#c: thancred waters
ayakamizu · 17 days
FFXIV Write 2024 Day 5 - Stamp
Stamp: Verb. To mark or impress with a design, word, mark, etc. Characters: Thancred Waters, Lady Lilira (Nanamo Ul Namo), Ayaka Mizushima (WoL) Expansion: A Realm Reborn Rating: G Notes: Thancred's POV for this one! Takes place towards the beginning of the Ul'dah storyline and tweaked a bit to fit the scenario and because I don't remember what exactly happened at the start of ARR anymore.
“Well that was exciting!” Thancred stated, looking at the voidsent disintegrating before them. Quickly, he turned to grin at the pair of ladies standing behind him—one was the woman he came to escort back to her keepers while the other was a lovely addition.
Repressing the urge to wince, a mistake on his part to underestimate the creature, he walked over to the pair and kept his eyes trained on the lovely stranger. The first thing he noticed were the pale scales and horn (an Au Ra) and the way she gripped her staff. It was difficult to see, but it shook in her hands—a newly arrived adventurer then. ‘Twas a good thing he arrived when he did.
Though she did hold her own well against the voidsent. The spells she cast—a thaumaturge then, which made sense if she was a new acolyte of the guild—had helped take down the creature in the end. The adrenaline, then, of taking on such a monstrous foe.
“You, young lady, ought to head back before your family starts to worry,” he chided ‘Lady Lilira’ playfully. The young woman pouted, something she could get away with this far removed from her identity.
‘Damn,’ he thought, he would’ve liked to stay and talk to the lovely lady before him, but he couldn’t ignore a request from the Sultana. “Of course, my lady,” he said, turning towards the stranger once more. “Apologies for leaving so soon without an introduction, but—”
The lady’s eyes narrowed, gaze flickering back between him and the other woman. “I suppose you are right,” ‘Lady Lilira’ conceded, smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles in her garbs. “If you would be so kind as to escort me, good sir?”
“You’re hurt,” she interrupted, eyeing him critically. Thancred was so shocked he didn’t pay attention to the way her gaze racked over his body before settling on his left side—the one that received a careless slash from the voidsent before it perished. “Please, allow me to assist you.”
“You’re a conjurer…?” He asked, shock coloring his features. Surely he saw her employing fire magic just moments ago, then how—?
“I… do not think Eorzea has an exact equivalent for what I can do,” she answered, looking pensive. “Conjurer. Thaumaturge. I’m fine with either label for now.”
“Fascinating,” he intoned, curiosity piqued. Perhaps he could introduce her to Y’shtola someday—after getting the opportunity to share a drink or two with her. ‘Twas only fair before having her be scrutinized by the scholar. “Then please, feel free to assist.”
She gave him a shy smile—was that hint of pink on her cheeks? Oh he could work with that later—before approaching him. Now, he noticed, her grip on her staff was steady. This close, he noticed how intricate the design of it was. It wasn’t like anything he’d seen before in Eorzea at least.
“Do I need to pull my shirt up a bit?” Thancred asked, shooting her a flirtatious smile. Her cheeks darkened a little further—such a delightful reaction!
“It would help,” she answered, lowering her staff closer to his torso. The rings clanged against each other, but didn’t make as harsh of a sound as he envisioned. “Less interference.”
Doing as he suggested, and suppressing the urge to hiss at the motion, he took a look at the mark and huffed in annoyance. A careless mistake indeed! Twas a good thing the others weren’t around to see such an unsightly thing. It was then that he felt the cooling sensation that came with healing magic and closed his eyes in relief, letting the magic do its thing. It reminded him of a cool splash of water against burning skin in the summer months—like those summers spent in Limsa Lominsa’s abandoned piers. There was even a salty tang to the air!
Eventually, he felt the magic cease and looked down at his injury. What was once a gashing wound was a sealed, pink line along his side. It felt itchy, which was a good sign as any of how well this stranger managed to heal him.
“There,” she said, looking pleased with herself. She brought the staff closer to herself, giving an approving nod. “Good as new!”
“I don’t know how to repay you,” he said, turning his attention away from the healed wound to give the woman a grin. “Perhaps we—”
“Ought to get going, yes?” ‘Lady Lilira’ interrupted pointedly, one of her eyebrows raised at Thancred in an unimpressed fashion. He felt his shoulders slump, very aware that she had a point.
“The lady is right,” the stranger agreed, smiling at the pair of them. If she noticed Thancred’s disappointment, then she was doing a good job of not pointing it out. “And there’s no need to return the favor. You helped me earlier, so we can consider ourselves even.”
Damn, she had a point as well! Perhaps luck was not on his side today—or at least when it came to this lovely stranger.
“If the lady insists,” he sighed, eyeing both of them. “Then we best be off, Lady Lilira.” With a quick bow, he marched towards his charge. “‘Twas nice meeting you, my dear!”
The woman waved, giving him a sheepish smile before turning her attention back towards the tree. Had something caught her eye? Or was she here for a reason? Oh, he would have loved to ask.
“You really are an incorrigible flirt, Master Thancred,” the Sultana said, shaking her head in disbelief.
“Oh dear, it would seem my reputation precedes me then,” he chuckled. “To think that even the Sultana knows!”
“Aside from witnessing it in person just now… Raubahn told me as much.”
What an uncomfortable thought; the General of the Immortal Flames knowing his reputation. Perhaps that explained the way the man would scrutinize him at times…
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rose-from-ashes · 8 months
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headcanons-n-shit · 1 year
Can I peg the ffxiv boys 🤤🤤
Ya know? Fuck it. We horny tonight.
Adults only kiddies look away.
Yes you can peg the ff14 boys.
EMINENTLY peggable. Just look at that little dude. Hes the height of a min height miquote. He has the 'i do anal' hairstyle. He basically wears a collar. He is literally begging to be bent over any given flat surface and pegged within an inch of his life, please and thank you.
Enthusiastic about the proposition. In fact hes probably the one to bring it up. And buy the strap. If he doesnt already have it on hand, that is.
He has a powerpoint presentation prepared for this very moment. It includes several different poses, a fine selection of lubricants, and even an instructional video on preparation. Idk if it kills the mood or makes it hotter, thats up to you.
Not to be reductive about miqote here, but literally if you pet his ears and pull his tail a little g'raha will roll over and let you do just about anything to him. Hes already wavering on the edge of throwing himself at your feet at any given moment, he is so eager to please you, but he definitely gets more into it than he expected.
Sometimes you have to look at a man in power and go, 'i can make a babygirl out of that.'
Yes you can peg him. It takes a little bit of convincing, sure, and be prepared to put the work in this man IS a pillow princess. Watch him writhe and mewl tho, halones mercy he is pretty.
Jk of course. Kinda. Its just that estinien has massive trust AND body issues, youre going to have to ease him into the idea. Just take it slow and be gentle.
Another one who's wholeheartedly enthusiastic about the idea of you pegging him. He happily procures everything you might need for this, from the strap to the lube to the warm towels. Although, from the way he runs his fingers over the leather of the harness, thorougly ensuring that everything is secure, neither too loose nor too tight, his fingers and eyes lingering a bit too long....
This might be hitting more than one kink for him, tbh
I will admit: ive thought about it. A once-enemy who turns out to just be a sweet dude? A guy with golden-retriever frat-boy energy and biceps bigger than my head?
Peg this man lovingly. There better be rose petals and lavender oil involved. You both deserve gentle things. You both deserve a soft ending.
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The Scions' opinions of important political meetings and Alliance war councils, a thread:
Estinien: if Aymeric won't be there, okeydokey, whatever 👍 but if Aymeric WILL be there, absolutely not!! being subjected to questions like "my friend! what've you been up to?" and "how are you?" is more than he feels like dealing with tbh. also if he has to suffer Aymeric bullying him about his lack of money sense one more time he's dragoon jumping out the window
Krile: politics aren't my forte but if you need me to, I'll go :)
Alisaie: UUUUGGGHHHH [bangs head on table]
Alphinaud: this is his natural habitat. it is also where he's most powerful, so beware !!
Thancred: putting that PhD in espionage to good use and helping his friends/allies in so doing is good for his health (and his self-esteem)
Y'shtola: sometimes it's a tasty problem to chew on and sometimes it's just annoying. if Garlemald is involved, it's probably the latter
Urianger: he's been invited to exactly two meetings out of like 30 and only attended one (and showed up unannounced to another). he'd rather stay home and do nerd shit or go scouting with Thancred. we stan an introverted nerd king ✌️
G'raha Tia: just happy to be brought along for the ride ❤️ no situation is unbearable so long as he's by his inspiration's side 😊
O'ravi: [doodling chibis of her friends on the back of a report and scribbling hearts around them] wydm this is "work", i'm just hanging out with my boyfriend and my besties
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the-blind-geisha · 9 months
25 for G'raha Tia and Thancred from ffxiv!
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
G'raha Tia:
First: He's a character. (I accidentally skipped a lot of his earlier scenes b/c I was rushing through the game.. whoops..)
Now: I would die for you... In fact, I'd pair my WoL with you!
Thancred Waters
First: UUUUUUUUGH... just another horny annoyance...
Now: *In tears when he has that one scene in Endwalker with you if you choose him at your door* You're my tank and I'm your healer.. of COURSE I trust you..
He came a long way, and I appreciate the change in his character he was given.
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fistsoflightning · 1 year
sudden deluge
for wolcredweek day 4: rain/sparks
i think everyone should know this one was saved as was ‘thunderclap to ur bf to hug him’
“Looks to be clearing up,” Thancred said, peering through the window across the room, and leaned his shoulder against the wall beside it, arms crossed over his chest. True to his word, when they glanced up the thunderstorm had died down enough that it was only drizzling over the Crystarium, the afternoon skies gone a light bluish-grey with the clouds. “If only you’d seen Captain Lyna’s face when I told her I could take care of the storm.”
Their hands were still occupied toweling off their hair, but Zaya huffed and rolled their eyes from where they were sitting, knowing they were just at the edge of Thancred’s field of vision even half-turned to the window. It was the Scions’ collective delusion that they were the cause of any unnatural or frequent storms in the area—weather was so fickle, and only bowed in the face of immense aetherial disruption, or whatever Urianger had said. After a hundred years of Light of course the weather would be strange, now that it wasn’t being forcefully dragged into eternal stillness.
Still. It did tend to rain a lot when they wanted to go adventuring, especially when they weren’t looking for it. There was only so much they could write off as bad luck before they started to wonder.
They bent over to comfortably dry the back of their head with the too-large towel; it draped over their forehead and caught on the tips of their horns. “You di’n’t do anything,” they said, muffled but teasing. It was nice to hear him not calling himself useless for once—or unneeded, or other words with similar meanings—but this was a little silly. Probably why he was able to do so, but still.
“I came to get you with an umbrella.”
“Still soaked.”
Thancred paused thoughtfully. “Here I thought that was on purpose,” he said, his voice too close to actual remorse, “but if not I apologize for my late arrival. Never studied the weather in Sharlayan, I’m afraid; I was hardly expecting the cloudburst either.”
“‘s okay,” they said, reaching back with both hands to wring their hair in the towel one last time. A haircut might be nice, soon, but they liked how long it was now even if it was a nuisance when wet. “I did stay in it f’r a bit. Was nice.”
He laughed softly. “It is rather warm today, isn’t it? Ryne’ll be complaining about how humid it is later, I’m sure.”
Zaya made a small noise in acknowledgement, finally freeing themselves from the formerly-white towel; they’d forgotten about their face paint earlier, distracted by all the water dripping down their chin, and now there was a blue smudge smack in the middle of it. Thancred hadn’t seemed to care, though, only giving it a amused look before he walked over to the window. Satisfied that their hair wasn’t dripping onto the shoulders of the dry shirt they’d changed into, they reached down for their shoes to dry off the insides, then glanced up again at the window, and to Thancred.
He was still looking out the tall window at the rain, but there was a certain distant look in his eyes. His voice was quieter when he said, mostly to himself, “Never thought I’d end up homesick for rain.”
They blinked a few times. It was a little too easy to forget how long everyone had been living on the First for, some days. Five years on their end had only been a handful of moons back home, even if those moons felt impossibly long for them.
Thancred glanced back at them, as if suddenly remembering he wasn’t alone to—reminisce, or brood, whichever he was doing—then looked back out the window. “It rained for three days straight before you arrived on the First,” he said, voice clearer now for them to hear but no less sentimental. “Somewhat of a blessing, at the time. Upon seeing the night return to Lakeland, Ryne ran away from me to find your fellow Warriors, and you know well how that went. The downpour kept the Eulmoran airships grounded while the Crystarium gathered its forces—and you, though I didn’t know it then.”
Zaya didn’t know what to say to that. They slipped their now-dry leather shoes back on quietly, the light tap-tap of them putting their feet back down on the tiled floor and the patter of rain against the window the only sounds for a while.
When he spoke up next it was with an exhale, like he was clearing something heavy from his lungs. “When I managed to catch up to Ryne, close enough to see Laxan Loft and the Eulmorans, I remember seeing the curtain of rain and thinking—‘They’re finally here,’” he said. He looked at them almost teasingly, except his eyes were too soft at the corners, matching his smile just shy of a smirk. “It was as if the skies opened the floodgates in preparation for your arrival. Had to get to the Crystarium just to be able to dry off.”
That was even sillier than the belief that they left rain and storms in their wake—they weren’t even on the same shard when it had happened—and Zaya started to laugh without sound but not out of mirth, the muscles in their throat feeling tight and relieved all at once. Thancred finally turned away from the window and the rain to look at them with a slight frown.
“Was what I said that ridiculous?” he asked, but they shook their head and left him to sort out the confusion on his face. Tossing the towel onto the bench, Zaya stood up and with a light crackle of sparks at their heels rushed over, appearing at his side before he could register the sound and wrapping their arms around his neck, pushing up on their toes to not throw him off balance any more than necessary when his head dipped down suddenly from their weight.
“Missed you too,” they said, voice embarrassingly thick for something so little as words. Their face grew hot, but maybe Thancred would pass both off as a side effect of having to tilt their head up not to stab him with their horns, their throat pressed right against his shoulder.
It took a moment, but eventually Thancred returned their hug, and it didn’t matter that they’d already told him how much he was missed before because he tipped his head to press a kiss to their pulse and said, “I suppose I did, didn’t I.”
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
hmmm sineater au for thanced :D
Send me an AU and I'll tell you what my muse would be like in that AU | ✿
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He was fine. Even as he grew ill, it was fine.
That was what he had told them in life-- insisted, really. The guilt was eating at him from the inside out, but he was fine. There were bigger things to be worried about, after all.
No, he wasn't practically burning himself alive, the boiling presence of something more churning his guts each and every time he uttered the words: It's fine; I understand. There was more at stake than facing his own mortality, let alone all the ugliness that remained within.
As the days went by, it grew increasingly harder to turn the other cheek to the inner turmoils of the body and mind. There was the same repeating phrase that weighed at his shoulders more, and more, each time it crossed: I wish I had done more; I wish I could have done things differently. I wish, I wish, I wish.
Wishes didn't come true; Guilt ate at his heart, mind, and soul.
The transformation was sudden, but at the very least, his companions knew the signs of it when it was about to start.
Eyes were a flood of light, dripping like molten gold down his face in streams of tears to be forever branded on a marble-like visage. Three wings sprouted from his back as if bursting from a fleshy cocoon: Two on his left, and one on his right. A third eye grew from his forehead, impassive gaze blinding with light shining through it, whilst the two he already had glazed over in stone, forever doomed to shed those molten tears. Weapons were ripped from his very ribs, a mournful scream leaving his lips for one last time as bone shaped itself into a pair of deadly blades hovering at either side of him, his Gunblade morphing within his hold to be a third.
And as fast as it had happened... it had stopped. Gone was the broken man clinging to a past he couldn't go back and change, and there instead stood a mock statue of his memory, reflecting the ache and mourning once held inside.
Thancred: the Forgiven Guilt.
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ishgard · 6 months
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— B A S I C S
Name: Ahru Hiraeth Nicknames: Not a lot of nicknames actually, occasionally "Ru" Age: Early-Mid Thirties Nameday: 21st Sun of the 4th Astral Moon Race: Seeker/Keeper Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual / Biromantic Profession: Adventurer, Warrior of Light
— P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: Naturally blond, light corruption left it bleached white. Eyes: Blue with a gold ring around the pupils Skin: Pale with warm undertones, tans easily Tattoos/scars: No tattoos, but many superficial scars and several less. A thin scar on the side of her face from sahagins when she was child. An 'overlapped' scar from Zenos and Elidibus across the chest. Lichtenberg scars along her left arm, old burns down her right leg, hip-to-knee.
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Both living. Ahnia Hiraeth, mir'amna ('mother') of the Hiraeth. X'rehn Tia, ex-Garlean assassin. Siblings: Nia'to Hiraeth (twin brother), Fianah Hiraeth (younger half-sister) Grandparents: Amazingly I haven't thought about them too much. In-laws and Other: X'rhun Tia (uncle), X'yehnia Rehl (cousin), X'vehl Tia (cousin, retainer) Pets: Arrow (chocobo), Grani (…Grani), Caesar (wolf 'pup'), Mochi (fat cat - King of the Rising Stones), Ardbert (black hayate - lives with Ryne and Gaia now), Baby (baby opo opo - not a pet this is her son)
— S K I L L S
Abilities: BRD/RDM main, MNK is always one broken weapon away from showing you why it's a bad idea to disarm her. Omniclasses p much everything but is worst at SMN/SCH. Her music weaves aether in such a way that it enhances her magical abilities, so even when utilizing her healing or destructive magics, she often weaves her bardwork into it. Hobbies: Traveling, making music, journaling, reading (in the past study of the Void has been her speciality and passion - but she's always had a soft spot for epics, romances, and such), knitting, cooking.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Trait: She's got way more love to give than you might expect, she just sometimes has a hard time showing it. Open-minded/flexible, she's not often put-off or caught off guard and is very accepting (at times forgiving, to a fault). Most Negative Trait: Still getting over the trauma of 'people who get close to me tend to suffer terribly', which leads her to distancing herself. Really prone to wanderlust and violence (as in, loves a good fight). Good luck slowing her down and good luck getting her out of it if you got her in 'fight mode'.
— L I K E S
Colors: Red and Black (omg she's a gamer) Smells: Campfire smoke, cloves, leather, amber/incense, rarer but often enough the frosty fresh air of colder climes. Textures: Broken-in leather, furs (silky, soft and the more coarse), the smooth and sharp edges of a crystal. Drinks: Water, tea (specifically mulled tea), wine, ale. Partial to mint lassi's.
— O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: Very occasional, with growing rarety. Drinks: Historically was your pretty average social drinker, swore off the stuff for a long period after being drugged multiple times, but more recently has started enjoying the occasional drink - her tolerance has dropped significantly to fun/humorous effect. Drugs: No; somnus in particular is a touchy subject. Mount Issuance: Arrow (chocobo) was a gift from Thancred welcoming her to the Scions. Grani was a gift from Emet-Selch, and is her primary mount esp. in places where Arrow can't go. Been Arrested: Amazingly not.
Tagged by: @ardberts, @gatheredfates, @sealrock, @myreia, @shroudkeeper - thank you all so much!!! I might honestly do more and use the tags as an excuse 😌 Tagging: @twelveswood, @thewitchofelpis, @eorzeanflowers, @thefrostflower, @allyennah, @mrlarkstin, @koijikido, @ubejamjar, @ungrateful-cyborg - and anyone else! (if you've already done it or don't want to ignore me <3<3<3)
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ainyan · 5 months
Kal'istae Miurani - Stats and Facts
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Name: Kal’istae Miurani
Nicknames: Kali
Age: 34 as of the beginning of Dawntrail
Nameday: 18th day of the 3rd Astral Moon
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Gender: Female
Orientation: Pansexual/Demi-Romantic
Relationship(s): Thancred Waters (Lover/Husband)
Profession: Warrior of Light
Canon Jobs: All Jobs
Main Jobs: White Mage, Summoner, Dancer, Paladin, Dragoon
Crafter/Gatherer: Yes (Omnicrafter/Gatherer)
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Midnight blue with silver streaks. She keeps it long - hip length or longer, and bound in a braid that falls down along her spine.
Eyes: Indigo with glowing lavender limbal rings
Skin: Indigo with silver freckles and obsidian scales
Tattoos/scars: One tattoo: A meteor brand between her shoulder blades. She still hopes for the brand of an Archon someday. A number of small scars are scattered across her back, ribs, stomach, legs, and arms, evidence of her very active and combat-filled lifestyle.
Parents: Unnamed Dotharl Xaela
Siblings: No known blood siblings. Two adopted siblings in Sharlayan - Cassandra and Aidan Miurani. Two foster siblings in Ishgard - Artoirel and Emmanellain de Fortemps.
Grandparents: Unnamed Dotharl Xaela
In-laws and Other: Ryne Waters (Stepdaughter)
Pets: Numerous various animals and mammets
Abilities: Skilled in magic, gathering, crafting, fighting. Particularly skilled in alchemy, cooking, sewing, and jewelry making. Adept Summoner with access to all known Egis.
Hobbies: Making plushes, particularly of animals she’s encountered or people she knows. She keeps most of them for herself, but will gift them to her special people or occasionally barter them for goods she needs.
Most Positive Trait: Patience. Kal’istae has infinite patience when dealing with almost anything, whether it’s waiting for news, helping those in need, teaching her goldsmithing students, or awaiting Thancred’s return from wherever he’s run off to.
Most Negative Trait: Low self-esteem. Despite her notoriety and fame, Kal’istae does not look at herself the same way everyone else does. She does not see the miracles she has wrought or the good deeds she has done, only the mistakes she has made and the cost in lives lost to her inability to solve every problem.
Colors: Purple, blue, teal, lavender, silver, gold
Smells: Warm leather, gunpowder, gun oil, lavender, sage, wild roses, starflowers, fresh churned earth.
Textures: Silk, smooth wood, smooth stone, velvet, soft petals, cold water
Drinks: Hot tea, water, sweet red wine, hot chocolate
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Never
Drinks: Occasionally, but only when around others and when there is someone else abstaining
Drugs: Never
Mount Issuance: Kal’istae was claimed early by a rental chocobo from Mimigun in Ul’dah, and when she was given her issuance from the Flames, she immediately chose her friend and named him Zhikanikoth, or Zeek for short. It was many years later that the memory of her first chocobo companion, also named Zhikankioth, returned to her and she realized that her first companion was none other than her current companion, waiting those five long years for his mistress to return. She also has a very large number of mounts she has gathered over the years, but none so beloved as her Zeek.
Been Arrested: What?? No! (Being arrested for a false accusation of regicide doesn’t count!)
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Tagged by: @paintedscales
Tagging: No one in particular, but if no one else has tagged you and you would like to do this, consider yourself tagged by me!
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myreia · 6 months
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— B A S I C S
Name: Aureia Malathar Nicknames: Aur Age: 28 at the start of ARR, 38 in 6.x. Nameday: 30th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon Race: half-elezen (wildwood), half-hyur (midlander) Gender: female [she/her] Orientation: biromantic asexual Profession: warrior of light, battlemage-for-hire, former spy/operative
— P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: black with red streaks Eyes: red Skin: pale Tattoos/scars: arcane brand burned into her back
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Elgara Theorzen (deceased, killed in Bozja), Ariv Theorzen (deceased, killed in Garlemald) Siblings: Kallias Theorzen (twin brother), currently alive Grandparents: deceased, names unknown In-laws and Other: married Thancred post-5.0. (impulsive decision, definitely happened too soon), considers Ryne her daughter, considers Urianger her brother Pets: Filo (chocobo), Nox (carbuncle), Castor (white whittret), Nutkin (nutkin)
— S K I L L S
Abilities: DRK/GNB | WHM/SGE | RPR/DRG | MCH | BLM/RDM Hobbies: botany (she's not good at it), training & learning new combat techniques, hiking, wandering in busy cities and taking it all in, river boating, collecting weapons, collecting earrings & rings, magical research
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Traits: determined, self-assured, inquisitive, compassionate for those forgotten and those left behind, loves fiercely and deeply Most Negative Traits: reckless, impulsive, selfish, abrasive, doesn't trust easily, prone to keeping secrets
— L I K E S
Colours: black, dark red, dark blue, silver Smells: the woods after rainfall, pine, the smokiness of a good campfire, saffron, a hint of citrus, the spice of street food in a busy market Textures: supple leather, polished wood, soft snowfall Drinks: tea, coffee, lemon water, orange juice
— O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: no Drinks: formerly yes, became an alcoholic in Stormblood, is now in recovery and doesn't drink Drugs: no Mount Issuance: Filo accompanies her almost everywhere; she has an amaro on the First (currently unnamed names are hard); occasionally rides a motorcycle or drives another vehicle; when she wants to show off, she shows up on a firebird Been Arrested: yes (several times) 🙃
Tagged by: @ardberts thank you!!! 🖤✨ Tagging: @birues @ishgard @wind-up-nhaama @roguelioness @tsunael @ahollowgrave
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ayakamizu · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 Day 23 - Suit
Suit: Noun. A set of men's garments of the same color and fabric, consisting of trousers, a jacket, and sometimes a vest. Characters: G'raha Tia, Thancred Waters Expansion: Shadowbringers Rating: G Notes: Shadowbringers 5.3 and onward spoilers apply to this one. Quick thing that I might expand on at a later point, so sorry for the abrupt ending. ^^;
“Well now, don’t you clean up quite nicely,” said a voice right behind him, startling G’raha as he tried (and was failing) to get this tie situation figured out. He turned around to see Thancred standing in the doorway, a mildly apologetic look on his face. “Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Tis quite alright,” G’raha breathed out, returning his attention back to the mirror and this blasted tie— “I was a bit distracted by…” He held up the offending piece of cloth for Thancred to see and glared at it, as if the force of his ire would get it to cooperate.
“Ah, many a man’s mortal enemy,” Thancred teased, walking further into the room and gesturing for G’raha to turn around. “Here, let me assist you. Unless you’d rather I grab a mutual friend of ours and have her help you?”
The mischievous grin on Thancred’s face was the only thing stopping G’raha from taking him up on that suggestion.
“First impressions—both on the First and here aside—you really do clean up quite nicely,” Thancred repeated, wrapping the cloth around G’raha neck and beginning to tie it—which G’raha made sure to pay attention to. “This suits you well and I know a certain someone will be quite enamored by the sight.”
“Truly?” G’raha asked, feeling bashful all of the sudden. When Krile and Tataru cornered him a few weeks ago about ‘measurements’ and ‘important meetings with Alliance leaders,’ they suggested a number of styles to him. Tataru, too, had teased him about what might catch Ayaka’s eyes. Then Alisaie had butted in and murmured how Ayaka would appreciate the sight regardless and G’raha had felt his face heat up terribly.
“Now would I lie to you?” Thancred answered, smoothing out the tie and giving G’raha a reassuring pat on the shoulder. He still had that teasing grin on his face, but G’raha has since learned that the Scions enjoyed needling each other playfully. The fact that Thancred felt comfortable enough to do so with him helped ease some of the tension he felt at times joining their ranks. “Off you go! Go sweep our Warrior of Light off her feet!”
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rose-from-ashes · 1 year
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sylaurin · 5 months
Kabniel Shinespark - Stats and Facts
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Name: Kabniel Shinespark
Nicknames: Kab, Sparks
Age: 22 as of the beginning of Dawntrail
Nameday: 7th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Race: Hyur Midlander
Gender: Female (mtf trans)
Orientation: Pansexual/polyamorous
Profession: Adventurer, small business owner
P H Y S I C A L   A S P E C T S
Hair: Black with orange highlights, kept long but worn up in braids/tails
Eyes: Green
Skin: tan
Tattoos/scars: none(yet)
Parents: Bio parents are Iskra (mother) and Thiago (father) who were part of a Garlean spy network in Ala Mhigo prio to the invasion but fled to Eorzea after becoming pregnant but we captured by XIVth legion recon teams shortly after the twins were born (ultimate fate unknown). Adoptive parents are Defiant Oak (dad) and Silver Allium (mom) a Roegadyn couple that took her in after her "grandfather" died.
Siblings: she has a twin brother (that I haven't named yet), separated as babies in the incident that took their parents. They've met each other in their adventures but have no clue they're related.
Grandparents: Rennir a hyur highlander Monk that found baby Kabniel in a wrecked chocobo cart
In-laws and Other: the Leveilleur family from her bond with Alisaie (which includes Thancred in this AU) and the Dotharl tribe (which includes the WoL Kal’istae Miurani) through her bond with Sadu
Pets: None
Abilities: Highly skilled martial artist, knows a little bit about magitek (enough to keep her bike on the road without having to rely on the Iron Works overmuch), learned to make various drinks (hard and soft) while working in Costa Del Sol.
Hobbies: Training, competitive fighting, traveling, mischief
Most Positive Trait: Determination, nothing short of hydaelyn herself can stop Kabniel once she is on her path.
Most Negative Trait: Rowdy, loud and proud. She's often rude and indelicate.
Colors: Orange, red, pink, gold, blue, purple
Smells: the ocean, mountain air, rain, sweat, citrus
Textures: Silk, smooth wood, smooth stone, soft petals, cold water
Drinks: Hot and Iced tea, water, sweet red wine, hot chocolate, mixed drinks
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Never
Drinks: socially on occasion
Drugs: Never
Mount Issuance: She generally didn't have the time or resources to own and maintain a chocobo of her own so she typically walked or rented a bird if she needed to move fast. Eventually though she managed to scrape up enough to commission Nero to build her her motorcycle.
Been Arrested: Yes
Tagged by @paintedscales
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yasuosexual · 8 months
a bit of sad thancred :c
thancred after staying behind with y’shtola to save you and minfilia. in his moments before death, he ponders what your lives could’ve looked like, together.
tw: death, very sad, arr spoilers (sort of)
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thancred's eyes swelled with salty tears as he fell to his knees in the tunnel beneath ul'dah. his enemy numerous before him, and his only ally, y'shtola, sharing his fate.
"you've got me," he said raising one arm to 'surrender'. thancred turned his head on last time to check on y'shtola, who was face down in the water. spitting the blood that had congelaed in his mouth, his head turned back forward, focused on the general. "fuck you," he sneered, letting the tears fall from his eyes.
it was impossible that he had let himself fall so easy. there was so much thancred had yet to experience, with you.
thancred made many subtle attempts to try and catch your attention. never had he encountered such difficulty when speaking to someone he fancied. he was always smoother than satin with a pickup line or a new question for a conversation starter. but around you? he stumbled on his words.
it wasn't until recently that you had realized that the dumbass had fallen for you. the ways he awkwardly tried to start conversation, his slight touches-- be it his hands or elbow, the flowers he left on your doorstep... and of course you couldn't say no.
as his grip with reality faltered, thancred fell to his side. the murky water from the tunnels suffocating him. his violent coughs resonated throughout the hidden passageways, creating an echo of sorrows and mourning.
he was mourning the life he couldn't live with you.
thancred would never get to say that he loved you. he would never get to take you on a real date. he would never get to ask you to marry him. he would never be able to spend the night with you. he would never be able to have a family with you. he would never be able to grow old and die with you... he would never get to see you again, until death.
and in his last moments, thancred whispered your name, hoping that you would find peace and happiness in every universe, even if he wasn't the one to give it to you.
im so glad thancred isn't actually dead sobs
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bodyguardbracket · 1 year
List of contestants!
I've put together the list of our 64 bodyguards!!! The actual polls will start in a couple days as I still need to organize some stuff for them. That being said, if you have any good pictures of any of these guys (canon images only please!), feel free to send them my way in the meantime!!!
Also fyi that the rounds themselves will be a week long, just for my own sanity lol.
Here's the list in alphabetical order!!!
Adam Frankenstein (Bungo Stray Dogs: Stormbringer)
Agent Stone (Sonic the Hedgehog movies)
Aloysius Knight "The Black Knight" (Scarecrow by Matthew Reilly)
Arm (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Big (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Big Daddies (BioShock)
Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones)
Brock Samson (The Venture Bros)
Butler (Artemis Fowl)
C!Grian (Third Life SMP)
Camilla Hect (The Locked Tomb)
Corvo Attano (Dishonored)
Costis (The Queen’s Thief series)
Deathbringer (Wings of Fire)
Dehya (Genshin Impact)
Do Bongsoon (Strong Woman Bongsoon)
Eadaz uq-Nāra (The Roots of Chaos series)
Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Fang Duobing (Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
Gareth (Galavant)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Gorilla (Miraculous Ladybug)
Goro Takemura (Cyberpunk 2077)
Guillermo de la Cruz (What We Do in the Shadows)
Guy (A3! Act! Addict! Actors!)
Horace Knightley (Ace Attorney Investigations 2)
Hubert Von Vestra (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Indus Tarbella (Epithet Erased)
Joe (Princess Diaries)
Juliet Butler (Artemis Fowl)
Kaladin Stormblessed (Stormlight Archive)
Kiruko (Heavenly Delusion / Tengoku Daimakyou)
Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Lan Fan (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lan Mandragoran (The Wheel of Time)
Lexaeus/Aeleus (Kingdom Hearts)
Link (Legend of Zelda)
Maihar'du (Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
Mako (Legend of Korra)
Mifune (Soul Eater)
Mike Ehrmantraut (Breaking Bad)
Miyamoto Usagi (Usagi Yojimbo)
Murderbot (The Murderbot Diaries)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Palm (Never Let Me Go)
Peko Pekoyama (Danganronpa)
Peri Dubois (Entropic Float)
Porsche (Kinnporsche: The Series)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Rory Williams (Doctor Who)
Samwise Gamgee (The Lord of the Rings)
Sandor (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Sebastian Michales (Black Butler)
Sir Theobald Gumbar (Dimension 20: A Crown of Candy)
Son Hak (Akaksuki no Yona)
Soren (The Dragon Prince)
Suh Yoosun (Moonlight Garden)
Tatum Mendoza (Foreign Affairs)
Thancred Waters (Final Fantasy XIV)
Vortex (Helluva Boss)
Wen Ning (The Untamed)
Wen Zhuliu (The Untamed)
Yura Goro (Kamen Rider Ryuki)
Zhou Zishu (Word of Honor)
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
Hihi! Random anon with a random question! What are two things that makes Thancred happy? Name one that's serious and one that might seem a little silly to other people!
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Truthfully, with all honesty, his companions, of course. The Scions have become something of a family to him, and so all it takes to pick himself back up is a few moments in their presence. He regains all strength needed to carry on to the next task, knowing he presses on for them.
It's not necessary to specifically mention, but a mention all the same-- Minfilia was his whole world, and after losing her but gaining Ryne, instead, she, too, became the subject of his love and devotion. One may jokingly say that his dedication to her would put any lady in a fit of jealousy, for his daughter-figure comes first and foremost.
Now, something that one might consider silly to others... The stars. In quiet moments, when he feels far away from the ones he loves most, just gazing at the stars makes him feel a little bit more closer to them. It's CHILDISH, one might say, but hey. No harm in a little stargazing to ease the soul.
All in all, both things relate to his found family, so perhaps both could be really considered as one thing... so as an extra, I'll also mention... a GOOD BOOK. A tale. A story. A good fictional adventure. Something to get his mind off the current and very real stressors of the world. He won't share that information with many, however, never having been one of the scholars during his time becoming an archon.
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