#cam azoff
twopoppies · 18 days
The funniest thing about Brad is how close he got to the Azoffs. He is Alison Jeff's sister personal trainer, Jeff's trainer and goes on golfing trips with her and Jeffs brother Cam. Her kids love him and give him gifts and he goes to their soccer sunday games with her and her husband. It was all on her instagram when I used to follow her. I guess he didn't have family and friends in LA and they adopted him but that Harry connection changed his life.
That's so weird. Well, I guess it's actually nice, but I can't imagine just plunking myself down and becoming a part of someone else's family. Maybe I'm the weird one.
On the positive side, I'm glad to hear he's settled in LA. Hopefully, we won't have to be bothered by the idiotic bradrry updates ever again.
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narrie · 2 years
Lizzo had just met Niall for the first time about a month before and it became a thing, so that’s why she shouted out Louis at that show because she saw his fans were up front. But later she admitted that she had never even met him. It was just to hype up the crowd. And Louies still take it so personally and write posts about how Niall is willing to kiss up to the Azoffs and that’s why Lizzo is more friendly with him. They think him interacting with Cam Azoff online is an indication of something
i can only laff about it x
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harrytheehottie · 2 years
one of my close friends is family friends w the azoffs/cam + irving wrote one of her college rec letters ... would that be 2 or 3 degrees
?!?!?!!?!?!?!!? what are you guys doing here and not at the family parties
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harryfeatgaga · 1 year
I saw Brad and Cam azoff leaving Nate n als last week😭😭😭
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Mon 20 May
Location location location- did you know the town hall where the Two Of Us video was filmed was the venue where Queen played their first show? Amazing! Were you wondering why Harry was wandering around Hollywood Blvd amongst the tourists? I don't claim to know, but I will tell you that he was apparently right outside the hotel Lottie and Lou Teasdale had just checked into that day... Did you know who else is in L.A.? That I do know, it's Louis!
But let's back up a bit. Harry content is absolutely off the charts so let's start at the beginning. First we got a video of Harry looking really confused on Hollywood Blvd from the evening of the 18th when a routine photo op takes a turn and the fan does a fancy hat trick (no like with an actual hat). Some of Harry's confusion may stem from being baked af if my eyes don't deceive me but he might just be tired from getting too much sun, whatever the reason it's all charmingly awkward. Then we got SO MANY pap pics of Harry frolicking on the beach in Malibu looking like he just won the xiallympics a carefree dork, bless, (on the 18th) in little yellow shorts tucked up cause they were idk not short enough I guess (Outdoor Voices, such a multitasker), a tie-dye t-shirt with unicorns rubbing their horns together, wild curls and a big smile. There are dogs! New tattoos!* Frisbees! Footballs! Beanbags! (Apparently this is a game called CORNHOLE about which I have NO COMMENT but I bet Harry had plenty of comments) ANYWAY he's with the Gerbers and Azoffs and getting papped and wearing promotional gear, but regardless it looks like he's having a blast so I'm glad for him, that's the way to fold in business with fun. Those pics were released today and then about an hour later the new Gucci campaign pics dropped and talk about the duality of Harry Styles, you could get whiplash looking from that goofy beach muppet to aesthetic fashion king Harry draped in velvet declaiming dramatically and brandishing taxidermy geese while smoldering away. The bandana and casual hair kind of show the cracks in his Serious facade though, maybe he should get some modeling tips from Niall. (JK I think he knows we like it better when it's a little bit him in there too.) In any case, something he's doing is definitely working; HS1 is back on the charts, re-entering the Billboard top 200 at #111.
*New tattoos: Writing on his legs, not definitively visible but it looks like one says California in script and there's speculation about the knee tats but it's not certain, but there are definitely four and not two as previously thought so can we please lay the theories about the si and no to rest now? those were embarrassing.
More Louis interview content today via ODE! He talks about how important the fans are to him, about thinking about them and about including them in every step of the process. He says, "other people... do it different, they go for more of the aspirational outlook but for me I want... me to feel like one of them, like we are doing it together as a team. It's important to me" and says again how in awe of the fans he is, that we are "grafters" and that "it's like they work hard to be amazing fans." As mentioned above, he also took a fan pic yesterday in L.A.
Huse Monfaradi, who is loving the (well deserved) attention to his work and making up for all those videos we know nothing about the people or process behind, talks about the making of the TOU video and tells us that the concept was Louis', but that he chose the location.
Liam posted THREE (3!) studio pics with the caption, 'if you scroll right far enough you'll almost see new music' EXCUSE ME is that meant to be funny?! Listen pal people wanna know what the heck is going on you're just teasing! Rude. Anyway super cute happy pics though, taken by Conor Butler, who, if you were wondering (as I was), is the person who makes the little movies for Liam, and takes his pics, and travels around and hangs out with him.
The Zayn and Zhavia version of A Whole New World is not on the Billboard 100 chart but made the Bubbling Under chart which "ranks the Top 25 songs that have yet to appear on the actual Hot 100" which you would think would just mean numbers 101-125 but they factor in streaming, among other things.
Niall registered three new songs, Let Me Introduce You, Nice To Meet You, and Take Me Back. Sounds like a storyline, dare I hope for a musical?? (Answer, no). Ruth Anne Cunningham and Julian Bunetta are cowriters on two. He also swooned over a fancy golf course where he's scheduled to play in a tournament next year and a golf podcast interview with him came out.
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thefakejeffreyazoff · 5 years
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Jeffrey posted on his Insta story 9.26.19
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ssfoc · 5 years
I’m a bit confused by the anon who thinks that Niall is allowed leeway because of delayed knee surgery. If they were paying attention, it is obvious that Niall is targeted by the UK media, stories about his family, personal life, career issues, body shaming, etc. All this within the last year. Of course during 1D, a “hard drug” front page story was laughed off by the fans as true, he sued the paper quietly and won. He’s with Modest, a supportive label, with real friends; that’s not about knees.
Just as with everyone else, Niall’s continued ties/ restrictions/ business with 1DHQ is unclear.
There are a few overlaps with Harry, for instance. Niall has liked blackpink, he’s tweeted to promote Happy Together, he’s been a guest doing sketches on the Late Late Show with James Corden, he’s been interviewed by James at concert venues, he follows Jeff Azoff on IG, Anne has supported him, and he was the only 1D member to be acknowledged by Harry, at one of Harry’s concerts.
Niall is the one who talked about Freddie with George Ezra. He’s the one who can say he hangs out with all his band mates. His public romantic relationships have been short and he hasn’t looked like he wanted to die.
So I don’t know. There’s a lot of stuff we don’t know.
Okay and this: Niall golfs with the Azoffs.
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ferryboatpeak · 5 years
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silveredsound · 5 years
Cam took Irving to Dairy Queen. via Cameron Azoff's Instagram stories. 22 December 2019
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stylesinthewild · 5 years
I feel stalker-ish following harry's friends on instagram, especially adam's wife, but you never know if harry when pop up lmao
I mean.....it’s up to you. If someone has a public account then I guess......do whatever you feel is right? I follow his band, I follow some of his friends but no one too obscure you know? Like they’re all public figures?
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narrie · 2 years
Remember how people were trying to say it was cam azoff like 😭😭
imagine not knowing niall by his chicken legs alone
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twopoppies · 3 years
Hi gina! By chance do you know what's the meaning behind the eagle tattoo? Or do you have some link to a post?
Hi sugar. I don’t think I have any posts. The first time we saw it was immediately after the “hiatus” began at the end of 2015 and Harry went on his big gay yacht tour with Kendall (and his parents, Jeff, Glenne, Cam, Ellen Degeneres, Portia DeRossi, and who knows who else) and made that weird show of signing something on the deck in full view of paps (with Jeff to make it look like he was signing contracts).
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The eagle is a cover up of his “Things I Can” tattoo, which, if you remember, was on his right arm that was completely blank, while his “Things I Can’t” arm was littered with tattoos. Covering it up with an eagle seemed hugely symbolic at the time (coupled with the fake contract signing) as eagles tend to be seen as symbols of freedom.
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Depending on the source and culture you look at for meaning, eagles have different symbolic interpretation, but overall it tends to be along the lines of a release from bondage, vision, bravery etc.
At the time, the fandom was hopeful that the hiatus meant freedom from Syco, freedom from stunts, freedom to come out, that Irving Azoff would sign the band as a whole (as well as Harry on his own)... we were wrong about a lot.
I do still think it was a very symbolic tattoo for Harry. He probably was freed from a lot of things. Just not as much as we had hoped, and not necessarily in the way we expected.
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
cam azoff commenting on Harry’s pic “wait this is funny” is sending me its soooo trying not to laugh at your sibling but they actually say something funny so you give them credit JUST this once
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
Sun 19 May
The two year anniversary of Strip That Down brings many thank yous to fans, sent direct on some platforms (I didn't get a facebook message from Liam but I'm sure that was either exciting or alarming for those who did) and in the form of one of his little bts movies. Do we know who's making those for him? I love them, I think they're really fabulous. Anyway this one is, yep, great stuff; it's soundtracked with an acoustic version of STD (worst song title acronym ever but ANYWAY) that cuts out briefly so the "walk into a party, girls on me" part is replaced by a shot of a crowd of fans with the soundtrack only of their screams which I think was a pretty hilarious probably tongue in cheek editorial decision. Again, I need to know who is making these!
Harry, described just yesterday by someone at his gym as a "rich white foo," set out to prove them right. Never one to half ass a thing, he got papped driving around Malibu with Cam Azoff while wearing a safety orange colored windbreaker and driving an ostentatious vintage yellow convertible sports car, talk about extra. He well and truly nailed it! He also took some fan pics on a touristy corner in Hollywood wearing, in my humble opinion, a much nicer outfit. His ear is earring free so that piercing is GONE by now, bye bye baby we hardly knew ye. His trousers are floppy, hoodie cozy, loafers light made out of a poor innocent crocodile that never hurt you Harry WHY stick to the dead cow shoes at least I'm begging you, nose sunburned, and he's chomping a toothpick and holding a super cute limited edition Gucci clutch purse (also seen in the recent studio video).
Meanwhile Harry's YouTube channel is currently aggressively suggesting you watch the Two Of Us video after whatever Harry video you watch first (it isn't linked to a specific song), prompting much discussion of who is responsible for this linking. Idk the answer but I'm gonna say someone was smart over there on Louis' team; know your audience!
Zayn posted a new ad pic, and Niall attended a curling... game? competition? exhibition? Listen I just set out to write updates on five pop star dumbasses if I'd known I was gonna have to acquire weird sports knowledge maybe I would have just got a better hobby if you wanna know about curling you are on your own okay? EDIT: I didn't even get the weird sport right it was HURLING 🙈
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daydreamrry · 3 years
Townes is close friends with Madison Beer and went to high school with Cam Azoff (that’s how she got set up with Harry) so yeah it’s amazing how she isn’t fame hungry and super low-key, she’s also really pretty! but she clearly didn’t see Harry that way and I don’t think she wanted her name to be attached to him but sadly for her, it is.
we don't know anything about this girl yet people were, and still are, so mean to her. she was smart to not continue whatever was going on between her and harry.
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polynazwy · 3 years
Long time no see post. NSFW
Well, decided on New Years to go after a great fear of mine. Cam sites. Pervyness aside. I did have a curiosity of them that existed. Its easy to judge people who buy into onlyfans and porn. Whilst I think its not great to do those, I did notice that there’s the potential (given, you’re earning like an IB front desk MD) to develop these intimate connections with the actresses - even briefly. My curiosity has been sated. I don’t plan on going back, perhaps ever. But, if it took me 20 dollars to learn that to be the case then so be it. 
There’s a line in the Wolf of Wall Street of “What kind of hooker takes credit cards?”. Well, technically, after this evening, I can say that  I - just like Donny Azoff - have the expensive tastes. 
Damn - if this is what 2022 - then Vene, Vidi, and hopefully, ego eruditiones habes
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