#caching plugin
coderelynet · 3 months
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whetstonefires · 2 years
jiang cheng is a funny character because i fully support either liking him or not liking him, but i see so many takes (especially when he shows up in a supporting role in fic) that seem completely unhinged until i pin down which of what i consider the fundamental facts of his character are just not being applied at all.
it’s like:
1) this is not a mentally well guy, especially after Plot starts happening, and he spends the entire story getting less okay. the only time we ever see any improvement happen in jiang cheng is when wei wuxian piths himself getting the guy out of his suicidal phase, causing many more problems going forward but fixing that one. jiang cheng is not okay and it’s all downhill.
2) he cares so fucking much. like you can write a jiang cheng who is a deeply selfish bastard and you have an excellent textual basis, but it's not because he doesn't care about other people, at least the ones that are his; that's a different kind of problem than the one he has.
he would in fact be less of a problem a lot of the time if he cared less, because he does not have the emotional management tools to be useful about it. also the narrative is conspiring against him but like.
(there are a lot of ways to be selfish and jiang cheng and lan wangji are actually remarkably similar in the basic type of selfish impulses they have. they just have very different childhoods and values shaping how they act about it. and then lan wangji manages to become a mostly functional adult, while jiang cheng is generously an electrified pile of bad coping mechanisms. he's functioning! but like. at what cost.)
3) jiang cheng is dutiful. even the most selfish jiang cheng is someone who perceives and values himself in terms of his function and obligation; he and wei wuxian have different personalities and worldviews, and for that matter expectations placed on them, but they both learned that lesson, presumably together.
4) sort of an extension of 1 and to a lesser extent 2, Jiang Cheng is emotionally insecure as a base state. his parents made some major errors, at least half of which should have been avoidable except they would have had to deal with their own shit first.
it's not out of the question, in a different lifetime where he didn't get several years of compounded irresolvable traumas as his coming-of-age present and then left alone to stew in pain and denial for over a decade, for him to have learned to handle it better and even mostly get over it! that could have happened! it just didn't.
to an extent he's insecure about different things as a grown man than he was as a boy, life experience makes a difference. he's built confidence about some things and become absolutely shattered about others. but he's a person who is easy to wound, in all kinds of complicated identity-related ways, especially by Wei Wuxian specifically, and his kneejerk response to that is to lash out in reply, whether the wounding was intentional or not.
the fact that Wei Wuxian spent most of their lives giving every evidence of being completely immune to being harmed by this reaction masked its toxicity until things got real ugly real fast.
jiang cheng absolutely has the capacity to not do this! it's a deeply rooted bad habit, not actually a fundamental of his character. but it requires self-awareness, will, and (if he's going to keep it up) a lot of practice. it's not the kind of thing that just goes away on its own, even with a bunch of alterations in context.
i don’t have like a closing argument here i just keep finding that takes on jiang cheng that don’t work for me, whether generous or condemnatory, always seem to disagree with me on one of these main points.
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bloggingden · 12 hours
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blogpopular · 17 days
WP Rocket: Otimize Seu Site WordPress com este Plugin
O WP Rocket é ideal para WordPress. Sua função é tornar seu site mais rápido. Isso melhora seu desempenho e nota no Google PageSpeed Insights. Com um grupo de especialistas trabalhando, ele pode mudar a forma como as pessoas veem seu site. Principais Destaques Acelera a velocidade de carregamento do seu site WordPress Otimiza o desempenho usando recursos de cache de páginas, compactação Gzip e…
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lokirme · 1 month
WordPress Performance: Caching Navigation Menus
Background In the before time, WordPress developers used to build themes (and plugins?) using PHP. When we wanted to add a user generated navigation menu to sites, we had to use a function called wp_nav_menu(). Of course, now that we’re in the future, we don’t need to worry about such things. But if you’re still using PHP to build WordPress sites, and still using wp_nav_menu() you might not…
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Unveiling the Top Cache Plugins for WordPress: Boost Your Website's Speed!
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In the dynamic world of website optimization, caching plugins stand as the unsung heroes, enhancing site speed and user experience. WordPress, being the most popular content management system, offers a plethora of cache plugins, each claiming to be the best solution for your site's performance. But which cache plugin is truly the best in WordPress? Let's delve into the realm of caching plugins to uncover the answer.
Understanding the Significance of Cache Plugins
Before we delve into the specifics, let's grasp the importance of cache plugins. In essence, these plugins work by storing static copies of your website's pages, allowing for quicker retrieval when a user requests access. By doing so, they significantly reduce server load and enhance page loading times. This results in a smoother user experience and improved search engine rankings, as speed is a crucial factor in website performance.
Exploring the Leading Cache Plugins for WordPress
WP Rocket: Renowned for its simplicity and effectiveness, WP Rocket tops the list of cache plugins for WordPress. Its intuitive interface and powerful caching features make it a favorite among novice users and seasoned developers alike. With options for page caching, browser caching, and minification, WP Rocket ensures lightning-fast loading times without compromising functionality.
W3 Total Cache: As one of the most popular free cache plugins available, W3 Total Cache offers a comprehensive set of features for optimizing website performance. From CDN integration to database caching, this plugin covers all bases when it comes to caching. While it may seem daunting to configure for beginners, the extensive documentation and community support make the learning curve manageable.
WP Super Cache: Developed by Automattic, the team behind WordPress itself, WP Super Cache is a reliable choice for website caching. Its simple setup process and effective caching mechanisms make it suitable for websites of all sizes. With options for mod_rewrite caching and legacy caching, WP Super Cache ensures optimal performance without overwhelming users with unnecessary complexities.
Conclusion: Choosing the Right Cache Plugin for Your WordPress Website
In the realm of cache plugins for WordPress, the options can seem overwhelming. However, by understanding the specific needs of your website and evaluating the features offered by each plugin, you can make an informed decision. Whether you prioritize ease of use, advanced customization options, or compatibility with other plugins, there's a cache plugin out there that's perfect for you.
Boost your website's speed and optimize user experience by implementing the best cache plugin for WordPress today. With WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache, or WP Super Cache, you can take your website performance to new heights and leave your competitors in the dust.
Best Caching Plugins For WordPress
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erwinw · 3 months
plugin cache wordpress
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[solved] Exclude the header of my web page created with Elementor from the LiteSpeed ​Cache optimization plugin
[solved] Exclude the header of my web page created with Elementor from the LiteSpeed ​Cache optimization plugin
LiteSpeed Cache is a popular optimization plugin for WordPress users. It helps to improve website performance by caching frequently accessed pages, optimizing images, and minifying scripts. However, sometimes you may encounter the problem where the cache optimization plugin is not excluding the header of your web page created with Elementor. This can cause issues with the display of your website…
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gpltips · 9 months
Best Cache WordPress Plugin: Turbocharge Your Website's Speed
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In the fast-paced digital world, where users expect websites to load instantly, the speed of your WordPress site can make or break your online presence. Slow-loading websites not only frustrate visitors but also rank lower on search engine results pages (SERPs). To combat this, savvy website owners turn to cache WordPress plugins to optimize their site's performance. In this article, we'll explore the world of caching and present you with the best cache WordPress plugins available. Let's dive in!
Why Website Speed Matters 
Website speed is a critical factor that affects user experience and SEO rankings. A fast-loading website keeps users engaged and satisfied, reducing bounce rates and increasing conversion rates. Additionally, search engines like Google consider page speed when ranking websites. To achieve blazing fast load times, you need a reliable cache WordPress plugin.
Get Any Cache WordPress Plugin for Free
What Is Caching? 
Caching is a process that stores static versions of your web pages, reducing the need for the server to generate the page each time a user requests it. Instead, the cached version is served, dramatically speeding up load times. Caching plugins are instrumental in implementing this process seamlessly.
The Top Cache WordPress Plugins
Let's take a closer look at the cream of the crop when it comes to cache WordPress plugins:
1. WP Super Cache 
WP Super Cache is a popular choice among WordPress users due to its simplicity and effectiveness. It generates static HTML files from your dynamic WordPress site and serves them to users, significantly reducing server load and improving speed.
2. W3 Total Cache 
W3 Total Cache is a feature-rich plugin that offers a wide range of caching options. It's suitable for both beginners and advanced users and can drastically enhance your website's performance.
3. WP Rocket 
WP Rocket is a premium cache plugin known for its user-friendly interface and exceptional performance. It includes features like lazy loading, database optimization, and CDN integration to ensure your website is as fast as possible.
4. LiteSpeed Cache 
If your web hosting provider uses LiteSpeed servers, LiteSpeed Cache is a must-have. It's designed to work seamlessly with LiteSpeed servers, delivering outstanding performance gains.
5. WP Fastest Cache 
As the name suggests, WP Fastest Cache focuses on delivering speed. With a straightforward setup and excellent caching capabilities, it's a reliable choice for optimizing your WordPress site.
How to Choose the Right Cache Plugin 
Selecting the best cache WordPress plugin for your website depends on several factors, including your technical expertise, hosting environment, and specific needs. Here are some tips to help you make the right choice:
Consider Your Hosting Environment 
Different cache plugins may perform better with specific hosting environments. Research compatibility with your hosting provider to ensure optimal results.
Analyze Your Website's Needs 
Evaluate your website's requirements. Do you need advanced features, or is a simple caching solution sufficient? Choose a plugin that aligns with your needs.
Check for Regular Updates 
Ensure that the cache plugin you select receives regular updates and support. WordPress evolves, and your plugin should too.
In the world of WordPress, website speed is paramount. To stay competitive and provide an exceptional user experience, investing in a top-tier cache WordPress plugin is a no-brainer. Whether you opt for the simplicity of WP Super Cache or the feature-rich W3 Total Cache, your website's performance will thank you.
Now, take action and turbocharge your website's speed with the best cache WordPress plugin. Your users and search engine rankings will appreciate it.
1. What is caching, and how does it work?
Caching is a process that stores static versions of web pages to reduce server load and speed up website loading times. Caching plugins automate this process for WordPress websites.
2. Is WP Rocket worth the premium price?
Yes, WP Rocket's premium features, such as lazy loading and database optimization, can significantly improve your website's speed and overall performance, making it a worthwhile investment.
3. Can I use caching plugins with shared hosting?
Yes, most caching plugins are compatible with shared hosting environments. However, it's essential to choose a plugin that suits your specific hosting provider and performance requirements.
4. Are there any free caching plugins available?
Yes, WP Super Cache and WP Fastest Cache offer free versions with robust caching capabilities. They are excellent choices for budget-conscious website owners.
5. How often should I clear my cache?
The frequency of cache clearing depends on your website's update frequency. If you make regular updates, consider configuring your caching plugin to clear the cache automatically at set intervals to ensure visitors always see the latest content.
Get Any Cache WordPress Plugin for Free
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sigle-cartoni-animati · 11 months
Come Migliorare la Velocità del Tuo Sito WordPress
L’esperienza dell’utente è fondamentale nel web design moderno, e un fattore cruciale per l’esperienza dell’utente è la velocità del sito. Un sito lento può allontanare i visitatori, aumentare il tasso di rimbalzo, e influire negativamente sul tuo posizionamento nella SERP di Google. Se utilizzi WordPress, ecco alcuni consigli su come migliorare la velocità del tuo sito. Ottimizzazione delle…
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safaabbas · 1 year
10 Must-Have WordPress Plugins for 2023: Supercharge Your Website with Elementor, Yoast SEO, WooCommerce, and More!
Hey there! Are you ready to Supercharge Your Website with WordPress? Well, I’ve got some fantastic news for you! There are special add-ons called “plugins” that can make your website even more amazing. In 2023, there are some must-have WordPress plugins that can help you do cool things like adding beautiful photo galleries, boosting your website’s speed, and making it easy for people to share…
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bloggingden · 12 hours
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Why WordPress Website is running slow (Complete Guide)
Have you heard about WordPress? Yes, I know it. WordPress needs no intro as its popular CMS (Content Management Source) helps bloggers and other tech geeks to design their own websites worldwide. Additionally, small business owners can also start with WordPress to cater maximum potential crowd. WordPress is a great platform that anyone can consider to start a business website online. However,…
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blogarn · 1 year
LiteSpeed Cache Plugin: Speed Up Your WordPress Site
Discover how the LiteSpeed Cache Plugin can significantly improve your site's speed and performance with its range of powerful features.
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christec · 1 year
Cloudflaire cache everything sur Wordpress avec Super Page Cache for Cloudflare
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ prev_background_color=”#ffffff” admin_label=”Header Section” _builder_version=”4.16″ _dynamic_attributes=”background_image” use_background_color_gradient=”on” background_color_gradient_stops=”rgba(26,10,56,0) 0%|#1a0a38 100%” background_color_gradient_overlays_image=”on” background_color_gradient_start=”rgba(26,10,56,0)” background_color_gradient_end=”#1a0a38″…
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the-learning-hub · 1 year
Does Using a Caching Plugin Affect Ad Revenue? Exploring the Impact of Caching Plugins on Ad Revenue
Are you considering using a WordPress caching plugin to help speed up your website but worried that it might mess up your ad revenue? It’s a valid concern, as any changes to your website could have an impact on your ad performance. But fear not – there are ways to improve your website speed while still preserving your ad revenue. In this article, we’ll explore the impact of using a caching…
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