stillokaynextcrisis · 1 month
"Shut your mouth." + Brenda/Sharon
"You never loved Fritz the way you love me," echoes in Brenda's head long after she walks away from Sharon, after the move, after the small courthouse wedding.
You never loved Fritz the way you love me.
Well....it was different. Fritz was home: meals eaten at the table instead of over the sink and vet appointments she didn't have to go to (still too painful after Kitty died) and warmth and safety and someone to pull her back when she went too far.
Sharon was blinds-down in her office and late-night drinks and hotel rooms, bitter words and an ache between her legs that never goes away, even with matching place settings and good silver and a man who loves her, no matter what.
Shut your mouth, Brenda had almost shouted.
Because even five years later, Sharon is still right.
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caitylove · 3 months
Chapters: 22/? Relationships: Brenda Leigh Johnson/Sharon Raydor Additional Tags: Romance, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Angst, Rules and the Reasons the break them, Rules, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Angst, Introspection, Femslash, Emotional Growth, Idiots in Love, Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Sharon Raydor has a list of rules she lives her life by. But Brenda Leigh Johnson very might be the catalyst for her to break each and every one.
Rule 21: She Always Goes First 
Hope you all enjoy this new 🔥🔥❤️❤️ chapter!
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oh-mydarling · 2 months
WAIT. IS IT YOUR BIRTHDAY! *throws confetti* Happy Birthday girlie! Go celebrate and have so much fun.
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Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Me this evening:
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sarking · 3 months
Hey hey. Asking you those fanfic writer asks cause I'm also bored. 6,17, and 18.
Questions from I’m Bored and Anxious So I Slapped Together a List of Fan Fic Writer Asks!
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
There are in fact a few I get fairly regular hankerings to reread:
Wanted by surreallis, SVU, EO, wild west AU. "If it had been you they'd have hanged me," bounces around my head like a pingpong ball every few weeks.
A Collision on the Road by cgb, Oz, Beecher/Keller, roadtrip fic with a twist. It's got a vibe that's both cozy and free, right up until it rips your heart out with the inevitable in the end.
Novus by SheFoundHerself, SVU, Kathleen Stabler. I love how this explores and expands Kathleen's character.
a girl wild and unwished for by raven, MASH, Hawkeye & Margaret, post-war. Continuing the theme of mentally ill main characters who are loved! But also just the absolute best post-war world building I've read in almost 30 years in this fandom.
Internal Affairs by Telanu, The Closer, Brenda/Sharon/Fritz. Rewrote my brain chemistry, I am not the same person I was before I read this.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
Just... way more than I ever really wanted to know about the LAPD. Things people donate. Community activities they're involved in. Seating arrangements at certain types of meetings. I spent like a month obsessing over some detail on the chief's hat that I couldn't find a clear image of? If I came across it and it looked like something vaguely related to Sharon's job or to the chief's job, I read it, in case it would be useful.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
I'm never not going to be way too pleased with myself over this one:
"Daddy, it's early," she whines, which is also what she said to Sharon twenty-five minutes ago. Minus the daddy, of course.
Thanks for asking!
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pattarainn · 5 months
Hey friend! Asking you some horrible questions. 14, 34, and 51. ❤️❤️
Oh, hello, dear favorite writer! Thank you for asking me this! 😍😍
14: Do you miss someone?
kind of difficult to answer, though, since i'm not really good with emotions, especially my own. but sometimes i think of my late dad once in a while and miss old friendships that have fallen away a bit.
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
i can't really remember much, actually. but the most recent dream i can recall is about some random actress i don't even know, showing up as a damsel in distress for me to rescue.
i don't know why, maybe it's my subconscious wanting to be helpful and useful, but every single time i dream of someone, especially those i love (including my favorite), i always dream of helping them with something or rescuing them from some apocalyptic event.
i even dreamt of trying to help someone dodge attacks on a large ancient wooden ship while flying demons screamed "beware of seraphim" out of nowhere. i woke up, googled it, and realized that's the name of celestial beings in religion. and i'm like… was that a calling??? wait… who was i helping again? and why am i always the rescuer???
51: Favourite food?
as a thai person, i pretty much eat everything, so it's hard to narrow down my favorite foods. but when it comes to cuisines, i can say i enjoy thai, chinese, japanese, korean, indian, mexican, greek, turkish, italian, french, even american fast food. it seems i enjoy a bit of everything! haha.
in thai culture, we don't like to say that something isn't tasty when we try it and don't enjoy it. instead, we say maybe we just don't get it or perhaps don't really know how to eat it.
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madamairlock · 1 year
I'll play. 12, 29 and 36! ❤️
oh hell yeah, thank you! <3
12) what is something you want right now?
-An apartment of my own. I am extremely grateful I've been able to stay with my mom the past several months, but it's time for my own space again.
29) Favorite Films?
-Phantom of the Opera, Pete's Dragon, The Mummy, Mamma Mia. Kind of depends on the mood, but there's a few off the top of my head.
36) 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
-I want to get my masters degree, I want to work for NASA, and I want a dog!
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shadowsong26x · 4 months
Hey friendo! Asking you the weird writer questions : 1,5, and 23 ❤️❤️
All right, cool <3
1. What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
Generally the default. Although I had one program where the default switched from Arial to Calibri at some point during a transition from an old laptop to a new one, so I would switch it back for the things I used that program for? Basically, if I'm starting out in a new program I'll use whatever the default is, but then I Don't Like Change, lol.
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Hm. I don't know that I do, exactly? I'm trying to think if there's anything I would call a superstition. I guess like I said above, once I'm used to things being set up a certain way, I don't like change, maybe that would count? I remember at one point I wrote a solid chunk of a like 100k-word fic on these little notepads I stole from the supply cabinet at work. When I switched jobs, the supply cabinet didn't have notepads in the same size/shape/style and it became Significantly Harder to write things out longhand? (I did eventually adjust, lol, but it was a Process. And I don't do it nearly as often as I used to. ...it also helps that I work remotely...part of writing things out longhand was that it was Much subtler/easier to hide a bunch of scribbles on a notepad than an extra window on my computer...lol)
...yeah, so if that counts, that would be it? But I don't really have like...rituals, or needing to be in a specific space/have things set up a specific way. Sometimes I listen to music, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I'll set like a 10-minute timer to get myself going, sometimes I don't bother. Other than some vague 'the stars are not in position for this tribute' stuff when I sit down to write and the words Will Not Come but there's no consistent way to fix that other than Deadline Panic. Soooooo yeah.
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
Ahahaha, I should read what the next question is before I answer the last one lol. Wasn't that a thing for like tests in high school, too? "Read the whole thing before you start answering questions?"
Like I said, I don't have a super consistent place? The three most common would be probably my work desk, which is a long light-brown rectangle, probably two feet by six feet? I have a desk lamp (I usually don't bother with the overhead light), a little platform/lapdesk in the same wood that I usually put my work computer on, and a little bowl for candy, and a handful of soda bottles that need to go out with next week's recycling. If I'm writing there, my work computer gets shoved over to the left, right next to the lamp, so I can keep an eye on emails/etc./bounce back and forth between tasks. My personal computer goes on the right, and I pull up whichever writing program is the correct one for what I'm working on.
If I'm writing at home, it's one of two places. First is in my chair in the living room. Which is a chair and a half, and grey. I have an old Amazon shipping box I use as a lapdesk, so I'll have my laptop in my lap. Sometimes my roommate will be watching something on TV while I'm doing this, or I'll be checking in and out of conversations. Or sometimes we're just doing parallel play.
The second is--I have a loft bed, and underneath it I have several bookshelves and a very cheap twin bed. That's where I'm usually hanging out on tumblr/just chilling if I want to be in a Private Space. There's a pink blanket, a black husband chair/armchair pillow and then a regular pillow. I have a lapdesk I got for like $10 at Best Buy a million years ago and I shift position a lot.
Ask me a writing question!
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basmathgirl · 11 months
Asking the weirdly specific asks! 1 and 4.
Hello @caitylove! Thank you so much for the questions. 😃
chipotle order?
Okay, I'm going to be totally honest and admit that I had to Google what "chipotle" is. And apparently there are a few restaurants from the Mexican grill in this country. Who'd have thought?! I obviously need to get out more. The nearest ones to me are in London and Cambridge. Well, when in the Cambridge area, we tend to go to a posh gastro pub for a meal; so that explains that one. And the last couple of times we've had a meal in London it's been in a pub...
Hmm. I sense a pattern there. Anyway, I have eaten Mexican food in nearby restaurants in recent years (and it is totally not my fault that both places have closed since then). It highly amused @helloprilly15 that I'd never tried any before that and I send her a photo of the menu (partly because it was all meaningless to me). On that occassion she recommended I choose a chimichanga, and have done so since.
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
When I was a very young child I really wanted to believe unicorns existed; that was down to seeing a film called "A Kid For Two Farthings", but I soon gave up on that idea. And slightly before that, my mum had me absolutely convinced there were fairies at the bottom of our garden. I'd found what I now know was a bead on he floor by my bed, but she told me it was a fairy lantern. Eee, the innocence of youth.
Everybody used to half believe the Loch Ness Monster was possible when I was young too. That iconic photo and the fairies one was confessed to be a fake., btw. We've been along the length of Loch Ness quite a lot now, and visited the exhibition a few times too, and I was never convinced it was true. Nice idea though.
While up there, we once visited the Fort Augustus Abbey, which lies at the end of Loch Ness where most of the sightings come from. If you like spiritual places, I highly recommend the abbey tour; but my youngest son was bored rigid.
Incidently, he was the one who also saw the appearance of a ghostly swirl of smoke-like matter hovering above our footstool, some years ago. I've seen such an apparition three times now; in different places. Does that count as a mythical creature? If so, I'll go with that one, thanks.
Ask me a weirdly specific question.
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shadowsong26fic · 8 months
Asking you the writers asks: 11 & 15 ❤️❤️❤️
11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
Oooh, good question. I know at one point I put a bunch of my stuff into 'what author do you sound like' to see what that told me...but that was also ten years ago, lol.
In terms of some of the stuff I like to write wrt politics and intrigue, some of CJ Cherryh's work has stuck with me. Anne Rice and Jean Auel were authors I read at pretty impressionable ages, as was Mercedes Lackey, so they're probably all in the cocktail that is my brain. I know that Suzette Haden Elgin's Native Tongue trilogy had a pretty strong influence on a specific original fiction project of mine.
So, yeah, those are some influences of mine! There are probably more, and I should probably actively think about it a little more closely, haha.
15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?
So, the kind of writer's block I usually have is...I generally don't have trouble coming up with ideas, but making the actual words come out, it's either Pulling Teeth or I write like 5k in a single sitting there's no in between lol.
When I'm in that second mode...sprints will usually help, but sometimes they get frustrating because it's Just Not Working. At that point I usually have to take a step away for a bit, and hopefully not procrastinate too long, especially if it's something for a challenge/deadline, lol.
...I'm not very good at dealing with writer's block, I don't think XD But, yeah, the kind I get it's mostly just...either taking a break until the frustration goes away or sitting down and slogging through.
Ask me a question!
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allatariel · 4 months
WIP Wednesday!
@gordopickett tagged me earlier this week—thank you <3—and I planned to do it today and then of course forgot until the evening. I should have just done it and scheduled it to post today, but I had hoped to work more on Love at the Drafting Table and post that. Alas—I talk about a project and then life conspires to keep me from working on it!
Instead, below is an older, very rough snippet from another languishing, unfinished WIP, The Calculus of Grief, written at the end of April.
Tagging: @madamairlock, @littlelindentree, @caitylove, @shu-of-the-wind, @fireandsoup
More tags (split to work around broken tumblr tagging): @imsfire2, @cryscal, @air-mechanical, @youreorangeyoumoron, @wanderleave
And anyone else who might want to <3
Though the school year had barely just begun, it was actually still a month out from the second anniversary of Sergei’s first day teaching at Spiro T. Agnew High School. October 1, 1995 felt like a lifetime ago. To be honest, he tried to think about the time before as little as possible. But today was a different anniversary: September 4. Today it was harder than most days to ignore the gaping hole in the center of his life. Two years ago today he and his family had landed in Germany. After an hour of debriefing and setting the wheels in motion, of letting hope run wild and selecting a name to bear during their transition, he had called Margo from his hotel room. He had been overjoyed to see her, and when he hung up, his mother had joined him from the adjoining room where his father slept, with his sisters and their families resting safely down the hall. She had asked him about this woman who had saved him, who so clearly held the heart of her firstborn, her only son. So, Sergei had told her their story. For the first time in his life, he was free to tell his mother about the woman he had been in love with for well over ten years. Hours later, when the news reached them, she had pulled him sobbing into her arms as she had when he was small, before the births of his sisters. That was the only time he had given into the despair of losing her. He was trying to live, to stay safe as she had told him. To keep his family safe. And the only way he could manage to do that, to go on, was to leave it all behind. But then just last night he had seen on the news that the Sojourner 1 astronauts and Mars-94 cosmonauts had finally returned to Earth. After their nearly two year ordeal, the world joined in their joy and relief as the survivors were reunited with their loved ones. Sergei had watched Rolan Baranov, the cosmonaut turned astronaut—a defector like himself—be reunited with his American wife and son. His wife who had survived the bombing of JSC. Unlike Margo. Sergei honestly wasn’t sure how he’d made it into work at all. “Mr. Bezukhov?” Principal Alice Nikolsky—not Nikolskaya—called as she knocked on the door of the classroom. “We have a new student for your homeroom. She’s just transferred up from Huntsville, Alabama.” A young girl stepped into the doorway, her pale orange hair falling around wire rim glasses and shadowing her pale freckled face. She looked up, her blue eyes so like his mother’s, his own catching him already off guard as Alice introduced her, “Madison Morgan.”  Seryozha, if you do not let yourself mourn her, she will haunt you forever. His mother’s plea rose in his mind as he took in this child, bouncing nervously on balls of her feet. In another life they could have had a daughter who looked like this girl.
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stillokaynextcrisis · 2 months
Hey friend! Asking you those 100 questions. ❤️❤️ 27,28, and 29 ❤️❤️❤️
What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? Imagine Me and You (i just saw it!)
What was your last lie? "It's hard" (it wasn't, they were just being stupid)
Dumbest lie you ever told? ooh, i want a real whopper for you.....okay i once (once!) had a hangover so bad i had a fever so i could say it was the flu
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divinemissem13 · 3 months
9 fav characters
tagged by @pc-corner
Post 9 favorite characters and let people make assumptions about you.
(It was, like, really hard to narrow it down... so I went with a theme. See if you can spot it 😆 )
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I tag... @madamairlock, @caitylove, @ussjellyfish, @coffee-in-that-nebula... and you!
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oh-mydarling · 6 months
Me eating so much sushi I feel like I'm gonna explode
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Going through my inbox and???
How did I miss this gem 😭😭😭
Me after my Easter roast dinner 🤭🤭🤭💘
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caitylove · 2 months
Chapters: 24/? Relationships: Brenda Leigh Johnson/Sharon Raydor Additional Tags: Romance, Mutual Pining, Fluff and Angst, Rules and the Reasons the break them, Rules, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Angst, Introspection, Femslash, Emotional Growth, Idiots in Love, Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Sharon Raydor has a list of rules she lives her life by. But Brenda Leigh Johnson very might be the catalyst for her to break each and every one.
Rule 23: Never Date Anyone From Work
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thanks for tagging me @alicent-archive <3
rules: do this picrew and share the last song you listened to <3 !
((i’m looking pissed bc there were not a lot piercing and tattoo options))
i’m tagging (don’t feel pressured lol):
and of course anybody else who sees this and wants to do it!!
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madamairlock · 8 months
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Thank you to @caitylove for sharing this video with me so I could make this for us all to stare at this beautiful woman.
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