THE EXCHANGE by Camila Cabello
Let's go back to some of the old tweets by camren.... Enjoy
I figured out that Camila started writing this song around 2014 - 2015 which was the time where cAmILa iS dAtInG aUsTiN and lAuReN iS dAtInG lUiS fEliPe
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"Came across a picture of you and her online she looks at you like she knows that's what I had in mind"
Camila of course used "HER" and "SHE" so it would not be too obvious (but clearly it is *cough) That was the time where lauren would post her pics with luis and they would look really cute and some of the harmonizers really shipped them both.
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"I'm wrapped in his arms, perfectly alone but I've always been in a mix up because I wish his hands were yours"
Two theories: 1. Lauren wrote this part/texted this to camila/told this to camila and then camila used it in her lyrics. 2. Camila is talking about being with austin while lauren was with luis.
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Okay next..
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"So come closer, closer darling I thought of a plan"
Camz is maybe talking about them just being together. Just doing what they love and be with their love, ignore all the other things and she plans on telling this to lolo.
"Let me whisper, whisper so that you can understand"
She wants lauren to understand what she was trying to say
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"We'll be dressed in, dressed in All black from head to toe only we'll know"
Ok so aside from what I posted yesterday about this lyric and that camila tweeted it also and I showed you guys the times camren was wearing all black... I also found this
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Lauren might be really confused that time but she knows in her heart that she really did fell for camila too. I can't put my thoughts into words but in summary of this indirect I think lauren doesn't know what's gonna happen if she jumped right into camila and she also thinks that camila won't also know what would be the result if they just go and do what they love. Another one is "we'll be dressed in black" has another meaning besides camren just wearing black all the time (as i showed in my previous post) black can also mean mystery or a dark thing you can do. No one can know they are together they'll make us wonder about the mystery behind the them... and it's a dark thing to do when you ditch your bf and not follow orders from your boss.
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Cupid was drunk so he shot arrows to luis and lauren when the other should be to camila. She wants it to change. I think that time camila knew luis was gay thats why she wants to trade austin for lauren lol
But what I read from the comment section in youtube it's basically two girls ditching their boyfriends so that they could run away and be happy together hahahha so true tho.
"We'll run away and call it the exchange"
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Whoop the iconic "blink twice if it's true" by camren started when the interviewer asked them who's single and who's taken. For some of those people who doesn't know what happened..... When the interviewer asked "are you taken?" he asked camila first but instead of answering the question camila looked at lauren and then she just started joking and then the interviewer said blink once if it's yes and blink no if it's twice (but of course lauren was the first one to notice that what the interviewer said was incorrect) camila then said "giiiiiirls" pointing at the girls so they could take her spot in answering the question. I wish you got my point there that camila was inpired by that interview to put blink twice if it's yes in the song even though she changed it a little bit.
"But do you think about it too (you,you do) and tell me that you do, when and you know if it was us two"
From that interview again, lauren said that she's taken. So then the lyrics were "but do you think about it too" camila wants to know who does lauren really wants and if lauren was thinking about it camila wants to know who does she see.. Camren or lauis.
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We all know the other iconic indirect.. The "there's nothing like me and you and you know it" and the "I know it" part right? So no need to explain that but...
There are some missing words here; "you've been trying to say it ain't true but it starving me how I look at you"
Lmao no need to explain this also but I'll still do just a little bit.
Lauren always deny camren 😂 but loyal shippers don't believe her cause of the looks. The eyes never lie... The way they look at each other is just so out of this world. It's like when they look at each other they see the whole universe in just one person.
Tell me watcha think about this okay? This are all just based on my opinion so no hate okaay? Love only 😊
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taenyfm · 7 years
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PEOPLE STREAM NOW!!!! #preorderCAMILAtoday
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problematic-camren · 7 years
So Camila suddenly has a boyfriend now? I mean I'm not against but I just don't see her being with a guy. SHE'S SO GAY LIKE HELL!! 😂 seeing those pictures is just so weird
I mean, she said she would never wanna do that Camaustin thing again where everybody knows about her relationship…
So maybe she hid it for a long time, but like now it’s out (unlike her lol), so….
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weaknesszpacks · 7 years
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Headers Camila Cabello + Austin Mahone
Credit @uijelenur or like this post
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wellhiyouitsme · 8 years
Lets take a moment to appreciate how murderous adorable a Jelly Lauren looks..
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bish trying to separate them with a very subtle hand gesture.. Chill Lo, your gay is showing..
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and they say we’re delusional Camren shippers.... 
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camilawpsd · 6 years
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credits to shawn’s icon and header on the image.
please like.
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camrensrealbish · 4 years
Camren circle
Fifth Harmony and One Direction
All the birthday posts: Lauren to Camila
Behind the scenes of Shawmila circus
Is Camila gay? Proofs other than Camren 
Camila being her gay self - interview 2014
Imagine you’re in a relationship with a guy - Camila 2018
The men in Miami
"How cute were those boys though"
Camila crushing on Lauren. X factor bootcamp
5H  era interviews
#1 Camaustin and Brauren PRs. HALO Awards Nov 2014
#2 Reflection Tour. March 2015
Scoopla interview. Australia, Feb 2015
All the videoclips
Clothes is big on me 2014-2016
Camila laughing because of Lauren
Camren always separately single
The Vamps talking about Camren and Shawn
Talking about the Vamps in 2016
5H on Harry and Taylor
Ariana Grande on Fifth Harmony and boyfriends
Camren after 5H
Camila talking about her song of the decade. Dec 2019
Lauren talking about Camila’s Grammy nomination. Dec 2018
Lauren representing Camila on Latin Grammys
Camila talking about her worst date aka her hangout with Lauren
Zach Sang witnessed some shit
Camila talking about Señorita collab (friendzone!!)
Lauren’s instagram live with Trevor Jackson - love languages and relationships
Camila’s intro to Never Be the Same Dec 2017
Proofs after 2017
Lauren’s birthday 2018
Camila talks about her friendship with Taylor
Mastercard concert 2019 - Lauren in the audience?, Part 1, Part 2
Lauren's Zach Sang interview 2021 (break up)
PR interviews
Blame it on the fandom (sinking Camren 2020)
Songs and MVs analyses
Don't Go Yet MV Theory
Symbolism and references
Taxi (Camila loves English men)
Prelude: Sorry (and This Love)
other songs:
Give me love by Ed Sheeran
On Camila’s playlists
Camila’s Spotify playlists 2018
Longer answers to asks
Jealousy now. 2020
Is Camren still real? 2020
Lauren’s management. 2021
Does Lauren regret coming out? Closeting in the industry
My favorite Camren moments
The rings 
Are the girls' PRs because of their queerness or not necessarily?
Why is there more speculation about Shawn being gay than about Camila?
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fa-by · 3 years
on October 23, 2014 when Fifth Harmony was doing an ustream. Someone was calling Camila several times and in one of those times Lauren says 'baby daddy' (looking at Camila) why do you think that if Lauren knew that there was no relationship between Camila and Austin and it was all a lie, why did Lauren say that to her?
Because, dear Anon, that live was for the promotion of Sledgehammer. It was done on purpose to publicize Camaustin as well (Camren were together, btw). Promotion for something specific, is always accompanied by the promotion of something else. With 5H and Camren, it was both PRs and Camren themselves most of the time.
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Becky know more about Pr, I don't remember when this was, but someone ( a pap ) I think asked Austin about shawmila, in the video he didn't say anything clear about them being real/Pr , but did say that they bought a LOT OF ATTENTION. And then they asked about the time when Austin 'dated' camila and he straight up said they were PR, and back in 2013 when camaustin broke up he got together with Becky G, he said that too was pR and Becky was his best friend and was doing it to get them both more publicity.
With the circus in full swing and people (general public) not buyin this shit, they had L make the damage control - L always denied Camren (PPL still use the never real tweet to debunk Camren)
C was always made to not acknowledge 5h and it's members, so better to deny Camren and put shippers to rest, than Lauren herself.
Also Lauren never really mentioned Camila's name up until now, even if someone mentioned C's name she never gave any answer, just nodding and smiling and here we have her mention Camila's name straight of the bat ... hella suspicious.
Anyways like camila Saud "Stay close to what is real" and what real is how we genuinely feel about them.
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into-control · 4 years
I have to admit, laucy is the only relationship of lauren's that I actually question whether it might have been real 🤔. but then, if it was real, how do people explain EL? she definitely knew shit and proved she was reliable many times, and she said laucy was fake 🧐. but either way, it's been over for almost 4 years now so there's no point in bringing the debate back up anymore lol. it would be like debating whether camaustin or ewmila were real in 2020
well it wouldn’t be the first time i’ve had to convince somebody camaustin was pr
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dalvawrites · 7 years
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Guia Prático de Como se Tornar Uma Estrela no Ensino Médio. (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Z5rBVlGEqF A zoada. A garota chorando nos banheiros, no fundo de lixeiras que cheiram a azedo e ferrugem. A perdedora. Uma estrela? Porque não? Talvez com a ajuda certa, talvez seguindo alguns passos, talvez se ela começar a acreditar. Camila não sabia que a diferença entre o que era e o que poderia ser estava dentro dela o tempo todo e um pouco em encontrar as pessoas certas. Em Guia Prático encontramos verdadeiras lições de amor, lealdade e auto-estima enquanto acompanhamos a divertida história do surgimento de uma estrela.
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nopsdcabello · 7 years
camaustin users?
like e avise se salvar! @goldnmila
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learnjerky · 6 years
Do you think a relationship between C and A was being prepared since the group began to emerge?
I saw in an interview once, you know the one theres this old guy being like "so who's the mahony girlfriend" and camila raised her hand awkwardly. And she said that theyve been contacting each other since x factor. And austin tweeted about voting for 5h because of camila around x factor era, so its safe to say that the plan was in motion since x factor.Yall should watch shane's conspiracy video about x factor/rigged tv shows. You can see that everything has been decided since day 1. Camila was an unexpected addition: fifth harmony was meant to be a four member group, theres a tweet about it. I forgot where the tweet is but yeah, camila wasnt supposed to be in fifth harmony, heck she wasnt supposed to audition. I mean, wheres the top 2 that won x factor? They dont have as much promo as 5h and 5h doesnt even have that good of a promo in the first place.So anyway, its safe to say that camaustin had been planned since 5h was formed. I mean, austin is at the peak of his career, and 5h needs their exposure. I mean, for example: jason derullo's golden child is austin, and 5h was featured in jason's talk dirty trailer. 🙄 both parties gained their promo accordingly. But austin cant keep his mouth shut and hinted that their relationship wasnt real in the first place.
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camilawpsd · 7 years
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finalmente consegui fazer algumas bonitinhas então estão ai, essa semana eu vou fazer mais algumas e posto, fiz uma laurmila e uma ausmila pra quem quiser usar, espero que gostem!!!  🌹
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camrensrealbish · 4 years
Can we talk about this interview? #2
Interview published on 12th March 2015.
We’re not even 5 seconds in and Camila is brushing Lauren’s arm with her boob (and Normani slaps Dinah on the face). 
Camila’s sense of humor is seriously underrated. 0.30 “And I’m Camila...”
Around 0.50 Camila’s touching Lauren’s leg. Twice
“Hi guys, I’m Karla”
Lauren’s brushing Camila’s butt.
About the songwriting question; interesting to see how the “approved answer” has been changing over the years. In the interviews about their EP they were “grateful the label let them be a part of the songwriting process and have an input”. With “Reflection”  they had “an idea of what they wanted the whole concept and the sound to be like and the writers executed the idea for them”. With “7/27″ they “had more say this time round” whatever that meant. And with “Fifth harmony (ST)” they “finally had more creative freedom and wrote more than a half of the album”. You can see how uncomfortable they were talking about their input throughout the years and very much so in this interview. Around 2:50 it looks like someone told Normani to smile, because she looked so pissed. Lauren is just looking at the floor. The answers are always similar, even the wording, which makes me think it’s been rehearsed, new answer for each album.
Also, don’t you think that not letting them write was used in the whole breaking C from the group narrative? Because they knew that the girls were competent songwriters when they let them have an input on the EP. Why do that and take it away when writing for “Reflection”? It’s possible they started planning the whole narrative in  2014. What other (public) reason would Camila have to go solo, if she could write in the group? And how could THEY better LAND’s situation after C leaving? Easy. Let’s take the creative freedom away from them and give it back when it’s convenient for us. This way no input in Reflection < “more say this time round” in 7/27 < and finally getting to write on “Fifth Harmony” while being “the happiest they’ve ever been”. Ok, back to the interview.
4:15 “I hate to go here, but it’s five women” I wonder what Camila thought he was gonna ask.
4:44 Cue Lauren laughing at my joke
5:04 Camren moment. So underrated in my opinion. How they just forgot they were in the middle of the interview. They are facing each other and got so excited to share their thoughts. That moment was so good, that Camila even put two picture of them here in her birthday collage for Lauren’s 19th birthday. (Btw this collage is something a CS could make and Camila knows it.)
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Ally’s trying to intervene, but they don’t notice her. So Dinah steps in and then they realize they should’ve not done that. Lauren says sorry three times! Once to the interviewers, second time kind of to the girls and the third time looking in front of her. I wonder who was listening behind the camera..
6:42 Camila’s touching Lauren’s leg and Lauren’s touching Camila’s boob simultaneously.
Funny how Lauren wasn’t even the second messiest in 2015 but was the messiest in 2017. She picked the bad habit from her in 2 years.
7:22 What did you say Camila? “Let’s do each other?” Honestly, Lauren’s reaction would fit.
Ryan Gosling, MCM. Straight enough for you, management?
8:05 Lauren playing with her zip a.k.a touching Camila’s hip
Look how much easier it is for Camila to come up with WCW even multiple ones. No Spiderman here.
What’s with the stage? They weren’t “kidding” when they said no. You can see Normani saying “no, we didn’t” to Dinah. And Camila was so quick to catch Lauren when she slipped. Something’s not right here. Probably the same story as with the songwriting.
Camila initiating a group hug.
A lot of touching, talking to each other and even whispering. Camren didn’t give a f*ck at the beginning of 2015. Camila doesn’t know how to pretend to be straight. Their label and management are a piece of shit. 
Previously: Interview #1 Camaustin and Brauren PRs. HALO Awards Nov 2014
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cinderellaicons · 7 years
camila + austin mahone users
Se salvar algum avise na ask, ou de os créditos para @latinmilas
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