#can be wolfstar or jeg
emlovessid · 5 months
so i hit 1k followers this week which is absolutely wild to me. i appreciate you all so very much 🫶
as a lil thank you for sticking by the chaos that is my tumblr, drop a prompt in my inbox and i'll write you something !!
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bloodbruise · 6 months
What’s on your plan to write?
so many things on the docket.. all without real titles because im annoying <3
back alley surgeon evan (rosekiller, nursing student ev does surgeries out of his garage and barty has a running list of minor ones he can easily recover from because he's obsessed with evan and wants excuses to see him)
angel reg (jeg & wolfstar. reg is remus' guardian angel, vamp sirius, demon james, oh and remus is a cowboy)
cute lil jeggy sunday morning dancing scene that ill probably use for a microfic
def wanna flesh out some of the ideas in my anon answers/notes app too <3 (cheerleader reg, canon compliant jeg through harrys eyes, morgue owner barty, etc)
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carniferous · 7 months
not to start a debate and then turn it into jl vs jeg beef god knows some people need to chill
but also uhm
jeg requires james’ character bending to some extent and more bc canon james was white straight rich man who was very much happy about it and took advantages of his privileges, same can’t be said about reg (yeah he also was privileged. insanely) bc he overall has three sentences about him? he could be a lil weirdo who stalked his brother and his friends, a serial killer with impressive kill count, or just a guy who was just there or everything at once. and i think it’s okay to admit, jeg existence is based on liking green and red together or salt chips with honey, you know, personal preference and imagination and the will to chew glass daily bc they’re too damn tragic.
however jl is bend too. i read them mostly with wolfstar and they’re both usually toned down in order to work. it’s jkr fault, she never wrote them falling in love and she straight up forgot to give james positive traits and describe his maturity process, like he was a massive dick and then he changed completely in a year and lily easily overcame her dislike and boom, they had a baby. in the middle of the war, while fighting and wizards didn’t know what abortion was, obviously. so i completely understand why james is often written a bit differently, in more positive light and with reasons to be an asshole and why lily’s dislike for james is erased and her character isn’t as intense as she is in canon.
bending characters shouldn’t be a crime, especially hp characters 🧍🏼‍♀️
yeah slay idk what you mean by bending of characters the james and regulus that exist in my mind are actually perfectly crafted characters whose every action i can trace back to some piece of punctuation in canon that validates my interpretation
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lee-bella · 4 months
HP Fest News Brief: May 13, 2024
There are many new HP fests starting up recently, not counting the ones that have been announced and will be starting soon. Here's a list of ongoing fests that have started on April 28 and onwards.
Ladies of HP Fest: Prompt challenge. There's a different theme Runs from April 28 - August 31.
Marauders Rarepair Microfics: New monthly microfic challenge for any rare pairing that involves at least one Marauders era characters. See rules for a list of ships that will not be accepted.
Marauders Sports Fest: Sign-up open till August 3; prompting open till June 1.
HP Flowers Spring Round 2024: Flower language. Runs from May 1 - May 31.
Microfic May 2024: Runs from May 1 - May 31.
Prongsfoot Reverse Big Bang: Writer sign-up open till May 30.
Tiny Shorts Reg Fest: Regulus in tiny shorts. Submit works by July 31.
The Story of Us Fest: Draco/Hermione x Taylor Swift. Claiming open till July 28.
Bellatrix Fest 2024: Claiming open till July 31.
Harmony Summertime Madness Fest: Harry/Hermione. Claiming open till July 26.
Jeg Big Bang 2024: James/Regulus. Sign-up is open for authors (till July 15), artists (till Oct 15), and beta readers.
Sapphic Scot Fest 2024: Minerva-centric femslash. Gen also welcome. Prompting open till May 15.
Unleashed Fest 2024: Draco/Harry & HP rare pairs featuring animals and magical beasts. Prompting open till May 15.
HD Hurt/Comfort Fest 2024: Draco/Harry. Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort. Claiming open till July 1. Writer sign-up capped at 60 participants. No cap for art, craft and podfic.
HP Cest Fest 2024: Incest. Claiming open till June 28.
Wolfstar Bingo 2024: Sign-up open till June 1.
HP Drizzle Fest 2024: Weather theme. Claiming open till August 17.
Rarepair Shorts Summer Wishlist (Tumblr) Open to any HP rare pair not on the banned ship list. Accepts wishlists till May 30. Dreamwidth account is not required; you can submit your wishlist anonymously.
SnarryBang! Exchange 2024 (Dreamwidth): Severus/Harry gift exchange. Sign-up open till May 26. You can choose the remix option where your gifter will create gifts based on your own works.
Captivous: A Tomarrymort Fest: Harry/Tom|Voldemort. Both ship and gen are acceptable. Works must involve someone being held captive, kidnapped, taken away against their will, etc. Claiming open till June 20.
Marauders For Sale Fest: Inspired by The Beatles. Sign-up open till May 26.
Chaotic Fest: Unexpected HP rare pairs. New prompts will be added from time to time. Deadline to be announced.
There are many other HP fests and challenges happening right now. For a more complete list, see Potterfests' HP Fest News Round-up (May 5 edition). The next edition will be posted on May 19.
As always, for more HP fest news, visit Potterfests on Dreamwidth and Livejournal. Ta-ta!
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wingsmadeforflying · 9 months
Trying to find fanart is hell.
It's got panels like a comic, but they're all of a couch, almost like the viewer is looking from the TV. It shows a ship watching different movies together, ranting from laughing to crying. The skip is either Wolfstar, Jegulus, or Klance. I wanna say Jeg? It could also be Drarry, I have no clue. The quote across the panels is long, but it sums to "In the next life, I want to have a normal life with you."
I think. It was an Instagram post.
I will love you forever, anyone who can find this 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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sommerregenjuniluft · 11 months
20 asks for fic writers
thank u @plecotusauritus, @kaaaaaaarf, @pinkthekla & @kaleidoscopexsighs for tagging me🥹<3 ily all
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
four but we only talk about three of those😌🤘🏼
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
about 13.8k words (i have no idea where to look this up i typed it into my phone calculator lmao)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
on my ao3 marauders, in the Docs marauders, haikyuu, atla and on Wattp*d🤬 young royals & shera lol (i was like 15 years old ok)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
🤓 my number 1 though is Always Pushing her Luck with a stellar one hundret and ten because yall are some sluts for a good lesbian smut fic
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!! i love interacting with people on art no matter if it’s theirs or mine<3
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm i think Teeth actually? not really angsty but maybe it kind of makes you go 😬😳 or WAIT maybe my very first jeg microfic thing, the Stag one yknow.. where James is dead😁
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
again, from my ao3 one’s probably Ribs but microfics probably just all the fluffy ones, i’m looking at the cookie baking one here esp, also Walk and Carry
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope! but i was lowkey concerned for the new non-con fic jdkskd But so far so good hahah
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
why yes i do. mm mostly the unhinged kind in some way hdksks but ig the lesbian wolfstar one is very tender too<3
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
not crossovers per se but we love a good AU of another fandom universe, my marauders Maze Runner Au is very dear to me, we’ll see if she ever sees the light of the day
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge no
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but! i will have to kick @pinkthekla cass and me in the ass to make it happen someday because the world deserves to see one james potter horny and humbled
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
this changes all the time honestly and they’re all very very close to each other but i’m gonna have to say iwaoi on top because their chemistry is just unmatched and something i hold so close to my heart, they just mean a lot of comfort to me! so thats prob why
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
hm, i mean i’m only 20 i have all the time in the world. but perhaps that one barty in a maids dress smut one shot? not sure i’ll come back to that one again but who knows!
16. What are your writing strengths?
i think i can do a dialogue quite good but it’s hard for me to get into a zone or scenario where it comes to that naturally, but whenever it does happen? i’m super happy and proud of the result (that’s why i like my hitmen jegulus microfic so much)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
probably that i’m not really good at creating a storyline/plot djskks that’s something that does Not come easily to me and probably one of the only reasons i havent really finished any of my big fics or even their first chapters. If i have a plan/ a prompt or something in general i can orientate myself off of it flows super easily (all the microfics and Ant Pile) but coming up with something of my own is very hard and i often feel kinda bad about it too :,))
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
would love to, i have some smol things planned for mira mi amor that i will probably go and bother @appreciatedmoron bea about as well as my two irl bsfs since they’re quite good at spanish but besides that i’d only really trust myself with german since thats my first language
19. First fandom you wrote for?
actually shera i think
20. Favorite fic you've written?
i really love Ant Pile atm but from my published one’s i couldnt really choose actually djsksk i really like the metaphors and visuals i came up with in Ribs though <3
np tagging: @rottin6, @maliceofminds, @strezzlecki aand idk anyone that sees this and hasn’t been tagged yet!! (i see yall liking these i Will bully u in the dms)
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hey marauders fandom
I'm just starting to get a little into discord and wanted to see where I can find y'all or the groups (servers?) about wolfstar, jeg, rosekiller, and all of them actually lol. let me know!
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jfleamont · 1 year
the James being the sun thing is definitely new! it really annoys me too. I'm not a fan of the sunshine/chaotic vs the grump/level headed trope anyway it lacks nuance
I mean, I read somewhere why they associate him with the sun and it makes sense: apparently since Remus is the moon and Sirius is the stars, James has to be something related to the sky as well. Also, he's popular (people are attracted to him as if he's the sun) and probably the 'leader' of the group, and his upbringing is not as sad or tragic as Remus' or Sirius'.
While I get it, I think it has led to a misconception about his personality: I've seen him portrayed as this naive, bubbly person, the human embodiment of a golden retriever, a jock who's kind of a himbo whose sole purpose in life is to pine after Lily... It's reductive at best and personally, that's not my James at all.
I talked about him at length here but I'll just say that my James is charismatic, popular and has a big heart, but he can also be mean, unpredictable, moody, arrogant (especially when he was younger); he's intelligent, determined and can be mature and serious (no pun intended!) if the situation calls for it.
I also don't see how Lily would fit into this, because the sun-moon-stars analogy is an exclusively MPP dynamic. Which yes, it makes sense if it's a friendship dynamic but more often than not James is the sun in Wolfstar fics. And it's nice to include James, but Lily gets kinda left out, doesn’t she?
I think it also depends on what fic you read when you first get into the fandom: for me it was The Life And Times, but I remember watching a TikTok of a girl who said she didn't like TLAT James at all because she was used to James in All The Young Dudes.
So yeah, it either started with ATYD or with the whole Jeg*lus thing, but honestly it doesn't bother me too much, because all the fic writers I love don't write him that way and neither do I, so I just ignore it.
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dumbspiderboy · 7 years
Appreciation Post
Alright so I've never done when of these before but here I go
For @ace-of-diamonds0105
I have known Anna since the first day of freshman year in highschool(a good 3 Years). And the first day I met her we hit it off immediately, somehow we become such close friend in such a short amount of time. So close that a week after we met a guy asked her if we were dating(she didn't tell me this till junior year though XD). I've always struggled with maintaining friendships throughout the years due to fear of coming off as too clingy and annoying, but she never makes me feel like that. She always tells me that even though she doesn't totally understand when I talk about certain shows/whatnot that she still love listening to me talk about them because of how excited it makes me. For my birthday last year she gave me a snow globe with pictures of us in it, and whenever I'm having one of those days it's always nice to look at and remind myself that I have someone who cares about me. I love listening to her talk about things she gets excited about(especially those vine references). She's someone who will geek out with me about Harry Potter, and will take silly selfies together. She the kindest little(but still taller than me) Hufflepuff who puts up with my shenanigans on a daily basis. She's the friend I can refer to as babe or wife and everyone knows who I'm talking about. She's that friend i can sit in silence with and its not awkward. She cosplays one of my OTPs with me(Wolfstar) and volunteers to cosplay other with me even if she doesn't know what they're from. She's pretty much the embodiment of a mermaid, and always has amazing hair no matter what color. She the grandmaster savage, the Philip to my Lukas, Sirius to my Remus. She's Anna, and I really couldn't have asked for a better friend, and I honestly could not imagine my life without her in it.
Jeg elsker deg til månen of tilbake (hopefully I spelled that right)
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calamitoustide · 3 months
hello! i am requesting James for your lil character game :)
@nevvaraven this ones for you too! all I wanted was someone to say James so I could ramble on about him. Also @inevitablestars because you sent me the ask as I was typing this whole thing up
How I Feel About This Character: I am in love with him. He is EVERYTHING to me. He is in my pocket and I am not letting go of him. When I was originally reading the books I was all Remus for me... cause you know James isn't in it at all, but when I got back into it this go around and read ATYD it was all James for me. I went through a phase where I couldn't read wolfstar raising Harry fics because James wasn't in it. I am still in that phase actually. I read wolfstar only to see James. He is my baby I love him.I feel like... this might be obvious if you've been on my blog for like two seconds but yeah he's everything to me.
All The People I Ship Romantically With This Person: Everyone and also like just a few people. The thing with James is if he's in the fic I'll eat it up I don't care, but also it goes in and out and I'm a Jegulus guy through and through. I'll go through everyone though.
REGULUS: Need I say anything about him? Like it's just Jeg I love Jeg I've always loved Jeg. I've been here since the first jegulus week when there was like 200 fics and I read a drarry fic only for jegulus, like I've been here. Give me anything with jeg and I'll eat it up. Give me canon and I'll fucking be bawling thinking about the tragedy of it. Give me hurt/comfort. Give me the most suffocating fluff you can muster. All of it. I have written over a million words for them this isn't going away.
Remus: Moonchaser came to me... very randomly one day. I remember hating them originally when I first got here I heard about it and thought people were crazy but now 🤷‍♂️ I kinda like 'em. I can never see them doing past like 16 though. I like the idea of them being each other's first boyfriends. If I need James to have an ex I am going to Remus. They are just everything to me. I think they balance each other out. I also like what them dating does to their friendship later on. I also like the idea that after the prank Moonchaser get together/get back together. I think the angst potential there is so awful. I love it.
Barty + Evan: This guys go together because... rosestarkillerchaser might be in my top five ships. I'm obsessed with them actually. I do like Jarty and... whatever James and Evan's ship name is separately but they don't interest me as much as them all together. Mainly because I don't think Jarty works long time if the other two aren't there. I think Jarty like are on and off if it's just the two of them. They're breaking up and getting back together all the time. Putting them all together though... you still keep Jarty as Jarty this is very important to me they can not be two excitable toddlers please they have to argue and tease each other to the point of hatred. They are still Jarty even with them all together. Evan and James came out of nowhere for me. I randomly just started liking them and then went oh because I realized my shipping of rosestarkillerchaser wasn't just an early fandom thing and it is still going strong. I liked them like back in 2021 it was crazy. I just liked them in secret. All of the ships in it are just so! They work very well I won't talk about the other ones this is about James but rosekiller, bartylus and regvan also are everything.
LIly: I talked about it with Lily, but I do like Jily. I would never write them alone, but I do like them with jegulily. I like them both teasing each other though. I think Reg helps with that. I know James is head over heels in love with Lily and I do like that, but also having them "compete" for Regulus and having that little rivalry between them I eat it up <- i'm the only one I've seen write them like that.
My Non-Romantic OTPs for this ship: Remus. Remus. Remus. Remus. I'll say it again. Remus. I always love putting James and Remus together they are everything to me. It started just because I needed James to talk to someone about Reg and if he talked to Sirius he would automatically know it's his brother, but idk I just really love putting them together. Also MARLENE either separately or with Peter as childhood best friends. They are everything to me. James and Marlene's dynamic is everything. And the angst when you add Peter is so........
My unpopular opinion of this character: He is not an excitable toddler. I could go into how I like James as being sad and not just happy go-lucky guy all the time... but it's not even unpopular anymore that's just how it is. Also I've got over 500k of sad James to back me up there. Like I've talked about that. I see a lot of people making James to be this like toddler it's the best way to describe it. Like it's not even the always happy thing, because he can even be sad and be a toddler, but I feel like that's the only emotions people give him sometimes, and it's not even like on a deeper level. They make him sad and then it can easily be fixed, or they make him into just this lovesick puppy dog who is overly happy and honestly fucking stupid. Like James is not dumb. He does not need to be dumb. Also in terms of sad James they ignore his anger a lot and I don't like it. I like James just being angry. I love him just being angry when it's not even a sad James situation. This also goes into the jarty thing. They make him too soft. They make him too nice and then Barty has to be diluted because of it. Stop diluting James let him live. Don't make him just a puppet for his love interest to mess with. Don't make him agree to everything anything always says. Let him fight back goddammit. Let him be mean!
One Thing You Wished Happened To This Character In Canon: He didn't die <3 This question is so bad because I don't care about canon in the least, but like also I want him alive!
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calamitoustide · 19 days
how was james portrayed back then and how is it different to now?
I mean... I don't even remember honestly 😭
I remember in early 2021 James was just the "straight guy" and that was pretty much it. At least in wolfstar fics and that's coming from someone who only read wolfstar to get to James. He was just the happy enthusiastic friend who's already around sorta thing, and I latched onto him forever. I only read a few Jily fics and can't remember them enough to know to really speak on him being a main character in those. He was just a happy guy in the ones I read. He was just a lover more than anything else. He loved Lily. He loved his friends, and that was it.
I can't remember him much in early Jeg fics either honestly. I'm so bad to ask this question to 😭 you're asking me about something that happened three years ago.
I don't think he's changed that much though. I do think he's still the same character, plus everyone has a different version of him and a different facet of him being explored. I focus on sad James but not everyone does. That version of him didn't really exist before but that doesn't mean that it's different now... because I'm sure the old version of James still exists somewhere today.
I do think there is a clear difference between fics from three years ago and fics from now. If I'm reading a fic I can tell if it's written in 2021 or not, but I also don't think it's anything concrete I can point out and say that's different, that's different and that's different, you know what I mean?
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