aroaceleovaldez · 5 months
we should make Nico more fucked up, actually. enough woobifying him. that boy should be covered in blood and viscera
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The Cacodaemon, or Harvester daemon! Daemons represent death and seek to destroy life, the Cacodaemon being weakest and representing the various petty ways to die. If you die near them they eat your soul and trap it in a gem. These tiny things are the size of a football, turn invisible, and can shapeshift into lizards, scorpion, and venomous octopi. Also if they bite you they can infect you with a disease that clouds your mind and lets them speak to you telepathically from any distance. They're petty sadists that delight in suffering, but I know some of you are into that!
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phoebosacerales · 8 months
Algol and Perseus
The rescuer and the demon
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Sebastiano Ricci Antonio Canova
Algol is the beta star of the constellation Perseus, currently sitting at 26° Taurus, known as “the demon star” or "blinking demon", its name comes from the arabic Al Ghul meaning "the demon". To hellenistic astrology it represents Medusa’s head, which Perseus holds on one hand, while on the other he has his sword. An important characteristic of Algol is that its glow has a regular variation, it loses half of its brightness for hours and then it gains back. It was believed by astrologers to be an eclipsing star, which means that another non-visible body would be orbiting it and therefore eclipsing its light from time to time. They were half right, because it was later discovered to be an eclipsing star system, and that Algol was actually 3 stars, just like the Gorgon sisters are three: the imortals Stheno and Euryale, and the mortal Medusa. This is such a hallmark of Algol that it gave its name to its class of eclipsing variable: Algol variable.
Eclipses are associated with death, basically because light in astrology is life-giving, and loss of light is death. But it’s interesting that it's frequently associated with the "demonic", capital punishment and decapitation. Algol is telling a story about the decapitation of a “demon”, just like the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) do in the Jyotish tradition when they cause eclipses. Ptolemy only tells us that the constellation of Perseus is like Jupiter and Saturn. Although Robson agrees with Agrippa about Algol specifically being of the nature of Saturn-Jupiter, and “the most evil star in the heavens”, causing a lot of fear whenever we see it activated in a chart. But I’m not here to scare anybody, don’t worry. It’s difficult, but I’ll try to lighten this up, because the most overlooked fact about Algol is that it also protects and can make revolutions and revolutionary heros.
"Perseus is like Jupiter and Saturn: but the nebula, in the hilt of the sword, is like Mars and Mercury." (Ptolemy - Tetrabiblos) "It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. It is the most evil star in the heavens" (Vivian E. Robson - The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology)
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Illustrations from Al-Sūfī's book of fixed stars
Eletrocution or electrical problems are an issue with eclipses and apparently also eclipsing star-systems like Algol. This is noted by Christopher Warnock about his Algol talismans:
"I have had multiple reports and have myself experienced Algol’s tendency to cause electrical and electronic interference when the talisman is first used.  I mysteriously lost my Internet connection for an hour and my electronic thermostat died.  One user had his entire block lose power.  Less frequently but still regularly clients have reported that while wearing their Algol talisman, “weird” or “freaky” people took one look at them and fled." (Christopher Warnock - Fixed star, Sign and Constellation Magic)
Other one of its proeminent themes is vengeance, or the dichotomy of justice vs vengeance, but the effect of reflecting back evil that's sent towards its direction, or of ending curses describes it better in my opinion. About the images of the fixed Behenian stars, Agrippa says that:
“Under Caput Algol, they made an image whose figure was the head of a man with a long beard, having a bloody neck. This brought the good outcome of petitions, gave the bearer boldness and nobility, preserved members of the body from injury, helped against sorceries, and reflected evil attempts and evil incantations from enemies”. (Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy - Eric Purdue's translation)
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Piero di Cosimo
This protection side of the star is illustrated by the story of the champion Perseus not just decapitating the demon but using its head to free Andromeda from her chains and saving her and her city from another monster, and then Athena herself starts using the head of Medusa as a symbol on her shield. As established, this is a star of the nature of Jupiter and Saturn. The nature of Saturn is evidenced even by the names given to the star: demon, cacodaemon, which is also the greek name for the 12th house. Imprisonment, monstruosity and madness are clearly the most important Saturn and 12th house themes. But Algol is a protective star, particularly in astrological magic, although I'll show how this kinda manifests in nativities as well. Algol is mainly of a jupiterian nature, that's why it does liberates. The head is an evil daemon but also a protection amulet. This is interesting regarding the eclipsing factor and the similarity of the significations with the Jyotish Rahu and Ketu. In western astrology the nodes are considered to have effects like Jupiter and Saturn, and the topic of imprisonment-liberation is explored in the dynamic of the two*.
With the new interpretations of the Medusa myth, some astrologers say that Algol can be about "female rage" or "dark feminine", or "feminine jealousy" etc. I think this is one of the stories that people mix the astrological meaning with the morality of the greek myth associated with the star the most. The greek myth is not really the star and the star is not the greek myth. In my opinion, you always must take into consideration that some things can be just the way the greeks or romans viewed a certain theme, and of course they would put a violated woman to represent a monster on a mindless vendetta, and it's not meant to be complimentary. I believe that's already way beyond Algol's effects, it could be just their misogyny projected onto the stars. I can think of examples where I can see that kind of story taking place, but that doesn’t mean that the star is about those things, but just that this is one possibility because we live in patriarchy and things around women's issues can get ugly in an Algol manner. The star can be about capital punishment, monstruosity, madness, captivity, violation, injustice, vengeance, evil daemonic influences etc, but it's not really about cishet women. So, even though I’m also using the greek myth here, I’m not giving the most importance to the detail that it is a story about a woman receiving unfair punishment and that there's a lack of comradery between women, because I'm interested in the star beyond what greeks and romans said, because the stars can’t be represented by just one hegemonic narrative. A lot of other cultures had their different stories about Algol, the Medusa one isn’t special to the point that we could assume every detail about it, even its moral issues (which are also in this case suffering a bit from anachronism), has meaning for the star associated.
Perseus is a spring time constellation very near the bull (taurus), and that may sound too nice for such a scary one. But in babylonian astrology, the stars of Perseus actually formed the constellation of the Old Man, who also held a decapitated head and a rod instead of a sword. Of it, Gavin White has an interesting perspective to share:
“At this time of natural abundance, the earth was thought to ‘open up’ in order to yield her bounty, but to the archaic mind this opening up was accompanied by a host of dangers, chief of which was the potential pollution from the dead who could gain easy access to the upper worlds at this pivotal time. In light of this belief, I would suggest that the Old Man, with his wand and prophylactic head, is banishing the ghosts of the old year and driving them back to the underworld.”
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Illutration from Gavin White's Babylonian Star-Lore
There's a lot of examples of charts for literal decapitation or capital punishment, injuries to the head or neck area as obvious manifestations of the star: The most famous is probably the catholic Saint George, who is said to have been executed by decapitation on April 23 back when that was the time of year when the Sun would conjunct Algol, and he later became associated with the constellation. Back then, Algol was at 2° Taurus. Gianni Versace, who had Algol on the descendant, famously made Medusa the logo of his brand and also died with a bullet to the head. Freud had Mercury with Algol, his 8th house ruler, and he died with throat cancer. Nick Yarris, who spent two decades on death row after he was wrongfully convicted of murder, has the Sun with Algol. Patrick Henry had Jupiter, and he was a murderer whose case influenced the abolition of the death penalty in France, which was done by the method of guillotine until its abolition. He was defended by Robert Badinter, who was an activist against the death penalty and could sucessfully propose its abolition in 1981. Badinter has Jupiter with the alpha of Andromeda in the first house. France has a thing with decapitation, some of the charts for its republics have either Algol or Mirfak activated, the alpha star of Perseus.
Algol and Madness
But I want to talk about Algol's special relationship with madness, in the demonized/criminalized sense, because after all, "the demon" is unwanted, it frequently represents the marginalized and their opression. In Brazil's history, especially during the military dictatorship organized and imposed by usamerican capitalist imperialism, asylums imprisoned and tortured mainly black people, women and queer people. Some asylums got so overwhelmed that they became concentration camps, like the famous case of Hospital Colônia in Barbacena, known as the Brazilian Holocaust case, where people died by the thousands from starvation, hypothermia, anemia, STI's, untreated diseases from the lack of hygiene etc. Some important psychiatrists, psychologists, psychoanalysts have Algol activated by some planet. Freud has Mercury, Fritz Perls has Jupiter, David Healy, who literally has a book titled "The Decapitation of Care", has Venus. But what's more interesting to me is the protection element of Algol in some cases and its role in mad liberation movements, after all, Perseus is a liberator. Algol shows up in very important people in the pysch field who question medical power and have antipsych views, and on important events of the psychiatric reform.
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Hospital Colônia de Barbacena - MG
Franco Basaglia, the main responsible for the dismantling of psychiatric hospitals and for the psychiatric reform in Italy and for inspiring the one in Brazil, had the Moon with Algol in the 10th house, representing his deeds, while ruling the 12th. In Italy, the Law 180 (Basaglia Law), the Psychiatric Reform law that determined the progressive extinction of asylums throughout the italian territory, was sanctioned with the Sun on Algol. In Brazil, on May 18, 1987, the exact day of the year that the Sun conjuncts Algol, a meeting of mental health workers at a conference was the major milestone for Brazilian health reform and the anti-asylum movement. And since that event, May 18th has become our national anti-asylum movement day, and it becomes more and more culturally relevant as a day to discuss psychiatric reform and the fight to guarantee the rights and autonomy of mental patients.
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Marches on May 18th
An important activist, Austregésilo Bueno, born with the Sun with Algol, survivor of compulsory hospitalization in asylums in the 70s, wrote a book "Canto dos Malditos" about his horrible experiences as a psychiatric patient treated with eletroshock therapy (another one of Algol's effects). He had his book adapted to film and his story played by the actor Rodrigo Santoro, who has Algol on the Ascendant. The name of the film is Brainstorm in English, but I find the original "Bicho de Sete Cabeças" much more compelling. It's a truly devastating story, and it's the story of thousands unfortunately.
One thing about Saturn and madness is the recurring idea of wearing masks. Masks and theatre have always been associated with Saturn. Saturnalia was a roman festival where all the roles switched, where kings pretended to be fools and fools pretended to be kings. In modern astrology Saturn ended up associated a lot with a raw and harsh reality, disregarding the most mystical and unreal characteristics of Saturn that have always been present. Although life, reality, identity and reason are always a performance, we're always wearing a mask and performing life. There's a point in the movie "Bicho de Sete Cabeças" when the protagonist is having a difficult time on his first days of being an inmate, he's fighting too much against the forced treatment and expressing too much unsatisfaction with his imprisonment, thus getting even more forcebly medicated and punished by the staff. At this point one of the older inmates shares an important advice with him:
"You have to pretend, who in this world doesn't pretend? You have to say that you're in a good mood, you have to say that you're not hungry, you have to say that you don't have a toothache, you have to say that you're not afraid, otherwise you can't do it, you can't do it. No doctor ever told me that hunger and poverty can lead to mental disorders, but those who don't eat become nervous, those who don't eat and see their family go without eating can go crazy, a discontentment can lead to madness, a death in the family, the abandonment of the great love. We even need to pretend to be insane when we're insane, pretend to be a poet when we're a poet."
It's a powerful speech about the farce of medicine's ownership over the subject of madness, the farce of reason and that it must subjugate or dominate madness. Pretending and acting out the platonic ideal behavior at all situations under all circumstances, as if it's normal, that's the only way anyone is seen as sane.
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Bicho de Sete Cabeças (2000)
Another important date in brazillian history is the 13th of May 1888, the day of the passing of the law that abolished slavery, which also had Algol activated by the Sun. This was obviously not the definite end of slavery and not the end of the struggle of black brazilians, just like the Basaglia Law didn't mean mad liberation, but I'm just demonstrating how powerful Algol is to protect from evil and put an end to injustice in an official and legislative manner. Like Saint George defeating the dragon, Perseus defeats a monster that is impossible to defeat, the "impossible victory" and liberation is recurrent in the stories linked to it. Systemic opression and injustices a lot of times seem like impossible problems, it becomes harder and harder to imagine a world where they don't exist, but Algol events revolutionize the impossible.
"The important thing is that we have proven that the impossible becomes possible. Ten, fifteen, twenty years ago it was unthinkable that a mental hospital could be destroyed. Maybe mental hospitals will return to being closed and more closed than before, I don't know, but in any case we have demonstrated that the mad can be cared for in another way, and testimony is fundamental. I don't think that the fact that an action manages to energize itself means that it has been won. The important point is another, it is that now we know what can be done." (Franco Basaglia - Conferenze brasiliane)
An important honorable mention should be made to Carlos Marighella, a guerrilheiro in the resistance of the brazilian military dictatorship who was executed before he could see our democratization. He had Mars with Algol.
"The urban guerrilheiro is an implacable enemy of the government and inflicts systematic harm on authorities and men who dominate and exercise power. The main work of the urban guerrilheiro is to distract, tire and demoralize the military, the military dictatorship and repressive forces, and also attack and destroy the wealth of north americans, foreign managers, and the Brazilian upper class. But the fundamental and decisive characteristic of the urban guerrilheiro is that he is a man who fights with weapons; given this condition, there is little chance that he will be able to pursue his normal profession for a long time or the reference of the class struggle, since it is inevitable and necessarily expected, the armed conflict of urban guerrilla against the essential objectives: A. The physical extermination of the leaders and assistants of the armed forces and the police. B. The expropriation of government resources and those who belong to the big capitalists, landowners, and imperialists, with small expropriations used to maintain the individual urban guerrilheiro and large expropriations for the support of the same revolution. (Carlos Marighella - Manual do Guerrilheiro Urbano)
Algol in Cannes
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Lunga in Bacurau (2019), the first queer Perseus I know. The actor Silvero Pereira has Venus on Algol.
I’ve said here before how much I love Bacurau. The movie premiered in Cannes, on May 15, 2019, at 10 pm**. This is a chart full of fixed stars, with the Sun with Algol in the 6th house. You'll find in the film the Algol classic of extreme injustice being overcome. But one curious thing is that the Cannes Film Festival always happens around the same time of year when the Sun is at the last degrees of Taurus and beginning of Gemini, making a lot of the movies premiered at Cannes have Algol activated. And it shows. It’s a great opportunity to watch how varied the Algol themes can be. On that same year of 2019, they had: THE DEAD DON’T DIE by JIM JARMUSCH, a pretty obvious Algol movie about zombies, whom you defeat by cutting off the head, of course; LES MISÉRABLES by LADJ LY, inspired by a real-life event of police violence that inspired the 2005 riots in Paris, it seems to have a very radicalized discourse about raging against violent injustices; ATLANTIQUE (ATLANTICS) by MATI DIOP has dead unpaid workers coming back as spirits possessing their city’s inhabitants to take vengeance on the tycoon who withheld their payment; LITTLE JOE by JESSICA HAUSNER is a film about a lab created flower that alters people's behavior in strange ways, and these last two kinda have the feeling of that "spring danger" Gavin White talks about. DOLOR Y GLORIA (PAIN AND GLORY) by PEDRO ALMODÓVAR has Antonio Banderas as the protagonist who develops dysphagia, caused by a caucified growth in his neck. Etc. And these are all just some of the 2019 films. I haven't watched most of them, but you can always look for the films which had their first screenings around 14-20 of May and they'll be rich in Algol content.
So, I'll leave you with that: a bunch of movie recommendations. Thank you for reading.
*Adam Elenbaas has my favorite content on the subject of the nodes or Rahu-Ketu.
** You can research the screening guide for an edition to find the time.
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catinflight · 2 months
Are you going to update your infection au?
I mean, eventually
When I get more of the lore sorted out
But in the meantime
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I like to think Cody is just too busy
hangin' with the evil gang to do crime right now,
Tea time is TOP priority in his schedule ‼️‼️‼️🗣🗣
Sunstar aki from @lucamisu (ohghsns h sorry for the @ 🍪🍪🍪🍪)
And cursed megaman is from @jullinh4x ( hope this doesn't clog the ol' inbox 🍪🍪🍪🍪)
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eudaemon-m · 1 year
there's that thread on honkai ships on twitter and of course people are fighting there in the quote tweets like they are soldiers in the trenches and of course there's discourse tm about sentihua (and the two seeles too because they were all in one post) and the funniest thing to me isn't even the lack of story comprehension like yea fine call it selfcest bro it's the fact that when they call it that selfcest is problematic now for them???? for some reason????? fuckers don't know the difference between 'i don't like it' and 'problematic' like literally WHAT BAD REAL LIFE SHIT DOES SELFCEST PROMOTE. DO YOU ALL HAVE CLONES OF YOURSELF JUST WANDERING AROUND. WHERE CAN I GET ONE
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wickedsrest-rp · 6 months
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NAME: Cacodaemon
RARITY: ★★☆☆☆
THREAT LEVEL: ★★☆☆☆ | Capable of heightening a victim’s emotions to the extreme, these demons can be dangerous when allowed to feed on one person for too long.
HABITAT: It is believed these demons come from the astral plane, but often flock to populated areas for the purpose of feeding.
DESCRIPTION: Cacodaemons are small demons, typically ambiguous and fluid in form and shape, that partially possess people and influence their behavior. They’re believed to be a kind of demonic parasite that derive sustenance by attaching themselves to a person’s essence. This leads to the victim experiencing heightened emotional intensity. When they approach their victims, they usually do as a spinning vortex of shadows and mist, often leaving their victim entirely unaware they were ever possessed. While no two cacodaemons look the same, the two glowing yellow orbs that serve as eyes are distinctive to the species. 
ABILITIES: Someone possessed by a cacodaemon still has full control of their body. These victims actively make decisions on what their body will do; these decisions just happen to be painted by intensified emotions. When the cacodaemon possesses an individual, it latches on to whatever emotion they were feeling at the time of the attack and amplifies it. Rage, sadness, joy, lust, disappointment, relief, calmness, boredom, or any other possible emotion is heightened until it’s the only thing the victim can feel. Even emotions largely considered positive or neutral can become destructive when taken to this extreme, such as excessive moral purity and self-sacrifice; others may be too focused on their own gain or pleasure and neglect everything else. Those possessed by cacodaemons are especially prone to violent outbursts. 
WEAKNESS: Cacodaemons can be ejected from their host body with an exorcism using rituals tailored to demons, and can be most easily destroyed with holy water. The other method of getting free of a possession is much more emotionally taxing: the victim must willingly face the root of their intensified emotions and the personal vulnerabilities that make them susceptible to that emotion. It’s not easy, especially when struggling with that emotion in excess. If the possessed person perseveres, the cacodaemon will eventually let go and depart.
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psairztey · 2 years
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Let's do Doom pt3: Cacodaemon by Mechanubis
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onenicebugperday · 2 months
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Spiny handsome fungus beetle, Cacodaemon hystricosus, Endomychidae
Photographed in Singapore by Nicky Bay // Website // Facebook
Shared with permission; do not remove credit or re-post!
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coinandcandle · 4 months
Eris Deep Dive: Goddess of Discord and Strife
Eris (Ἔρις) is the Greek personification of discord and strife—more notably she was considered to be the daimona of the strife of war. She was not considered a goddess in the same respect as the Olympians until more recently.
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While she was not worshiped in ancient Greece, she has become a popular deity in Discordianism, a modern religion, as well as being worshiped by solitary individuals. In modern day she is given a kinder but still discordant role, worshiped as a goddess of chaos and specifically necessary chaos; chaos invoked as the catalyst of change. She is also said to be the goddess of the chaos needed for artists to create.
Parents and Siblings
Her parentage depends on who is relaying the story. The most popular belief is that she was spawned by Nyx alone.
Nyx, no father
Nyx and Erebus (only because Erebus was Nyx’s lover)
Zeus and Hera (because she is noted as Ares’ sister)
Siblings will also depend. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, her siblings are:
The Keres
The Moirai
The Hesperides
The Erinyes
If she is the daughter of Zeus and Hera then the list of siblings would be way longer including all half siblings. She is specifically mentioned to be Ares’ sister in Homer’s Iliad. Too many to list, I will instead offer you the genealogy of Zeus and Hera.
Her full-blooded siblings would be:
Lovers or Partners
No lovers mentioned
Ponos (Hardship)
Lethe (Forgetfulness)
Limos (Starvation)
Algea (Pains)
Hysminai (Battles)
Makhai (Wars)
Phonoi (Murders)
Androktasiai (Manslaughters)
Neikea (Quarrels)
Pseudea (Lies)
Logoi (Stories)
Amphillogiai (Disputes)
Dysnomia (Anarchy)
Ate (Ruin)
Horkos (Oath)
Note that these aren’t historically attested, they do come from translated myths but that doesn’t mean she was called this throughout history.
Infernal Goddess
Mother of Cacodaemons
Often Eris is called a goddess of chaos in modern times, but in history she is recorded as the goddess of discord. While they seem like synonyms they are not, chaos is disorder and confusion; discord is argument or disagreement. While discord may lead to chaos, they are not one in the same.
This confusion may come from the conflation of Eris and the similar but still separate Roman goddess Discordia, who is the goddess of chaos and was often seen in a kinder light than the Greek Eris.
Eris is the last born of Nyx according to the Theogony.
She is noted in mythology to be particularly fond of the bloodshed of war.
Eris and the goddess of war Enyo are often conflated.
In his writing Works and Days, Hesiod says that there are two Erises; one that exists purely to plague mankind with strife, and the other is a kinder Eris who instills a healthy sense of competition in mankind.
Unfortunately Eris does not appear in mythology often, as is the case for many daimones, However her most popular roles in mythology are:
Throwing the (sometimes golden) apple into a feast with the words inscribed “to the fairest”, causing three goddesses, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera, to argue about who the apple should go to. Eventually, not wanting to deal with it, Zeus made the human mortal Paris decide. Though her role was short, it was a huge part in starting the Trojan war in mythology. Read about The Judgement of Paris.
When Polytechnos and Aëdon said their relationship was way better than Zeus and Hera’s, Hera sent Eris down to create marital discord between them. She did just that, making them compete against each other. Polytechnos was completing a standing board for a chariot and Aëdon a tapestry at the time, so they made a bet on who would finish first. Whoever lost would present the other with a slave. It gets pretty dark and they end up getting turned into birds by Zeus, a common ‘kind’ gesture from him in mythology. Read more here.
Interestingly enough, Eris is pictured with Themis, the goddess of divine law and order on a vase depicting the Judgement of Paris. The two watch over the three goddesses.
In another painting, Eris is depicted wearing winged shoes and having wings herself. This could symbolize freedom and swiftness—sometimes sneakiness as well. This would make sense for Eris as she is considered in mythology to be a sneaky troublemaker.
There were no shrines known to be dedicated to Eris.
Discordia, Eris’ Roman counterpart, was associated with the type of discord needed for societal change and going with the grain.
Modern Deity Work
Seeing as she was not worshiped as far as we know in ancient times, these are pulled from mostly modern practitioners’ posts as well as general practices of Hellenism.
Gold, Onyx, Smoky quartz, moldavite
Apples, hallucinogenic plants,
Venomous snakes, scorpions, ravens, foxes (all associated with other deities of chaos and discord)
Apples with Honey
Olive oil
Red meat
Blood (please be smart about this)
Gunpowder (again, don’t be dumb)
Imagery of war
Weapons or imagery of weapons
Acts of Devotion
Learn to embrace chaos as a catalyst for change.
Enter into competitions, whether they be sports or art contests, just go compete!
Learn about the history of war, especially the wars of Ancient Greece.
Join protests for what you believe in, breaking societal norms.
Pull a prank! She’s a trickster, what trickster doesn’t love a good prank?
References and Further Reading
Eris - Theoi Project
Eris - Britannica
Eris -World History Encyclopedia
Eris - Greek Mythology Link
A Guide to Worship Eris Cheat Sheet by screeching-0wl
Theogony by Hesiod
The Iliad by Homer
Works and Days by Hesiod
Subtle Eris Worship by khaire-traveler
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mangosimoothie · 4 months
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Chapter 15: 𝕬 𝕾𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖉 𝕺𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖔𝖓 (3/9)
It's light work
@bibliosims @alltimefail-sims @mobwhim
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My dearest Familiars, 
Safe travels to the outskirts of the Hollow. Imperia Abramova Winthorpe, my mother, is a bewitching vampiress who will both delight and terrify you. There is nobody on this earth more worthy of idolization. You will find that, much like yours truly, she simply loves to entertain.  Conversely, my father — brooding shadow creature that he is — is unlikely to show himself to you all but will likely be watching from the shadows. As I said, neither of them are accustomed to interacting with mortals unless they are about to kill them. Rest assured, I have made very clear to them that all three of you are under my protection for the time being. My brother Aldric sends his regards from his travels in Glimmerbrook, and my absolute cacodaemon of a sister has not been told about this get together because there is no other vampire I would least wish you to encounter. 
Ryan and I await your arrival! 
Atticus Winthorpe  COLLIN: You’re not nervous? WREN: To schmooze with some old money blood suckers? Please, this is a day in the life.
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aroaceleovaldez · 4 months
bestie I am so sorry but no it did not 😭😭 that's like saying Zeus was pregnant with athena 😭😭
[post in question] i mean there's a mythological debate you can get into with that but i digress
regardless, the book does outright state that the cacodaemons were with Nico since his first encounter with Nyx - they were the stuff in the shadows he kept seeing/sensing that weren't really there. And then Nyx pulled them out of him during their second encounter while actively referring to them as their children. It's not explicitly literal mpreg but putting it into as few words as possible it's mpreg. He's a teen parent and theyre explicitly from him and had some sort of functional gestation period and i hate it lots.
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devotedletters · 2 years
RE-DO of the creators children lore
In my main account, I did an au of where the creator was the twins' mother. I wrote really fast because I was just spitting out ideas. But after a good while of thinking, and seeing looking at some of the lore I have some stuff put together.
You know how all the archons have demon names as well as their own names. The creator also has that, but they have a god name due to them being another race. Their name being nyx, the primordial goddess of the night. The daughter of chaos.
Nyx is a powerful god that even the ruler of all gods fear her in Greek mythology.
She could also make more gods on her own being their mother.
In this au, it's the same thing, though the mother is just a title given to the creator because of the children they created (they often go by they/them).
Creator made tyvat at a very young age. This is when they were testing their power and wanted to create something like how their father did.
Tyvat was originally a place to relax until life started to come together on its own. They didn't want to interfere with the new beings to much and decided to let them thrive on their own. They do come back a few times just to check up on the beings now and then.
One day, they start finding new gods coming to life on this land, taking it over the place. So naturally, they start greeting these new creations. They start to notice how weak these new gods are compared to her lands gods. These gods have the ability to die, which does concern them.
Creator start the teach these new additions and finding their attributes to help balance the world, so when people show up they will know what to do.
The creator loves being a mentor, but they do crave something more underneath. They didn't know what it was at first. But they couldn't help feel like they wanted I little deeper connection.
Around this time, their father, Void, warned them that balance needed to be kept on their home or else he would have to destroy everything just to create it again.
After a while of pondering, they came up with the idea af making more gods. A god kinda like them. So, with their power, they start making some more gods. Though because it's a god like them, they aren't full grown but arrive as a child. A tiny baby who they named Hermera.
After that, more children came to help balance their world and that they personally took care of.
Though the children were needed, the other gods began to fear them due to them being cacodaemones [spirits of ills].
After the gods distracted the young creator, they stole the children and sealed them away in a box. This, of course, devastated the young God. This lea6d them to hide their other children lumine and Aether.
They tried their best to keep the two a secret, but one day another god spotted Aether picking some fruit and reported it to their king which led to the creator to send their children off to find a new home. A place where it's safe and won't be hunted down.
After this, the creator decided that they needed to get stronger, so nothing like this happened again.
This is kinda the intro to the creator and why they aren't their for many of the events in tyvat. Also, to give a reason why the twins are traveling around the place while using Greek mythology as inspiration in some parts. It's 12 over where I'm at, so I'm just laying some of my thoughts down again. If some parts don't make sense, just send an ask, and I'll tell you. These are just some basic facts.
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catinflight · 2 months
Can you draw more crossover stuff? :>
Do you even have to ask‼️😎😎
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Sunstar aki @lucamisu Cacodaemon Cursed megaman @jullinh4x
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Swap Daini 1, @lucamisu 2, Daiki @wuzhiqi-enj0yer
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Nudibranch aki Octoling aki @croc-pop
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Proto mini @ninjastar107 Nama & mega mini
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darcocamp · 1 year
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Flipping through my copy of the Bestiary and let me introduce you to the Pathfinder monster called a Cacodaemon.
Pretty scary right? Well upon further inspection it turns out this creature is *tiny* which in pathfinder terms, makes it the pixie of the daemon world
Now Imagine, this rat sized flying thing, screaming at you to give up your soul (It speaks common)
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wickedsrest-rp · 6 months
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The sky is quieter, but that doesn’t mean things are going back to normal. Does a place like Wicked’s Rest even have a normal? No, because even though the daily otherworldly blasts have ceased, there’s new problems cropping up. 
Bad omens. Packs of hellhounds are emerging from the woodwork, in numbers far greater than any ranger or slayer can handle alone. Hunters are having to band together to cull these hoofed beasts, and the sudden appearance of so many at once has only ever been a warning of a looming supernatural threat. They’re not the only demonic creatures having a population boom, however—cacodaemons are also arriving on the scene, now only adding to the chaotic confusion that occurs when loved ones start behaving irrationally. Deogen has been straying from its usual haunt around the Wishing Well in Nightfall Grove, and the risk of getting lost in its fog and never making it back out is higher than ever. One thing remains a mystery: where have all the missing people gone?
All of these omens have to be leading to something, don’t they? In this case, there’s reason to suspect they’re harbingers of the enormous, monolithic leg that erupted from the ground, smack in the middle of Wormwoods. Yes, leg. It’s somewhat avian in appearance (or perhaps lizard-like?), being scaled and sporting four long, clawed toes that are so gnarled they almost resemble the branches of a gargantuan, barren tree. Aside from its initial, violent ejection from the ground, the leg has been mostly still. The crowd gathering around it has been anything but, though. Birdwatchers are flocking in from all over the state and beyond to see the leg, adding it to their life list and then checking it off. Wicked’s Rest has, naturally, monetized the leg by setting up a barrier, and charging each person $100 to touch the leg (this, they claim, will help Worm Row’s reputation). Additionally, it has created quite the divide in town: some people want to try and cut it down, to destroy it. Others want to protect it, though it seems like a mixed bag of folks either being terrified of upsetting something powerful, or believing it to be the manifestation of a god that will raise them all from perdition and cleanse the town of evil.
It’s as of yet unclear where the truth lies. But as bad omens continue to pour into the town, there’s little reason to suspect the leg is anything good, and it may in fact be only a preview of things to come.
Pieces of rock that look like they came from the Abnormality are jutting out of the ground in the area around the leg. They don’t seem to be encasing anyone like before, but their presence has some people concerned.
The leg has attracted all sorts of birds to perch, from aravo to valravne, and everything in between. This only further entices birdwatchers. There also seems to be a significant presence of various demonic and specter-like entities in the area.
The skyquakes have gotten less frequent, a fact celebrated by pretty much everyone in town. Now they hit about once a week, sometimes less, but the droning does last longer than it did before. The longest one recorded so far was a full three minute stretch, rather than the multiple short bursts. The source remains unknown.
There are dozens of bounties posted in The 3 Daggers for packs of hellhounds (and possibly some black dog variants), all listing different locations where the creatures have been sighted. It’s a good way for hunters to make some extra cash!
Two large sinkholes have opened up in Worm Row and Gatlin Fields. The latter seems to have compromised the structural integrity of the Allgood Death Pit, and has deepened the already-sizable mass grave, spilling remains down into the earth. It has helped with the smell, but no one knows how far down the pit now goes, and most aren’t very keen on going down there to find out.
The sinkhole in Worm Row has claimed a couple blocks worth of apartments that sit very near the Flat itself, and aside from the rubble that still clings to its crumbling edges, seems as deep and dark as the sinkhole in the fields. It’s unclear if the influx of demonic creatures in the town are coming from these sinkholes, but that wouldn’t be a bad guess.
On April 8, there will be a full solar eclipse that will be visible to all in town. Aside from looking awesome, this phenomenon is going to have some far-reaching effects. Supernatural creatures that have an affinity with the sun are going to be feeling especially drained of energy after this eclipse, perhaps even for days or weeks. Conversely, those empowered by the moon will be feeling a little extra pep in their step! Hopefully they can control it. While the eclipse is happening, even those who don’t normally see ghosts or have any connection to the supernatural might be able to peer into another world. Surely no emotional or mental harm can come of that within 4 minutes. 
Believers in the supernatural have been warning others to stay inside when the fog rolls in. It’s hard to tell if it’s normal fog, or if it’s Deogen… and really, it isn’t worth the risk of finding out. This has been especially challenging with the increase of stormy and foggy, wet weather. 
Some people have been blaming the new sinkholes on the local cryptid known as the Moleman. A figure matching his description has been reported lurking in the nearby alleyways of Worm Row, but that can't be true, right? Either way, it’s probably safest to keep your distance.
The authorities mostly disapprove of the monetization of the leg because no one knows anything about it, and it might be dangerous. That hasn’t stopped people from paying to touch it and others from just climbing over the barriers. If you can get close enough to get a scraping of… whatever the leg is made out of, there’s some speculation of it being a helpful ingredient for alchemical amplification of objects—it does seem to trend towards negative effects, however.
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onehobgoblin · 1 year
I redrew an old comic
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If someone doesn't know: this thing is a pathfinder 2e cacodaemon. The art looks really scary, but the actual monster is level 1 and tiny!
The old one:
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