#caliban chilling adventures of sabrina
frost-queen · 4 months
Where angels fall (Reader x Caliban)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22,@elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are Sabrina's friend and brought down from the heavens. When you meet Caliban, he is very suspicious you might be more than a mortal. When Caliban and you grow closer and fall in love, you decide to tell him one day about how you are an angel. Caliban wanting nothing more but to have you all for himself, corrupts you into giving up your wings to be with him.
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The sky rumbled. Thick clouds covering up the clear sky. Another rumble thundered behind the clouds. Then a light lighting up some of the clouds. It got brighter as it made the clouds part. Creating a way as the light busted out, hitting the ground hard. For a moment it lighted the brightest till it dimmed out.
The light being swallowed back up. The clouds drawing closer again. On the ground a figure kneeling till it slowly rose. Taking a deep breath. Greendale. Your newly home for as long as he ordered you. The faint glow from around you dimmed out. You took your first step. Stumbling. The next one steadier. As you walked on earth for the first time. Being far away from home.
“Hey Y/n!” – Sabrina said when she entered the library. She approached you as you were seated down reading a book with much interest. – “Hey Sabrina.” – you replied glancing briefly up from your book when she came closer to your table. She smiled at you, resting her hand on the table as you suddenly heard another voice. One you didn’t knew. – “Sabrina!” – the voice called out as you noticed Sabrina rolling with her eyes.
Clearly she didn’t like this person this much. Glancing to the side you saw a young boy approach. Blonde and very attractive. – “I wasn’t done talking to you back in ...” – the boy said as Sabrina cleared her throat stopping the last of his words. She hinted with her head at you as the boy chuckled humorously.
“A memory wipe can be easy on your mortal friend Sabrina.” – he said all cocky. – “Caliban!” – Sabrina groaned out, clearly annoyed with him. – “Yet.” – Caliban continued approaching your table. You lowered your book when he set his hand by your side, coming to hover over your shoulder. He took a deep breath, taking in your smell. – “This mortal doesn’t smell mortal enough.”
You grabbed your book, lifted it up and slapped it up right in Caliban’s face. It startled him, making him stumble back and away from you. – “Personal space is a thing creep!” – you called out, shoving your chair back. Sabrina snickered silently as Caliban was touching his nose where you had hit him. You had gotten up, keeping the book under your armpit. Coming face to face with the creep that was sniffing you. Now you had a clear look of him. And he off you. – “Feisty that one is.” – he said to Sabrina.
Sabrina pulled her shoulders up with an innocent smile. You threw him a sarcastic smile to annoy him. – “So not so mortal, who are you?” – he wanted to know, dying with curiosity. There was something about you that was a mystery. There were some parts of you human, but not all. Something supernatural. When you remained silent went Caliban down in a bow. – “Caliban, prince of hell!” – he exaggerated with some flair.
Sabrina sighed loud with a roll of her eyes. – “Pleasure.” – you responded dull and unbothered. Caliban chuckled nervously when you didn’t seem impressed at all. – “And yours? Who are you?” – he asked taking a step closer to you. – “Wouldn’t you like to know.” – you answered witty taking your leave. Caliban stared stunned back at you. – “Sabrina?” – he asked, pleading with her for answers. Sabrina pulled her shoulders and hands up, not getting involved with it.
After a few classes you went up to your locker. Shutting the door, you were surprised by Caliban standing by your locker. A smug smile on his lips. – “So?” – he said leaning with his hand against the lockers. – “Must I guess or drag it out of you?” – he offered. You laughed at his eagerness. – “I’ll give you my name if you get on your knees and beg.” – you said just to tease him.
Caliban blinked surprised but then slowly went down to one knee, palms up as if bringing you a piece offering. – “Oh my!” – you said astonished that he was foolish enough to do so. You laughed loud, turning around and leaving before his other knee could touch the ground. – “But…” – Caliban muttered out, watching you leave.
“What are you doing?” – he turned his head seeing Sabrina stare confused at him. – “Nothing.” – Caliban replied bitsy, getting up quickly. Still snickering you clutched your books closer to your chest. It was kind of fun seeing the prince of hell throw himself at you like that. If only he knew you were his opposite. Pure and light.
A few days later you were at the library again. A hidden section in a corner at an hour most had gone home. You were reading informative when you heard a whish of flames burning. You immediately shut your book, sliding it down on your lap. For it could only be one person that appeared out of thin air like that. – “So here you are hiding, not so mortal.” – you heard Caliban speak as his footsteps approached from behind.
He set his hand down on the table again, coming to hover over your shoulder. He brought his head down against your ear. – “So you like playing games.” – he whispered as it felt intimate and fluttering. – “Only with you.” – you teased letting your head fall back to look at him. Caliban came hovering over your face with his, smiling flirtatious. – “For a name I shall get on my knees, I will go to hell and bring you the brightest jewel just to hear your name from your lips.” – he spoke making you smile.
“Please don’t.” – you chuckled out bringing your head back. You got up making Caliban move back to give you space. You went to a bookshelf, placing the book you had read back before Caliban could notice it. Caliban picked up another book, opening it uninterested. – “So what must I do?” – he asked. – “To hear that glorious name of yours.” – he added coming nearer.
You turned back to him, leaning against the bookcase. – “Why? Is the prince of hell interested in a mortal?” – you asked as he kept coming closer. He shut the book, dropping it on the table before he neared you. His arm he rested above your head against the bookshelf. – “Very.” – he spoke lowly. You felt yourself supress a squeal at how flirtatious that was of him.
“Not so mortal.” – he finished tilting your chin a bit back with his thumb. You took a deep breath, debating hard. Yet there was no harm in sharing a name. That still didn’t gave away what you truly were. One send from above, his sworn enemy. – “Y/n.” – you told him. Caliban’s smile widened. He was still touching your chin with his thumb. – “Y/n, a name for a princess.”
You punched him in the armpit for being so ridiculous. Caliban only chuckled as if not effected by the pain. You pushed him away returning to the table. From behind you, you could hear him mumble your name. Saying it like a mantra over and over. As if he thought he’d forget about it. It made you snicker quietly at how ridiculously cute it was. – “Caliban, saying my name three times isn’t going to summon me like bloody Mary!” – you called out to him.
Caliban smiled sheepishly, being caught by you. He hastened himself to your side, pulling a chair back to sit down with you. – “Maybe I like saying it. Y/n.” – he spoke leaning with his chin on his hand. You rolled your eyes at him. Caliban gawked in disbelieve at you. – “Don’t roll your eyes at me, not so mortal.” – he said grabbing your wrist and holding it down on the table.
His sense of immaturity only made you laugh louder. – “Don’t mock me not so mortal Y/n!” – he called out pulling at your wrist. You fell forwards coming face to face with him. Noses inches away from each other. Laughter had stopped as you could only remain still before pulling aware away. Hoping your cheeks weren’t too flushed.
Walking home that night, you gently tapped your hand against your forehead. – “Stop, stop, stop.” – you muttered out trying to knock some sense into you. – “Stop liking him.” – you slapped yourself hard, a bit too hard, making you rub the area with shame. Taking a deep breath you kept telling yourself to not fall for him. No good would come from it. The prince of hell with an angel from the heavens.
Not falling for Caliban was hard. Harder than any other task you had even been given. He wasn’t even school bound yet he kept appearing out of nowhere just to see you. His acts towards you were always full of flirts and charm. There had been a few close encounters where you had almost kissed him. The urge haven grown so desperate, you barely had any control over yourself.
Caliban was doing something to you and you couldn’t stop it. It was too late for that. There was no point in denying it that you liked Caliban and that he liked you in return. Perhaps telling him the truth about yourself wouldn’t be such a bad idea. You felt comfortable and loved enough around him to share your true self. You would do anything for him. That is how deep you had fallen for him. The prince of hell had you on your knees.
It was getting darker as Caliban was walking you home. Biting your lip, you took his hand, pulling him away from the main road over some grass fields. – “This isn’t your usual route home.” – he commented, blindly following you. – “I know.” – you answered going over a pumpkin patch, watching out carefully to not step on one. – “So where are we going Y/n?” – he asked nearly stepping on a pumpkin.
You remained silent walking over to a near small forest. You needed to be away from spying eyes if you were to reveal your true self to Caliban. Near an abandoned playground in the woods you came to a halt. – “Romantic.” – Caliban commented with a chuckle as you shushed him. – “Caliban, you were right, I’m not a mortal.” – you told him. – “I knew it!” – he called out with glory. – “I smelled it on you right away.” – you slapped him to stop interrupting you.
“Caliban listen!” – you made clear. You took a deep breath as Caliban could only stare at you. Was perhaps finally his burning desire off knowing going to be fulfilled? – “I’m going to show you who I truly am, but please don’t feel repulsed.” – you begged him. – “How can I be repulsed by you, princess?” – he answered brushing his fingers down your cheek.
You took his hands taking a step back. You closed your eyes. Caliban stared in awe at you when you started to glow. Light up with a soft bright light. Then with the sound of feathers appeared two white wings from your back. Opening briefly to its full length, before settling behind you. Caliban gawked in love at you. Going down on his knees for you as he bestowed upon your light. – “I am a child of the heavens.” – you told him after having opened your eyes once more.
“You are angelic Y/n.” – he complimented in wonder. He kissed your glowing hands making you smile flustered. Aware of your own self and Caliban’s nature, you looked saddened away. The heavens and the hell couldn’t be together. They never could. Caliban noticed the sadness on your face. He got back up stroking your cheek with his thumb. – “I want you so badly Y/n, but He and Lucifer will never allow us to be.” – Caliban spoke. – “I want you too.” – you answered bringing his hand down from your cheek to hold.
“What if we keep it secret?” – you asked. Caliban shook his head.  – “Yours and mine, would never let it pass. He will cut off your wings for loving a hell bound prince.” – he went on. – “He is forgiving.” – you told Caliban. – “He is not, not about this. We shouldn’t be.” – Caliban pushed your hand away, turning himself away. – “No!” – you called out as Caliban smirked half.
“I want to be with you. I want to be yours. I love you Caliban.” – you said desperately wanting him back. – “I love you too Y/n, but your wings prevent us from being together.” – he said saddened. – “Then I don’t want them!” – you shouted. Caliban smiled. His corruption working. – “Are you sure? There is no return Y/n.” – he had turned himself back to you. You nodded. – “I love you, I don’t want my wings if I can’t be yours.” – you told him clearly.
Caliban smiled cupping your cheek. – “Then be my princess.” – he whispered before kissing you. The moment your lips touched his, your wings started to disintegrate. The glow on you fading out to nothing. But a mortal appearance you had. Letting the change pass by you, you kept kissing Caliban. Now I have you for eternity Caliban thought.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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davidlikesguys02 · 2 years
Sleeping With The Enemy
Word count: 1,036
Waning: 18+, gay blowjob giving and receiving, 69, cum swallowing, breeding kink.
M/n: male name
E/c: eye color
GIF not mine
Kinktober 2022
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You walk into your fathers throne room, and begin to walk around. You can faintly hear the screams from the people that were getting tortured, you look at the golden hand throne. You begin to walk over to it but before you could take a seat someone walks in “you know that trone will be mine one day”
You turn around and are met with a handsome man “and you are?” “I’m Caliban” “you’re the one who's trying to take my sisters throne” he smiles “guilty” “what do you want” “nothing just came to admire the view” you roll your eyes and begin to walk away.
But before you could walk past Caliban he grabs your arm “you know you want it” “why do you care” “marry me and I’ll give it to you and we can rule earth and hell together” you look up at him and look into his brown eyes “I don’t want to rule earth” he leans in “then we will just rule hell together”
“I don’t want it, but let me ask you something” you lean closer towards him you could feel his warm breath hitting your face “what do you want Caliban?, do you really want to be king or are you looking for something else?” You lay your hand on his chest.
He looks into your E/c eyes and connects your lips together, after a few seconds he pulls away “in time you will realize that you do want it” he picks you up and guides you towards one of the rooms in the castle. He pushes the door open and lets you down, you look around the room and notice the expensive looking bed sheets.
You walk over to the bed and feel the soft silk, you can also feel the warmth radiating from the walls. You feel as hands come around and wrap around your waist, Caliban begins to undress you slowly removing each piece of clothing from your body.
You feel vulnerable as you stand naked in the room “You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen” he turns you around and you feel as he begins to knead you ass with his hands and pulls you closer towards him. You feel as one of his fingers begins to enter you slowly, you let out a low moan as his fingers begin to explore
After a few minutes he adds another finger, you feel as he hits your prostate with his finger. You dig your nails into his arm “mhm” he removes his fingers from your hole and you let out a small wine “lay on the bed” you get in the bed and watch as he begins to remove his clothes.
He crawls on top of you and leans in to kiss you, you feel as your cocks rub together and you moan into each other's mouths. He pulls away from the kiss, he changes positions and your face to face with his cock. You also feel as he takes your cock into his mouth.
You moan and Caliban inserts his length into your mouth, you grab his ass and push him further down into your mouth. You bring one of your legs and throw it over his head and begin to sink his mouth on your cock, you feel as your eyes roll to the back of your head from the pleasure he was giving you.
You take his cock out of your mouth “ahh Caliban” “I know it feels amazing” he goes back down on your cock and you feel as you cum in his mouth “mhm” Caliban swallows most of the cum. You begin to catch your breath, “come here”
He flips your body and you feel as he sinks your face into the bed, you feel as his cock begins to slowly enter you. He lays the weight of his body on your back and leans in to whisper in your ear “you want my kids?” You nod into the bed. “Y-yes I want to have your kids Caliban”
He begins to thrust into you hard and you can hear as the bed begins to creak, you grip the bed sheets tightly and watch as your knuckles begin to turn white. You close your eyes from the pleasure and you feel as Caliban grips your hand, “you would look so beautiful with my baby’s in your tummy”
“Mmhm” you smile at the idea of you having Caliban's kids, you know it’s impossible but just the idea of him getting you pregnant turned the both of you on. After a few more thrust you feel as his thrust become slopper, you know he’s close and he knows it too.
All of the sudden his thrust come to a complete stop “don’t wanna cum just yet” he removes his cock from your abused hole and lays next to you, you turn to look at him you watch as his chest falls and rises. You slowly get up and get on top of Caliban.
You align his cock with your hole and sink down, you watch as his face scrunches up in pleasure. You begin to roll your hips and watch as he throws his bed back moaning, he grips your hips and guides your movements on his cock “you are doing so good”
You decide to pick up the speed, and feel as he grips your hips tighter “if you keep this up you’ll make me cum” you lean down and kiss him. He begins to thrust into and pushing your body forward, you lay your hand on the head board as the two of you kiss.
You moan into his mouth as you cum for a second time, you pull away from the kiss just in time to watch as he arches his back cumming deep inside of you, he delivers some final thrust. “You did so good” he removes his cock from your hole and uses one of his fingers to push his cum further into your hole.
“Mhm Caliban” you fall next to him. “Will you marry me?” “Y..yes” you lean closer towards him and feel as his strong arms engulf you in a protective hug.
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habrina-was-wronged · 2 years
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justateenagewitch · 10 months
Just realized all my straight ships are girlboss/malewife
Honestly I can't believe I didn't notice sooner. It's very bisexual of me.
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fanfics4all · 7 months
The Spirit of Christmas
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Request: Yes / No List made by @alpaca-clouds
Requests are open only if its CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY/ WINTER related <3 Have a nice day/night
Caliban x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 1159
Warnings: Nothing!
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Caliban was literally made from the clay of Hell, so Christmas was not something he celebrated. No one in Hell celebrated the Holiday, but I wasn’t from Hell. Ever since Sabrina took over as the Queen of hell and Caliban was exiled, he’s found his way to me. I lived just outside of Greendale and was on my own, besides my familiar. Caliban just stumbled his way near my cabin and I took him in. I wasn’t like the witches he’s delt with, I wasn’t one that worshiped satan. Which is why I celibrated Christmas like the mortals. Caliban didn’t understand, but if he wanted to stay then he’d have to deal with it. 
I walked inside my home and Noctus flew to greet me. Noctus is a great horned owl and was the greatest familiar a witch could have. I smiled as he perched on my shoulder. I gave him a little scratch under his chin. 
“Where’s Caliban?” I asked as I looked around and didn’t see him. Noctus chirped at me and flew over to his perch. 
“Oh, he went to get wood? Perfect, I need some more if I want to get this potion going.” I said as I placed the ingredients I collected on my table near my cauldron. Noctus chirped and tilted his head in confusion. 
“You know what time of year it is.” I smirked and my familiar perked up a bit. He loved Christmas just as much as I did. I got to work preparing the ingredients as I waited for Caliban to return home. 
The door opened and Caliban walked in with a large pile of wood logs. I smiled at him as he placed them near the door. He looked at my ingredients and his brows furrowed. 
“Did one of the townspeople come for another potion?” He asked and I shook my head. 
“This is a special one, although I suppose it does effect the town as well.” I answered with a shrug. 
“What kind of potion is it? I’ve never seen some of these ingredients.” He asked as he picked up one of my vials. I quickly snatched it back and placed it down. 
“It’s for the spirit of Christmas, it’s time everything gets in order.” I said and Caliban groaned. 
“This is all for that stupid mortal Holiday?” He asked and I sent him a glare. 
“Making this potion makes all of the townspeople happy and makes my powers stronger for the coming year.” I answered and he held his hands up in defence. 
“I meant no harm by it, love.” He said and I rolled my eyes. He took a seat as I motioned for the logs to float under my cauldron. The flames ignited underneath and the liquid I put inside began to heat up. 
“So is this like a sacrifice type thing?” Caliban asked as he watched me intently. 
“No, I don’t do any dark magic.” I said and he shrugged. 
“Nothing wrong with dark magic, love. I could always show you.” He smirked and I rolled my eyes. 
“Keep your dark magic to yourself, I’d rather not get a visit from the Queen of Hell.” I said. Caliban rolled his eyes and rested his feet on the coffee table. 
Once the liquid started to boil I started putting the ingredients in. Caliban watched me the whole time and looked confused. I glanced at him and paused what I was doing. 
“Would you like to learn?” I asked and he shrugged. I chuckled and shook my head slightly. 
“First you make sure the Holy Water and Glacior Ice is boiling before you put in the chopped Peppermint and Gold Dust. Then you stir it together clockwise six times and it’ll look like liquid gold. Next you add Holly, Silver Dust, Pine Needles, and the very kindly donated Angel Flesh and it sure turn silver with some gold flecks streaked about. You’ll stir that clockwise twice and that’s when you get this pine smell coming through. Now we add Ginger, Cinnamon, and Clove and stir that in. The smell should mix with the pine and smell like a Christmas tree mixed with freshly baked cookies.” I smiled as I inhaled the heavenly smell. Caliban also sniffed the air and gave me a small smile. 
“Now we put in the mistletoe and blow a kiss.” I said and he chuckled. He came over and blew his own into the cauldron and I smiled at him. 
“Pass me that glass bottle, please.” I asked and he handed me the curvy, slightly dark blue tinted bottle. He examined it and his brows furrowed. 
“What is it?” He asked as he handed it to me. 
“The hardest ingredient to acquire for this potion.” I answered with a smile. I plucked the top off and spilt some of the contents into the cauldron. The simery blue, silver, white, black, and purple spilled out and changed the potion’s color to red with silver streaks. 
“I-Is that Stardust?” He asked in complet shock. 
“It is, takes me months to get it every year.” I said as I stirred. 
“And there you have it! The spirit of Christmas! Now we just say the chant and everything will be finished. 
“What’s the chant?” He asked. I smiled and motioned so my book would float over to us. I turned to the page and pointed at the spell. 
“It’ll be more powerful if you read it with me.” I said and held out my hand for him. He sighed, but took my hand anyway. 
“I hear the bells on Christmas Day, Their old, familiar carols play, And wild and sweet, The words repeat, Of peace on Earth, good- will to all!” We said together and the liquid quickly turned to smoke and blew through the house. It flew through the door and out into the world. The smoke would go through the town and give the spirit of Christmas to all. I turned to face Caliban and he was already smiling at me. 
“I feel… different.” He said and I giggled. 
“You feel happy?” I asked and he nodded. 
“Then it’s working already.” I winked. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. 
“I’ve never properly thanked you for allowing me to stay with you.” He said and I smiled up at him. 
“You’ve been very helpful, there’s no need to thank me.” I said. He wrapped his hand in my hair and lifted my head a bit more. He moved in and his lips placed on mine. I closed my eyes and fell into the confort of his presents. We pulled apart and he rested his forehead on mine. 
“Thank you, love.” He whispered. I pecked his lips and smiled. 
“Well, if that’s how you say thank you, then maybe I will let you say it a lot more.” I said and he chuckled. His lips found mine again and I smiled into the kiss.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @lover2448
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viikkah · 2 years
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Behind the scenes of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
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caossource · 2 years
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The Quest for the Unholy Regalia
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alicent-targaryen · 1 year
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CALIBAN aesthetic board
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j2d3 · 9 months
Chose between fluff and smut in the comments please.
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samsdei · 1 year
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Sam Corlett
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zaceouiswriting · 2 years
Unholy, holy trinity
Characters: Caliban x male reader, Nicholas Scratch x male reader
Universe: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Warnings: None
Being an angle and the prince of light, had his ups, you thought there were only ups to this position until Archangel Michael came to you in a hurry.
As hell began to break down, because of the disappearance of Lucifer, and the death of his daughter, one of the princes living there took the throne. One, without feelings. He declared war on humans, the moment he took the crown.
But before Michael would send the legions of heaven to stop the insanity, he wanted to try a diplomatic approach. That is where you came into play. Born to only do your job, you accepted of course. How could you say no to the general of heaven's army? Especially when he had drawn out his flaming sword?
That Michael and you had a hate relationship was nothing new. Your father had hidden you for a long, just to at one point, give you the status of a prince. Entirely to Michaels's dismay, because he thought this place was his.
Now you could see, how much he loved that you had this position because he could play you as he wanted.
You were sent down directly into hell. Your white aura and the golden wings, made me fear all of them there. Not one of them had a chance against an archangel. But the new lord of hell had only victory in his eyes.
„Even the all mighty angels are falling to my knees! Look at their pathetic weakness!“, you loudly exclaimed.
You could only scoff at his ignorance. „No, king made of clay. I was sent here to propose a marriage between hell and heaven. To stop an eternal war on earth, between the legions of heaven and the horde of hell.“
It was obvious, that you looked down at the king, on his throne, made out of lies. The magic he is wielding is heavenly in nature. What would he do if he knew?
„And who are you, that a marriage like this would bind both our homes?“
„I’m the crown prince of heaven. If my father should die, which is not possible, but if it should happen, I would ascent to become a god myself.“
His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree after that. You could see the eagerness in his eyes. But he did not seem to understand that he would not become a god, it doesn’t matter what would happen.
As he walked down the stairs, you saw him half naked, a thin vest was over his shoulders and hid the sides of his toned body, while the rest was open to you. You would’ve lied if you had said, that he wasn’t attractive. You had feelings and lust too.
And born to follow your father, you did not care if someone was a man or a woman, but you still for yourself preferred the first.
Men like Caliban the king of hell. Even though he could be a bit bigger with a little more muscles, his athletic build was already good enough.
Shortly after he left his throne and came down to you, he walked around you, looking you up and down, even lifted your shirt a bit, at least the bit, that wasn’t held down by the armor you wore. He felt about your flawless toned body.
„I will talk to my advisors,“ he whispered into your ear before leaving you stranded with weak knees. You felt pathetic after all, so easily courted by a demon. But they were more or fewer children of your father and Lucifer, so nobody could tell, that you are weak, because both together have the charisma to break anyone.
You awaited his answer in hopes he would accept it. To be free from the shackles Michael had bound you to, would be a blessing you could not refuse. Especially not, if you eternity would have his look.
They came back not long after, a proud dirty smile on the face of the king. „We accept your offer.“
„We would also need a human in this alliance,“ you finally broke the last part of this agreement. At first, Caliban seemed disinterested. Until you told him, that it wasn’t important who would be chosen. As long as this person was a human though and through.
He was sold immediately after and even postponed the ceremony for finding the right person, which took alarmingly not even an hour.
As Caliban came back, with another man in shackles behind him, you immediately dissolved them, which also let Caliban’s smile fade, but you did not care. „An angel and a demon?“, the human asked with fear and curiosity in his voice.
„You really chose the ex-boyfriend of the last queen of hell?“ Your eyes couldn’t even as far into your head as you wanted.
„He already has experience with people like us, he is good-looking and as I heard from witches, a drug in bed,“ Caliban told you, while slithering around you, whispering in your ear.
Trying hard to not break your mask, you only nodded, „Okay, then let us bring this behind us!“
The day of marriage was not in hell or in heaven, but on earth, so symbolizes the trinity. All three tribes were there. Even Michael was there, but he did not look happy, that your mission was this successful. Strengthen your position as prince of heaven.
Just before you three, bound yourself to one another with an arm ring, which is normal in heaven, you were allowed to do something otherworldly.
„I’m allowed to give both of you a blessing. But before that, Nicholas? I will need to heal your broken soul.“ He looked stunned in your eyes.
„I thought only death could bring me peace?“
Again you scoffed loudly, „No that was a lie, Michael brought about humanity. We angels can heal broken souls, if you believe in us enough and ask for help. He just doesn’t want to have heaven full of beings he looks at as insects.“
While Nicholas stood there in stunned silence, you held your right hand above his head, while your left was over his heart. With a bright white light, everything vanished. His body was in perfect condition and his mind was free, from everything he had to endure.
„Your blessing will be immortality and in the same vain eternal youth.“ Another bright light, washed over Nicholas, as heavenly magic filled his body.
„And you Caliban were born out of clay and the wish of hell itself to have someone in power, that is from its own soil. I give you a real body, out of flesh and blood. To give me like Nicholas will, children to rule all the planes of existing one day.“
As the white bright light fell on Caliban this time, he screamed. Demons already wanted to attack, as the light vanished and a new Caliban stood in front of them. Longhorns, coming out of his head, his long blond hair became short. His eyes were black as the night surrounded by dark red veins. Taller and more muscles as you had wished. Now he looked like the king of hell, with four teeth two down and two up, sharp enough to rip someone into shreds.
His people stood there astonished, at the power you have in your and the new existence, of a real king of hell and not just a golem out of clay.
It was save to say, that the rest of the ceremony was a success as well. But what happened on the night of closing this holy, unholy trinity was just another story.
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On the heels of tragedy, the Spellmans receive a grim omen. Blackwood seeks vengeance. Sabrina prepares for her final challenge against Caliban.
              Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Judas Kiss
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Multiamory March 2023 (@polyamships)
002. Supernatural - Prudence Night/Sabrina Spellman/Prince Caliban - https://archiveofourown.org/works/45445474
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justateenagewitch · 10 months
Sabrina: Caliban, keep an eye on Dorcas today. She's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Caliban: Sure, I’d love to see Dorcas get punched.
Sabrina: Try again.
Caliban, sighing: I will stop Dorcas from getting punched.
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viikkah · 2 years
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Behind the scenes of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
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laurlovez · 2 years
i think medals of honor should be handed out to those of us who survived the great calbrina vs nabrina war of 2020 because seriously what the actual fuck was that
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