#c; sebastian
leqclerc · 3 months
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Azerbaijan Grand Prix 2018 -> Saudi Arabian Grand Prix 2024
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icantdothistodaybruh · 6 months
Happy New Year⭐
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jiyascepter · 2 months
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˗ˏˋ➳ Winter Soldier Promo Photoshoot | Lockscreens
one word. hair.
do not repost
pls reblog if you save
requests open 🪼
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addictvettel · 25 days
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Teen Seb is SO important to me.
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rednite-dork · 10 months
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I have too much power in my hands...
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hipsternumbertwo · 23 days
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Favorite Angela Moments 18/∞: It starts with a little flame that's going really fast.
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
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sobbing at how happy they all look
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bittwitchy · 10 months
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Sebastian Stan. in a bathtub, which is all I actually got out of this movie.
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vetteloris · 2 months
personally think one of my fave things is how much seb initially appeared to dislike both max and charles when they joined the grid when they are both literally just different parts of his personality reincarnated
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sainz5516 · 1 month
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hand holding like this needs to be done on a podium no? Just saying..
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buchanans · 1 year
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icantdothistodaybruh · 3 months
I need to take fluff intravenously.
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summerblueringo · 5 months
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"We liked each other from day one." [part 2]
Slide 1: [1] [2] Slide 2: [x] Slide 3: [x] Slide 4: [1] [2] [3] Slide 5: [1] [2] Slide 6: [1] [2] Slide 7: [1] [2] [3] Slide 8: [x] Slide 9: [x] Slide 10: [x] Slide 11: [1] [2] [tr] [3] [tr] Slide 12: [1] [2] [3] Slide 13: [1] [2] Slide 14: [1] [2] Slide 15: [1] [2] Slide 16: [1] [2] Slide 17: [1] [2] Slide 18: [1] [2]
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leclercskiesahead · 6 months
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They compel me
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the-offside-rule · 6 months
Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull era) - Man After Midnight
Requested: yes (and thank fucking god) on tumblr
Prompt: 23) "I can't believe you're actually wearing my jumper."
Warnings: not particularly
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Y/n sat on the edge of the hotel bed she visited, leaning down to tie her shoelace before making an attempt to sneak out without anyone catching her. She stood up and grabbed the clutch she had the night before and headed for the door. She stopped and paused, looking at the beautiful, gleaming silver shine of the World Championship trophy from the Abu Dhabi morning sun shining through the thin curtains. Her mind from the night before was a blur and to be quite honest, she didn't entirely want to remember it. Especially based on where she woke up.
"Leaving so soon?" She jumped at the sudden groggy voice and turned to see Sebastian laying on the bed with nothing but the bedsheets dressing him. "I don't want people seeing me here." Y/n replied. "You don't want to be associated with me." Sebastian chuckled. "No, it's not that. It's just we are teammates and this shouldn't happen between teammates." Sebastian laughed again. "Well if it eases your concious, no other driver on the grid has a teammate that's as talented as you are in the bedroom." She rolled her eyes. "What? Its a compliment." He said. "No, it's not." She retaliated. "How?"
"It implies things about me." She remembers the first time her and Sebastian slept together. It was a drunken mistake. But then again, how many times can something happen before its no longer a mistake? "Well I apologise for...what's the opposite of complimenting?" He asked. He sometimes forgot words or mixed them up. "Insulting, Seb." She replied. "Thank you, schnuki." He said. "Sebastian, don't!" She nearly screamed. He looked at her confused. "I don't see what the problem is? We always do this."
"Seb, that is exactly the problem!" She chucked her clothes back on the floor. "We always do this. This is not normal, I any shape or form! We aren't even friends!" Seb looked at her with his cocky grin still on his face. "We aren't friends?" He asked, faking a hurt voice and pouting his lip. "Shut up or I will shut you up!" He lay back onto the soft pillows behind him and flexed his arms behind his head. "Feel free to do just that, schnuki." She shook her head. "I'm not doing this again." She said. "What do you want from me? Do you just want a quickie and then for me to leave or what?" His face lost the smirk. He realised it was a lot more serious than this. "Well-" He was quiet for a moment. He didn't have anything to say for once. "What would you like me to say?"
"I mean, I'm half hoping you actually-" She stopped and picked her clothes back up. "That's I'd actually what?" He asked, sitting up. "It's nothing, Seb. I'll see you next season." She mumbled, before she walked towards his hotel room door and opened it. "Y/n?" She turned and saw Sebastian staring at her. He looked almost angelic with how the sun had shined on him. The true Red Bull golden boy. "What?" Y/n asked as Sebastian stood in the doorway. "I just can't believe that you're wearing my jumper." He replied. "If you told me at the start of the season that you would be wearing my jumper, I would have laughed." She scoffed.
"Don't be such a dick, Sebastian."
Y/n walked through the airport with her sunglasses covering her tired and red eyes. Although fans were around her, she felt like the loneliest person in existence. She simply sighed and continued walking as fans asked for photos and for her to sign things, to which she obliged and tried to do quickly as to just get to her gate and forget the pain and heartbreak of Abu Dhabi. "Y/n!" An all too familiar voice called. She lifted her head to see her German teammate jogging towards her with his suitcase and backpack.
The swarm of fans soon grew twice the size as the new 3 time world champion joined the woman who took the third place spot. "Sorry I'm late, the cab." He lied. He wasn't meant to fly back for another few days and he definitely wasn't meant to be flying to London like Y/n. "At least you got here." She smiled back. The pair shared a look before Sebastian walked in front of her and grabbed her hand. "We have a flight to catch." She looked down at his hand and swallowed the lump in her throat hard. "Very sorry guys! We have to go, but we'll see you here for next season!" He smiled, pulling Y/n away from the crowd and through to security.
Even in the lines, Sebastian didn't let go of her hand. He instead looked at everything else, such as the boarding times, and tightened his grip ever so slightly. She didn't dare ask why he was holding her hand. She put it down to him trying to prove a point. As Sebastian muttered to himself in German, Y/n decided to let her eyes wander and in doing so, spotted the prying eyes of strangers looking on. The more she looked, the more sets of eyes stared back. It all became that bit too much and she decided it was time to grab Sebastian's attention.
She pulled at his shirt before speaking up gently. "Seb?" He turned and looked down towards her. She was met with his blue eyes, almost instantly soothing her of her worries. "People are looking, you can let go now." Sebastian looked around and saw people staring at him and her, obviously confused about him holding his teammate's hand. "Let them. It's why they have eyes, schnuki." He replied, before pressing a reassuring kiss onto the top of her head. "I found what gate we're at. We can go now." He said, smiling. She simply smiled back and nodded, following him. "Seb?" He looked down to her once again. "What does this mean?" She asked. Sebastian shrugged his shoulders and continued walking. "Well, I was using this as an opportunity to show my true feelings." He looked down to her. "But I think we find out what this is together. It'd be more fun, no?" Her hand squeezed his tighter, as her other hand reached up to hold his arm. This wasn't teammates anymore. This wasn't even friends. This was something else that neither had felt before. Love, perhaps? Well, they had the whole off-season to figure it out and the rest of their lives to promise it.
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
as our lives change, come whatever
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
Word Count: 2.4k
Rating: E
Warnings: 18+, aged-up characters, teen drinking (though probably legal in the UK idk), explicit sexual content, unprotected PIV sex
Summary: The night you graduate from Hogwarts, you indulge in a bit too much Firewhiskey and have to sleep it off upstairs at the Three Broomsticks.
“Come on, Sirona, please,” Sebastian whines, leaning on the worn edge of the bar as he tries to charm Sirona into giving him the key to the private room upstairs. “Just so we can rest for a while.” “Sebastian,” the weary proprietor sighs. “Unlike you, I may not have graduated today, but I wasn’t born yesterday." “What are you implying, Miss Ryan?” the now former Hogwarts student asks with a teasing grin. “I would never try to get up to anything untoward in your pub, I swear.”
“Come on, Sirona, please,” Sebastian whines, leaning on the worn edge of the bar as he tries to charm Sirona into giving him the key to the private room upstairs. “Just so we can rest for a while.”
“Sebastian,” the weary proprietor sighs. “Unlike you, I may not have graduated today, but I wasn’t born yesterday.”
“What are you implying, Miss Ryan?” the now former Hogwarts student asks with a teasing grin. “I would never try to get up to anything untoward in your pub, I swear.”
She scoffs, rolling her eyes at the young man while she dries an empty Butterbeer mug.
“Just look at the state of her,” Sebastian offers, glancing sidelong at his group of friends crowded around a far table. “I just need somewhere she can rest, I promise it’s all above board.”
Currently, you’re slumped haphazardly between Ominis and Natty, your head resting on the drowsy Slytherin man’s shoulder as you slur something about your formal robes cutting off the circulation in your wrists. Natty laces her fingers with yours and tugs your hand into her lap, clumsily ripping open the cuffs while you laugh, delighted.
“Seems she can take on a fully-grown mountain troll on her own, but she can’t handle her Firewhiskey,” Sirona deduces.
“I can’t Apparate her home like this, Merlin knows where she’d end up if we tried to Floo, and she’d fall right off her broom somewhere over Irondale if we even got that far,” he says, trying to reason with her. “Just until sunrise, and then I’ll take her home.”
Just then you hiccup and startle Natty and yourself into another round of giggles, and Sirona shakes her head good-naturedly.
“Merlin’s beard,” she sighs. “Fine, Sallow, you can have the key for one night. But when I come back to open up in the morning, I want to see no trace I ever caved to you.”
Sebastian quickly takes the key offered to him before she can change her mind. “This is why you’re one of the good ones, Sirona.”
Just a few hours ago, you and your friends had officially graduated and become mature witches and wizards in the eyes of the Ministry. While it isn’t the first time you’ve ever tried the spicy sweetness of Firewhiskey, it is the first time you’ve been able to purchase a bottle at the Three Broomsticks.
(It’s a lot more convenient than having sweet Poppy distract the disgruntled barman at the Hog’s Head in order to pilfer a bottle in exchange for a handful of galleons left behind the bar).
So, perhaps you’d all had a bit too much while celebrating your newfound freedom, and now that the end of the night drew near, only Sebastian had retained enough of his sense to see everyone off.
“Natty,” he asks, sliding back into the booth. “You’re off to Hogwarts for the night, then?”
“It seems I cannot escape,” she laughs. “I will stay with my mother in her quarters until I find a flat in London.”
“Our newest Auror!” you exclaim, tugging Natty’s arm to your chest.
“And you, Ominis?” Sebastian continues.
“Not with my mother, that’s for sure,” he demurs. “Off to Feldcroft for the night, I think.”
“With Aaaaaaann,” you coo, and Sebastian politely – generously, in fact – ignores how Ominis’ cheeks go red.
“Right then,” he grumbles. “Obviously this one is in no state to travel, so Sirona’s agreed to let us stay upstairs for the night.”
“Upstairs?” you breathe, reaching across Natty to take Sebastian’s hand. “The private room?”
“Be good,” he says firmly. “You’re just going to sleep.”
“Fat chance,” Ominis mumbles into his mug.
“Shouldn’t you be going?” Sebastian asks pointedly, throwing some extra galleons onto the table for the young wizard who’d been bringing them rounds of drinks. “It’s quite late, and I believe Ann was expecting you at ten.”
“...What time is it?” Ominis asks, sounding slightly panicked – the Sallow siblings aren’t exactly known for their patience.
“After ten,” Natty laughs.
Just like that, Ominis curses under his breath and Disapparates right from his seat.
“Need a hand getting her upstairs?” Natty offers, but Sebastian quickly waves her off, insisting she Floo home and get some rest herself. As soon as she disappears in a quick burst of green flames from the fireplace at the end of the pub, Sebastian hauls you out of the booth and starts to walk you upstairs.
“S’not even that late,” you whine. “We graduated today Seb, s’a big deal!”
“I know, love,” he replies fondly. “But I think it’s time for you to call it a night.”
You’re quite the handful to get upstairs, occasionally tripping on the pub’s ancient wooden stairs – not to mention protesting the entire time.
Once Sebastian manages to get you into the private room, he quickly locks the door and enchants the small loveseat along the far wall into a modest-sized bed for the night.
“Sit,” he insists, wrangling you toward the bed and kneeling in front of you. “Boots off.”
He barely gets one of your shoes free before you drape your leg over his shoulder with a sly grin, trying to pull him in closer.
“Not a chance, dearest,” he drawls. “You’ve had so much Firewhiskey tonight I could light a match off of your breath.”
“But it’s graduation night,” you protest. “S’the most important night of our lives!”
“I’m not sure I agree,” he counters as he tugs off your other boot, thinking of a much more special night he’d like to have with you a few more years down the line, when you’re both ready. Once you’ve established yourselves, he thinks.
(Once he’s earned it, his inner voice tells him.)
“But I want you,” you whine, trying one last time to coax him into trouble.
And Sebastian will admit, he’s far from a perfect man. It’s certainly tempting.
But he manages to make himself focus on helping you out of your cloak and robes, and thank Merlin that wrestling you free of your corset takes long enough that your eyelids start to droop. He nudges you onto your side while he strips off his own cloak and dress shirt, eventually joining you to wrap his arm around your waist and tug you back against his chest like he’s done nearly every night for the past year.
“Sleep, you little minx,” he groans tiredly, his nose buried in your hair.
In the morning, Sebastian wakes up to your hand down the front of his trousers.
It might not even be morning yet, he thinks blearily. It’s still somewhat dark in the small private room, its sparse furnishings barely visible in the weak light from the two windows high above him.
“Good morning, Seb,” you whisper, nosing along his neck before pressing a lingering kiss to the hinge of his jaw.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” he asks, his voice hoarse from sleep.
“It’s early, Sirona won’t come to kick us out for another hour or so,” you offer.
Sebastian realizes you’ve got your hand wrapped around his cock only when you start to stroke him, and any argument he’d had against letting you have your way with him starts to go murky in the back of his mind.
“Are you still drunk?” he asks, his head tipping back against the pillow.
“No,” you insist, mouthing at his jawline. “Promise.”
You’ve already thrown one of your legs across his lap and you’re wearing nothing but your undergarments. Sebastian doesn’t stand a chance, and he knows it.
He groans softly as you kiss your way from his jaw up to his plush lips, distracting him while you clumsily tug your underwear off with your free hand and wiggle your way fully onto his lap.
“How long have you been up?” he asks.
“Oh, just a little longer than you’ve been up,” you answer, pointedly stroking him again.
“I had no idea you could be so crude,” Sebastian laughs. “What happened to my good little witch, hm?”
“She’s not a student anymore,” you answer, extracting your hand so you can finish undoing the front of Sebastian’s trousers.
Leaning back onto his thighs, you pull his trousers down as far as you can and then his underwear as well, until his bare cock rests against the lowest part of his stomach, glistening wet at the tip.
“Like this?” he asks hopefully, sliding a hand up your bare thigh to your hip to coax you forward again.
“Yes,” you whisper, leaning down to kiss him gently at first, and then rougher when his grip on your hip tightens to encourage you to grind your wet core against him.
When you can’t take the teasing anymore, you quickly sit up and lift your hips so you can reach between your thighs and take Sebastian in your hand. Holding his cock steady, you meet Sebastian’s gaze as you line him up against your entrance and start to sink down.
He’s stunned silent – a rare occasion.
Truthfully, you’ve been ready for him since you awoke, but a bit of teasing from your own fingers while he slept helped make sure you could take him straight away. You didn’t want to waste any of your precious time in the pub’s private room on anything other than having him inside you.
You gasp softly once he’s fully inside, your ass pressed to the tops of his thighs as his hands roam hungrily over your hips, your legs, and even your chest.
“You really needed it, didn’t you?” Sebastian asks, his voice still a bit hoarse. “You woke up this wet for me, love, that’s… fuck.”
“Yes,” you whimper, starting to rock up and down to let yourself feel the fullness of him inside before you start to ride him in earnest. “It’s all I wanted, all night.”
“Take it, then,” he says smugly, removing his hands from your body to fold his arms behind his head. “I want to see you take what you want.”
You both know your relationship thrives on a bit of healthy competition, it always has. So when he issues a challenge like that, you have to meet it. Narrowing your eyes at his knowing gaze, you trail your own hands up your body – he likes a bit of a show, of course – and start to ride him properly.
Despite the usual hustle and bustle of Hogsmeade, it’s silent in the early morning hours. All you can hear are the sounds coming from the bed: your panting breaths, Sebastian’s low groans, the addictive sound of bare skin on skin, and the dubious creaking of the conjured bed’s wooden frame.
“How’s that, love?” Sebastian asks lazily, watching you throw your head back in pleasure as you grind down on him over and over. “Is that enough for you, or do you need more?”
“More,” you slur without even thinking. Whatever he wants to give you, you’ll take it, no questions asked.
He laughs softly before reaching out to press one of his large hands to the crease of your hip, rubbing his thumb gently against your clit. When you moan encouragingly, he presses a little harder.
“Like that?” he asks. “You want to come on my cock like this?”
“Please,” you beg, and you’re not even sure what it is you’re begging for. You’re full of him, you’ve got his hands on your body, you’ve got his fiery gaze all over you… it’s nearly too much, but not quite enough.
But Sebastian knows. He always knows just what you need.
He sinks the fingers of his free hand into your hair at the base of your neck and pulls you down to him, messily kissing you and nipping at your bottom lip until you open up and let him devour your desperate moans. This angle, bent over his body like this, it’s exactly what you need.
Sebastian grins victoriously as you come apart on top of him, biting gently along your neck when you throw your head back and cry out helplessly.
“That’s it, good girl,” he moans, wrapping an arm around your waist so he can keep you pressed close to him.
He shifts you forward so that he can plant his feet on the bed, fucking up into you the second your leverage is gone. You figure he’s probably close, he’s usually desperate to follow you once he’s gotten you off.
“Sebastian,” you whine against his cheek. “Please.”
“Please what?” he grits out, the arm around your waist drifting lower to roughly grab at your ass. “You need more, you greedy thing?”
“Please, come in me,” you keen, and Sebastian nearly chokes.
He manages a few more precise thrusts before his rhythm is gone and he simply buries himself in you, his core taught while he finishes with a low groan. You press sweet, aimless kisses across his cheeks, his forehead, his jaw until he goes boneless.
“That’s a hell of a good morning,” he breathes, and you blush a little, tucking your face against his neck. “Maybe I should let the barman overserve you more often.”
“Overserve me?” you protest. “And just who was pouring all those shots, hm?”
“Couldn’t possibly have been me, I’m quite responsible,” he drawls, and you playfully elbow him in the side. “Speaking of which, you need to eat some breakfast soon or you’ll be useless the entire day, and last night you offered to help Natty look at flats this afternoon.”
“I did?” you groan.
“Well, I figured while we’re with her, maybe we could see if there’s any we like for us,” Sebastian says hesitantly. “I mean, if – if you still want to.”
When you delightedly throw your arms around him and roll him toward the clean side of the bed, he assumes that it’s still a yes.
Sirona cautiously steps into her pub an hour later, listening intently for any sounds of passion lest she become further scarred by Hogwarts’ hormonal teens than she already has been over the years.
Thankfully, the Three Broomsticks is quiet, and there’s a note on the bar next to a fresh bottle of ink from Scrivenshaft’s.
Thank you so much for letting Sebastian and me sleep upstairs last night. We’re taking off for now, but I wanted to gift you some new ink so that you’ll write to us in London – any exciting gossip is of course appreciated, but if there’s ever anything we can do to help out in Hogsmeade, please don’t hesitate to write.
P.S. Apologies about the loveseat. I promise we used Scourgify.
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