#can be a Kingdom or Ovenbreak ship I don’t mind
quibbs126 · 1 year
Uhh hey so
I kind of want to make some Cookie Run fankids, so if anyone has any requests for what ships…I’ll do it. So long as the ship isn’t weird (you know, no incest or ships with adults and children)
I feel like this is an…odd request from me, but if you’ll indulge me
So when I first really started getting into the Internet and fandoms, I think the main ones I got into were Sonic and My Little Pony, and both of those fandoms, at least at the time (this was around mid 2010s), I’m pretty sure people know that fankids are pretty common in both fandoms. I also saw art for Ninjago that had fankids (though I think it was mostly MaylovesAkidah), so I just assumed that in fandoms, it was just commonplace to draw fankids of the characters you like
And I know for Sonic, I did just that, I made a whole plethora of fan kids. Heck I even have some old art of all my characters (if you ever want to see it, I’ll post it, for a while it was like my magnum opus). I remember I think I also did this for My Little Pony, but it was a few years later and mostly for fun, but I know I definitely also did this for Ninjago. Honestly my Sonic and Ninjago fankids were some of my first real characters to make and they hold a special place in my heart
Later on, I realized that this isn’t a thing all fandoms do, but it’s still something I enjoy, it was basically my roots.
Only problem is, I’m usually not in a fandom where something like that is really feasible. Take Professor Layton for example, you can’t really do a lot of fankids for that fandom, since there really isn’t that many ships. Though I think another part of the problem is that as time goes on, I find myself shipping less and less. Yes I still like ships, but I tend to not personally have ones that I ship (it might just be my indecisiveness, it might be because I find myself less and less interested in romance in general, it might just be in this particular case that I always feel like I don’t know the characters well enough to pick one or the other). So in general I just don’t don’t make them anymore, though I still love to do it
Here though, with Cookie Run, I do have a fandom where this is feasible, it’s just that I don’t know what to make art of. Plus to be honest, I’m a little intimidated, since in my head, it’s a bit of an odd thing, especially for this account, since I’ve never done it on here, but I thought “might as well just put it out there”
So I’m just asking for ships for fankids to create
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cookie-run-ships · 1 year
Alright, hello, this is just a side blog talking about Cookie Run ships
So just to preface, this isn’t about critiquing ships or giving personal opinions on them, as I don’t really feel qualified to do so. Instead, this is just me wanting to know more about the ships of Cookie Run since there are so many, and hopefully other people will learn things too
Now I should probably talk about how the blog’ll work
Okay so first off, it can be a ship from Kingdom, Ovenbreak, or any Cookie Run game really. Heck, if you want to throw in the comics, go ahead
So either I’ll make a post where I list a ship, wanting to know either the origins of the ship (either how it came to be or how you came to ship it, if you want to), the appeal of the ship, or the dynamic of the characters in the ship
You can do so in whatever form you want to, whether it be in the comments or reblogs, I don’t mind either. Or you can answer in the form of an ask or submission if you want to as well
You can ask for a ship instead if you want, I’ll just post the ask and hopefully let other people answer your curiosity (as again, I don’t feel too qualified to answer myself)
Normally, I’ll tag in the ships I talk about in posts, as well as just the main Cookie Run tags, but for this one I won’t since it’s just the guidelines
Now let’s get into some rules
No ships that include adults with minors, and along with that no incest
Also for the sake of this let’s not do crossovers or pairings with ocs. I don’t imagine that’ll be one people pick but thought I should say so regardless
I also hope I don’t have to say this, but let’s not attack people in the notes for ships. We’re just here to learn and have a good time
Alright, I think that’s everything, I’ll add more if it comes up, and I hope you enjoy this blog!
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thatfreakything · 3 years
At Your Service
(Guess who got inspiration back!!! I literally finished, like, 3 small fics in a few days and they’re all about CROB oops-- I just finished this one about 2 minutes ago ((at the time of typing this)) and it’s my favorite so far, so please have it-- Enjoy! It’s completely self-indulgent fluff, but so are most of my fics, I hope you don’t mind.)
Warning: This is a tickle fic, and I run a SFW tickle-themed blog. NSFW are more than welcome to read, but please do not reblog if you are primarily kink themed blog. Thank you for respecting my boundaries.
Fandom: Cookie Run: OvenBreak (could also apply to kingdom)
Ship: Lilayogurt (Lilac Cookie x Yogurt Cream Cookie)
Characters: Lee!Lilac, Ler!Yogurt Cream
Words: 1854
Potential Warnings: None
Yogurt Cream was an...interesting person to work for. For starters, he constantly went off to search for the world's most exquisite treasures, which often wound up being a wild goose chase. For another, he wasn't the least bit intimidated by any sort of stern, annoyed, or otherwise bitter expression on anyone's face. He was extroverted and jovial, even towards those who very obviously wanted him dead.
Lilac found it foolish, but also incredibly comforting in a way.
The bodyguard was known for being relatively neutral, showing no emotion as to guard himself on the job. His minimal reactions made him appear boring, but it was the mark of a great bodyguard...and a great assassin. It was for these reasons that he also tried to distance himself from Yogurt Cream. And yet, despite all of those efforts, Lilac's employer still treated him like a friend rather than a servant.
It complicated things.
Like today, for example -- Yogurt Cream, taking notice of the beautiful spring scenery, declared that the two of them should have a grand picnic outside in the palace garden. Lilac begrudgingly complied. He wasn't one to partake in relaxation, but if he had said no, Yogurt Cream would have demanded it anyway. Besides, his employer was wonderful company, even if Lilac would never say it out loud.
And so on that beautiful spring day, Yogurt Cream was lounging and eating delicious-looking sandwiches while Lilac stood rigidly beside him.
"You can come sit next to me, you know," Yogurt Cream said, stating the obvious. Lilac nodded and continued to stand anyway.
There was an awkward silence.
"Why are you always so stiff?" the former asked, breaking the tension. "You don't have to be -- I'm not going to judge you for showing a little emotion once in a while."
Silence again from the retainer.
"You know what? That's it, come here. Sit in front of me."
Lilac glanced at his employer, slightly confused, but complied immediately. He would never disobey an order. The bodyguard kept up his tense personality as Yogurt Cream ran his fingers through his short hair. The touch was...different. But it was nice.
"You need to relax -- today's a perfect day to enjoy ourselves," Yogurt Cream murmured. "That means you, too."
In his usual fashion, Lilac looked back at him with no response. He did not relax (it was near physically impossible for him to do so), but he did allow Yogurt Cream to do as he pleased. The merchant continued to play with Lilac's hair for a minute or two, then resorted to massaging his bodyguard's shoulders. That was different as well -- Lilac found himself actually resisting the urge to lie down.
Yogurt Cream wandered a bit too close to Lilac's neck, causing the latter to flinch and grab his employer's wrist, turning to face him. At first, his expression was stony and almost aggressive...but noticing Yogurt Cream's wide eyes, it morphed to be apologetic and ashamed. He let go and turned back around, not wanting to meet Yogurt Cream's gaze.
"Are...you okay?" his employer asked slowly. Lilac nodded, trying to calm himself with slow breaths.
"Can I...touch your neck again…? I just want to help you get used to it."
The bodyguard pondered the question for a few moments before nodding again. He inhaled deeply, bracing for the touch, and flinched as Yogurt Cream placed his hand on his neck gently.
This time though, Lilac's instincts didn't kick in. He sat patiently, letting his employer rub his fingers up and down slowly. For a little while, everything was just at peace.
Then the sensation grew lighter, which elicited a...strange feeling from the bodyguard. It was making him shiver, but it didn't feel bad, per se. Goosebumps formed on his arms, and he felt his cheeks get a little warm. After a couple more minutes, Yogurt Cream went up to his ear, and Lilac broke character by gasping.
Yogurt Cream jolted, stopping immediately. "Did that hurt? I'm sorry--"
Lilac cut his employer off by shaking his head quickly, visibly confused.
Both of them thought about it. It took a few seconds, but then Yogurt Cream developed a surprised, almost delighted look on his face.
"Are you...ticklish, Lilac?"
The assassin had no clue on how to answer. He looked back at Yogurt Cream, shrugging and slightly embarrassed (but trying not to show it).
"You don't know?" Yogurt Cream asked in disbelief. "Then...lie down here for me."
Lilac's stomach did a flip-flop. He obliged immediately, of course, but he did not know how to feel about it. After lying down on his back, looking up at his employer, he realized what exactly this meant for Yogurt Cream's image of him.
It was bound to happen eventually.
"Put your arms up and behind your head, please," the merchant commanded. Lilac did as requested, trying to keep his blush from surfacing. He was asked if he was "comfortable with this," and hesitated, not knowing how to feel at first. After going through everything in his head, he nodded -- he'd let Yogurt Cream amuse himself for now.
Yogurt Cream began by trailing his fingers along Lilac's abs almost delicately, as if the bodyguard were made of thin glass. The latter was taken aback a bit by the sensation, flinching and shivering ever so slightly. He wasn't sure if that was the desired reaction at first, but one look at Yogurt Cream's grinning face answered him. His employer's smile made him feel...comfortable. As though nothing were wrong. Maybe that was how it was supposed to be.
"I'm going to do something a bit different, okay?" the merchant asked, waiting for consent. Lilac nodded his head again, readier this time. He took a deep breath to ready himself -- and huffed out something that was almost a laugh as Yogurt Cream very lightly scribbled at his stomach.
"Oh wow, that's adorable!~" Yogurt Cream exclaimed softly, his fingers spidering over Lilac's torso with his nails barely making contact with skin. The bodyguard couldn't stifle his blush this time -- he wasn't adorable! Or at least, he didn't think he was! Then again, Yogurt Cream was known to find joy in even the dullest things, so maybe that was just him.
Then Lilac realized that a smile was starting to break through his exterior.
He didn't know what to do -- let it happen? But what would that do for his persona? On the other hand, if he forced it down or covered his face, he'd be defying his employer. It wouldn't have been a difficult decision if Yogurt Cream wasn't the one tickling him.
With that final thought, the reality of the situation hit him, and he suddenly couldn't stop himself from smiling.
Yogurt Cream noticed the shy expression immediately, as well as Lilac's relatively obvious struggle with it. "Oh my goodness…!~ You can smile, don't worry."
Can smile, sure. But should? Lilac looked at his employer, still confused.
"You know what, scratch the can. I order you to let yourself smile as long as you are comfortable."
With that, Lilac's inner torment melted away, and he allowed the uncharacteristic grin to show. He also began to lean into Yogurt Cream's touch -- the gentle tickling was new and unfamiliar, but it was almost...friendly, in a sense. He wasn't used to friendliness, either.
Yogurt Cream brought his teasing, spidering fingers down to Lilac’s hips, and that was when things really started to break for the bodyguard. He bucked his hips in surprise, almost twisting away and yet wanting to lean in at the same time, and his breathing quickened. The merchant continued, keeping his touch gentle and prepared to stop if need be, and then slowly...Lilac began to laugh.
It was a rough sound, faint and not frantic in any sense. It didn’t sound panicked or in pain, but it was definitely nervous and somewhat strained from having almost never happened before. It was incredibly quiet and scratchy as well, not wild or loudly clear like some.
Yogurt Cream thought it was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.
“I didn’t know you could laugh, Lilac!~” he exclaimed with a slight teasing lilt, making the assassin’s cheeks turn red. He traced circles with all five fingers on each hip, making his retainer whine with embarrassment.
“Ihihi d-didn’t k-knohow eheheither!”
The statement simultaneously broke and warmed Yogurt Cream’s heart. He’d heard Lilac speak before, on rare occasions, but it was usually only when the situation was dire or when he was comfortable enough. And when he did speak, it was either a warning (in the aforementioned dire situations), or it was something that was either sad or downright heartwarming. This was, in a way, both.
“Well, I really like your laugh, Lilac,” the merchant purred, moving to lie on top of Lilac as to gently pin him down. He brought his hands up to the bodyguard’s armpits, resulting in another gasp before more shy giggling. “Mind letting me hear more of it?”
Lilac, flustered more than he’d ever been and in a giggly daze, had no idea how to respond. He was barely managing to keep his arms up as instructed -- his underarms were more ticklish than he’d expected. Granted, so far every part of him had been more ticklish than expected.
Thankfully, Yogurt Cream seemed to have the same idea, and paused his teasing for a moment to gently bring Lilac’s arms down. “Here you go, this might be more comfortable. I’ll give you a moment to breathe.”
The assassin took that time gratefully, catching his breath and trying to recover while his head was spinning. He barely registered it when his employer cupped his cheek with one hand, and he couldn’t care less when he instinctively leaned into the affectionate touch. It was just him and Yogurt Cream, and that was all that mattered to him now.
“Are you okay?” the merchant asked, clearly amused and double-checking his bodyguard’s emotions. Lilac nodded, trying to say “yes” but barely managing to get the word out through his breathlessness. “Good, I wouldn’t want you to be upset…”
There was a long, peaceful moment, where Lilac learned how to breathe steadily again and let Yogurt Cream lie on top of him. Both of them were in a daze of sorts, one incredibly delighted by his discovery and enamored with the possibilities, and the other dizzied by his newfound “weakness.” Or perhaps it wasn’t new -- after all…
...Hadn’t Yogurt Cream always been his weakness?
“What do you say to Round Two?” his employer asked suddenly, his voice mischievous but gentle. Lilac blushed and nodded, trying to hide a faint smile.
Initially, Lilac hadn’t expected anything much from that spring afternoon, as most excursions with Yogurt Cream wound up either being dangerous or compromising his reputation. But this, with just the two of them, was so comforting and so appealing...he’d have to let it slide just this once. And maybe a few times more. It wasn’t like anyone else was there.
It was just the two of them. And that was all that mattered.
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helloitsghost · 2 years
Ok so….
Anyways in celebration of me getting older and also recent growth in this blog
Pretty simple just:
Send me an ask or anon and if your not comfortable with that send me a dm with an art request you want from me honestly you can request pretty much whatever so long as it’s not stupid complicated or nsfw and in the list of fandoms I’ll list below cause there’s only so much I can do wjfjsjf
Here’s the list:
Demon slayer
Cookie run kingdom (I haven’t played ovenbreak so I can’t do those sorry)
Dr stone (only season 1 so far and I haven’t watched much of it so bare with my little knowledge)
TPN (only season 1)
A bit of mha but just note I haven’t watched the show but I do know a good bit on some characters
Spy x family (please I love them)
Addition stuff:
Please be as specific as you can with details with the prompt and anything else you want (if not I’ll just add it in and just hope you like it lmfao)
Please also keep in mind that these drawings could take a good bit of time since I am still in school and have other shit going on in life and also these drawings will be in my normal format with the red and sketchy vibe this is
Yes I can draw OC’s just send me a pic of em for reference and ofc describe the prompt and it’s all good
Yes I can do ships so long as it’s legal so platonic or romantic just keep it legal if it’s romantic
Again no nsfw sorry as much as I love to joke bout it I’m not real comfortable drawing it and I also don’t think that it’s legal🗿
Now i know most of my art so far has been tword but it doesn’t have to be just tword honestly you can request most anything tword, floof, angst whatever you want :D
Yeah that’s basically it ofc I’m gonna have to keep it limited to a certain amount idk we have to see it really depends on how life is and how school is treating me but also keep in mind that they might take a good while during the school year for obvious reasons when I’m on break itll be faster but yeah just bare with me there’s no schedule we just tryna have fun💀
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105ttt · 3 years
Hi sorry if this was already asked before but could you explain a little further abt the things devsis has done?? I haven’t heard abt a lot of the stuff you mentioned I don’t mean to sound rude or anything I’m just genuinely wondering
I can tell you mean it genuinely, it’s okay! I’m happy to answer because you want to know. I’ll go through everything I said.
The Valentine’s 2021 fanart video, posted on the official CR YouTube channel, is a compilation of fanart drawn for Valentine’s Day that fanartists submitted. Some of the art submitted was chosen BY DEVSISTERS and put in the video, but not all art made it in. Two pedophilic ships, Red Bean x Snow Sugar and Roguefort x Walnut, were featured in the video. Red Bean x Snow Sugar was featured TWICE. Snow Sugar and Walnut are confirmed to be children while Red Bean and Roguefort are HEAVILY implied to be adults. Devsisters allowed the pedophilic ships to be shown in a fanart video for a holiday primarily about romantic love, therefore putting their seal of approval on these pedophilic ships. Despite fans saying it should be taken down, the video is still up as of today.
Related to the video and Devsisters’ promotion of fanart on official Twitter accounts, they are known to promote fanart that whitewashes the Cookies. This applies to not only Cookies like Cocoa and Mint Choco, who are clearly black, but also Cookies that are tan, like Alchemist. This approval of whitewashing has been going on for literal years, and when an artist was called out for a piece that Devsisters promoted, Devsisters sided with the artist and claimed that they should be respected rather than made to understand why whitewashing is bad.
Both the Dreamy Cookie Land event and the 2021 April Fools GingerBrave Trial contain sections that are known to harm photosensitive people by either giving them seizures or seriously hurting their eyes and causing immense discomfort and pain. While Devsisters altered the maps in Dreamy Cookie Land to make them less likely to hurt these people, the 2021 April Fools Trial has not changed. Devsisters should have made sure these maps were safe BEFORE publishing them to thousands of people (or more).
Devsisters misgenders its own characters on official Twitter accounts and in game notifications. Squid Ink Cookie was referred to as “she” on a Puzzle World Twitter post, despite this Cookie never having pronouns anywhere in the game. Mocha Ray Cookie was referred to with “she” in a game notification despite having no pronouns listed anywhere in the game, including cutscenes. Devil Cookie was referred to with “he” in a Twitter post despite the game canonically using only “they/them” for them. In addition, a statement from the Thai branch of the Devsisters team claimed that you can use any pronouns for a Cookie since they are born sexless (and they conflated sex with gender). This gives transphobes the “right” to misgender canonically nonbinary characters. Lastly, before the Guild update and before OvenBreak, Dark Choco and Cinnamon had no pronouns. After the Guild update, Cookies referred to Dark Choco as “he”, and in OvenBreak, Cinnamon’s Story uses “he” for them. This erases two canonically nonbinary characters, as cis people will see “he” being used for them and assume they are male rather than he/they nonbinary people.
Devsisters is not subtle about their homophobia, as well as their goal of appealing to cishets who hate gay people. They show their homophobia in how straight ships are treated compared to gay ships. Firstly, in the Valentine’s fanart video, there were mostly straight ships. I believe I counted only 4 or so gay ships, and 3 of these were either selfcest or pedophilia. Despite the majority of the art being shown being heterosexual, many people who regularly follow the CR tag on Twitter and Instagram claim that there was a lot more gay ship art submitted compared to the proportion shown in the video. The gay ship art shown was also ambiguous enough that cishets who hate gay people wouldn’t get mad at Devsisters, while some of the heterosexual art was blatantly romantic. Secondly, the treatment of ships like RaspRose and PrincessKnight, popular straight ships, is much better than the treatment of popular gay ships by Devsisters. For example, RaspRose got a merchandise item in a set of cups that also featured a cup with Sea Fairy and Moonlight and Orange and Lime. The RaspRose art on the cup is explicitly romantic. The art on the Sea Fairy and Moonlight and Orange and Lime cups are ambiguous or platonic instead, despite both of these ships being historically far more plausible and popular than RaspRose. Finally, Devsisters has been gaybaiting with Madeleine Cookie and Espresso Cookie in Kingdom, but they refuse to make them canon because that would be gay. Gaybaiting is homophobic in itself for using gay people as a way to advertise something without fulfilling the promise of gay representation. It’s also worth mentioning that they once gaybaited with Milk and Purple Yam on Twitter, but the art shown was not romantic at all, and only the caption hinted at a ship (and the caption was vague enough to be interpreted as the Cookies merely appearing in an art piece together).
Multiple black CR fans have spoken out and said that Purple Yam Cookie is a racist caricature of black men, ESPECIALLY when he is juxtaposed with Milk, a white man. Indian and Middle Eastern CR fans have spoken out and said that Yogurt Cream Cookie and Lilac Cookie are caricatures of Indian and Middle Eastern people. These are not debatable. Google the history of the portrayal of black men in non-black media, and you’ll see what I mean for Purple Yam. The evidence that Yogurt Cream is a caricature comes from the very fact that people compare him to Aladdin, specifically Disney’s version of the tale, thereby showing that their only exposure to Indian and Middle Eastern people is stereotypes in white media. Note also that Dark Choco Cookie is the stereotype of a solemn, lonely, strong black person, and this has leaked into the fandom so much that people draw them unrealistically buff and mostly draw them suffering from angst instead of having any actual character.
There was an IRL sex crime in South Korea perpetrated by a club called the Burning Sun, and a certain Guild named itself after that club and changed their usernames to the names of the people who committed these crimes. They were only forced to change their names by Devsisters AFTER people protested. They were NOT forced to disband the Guild or banned from the game. Keep in mind that these people named themselves after a REAL-LIFE SEX CRIME that harmed REAL WOMEN AND GIRLS, and the only punishment they got was a forced name change. Fuck Devsisters.
Lastly, the trigger joke. Back when Ion Cookie Robot and Cyborg Cookie were new, the official CR Twitter account made a Tweet captioned as “triggered”, and below that caption was a GIF of Ion Cookie Robot becoming angry and shifting to their Red Dread Costume, thereby implying that Ion Cookie Robot was “triggered” and became unreasonably angry. This was posted during the time when ableists were using the term “triggered” as a “meme”, which harms people with PTSD. The Tweet was deleted, and another Tweet was made that apologized for the previous Tweet, but this was only after backlash from fans. However, notice that Purple Yam Cookie is also a trigger joke. He has PTSD from being burned alive in the Oven for so long, and as a result he is easily angered (anger is his stress response). The game treats this as a joke and minimizes his suffering just because other Cookies were in the Oven (before coming to life). His anger is treated as unreasonable and unwarranted, and it’s treated as a joke. Does that sound familiar? Now take into account that his anger is juxtaposed with Milk’s “kind”, “gentle” demeanor. Yikes.
DevSam, a worker at Devsisters, once said that GingerBrave had a Costume in LINE that was a “sexy cat costume”. GingerBrave is a minor, and the Costume was literally not sexy at all. Why did they refer to him as sexy if he’s a minor??
Images from an official CR account showed a person dressed as GingerBrave giving gifts to a person dressed as Pink Choco Cookie, a Cookie associated with romantic love. This can be easily interpreted as romantic and is therefore pedophilic because GingerBrave is a child and Pink Choco Cookie is an adult. Why post this at all??
Buttershell Fox referred to Maple Panda with a word that was VERY close to a slur against black people in the original text of the Secrets of the Hidden City cutscenes. This was only changed when a popular Twitter user let everyone know about it and asked people to email Devsisters about it.
I can provide links and screenshots for proof if needed, but please DM me or send an ask to ask for these. I’m definitely forgetting other things they’ve done that are bad, but this already should be enough to raise eyebrows.
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quibbs126 · 11 months
Okay, I feel like this is something I have to get off my chest, mostly because the ship has been in my head recently, but I just don’t really like darkmilk
Like, nothing against the people who do ship it, I just can’t get behind it
I think for me, part of it is the whole age difference thing, since as we know in Kingdom, they met when Milk was a child and Dark Choco at best a teenager. Now I realize that things aren’t nearly as bad as they could be, considering they haven’t met since and they both seem to be consenting adults in current day. But I don’t know, is it weird to date someone you once met when they were a kid and you much older, at least in terms of maturity? And you remember meeting them at that age?
And then there’s the whole idolization Milk has for Dark Choco. Milk grew up seeing Dark Choco as his hero, and it feels a bit weird for Dark Choco to then date someone who’s spent a long time seeing him that way. Like it seems weird to date someone who’s been a fan of you for years and saw you as their hero
Now Milk having a crush on Dark Choco, at least when he’s younger? I can absolutely see that, from what I understand it’s not that uncommon to have a crush on someone you idolize, especially when they’re older (I mean, I never had that happen, but I did know someone who did). It just gets weird to me when Dark Choco reciprocates feelings and they start having an actual relationship. Because it’s one thing to have a crush on your idol, but it’s another to actually date them and have a serious relationship
But I can concede, I don’t really know that many situations with either scenario, so I can’t really say whether or not this properly weird. And maybe I’m just not getting it. But still, I just wanted to give my own two cents on the topic
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