#call her bee for fun
valkxrie · 9 months
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about? { assume both but human brunn in particular }
@kylo-wrecked sent a meme (accepting)
Human Brunnhilde, who can fly an F22 War-Bird, who can nail her eye-liner first time every time, who speaks multiple languages, and who is an Intelligence Officer for the United States Airforce... Cannot whistle. Not for the life of her. Its just a wet buzz of air. It also takes her an average of 5 tries to complete a Wordle, and she genuinely struggles to spell "refrigerator". Oh - and she was nicknamed Bumble-Bee before she was called Valkyrie - because of the whistling thing.
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beebundt · 7 months
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(2016 ➡ 2024) i wanted to compare my first colored drawing of charlie (my oldest active OC) to now for fun but damn. this is kinda fucking me up rn and thought it might be interesting to share my embarrassing kid drawing with you all too. i think it's always cool to see where we start from and i always forget how much ive changed since then
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i hopped on call with my friends today and had a lot of fun hanging out with them 🥺 bee drew a fuckton of shit i have to share them....
kevin's here because milo and i expressed our hype in watching the next spooky month annual episode and ofc kevin my beloved was worth mentioning SHHDDGSHEJEZ i miss him so much I wanna go back to him <3
maroon belongs to bee and clear belongs to nero! they have such wonderful goofies <3
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seven-thewanderer · 1 year
Okay I wanted to draw this a while ago, but then I gave up, and now I wanted to try again, but...
I drew BB, JJ, and DD!!
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They kinda have my own twist (and are also kinda if they were in that version of SB that I was drawing & then just stopped talking about XD) but I like how they came out!!
BB (aka Balloon Boy) hands out regular balloons, and has a system in him specifically for blowing helium balloons!! That's why his voice sounds like that (not really, I just feel like it'd be funny if breathing helium somehow messed with his voice box)
JJ (aka Jay Jay) hands out balloon animals, and other things like that (Balloon flowers, balloon hats, etc etc), and has a regular air blowing system, since she doesn't blow helium balloons
DD (aka Dee Dee) sometimes helps blow balloons... but she mainly prefers to prank her siblings, and try and pop the balloons they're working on. DD sometimes also sews stuff (like if a kid's stuffed toy ripped, she just basically approaches them with that comically large sewing needle & fixes it). But she mainly uses it to prank her siblings.
BB, DD, and JJ are triplets (in my version), and they care for each other (even if DD does sometimes play too many pranks...)
These three mainly hang out around Kid's Cove & the Superstar Daycare, but sometimes they'll roam to other spots too.
Closeups of the three (down there v):
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
I’d die for leda she fascinated me so
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Dejar is reporting you to sickbay but Leda is down
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Breaking news: Bee makes a character whos an awful person
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scatmaan · 1 year
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doodling my favorite npc :))<333
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a-eo-iu · 2 years
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Sketching Circus guys on Sketchbook
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scabbardsystem · 2 months
hkjgh NONE OF US CAN DECIDE CORE'S COLOR. we went for like? a near-black at first. and then switched to a light purple. and then a gold color, and then lightened that gold into a shade of cream? and then a deep, dark blue. and now we've settled on some light cerulean shade.
it doesn't help that Ceres is like. perfectly pliant and complaisant about anything we choose for them hkjhg like!! do you have any opinions on this our beloved core??? our dearest main??? the one that all of us orbit??? no????? nothing??????
#we are orbiting a hollow moon here gang.#core is something like a fragment most of the time. we all work together to blanket him but without us she's kind of... empty...?#luckily we're all almost always here fronting to keep her company and keep the body running together.#i think shell is the term? fun fact Ceres's name was almost Shell. and it still could be one of em honestly hkjhg#another fun fact we originally didnt have them listed hkjg we like... didn't consider them a facet? because like. they're /not/ hkjg??#/we're/ the facets!! all the sides! they're the core at the center! like you wouldn't call the center of a diamond one of its facets lmao??#she reminds us of cardamon's mom from Bee n Puppy.cat. laying unconscious on the bed with all the wires attached to her like we are.#we're... all that's keeping him alive..? do you think we did this to him? when we separated into facets? did we leave them empty?#OH SHIT IS THAT WHAT SPLITTING IS??? IS THAT WHAT WE ARE?????? DID WE ACTUALLY DO THIS TO HER BY BECOMING INDIVIDUALS????#no. come on. we've always been here. we've always existed. okay so then core's always been like this? empty? which one is sadder?#you're saying this as if we killed her or something. WOULD YOU CALL THIS LIVING?? SHE CAN'T EVEN PICK THE COLOR SHE'D LIKE!!!#...#...wow upsetting to think about. anyway....#we all love them. a lot. it's like shivers (we gotta stop comparing our facets to shivers hkjgh) where she's both like.#la revachoIiere. the city. the genus Ioci; larger than life and glorious. the most powerful of all of us. the revered and beloved.#but also. needs to be protected. her death is coming and we need to keep her alive. you get me? so big and powerful. so small and dependent#our main and our core. our raison d’être. he's our center and without him none of us would be able to exist i think. but he's empty and we.#we're not sure how to feel about that hkjhg... an issue for another day hkjgh maybe let's get back to colors gang?? :']#...maybe we'll give them the lavender again...#urghhh we need to get to bed you guys this post was supposed to be lighthearted.
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kneworder · 7 months
being in a teeny tiny fandom is hard enough now try being in a teeny tiny fandom where you don't really care for the big ship
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thebusylilbee · 8 months
so like... with simm!master canonically making a move on gomez!master/missy hum 😳 I think we can safely assume that during the "master race" event in the season 4 finale some of the "masters" were busy doing other things instead of following whatever the doctor and the main master were up to 😳
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hedgehog-moss · 3 months
I saw an astronaut walking on the side of the road today, which is the kind of thing my brain will placidly accept at first, only to go "Wait, an astronaut" a minute later once I'm done with my previous train of thought. By then I felt like it might be too late to stop my car, but I ended up stopping anyway because I didn't want to spend the rest of the afternoon wondering.
I waited for the astronaut to catch up with me since they were going in my direction, but they didn't. Eventually I got out of the car and retraced my steps, and after a bend in the road when I saw no one walking towards me I decided the visitor must have gone back to their spacecraft and I would never get an explanation for this—and then in the distance I caught a glimpse of the white space suit disappearing into the forest.
I managed to catch up with them and they turned out to be a distant neighbour of mine (let's call her M.), and what looked like a space suit when I was driving by was a beekeeper's outfit! (Sorry for the pointless suspense but I was taking you on the same little journey my brain went through.) M. was tickled when she learnt that I mistook her for an astronaut—she told me she'd borrowed her husband's too-big shoes which made her drag her feet, hence why she looked like she was having trouble readjusting to Earth's gravity.
Then she said that one of her hives had swarmed, and she was pretty sure she knew where the swarm was. I had no idea how swarming worked so as we walked in the woods she explained that when a hive becomes too crowded, the queen will get replaced by a new one, and the old queen will leave along with half of the bees. After this split, the swarm will cluster somewhere nearby and wait while scout bees fly away in search of a new hive location. "That's when you have to catch them—if you can find the swarm. But here it is!"
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I wasn't expecting quite so many bees!! I'm pretty scared of all flying creatures so allow me to pat myself on the back for what came next—I thought I was about to learn how to catch a swarm from a prudent distance, but M. asked if I could give her a hand, seeing as her husband was supposed to be here to help but clearly wasn't.
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The first step of catching a swarm was spraying the bees with sugar water, and I was glad not to be asked to help with that, as it seemed like something that could make bees angry. ("On the contrary, it makes them less agitated!" I was told, but that remained to be seen.) Step 2 was pulling on a rope tied to the tree branch in order to lower the swarm into the new hive, and that was the job I was recruited for. The rope was long enough that I could stand several metres away to pull on it, but my role in this swarm-catching business was still all too clear to any angry bee looking for someone to blame.
I remembered reading that bees can sense the electric field of flowers, so I thought there was no way they wouldn't sense the staticky nervousness coming from the rope-puller, but thankfully they completely ignored me.
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M. was offering one fun fact about bees after the other, in a very relaxed voice, which was very interesting and very soothing for both me and the bees. She said this particular colony was very sweet ("some bee colonies are meaner than others?" "yes of course"), and that swarming usually happens a bit earlier in the year "but it's been raining so much lately, the bees had to postpone all their activities, just like us" and also "swarming involves quite a bit of planning ahead of time; for example worker bees have to put the queen on a diet so she won't be too fat to fly. Did you know that?" I did not!
Unfortunately our first attempt to catch the swarm failed. The bees entered the hive, had a quick look around their new home, then left in disgust and formed a thick, angry, buzzing cloud over our heads, while I tried to think nothing but bee-loving thoughts to make my electric field harmless and friendly.
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Then one after the other all the bees returned to the exact same spot on the branch where we'd first found them. ("Because it smells like the queen" said M.) We examined the near-empty hive and found that a mouse had made a nest in there! She was no longer here but the traces of her passage were evident (some of the comb was very nibbled.)
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As we were removing the supplies brought in by the mouse (sticks, hay), M.'s husband joined us and he had brought a spray bottle containing some sort of bee-attracting liquid (pheromones?) (I didn't have a close look at the bottle because I made sure to stay far away from the bee-attracting liquid, while he sprayed it inside the hive.)
He had also brought a white sheet which he spread under the tree, explaining that the bees will want to get away from the bright surface and look for darkness, thus hopefully getting inside the box. Another thing I learnt is that once the queen enters the hive, the nearest worker bees will spread the message by turning round and fluttering their wings to send a chemical signal in specific directions, which will be picked up by other bees farther away; at strategic intervals some bees will light the beacons of Gondor turn round and fan their wings to relay this scent-message until the entire colony is informed of the queen's new location.
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We were more successful the second time around! This time the bees who went in didn't immediately get out again to return to their branch. Well I say "we" but I didn't volunteer to pull on the rope again, so I can't claim any role in this victory. But my personal victory was that I stood quite a bit nearer this time so I could watch everything closely, and I felt more intrigued than nervous. Bees were constantly zipping past me but it had become clear that my electric field was pure and they bore me no ill will. I was always fond of bees from afar and happy to see them do their thing in flowers in the spring, but today's adventure got me interested in their daily life as well, so I think I'll read some books about bees this summer!
I was reading last month about the morality of termite colonies (Maeterlinck's La vie des termites) and I had a feeling this man must have written some poetic stuff about bees as well—and he did. Here's a translated excerpt from his book "La vie des abeilles" :)
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florthings · 1 year
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catt-crossing · 1 year
Okay so a rant/vent about this cus it happened like idk a year ago or something but i remembered it randomly and am still angry about it lol
so i was in voice chat in discord with two of my british friends and one friend mentioned toffee and caramel and showed a picture of what to her is toffee, but to me, an american, is caramel. and i try to explain that oh that's a caramel! (it was one of those like little cube candies?) and she's like no that's toffee and im confused and am like oh lol trying to mess with me? :3 (cus she does like to tease me from time to time, in a fun way) and she sounds so irritated all of a sudden and is like no catt. and i try to explain that hey in america that's what that is! and she immediately shuts me down in such a harsh tone and im like...o h . Cus like what else can I say to someone who won't listen :( and then im anxious and waited like a couple minutes and was like welp. going to bed! and left. it still annoys me and unfortunately my friend probably wouldn't remember that conversation at all. but im still here like wtf ;/ i tried to say something in a text channel but i was too upset and didn't know how to word what i wanted to say properly :/
but like. it's not fair she had to shut me down, her friend, like that. like do you not fucking realise that certain things are called different words in other places! like hello! but no she had to assume i was wrong and she was right and i ended up feeling stupid and a bit hurt.
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Sometime around eight or nine my best friend and I learned about hickies. I suspect he’s the one who learned it and shared it with me. We were both utterly fascinated and on a dare I sucked mightily on my own upper arm to give myself one.
This was great fun, self made bruise. Hilarious.
But looking at the mark later I thought that perhaps it might be best to bandage it lest any questions crop up. My parents were often suspicious of my friendship with the boy across the street anyway, and I had a vague inkling that perhaps hickies might fall under the vaguely looming topic of Sex.
So I put a bandaid on it.
I’m not sure if my mom was suspicious regardless but as I was getting out of the shower a day later she popped in and spotted my unbandaged mark. The handle was flown off. She was a creature made only of yelling. She demanded to know where it had come from.
I told her I’d done it myself. She scoffed and said I couldn’t even reach that place on my arm. I put my mouth over the mark. She escalated her volume to ask why I’d hidden it if it were nothing and I gestured vaguely to encompass her irate direction. She did not care for that or believe me, but the discussion was tabled.
Tension simmered in the house. A few days later it was a weekend and I asked if I could stay over at my friend’s house. To the bafflement of my friend and I our parents were increasingly hesitant to allow this childhood bonding. If he’d been a girl there would be no issue but he was a boy.
It didn’t seem to matter that we were both children and that my menstrual cycle would not arrive for several more years. Or that a boy was safer from me than many female friends would be on later sleepovers. The constant jokes we both loathed from both sets of parents that someday we’d get married now seemed ominous.
There were phone calls. The sleepover was reluctantly agreed to. I packed up my pillowcase with all the stuff I’d need for the night and headed toward the door. My father stopped me.
He insisted I sit down. I sat.
He stuttered, “Now. You’re like. Ah. A flower. And your friend is a- uh. A bee. And bees will sting you- uhm- if they can so you need to use- uh- protection- from stinging.”
I was nine. I had no fucking idea what was going on and my dad was not really helping. As he rambled I slowly started to intuit that this was about S-E-X and was very probably the result of my hickey but I had no idea how to make him stop talking.
I will never understand why it was my father giving this talk in the first place. My mother had previously worked in a sex shop and phrases like, “Make sure to use lube, you don’t wanna rub it raw down there,” were a common part of my youth. My father meanwhile turned red as a beet and stammered at any mention of Sex.
He finished his mortifying and confusing talk with, “Don’t tell your friend about this talk.”
The door closed to my friends room and I immediately told him about it.
We were both utterly horrified at the thought of each other as anything more than frenemies. We fought, we played games, we set off fireworks. Why did adults need to taint that?
But tainted it was.
Both sets of parents continued to radiate an unwholesome suspicion about our friendship now and we never brought up the topic of sleepovers ever again. It is a source of tremendous amusement that despite all their worry over our relationship my friend and I both turned out gay.
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hello my foul little beasties, i am taking a (hopefully brief) hiatus to deal with some health & personal issues. in the meantime here are some terrible awful no good wholesome fun facts i've been meaning to share:
bone china is called bone china bc yes it contains bones!
i'm not saying that autistic bees exist but autistic bees exist
for 15 years sweden thought russian submarines were invading its waters; it turned out to be herrings farting
cows have regional accents
sometimes massive fields of ice eggs wash up on beaches. literally just ice shaped like eggs. that is a thing that sometimes happens and i derive joy from this peculiar world
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