#caos netflix fanfic prompt
rdqt · 4 years
Ok, can someone explain to me why nobody is using the AMAZING opportunity of crossover fanfics and fix it fanfics which is ep 5 ????? Like, Sabrina M goes to ANOTHER DIMENSION! We could write she going to any other universe and COMING BACK WITH HELP!!! Think of the possibilities! Shadowhunters, The Umbrella academy, Lucifer(TV), Supernatural, Good Omens etc etc etc. WHY NOBODY IS WRITING ABOUT THIS????!! Am I going to need to write this?!
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rqtcaos · 4 years
Calbrina promt #8
Sabrina: "I thought it was very strange what happened to Lilith. Do you have any idea what might have happened, babe?"
Caliban: "Yes, it was very strange, I have no idea what could have caused something like this."
Sabrina: "Got it."
Sabrina: "... Honey?"
Caliban: "Yes, my lady?"
Sabrina: "Is that your final answer?"
Caliban: *freezes*
Caliban: ...*deep breath* "No. It isn't."
Sabrina: *Sits on the couch and taps the seat next to her* "What happened?"
Note 1: In this, none of the Sabrinas needed to die or leave for the problem of merging worlds to be solved.
Note 2: In this Lilith and Adam are alive.
Note 3: If Morningstar's reaction to what Spellman did to try to separate her from Caliban is any indication, she is probably the height of patience and empathy 😅.
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frizz22 · 4 years
Prompt: what if there was a time Sabrina died (maybe when she was quite young?) and the aunties had to use the Cain pit to resurrect her?
It’s been a hot minute... okay, lots and lots of minutes, but I’m back and working on my one shots! 😜 hope you enjoy! Read on ao3
It was Sabrina’s second Solstice; her first without her parents. Not that the girl was aware, the sweet thing too young to know the difference.
Still, she and Hilda made an effort to keep the traditions the little family started the year before; roasted chestnuts, Ambrose reading aloud from The Christmas Carol—which had been done at Diana’s insistence… not that Zelda minded after the ghosts appeared.
After those traditions were observed though, there wasn’t much else to do or that they wanted to do. Neither she nor Hilda were in the mood for a boisterous holiday when they were experiencing their grief anew.
Firsts were always hard.
Thankfully, Ambrose seemed to be enjoying himself. He’d practically run from the room after they’d given him a new chemistry set for the holiday. And based on the sounds emanating from the attic it seemed their nephew was experimenting with how to blend the mortal science with magic.
A particularly loud bang had them jumping, first because of the noise and second because somehow the resulting combination snuffed out all the lights.
Grumbling good naturedly, Zelda made for the fuse box—which would likely see more use in the near future—while Hilda waved a hand to light some of the candles around the kitchen.
“Ambrose, love,” Hilda called as she picked up a candle and moved towards the stairs to check on their nephew. Just as Zelda flipped the switches and restored the electricity, though, Hilda shouted. “Zelda!”
Alarmed by her sister’s tone, Zelda rushed back through the house and found Hilda in the parlor, pointing to the fireplace.
The Yule log was out.
“Quickly!” Zelda exclaimed, rounding the armchairs and beginning the enchantment; Hilda joining her seconds later to add her strength.
Once the fire was relit, Hilda worried her lower lip. “Do you think anything got through? It was only out a minute.”
Frowning, Zelda shook her head. “With how close spirits roam to this realm during Solstice, a minute might be all they needed. Go get Ambrose, no more experimenting tonight. I’ll get Sabrina and check the house for malevolent presences.”
Her girl tucked firmly on her hip and the crook of her arm, Zelda moved through the house, tool in hand, praying to Satan it wouldn’t stop spinning.
It did.
Zelda squeezed her eyes shut and carefully backed out of the nursery where the device indicated the spirits were. She shut the door softly behind her though she knew it wouldn’t make a difference to the non-corporeal beings now haunting their house.
Hurrying back down the stairs, Zelda found the rest of her family huddled around the Yule log, making sure it remained lit.
“Auntie, I am a so sorry,” Ambrose began, rubbing the back of his neck ruefully. “I have no idea how I managed to extinguish all light, but I certainly didn’t intend—"
She cupped his cheek and managed a weak smile. “I know, sweetheart, you wouldn’t have risked the spell of you’d known.” Ambrose exhaled in relief and covered her hand with his and pressed his cheek into her palm.
“Did, did you find anything?” Hilda murmured, coming up behind Ambrose and wrapping a protective arm around him.
With a grim nod, Zelda’s eyes lifted to the ceiling where they could hear the beginnings of the spirits moving around. “In the nursery. I don’t know what, yet, but we do have spirits.” She switched Sabrina to her other hip as the sounds above continued.
Brow furrowing, Ambrose inclined his head, listening hard. “Are, are they playing with Sabrina’s toys?” He asked, eyes drifting upwards once more.
At the suggestion, all three of them fell silent and waited. Sure enough, the bells attached to the mobile hanging above Sabrina’s crib tinkled and a musical tune from another toy broke the quiet.
Sighing slowly, Zelda turned to Hilda and her sister nodded. “The Yule lads.” They stated in tandem.
“Yule lads?” Ambrose repeated, tucking his hands under his arms. “Wait, they’re, they’re poltergeists are they not? A simple banishing spell should do the trick.���
Zelda shook her head. “Poltergeists of a sort,” she corrected, wincing as something crashed to the floor above them. “They listen to no one but their,” her mouth twisted, “their ‘mother’.”
A grimace pulling her features, Hilda turned towards the kitchen. “I’ll get the offering ready.” She muttered, clearly unhappy about giving up even some of the food she’d prepared.
Her nephew frowned. “Offering? Who do the Yule lads listen to?”
Surprised there was something Ambrose didn’t know, Zelda bounced slightly to keep Sabrina pacified. “Gryla, a powerful hedge witch who is centuries older than Hilda and me. She,” Zelda shook her head in disgust, clutched Sabrina closer and then went on to explain who Gryla was; her horrendous act of eating her child, the betrayal she felt when the other witch broke the pact. And how, for the past thousand years, Gryla attempted to replace her lost child by taking others; specifically, orphans or those who weren’t with their biological family.
Blanching, Ambrose covered his mouth. “She, she ate—"
“Yes.” Zelda cut in, not wanting to dwell on Gryla’s grisly history. “And she replaces that child by taking others and turning them into spirits. Spirits that only listen to her. Which is why,” she moved to the kitchen to see how Hilda was coming along, “we must summon Gryla. So, she can collect her Yule lads before they do too much damage.”
A series of loud clatters sounded from upstairs followed by another loud crash of what sounded like one of the dressers in their bedrooms being knocked over.
Setting out another plate of cookies, Hilda huffed. “And to appease her, for the audacity of summoning her, we make an offering.” She gestured to the large amount of food spread out on the table with a scowl.
Ambrose spread his hands out, at a loss and still processing this newest piece of witching history. “How can I help?” He finally managed.
Carefully placing Sabrina in her highchair, with an extra protection spell, Zelda cupped Ambrose’s chin. “You, my dear felon, can hide.”
Confused, and not listening, Ambrose grabbed a plate and carried to the table. “Why would I hide? I came help.”
She shared a quick look with Hilda and then blurted it out. “Gryla was abandoned by her husband and she doesn’t like men.” Though if her spouse ate their only child Zelda knew for a fact she’d have abandoned them as well—if not killed them. Of course, Gryla didn’t see it that way.
Poorly suppressing a smile, Hilda added on. “She does like eating them.”
Appalled, Ambrose swallowed hard. “Oh,” he murmured faintly, setting the plate in his hands down with deliberate ease. “I suppose the basement or my room would be sufficient?”
Unable to help herself, Zelda chuckled softly at his reaction. “Yes, either will do. Though the basement may be safer, the lads seem to still be wreaking havoc upstairs.” The sound of breaking glass confirmed her thinking. “Make sure to cast silencing spells on the room, so we can’t hear you, but you can hear us.”
“Of course, Auntie, I might just go prepare now, why wait until she’s almost here?” With a slightly grey tinge to his skin, Ambrose scurried off.
Turning back to Hilda, Zelda arched a brow. “Are we ready?”
With a begrudging nod, Hilda handed Sabrina part of a cookie to keep her occupied, and then joined her hand with Zelda’s to summon Gryla.
The witch arrived with a howl of winter wind that made the windows shudder in their frames.
She curtly knocked on the door, a smug smile on her face when it swung open for her. “Have you found my Yule lads?” She remarked, arching a knowing brow as more bangs sounded from above when she entered.
“They’ve made themselves quite at home,” Zelda noted dryly, shutting the door behind the witch.
Stepping forward, Hilda swept her hand to encompass their offering. “We’ve laid out some lovely meat pies, cookies, pastries, roasted—"
Sharply holding up a hand, Gryla shifted her attention and Hilda petered off, unsure. “This child is not yours.” She breathed, eyeing Sabrina where she was happily munching on the cookie Hilda gave her.
Baffled, Zelda blinked. “Yes she is.”
A malicious smile spreading on her lips, Gryla crooked her head. “She’s not your blood. I smell it.”
The two of them moved instinctively to stand behind Sabrina, Hilda gripping the back of Sabrina’s seat before answering. “Not directly no, but she’s our niece. We are her guardians.”
Power suddenly built up around Gryla and the Yule lads abruptly appeared in the kitchen with them, knives whirling through the air forcing Zelda and Hilda to deflect them.
“Stop this!” Zelda bellowed, a blast of energy emanating from her and sending the knives flying to embed themselves in the walls. “Sabrina is our girl and you won’t touch her.”
If anything, this seemed to motivate Gryla further, a cackle escaped her as she joined the fight along with her Yule lads, eyes bright with cruel intent.
Magic thickly filled the air as she and Hilda fought ferociously to try and keep Gryla at bay; all while dodging whatever lethal missiles the Yule lads launched in their direction. A flicker of relief went through Zelda when she felt Hilda seal the basement door to prevent Ambrose from joining them; Hell knew what Gryla would do to him.
And though the strain she felt from the fight made it seem as though hours had passed; Zelda knew only minutes had gone by. Despite this, sweat dripped down Zelda’s brow as she held a shield spell in place against Gryla’s onslaught, gritting her teeth at the effort. Hilda breathed heavily behind her, the burden of fighting invisible and numerous spirits surrounding them also taking its toll.
As if sensing her growing fatigue, Gryla increased the intensity of her spell; the effect of which physically slid Zelda’s feet back several inches across the floor. Laughing, the witch dropped the spell and then launched another at Zelda’s shield, making her stagger back at the impact; her spell held, barely.
It was then Zelda realized Gryla was toying with them.
She was centuries older and far more powerful. The hedge witch was enjoying her game, the fight; but dueling with them wasn’t even a challenge for her. Their desperate effort was a lost cause.
Despite this horrible realization, despite the fact that it was futile, and Hilda likely had discovered this as well, they kept fighting.
What else could they do?
Give up? Let Gryla take Sabrina and then search the house to take what she pleased as payment for resisting her? Ultimately leading the witch to Ambrose, who she’d kill out of hand?
Zelda knew neither she nor Hilda would ever let anything happen to the kids. Never. With one last frantic attempt, Zelda dropped her shield completely, concentrated her remaining energy into a lethal blow and flung it at Gryla.
The witch was thrown back over the kitchen counter with a sickening crunch and, for a moment, Zelda dared to hope. Until magic crackled in the air above where Gryla had disappeared and then shot across the room to take Zelda in the chest.
Eyes going wide in pain and panic, Zelda clutched at her chest and tried to breathe; without success.
“Zelds!” Hilda shouted, loosing a billowing cloud of fire into the air to deter the Yule lads before dropping next to her. “Easy, just let me...” Muttering a Latin phrase, Hilda countered the spell.
Air suddenly flooded Zelda’s lungs and she gasped, eyes watering. Before either of them could recover further, Gryla was looming from behind the counter and firing spells with such speed and force they couldn’t possibly block them all.
Crashes and small explosions filled the room, joining Sabrina’s shrieks which had been going since the fight began.
Then, suddenly.... The screeches fell silent.
Bruised and bloody, Zelda and Hilda whipped around to find Sabrina’s small form slumped to the side.
Not missing the lack of noise from Sabrina either, Gryla slowed her attack and then stopped altogether. She harrumphed when she saw the result of her reckless casting. “Well, either with me or dead, at least she’s not where she doesn’t belong. With you.” With an arched brow and a self-righteous smile, Gryla whistled and turned away, her lads following, scavenging the fallen food as they went.
A raw, primal roar ripped itself from Zelda’s throat and she staggered upright and after the witch. Snorting in amusement, Gryla gave her an assessing look and then teleported away; leaving Zelda to crash into the wall behind where Gryla had been standing.
Sobs wrenched themselves from her and wracked her body as Zelda slid to the floor, barely able to breathe.
Hilda painfully leveraged herself off the floor as well and carefully extracted Sabrina from the damaged highchair to cradle the inert little girl against her chest. Pale as a ghost and utterly silent in shock, Hilda turned to Zelda, mouth working uselessly.
Another howl emanated from Zelda as Ambrose barreled into the room; Hilda’s spell containing him having dissipated in her grief.
“Aunties! What—” He stumbled on the sight that greeted him in the kitchen; the room a crater of destruction and grief. When Hilda curled herself around Sabrina, a wounded wail warbling out of her at least, Ambrose strode forward; eyes focused and fierce.
When he snatched Sabrina from Hilda, Zelda almost hexed him. For being so callous, for…. It was then Zelda realized that her nephew was sprinting out to the garden.
The Cain Pit.
Gasping at the realization, Zelda lurched outside as well, ignoring the pain ricocheting through her; Hilda whimpering as she followed. Hell bless their nephew, their brilliant, beautiful, strong nephew.
By the time they caught up, Ambrose had already covered Sabrina in the shallowest layer of dirt possible and still have it count as buried. He likely dared not place her deeper, the girl certainly not old enough to dig her way out once she woke.
She and Hilda dropped onto their knees beside him; huddling together in the snow as they waited for their girl to return.
At some point Ambrose started to heal them, his hands stiff with the cold. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, casting a spell to start a small fire to keep them warm. “I’m sorry, I am so, so very sorry, Aunties, I—” falling silent, Ambrose continued to heal them. “I’m sorry.” He finished, so softly Zelda almost didn’t hear him the last time.
After yet another apology fell from his lips, Zelda turned to him and smiled tremulously. “Your quick thinking is going to save your cousin, sweetheart, don’t apologize. And if your Aunt Hilda or I had eventually gotten our shit together and thought to use the Pit, we’d have either bled out from our injuries or frozen to death without you.”
“It wasn’t quick thinking.”
Perplexed, Hilda hummed and tried to take Ambrose’s hand, but he backed away from them both. “Darling—"
“It wasn’t quick thinking,” he repeated wretchedly. “All I could do while I was stuck in the basement, listening to you fight for your lives against Gryla and her lads, was think of what I’d see when I finally got out.” Spearing his hands through his hair, Ambrose shook his head. “I figured the Pit would see some use, I just never considered that it would be Sab-, Sabrina we put inside. And,” his voice cracked, “it’s my fault they were here in the first place. My fault she was hurt. That you were hurt.”
They both exhaled in realization and converged on Ambrose, engulfing him in their embraces and murmuring reassurances; for it certainly wasn’t his fault.
Before Zelda could be sure their words had truly sunk in, though, a thin cry sounded from the Pit. “Sabrina!” She gasped, hurriedly brushing the soil off her girl and wrapping her in her arms. “My darling, my sweet girl.” Tears flowed down Zelda’s cheeks as she shifted to let Hilda and Ambrose check on Sabrina as well.
Touching Zelda’s arm, Hilda stood. “Come, let’s get the dear inside. She needs a warm bath and a bottle.”
Their normal bedtime routine took much longer than usual. Though Sabrina seemed almost entirely unaffected by the night’s events, she and Hilda couldn’t seem to put the girl down. When they finally did lay Sabrina down in her crib, neither of them moved from its side.
“I don’t understand,” Zelda murmured, breaking the silence at last as she reached down and fixed the blanket Sabrina partially kicked off. “Gryla’s abilities allow her to sense when a child is not with family which is why she feels empowered to claim them as her own. Sabrina is our blood niece, easily traceable to the Spellman line through Edward... what caused her to say such things? To attack?”
Hilda didn’t quite meet her eye, hands twitching on the crib railing. “Maybe she’s losing her touch in her old age. She’s nearly a thousand years old, after all.”
Scoffing, Zelda conjured chairs for the two of them; full well knowing neither of them would be willing to leave Sabrina’s side that night. “She must be, who else would be Sabrina’s parents? Her family?”
Making a noncommittal sound, Hilda sank into the chair next to Zelda and they started their vigil.
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina prompt #1
• Caliban finds out about the terrible blood curse that the fake God has cast on all mortals with a uterus to punish Eve for eating the forbidden fruit.
The more Sabrina tries to explain worse and more serious the curse looks.
Sabrina: "Okay, my love, calm down, let me explain to you what's going on ok? What is happening to me is called menstruation. Menstruation is the peeling of the inner walls of the uterus when there is no fertilization. This peeling is part of the reproductive cycle of mortals who can become pregnant and happen every month. The body prepares for pregnancy, and when it does not occur, the endometrium, which is the inner membrane of the uterus, which, in short, is responsible for accommodating and protecting the fetus, comes off. "
Caliban: "... So part of your flesh is dissolving into blood?"
Sabrina: "... Yes."
Caliban: "While we are having this conversation you are having an internal hemorrhage, is that what you are telling me?!"
Sabrina: "Caliban, love, stay calm."
Caliban: "How should I be calm ?! You should be in a hospital!"
Sabrina: "Honey, it's okay, I've been going through this since I was twelve. This sucks, it's painful, okay, very painful, both physically, emotionally and psychologically, but it's natural. I'll be fine."
Caliban: "TWELVE?!"
Sabrina: "I have a headache, can you PLEASE stop screaming?!"
Caliban: "Sorry... Do you really spend a whole day bleeding every month? My lady, this is insane!"
Sabrina: "...Nine days."
Caliban: "What?"
Sabrina: *Sigh* "My period usually lasts nine days."
Caliban: *Terrified*
Note1: It has been proven that menstrual cramps can hurt as much as a heart attack. Uterine contractions during menstruation are like mine labor.
Note2: My headcanon is that only mortals menstruate (because it was a punishment for Eve and her descendants: mortals.)
Note3: Canonically a witch's pregnancy lasts for thirteen months, so her body prepares for thirteen months of pregnancy, so I think Sabrina's period is much worse than a mortal's period.
Note4: Cramps is not the only things that is physically painful in periods. You also have headaches, back pain, pain in your legs and feet etc.
Note5: In ep1 of part 3 Caliban says that demons can smell human flesh from a long distance. As the blood smells much stronger, I find it impossible for the demons not to smell it from an even greater distance.
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt # 6
• Sabrina speaks in her sleep. It hasn't happened since she was little, but now it has happened again, she said some VERY weird shit in her sleep. Which is not a big deal, apart from a few small details:
Caliban was sleeping with her. He listened. And he has NO IDEA what Heaven is going on.
Result: She wakes up with Caliban at the opposite end of the bed looking at her with wide eyes and asking: Who are you and where is my wife?
She can't get him to say what's wrong, and when she FINALLY gets him to say what happened she has a fit of laughter that only serves to make the poor boy even more dismayed. She tries to approach him to explain what happened but he's like:
Tumblr media
Note: If it were someone in Sabrina's body, attacking would hurt her.
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt #4
• After Caliban gives Sabrina his testicles she explains the whole situation of the two Sabrinas and that she did not ask for it from him and would never ask, much less demand, something like that. She guarantees that she will NEVER demand that he convert to any religion; that she would NEVER be part of a religion that requires mutilation, let alone make him part of it; guarantees that the only one who can decide anything about his body is HE and they have a long and frank conversation about consent and what an abusive relationship is (because if you demand something like that from someone it doesn't count as an abusive relationship I don't know what counts.)
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt # 7
• At first it was a normal dinner meeting night, Sabrina, Caliban, Lucifer and Beelzebub were discussing changes in Hell and how they should be implemented. Sabrina said that the souls of sinners should suffer in order to pay for the evil they did in life and obtain justice for the innocent people they hurt, Beelzebub said that all souls should be tortured because this is fun, Lucifer rages every time he was upset, and Caliban made observations and made suggestions throughout the discussion, in short, the usual.
Then Sabrina started to suffocate.
She leaned on the table and put her hand to her throat as she desperately tried to breathe.
The queen was poisoned.
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt #2
• Sabrina needs to get a vaccine, Caliban doesn't know what that is and when Sabrina explains the only thing he understands is: They will puncture his wife and inject a virus / part of a virus into her and he is like: "Okay, they will need to kill me first. 🙂 "
He really thinks they’re going to hurt her and it takes some persuasion on the part of Sabrina (and probably Roz too.) To convince him that it’s for her good and to make him relax a little bit. (He still doesn't like it and although he doesn't hurt anyone, just looking at him is enough to terrify the poor nurse who is just trying to do her job.)
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
(Please tag me on fanfics and send me the links! I need to read more Calbrina fanfictions! 😢)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt # 5
• Before the wedding, after Caliban gives Sabrina his testicles and she explains the situation of the two Sabrinas and that she did not ask for it from him, Sabrina talks about the possibility of her not being able to get pregnant because:
1- She is a hybrid and most hybrid species are sterile.
2- Her mother only managed to get pregnant after making a pact with Satan.
3- She and Caliban are of different species.
4- She is made of flesh and he is made of clay, so there is a HUGE possibility that they are biologically incompatible and unable to have children together.
(English is not my native language, please let me know if the post has any errors so I can correct <3)
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rdqt · 4 years
Calbrina promt #3
• First time Caliban sees Sabrina bleed. (Small thing like a paper cut, sticking her finger at something, biting her tongue, etc.)
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frizz22 · 5 years
Could you write 5 times where Madam Spellman get interrupted (trying to get it on presumably) + 1 time they don’t? :)
Note: This turned out to be a bit of Mary/Zelda too, though it’s still Lilith… if that makes sense. Anyway, hope you enjoy. Read on ao3
Zelda should be pissed at the woman. She’d burst in, claiming outrageous things about being a secret guardian for Sabrina on Edward’s behalf, ferried Sabrina and Hilda off to conduct an illegal exorcism, and then failed to complete it without Zelda’s help.  
So, yes, she should be furious. At how the woman lied about her past, how she endangered Zelda’s family and then was incompetent.  
But... but Zelda was still riding the high from conducting the first ever witching exorcism. Magic crackled through her, lighting her up and making it difficult to concentrate on anything. And, as she’d learned at an early age, her lust often spiked when her magic felt like this.  
She should have just hidden in the extra bedroom, pleasured herself and been done with it. But Mary Wardwell’s face floated in her mind as she dug through her box of toys and Zelda realized that, tonight at least, a toy wouldn’t give her the satisfaction she wanted.  
And it wasn’t as though she’d missed how the witch looked at her afterwards. The stunned disbelief, the awe, how her eyes roved over Zelda after they dumped the demon down the well. Wardwell was interested.  
Shrugging to herself, Zelda put aside her irritation for the witch and teleported to her cottage. Certain urges took precedent over grudges.  
Zelda straightened her dress and knocked on the door.  
Robe clutched shut at the throat, Mary cracked the door open. “Ms. Spellman?” She squeaked, eyes wide, but the innocent façade had already been broken earlier that evening and Zelda merely arched a brow. Clearing her throat, Mary opened the door a bit more. “I know what I helped Sabrina do earlier was dangerous. I thought Hilda and I would be able to keep it well in hand—"
Stepping closer, Zelda smirked. “I’m not here to scold you, Ms. Wardwell. Though I should be. No,” she inched even closer and Mary opened the door wider automatically, her hand dropping unconsciously to her side and letting her robe fall open slightly at the top. “I’m here for something else. And I think you know what it is, and I believe you want it too.”  
Wetting her lips, Mary nodded, her voice losing its breathy tones. “I believe we are on the same page, Ms. Spellman, do come in.” She stepped aside and Zelda moved inside, purposely brushing against the woman as she did.  
Not one to waste time, Zelda divested herself of her fur coat and settled on the couch without an invitation.  
A smirk touched Mary’s lips, shutting the door she came and sat on the couch next to Zelda. “Hmm, no foreplay?” She murmured leaning closer and her robe dropping open a bit more to reveal the creamy skin underneath.  
“We’re both busy witches, Ms. Wardwell, why pretend?” Zelda remarked, boldly placing her hand on the woman’s knee and sliding it a bit higher; the tips of her fingers slipping under the fold of fabric just a little.  
Eyes sparking, Mary cocked her head. “Why indeed, Ms. Spellman,” she replied, closing the distance between them at last and sealing her mouth over Zelda’s.  
It was gentler than Zelda expected. Mary’s lips, warm and soft, moved teasingly, as if saying Zelda would have to make the next move.  
Only more than happy to do just that, Zelda reached over and pulled Mary into her lap. She gasped against Zelda’s mouth, but quickly settled, straddling one of her legs, hands sliding up from Zelda’s shoulders where they’d landed for balance and up to cup Zelda’s face and into her hair.  
Humming her approval, Zelda tilted her head and deepened the kiss, sucking Mary’s lower lip into her mouth for a moment before swiping her tongue across it; requesting permission. Mary’s mouth opened to her and the witch pressed harder against Zelda, her hips starting to grind against Zelda’s leg almost of their own accord.  
Tongues tangling, Zelda wrapped an arm around Mary’s waist and pulled her in even tighter, pressing her leg up and against the witch’s core to provide her better friction.  
A small moan emanated from Mary’s throat and she broke the kiss, a bit breathless. “So forward, Ms. Spellman.” She intoned, grinding even harder on Zelda’s leg as one of her hands drifted down to Zelda’s chest.  
Zelda smirked and slid a hand up Mary’s thigh, letting it dip under the robe and the woman’s nightgown. “As if you aren’t.” She quipped, bending and biting at Mary’s clavicle which was now exposed; her robe having slipped off her shoulder.  
Chuckling darkly, Mary shifted so her leg spread Zelda’s a bit more, applying pressure right where she needed it. “I didn’t say I minded, Spellman.” She groaned as Zelda started to lap at the mark she’d left on Mary’s chest.  
A slightly rough tug on her hair had Zelda redirecting her attention from Mary’s clavicle to her eyes. “Yes, Wardwell?”  
Eye glittering with lust and amusement, Mary crashed her mouth back to Zelda’s. Happy to lose herself in the kiss once more, Zelda made to untie Mary’s robe and push it off when something tingled up her spine.  
She pulled back. “Did you—?” She began, when the tingle become stronger, and Zelda growled when she realized what it was. “My sister is summoning me home.” She muttered; Mary’s drawn brow didn’t smooth out at the explanation. “I have to go,” Zelda added, the tingle shooting up her spine this time, more insistent. “It’s possible Sabrina decided to do something foolish on her own... again.”  
Mary frowned but leveraged herself off Zelda, sweeping her hair over her shoulder. “You’d think an exorcism would be enough for one night.” She remarked flippantly.  
Throwing her a glare in warning, Zelda stood and adjusted her dress, turning to check her hair and lipstick in a mirror hanging on the wall. “Careful, Ms. Wardwell, just because I didn’t seek retribution for your role doesn’t mean you’re forgiven.” She arched a brow at the women in the mirror and finished righting her appearance. “But yes, normally even Sabrina has a bit more of a cooling off period.”  
Standing to join her, Mary tucked a strand of hair behind Zelda’s ear. “Well, in any case,” she pressed Zelda back against the wall, melding their bodies together and it certainly made it easier to ignore her sister’s summon. “I hope we can continue this at a later date.” She captured Zelda’s lips in a brief kiss and then backed away, settling onto the couch and picking up a book as though her evening had never been disturbed.  
A partially amused, partially irritated huff escaped Zelda, but she grabbed her coat and teleported away without another word.  
When she arrived home, Zelda shed her coat and made for the kitchen; Hilda was sitting there, picking at her hands anxiously. “What is it now, sister? I’ve already dealt with an exorcism almost gone wrong and handled the high priest and his threat for excommunication. What more could possibly be needed from me?”  
It wasn’t quite fair, taking her pent-up frustration out on her sister, but Zelda had only gotten worked up further during her time with Wardwell and now she’d have to resort to toys after all.  
“I was worried, Zelds. With so much going on, and then you disappeared, left your phone and witching board here, ignored my initial summons. I thought something happened.”  
And though she was unsatisfied and irritated, Zelda couldn’t help but smile at Hilda. “Thank you for your concern. I was fine, just walking off some residual energy from this evening.”  
Relief flooded Hilda’s face and she slumped a bit in her seat. “Oh, okay. Well, praise Satan. Sorry for interrupting then, I just had to be sure. I’m off to bed, you coming?”  
“Not yet, I’ll be quiet when I do though. Damned dreams, sister.”  
Nodding Hilda stood and headed upstairs. With a sigh, Zelda followed several minutes later and slipped into the spare room.  
The next time she saw Mary Wardwell, Zelda was practically seeing red.  
Bursting into the witch’s cottage, Zelda gripped Mary by her throat and slammed her against the nearest wall.  
“Sabrina and Hilda just informed me you took my niece out of the protection of Baxter High. That you took her into the woods where any one of the Greendale Thirteen or the Red Angel could have killed her. Care to explain why you put my girl in danger again.” She snarled, face inches from Mary’s.  
Mary sputtered, eyes wide. She grasped at Zelda’s hand and struggled for a moment before relenting. “It was the only way, she had to summon Hellfire to burn the Thirteen. Sabrina’s vision from when she ate the malum malas, I was helping her fulfill it.” She rasped, holding onto Zelda’s wrist.  
She shook her head. “Try again, not all visions come true. You know that as well as I. And if Hellfire was needed, why not do it yourself? Or ask any other witch, one who’d already signed, had experience and more power. Hilda was at the school, why not ask her? She’s a grown witch, name in the book, powerful, and not a first born.”  
Neck straining, Mary tried to swallow. “I’m not part of a coven, I hardly have access to many witches; besides, they were all at the academy protecting our own. And your sister was holding back the Thirteen and the Red Angel at the mortal school. Sabrina wouldn’t have been capable of that alone. Especially without having signed the book. It was either let all the mortals, my students, get slaughtered, or take Sabrina to sign her name and fulfill her vision.” When Zelda looked ready to argue again, Mary added. “I’d have preferred an adult. Someone I knew could handle the situation; someone I could trust. But you weren’t there by the time I found your family.”  
Stunned, Zelda released Mary and put a tiny bit of space between them. “Me?”  
“Yes, you, Zelda.” And it was the first time they’d used one another’s first name; it sent shivers up her spine. Mary’s voice recaptured her attention. “You tipped the scales at the exorcism, not Hilda, not Sabrina. You. I did what I could with what I had.”  
Slightly mollified, Zelda arched a brow. “Why not do it yourself?” Mary just hummed one what seemed to be confusion. “You answered part of my question, but not all. Why not summon the Hellfire yourself?”  
Ducking her head, Mary smiled in a self-deprecating manner. “Zelda, if I could, I would have.”  
Zelda frowned. “You’re more powerful than my niece, even with her newly enhanced powers. Mary,” the witch’s head snapped up at her name and she held Zelda’s gaze, “why doubt yourself?”  
Biting her lip, Mary shook her head. “Perhaps I was told long enough, by someone cruel enough, to believe I wasn’t.” She murmured, voice barely audible.  
Softening, Zelda took a tentative step closer and when Mary didn’t flinch or back away, she took another. “I’m so sorry to hear that. No witch should be told such things. I,” she looked down at her hands and shame swept through her. “I apologize for my treatment of you. I—"
Mary brought up a finger and placed it gently against Zelda’s lips, silencing her. “You were worried about your niece. You were protecting family. I understand. And you are nothing like the cruel person who made me doubt.” She uncurled her hand and cupped Zelda’s cheek. “Far, far from him.”  
Smiling softly, Zelda caught Mary’s hand as she pulled away and kissed her palm, then her wrist. “That’s good to hear.” And how was it that she went from furious at this woman to drawn in again? Brushing the thought aside, Zelda released Mary’s hand. “I should go. I’ve intruded—"
Hands were suddenly on her hips and Zelda looked at Mary in surprise. After their altercation and Mary’s admission, she’d have thought such things were far from the woman’s mind. “Stay. Please?”  
Mary pulled Zelda in slowly, giving her ample time to break away. When she didn’t, Mary moved backwards until her back hit the wall, bringing Zelda with her.  
Their bodies pressed together, Mary kissed Zelda tenderly, slowly, one of her hands sliding up her back, the other still resting on her hip.  
Breaking the kiss, Zelda touched her cheek. “Mary, are you sure?”  
A small smile tinged with something Zelda couldn’t name met her question and Mary nodded. “Yes, Zelda, I am. Now, please shut up and kiss me. That righteous anger from before was quite a turn on.”  
Eyebrows flying up, Zelda smirked and recaptured Mary’s lips, her hand sliding from the witch’s cheek into those thick dark locks she’d been dying to touch since their last encounter.  
Just as their kiss was intensifying, an alarm spell sounded.  
Confused, Mary arched a brow at Zelda. “Being summoned again? Or are you just a tease?”  
Shaking her head, Zelda ran a hand through her slightly mussed hair. “I am a tease,” she noted with a wink, “but I have to go. There is some aftermath to deal with when you enchant an entire population of mortals. I’m sorry.”  
She debated with herself for a moment and then kissed Mary one more time and then teleported home; once more leaving the delicious witch at her cottage.  
When she arrived, Zelda couldn’t help but smile. Leticia had woken up, which initiated her alarm spell, the girl gurgling in her wrap. Though she felt a tiny bit bad for lying to Mary about why she left, Leticia was too important a secret to divulge to some witch she hardly knew... even if she did want to get to know her better.  
Refocusing, Zelda scooped Leticia up, cradling her close. “Is someone awake and hungry again already?” Zelda cooed, pushing Mary from her mind and carrying Letty down to the kitchen. 
Lilith traced the rim of her half-finished glass of wine as she stared into the fire in front of her. She didn’t really need the fire at Solstice; not like other witches. No spirit, malevolent or otherwise, would dare to cross the Mother of Demons’ threshold, even in her current body.  
But the warmth was welcome.  
She’d never spent a Solstice away from Hell before. Lilith always had her demons around her, at least, sometimes the Dark Lord himself. Though Stolas squawked at her to not be moody, Lilith waved a hand, pushing her familiar out the window and latching it shut.  
Her eyes flicked over to the gingerbread house where it was partially hidden from her view in the kitchen. Lilith felt mildly guilty about the water she’d just poured down the chimney of the replica mortuary; Zelda didn’t need or deserve the stress that was likely coming her way.  
But Sabrina needed to be stopped, her mother’s spirit might just let things slip that Sabrina couldn’t know; or so the Dark Lord claimed.  
Taking another sip of wine, Lilith started when a knock sounded on the door. She set her glass aside and wrapped her robe around her. “One moment,” she called out, making sure she adopted Mary Wardwell’s voice in case it was some Greendale resident doing carols or other such false god nonsense.  
When she opened the door though, Zelda stood there, smiling widely, snow speckling her hair and the cold making her cheeks rosy; utterly beautiful.  
A moment passed, and Zelda lifted a brow. “Are you going to let me in?”
Blinking, Lilith opened the door wider and admitted the witch. She hid a smile as Zelda breezed past, setting down a platter of cookies and removing her coat. While Lilith wasn’t sure if Zelda kept coming back because she was drawn in by her succubus abilities or because she wanted too, she wasn’t going to probe too deeply to find out. She rather liked the witch’s company.  
“Not that I’m not happy to see you, Zelda,” Lilith stated, shutting the door against the cold, “but what brings you here?”  
Brow furrowing, Zelda shook her head and moved to stand in front of the fire to warm up. “No witch should be alone during Solstice.” She explained, rubbing her hands together. “And Hilda made far too many cookies for even the four of us to eat, so I brought you some.” Zelda kept her eyes on the fire when she said this, as if unwilling to acknowledge the gesture with eye contact.  
Heart thumping with an unknown feeling, Lilith ignored it and came up behind Zelda to smooth her hair over one shoulder. “Well, in that case,” she lazily kissed Zelda’s neck, “the least I can do is thank you by warming you up.”  
Zelda pivoted to face her, eyes dilating and smile turning wicked. “Oh, the very least,” she agreed, licking her lips.  
Never one to deny herself, especially when such a lovely witch had come to her, Lilith slipped a hand around Zelda’s neck and pulled her in for a kiss.  
An arm wrapped around Lilith’s waist, bringing her closer as if Zelda couldn’t get enough. The gesture had an embarrassing sigh escaping Lilith, but she hadn’t been held, hadn’t been wanted, truly wanted—not like that pig Hawthorne—in ages.  
So, she ignored the flash of need to break away and send Zelda packing for daring to come over here; for daring to kiss her, for daring to be gentle but demanding at the same time, for making Lilith want.  
Instead, Lilith guided them to the floor, allowing Zelda to hover over her, a hand slipping inside her robe and finding its way to her chest to stroke, tug, roll and pinch while the other hand gripped under Lilith’s thigh to hook it around her waist. She arched into the touch, and Zelda smiled against her lips before leaving a trail of kisses along Lilith’s jaw and down to her neck; nipping and sucking as she went.  
When Lilith was all but panting from these minor ministrations, Zelda brought her mouth to Lilith’s ear. “I intend to make good on our intentions from a month ago, Ms. Wardwell, is that alright with you?” She nibbled on Lilith’s ear as the hand on her leg moved towards her core.  
Desperate for the contact, the intimacy, Lilith nodded eagerly, her hands going to the back of Zelda’s dress in search of a zipper. She only wished Zelda would call her by her true name. But that was impossible, so Lilith would take what she could, and she’d focus on the glorious witch above her.  
Grinning, Zelda kissed her hotly once more before starting to inch her way down Lilith’s body as her hands bunched her nightgown up. She’d almost reached Lilith’s hips when she sat up suddenly, as if struck, horror marring her features.  
Alarmed, Lilith reached up to touch her cheek. “Zelda?”  
“The Yule log,” she gasped, blinking out of sight before Lilith could say anything else.  
Of course. Of course, a witch like Zelda would have taken extra precautions during this time of year. While she hadn’t noticed the log going out, clearly, she had spells to warn her if anything came through.  
And, just as Lilith planned, something had come through, something to distract and deter Sabrina. An unfortunate side effect of her plan just happened to be that it distracted Zelda as well.  
Scowling, Lilith pushed herself up off the floor and grabbed her wine once more. Downing the contents, Lilith refilled it and made for the bedroom. She wanted to finish what they’d started while the feel of Zelda was still on her skin.  
Lilith sighed and played with the pen on her desk. Being principal wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. While she didn’t have to deal with the students nearly as much, she’d still rather be in Hell.  
And, well, the tedium of the tasks let her mind wander. And, more often than not, her mind had been wandering to Zelda Spellman.  
She hadn’t seen the witch since Solstice. While she knew she’d caused a little bit of chaos by putting out their Yule log, Lilith suspected something even bigger happened that night; why else would Zelda stay away?  
A nasty voice in the back of her head, one that sounded like Lucifer, said it was because she’d grown bored with Lilith just as he had.  
Banishing the thought, Lilith decided she’d go to Zelda, this time. Two of their three almosts had resulted because the redhead took initiative; the third merely a fluke of proximity and Zelda’s protectiveness and anger.  
Yes, Lilith would go to Zelda. Smiling, she turned back to her job with a bit more enthusiasm.  
She wasn’t sure what to expect when she knocked on the Spellman door later that night, but Zelda answering it herself wasn’t it. Lilith had anticipated the sister, had an entire excuse worked out for why she was there, but Zelda remarked that she was at work, while Ambrose and Sabrina were at some academy party. Ramping up for Lupercalia.  
Lilith stumbled a little then, having completely forgotten the holiday; she hadn’t celebrated it in centuries. But when Zelda looked at her coyly over her shoulder as she led the way to the parlor, Lilith couldn’t help but be thankful for the tradition.  
“Drink?” Zelda asked, already pouring one for herself.  
But Lilith didn’t want a drink, didn’t want anything to come between them this time.  
Striding over purposely, she took the glass from Zelda’s hand and set it down. Zelda looked at her, eyebrows flying up, but her mouth curling into a smile.  
“Is that a no, Ms. Wardwell?” She drawled, looking over Lilith hungrily.  
Biting her lip, Lilith grabbed Zelda’s hips and maneuvered her over to the couch. “I have a thirst for something different tonight, Ms. Spellman.” She informed her, guiding Zelda to lay down on the cushions and rucking the witch’s dress up so she could settle between her legs.  
Zelda hummed and propped herself up to kiss Lilith hotly, a hand tangling in Lilith’s hair to gently drag her down so she was laying mostly on top of Zelda. “I think,” Zelda murmured between kisses, “that I can oblige you.”  
Grinning widely, Lilith pulled back slightly to push Zelda’s dress up even further. She couldn’t help but stare when her efforts revealed stockings, a garter and a little above that black lace underwear.  
Hands skating along Zelda’s thighs, snapping the garter playfully, Lilith came to a stop when she reached the apex of Zelda’s thighs cupping the mound of flesh; both of them moaning at the contact.  
She rubbed Zelda teasingly through the fabric, delighting in the wetness gathering there. Leaning back in for a kiss, Lilith gasped when Zelda nipped at her lip and grasped her wrist to guide her in a slightly faster pattern.  
“Impatient?” She breathed, pressing harder against Zelda, making the hips of the witch under her buck up to meet her.  
With a haughtiness that impressed Lilith, Zelda smirked. “You’re one to talk, bursting in here and practically throwing me on the couch.”  
Lilith had every intention of wiping that smirk off her face, hand moving to slip under the band of Zelda’s underwear, when an alarm clanged in her head.  
No. It couldn’t be. Someone, someone was at the cottage? Lilith ignored it, she’d gotten random visitors since she’d stolen Mary’s life, this was just another one of those.  
A breathy, “Mary?” Brought Lilith’s attention back to where it needed to be. And how she wanted to ask Zelda to call her Lilith, wanted her name to be the one Zelda shouted when she came... and she was tempted to tell her the truth. Sabrina had signed, no need for further pretense….
Before she could decide though, her alarm spells sounded again, louder than before. Someone was in her cottage.  
Eyes widening, Lilith scrambled off the couch. If it was a mortal burglar, they could find any number of damning things and if it were the Dark Lord, calling on her and she wasn’t there....  
Zelda sat up, touching Lilith’s arm, concerned. “Mary, is something wrong?”  
Feeling sick, Lilith shook her head. “I have to go. Now.” She flicked a wrist to fix her appearance and stepped out of Zelda’s reach when the witch moved to catch her arm.  
“Mary, I don’t—" but Lilith couldn’t risk listening to more, she teleported away, arriving behind a tree at the end of her driveway.  
Almost running up the drive, Lilith tried to forget the hurt look on Zelda’s face. Of course, they’d been interrupted a number of times now. But Zelda had always given a reason; summoned—twice—and then Yule log.
Frowning, Lilith pushed inside her cottage, half expecting the Dark Lord to be sitting in one of her armchairs and demanding obedience.  
Instead... the room was lit with countless candles, roses perched on various surfaces. Confused, Lilith prepared a spell. “Hello?”  
A tall, dark haired man emerged from the kitchen. “Mary!” He exclaimed, rushing around the couch and hugging her. “I promised I’d be back in time for Valentine’s.”  
Racking her Mary Wardwell memories, a foggy one from years before floated to the surface. “Adam?” The fiancé who’d gone off years before to work and hadn’t returned since.  
The man, Adam, smiled widely and pecked her in the cheek. “I know, I know, you’d have liked a call. But I wanted to surprise you. Dinner’s almost ready.” He kissed her cheek again before walking back to the kitchen, humming to himself.  
Stunned, Lilith went to the bedroom to change. She knew she’d only gone back far enough to get Wardwell’s memories of Sabrina and then just general knowledge of her life to ensure no mix ups occurred. But how the Heaven hadn’t this man, this fiancé showed up then!? If she hadn’t already done so, Lilith would’ve damned Mary to Hell.  
Collecting herself, Lilith exited the bedroom, fully intending to kill this mortal and be done with it, only to find him kneeling next to a suitcase in the living room.  
“I got you something,” he informed her excitedly, producing a disturbing looking figurine from the bag. “It’s a fetish doll.” Adam explained handing it to her.
Something welled up inside Lilith, overwhelming her for a moment. An offering? She knew that wasn’t what Adam intended, he thought he was giving a gift to his fiancée, not a token to an ancient being; but apparently it still counted.  
A rush of gratitude and affection washed through Lilith, she couldn’t remember the last time anyone had prayed to her, made her an offering. The gesture warmed her to this silly mortal man who only a moment ago seemed an irritating, unnecessary aspect of Mary’s life.  
Licking her lips, Lilith cleared her throat. “I must admit, I love it…”
Maybe, maybe down the road she’d blame Zelda Spellman for making her vulnerable to such advances, open to such kindness. But right now, Lilith forgot about her plans for violence and joined Adam in the kitchen for dinner. 
Two months passed quickly, and Lilith hadn’t heard from Zelda. Though she’d been rather caught up in Adam and she’d heard Sabrina complaining in passing about her aunt marrying Blackwood.  
A strange turn in events certainly, given how drawn to each other they’d been. Lilith hadn’t anticipated this path for either of them, but she didn’t mind losing the ‘what might have been’ fling with the witch. Adam was delightful, and though she wouldn’t admit it to anyone but herself, she’d fallen for the man.  
She should have known the happiness wouldn’t last, that the Dark Lord wouldn’t let it last. Adam gone and her chance of being Queen with it, Lilith swallowed part of her pride and approached the Spellmans for help; forced into joining sides with the teen who’d been a thorn in her side for months now.  
To her immense surprise, Zelda was there, standing strong and proud before her niece, a shielding spell blocking Lilith from coming closer.  
And though her heart ached for Adam, Lilith couldn’t help how it lifted a bit at the sight of Zelda.  
Her revelation of her true identity went about as well as expected... Zelda only looked moderately betrayed, though from the look of resignation in her eyes it was a feeling she was all too familiar of late.  
Pushing aside personal feelings and the desire to know what betrayals Zelda had recently experienced, Lilith sat down with the Spellman family and developed plans to defeat the Dark Lord.  
By some unholy miracle they won. Not the first time, no that’d almost killed the Spellmans, but the second.  
Lilith was still getting used to the weight of the crown, of having everyone jump to fulfill her orders with an eagerness they never displayed when she only the Dark Lord’s left hand, when a summoning spell tingled up her spine.  
Stunned by the witch’s audacity, Lilith set her crown aside and teleported to the upper realm; appearing in Zelda’s bedroom where the witch was waiting.  
“You rang?” Lilith drawled with only a hint of irritation in her voice, this woman had helped her ascend to the throne, after all.  
Pacing the room, Zelda looked fit to attack. “So, you’re Lilith. Would you ever have told me you were impersonating Mary? Granted I knew your story was full of holes, but all witches have secrets, I saw no need to probe yours at the time. But, honestly, Lilith, Mother of Demons?!” She stopped and glared at her; arms crossed.  
Oh, so, Lilith blinked, this wasn’t about what she’d thought it might be. Smoothing her dress, Lilith lifted one shoulder. “I couldn’t tell you who I was, Lucifer was adamant my role be unknown unless absolutely necessary.” And it surprised Lilith that the disappointment flashing across Zelda’s face upset her. Moving closer carefully, Lilith tried to catch Zelda’s eye. “I wanted to tell you. Wanted to hear my name from your lips, wanted to have you truly know me... I couldn’t, Zelda.”  
“I don’t know why I’m acting like this,” Zelda half muttered to herself, “seems I don’t truly know anyone these days. Their motivations, their goals, what they’ll do to achieve them.” Her eyes lifted to meet Lilith’s and there was something hard and unreadable there.  
Baffled, but wanting to prove to Zelda that it hadn’t meant nothing, Lilith inched forward. “I never intended to hurt you or your family. I—"
“You were doing you duty until you realized those duties interfered with what you wanted. Being Queen.” Zelda cut in harshly, though her eyes were slightly glazed.  
Anger welled inside Lilith and she shook her head. “Just because I wanted to be Queen doesn’t mean I didn’t do right by your family in the end.” And before Zelda could interrupt her again, Lilith continued. “In any case, I don’t think this is about what I did or didn’t do to Sabrina. You can see my logic there, why I did what I did. Why I had to do what I did. You’re upset because it became personal between us and you’re the one who started that.”  
Running her tongue over her teeth, Zelda glared at her but said nothing, unable to deny Lilith’s observation.  
She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “We’re going to be working together quite often, now, High Priestess, while we could do this and despise one another, I’d prefer not to rule as Lucifer did. With his subjects fearing and hating him. What kind of compromise can we make to move forward civilly?” While she didn’t want to take such a professional path with Zelda, wanted more, she wasn’t going to force something that was no longer there; wasn’t going to push when she’d destroyed their chance.  
Chin tipping up in challenge, Zelda arched a brow. “Don’t lie to me ever again. About my family, their role in anything from prophecies to school plays in your honor. Don’t lie about who you are, your motives, your end goals. Don’t lie to me and don’t try to control me.”  
The last addition had Lilith blinking. While she couldn’t say what brought about the sudden annulment of the Spellman-Blackwood marriage, Lilith believed she’d just gotten a glimpse into one of the reasons. “I’ve never tried to control you, Zelda, and never will.” She stated honestly. “And I will do my best not to lie, that title was for Lucifer. While I cannot tell you everything, I will try to be honest about why I cannot tell you things.”  
Seemingly pacified, Zelda nodded curtly.  
Lifting her brows, Lilith spread out her hands. “Is that all?” She dearly hoped it wasn’t, that she hadn’t lost Zelda in her pursuit of the crown.  
Zelda watched her for a moment, and Lilith could practically hear her thinking. “Almost.” She murmured, striding across the floor and crashing her lips to Lilith’s.  
Stunned Lilith pulled back. “What? Not that I’m complaining, Zelda, but I don’t understand.”  
���Do you still want me? Me. As I am and not some weird shell of me?” Zelda asked, voice hoarse and eyes a little wild.  
Nodding, Lilith cupped Zelda’s jaw. “A shell?” She repeated softly, horrified as another layer peeled back a little to reveal just the tip of what Blackwood had done. She almost pressed for more details, but when Zelda looked at her earnestly, Lilith realized that wasn’t what the witch needed, not right now. So, she stroked her thumb along Zelda’s skin. “Of course, I want you. This you, the one who tipped the scales during an exorcism, the one who burst into my house and pushed me up against a wall, the one who showed up at my door with snow in her hair and cookies so I wouldn’t be alone during the holidays. The one standing in front of me. I want you, Zelda Spellman.” Lilith murmured, closing the distance between them until her lips brushed Zelda’s as she spoke her final words. “Do you want me? This me, Lilith, Bringer of Doom?” The question came out sounding much more vulnerable than Lilith intended, but it was suddenly vitally important that Zelda accepted her as well.  
In response, Zelda sealed her mouth over Lilith’s, her hands clutching at her desperately. Returning the gestures in kind, Lilith pressed Zelda back towards the bed. Before they reached it, Zelda spun them and Lilith flopped back onto the mattress, not having expected the backs of her knees to hit the thing.  
At her startled expression, Zelda hitched her dress up and straddled Lilith’s lap. “I’m on top,” she murmured, sweeping her hair over one shoulder before her mouth descended on Lilith’s once more. The ferocity of the kiss pressed Lilith back onto the bed and she groaned at the raw carnality of it all. She’d loved Adam, but he just hadn’t understood exactly what she needed… Zelda did.  
A whispered spell had Zelda naked except for her lingerie above her and the witch laughed and repeated the spell, so Lilith was in the same state.  
Dipping her head, Zelda kissed and nipped along Lilith’s chest, and when she reached her breasts, she sucked one of her nipples through the fabric of her bra. The friction was glorious, and Lilith arched into Zelda, her body silently begging for more.  
Just as Lilith reached around the witch, hooking her fingers on the clasps of her bra, more than ready to feast on the beauty that was Zelda with less clothing, a crash reverberated through the house from below.  
A scream followed, and then a loud, “Professor Spellman!”  
An animalistic snarl sounded against Lilith’s chest and Zelda swung off her. “Hell knows what they’ve done now,” she snapped, waving a hand and restoring her clothes. “Mar—, Lilith,” she corrected, glancing back to where Lilith was still sprawled on the bed in her underwear, having not yet processed this new interruption. “Perhaps another time.” She smiled apologetically then hurried out the door, swinging it shut behind her.  
Again?! Again! Lilith sat up and fumed for a moment before getting dressed herself. They’d gotten so close this time. Muttering to herself, Lilith teleported back to Hell just as sounds of many voices trying to be heard and explain their side echoed up the stairs.  
Despite their quick reconciliation immediately after Lucifer fell, things were still rocky as they moved forward in reforming the Church and Hell.  
They fought, bickered and both refused to make the next move towards something physical; wanting the other to be the first to bend.  
This continued for months; and while their tempers leveled off and they began to smile, laugh and chat amicably with one another as they rebuilt everything Blackwood and Lucifer had torn down, Lilith couldn’t help but wish for more—especially now that she knew the witch better.  
It wasn’t until half a year later, when they were sequestered in Zelda’s office, working on even more reforms, that Lilith decided she’d had enough.  
The fact that Zelda had shed her coat and unbuttoned her shirt a bit because of the heat had no bearing on the matter. Absolutely none.  
Setting her notes aside, Lilith twiddled her fingers and locked the office door, adding a silencing spell in place as well so no one could hear them, and they could hear no one else.  
If something somehow interrupted them, Lilith would damn them to the burning pits of Hell.  
“Zelda,” she murmured, shifting to face the witch sitting next to her. Zelda hummed in reply, eyes still on the documents in her hands. “Zelda,” she tried again, this time leaning in and licking a stripe up Zelda’s neck, faintly tasting the salt of her sweat.  
That elicited the kind of response she was looking for.  
Dropping her things in surprise, Zelda turned to her. “Lilith...” she replied, eyes already darkening with lust.  
It was the only invitation Lilith needed. She swept the rest of the papers onto the floor and pressed Zelda back onto the cushions, kissing her thoroughly and hands roaming the curves they’d been denied for so long.  
A low moan emanated from Zelda’s throat and she pulled Lilith more firmly on top of her; her hands caressing as well.  
She broke away, eyes snapping open. “The door—" she moved to get up, but Lilith turned her attention to Zelda’s neck and the ministrations had Zelda dropping back to the couch and turning her head to provide better access.  
“I’ve already locked it, Zee,” Lilith purred into Zelda’s ear, nipping the lobe and then lowering her mouth back to a spot on the redhead’s neck that had her panting a moment before. “And cast some silencing spells. We won’t be interrupted this time.”  
Zelda gasped as Lilith continued her assault on her neck and held her closer. “Good. Otherwise we’d be putting someone in the Cain pit.” Her hands reached for Lilith’s zipper and dragged it down, her hands hungrily slipping under the fabric to seek skin.  
Pushing herself up, Lilith slid her arms out of the sleeves and shimmied to get the dress the rest of the way down, kicking it off when she finished.  
“All hail Lilith,” Zelda murmured, with only a half teasing tone, her hands landing on Lilith’s ribs and stroking reverently.  
Arching into the touch, Lilith bit her lip. “Someone is severely overdressed,” she observed teasingly, snipping her fingers and divesting Zelda of her dress as well, leaving her in lingerie, a garter and stockings. An appreciative groan escaped Lilith and she hurriedly closed the distance between them, recapturing Zelda’s lips once more.  
She wasn’t the only one in a rush, Zelda’s clever fingers deftly undid the clasp of Lilith’s bra and yanked the offending item away. Once free, Zelda broke the kiss and scooted a little lower on the couch to pull one of Lilith’s nipples between her lips and oh, this was so much better without the interfering fabric.  
Unable, and unwilling, to restrain herself, Lilith adjusted her stance, so she straddled one of Zelda’s legs and began to rut as Zelda lavished her chest. Hands found her hips and encouraged her on, pulling her down even as Zelda’s leg pressed up. It was a heady combination and Zelda switching her attention to Lilith’s other breast had a mewl escaping her mouth.  
It was then Lilith realized Zelda was doing all the work and getting none of the pleasure. Gently disengaging, Lilith delighted in Zelda’s sound of displeasure. “Oh, darling,” she admonished teasingly, moving lower until she was able to remove Zelda’s underwear. “You’ll be making much different noises when I’m done with you.”  
With one last sinful smile at the incredible witch underneath her, Lilith did what she’d wanted to do for almost a year now. She buried her head between Zelda’s thighs and grinned when Zelda gasped her name and gripped her hair to hold her close.  
While the anticipation, the waiting, certainly heightened the experience, Lilith thanked whatever power might be above her that they were finally not being interrupted.
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frizz22 · 4 years
Hilda loses her virginity to Dr.Cee and Father Blackwood finds out about it before Zelda. (Faustus being protective of Hilda).
Hey anon! Sorry for the delay, hope you still want this prompt and enjoy! Read on ao3
When Zelda let it slip that her sister was dating an incubus, he’d laughed. Because of all the witches in the coven Hilda was the last he expected, or thought, would do such a thing.
Sex demons, even ones trapped within another body, weren’t for the faint of heart. And while Hilda was certainly not weak in character, Faustus could understand, once he stopped laughing, why Zelda was concerned about her little sister.
The types of sex demons who frequented Dorian’s were relatively tame, insatiable, of course otherwise they’d be employed elsewhere, but there was no risk of peril. The one currently inhabiting a mortal in Greendale sounded as though it were a different, more volatile, breed.
“I helped her procure Damascus steel,” Zelda continued to inform him from where she was curled into his side, tracing random patterns on his chest. “So, the demon should be bound. I just worry, Faustus, from Hilda’s account it’s aggressive and the mortal only had a shred of control over it before our intervention.”
Arching a brow, Faustus tightened the arm he had around her waist and pulled her more firmly against him. “From what you tell me, it’s fairly safe now. You wouldn’t lead your sister astray with the steel and I know you wouldn’t risk her if you thought it not enough.”
She propped herself up so she could look at him properly. “Please check on her. There’s only so much she’ll tell me as her sister and my teasing may have dissuaded her from confiding certain things.”
A skeptical huff escaped him. “And why, for the love of Lucifer, would Hilda confide in me?”
“You’re her High Priest, she’s a member of your coven, it’s your duty to—"
Gently cutting her off, Faustus smiled. “I’m not asking why I should look out for your sister, Zels, I’m asking why she’d ever share her secrets with me. Even before the whole excommunication and reinstatement of her covenship, Hilda was never that invested in the church.”
Zelda shifted so she was straddling him. “Perhaps if I convince you...” she murmured, eyes hooded.
Though he’d already planned on helping and this didn’t change how Hilda would likely react to him, Faustus wasn’t about to stop Zelda... not when she was looking at him like that.
Swallowing, Faustus uncomfortably adjusted his collar before pushing into the greenhouse at the Spellman residence, knowing he’d find Hilda there.
Grumbling under his breath, Faustus moved further into the room; never let it be said he didn’t keep his word.
When he rounded the first row of plants, Faustus saw Hilda walking a little stiffly as she approached her work bench and set down an armful of different herbs. It was only when his attention focused on the ingredients she’d selected that his eyes widened in recognition and worry.
Striding forward he grasped her forearm and, ignoring her surprised shriek, Faustus looked her over. “Did he hurt you? Did the incubus break free and force itself—"
Recovering, hand still on her heart and breathing a little heavily, Hilda blinked at him. “What?”
Faustus nodded at the herbs on the table. “I know what those are for.”
He and Zelda consumed the resulting potion on more than one occasion, after they overindulged during sex. With them, though, it was consensual, they loved toying with that line between pleasure and pain. And if, sometimes, after all the adrenaline and endorphins filtered away, they noticed the pain was a bit uncomfortable, they’d take this special healing draught. He doubted Hilda, who Zelda told him was still a virgin, would decide to go so hard her first time; at least not willingly.
Flustered, a dark blush crept onto Hilda’s cheeks and neck and she dropped her eyes. “Father Blackwood!” She gasped, tone scandalized at his prying.
“Faustus, please,” he corrected and dipped his head to try and reestablish eye contact. “Zelda told me of your incubus, how strong and unpredictable it is. Did the single bracelet of Damascus steel not contain it? Did it hurt you? If so, I will go over there right now and rip that vile thing from the man’s body and—" he began, voice growing harsher.
An alarmed squeak emanated from Hilda. “No! No, please, Fath-, Faustus.” She clutched at him, eyes wide. “Cee was in complete control the whole time.”
Confused, Faustus shook his head. “Then why the,” he gestured to the potion ingredients before them.
Blush deepening, Hilda wet her lips and fiddled with one of the herbs to avoid looking at him. “Certain muscles were worked last night that I didn’t know I had, let alone knew were used during, during…"
“Sex.” Faustus finished for her baldly. “S-E-X, sex. So, it was consensual? You’re just a little sore, not because he forced you, was rough or because the demon surfaced?”
Touched by his concern, Hilda smiled at him, even if a bit baffled. “The demon didn’t make a single appearance; Cee was a perfect gentleman.” A giggle escaped the witch and a smile crept onto her face. “In fact, he laid out these flower petals and before—"
Holding up a hand to hurriedly cut her off, Faustus stepped away and straightened his coat. “Good.” He added, clearing his throat gruffly. “I shall leave you to your potion making, then.”
Embarrassment taking over once more when she realized who she’d been gushing to, Hilda nodded. “Thank you, Faustus.” Hilda’s soft voice caught him at the door. Her face was still crimson when he turned slightly to look at her, but she met his eyes straight on. “I’m sure, I’m sure checking in on me was my sister’s idea. I appreciate that you care enough for her to follow through with it and to threaten someone you thought might have hurt me.”
Unable to deny that he initially only checked on Hilda for Zelda’s sake, Faustus rolled his shoulders. “You’re a member of my coven, Hilda, it is my duty—" at the unimpressed arch of her brow though, Faustus redirected. “I do care for your sister, and that is why I came here today. However,” he fiddled with his cane, “my anger at the possibility of you being hurt by a mortal was real. And my offer for vengeance sincere, and stands, should you ever need it.” And even he was a little stunned by the truth in his statement; but she was part of his coven, and despite everyone’s skepticism, including some of his own, Faustus did protect those who were under his care. What kind of High Priest would he be otherwise?
When a surprised and sweet smile bloomed on Hilda’s face in response to his little speech, Faustus nodded curtly and cleared his throat once more before making for the door. Only, he stopped with a silent groan.
With a slight cringe, he turned back to Hilda. “Your sister will want to know how this visit went. I suspect she is unaware of this development in your relationship with the incubus?”
Coloring once more, Hilda bit her cheek and nodded. “I, I can tell her. Mention you checked in if that works for—"
“Perfect.” Faustus eagerly agreed, hurrying out the door before he could think of anything else or Hilda decided to share more of her experience.
While he’d been fine looking in on Hilda for Zelda, he certainly wasn’t going to relay any tales about losses of virginity and flower petals for Satan’s sake. Though sex was hardly a topic he shied from, this, sharing the status of his pseudo sister-in-law’s sexual relationship pushed even his nearly nonexistent line.
Shuddering, Faustus departed quickly with plans to immerse himself in something dark and dangerous, like curse breaking or demon banishing, to rid himself of the feeling that he just participated, even minutely, in ‘girl talk’.
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frizz22 · 4 years
Mother of Demons' Midwife pt2
Prompt: Mother of demons’ midwife pt 2; part 1 is ch 95 (okay, I lost my note that stated who sent this one to me, please let me know and I’ll credit you!) read full thing on ao3
They bonded; against all odds. Zelda hadn’t wanted to. Tried to maintain her grudge and distance and Lilith seemed content to do the same.... Except, well, when you regularly see a person and in such an intimate setting it was hard to stay aloof. Hard not to make small talk to break the tense silence, hard not to discover shared interests in conjuring, summoning and more. So, while the first months were rocky, the majority of Lilith’s pregnancy resulted in the two of them developing an unlikely friendship. Which was how, during Lilith’s ten-month checkup, Zelda found herself broaching the topic they’d avoided since month five. Wiping her hands, Zelda cocked her head toward the witch, but didn’t make eye contact. “You still planning on running when it’s done?”
Side note: I also still haven’t watched part 4… I know, but life’s been busy, and I haven’t had the time or mental energy.
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frizz22 · 5 years
Would love a chapter of spellman chronicles dedicated to Sabrina or Ambrose having the ‘you better not hurt her’ talk with Lilith if you have the muse for it
Thanks for the prompt! Read on ao3
Ambrose was sitting in his aunt’s office behind her desk, hands folded neatly over his stomach as he waited. With Aunt Zelda fully occupied in another part of the Academy there would be nothing to interrupt them when Sabrina came along with their guest in a minute.
As if on cue, Sabrina opened the door, ushering Lilith inside. 
The witch’s eyebrows flew up when she saw Ambrose and she turned to Sabrina for explanation. “I was told Zelda would be here. That she needed to discuss matters of the coven and church with me.” 
Smiling a bit sheepishly, Sabrina shook her head. “She will be, and she does. But we,” she indicated between herself and Ambrose, “we wanted to talk with you first.”
“About what?” Lilith drew out, eyeing them suspiciously as she took a seat in front of the desk.
He leaned forward then, resting his elbows on the desk as Sabrina hurried to stand next to him; as if to present a unified front. “It’s come to our attention that you’re dating our Aunt Zelda.”
A smirk tugged Lilith’s lips. “And if I am?” She drawled.
Huffing, Sabrina stepped forward, arms crossed. “If you are, then you better be careful.” His cousin retorted. “Auntie Zee has been through enough, if you so much as even think of hurting her—"
From the growing amusement on Lilith’s face, Ambrose could see this approach wasn’t working.
Gently holding up a hand and cutting Sabrina off, Ambrose stood and braced his hands on the desk. “I can understand why you wouldn’t take my cousin seriously.” He offered, smiling crookedly. “Given all she’s done without thinking she’s hardly one to lecture. And considering her track record in romance…” Ambrose spread his hands as if to say he agreed, despite Sabrina’s offended scoff behind him. “But,” his smile disappeared, “know that I’ve spent the past 75 years housebound. And imagine how much, in that time, you learn and practice any manner of spells, potions, charms related to pain and torture.”
The Queen’s humor faded, and she eyed Ambrose seriously.
“Our aunt has been through enough, Sabrina wasn’t wrong about that. And while she is unbelievably strong, she shouldn’t always have to be. She shouldn’t have to be strong with someone she’s in a relationship with. So, if you do anything to hurt or harm her, anything to cause more strife in her life, know we are here waiting to avenge her.”
Lilith inclined her head, evidently impressed by their courage and loyalty. “Of course, though I’ve no intention of hurting her.”
“Intentions mean little, I should know, enough of my ‘good-intentions’ have ended poorly.” Sabrina cut in, expression hard.
Somewhat stunned Sabrina had admitted to the prices of her actions, Ambrose schooled his face quickly and crossed his arms, giving Lilith a final appraising look. “Keep our auntie safe, keep her happy and we won’t have any problems.”
Before Lilith could reply, the office door swung open and Aunt Zelda swept in, cursing under her breath.
They all froze when they saw each other.
Arching a brow, Zelda planted her hands in her hip. “And what in Hell is going on here?”
“Your children were just keeping me entertained while I waited for you.” Lilith supplied smoothly, standing up and greeting Zelda with a light kiss.
Still skeptical, Zelda eyed them. “Uh huh,” when none of them offered any other information she shook her head. “If that’s what you insist, thank you, sweethearts, for holding down the fort. If you don’t mind…” she swept an arm through the air and towards the door, gesturing for them to leave.
Rounding the desk, Sabrina on his heels, Ambrose smiled widely. “Of course, Auntie Zee.” He pecked her on the cheek, threw one last warning look at Lilith and then left. 
Zelda waited a beat after the door closed and then turned to Lilith. “What’s really going on? I know I walked in on some kind of interrogation.”
Grinning, Lilith slipped her arms around Zelda’s waist and pulled her in, capturing her lips in a proper kiss this time. “They were just giving me ‘the talk’.” She murmured when they broke.
Confused, Zelda blinked and put a bit more space between them, though her arms were still around Lilith’s neck, her nails scraping gently at the base of her skull. “The talk?”
“About what would happen to me should I ever hurt you, cause you strife.” Lilith replied, leaning in and brushing her nose against Zelda’s.
Sputtering, Zelda made to break the embrace only for Lilith to hold her fast. “They, my kids threatened the Queen of Hell?!”
A smile quirked Lilith’s lips and she nodded. “It was rather sweet, actually, how protective they are of you, how evident it is they love you.”
“It’s overstepping is what it is,” Zelda huffed, though she settled back into Lilith’s arms, no longer thinking to leave.
Smirking, Lilith brought a hand up so her thumb could trace Zelda’s lower lip. “Perhaps, but there’s no need to pretend you don’t love it.” She arched a brow in challenge and Zelda rolled her eyes in response, unable to deny. “That’s what I thought,” Lilith teased, caressing her hand from Zelda’s mouth to her cheek so she could kiss the witch once more. “And I promise I will never make them uphold that threat.” She breathed against Zelda’s lips, “I love you, Zelda.”
Zelda smiled against her mouth and tightened her embrace. “I love you too, Lilith.” She murmured, resealing their mouths and all thoughts of Ambrose, Sabrina and their ‘talk’ fled their minds.
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frizz22 · 5 years
I know this isn’t a lot to go off of so I totally understand if you don’t want to write it, but I’m just really interested to see what you would do with it if you did because I love your writing: In truly what no one saw coming, Zelda is crowned Queen of Hell.
Notes:Zelda found out about Sabrina’s bid for queen before the quest started. Also, no pagans or loss of power. Hope you enjoy, thanks for the prompt! Read on ao3
She’d warned Sabrina about chasing power. About when it stopped being healthy.
Zelda only wished she could follow her own advice. Because she knew, she knew taking this path wouldn’t be healthy for her.
But if it was between Sabrina chained to Hell, forced into a position she never wanted for all eternity or Zelda taking the mantle for her… well, then it wasn’t a question of what had to be done.
Especially when experience had proven she couldn’t trust Lilith. 
If the witch had even a modicum of competence, she’d have put down rebellions quickly and brutally and they’d never have been in this position in the first place.
Even if rebellion had been inevitable, Lilith could have easily avoided Sabrina offering to take the throne by kicking the girl out of Hell the moment she realized Sabrina was there to free Nicholas.
But no, she had to play games and now here they were, fighting to hold off the apocalypse.
Because if Caliban somehow won, he already proclaimed he’d make the mortal realm another circle of Hell; finish what Lucifer started.
Considering all of this, Zelda could hardly place the fate of the world at her niece’s shoulders… especially after she’d nearly doomed them all the last time she found herself unwittingly carrying the weight.
It wasn’t just that Zelda had trouble trusting a teenager with such a responsibility, she didn’t want Sabrina to experience such hardship again. Her girl had been through enough recently, and Zelda refused to let her endure more.  
As for how she intended to go about usurping everyone….
Well, the rules of the quest explicitly stated whoever recovered the three unholy regalia first would be the uncontested ruler of Hell, celestial blood be damned. They did not mention anything about how every contester to the throne needed the 666 signatures to participate; only that the signatures were needed for the quest to begin.
So, without anyone knowing she’d found a loophole, Zelda set about searching for the regalia herself.
Well, not entirely by herself.
Ambrose took only a little persuading. In the end, though, he didn’t want Sabrina as Queen any more than Zelda. So, while he was extremely reluctant to lose Zelda to Hell should she succeed, her nephew knew what was at stake and promised to come to her first. 
Zelda shouldn’t be surprised at this point. Shouldn’t be in awe of how smart, clever and resourceful her nephew was. He’d only needed a day to find Herod’s crown.
A day.
Grinning and kissing him excitedly on the head, Zelda took his tracking tool and teleported away; not wasting a moment.
The crown was relatively easy to collect, for something meant to be lost to the ages it hadn’t been particularly difficult to retrieve. Even resealing Herod in his tree didn’t present much of a challenge.
As Zelda turned to leave, a sense of unease swept through her. This was a moment of no return; did she really want….
She couldn’t doubt, not for one second. Not when Sabrina’s life and wellbeing were on the line. Burying anything that would make it appear as though becoming Queen weren’t her sole desire, Zelda held her head high, adopted a smirk and spun the crown in her hands as she teleported to Hell to claim her victory and reveal herself as a contender for the throne. 
To say the demons were wroth was an understatement, and Lilith’s bafflement quickly morphed to rage, though she reined it in better than Hell’s other residents.
She merely lifted a brow in a mock question. “What? The quest was announced, no rule states other competitors cannot join in once it starts. I didn’t need the signatures to participate, check your scrolls if you don’t believe me.” As expected, the demons did just that. And, once again, as expected, they turned to her snarling. Smirking at them, Zelda swept across the room to where the regalia were to be stored. “It’s not my fault your rules have loopholes.” Zelda informed them, placing the crown on its shelf before propping a hand on her hip when she turned to face them again.
“There could be a three-way tie!” One demon growled, though he looked confused as to what would happen should that happen. “Or any being from any realm could decide to join now and Hell would fall further into discord.”
Zelda scoffed. “First off, I won’t be defeated by a half-trained sixteen-year-old child or a piece of animated dirt.” As expected, her statement created a burble of conversation and outcries. “Secondly, if by some unholy miracle I do not acquire the second regalia, the tie will be between myself and the winner of round two. The loser will no longer be in the running for the throne. Lastly,” she ticked off the third item on her fingers, “make a revision to the quest now, proclaiming no one who is not already participating in the quest, so no creature or being except Sabrina, Caliban and I, can contend.”
Murmurs of consent rumbled through the room and Zelda rolled her eyes only to catch Lilith doing the same. She almost shared an exasperated smile with the woman before she remembered she was part of the reason Zelda was doing this to begin with. Besides, it was unlikely Lilith felt any kinship with her at all, considering what she was doing, what she’d ultimately take from Lilith.
Refocusing her attention on the room, Zelda raised her voice, cutting across the din. “Seems I’m Queen material already, however did you function done here with such guidance? Why bother with the rest of the quest when I’m clearly the most qualified of the competitors?”
Before anyone could denounce her boldness, though, Sabrina and Caliban appeared, both breathless and confused.
“Auntie?” Sabrina murmured, confusion furrowing her brow.
Anger flickered on Caliban’s face before he schooled himself. “So, you cheated.” He turned to Sabrina, crossing his arms.  
Her laugh stopped any argument that may have started between the youths. “Cheated? I think not. I’m a challenger to the throne as well. And the first round is mine.” Zelda indicated to the crown and sauntered back to the middle of the room, commanding everyone’s attention. “I suggest you reassess your decision, Caliban, taking on a novice witch is one thing, taking on a High Priestess is another.”
The supposed Prince of Hell gaped at her, as well as his demon cronies.
Arching a brow, Zelda inclined her head at them, taking one last appraising look of the throne room where she’d be trapped should she succeed, before striding forward and taking Sabrina’s arm. “We’ll see you when the next quest begins.”  
An uproar sounded from countless voices as they teleported away.
When they reappeared at the house, Zelda sniffed and then sighed. “Brimstone.” She muttered, plucking at her clothes. “I suppose it’s a smell I should get accustomed to, seeing as how I’ll be living in Hell soon enough.” Shaking her head, Zelda made for the porch, fully intending to wash the smell from her, when Sabrina caught her arm.
“Aunt Zelda, what are you doing?” She beseeched, eyes wide and confused.
A small smile tugged the corner of Zelda’s mouth and she tucked a strand of Sabrina’s hair back. “Protecting you.” She murmured softly.
Mouth working uselessly for a moment, Sabrina shook her head vehemently. “You can’t. This is something I need to do. Edward and Lucifer both made sure of that. And if my fathers,” her lips twisted in distaste at the word, “put me on this path then I have—"
“They are not your parents.” Zelda interrupted harshly. “A parent’s job is to protect you, look out for you, guide you. Neither Edward nor Lucifer did any of those things for you.” Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm herself. “Regardless, this isn’t what you want, you said so yourself just a month ago. Fought against it tirelessly. It was the whole reason we confronted, and somehow, defeated Satan, put Lilith on the throne. Seeing as how she’s incapable of holding it, I will. I won’t have you on that throne, won’t have your life stolen from you. Ruling as Queen of Hell is something I never wanted for you.”
Sabrina pulled away from her. “But it’s something you wanted for yourself.” She bit out caustically.
Stunned, Zelda blinked at her niece. “What?”
Huffing in disbelief, Sabrina’s jaw worked side to side. “You must have felt pretty good on your high horse, telling me not to chase power when this was your plan all along. First you tried to get power through Blackwood, only that backfired. Then it was seizing a High Priestess-ship before the coven even recovered from being poisoned. Apparently, even that wasn’t enough, now you have to be Queen of Hell as well.”
Fury bubbled up inside Zelda and it erupted before she could stop it. “I married,” she swallowed, the topic still painful, “I married Faustus for a number of reasons. For some glory and power, yes. But also, to get Hilda’s excommunication lifted; witches without covens are easy pickings. And to protect you.” At Sabrina’s skeptical expression, Zelda gripped her niece’s shoulders forcing her to look her in the eye. “You truly have no idea how much danger you put yourself and our family in on a regular basis. You left us powerless and open to attacks during your trial, Hell knows how we came out of that completely unscathed. You openly challenged the Feast of Feasts, which could have resulted in charges of blasphemy and hangings. You conducted an exorcism, which if I hadn’t been Constance’s midwife would have proven disastrous. You performed a resurrection on a mortal boy at the expense of a witch; we’re lucky Faustus didn’t take that to the high council for deliberation and punishment.”
Her chest heaved, and Sabrina simply stared at her, speechless.
“I told you, warned you, your actions were putting us in a grave, and still you refused to listen. So yes, I had several reasons for marrying, one of which was power, but it was so, so much more than that. And, it did end poorly, your reminder that it did is unnecessary. As for being High Priestess, who else would have taken charge? I won’t lie, I wanted it, not like this, but I wanted it. And there was no one else; all other coven members old enough or powerful enough died, fled or in your Aunt Hilda’s case didn’t want it.”
Tears sprang into Sabrina’s eyes. “Auntie Zee, I, I never—"
Not entirely moved by Sabrina’s tears, Zelda pressed on. “Never truly learned everything has a price. Well, perhaps now you will. Though I expect I’ll be paying it, having to play Queen and unable to see my family again.” Zelda released Sabrina and pressed a finger into the corner of her eye to stem a tear of her own as she turned to go inside once more.
Eyes widening, Sabrina clutched at her once more. “What?! No! We, we would be able to see you. The Dark Lord left Hell to bug me all the time, you could do the same. And, and we could always come see you. And then there’s witching boards and mirrors for everyday stuff.”
Softening, Zelda shook her head. “Not at first. I’d need to cut all ties. Regardless of my victory in the quest, I’d need to establish dominance over the residents of Hell. And they’d see any connection I had to this realm as weakness. It’d likely be years, maybe even decades before it’d be safe to see or talk to any of you.” She cleared her throat and straightened her shoulders. “None of that matters right now, first, I have to win. We cannot let Caliban ascend.”
She turned and all but fled back into the house before Sabrina could stop her again. Unfortunately, Hilda barged into the bathroom where Zelda was bathing, trying to rid herself of the brimstone odor, not much later.
Though Zelda started horribly at her sister’s entry, sloshing water over the lip of the tub, she thankfully managed a dry tone. “Honestly, Hilda, one would think you were brought up with no manners.” She reached for her loofah, scrubbing her arms a little harshly. “What couldn’t possibly wait until—"
Suddenly the sponge was snatched from her hand and Zelda turned automatically to glare at Hilda only to be met with eyes brimming with tears of anger and fear.
“How could you?” Hilda demanded softly, though her voice was firm.  
Sighing, Zelda stood, stepping out of the tub and waving a hand to dry herself before pulling her robe on; clearly Sabrina wasted no time in telling the rest of the family—though Ambrose already knew. “Hildie…” she hedged, tying her robe and moving out into the bedroom to brush her hair.
Hilda came to a stop behind her, planting her hands in her hips as they made eye contact in the mirror. “Don’t. Don’t you ‘Hildie’ me. This, this is—"
She set her brush down and spun on her stool to face her sister. “It’s the only way, dear sister.” Zelda cut in gently, and from how Hilda’s features contorted with displeasure, her sister knew it was the truth.  
Almost tripping back onto the bed, Hilda sat abruptly. “You could have told me.” She whispered, tears trickling down her cheeks freely now.
Guilt swept through Zelda and she moved to sit next to Hilda on the bed. Threading her fingers with Hilda’s where they rested in her lap, Zelda rested her head on her sister’s shoulder. “I could have.” She admitted softly. “I should have.” She added, thinking of how far they’d come in the past year and yet here she was still clinging tightly to secrets under the guise of protecting her family. “It was for—"
Squeezing her hand tightly, Hilda shook her head. “I know why you’re doing this; I understand it. I hate it.” A watery chuckle escaped her, and Hilda used her free hand to wipe some tears away. “I hate it, but I support you. I just wish you’d have trusted me…. you trusted Ambrose.” She murmured in a small voice.
Heart twisting, Zelda shifted so she could look Hilda in the eye. “It wasn’t about trust, Hildie, you know that. I trust you more than anyone, you’re my sister. But this was such a covert plan, no one could know until it was too late to stop. And I needed Ambrose’s help, he is the best researcher I’ve ever come across and if I’m to win, I need to use all my resources.”
Hilda sniffled but nodded. “Well, now you’ve got another resource in your corner.” She attempted a smile and then lurched forward to hug Zelda hard.
Chin quivering, Zelda clung to her sister, knowing she wouldn’t have very many opportunities like this in the future. 
Only a few days later and they were summoned to Hell for the second part of the quest. They were to retrieve Pontius Pilate’s bowl.
Lovely, Zelda thought as she and Sabrina teleported away; purposely avoiding Lilith who looked ready to spit fire. But it was a race, after all, and though it was no mystery where the bowl was located, getting to it was another mystery she needed to solve… and fast.  
When they got back home, Zelda made for Ambrose’s room, Sabrina on her heels.
She stopped suddenly, and Sabrina ran into her with a small yelp. Turning, Zelda arched a brow. “What are you doing?”
Smiling sheepishly, Sabrina shrugged. “Working together?” Her voice went up a few octaves at the end.
“No.” Zelda replied flatly, heading up the stairs again, the odd time egg thing Faustus had been so desperate to acquire should do the trick.
Undeterred, Sabrina bounded up the steps behind her and pushed into Ambrose’s room as well. “Auntie! I know, I know you don’t want me to win… honestly, I don’t want to either. But we can’t let Caliban win. Two is better than one, as long as one of us wins this round we keep him from the throne.”
As much as she disliked the idea of bringing Sabrina into a time vortex with her, Zelda saw the logic in her niece’s argument; apparently there was a first time for everything. “Alright,” she acquiesced, already moving across the room to examine the tank Ambrose was storing the egg in. “But,” she straightened and pinned Sabrina with a glare, “you have to do what I say. Understood?”
Rolling her eyes, Sabrina nodded. “Understood.” She joined Zelda next to the tank. “Now, how to we use this?”   
Entering the vortex wasn’t nearly as large of a problem as Zelda anticipated, though the skulls lining their path gave her pause about allowing Sabrina to continue further.  
Too late to turn back now, however, so they pushed forward at a brisk pace. Sabrina wanted to run ahead, keep what appeared to be their lead on Caliban, but Zelda held her back. There was no telling what lived here, no telling how the time loop warped its inhabitants, made them dangerous.
When the sentinels appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, Zelda cursed but held back the defensive spells leaping to her fingers. They hadn’t so much as glimpsed the bowl yet, blasting off spells could bring an entire army down on them and they’d never get out; if they lived.
As they were pushed along by their captors, Zelda couldn’t help but feel a little vindicated by their presence. Had Sabrina come on her own… Hell knew what her niece would have heedlessly run into headfirst; at least this way—her thoughts ended abruptly.  
Zelda shivered as the door swung shut behind her and Sabrina with a resounding noise of finality.
Squeezing her eyes closed, Zelda focused on her breathing. It was a physical cage, nothing like the mental one Faustus so cruelly trapped her in on their honeymoon. She was fine, she had her wits about her, was in control… well, relatively.
Sabrina’s voice recaptured her attention. Opening her eyes, Zelda was surprised to see Caliban in an adjoining cell. Her niece somehow needling how he got there out of him.
The stone.
Of course, Zelda peered into the distance, marking its location in her mind. Their time water had been confiscated, and while Zelda was sure she could get it back with some brute force, it never hurt to have a plan B.
Before the conversation—which had devolved into the trading of petty insults—could continue, Pontius strolled over, going on about punishments and making examples for other criminals. The good news, he sneered, was that only one of them would have to pay the price; one hundred lashes.
Quickly putting herself in front of Sabrina, Zelda tipped her chin up in defiance. “I’ll take the lashes.” To her astonishment, Caliban volunteered at the same time.
They looked at one another, clearly not having expected competition to receive a whipping.
Eyeing her with awe, Caliban spoke to Pontius. “Though the lady is noble in her offer, I shall take the lashes.” When Zelda narrowed her eyes in suspicion, Caliban smiled at her crookedly. “I’m made of clay, High Priestess, I will not bleed and scar as you will.” Bowing his head slightly, Caliban allowed himself to be led away.
Sabrina blinked. “Whaaat just happened?”
Lifting a brow, Zelda sat down. “I think I earned the claymation’s respect.” She remarked, pinching the bridge of her nose and exhaling in relief. While she once saw flogging as a means to pleasure, ever since she’d crossed the line of using it as self-punishment all those months ago, she hadn’t been able to look at a whip without feeling queasy.
She’d surely have taken the lashes if Caliban hadn’t, Zelda would have ripped their captors to shreds had they tried to hurt her girl… but she was suddenly immensely thankful for the boy’s existence; even if it’d been the cause of this entire quest to begin with.
“We need to come up with a plan while he’s gone.” Zelda murmured, changing the topic and pushing thoughts of whippings out of her mind.
Just then, another prisoner spoke up. Morosely talking about how there was no escape, how everyone died but him.
Sharing a look with her niece, Zelda smiled and leaned forward to learn more.
After quite a bit of hushed arguing, a few threats and a reminder that Sabrina had promised to do as Zelda said, her niece agreed to wear a glamor, steal the bowl and run.
While Zelda could end the quest if she was the one to return the bowl, she refused to leave Sabrina behind, especially after tricking their captors. She’d extricate herself somehow and follow as soon as she could.
As Sabrina ran for the stone, frequently looking back, eyes switching between the sentinel chasing her and Zelda, she couldn’t help but smile a little. Though Zelda had no clue how she’d escape, what mattered was Sabrina’s safety and Caliban being ousted from the competition.
Caliban gaped at Sabrina’s retreating form and then at Zelda. “You had to have known. She couldn’t have planned this with him,” he jerked his chin towards the remaining prisoner who was still laughing maniacally, “without your knowledge.”
Arching a brow, Zelda shrugged. “Sabrina was the one to come up with the idea, she made the deal with the man. I didn’t interfere.”
“And in the process doomed yourself.” Caliban murmured, brow furrowing. “First you offer to be whipped 100 times for her, now this…. I don’t understand, you could have won.”
The caustic comment died on her tongue and Zelda shifted to look at the boy next to her. “It’s because you’re made of clay,” she explained more gently than she expected. “You weren’t raised up, never had family, someone to look after, to look after you, to love. Someone scraped you together from the ground because they were bored and wanted to see if they could. How could you understand a mother’s love?”  
Her comment made Caliban cock his head and turn away, deep in thought.
With him sufficiently distracted and the sentinel not yet back to the stage, Zelda focused her energies on the manacles encircling her wrists. They were meant to suppress her abilities, but she’d already beaten the system once, helped Sabrina escape with the bowl; why couldn’t she be the exception again?
Drawing on her power, pulling from deeper and deeper recesses within herself, Zelda closed her eyes, and funneled the magic coursing hotly through her to the shackles. The metal shattered.
Stunned it’d worked so quickly, it took Zelda a moment to recover and shoot a blast of power at the sentinel who’d picked up speed at her escape and was closing in fast.
She turned to Pontius and lifted him up into the air by the throat with a spell. “My water,” she stated, holding out her free hand. She could make a run for the stone, just as Sabrina had, but Zelda preferred not to leave magical time water behind if she could help it.
Pontius snarled at her and called for more guards. Beings rose up from the hills, blades glinting in the sunlight as they descended.
“Hard way it is, then.” Zelda muttered, breaking Pontius’ neck before flicking her wrist and freeing Caliban. The boy made a small noise of surprise in response. “I trust you can handle yourself. I won’t babysit you.”
Grinning, Caliban nodded and started firing off spells at the oncoming horde. 
Interestingly enough, they both survived and traveled back to the mortal realm through the stone; Zelda still hadn’t wanted to use the water unless necessary—it was a finite resource. Which meant they were now limping and huffing along after fighting off Pontius’ sentinels and making their way to a teleportation point to head home.
They’d been walking for almost twenty minutes when Caliban broke the silence. “Why did you save me?” And before she could brush away the incident with a flippant comment about a Queen needing to know how to delegate, he continued. “You could have handled them yourself, you’re powerful enough. Not just anyone could have broken those chains… I couldn’t have.” He confessed quietly and half to himself.
She rubbed the back of her neck tiredly. “I could have handled them myself,” she acknowledged as they trekked the final hill to the jumping point. “If I had I wouldn’t have the energy to make the trip home for days, though.” When Caliban huffed in disbelief and looked as though he’d argue, Zelda allowed a little of the truth to come out. “And, well, you did so valiantly take those lashes for us. It seemed fair to repay the favor.”
Shaking his head, Caliban took several quick steps forward and stood in front of her. To Zelda’s continued surprise, he dropped to one knee. “I know I am no longer a contender for the throne, High Priestess Spellman, you’ve proven a much worthier opponent than I imagined. If you’d have me, I’d like to pledge my allegiance to you and serve in whatever way I can.”
Eyebrows flying up, Zelda assessed the young man in front of her, trying to determine if he was lying in anyway. “I may have you take that pledge under the effects of truth cake, but your popularity with the demons, should it still hold after your defeat, could be useful.” Smiling, Caliban stood and fell back into step with her. As they slowly reached the peak, Zelda turned to Caliban once more. “Why back me? Surely, your whole agenda about celestial blood should have you supporting my niece.”
Chuckling softly, Caliban groaned and rubbed his side where he’d received a particularly brutal hit. “Because you’re the logical choice. Sabrina may be the Dark Lord’s offspring, but she knows little of ruling, of the sacrifices one needs to make to rule. You, High Priestess, I can tell you know what it takes to lead.” He placed a hesitant hand on her shoulder, and they stopped to face one another. “You’ve shown me you have a keen mind for strategy, the raw strength to lead, the conniving to do what needs to be done, but also, also compassion.” He murmured as though confused by how he valued the trait. “You offer to take on the pain of others, sacrifice yourself when others could, spare your enemies…. Of the three of us, you are the best chance Hell has; not someone scraped together out of dirt and not someone who has no right to lead but by the blood in her veins.” He dropped his hand and took the last few steps to the teleportation site.
Impressed, if a bit taken aback, that she’d won Caliban over, Zelda painstakingly climbed the final steps and joined him to teleport back to Greendale. 
There was chaos in the throne room when they made it to Hell. The demons in a tizzy over Sabrina being the only one left.
Smirking, Zelda limped forward, hair disheveled, dress torn and dirty. She spoke up as though she hadn’t known this would be the outcome since they were captured in the time loop. “Seems we are in a tie, niece.”
Gasps sounded from many of the residents of Hell, Lilith ran her tongue over her teeth irritatedly, and Sabrina made an abortive movement as though she’d gone to hug Zelda and then thought better of it. “Auntie, so glad to see you survived. The final quest wouldn’t be the same without any competition.”
Before Zelda could reply, Caliban came up behind her, looking equally as disheveled. The demons growled at him, clearly dismayed by his performance. “As you can see, I’ve been disqualified. Outmaneuvered by High Priestess Spellman. I will now support her claim moving forward.” He bowed his head at her and moved into the crowd of demons, ghouls and other beasts filling the throne room.
With a flick of her wrist, Lilith dismissed everyone until the final regalia was as to be recovered, only to catch Zelda’s arm as she made to leave with Sabrina.
The irritation filling the woman’s eyes at Zelda’s survival had been replaced. “Zelda,” she breathed, eyes bright. “This is perfect. All you need to do is throw the final quest and Sabrina will be Queen and me her regent. Just as it should be.”
Eyeing the witch, Zelda slid her arm from Lilith’s grip. “I think not. If anything happened to you, she’d be forced to take up the Queenship. I’m not going to let Sabrina be associated with this place, even if there are degrees of separation. No,” she held up a finger to forestall interruptions from both Lilith and Sabrina. “Sabrina, you will throw the final challenge. I will become Queen, just as I planned, freeing you from this horrid duty forever.”
Expression darkening, Lilith scoffed. “I’m touched by your concern for me and I assure you I’m made of hardier stuff than Lucifer. The hordes of Hell would have a trouble killing me.” She noted dryly, smoothing her dress unnecessarily. “You should have seen how I handled them after you recovered the crown, it took me hours to dissuade them not to riot and kill you and your niece. Why do you think I did not come and confront you about your actions? Because I was cleaning up after you, like I’ve so often cleaned up after Sabrina.”
Arching a brow, Zelda snorted. “If you’re so competent at handling your royal subjects, why did you allow this farce of a competition to happen? You should have killed Caliban where he stood, slaughtered the demons who dared to bring him before you and been done with it. It’s despicable work, but I thought you up to the task when we made you Queen.”
Something dangerous glinted in Lilith’s eye and her lips pressed into a thin, bloodless line. “I was attempting to be different from my predecessor. Had I wanted to take his path, I’d have killed Sabrina after we trapped Lucifer. Regardless, if you find the idea of Queen so deplorable, why chase it?” Her eyes were much sharper than before, as if testing Zelda and her constitution.  
“Because I must. To protect my child.” Zelda bit out, shifting so she could use her minimal height advantage to look down on the woman. But fighting with Lilith wasn’t what she wanted, not really; especially when she now saw the witch’s logic in her approach to the throne. Exhaling slowly, Zelda took a step back. “Once I’m Queen I will need help.” She cocked her head, “you can’t be my regent, for obvious reasons, but the position for my Left Hand could use someone of your ability, experience and fortitude.”
Brows drawing, Lilith lifted her chin in defiance. “I’ve held the position of Left Hand for centuries, Zelda, with unfulfilled promises of more power. I’ll not put myself in the same position I fought so hard to get out of. If we do this, if I don’t decide just to kill you and save myself the trouble… I rule by your side.” She counter offered, face hard and expressing she’d take no other deal.
Zelda gave the demoness an assessing look. “Well, if murder is on the table…”
A sharp tug on her arm made her gasp in pain and Sabrina grimaced in apology. “Sorry, but Auntie Zee,” she stepped closer so she could whisper in her ear, “you actually need her. She knows everything about how things are run down here…”
She cocked her head at Sabrina and huffed for added effect. “Oh, darling, I know you’ve gotten to know her quite a bit and she still has your teacher’s face, but the death wouldn’t be too horribly gruesome.” When her niece gaped at her, Zelda winked discreetly and ignored Lilith’s offended noise. “But I suppose there’s been enough pain, death and manipulation. Fine,” she exhaled with slight exaggeration, “Lilith, you would rule with me in all but name. We can’t have the demons animating any more playdough people to contest my claim because they believe you’ve too prominent a role. Though the regalia should keep them at bay for several centuries at least. Also, you cannot kill me or have me killed in some coup.” The last part might have been unnecessary, but Zelda was taking no chances; not anymore.
Stretching out her hand, Lilith pursed her lips. “You’re competent and knowledgeable at least, will actually do the job. I suppose it’s better than ruling with the brat who ruined my life and then refused to shoulder the responsibility she seized.” Her eyes slid to Sabrina, eyebrow ticking up in disapproval.
Though she could hardly blame Lilith for her response to Sabrina’s actions—Zelda felt the same exasperation most of the time—she couldn’t allow anyone to disparage her girl. Taking Lilith’s hand, Zelda used it to draw the woman in, so their faces were only inches apart. “You may now be my confidant and advisor in the Heaven forsaken place, but don’t think you can speak ill of the royal family.”
A wicked smile spread on Lilith’s face as she took Zelda in. “Oh, oh I think we’ll make a fine team, Zelda. I truly,” she moved a bit closer and the proximity she’d used to intimidate now seemed intimate and Zelda swallowed. “I truly look forward to working with you.” Suddenly Lilith backed away and clapped her hands. “Until then. And Zelda,” she called after them as Sabrina subtly slipped an arm around her waist to assist her. “Do have Hilda see to those wounds, can’t have my Queen at anything but 100%.”
The way Lilith said what would soon be her title shouldn’t send shivers through her, Zelda should still be furious at the woman for, well, everything. But as she limped out of Hell and teleported back to the house to let Hilda fuss over her injuries, Zelda couldn’t help the excitement and touch of something else that flared up inside her at the chance to work more closely with the Mother of Demons. 
When they arrived for the third quest, Lilith gave Zelda a small smile and inclined her head subtly in greeting. She was still slightly baffled by the Lilith’s sudden change in demeanor towards her, begrudging acceptance was one thing, but this almost flirtatious manner was odd. Perhaps it was because Zelda had earned her respect, or perhaps Lilith was making the best of the situation and was messing with her in the only way the demoness could. Regardless, it was a matter to think on later.
They were in the end game now, with Caliban out of the way and Sabrina only pretending to chase the thirty pieces of silver, this final quest was more a formality than anything. That didn’t mean they could be sloppy, though.
It started off easy enough. Sabrina took off, as planned, acting as though she were rushing to Ambrose for help to find the coins, while Zelda slipped into the library a few halls down from the throne room. Pulling a scroll from the shelf, she pretended to peruse it until Lilith appeared.
The witch sidled up next to her, one arm resting on the back of Zelda’s chair while the palm of the other braced against the table. When Lilith leaned in closer, Zelda caught a whiff of her perfume, something deliciously sweet compared to the harsh brimstone smell filling the air. Lilith’s voice recaptured her attention. “This isn’t the scroll you want.” She observed, her breath ghosting against Zelda’s cheek as she pointed to a segment at the top of the parchment.
“No cheating, Lilith!” A demon snapped from behind them. “The two remaining contestants must complete this without help from any beings in Hell.” His eyes glistened dangerously, clearly hoping for a reason to move against Zelda. It appeared now that the demons’ chosen one was gone, they’d put their support behind Sabrina; preferring a younger, inexperienced witch, one they could more easily manipulate, as their ruler.
Lilith held up her hands and backed away. “Of course, Beelzebub, of course.”
Carefully palming the bit of paper Lilith slipped under the scroll while pretending to point to it, Zelda flicked a wrist and sent the parchment flying back to its shelf; ignoring how it wobbled because of her distraction at Lilith’s proximity. What was that witch doing to her?
Regaining herself, Zelda pushed out of her seat. “Is my niece being babysat?” When Beelzebub floundered, Zelda scoffed. “Then be gone. I will complete this quest and then there won’t be time for standing and dawdling.”
The demon jumped and scurried away at her tone and Lilith smirked in approval. “A perfect tone and demeanor for a Queen.” She observed with a wink before leaving the room.
Lips quirking up despite herself, Zelda read the paper containing the clue Lilith procured as to the location of the silver and teleported away. 
Bag of silver in hand, and two small puncture wounds on her neck, Zelda strutted back into the throne room. “Kneel before your Queen.”
To her immense surprise, her half-serious order was obeyed without hesitation; cries of “Hail Queen Zelda,” filling the air.
Huffing, Zelda crossed the room and placed the bag in the final shelf. The moment the bag touched the shelf, power Zelda only dreamed of surged through her.
An involuntary gasp escaped her.
She’d always been powerful; stronger than most. But this… this was something else. Stifling the wide smile on her face, Zelda turned to face her subjects, head held high as she made her way to the throne.
Lilith stepped aside graciously, though there was a glint in her eye that told Zelda the witch still thought the throne should be hers. She’d have to make sure they had a proper talk when this was over, ensure Lilith didn’t do anything drastic to seize power; while death was off the table, Zelda refused to be a puppet again.
Settling on the throne, Zelda arched a brow. “Aren’t there things you should be doing? You’ve left Hell unattended for far too long while this quest occurred. Go. Report back to me at the end of the day tomorrow.” Everyone in front of her burst into movement, pushing past each other in their haste to do as she bid.
When a soft hand landed on her shoulder, Zelda shifted to find Lilith standing next to her. “Shall I get my Queen acquainted with the most pressing matters?”
Lips curling up a little, Zelda inclined her head and stood; the room in front of them now empty. “I assume I have a study?” Lilith nodded in affirmation. “Good, let’s move our conversation there. First things first, proclaim to the witching realm that the Dark Lord is no more. All hail Queen Zelda Spellman. Next, we determine our strategies to reform Hell.”
Blinking, Lilith’s step faltered. “We?” She repeated, as though she hadn’t really expected Zelda to uphold her end of the bargain once she was on the throne.
Zelda inclined her head. “Of course, we’re a team now. Don’t think you’ll get to laze about simply because I won and not my unqualified niece or Gumby. Come, we’ve much to do, realms to change.”
A genuine smile, perhaps the first Zelda had seen, spread on Lilith’s lips. “Indeed, we do,” she breathed, leading the way once more. 
 Four Years Later
Lilith touched her shoulder, waking her from where she’d fallen asleep in her study. “You’re family’s here.” She murmured, smoothing a strand of Zelda’s hair back.
Eyes widening, Zelda shot out of her chair. “Already? I thought they weren’t coming until tonight?”
Smiling sympathetically, Lilith helped Zelda smooth her dress. “It is night, darling, you were asleep longer than you thought.”
“Why did you let me sleep so long!” She demanded, hurrying over to a mirror and checking her makeup and silently cursing the lack of windows to the mortal realm which would have helped her judge the time.
Lilith came up behind her and rested her chin on Zelda’s shoulder. “Because you haven’t slept in a week and even the Queen of Hell needs rest. Besides,” she gently gripped Zelda’s hips and spun her around. “I knew you’d only fret about their arrival. It’s the first time you’ve seen since taking the throne. Four years, while a long time, is still much sooner than you thought you’d see them, all things considered.”
She exhaled shakily. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous, it’s not as if we haven’t spoken. But what if,” she spun her rings anxiously. “What if I find out they’re so much better off without me and are so much happier with me gone?”
It was a fear that had been gnawing at Zelda for ages now, one she’d only just gotten the nerve to voice.
Tsking, Lilith placed a gentle finger under her chin and tilted it up until their eyes met. “That is complete nonsense. If they are better off it’s only because you’ve made their lives easier with your actions here as Queen. And I cannot imagine how they could possibly be happier without you.”
Her quick dismissal helped Zelda breathe a little easier and she nodded; even if a nasty voice still muttered in the back of her head, at least it was quieter now. “Thank you,” she murmured, leaning in for a short kiss. “I suppose I’m also nervous about announcing our engagement.”
Lilith beamed. “They’ll be happy you’re happy.” She reassured, moving her hand to cup Zelda’s cheek. “You are happy, aren’t you?” The question came out sounding smaller and more vulnerable than Zelda thought Lilith intended, but the reassurance soothed her churning mind, nonetheless.
It hadn’t been much of a surprise when, after two months of working closely together as Queen and advisor, they tumbled into bed together.
What had been surprising was how well they worked, how much they ultimately shared with each other, how what they thought were good relationships soured and left them confused, hurt, angry.
What had been surprising was how they’d helped one another to heal… to love. To the point Zelda proposed Lilith become her co-Queen in truth.
Hilda and Ambrose were at least partially aware of the situation, though Sabrina seemed blissfully ignorant no matter the hints Zelda tried to drop once she’d thought her dominance was established enough in Hell that communicating via witching boards and mirrors with her family wouldn’t be seen as a weakness.
Framing Lilith’s face, Zelda smiled at her warmly. “More than I imagined possible while being away from the rest of my family.” She stroked her thumbs along Lilith’s cheeks and kissed her softly once more. “Come, my Queen, let us say hello to everyone.”
She laced their fingers together and led the way out of the study. And if her family tackled her in their enthusiasm to see her, if no one was surprised by her engagement, if they were happy but not happier without her… well, Zelda never would have dreamed that usurping the throne would lead to practically everything she wanted.
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frizz22 · 4 years
Munchies pt. 2
Continuation of part 1, requested by @frizzyhairedbandit Sabrina finds the three high and giggly. Read on ao3
They’d moved their little party out into the garden, having somehow managed to collect a blanket, pillows and their snacks before heading outside.
Now they were sprawled on the blanket, staring up at the stars as they passed food and the blunt between the three of them.
Head buzzing pleasantly, Zelda turned her gaze when Hilda swung an arm upwards to point at something. “Look, it’s Uranus!”
Scoffing, Zelda popped some more muffin into her mouth. “You can’t see Uranus from here. Not without, without, blast what are they called, the telescope but there’s two..... binoculars!” She crowed, proud she found the word and rewarding herself with a puff of marijuana.
Hilda pouted and cradled one of the pillows to her chest. “Can too,” she countered petulantly, “I see it right there! It’s Uranus, Cee said it would be out tonight.”
Chortling, Ambrose took the blunt from Zelda’s outstretched hand. “Uranus,” he giggled again, “Dr Cee likes your anus, Auntie Hilda.”
A slightly strangled sound emanated from Hilda as Zelda burst out laughing. “Indeed, he does, I’ve seen the way he watches you walk away, sister. He’s a your anus fan.” Then a truly wicked idea occurred to Zelda and she rolled to face her still protesting sister, eyes glittering with mischief. “Are you certain he didn’t mean your anus would be on display? Perhaps his incubus had plans for tonight?”
The comment made Ambrose howl with laughter, which only spurred Zelda’s to increase as well while Hilda blushed furiously in the dim light afforded by the back porch.
Snatching the joint from their nephew, Hilda inhaled deeply and then retorted, almost offhandedly, “no, no plans for tonight. I doubt he could rally after the repeated performances this morning.”
Ambrose shot up from where he’d been laying to look at Zelda in shocked delight; eyes wide and brows expressive.
Grinning, Zelda rolled onto her stomach and propped herself up on her forearms to better look at her sister’s face. “Hildegard Antoinette Spellman, have, have you made the incubus your bitch?”
Her sister took another long drag from the blunt, slowly releasing the smoke before answering. “Perhaps.” The effect was ruined slightly when a spluttering cough interrupted her.
Laughter broke out among them, quickly escalating into guffaws. Then it shifted into them laughing at their laughter, Ambrose cackling when Zelda snorted and Hilda clutching at her sides, almost breathless in amusement.
This was where Sabrina found them moments later, rolling on the blanket out in the garden, sniggering.
“Uhh, what’s going on here?” She asked, arms crossed and brow furrowing.
Ambrose recovered first, taking a quick hit of the joint before holding it out. “Ah, coz, care to join us?”
Eyes wide, Sabrina took a disapproving sniff. “Is, is that weed?!”
Seeing Sabrina not even reach out to take the offering, Ambrose took another drag before handing it to Zelda. “Yes.”
If anything, this stunned her niece further. “Auntie!” She gaped, watching as Zelda blew several dainty smoke rings out.
“What?” Zelda asked, passing the joint to Hilda. At Sabrina’s wordless gesturing between all of them, Zelda huffed and flopped back down onto the pillows. “Honestly, Sabrina, I know the mortals are all ‘hugs before drugs’, but witches don’t experience the same type of addictive tendencies as they do. Not to say we don’t have our vices or addictions at all, but it takes far more than a little cannabis to do the trick.”
Sitting up a little unsteadily, Hilda gave the blunt back to Ambrose when she finished her turn. “Not that’s there’s anything wrong with hugs before drugs, my darling.” She assured Sabrina, a warm, loose smile on her face. “But it’s also quite a lovely way to unwind.” She slumped back onto the blanket and curled against Zelda’s side, nuzzling up to her.
Too lost in a gloriously comfortable haze, Zelda merely wrapped an arm around her cuddly sister without any remonstrations. “Join us or no, Sabrina, but don’t kill the buzz.”
“Yeah, coz,” Ambrose chimed in, now once more flat on his back and watching the stars. “You can stargaze with us, maybe even see Ur-,” he snorted, “Uranus...” the rest of his invitation was lost to giggles and Hilda and Zelda soon dissolved into them as well at the mention of the unfortunately named planet.
Confused, Sabrina just stared at them for a moment. “Uranus?” She repeated, uncomprehendingly.
A fresh wave of snorts and giggles overtook them; Hilda trying to muffle hers against Zelda’s shoulder while she and Ambrose laughed loudly and freely, heads tipped back in joy.
Slowly backing away from them, Sabrina headed back towards the house, muttering under her breath as she went.
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