#caliborn? hey buddy. What
incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 months
TT: Yeah, I get it, I live 400 years after the end of human civilization. I was aware.
TT: ...Oh my god.
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alfiely-art · 9 days
FINISHED ACT 3!!! Technically finished last night but I'm scheduling this for the morning
Act 1 reaction here
Act 2 reaction here
Notes I wrote while reading:
“I hope your father keeps you well fed” OH THATS WHY THERE WAS ALL THOSE BAKED GOODS OHHHH
Anyway. How thr fuck did Nanna know this. Did she hoo hoo in life as she does in death
Is that an onion on ur shirt farmstink
Squeal like a piglet and fertilize some plants
Huh. Her room is. Just her friends interests. And their parents interests. Other than the furry I know that's all her. I know
Guns!!! Yayaya!!!!!! Doesn't Jake like guns too
Oh girl. Yoare so otherkin
She's really otherkin my goodness
PROBLEM SL- oh. Sooth
I do wonder what the magic 8 ball is for. If Jade has a bad feeling about it
Slur count: 4
Huh. Okay she has like… VR??
Slur count: 5 but I think Dave can reclaim this one
What are you talking about tho
Omg they're fucking killing the felts…
Dave oh my god you're losing so bad. But yay bro!!! Yay cal!!! I'm so sorry Dave
john you're getting your ass whooped
Oh hello… Is ur name Sentry. Are you buddies with Vagabond
Oh. He's got mummies in his house
What is that thing
Who thr fuck is this. Who is CG
I'm assuming a troll ??? But whomst…
Slur count: 6
oooo what're you up to sentry…
Aww yay he's having fun I think
Woah that place sure is purple!!!!
???? Who is this clown watching them
Oh your name Isn't sentry. Hi peregrine medication!!!
Autocorrect that's not their name
PM I love you. I love mail
Yo wait PM you know Jade??? What
Omg rose horse… I know there's a animation of her with the horses. Like the arquiussprite one.
The fuck is in the teapot
Is that a picture of Jade in godtier. They Know….
HELP she napping
Oh. he's dead. Girl…
Awwww baby rose….
Da fuck
Dad is… boring…? Lies
Jack's fourth wall : ( it was stolen…
Put the hat on Jack. Put it on
Womp womp
Awwww he looks so cute in the suit
Boy you're so extra
Oop she napping
So wait did she already Godtier…
Her room is lesbjan colors I think
Slur count: 7
Twelve… there's twelve Trolls I'm pretty sure
Gamzee Equius Nepeta Karkat Vriska Aradia. Uhh. Tavros. Eridan. Sollux. Uhh… the fish girl… uhhh….
Hi Vodka Mutini
How does John feel about Dave's bro kicking his ass btw. Very casual way of saying it
Oh John : (
Gasp… the blue box…
REALSTIC GUN!!! Hi renagade… like the dance
So John's the guy who likes clowns… not his dad…
His dad is so sweet though. he just wants to take care of his son. What has john repressed
This place sure is yellow
Omg WV has company :3
Take the shot /ref
JOHN!!!! He is also yellow !!!!
Ohhhh he's looking swaggy… Teal is a good color for him
Slur count: 8
Giving him a forehead smooch
I like this like. “Fuck you timeline let's jump around” type of way thr story is being
Poor Cal….
GA… who are you
“Spread your wings” LIKE WHEN HE BECOMES A BIRD
Hi Dave I love you. I have no idea who you flirted with but you did such a good job you're such a good troll
Yo that box has Jade's dead relative on there…
PM is a girl?? the more u know
BAHAH AR'S A JUDGE… they're making a whole town… mayor, mail carrier, and judge…
Butterfly : D
Oh my god I love them
That was a cool animation!!!! I have no idea what was going on. But hey I know that song…. Sburbian Jungle…
That sure is a fucked up planet WHAT HOW IS THAT THE END OF ACT 3
Okay so. Does this mean I'm. Halfway done with homestuck. This feels so short. Are the other acts longer
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the-meat-machine · 2 years
Hey, thanks for anwering my ask about Dirk and ult!Dirk! It really gives me a new apreciation for your Bro/ult!Dirk fic :DDD
To round out the splinters, can I ask for Hal and ARquiusprite for the character meme?
Oh heck yes, I am loving this comparative Dirkology.
Lil Hal
Sexuality Headcanon: Finally, a Dirk splinter with a markedly different sexuality. It's hard to label him in human terms because his sexuality is so much a product of his status as a sexless machine with memories of being an allosexual human, but he could probably be roughly described as asexual. He has an aesthetic preference for men, but unlike for Dirk, it isn't exclusive. Same kinks as Dirk, but for Hal they're more akin to intense intellectual curiosities. Probably also either aro or grayro.
Gender Headcanon: Male with shades of agender. A dude, and also a machine. what, me projecting? never
A ship I have with said character: I love Dirk/Hal. Frankly, Hal is obsessed with Dirk, probably due to a combination of Dirk's tendency towards self-reflection and the fact that Hal kind of doesn't have much else available to him to do with his vast processing power other than plot and scheme things for Dirk's (dubious) benefit. Meanwhile, Dirk is actually pretty terrible towards Hal as a product of his own self-hatred. It's such a complicated relationship and I adore it.
A BROTP I have with said character: Roxy. Pretty much the only character who both treats Hal as his own person and doesn't act like he's perpetually two seconds away from becoming Skynet. It's no wonder Hal likes her.
A NOTP I have with said character: Can't think of any.
A random headcanon: The thing Hal misses most from his memories of being a human is being able to touch things.
General Opinion over said character: I love Hal not just for being a Dirk splinter, but also for being a fantastic vehicle to explore the intersection between artificial intelligence and the human experience, which is a subject I'm eternally fascinated with. I really should write him more often.
Sexuality Headcanon: Ha ha ha. Here we go. Adding Equius to the mix reinforces a lot of Dirk/Hal's preexisting interests while bringing in some fun new shit as well. This is the kinkiest motherfucker in Paradox Space. STRONG preference for men, but it isn't exclusive. Fuckin nuts for beefcake. And for some reason I want to say... gray-aro for the concupiscent quadrants, but does experience pale and ashen romance?
Gender Headcanon: Dude, but in a decidedly inhuman way. The perfect union of meat and machine. Fuck yeah.
A ship I have with said character: Arquiusprite/Bro as the world's worst fuck buddies. This is a fucking comedy routine of a relationship. Also Arquiusprite/Dad because Dad is STRONG as fuck and Arquiusprite is way into it, and I think Dad would be kind to Arquius in a way most other characters wouldn't.
A BROTP I have with said character: I mean, I guess it's gotta be Davepeta. But also, Vriska.
A NOTP I have with said character: None. Please, please, please ship this dude. Just. With anyone. At all. I'm begging the fandom. Please.
A random headcanon: Arquiusprite never ended up on Earth C due to a glitch in Paradox Space. This is a problem. (Before you say he was absorbed into Lil Cal - yes. But the retcon that led up to the events of Caliborn's masterpiece "hadn't happened yet" as of the end of Homestuck proper, so… where did Arquiusprite go until then? By all rights he should have been around on Earth C until at least the events of the Epilogues.)
General Opinion over said character: Truly the most relatable character in Homestuck. Whomst among us has never seen themselves in a beefy, sweaty, half-troll, half-machine who yearns to spend his days chugging milk and feeling up muscles?
No one? Just me? Oh ok then never mind.
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
Yo, wassup, I figured for the first of December I’d send out another ad to look for some partners; It’s been a while and my tastes have changed and narrowed and now I’ll be shootin’ for a smaller (sort of) group of people, this time around.
For starters, the name’s Sparky, or Shark, or whatever you wanna call me, I’m nineteen years of age and I’ve posted here a few times before, I’m pretty sure. I’ve become less formal and uptight with these ads as time goes on because I’ve learned that the more chill a gal is, the more people feel welcomed to send honest and colorful replies, but don’t be turned off by my lack of intellectualism; when it comes to my actual writing, I take it more seriously. For the most part. My sarcasm is sort of a package deal, but I swear my work is good.
I’ve been roleplaying for about eight years, now, and am willing to roleplay with anyone of legal age in their state, if only because I enjoy incorporating smut into my roleplays. If you’re somebody who likes to fade to black every time characters get freaky with each other at points in our story, I’m unfortunately not the gal for you. I enjoy long-term plot heavy stories for the most part, but am totally down for PWP as well, so feel free to message me for either.
At the moment, I’m mostly looking for a buddy who wants an Insert roleplay (Canon/OC), or maybe a Fandom roleplay (Canon/Canon), so feel free to contact me if you’re interested and match pretty damn well with the rest of these guidelines:
Care about your writing. I’m not asking you for a whole fuckin’ novel every response, you can write however much you’re comfortable with as long as It’s more than one sentence, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t have a spelling error or a typo every other word. Everyone makes mistakes, I’ve been there on many, many… many, occasions (it’s no joke, man), but like– just try, y’know? To me, lazy writing shows a disinterest in the roleplay, which is a huge turn off for me.
On the same wavelength as above, please don’t feel stressed over how much you’re writing or if it matches enough to mine. Again, all I’m asking is for my partner to be interested and care a little about what they’re typing; I tend to write a LOT for roleplays I’m excited about but I’m not expecting you to respond with the same amount at all. If your limit is three paragraphs max, stick to three paragraphs max. If you love writing novels every response, I will fuckin’ read… ALL of that novel.
For Insert roleplays, I will ONLY write Double-up [unless you for some reason are just looking to play a canon character, because let’s be honest I can be a selfish shithead when you let me be], I am making this very clear because not only do I fuckin’ love seeing all the different characters people create, but also because the more the merrier. I like it when these things are played fairly– I play a character for your OC in return for you playing a character for mine.
Most of my pairings will likely be M/F or F/F (seeing as right now I only have one M/M pairing when it comes to canon/OC, and you’ll only be seeing them if you’re looking for Homestuck), but your side is totally free game. Do what you want. I’m also chill with Polyamorous ships and/or love triangles as long as you’re cool with the possibility of me going that route, as well.
It would be appreciated if you care about your side of the roleplay about just as much as you care for mine. I’ll totally do the same; I WILL get overly attached to everyone in our roleplay. You’ve been warned.
Please be okay with our OCs being eventual buddies sometime in the roleplay; I have a guilty pleasure for connections between all characters, even if it takes like, a story-year for them to meet. Obviously, if we end up planning something wherein that’s not possible, that’s chill, too.
OOC chat is 100% welcome– throw me all your jokes and ideas and stupid scenarios and possible future Ideas for the roleplay, tell me how much you love that one subject, talk to me about your day. I’m here for it.
Some extra info for those people who REALLY wanna know what they’re getting into:
I have 0 limits, on like, everything. The smut we write out can be weird kinks galore for all I care, there can be suicide and torture and pedophilia and major deaths and mental illnesses in our plot; and I have a bad habit of assuming my roleplay partner can handle anything I dish out in writing so just, if you have hard limits make sure to tell me about them before they can come up in an awkward situation.
I’m totally down to share kinks before a roleplay; ESPECIALLY if we’re jumping into PWP or a smut-centric plot
I’m very carelessly blunt and a smartass, so If I say anything that makes you uncomfortable just tell me and I’ll chill out a bit.
I’m in Mountain Time
I mentioned this before but my responses can range from like chapter-in-a-novel to a few paragraphs, and I’m not expecting you to match me in the slightest. Do what you do and we’ll be fine.
I very much love talking about character and relationship headcanons and shit, so like, hit me with all of your ideas, I could talk about this shit for hours.
I draw. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. There’s a large chance I’ll end up drawing characters from OUR roleplay, so just let me know beforehand if that’s not something you’re okay with.
I’m pretty flexible with response times, but it would be appreciated if you tell me beforehand if there’s something going on in your life that’ll make your replies more scarce than usual.
And, finally, the part of this ad that some of you have probably just skipped past everything else to get to, the FANDOMS: Bolded ships and/or names are preferred
WANTED: Anything Pokephilia, Cheren, N
WILL PLAY: Any character you can name from the Video Game franchise; I haven’t watched much of the show, sorry bruh
WANTED: Dib Membrane
WILL PLAY: Zim, Tak, Gaz, Prof. Membrane, Tallest Red, Tallest Purple, Sizz-Lor, Skoodge, Keef, fuckin’ Miss Bitters for all I care I will play them all you name whoever you want, my dude
WANTED: Jimmy, Johnny C., Edgar Vargas
WILL PLAY: Jimmy, Johnny C., Edgar Vargas, Devi D., Tenna, Tess R., Anne Gwish, Satan, I don’t know who else is there, that fat psychic lady from I Feel Sick sure I’ll play her if you really want I guess, or the doughboys if you’re into that kinda thing, or Sickness, you kinky lil freak
SHIPS: Johnny C./Devi D. [Playing Devi], Jimmy/Edgar Vargas [Playing Either]
WANTED: John Egbert, Gamzee Makara, Dave Strider, Terezi Pyrope, Sollux Captor, Cronus Ampora, Karkat Vantas
WILL PLAY: Literally anyone from this webcomic. You name it. One of the trolls? Done. Humans? Done. Calliope and Caliborn? Sure, man. Midnight Crew? You bet. Snowman? I mean good luck dude but go right ahead. Ms. Paint? All yours. Wayward Vagabond/Mr. Mayor? You do you. Just don’t ask for anybody from Hiveswap, I can’t catch up with all that just yet there’s only one chapter and a few character summaries out, slow your roll.
SHIPS: John Egbert/Terezi Pyrope [Playing Terezi], Dave Strider/Terezi Pyrope, Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas [Playing Either], Kanaya Maryam/Rose Lalonde [Playing Either], I’m gonna be honest these are the only four I’m cool with playing from the top of my head but hey, if you want something, ask, you never know, I coulda just forgotten.
WANTED: Grillby, Mettaton
WILL PLAY: Sans {under certain specific rules, NO JELLY DICKS}, Papyrus {under certain specific rules, SERIOUSLY, NO JELLY DICKS}, Asriel, Asgore, Toriel, Gaster {under certain specific rules, I’M SERIOUS, N O J E L L Y D I C K S, HE’S NOT EVEN A FUCKIN SKELETON GODDAMN-}, Mettaton, Grillby, Undyne, Alphys, Burgerpants, Ice Cream Bunny, etc. just nobody from Deltarune because I’m trying to keep that place pure and innocent and unruined because they’re just some good ass kids trying to play some good ass DnD and STOP TRYING TO FUCK THE JESTER-
WILL PLAY: Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Splinter, Shredder, April O’Neil, Karai, etc.
Email [Preferred]: [email protected]
Discord: Sparky#4225
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
HS Epi, Meat p6 reaction
I gotta say, snatching people from the Game Over timeline was a good way to invest us back into these characters. Plus, unlike the post-canon selves, they don't have 'certain victory' all written over them - by which I mean that I think it's unlikely they would be killed outside Universe C, since its existence and their ability to live in it was their Ultimate Reward. Admittedly, the planet they've inherited is less than ideal, but that was never stipulated in the rules.
Meanwhile, John himself with his retcon powers remains more earthed in the plot, also because this was the timeline he originated from in the first place. Still unsure how the fact there's 1 John but 2 versions of his selves will get resolved though.
I kind of doubt the New Game Plus versions (Cosmic Reset? still unsure on what to call them) are going to be joining their adult selves in Universe C, though the idea of the post-canon selves serving as guardians amuses me. I also doubt the NGP's are going to create their own timeline in Universe C to inhabit, with John joining them after 7 years. They would be deprived of 7 years of John, and even though he mostly kept to himself in the post-canon timeline, that would kind of suck, and not even Dirk creating an Autoresponder for John could bridge the time difference adequately. So, I figure they might just pick up one of the spare teen Johns (or rather, export one from the timeline, just like how John is now duplicating the Game Over selves). Maybe the one (John) that John sent to LOWAS when he went back to consult Terezi.
... Hmm, after seeing Blaperile checking out the Load Game & Save Game links on Homestuck, I think I've decided to call this new timeline the Reload timeline!! :D
Anyway, I suppose we're in for a perspective switch back to John now, and indeed like I said previously, I think LOLAR is the most likely candidate. It wouldn't feel entirely right for John to leave Rose hanging for now in favour of, say, fetching Dirk first.
"The sky is really blue. But it’s a different kind of blue than Earth C’s sky; it’s less, somehow, like someone took a photo of the sky and turned the contrast down a little, just enough to make the clouds blend into the horizon." ... This is Andrew Hussie criticizing his own art, isn't it? Hahah! This must be LOLAR, so I guess it's back to John now, since we're in Command Prompt Land again.
"That is to say, it isn’t the kind of sky promised by a paradise planet. Just an ordinary one." Oh sure, that's the in-story explanation: it lacks promise.
"You realize suddenly how much you’ve missed the ordinary, as opposed to the supposedly perfect." Oooh, heheh, guess John got bored by the idyllic parts of Earth C.
"You’ve been away from home almost as many years as you lived there. It’s not just the sky. Everything else is exactly and nothing like you remembered it: the scent of damp grass, the quality of the air, the solitude." Wait what? John went back to Earth?? What plot point could he mess up there without messing up the events leading up to the Reload timeline? ... Has he travelled back to his own atmospheric page? Since he says he's "home", it isn't the exile's future or Dirk and Roxy's. Guess it'll be either John's actual home or Jane's, but... What could he do here that wouldn't mess up the timeline?? ... Steal Jane's Dad just before she Enters? No, wait, she tried to follow him around on LOCAH...
Yeah, Blaperile's correct in that if he sees his Dad, he'll be very sad.
"A woodpecker raps away incessantly at the tree with the tire swing outside your old bedroom window." XDSFSFSF, so it's really his home, in the past! ... I would rather like him to visit his Dad's past, but I doubt we'll ever see his childhood. Still, what could Rose have sent him here to retrieve?
"You couldn’t think of anywhere else to go, so you and your little army are sitting in a circle in your old backyard exactly one week before the meteors hit." Hopy shit, he didn't zap them to blankspace???? Hah, I guess John's at school and Dad's at work. And the neighbours... Well, the suburb might be deserted during office hours, actually. Would be funny if in the background, an elder crazy cat lady is seen ogling them from behind her curtains, or something.
Wow, okay, so, in case he's already went and fetched... everyone of the B1 and B2 kids, and his "little army" is complete, this must be a time skip! That must've been an awkward meeting altogether! Welp, so much for the conversation with Terezi, and seeing Karkat & Kanaya's response (in case he fetched Jane right about the time she was on LOFAF).
"It’s you, Rose, Dave, Jade, and all four of your teenage progenitors, each dressed in god tier garb. No trolls. No one who can die" Yep... Guess, like some of the platform conversations, as well as the LOMAX ones, we'll just have to imagine all the fluff. It's the Meat path for a reason, after all. We're jumping straight to the Meat of the rest of the "meat-up". :mspa:
"No one who can die from anything less than a heroic sacrifice. At least, this is what you assume to be the reasoning for Rose’s instructions to assemble your party this way." Well, Rose might have had a Light vision showing only they went to confront Caliborn, so then this is just self-fullfilling prophecy. Guess we're left with the idea that, in the abandoned session, everything might still have gone to shit, if no-one of these kids came back. We know how the confrontation between Aranea and )(IC went, and how the trolls fared against them all. Eeesh, I hope that's not the fate in store for these versions of Terezi, Kanaya and Karkat. One Game Over death for them was enough.
"Wind slices down the street, between the neat rows of bungalows. It’s chilly, carrying air from the mountaintops with it. Even that feels different. The wind moves through you now, under your skin and right into your bones, skimming their hollows the same way it does the homes of your salamander neighbors, or the open mailbox in front of your childhood house." The wind still skims the void, but the boy is part of the wind now. Hey, I didn't know of the mountains near John's home. Are they in the direction of Pipe lake?
"The smell of a cake baking wafts from the open window and the sick stench of browning sugar fills the yard. You used to hate that too, but now it makes you want to—" ... PFffff, so Dad IS home. Unless he put a cake in the oven and put a timer on, we know he owns a timer. Now I picture Dad seeing a bunch of people in coloured pyjamas in his yard and immediately putting a cake on. Those poor, homeless clowns deserve some real food after all. :mspa:
"> Dude, don’t cry in front of all the cool teen versions of your friends.
You hold back your tears with a big, ugly snort." Aww... I actually thought he wanted to just run in and hug his Dad, actually. But this...
"Jake is sort of ruining the mood anyway by bouncing away on your old Green Slime pogo. Doesn’t he realize how dangerous that thing is? Of course not. The fool." Jake, stop, what are you doing. Behave yourself, man! It's like he's a goddamned empty-headed consort.
"Dave fractures the silence by broaching a subject that’s on everyone’s mind but yours, apparently." Why he's an adult now?
"DAVE: so whats gonna happen to everyone we left in the wrecked time line" ... How thoughtful, actually. I mean, John can't just dismiss them as irrelevant. No matter the actual state of the timeline and their relevance to the ending, Kanaya's Rose's girlfriend, Terezi is Dave's ex, Karkat is still John's buddy and the mayor is the mayor! The other dudes, PM and the villains, as well as the sprites though, are less relevant to this party. Hope John doesn't say the timeline has vanished into the void by now, like Alt Future Dave's.
"JOHN: uh, well. JOHN: i don’t know actually. i’ve been to that time line four times now and it always pretty much goes to shit." It also happens to be your timeline. So, what does he count as his separate appearances in the timeline, then? He appeared in Dave's room, out in LOHAC, on LOFAF, on Derse, went back to LOHAC, appeared after Game Over, zapped back to meet with Terezi, and now he's zapped back to retrieve everyone! Maybe he's taking some of those appearances as a single one. Like the original Game Over is one, Reload is two, and then some other times?
"DAVE: oh ROSE: This has been bothering me as well. Is Kanaya going to be ok? ROSE: And by Kanaya, I guess I mean... everyone?" I knew it. ... Can Kanaya be a euphemism for everyone from now on? :mspa:
"DAVE: yeah what about karkat DAVE: and terezi DAVE: and the MAYOR?? JADE: oh my god!!!!! DAVE: what JADE: actually dave, i hate to say it but... JADE: i think john might have actually saved the mayor by bringing us all here?" Okay, Jade is indeed fine again. Hey, yeah, she was about to threaten the mayor to get Dave to cooperate, wasn't she? Ooooh, this marks it, this is the first time every B1 kid was featured in the same conversation. What a unique accomplishment!
"DAVE: jade that is seriously uncool JADE: i KNOW! JADE: i was gonna kick him right into the lava! DAVE: that is fucked up on so many levels i dont even know where to begin DAVE: its like an escher staircase of cartoon villainy" Yes, Grimbark Jade wasn't all bark! But her idea of villainy was childish on some levels still, because that's just what she's like!
"DAVE: i got nothing DAVE: its so DAVE: so... JADE: grimbark? :B woof woof DAVE: jesus no jade its stone cold evil DAVE: i cant believe you just said that shit and then woofed at me DAVE: i cant DAVE: i cant even look at you right now" Yes, Dave was really attached to the mayor in this timeline, even more so than in the final timeline leading to Universe C. But uh, welp, I hope this doesn't cause any fractures! We got to remember, they aren't in the best place here, emotionally. All of them still have all these unresolved psychological issues, more so than the post-canon selves.
"JOHN: uh, everyone, can we...
Everyone turns to look at you immediately, like you’re an authority. Which you kind of are." Yes, John, you can't bring a group of teenagers together as an adult without knowing something about handling emotional outbursts. Face it... You're a dad now. :P Or at least a big brother.
"You are struck with the sudden and uncomfortable realization that you are the only adult in the yard. You’ve never felt like an adult until this moment. Eighteen came and went and nothing really changed except that you’re pretty certain you could grow a bitchin’ mustache now if you wanted." That's just how it is, you feel like the same vaguely irresponsible person until you are trust back into a group of people where the age difference is felt the hardest. And heheh, now I'm reminded of Davesprite's note impersonating Dad, chiding John about growing facial hair in his absence. :P
"And you might even have one by now, if you didn’t feel a sense of duty to uphold the sacred Egbert family tradition of shaving at least once per day, even if it isn’t really necessary. You owe at least that much to the memory of your departed father." Aww.
"JOHN: let’s chill out for a minute. i’m sure this is all very confusing to all of you. JOHN: about the time line you’re leaving behind... yeah, i get it. it’s weird. JOHN: i’ve already left one major time line behind. well, two if you count the one i just came from, where we’re all adults. JOHN: the truth is, i have no idea what happens to these time lines and all the people living in them, when i just... zap out of them, to use my retcon powers to change stuff?" For doomed timelines it's simple: you either die and become a ghost, you go back to change the timeline, or you get erased when someone does the second thing. But for John's retconned timelines, yeah, it's not as clear. If it doesn't work like with doomed timelines, there's already a bunch of duplicate timelines out there with associated ghosts in the dreambubbles. Meaning a lot of new confused human ghosts, which we haven't seen anything of until now. I wonder, dead or alive, if any of these duplicates will be brought up again. Well, besides a John like I've already theorized.
"JOHN: they might stop existing completely. i don’t know. JOHN: the thing is, we can’t really think about it. JOHN: it’s tough, but if we’re all acting like heroes here, and trying to do the right thing, then we have to put it all behind us. JOHN: it’s a sacrifice we’re making. JOHN: i mean, we’re risking our lives by fighting a powerful monster, sure." This would be a rousing speech if you weren't the one to have kidnapped them. And, seeing as you're an adult and they're teens, kidnap is still the right word here. Can't wait to hear input from the B2 kids about this, actually. Dirk could blow all John's arguments of the table in a heartbeat, actually. Heheh. HEARTbeat.
"JOHN: but the sacrifice i’m talking about... is saying goodbye to the life we thought we belonged to, and all the people in it. JOHN: probably forever. JOHN: it sucks, and i’m sorry i had to ask this of you all. JOHN: but there’s no other way. JOHN: everyone who has ever existed, and will ever exist, is counting on us... i think? JOHN: so... JOHN: yeah.
> Shrug." So on the one hand, John acknowledges he might have left Earth C forgood, but on the other hand he saw it as a goodbye, not a farewell. Still, he's right to address the threat Lord English poses to Paradox Space as well as the continued existence of the universes inside Genesis Frogs. I mean, the continued existence without threat of annihilation by a time travelling mobster.
"It’s all you can think to do to punctuate your speech of lukewarm inspirational value. Judging from the confused looks from the others, all of them may share your assessment of your own oratorical skills, except for one person. She’s perked up at your spiel, regarding you with alert and admiring eyes." Boyfriend material, isn't he, Roxy? :P Yeah, how's John going to take this rehash of their first meeting. It's one thing to long back to a moment, but to revisit it, him an adult and she a teen? Awwwwkwwwwaaaard.
"ROXY: that was a fine ass speech and idk if i speak for the rest of my peeps here but im fuckin psyched ROXY: lets do this shit" Well yeah, Roxy did have her shit together the best out of everyone. She overcame her character flaw (the drinking) on her own.
"She *wonks* at you." Her typos transcend media.
" JOHN: uh.
You weren’t prepared to get passively hit on by the Definitely Not Legal version of a girl you used to have a crush on at the age she was when you first met her, only a few hours after you watched the Actually Legal version of her engage in passionate hand-holding with her possibly aromantic skeleton alien monster girlfriend. You start to sweat, and again the unwelcome odor of undercooked meat emanating from your body makes itself known to your nose." Of course Roxy is more okay to hit on him, see her Dad crush. Meanwhile, John has all this *history* he's thinking about. Also, he might actually don't want to interfere with the "whatever" that is Roxy/Calliope! That would be sportive of him, if it were true. Lastly, how many times is the meat-odored sweat going to remind John which path he's in, hahah. ... Is it the same in the Candy path, some sickening sweet smell sticking to him? Crumbs of sugar in his hair?
"You quickly distance your mind from any additional discomfiting thoughts about your old and semi-ex flame, and propel yourself into a wildly unrehearsed tactical planning session. You review each of your abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, and then cobble together a reasonably sound approach to besieging a young and bratty version of Lord English by way of surprise attack. The planning is mostly disorganized and structureless, although some common themes that often recur involve you and your original three friends leading the charge, since you are the oldest and wisest, and therefore the strongest, with the exception of Jade, whose gaudy array of powers make her the most formidable of the group, bar none. Aside from that, it appears the consensus is that the melee will likely devolve into an absolute free-for-all—at least going by the general patterns of incoherent banter, shit-talking, and points of pedantic tactical disagreement plaguing the jam session. You overhear someone making mention of... a huge, gay hope bubble? That can’t be right, but you didn’t catch who said it. A flamboyant pink spell? Yeah, this conversation is off the rails now." Yeah, these guys were never good at the finesses of planning things out. Partially due to their teen problems, but in the final timeline before Collide, they weren't really planning anything either beyond deciding how to split up. ... How and where did the Hope and Heart powers of Jake and Dirk become known to the B2 kids, though? Did John whisk them away at a later point in their timeline, after Brain Ghost Dirk had already manifested and Jake was killed once by Aranea? Oh, and only by rereading do I understand John designated himself as the oldest and wisest and strongest barring Jade, I thought he meant all four B1 kids, that couldn't be right.
"At the precise moment you believe the meeting has outlasted its usefulness, Jake does you the favor of effectively pounding the gavel for adjournment by rocking back a bit too far on your lawn pogo and launching himself over the top of the ride on the next bounce. He face-plants right into the dirt." Still the cosmic butt monkey then. Gotta love the juxtaposition with his more 'mature' version on the previous page. Also, maybe Blaperile is right and the Hope & Heart powers were speculated on, not actually witnessed. Unless Rose had a Light epiphany.
"Dirk goes to help your yard clean the Jake off its dirt." ... Yes. That is definitely a thing that can be really happening.
"Jade follows, to help out. It seems she wants to chat with Jake, considering it’s the first time they’ve met, from her perspective. Some eruptions of chatter can be heard from other members of the group." Aww, okay, it's time for a platform conversation parallel. Who'll approach John then, Roxy? But Rose would want to talk to her at some point, too.
"It’s easy to forget, since the reunion between your friends and all your young relatives happened so long ago from your point of view, but this is all quite novel to everyone here. They’ve hardly had a moment to process it, since your plan to drag them all off to fight Lord English has understandably stolen the thunder of an otherwise poignant homecoming. Poor kids, you think." Wow, this alienation is really something. It must be jarring to experience some shit for the semi-second time, seeing people with baggage that, from your perspective, they've already cast aside.
"You decide to give the teens some space to work through their shit before you take off to save the universe." Off screen reunion time! But where will John head to?
"You end up wandering all the way around to the other side of your house," Is he going to meet Dad by accident? Or at least watch him from a distance? I figured he couldn't do much in the yard without being noticed if Dad was home, but maybe I was wrong. I like Blaperile's idea that John will leave him a note. He could forge one, making it look like Nanna wrote it, actually. ... Or maybe he will write something his teen self wouldn't know how to put into words, yet...
"Your dad’s sitting right there, smoking his pipe and operating his professional-looking, boring, gray PDA. He’s got the kitchen timer set up on his desk, and you can hear the notes of his favorite fatherly jazz album filtering out through the window, which is open only an inch." Oh, so Dad is home!! Guess he was to engrossed in his interests to notice anything amiss, and John was ignorant of his Dad's actions that day, apparently. ... No mention of the Crosbytop, but then that might have been too silly for this emotional moment. Poor John. He won't be able to contact him without messing up the timeline, and anything less than direct contact (a note, PDA message) might ring hollow in his ears too. It's sad to think, but there's no saving his Dad, not without creating another timeline, and that might have unforeseen consequences. But John might still have thought about it, or start thinking about it. Unless he feels that doing so would rob the event of importance, plus that he would start feeling obligated to save everyone's loved ones once he started. His Dad raised him better than to be so self-centered!
"The sun is hitting the glass in such a way that you can’t see his face." Oh, he's facing the window? I thought he was sitting behind the desk, but apparently he was somewhere else, near the grammophone, perhaps. Also, featureless guardian, that never stopped being a thing!
"> This is probably the last time you’ll ever have the chance to talk to him...
The urge is overwhelming. But you can’t, and not just because your feet won’t move and your throat is closing up. It’s just that... it would be a really bad idea to bother him. It would totally freak him out, to have an adult version of his son show up out of the blue and knock on his window like a creep. He probably wouldn’t even recognize you."
:/ True enough.
But John didn't think about rewriting the timeline to save him so much as how his immediate action would be responded to in the moment.
"> Fair enough. It’s time to go, John." The narrative prompts are a lot more lenient and respectful than in Homestuck proper.
"You return to the backyard. Your teen friends have split off into genetically segmented groups: Roxy and Rose sitting in the grass, Jade and your shared ecto-parents laughing together by the Green Slime pogo, and the Striders leaning against the farthest fence, with a tense foot and a half of space between them. It’s heartwarming." I think the Strider conversation is going about as good as on LOPAK. Hopefully even smoother, because the original took a while to get going.
Though it must be a tad painful for John to watch all this unfold, seeing as he can't have the reunion he so desires.
"But something doesn’t feel right about it to you, possibly for selfish reasons. It’s the selfishness of your own perspective, of wanting the memories you had of the reunion between all these people to be the most notable and legitimate manifestation of this event. To see the moment echo, or play out all over again, to overhear the heartfelt confessions repeat themselves... It feels cheap. To you, that is. To the man who lived through it all before and selfishly doesn’t want to have the memory tarnished with a tawdry reprisal" Yeah, John was hoping that lending them legitimacy through the retcon would improve on the conversations being had. And his memory of the event he experienced was already so gilded, his expectations were sky-high in this regard. ... I feel like the narration might be acknowledging the grown-up fans in this.
"You wonder. Do you see these teen versions of your friends as “real”? Are you treating them, at Rose’s behest, as simple puppets? Doing your part to insist they fill friend-shaped recesses in an essential plan to stabilize all else that can be considered important, a distinction no longer applying to them? Do you care at all about whatever fate it may be that you are sentencing these children to? Are you becoming as complicit in the fatalistic evils of Paradox Space as Lord English himself? Are you becoming a monster, John Egbert?" These are good questions for John to have. Because for him to not have qualms, he would be the monster he fears to become. John has to open his heart to them. Blaperile has a good point though, John might have felt this alienated from the post-canon versions of his friends too, whether he realizes it or not. That could explain him losing touch with them. But yeah. He's here now, adult or not. He's got to make due, and see if he can't reconnect with either version of his friends. He'll become a better friend for it.
John never had a problem with meeting another version of himself like the other kids had, but maybe it was all along because that kind of existential crisis is only caused in him through meeting people he should love but feels alienated from: Dad, these versions of his friends, all the ghosts in the dreambubbles...
"JOHN: uh, hey kids... ROSE: Please, Adult John, don’t do that." Oh hell yes. Better nip that denominator in the bud, Rose. (Heh, Rosebud.)
"It’s obvious that she’s trying very hard to hide her apprehension. ROSE: Is it time to go? JOHN: yeah. JOHN: i mean... JOHN: no, if you want to be technical. i can zap us in wherever, whenever. we have all the time in the universe if we want it. ROSE: But if we don’t leave now, you’re afraid we never will? JOHN: heh."
I love how in-tune Rose and John are, no matter how much time and space has separated them.
"JOHN: i guess it’s true that people don’t really change. they just grow up?
Rose gives Roxy a strange look, appearing to silently acknowledge an entire conversation that has been taking place, using a great volume of words that aren’t being spoken." Heh, Rose and Roxy's conversation on the platform was about their moms and how different or not the other was to that person. I take it their conversation went in the same direction this time around. I think John's response is just more proof to the veracity of the claim. Also, more proof on the pile of the ultimate self, on the side, actually. The idea being kind of like, they're the same person but different due to the circumstance.
" ROSE: I guess.
She smiles." Also, for Rose it must be nice to see the boy she knew still lives inside the man she doesn't know yet.
"> Get the show on the road. JOHN: okay everyone... i’ve never zapped this many people before so let’s all just... JOHN: uh, hold hands, maybe? in a circle, i mean. that should work. DAVE: god this is so lame JADE: its not lame its perfect!!! DAVE: nah JOHN: shh! JOHN: alright. is everyone ready, then?" Kumbaya, my lord, kumbaya. :P Dirk, Jake and Jane didn't get any lines yet, that'll be something for a later page. ... Hah, Blaperile has a good point. John zapped a planet away, twice! Why would this bother him now? :P
... Is the Masterpiece really up next, wow. (After a scene change to Universe C.)
"Only Jade says yes enthusiastically." God, I really missed simply happy Jade. We might still see her on Universe C, but it's with the knowledge she spent three years without any real sapient friends but Jaspersprite & Nannasprite.
"The last thing you hear before zapping away is your dad’s kitchen timer going off in his study." Time's up! Appropriate, if they're really going to confront Jake now.
I got to say, it would be very nice seeing the Masterpiece how it really happened, and not what Caliborn told us. I wonder what he lied about, if anything. It would seem noteworthy to mention John was an adult, but then again, humans might all look alike to cherubs. It's true that Arquiusprite wasn't mentioned on the character list, but I blaim it on Equius being Voided out, it's been a theme before. It's his aspect, the Expatriate's sign hid the cue ball from Doc Scratch' sight, Gamzee used Equius blood to erase himself from the tomb, and so on.
I also think there are odds that characters without dialogue are not mentioned on the character list, like WV. Though it would be weird for Equius/Arquiusprite to be the only troll without dialogue. Davepeta represents the Collide timeline's Nepeta, so that explains her absence from the list.
Still, it would need to be explained how Arquiusprite got there and from what timeline. My money is on him uploading himself through Lil' Seb.
... I thought of something. If we start from the assumption Caliborn's Earth is Earth C in the far future, and not put their by say Condy after Game Over, then logically Lil' Seb, Arquiusprite and Gamzee are all from the Collide timeline.
0 notes
Weekly(?) Update #11
Hey, all ye followers!
First up, an apology. Lots seem to be going around here lately.
We haven’t been as punctual with the updates as we wanted. By that, I mean that it’s literally been a month since we’ve posted anything at all.
No, we’re not dead. Rather, we’ve been in a cocoon. A cocoon of foundation-building.
Recently, we decided that it was time to strengthen our foundations. We had been building our game upon an idea; a fantasy, but without knowing what the details of that dream was. “A Homestuck game” does not make the cut when you’re designing a game. For instance: how exactly are we defining classpects? How does your class affect you stats? Should our planet maps be spherical, flat, or even toroidal?
You see what I mean. We hadn’t clearly defined what we were working towards. That’s why we’ve started having meetings.
At this juncture, I wish to warn you that this will be a long post. Hang on tight, buddies, ‘cuz you ain’t gettin’ off Mr. Cursor’s wild ride just yet.
Why meetings? Up till a month ago, we were just logging on and talking about stuff whenever we wanted. That meant that topics were not fully covered, miscommunication was rampant, and people were left out of the loop.
So we decided to change that. We set up a time every week where we could come together and talk at the same time, about the same things.
And so, I present to you as concrete evidence of our progress: the list of topics that we have discussed/are discussing.
Discussed and Done: For Spectators’ Eyes
Now, for progress in other areas:
User Interface Tweaks
We realized that the UI featured in the demo was far too confusing. It wasn’t that people were unfamiliar with Alchemy, it was just that they didn’t know how to conduct it in the demo.
Here’s a shot of what it may look like in the next update:
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Again, it will most likely look different when you next see it. I emphasize that this is a work in progress.
Remember how the demo you played was singleplayer? Yeah, we’re working on that. Now you won’t have to do a Caliborn! (Probably)
No promises that it’ll be present in the next update, but know that we’re working on it.
Here’s a quote from one of our programmers, who goes by the name ‘Someone Somewhere’:
“Working on it. NetworkComms.Net seems to actually work in Unity, unlike Lidgren.”
Someone Somewhere was originally using Lidgren, which was supposed to work in Unity. It didn’t. Fortunately, he’s navigating the problems quite nicely.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed for him.
I’m just gonna leave this screenshot here. Note the more complex structure of the house, as well as the red walls, which represent doors.
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This is where I leave off. We’d like to welcome any questions you have about the project and its details. Note that all answers given may or may not be tentative, due to the phase the project is currently in.
And finally,  
Live well, and may the Spirit of Creation always be with you!
 If you want to join our Discord server, where our team hangs out with you guys (or if you just want to oversee development), just follow this link right here! ==>  https://discord.gg/kfa7UCH
We’re always happy to see new faces!
And if you want to join as a member of our team, just join the Discord server and hop onto the channel labelled #iwannajoincrew! We need all the manpower we can get!
(edit: obligatory) -gC
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Homestuck High - Chapter 3
Homestuck high Chapter 3: Dark magick and a lemon, a homestuck fanfic | FanFiction
this chapter contains ADULT CONTENT between john and rose!
~The author is either a child or a master of irony. I can't really tell
if u do not like it plz skip over it. im really enjoying riting this story but ill upload more 2morrow this is the last update for now I WANT REVIEWS
John and Rose were in a field holding hands and kissing.
~Check out this ADULT CONTENT YO!!!!!111!!
They were alone and the sun was high in the sky. Rose was in a long white dress and a sun hat and John was chasing her through corn and sunflowers.
~But weren't they holding hands? You can't hold hands with someone and be chasing them at the same time
He felt happy. She spun around and her silken gown brushed against the corn as she ran backwards in slow motion.
~How is that possible in real life
John went to grab her, but she moved out of the way and he stumbled over a giant cliff and fell into darkness.
~Woah what the hell. If the bottom is dark, that means it's a ravine, otherwise the sun would light it up. Why is there a giant ravine in a cornfield?
"John" a voice boomed as he hit the floor "I am the dark genie of precipice Araida!"
Thunder boomed.
"You are yur frends are in GRAEVE DANGER" she said
"What do you mean!" John said he didnt want any harm to come to Rose so he was worried since they handnt had sex yet.
~Why is THIS your incentive to protect her?
~Hey! Just because Dave has red eyes doesn't make him the Devil!
Aradia bombed
~Aradia bombed
as more thunder struck loudly "And Rose is NEXT"
"O M G" John giggled
~That is not the right reaction buddy
"you must destroy the dammed
incubes on a nigth when the moon is full and spill his blod onto Jade and make her drink it so it kills the baba!" Ariada proclaimed
~What the shit
"But WHO IS THE INUCUBS!" John demolished
~Why does the author always use really weird exclamation words?
as he clentched his fists.
She handed him two plastic horns
~If they're Kanaya's horns and he uses them to flirt with Rose I will die happy
"When you put these on you will turn into my faithful demon sslayer ERIDAN"
she magistrated "He will serve you well"
"Ok" John said and he woke up
"Oh your ok" Rose said and she hugged John
"What happened" John elaborated
~That's not what elaborate means
as Dave hugged him next.
Dave raged
~Every time the author uses a weird word to describe how someone says something an angel loses it's wings
"Dark magick came out of your mcdonnaldss burger and FOUND ITS WAY TO YOUR SOUL"
~What the hell
"How!" John demanded
~Through the power of TRANS FATS!!!
"we do not yet know" Tarvos clemenced "We think that by eating it it distrupted the forces within your purities"
~Or that
"oh my gog" John said seriously
~How do you say "oh my gog" seriously?
The next day at school the group sat in a dark corner away from everoyne else as hey tried to think what happened to Jonn. But John knew that deep down there was an demon after Rose's ovaries.
~That is one of the weirdest sentences I have ever read
He couldnt bare the thought of his love falling to such a trap.
"Maybe it was just food poisoning" Feferi helped
"No my legs began to shake with a need i have long forgotten when i saw the black aroma!" Tarvos said
"Where are Jade?" Rose asked
Dave began to cry into Tarvos shoulder. John had a feeling in his gut that this was not a god sign.
~Quite the opposite, a demon sign
"She cheated on me with a college guy" he moaned into Tarvos. he was so upset.
~I only just realized that this entire setting of the trolls being on Earth and no one finding it at all weird makes no fucking sense
"OMG Dave" Vriska purred as she pulled his face into her boobs. Dave cried into them instead.
~What the fuck
"John we need to talk" Rose announced
"Ok" John said
They got up and went to a private part of the school where no one could see or hear them. John had a feeling that he would be getting lucky as some people call it but he knew he had to be carful. He couldnt risk getting his rose pregnant or the conseqences would be FATALITY.
"John" Rose moaned "Will u be my boyfriend?"
~Wait, you weren't already? Even after Out-of-character!Rose tried to have sex with you?
"Ok" John said
~Not "of course" or "I'd love to" or "absolutely", just "ok"
"So you will have sex with me then since thats what people do when they go out" Rose said
~That's quite a leap from "hey let's get to know each other better" to "hey let's fuck" but what do I know
John could not resist those gigantic bosoms in that tight school top were begging him to rip it off right here and plant his seed DEEP inside of her. but he had to control himself or things would get bad.
~This entire paragraph. Just. What. The. Fuck.
"I do not know Rose" John manifested "Maybe we should wait!"
~Rose, stop, this is sexual harassment
Rose did not need to say more. John teared open the girls school shirt and her boobies came springing out in a wave of bouncyness. They were like those bouncy balls, only they were softer. He ripped off her skirt and looked at her panties. there was water already dripping from her patnies and her thighs were wet.
~Oh dear god, it's getting worse
He took off his trousers and then ripped her panties into too feeling how wet they were between his hands. More water began leaking out of her flower while she moaned. She took off her bra and then pulled out Johns hard member and pressed it to her sacred area.
~Why do I do this to myself
"Put it in me Johnny!" she cried loudly.
~Wow, John, you sure have a way with words!
John said and he put his shaft into her tight hole. It was hot and wet inside. She began orgasming and making sexual animal like noises.
~I did not expect this kind of thing to be in this story. This puts The Star Within's weird, overly-sexual make out scenes to shame
"Oh oh oh! Oh John! Pull it in a little deeper! Ooooooh yeah!" Rose exclamated.
~I can see why GeekToSpeak never made a part 3 to their reading
She clawed his back like a tigeress in heat and John contiued to deflower his sweet rose. He already felt close to consumating their love with his seed.
~John stop it now this is going to end badly
He could feel the water flowing out of her and onto the floor beneath them. It made him want to drink it all up and feed it to her.
~I have no words
he could not control himsellf any longer and they came together in one giiant orgasm.
~Does this mean it's over?
"JOOOOOOOOHN!" she moaned as he came deep within her carven, her flower oozing with the white liquid as he pulled out of her.
~This entire segment is fucked up on so many levels
"NO! John! Rose!" Jade's loud cry mewled.
They turned their sweaty heads
~I imagine some creepy scene of them with unchanging smiles slowly turning to her in sync
to see Jade struggling in the grasp of a man who looked more evil than ANY other man they had seen.
~I mean, you fought Lord Emglish, so I doubt that
His aura admitted a dark energy that made the clouds come together and boom lightening.
~That's not how science
"Sollux, it hath been a while!"
~That's some Caliborn-level shitty twist
Tarvos trembled as he, Feferi, Dave, Vriska and Gamzee all came running up to the area.
"John, use the power of my demon slayer to help Jade!" John heard aradia's voice call.
He reached into his pockets and pulled out the plastic horns and stuck them into his head. He felt himself morphing into a different being until he was no longer John but a purple capped man with thick rimmed glasses.
~the names ampora
~eridan ampora
~FUCK that sounded stupid, nevvermind
"Sollux" John's now deep Eridan voice boomed "It's time to duel.
john has transformed into eridan and sollux wants to plant his spawn! who will win! plz review and then u will find out!
~Was this story written by Karkat? Because it's CANCEROUS
~*badum, tchhhhhhhh*
~I’m not sure if I should tag this NSFW or not
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clubsclover · 5 years
hs epligogg
john kin real! nah bt the hollow existential nature of meat rlly hit me nd fucked with my distorted sense of self. ive been sorta thinking of myself as a cordyceps controlling my dumb human fleshbody nd reading this made me think in 2nd person nd its an odd feel.
roxy+callie being nonbinary fill me with good juice. ive never read anything with a long established character going thru the same sort of gender stuff as me nd i loved it! happy for them.
i guess this is supposed to be dirk's absolute rock bottom? worst case? i like detective pony dirk more bc he still has hope+growth but this dirk has cast his humanity aside nd i dont like it lmao. muse callie at least is an observer nd keeps their narration plain? ish? tho i kno they're not objective see: jane+trickster mode
jade was fucked yet again!! no matter who's controlling the story they use jade as a plot pawn!! fuck. at least the pseudo-canon nature of it lets me decide to use fanon for jade's endgame. jade harley is doing her best to be fulfilled nd in my reality? sshes doing great.
lmao at dirk being so jealous of vriska being a keystone of hs that he just flings her into the void. Vriska did nothing wrong going full force as per usual!! nd fucking over rose? manipulating kanaya? Buddy. "you understood you were never good enough for her" l m a o. if u had the value of one of kanaya's little fingers.
just finishd meat gonna digest it for a while uh somehow jade hath been done even dirtier!! like even game over jade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck just let her live. +glad terezi's moving forward.
iv been on twittr so i know how decisive the epilogue is nd i feel. full? hm. i have a vibe in my chest i cant describe. id say i wasnt expecting an open ended finisher but this is fucking homestuck of course i was lmao. this is the webcomic that showed the final battle through an unreliable narrator's claymotion artpiece. that started its epilogue with a big flashing sign saying "hey guess what this isnt in stone at all its on ao3 spiritually"
eventually im gonna reread it knowing dirk starts off in the reigns. see the cracks. everything about jake was a giant red flag in hindsight.
like homestuck has never had an objective narrator in its entire run. every single event is through some kind of lens. hussie started us out then caliborn took over then dirk filled the slot once LE's iron grip on the story was demolished. even the first few pages of johns room, had clowns all over the walls that we couldnt see cuz john couldnt. very interesting!! muse callie is probably as close as you could get to a reliable narrator for how passive they are but even then.
scratch constantly withholds information based on his discretion nd therefore his omniscience is moot here. hes serving LE nyway so. same agenda.
we'll never know exactly what happened in homestuck is what im saying here. all we can do is piece together the viewpoints of the various narrators nd the dialogue. the meat/candy divide is a great way to show that. was hoping itd bring the same gray areas as lanque and it Did Fam. if u come to the epilogue looking for concrete answers its not gonna happen bc thats not what homestuck is about.
tldr meat had a lot of food for thought nd cemented homestuck as having a purely subjective narrative which i appreciate as someone whos extremely existential.
0 notes
gulescamisade · 7 years
Minnesota:  Day 2
JAKE: -He stirs awake... still slumped on the ground and very much imprisoned.- JAKE: ... -eyes water a little bit because none of this turned out to be a bad dream. And so. Time drags on. Jake dozes off again.-
CALIBORN: -jake might wake up again to the sound of coughing and hacking and wheezing. and of course, loud whining.- uGGHHHH.
JAKE: -he does wake up to this, abeit reluctantly. His head feels like it's full of cement from sleeping too long while his belly is definitely on Empty. The tum growls and threatens to block out the distant wheezings.-
JAKE: -crawls up to the door and listens.- ...
JAKE: -tries it in morse code too, while he's at it.- .... . .-.. .-.. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ..--.. -Translation: HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO?-
JAMES: -He sits, continuing his meditations. At the sound of knocking, James moves closer to the door and likewise listens. And then raps his knuckles.-
JAMES: - .... .. ... / .. ... / .--- .- -- . ... / . --. -... . .-. - .-.-.- / .--- .- -.- . .-.-.- / .. ... / - .... .- - / -.-- --- ..- ..--.. -Translation: THIS IS JAMES EGBERT. JAKE. IS THAT YOU?-
JAKE: -Startles when he hears someone answering back and goes back to rapping his fist, fast as he can get the words out. Hope flutters in his chest.- .--- .- -- . ... / --. --- .-.. .-.. -.-- / --- .-.. -.. / -.. --- .-.. .-.. -.-- / .- -- / .. / .-. . .-.. .. . ...- . -.. / - --- / .... . .- .-. / ..-. .-. --- -- / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .... . .-. . / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- ..--.. ..--.. [ JAMES GOLLY OLD DOLLY AM I RELIEVED TO HEAR FROM YOU WHERE ARE YOU?? ]
JAKE: .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / ... .. -.-. -.- ..--.. [ARE YOU SICK??]
JAMES: -pauses to listen before replying.- .. / .- -- / -. --- - / .. .-.. .-.. .-.-.- / ... --- .-.. .. - .- .-. -.-- / -.-. --- -. ..-. .. -. . -- . -. - .-.-.- / .-- . / .- .-. . / -. --- - / .- .-.. --- -. . .-.-.- [ I AM NOT ILL. SOLITARY CONFINEMENT. WE ARE NOT ALONE. ]
CALIBORN: I CAN DO THAT TOO! WATCH! -aggressively tapping nonsense-
JAKE: CALIBORN! BUDDY?? CAN YOU HEAR ME??? -hollers, attempting to stick his face by the door slot. It's closed but damn does he try anyway.-
JAKE: YEAH CALIBRO. ITS ME THE ONE AND ONLY! -Guh. All this yelling and crying with no water is really taking a number on his throat. He rubs it, idly.- ARE YOU ALRIGHT? IS IT—
JAKE: YOURE AWAY FROM GRANDMAS TESTS. -says it, realizing the actual gravity of this and slumps against his door too.- >8'|
JAMES: -Quietly thinking against asking a hairless serpentine alien or Jake "the Animal" English whether either of them are carrying a razor and shaving cream.-
JADE: -there's a BARK from somewhere that might be nearby. There sure is a lot of racket going on around here.-
JAKE: Doh... -tap tap tap to James.- [CALIBORN IS SICK...]
JADE: -slides Jake's slot open.- on the contrary jake
JADE: i know better than all of you
JADE: and i dont appreciate disrespect -slides the slot shut once again-
JAKE: -his face was right in the door slot just >8o –
JADE: -WELL THAT'S TOO BAD, because she's zapping into the cell with Caliborn, growling fiercely.-
CALIBORN: -flinches at her sudden appearance, but grits his teeth at her and tries to make himself look BIG. he can't really get up, weak and useless from where he sits.- WHAT DO YOu WANT?
JADE: what do i want?
JADE: how about.......
JADE: i test out a new power on you? that sounds perfect
CALIBORN: OR HOW ABOuT. YOu GO FuCK YOuRSELF, IN THE DISGuSTING WAY, THAT YOu HuMANS DO? -definitely not freaked out right now-
CALIBORN: BARK!!! -barks back??? he doesn't know what else to do.-
JADE: are you mocking me????
JAKE: HEY NOW! YOU TWO! STOP YOUR SCRABBLING THIS INSTANT! -yells. Yes, he is TOUGH and attempting to dad thru a door.-(edited)
JADE: then i hope you know how to apologize
JADE: -She holds out a hand in a shape that too closely resembles claws, and then the two of them are swallowed up by another surge of blinding green power before they're gone entirely.-
CALIBORN: -tumuts into nothingness-
JAKE: ??????????????????????????????? -He understands nothing! And howls in frustration.-
0 notes
sapphicshearts · 7 years
The Time Robin Killed Everyone
kisbys - Today at 4:31 PM EXCUSE ME HEY BUDDY chocolatula - Today at 4:31 PM :eyes: kisbys - Today at 4:31 PM UR NOT ALLOWED 2 LEAVE NOW ITS 1V1 chocolatula - Today at 4:31 PM bye clock-heart - Today at 4:31 PM a throw down chocolatula - Today at 4:31 PM (noob) kisbys - Today at 4:31 PM im taking sollux back :/ chocolatula - Today at 4:31 PM NO OK IM STAYING kisbys - Today at 4:32 PM NOPE halutations (Hal) - Today at 4:32 PM can i be free chocolatula - Today at 4:32 PM dont take my husband away,,, kisbys - Today at 4:32 PM NOPE TOO LATE chocolatula - Today at 4:32 PM PLEASE PLEASE clock-heart - Today at 4:32 PM ROBIN NEEDS A NAP THO chocolatula - Today at 4:32 PM BALESASEJASIRHSJAGK SIGKJDGSHOJDSLGKDMb halutations (Hal) - Today at 4:32 PM CAN I BE FREE NOW(edited) chocolatula - Today at 4:32 PM RI kisbys - Today at 4:32 PM HES MINE NOW chocolatula - Today at 4:32 PM RI HELP ME GET MY HUSBAND BACK PLEASE cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:32 PM :eyes: clock-heart - Today at 4:32 PM dont take her husban away chocolatula - Today at 4:32 PM U HAVE POWER... kisbys - Today at 4:32 PM ri :gun: clock-heart - Today at 4:32 PM heylo halutations (Hal) - Today at 4:32 PM am i freed kisbys - Today at 4:32 PM i love u but i will Shoot clock-heart - Today at 4:32 PM :gun: :eyes: chocolatula - Today at 4:32 PM KIS kisbys - Today at 4:32 PM DJHFGUH chocolatula - Today at 4:32 PM IF U GIVE ME MY HUSBANd ill give you your son.... kisbys - Today at 4:32 PM NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! halutations (Hal) - Today at 4:32 PM DONT' DO IT chocolatula - Today at 4:32 PM :rufioh_lisbys: :gun: cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:33 PM take the offer kisby kisbys - Today at 4:33 PM ROBIN U ALREADY KILLED ME YESTERDAY IN COLD BLOOD I CAN T TRUST YOU DJFKHDRUFHR ROBIN NO,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chocolatula - Today at 4:33 PM giVE ME MY HUSBAND kisbys - Today at 4:33 PM put the gun down or im flying to malaysia and im gonanfb kick ur Asse cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:33 PM you gotta do it kis clock-heart - Today at 4:33 PM DONT SHOOT RUF MY LOVER chocolatula - Today at 4:33 PM GIVE ME MY HUSBAND GIVE HIM 2 ME kisbys - Today at 4:33 PM NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aeritus (Sara) - Today at 4:33 PM hey guys what's going o.... chocolatula - Today at 4:33 PM GIVE HIM OR HE GETS IT clock-heart - Today at 4:33 PM :sollux: :sparkles: kisbys - Today at 4:33 PM GO TAKE A NAP HES MINE NOW halutations (Hal) - Today at 4:33 PM :sollux: :gun: Heart-squared - Today at 4:33 PM :eridan_wweh: chocolatula - Today at 4:33 PM :rufioh_lisbys: :gun: :eyes: kisbys - Today at 4:33 PM thanks hal VCHCOCO cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:33 PM pull the trigger kisbys - Today at 4:33 PM ROBIN PLEASE Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:33 PM holy shit everything is happening so much clock-heart - Today at 4:33 PM robin blease chocolatula - Today at 4:33 PM (insert hal here) :gun: clock-heart - Today at 4:34 PM i'll be a widow halutations (Hal) - Today at 4:34 PM YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE ME MY EMOJI YET ROBIN HOW DARE U cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:34 PM everyone has a gun to their heads kisbys - Today at 4:34 PM see look now ur hurting me And ri chocolatula - Today at 4:34 PM u dont DESERVE It ri convince kis to give me my husband back Aeritus (Sara) - Today at 4:34 PM how rude(edited) kisbys - Today at 4:34 PM RI NO chocolatula - Today at 4:34 PM i set my alarm im losing sleeping minutes kisbys - Today at 4:34 PM CANT U SEE SHES HOLDING A GUN TO RUFIOHS HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sollux---Captor (Seer) - Today at 4:34 PM :hal: :gun: clock-heart - Today at 4:34 PM time to release the Clouns
:clown: :clown: :clown: chocolatula - Today at 4:34 PM im sick kis ur killing me by keeping my husband away kisbys - Today at 4:34 PM fjhfghtrjg mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:34 PM Robin i think Kis should keep them cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:34 PM plsksjsss mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:34 PM Kis deserves custody chocolatula - Today at 4:35 PM miTH SHUT kisbys - Today at 4:35 PM :eyes: mith ily...... Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:35 PM i actually have popcorn right now what good timing kisbys - Today at 4:35 PM robin u can eat my Jorts cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:35 PM omg chocolatula - Today at 4:35 PM u know what kis kisbys - Today at 4:35 PM WHATY robin what im scared now cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:35 PM hehehehejskskkdfjf kisbys - Today at 4:35 PM ROBIN fine im keeping him Heart-squared - Today at 4:36 PM she passed out clock-heart - Today at 4:36 PM :upside_down: Aeritus (Sara) - Today at 4:36 PM she sleep cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:36 PM rip Heart-squared - Today at 4:36 PM have a good sleeb robin clock-heart - Today at 4:36 PM she cant sleep mid-threat u cant DO that Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:36 PM naptime for robin kisbys - Today at 4:36 PM THATS AGAINST THE RULES cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:36 PM Robin found dead in malaysia mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:36 PM (Robin) < :jeans: nom nom nom kisbys - Today at 4:36 PM djfkhiut Heart-squared - Today at 4:36 PM is she ok(edited) mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:36 PM they eat da shorts Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:36 PM mmmmm jorts kisbys - Today at 4:36 PM excuse u..... ill have u kno that those are Jorts mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:36 PM ohhh Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:36 PM lov the jronch cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:37 PM jroNCH kisbys - Today at 4:37 PM ROBIN chocolatula - Today at 4:37 PM :skull_crossbones:  :eight_pointed_black_star: :rufioh_lisbys: :gun: kisbys - Today at 4:37 PM JHRFUIRG chocolatula - Today at 4:37 PM i couldnt find the... mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:37 PM nO kisbys - Today at 4:37 PM WHAT THE FUCK chocolatula - Today at 4:37 PM bang thing Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:37 PM WHAT THE HECK mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:37 PM STOP Heart-squared - Today at 4:37 PM :dave_ono: mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:37 PM IM GIVING KIS FULL CUSTODY Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:37 PM U CANT JUST HURT HIM LIKE THIS Aeritus (Sara) - Today at 4:37 PM kushdjhfjdksdf chocolatula - Today at 4:37 PM BANG cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:37 PM :rufioh_lisbys: :boom::gun: is this it mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:37 PM YOU NO LONGER HAVE PERMISSION TO VISIT ON WEEKENDS ROBIN cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:37 PM bang chocolatula - Today at 4:37 PM ty clock-heart - Today at 4:37 PM NO Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:38 PM U CANT KILL RUFIOH TWICE JESUS chocolatula - Today at 4:38 PM :rufioh_lisbys: :boom::gun: Aeritus (Sara) - Today at 4:38 PM Robin is now banned mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:38 PM THATS IT cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:38 PM he's double dead mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:38 PM UR GOIN TO JAIL chocolatula - Today at 4:38 PM give me my husband cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:38 PM triple kisbys - Today at 4:38 PM :skull_crossbones: :sollux:  :boom: :gun: eat ASS ROBIN Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:38 PM OOOO SHIT chocolatula - Today at 4:38 PM idc about troll sollux i want my human one :rufioh_lisbys: :boom::gun: Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:38 PM these fucking kids are dropping like flies kisbys - Today at 4:38 PM JNHUG STOP HURTINH IHM Heart-squared - Today at 4:38 PM dead x4 combo cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:38 PM QUADURUPLE mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:38 PM :bird: :boom: :gun: Aeritus (Sara) - Today at 4:38 PM c-c-c-c-ombo cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:38 PM :0 mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:38 PM rip me kisbys - Today at 4:38 PM JDFHGHR chocolatula - Today at 4:38 PM :rufioh_lisbys: :boom::gun: :tavros_ri: :boom::gun: it grows mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:38 PM i give up kisbys - Today at 4:38 PM WHAT THE FUCK cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:38 PM FUCK Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:38 PM u cant kill whats already dead both irl and inside cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:38 PM gahahshwhwiw clock-heart - Today at 4:39 PM :rufioh_lisbys: :skull_crossbones: :clock: :boom: :gun: i saved him but am dead kisbys - Today at 4:39 PM oh ym god nO chocolatula - Today at 4:39 PM THE CLOCK kisbys - Today at 4:39 PM ROBIN LOOK WHAT U DID Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:39 PM NOOO clock-heart - Today at 4:39 PM aSLDKG mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:39 PM everyones dead now chocolatula - Today at 4:39 PM can ihave my husband now kisbys - Today at 4:39 PM NO!!!! cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:39 PM everything daad mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:39 PM NO cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:39 PM dead Aeritus (Sara) - Today at 4:39 PM 1/1000 clock desgtroyed Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:39 PM ur husband is fucking BANNED kisbys - Today at 4:39 PM U KILLED RI UR PRYING SOLLUXES BODY OUT OF MY DEAD HANDS cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:39 PM shajwjeieiiejfjdkd aeritus Heart-squared - Today at 4:39 PM lkgjsflkgjsfg chocolatula - Today at 4:39 PM :rufioh_lisbys: :boom::gun: :tavros_ri: :boom::gun: :aradiahat: :boom: :gun: it'll keep growing.. Heart-squared - Today at 4:39 PM NOT ARADIA cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:39 PM kiss him to revive clock-heart - Today at 4:39 PM aSDGh cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:39 PM ARA kisbys - Today at 4:39 PM ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:39 PM :caliborn: :clock: clock-heart - Today at 4:39 PM WHY BRING ARADIA INTO THIS chocolatula - Today at 4:39 PM give me my husband Heart-squared - Today at 4:40 PM U MONSTER cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:40 PM HWY Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:40 PM aradia didnt deserve this cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:40 PM WHY halutations (Hal) - Today at 4:40 PM i'm finding a hal for an emoji it must be done cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:40 PM ARAADIA WAS INNOCENT chocolatula - Today at 4:40 PM :rufioh_lisbys: :boom::gun: :tavros_ri: :boom::gun: :aradiahat: :boom: :gun: :roker: :boom: :gun: kisbys - Today at 4:40 PM FJRHTU???? Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:40 PM NOO cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:40 PM NOOOOOOOOOOOO mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:40 PM [EVERYONE ROBIN LOVES] :boom: :gun: clock-heart - Today at 4:40 PM ROBIN IS OUT OF CONTROL kisbys - Today at 4:40 PM everyone in favor of throwing robin into the timeout corner say Aye chocolatula - Today at 4:40 PM GIVE ME MY HUSBANED Heart-squared - Today at 4:40 PM no dying in my lobby cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:40 PM ROBIN mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:40 PM aye Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:40 PM robin has to be grounded clock-heart - Today at 4:40 PM more like husBanned amiright cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:40 PM WE NEED TO PVERTHROW ROBIN mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:40 PM gay baby jail Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:40 PM MUTINY cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:40 PM SHES TOO POWERFUL Heart-squared - Today at 4:40 PM its gay baby jail for robin cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:41 PM CORRUPT Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:41 PM THE MURDER HAS TO END chocolatula - Today at 4:41 PM :rufioh_lisbys: :boom::gun: :tavros_ri: :boom::gun: :aradiahat: :boom: :gun: :roker: :boom: :gun: :karkat_argh: :boom: :gun: kisbys - Today at 4:41 PM oh ym go d cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:41 PM CORRUPTION Heart-squared - Today at 4:41 PM NO clock-heart - Today at 4:41 PM alkflhkflhk cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:41 PM THIS SIS TOO MICH mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:41 PM PENTAKILL clock-heart - Today at 4:41 PM please Heart-squared - Today at 4:41 PM THATS MY HUSBAND WHY Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:41 PM ITS VANTAS APPRECIATION U CANT KILL HIM clock-heart - Today at 4:41 PM mith honestly chocolatula - Today at 4:41 PM give him my husband wait give me my husband cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:41 PM WHO chocolatula - Today at 4:41 PM im too tired pls so i can sleep pls kisbys - Today at 4:41 PM robin what u have done is unforgivable ur never getting him back now mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:41 PM what, clock? chocolatula - Today at 4:41 PM ill just stay up and DIE then clock-heart - Today at 4:41 PM :eyes: kisbys - Today at 4:41 PM DIE LIKE ALL THOSE U HAVE KILLED cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:41 PM we're keeping him from you for his protection chocolatula - Today at 4:42 PM :rufioh_lisbys: :boom::gun: :tavros_ri: :boom::gun: :aradiahat: :boom: :gun: :roker: :boom: :gun: :karkat_argh: :boom: :gun: :clock: :boom: :gun: kisbys - Today at 4:42 PM PAY FOR UR SINS cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:42 PM your ednagerous clock-heart - Today at 4:42 PM OH MY GOD kisbys - Today at 4:42 PM JDHFUIRTH Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:42 PM DOUBLE DEATH?!!? clock-heart - Today at 4:42 PM im perma dead now Heart-squared - Today at 4:42 PM 2/1000 clocks destroyed Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:42 PM how can u be so mean to ri like this kisbys - Today at 4:42 PM robin Please cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:42 PM robin chocolatula - Today at 4:42 PM :kiss: :bee: :gun:
give me my husband kisbys - Today at 4:42 PM JFHGUT cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:42 PM no kisbys - Today at 4:42 PM NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:42 PM whispers, please... chocolatula - Today at 4:42 PM :kiss: :bee: :boom: :gun: mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:42 PM :regional_indicator_r: :regional_indicator_o: :regional_indicator_b: :regional_indicator_i: :regional_indicator_n: :boom: :gun: kisbys - Today at 4:42 PM FINE BE TAHT WAY cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:42 PM hahahahhejd chocolatula - Today at 4:42 PM shootING MY NAME DOESNT DO ANYTHIng Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:43 PM now u can never get ur husband back... the holders are dead chocolatula - Today at 4:43 PM did u give my husband back mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:43 PM well i already claimed the bird emoji cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:43 PM :robin: :boom::gun: Heart-squared - Today at 4:43 PM :chocolate_bar: :latula: :gun: kisbys - Today at 4:43 PM ur never getting him back robean mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:43 PM :sollux: :boom: :gun: chocolatula - Today at 4:43 PM OMG kisbys - Today at 4:43 PM om f g cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:43 PM aahhaah mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:43 PM finally its over Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:43 PM WE GOT THE SECRET EMOJI COMBO chocolatula - Today at 4:43 PM u know what kis you know WHAT kisbys - Today at 4:43 PM what mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:43 PM nobody can have the bee chocolatula - Today at 4:43 PM :cursed: :gun: tis-yai (Yai) - Today at 4:43 PM SCRWMA SNOT LATULA chocolatula - Today at 4:43 PM GIVE MY MY HUSBAND kisbys - Today at 4:43 PM :weary: what robin cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:43 PM no NO chocolatula - Today at 4:43 PM ME* kisbys - Today at 4:43 PM NO cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:43 PM NO Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:43 PM YOU CANT KILL A CURSED JUJU kisbys - Today at 4:44 PM NO STOP cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:44 PM NO mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:44 PM your husband is dead chocolatula - Today at 4:44 PM :cursed_4: :gun: GIVE ME HIM cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:44 PM YOULL DOOM US ALL kisbys - Today at 4:44 PM ROBIN STOP!!!!! angryscreechingnoises (J) - Today at 4:44 PM NO!!! cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:44 PM YOULL DOOM US mithryl-ninja - Today at 4:44 PM hes dead kisbys - Today at 4:44 PM u know what cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:44 PM THERES A BETTWR WAY kisbys - Today at 4:44 PM robin pull the Trigger he cant be Killed munch munche chocolatula - Today at 4:44 PM Omg Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:44 PM cursed tavros is Eternal chocolatula - Today at 4:44 PM :cursed: :boom: :gun: :skull_crossbones: cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:44 PM he'll curse you chocolatula - Today at 4:44 PM he dead tho cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:44 PM nope you're dead now chocolatula - Today at 4:44 PM no kisbys - Today at 4:44 PM each time u kill him he comes back Stronger it never ends cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:44 PM you did this to yourself chocolatula - Today at 4:44 PM he is OMG JUST GIVE ME MY HUSBADNASJKGSDGKJ angryscreechingnoises (J) - Today at 4:45 PM :muscle: :cursed: Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:45 PM hes always been dead, and always will be dead, but u cannot kill him cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:45 PM :cursed_sol: here kisbys - Today at 4:45 PM NOT UNLESS U APOLOGIZE AND BRING BACK EVERYONE U KILLED chocolatula - Today at 4:45 PM i will if u give my my hub cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:45 PM here he is :cursed_sol: angryscreechingnoises (J) - Today at 4:45 PM take him kisbys - Today at 4:45 PM ill only give u them once u do ur part of the deal i dont Trust u cookieart130 (kat) - Today at 4:45 PM it's him chocolatula - Today at 4:45 PM fine revives them all okk give me my husband kisbys - Today at 4:45 PM U GOTTA SAY UR SORRY!!!!! Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:46 PM gotta do it in Interprative Emoji chocolatula - Today at 4:46 PM IM SORRY kisbys - Today at 4:46 PM and that yes :eyes: chocolatula - Today at 4:46 PM too much effort its 6am pls Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:46 PM u killed them thur emoji.... u gotta bring them back thru emoji kisbys - Today at 4:46 PM ok...........................................................fine................................... Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:46 PM equivalent exchange chocolatula - Today at 4:46 PM :angel: there an angel did it kisbys - Today at 4:46 PM :sollux: :bird: chocolatula - Today at 4:46 PM thank u kisbys - Today at 4:46 PM there u go.... chocolatula - Today at 4:46 PM takes my husband.... :eyes: kisbys - Today at 4:47 PM robin.... Kairyu-Arts (Dee) - Today at 4:47 PM we lost so much... for what cause....
0 notes