would cure my boredom."
Toa sighs again, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Just don't interfere with my students while they're trying to learn something." Toa turns his attention to the three C ranks, "You three may explore these ruins for the remainder of the class. If you happen to find anything you think may be important then you can bring it to my attention."
The three part and begin inspecting the ruins on their own.
Fenn pouts again, "You're really going to scold me then send them off on their own? How cruel."
Toa frowns again but tries to ignore Fenn. Fenn then turns his attention back to Illya, who is already wandering through the ruins.
Illya places their hand on the cold marble of what was once a pillar for a building. How sad... This was probably once a thriving town and now it's been reduced to nothing more than some broken stone and marble. Illya wonders how many people were buried at this site. And how many people weren't buried…
How many bodies were left to pile up on the ground, only to become the unfortunate prey to the wild, scattering their bones to never be found again?
They stand there, wondering what horrors went through the minds of those struck down in their last moments.
Then they feel a hand on their shoulder and let out a shriek.
"Oh?" Fenn gives a shocked look before laughing, "I'm sorry treasure I didn't mean to startle you that much."
"Fenn!" They turn around to face him.
Fenn smiles at them, "Although I would like to make you scream, I would prefer they were screams of pleasure."
They give him an unimpressed look without a word then turn back to the ruins.
"Aw, treasure, are you cross with me?"
"Fenn, I'm supposed to be learning."
"And what exactly are you learning?" He wraps his arms around their waist and rests his head on their shoulder.
"I'm learning that you don't know what personal space is."
He chuckles, "I can't help myself, this spot is rather romantic is it not?"
"Yeah, nothin’ beats intercourse on the site of war torn ruins where thousands of innocent people were slaughtered." They deadpan.
He lets them go and stands upright, "I suppose now that you mention it, that is a bit of a mood killer." He remarks, glancing to the side. But a smile quickly crosses his face once again as he hops up to what was once the floor of a building. He extends his hand out to Illya, "Come. I want to show you something." Illya hesitantly takes Fenn's hand and he helps them up the ledge. He doesn't let go of their hand as he leads them onward, "Come now. This way."
"You better not be taking me to one of your make out spots." Illya huffs as the follow along.
"Haha, would it be a bad thing if I was?"
"Fenn…" Their voice sounds very stern and unimpressed.
He simply chuckles at their tone as he pulls them along. He stops at the edge of the ruins and hops down. It's at least a foot and a half drop. Illya glances down and wrings their sleeves in their hands nervously.
"Do you need help down, treasure?"
"I-I'm fine…" They say, crouching as they start to climb down. They dangle their legs from the ledge but find themself starting to rise in the air, "What the!-" And then find themself dropped into Fenns arms. "Fenn!"
He laughs, "I would never let you fall down."
"That's not-" Fenn lets them down out of his grasp, much to their surprise "Fenn you should ask someone before lifting them in the air like that."
"But if I had asked you would have denied my help and you could have slipped."
Ok… he has a point there. "Well… thanks." They say, glancing to the side with a slight blush dusting their cheeks.
He smiles again, "You're very welcome," he winks, "Plus it was a good excuse to hold you."
"Ugh, Fenn!"
He laughs and grabs their hand, "Now come along, the thing I want to show you isn't very far."
Illya complies and follows Fenn on a trek that leads them to the forest at the edge of the ruins. Fenn brushes some tree branches out of the way to reveal a small dirt path that the two take. They walk in the forest for a while, Fenn reassuring Illya that he knows where they're going when they ask if he's sure about this. As they trek further into the forest Illya can hear the faint sounds of what sounds like water crashing against rocks.
"Fenn, are we almost there?"
"Almost, treasure." He looks back and winks, "In fact we're merely just a few steps away from what I want to show you."
They blink in surprise as Fenn brushes back some branches once again to reveal a grassy meadow. He allows Illya to step out of the forest first and follows behind them.
"Whoa…" Illya lets out at the sight. In the meadow is a bunch of small colorful flowers that look almost like daisies. They notice the meadow ends at a cliff, where they can see the ocean for miles and miles on end. The sounds of the waves gently crashing against the cliff are louder below them.
Fenn walks up behind them and puts his hands on their shoulders, "Well? Are you glad you decided to trust me this once?"
They look up at him and nod, "Yeah! This is beautiful Fenn!"
"I knew you'd like it." He smiles.
"How'd you find this place?"
"I like to wander around the island when I get bored." He responds, "Come." He says, taking their hand again and leading them to the middle of the meadow. He then sits down and lies on his back in the grass.
"Hm?" Illya cocks their head to the side before sitting next to Fenn.
"This place is relaxing," Fenn says, "I like to come here when I'm stressed and let the sound of the ocean wash my worries away."
"You get stressed?" Illya raises an eyebrow, "You barely do anything." They joke.
"How cruel," he dramatically turns his lips downward, "I share one of my favorite spots with you and you berate me?"
The two share a look before bursting into laughter together.
Illya lets out a sigh and lays back with their arms behind their head, "Thanks for showing me this spot. It really is incredible. I can see why you'd come here to relax and de-stress."
Fenn raises up, his cheek resting on his fist as he keeps himself up with one arm. His amethyst eyes stare down at Illya, "Are there places like this in your world?"
"Yeah." They respond, "Although… I didn't get to visit places like this often. I was stuck indoors inside classrooms or work most of the time."
"That sounds so dreary." He sighs.
Illya lets out a little laugh, "Yeah I guess. Although to be honest it wasn't always school or work's fault. Sometimes I just…" They trail off before taking a deep breath, "Nevermind…"
They can see a look of curiosity on Fenn's face from the corner of their eye that quickly turns to sadness, "You do not want to tell me?"
Illya stares up at the sky at the clouds casting shadows down upon the two as they pass by, "It's just… everyone in this world already sees me as weak… I-I don't need to give them a reason to-"
"I don't think you're weak, treasure." Fenn offers a soft smile.
"You literally gave me the nickname ""treasure"" because I am ""something fragile to be protected"", you said that yourself."
Fenn's smile deflates at their words.
"Plus, you told me you're a liar."
He gives another smile, a weakened one this time, "Then how do you know which one is the truth? Do I see you as fragile? Or strong?"
"Do you even know?" They turn their head to look him directly in the eyes, causing him to stiffen up.
Devildom that gaze is so fierce… do they know what they do to him when they look at him like that? He quickly fakes a smug smirk and changes the subject, "We should probably head back soon. Toa may have already figured out you're missing and he'll blame me."
"One; you're dodging the question, two; it is your fault I'm not at the ruins."
Fenn laughs, "Ah but it was worth it, wasn't it? You couldn't have this sight at the ruins." He waves his hand out to point at the sea.
Illya closes their eyes then raises up and smiles, "Yeah, it was."
Fenn's gaze softens on them as they stare out the ocean, "I really have changed my opinion of you, you know?"
"I really did think of you as a frail and fragile creature when you first arrived, but you've proven that you are stronger than you seem. Perhaps not in magical abilities, but in resolve." Fenn raises himself up and stands, stretching his hand towards Illya, "Come now, let's get you back to Toa."
Illya looks up at Fenn with a mix of awe and confusion as they take his hand and allows him to help them up. Unfortunately, they stumble forward. Right into Fenn's chest. Causing the man to laugh and wrap his arms around them.
"Treasure if you wanted a hug you just had to ask."
"That is not what happened!" They say, their voice cracking as their face burns bright red and they try to snake out of his grasp.
"Illya?" A familiar voice calls from the forest.
"Drat," Fenn sighs upon hearing and recognizing it, "The fun has been cut short."
Toa emerges from the bushes, his demeanor quickly changes from his usual unreadable self to annoyed upon seeing them stuck in Fenn’s embrace, "I should have known it was you…"
"Toooaaa..." Fenn whines and pulls one arm away from Illya to motion towards himself, "Join us!"
"No thanks. Now let go of Illya. They still have studying to do."
Fenn frowns and complies, "Fine."
Illya braces themself with Fenn's help then heads towards Toa, "Sorry for disappearing like that, I'll head back to the ruins immediately." They say with a short bow before entering the woods.
Toa turns to step into the woods as well but turns his head to look at Fenn, "Aren't you coming too?"
"Oh? Is this an invitation?"
"Then I think I'll stay here a bit longer."
"Fine. Just be back before dark." Toa remarks before disappearing into the forest.
Fenn looks down at the ground in front of him, pondering what Illya was going to tell him earlier.
Pondering why he opened up and told them the truth.
And pondering if his definition of a treasure is changing from something fragile to be protected to something beautiful to be cherished.
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dantaliones · 1 year
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…The metal hoop of a handcuff still encircled the flesh. But the companion cuff attached to each by a short length of chain was empty: the guards had gone… Yet the steel bracelets which had attached then to Illya remained closed and locked—and there were rust-coloured stains splashed across the bright metal and over each of the sleeves of his jacket…
The Russian’s eyes widened. “My God!” he cried involuntarily. “Those guards! How did you get the cuffs off them without unlocking them? You didn’t…?”
“The Unfair Fare Affair”
Peter Leslie, c. 1968, Ace Books
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theniftycat · 1 year
Time for BDSM Sound of Music
This is the future liberals want
Mother Fear and dollar store Captain von Trapp. isn’t it funny how mother is always the most freudian figure in mfu?
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Napoleon sitting like a person
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Illya with a “toy” gun
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Sexy bakers neutralysing Illya with flour
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Illya is chained to the floor and being force fed (?) tea. Normal stuff
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Napoleon finding Illya after the tea party and getting a C- for espionage because he let friendship get in the way. Don’t be like him, kids.
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“Not in front of the children”
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Plus, Waverly was extra hilarious. Such a fun episode!
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