#cai xukun smut
celamoon · 2 years
what are your favorite ao3 fics you’ve read? IM CURIOUS i need fic recommendations LMFJSBDK
LIKE DANGANRONPA OR NON-DANGANRONPA BC I HAVE A COUPLE OF BOOKMARKS I'D LIKE TO SHARE AND I ADORE (they are all x readers bc I have issues I'm sorry anon I have very poor taste)
Ok SDR2 nsfw wise I like
Delivery from Hinata, with love by tr0mb0ne
Basically, Hinata has the rest of class 77b make reader’s day easier when he’s not around and they have soft seggs in the end 🫠💕
Dirty Minded by enbyatlas
Reader catches despair disease and mmm fUCK they fuck yeah they fuck mm did I mention they fuck
Helping hand by breemaybe
Komaeda fingers reader with the robot hand. That's it.
If you want any other high-quality smut I'd recommend Green, Eli, tr0mb0ne, and Bree !! I love all of the smut that they write scrumptious mmm
SDR2 sfw wise I like
Growing pains by tieressian
Childhood friends au with Komaeda!! Very heart clenching and pain-inducing but it's super cute and I love it a lot.
The Final Piece by LoveSoftLove113
SDR2 reader insert pretty much!! I haven't finished reading this one but I read the first couple of chapters and it's sO good. So incredibly good. Omfg.
the sun can bend an orange sky by tieressian
stardew valley au with Komaeda!! It's super cute and I just love it. Call me biased for putting a fic I got as a gift, idc it was good
a letter for your heart by goddess_of_green
Reader gives Komaeda a letter for valentines and he thinks reader is playing him but they're not :(
and if in doubt, remember that I'm still ticking by orphan_account
communication is key by enbyatlas
This fic made me both scream and cry my heart out and have a mental breakdown /pos this is a super cute fic which is pretty much a sdr2 reader insert as well but eli wrote is so well I'm biting him in the brain mentally
If you want any more fics go find jackie, and green (again) !! They have really really good sfw fics and no I'm not just saying this bc they're my moots
Non-Danganronpa related wise, I adore these two
Sight for Sour Eyes by interchaellar (Blue Lock)
where Sae has been in love with reader for ages and finally manages to date reader The light of my life and love of my life I love this fic so FUCKING MUCH
the chune by macsea (Rated E ; Bungou Stray Dogs)
Band au with Chuuya that is just so hot you have to read this anon I just love it so fucking much
Spider-Man Kisses by we_burnin_shit_yo
allegro. by blushzzt (Cai Xukun)
Soulmate au with Kunkun!! I love this fic so much
And a final shameless plug of my own fics that I'm vv proud of lmao (anon since you're here asking I'm assuming u alr read my fics)
Russian roulette is not the same without a gun - Kakegurui-inspired Komaeda/reader fic (Rated E ; Underage)
path to the heart - music school au Kamukura/reader (rated M bc of drug use)
door to the soul - music school au Komaeda/reader where the two prepare for a concert together and fall in love in the process
prince and palace - college au with Komaeda
accismus - Hinata/reader knight au (Rated M ; graphic depictions of violence)
marry you - Komaeda/reader childhood (fake) marriage au
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wongyuuu · 1 year
Let’s Talk Boys Planet | Elimination 2
The second round of eliminations is finally over. We’ll go through the top 9 and then a few other contestants that deserve some attention (good or bad).
#1 Hanbin – I mean, nothing new to see here. Will he pull a Cai Xukun and be center, place first throughout the entire competition and then be center and first place again? Probably and honestly I don’t blame people for it.  If we have to compare to PDX (we don’t have to but I want to), I think Yohan was a bit more charismatic but Hanbin is overall more well rounded, but Yohan had been a trainee for a very short period of time back then.
#2 Zhag Hao – I mean, the centers be centering idk. He is very good, and does his best always. I think he will look great in the final group.
#3 Yujin – I have no doubt he will debut and I honestly think he did a good job in Law, where did that low voice of his even came from? However, his mental health really concerns me. I don’t know how much of the way he acts is him being an introvert (and this kind of environment doesn’t helpt at all) and how much is because that stupid judge decided that it would be a good idea do talk a fucking teenager like he was a 35 year old man. I hope that as time goes on and he realizes how talented he is, his confidence will come back. I know a lot of people are against him debuting because he is so young but honestly most people don’t actually give a shit, if they did Wonyoung wouldn’t have debuted in Izone, Dohyung wouldn’t have debuted in X1, Somi wouldn’t have been in I.O.I and so many others that didn’t go through a reality show like this. People are making a big deal out of it but they don’t actually care.  And let’s be clear, once the show is over and he does make the cut, people will not say “I won’t stan this group because he is too young”. I bet whatever you guys want that in less than six months someone will have written filthy smut with him as the main character and will sexualize everything he does. So please, don’t be hypocrites, if you don’t like him just say so, okay?
#4 Matthew – I like him, I was voting for him but I’m not crazy over him. The second I had to drop someone from my voting list he was the first one to go. This doesn't mean that he is bad, it just means that he doesn’t do it for as much as he does for other people.
#5 Jiwoong - Like I said before, sometime I am a basic bitch. Comparing to PDX (we don’t have to but we will), Jiwoong gives me very much Wooseok vibes, in the sense that he looks very cold and sometimes it makes me wonder if he even wants to be there. He isn’t the best singer but he’s a good dancer in the idol form not like a dancer, dancer. In these few last episodes we were able to see some of his personality and he longer seems to cosplay Elsa.
#6 Gyuvin – Sometimes the basic bitch doesn’t get it, okay? I don’t personally think that he is handsome, he hardly sings in the songs that he was given, and he is an okay dancer I think. I can’t even remember which song he chose in the second round (after much though, like 2 whole minutes, I remembered that he was in Love Killa). So, again, comparing to PDX, he gives Jungmo vibes but with a Minhee lookalike face.
#7 Taerae – I knew that was going to make it into the top 9 and I’m sure he won’t be getting out of it at all, Koreans do love him and he deserves it. He is such a good singer. His voice is so calming and beautiful and he has the sweetest smile. Him and Keita were the only one who made into top 9 without any benefits and that’s very hot of them.
#8 Keita – dude is outstanding. He can sing, can dance, can rap, is super talented (YG is a dumb bitch). Apparently his only negative point, according to Kntez, is the fact that he isn’t tall but he love a short king. I don’t how much his rank will fluctuate now that we can only vote for 3 people but I hope he can debut because Rain is basically selling his group out.
#9 Gunwook – HE MADE IT!! By a short margin, almost didn’t, but he’s here. I hope he stays here and doesn’t go anywhere at all. I love him so much, from the first episode. It seems that Mnet wants him debut so I’m assuming that he will get a lot of positive editing in the next episodes so try and get him to rank higher. People think that he is scary but he is actually just a giant baby who knows that he is good GOOD. The fact that he gets in the top 9, if we just consider the Korean votes, makes me really happy and hope that there’s a chance of him making it.
And now onto the trainees that didn’t made it but I want to mention:
Hui – I called it in my last post, he dropped and he won’t be getting back up. I have a feeling that since the Hyuna and Dawn thing people have a personal vendetta against Pentagon and the members, Hui most of all. I remember how during RTK all the other groups voted for Pentagon but their votes were actually very low when it came from the audience. So yeah, he is great but he won’t make it here. I hope he can debut solo, for real, and have everyone by the balls like B.I did with BTBT.
Jongwoo – I decided to give him my third vote even though he didn’t make it the first and second round. Dude is crazy good, a born leader (I loved to see him chewing up Ma Jing Xian’s ass, that guys really need a wake up call and that was so hot of him). I hope he is the dark horse of the season. From the current top 9, I would take out Gyuvin and get him up there, but realistic he is probably against Gunwook which makes me nervous. I guess it’s a good think that I’m voting for both of them.
Shuaibo – Please tell me what you guys see in this dude, PLEASE. When I said that I don’t get the hype Gyuvin it wasn’t hate, I don’t get it but I accept it. With this guy is pure hate. Like, I watched his fancams and I don’t get it. He half asses everything. HE WANTED Feel Special, he chose it from the started, said it was the only song he wanted, and then proceeded to boycott his own team. Woongi carried the whole performance on his own and for some reason Shuaibo still placed first, still placed higher than Woongi the overall rank. You can’t say that you’re voting for him because he is handsome, because he is not. So what the hell is it? Is it pitty because he didn’t make it to the chinese show is was part of of? TELL ME WHAT IT IS! People say that he is great but I’m yet to see anything from him. He is low-average at best. My hate comes from the fact that he is trying to be in a group but he is not a team player and he doesn’t even try to hide it. I saw people commenting on the fact that that Mnet always cuts his speeches but honestly, thank god. He ranks this high being bad and having a bad edit on his back, imagine what he would do if he could have a single chance to do anything that isn’t hateful.
Wang Zihao – He has no chance of making it into the group. Mnet hates him, dude never even got a mic during the recordings but he is sooooooo good. H was someone I paid attention to during Kill This Love and then again in Law. Mnet, you piece of shit. H will probably be eliminated in the next round since he had very little votes in Korea (the lowest of them all 30k only) but I still want to see him kick some ass in the next round.
My three votes for this round go to Gunwook, Jiwoong and Jongwoo.
It’s really interesting to see how much the ranks change if you take into consideration only the Korean votes or only the Global votes. One of them has 5 global trainees and the other one only has 2. Any wild guesses?
I guess that’s all I had to say. I’m looking forward to see which song will be the song of the season, like U Got I and Move were for Produce X. The song that the group will carry with them once the show is over.
I talked so much about X1 and PDX in this post. I’m going to hate myself but I’ll go back and watch of the performances again.
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I know I’ve said it before and I’m sure nobody is interested but if you would like me to write you a commissioned fanfic or scenario or silly text post I will. Right now in fact. I need more money even though I have a new job but my bank account is sinking.
If ANYONE is interested send me a message with the name of an idol and the type (fluff or smut depending on my opinion of the idol). I can try writing for girl idols and groups of both genders but it will take a little longer since I haven’t done that before. Please give me a chance, we’d both be getting something out of it. I’ll even do crack smut like the Cai Xukun one I wrote for @emeraldbabygirl
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itstheoneshot · 3 years
Congrats on 400 bb!! ♡ well-deserved!
Do... do you know / write for Cai XuKun? 😅
If so, could I please get #32 with a fem reader?
If not, feel free to ignore~
Thank you very much lovely! 💕
Hello! Ah, thank you! I’m so appreciative to all of you! Omg yes yes yes I love him so fucking much! This was really fun to write!
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“Do you like this outfit?” You ask, as you walk out into the living room of your penthouse apartment.
Xukun lifts his gaze, looking away from the phone in his hand and over to you. You watch as his eyes widen in surprise, as you had told him you were changing into a dress for your dinner date, but had changed your mind when you stripped down to your lingerie and saw just how good you looked.
The matching set clung so well to your curves, and you would be lying if you said your mind had been anywhere else since Xukun arrived home from work in that mesh shirt. All you wanted was him, your dinner plans were all but completely forgotten as Xukun stands and crosses the room to you.
“Tiān nà, bǎobǎo,” He sighs, “You are breathtaking.”
You are drawn to him as he takes you by the waist, pulling you flush to his body, while you raise your hands to cup his cheeks and keep his gaze on you.
“I thought you might like it.” You tell him, eyes wide and innocent, knowing that it drives him wild.
He kisses you, rough, he nips your bottom lip hard enough to cause you to gasp. He licks along the swollen tooth mark before kissing across your jawline up to your ear, gently nibbling on your earlobe, as your fingers comb through his hair.
“I do like it,” He murmurs, as one of his hands trails from your waist up to the back of your neck, he grabs a fistful of your hair and tilts your head back, giving him access to your neck, “I like it a lot.”
You whine as he begins to mark your skin, all tongue and teeth as he works his way down your neck, as his fingers find the clasp of your bra to unhook it, before he works the lace off your shoulders.
“Kunnie…” You breathe, tracing his skin through his barely-existent shirt, “You’re gonna drive me crazy.”
He chuckles against your collarbones, nipping at the bone. You wince at the slight pain, but you like it, you always like it when he is rough with you, and he always is when you make him so desperate for you.
“Bǎobǎo, you’re going to drive me crazy,” He growls, “I don’t think I can control myself.”
You whimper at his words, “What do you want to do to me?”
He kisses down your stomach, pulling your panties down to your ankles before standing up again, his eyes are full of lust, his chest heaves as he tries to keep his breathing even.
“I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it.” He purrs, as he takes you by the waist again.
He turns you around to face away from him, to look at the glass doors to your balcony directly in front of you. You feel goosebumps raise on your skin as he guides you to walk forward, and you prepare yourself for what you know is going to be the fuck of a lifetime.
400 followers special! ~ rules here!
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Jealous Much? - Cai Xukun
(If you still write for him) Can I request #14 with Cai Xukun of Nine Percent pls? - @your-girl-cade
14. “I am your daddy.”
Gender Neutral reader
Warnings: Jealousy, implied sex, possessive.
Word Count: 223
"Wanna run that by me again sweetheart?" Xukun questions brow quirking up in intrigue as he smirks at you. Your sudden confidence in testing him had him both impressed and turned on. Used to you being more soft spoken or at least keeping your bratty behavior confined to in the bedroom.
"I said that he looks like daddy material." You nod your head towards his friend Ziyi while sporting a smirk of your own. Not hesitating at all to repeat your statement hoping to get him worked up with your words. Which as a amused as he was by your behavior was exactly what was happening to him. Images of all the ways he could remind you of who your boyfriend was, flitting through his mind a mile a minute.
"Come on sweetheart, we're going home now." Xukun chuckles, hand finding the small of your back to guide you out towards his car to leave.
A small pout gracing your lips, he was too calm right now but he was taking you home where it would be harder to make him jealous, "But why? I was having so much fun Kun~"
Xukun grips your jaw, leaning into your ear to whisper, "Because I am your daddy.....and I think it's time I reminded you of that. Now get in the car. We're going home."
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itsyourjoon · 6 years
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Requested by: @badbitchito
Wang Ziyi x reader x Cai Xukun
Genre: smut
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: alcohol, threesome, oral (recieving and giving), 
A/N: I had this written for a long time but I didn’t know if they even want it anymore so I was like Imma leave it for now hehe... anyways idk how to feel after posting this but it is my first smut hh which the actual smut part ain’t that long so sorry hehh :/
Summary: A party to relieve stress is quite needed but... games are also needed aren’t they?
Your eyes scanned the party for some worthy individuals of your personal interest. Anyone down for some fun. Anyone not too drunk like Yue Yue and his girlfriend, Xianfen, were right now, dancing wildly against each other.
Xiao Gui often threw parties like this even in the middle of the year. And you were often down for some high school fun. His parties were known for unusual events. Like how Justin Huang, your good friend often made smaller fireworks even if it wasn’t needed, because he would then accidentaly burn something and the events would unfold with everyone dancing around the fire not caring that it could burn them as well, too intoxicated to care to be honest.
You finally saw the person you knew the best at this party. You stood up from your spot on the couch, beer in hand and sqeezing past everyone dancing, you intentionally disturbed the drunk couple.
“Sorry!” You shouted loudly over the bass of the music. You didn’t mean it. “Justin! What are you up to?”
Justin heard you without even trying too hard. Parties were boring to him that’s why he usually made them better for his entertainment so his thoughts were easily distracted.
“Bored out of my wits! There is no good girls here, the only one being Xianfen but she’s taken of course.” He glanced at the said female and her partner making out and obviously grinding at each other in the middle of the living room, where the party was mainly going on. Your eyes followed to the couple in mind and you smiled at yourself.
“They’re so dumb honestly. If they don’t end up having sex on the couch or the kitchen counter by the end of this party something is off with their usual selves then.” Justin laughed at your comment knowing all too well the couple’s actions on the previous parties.
“True. Hey Y/n, how ‘bout we spice this party up for ourselves a bit? Whoever does at least anything more than that,” he pointed to Yue Yue and Xianfen doing the same as before – for now, “by the end of this poor excuse of a party wins 400 yuan. How about that?” you drank a sip of your beer, mulling over his offer of this personal fun. Finally seeing that your wallet could handle losing or winning 400 yuan you accepted his offer. “Good. Then it’s settled. Two people separately are worth one point each. More people together are worth the square of the number. Got it?” Hmm… it was interesting of course. And entertaining too.
“Deal. Prepare the 400 yuan. And remember the ‘victims’ of the night.” Justin just smiled at your little threat. He gave you a sly wink and left into the sea of high schoolers. You knew him too well so you knew what that wink meant.
‘You know I’ll be the one receiving the cash.’
Game on.
Going straight to the kitchen to pour another drink or two you immediately noticed two guys there. Two guys you recognised. Two guys who would hopefully be down to some freaky fun time. But the two guys you would also avoid.
Cai Xukun and Wang Ziyi.
You get closer carefully, knowing what the guys are like.
Wang Ziyi is what you’d call the ‘king’* of the high school. The only people not obeying him were the principal and maybe 3 professors or maybe even less. Everyone feared him for the vibe he gave off. Tattoos painting his skin and a piercing on his lip, that he often rolls between his teeth, the metal in his upper ear lobes just a cherry on top to his fearful look. But his black slicked hair gave him a different energy. The one that would pull you closer, rather than make you turn the other way around.
Cai Xukun looked less dangerous with only two or three earrings, but the power his family’s money held was unspeakable. He too was a bit feared but not as much as Ziyi was. Xukun was friendly and rather approached people than wait for them to approach him since he knew what they thought of him. A rich and powerful kid. He looked less terrifying, but he did keep a ‘resting bitch face’ most of the time, that’s why everyone thought he hated them, so they avoided him for it. On the contrary people said he was really nice.
You didn’t know the boys noticed you but they did.
“And what is a lady like you doing here?” You instantly freeze at Ziyi’s voice, not used to talking to you. Despite you being known as a girl with elite class, style and a certain attitude you were by no means someone that would hang out with them knowing that at least Ziyi could mean danger.
“I’m… just here to get some drinks. Have some fun… then leave I guess.” Your trembling voice actually reached his ears and he nodded knowingly.
“Wanna join us?”
To be honest you weren’t up for that. If they were anything like people said Ziyi could easily beat you up and Xukun… well he’d do you no harm but safety’s first.
“Thanks for the offer. I have to find my friend.” After saying that you rushed out the kitchen and back into the living room.
Disappearing into the crowd of people with two drinks in hand you didn’t notice they kept on watching you and followed you there. It was their little hunt too. A deer hiding from its hunter. To them it was a game.
Dancing in the crowd you felt hands snake around your shoulders.
“Y/n! I’m glad you could make it!” The petite man that hosted this party was another good friend of yours so you knew it was him immediately.
“Gui! Yea of course I’d come. I need this in my life and you know it.” Xiao Gui let go of the friendly hug and started dancing with you. “Hiding from Bu Fan?”
The guy abruptly nodded, grabbed one of the cups in your hand and drank it one go, casually throwing the now empty cup on the floor, letting other people smash it as they sway their bodies to the music.
“Oh yeah. That man is searching everywhere for me ‘cause I made him lose a game of beer pong and wants to beat me up for it.” You laughed because you knew how the latter man was. A tall giant, that appears dangerous, but in reality is the friendliest, most playful man alive.
Talking about the man, his tall figure appeared from the doorway to another room, eyes searching for the smaller man.
“Xiao Gui you little snake! Come here!”
Hearing his voice, Gui picked up his pace and ran away from him to hide. As they went past you, Bu Fan chasing Gui, you noticed that two pairs of eyes were on you. Looking in that direction you saw the two men, who you ran into in the kitchen, your tank top and ripped jean shorts suddenly became too revealing.
They were both watching you with the same kind of aura that pulled you to them more than chased you away.
Well I could get 4 points with this.
With that thought in your head, you decided to tease them, starting dancing as sexily as you could. Letting their eyes linger on your body, you sent them many seductive looks, a lip bite here and there. The alcohol in your system gave you the courage to even touch some parts of yourself, while looking straight at them.
Xukun didn’t worry about hiding his liking. His eyes were scanning your body as he was tugging at his bottom lip. Ziyi on the other hand was just lazily smirking, hoping that you would make him more entertained than this.
As if reading his mind you made your way to them, making sure to tease them on the way there as well.
“I think I’ll accept that offer if it still stands.” You say immediately when you near them. Ziyi just smirks and chuckles a bit.
“Oh not the only thing standing right now baby.” His sudden confession bloomed some pride in your chest, which connected directly to the wanting ache in your core. Your botttom lip got  tugged by your teeth as you quickly glanced at the noticable buldge in his tracksuit. Paying attention to Ziyi you didn’t notice hands on your waist and something probably equally hard pressed against your lower back.
“Why don’t you make up for the mess you caused then huh?” His voice sent shivers down your spine and a bite at your earlobe made you curve your ass towards him.
“I- I could do that. If you’d like me to.”
Rubbing against him Xukun let out a low hiss at the friction. He grabbed your chin and tilted your head to him, giving you a sloppy kiss exploring your mouth. He smelled a bit of alcohol but it didn’t bother you too much since you knew you probably did too.
At the view Ziyi didn’t waste any time. He pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on, grabbed your face, turning you to him as soon as the kiss with Xukun ended.
He took his time with that and explored your mouth, rubbing himself against your lower front to get himself off a bit. You moaned in his mouth even though you were highly aware that people could still hear but you couldn’t care less.
“Let’s check if any of the rooms are free. Please.” You begged when he broke the kiss. The guys looked at each other and smirked.
“Yeah. Let’s do that.”
As soon as the three of you entered the nearest empty room Ziyi undid your shorts, lowering to your neck to leave his marks. Xukun rather took off his own clothes and later your top to leave you in your black lace underwear.
“Fuck she’s so hot, Ziyi take a look at her.” One of his hands snaked from behind you, kneading your breasts while the other rested on your waist pulling your body to his, allowing him to kiss your neck and shoulders. The wetness that started pooling in your panties ever since you started making out with them in the middle of the whole party was now almost soaking through.
The more Xukun kneaded your breast the louder your moans became and you could see how it affected them both.
“Fuck. Kun bring her over to the bed. I can’t wait any longer.” Ziyi was rubbing himself over his boxers before you were guided to the bed.
As you sat down Xukun kissed you again, moving downwards after it, unclasping your bra at the same time. As he let it fall to the sheets he massaged the flesh of your right boob while sucking on the hardened nipple of the left one.
In the meantime Ziyi moved from his spot on the edge of the bed to between your legs, spreading them apart. He started rubbing your thighs while kissing and biting right next to your wanting core.
“Ziyi… please stop teasing. Just do it.” At that Ziyi looked up at you with lust-filled eyes, raising a brow.
To give you what you wanted he rubbed your clit through your panties making you moan loudly and as on que Xukun bit down on your boob and the moan changes to a scream of pleasure.
Ziyi removed your panties to reveal your wanting pussy for him.
“She’s dripping. How ‘bout we take care of that Kun?” Xukun released your nipple with a pop and gave it one last lick before answering.
“You take care of that I have my problem I want her to take care of.” Xukun didn’t even bother with Ziyi he just gave you one of the dirtiest looks that made you do whatever he wanted. You looked down to his crotch to see his dick outlined by his boxers, underwear stained by the leaking precum.
At his friends statement Ziyi just nodded and dove right down between your legs as if he would be eating his very last meal.
You started moaning out of pleasure and threw your head back. Xukun grabbed a fistful of your hair to lift your head and you noticed he put his boxers down, setting his dick free. It was long and thick, making you question how you would even fit it in your mouth.
Supporting yourself on one hand you grabbed Xukun’s dick with the other putting it in your mouth. Ziyi’s tongue explored your pussy, entering it in and out at a tourturous pace at the moment. He sped up for a bit giving you intense pleasure and you moaned around Xukun’s member as he thrusted in your mouth. The vibrations from your throat went straight to him in your mouth and he released a sinful moan on enjoyment.
Ziyi added a finger inside you making moan again and Xukun pushed himself deep enough so that he was all inside your mouth. The sensation was too much for your throat and you moaned again sending yet another wave of pleasure to him.
Xukun didn’t even bother going slow. He was hitting the back of your throat as fast as he could, but without making you gag. At the same time Ziyi was hitting your own spot over and over again, while you answered to his pleasing with muffled moans and occasional whines.
It was only a few more hits to your spot that made you moan louder than before wanting to tell them that you’re close.
“Hold on baby. Just a bit more. Fuck I’m close too.” He was getting sloppy due to his approaching orgasm. But he still couldn’t catch up with the orgasm Ziyi was giving you.
It hit all of a sudden. Your eyes were rolling to the back of your head, moans escaping you as the whiteness in your vision dissipated. In what felt like just another second Xukun’s white strings were sprung all over your face, offering him the beautiful sight of you coded with his cum as he took some of it from your cheeks with his finger and put it in your mouth as you subconsciously licked it off.
As soon as you came back to your senses both boys were lapping their tongues at your lower parts drinking up your orgasm themselves. Seeing that it made you even more ready for the next round, whatever they might decide it would be.
Ziyi just tapped Xukun’s shoulder and the younger boy gave him space. He put his own boxers down now as well rolling a condom on himself. Pushing you down on the mattress he dived straight for your collarbones, biting and nipping at all the sking his mouth could get in contact with.
His cock entering you caused a sting in your abdomen, still sensitive from your last orgasm. At that you let out a little yelp and to shut you up Xukun decided to kiss you.
You responded to his kiss and moaned in his mouth as Ziyi started thrusting in you with full force. After a while he just sped up, still going on with the same brute force making you think he might split you in half.  For exstra pleasure Xukun put his hand between your bodies and started rubbing your clit at the same pace Ziyi was thrusting in you.
“F- fuck I’m close.” Ziyi muttered to the both of you, grabbing under your thigh and putting it around his waist to hit you from another angle. At that you moaned in Xukun’s mouth exploring yours trying to let them both know you’re close again too.
Xukun got the hint and started rubbing you at a faster pace, stimulating your clit into a faster orgasm.
This one was even harder than the first one, making you almost scream in Xukun’s mouth and losing all power you possibly had left.
As Ziyi spilled into the condom he gently put your leg from around his waist, on the bed where you laid and discarded of the condom. Xukun ran his hand over your body, cupping your cheek and gently kissing your forehead.
“Thank you so much for this Y/n. It was really fun.” At that you smiled fondly at him.
People were just afraid of their power. Otherwise they’re both really nice.
All three of you climbed under the duvet, knowing Xiao Gui wouldn’t mind if you slept over. Xukun and Ziyi were both close to you no matter that it was probably just a one-time thing.
You’ll just have to see how this will unfold next morning.
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oh-jjg · 4 years
PART 1 : Nagfi-feeling clean?
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aeri101 · 5 years
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nine percent // lin yanjun // white moodboard
boyfriend yanjun
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linkeai · 6 years
20 ways to say I love you → birthday boy cai xukun ( nine percent ) → summary: 20 little blurbs for our Xukun’s 20th birthday. → warning(s): some suggestive parts, a little angsty sometimes → genre: fluff, blurbs → word count: 2,658
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→ one
it’s not the first time the thought strikes you, but it’s suddenly all the more profound when you’re sitting on the floor of his room sometime after midnight. game controllers lay abandoned on the floor, the screen replaying a cutscene for the hundredth time while the two of you laugh until your stomachs hurt and someone’s beating on the wall telling you to shut up. you’re not sure why, but you find yourself telling him, “i love being around you” and rejoicing in the way his cheeks light up red in the dark.
→ two
you’re sure you’ve never been as drunk as you are right now as the two of you stumble outside of a college party at dawn. xukun is sober, always the designated driver and he’s cackling and telling you that you should have laid off the drinks when you moan about how you’ll never drink a drop of alcohol ever again. he leads you to his car and helps you in the passenger seat, buckling your seatbelt and patting your head. you’re staring at his profile as he starts the car, features of his face washed in color by the lights of the dashboard. somewhere inside of your drunken haze, you know you shouldn’t say it, but you do anyway; “you’re so beautiful.”
→ three
it’s a friday night and you’re wide awake, curled up in your bed and smiling at your phone as xukun answers every text you send in record time. you two always talk like this - unable to tear your eyes from the screen as you eagerly await the others next response. somehow the conversation turns to why you haven’t been on a date recently, and xukun asks you if you’ve got your eye on someone. the way he asks makes your stomach turn, but you’re not sure if what you want to say is what he wants to hear. slowly, you type the words “i can’t stop thinking about you,” before you think better and delete them letter by letter. you brush off the question and change the subject.
→ four
some other day, you’re sitting in the living room in the dark, knees pulled to your chest and sobbing into your pajama pants. the house is all too quiet, and you anxiously await the knock at the door when it finally comes and is followed shortly after by the door being thrown open rather unceremoniously and xukun’s boots padding across the living room floor. he’s a bit damp from the rain and he smells faintly of sweat but you cling desperately to him as he holds you in his arms and tells you that everything is going to be just fine. when you’ve calmed down and you’re still shaking in his arms, soft sobs and hiccups making your body jump, you tell him that only thing that seems enough; “you are the best thing to ever happen to me.”
→ five
it’s new years eve when you’re standing outside in the snow, shivering in your tight clothing and regretting even going to the stupid party in the first place. you decide it was worth it when you feel a familiar presence beside you and see xukun, hair pushed back and some stray pieces of confetti clinging to his shoulders. you start to smile but he looks startingly serious when he looks down at you. faintly, you register that people have started counting down and you watch in confusion as he swallows thickly and lays his hands on your shoulders. on the count of three, he leans in and presses his lips firmly to yours. when the fireworks explode in front of you, dancing behind your still shuttered eyes, you barely catch what he says above the ruckus - “you’re my resolution.”
→ six
some months later, you’re sitting on his bed in your pajamas eating easter candy and laughing over a movie. when the movie ends, you lay lifelessly on top of the sheets, drawing shapes on his chest over his thin t-shirt, nearly lulled to sleep by the steady rise and fall of his breathing beneath your fingertips. as your eyes start to flutter shut, you just catch him say, “i am infatuated with you.” you roll your eyes, basking in the pink and red atmosphere that xukun manages to color with such cheesy lines that only he can pull off.
→ seven
you’re at a dinner party dressed to the nines in fancy attire. you want to focus on the atmosphere or the quick conversations you and xukun keep getting caught up in, but the only thing you can seem to pay attention to is how sinfully good xukun looks in the tight black dress shirt with his hair pushed back. as someone whose name you didn’t remember departs with good wishes for the both of you, xukun turns to and asks, amused, why you’re so quiet. you swallow thickly, laying a hand on his silken chest and tracing slow, burning circles with your fingertips. “i want you,” you admit, and you relish in the way his eyes darken and your heart stutters in your chest.
→ eight
you weren’t really the jealous type, per say, but xukun was ridiculously handsome and sometimes, you got a harsh reminder that you weren’t the only one that thought so. it’s at some friends and friends-of-friends function when you spy xukun from across the room, looking uncomfortable and locked in conversation with some girl you don’t recognize tracing her manicured fingers up his sleeve. you’re about to pounce on the situation when xukun looks at you with pleading eyes and says something quickly to the girl before breaking away and practically racing in your direction. you turn away from him when he responds to ‘who was that?’, with ‘i don’t know,’ and seconds later you hear his chuckle and his fingers are beneath your chin, turning your face to his and giving you a loving kiss. ‘relax, baby,’ he chides. “i’m all yours.”
→ nine
there are days that are bad and there are days that are unbearable. xukun is often stressed - usually exhausted. it never hurts any less when you see him come home with red and black-ringed eyes and a sleepy smile before he collapses into bed. it’s no wonder that sometimes, it’s all too much. at first, you aren’t sure what to do when he tries to talk and start stuttering, tears filling his eyes before he starts to cry right in front of you. so you did what he would do. you gather him up in your arms, hold him as close as you can and talk, talk, talk about how incredible he is and how everything is going to be okay, and he’ll see that soon. when he calms down, he gives you a teary smile and says the words you needed to hear - “i am lucky to have you.”
→ ten
its another day in the studio when you drop by to deliver some lunch - once xukun puts his head down and starts to work, the real world means nothing to him, and he won’t even realize he’s hungry. when you arrive, he’s hunched over his desk with headphones on in a big black hoodie that looks way too warm for the summer climate outside. you call his name softly and he doesn’t hear you the first time so you tap his shoulder and show him his lunch when he looks up in surprise. the two of you eat together quickly, exchanging small conversation. when you get up to leave, xukun stops you and asks you to stay a while and sit with him, when you ask him why, he responds with a cheeky smile and tells you, “you inspire me.”
→ eleven
you lose things a lot. clothes, keys, your phone, chargers, etc. xukun likes to tell you that you’d lose your head if it wasn’t attached to your shoulders. so he is in no way surprised as you’re leaving to go get dinner and you freeze in the doorway, admitting that you didn’t know where your phone was. xukun sighs playfully and sits down in the living room while you dart around searching high and low for the missing cellphone when eventually xukun gets bored and gets up to help you look. you both go into the bedroom, which you’d already basically turned upside down and xukun moves the sheets a certain way and gives you a tired look when it reveals your phone beneath a crease in the blanket. you smile sheepishly as you except it and he laughs, ruffling your hair. as you walk toward the door, he hands you the car keys you were about to start searching for and you sigh, murmuring “i’m lost without you,” as if he doesn’t already know.
→ twelve
you know you look damn good when you look over yourself one last time in the mirror before you step out and greet your boyfriend who patiently waits in the living room. you’re a little nervous how he’ll react to seeing you so dressed up as you step out of the bedroom and carefully walk down over the stairs. he’s sitting with his back to you when you call that you’re ready. he turns his head to face you and you feel yourself burn up under his awed gaze, eyes wide and jaw slack. he stands up quickly and walks over to you, holding your hands and standing back to admire your body. ‘oh my god,’ he says. “you’re perfect.”
→ thirteen
one day you are out and around with xukun, walking hand in hand through the park and looking at all the nature around you. you’re in a little bit of a silly mood, so you pluck a flower from the side of the path, stick in behind his ear and call him your princess. you expect him to cutely whine or complain but he just smiles and looks at you with big loving eyes. “i adore you,” he says quietly, picking another flower and sticking it behind your ear.
→ fourteen
you and xukun talk a lot - it always been a given in your relationship. there is no topic of conversation that either of you shy away from or don’t talk about. one day, you’re out to eat lunch and you spot a young couple with their two small children walk into the restaurant. jokingly, xukun says one day that will be the two of you. you almost choke on your food, looking at him in thinly veiled shock and asking him if he really means that. he looks confused - ‘of course,’ he says. “i want everything with you.”
→ fifteen
it’s been a long day by the time xukun arrives home and you’re trying to wash the dishes at the sink. everything that could go wrong, went wrong. your car broke down, you spilled your drink all over your shirt, you got yelled at, and you fell down and hurt your hands and knees. xukun can tell something is wrong when he steps into the kitchen and you’re washing a dinner plate with unnecessary aggression. you try to play it off like you’re fine when he asks, but your jerky movements cause the plate in your hands to smash to pieces and you immediately start crying in frustration. xukun is quick to take the cloth and the shard of the plate and tell you to sit down while he cleans up the mess and finishes the dishes. he kisses your forehead and sends you off, and as you walk away you make sure to tell him “i appreciate you.”
→ sixteen
xukun is a bit goofier than he lets on. it’s too hot to go outside and lounging around the house in little clothing with fans whirring from every direction. xukun expresses his distaste for sitting still and doing nothing, and he puts his desires into action when a certain song comes on, grabbing your hands and pulling you up from the couch. you laugh, feigning annoyance as he dances you around the living room the way an eighty-year-old couple would, singing sweetly in his cute accent; “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine..”
→ seventeen
the two of you were never one of those couples - you didn’t do the matching phone cases or outfits, didn’t try to take those corny, almost too  uncomfortable to look at couple photos or try to merge into each other until you were one person. you were just a normal couple who did normal things and you tried to avoid all those weird habits like the plague. xukun comes over one day to pick you up for a date. you open the door and the two of you pause, staring at each other in amazement before bursting into laughter, because you’re both wearing black bottoms, a black and white striped t-shirt and black shoes. ‘look at that,’ he muses. “you’re my perfect match.”
→ eighteen
xukun’s got a mean aunt. you already know this when he invites you to the family event, and you know it when you get all dressed up and you still only really think about when you’ve arrived and she’s giving you the stink-eye that only old ladies can make. you already know whats coming when she strolls up to the two of you and starts going on and on about how he ‘still doesn’t have a real job’ and ‘he’s never going to really go anywhere with music’. you decide you’ve heard enough when xukun’s expression turns from bored to irritated to looking sad, and you interject. you tell the woman off quickly and efficiently and she turns up her nose before she clicks away on her heels. you and xukun smile at each other and you wave off his thanks, reminding him that “i’ve got your back.”
→ nineteen
when you love someone, you’re never truly whole without them. the other side of the bed seems empty, the world is a little quieter and everything just feels off balance without your other half. you feel that pain when xukun goes away for a week - and while you weren’t entirely dependent on your boyfriend, you just didn’t feel like you anymore when he wasn’t around. when he finally returns with suitcases in hand and sleepy eyes, you’re there at the door to pounce on him and shower him with a love that’s been building up since he’d left. “y/n,” he mumbles against your lips when you finally pull away from the kiss. “you complete me.”
→ twenty
the world will give you the impression that some moments are meant to be big, grandeur - like a first kiss or a first date. a first i love you. yours is not so much - and it’s because of this that you realize that small things can be just as perfect and as beautiful as other things that are big and impressive. you’re curled up in bed after a long night with xukun, talking and and watching movies and just being with each other when you finally start to doze off. you’re wrapped up in his arms with your face more or less buried in his chest, and so the ‘goodnight’ you say is a bit muffled by his hoodie. ‘goodnight,’ he sleepily replies. “i love you.” you both freeze once the words leave his lips, every muscle in your body going rigid as you try to understand where you should go from here. it’s a big moment - yet the situation is so small. you decide to go where your heart leads you, and so just as quietly, you tell him the truth and it’s that “i love you, too.” you can tell he is smiling without seeing his face, and both of you relax and start to fall back asleep with red cheeks and sleepy grins.
happy birthday my boy!! if i realized how long this would take me i would have started it sooner so i hope im not too late for the birthday hype. i hope xukun has an incredible day, because he’s an incredible man who deserves it more than anyone ♡
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evanismyking · 6 years
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Nine Percent with a latina girlfriend
Nine Percent - Group Chat
Most likely to get rid of a spider
Most likely to be passive agressive after a fight with their S/O
Most likely to date a girl with short hair
Nine Percent as:
Yahoo Questions
Sh*t Jackson Wang has said/done
Zhang PD
Famous Movie/Series quotes
Pakalu Papito tweets
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As your..:
Cai Xukun as your boyfriend (fluffy)
Cai Xukun as your brother
Cai Xukun ~ Boyfriend snaps
Boy x boy smut:
Soft Spot ~ Yixing x Xukun
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☆Coming Soon☆
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Nyctophobia ~ Fan Chengcheng (Fluff) ¬ in which he loves the night but she's afraid of the dark.
Mountains ~ Fan Chengcheng (Secret Genre)
Fan Chengcheng - Meme Battle
Boyfriend!Cheng - Daily texts
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Justin Huang - Little brother texts
Oblivious ~ Justin Huang (Bullet-point) ¬ you're Zhengting's little sister and Justin has a crush on you.
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Just a brat ~ Lin Yanjun Texting AU
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13 (coming soon)
Kidnap Me - Lin Yanjun Written AU
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Coming Soon)
Lin Yanjun - Boyfriend texts
Slice of Life:
Mornings like these ~ Lin Yanjun
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It's raining again ~ Zhu Zhengting (Angst-ish)
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☆Coming Soon☆
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Xiao Gui - Your friends think he's scary
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☆Coming Soon☆
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Fanboy Zuo Ye talking to Xukun | ft. Qin Fen
Hickey Prank ~ Zhou Yanchen (Fluff, suggestive)
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sinfulcries2 · 6 years
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welcome to my idol producer nine percent masterlist! here are the bullet types and stuff like that bwahaha. here you can also find my stories!
 ✏ - mature ✰ - personal favorite ♕ - au ♚ - inspired by ❀ - fluff ☁ - angst ✄ -  sensitive 
⤷ a short scenario about y/n meeting her love at a milkshake shop.
⤷ reader confesses her feelings for her crush xukun, and ends up with xukun admitting his feelings for reader too.
⤷ xukun calls reader and trainees tease him for being whipped while all the action gets aired.
⤷ justin being a little shit, exposed xukun while having an interview amd teased him for being whipped.
⤷  soulmate au for fan chengcheng
⤷  another soulmate au for fcc
⤷ justin was tired of living the royal life and decided to spend his days going to the beach instead of doing blind dates with girls, little did he know he would meet a mango seller that would be his.
ILY ; JUSTIN ✰ ❀ ☁
⤷ you started developing a crush for justin and it hurt you until he expressed his feelings too
⤷ zhengting kisses you unexpectedly and confess to each other
⤷ you suddenly were able to see color when one particular man caught your eye
⤷ you instantly fell inlove with qin fen’s coffee at first sip, is it love at first sip?
⤷ a short imagine of reader becoming bestfriends to lovers with ding zeren.
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Soloists/Other Artist Masterlist
Rules and Request Information
Key: 🔞- 18+ 🤬 - Angst 😊 - Fluff : 💗 - Female Reader 💙 - Male Reader 💜 - Gender Neutral Reader
Cai Xukun:
Jealous Much? - 🔞💜 - Summary: Based on  14. “I am your daddy.” - Warnings: Jealousy, implied sex, possessive.
Cai Xukun In Bed - 😊🔞💜 - Headcanons - Warnings: 18+, NSFW
Xiao Gui:
Glasses - 😊💗 - Summary: Linkai had never seen you with your glasses before, but he likes them. - Warnings: None
Wang Ziyi:
Wang Ziyi In Bed -  😊🔞💜 - Headcanons - Warnings: 18+, NSFW
Snowed In (ft. Monsta X) - 😊🤬💜 - Summary: Getting trapped in a blizzard was bad enough, though that wasn’t the least of their problems it would seem. - Warnings: Ghost themes, abandoned asylum setting, trapped, haunted themes, actually kinda soft though, themes of abandonment.
Price - 🤬💜 -  Summary: He had finally found the fountain of youth, but he hadn’t headed your warning. - Warnings: He doesn’t intentionally try to die, but like he does take unnecessary risks, no aging, no death, addiction of sorts, tears, pain.
Nine Percent:
Poisoned Kiss Series (on Hiatus) - Prologue
BSDM Series Masterlist (multi-fandom)
Heartbreak Hotel Series Masterlist (multi-fandom)
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sopeloveee · 6 years
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- the name is this fic is called “ Sativa “ which is the Latin word for useful
- oof this is my first fic !
- lots of angst, fluff (andmaybesmut)
- before we get started, this fic will have a lot of TRIGGERING TOPICS so READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
- let’s get started !
- Characters: (OC) Jasmine Xiao (she blasian ya’ll !!) , Cai Xukun , Wang Ziyi , Chen Linong , Xiao Gui , Fan Chenggeng , You Zhangting , Ling Chao , Zhu Zhengting , Justin , Zhou Jieqiong , Lin Yanjun
- the story is set China ( obvi)
- Jasmine moved from America to go back to China with her parents when she was 11
- she’s 18 now
- Father is deceased
- i understand that people might not like these topics, but i wanted to give myself a challenge!!
- i really hope you guys like my fic !!
- byeeee!!!💕
EDIT: ( forgot to mention so that people won’t get confused!! YOU ARE JASMINE! Don’t let her name fool you!! I made it so the you were in her shoes!! okay thx💕)
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danishmiilk · 4 years
if your moots were fanfics, what would they be? :p
ANON! i’ve been wanting to do this for the lONgest time (two days) so i’m soooo happy to have received this LMAO even though,,, this may NOT be accurate but im just gonig to do this randomly to the best of my ability
it’s very long, so more under the cut
@lebrookestore || taeyong + bookshop!au. so basically taeyong works at this bookshop and shes always going in to flip through books and such because she can’t afford to buy them and taeyong’s supposed to chase her away but just doesn’t have the heart to and one day she really just goes up and thanks him and hes like no problem and its usually quite empty so the next times she goes to said bookshop taeyong will go and sit with her to read the books and they talk and like wow they like the same shit! so then they Fall In Love wow
@hannie-dul-set || jaemin + definitely fluff. so basically her best friend (me! IM SORRY ALLEX BYE) and her best friend’s boyfriend (SICHENG! IM NOT SORRY ALLEX BYE) decided that their best friends weren’t getting like enough DATES so then they dragged them out on a double date (only for her and jaemin it was a bLIND date). it was at the dog cafe and the moment me and sicheng got there we just left them and ran away and theyd already bought like food so they decided to just stay and it was awkward for a bit but then like, jaemin was so good with dogs and hot damn. then yall exchange numbers and by the time yall get out of the cafe you see me and sicheng across the street using binoculars to spy on yall.
@seeing-dreams || chenle + def fluff, highschool!au. i feel like it’d be the secret admirer letter thing, which i think you already know what i mean? like chenle’s your crush bc (tbh he’e everyone’s) hes so hot and hes part of the basketball team and he also sits with you in bio and also at the same time you’ve been getting notes taped to the underside of your table in bio, and its like 10 or so letters before you get the last one asking you on a date (and leaving their number!! so if you want to date then call!!) and so youve alr fallen for this guy’s diction and you call the number and chenle’s phone rings. he winKS at you and youre like oH MY GOD
@floweringtheflowers || mark + YO IM SORRY BUT ISN’T YOUR WRITING ACC LIKE NEOSCULPTURES A SMUT BLOG I VAGUELY REMEMBER YOU SAYING THAT OR SUMN SO + pwp LMAO IM SORRY- and like obviously i don’t read those but like yeah take it take it away you just give me very strong pwp vibes bye
@moonlightjeno || jeno + arranged marriage!au, royalty!au, one sided etl!au. MHM SO BASICALLY YOURE A PRINCESS AND JENO IS A PRINCE AND THE KING AND QUEEN OF JENO’S COUNTRY (cough doyoung and his wife) dECIDE THAT OK TREATY so then you and jeno have to get married and like bc were such nice people we decide that okay, yall get married for oNE YEAR if really cannot then like fine,, yall can divorce. so yall just like try to tide it out for a year right but you need to fake in the eyes of the public and you hate jeno but hes just trying to make this more bearable for the two of you and one day yall have an argument and jeno goes like “I JUST REALLY wANT TO KISS YOU, OKAY?” *squeal* and youre like whatthefuck and then, like, you know what? you jsut pretend that didn’t happen but you eventually agree to just be cordial and friendly and become friends, and you know jeno’s in love with you but you try to not make it awkward and somewhere along the way you fall in love *clasps hands together with a huge sigh* deserve.
@sehunniepot || (i want to write this alr) yuta + hogwarts!au, etl!au, HOUSE RIVALRY!AU BC THOSE ARE SUPERIOR. yuta’s definitely a gryffindor so you can be a slytherin since you never tOLD me. so so anyway youve hated each other from day one because of some stupid misunderstanding of him purposely tripping you in the train and then youre sorted into slytherin and him in gryffindor and the next four years are pranks and sneers and insults and glares. then the yule ball comes up, and because the hogwarts teachers are so JUMPY you have a dancing lesson with randomly assigned partners and you get yuta and AAAA “boys, put your hand on the girl’s waist.” and youre glaring daggers but yuta does it anyway with that cocky grin and you hold hands and your hand’s on his shoulder and are his ears red, or is that just your imagination?? then yall just tease each other the entire dancing lesson and when you get back to your dorm best friend!doyoung’s all like “why was nakamoto blushing-” and you’re like “nothing.” then then YOU REALISE YOU CANT STOP THINKING OF HIS HAND ON YOUR WAIST AND DURING THE NEXT DANCE LESSON YOU NATURALLY GRAVITATE TOWARD EACH OTHER AND DOYOUNG’S LIKE ?? OKAY THEN ILL JUST GO DANCE QITH SOMEONE ELSE?? then the teachers (who know of your stupid rivalry) are like: okay then miss l/n and mr nakamoto if you’ve already paired up. OH THEN A FEW WEEKS LATER HE ASKS YOU TO THE BALL UNDER THE GUISE THAT “YOU ACTUALYL DANCE WELL” AND YOURE LIKE “YOURE NOT TOO BAD YOURSELF” but its all, ofc, a pretense and then at the ball you all (having alr realised you like each other), confess, and promptly kiss under the shining ice stalactites magically hung from the trees in the grounds of hogwarts. (OH MY GOD FUCK IM WRITING THIS)
@doyounged || doyoung + fluff, def + i think high school sweethearts!au so this is the really fluffy oneshots where like youre super shy!! like its pretyt obvious you have crushes on each other but like first relationship or wtv and you jsut brush fingers and BLUSH and put your arm around each other and BLUSH and cheek kiss and BLUSH and you get my point? yeah yeah that’s the whole au
@moonbeamsung || jisung + fluff af + best freinds to lovers!au the only thing i can think of is like cute sleepovers and the sleeptalking thing, i’ve written something like that for you i thiNK?? 
@orange-nimon-cross || cai xukun + angst. just pure angst. im not even kidding the angst is so bad oh my god- probably hurt-comfort. like xukun’s your emotional rock and hes jsut so,,, ROCK AND HES ALW THERE FOR YOU AND KAJOFSDF A HUG SOLVES ALL and something like that you get my point, yes??
@rouiyan || hyuck + uhm, ice hockey player hyuck. like i think you did one with jeno or something but like idk why does the concept suit your vibe so muCH?? this one bc hyuck is playful it’d be like you’re dragged to the matches bc jeno’s your best friend but you couldnt give a flying fuck about ice hockey and his annoying teammate (hyuck.) keeps flirting with you and like one day you ask him straight up why are you flirting with me and hyuck’s immediately apologetic like shit did it make you uncomfy ill stop and youre like hes,,, a nice guy and then yall bond over like post-match meals which jeno starts dragging yall all to and then yeah sicheng and ten (same hockey team) help hyuck plan a confession and he confesses at the pizza shop.
@radiorenjun || renjun + angst, but with a happy ending if i feel like it- oh hold on maybe not angst ill save you the heartbreak. def artist!renjun, not even going to think about it, and kind of supernatural/soulmate? like he has dreams of a mystery girl every night and that’s the inspo for all his paintings, and he tries selling them to an art gallery and youre the curator of said art gallery adn youre liek “thats so beautiful, but why is it always the back view of the girl?” and renjun looks up from his paintings to explain and he sees you and literally screams because he’s never seen the mystery girl’s face but HE KNOWS its you. it HAS to be. so the two of you try figuring out the stupid phenomenon and who knows, maybe it’s just fate’s way of letting the two of you come together! yall become a thing YAY
--- once again, thank you anon for this ask! i really enjoyed doing this and like you know what?? i may write some of these aus someday. definitely the yuta one. someday.
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mingi-bubu · 3 years
Writing Masterlist
💌 QCYNarios
I write for:
The Boyz
Nine Percent
Cai Xukun
NCT 127
… Pretty much any group or soloist you've seen on my blog, lol
I don't write outright smut bc I have youths following me, but I will toe the line.  I do also take requests, so let me know if you want me to write smth for you !!  :D
I reserve the right to decline a request if I am uncomfortable with it. I will not write about gfriend, viviz, or idols that have left their group in disgrace.
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wangshurp · 3 years
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Wen Long / Danne Wen
@wgs_wenlong FACECLAIM: Cai Xukun DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 02 de Agosto de 1998 / 23 anos NACIONALIDADE: China ETNIA: Chinês GÊNERO: Masculino ORIENTAÇÃO SEXUAL: Pansexual ATIVIDADE: Assessor político LOCALIZAÇÃO: Sunset Village TEMAS DE INTERESSE: Angst; Crack; Fluff; General; Romance; Smut. TRIGGERS: Abuso num geral
Nunca precisou se esforçar muito para conseguir as coisas. Tem dinheiro suficiente pra poder não se esforçar tanto assim. Mas mesmo assim tenta manter o pé no chão, sendo cheio de empatia e generosidade. Ainda assim precisou aprender a se colocar em primeiro lugar muito cedo, assim acabou ficando um tanto egoísta com algumas coisas, apenas uma forma de se proteger e cuidar de si e dos que ama.
Sua mãe era muito, mas muito pobre. Nasceu de uma família de pescadores do sul da China, mas por sorte sempre foi muito bonita e sempre chamou muita atenção. Seus pais conseguiram ajuda-la a juntar um dinheiro e ela pôde se mudar para Hongkong, onde sua vida começou a mudar de fato.
Ela foi trabalhar em um hotel de luxo como camareira e ali conheceu um político influente. Ela não sabe até hoje se gosta dele, mas sabia que precisava mudar de vida, por isso os dois se casaram. E assim ela teve a vida que sempre sonhou e criou Wen Long com as melhores condições possíveis. Chegou a mandar o filho para estudar nos Estados Unidos durante o ensino médio e tentou protege-lo de tudo.
Porém mesmo com a melhor das intenções Wen Long começou a aprender coisas que seu pai não queria tanto nos Estados Unidos. Wen Long tinha dinheiro e nunca pensou duas vezes antes de gastar. Fez muitos amigos no exterior e vivia uma vida de exageros, mesmo sendo ainda um adolescente.
Quando voltou para Hongkong pensou que poderia viver a mesma vida, mas seu pai não gostou muito de saber que o filho não seguia padrões muito conservadores. Isso poderia arruinar sua imagem. Acabou mandando-o para a Universidade Nacional de Taiwan para estudar ciência política e assim seguir com a carreira. Pouco tempo antes de Wen Long terminar sua faculdade o pai arrumou-lhe um emprego de assessor de um político em Wangshu. Assim conseguia apagar um pouco da imagem ruim que o filho começou a criar nos Estados Unidos.
Apesar de não querer muito seguir com aquele caminho sente sempre que não tem muita escolha. Sempre que pensa em cortar laços com o pai se lembra das histórias tristes da mãe e sabe que é melhor se submeter.
Apesar de saber que faz seu trabalho muito bem se sente muito entediado. Todos a sua volta são muito velhos, conservadores e retrógrados. Ainda está buscando uma forma de gostar mais do que faz.
Está tentando buscar um motivo pra gostar do que faz. Política num geral é complicado e as pessoas a sua volta deixam tudo muito mais chato.
Está tentando seguir por caminhos da mudança social, mesmo que vá contra os desejos do partido que trabalha. Assim talvez possa se ver livre das garras do pai e manter o padrão de vida, fazendo algo que realmente traz um sentido para sua vida.
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