#caos netflix fanfiction promt
rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina prompt #1
• Caliban finds out about the terrible blood curse that the fake God has cast on all mortals with a uterus to punish Eve for eating the forbidden fruit.
The more Sabrina tries to explain worse and more serious the curse looks.
Sabrina: "Okay, my love, calm down, let me explain to you what's going on ok? What is happening to me is called menstruation. Menstruation is the peeling of the inner walls of the uterus when there is no fertilization. This peeling is part of the reproductive cycle of mortals who can become pregnant and happen every month. The body prepares for pregnancy, and when it does not occur, the endometrium, which is the inner membrane of the uterus, which, in short, is responsible for accommodating and protecting the fetus, comes off. "
Caliban: "... So part of your flesh is dissolving into blood?"
Sabrina: "... Yes."
Caliban: "While we are having this conversation you are having an internal hemorrhage, is that what you are telling me?!"
Sabrina: "Caliban, love, stay calm."
Caliban: "How should I be calm ?! You should be in a hospital!"
Sabrina: "Honey, it's okay, I've been going through this since I was twelve. This sucks, it's painful, okay, very painful, both physically, emotionally and psychologically, but it's natural. I'll be fine."
Caliban: "TWELVE?!"
Sabrina: "I have a headache, can you PLEASE stop screaming?!"
Caliban: "Sorry... Do you really spend a whole day bleeding every month? My lady, this is insane!"
Sabrina: "...Nine days."
Caliban: "What?"
Sabrina: *Sigh* "My period usually lasts nine days."
Caliban: *Terrified*
Note1: It has been proven that menstrual cramps can hurt as much as a heart attack. Uterine contractions during menstruation are like mine labor.
Note2: My headcanon is that only mortals menstruate (because it was a punishment for Eve and her descendants: mortals.)
Note3: Canonically a witch's pregnancy lasts for thirteen months, so her body prepares for thirteen months of pregnancy, so I think Sabrina's period is much worse than a mortal's period.
Note4: Cramps is not the only things that is physically painful in periods. You also have headaches, back pain, pain in your legs and feet etc.
Note5: In ep1 of part 3 Caliban says that demons can smell human flesh from a long distance. As the blood smells much stronger, I find it impossible for the demons not to smell it from an even greater distance.
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
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rqtcaos · 4 years
Calbrina promt #8
Sabrina: "I thought it was very strange what happened to Lilith. Do you have any idea what might have happened, babe?"
Caliban: "Yes, it was very strange, I have no idea what could have caused something like this."
Sabrina: "Got it."
Sabrina: "... Honey?"
Caliban: "Yes, my lady?"
Sabrina: "Is that your final answer?"
Caliban: *freezes*
Caliban: ...*deep breath* "No. It isn't."
Sabrina: *Sits on the couch and taps the seat next to her* "What happened?"
Note 1: In this, none of the Sabrinas needed to die or leave for the problem of merging worlds to be solved.
Note 2: In this Lilith and Adam are alive.
Note 3: If Morningstar's reaction to what Spellman did to try to separate her from Caliban is any indication, she is probably the height of patience and empathy 😅.
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rdqt · 4 years
Ok, can someone explain to me why nobody is using the AMAZING opportunity of crossover fanfics and fix it fanfics which is ep 5 ????? Like, Sabrina M goes to ANOTHER DIMENSION! We could write she going to any other universe and COMING BACK WITH HELP!!! Think of the possibilities! Shadowhunters, The Umbrella academy, Lucifer(TV), Supernatural, Good Omens etc etc etc. WHY NOBODY IS WRITING ABOUT THIS????!! Am I going to need to write this?!
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt # 6
• Sabrina speaks in her sleep. It hasn't happened since she was little, but now it has happened again, she said some VERY weird shit in her sleep. Which is not a big deal, apart from a few small details:
Caliban was sleeping with her. He listened. And he has NO IDEA what Heaven is going on.
Result: She wakes up with Caliban at the opposite end of the bed looking at her with wide eyes and asking: Who are you and where is my wife?
She can't get him to say what's wrong, and when she FINALLY gets him to say what happened she has a fit of laughter that only serves to make the poor boy even more dismayed. She tries to approach him to explain what happened but he's like:
Tumblr media
Note: If it were someone in Sabrina's body, attacking would hurt her.
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt #2
• Sabrina needs to get a vaccine, Caliban doesn't know what that is and when Sabrina explains the only thing he understands is: They will puncture his wife and inject a virus / part of a virus into her and he is like: "Okay, they will need to kill me first. 🙂 "
He really thinks they’re going to hurt her and it takes some persuasion on the part of Sabrina (and probably Roz too.) To convince him that it’s for her good and to make him relax a little bit. (He still doesn't like it and although he doesn't hurt anyone, just looking at him is enough to terrify the poor nurse who is just trying to do her job.)
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
(Please tag me on fanfics and send me the links! I need to read more Calbrina fanfictions! 😢)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt # 5
• Before the wedding, after Caliban gives Sabrina his testicles and she explains the situation of the two Sabrinas and that she did not ask for it from him, Sabrina talks about the possibility of her not being able to get pregnant because:
1- She is a hybrid and most hybrid species are sterile.
2- Her mother only managed to get pregnant after making a pact with Satan.
3- She and Caliban are of different species.
4- She is made of flesh and he is made of clay, so there is a HUGE possibility that they are biologically incompatible and unable to have children together.
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt # 7
• At first it was a normal dinner meeting night, Sabrina, Caliban, Lucifer and Beelzebub were discussing changes in Hell and how they should be implemented. Sabrina said that the souls of sinners should suffer in order to pay for the evil they did in life and obtain justice for the innocent people they hurt, Beelzebub said that all souls should be tortured because this is fun, Lucifer rages every time he was upset, and Caliban made observations and made suggestions throughout the discussion, in short, the usual.
Then Sabrina started to suffocate.
She leaned on the table and put her hand to her throat as she desperately tried to breathe.
The queen was poisoned.
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rdqt · 4 years
Not long after the spell that kept Roz and Dorcas like stone statues was broken someone knocked on the door of the academy. Ambrose, extremely suspicious, goes to see who he is and finds a very excited delivery man.
"Delivery to Rozalind Walker!"
The girl listens to the man and is extremely confused, she doesn't even live at that address.
"For me? Are you sure it's not a mistake?" She and everyone in the room were very suspicious.
"Certainly! My firm has been guarding this chest for 400 years! It was sent from England with a large amount of gold to the founder on the condition that it be delivered today, at that exact address and time to Rozalind Walker. Almost everyone in the company has bets on what's inside! "
The little man looked at her expectantly and the young woman had an idea.
"Would you like to open it?" If there was some kind of curse in the chest, he would certainly refuse to open it.
"Can I? It would be a great honor!"
She simply made a 'Go ahead' gesture and the man started looking for a place to be able to support the chest so he could open it, finally he supports it on the stairs. The first thing in the chest was a letter.
"That's weird."
"This letter is addressed to me."
As soon as he opens the letter a gold coin falls, and when he reads it his eyes widen and he quickly takes the coin, says a quick goodbye and runs out of the academy in a hurry.
Roz quickly picks up the letter and reads it aloud. "Dear Mr. Carter, you left the gas on when you left your residence. Run home before Mrs. Carter begins supper."
After explaining the reason for the abrupt departure, she took the second thing from the trunk, a large pile of stacked papers that somehow she knew was a book without a cover, and read the title out loud:
"Most Fair and Accurate Prophecies by Agnes Nutter, Relating to the World to Come. The Saga Continues."
On the back of the title sheet, there was only a thirteen-digit number and a name:
Anathema Divece
Good Omens/Chilling Adventures of Sabrina crossover!
Promt: Rozalind is a descendant of Agnes Nutter, witch
I had wanted to do this crossover for a long time but I never knew how to link the two universes, how and where to start the story, and now I did it! I'm very happy! If you want to use this to make your own fanfiction you can! Just give me the credit for the prompt and for what you use copied from this post! (And please send me the link, I need fanfics for this crossover! I need Sabrina and Adam as siblings! Crowley putting any kid/teenager under his wings! Aziraphale miraculating food, drinks and comforting stuff in general with a gentle smile! I NEED IT !!!)
Edit: I fixed a number of really embarrassing translation errors. English is not my mother tongue so if you see any errors or inconsistencies in the text PLEASE TELL ME! <3
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