bunnyraptor69 · 2 years
College is still kicking My ass but i took a break and finish this
Have some Cahra wigggles
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@black-suns-rim @lunaerebus @ladyofparchments @turtle-babe83 @dae-art @thedemonskitten @skadi-gemini @thequeencryptid @vampirikart @daswhox @shaymin99 @heavenlydeer @mommymao @micaela-arg @starlightholograms @predatorsmp @maynixe @cyvorg @roguemonsterfucker @reikmer @kryptum-one @bontimjim @beetle-drip
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helpme695 · 1 month
Hello! I really liked your general relationship headcanons with Samarie <3 and i was wondering if you could do the same but with Pocketcat?
Have a good day/night!
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I'm glad you liked it, dear! I must consider myself lucky tbh ^^; thank you for appreciatin'!
I started with silly plot :3
I'm sorry for any mistake. I hope you will accept it <3
Pain, hopelessness, vulnerable, you strayed in a long path of decaying flesh that belonged to living people for once.
Stumbling with throping pain in your thigh, you were hit with an arrow from one of these guards, trying to get a key to free a man from his cell, and the mercenary thanked you by stealing your silver coins and a bottle of wine when you most needed it. You wonder how a human being can be this determined to be ridiculous in such situations.
You noticed a mechanism in distance, so you pushed against the pain and scooted to it. Standing near you saw it lead under the ground. You felt paranoid and thought if it's a good idea to go for it. But you already broke that question by stepping a foot into this monstrosity called dungeons.
You feel dizzy, you losing your mind, the feeling of elevator gose down doesn't make it any better. When you push yourself out, your pupils size up to collect as much light as possible. It's so dark. But you did notice the flying creatures above your head. You continue to wonder, hoping to find something useful.
The darkness with the sound of dripping water. The adrenal withering off, and all that aimless wondering made you tired. but You can't give in. If you closed your eyes, you might not be as lucky as last time. And when you finally felt you about to give up, you heard a man's voice.
"What do we have here~? A new traveller I see! Good to see you, It was so lonely down here."
You tried to figure out his shape. But it's only a wooden cat mask with neat purple clothes you usually see with nobles.
You draw your weapon out at him, fear and pain making your legs and arms shake. You already can't focus or fight nor run, but you hope if you tuff up, he will leave you alone. That worked a few times, right? but no... He got closer than your liking.
"Now now now... that's not how you greet someone nice."
"Back off, don't get any closer! Unless you want to become a meal."
"We will become a full course table if you keep this attitude."
He put your weapon aside with ease and absorbed you. He can straight away tell you are one slip away from insanity.
"Hmmm... I know What you need! and I have it right here.."
You watched him pull something out of his suit jacket many pockets, it's a bottle of wine!
"Can't talk to a custmer when they unwell~"
Your eyes glued at it, trying to reach out for it, but you too weak to even grasp it. Suddenly, you feel a strong hand holding the back of your neck painfully, forcing you to tilt your head up.
"Don't choke on it, dear."
He chucked the whole bottle down your throat, ironically making you almost choke. He let you go when you finished the bottle and sit on the ground near him. red wine tings your tongue and overwhelm your taste buds. Trying to catch your breath and collect your mind.
"You're welcome~ and since you've been good enough to finely meet me in such gloomy place, you don't have to give me anything for that bottle."
You only starred at him. You felt disturbed and comforted at the same time. You still not sure if you want to finely rest a bit.
"Enjoying the view? I'm flattered if you say so."
You didn't say anything, but he wasn't mistaken. It's quite comforting with this shade of purple and non bothered behaviour in such a place. And so on, you finally passed out.
You don't know for how long you passed out, but the man stayed there in the same position without moving an inch, watching you. You realised how much pain you actually have, from the injury in your thigh to how stiff you are.
"I see you up, sleepyhead! How about we probably introduce ourselves, hmm?"
Good, you're not poisoned, and still have your limps together. You approached this man and thanked him for his help. You found him quite a gentleman. Until he explained he doesn't need gold or sliver to exchange. He really did break that picture of him, huh?
"although I usually keep things in business, my dear custmer. I won't mind for us chatting for a while, if you like."
━━━━━━━━━━ × ━━━━━━━━━━
Besides his weird behaviour and disgusting desires, He is a gentleman to some degree.
His chatting and topics that are not related to the dungeons make you feel a bit at ease. You already have too much in body and mind.
He compliments you quite a lot. Half of them come off creepy and try to brush it off. And the other half truly uplifts your mood.
prefers your company more than anyone else, and if there is someone else with you (besides children and moonless), he won't try too hard to talk to them or just straight-up ignore them.
No, He won't join your party. He's a merchant, you silly!
He will give you fake excuses he's weak (not caring if a child is stronger than him, or when he crushed your neck when you first met him) and is not interested in your little adventure.
He's trying to do his role, my dear.
He will give you hints to places to find something necessary. And if you are lucky enough, you will find it close to him.
You find it amazing how monsters and creatures lose interest when you near him. although, Don't use him too much, table may turn on you.
You better hide whatever child you have if you care about your relationship. He will indeed become upset. And more upset till he snaps at you.
When you sit near him, you swear you can hear him purring.
he won't hold into you for so long, just in case you die. Would he be capable of bringing you to live? That is something he must ask his master.
He's quite strange with physical touch. Sometimes, he is shameless, and sometimes, he is extremely bothered.
He just enjoys your company, maybe more than you do.
And that's it <3 see you later :D
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
To Akira: I hope you're doing well. That you haven't lost sight of your morality. That you are still kind. That, whether you have them or not, your little gaggle of thieves brings you whatever comfort is left from the before.
I wish I could tell you what i'm sure, at least then, you wanted to know. Whether or not I made it out, at the very end. I think I did. But I know firsthand how... //fallible// my memory is. I struggle to hold sureness even in that I am me, and that I was not pulled from hades to bring you comfort. Though, isn't that what a fictive is? Hah. No winning that particular battle, is there?
I hope, in lieu of the answer we both //really// want, that this is placation: I care about you more then anyone else in the fucking world. If you still hold that spirit within you- if you trust, truly, that you still are yourself- I still do.
...Morgana is a very close second, though. I miss him. Aww who's a cute monster cat, yes you are, yes you are- (I can sense his malice at me through space and time)
Oh, and Maruki, if you read this?
Have the day you deserve.
-Akechi Goro, Persona five royal fictive
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pepperonipizzafan1 · 1 year
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cahra an dasrel doodles
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yelling-space · 10 months
sex hcs
// Might be a lil heavy 4 a first post idk??? thought it be a good indicator of what u can expect from me in relation 2 each charter encase that's sming u want 2 avoid tho,
so enjoy this short summary the Main 4s feelings on/relationship with sex and daans here 2 for some reason
none the left over colours fitted Enki so i made him pink 2 spite him
Cw :(Impyed) child prostitution + s/a
-whore by birth,slut by choise
-has a hate-love relationship with sex(regardless position) and kinda treats it like a "get out of jail free" card, rellised from a young age the amount of horrble suitions he can get out of if he opens his mouth a lil wider and swings his hips a little
-can be pear pressured/guilted into agreeing 2 sex + for as mutch as hes into and enjoys sex he feels so gross and unclean and not comfy in his own skin after regadles who its with (he will internaly throw up and try 2 rip his skin of if you call him "exotic")
-will cry if he has totally normal fully consensual sane safe sex w a partner/ his wife
-doesnt understand the religious belifes of immodesty or sodomy esply when those higher up dont tend 2 practice what they preach , OPPOSITE of a prude , open whore.
-closeted butch top that didnt realize her desire to fuck pretty men was actually her lesbian soul shining through
-lotta her,,,less practical ,vewis on sex stem from deep rooted homophba + was 2 goal oriented and determined 2 became a knight 2 even think about or consider it before espacping the dugon
-full heartedly believed all women harbour a disgust 4 the male sex organ and that coupes just did not have sex endless it was 2 convive a child , as you can imagine she was in for a surprise when discovering that was not the case.
-horrifically inexperienced and guided by her desire to dominate, and thus becomes known for owning The Scary Strap" that medieval men are afraid of
-Dead body fucker. That Necromancy spell is NOT going to just go too waist ,
-not all that interested in sex in general and never really saw any reason to engage with it when spell books are literally RIGHT there . saying that he most definitely gets of on having something completely under his control regardless what end the "fucked-fucking" scale he's on
- not really into sex with living people + how he's probably kind of inexperienced due to an isolated upbringing hence the want for control over puppeteering a sexual partner (dead body), or the high he gets off inflicting acts of sadism given how his ideas of intimacy have been twisted from childhood
-100%%%%%%% a fucking freek btw just cuz hes not 2 instered in sex dosnt mean hes not a fucking freek man fucks dead people and probs vry mutch into s/m
-wife kink. you don't understand how much he loves his wife.
-probs thinks sex is something shared between two lovers and is something meant 2 be full of affection and enjoyed by both party's
-probs see's s/a being viewed as something incredibly disrespectful, cowardly and the abuser deserve of death getting his shit kicked in (this is funny because i like 2 imagen rag starts projecting his dead wife onto cahara when he starts 2 lose it in the dungeon)
-did not know sex work existed or brothels were a thing, got jump scared by it when taking cahra back 2 see his wife with the others , he was vry confused and not rly sure where he was MENT 2 look so spent most the time with his eyes glued to the floor, celling or his friends faces (he respects women even if he's not rly sure what's going on)
-lil sex adictic freek , dosnt even realy enjoy sex that much,just so used 2 it being apart his life hes not entirely sure what 2 do without it,+allows himself to ast least feel incontrol the situion (for once in his life) cus he knows what the goal is and faster he gets it over with faster he'll be left to his own devices again.
-sex is all he rly knowns and grown up around, as well as one the only things hes ever seen actually be meaningful to anybody,regardless there relationships with there partner. but it feels like its something he owes people/doesnt really enjoy it regardless if he acrly wants it or not.
-dosnt proply understand how relationships work or that there's more 2 them then just sex (or that people could even *want* him for more then sex for that matter)
-sex was allways seen as something transactional or something for control - cant have any of that with fagcat, but can at least indulge in it in a way that makes him feel like he's way 2 finally has some small aspect control his life again.
-Honesty like ¾ his sex life is just him being abused by Pocketcat
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catball · 2 years
Char a is my favorite alter #char _us cahra
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cahraholtkorns · 6 days
"Et In Arcadia Ego" Conceived by Rashid Johnson at Hauser & Wirth, NYC (Video and Writing)
... Cahra Holt Korns , Robert Longo, Teresa Margolles, Tiona Nekkia McClodden, and Taryn Simon. Conceived by Rashid Johnson. 5 September – 19 October 2024 ...
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crisismonitor · 2 months
Η εξάρτηση των Big Tech από ματωμένες πρώτες ύλες
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Σύμφωνα με την έκθεση για τα Ορυκτά των Συγκρούσεων (CMR) για το 2023, η Amazon δεν μπορεί να αποκλείσει το ενδεχόμενο να έχει προμηθευτεί ορυκτά από εννέα από τις δέκα αφρικανικές χώρες όπου οι πολιτοφυλακές που παραβιάζουν τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα χρηματοδοτούνται μέσω των εξορύξεων εξόρυξης. Αυτές οι χώρες είναι η Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό, η Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό, η Κεντροαφρικανική Δημοκρατία, το Νότιο Σουδάν, η Ουγκάντα, η Ρουάντα, το Μπουρούντι, η Τανζανία, η Ζάμπια και η Αγκόλα. Τα άλλα τέσσερα μέλη της GAMAM, μια ομάδα συνώνυμη με το όνομα Big Tech, επίσης πιθανόν να προμηθεύονται μερικά από τα πρώτες ύλες που επεξεργάζονται σε συμβεβλημένα χυτήρια από αυτές τις περιοχές. Τόσο η Apple όσο και η μητρική της Google, Alphabet, ανέφεραν ότι τα χυτήρια που ενσωματώνονται στις αλυσίδες εφοδιασμού τους πιθανώς επεξεργάζονται ορυκτά από έξι από τις δέκα χώρες της αφρικανικής ηπείρου που αναφέρθηκαν παραπάνω. Η Meta αναφέρει πέντε από αυτές τις χώρες στην έκθεσή της, ενώ η Microsoft ισχυρίζεται ότι έχει λόγους να πιστεύει ότι ορυκτά από δύο από τις δέκα αναφερόμενες χώρες μπορεί να καταλήξουν στα προϊόντα τους. Ωστόσο, ο κατάλογος των χωρών που παρείχε η Alphabet ενημερώθηκε τελευταία φορά το 2021 και απουσιάζει από την ετήσια CMR τους από το 2022. Επιπλέον, η Microsoft δεν διευκρινίζει εάν οι χώρες που αναφέρονται στην έκθεσή της είναι απλώς εκείνες όπου βρίσκονται τα χυτήρια ή εάν είναι οι χώρες πηγής για πιθανά ορυκτά σύγκρουσης. Οι εργολάβοι που εργάζονται για τις εταιρίες της GAMAM είναι επίσης δραστήριοι στην εξόρυξη και επεξεργασία πρώτων υλών σε χώρες που ορίζονται ως CAHRAs, σύντμηση των Περιοχών που Επηρεάζονται από Σύγκρουση και Υψηλού Κινδύνου. Ο εκτεταμένος ορισμός CAHRA, που περιλαμβάνει την εξόρυξη ορυκτών καθώς και άλλους πόρους σύγκρουσης, περιλαμβάνει συγκεκριμένες περιοχές στο Αφγανιστάν, το Μεξικό, τη Μιανμάρ και την Υεμένη, μεταξύ άλλων. Σύμφωνα με την έκθεση για τα ορυκτά σύγκρουσης της Microsoft, η εταιρία βασίζεται στην "υπεύθυνη προμήθεια" αντί να περιορίζει ή να αποφεύγει τη χρήση των ορυκτών σύγκρουσης ταντάλιο, κασσίτερος, βολφράμιο και χρυσός, γνωστά ως 3TG, από αυτές τις περιοχές. Η διακοπή των επιχειρήσεων στις Καλυπτόμενες Χώρες και τις CAHRAs θα προκαλούσε, σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, σημαντική οικονομική βλάβη στις επηρεαζόμενες χώρες. Από το 2010, οι εισαγωγείς πρώτων υλών στις Η.Π.Α. απαιτείται να αναφέρουν τις πηγές τους για πιθανά Ορυκτά Συγκρούσεων βάσει του Νόμου Dodd-Frank. Παρόμοια νομοθεσία έχει τεθεί σε ισχύ στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση από την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2021, με στόχο την καταστολή της χρηματοδότησης βίαιων πολιτοφυλακών, ιδιαίτερα στη Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό και στις γειτονικές χώρες, όπου οι εν λόγω ομάδες ελέγχουν την εξόρυξη κασσίτερου και κολλανού. Τη δεκαετία του 1990, ο όρος "ματωμένα διαμάντια" απέκτησε σημαντική προσοχή σε αυτό το πλαίσιο, αναφερόμενος σε πολύτιμους λίθους που εξορύσσονταν στη Σιέρα Λεόνε και την Αγκόλα και πωλούνταν από ομάδες ανταρτών για τη χρηματοδότηση των επιχειρήσεών τους. Η εξάρτηση των Big Tech από τα Ορυκτά των Συγκρούσεων You will find more infographics at Statista  Read the full article
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acquis12345 · 2 years
CMRT 6.0 & 6.01 Support New EU Conflict Minerals Requirements
Versions 6.0 and 6.01 of the Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) were made available by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) in May. Did you know that these updates can make it easier for you to keep up with the new EU requirements?
The global standard for carrying out supply chain conflict minerals due diligence is the CMRT. Most of the time, it is used to meet the requirements of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in the United States. However, recent modifications to the template help businesses keep up with the growing expectations of stakeholders regarding ethical mineral sourcing.
An Overview of the CMRT 6.0 and 6.01 Updates The RMI released CMRT 6.0 on May 13, and on May 19, an update to 6.01 was released to account for bug fixes. The updates indicate yet another step in the direction of a streamlined approach to responsible minerals that includes industries and regions with higher risk. These templates are intended to be utilized for the upcoming year of conflict minerals reporting, with submission due in May 2021. Among the updates are:
Corrections for bugs and errors updates to the lists of countries, states, and provinces. adherence to revisions to IPC-1755 in support of EU conflict minerals regulations. alterations to the Standard Smelter List and Smelter Reference List. The CMRT will continue to be your primary source for acquiring data because this will enable businesses to manage new data fields for compliance with the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation.
Acquire Responsible Minerals Solutions If you ship goods into the EU, complying with U.S. sourcing requirements is not enough to withstand the scrutiny of enforcement agencies, your customers, and the most powerful investors in the world. You may wish to voluntarily report on the conflict-affected and high-risk regions identified in EU legislation in order to mitigate reputational risk, even if your company is not directly in scope.
The Acquis Responsible Minerals Solution makes use of the CMRT to assist businesses in acquiring the additional data they require to comply with the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation before the January 1, 2021, deadline. You are able to:
Validate and automate CMRT data collection. Gather the necessary data to back your submission to the EU Due Diligence Portal. Outside of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, provide a report on sourcing from conflict-affected and high-risk regions (CAHRAs). withstand any member state's scrutiny. Whether you're venturing into new business sectors or keeping up with existing ones, you really want to stay up with advancing dependable minerals assumptions to fabricate and sustain your partner connections.
Contact our professionals right away to learn more about Acquis responsible minerals solutions.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
I'm still angry about how basil was treated by Aubrey. I despise her even more when I told The Truth. She told me that mari should be the one who's alive, not me. She continued to Harrass Basil, telling him that he should die. I deserved it entirely, but Basil didn't deserve that he was just trying to help, Sunny didn't know what to do either. - helios.🔪 (tag as omori fictive.)
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meta-under · 7 years
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who are you when no one's watching?
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cahraholtkorns · 11 days
Robert MacKinnon Obituary and Online Memorial (2022) - Legacy.com
... Cahra Holt Korns , Laurie Dyment, and Pamela Pettis, and nephew Kurt Pettis. He also leaves an extended family of in-laws, and lifetime friends ...
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crisismonitor · 2 months
Η εξάρτηση των Big Tech από ματωμένες πρώτες ύλες
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Σύμφωνα με την έκθεση για τα Ορυκτά των Συγκρούσεων (CMR) για το 2023, η Amazon δεν μπορεί να αποκλείσει το ενδεχόμενο να έχει προμηθευτεί ορυκτά από εννέα από τις δέκα αφρικανικές χώρες όπου οι πολιτοφυλακές που παραβιάζουν τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα χρηματοδοτούνται μέσω των εξορύξεων εξόρυξης. Αυτές οι χώρες είναι η Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό, η Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό, η Κεντροαφρικανική Δημοκρατία, το Νότιο Σουδάν, η Ουγκάντα, η Ρουάντα, το Μπουρούντι, η Τανζανία, η Ζάμπια και η Αγκόλα. Τα άλλα τέσσερα μέλη της GAMAM, μια ομάδα συνώνυμη με το όνομα Big Tech, επίσης πιθανόν να προμηθεύονται μερικά από τα πρώτες ύλες που επεξεργάζονται σε συμβεβλημένα χυτήρια από αυτές τις περιοχές. Τόσο η Apple όσο και η μητρική της Google, Alphabet, ανέφεραν ότι τα χυτήρια που ενσωματώνονται στις αλυσίδες εφοδιασμού τους πιθανώς επεξεργάζονται ορυκτά από έξι από τις δέκα χώρες της αφρικανικής ηπείρου που αναφέρθηκαν παραπάνω. Η Meta αναφέρει πέντε από αυτές τις χώρες στην έκθεσή της, ενώ η Microsoft ισχυρίζεται ότι έχει λόγους να πιστεύει ότι ορυκτά από δύο από τις δέκα αναφερόμενες χώρες μπορεί να καταλήξουν στα προϊόντα τους. Ωστόσο, ο κατάλογος των χωρών που παρείχε η Alphabet ενημερώθηκε τελευταία φορά το 2021 και απουσιάζει από την ετήσια CMR τους από το 2022. Επιπλέον, η Microsoft δεν διευκρινίζει εάν οι χώρες που αναφέρονται στην έκθεσή της είναι απλώς εκείνες όπου βρίσκονται τα χυτήρια ή εάν είναι οι χώρες πηγής για πιθανά ορυκτά σύγκρουσης. Οι εργολάβοι που εργάζονται για τις εταιρίες της GAMAM είναι επίσης δραστήριοι στην εξόρυξη και επεξεργασία πρώτων υλών σε χώρες που ορίζονται ως CAHRAs, σύντμηση των Περιοχών που Επηρεάζονται από Σύγκρουση και Υψηλού Κινδύνου. Ο εκτεταμένος ορισμός CAHRA, που περιλαμβάνει την εξόρυξη ορυκτών καθώς και άλλους πόρους σύγκρουσης, περιλαμβάνει συγκεκριμένες περιοχές στο Αφγανιστάν, το Μεξικό, τη Μιανμάρ και την Υεμένη, μεταξύ άλλων. Σύμφωνα με την έκθεση για τα ορυκτά σύγκρουσης της Microsoft, η εταιρία βασίζεται στην "υπεύθυνη προμήθεια" αντί να περιορίζει ή να αποφεύγει τη χρήση των ορυκτών σύγκρουσης ταντάλιο, κασσίτερος, βολφράμιο και χρυσός, γνωστά ως 3TG, από αυτές τις περιοχές. Η διακοπή των επιχειρήσεων στις Καλυπτόμενες Χώρες και τις CAHRAs θα προκαλούσε, σύμφωνα με πληροφορίες, σημαντική οικονομική βλάβη στις επηρεαζόμενες χώρες. Από το 2010, οι εισαγωγείς πρώτων υλών στις Η.Π.Α. απαιτείται να αναφέρουν τις πηγές τους για πιθανά Ορυκτά Συγκρούσεων βάσει του Νόμου Dodd-Frank. Παρόμοια νομοθεσία έχει τεθεί σε ισχύ στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση από την 1η Ιανουαρίου 2021, με στόχο την καταστολή της χρηματοδότησης βίαιων πολιτοφυλακών, ιδιαίτερα στη Λαϊκή Δημοκρατία του Κονγκό και στις γειτονικές χώρες, όπου οι εν λόγω ομάδες ελέγχουν την εξόρυξη κασσίτερου και κολλανού. Τη δεκαετία του 1990, ο όρος "ματωμένα διαμάντια" απέκτησε σημαντική προσοχή σε αυτό το πλαίσιο, αναφερόμενος σε πολύτιμους λίθους που εξορύσσονταν στη Σιέρα Λεόνε κ��ι την Αγκόλα και πωλούνταν από ομάδες ανταρτών για τη χρηματοδότηση των επιχειρήσεών τους. Η εξάρτηση των Big Tech από τα Ορυκτά των Συγκρούσεων You will find more infographics at Statista  Read the full article
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i would and will die for flash thompson even if he is a complete dick - peter parker
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acquis12345 · 2 years
OECD Conflict Minerals Study Shows Risks of Shallow Reporting
Manufacturers need to be aware of not only what's in their supply chain but also what's required to keep business relationships with businesses in light of the greater push from original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for more stringent product compliance guidelines. OEMs are calling for more stringent due diligence, particularly with regard to conflict minerals; businesses must respond to this call in order to reduce risks and maintain a relationship with OEMs.
What Are Conflict Minerals? Tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold (the "3TGs") and their derived minerals have traditionally been referred to as "conflict minerals." However, the term has expanded to include all minerals originating from conflict-affected regions. The sale of these minerals may contribute to a variety of problems, including armed conflict, instability, and human rights violations.
The Dodd Plain Demonstration, Segment 1502, which makes reference to the four minerals recorded above, made necessities for minerals that are obtained from the Majority rule Republic of Congo (DRC), alongside connecting nations.
Additionally, the global list of conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) is provided by the EU regulation.
Even though the Dodd-Frank Act's Section 1502 imposed a significant obligation on businesses that are currently covered, additional efforts are required to identify and address issues related to human rights and sustainability in supply chains. Particularly, businesses that are unable or unwilling to look beyond the mandate of the Dodd-Frank Act run the risk of receiving criticism from customers, receiving negative coverage in reports produced by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and even finding it challenging to fulfill requests from customers.
What is the OECD's advice regarding ethical supply chains? Companies benefit in numerous ways from the OECD's Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High Risk Areas. First, it enables them to identify risk more effectively throughout their mineral supply chain. Moreover, it permits them to both moderate and answer those dangers. Human rights concerns regarding miners, exporters, smelters, manufacturers, and retailers are examples of related risks.
Since its adoption in 2011, the OECD framework has been the de facto industry standard, especially for businesses that want to meet the high standards and expectations of the international community.
The OECD-OCDE report from 2022 identifies lingering issues. The report was released in April 2022. This report, which sampled 503 businesses, went into detail about the companies' successes and areas for improvement in conflict minerals due diligence.
First, the report found that 53% of businesses now disclose public-facing documents, up from 30% previously. Additionally, refiner audits and disclosure of mineral sourcing policies have been successful for businesses.
However, the report demonstrates that additional work is required to identify risks and respond to them, two essential components of due diligence. This means that due diligence goes beyond just looking at public reports, which is important.
Apple and the Importance of Looking Deeper In February, Apple severed ties with 12 suppliers and smelting firms, citing DRC firms that "didn't meet their requirements for the responsible sourcing of minerals." Apple severed ties as a result of this and the suppliers' refusal to participate in the annual audit. Their conflict minerals audit for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission made this clear.
This indicates that OEMS are increasingly pressing for enhanced conflict mineral due diligence. Makers should be more proactive in guaranteeing they comply with these expected level of effort rules, to keep up with their relationship with OEMs.
Manufacturers need to be able to see deeply into their supply chain because of this. Risks can be avoided by recognizing and addressing potential conflict minerals issues.
Acquis's Solution for Responsible Minerals Because manufacturers need to look deeper into their supply chains, Acquis is ready to help them find and reduce risks. In addition to providing you with comprehensive information and insight into your supply chain, Acquis' subject matter experts provide crucial guidance and insight.
Manufacturers can use this expertise and technology to manage sustainability in their supply chains, allowing them to see more clearly, work smarter, and improve.
Contact us at [email protected] to learn more about how Acquis can assist you.
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cucumbersncheese · 6 years
CLAIRE IS SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER, i just- look!!! shes flawed! she gives her heart too easily and ends up hurt bc of it!!!! over and over and over, she’ll hesitate and reach out and by doing so maybe she’ll get hurt! and its acknowledged that one of her faults is that she rlly doesnt think abt what the other persons intentions are!!! but i also really love how these flaws arent inherently bad or anything!!!!!! they just Are! they’re Her! its how she’s lived her life, facing up to things and kicking them in the face if its in her path and giving out a helping hand to people!!! its a characteristic that saved noel once, that allowed for him to have the strength to continue existing despite all the fucking trauma and the same characteristic harms her fatally at times!!!! she’s bad at thinking! she gets scared and down and her emotions show on her face so clearly, and its esp dangerous considering that she’s supposed to be the foolish, shiny one so any change is easily noticeable!!!! she’s such a foolish human at times tbh!!!! but its just so human and just so strong, to have the strength to keep doing good will despite it exploding in your face, that you cant help but admire her for it!!!! the fact that even the demons (except maybe lime) GET why noel would go to such extents and the purebred ones even have some respect for her says a lot!!!!!!! she’s a human force of nature!!!!!!!!!!!! and super realistic and admirable!!!!!!!!
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