#calbrina prompt
rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina prompt #1
• Caliban finds out about the terrible blood curse that the fake God has cast on all mortals with a uterus to punish Eve for eating the forbidden fruit.
The more Sabrina tries to explain worse and more serious the curse looks.
Sabrina: "Okay, my love, calm down, let me explain to you what's going on ok? What is happening to me is called menstruation. Menstruation is the peeling of the inner walls of the uterus when there is no fertilization. This peeling is part of the reproductive cycle of mortals who can become pregnant and happen every month. The body prepares for pregnancy, and when it does not occur, the endometrium, which is the inner membrane of the uterus, which, in short, is responsible for accommodating and protecting the fetus, comes off. "
Caliban: "... So part of your flesh is dissolving into blood?"
Sabrina: "... Yes."
Caliban: "While we are having this conversation you are having an internal hemorrhage, is that what you are telling me?!"
Sabrina: "Caliban, love, stay calm."
Caliban: "How should I be calm ?! You should be in a hospital!"
Sabrina: "Honey, it's okay, I've been going through this since I was twelve. This sucks, it's painful, okay, very painful, both physically, emotionally and psychologically, but it's natural. I'll be fine."
Caliban: "TWELVE?!"
Sabrina: "I have a headache, can you PLEASE stop screaming?!"
Caliban: "Sorry... Do you really spend a whole day bleeding every month? My lady, this is insane!"
Sabrina: "...Nine days."
Caliban: "What?"
Sabrina: *Sigh* "My period usually lasts nine days."
Caliban: *Terrified*
Note1: It has been proven that menstrual cramps can hurt as much as a heart attack. Uterine contractions during menstruation are like mine labor.
Note2: My headcanon is that only mortals menstruate (because it was a punishment for Eve and her descendants: mortals.)
Note3: Canonically a witch's pregnancy lasts for thirteen months, so her body prepares for thirteen months of pregnancy, so I think Sabrina's period is much worse than a mortal's period.
Note4: Cramps is not the only things that is physically painful in periods. You also have headaches, back pain, pain in your legs and feet etc.
Note5: In ep1 of part 3 Caliban says that demons can smell human flesh from a long distance. As the blood smells much stronger, I find it impossible for the demons not to smell it from an even greater distance.
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
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rqtcaos · 4 years
Calbrina promt #8
Sabrina: "I thought it was very strange what happened to Lilith. Do you have any idea what might have happened, babe?"
Caliban: "Yes, it was very strange, I have no idea what could have caused something like this."
Sabrina: "Got it."
Sabrina: "... Honey?"
Caliban: "Yes, my lady?"
Sabrina: "Is that your final answer?"
Caliban: *freezes*
Caliban: ...*deep breath* "No. It isn't."
Sabrina: *Sits on the couch and taps the seat next to her* "What happened?"
Note 1: In this, none of the Sabrinas needed to die or leave for the problem of merging worlds to be solved.
Note 2: In this Lilith and Adam are alive.
Note 3: If Morningstar's reaction to what Spellman did to try to separate her from Caliban is any indication, she is probably the height of patience and empathy 😅.
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ellewritesathing · 5 years
Hello! Your writings are so good! Can I please request 58 and or 61 for Calbrina from the prompt list? The last one you did for them was just perfect. Thank you again!
ahhh you are so sweet!! here it is at ~750 words 💕
Sabrina sounded very sure of herself and her ludicrous plan as she finished explaining it to her merry little band of humans. It would be a quick in and out, she said, and then they’d have everything they needed. No, they couldn’t go with her. She had to do it by herself. 
She always had to do every bloody thing by herself. 
“My lady, if I may,” Caliban said, taking a step forward and bowing his head slightly. Sabrina shrugged and told him to go ahead, so he did. “This is by far the most stupid plan you’ve ever created - and, you’ll remember, I was there when you washed onto the shores of Hell without so much as a Phase Two.” 
“Okay, well, I don’t really think that counts because Phase Two was obviously to find Lilith,” Sabrina said, crossing her arms over her chest in an attempt to make herself seem bigger than her small frame allowed. “Come on, guys, you know I can do this by myself, right?” 
Her friends squirmed in their seats and Rosalind was the first one to speak up. “I mean, he kind of has a point,” she admitted. 
“Listen, Brina, as much as I hate the guy, he and Roz have a point,” the tall one said. Harvey. Still very much in love with Sabrina. 
Caliban hated him and all his humanity, though perhaps envy was a better word for it. Sabrina loved him for his humanity, and she hated Caliban for his lack thereof. 
No, it was hate. Caliban hated him; he couldn't give a crap about his humanity.
“Well, I guess if it can bring the two of you together,” Sabrina said. It was as much of a concession as she’d allow. “Fine, you can come. But no deviating from the plan and no distracting me. Understood?” 
“The lady finds me distracting?” Caliban said with his best attempt at a saintly smile. 
“I’m starting to think this is a bad idea,” Theo said. 
And it was. Spectacularly bad. Truly horrendous. An absolute, beautiful failure that resulted in Sabrina being perched on the sink of some public bathroom while Caliban disinfected her wounds. He’d gone first, as any gentleman does, and now it was her turn to be under his care. 
To say it wasn’t going any better than the plan before it had would be an understatement. 
“Would you just hold still?” Caliban snapped after five minutes of trying to clean the wound above her eye. He bit his tongue to add, “My lady.” 
“I’ll hold still when you stop manhandling my face,” Sabrina said. “Human necks don’t bend at that angle, Caliban.” 
“Well, you’re hardly human,” Caliban said. Despite his arguing, he cupped her chin a bit more gently as he leaned in to assess the damage. After five silent minutes of almost nose to nose contact, he said, “And now there won’t be so much as a scar on that pretty face of yours.” 
Sabrina shifted in one of her attempts to come off as confrontational and started falling off the delicate balance of the edge of the sink. Caliban caught her instantly. And now they were back to a very familiar state of almost. Almost nose to nose. Almost kissing. Almost more. 
“Thank you,” she said in a low voice. Like it was a secret. 
“The pleasure was all mine,” Caliban said, but to him it wasn’t a secret. 
Sabrina lifted her hand from the side of his neck to the top of his head, running her fingers through his hair before settling at the place where his vertebrae and his skull kissed. She looked at his lips. She looked back at his eyes. 
“Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we met under different circumstances?” Sabrina asked. 
“Almost constantly,” Caliban said. “But I wouldn’t change a thing if it meant I could still have this moment.”
Sabrina thought for a moment and then Caliban felt all the muscles in her back tense. He was going to ask if she was alright when her other hand snaked up to pull him closer. The kiss that followed was as heart-stopping and breath-taking as he’d pictured it would be. A thief like no other. 
“How do you always know the right thing to say?” Sabrina asked, regaining her balance remarkably quickly for someone with a supposedly sprained ankle.
“It’s a gift.” 
“I’m sure it is.”
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stardust-22 · 5 years
I think a good short prompt would be :The Fright Club's, Spellman's, and Nick's reactions to finding out that Sabrina and Caliban got secretly married shortly after she was crowned
I honestly can see everyone’s reactions to that. Thanks anon 🥺💓💓
I’ll definitely will try to write it up before I sleep and post it tomorrow!
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turtlesandalpacas · 4 years
DBH (hankcon, Reed900)
Caos (calbrina, nabrina, fix-it...)
Star Wars
Also I might repost my old fics (aka compromise and some one shots lol)
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justateenagewitch · 3 years
Does anyone have any Calbrina one-shot prompts I am determined to work on Ashes to Ashes this month and finish Interlude within a week so send me the prompts people.
I have like 9 saved prompts in my Ashes to Ashes folder
@spellmanstars @raissatajra
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Please send me prompts for a new calbrina au! 
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt # 6
• Sabrina speaks in her sleep. It hasn't happened since she was little, but now it has happened again, she said some VERY weird shit in her sleep. Which is not a big deal, apart from a few small details:
Caliban was sleeping with her. He listened. And he has NO IDEA what Heaven is going on.
Result: She wakes up with Caliban at the opposite end of the bed looking at her with wide eyes and asking: Who are you and where is my wife?
She can't get him to say what's wrong, and when she FINALLY gets him to say what happened she has a fit of laughter that only serves to make the poor boy even more dismayed. She tries to approach him to explain what happened but he's like:
Tumblr media
Note: If it were someone in Sabrina's body, attacking would hurt her.
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt #4
• After Caliban gives Sabrina his testicles she explains the whole situation of the two Sabrinas and that she did not ask for it from him and would never ask, much less demand, something like that. She guarantees that she will NEVER demand that he convert to any religion; that she would NEVER be part of a religion that requires mutilation, let alone make him part of it; guarantees that the only one who can decide anything about his body is HE and they have a long and frank conversation about consent and what an abusive relationship is (because if you demand something like that from someone it doesn't count as an abusive relationship I don't know what counts.)
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt # 7
• At first it was a normal dinner meeting night, Sabrina, Caliban, Lucifer and Beelzebub were discussing changes in Hell and how they should be implemented. Sabrina said that the souls of sinners should suffer in order to pay for the evil they did in life and obtain justice for the innocent people they hurt, Beelzebub said that all souls should be tortured because this is fun, Lucifer rages every time he was upset, and Caliban made observations and made suggestions throughout the discussion, in short, the usual.
Then Sabrina started to suffocate.
She leaned on the table and put her hand to her throat as she desperately tried to breathe.
The queen was poisoned.
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt #2
• Sabrina needs to get a vaccine, Caliban doesn't know what that is and when Sabrina explains the only thing he understands is: They will puncture his wife and inject a virus / part of a virus into her and he is like: "Okay, they will need to kill me first. 🙂 "
He really thinks they’re going to hurt her and it takes some persuasion on the part of Sabrina (and probably Roz too.) To convince him that it’s for her good and to make him relax a little bit. (He still doesn't like it and although he doesn't hurt anyone, just looking at him is enough to terrify the poor nurse who is just trying to do her job.)
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
(Please tag me on fanfics and send me the links! I need to read more Calbrina fanfictions! 😢)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt # 5
• Before the wedding, after Caliban gives Sabrina his testicles and she explains the situation of the two Sabrinas and that she did not ask for it from him, Sabrina talks about the possibility of her not being able to get pregnant because:
1- She is a hybrid and most hybrid species are sterile.
2- Her mother only managed to get pregnant after making a pact with Satan.
3- She and Caliban are of different species.
4- She is made of flesh and he is made of clay, so there is a HUGE possibility that they are biologically incompatible and unable to have children together.
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt #3
• First time Caliban sees Sabrina bleed. (Small thing like a paper cut, sticking her finger at something, biting her tongue, etc.)
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rqtcaos · 3 years
Freckles start to appear in Caliban, it seems harmless (and cute) but since he doesn't know how or why they appeared, he and Sabrina start looking for the cause of it, when Lucifer finds out he just laugh and says "After so many kisses, I don't know what you two thought was going to happen." when the couple's only response is to look at him not understanding what that was supposed to mean he sighs and explains "Sabrina is part angel." when Sabrina asks what Heavens this has to do Lucifer gives an amused smile and says "Freckles are angel kisses."
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ellewritesathing · 5 years
22 and/or 66 for Calbrina? (Although I’m tempted to ask for the whole list for Calbrina🥰)
ahh this was such a fun prompt!! it was my first time writing in sabrina’s pov so I hope i got the voice right!!
Sabrina Spellman had witnessed a lot of bullshit in her sixteen years of life, but perhaps nothing was as ridiculous as this- this guy just coming in here and challenging her right to rule Hell. What a load of bullshit that was, right? 
What's worse is that he kept showing up, saving her, and being infuriatingly charming while doing it. Come on, how is she supposed to hate the guy who takes 100 lashes for her? She can't. She's not made of stone. But is she ever going to admit that to him? No way in hell. 
And now she's two months into an increasingly ridiculous competition to determine who gets the throne. Why is she competing for a throne she doesn't even want? Good bloody question. But she is. And now she's tied to a pyre while a medieval witch gets ready to burn her. Hooray! 
Sabrina had practically given up on sawing through her binds since her magic was non-existent when she saw him. Caliban, always showing up in the nick of time to save her. One of these days she should really tell him that he looks more like a blonde avenging angel cheating fate than a demon. Not today, of course, because she'd rather have this witch burn her alive than admit her feelings. 
But one day. 
Probably not. 
The witch saw him before Caliban even got the chance to do anything demonically heroic, but all she did was stare at him. She raised a hand to the side of his face. 
“Oh, you poor creature,” she said. “The seers gave me visions of you, but I never expected you’d be so lonely.” 
Caliban’s jaw clenched. “You have me confused, wench.” 
She gave him a sad smile. “Caliban, native son of the inferno, you will bring about the end of days. Look at the sky, my dear creature, can’t you see it’s written in the stars?”
It was the first time that Sabrina ever saw Caliban unsure of himself. He had an answer for everything, but this struck a nerve and she ached to fix it. 
“Vega and Altair,” the witch said eventually as she dropped her hand. “That’s who the two of you remind me of.”
Sabrina frowned as the witch untied her hands. Neither her or Caliban said anything when the witch dipped her palms in something and grabbed their forearms. Caliban was probably still in shock so really it was Sabrina who should have done something but critical thinking never was her strong- 
“A river keeps them apart but the magpies found a way to form a bridge,” the witch said. Sabrina’s arm burned where she held it. “They live in opposite worlds, but for one night they get to be together. Vega and Altair; the lovers.”
“Listen, lady, I think you have the wrong-” 
Sabrina was cut short by a blinding white light as her arm burned. When the light faded, she was back on the shores of sorrow, Caliban was a few feet away sitting in the sand. He looked like a painting as he stared off at the horizon, the sun barely visible over the edge of the waves. 
Normally, she would have stormed over and demanded he explain what just happened, but this wasn’t a normal day. So instead, she sat down in the sand next to him and waited for him to say something. 
“Soulmarks,” he said eventually, “Are very rare. Even rarer that they’re true, and rarer still that they’re given by a cannibalistic witch.” 
Caliban threw a lump of sand into the ocean to punctuate his sentence before leaving his arm up against the sky. Faint lines connected his birthmarks into a constellation that matched the one disappearing into the sunrise. Sabrina looked down at her arm to find the matching one gazing up at her. 
“Soulmarks,” she repeated. “As in soulmates? Wait, does that mean you’re my soulmate?” 
Caliban’s mouth quirked up at the corners. “Tell me, princess, am I everything you expected?” 
“Not at all.” Sabrina interlaced her newly marked hand with his. “But look at the sky. It’s written in the stars.”
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ellewritesathing · 5 years
prompt drabbles
here’s a mini-masterlist of all my prompt drabbles from this list! i’ll gladly do the same prompt with different characters or pairings if you guys are interested 💖 just let me know
17) “Is that my shirt?” - Caliban
22 + 66) “Look at the sky.” +  “Wait, you’re my soulmate?” - Calbrina
41) “I had a nightmare about you, and I wanted to make sure you were alright.” - Stiles Stilinski
58 + 61) “This is by far the most stupid plan you’ve ever created. Of course I’m in.” + “Would you just hold still?” - Calbrina
209) “Just marry me already.” - Caliban
prompts from imaginary-legendary-hamilton
41 + 43) “Have you lost your fucking mind?” + “I am not losing you again!” - Stiles Stilinski
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