#caithe deserves so much better
looseinthecatroom · 27 days
Mid Janthir Wilds Spoilers
The Commander when they find Waiting Sorrow: ( 。 •`ᴖ´• 。)
Me: Sorry bear babe, I think the writing's doing that thing where they pretend I'm REALLY REALLY mad at you for simultaneously vague and silly reasons. SOMEONE here knows all about it.
The Commander:
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(I love this game. I really really do. But I died laughing when they actually made that parallel themselves. My beautiful mmorpg with a disorder minor writing hiccup, why are you like this? u.u Please stop telling me how my commander feels about Caithe's understandable af choices. It's been 10 years.)
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I need to replay HoT and PoF and everything in-between but I'm thinking Caithe thoughts again.
Specifically, I can't remember a point where she directly interacts with Rytlock or the other members of Destinys Edge after the jungle and the revelations of Sylvari origins. Am I just not remembering it or do they legit never talk?
It's sad to think that after all her efforts, Caithes friends end up abandoning her anyway. It's sad that they don't seem to reach out to her despite everything.
On the other hand, I'm glad she doesn't chase after them if they haven't reached out to her. I hope it means she's learned her worth. I hope she knows she deserves good friends that she doesn't have to chase down just to get a conversation.
I know the other members of Destiny's Edge have also been Going Through It but I love Caithe the most. They all deserve good things (and some of them to get the sense shaken into them.) But Caithe is the one I want to wrap in blankets and give hot coco.
Do correct me if I'm remembering wrong though bc I very much might be!
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wyldblunt · 1 year
so i've heard you're a fellow Caithe stan, anyways FUCK YES DEAR LORD SHE DESERVES SO MUCH BETTER HOLY SHIT
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(art draw by me)
OMG THIS IS SUUUUUCH A GOOD CAITHE IM OBSESSED.,....... THANK U FOR BESTOWING HER UPON ME im cramming this into a little heart locket. inside my soul
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mystery-salad · 6 months
15, 42 and 52 from the latest ask list? For a character of choice/that's on the mind :3
You're getting Kai because I think her answers would be interesting for these ones✨️
15. What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
While she's softened quite a bit from when she first became Commander, Kai is still stern and stoic and harsh by comparison to the rest of her guild in public. She knows she has a reputation to uphold, and wavering too much leaves room for weakness or doubt in her choices.
But behind closed doors when it's just the team she's gentle. More willing to give leniency in mistakes, likely to admit her faults and apologize and give constructive criticism.
Further, when is just her and Caithe at home? She's so soft now, so gentle and content and able to truly relax~
42. If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
"The Legions don't need you, and you deserve better" where she spends an hour going into the intricacies of how the current war-motivated way of life the charr legions uphold leads to unhealthy patriotism that hurts more than helps everyone involved. She's very mean about it, and it's obvious she has a chip on her shoulder from personal experience.
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
It depends! Historically she's acted on instinct, but this has lead to some of the biggest regrets in her life and she's working very hard on changing her habits. She'll still act on her emotions if a situation pages her to it before she can calm down, but whenever possible she does her best to take a moment and really evaluate the options with her team first.
Ask Meme
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commander-alsciaucat · 10 months
I'd like to know 1 and 9 about your commanders!
What kind of person do the other members of Dragon's Watch think they are, and how accurate is that assessment?
I spent a while thinking of how to organize this in an Excel sheet before I gave up, so I'm going to list members in the order they appear on the Dragon's Watch wiki page and freestyle it from there
Has mostly not interacted with Dillon since HoT, but respects him for his ability to lead (demonstrable) and self-identifies somewhat with his ongoing Sad Boy Who Acts Out Crisis. Is willing to pat Dillon on the back and give him dubious positive affirmations
Respects and is a little terrified of Maebh, which is fair since she can be a terrifying force in battle (literally - see reaper shroud 3). He does think she's a little too unserious, and has beef with how lightly she seems to treat things at times. He's not totally wrong for this, she does have a problem with expressing situationally appropriate emotions, but he doesn't see how much she really does care
He doesn't get Astrid at all. She's very much Raven-coded and he's very much Wolfy Boi, so he's continually surprised by the things she does and how they relate to his understanding of Norn culture. This is partially fair given his lens, but most of the things she does are actually quite understandable once you get to know her and her understanding of the Spirits
Caithe and Maebh have a longstanding almost-lovers frenemies thing going on, though they were never actually together. After EoD Caithe very much respects Maebh as a co-parent to Aurene, and has resolved to trust her absolutely, though in the past she's also seen her as too headstrong, too nosy, and very unserious. These were all true but not to the extent she thought.
Caithe thinks Dillon needs to nut up and get over himself, though she wouldn't ever say it to his face. She's not entirely wrong, but she hasn't seen all the work that he's already done so she gives him less credit than he probably deserves
Caithe absolutely does not trust Astrid, and Astrid absolutely does not trust Caithe. The two of them are way too similar to ever really get along, and way too different to ever get a better understanding of each other. They dance around each other and avoid getting involved in each other's business. They're both so valid for that tbh
Gorrik appreciates all the work that Astrid has put into Friends Detective Agency (name change pending), and he thinks he mostly gets her, and her primary desire to make every day a good day. He's actually closer than anyone else in this regard
Gorrik is very careful around Dillon - Dillon has historically been very eager to let violence do his talking for him, and Gorrik has learned to be wary of this strat after seeing Maebh drive several subspecies of insect to near-extinction. Gorrik and Dillon haven't interacted recently for him to get a better picture of who Dillon is now, so his view is a little out of date, though not entirely inaccurate
Gorrik is very attached to Maebh. She was the one who, after Kralkatorrik's defeat, searched through Dragonfall for any trace of Blish (I'm so mad this didn't happen in canon). She supported him in creating the Friends Detective Agency (name change pending). He is still not afraid to scold her for murdering spiders, though. He accepts her wandering tendencies as just part of who she is, even if he wishes she'd leave a message when she decides to go investigate the mysterious strangers and disappears for a few months
Lady Kasmeer Meade
She bonded with Dillon over the whole Balthazar Thing, and was willing to be endlessly patient and supportive of him during his Sad Boy Who Acts Out phase, because she believes that he can be better. He's gradually come around to prove her right, and she's very much "I raised that boy" dot jpg about him sometimes
She's very wary of Astrid, but not because Astrid has ever lied to her - in fact, she has never heard Astrid lie to her. This is very suspicious, though she wouldn't voice those suspicions to anyone but Jory. She's kinda right for this, since Astrid figured out her magical lesbian lying cat power early and tried to specifically not lie in her presence, instead carefully omitting the truth. Kas isn't entirely unfounded in being wary, but Astrid has enough good sense to not do anything that would harm Dragon's Watch, so it's not like it'll go anywhere.
She and Maebh mostly interact in two situations: 1) world ending crises, 2) through word of mouth via Jory. Kas mostly thinks of Maebh as a weirdo with good fashion sense, who happens to be extremely good at combat. She's not wrong about that, but she's missing a lot of Maebh's messy side
Marjory Delaqua
Maebh and Jory are Necro Buddies, and worked very closely together during HoT. Jory was very suspicious of her the entire time, as matter of principle, nothing personal. But after that, and after they train together with greatsword, she's come to respect Maebh as being much stronger than she looks, both mentally and physically. Valid, since Maebh appears to be a bit of a mess at the best of times, but is still the worlds number one savior
Jory has seen Dillon at his worst (via Kasmeer and via running a bar), and was his main source of tough love during that time. She still keeps an eye on him, partially because the world probably can't afford losing one of its commanders for that long again, and partially because she knows Kas is close to him and wants to preserve that relationship. She doesn't quite trust him to look after himself, and it is kinda personal this time, but also she isn't wrong
Jory thinks Astrid is being kind of dramatic, showing up whenever people need her most, only to disappear again. She catches her in the act doing this because she's also tragically a theater kid at heart. Astrid still calls her "Marjory", which Jory takes accurately as a sign that they still don't know each other after all this time
Rytlock Brimstone
Dillon and Rytlock very much did not get along at first - Dillon still had his head up his ass and actually respected Logan, and Rytlock is just not willing to put up with bullshit. Over time they've come to appreciate each other as a pair of old soldiers who have been through hell together. They don't know each other very well on a personal level, still, and that's fine by both of them - each knows the other would have his back in a crisis, and that mutual trust goes a long way.
Rytlock is in constant awe at just how weird Maebh can be. He's always like, "hey does anyone else think it's weird that she..." and then comments on something weird she's done, like give her pet ribcages little hats and bowties, and everyone else is like well yeah now that you mention it...
Rytlock is sure Astrid is making fun of him like, all the time. In reality it's only like a quarter of the time.
Taimi has long used Maebh as a source of creative inspiration. "Commander, you're a genius! Well actually, I'm a genius, and you helped!" basically describes it.
Taimi mentally pictures Dillon as a bomb whose fuse has been clipped off, or a terminal with a few keys that have been lost. Someone who is useful in the right situation, and somewhat predictable, but who has problems that can escalate a situation. She's right about this, but she doesn't see all the personal stuff that got him that way, so she lacks some sympathy for why he's the way he is. She mostly works around him.
Taimi is surprisingly attached to Astrid, who first & most obviously treated her the way she wanted to be treated - as a full member of Dragon's Watch, and someone who isn't hindered by her disability. She rightly suspects that Astrid did this as a way to gain trust and secure group cohesion, but she still appreciates it.
What skills/talents/utilities do they bring to Dragon's Watch other than just kinda...hitting things?
Maebh is mostly known for her ability to hit things, but she's also known among the group for staying silly to lighten things up, as well as her legendary cooking. She is also the local fashion guru / artist, and is willing to start up a stitch & bitch with anyone at any time
Dillon has an excellent battlefield-sense, and is the one who most obviously deserves the title of commander. He actually commands groups, and works out battle strategies, and helps lead groups to victory even when he isn't on the front lines.
Astrid is mostly known for dropping in dramatically at just the right time with just the right thing to suddenly salvage a situation. She doesn't often fight directly, preferring to work in the background to get things done efficiently, so she can clock out for the day and go party. She's also responsible for a few hilarious escapades that keep the rest of Dragon's Watch on their toes (notably she stole the Glory of Tyria and took it for a joyride during the celebration of the downfall of Zhaitan)
Thanks Anon - Some of this stuff I hadn't decided on yet, it occurred to me as I was posting through the questions but it fit nicely, so I'm glad I did the exercise!
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kommunisti · 7 years
call me a tinhatter if you want but i'm pretty sure that people hate(d) trahearne so much because they were subconsciously very uncomfortable with a male character who could be read as gay (because he's soft, kind, positive, encouraging, etc) and just tried to rationalize it with "he's so annoying" and "trahearne hogs the spotlight from my character"
because... he really doesn't? he just ties your character into the story. unless you're playing as sylvari (which is one of the less popular species), you don't even see him until you're level 60 and have had ample time to do shit by yourself. and saying he talked too much or whatever is also bullshit because you can't get rytlock to fucking shut up once he becomes a permanent fixture in the story
which is another interesting thing. like, rytlock gets the revenant story line, he's with you all the time, he is constantly commenting on everything, he gets more personal story with the loss of his title etc. yet, not that many people hate rytlock. he's popular. it's not a fandom/game wide thing that everyone finds him annoying
and he (and canach, who is kind of a replacement for trahearne) is your typical jaded, gruff, snarky dude, the opposite of trahearne 🤔 it just upsets me so much that anet listened to people whining about a pretty refreshing male character and killed him off in the most shitty way possible
hot was a fucking mess in general but trahearne's treatment was one of the things that hurt me the most, and if i had been a fan way back when it came out and it had come as a complete surprise to me, i probably would've stopped playing
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vampiricsheep · 2 years
☕️☕️ for the HoT expansion as a whole!
Aw jeeze a sore issue for me lmao
I think part of my disappointment was so profound because it was hyped up so much. I maintain my criticisms independent of that, but it really tinted the depth of my feelings.
It had a lot of potential, and a lot of things were set up from the very beginning of the game for it to ride on. The final product, however, is actually startlingly short on a replay - most of the progression was slowed by mastery gating. The story itself feels rough, and perhaps if there was more time spent on it, HoT could have shined much brighter.
The maps are beautiful, the creatures and npcs (both hostile and not) are interesting and flesh out the environment, but we don't spend much time lingering on those. A good portion of what we learn is through frustrating group events rather than the story itself, and while I love a fleshed-out world, I think the storyline of an rpg expansion should be able to stand on its own.
It's been said a thousand times over, but eir was done dirty and the way they shelved zojja despite making saving her a long part of the main story is extremely disappointing. Why did we spend all that time to hunt her down, to save her and logan and trahearne, if she wasnt going to participate and lost all relevance after the 10 second beat where you find and save her?
The way caithe was treated makes slightly more sense for a non-vari commander (though still exceptionally cruel), but she's the vari commander's mentor, and a night bloom commander would understand her even better. For them to give vari-specific variations in dialogue and some story beats for some parts of the story but completely condemn caithe anyway felt weird.
Arguably even faolain got the short end of the writing stick, but that's an essay for someone who likes talking about her more than me. I guess, overall, a lot of the lady main cast got snubbed. I'm sure they could have been written better within the story but that likely has something to do with story crunch as well as the writing process itself.
Trahearne deserved better. I don't really need to elaborate on that, but something I will point out is this - Mordremoth tries to survive by implanting a remnant of itself into trahearne's mind, right? The guy who fought it the hardest despite being the closest affected by it? Why didn't it choose a more willing champion? What stopped it from doing the same in a different vari or mordrem when it saw the commander raise caladbolg? Like Zhaitan, Mordremoth's death didn't feel nearly as certain or impactful as in later dragons (kralk's concession while struggling not to burst with mismatched magic, the pitting of fundamentally opposed magics against already weakened combatants, [redacted]).
To continue on the dragon - its writing felt very flat. One of its two spheres is mind, yet all it said, over and over again, was, submit. Concede. You are mine. It's saying the violence out loud, with no nuance or sense to how it could worm in, really. Jormag may be persuasion, but I think a little more guile - or at least some mind games - would have rounded out the dragon more.
I could probably say more, but I'm on mobile and just got home from 3 classes so I'm beat 😞
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Oh this one will be interesting!
How I feel about this character
I have extremely complicated feelings about Caithe. Boy howdy do I have complicated feelings about her.
I think she's a very interesting character, especially during the Sylvari personal story! But I also think she gets away with a LOT of shit that the narrative does not call her out on or punish her for at all, and that's really frustrating.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Nnnnno one! She def deserves someone better than Faolain tho. Fuck Faolain.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
As of EoD? I'm becoming a bit fond of her bond with Aurene. But only in EoD. They did way too much telling and not showing with that bond prior to EoD.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Well, as I said, I think the narrative doesn't call her out on things nearly enough. That's one main thing.
I also think they did a REALLY awful job at portraying her bond with Aurene. We're told that she has a really strong bond with Aurene, that she's like a mother to her... But she is never around when Aurene needs it. A particularly egregious example of this is during PoF, when a still baby Aurene flies off to the desert to find the Commander -- There is zero mention of Caithe, even though we're led to believe that theoretically, she'd be concerned about Aurene, right? If there had been even just a mention of "Caithe is worried and trying to find a way to follow her" would be enough for me. But there isn't, and it really bothers me!
Overall, I think Caithe is a very complicated and interesting character that is not handled by the narrative well AT ALL. She definitely has potential, and I did enjoy her role in EoD (Where she's actually there for Aurene, like she's supposed to be!) but generally I'm not very pleased by how she's written.
Also, disliking Caithe/not enjoying how she's written is neither inherently lesbophobic or misogynistic. I can't believe I have to say that. My feelings, and those of a lot of other people who also feel similar, about her have nothing to do with her being female (and I'm not even going to touch the fact that sylvari are inherently pansexual....), so I think it's very disingenuous/bad faith to accuse anyone of being bigoted simply because they don't enjoy how a character is written, especially when those gripes are not about her being female or gay at all.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I just wish they did better with her bond with Aurene!! It's definitely better in EoD, but prior to that? It felt so much like an informed thing, without enough actual display of it in the narrative.
I also wish that there was more to the Commander calling her out on stealing the egg, that didn't amount to Caithe just going "WELL I wasn't thinking properly because of Mordremoth" and moving on. It's especially egregious with a Sylvari Commander tbh.
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A Garden of Memories; A Guild Wars 2 Story
      After finally defeating another Elder Dragon, Commander Pirkko takes some time to mourn those who gave everything so she could be here now. And yet, even in death she is determined that something new and beautiful will regrow from the ashes. They will not be forgotten. 
      In a garden that holds the memories of lost friends, comrades, and perhaps even foes, she and Caithe share a moment of grief for yet another who left this world far too soon.
      “... Commander, do you have a moment?” Pirkko hardly looked up, even as she heard familiar footsteps approaching softly across the grass. She didn’t feel like talking to Caithe. She wasn’t sure she wanted to talk to anyone.
     She finished her work nonetheless, gently tapping down a small mound of loose soil with the flat of her gardening shovel. Her head raised, eyes watching the Firstborn’s approach. Caithe paused. Their tiredness made them seem like mirror reflections, two sylvari warriors worn down by loss and regret. In spite of herself, Pirkko’s expression softened, a long, heavy sigh escaping her lips as she straightened and brushed the dirt off her knees.
      “I can talk. What is it, Caithe?” Her voice was quiet, betraying the wound carried deep in her soul. The Firstborn stood before her, looking to the Commander’s half-finished project contemplatively. There was no doubt in Pirkko’s mind that she knew exactly what it was meant to be, even as rough as it was.
     “A statue is being constructed in Trahearne’s memory,” she answered softly. “It will stand near the Grove’s entrance once it’s been completed. The others planned to send you a letter when it was done, but.. I felt it would be best for you to hear this news in person.”
      The Commander was silent for a long moment…
      She could still feel the blade in her hands, the tears on her cheeks.
      “... I’m sorry,” Caithe amended quickly, frowning, “I suppose I wasn’t the best choice of messenger. I’ll leav—”
      “Don’t go.” Pirkko cut her off, rubbing her eyes with one fist. “I… Thank you, for telling me. You didn’t have to do that.” She looked back to the unfinished latest addition to her garden, chest tight. “It’s just… A lot. That’s not your fault.”
     Caithe nodded. “You were very close, I know.”
     “He was a good man.” Pirkko could feel that agony in her chest twisting, keen as a knife. “He didn’t deserve to die like that. It’s a fate I wouldn’t have wished on my worst enemy, let alone…” She took a long, rattling breath, looking away. “... Caithe. Does it ever get any easier?”
      Caithe crouched at the small planting site, pulling a seed from her coat. She pressed it into the soil, then rested her hand lightly on top… A few small sprouts poked up, fresh green leaves unfolding in the Grove’s warm light.
     “Losing someone?” She let the saplings twine around her fingers briefly before drawing them back, watching them slowly reach upwards. “Over time, you become used to the pain of it. It no longer strikes so sharply or so deep, but it never quite goes away. Each fresh wound leaves a new scar in its wake.”
     Pirkko picked up a broken sword from its place against the wall of her home, striding forward and placing it into a humble pedestal at the new tree’s roots. Caithe’s vine wound around it, framing the blade perfectly. She stepped back, admiring their handiwork.
     “So, no,” Caithe decided finally, “I suppose it doesn’t.”
     “... I’m sorry about Faolain.” Pirkko gave her a sympathetic look. “I know that had to be hard for you.”
     “She was lost to me long before that,” she answered. “Whatever was between us withered and died many years ago.”
     “I know.”
     Everything was quiet for a long, solemn moment. Mordremoth was dead, but Caithe was right, she knew. The damage it left behind was never going to completely heal, not really. Faded marks would always remain. On the land, across their skin, and deep in the hearts of all those who had witnessed its rampage and lived.
     “... Commander.” Caithe looked out at the garden before them, her gaze even harder to read than usual. “If I may ask, are all of these..?”
     “... Yes.” She stuffed her hands into her pockets, looking out over the display.
     There were so many flowers here. The entire patch of earth was covered in them.
     “It’s beautiful. I’m sure they would have appreciated the gesture, too.”
     “Thank you. I think so, too.”
     Another moment of silence came, but it was different from the solemn, sad quiet that hung over the pair before. Even from death, something new could one day regrow. Their memory was preserved not in cold, hard stone, but in the continuation of life itself. There was something poetic about that.
      It was only then that Caithe noticed a single plant that was different from the others. A tangled rose bush stood alone at an edge of the garden, adorned with vibrant red-orange blooms. Pretty as it was, its thorns were sharp, glittering dangerously in the noon sun.
      “... Even one for her, Commander?” Caithe raised an eyebrow slightly.
      “As I said… That was a fate I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.”
      The Firstborn shook her head in disbelief. “Sometimes I fear you may be too soft for your own good.” She gave the bush a bitter glare. “After everything she put all of us through, I hardly think she deserves a memorial.”
     “It’s not about what she deserves.” Pirkko’s tone held a careful, restrained frustration. “And I haven’t forgiven her for what she did. But… As Ventari said, everything has a right to grow. No one else will mourn her, so I will instead.”
     “Scarlet didn’t want anyone to mourn her,” Caithe pointed out. “Her solitude was a choice. She didn’t care about anyone but herself, even to the end.”
      “Then I’ll be kinder than she was.”
      A sigh of exasperation drifted across the clearing. “You really are too soft.” She looked to the rose bush once more. “You may recall the rest of that tenet; the blossom is brother to the weed. A thistle would have better suited her.”
     Pirkko snorted. “And risk stepping on it? No thanks. Roses may have thorns, but at least they’re easy to see.” Caithe couldn’t help a wry smile.
     “Fair enough. She would have enjoyed that a bit too much.”
     Pirkko stretched briefly, then started gathering up her tools and putting them away. “Ah, I should probably finish up here and get a look at that statue. I’m curious how it’s turning out, hopefully they don’t make it too pretentious.”
     “Don’t worry, it’s in good hands,” Caithe promised with a reassuring smile. “I’m sure it will come out nicely. Want me to lead the way?”
     “Go on ahead,” replied Pirkko, “I’ll catch up, I’m sure it can’t be that hard to find.” The Firstborn nodded, heading off to their destination. Only once she was out of sight did the Commander look to another of the garden’s dearest inhabitants. A few blooms of columbine were in view, a lovely mix of deep red-brown, pristine white, and vibrant yellow. Reaching up from soft green leaves, they even looked a bit like the magister they memorialized.
     She smiled faintly. It was good fighting by your side again, sister. I just wish it had been under better circumstances. The young sylvari lowered her head a moment. Thank you, Sieran. I’ll never forget you. 
     The Commander finished stowing her tools and finally left the garden behind.
     But she could never leave behind the memories, even if she had wanted to.
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walaw717 · 3 years
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To the Most Saintly Father in Christ the Lord, the Lord John, by divine Providence, Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, from his humble and devoted sons,
 Duncan - Earl of Fife, 
Thomas Ranulph - Earl of Moray, 
Lord of Man and Annandale, 
Patrick Dunbar - Earl of March, 
Malise - Earl of Strathearn, 
Malcolm - Earl of Leven, 
William - Earl of Ross, 
Magnus - Earl of Caithness and Orkney, and 
William - Earl of Sutherland; 
Walter - Seneschal of Scotland, 
William Soules - Butler of Scotland, 
James - Lord of Douglas, 
Roger Mowbray, 
David - Lord of Brechin, 
David Graham,
 Ingram Umfraville, 
John Menteith - Guardian of the Earldom of Menteith,
 Alexander Fraser, 
Gibert Hay - Constable of Scotland, 
Robert Keith - Marischal of Scotland, 
Henry Sinclair, John Graham, 
David Lindsay, 
William Olifaunt, 
Patrick Graham, 
John Fentoun, 
William Abernethy, 
David Wemys, 
William Montefix, 
Fergus Ardrossan, 
Eustace Maxwell, 
William Ramsay, 
William Montealt, 
Alan Moray, 
Donald Campbell, 
John Cameron, 
Reginald leChien, 
Alexander Setoun, 
Andrew Leslie, and 
Alexander Stratoun, 
along with the other Barons, Freeholders and all the common people of the kingdom of Scotland, 
we send every filial reverence with devoted kisses of your blessed feet.
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Most Holy Father and Lord, we know from the deeds of the ancients and we read from books -- because among the other great nations of course, our nation of Scots has been described in many publications -- that crossing from Greater Scythia, via the Tyrhennian Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and living in Spain among the fiercest tribes for many years, it could be conquered by no one anywhere, no matter how barbarous the tribes. Afterwards, coming from there, one thousand two hundred years from the Israelite people's crossing of the Red Sea, to its home in the west, which it now holds, having first thrown out the Britons and completely destroyed the Picts, and even though it was often attacked by the Norse, the Danes and the English, it fought back with many victories and countless labours and it has held itself ever since, free from all slavery, as the historians of old testify. In their own kingdom, one hundred and thirteen kings have reigned of their own Blood Royal, without interruption by foreigners.
The merits and nobility of these people, even if they were not obvious from the other signs, shine out openly enough from this, that even though they lived at the furthermost ends of the Earth, the King of kings and the Lord of lords, Jesus Christ after His Passion and His Resurrection, called them nearly the first to his most Holy Faith. Nor did He want to confirm them in the said Faith by anyone but the first to be an Apostle, despite being second or third in rank, the brother of the Blessed Peter, gentle Saint Andrew, whom ever since, He has asked to protect them as their Patron.
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However, the Holy Fathers, your predecessors, considering these thoughts with a careful mind, bestowed on this very kingdom and people many favours and countless privileges since it was the special charge of Blessed Peter's brother. Thus, obviously, the result was that until now our people lived free and untroubled under their protection until that mighty prince, Edward, King of the English, the father of he who now reigns, came with the appearance of a friend and ally to harass like an enemy, our leaderless kingdom and our people who were accustomed neither to evil or treachery nor to battles or ambushes. He committed injustices, killings, attacks, robberies, arson, the imprisonment of priests, the burning of monasteries, the looting of churches, and countless other enormous outrages, on the said people sparing no one on account of age or sex, saintliness or rank, to an extent that no one could describe nor fully believe unless they had experienced it.
From these countless evils, with His help who afterwards soothes and heals wounds, we are freed by our tireless leader, king, and master, Lord Robert, who like another Maccabaeus or Joshua, underwent toil and tiredness, hunger and danger with a light spirit in order to free the people and his inheritance from the hands of his enemies. And now, the divine Will, our just laws and customs, which we will defend to the death, the right of succession and the due consent and assent of all of us have made him our leader and our king. To this man, inasmuch as he saved our people, and for upholding our freedom, we are bound by right as much as by his merits, and choose to follow him in all that he does.
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But if he should cease from these beginnings, wishing to give us or our kingdom to the English or the king of the English, we would immediately take steps to drive him out as the enemy and the subverter of his own rights and ours, and install another King who would make good our defence. Because, while a hundred of us remain alive, we will not submit in the slightest measure, to the domination of the English. We do not fight for honour, riches, or glory, but solely for freedom which no true man gives up but with his life.
It is for these reasons, Reverend Father and Lord, that we beg your holiness with humble hearts and every urgent prayer, knowing that you will review everything with a true heart and a saintly mind since before Him in Whose name you reign on Earth there is neither bias nor difference between Jew or Greek, Scot or Angle, and considering the trouble and anguish brought on us by the English, that you will warn the king of the English, that he ought to be satisfied with what he owns because once it used to be enough for seven kings, and that you will think it right to encourage him to leave us Scots in peace, living in poor Scotland beyond which there is nothing habitable and nothing we desire. For this, we will effectively do whatever we can to gain peace, bearing in mind our situation.
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For this concerns you, Holy Father, since you see the raging ferocity of the pagans against Christians, which the sins of the Christians deserve, and the borders of Christendom being pushed back every day and you must see how much it will hurt your saintly reputation, if (which let it not) any part of the church is overcome or induced to sin during your time. Therefore let Him rouse those Christian leaders who say that they cannot go in support of the Holy Land for no reason although they pretend that the reason is wars with their neighbours. The reason for their difficulties is actually because they expect better rewards and weaker resistance in warring with their smaller neighbours. But the omniscient One knows well enough with how light a heart we and our aforesaid lord and king would go there, if the king of the English would leave us in peace.
If your Holiness, trusting too much in the English version of these events, does not truly believe us, or does not stop supporting them to our disadvantage, then, we believe that the slaughter of bodies, the loss of souls, and all the other things that will follow, the injuries that they will do to us and we to them, will be blamed by the Most High on you.
Thus, as if your sons, we are and always will be ready to do for you, His vicar, whatever you require insofar as it is our duty; and so, we commit the upholding of our cause to the Supreme King and Judge, entrusting our worries to Him and completely confident that He will fill us with courage and reduce our enemies to nothing
May God grant you holiness and health in His holy church for a long time.
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Sent from the Monastery of Arbroath in Scotland, on the 6th day of the month April, in the year of Grace 1320, the fifteenth year of our abovementioned king's reign.
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cryptidcommander · 5 years
(OOC: Been suffering a bit from writer’s block, but I found an unfinished WIP I never got around to ending! I think it was based off @commanders-sole-braincell time loop au, specifically the one loop where The Commander just flat out didn’t exist. Enjoy!)
He feels like he’s forgetting something important.
The world seems to have grown dull now, things that used to bring him joy having lost their colors, all shades of beige and gray. He’s the Marshall of the Pact and he knows that means sacrifice, had known what he was giving up when the Pale Tree had shown him her visions, and yet-
And yet. There’s an empty space next to his bedroll in a tent perfectly fit for two. There’s a stack of papers on his desk, forms he doesn’t recognize written in a hand he cannot name, words spilling from the papers and out the pages like tears. There’s a dusty weapon leaning against the far end of the wall and it’s not his, he’s always been a scholar first and a fighter second, but who else’s could it be? He takes it into battles with him because it feels right, somehow, even if the sight of it makes something in him tense.
(He’s tried to throw the stack away before, but the papers slip from his suddenly numb fingers like snowflakes and he ends up painstakingly gathering every page with a desperate knot in his throat. A warrior once asked him if they could try the weapon out, and to this day he doesn’t know what was in his face that made the soldier straighten up and flee. The empty space next to his bedroll is stifling and suffocating in a way even Orr had not been, and yet he cannot bring himself to put something there.)
The worst part, he thinks, is his own actions: He’ll be walking down a corridor and pace his own steps, waiting and waiting; he’ll be standing and listing to the side, hand reaching up as if to hold someone’s shoulder; he’ll be looking at his reflection in the mirror and wonder if he should be looking this tired.
And always, always, he knows- the faint knowledge that somehow somewhere, he had had happiness, and now it’s lost, gone, like leaves on a wind, and he doesn’t remember-
These days, he doesn’t spend much time in his own tent. It feels too empty, too hollow, too silent- a corpse of a room, a skeleton on display. He loses himself in his work, and no one says a word; who would be brave enough to ask The Marshall of the Pact to take a break after all?
(Caithe would, he knows, but Caithe is gone. And she’s the only one who would care enough to, had always been the only one who cared. Right?)
(His gaze slips to the side, just for a second. As expected, there is nothing there.)
No matter what she does, the egg grows colder by the day.
She’s tried everything, but nothing works- Glint’s offspring slips through her fingers day after day, night after night, and she’s powerless to stop it. Failure isn’t something she’s used to, and she finds the bitter taste in her mouth less than pleasant. It bubbles up in her throat and burns its way down in a way even Snaff’s death hadn’t managed, because there’s a creeping sensation that tells her she’s missing something.
There has to be a way, she thinks, but if there is she can’t see it- if there is she can’t find it. She watches the egg grow colder by the day and mourns the fact that the hatchling inside won’t even have a name, if things continue the way they are. An existence snuffed out before its time. Glint deserves better than this. Her child deserves better than this, nameless as they are.
(Something tickles at the back of her mind- the faintest traces of a memory, feather light and soft, cobwebs straining at the edges of her thoughts. Some days the feeling is disquieting, but this time it brings with it a quiet sort of warmth, and she sees- something, or maybe someone, but the memory trickles through her fingers like sand, leaving only a name and the aching feeling that she’s lost an opportunity.)
“Aurene.” She murmurs under her breath, and the name steals all the air in her lungs, a ball of static lodged in her chest. Beneath her fingers the egg grows just a bit warmer, and maybe she can hope after all- but no. The heat soon goes out and she’s left once more with a cold egg and nothing but the bitter taste of failure for company.
(Her heart hasn’t stopped racing, fluttering like a bird in her chest. She doesn’t know why.)
“Do you think,” She asks, “that we’re forgetting something?”
Rytlock pauses. There’s something in the way he does that makes the silence echo around them, and she sucks in a breath that’s lead in her lungs and ice in the air, her skin crawling, but she pushes the feeling aside to look ahead. Rytlock is the picture of composure, but he hasn’t responded to her question. That’s an answer in itself.
“Why do you ask?”
(Because last night, I put out six rations instead of five, six drinks instead of five, six tents instead of five, and I didn’t realize because it all felt so natural to me. Because I realized I can’t remember how I met you all, and Kas tried to tell me but she doesn’t remember either and we still don’t know why. Because I keep feeling like there should be someone here with us, and every time we fight I lose time covering an area I shouldn’t be covering, watching out for someone that isn’t there.)
(Because if I look at nothing in particular, and if I let my mind wander- if I am quiet enough, like a child waiting for monsters, sometimes I see a ghost in the corner of my eyes- and the sight of it is enough to make me want to cry.)
What she says is “Forget it.” and she turns away, the words dropping from her mouth like stones. Rytlock’s gaze is heavy from where she can feel it drilling into the back of her head, and she feels the weight of it drag at her feet as she leaves, heavier than any burden she’s ever shouldered.
(He looks away after Jory leaves, sees the sixth tent she had set up at the corner of the camp flicker in his vision like flames. It’s not empty. That is the scariest thing about it.)
(He’s never been a coward, but there’s a cold weight pressed against his back that should be comforting but not, an indistinct voice whispering in his ears, and he finds himself staring into the campfire long after the sun has set.)
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braham-is-bi · 5 years
Okay so normally I would have left it at the bitchy post and move on but honestly I’ve had problems with Caithe’s writing for a long time and it’s high time I made a rant post so I can stop thinking about it.
Under the cut is a giant rant about how Anet shafted Caithe’s character and didn’t do her nearly close to the justice she deserved, while in the process messing with the Commander’s story in ways that still bother me and that I’ve rewritten in my own personal canon.
Tagging this as long post in case the readmore breaks. Tagging it as Caithe for personal filing. Don’t like it, don’t read it.
(spoilers for the entire game up through episode 5 of season 4 as well as mentions of abuse and criticisms of Caithe.)
TL;DR - Caithe’s writing is mediocre at best, but she had a lot of potential that was squandered. In my opinion.
The first major problem I have with Caithe’s story is simply the fact that the first and only wlw relationship we’re shown in game for a long time (I think 2 years? no canon major wlw relationships until the end of Season 1) is abusive. While I know Caithe as a character is great way for a lot of wlw to project and relate, it’s still not a great start.
That said, it’s because of this past abusive relationship that we get the base of Caithe’s character and the potential for growth. Caithe closes herself off from everyone and clearly has depression that’s affecting her worldview. Relationships only end in pain, friendships will get you hurt. Combine this with the secret (the Sylvari origin) she’s carrying that alienates her from her own kind and you’ve got the makings of a really dark backstory that gives plenty of potential for a story of “no matter what you’ve been through, you can learn to be happy again.”
In my opinion her involvement in the personal story is....eh. It matches the rest of the writing there. A bit flat, but overall fine with a note of hope at the end that’s pleasant. The Commander is there to bring hope to the hopeless and to beat dragon minions with their favorite stick.
Skipping to season 2, I personally think this is the only truly good season of writing for Caithe. Albeit her involvement is a bit sparse (that’s the problem with trying to juggle so many characters.) but the moments she does get are good.  Caithe’s betrayal of the Commander by stealing the egg was honestly one of my favorite moments of her writing. I was genuinely upset with her.
But this leads us to more insight into how terrible Caithe’s relationship with Faolain was and just how devoted Caithe can be to those she loves as well as how abusers can use their power to make their victims do things they would normally never do. I mean Caithe helped Faolain slaughter an entire village of peaceful centaurs (never mind the incredibly racist Native American stereotypes behind the centaurs and the fact that the tribe was killed by British coded people...that’s a different analysis for a different time). It reveals just how truly heavy Caithe’s burden is while also giving us a sense of terror and realization of how fucked things are.
And then she abandons us to fight the Shadow of the Dragon all by ourselves (a particularly hurtful callback to a Sylvari commander).
In Heart of Thorns her writing is...up and down. Finally finding her and having the egg choose us over her is...a moment I’m conflicted on. Yet another moment of the Commander overshadowing her. But it also gives her more justification to close herself off further.
I would have liked more emotional talk from Caithe to vinetooth Faolain, but I understand why they didn’t do that. Caithe is, at the end of the day, extremely goal oriented. Worrying about her feelings while Mordremoth still lives is simply not something she can do.
Season 3 marks the starts of my real problems with Caithe and her writing. The base game through HoT sets us up with the understanding that Caithe has a one track mind. Whatever her current goal is, that��s the only thing she sees. Blinders on, all there is forward. It’s a good character trait that can be both a good quality and a serious flaw.
But the thing anet seems to forget is that once the blinders come off, Caithe can see the mess around her. 
Her eldest brother is dead, as well as her friend and her ex lover. And at least part of it was her own doing. Not only did Caithe steal the egg and constantly distract the Commander from their goal of saving Dragon’s Watch and Trahearne, but Caithe knew that the Sylvari were Mordremoth’s minions and told nobody. Imagine if Caithe had revealed this to Trahearne. Imagine if the Pact had been more cautious entering the fray, uncertain what may happen when the Sylvari get close to the dragon that should be controlling them. Things could have been wildly different.
Instead there is no reflection. There’s no moment where you find Caithe just outside of Eir’s place, grieving and trying to process all her emotions. There’s no chance for the Commander to truly be upset with Caithe.
I certainly don’t count the forgiveness Caithe tried to force out of us in the middle of battle as proper anger or emotional processing for either of them. Why can’t I be mad that Caithe didn’t tell anybody the truth? Why can’t Caithe have a moment where she finally talks about her present emotions and has personal growth? Why must her character be so stagnant?
She literally ends her scene with a moment of self pity, proving she’s learned nothing this entire time.
I have no problems with her part in the egg chamber. Aurene is her new Wyld Hunt and she wants to prove to the Commander that she wants to help. Even if the Commander knows better than to trust her anymore.
And now we have to hop allllll the way to season 4 episode 4 to talk about Caithe again. Cause apparently Anet isn’t sexist for not including their women characters, but fans are sexist for not liking them.
Caithe appears at the end of A Star to Guide Us, revealing with a comment that she’s been around for a lot longer than she’s given on but didn’t feel compelled to help us or defend/comfort Aurene. In fact, she has yet another moment of self pity. Telling us that she felt like Aurene didn’t need her anymore cause she flew to Elona to try and save us from death instead of sitting in the egg chamber with Caithe. Cause that’s what I want from the adoptive mother of my child (who’s Wyld Hunt is literally to protect said child), abandonment at the first sign of independence. Not bothering to help save said child from death but then looking for pity and sympathy from the parent who literally died for Aurene.
All or Nothing has one moment that bothers me in particular regarding Caithe. Her branding. While I don’t see anything wrong with the act itself, it was honestly quite touching, I think it was handled poorly and completely erases the Commander’s connection to Aurene. The Commander has had a link to Aurene since she was an egg. That’s YEARS for the bond to grow between them. In A Bug In The System Aurene literally lets us see through her eyes. In Season 3 she’s shown to be following us around while we save the day. There’s an entire mastery line dedicated to our bond with her.
But instead Caithe gets everything. The psychic bond, the new look, all of the story attention. She’s even shown to be one of the only one who cares about Aurene’s feelings (Taimi being the other) even above the Commander.
And the whole reason they do this is so they can finally move Caithe’s character along. Because she’s never once in the writing allowed to grow or learn from her experience. The only way Caithe is allowed to have a happy ending is if someone else fixes her problems and fills the pain up with purpose once again.
That isn’t good writing.
Caithe never once in her entire story arc grows on her own. She’s never allowed to get better or to see more to life unless it’s handed to her on a crystal platter.
Does this mean that I hate her? No. Does it mean that I dislike her writing? Oh yeah. Caithe is repeatedly forced back into her personality from the base game and not allowed to develop in any way unless someone else makes her. That’s infuriating. Where is my story about someone leaving an abusive relationship, trying to make up for the mistakes they made when they were younger, and learning to find happiness in the people around her on the way?
I see why people love her. I see why wlw care about her so much. But to say that her writing is perfect is a lie and shows that you’re projecting your own fanon onto her to fill in the gaps.
You can still love a character while admitting the flaws both in them and their writing.
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funky-sea-cryptid · 5 years
(nesbo anon!) ah i completely get you! malcolm's entire character bothered me so much, and while i think what the author did with lennox was interesting (that twist hjfghh) it felt so weird. also yEAH WHAT WAS WITH DUFF & CAITH?? also that point about hecate--i never noticed that! tbh now that i think about it, having a male hecate DOES throw things off (also the author's desc.s of strega.... hfghh ugh)
oh hello again nesbo anon!! glad to hear from you again!!
oh my god im so glad someone else feels this way about malcolm i feel like he deserved so much better than what jo nesbo gave him!! he’s my baby son and i love him an unholy amount. 
okay i completely forgot about lennox working for hecate. i should address that here. what the fuck. why can’t hecate just know everything? it’s just way more spooky. i love lennox. he’s best thane (besides caith). but why was it necessary for him to be working for hecate? couldn’t he just work with macbeth like he did in the play? (speaking of the thanes, i forgot angus but i love him). 
yeah uh. why can’t caith just be her own entity? personally i hc her as a butch lesbian but whyyy is she dating duff it just doesn’t make sense. 
final point, strega’s description? yikes. the other two “witches” yiiiikes. jo nesbo what the fuck. 
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laiariblackadder · 5 years
It needs to edited and stuff, but this is from like a year ago and I’ve been too lazy to update and edit? 
Anyways, this is the beginnings of the first chapter for my sylvari personal storyline. Trying to mesh 4 damn people with the actual game characters is a LOT. BTW, none of this is canon because I’m too lazy to read a book. :/
So, What’s New With You?
She always imagined that this day would come, for her to go back to her place of birth in the same fashion she had left it. Running. She hadn’t been back in the forest in what felt like decades. So much has changed. For example, the big, overgrown, very grotesque looking fortress looming down at her as she runs past it. That wasn’t there before, and why are there Sylvari standing about as if they were admiring it? She went up to one of the men patrolling, hoping to ask for directions to the Grove, but not before a sylvan dog, black and jagged ran up to her with claws and teeth ready to work their way into her flesh. The man yelled at the dog to stand down as he waltz his way over to her. 
“You seem very lost, do you even know where the fuck you are? Are you a sapling, you must be. Only the recently awakened and the desperate wonder over here.” To her, he seemed rather eager to help, but not before she saw the dagger in his hand, ready to place itself within her. 
“Well first off,” she said, “I am not recently awaked or desperate so let’s notice that first. Second of all, I am trying to get to the Grove, I have to see the Pale Tree.” Her hands were now at her hips and awaiting his next breath. 
“Ah, I see,” he began to ponder about, deciding whether he should invite her inside his little community all under the disguise of being a good samaritan, “ well luckily for you I can totally help you get to the Pale Tree. Now note that you are in the swamps and travel through here is not wise, however, I know of a shortcut through the village where we won't be attacked by pesky swamp trolls and hateful hylek tribes.”
She knew he was lying from the start, his mannerisms are that of a pathetic human bandit trying to con an adventurer out of their money, and she knew what he was, a courier of Nightmare. See the thing this poor sod didn’t and failed to realize is that you do not try to con a mesmer. She began to laugh hysterically which set the man off as he tried to swing the dagger towards her sides. The dagger hit, but it sure wasn’t her. The next thing he knew, he was blinded in a cloud of smoke and had no control of his actions. His dog attacked him and he attacked it and once the smoke cleared, both he and the poor Nightmare hound laid in a pool of their own blood, his eyes fixated on her as she smiled. 
It was time for her to move on, she truly wanted to see if the man would help her, as again, she hasn’t been in the forest for quite some time. It was clear that things have changed and the knot in her stomach began bothering her again, her thoughts circling around her, afraid that she would not be ready for the change. 
The Wardens and menders have been working nonstop to keep the general public calm and checking in on the wounded. Many of the pods were damaged and a couple of saplings never made it into the world and the ones who did are severely injured. The Nightmare Court has been active within the past few weeks, with minor, coordinated attacks all over the forest. This is the first major attack in years that the Grand Duke and Duchess of the Nightmare Court actually showed their faces. Take into consideration that Nightmare also had seeped its way into the Dream and threatened to harm mother and the unawakened dreamers, the Wardens were forced to abandon everything to protect the pods. The Grand Duchess knew what she was doing when she had the court attack Astorea and almost wipe out the warden outpost right then and there a few days ago. The Lionguard and the Vigil have been ever so helpful in restoring what little peace is left for the citizens of Astorea and hopefully the Grove. 
“Captain! The last of the bastards have scurried on back to their hole in the ground, hopefully they won’t be coming back for a while,” the Warden Scout said. 
“Good, make sure the frontier is secure, I’m going to check in with Niamh,” said the captain, as she started to remove her helmet and her locs began to stick out. Going to see Captain Niamh was going to be a stressful moment. She almost lost her for good, and the others know this, by her own hand. Malicidae was ordered to stand watch at Caer Astorea, in case another surprise wave of couriers were to return. Her conscious will not allow her to do anything Niamh tells her to, unless she knows she’s alive and well. 
“But Captain,” the scout suggested with a concerned look, “Firstborn, erm, Captain Niamh said that you must return to post and that she would be very-”
“-I am very fucking aware that she wants me there, but it’s my damn fault that I wasn’t mentally strong enough to stop her from…,” Malicidae rambled on, eyes on the verge of bulging out of her skull. She was visibly pissed in this moment, at herself, at the scout, but especially at the Grand Duchess, my on my won’t she have a fun time chewing Firstborn Caithe the fuck out about all of this. Malicidae sighed and for once listened to the scout and motioned him to follow her back to the post. 
Caithe sat next to the sapling, motionless with no expression as Firstborn Malomedies look upon her. He’s seen this face of hers many a time throughout the years and knows that she needs to be consoled, not that she will allow anything like that to happen. 
“I should have been faster, I could have saved her. She doesn’t deserve to fight death this early in her life. She doesn’t deserve that.”
“Caithe, I...for the most part, she is breathing, and she has stopped moving in her sleep. She has found some form of peace for now. I can watch her for now.”
“I...should go speak to Mother about this. She needs to know what is going on. “
“Are you going to talk to her about-”
“-Ugh, yes you don’t have to badger me about her Mal, I am aware,” snapped Caithe which made Malomedies slightly flinch, eyes closing and hands massaging his temple, “but, it’s not like her to just suddenly give up like that. Something obviously spooked her, forcing her to retreat. Whatever, or whoever that was, must be formidable, and I must seek them out.”
Malomedies held Caithe’s hand with a firmness reassuring her. “Go,” he said, motioning to the entrance of the small room, “ please ask Mother what of today, and how to continue forward from this. Considering many of the pods were damaged, I don’t know if many of the saplings will even make it. Dammit! What was she thinking!?” He exclaimed with a seething anger, one Caithe knew was rare of him to act upon. 
“She wants to make a Blighted Tree. Mother, but full of Nightmare. I’ve heard rumours about it, somewhere west of the Grove.” She explained. “She wanted to test a theory today, that she can infect saplings in the Dream, and that they would awaken from their pods as Nightmare Couriers. As of right now, I am unsure if she succeeded or not. There is no telling until she wakes up.” She nods to the sleeping sapling next to her in a calm and soothing slumber. 
“Caithe, this is bad you know. We need to get with Niamh and see if we can get some scouts, maybe even contact the Order of Whispers. Maybe they know how to weaken her, at least long enough for us to make a plan to stop her.”
“And you think they will tell us anything? Come now, Mal. Let’s not worry about this now. If anything, the Grand Duchess was spooked enough to be on guard and actually stay to herself for a while. That will buy us some time you know.” Malomedies deeply sighed to Caithe, unsure of her comforting words as he knows better than to trust her intuition. He accepts her words regardless and she gets up and leaves the small leaf built building to go to the Omphalos Chamber to speak to the Pale Tree. 
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mystery-salad · 2 years
Marta for the oc name meme? Or Tirs (or both both is food too?) :3c
BOTH BOTH IS GOOD you win so many bonus points in my heart for asking about Tirs, she does not get nearly as much love as she deserves and with u I can count on one hand the people I know who love my little electro-jock 💜💛💜
01. Full name: Marta Stormrest
02. Best friend: she got along really well with Eir, and likes Rox a lot!
03. Sexuality: bi lesbian (she is trans. I am trans. This term existed long before others appropriated it.)
04. Favorite color: deep, warm brown
05. Relationship status: single *winks at all of u*
06. Ideal mate: someone who knows how to relax and have fun, goes with the flow but does things with deliberation and respect
07. Turn-ons: playing with her ears (if you can reach) or waist (easier goal) or her chest
08. Favorite food: dolyak stew
09. Crushes: Eir, Caithe, Trahearne
10. Favorite music: soft rock
11. Biggest fear: truly losing her homelands, the norn have so much to catch back up on already they can't keep having their history taken from them
12. Biggest fantasy: moving up north where her people were from and properly reconnecting with the lost spirits
13. Bad habits: acting before she thinks, she's working on it and tries to defer to others who plan better
14. Biggest regret: falling for jormag's tricks for a while, helping them
15. Best kept secrets: none she's pretty open!
16. Last thought: lovely book so far
17. Worst romantic experience: Jormag technically
18. Biggest insecurity: her height actually! It can make it hard to go some places outside of norn territory
19. Weapon of choice: hammer!!!
20. Role Model: Jhavi
01. Full name: Tirs
02. Best friend: none I have names for directly at the moment! But she does have friends
03. Sexuality: lesbian
04. Favorite color: purple
05. Relationship status: single and also ready to mingle ;3c
06. Ideal mate: she prefers casual flings! Not looking for anything too serious~
07. Turn-ons: touches along her spine or pulling on her hair uvu
08. Favorite food: she lokes snack foods a lot, appetizers, chips, bread~
09. Crushes: Caithe
10. Favorite music: metal
11. Biggest fear: that her old girlfriend will come back into her life somehow
12. Biggest fantasy: she's living it pretty well! Traveling at will, enjoying the sights, the lovely girls~
13. Bad habits: pushing people away when they want to get to know her at all
14. Biggest regret: not realizing how awful Envert was until there was irreparable damage between them
15. Best kept secrets: her ex gf! She will not talk about her past no her baggage doesn't come from anywhere don't ask~
16. Last thought: oh she's cute! Wonder how much this'll impress her!
17. Worst romantic experience: Envert
18. Biggest insecurity: that she's too easily swayed with rose tinted glasses
19. Weapon of choice: hammer and sword and rifle! She's diverse in her weaponry skills~
20. Role Model: n/a
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Lovey Dovey prompts: 3-8, 14-17, 20, 21, 24-28? (Aaaah sorry for asking so much, I wanna know about Pukh!)
I promise I’ve seen this but there were so many that I got Intimidated™ and continued to put it off because of that! I’ll break this into three sets for readability, though!
♥ (03) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC loves?Food is a big one. They often say ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’ and despite Pukh being nonbinary, this statement still rings VERY true. Someone making him a fancy dinner? -swoon- He is slain! Aside from that, tiny gestures like taking care of a chore before he has a chance to get to it, or picking up a trinket that made the person think of him.
♥ (04) Are there any romantic gestures that your OC hates?Flowers. Are. Pointless. Like, if someone does that, Pukh’s gonna play gracious about it, and appreciate the sentiment, but they’re practically useless as a gift to someone, let alone as a romantic gesture! The impracticality of it all drives him up the wall!
♥ (05) What is the most romantic thing your OC has done for someone else?Depends on if we’re going with the canon ending of HoT or not. With the “better” ending of Trahearne making it out beaten to all hell but alive, I’d say cooperatively working on his prosthetics with Taliesane. Pukh’s specialty in college had always been accessibility/prosthetic work, and she was never more proud to have that knowledge. It’s not a traditional ‘romantic’ gesture, rebuilding your boyfriend’s arm and leg with your metamour, but it certainly counts. 
If we’re going with the Anet canon ending of HoT, the most romantic thing would likely be how Pukh welcomed Sieran back to the Priory the night after getting back from the Quaggan research/saving the Quaggan village. Favorite foods, candles, the friggin’ works. Pukh had been terrified that she was gonna lose Sieran during that, there were close calls, and she wanted to make absolutely sure that she doted as hard as possible on her after that. 
♥ (06) What is the most romantic thing that has been done for your OC?IDK if we go by Anet canon, Pukh’s had one partner literally die for her and the other die to save the world, I could argue those are both fairly romantic if you squint at it. Ok in seriousness though, for canon-to-Anet HoT ending, probably the parting weeks spent in Camp Resolve before she went after Caithe and the egg/before the Pact fleet launched. There was a lot of optimism, but still, the circumstances meant tension. Regardless of what was going on, Trahearne still made it a priority to get in quality time with his partners whenever he had a chance to/had the ability to. None of them would have known that all that /waves a hand over all of HoT was coming, but at least there was that beforehand.
♥ (07) How successful is your OC at flirting with others?Uh, is ‘not at all’ an option? Pukh gets crushes/is smitten very easily but is absolutely ass at showing it. She’s absolutely the kind of person to be like “oh no I think I love them, I need to run away Forever/kill them?? Maybe??? somebody is going to die it might be me” so that...that impacts flirting a good deal, and not in a positive way!
♥ (08) What is your OC’s dream marriage proposal?Ideally, in Pukh’s eyes, they would be doing the proposing, actually. They’ve got like.. a million-and-one different ideas for how they could propose, and none seem remotely good enough. Preferably, the proposal would have a theme, something important to their partner, whoever it might be. For instance, if Sieran had remained in good health and their relationship had gotten that far, it would start with some hidden corner of the world, maybe plant the ring in a creaking ruin, that type of ridiculous stunt. Whatever route they’d take, it’d be over-the-top and absolutely unnecessary. Their partner would deserve no less, in their eyes.
Thank you Daine for the asks!
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