#can he regrow limbs like a lizard
suffarustuffaru · 1 year
hey guys u know how like reinhard can come back to life right after dying anyway what if u decapitate him and then his headless body casually gets back up and calmly puts his head back on like how fucked up would that be haha
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trying to make a list of jason's injuries so i can draw him w scars (ik he regenerates but i Want him scarred) and jesus this guy. this man. i'm not even listing every injury just things that could/did make actual damage like deep wounds and burning skin and surprise amputations and yet this list is so fucking long
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We saw this sign in hobby lobby and thought of them..
Ft. Some more fan kids.. the blond kid is Grover, the black-haired one is Lou.
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masc-ink · 1 day
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Meet my version of Ghidorah(monster zero):
Meet my version of Ghidorah(monster zero):
Name: Ghidorah(Monster zero)
Right head- Ni
Middle head- Ichi
Left head- Kevin/San
Sex/Gender: male
Mate: (none/unknown)
Height: 542ft (sized up to be bigger/longer to match his mother)
extra: `all the heads seem to have some scaring mostly the right head of Ghidorah(ni) having the right side of his face fully torn, the middle heads(ichi) scaring goes across his entire face where it has healed/been put back together, while the left head(kevin/san) has a ring around the neck from when it has been ripped off more then once`
Father- unknown)
Mother- Titanus/Queen Sagittarius)
Regeneration: regeneration for Ghidorah's works more like a lizard where they can regrow any part of there body over and over like a limb or there head rather then a slash or a cut
`after the battle between Godzilla for earth, ni's face had gotten torn apart since it was not his whole head his face could not regenerate/regrow making his face scared and expose muscle and his sharp teeth`
`after being blown to shreds his he'd had regrown but not without some difficulty, being the main head it took longer for his head to fully regrow making his face scared /healed patchy `
`Sans head had gotten torn off and healed quite quickly as he had lost his head meny times before, becoming skilled at it, while his brothers where still healing it was his job to keep them alive by feeding, keeping hydrated and protecting them from scavengers while they were vulnerable`
[yayyyy! i finished meet my version of ghidorah, ye! finally did it, a few more things is san/kevin while still being silly and reackless is just as evil as the other two heads having no regrets for what he has done and will do it again as it is in his blood and he loves doing it- thats just my version tho :D]
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nicksketchbook19 · 23 days
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I was wondering if Syzoth cut off one of his limbs it would regrow back since he is a reptile?
Like lizards do with their tails?
Does this have sense?
It can be a good feature for a saurian.
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hushimstressed · 10 months
Inaccurate biology ahead (this is for my gay superhero cubits fanfiction ok)
Ok so venom!charlie has himself convinced that by extracting the dna of a chameleon and a lobster he can revive juanaflippa from the dead.
His reasoning for this is that Chameleons (like many lizards) can regrow limbs, regeneration would be essential HOWEVER you gotta account for the cells dividing too fast (which could cause cancer to develop) to stop this from happening he also takes the dna of a lobster (which can keep growing and never get cancer).
The plan is simple. Extract the information from the dna that allows a chameleon to regenerate as well as the lobsters immunity, modify the dna so they work in tandem and are safe to apply to a human body then hey presto everything is as it should be.
Now, he just needs a body (not that one is difficult to find)
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kittiemitties · 1 year
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Some AU Grimms that I like a fair bit but that I wanted to stop collecting dust+ an excuse to screw around with fonts and layouts.
Minor lore and thoight processes under the cut
Grimm was exiled from the vault he was experimented on, but not before Tousen removed his arm to ‘teach him a lesson’.He managed to grab it as he fled and uosed it+ the attached pipboy to lure scavengers into many an ambush until it was no longer a feasible strategy (the arm decayed too much). 
When the pipboy eventully falls off th limb, he straps it as best he can to his remaining arm so he can still use the damn thing, stupid biolock. He eventually comes across Ichigo, whose network and resources get the pipboy refitted and reaffixed without the contorting to see the screen.
It takes time but he Does allow Orihime to experiment with regrowing his arm. The key ingredient is Nightstalker DNA and the earlier attempts are...stressful, to say the least. She is able to synthesize a serum for him but in the spirit of lizard tails and game buff mechanics, it only lasts a certain amount of time before it withers and falls off, and the sudden growth is stressful on the body. He’s highly adept at getting around/looking after himself with one am so the serum is more for dire emergencies. Orihime and/or Uryu have almost definitely made him a prosthetic but he tends to use it as a decoy more often than not. He’s perfectly capable without it, thank you very much.
He’ll wear that jumpsuit until it falls to pieces. It was custom tailored to jive with his enhancements and is Still the most comfortable and easy to maneuver clothing that doesn’t get in the way of his tail in any way. 
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poiboi133 · 10 months
More on Spider-Puppet
Alright, with the canon event out of the way and everything, it's time that I move onto some of the villains of this au.
The Aftons.
Green Gobiln: William Afton, of course, would be the Green Goblin. After Henry's death, William would begin to experiment with a substance he calls Globulin Green. Upon seeing a direct threat in Spider-Puppet after seeing Rhino's defeat, he begins to use himself as a test subject for the Green. Eventually, he discovers that it can enhance his strength and intelligence. To protect himself and his company from being revealed to have ties with the Rhino incident, William uses the powers granted to him by the Green to become the Green Goblin. Over time, he would create more supervillains to destroy Spider-Puppet, even turning his own three children into supervillains.
Doc Ock: I have plans for Elizabeth to be Doc Ock, mostly as a result of sabotage by her father at an incident in Afton Robotics. Prior to the incident, William would constantly hold Elizabeth in lower regard than her brothers. She would conduct any experiments to appease her father, but always ends up getting the short end of the stick. After the Rhino incident, William would have Elizabeth help him in trying to kill Spider-Puppet, granting her four mechanical arms, which connect to her brain via a chip implanted into her neck. Just as the chip is implanted, Elizabeth becomes ruthless and cold-hearted, but still holds a soft spot for her brothers and her father. William tells her to assist him in creating more supervillains to destroy Spider-Puppet. She gladly agrees, but secretly has her own agenda against her father. Plotting to kill her father, take over Afton Robotics, and use Spider-Puppet for her own devious experiments.
The Lizard: Much like his sister, Evan Afton fell victim to his father's attempts to create more supervillains. Long before Evan became interested in biology and reptiles, he lost one of his arms due to Michael screwing around with dangerous chemicals in a laboratory. Over time, Evan sought methods to restore his lost arm, including limb regrowth seen in certain lizards. Unfortunately, his research proved to be inefficient in finding ways of regrowing his arm, until one of his formulas began to glow out of nowhere. Upon experimenting with some of his lizards, he discovered that it granted them new limbs that grew at an unprecedented rate. Despite wanting to conduct further study with this advanced formula for safety, Evan's ambitions eventually got the better of him, and injected some of the formula into his arm. Though the results weren't as Evan had expected, the formula did restore his lost arm, but his body slowly began to become much more lizard-like. As time went on, Evan would shut himself inside his lab as the transformation reached its climax and turned the young scientist into the Lizard.
Morbius: Yeah, I know, the movie wasn't good. But I still want to do something with this character, he has so much potential as a villain. As a result of screwing around with dangerous chemicals in a lab, Michael Afton developed a dangerous blood disorder that led to him becoming a hematologist and a biochemist. He also assisted Evan in his own studies with reproductive organs, as a means of making up for what he did to him. Over time, Michael would become desperate, fearing that his time was running short. Eventually, he would find a lab partner in Charlie Emily, who secretly sought to find out more about her powers and what role Afton Robotics is playing in the creation of new supervillains. But Charlie became too invested in the "discovering my hidden potential" part of the plan, that she's too distracted from realizing that Michael began to use more drastic measures to cure his disorder. Including using vampire bats for some reason, and some strange chemical compound that acted as a catalyst of some sort. Which much like his brother and sister, Michael would fall victim to his father's attempts of creating more supervillains. Though instead of going mad like any other vampire, Michael would do everything he could to control his sudden urge for blood. Even going to Charlie for help, putting more faith in his lab partner than ever before.
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mangaken · 1 year
Hey SpongeBob, how many body parts did you lose this year?
None.. even if he does, he can regrow it like lizard's tail..
Maybe you should ask Jimmy about lost limbs lmaoo
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cookinary · 1 year
It’s about time!
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I finally did Muta’s redesign!
And I realized I’ve never shared his full backstory so here it is, under the cut, it’s pretty long XD:
In this universe, Ophelia not only is the Internet Dictator but she also is a mad scientist who developed a mutagen formula that works on humans
And she needed a test subject
Guess who
So whenever Ophelia wants to experiment on him, she sedates him in any way that works, it can be darts, drugs in his coffee, you name it
And when he wakes up, Pedro (Imma call him Muta okay, bear with me) has to live with whatever she did to him while he was out cold
She gave him an electric collar that acts as a tracker: if he tries to remove it, it zaps him; if he leaves a certain perimeter, it zaps him strongly enough to knock him out
Only Ophelia can remove the collar and she only removes it during her experiments
Muta is not allowed to leave the house except when the family sends him on a hit
The window of his room has electrified bars 
He wags his tail when he's excited
And starts hissing when he gets too upset
Because he can't go outside, he picked up painting as a mean to calm down/let his feelings out
He also has a diary
Because Ophelia always uses the same anaesthetic, Muta's body had built up a resistance to it
So he woke up in the middle of an experiment before Ophelia could do anything
He broke his restraints and attacked her
She defended herself by stabbing him with a scalpel right over his ear
That made Muta go completely feral and he caused mayhem in the lab before escaping and passing out somewhere far away
After the escape
He woke up freaking out because of the memory loss, the mutations and the talking banana that just popped out of nowhere (he knew Pedro before all this, he just forgot about it)
Because he forgot everything, he rediscovers his mutations little by little
Blurry memories slowly came back to him over the course of the years, through flashbacks and nightmares
After remembering almost everything that happened, he decided to go on a revenge rampage —hence the game
Post game stuff
After killing Ophelia and the banana, Muta decides to leak all of her experiments logs online to show the world her real side
He doesn't leak her works though, as he is afraid that some people will use the mutagen formula for evil
In fact, he destroys the lab and the formula
But he secretly keeps one physical copy of the formula that he never talks about
Soon, pretty much the whole world knows about Ophelia's awful experiments on her own brother
Rumors start circulating about how said brother may have been the one who killed her and the rest of the family and leaked the logs
His favorite drink to relax is red fruits tea
After his escape, he still likes to paint, it helps him calm down (especially Bob Ross tutorials), but he also picked up cooking as a hobby
He posts pictures of his art and his dishes online without ever showing his body, and people keep begging him for a face reveal
He has a black sphynx cat!
He named her Josephine
He sometimes posts pictures of her too and people love her
Has an amazing singing voice???
He lives off assassination jobs
His therapist knows about him
Also the vets from the time where Josephine got hurt and he rushed to the vet clinic without thinking of covering himself up
And finally, the list of his powers/abilities:
Reptile-like eye (Night vision)
Retractable claws (his hands are much bigger than normal)
Prehensile tail (reptilian in appearance)
Gills (can breathe underwater) (located on his neck, but only appear when submerged)
Can regrow limbs/body parts like lizards/axolotls do, in minutes
Retractable bug wings (similar to a dragonfly's)
Thick bulletproof scales on his back
Hearing as good as a barn owl, if not better (tilts head when locating a sound)
Strong sense of smell (can smell blood like sharks)
Venomous fangs (Inland Taipan venom)
Forked tongue (like a snake's)
Extremely fast
Panther-like feet (he can walk around silently)
Extremely strong (can lift about 2 tons)
Thick bulletproof scales on forearms (similar to the one on his back)
Can stick to/crawl on any surfaces (walls, ceilings, etc.) like geckos
Immune to any type of toxic substance
Can stay upside down for an undefined period of time (like bats)
Second pair of eyelids to see underwater
Can regulate his body temperature
Woo, this boi has a very detailled backstory, huh
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cheddargoblin · 3 months
23, 24 and 25 for Meisi and Deidre
hi again baron love uuuuu i think you wanted me to answer both for both? ill do that anyways 23. What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember? (assuming its for one and the other, vice versa) For Meisi, i think he'd feel guilty for not having enough of a hand in keeping an eye on deidre due to involvement with an undisclosed dragon-slaying/watching/raising/helping guild. He'd feel like he couldve been there to better assist and guide deidre AWAY from becoming a perpetually shellshocked little mordrem medic, maybe a little 'hey buddy maybe i can help you find a home outside of the military to acclimate to life in' In turn deidre is guilty about.. most things. while they dont specifically have much association with Meisi, due to being a lowly medic vs one of the vigil's warmasters, hed still manage to try and apologize for things, like the damage the asura took during the maguuma disaster & mordrem outbreak. "im sorry about the events i wasnt involved in hurting you, i feel guilty about them anyway' type beat. love you you silly little anxiety lizard. 24.Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it? Meisi probably bought the cookie jar or put the cookies in it, and hes taking a fig newton or something else fruity. Dee is refusing to steal from it but staring at it from across the room like a cat that Wants Something. If offered, would prefer Shortbread. 25. What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
Meisi actually has a background and knowledge in archaeology, and to a lesser degree, anthropology! (is there a term for that that covers multiple sapient races). He enjoys herping and picking up weird snakes a as a hobby but hes got some actually decent knowledge about old history and weirdly niche things. area man that will recite the histories of human civilizations with extreme detail and boredome and then stop it all to show you the rare two-tailed gecko or something. Dee doesnt have MUCH of a life outside of being a pact medic until recent years, but his desire to help as well as his unique anatomical position have allowed him to get a wealth of knowledge on the differences between sylvari & mordrem physiology, as well as how they are cross-applicable, such as grafting woulds and regrowing limbs! He's trying to make it a medical book for people to cite, hes very eager for it to help save more lives.
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hollowsart · 1 year
Spidersona, Acedia, FAQ!
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This will be a bit long and may get longer later if I think of more details to add that involve the AU and the characters in it besides Acedia:
Bitten by a sloth?
Acedia was not bitten by a sloth but was bitten by a spider like everyone else. The spider was genetically modified and not radioactive.
Why sloth?
I have a preference for sloths and a phobia for spiders. Sloths seem more friendly, too, and it also makes the design all the more unique and special to me.
Do they have the same abilities?
The same basic Spiderman base abilities, yes. Like climbing on any surface, increased speed, strength, durability, etc. As well as a few unique to myself abilities that are like a sloth which share some fun overlap with spiders, such as the shriek and the bite.
Additional unique abilities that don't exactly fit that are: increased lung capacity, ability to swim, and a death grip via locking the joints in place in my hands. And not to mention be able to withstand great falls.. but that takes awhile to discover and isn't utilized much.
Still use a web?
In a sense. They're special "vines" Otto helped develop that come from what is lovingly dubbed a "vine shooter" rather than a "web shooter" of course.
However, in addition to the arachnophobia, I also have acrophobia. So.. swinging from extreme heights and all is not something I do. A preferred method of getting around is car surfing or at the very least, very low swinging. (It's ironic cuz both spiders and sloths have that durability of withstanding great falls)
What's up with Venom and Goblin?
Venom and Carnage are not in this au, instead they are replaced with alternative symbiote counterparts: Ferrol (Venom), and Maim (Carnage).
Maim is, indeed, still possessed by Kasady, however, Kasady in my verse is different in the sense that they are not a guy.. and not a girl either, but still human nonetheless. They were also a scientist and used to have the title "Doctor" (not medical) before their malpractice got found out and they got fired and removed from the entire scientific research field.
Ferrol has 3 kids that came from it overeating certain foods and it got sick: Matcha (chocolate/candy), Maim (thrown out pizza dough in a dumpster), and Frootcake (Christmas fruit cake and other holiday related treats).
Green Goblin, or Gobby for short, is not Norman Osborn. Gobby is his own entity entirely and comes from a hidden kingdom made entirely of other furry Goblins with tails just like him. Norman is, as always, a villain, but in this verse he isn't dressing up and making things explode and laughing maniacally. He's just a dirty business.
Why is The Lizard an Axolotl? Aren't they salamanders?
Realistically it would make more sense that Curt Connors would seek out the animal that is the most well known for perfect regeneration of lost limbs rather than lizards, of which only a small handful have that ability to regrow their tails, but not very well.
Salamanders are way better at perfect regeneration of their lost tails and are more well known for it.
Axolotls are the BEST at regrowing more than just a lost tail perfectly. They are very much known for the fact they can regenerate almost any lost body part near perfectly.
Why are Sandlady and Rhino women?
For the gays 💖
I like the dynamic and relationship between Sandman and Rhino so making only 1 of them a woman wouldn't have felt right. Also we do need more big beautiful ladies who kick butt.
What's the deal with Doc Ock?
What if there was that 1 earth within the spider multiverse where Doc Ock wasn't evil even after the incident fusing his arms to his body? What if he was still good and actively worked to try and help people outside the lab, but in a more direct way this time?
Poor Otto needs it. Nearly every iteration of Doc Ock is evil and scheming in some way and I think we could use a human marshmallow octopus man for once. As a treat.
Chameleon and Kraven seem different, why?
Chameleon is not related to Kraven, although they share some parallels. Both are reclusive and highly skilled in their respective forms of "hunt". As well, their mental health is unstable.
Kraven's lifeling solitude has caused him to see visions/hear the voice of a woman on occasion that he calls Calypso. (Calypso isn't real). Sometimes he makes decisions based on what he hears from her.
Chameleon is French in origin and through a horrific accident he was left with full body scarring and lost his limbs. They were replaced with high tech prosthetics, however, which he can replace and adjust depending on the disguise he uses.
So, Shocker?
Real name: Montana Schultz
Alias: The Shocker, Shocker
Owns a billiards bar despite his modest living style outside of it. "Merc" for hire, does odd evil jobs to earn money and survive.
He is very much a mash up of Montana/Jackson Brice and Herman Schultz just like TSSM's Shocker. But like.. more extreme.
He is essentially both. 2 in 1 bargain deal 💕💖💕
More to be added later
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episodicnostalgia · 8 months
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Spider-man: The Animated Series, 101 (Nov. 19, 1994) - “Night of the Lizard”
The Breakdown
After sightings of a mysterious lizard-creature in the sewers make the news, J Jonah Jameson offers a $1,000 reward to whoever can provide a photographic proof.  Peter Parker is hurting for cash, so he grabs his camera and thwips into action.  First up, he begins his search with a visit to his professor (Dr. Curt Connors) because that guy knows, like, a LOT about Lizards you guys. In fact, Connors even has a fancy ray gun at his campus facility called a “Neogenic Recombinator” which is capable of giving small mammals the ability to regrow missing limbs just by zapping some Reptile DNA into them. Pretty neat, right? Maybe one day this device will help Connors regrow his own arm, but surely not today. Of course, that expository information is purely to set the tone of the story, and I’m sure it won’t relate directly to the primary narrative or events of this episode.
In the twist that utterly may shock you, it turns out that Doc Connors and the Lizard are-one-and-the-same on account of engaging in a reckless attempt to regrow his own arm, which has gone horribly wrong! (Who could have foreseen this?) With a new set of reptilian priorities, Croc Connors decides to turn everyone into Anthropomorphic Reptiles, because he’s decided being a dinosaur-man actually kinda slaps. (Important follow up question: does he maybe have a point? That does sound awesome.)  Regardless, it’s poor form to assume that’s what everyone wants without checking first, so Pete gets into Spidey mode and shuts the whole thing down, using the gene-ray-gun to turn Connors back into his normal human self.  And to top it off Peter gets the pictures so he can keep the noose of capitalism at bay for a little while longer!  Yay!
The Verdict
One thing these old 90’s cartoons excelled at was in getting to the point. ‘Night of the Lizard’ picks up when Spider-man is already well established, and Peter is in university. Even Peter’s supporting cast are all introduced as if the audience could already know them, and it works. At no point are we ever left to wonder what’s going on, or who anyone is. The writing and animation on this show never reached the maturity of Batman: TAS or other WB fare of the era, but this episode still holds up pretty well for a 90’s kids show. Visually the animators do a decent job of capturing Spider-man’s acrobatics (the webbing looks great), although the CGI backgrounds have not aged gracefully. Meanwhile, what the writing lacks in emotional depth, it makes up for it in whiz-bang adventure that’s simultaneously a faithful update to the source material. 
When all is said and done, this is remains a solid intro to an iconic show from my childhood.
3 stars (out of 5)
Additional Observations
I like that they introduced Eddie Brock as a rival photographer right away. Gives us some time to establish his dynamic with Peter before he becomes Veno- I mean, I’m sure they’ll sort out their differences amicably.
The Lizard’s design is spot on. As a kid watching this show felt like like a comic book come to life. Coincidentally the Lizard was one of the first Spidey rogues I was introduced to back when I first started reading comics.
I love how a university has access to a device capable of creating literal super-monsters almost instantly, and there seems to be no resources devoted to guarding it. And this is only the first of many times that specific one-of-a-kind device will be misused to a similar effect. Maybe the line between this universe with super-people, and ours, is a better security budget.
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
What I find ironic about Shoji giving Spinner a lecture on mutant representation respectability is that Shoji literally has something else every other Heteromorph likely doesn’t: his Quirk allows him to regrow his LIMBS. Any beating Shoji will HEAL. He is essentially equipped to come out of a massive beating all right. Other heteromorphs do NOT have the advantage of a healing factor. It’s especially ironic he’s facing Spinner, who is a lizard. Certain RL species can regrow tails (not limbs) but presumably Spinner can’t because of his “weak Quirk.” Would be neat if this got pointed out in canon, but I don’t think Horikoshi’s is smart enough to point out the bad faith argument at play.
Mmh, I don't know if I can agree with this. The ability to regrow limbs doesn't cancel out the trauma of being targeted like that. Because it is trauma. Healing physically and healing psychologically are two separate issues imho, and we shouldn't equate them. Besides, Shouji is still bearing scars on his face, so it's not like he didn't walk out of that experience with a couple of injuries himself. And he's masking up to avoid drawing attention to his scars and running into more prejudice, so I'd say he's still living with the consequences of that attack.
And another thing: while canon makes it easy and tempting to put pain on a scale and give an award to whoever suffered "more", I think that a discussion about that deviates from what we should actually address, and imho that's the fact that Shouji was also a child when several grown ups beat him up. If we can recognize that it was fucked up of Endvr to physically abuse his kids, we should also recognize that it was fucked up of a group of adults to gang up on a defenseless kid. Their society is a deeply flawed one, and as I said it hurts people regardless of sides. That's why there should be more empathy all around, in-story and otherwise
Basically, for me what's really lacking in Shouji's argument is that he bases his protests on hypotheticals. On vague hopes for the future. He demands a plan of action from his opponents as the requirement to even hear them out, but he fails to offer his own in exchange. And he gets called out for it, too. The crowd knows he's only offering platitudes, and they tell him that as a fellow heteromorph who supposedly cares about the cause he's not offering them any concrete alternatives.
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acquaint--fate · 10 months
The Lizard
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Curtis Connors had always been interested in biology and DNA. He pushed himself into learning as much as he could about the topic throughout his school years, ending in him getting doctorates in biochemistry and biology. In college he met Martha Ramirez, who was also earning a doctorate in biology. He also made friends in the medical field and learned many things from them. He and Martha began a relationship, becoming almost inseparable. Martha began teaching at the college they met at a few years after graduation while Curt went on to work for a company called Oscorp.
At Oscorp, Curt used his knowledge for many things. Projects that he was able to start include harvesting electricity from eels, the transfer of a human consciousness into a machine, and most notably the Orion Project, among many others. He quickly moved up in ranks throughout his years working there, becoming well acquainted with two mechanical scientists, Otto Octavius and Adrian Toomes. He and Otto were the more high-ranking of the trio, but the three of them were close friends nonetheless.
When the Orion Project began, Otto and Curt became more distant with Adrian due to the nature of the work they were doing. A few years into the Orion Project, Martha fell pregnant with Billy. Curt contemplated quitting his job to spend more time with his family, but he did not.
When the Orion Project went terminal, however, he didn't quite have a choice. The incident left him an amputee, having lost majority of his right arm. With this compromise in his work, Norman Osborn released him immediately, threatening him to keep him quiet about the Orion Project. Curt was eventually able to pick up work with his wife at the college, working as her classroom second. This was very beneficial to her, as now that there was another hand on the job, she could get far more done in the class.
While working at the college, Curt had the idea for another project: limb restoration. Though he knew that there were better sources for animal regeneration, lizard DNA was what was available to him in the college, so that is what he used. He spent months perfecting an injectable serum and a reversing agent in the case that anything went wrong. When he felt that everything was ready, he went into the college after hours to finally perform his experiment.
He removed his ring before injecting himself, feeling like he was somehow betraying his wife by keeping this experiment a secret from her. After a few moments passed, something finally began to happen. His arm had begun to regrow itself from the flabby skin that he had in place of an arm.
The joy of it working quickly turned into fear as that arm that had just grown began peeling itself back, revealing scaly skin underneath. The transformation began to quicken, and he reached for the reversing agent to undo his mistake, but when he injected it into himself, it didn't work. The fear and confusion he had from this realization caused the change to come by much faster.
When he came to, he was in the sewers. His clothing was loose, stretched, and slightly torn as it hung loosely upon his body. Every part of his body hurt and ached, and there was a strong taste of blood in his mouth. The skin on the right side of his body, the one that he had injected into and needed regrowing, was covered in thick scales. The arm stump itself was now slightly longer, prompted by the earlier growth.
Behind him was none other than Spider-Man, approaching him cautiously. Curt desperately begged to know what happened, and Spidey explained that he had been a big lizard monster and was going crazy. Curt cried about not being able to return now, and Spider-Man offered to bring him to his little "rehabilitation center". They returned to the college lab briefly to grab what they can, needing to leave before the police arrive, and Curt is only able to grab his ring and his notes.
Though the serum did not work initially, with some major adjustments Curt is able to get it to do at least something. Though it does not work as intended, it did suppress his reptilian counterpart. He gives himself a does daily, or else the scales will spread on their own. When he begins transforming again, he gives himself more doses until it goes away. It is an unpleasant experience for absolutely everyone involved.
He spends his time in the warehouse trying to fix himself, tending to Spider-Man's wounds, trying to help Flint Marko, or grieving the life that he used to have. Though he doesn't enjoy it a whole lot, he lets himself become fatherly to the web-slinger who helped him, reconnecting with old friends along the way.
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ageofpiracyrp · 8 months
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Pronouns: He/him
Position: President of the Theme Park Club of Tarrk
Age: 130
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: "I only have eyes for my wife"
Species: Carrek
Home Planet: Sturn
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Dan Povenmire
True Appearance: Oplo does not resemble any particular Earth species, but resembles a lot of different lizards. He has warm gray frills on his head in place of hair, very textured gray scaly skin with occasional speckles of pastel colors, brown eyes, regenerate-able limbs ending in blunt claws, and a tail tipped in silvery-gold spines.
Information: (cw for child neglect and implied gore)
Oplo is a happily married man. He has one son named Bekl whom is currently attending a fancy boarding school on Jehk that has a great athletics program. Oplo talks about how much he misses Bekl every day. He also talks about how much he misses his beloved wife every day too because she is almost always at work. Oplo's wife Jane works long hours as a business executive, commuting back home for three out of every 10 days.
Oplo's wife has a younger sister, Junyi. Since Junyi's parents did not want to take responsibility for the child, Oplo and Jane essentially raised the younger carrek. He knows but would never admit that he is not the best at minding children. He has done a little bit better bringing up Bekl than his younger sister-in-law, but it is honestly just luck at this point that Oplo's line of carreks can regrow fingers.
Oplo's family owns a chain of exercise equipment manufacturing and distribution. None of the other club members are sure exactly what Oplo does as employed by his family's company, but he lives comfortably and has his picture all over the company's promotional materials.
It has always been a point of great tragedy for Oplo that he could not visit his favorite place in the universe that he could never visit: Universal Orlando Resort. He was devastated to discover that Blue Man Group would no longer be performing at the best place on Earth. He started the Theme Park Club twenty-six years ago and has unanimously been voted as president every year (except 2017, when he voted for his wife, who did not want the position at all). After scattered acquisitions here and there, Oplo and his club members came up with the brilliant idea of scouting out an entire pirate crew to visit everyone's dream parks, experience it all on their behalf, and bring back merchandise to cherish.
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Pronouns: She/her
Position: Member of the Theme Park Club of Tarrk
Age: 56
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Species: Carrek
Home Planet: Kurrk
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Song Yuqi
True Appearance: While she freely enjoys her sformer, she has shockingly vibrant patterning resembling a tokay gecko but seafoam green with gold spots. Her eyes are dominated by a bright amber scelera.
Information: (CW for child neglect)
Junyi was the result of a one-time liaison between a wealthy recently widowed woman and a high-ranking Galx official. The Galx official wasn't married at the time, but he apparently decided he had enough children from his previous marriage and entirely ignored his youngest in all manners except fiscal. Junyi's mother also stopped caring about bringing up a second kid after a decade, so her sister Jane (and later brother-in-law Oplo) brought her up.
It can't be said that Jane and Oplo did a fantastic job teaching Junyi manners, but she's endearing in her own way. Unfortunately, she has little regard for the comfort of others, and is terrible at apologizing when it is due. It can be difficult to get Junyi to stop talking if she takes a liking to someone, and she has little awareness of when she irritates others.
She goes by her middle name because her first name is after one of the worst characters in Pride and Prejudice, she doesn't like how her mom says it, and she likes to have her name started with the same sound as her sister's.
Both of her parents send her money regularly (out of guilt?), even if she is already an adult. Junyi wouldn't have to work if she didn't want to, but she has put some of that money toward advancing a career in doing what she loves... designing dollhouses big enough to fit people. Or as other people see fit to call those: houses. Her early career is going surprisingly well.
Junyi loves collecting things, and is the biggest Disney fan out of the club- beyond just the parks. She has a particularly very large Tsum Tsum collection. Visitors to the clubhouse may find Tsum Tsums hidden in locations where Tsum Tsums should not dwell.
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Pronouns: He/him
Position: Secretary of the Theme Park Club of Tarrk
Age: 111
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: He is honestly obsessed with calling himself "MLM" but pronounces it "Mlem"
Species: Carrek
Home Planet: Sturn
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Mika
True Appearance: Qjun closely resembles an armadillo-girdled lizard with cascading scales and a flexible body, but pale blue.
Kjeuk and Qjun's families have been close for generations, helping each other grow their own wealth. Much of the families' occupations revolves around using money to make more money. Qjun thinks that investments and gambling are quite fun.
By far, Qjun is the most socially apt out of the leadership of the Theme Park Club. Unfortunately, Qjun is only good in social situations if he is presenting information. If you ask him enough questions, his eccentricity comes out. He's fun, and odd people gravitate to him, but Qjun's family thinks that he's kind of a loser.
Qjun is equally comfortable going by his full name "Toqjun" or the nickname "Qjun". Since Kjeuk uses the nickname, the secretary is usually "Qjun" to the club.
While Qjun likes theme parks, he is genuinely more interested in watching videos and having the merchandise than actually going to a park- and risking Galx coming after him and his sweet sweet money.
Qjun's weak spot is karaoke. You can persuade him to do anything if you do karaoke with him first. It's been bad for business.
While he is the secretary of Theme Park Club, Qjun enjoys the social aspect of the club more than anything. It's nice to be a part of a community of people that enjoy things and care so strongly about it! He likes to listen and do his part to keep the club going. Also they serve really good food at the club.
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