maburito · 7 days
Monochrome/Catmeleon/Prismatic Ponytails AU where Faunus are able to turn into the animals they have the traits of. One day Weiss Schnee sees a chameleon injured by the side of the road, and decides to take her in and nurse her back to health with Klein's help, only to get way more than she bargained for when a certain black cat comes to rescue her "kidnapped" friend.
(Somehow Blake and Ilia already know each other back when Ilia was still in Atlas)
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I love that idea! Weiss definitely gonna be in for a surprise xD
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omnichrome · 1 year
Aight! Best/most creative insults ever gotten and/or given during a stream go!
Ilia: Oh man oh gods. There's only one answer to this because it popped into my head immediately and haunts me to this day.
Blake: Okay, I have to hear this.
Ilia: Yeah so, I don't remember what I was playing but I just kind of offhandedly asked the chat to roast me. Most of what they were saying was smallball stuff but one comment, one comment floored me.
Weiss: What was it?
Ilia: "Ilia dresses like a gym bro but looks like she'd die if she tried to do five pushups in a row."
Blake: *snort laughs* Oh damn-
Weiss: Dresses like a...what?!
Ilia: To be fair I was wearing a sleeveless gray hoodie and shorts during this stream, so...yeah.
Weiss: Ohhh, yes, I know that outfit...they got you good.
Ilia: They got me good.
Blake: Are they right though?
Ilia: About what?
Blake: Drop and do five pushups right now.
Ilia: Didn't you hear me? I'll die!
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alto-tenure · 1 year
River, River, I actually believe you owe me a RWBY rec list anyway, so....
yeah ok I did say that. fair enough!
I've separated these fics into a few distinct eras, because I think the show's long-running status has impacted characterization over time -- not to say that older fics aren't still worth reading, but there might be some things that are different (e.g. pre-V4 there was a lot of speculation that Blake was an orphan, pre-V8 there were a lot of V7 ending fix-its and such). Tossing you in the deep end with ship names sorry you're going to have to figure it out yourself <3
BEACON-ERA (V1-V3) - publication dates from July 2013-October 2016 (when V4 started releasing)
clinging to a little bit of spine by rwbyfics | T | Monochrome | 10.9k
Blake was the black water lake where people went to drown, she was fifty stones in each pocket and breezeblocks strapped to broken ankles. Sinking wasn't an option for Weiss, and it never would be.
A heartfelt exploration of Weiss's and Blake's relationship as it stood back in the Beacon arc.
Loyalty by Texan_Red_Rose | T | Monochrome | 59.6k
When pressed, will Weiss use her head or her heart?
AU - the Huntsman system is more militaristic, among other things.
V4-V7 - publication dates from October 2016-February 2020 (when V7 ended)
Celebrity Matchmaker by Texan_Red_Rose | T | Blake/Weiss/Yang/Pyrrha | 29.4k
Weiss, this season's lead on a reality show, has made it to the finale, where she must choose to marry one of three finalists. Then, Remnant gets to approve or nix the union, and that SHOULD be the hardest part of this. But when the choice is between Blake, Pyrrha, and Yang, how can she decide?
A funny Bachelorette-esque AU that chooses to sidestep love drama in favor of the polycule.
The Fairest by periferal | T | Calichrome | 42.3k
Mirror mirror, on the wall, am I the fairest of them all? And if I'm not, who will it be, please oh mirror, show her me- Blake finds a girl standing alone in the woods.
A great use of the fairytale allusions.
V7 hiatus-V8 - publication dates from February 2020 to March 2021 (when V8 ended)
like punching in a dream (wait, i don't ever want to be here) by nirav | T | Bees Schnees | 6.6k
Her ribs ache from the explosion in the desert, the one that sent her careening off target and let her mark get away, and she knows that Weiss and Yang will surely be home soon enough, if only to burn the evidence of their relationship to the ground. There’s no telling which of them had set the charges that nearly blew her up. Yang was the engineer, but Weiss was the planner. Even odds.
And from here on there will be a lot of Bees Schnees on this list! Kicking this off with a bang. Technically a sequel to another fic, part of a larger Mr. and Mrs. Smith inspired AU.
Books & Behaviors by GreekLetter | T | Monochrome | 65.3k
After an unforgiving life event, Blake Belladonna decides to move away from the town she's lived in for years. Taking a job in Vale, where she knows no one. As she sets out to make a new life for herself, she knows there's two things she needs. A good coffee shop and the perfect bookstore. Maybe finding a pretty girl at the bookstore isn't so bad either.
A slow burn modern AU that I enjoyed a lot.
The Official Ace-Ops Communications Channel by HopeStoryteller | T | Gen with various relationships | 10.6k
In light of the Amity Communications Tower project, General Ironwood decides it may be a good idea to have a communications channel among everyone working on it. Nobody really wants to talk about what happened the last time the Ace Ops had a group chat. Whatever it was, it won't happen again. Probably. After all, it's not going to stay just the Ace Ops.
Minor pairings include: Fair Game, Frosen Steel, Renorarc, Bumbleby, Schneewood Forest, and Elm/Vine (name I can't remember rn).
every siren went silent by lescousinsdangereux | T | Bees Schnees | 11.9k
“You are so smooth, Weiss,” Yang breathes and — god help her — her lips brush just so against the shell of Weiss’s ear. “Good to know that you aren’t affected by Blake bending over to line up her shot right now. Or by the fact that I wanted to keep you in my room for several more rounds, that morning you left.” Oh no, Weiss thinks.
Everyone's sports in this AU are very well chosen, though I wouldn't have expected some of the choices made for the characters -- it still works.
tell me what you mean when you scream by nirav | T | Bees Schnees | 10.6k
“They were your best friends once,” Ruby says, momentarily gentle. “And they’re still some of my best friends. Just-- one day, okay? No bachelorette party, no rehearsal dinner, nothing like that. Just stand up with me, be cordial to them, and then you never have to see them again.” Yang whines, slumping back against Ruby as she’s shoved out the door, half for show and half because she has six months to prepare herself for being in the same room as Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee for the first time in ten years.
A fun chaotic rom-com esque AU.
here i sit like a beginner beginning again by nirav | T | Bees Schnees | 52.5k
She turns her back on Yang and busies herself with the backpacks, leaving Yang with half a cup of coffee and an unfamiliar feeling in her gut, half the long-standing apprehension of trying to find her family and half something new and scalding and tied exclusively to the way her hands want to reach for the guarded set to Blake’s jaw as much as they want to reach for the familiarity of Weiss’s hand in hers.
Bees Schnees The Mummy AU. Fascinating in its worldbuilding and its portrayal of the character relationships.
jigsaws and pieces we made to fit by FaultyParagon | T | Fair Game | 41k
Clover is not a father, nor does he ever intend to become one. Then, he meets Qrow Branwen, and suddenly he finds himself with eight surrogate children, all with a different name for Qrow- a different bond. What he doesn’t expect to find out is that Qrow never wanted to be a father, either, but now he’s in it too deep. So… Clover’s got eight kids too now. Oops. -aka Clover falls for an oddly loving, domestic, awkward duncle!Qrow and doesn't know how the whole step-dad gig is supposed to work when they're not officially dating or anything. V7 domestic FairGame.
Exploration into chosen families that makes me soft.
All Together (Together) by KatQuasar | T | JNPR Berries | 28.2k
After everything, JNPR move into a house together as a team and two established couples. But things are a bit more complicated when there's feelings under the surface that are suddenly dug up when frictions arise between them individually. What happens when everyone's in love with each other?
A sweet fic set in a softer universe. Minor Bees Schnees.
sing for me, my meadowlark by FaultyParagon | T | Gen | 10.3k
Roman Torchwick is confident that he will one day reign supreme. Being a father was never in those plans. He’s always been weak for ice cream, though; and if he can make his ward smile on top of that, then he shall do whatever it takes- even if it kills him. -aka Roman and Neo’s relationship from Neo's childhood till V3, explored through a series of vignettes.
A note on canon compliance -- this pre-dates Roman Holiday and thus is not compliant with that (and Neo's backstory as portrayed in those portraits, which is essentially a summary of the novel).
she's got a halogen heart by hittingonallsixes | T | Weiss-centric RWBYJNPR polycule | 8.9k
The summary was fighting me and didn't want to paste, but TL;DR: Weiss goes out for dinner with her partners, slice-of-life chaos.
The Gang Kidnaps A Child by Kablob & mylordshesacactus | T | Gen | 10k
Summer, Taiyang, Raven, and Qrow would normally never stay at a place as disgustingly Atlesian as this. Unfortunately, it's nearly midnight and they don't have time to find another hotel to—hey wait a second, is that a fucking kid?
AU where STRQ adopts Cinder. (You'll note that if you look in the tag around the time this was published there are a lot of AUs where something changed for Cinder, whether it be STRQ adopting her or Rhodes just being less of a dick.)
The Lucky Merman by TheCraftyNinjaCat | T | Fair Game | 39.7k
Beloved by everyone and leader of King Ironwood’s prestigious Ace-Ops, Clover seems to be the luckiest merman in the ocean. His only secret; his unwavering interest in the human world, the bane of the king’s existence. At least he's good at keeping it a secret, and his friend Robyn is always down to help him indulge. He has nothing to worry about.
Then he rescues human prince Qrow Branwen from a sinking ship, and things get much more complicated.
An enjoyable TLM AU.
Hereditary by Riggy_Minus | T | Gilded Rose | 173.6k
Ruby Rose, a girl who always wanted to be a huntress, finds herself elevated to Beacon Academy two years early. With no real friends save her sister, she does her best to adjust before the machinations of those plotting against the peace that the world of Remnant has known her whole life become too much to handle.
Incomplete series, but some enjoyable plots and dynamics between the characters. I especially enjoy the Lancaster slow burn dynamic.
Volume One: Winter & Spring by tkss | T | Gen (hints of Catmeleon, Freezerburn, Monochrome) | 120.6k
Crimson Silver was raised in Evernight, taken in by Salem after being found missing one of her silver eyes on the night her parents were killed. Weiss Schnee failed her trial against the Arma Gigas and instead applies to join the Atlesian military. Blake Belladonna goes undercover as the human Dusk Nightshade to infiltrate Haven Academy and spy for the White Fang. Yang Branwen is the bandit princess of her mother's tribe and possesses the power of the Spring Maiden. Team WYCD arrives at Haven Academy, each member with ulterior motives -- but doubts and hopes alike work to change the course of their future, and the future of Remnant. Or: the WYCD AU. Ruby is a servant of Salem. Weiss followed in her sister's footsteps. Blake never left the White Fang. Yang was raised by Raven as the Spring Maiden. None of Team RWBY ever made it to Beacon, yet Team RWBY still formed... albeit under different circumstances.
Fascinating that Weiss would, in most circumstances, be the worst leader for team RWBY -- but under these circumstances, she has to be.
Post-V8 - publication dates from March 2021 to present
A Marriage Masquerade by Victorious56 | G | Hummingbird | 13.2k
Miss Summer Rose is to marry her childhood sweetheart, to the delight of all who know them. There are only two problems. Summer is no longer a biddable child, and the Honourable Taiyang Xiao Long is not her sweetheart.
A fascinating period piece featuring a ship that isn't typically my cup of tea, but makes it work nonetheless.
it's cooler than a knife, at least by bandiits | T | Bees Schnees | 8.9k
It starts with Ruby, who buys Weiss a sword, and goes from there - to a shrine on the wall, to gouges in the floorboards of a shared apartment, and confused feelings in the name of Athena. Or, you can buy a girl a sword, but you can't make the fools she's in love with realize they're in love right back.
modern AU + swords my beloved!!
show me everything and tell me how by ProfessorSpork | T | Gen (minor Bumbleby) | 20.1k
The second thing Blake notices about Sun Wukong isn’t his kind smile, or his concerned expression. It’s the way he wears his shirt open, proudly displaying the top surgery scars that accentuate his pecs: an underline in bold, declaring all that he is. Without thought, without fear. Blake’s never had that kind of courage in her life. - [Or: Blake & Sun & gender] [Or: How Blake Learned to Stop Worrying And Love Herself] [Or: Maybe the real they/them was the friends we made along the way] [Or: come for nb!Blake, stay for yearning bees]
I sent this to a friend of mine back when it was published who has never seen an episode of RWBY in xyr life, and it still managed to resonate with xem. I don't think any note I have to add to this can endorse it any more than that.
across the stars by CorvidFeathers | T | Bumbleby | 16k
Blake, running from her past and harboring a dangerous secret, would go anywhere the solar winds are blowing, so long as it gets her away; so she barters passage on the first solarship heading for the Outer Moons. If the Crescent Rose’s first mate is the most beautiful woman she’s ever met, that’s coincidence. Mostly.
Woooo okay we've gotten to the BBB fics I bookmarked from the 2021 event!! This was a really sweet and interesting AU.
back to places you run from by gayxiaolong | T | Bumbleby (minor Schneekos + Rainbow Quartz) | 42.4k
2 years, 8 months, 12 days. That’s how long Blake spent planning the heist of her dreams. It’s also how long she spent in jail. Now that she’s out, she gets to work. She’ll need a team of the best criminals she can find, a way to convince Yang to be her partner-in-crime again, and… a way to get back to how they were. Infiltrating and robbing the most exclusive event of the year might be easier than getting Yang to fall in love with her again. *** or, an Ocean's 8 au
I really enjoy heist fics, and I love the amount of thought that was put into this.
beyond this town lies a life much sadder by nirav | T | Bumbleby (minor Schneekos) | 25.4k
Yang Xiao Long has lived and died and lived again more times than anyone can count. She's spent centuries living a life in the shadows with her family and has never wanted anything more than that, until she wakes up one day from a dream that leads her to Blake Belladonna-- a new immortal unknowingly on the run from people hunting for the secret to her immortality-- and, for the first time since before written language was invented, finds herself wanting something for herself.
An interesting exploration of immortality and what forever truly means.
Caesura by Probably_Momo | T | Bumbleby | 19.8k
When up-and-coming cellist Blake Belladonna fired her manager, Adam Taurus, she thought she was finally free. But Adam’s obsession ran deep. During a botched attempt on her life, violin prodigy Yang was also gravely wounded. In the aftermath, Blake’s music was gone, silent. Her public reputation in tatters, Blake fled.
Three years later, Blake’s found her music again, jamming with friends and composing indie game scores. Her world is carefully rebalanced— until Sun shows her a viral TikTok video. There is Yang and her shiny yellow prosthetic arm. There is Yang covering the main theme from Blake’s latest project. [What can she do but play along?]
Music AU! A subject close to my heart.
Craving the Sky by najio | T | Bees Schnees | 205.2k
If it weren't for her grandfather, Weiss would have lost her wings at birth. If it weren't for her mother, she would have lost them as a toddler, when she was still too young to remember them. If it weren't for her sister, she would have lost them as a child, the moment she was old enough to be afraid of them. Weiss arrives at Beacon still counting down the days to her eighteenth birthday, when she will finally get rid of them for good. It's the obvious next step. Until, that is, her team does what they do best, and makes everything a whole lot more complicated.
The word count probably seems intimidating, but I promise you it is worth it. (I was keeping up with this fic as it was updating, so...uh...it wasn't as intimidating when I started, whoops.)
I posted about this fic a while ago too.
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musings-from-mars · 3 years
Chapter 3 of Omnichrome University is up!
In which Blake and Ilia finally reunite after 5 years(?!), and Weiss has succeeded in making some new gay friends! The only problem is...what exactly is she supposed to wear when she goes with those gay friends to a gay college party this weekend??
Omnichrome University on AO3
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greenbeany · 3 years
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betabites · 3 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: RWBY Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Ilia Amitola/Blake Belladonna, Ilia Amitola/Weiss Schnee, Ilia Amitola/Blake Belladonna/Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna/Weiss Schnee, Ilia Amitola/Blake Belladonna/Weiss Schnee/Yang Xiao Long Characters: Ilia Amitola, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long Additional Tags: Smut, Mild Blood, Anti-Faunus Racism (RWBY), BDSM, Threesome - F/F/F, Dom Blake Belladonna, Sub Weiss Schnee, Dildos, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Spanking, Dom Ilia Amitola, Foursome - F/F/F/F, Sub Yang Xiao Long, Yang is a brat, Vibrators
Yang joins the party.
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petracore101 · 5 years
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Relaxing calichromatic 🌈✨
Or maybe calicomeleon? These cuties need a cute ship name.
Figured it’s best to start out with some girls that all just deserve some love and a whole lotta R&R
(White + Yellow + Black kitty + a Rainbow lizard = a cute colorful calico chameleon?)
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I dare THREE of you to share a bed for a night! (Three random names, OT3 rare pair time!)
Name Randomizer: Ilia, Weiss, and Blake ((Holy shit dude, how?))
Weiss and Ilia, staring up at Blake: Blake cuddles...
Blake, chuckling: Oh yeah. I’m gonna like this.
That night...
Blake, lying in the middle of the bed, arms out to her sides: Okay, one shoulder each. Come here and let me hold you both.
Weiss and Ilia: *immediately jump in bed, on each side of Blake, resting their heads on her shoulders*
Blake, holding them both: There we go....
Weiss, nuzzling Blake’s shoulder, arm draped across Blake’s stomach: You’re so warm, Blake.
Ilia, resting a hand on Blake’s chest: And soft.
Blake, giggling: You know, you two need to cuddle each other, too.
Ilia, looking across at Weiss, her spots turning pink: Weiss cuddles...?
Weiss: But...she’s so far away.
Blake: Why don’t you two try... *takes their hands and brings them together* That?
Weiss, holding Ilia’s hand across Blake’s stomach, smiling: Aww...
Ilia, sighing and closing her eyes: Okay. I’m officially content.
Weiss: Kiss...?
Ilia, opening her eyes: Wait, kiss? Kisses are a thing right now?
Blake, smiling and leaning her head to the side: Kisses are a thing right now. *kisses Ilia’s forehead*
Ilia, humming happily and sinking into Blake a bit more: That’s nice.
Blake, kissing Weiss’s forehead: If you want a kiss, all you have to do is ask.
Weiss, immediately: I want a kiss....
Blake: *kisses her head again*
Weiss: ...from Ilia.
Ilia, eyes shooting open: R-really?
Weiss, making eye contact with her: *nods*
Ilia, leaning up a bit: Yes please?
Weiss, leaning up as well, then leans across Blake and kisses Ilia on the lips: Mwah~
Ilia, smiling: Heeeh...
Blake: Well I didn’t get any kisses on the lips.
Weiss and Ilia: *kiss her on the lips at the same time*
Blake, blinking a couple times: I’ve never been kissed by two girls at once but I wanna do it again.
Weiss and Ilia: *kiss her again*
Blake: Woah...
Blake: Do it again.
Weiss and Ilia: *kiss her again*
Blake, smiling and closing her eyes: That’s nice...
Weiss, giggling and lying back down on Blake’s shoulder: I’m glad we shared that together.
Ilia, nodding and lying back down: Three-way kisses are underrated.
Blake, holding them both gently, closing her eyes: I love you two.
Weiss and Ilia: We love you, too, Blake.
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drowmonk · 4 years
Finally! The latest chapter of my trans!Weiss fanfic! I’ll also be posting a bonus Elderburn (Yang x Winter) one-shot following Winter’s scene in this chapter. So that’ll be fun! (read the first part of this chapter for context on the Elderburn one-shot)
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rwby-mulitshipper · 5 years
Calichrome Headcanons
Ilia and Weiss love to kiss Blake’s cheeks in the morning
That is, if Weiss is awake before Blake
Weiss is not a morning person
Neither is Ilia
Ilia and Weiss will tear each other apart at the drop of a hat in the morning
They love to go to the beach
None of them are good cooks
Ilia is the best out of all of them, but even then she can only make basic foods
Weiss takes the longest showers
Blake is always left with cold water
She doesn’t mind to much though, she enjoys cold showers
Ilia doesn’t understand
Blake enjoys being the tall girlfriend
Ilia and Weiss have threatened to kick her in the shins so they can reach her lips
“Could either of you even reach that high?”
“Say goodbye to your heels.”
“I’ll tie your shoelaces together and you won’t even know until it’s too late.”
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good-sapphicrwbyaus · 5 years
Bees Schnees? Or Calichrome (Weiss x Blake x Ilia)?
I’ll do both, Anon!!
Bees Schnees:
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Send me a ship and I’ll fill out how I feel about it.
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omnichrome · 1 year
Is Eggplant still a kitten or a fully grown cat?
Blake: Eggplant has entered her Long Teen stage.
Ilia: She's so long. She is a tube.
Weiss: She's got little sticks for legs.
Blake: I keep telling her she needs to get a job but she refuses, what a slacker.
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margizaa · 6 years
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Beach Lesbians? Beach Lesbians.
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musings-from-mars · 3 years
Chapter 2 of Omnichrome University is up!
In which Blake, Weiss, and Ilia all attend the first LGBTQ Student Org meeting of the semester, and...things are about to get reeeal awkward (in a good and gay way I promise)
You can find the story link here!
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mywords-myworld · 5 years
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Blake Belladonna x Weiss Schnee x Ilia Amitola (Calichrome) - RWBY moodboard
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quibble-squibble · 5 years
The Weiss/Blake/Ilia ship name is “Calichrome”, which, while very cute, completely missed the obvious opportunity of “Catschneeleon”
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