#c: loras
silvcrignis · 2 years
((This has heavy Loras Gold energy ngl, he roasts ppl like this constantly.))
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ladystoneboobs · 10 months
ya ever think about how the lannister sibs all have big secrets kept from each other, like huge life-altering experiences? jaime's is the most obvious, the most talked-about, with the full story of his kingslaying and everything he endured from aerys leading up to it. it's clear enough to me that brienne was the first he opened up to about that, including either sibling. they never asked, but unlike ned stark and the rest deriding him as kingslayer, their lack of curiosity is no offense in itself bc as tywin's other children they would never judge him for turning his cloak purely out of family loyalty. ned's assumption of jaime's motives is directly tied to his judgment of jaime, but it's the judgment that rankles jaime so. choosing your father's life over a king's is hardly the worst crime in itself. how can he explain all the other reasons without prompting when its not just about his crime but all his trauma too? is there any basis for that in his relationship with cersei, who always relied on him for comfort and consolation but seems less adept at providing the same to him? or even with tyrion, his only real male friend for years, but also his baby brother, the one he was meant to protect and take care of, who was only 10 at the time of the kingslaying? even to fully share all with tyrion years later, both adults, could be something of a role reversal, forever shattering tyrion's image of him as the strong invulnerable golden big brother by revealing his own broken inner child. jaime can't break out from those sibling roles and patterns, so neither can ever understand that part of him, never knowing the early life he had at court without either of them with him.
and tyrion, who trusted jaime more than anyone in the world before learning the truth about tysha, still could not confide in him freely even when all that trust was still intact. jaime must have heard some story of what tywin did to tysha to feel the need to confess his lie, but he def didn't hear it straight from tyrion bc imo there's no way he could still think confessing would help anything if he understood how scarred tyrion was by what he witnessed and esp not knowing that tywin ordered him to participate at the end. tyrion could reveal all that to bronn when they barely knew each other but not to his beloved brother, his first and best friend. how can the most abused child explain all his unknown abuse to the golden child, the big brother meant to protect him who couldn't always do so? how does he even begin to reveal the deepest trauma that happened to him when jaime wasn't in the room, esp when the story does start with jaime apparently trying to help him by fixing him up with tysha?
and then there's cersei and all her secrets. she always turned to jaime for consolation, or at least when he knew she needed it, but how many times did he not know? how personally could she confide in him as they grew older and their paths diverged? we know the first big secret was maggy the frog's prophecy, her first big scare, which came on the cusp of puberty, an experience she couldn't share with her twin bc he would prob just laugh and make a joke of it. in their first real scene together, in bran's pov, he mocks lysa's motherly fears and likens her to cersei. ("I think birthing does something to your minds. You are all mad." He laughed.) then he makes light of her marital discord, ("And whose fault is that, sweet sister?"), having no idea of the depth of pain she'd suffered from robert, beyond his infidelities. he later blames her for being robert's queen, not his, only thinking of how she managed to arrange his kg post, that power to forever tie him to her in secret, never grasping her lack of control in marriage, that "a queen is only a woman after all". in her pride it was hard to reveal all she'd suffered as a woman, but she also couldn't rely on jaime's response if he knew of her abuse, knowing he would kill robert and get himself killed too, only making her and their children's lives more precarious. she couldn't trust him to listen about securing the throne before dealing with robert or that as robert's victim it was her right to decide such matters, to choose his fate, not jaime's place to avenge her without her say-so first. all bc they were both too stuck in their idea of jaime as her sword, nothing more, with jaime determined to protect her and tyrion, always a bodyguard before he ever donned a white cloak.
something something tywin did his best to play his children off each other and the most effective thing he did to divide them was by setting jaime up as the golden child and family protector. the designated lannister sword only pointing at threats outside their house. a knight serving his family whose protection was always limited, who could never protect them from the person who first hurt cersei and tyrion and made them who they were at a distance from him, bc ofc he couldn't fight his own father, much less slay him with a sword.
something something maybe the reason that joff+marg+loras was a surer recipe for kingslayer stew than robert+cersei+jaime is all down to that tyrell lack of abusive structure. not that loras cared more about marg, was more willing to kill for her than jaime was to kill robert, but that there wasn't a chance of marg hiding her misery from him if/when her husband abused her in their shared household. it's not like he understood her to the point of mind-reading but when their previous royal marital household involved her bearding for his boyfriend then they prob had a pretty good basis of open communication. in that sense, the lannicest twins with all their sexual and physical intimacy still had less emotional intimacy than the tyrell queen and her kg brother.
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ruleof3bobby · 25 days
UNTHINKABLE (2010) Grade: C
It was actually really for 75% of the film. I hated the last 25 min or so. Seem like a new writer took over. The actual ending was not my cup of tea at all. Didn't seem to fit the lead up at all.
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hearts1ckness · 2 years
me after making babe a bad bitch, genius ceo with MONEY in the bank
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demongemz · 3 months
Magnus navigated the bustling crowd of the city square, the lively chatter and vibrant stalls creating a symphony of urban life. As he paused to admire a street performer's act, his gaze was drawn to someone standing nearby, equally captivated by the display. The stranger's infectious laughter made Magnus smile. He stepped closer and remarked, "It's amazing how a simple performance can brighten the day, isn't it?" @furyfms
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randomrichards · 5 months
Girl raises an ape
Who repeats King Kong problems
Thanks to stupid drunks
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
Alvarez had a awful game. He missed two open goals. Even Darwin Nunez is better than Alvarez.
goals aren't the only important thing in football. he influenced the game immensely just by being on the pitch. the third one came literally from him putting the ball back on the box. shut the fuck up.
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void-botanist · 9 months
I'm curious about Jilor 👀
Send me a ship name and get some tea!
Oho time for coming to conclusions in real time!
Jilor - Jia & Lora
(probably should have been Jilora but. oh well)
This one's interesting because Lora, Spinder's youngest adoptive sister, has existed since Old Canon and honestly had a decently large part in Spinder & Georg, and Jia I just invented because I was changing Lora's family and I didn't want to use her Old Canon husband. He's a little bit based on someone I know IRL in terms of personality (laid-back), but honestly I haven't decided on a lot about him. He is a good dad though, and I think in the future he and Lora will achieve the three kids they had in Old Canon, where they were a lot older (everyone was because weird faery aging). But being married to Lora puts him in an intriguing position: Lora is the hub of the Pastearn family, the one who kept in touch with Michael when he moved several localities afield, the only member of the family who is allowed to know where Gwin is at any given time, who keeps track of Megan's model trains and Mick's extracurriculars and Corcra's TV appearances and Spinder's flight schedules and Nieram's home improvement projects. Jia cannot remember all of this and has stopped trying. His main contribution to her family connection activities (aside from obviously going to family gatherings and stuff like that) is to make sure that there's plenty of time where he's actively spending time of their baby daughter Ayna so that Lora can be doing video calls &c. Now that I say this actually I think he does commission/contract work, so he's at home a lot of the time. Still not sure what Lora does though, aside from being everyone's favorite sibling.
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kk7-rbs @outpost51 @writernopal @athenswrites
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Loras Gold, one of the STRAIGHTEST of Keira’s kids sometimes wears her dresses & I think that’s great. He also returns them actually how he got them because she’s scary & he shan’t cross his mum. She’s sacred.
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ladystoneboobs · 1 year
in honor of that brienne gay-bashing loras joke post, a list of who did and did not know about renly/loras
in the know:
the other tyrells-the text isn't so clear about what marg and olenna know, but they're ladies who like to know things, and marg is close to loras. i think it's a pretty safe assumption. esp wrt littlefinger saying a no-marriage kg-type post for loras was even more important to his family than with other dynastically unneeded younger sons. (like presumed-hetero waymar royce)
petyr baelish-scheming gossipmonger, see above
varys-an assumption for the same reason as littlefinger, though he's not as close to the tyrells. knowing other people's business is his business. dude has children crawling in the walls of people's bedrooms!
stannis baratheon-renly's (somewhat smarter) brother who was always jealous of his happiness. i think his words about marg's virginity in their failed parley are pretty clear, and as someone who believes himself an honest man, we know he meant it. if he knew of renly's plot with the tyrells to set up robert with marg, then i think he knew which tyrell renly really wanted.
oberyn martell-calls loras "renly's little rose". friends with willas tyrell after crippling him, and willas would know oberyn would not judge his little brother's sexuality since oberyn also had sex with men himself.
jaime lannister-threatening loras about shoving his sword "up some place even renly never found" is pretty self-explanatory. the lannister twins did live with renly at court for years. the threat feels tinged with homophobia but he and loras later became friendly, with loras comfortable enough to discuss renly's porno books with jaime.
cersei lannister-would know through the same experiences at court as jaime, but the only one truly prejudiced who definitely knew. thought loras might recruit her 8yo son into gayness, but also had no concept of a man only being into other men. when suspecting marg's sexual history, she thought that as robert's brother renly couldn't totally resist sex with women, comparing it to herself enjoying other drinks when wine is not on hand.
renly's former servants-tyrion was told by varys that running renly's household gave sansa's new handmaiden, brella, "a deal of practice at being blind, deaf, and mute."
probably not in the know:
randyll tarly-i have a hard time believing a he-man woman-hater like that wouldn't also have some homophobia, yet he was loyal enough to loras and renly to murder fellow reachermen whose lords had gone over to stannis after renly's murder. (cortnay penrose even lists him among those "who loved renly best", which is kinda funny to me. i just hate this man too much to imagine him an lgbtq ally.) the same probably goes for other tyrell and baratheon bannermen loyal to king renly. those outside the inner circle of renly and/or the tyrells, and/or other insiders at court in kl, were unlikely to know about renly/loras. (the equivalent of reddit dudebros who thought that king renly and his kg lc really were just praying together.) let alone the general populace who only knew of them but didn't really know them.
ned & catelyn stark-ned thought there was something "queer" about renly's supposed interest in margaery, but that's as close as he ever got. we can joke about all that the starks missed, but it's not like either of them knew renly all that well as an adult. catelyn is sometimes more perceptive than ned was when she has enough to work with. (her own uncle blackfish may also be queer, while ned was blind to his own homoerotic feelngs for robert.)
brienne of tarth and sansa stark-i think lack of gaydar is something else these two had in common, one with her hopeless crush on renly, the other on loras. though it's not like either of them really knew the object of their fantasies.
tyrion lannister-did not live at court with his siblings when renly did. some people point to the brella quote as proof he did know, but that's him repeating varys with no specificity. renly did have other secrets, as do all schemers in kl, such as the plot to replace cersei with marg. whatever tyrion learned about renly, idt he knew the full truth about renly/loras as he shows no sign of understanding who loras meant in the candle vs. sun convo. he asked if loras would miss the chance to marry and breed, saying how fun the procreative act is, as if they were both heteros horny for women. this shows that it's not just a matter of lack of gaydar or just plain denseness when someone as clever as tyrion didn't know the full truth. though their love affair was not illegal like jaime/cersei's, they couldn't exactly be out and proud either.
robert baratheon-may have known about renly, but idt he'd say loras was a son any man would want if he knew that was his baby bro's boyfriend. maybe most people wouldn't shun their own family members for their sexuality, but idt a gay guy would be most people's idea of a dream son either. the legality of their affair may have allowed them to be somewhat more open than jaime/cersei, but robert was still pretty dense. so just as he was likely the only member of his own council never to learn of cersei's affair, he was probably also still in the dark about the details of his own brother's private life, and that's something he probably wouldn't want to think about anyway.
donal noye-i think he joined the nw soon after the siege of storm's end, when renly was still a little kid. let's assume he never knew renly's sexuality then, else his blunt dismissal and evident dislike of renly could be read as homophobia. instead he was just hating on a 6yo for the sake of hating, but it was not a hate crime driven by bigotry.
eta: a firm maybe i like to headcanon
barristan selmy-the renly/loras relationship is never addressed wrt him or mentioned in his own later pov, so that's why he can only be a maybe. however, unlike randyll tarly, he is a confirmed canonical ally who believes in the concept of same-sex marriage bonds between two men. (however accidental this char trait may be, since idt grrm had decided yet to make one of egg's sons gay, --jilting olenna for a fellow knight like her future grandson--when he first wrote barry thinking that all of aegon v's sons had married for love) we know he and renly were inter-generational work buddies, to the point that renly was confident enough to try saving his last rainbow cloak for barristan for a while. (so that he could serve under loras as lc? the same storied barristan the bold/old who initially disapproved of jaime's post based solely on youth? loras may have been a bit older than 15, but was even less experienced then newly-knighted jaime in real combat as a green tourney knight, however acclomplished in his young jousting career.) we know barristan is consistently nonjudgmental of other people's (legal or de facto legal) love affairs whether it be his former kg bro prince lewyn's paramour or his defense of dany keeping daario as her paramour, (even if he disagreed with her taste in men), and we know from his long kg career that he was very good at keeping royal secrets.
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oathtorn · 1 year
🕸️ minthara first impression of the wood elf go -
Send 🕸️ for Minthara to roast share her opinion on your muse based on their bio
"As a general rule, I prefer a wizard over a druid. In terms of usefulness, at least. The druid's commitment to their own community makes them unreliable allies. The wizard, on the other hand, is committed only to himself. While still not ideal, they can be kept on a short leash to prevent them from blowing themselves up. Just give them something to be entertained with — and some other target to blow up."
"I do not object to his pursuit of the arcane arts. He has talent, and ambition. And he is too delicate a man to survive in the front lines. But I'd rather he keeps his most hazardous experiments far from my tent."
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ruleof3bobby · 9 months
1st, terrible title. 2nd, script was all over the map. Had some solid bones with the plot points but kinda felt like two different scripts smashed into one.
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hearts1ckness · 2 years
me: has not listened to ivan’s series, & has no plans to do so bc of how triggering i know the content will be
also me: making a pinterest board for the listener character & writing up the bones of a fic for them
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demongemz · 3 months
Jaime wasn’t sure who he’d find in this world after all things were so different yet he’d be able to slowly make the adjustments to be able to adapt to this new place and the advancements that this world offered. He’d had a moment before his next appointment as he started working out throwing a few test punches against the bag training his newest addition to be more like the hand that he’d lost instead of just a machine now attached to him. “I’m sorry, were you planning on using equipment? I saw it was open and thought I’d waste a little time between my appointments” he mused when he noticed the other. @furyfms
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brokenbeauties · 1 month
❛ if i have to think about one more thing today, my head will explode. ❜ || @lawlesslvnds (Loras)
Magnus chuckled softly, a hint of sympathy in his eyes as he leaned back in his chair, watching the other with a knowing smile. "Darling, I can assure you, exploding heads are never a good look," he quipped, his tone light but laced with understanding. He’d been quite used to taking the stress off people within his job, after all, people came to event planners when they didn’t want to create their magic moments allowing others to handle their dream-making. “Is there anything I can do or offer to help your pretty little head from exploding?” he questioned.
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ballroomnotoriety · 3 months
i think it would be very interesting to look into the way queer characters written by straight authors are read by queer readers. what signals are put down? what are missed? i ask this bc i am rereading the ASOIAF wiki (again) instead of rereading the novels (again) and friends i did not fucking Pick Up that jon connington is An Homosexuale.
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