#c: ramon
chamoemileclown · 6 months
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rayix · 7 months
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Hiii this is my Animal Crossing OC.
His name is Ramon and he's a cranky yet goofy af wolf villager who is totally original and is not just an already existing character but in ACNH. Haha cringe
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cupidl0vesy0u · 2 months
Wips I lost motivation on- maybe I will Finnish them someday… eh probably not
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And yes the first picture is Missa in sailor moon- don’t ask
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qsmpphotoalbum · 3 months
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buggiewhump · 11 months
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I'm sorry, but I'm absolutely enamored with the idea of Ramon pulling this on Bullfrog to soothe him to sleep; particularly whenever he's having trouble falling asleep or just outright refuses to. Bullfrog wasn't able to protect his other comrades, and something tells me he doesn't want to lose anyone else and is willing to miss out on sleep if it meant keeping Ramon safe. Little does he know that Ramon can be just as stubborn, if not more-so.
Doing this to a frog puts them in a very vulnerable position, but I think Bullfrog would come to a point where he trusts Ramon and wouldn't have the heart to be too upset once he wakes up. Even if it was a bit of a nasty trick to pull, the intentions were sweet. <3
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reformedmercymain · 2 years
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smoke-glass · 1 year
Because Pomme said that she thinks Dapper's theme song would be Megalo Strike Back, it pulled me back into my "Undertale Phase" and now I'm thinking.
What Undertale instrumental would fit each egg? B/c I honestly I think giving the eggs (yes even the passed ones) each a theme song would be really cool, as well as each q! Character as well.
But for right know I'm just asking for the eggs. So yeah, What Undertale insturmental do you think would fit each egg?
(Also yeah I know Megalo Strike Back isn't technically a "Undertale theme song", it's an unused song but I think what Pomme choose for Dapper was a pretty good choice ❤.)
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The decision to send Starbuck off to the knackers was not an easy one to make by any means, and after the deed was done, Ramon couldn't stop agonizing over if he'd made the right call. But, the idea of putting Starbuck down himself was far too much to stomach and he simply couldn't do it.
There in the kitchen with his head in his hands, wishing he was as strong and as brave as his father, Valentina approached her husband quietly. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." she whispered, knowing there wasn't much she could say to comfort him in the moment. "If only there was a better way, one that wasn't so painful for everyone involved."
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After Valentina dismissed herself to bed, Ramon couldn't stop thinking about what she had said. 'If only there was a better way'. There had to be, right?
Death was an inevitable part of life, but that didn't mean it had to be so physically painful for the animal, or mentally as painful for the ones who loved them. With medicine and technology advancing so rapidly, there had to be a way to combine it with his knowledge of herbalism. He didn't know where to start exactly, but he was filled with determination to find out.
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now you got me curious and i have to ask, what would the angstified version of my hc be? i really need to know now, i think.
Referring to my tags in this post
Oh I was just thinking about one of them (specifically Barry for reference) getting kidnapped/going missing and the other waking up alone. Cisco opening his eyes to the other side of the bed empty, the initial moment of ‘oh it’s fine he’s just out somewhere’ to ‘no no no’ and remembering whatever happened the previous day. And when they inevitably rescue him, Cisco wakes up and the first thing he sees is Barry, safe, sleeping across from him.
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genevawrenn · 6 months
Rules: post the first line of your last ten posted fics and see if there's a pattern
01. “Aimsey Trientalis?”
A long-haired brunette questioning impulsive decisions stood on the worn wooden pier the boat just dropped them off at, all their worldly possessions scattered around them.
02. The sun set over the polished marble of the Royal Archives, winking in between the pillars that faced it. The huge building sheltered histories in objects displayed with careful hands and large tapestries woven by talented server members hung across the cold stone walls. Huge shelves of pine covered a good majority of the lower floors filled with scrolls written in careful scrawling handwriting, stairs ascending to the floor wrapping the second level where more specialised exhibits were.
03. He hopes Tallulah will forgive him.
Scrawling their promise to one another ‘ you and me, you and me always ’ on his classic yellow sign and attaching it to the wall where she would see in the morning, Chayanne stopped one last time to look at his slumbering sister.
04. Blood.
He craved it, he wanted to bathe in it, he wanted to coat his scarred skin with the crimson essence to truly feel the need to be satisfied, to drown the screaming in his thoughts. The brunette with a single white curl wants to drown in the red rain, spilling forth from the pale flesh his blade sliced through.
05. Steady, regular beeping.
The only noise to accompany Fit as he sits at Pac’s side as the beautiful man slumbers, the antidote to the Federation working its way through the comatose man. The anarchist cradles a guitar older than this world on his lap covered in denim jeans, peering at the bouquet of crimson roses he placed on the blank table in a glass vase left there.
06. The crow's heart drops, seeing the screen before him with the team divisions for the next two weeks. Philza was cautious coming into this event, his only drive was the voice taunting to complete this event was to win the knowledge of where his children are. He didn’t trust this for a second despite willingly putting himself in this situation because for his children, the world. Ancient instincts were flooding adrenaline through his ageless form tight with paranoia.
07. The crow avian wakes out of a pleasant dream of soaring through the blue air above with the song of the sky in his ears, feeling the wind caressing each feather as he carves his way through the void above. Someone whose instincts called for the freedom he had been grounded from, a sky born being with shorn wings who had been unable to reach the stars he was married to the entire time he had been in this world.
08. Peace.
It's all FitMC could think, looking in those pools of night sky that had begun to entrance him. He fondly remembers the very first time he met the lively brunette named Pac, his joy shining forth and the sheer kindness that surrounded him astounded Fit.
09. A son and daughter awaken their father under the frosty sun of a winter morning, crow yawning and groaning as his ancient muscles awaken. Smiling, he lets Chayanne and Tallulah crawl their way into his bed and under his once-magnificent wings, curling them around his precious hatchlings. It was the day of Christmas Eve, and Phil could only hope their plans they had last minute thrown together would hold up.
10. Loneliness.
It’s a feeling Philza knew intimately, ripping his soul open in the darkest of nights. Filleting him raw under the bare shining cosmos, pale moonlight bathing gaping holes of lost friends, illuminating the emptiness. The threads of his life’s tapestry fraying after the aeons of memories his heart had experienced, slowly falling away one by one until it was only his shining string.
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spilladabalia · 2 months
Twisted Teens - Sister Heat
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belanova · 1 year
BTW Spreen Is the only one in that list THAT BEATS UP HIS SON 😭 dan should not be winning
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
you kids like your duo names so i'm dubbing ramon and dapper the "wrapper duo" i don't take constructive criticism
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realmadridnews · 2 months
EURO U19 2024 final - result
Spain U19 (Fran Gonzalez, Jacobo Ramon, Perea, Andres, Fortuny) wins the EURO 2024!
Spain U19 - France U19 2:0 (Iker Bravo 41', Diao 69')
Cristian Perea - played the whole match and assisted Diao's goal. (6,9/10)
Chema Andres - played the whole match (6,7/10)
Fran Gonzalez - didn't play.
Jacobo Ramon - didn't play.
Pol Fortuny - didn't play.
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qsmpphotoalbum · 4 months
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buggiewhump · 10 months
I know it's a little soon for me to be making a poll like this, given I haven't even posted any writing over here, but I'm painfully indecisive and have too many ideas. C': </3
Here's what I offer:
OPTION 1 - A short n' sweet fic based on this previous idea (more fluffy and hurt/comfort).
OPTION 2 - Winter has settled in and it's too dangerous for Bullfrog to hibernate. Dolph and Ramon are forced to hunker down and set aside their differences to help their friend. (Whump + hurt/comfort).
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