#can only hug w/ hugs and kisses mod
anth4rax · 24 days
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
I saw that mod fuyuhiko decided to open requests for the alphabets. So can I request Rantaro + fluff alphabet, but only the letters J, L, W, X? If not that's totally understandable.
Have a great day and take your time.
jealousy, love confession, wild card, and xoxo with rantaro amami
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ty for requesting! <3
school's been kicking my ass so it's been a little hard to make time for writing, but i really enjoyed finishing this up for rantaro!!! he's like, my boyfriend 💕
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- mod fuyuhiko
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⋆ j - jealousy. - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
rantaro is far from the jealous type, possibly to an irritating degree. the thing is, he trusts you; simple as that. it's not easy for rantaro to put his trust in people– especially so much so that he ends up in a relationship with them– so he trusts you enough not to do anything that would violate the boundaries of your relationship.
on the off times rantaro does get jealous, usually when you're very obviously doing things that would upset him, he'd get real quiet. no loud, explosive reaction. no pulling you aside to talk to you, no, rantaro lets you know how much it bothers him by how quiet he is.
short conversation means it's basically water under the bridge, but rantaro's very good at giving you the cold shoulder. not speaking to you, not speaking about you, he wouldn't even acknowledge your existence. you'd be a figment of someone else's imagination for all rantaro cared, and he wouldn't stop until you apologized sincerely. only then would he actually have a conversation with you about how he was feeling.
⋆ l - love confession. - how would they confess to their s/o?
in a very lowkey way. rantaro isn't one for grand gestures or boisterous events, he's naturally more of a chill guy. it'd take him a good while to come to terms with his feelings for you, just because he's not used to intimate relationships, but once he does you can bet he'll be the furthest thing from subtle.
since it took him a bit, rantaro won't want to spring his feelings into you too suddenly. he'll let you ease into a more close bond by giving signals, sometimes straightforward and sometimes mixed. he'll compliment you more in a more fond tone of voice, be more physically affectionate with you, and help you with things you'd need him for. anything within your boundaries is fair game to rantaro.
after a while, rantaro would confess. it'd go a bit easier and more lightheartedly if you caught on, but if you managed not to understand his flirting then he'd definitely be less smooth. a lot more boyishly shy about it, looking down at his shoelaces and kicking imaginary rocks with his feet as he tells you how much you mean to him. he'd get you a little something to remember the moment, like a small card or a little knickknack he'd picked up during his travels. 
⋆ w - wild card. - a random fluff headcanon.
rantaro is such a good hugger. like legitimately, one of the best huggers ever. not only because he's an older brother and is experienced in giving all sorts of hugs but just because he's a warm person by nature, both literally and metaphorically; rantaro rarely ever feels cold to the touch.
if you like hugs, then you'd be very happy with rantaro as a partner. when he's not in a bad mood, which isn't often, rantaro is all over you. leaning on you, draping over you, arms around you; anything you can think of in terms of cute, casual affection. his favorite thing to do is have his arms wrapped around you from behind. if you're taller, he'd lean his forehead on your back. if you're shorter, he'd rest his chin on your shoulder or the top of your head.
he's great at bear hugs, too. if you two reunite after not seeing each other for a long time, rantaro will gladly pull you into the tightest, warmest, most loving hug you'll ever receive. maybe even pick you up and spin you around if he has the energy
⋆ x - xoxo. are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
definitely! rantaro's all into causal affection with anyone, but especially with you. once you agreed to be his significant other, you signed up to have your own personal koala constantly hanging off of your arm.
while he loves long hugs, rantaro is very short and sweet with kisses. unless you're making out with him, rantaro doesn't kiss you for more than a second. chaste kisses, small pecks on the cheek, peppering kisses all around your face to make you laugh, you name it. rantaro also likes kissing you along your jaw and down the sides of your neck.
cuddling is his favorite pastime. expect rantaro to randomly pull you down to lay with him, wrapping his arms around your waist and getting both of you in a comfortable position before you can protest. you two can just lay there, talk about your days, read a book, watch tv; anything at all. rantaro's just happy to be close to you.
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blindrapture · 4 days
TUESDAY MAY 31ST, 2011 (Tropes)
7:12 AM "Man, that really did a number on you, didn't it?" I don't want to disobey. :c "That is what I wanted, yes. Okay, I don't have much to tell you today except to remind you, marketplace, 8 PM." Hey, yeah, there's a big TVTropes meetup there. Why do you want me to go to that? ..she walked out. Guess I can go back to bed, then.
7:56 AM Donnie’s up. She said she missed me yesterday. ..and she kissed me. .w. FUCK YEAH APOCALYPSE
8:38 AM Fucking hate those things. They don’t ever do anything. They just stand there, moving only when I do. I’m beginning to suspect they aren’t really “zombies.”
12:52 PM More zombies got into the house. I got ‘em out.
4:44 PM OH MY GOD MORE ZOMBIES BACK BACK BACK There’s been a lot of zombies lashing out today. It’s almost like they’re choosing today, of all days, to group up. >___>
7:10 PM We’re heading out to the marketplace now, all three of us. It’s a stupid idea to leave the house unguarded, but what the fuck.
7:48 PM People are slowly pouring into the marketplace. It’s oddly devoid of all zombies.
8:06 PM Wow, a lot of people here recognize me ‘cause my TVTropes avatar is a drawing of Rael Fancyhat. ..which is my ALTER-EGO. :DDD (Inter-ego?) In the.. coat n’ hat. And scarf. And.. yeah, I’m easy to spot. I just heard, like, seven “DJays” right then. I’m getting hugged left and right. I love tropers.
8:21 PM Seems like someone’s gonna have to make a speech soon. This oughta answer a few of our questions.
8:29 PM I see Mister Speech Man Dude. I think that’s one of the moderators. I think. Shit, I’ve heard about him.
8:30 PM Speech time! “Attention. Attention, everyone. I don’t exactly have a microphone, so you’re just gonna have to be quiet, alright? Alright. Now, let’s get some facts straight: This is probably the end of the world. There are zombies in the streets. There are giant faceless torso men crawling around. There are portals to another dimension lying around. The internet has been down since Saturday. There are really dangerous creatures sharing our world. We have no idea what else is going on. There, see? Does that clear things up?” crowd’s laughing a bit “But none of that means we should give our hopes up. We’re all still alive, and we’ve made it through some pretty atrocious wars so as a species I think we’ll do just fine. The important thing to do is to gather whatever information we can find. So if we could all patiently raise our hands and, when called on, tell everyone whatever information you’ve been able to discern about this bizarre state of the world.” someone raises their hand, the mod points at them “I’ve been having bad dreams about the future, and from what I’ve gathered everyone’s been, so they’re probably important.” “Yes, good to note! Bad dreams about the future, real specific, I love it! Who’s next?” a woman over there “I have good friends in the Internet Service Providing industry, and before the internet went down last Saturday some of them were talking about their computers showing a figure made of clockwork. The internet had actually gone down before that day and they’d been able to get it back up, as apparently this clockwork virus thing can’t keep a total hold over the internet for too long, so something tells me the internet will come back. Probably go in waves.” murmuring mod “Wow, that’s some really vital information if your friends were right in what they saw! Way to go to them! Anyone else? C'mon, we’ve got all night!” uh I guess I’ll raise my hand “Yes, you there in the hat!”
Hi! I, uh. I’ve got a lot of things to say, actually; I’ve kinda been running all over the country so I’ve already encountered a fair bit of stuff. May I take some time to.. list.. stuff? “By all means.” First up, hi, I’m Jordan. Jordan Dooling. You guys know me as DJay. I’ve been kinda running all over the country, and I’ve seen plenty of shit. Can I say “shit?” Alright, shitting fuck, all that stuff. There are, uh.. there are these things called “spidercats.” I don’t know if you guys’ve seen them. Hell, they might not even be called that; I just… heh, yeah. Spidercats are exactly what they sound like. They’re cats. With eight legs. And they are bastards, seriously. Sure, they can be docile and cute just like any cat, but I warn you: If they get hostile, kill them swiftly and sharply. Try not to get ambushed. …that was shit advice, now that I think about it. I mean, you can’t exactly prepare for an ambush; it’s not an “ambush” then. I’ll move on. The big, faceless guys? I call ‘em “Big Ones,” and I find it’s a very helpful name for remembering which creature’s which. I haven’t seen any other giant creatures crawling around, and I can’t say I really want to. But yeah. Big Ones. I have no idea how to kill them. I just try to avoid them. Oh! Oh! A little tip: Big Ones love Pot Noodles. Found this out the hard way. You guys might want to write some of this stuff down. A while back, I encountered something some of you might not believe. This was an isolated event; I haven’t ran into the thing since, but still! Best to inform you. It was, um… no easier way to say this, really. A Cockroach Jesus. It was a giant cockroach. With the head of Jesus Christ. He was driving a car, no joke. He’s a little hostile. Chased me through the woods. Uh.. take notes if you see him. Or one. Might be more than one. Oh, important to note that it was specifically the head of the white western depiction and not anything historically accurate! ..moving on. In the aforementioned forest, not sure where but it’s somewhere close to Ashford, Middlesex. …SORRY NOT MIDDLESEX, I forgot it hasn’t been called “Middlesex” since 1962. SURREY. Right? Surrey? Yeah, Ashford, Surrey. Anyway! In the forest is a little town I found filled with green people. Now, uh.. trying not to sound racist here, but the green people were evil. They tried to kill me. I think. I’m.. well, my memory’s a little fuzzy as to what they actually did. I just realized I don’t have a name for them. …well, they had trees on their fingers. So “Treefingers.” Let’s call ‘em that. Kay? Kay. Question, did you have a questi… no, you were stretching. Kay. God, this is gonna take ages.
There seems to be a, um… does anyone know the towns near Ashford, Surrey? You do? Good. Um.. tell me, was “Hell” always there? It wasn’t? Yeah, well, it is now. It’s a weird town, clocks are a little broken, and your old friends show up as tarantulas, but it’s.. I mean, it’s not bad. I wouldn’t hate living there or anything. The only problem is this, uh… “Eldritch Bear.” It’s a giant bear thing that really isn’t a bear at all. It’s Eldritch. An Eldritch Abomination. I’m sure you tropers know what I mean. Just.. if you see a bear, run, okay? You probably didn’t need me to tell you that, actually. There’s also a really creepy man around there, looks a bit like the G-Man from Half-Life. Don’t know shit about him, sorry. He’s good with bears, though. Alright, let me pose a, um… scenario in your minds: Let’s say you’re— close your eyes, close your eyes, relax, you’re on a beach, you’re in the sky, you’re relaxed and in your happy place. Right. Now, you’re on the motorway and a giant truck is chasing you and trying to eat you. That’s the “Carbra.” Watch out for it. f them do have wings. Watch out. No special name; they’re just the flying zombies, really. Real flappy wings. Can’t miss ‘em. Unless you’re looking at the ground. But then, why would you be looking at the ground out in the middle of— oh, maybe there’s a spidercat eating your leg or something. God, that would be, like.. the worst day, ever. …sorry, moving on. London is fairly safe. Fairly. I’m sure some of you were wondering about that. See, the zombies there don’t hurt you. They just stand there, as do the ones around here. I have no name for these. ….but I guess I’ll make one now. Uhhhh… hrm, what’s a good name? They’re zombies… but they just stand there. They’re pretty dull. …how about “dull zombies?” Right, rolls off the tongue, sounds good. Now, up around the northern motorway, I have seen a certain crying man. Now, don’t fall for the same mistake I made, kay? Stay away from the crying man. If he runs from you, don’t follow. “But wait,” you ask. “What if it’s an actual survivor? How do I tell the difference,” you ask? Well. …I have no idea. Just, um.. call his name. Or say “HEY YOU.” If you get no response, he’s either the crying man or he can’t hear you or he’s distracted or he’s.. well, a lot of things. Fuck. Um.. just… be careful, alright?
Right. I’ll cut right to the good part: The slender man is real. Saw him when I was on Blackpool Tower the other day. Same slender man we all know and fear— slendercoat, slender body, no noticeable face. He didn’t attack me, but ohhhh god I’ve never seen him actually attack anyone in a story ohh god what’s gonna happen SORRY SORRY SORRY. Next: THE MOTHERFUCKING RAKE IS REAL. AND THERE ARE AT LEAST THREE OF THEM. Three Rakes. You know The Rake, I’m sure. Pale, hairless, dog-man, sharp claws, disturbing eyes. Yeah, there are at least three of them. Luckily, they are killable. And I have already killed two. But still, y’know? Prepare. My friend in the Americas let me know that the Grim Reaper might be real too. Wears a gas mask, apparently. Be on the lookout. What else. What else. Hoo boy. In London, right? In London, there is, uh.. how to explain him. He’s a man. In a hood. And he’s wearing a mask that’s a lot like a giant beak, covers his face. I thought he looked a lot like Ace, from RubyQuest, so I called him Ace Man. For some reason, I get the feeling he’s a lot more dangerous than when I just saw him standing there, so.. yeah. And here in Blackpool, stay away from the seaside, okay? You might run into a giant tentacle. I call it CTHULHU 2 or something, though I was told it’s nothing like Cthulhu at all, so don’t let my words distract you from reality. It controls the zombies around here. Okay, good I got that out of the way. Now, I think that should be it. Is that it? Yeah, I think that’s it. Thank you, and, uh… have a nice day.
“Thank you for that, DJay. That was pretty informative. But I think I have something you missed: The Harlequin.” The, uh.. the Harlequin? “Yes. Heard of her?” …no, I can’t say I have. <:D “Then I’ll explain. The Harlequin is an increasing threat in our attempts at survival. I’ve heard word of at least seven groups of survivors being defeated by her today. And with the more people she defeats, the stronger she grows, so something needs to be done sooner rather than later. The Harlequin, for all intents and purposes, is a living puppet. A marionette, y'know? Except she isn’t controlled by strings. She uses her strings to control us. Well, her victims. She loves to play tricks, whether just fooling us for fun or playing with her ‘food.’ It’s hard to tell who’s actually under her control, too. Her strings aren’t normally that easy to see. And if she knows enough about you, she can get your corpse to mimic you to a terrifying degree of accuracy.” Have there ever, um.. been reports of people.. following the Harlequin.. without being forced? "What, a genuine follower? No. No, nobody's been that stupid. To willingly go along? To just be some kind of... of pet? What would she have them do, probably murder. I have a word of advice to everyone here: You want to avoid the Harlequin. Kill the Puppets, put them out of their mercy. If there is someone willingly following her, kill them too! This is about survival, and protecting humanity!" ..ah. That answers my question. “Good. I’m glad it does. Now, then. Now that we’ve gotten all the serious business out of the way, let’s try living like humans again. Let’s have ourselves a party!” crowd cheeeeer
8:57 PM Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my goddddddddddd HELP.
10:31 PM I’m hiding in the bathroom. I just.. I need a moment. Oh my god, why am I freaking out so much, they love me, but I’m a traitor. You heard them, journal; you got it all written down. They'd hate my kind. I’m spineless. I’m a coward, a fool. A bitch. I’m a pet.
10:34 PM ….as I was walking out, I passed by a troper who I assumed was listening to his iPod. I looked again, he had no earphones nor any iPod or anything. Just wires. I’m gonna find Donnie.
10:38 PM I can’t find her. I guess I’ll.. keep looking.
10:44 PM Everyone’s looking at me. Why is everyone looking at me.
10:45 PM Someone’s stepping up to the stage. It’s the mod. He looks tired. “Attention, everyone. The time has come for the few of you who have been unconverted to step up.” ..the crowd’s pushing some people up to the stage. What the hell. …wait, am I converted already or somTALKING TALKING “We shall start with the first.” It’s a woman. ..obviously. I’ll shut up. ..wait. What’s he doing with that KNIFE WAIT asdfgh ….o_e There’s someone floating above him. Above the mod. I gotta get closer. The mod’s arms are raising. His hands are dangling as his elbows are up. The figure above him is doing the same. The figure’s moved their right hand to their throat. And.. I don’t need to tell you this but that’s his knife hand ohgod I can almost tell who the figurrjiweds Hello, Mistress. Mistress is pleased to see me here. I.. but.. fuck. Mistress says she’ll do that later; I may have been a good boy but she has other matters to attend to. That’s not what I… Mistress is making the mod talk more. She’s making him give a speech to the few remaining survivors, telling them how they shouldn’t have come, how the Mistress is so pleased they did come anyway. How their blind obedience will come in very handy. The crowd of puppets is closing in on the NONONO I’ve gotta do somethYES MISTRESS, oh god sorry sorry…I’m sorry, you guys. .__. I just.. I can’t. She can crush me like an ant. I couldn’t possibly… Oh god. Can I at least look awayYESMISTRESS ohgod I don’t wanna looooook blood blood look at that that’s death more and more tropers taken to the public spectacle I oh god please no that’s Donnie please. .___. Mistress sees I am passionate for this pathetic girl. Mistress decides she’ll show a little mercy, at least because it’s for her pet. But Mistress reminds me that her mercy comes at a price, a price that Mistress can and will claim when she so pleases. Yes, ma’am. >___< Mistress is ordering me to take Donnie and go to bed now. Mistress will see me in the morning. …her giggles. Not so comforting.
11:00 PM Donnie and I walked home slowly. Donnie stopped by a bin to vomit at one point. We didn’t speak to each other. She knows I’m a pet now.
(Attached: "What is this about? Tropes transcend television. They reflect life. We’re about celebrating fiction, not showing off how snide and sarcastic we can be. What is this about? What is this about? What is this about? What is this about?”) (Attached, flipped to other side: “Cyetbwla ewbtwnx eu tam ohytv, Sbjyw if lbnw lv usnz hcfaz Agl hkvdadfr gx spta bzx vxhoshogeay mw kxl ezo J.. kyeh, dhh Q jxhtdy ba. Naa Yemcjg vn Jafz Ztjjyail, tz Q'v cbzfxz pt. Lwex vn qov aur dhvx lgnibwd ns Uvybsxl ex vn ealwhz if lbnw nw Ag I esxbyhtx xska wx Rbdnnnl th ggn Icl umhcfwaeeg lapa as ocn yky yhc. Lapa as gcl xrlrrwfx. Apas jg zhn te. ...Vhvk htvsnh oed qgea fiwir: Vrhtagqpeaofi tbv VXN...”)
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4xaberry · 1 year
Hellooooo mod Sayaka!! I just found your blog and I wanted to wish you luck with it! :D
Also, I wanted to make a request :P I hope this is alright with you, i will like to request for Hajime, Nagito, Shuichi and Kaede with a s/o (gender neutral) who usually has troubles to fall sleep and constantly suffer from nightmare admiting to them that whenever they sleep with them s/o falls sleep quickly and doesn't have nightmares! (this is an idea that has been wandering around my mind for a while now, I think is cute, hope you like it too)
Thank you for requesting!! and dont worry, i love the idea.
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● He was flabbergasted
● He was suprised that you liked being in the bed with him. But still, he felt bad for not helping with your nightmares.
● Only he knows how much you made his day
● Then he pulls you close in a hug and plants a kiss on your forehead. His grip on you speaks volumes-
● Before you knew it, you were being carried to his cottage //idk if its in the killing game or not so if it isnt, please ignore that//
● He 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 puts you on the bed and plops next to you, Cuddling you.
● "Your gonna be sleeping in here from now on"
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● He was suprised at first and thought it was a dream.
● "You really sleep better when your with trash like me?"
● He thought it was just his luck rubbing off on you and that it wasnt him at all. though hes been hoping you guys would sleep together again-
● You insist that you wanna do it again. Timeskip to when its night and your in the bed, Hes constantly asking "Do you need anything? Are you cold?"
● His body is warm, yet comforting.
● "I could get used to this.." He was so happy he couldnt even sleep.
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● As soon as you said it, he was a blushing and stuttering mess
● Poor baby didnt know what to say. he hid his face in his hat and said the words
● "I- uhm.. so does that mean w-we can sleep together everyday?.."
● 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱 𝘵𝘰 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦
● When hes in the bed with you, he cant think straight
● He wraps his legs around you and HE LOVES spooning. he likes to be the big spoon.
● "Please dont ever leave me, S/O."
● She thought it was ADORABLE and she also wanted sleep with you again. infact, she was gonna ask you today
● "Aww your so cute S/O."
● Shes so touchy its almost overwhelming. you love it though.
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● Again, shes touchy so she randomly hugs you, literally tackles you in the morning because she missed you all night.
●//Sorry im getting off track here//
● "Cmon what are you waiting for? its nighttime!"
● She likes to be little spoon and sometimes turning over just to kiss your forehead
● She also has matching pajamas for you two
● She holds your hand when your sleeping and caresses your cheek.
● "I love you S/O."
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Again, thank you for requesting!!
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 2 years
Countryhumans cuddle headcanons?? Idk who you do so you can choose but I have a soft spot for Russia, Germany, (soft with s/o)USSR and (once again soft with s/o)Third Reich(ik not many ppl do the last 2 so you can leave them out if you dont want to!)
and my limit of characters is like 10? or more?
Russia, Germany, USSR , Third reich Cuddling with his S/O (NON-POLY)
TW: fluff that break ur teeth
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probably you two just cuddle in the night 'cuz, well wOrK
but man, pat his back, give him a back rub, or just run your hands down his back and this man will NEVER let you go
he is the big spoon, no exceptions.
cuddling with you on his chest with a blanket in winter, you wearing his ushanka, while drinking hot chocolate and watching movies in Russian with subtitles?
He LOVES morning hugs, or short cuddling sessions before he leaves for his stupid job.
Probably after a while of being cuddle, he will fall asleep
but that only happens when u both are in the bed
sometimes he puts the heat on full blast so you guys can snuggle up on the couch with a warm blanket
never let him go, and he will never let you go (again)
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again, FUCKING, work, so shortu cuddle sessions
BUT when he arrives home , he have a puppy face that says "Hg me i have a bad day"
and if you don't do that he will hug u to hard that breath will be hardest thing in history
"okay so i have a reunion with other countries, uhm a professional dinner, more work, work , work , work, oh! and a cuddling sessions!, k lets start"
doesn't like surprise hugs but after a seconds he will give u back the hug
but u almost give him a heart attack
not joking
Drama king when you need to go
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more woooooooooooooork
but he loves cuddle sessions with u...
and his kids
he arrives home , and if he fins you just a quick kiss, and a bear hug
and then cuddle sessions before sleep
coffee and hugs in the morning yes yes
the hug start with you and him
and end with his like 4 kids , you and him
soft scary boy w big teeth
not too much to say :(
he is a simple old man
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Third Reich
but someimes is just a lazy hug
and thats a huge change from him
he just arrives home
hugs u for like uhm 20 minutes
and then let u go
just to come back and have a cuddling session
while he is talking about his shitty day at work
nothing special again
just a mean, tired, man
🐝🍒 Bee-Cherry /SUG4R-SP1C3/mod lol:
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inumaki-roll · 3 years
i was curious how the DR (( nagito, hajime, makoto, rantaro, shuichi, chihiro, byakuya, izuru, kazuichi, & kiibo if that’s okayyahdsh sorry)) & AOT guys would react if their s/o who is selectively clingy w certain people kinda back off suddenly because they just feel.. embarrassed?? like when they were a kid people reacted negatively to their clinginess and would ignore them for it. and they just feel so dumb to show emotion & showing their clinginess? and they feel like they’re being a bother and being annoying too... & suddenly just feel like closing off from the world lol? i’ve been feeling like this recently and i’d love to see what they’d do if that’s possible please!! thank you so much!!
hi anon !! i’m this way too dw HWKWBWN 
i hope it’s alright that i only did the danganronpa boys and eren, armin, jean, + levi but if you want i’ll def redo it later with more of the boys !! i’m really sorry today has been a wicked long day for me bc of doctor appointments and i have to write an email to my principal of my school because of a certain incident so i’ve been a little stressed with that and report cards coming up </3
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- mod rantaro ✧・゚: *✧
- he can completely understand 
- he’d make sure everyone left you alone and he’d let you stay in his dorm during the day and night 
- he’d love the clingyness please 
- he wouldn’t even get annoyed with it either 
- if you thought you were annoying him he’d be so panicky 
- waving his arms everywhere while frantically telling you how much he enjoys your company 
- he’d be so mad at the people who told you you’re annoying 
- constant reassurance- headpats, hugs, light kisses on your face, and lots of hand holding 
- he might act a bit annoyed, but as soon as he sees your insecure about coming off as annoying he softens right up 
- he’d make sure no one messes with you because he can be quite intimidating 
- he stays by your side all the time in public 
- he would mention how he enjoys having you around him and he’s delighted that you’re so comfortable around him 
- in public hed let you hold onto his elbow if you’re feeling like you don’t belong in a conversation and if you got really uncomfortable hed leave right now away 
- he gets so flustered when you cling to him 
- he loves it when you’re sitting right near him while he’s working on a computer 
- he gets all smiley please he’s just too cute 
- every so often he’ll turn his head away from the screen and plant a little kiss on your cheek to show that he’s not ignoring you 
- i think he’d rather just hang out with you in each other’s dorms during freetime instead of socializing anyways 
- he’d like teaching you little programming things 
- he’s worried he might bore you so he programs something to your interests 
- he’d literally never get tired of it bc he can be quite clingy as well 
- lots and lots of affection 
- he’d love it if you stayed with him while he worked on something 
- he’d love showing off and showing you how to do mechanic things 
- hed literally YELL at anyone who calls you annoying 
- he could never even think for a second you’re annoying or too clingy 
- he’d bop someone on a head with a wrench for you <3
- omg please. 
- nagito would feel like he wouldn’t deserve your clingyness 
- he’d tell you that over and over again too 
- he’d watch his words carefully to not say something that may offend you 
- he wouldn’t even mind that you’re clingy, sometimes he might get a little like “woah this is a lot of affection for me and i’m not used to it” and may accidentally distance himself for a short time but would recognize that he did that and remembers that you need someone and hed apologize and would never leave you alone again 
- he’d smother you with affection right back 
- he thinks you’re more deserving of affection than he is, so he gives back the same energy 
- tsundere hajime would be so like 🤨🤨🤨
- he wouldn’t know how to respond at first but he’d warm up quickly because he also likes the attention 
- all the affection makes him feel so,,, special 
- he loves it even though he may need a break once in a while, due to his stress 
- he never ever even thinks of you as annoying and will argue with someone who thinks you are 
- like a full on argument 
- he’d  always tell you how much he values your quality time 
- he might sometimes accidentally mirror your actions and “cling” a bit too by subconsciously draping his arm over you when your next to him or always being able to find your hand while walking together 
- he’d be so confused on why you’re clinging to him, since he’s not a very touchy person
- he’d ask you this too and he’d understand that he’s special because you aren’t like this with everyone 
- he’d do anything for you to make you feel more comfortable about being a clingy person and he explains to you that it’s not your fault you’re like this and to not get mad at yourself because it’s a normal feeling that lots of people go through 
- he’d  always have a hand holding yours or an arm around your shoulder
- he’d think it’s very endearing that you’re clingy 
- so much quality time spent together finding random things to keep each other occupied 
- sometimes he can feel exhausted or just drained and will just flop himself onto you and just lay in your lap and let out a big sigh and literally lay there forever 
- he’d also enjoy it quite a lot 
- he’d always offer for you to tag along if he’s going somewhere but he never wants you to feel out of place 
- he’d literally welcome all the affection pls 
- he’d literally go “aww” at it too 
- he’d feel so content when he has your attention 
- rantaro supremacy 
- okay why do i think he’d ruffle your hair as a way of intimacy too 
- flustered emo detective
- he’d hide his face a bit when he receives a lot of attention because it gets him so blushy 
- he’d be a little hesitant but,,, lots of pecks on the lips 
- he’d also never even dream about calling you clingy or annoying because it could make you upset 
- he wants you to be content and comfortable so he’ll always let you be near him
- play with his hair while he works on a case i’m ajsjkabssk
- he’d immediately feel less stressed and worked up 
- oh boy 
- he always loves the clingyness because it helps him understand humans better 
- he likes seeing all the different types of affection that you can give and will remember it and test it out on you later 
- he like offers you little things for hanging out with him 
- he’ll give you a flower for just being near him please he’s just too <333
- “y/n! thank you for your time today. i collected valuable data, now saved to my memory bank and it also let me get to know you better. i think it would’ve been a bit rude that you did not benefit from this so i hope you accept this flower as a sign of my graditude and as a thank you for being an extraordinary s/o.” 
- also a bit confused 
- why do you want to cling to him ?? he can get violent and loud sometimes ?? 
- he might be hesitant to accept the affection but would warm up 
- he would be very,,, quiet while receiving affection 
- like he becomes so focused on that 
- will fight anyone who thinks you’re annoying 
- when he finds out you’re really only like this around him he’s so shocked but honored 
- he’d try his best to make you happy and comfortable 
- he’d love love love holding hands 
- bae would be shy shy 
- he’d be so scared to mess up 
- he’d literally freeze the first time he gets affection and would melt right into it 
- like just pull him into a tight hug for the first time and he’d just freeze and go 
- “y/n.... i-i really like this. can we stay like this for a bit? please?” and would hug you back tightly 
- then he gets used to it 
- he welcomes all the affection and he smiles widely whenever you go to him and he tries to hide it 
- he’d try his absolute hardest to make you happy and would cling right back 
- he’d be flustered and try to act tough at the same time akshakue 
- i think he’d like tracing his fingers around your back and arms 
- big hugs 
- you have to let go first on hugs, he never lets go [hes scared he might loose you] 
- gets a little nervous and panicky if you aren’t being your usual clingy self 
- he wouldn’t really respond 
- he’d let you cling onto him and will let you follow him around 
- he’d warm up to it very slowly
- and one day randomly returns the affection 
- i think he’d like little kisses on the knuckles or hands 
- he wouldnt get annoyed because he’s one of the only ones who’s treated this way by you so he wouldnt want to hurt your feelings 
- if you did get insecure he would give reassurance by a kiss and a “pep talk” 
- won’t tolerate anyone calling you annoying 
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
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Trigger Happy Havoc Girls with an S/O who is like Mikan
Warnings: Mikan's personality/actions
Mod Ibuki: Hey hey hey!! Sorry for the long wait on this :/ I hope it was worth it, though!
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Kyoko was immediately worried for your safety
She had a lot of questions
Why were you so shy? Had you been through something?
She kept those questions to herself though
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d glare
Literally just walk up to you, wrap on arm around your waist and the other on your arm
And glare
If you ever took a fall in front of her she’d carefully lean down and help you up, suggestive or not
Although she might blush a bit if it was a suggestive position
“There, you’re alright. It was just a small trip, thankfully.”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she would be appalled
“Love, I don’t want you to take your clothes off because I’m not in a particularly good mood. Bad moods are normal, that doesn’t mean you take your clothes off every time it happens. Don’t offer that to me unless you personally want to do it.”
Kyoko is not someone you can look at and feel as if she’s mad at you, because she makes it clear if she is
But if you did think she was, she’d be pretty upset
“No, love. I’m not mad. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Nothing at all. I honestly don’t think I can be mad at you. You just seem to make everything better.”
Kyoko’s heart skips a beat whenever you’re around <3
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The minute you two met she did not let you out of her sight for long periods of time
She was just worried someone would hurt you or take advantage of you
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d be so mad
No one wants to deal with mad swimmy baby
“That is so rude, you know!? That was completely uncalled for! There was absolutely no reason to say that! Now apologize!”
If you ever took a fall in front of her, she would honestly fall too just to make you feel less embarrassed
She’d cover you if need be, though
Either with clothing or with herself when she “falls”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d be in shock
Mainly because you offered it to her because you thought she was upset
“What!? Please, S/O, no! Don’t say that! Taking your clothes off won’t make me feel better, cuddles will! Get over here! Because of that statement, I demand you let me cuddle you!”
If you ever thought Hina was mad, which is rare, she’d he so upset
“Baby! No! Not at all! I could never be mad at you! I swear! Your face is just too adorable to be mad at!”
Swimmer baby just wants your happiness above all
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Celeste would never admit it if anyone asked
But she loved you the minute she laid eyes on you
Your personality only made her want to be with you more
Not many people dared to bother you, but if an unlucky soul did try to do such a thing…
Celeste would give them a run for their money
“Are you fucking kidding me!? How dare you!? Why don’t you crawl back into whatever ditch you crawled out of and leave my significant other alone! Do I make myself clear!?” She’d turn to you and give you a soft smile. “Come on, dear. Let’s go get some tea to cheer you up, yes?”
If you fell in front of her, she wouldn’t be able to catch you without falling herself, but she’d immediately take your hands and help you up
“Come now, darling. Don’t cry, it was an accident. Everything is alright.”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, it would take a second to click
But once it did her reaction was similar to Kyoko’s
“Darling, I don’t wish for you to take off your clothes merely because Yamada put me in a foul mood. I would much rather you keep said clothes on and have a cup of tea with me, maybe some conversation as well. Please don’t offer yourself to me out of pity.”
If you ever thought she was made at you, she honestly thought she was gonna cry
“W-What? Dear, no. Not one bit. Not one ounce of me is angered by you. I love you far too much to be mad at you. Now, come here and let me hug you.”
Celeste truly does care about you, more than she has cared for anyone before <3
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That’s it
Sakura wants your safety above all, because she knows how shy people can be taken advantage of easily
If anyone dared to make fun of you, oh boy
Sakura is fucking terrifying
“I suggest you run before I snap you in half.”
That’s all it takes to send them on their way
If you fell in front of her, she would definitely be able to catch you
And she would!
But if you did manage to miss her arms, she’d pick you right back up and hold you
“See? I got you. Everything is okay.”
If you offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d be calmer, but nonetheless upset
“Hey, don’t do that. I don’t want you because of your body. I want you because of your personality. That’s what I fell in love with. Don’t offer yourself to me, or anyone else. Ever. It’s your body, you can most certainly choose what to do with it.”
If you thought she was angry with you, she’d be so quick to tell you otherwise
“No, not at all. I am not mad in the slightest. Even if I was, I’d never take my anger out on you. That’s wrong, and I love you too much to even think about doing that.”
With Sakura as your girlfriend, you will always be protected. And that’s a promise
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Mukuro is shy, but definitely not as shy as you
Like Sakura, she wanted your safety above all
Let it be from others or her cruel sister
If someone ever made fun of you, she’d be pretty angry
Hell, she may put those skills of hers to good use
“Hey. Don’t let me hear you say something like that again. Ever. That’s just plain disgusting.”
If you ever took a fall in front of her, her reflexes are extremely fast, so she’d try her absolute best to catch you
More often she does, but on the off chance she’s unsuccessful, she’d apologize with a bright blush
“I-I’m sorry, love. I tried to catch you, uh, I’m sorry. Here, grab my hands.”
If you offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d immediately say no
“S-S/O! No! No, I-I don’t want you to do that! I-I’m not in a bad mood, and even if I was I wouldn’t want you to take your clothes off just to try to improve my mood! Please don’t offer that to me, that’s practically violating you! And I don’t want to do that!”
If you ever thought she was mad at you, poor girl might cry
“L-Love, I’m not mad at all. I-I promise. Even if I was mad, I don’t think it could be caused by you in all honesty. I love you, okay?”
Soldier baby’s heart go brrr
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Shy or not, Sayaka’s a cute blushy mess around you
She still teases you in a friendly manner, but always makes sure you know she’s only playing
If anyone over bothered you, she’d be incredibly salty
Like, pettiness and all
“Oh, so that���s how you’re gonna be? Well, I’ll have you know that my significant other is NOT gonna do that. You’re a rude person and I hope karma hits you hard.”
If you took a fall in front of her, she’d screech so sound and try to catch you, but would most likely fail
When she saw that you were embarrassed, like Hina she would trip to make you feel better
“See, S/O? It’s fine! Now we both tripped, hehe! Isn’t that funny!”
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d hug you immediately and try to make you happy
“Nope! I don’t want that, okay? I want to kiss your cute face! Not rub up on you because you want to make me happy! Now c’mere, so I can kiss your cute face!”
If you ever thought she was mad at you, though, she’d be really sad
“What? No, I’m not mad at all! Let alone at you! I promise, S/O. Even if I was mad, I’d have a peaceful conversation. Not a screaming match about it! Now, give me a hug!”
Sayaka will hug you as much as you please, as long as it makes you happy <3
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Toko thought you were annoying at first
But then she realized how similar you two were
Not long after, she fell in love with you
Just like in those cheesy novels she writes
If someone ever bothered you, she’d get pretty mad
Lowkey considers letting Syo out
“H-Hey, asshole! T-That’s a r-real d-dick t-thing to say! S-So w-why d-don’t you just g-go back to w-whatever ditch y-you crawled o-out of a-and d-die!”
If Syo was around when someone bothered you, well I think we know how that'll go
They aren't around anymore, especially if they were a pretty boy
If you ever fell in front of her, she’d lowkey get second-hand embarrassment, but would help you up anyways
“Hey, l-look, you’re fine. N-Not a scrape or anything. Y-You’re okay.”
Syo would leap into action immediately and pull you to your feet
"See!? It's like you never even fell! You're okay! No tears, I hate seeing you cry!"
If you ever offered to take your clothes off for her, she’d freak the fuck out
“W-What!? N-No! D-Don’t do t-that! K-Keep your clothes o-on! I-I’m n-not mad! E-Even if I w-was, I w-wouldn’t w-want you to s-strip! Y-You’re t-too p-pretty for t-that!”
If Syo was around, she would as well
"What!? Oh no no no, this just won't do! You're body is far to marvelous to be shown so willingly, y'know that? Don't let others see it so easy! Even if it is just me! Doesn't matter!"
If you thought she was mad at you, she’d scoff at first, but then realize you were being serious
“What? I’m not m-mad at you. W-Why would I b-be mad at y-you? I-I have no reason to b-be. D-Don’t say that, I-I’d tell you if I-I was mad at you...S-Speaking as if I-I c-could g-get mad at y-you.”
Syo would latch onto you and hug you, giving you a little spin
"No, dollface! I'm not angry at all! See? I'm happy! So happy! Especially because my baby-cakes is here! Now, c'mon! Gimme a smooch!"
Even though she’d deny it at first, Toko really does love you
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mimik-u · 3 years
Summary: The aftermath of Steven transforming into a huge reptilian monster brings back old memories for Pearl, who remembers another time Steven was scared so many years ago.
A/N: This piece was written for the Pearl-focused I am a Pearl! mini-zine a couple of months ago! It was a great opportunity to get to explore Pearl's mind space after the events of "I am My Monster" and how her friendship with Greg has evolved over the years. ;w; Thanks to the mods for a great zine experience! <3
AO3 Link / Zine Tumblr Link / @iamapearlzine
Steven is sixteen years old when he erupts into a scaly, pink monster—fifty-foot tall and inconsolable.
Everyone tells him that they love him, but because words are rarely ever enough, they show him that they do; they embrace him; they hold him; they press their fingertips into his reptilian skin. His scales are cold and sharp against Pearl’s palms, keratin hard and impenetrable. She tells him that he shouldn’t have to keep anything from her, all the while burning with shame that he’s kept so much from her.
He’s felt responsible for her fragility and loved her enough to tiptoe around the Diamond in the room.
His mother.
His mother and the complicated history between them.
The love.
The torture.
The grief.
The love.
(Because what is grief after all but a manifestation of love? A reminder, its echo, and its painful, lingering, lovely ghost.)
Connie kisses Steven, very lightly, very softly, and he falls from the sky, a boy again. 
Pearl wraps him in a blanket.
Garnet carries him into the wreckage of their home.
And approximately one hour later, they’re all standing on the deck, waiting for Priyanka Maheswaran to finish her professional assessment of him as the sun sinks into a honey-colored sea.
Pearl cradles her face in her hands, elbows sinking into the railing, trying to retrace every missed sign in the blackness of her own head. She sees his skin glowing pink in the darkness—at the Reef, in Little Homeworld, just moments ago in the living room…
So many flares in the night.
And Pearl had watched them all fizzle.
Steven is six years old when he moves into the newly minted beach house, and he tells Greg that he’s afraid of the silence. Nearly all of his life, he’s been surrounded by noise—the gentle rumble of the van’s motor, the susurrant murmur of the sea, wind, rain, buskers playing guitars on the Boardwalk, the whoosh of the rollercoasters at Funland. 
His dad’s snores echoing off the tin ceiling.
His dad’s laughter.
His softly-sung lullabies, too.
The beach house is really quiet at night, Steven tells Greg who tells the Gems, and he doesn’t like that…
He’s trying really hard to like it, though.
Maybe things’ll get better next week.
Pearl never looks at Greg as he delivers this news, tapping her fingers against the side of her leg as she sits at the kitchen table, ankles primly crossed. He stands in the doorway—right beneath Rose’s painted image—wringing his hands and looking too awkward to be allowed. She resents him for this—for his awkwardness, for his intrusion into their lives, and for everything else, too. 
(Namely for Rose.)
She inwardly knows that she’s being unfair. 
That loathing a person on the basis of his existence is morally suspect.
But what are rightness and wrongness to emotions? To the sheer primality of grief?
Grief is irrational, she rationalizes to herself—she self-justifies; it knows nothing of ethicality.
“Why didn’t Steman tell us this?” Amethyst asks, absently scratching her nose. “If it’s noise he wants, I got an old drum set he can knock himself out on.”
Pearl frowns, well-remembering the ten straight years Amethyst played the drums through the nineties. Rose loved it; Pearl spent many hours alone in her room to decompress. 
“He’s still intimidated by you three,” Greg shrugs kindly. “And shy. You just have to give him reason enough to trust ya with stuff like this. Tucking him in at bed at night, y’know. Checking under the bed for monsters.”
“There aren’t monsters under his bed,” Garnet says, practical as ever. “They wouldn’t fit.”
Greg chuckles, running a flat hand across the back of his neck as he peers between the three gems. When he and Pearl lock eyes, she meets his stare coldly, her mouth pressed into a thin line.
“But Steven doesn’t know that,” he mumbles, glancing away, his cheeks flushing. “You gotta shine a flashlight down there and show him there’s nothing there.”
“Doesn’t that seem patronizing to you?” Pearl asks, taking little care to disguise the condescension in her voice. Across the room, Garnet’s visored stare finds her—blank, inscrutable, and arcane—but Pearl knows her fellow gem well enough to understand that this is chastisement, silent and brutal.
Arching a thin brow, she ignores Garnet.
She demands an answer from Greg.
“Maybe,” the man concedes, but when he acknowledges her gaze again, there’s a little defiance in his eyes, an edge in his scratchy voice. “But maybe not. That’s what being a parent is sometimes. Patronizing the kid! Playing along. Showing him that you’re listening to what he needs. Letting him know that you’re there… haven’t you ever been afraid before, Pearl?”
“No,” she protests immediately, bristling.
“Pssh,” Amethyst snorts. “Last week, you jumped ten feet in the air ‘cuz you saw a snake.”
“You did,” Garnet smiles wryly. “I was there.”
Pearl scoffs, trying and failing to ignore that her cheeks are suffused with blue blush…
… and that Greg is staring at her with an almost distinguishable emotion in his eyes.
If she didn’t know better, she would say it was pity.
Dr. Maheswaran tells them that Steven is okay; he’s tired and sore—transforming expended a lot of his energy—but he’s ready to see everyone now. She tells them to be quiet and to maybe go in one by one, so he doesn’t get too overwhelmed.
Firmly, she warns them that it’ll take more than a good night’s sleep for him to heal .
And she doesn’t mean physically.
“Here’s a number of a good therapist I know,” she says, placing a card in Pearl’s hand. “Her office opens at nine.”
Pearl folds her fingertips over the edges of the glossy card stock but doesn’t quite glance down to look at the name—too fixated on watching Greg stand in front of the doorway, palming the screen door as he seemingly steels himself to go in. 
He’s aged so much in the twenty-something years that Pearl has known him—from his nearly bald head to the branching lines creasing the corners of his eyes—but for some reason, it is only now, in this ephemeral moment, that she realizes how old he is.
She doesn’t mean physically either.
As the others gather around Dr. Maheswaran, asking her questions, voicing their concerns, Pearl takes one deliberate step and then another.
Garnet tells Steven that it’s okay—there are no monsters under the bed—and when she shines a flashlight beneath the mattress, Amethyst is there, shapeshifted into a tiny kitten, purring at the child sweetly.
“See, dude?” She laughs, bounding out from beneath the bed. In an instant of blurred matter and color, she becomes herself again, her bangs sweeping inelegantly over her eye. “No monsters under the bed, only cute kittens.”
“Only kittens?” He repeats, grinning that famous gap-toothed smile that everyone adores. His legs are nearly swallowed by his oversized shirt.
“Kittens and dust bunnies,” Amethyst confirms, knuckling his curls playfully and smiling broadly when he laughs. “G’night, Steman.”
“Night, Amethyst!”
“Goodnight, Steven,” Garnet murmurs, lifting the six-year old into her arms and gently placing him onto the bed. She tucks him beneath the covers. She tenderly kisses him on the head.
“Nighty night, Garnet.”
And then it’s Pearl’s turn. Garnet and Amethyst head towards their temple rooms, and Pearl settles down on the edge of the comforter, balancing her left ankle on top of her right knee.
“Don’t forget about M.C. Bear Bear!” She teases softly, reaching over and placing the stuffed animal next to Steven’s arm. “He needs a snuggle buddy.”
Steven nods in agreement, his brow furrowed seriously over his eyes.
“Yep,” he says importantly. “I’ll be sure to hug him tight.”
“Excellent,” she says primly.
“Excellent,” he echoes playfully.
She lightly skims her knuckles across his soft cheek, smiling when he giggles a little, always ticklish…
… but then, when she withdraws her hand, letting it fall away from his face, the moment that immediately follows is quiet.
Too much so.
So quiet that Pearl can hear the softness of Steven’s breath, quiet enough that Greg’s words from earlier haunt her in the absence of noise.
Haven’t you ever been afraid before, Pearl?
Contrary to what Garnet and Amethyst may believe, she isn’t afraid of snakes —pestilent creatures though they are.
She’s surprised by snakes.
And afraid of much bigger things—five-thousand-year old secrets and equally ancient insecurities, for instance.
Six thousand years ago, after all, she was coded to believe that her highest order in life was to be a slave.
And sometimes—if only sometimes—she fears that her weaknesses were ingrained then, in the very moment she emerged from a shell and was called a pearl
One of so many.
Sometimes, she barely knows what it means to be herself, much less what it means to be a parent .
Indeed, Greg Universe of all people seems to have the idea down better than she ever could.
So, yes, Greg, she is afraid.
(Afraid of failing Steven.)
(Terrified that she’s already failed her. )
Patronize him, Greg suggested.
Play with him.
Show him that you’re listening.
Let him know that you’re there.
Pearl places a light hand on Greg’s arm, startling him from his trance as he turns around to face her.
“Pearl!” He exhales, his breath coming in short bursts. “Y’scared me!”
“I’m sorry,” she says sincerely, not quite moving her hand away yet. His skin is warm beneath her fingertips, soft like wave-washed sand. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Yes,” he returns immediately, and then—taking one look at her imperiously raised brow—just as quickly rectifies himself. “No. I don’t know. I’m freakin’ terrified, Pearl. I feel like a failure of a parent. I don’t know what to tell him. But I gotta go in there anyway.”
He says it all very rapidly, as though he’s talking to himself.
Encouraging himself.
And putting himself down to do it.
“I’m his dad,” he concludes, his voice breaking, tears standing in his dark eyes. “I’m his dad, and I didn’t… I wasn’t there for him, and I should have—“
“ Shh, ” Pearl cuts across him gently, patting his arm as tears threaten to slide down her own face. “Shh. There are so many hypothetical should haves that we’ll all have to face soon when it comes to Steven. But not today, Greg .”
With her free hand, she conjures a tissue from her gem and hands it to him, unflinching and kind, even when he needs to wipe his nose.
“Today,” she murmurs, her voice inhibited, a hundred emotions thick, “we just let him know that we’re here.”
“Pearl?” Steven asks.
Pearl blinks rapidly, coming back to herself; she’d been lost in her own thoughts, nearly consumed.
“Hey,” she smiles, placing her hand on top of Steven’s own. His skin is so warm and soft; she absently wonders if her alienness feels sharp to him… hard�� cold… “Here’s an idea—how about I sing you a lullaby before you go to sleep?”
“You know how to sing?” Steven’s eyes widen incredulously, his mouth shaping itself into a delighted smile.
“Don’t look so surprised,” she laughs playfully. “When we were younger, your mother and I used to sing all the time—hymns from our home planet and the like…”
A pause, infinitesimal, hesitant. 
“...I could sing one for you if you’d like?”
“You could?” The child dares to be hopeful; the very emotion shapes the pitch of his question, the light in his eyes.
He has his mother’s eyes.
Dark and full of stars.
“I could,” Pearl repeats. “I’d sing as long as you wanted me to.”
“How about fooooorever?” 
“Let’s just start with until you fall asleep,” Pearl laughs. “That’s a part of forever, yes? This moment?”
“If you say so, Pearl,” he wrinkles his nose skeptically.
“I know so, Steven.”
As she sings him to sleep in her mother tongue, Pearl admits that this must be something that Greg knows, too.
The importance of hereness to a child.
Togetherness on scary nights.
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sexycowpoke · 3 years
[Overwatch Masterlist]
Mccree Fluff Alphabet
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Well, this cowboy thinks everything of you is attractive... But if he needs to say what he’ll say your eyes. Those eyes are hyonotic and have attracted him since the first day he saw you. He says those are full of adrenaline and perfection. And the way you look at him. Damn. If he could. He’ll stay looking at those beautiful and playful eyes full of passion and love ‘til his last days.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Sometimes it comes to his mind. And he would love to have a family of his own. Especialy with you. He would love having little cowboys or cowgirls all over the house is his only dream. He wants to call his children with cowboys/cowgirls names. Lke Bonny or Cody. He’ll teach them ho to use a gun and he’ll buy them a nerf and a pony. But this doesn’t mean that your future child won’t be a pet. If it’s a dog. He’ll call him Jack Daniels and nobody will change his mind over it. Ever.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
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Ohh~. He loves cuddle as much as he loves his lovely serape (the red “scarf” he wears). Even more. You'll be cuddle in bed. On the sofa. On the chicken table. And when it’s cold you’ll share his serape and when it’s hot you’ll cuddle even in the pool. Everywere and everytime. He’s very romantic and very soft. And if you return after a long day he’ll go stright over you. Take you on bridal stile and take you in your shared bedroom for some confort cuddles. And he’ll never leave you so easly. Only for going to the bathroom. But that’s the only time. Btw he doesn’t mind if your the big spoon when you cuddle and snuggles. And touch hi hair while doing that. He’ll love you even more.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
They’re very romantic. And for the big flirt he is. He’ll take you to a walk on a beach or in a park. Even watching a movie and then both of you sleeping and spooning each other on the sofa or everywhere you were waching the movie. But. At the same time. Your dates will even be when your on mission together. Like. Your fighting some omnics or spying someone. For him they’re all dates. And when you spy and follow someone. For not getting caught. You two end up making out. Like. When the person looks at his back. Mccree will litteraly just pin you on a wall near you two and immediately starts kissing you... And you know what it happens if you weren't on mission👀. Ok I’m out *vaporizes*
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
You are my sunshine. You’re like the sun of his earth. The sugar of his sea. The yee on his haw.  You know what I mean. Everything. If he didn’t meet you he would never know what really love is. He can be himself when he’s around you. And he can fell loved after a very long time.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
As I said before. When you tow made eyes contact for the first time. You where the new supporter. And you already did show some ass while talking to Gabriel when he said you couldn’t help them. While you and Gabriel arguing. Jesse was practing with Genji. And when he hear you two fighting. He turns around. And BOOM. Love at first sight. He also stoped practing and come over you training defending you. Even if you were capable of that. When Gabriel knew that he lost the fight. He tells Mccre to show you the place. He didn’t even had the time to finish that Jesse said already yes and taking you by your hand while showing the place. And you two introduced yourself while he shows you around :)
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
O’course he is. He’s second name indead is gentle. Well. Actualy. His second name is deadeye but... Yeah... You know what I mean partner 👀 
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
He loves holdind your hand. It gives him protection. And he’ll find every excuse to stay close to you. Everyone. Like one time he said “Darling, it’s freezing... Can I hold your hand?”. He doesn’t even care that much about other people opinions. Cause the only things he thinks in this beautiful moment is you. Your beauty. Your future together.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
When he saw you the fisrt he was like “Shit, I’m in love” thing. He was very curios about you at first but when he started to know you well he was always more in love than before.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Sometimes. Mostly is when other people watch you from up and down. Others are when people are flirting with you. And when it happens he'll wrap hi arm around your waist and pull you closer.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
He has two mods:
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And this:
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He's very passionate in both ways.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You said it at the same time. I know right? It happened the same day you two kissed forthe firt time. After you kissed both of you said those three beautiful words full of love and passion.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
His favourite memory is when he was on a mission. And you where at home. Since you missed him. A lot. You take his hat. That he forgets that morning. And one of his shirts. When he returns he see you on the sofa with one of his shirts and especially with his hat covering your beautiful sleeping face. He immediately takes a lot of photos and then takes you to your shared bedroom on bridal stile.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Yellow. You reminds him happiness an love. In fact. Sometimes he gifts you sunflowers :)
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Yes, and a lot. You want something? You already have it in less than a second. He treats you like a queen.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
His favourite non-modern thing to do with you is reading books before going to bed.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
He use mostly "Darling", "My love" ,"babe" and "Sunshine/Sunflower". But he calls you "Baby doll" or "Doll" too 👀
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Remember when I told you he loves cuddles? Yep. You'll cuddle on the sofa or in bed while cuddling and spooning each other. Talking about what happened the other day.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
When your sad he doesn't know much well what to do. But the first thing he'll do is hugging you and tell you your beautiful and noone will hurt you. If his sad he'll going to hug you from behind. Hiding his head on your shoulder. With one hand your going to though his hair. With the other one your taking one of his hand that are hugging you by your wrist. Telling him that it's fine and that you love him. While sometime kissing his forehead.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Everything. He just wants to be with you. Indeed he'll talk about what happened this days and other stuff. Obviously. Trying to make you smile.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
He always relax when you play with his hair. Most of the times he relax so much. That after five or ten seconds he's already sleeping on your shoulder or on your nap.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He's proud of finding you and he loves to show everyone how you belong to. And you know what I mean 👀
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He proposes while on a mission. You were blessing everywhere. "Darling, please don't leave me now" "O'course I won't love" "If we can get out of this... Together...." "Would you like to be Ms. Mccree?" "*Couches*...I would really like that Jesse"
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
His song will be "Put your head on my shoulder" by Paul Anka slowed ver.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
O'course. He would love this. Especially after he encountered you. Cause before he didn't even think that he'll fall in love with someone. But then he meets you. And his plans changes.
Z Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
It'll be a dog. Like I said before. A boxer named Jack Daniels. And he'll be like a son. Especially to Jesse.
[This Fluff Alphabet is from here]
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lovingkaede · 3 years
i really liked the sad actress one you did! if you don’t mind, can you pls do the same but with kokichi, kiibo and nagito?
I am so glad you liked my previous work! ❤️ Of course I will write one for you, I hope this meets up to your expectations c: -Mod Kaede
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Quick Summary: Reader is the SHSL Actor and uses their talent in more way than one, such as always willing to help anyone and is always calm and happy, but is actually a broken person.
This is sad, Kiibo play moonlight sonata
Kokichi Ouma
—When you were first introduced, Kokichi immediately took interest in you because he admired your acting skills. You could pretend to be in any mood and he wanted you to join his secret organization and work for him.
—Even though he said his pranks were harmless, you had to refuse because you wanted to help people with your talent, not put them in pain.
—"How boooring," he then left you alone. You guessed that was the end of it but he kept watching over you.
—You were trying to help anyone, putting them before you and completely ignoring the fact that you had a life of your own and still tried to keep up with everybody although you hadn't have time.
—Watching over you from afar made him realise how lonely you actually were. He saw how unhappy you were and your efforts of trying to put a smile on everyone's faces when you clearly weren't at your best. That pissed him off, truly
—"Auch-" "You shouldn't have run so carelessly, you are lucky you didn't sprain your ankle." You said as you massaged his ankle gently and smiled softly. "Does it hurt? How does it feel?" You asked him. "It doesn't hurt at all." He said, looking away in annoyance.
—"Oh, really?" You slowly took your hands off his knee because he didn't need to be massaged anymore. He made a sad face, "Wait, it hurts now!" He said dramatically. "Oh really? What can I do for you?" "Y/n, if you kissed my ankle it would get better immediately." You rolled your eyes at his request and he started to cry. "Kokichi, these are obviously crocodile tears."
—"Aw, that's a shame.." He looked aside, "I am always lying so you got used to it, huh.. You should be careful around with liars, Y/n!" He claimed with a smile. But that smile faded away as soon as he looked at you. "Though who am I to say that.. I am already friends with one." He pointed at you and you stepped back, somehow offended. "M-me?! What the.. When have I ever lied, Ouma?"
—"Come oooon, you lie all the time! Don't try to deny it because I've seen it myself! Always trying to keep up with people and ignoring your needs.. That sounds like you, doesn't it?" He smirked at you, but that wasn't a real smile at all. "You don't really have respect for yourself, do you? Because lying to yourself is the worst.. Y'know."
—Sweating a bit, you started to panic. So he knew about it..? How come? Since when?? "You don't need to be afraid, I haven't told anyone about it..." He looked at you deeply, "..Not yet, I mean."
—"W-why would you tell anyone about it?" Your voice broke a bit. That wasn't your intention- You are showing weakness, Y/n, come to your senses!!
—"Because I care about youuu, isn't that obvious?" He raised an eyebrow at you but you didn't dare to reply. This could be a lie as well. "You're only keeping this a secret because you don't have solid evidence yet, am I wrong?"
—"'You totally got me!' That's what I'd say.. But I can't deny this is one of the reasons.." Kokichi pinched your cheek playfully and annoyed you. "So for now.. I'll stay by your side until you finally decide to open up to them, okay? Because I really want to see a smile on your cute face. And that's not a lie!"
—You looked at him in the eye, nodding uncontrollably. Cooperating for now. "So good, Y/n."
—Kiibo admired you in a hardcore level. You were just what he wanted to become. You could pretend to be anything and you understood everybody pretty good, too. You helped them in the blink of an eye and always checked up on them if they did need anything!
—He was so happy and relieved to have someone like you around. You even entertained people with your talent.. Were you an angel?
—He followed you around like a duckling because he was always so curious about you and he wanted to know more about you. Your perspective, your dreams, likes, dislikes, anything.
—Thanks to Tenko's remarks of him following you, you finally asked what was up with Kiibo. He said he wanted to be more like you, and you asked him if he wanted you to tutor him? And he said yes!
—So you started teaching him. Teaching him how human emotions are supposed to work, without making any robophobic remarks,, unlike someone he knew,,, Kiibo was taking notes the whole time and you truly helped him to understand!
—Kiibo was thinking way too highly with you and he was really affectionate with you to the point where others started to assume you guys were actually a couple. Well, you weren't denying anyways.
—But.. Kiibo noticed a big contradiction in your words. You taught him how to make somebody happy when they're upset, you taught him how to check up on people and ask if they need help and the most important part... you taught him how to ask for help, too. But you never did that?
—Yeah.. Now that he noticed, your eyes never sparkled when you laughed and you seemed very upset most of the time. He found you lost when you were alone. He noticed how you were able to change your mood, but it never felt real to him, for some reason? Was it only acting? That was heartbreaking to him. The person he admired most was having a hard time with something.. And he didn't know what to do.
—"Kiibo? Kiibo!" You've been waving for a long time when he finally noticed your presence. "Ah, Y/n! Hello, sorry I didn't notice you."
—"It's okay. Is something the matter though? You looked really unpleasant." You say worriedly and he stares at you for a while before blinking away. "No, everything's fine. Though I can't deny something about you was bothering me..."
—"What?" You asked confused and he immediately freaked out. "Wait!! I didn't mean it to come out as rude! You never bother me. I am actually so happy to see you walking around--" He was stuttering. "Sorry, Y/n.." He apologized immediately, begging for your forgiveness. "No.. It's fine, what's up?"
—"Uh-uhm.. It's just..." He looked at you in the eye before turning his head away, "You." He sure loves to confuse you! "I.. I noticed it a while ago and I am not too sure but, Y/n.. Are you in a good mood?"
—Before you could even reply he continued. "That wasn't really a question, I just think what we see isn't the real you.. You seem upset all the time, why is that? What makes you sad?" You blinked few times. Was it obvious? But you were hiding everything.. Since when has he been aware? "I am sorry if I am asking too many questions! I just got worried.. Because you always help those around you but you never ask for help. And I don't like seeing you sad, because you are really sweet when you smile."
—"Kiibo, I am fine, really-" You held your hands close to your chest and kept explaining, "I appreciate that you're worrying, but it's fine. It was only in the past.. And I've recovered now."
—"But still-!" Suddenly he held your hands and you let out a little scream, "I want to help you recover, Y/n! I know how hard it can be and I am willing to take the burden, with you." Without letting go of your hands, he continued, "So please, don't go anywhere. Don't hide anything, and try to smile.. For real. I will do my best for you."
—And now you were facing a blushing Kiibo. How sweet. Bonus points if you are also blushing.
Nagito Komaeda
—My honest opinion? He couldn't admire you more. Ultimate Actor..? Just like many other people, he saw you as his idol and always looked up to you!
—Such big shining hope... Everything about you was just perfect and flawless.
—You two often teamed up, he thought he was really lucky and happy to have someone like yoy with them! Whenever the mood was bad, you stepped in to brighten it. Without your help, the others wouldn't have moved forward.
—He always thinks very highly of you and to be honest he sees you as his Ultimate Hope, so it took him some time to actually realise that was just you pretending to be a caring person
—The first time Hajime pointed out to him, he was confused a bit. "Y/n is... Depressed? What? Are you aware they're one of the most shining people here? They're truly happ-"
—"Just shut up and look closer." Hajime told him to watch over you more carefully, and left. Nagito was confused. Out of all people.. It was you depressed? The one Nagito feels happiest when around?
—"That's nonsense... My Y/n would never.." That's what he said. He couldn't sleep that night. He felt so awful for starting to doubt you. You were always so honest with him and everyone, was that only a lie?
—There he watched you, carelessly offering help to Mikan who tripped again. You spent no time to help her stand up, you were the one first moved to help. That cannot be a lie.. But at the same time, what if it became a habit of yours?
—He hated to admit.. But Hajime was right. You weren't like what he thought of you—yes, you were an admirable person with an amazing talent and you were the sweetest person around! But.. again, yes, something wasn't right about you.
—"Nagito!" You jumped to give him a tight hug and he awkwardly hugged you back. "Huuuh?" You looked at him and smiled, "What's up?? Why aren't you hugging me properly?"
—"Ah-Sorry! I am a bit sleepy, that's all, hahah." He laughed and pat your head (ejvnmrcmcjcnc) You raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously. Ever since you started dating, it was easier for him to fall asleep. "Did you have a bad dream or anything like that?" You asked worriedly and he shook his head. "No.. Uhm, Y/n, do you want to take a walk with me? Maybe we can talk a bit."
—You were confused but still went with it. The curiosity was eating you alive but you still remained silence-just like him. When is he going to speak...? "So—uh, Y/n, it is a beautiful day, isn't it." "Y-yeah, it's beautiful indeed..." You laughed awkwardly. This is no good.
—"Y/n.. I've noticed something. I should have noticed it earlier but I only noticed it now-" You gave him the look and he stopped breathing for a second, "Sorry.. It's just that.." He bit his lip and stopped. You got a little bit inpatient. "Come on."
—"N-no, that would make you uncomfortable." He refused to speak but you gently pinched his cheek, "Just tell me. We are good, aren't we?" You gave him the puppy eyes that he couldn't resist and he sighed. "I just think.. You are having a hard time being honest with yourself."
—That was the moment it all hit you. You stopped walking and stared at him in awe. "W..What do you mean?"
—"Now don't get me wrong.. I think you're adorable and that will never change, I mean just look at you! You are always ready to help anyone and put others before you--but.. Is this how you truly mean?" He questioned you and you gulped. Shit. He knew, huh.
—"It's not like I am gonna judge you or anything, Y/n." He took your hand in his tightly just for you to know he's there. "I just wanted you to know I am here, and you can talk to me about anything. You are not alone, you got me and others, don't you?" He smiled at you softly but your heart was beating too fast to say anything. "You don't have to become someone else and hide anything. We are going to help you, just like you always do."
So this request is finally done! It took longer than I thought, to be honest.. I am sorry if these are bad djvnfnkf Anyway, hope you like it!
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himbo-only-zone · 3 years
Fluff Alphabet for Ryoma? 👉👈
ryoma hoshi || fluff alphabet
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I'm sorry this took so long!! I had to research a whole fuckin lot for him, so whoops- hope you like it!
- Mod Anna
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a. attractive. what does he find attractive about you? your persistence. even though he constantly tells you to stop bothering with him, you still try. you try to make things work, you try you hardest. and that's the only thing he could ask for.
b. baby. would he want a family? yes, he would. only if it was completely safe to do so. no mafia running around, no one that could potentially endanger you or the kids.
c. cuddle. how does he cuddle? little spoon, kinda the only thing he can do. he likes to lay on your chest. he feels protected and safe. as much as he says he can stay on his own, cuddling shows that he isn't being completely truthful.
d. dates. what are dates with him like? usually at home, he doesn't like going out. soft and sweet, just a movie and cuddling. he might even cook for you!! he seems like the type to cook.
e. everything. what are you to him? (ex. you are my _____) you're his reason to live. you know the motive videos? yeah that's where you would be now. you're his person. you're his reason.
f. feelings. when did he know he was in love? he denies it so much, but he falls in love quickly. when you continued getting closer, and hearing about him and his stories. knowing that someone cared made him so soft, and so loved.
g. gentle. is he gentle with you? very. he wouldn't dare hurt you. he probably couldn't, if we're being honest, other than the sheer force of the racket. if you guys are playing, he goes a bit easier on you. a lot easier.
h. hands. how does he like to hold hands? he doesn't often. but when he does, he isn't exactly the best at holding it. tiny hands. but if you guys are alone and he's okay with being soft, he'll hold your finger.
i. impression. what was his first impression of you? just another person to disappoint him. he didn't get his hopes up. he found you amazing, so he definitely didn't want to get closer. you did anyway.
j. jealousy. how often does he get jealous? he doesn't, but not in a particular jealous way. he just gets down on himself, these guys would make you so much happier ... lies. you have to reassure him sometimes, but it's worth it.
k. kiss. how does he kiss? who initiated the first kiss? you initiate everything. he's kind of scared to give affection, afraid of being shut down. but when he does kiss you, they're soft and light, extremely loving. it shows how much he truly loves you. you have to reassure him a bit, yet, you always feel so happy when you actually get those kisses.
l. love. who says "i love you" first? you. he starts doubting everything in the relationship, and you have to shut him up. you love him, and that's certain. you have to make him realize that sometimes.
m. memory. what's his favorite memory with you? days where you do nothing. one instance was when you were laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling and talking about nothing. there aren't a lot of times where he has a clear head and can be truly humorous, and when he's like that, he's finally happy. you make him happy.
n. nickel. how much does he spend on you? he tries to spend a lot, but there's not much to spend on you. he shows his love through other methods like walking up to you and just hugging you for a little while.
o. orange. what color reminds him of you? red. the color of passion. something that hasn't been in his life for a long time, and it's back now. you're here now.
p. pet names. what pet names does he use? classic ones, such as love and dear. he's a pretty classic person, and the way he says it is so beautiful.
q. quaint. what's his favorite non-modern thing? he likes leaving flowers for you at your doorstep. he wants to give you a little surprise! he loves you, and he wants to show it in different ways.
r. rainy day. what does he do with you on a rainy day? laying around the house and talking about nothing, just things where you can bond. not much energy, just soft things.
s. sad. how does he cheer you up? he sits you down and tries to take your mind off of it. he doesn't want you to dwell on it, so he just holds you and tries to fix the problems with distraction. if you want to vent about it, he's happy to oblige.
t. talking. what does he like to talk about? he doesn't like to talk about the serious stuff, he's asked too much about it and he doesn't like to talk about it. he likes being lighthearted for once. it's so much nicer. so, so much nicer.
u. unencumbered. what makes him relax? he likes taking days with you where he doesn't have to worry. no physical exhaustion, no worries about everything, he can just be himself with you.
v. vaunt. does he show you off? no, actually. he loves you so much, and he doesn't believe he deserves you. so, he tries not to get his hopes up about you. he loves you so so much, and if he showed you off too much, someone might take you away ...
w. wedding. when, how, and where does he propose? it takes him a while, probably about a solid three years. he prepares a little indoor date, with rose petals and candles. extremely romantic. and when you walk in the door, he drops down to one knee. “s/o, i ... appreciate every single thing you've done for me. the smile you put on my face every day is something i haven't had for ... so, so long. i love you, and if you would allow me to ... i would love to be your husband.”
x. xylophone. what song reminds him of you? what's your theme song? be my mistake reminds him of you, not lyric wise, just the soft vibe. your theme song is probably i wanna be yours by the arctic monkeys!!
y. yes. does he think about proposing to and marrying you? yes, he does! he would love to marry you, and be your lovely husband. however, he needs to make sure you're safe. he needs you to be perfectly safe before he takes these steps. baby steps.
z. zebra. if he was able to get a pet, what would he get? cat. give him another cat. he deserves it. he loved his kitty, and he wants to have one with you.
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veralovemail · 3 years
this is incredibly weirdly specific BUT!! lab rats as a concept are super comforting to me so. headcanons of joseph, luca, and eli w/ a reader who’s some kinda artificial human that was made as an experiment? reader acts Rlly Weird bc they were raised in a creepy lab, so they do bizarre things trying to fit in with Normal Humans (i.e. eating with their hands instead of utensils, brushing their hair with a toothbrush, weird shit like that!!)
!!!!! this is really creative. i also found this really funny to write, so thank you for sending this in! (under the cut for length) - mod vera
joseph, luca & eli with an artificial human reader!
joseph desaulniers:
joseph is a little weirded out to find out that you are technically not a human, but he thinks that it adds to your character.
you're a bit strange and rough around the edges, but he's really trying his best to help you i promise.
he tries his best to teach you how to do normal everyday things.
one day, he's teaching you how to eat food at the dining room at the hunters' side of the mansion when all of a sudden you just pick up the largest slab of pork steak and start inhaling it. kirby who?
this man PANICS.
" oh mon dieu - sacre bleu, putain de bordel de merde! "
he has to come over and (reluctantly) remove the half of the steak that was hanging out of your mouth shows you how to properly eat it.
eventually you get the hang of everyday life & joseph is crying proudly because you've progressed so much.
will lift you up & spin you around right after you finish eating dinner properly. (spoiler alert: being spun around does not bode well with your stomach).
he's probably decked mary in the face for her snide comments about you being his pet.
luca balsa:
luca wants to know everything.
can you do anything special? do you have strange abilities? WAIT, CAN YOU TURN YOUR HANDS INTO WEAPONS?
luca is also a bit strange after being in prison for so long, bbbbbbut he knows most normal human things so he tries his best to show you what to do.
one morning, he comes into your room with breakfast, only to see you trying to eat your manor diary. you thought that it was your breakfast because it had randomly showed up on your desk throughout the night.
he has to actually shock you (on accident) to stop you from taking a big chunk out of it.
after that, he shows you what is food and what isn't. he'll help you learn the differences between things that are inedible and edible.
sooner or later, luca finally tests you - he holds an object and and item of food and you have to point at the one that is food.
you aced it! he didn't even have to help you.
he drops whatever he's holding and launches himself at you in excitement, trapping you in a hug.
you get a congratulatory pat on the head. generally, he's really proud of you!
eli clark:
eli doesn't judge you at all. he'll listen to your story and definitely be very supportive - he doesn't even think of you differently!
brooke and eli both help you adjust to life in the manor and life outside of being in a lab. brooke normally keeps you company while eli is away.
but one evening, both brooke and eli were away - he had told you to get ready for bed and what it entailed, including brushing your hair.
there is an honest look of confusion on his face as he (and brooke) walk over to you, taking the toothbrush away from your hands and explaining the difference between a toothbrush and a regular brush.
" [ name ], this isn't how you brush your hair - if you didn't know, you should've called for me and i would've helped you. "
it's a gentle scolding, but you learn the difference between a regular hairbrush and a toothbrush VERY quickly.
he kinda stays nearby for a week to make sure you don't start using a toothbrush to brush your hair rather than a hairbrush...
one evening he really has to go, so he tells you to pack up for the night and you get nervous on your own, trying to think about what eli had been telling you for a while.
when he comes back, he finds you brushing your hair normally and he almost cries. but you can't tell. nope. not at all.
after you're done brushing your hair, he'll gently pat your head and give you a kiss on the forehead, congratulating you on being able to do it on your own.
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
If its ok and if your requests are open could you possibly do The remnants (of your choice) reacting to a Future Foundation s/o climbing up onto their back.
Remnant Gundham Tanaka, Peko Pekoyama, Izuru Kamukura reacting to their Future Foundation S/O climbing onto their back
also idk if they have like strict fanon personalities outside of izuru so these are just how i assume they be acting
i put my entire pussy into the gundham one btw - he was my favorite fictional character in liike 6th grade sigh
-Mod Souda
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Gundham Tanaka
❤ He's not threatened by you at all. He does not mind the fact that you are from the Future Foundation, and originally, he did not care about you approaching him at all - you looked so submissive, so helpless that he found no amusement in even sending animal aggressions towards you. And you managed to get close to him. When you first walked up to him, he had his back turned, to which his snake had gave off a warning hiss, and he turned around with open eyes, looking at you with surprise. He did not say anything, not then, not ever.
❤ He had just... never tried to hurt you. It put a weird sense of security - a hope of rehabilitation. He has enough returning morals and self-awareness to know not to harm you, does that mean he consciously harms everyone else? That it's not in his hypnotic programming to kill everything he sees? Despite the pillage and murder, you find yourself blushing around him. He thinks you're special. It flatters you.
❤ He is not rather affectionate. The most physical touch you will get out of him is when he leans his head against you, nuzzling into your body like a deer. You don't kiss him on the lips, just because you're genuinely concerned about him biting you, as he bites you when you try to hug him. But he seems to rather enjoy kisses on the cheek.
Once his snake unwraps itself from his body, slithering down his leg and onto the asphalt below, you take it as your opportunity. You place your hands on his shoulders under his scarf, gripping onto him as you hoist yourself up his body. He lurches forward, a quick groan of annoyance leaving his throat, quite frankly one of the only noises you've ever heard him make.
For a second, he doesn't move. He just awkwardly stands there while you wrap your arms around his neck, your thighs pressed into his sides.
Then he starts walking. You lift your head up, looking past his shoulder to see where he is heading. Being around his den relieves some of your nerves, as you know there is no, say, body of water around for him to launch you into. But with his arms tied around himself, maybe you don't have to worry about that.
He ends up walking over to his animals and you watch as he kicks over their food, feeding them as if you weren't even attached to him. Outside of the occasional giggles in his ear, you don't make your presence extremely known. You only hop off when it becomes too tiring to hold yourself up on him.
"You're very warm. I can feel your body heat through that jacket of yours." You tell him, standing by his side as he watches his animals feed, resting your head on his bicep. He leans into your touch. For a second, he turns his head to look down at you. But he turns back before you can notice.
❤ He does not like having his arms untied - but he will let you release him. When his arms are free he spends most of the time petting his animals - you expected nothing less, though you would rather him pet you instead.
❤ Which, with his arms free, he puts his hand on the top of your head a lot. Not even patting or caressing. Just having his palm on the top of your head before removing it and walking away.
Peko Pekoyama
❤ She won't let you get near Fuyuhiko, and that's her only boundary. The only times she has tried to hurt you was when your team had tried to detain them, to which she blamed you, but she has never been beyond reasoning and you can use your words to calm her. She doesn't like it when you approach her in your formal-wear. She will pull a sword to you - pressing it to your chest when you get too close, though, she would never actually kill you (hurt you, yes). She will only let you near her if you are in your everyday clothes, alone, and when Fuyuhiko is not near.
At the sound of someone approaching, she puts a hand on her sword. But she has already memorized the sound of your steps. Before she even turns to see you, her hand drops.
But her eyes widen when she feels you touching her shoulders. And then you jump, and on an instinct, she catches your thighs, holding you there before she even realized she was.
The sound of your laughter brings her back to reality. She drops your legs, putting all the weight on your arms, where you slip and land back on the floor.
"Come on, you know you liked it." You say when she turns around to look at you. She glares at you from behind her glasses, though her heart is beating considerably faster than usual.
"No." And she shimmies away when you try to touch her again.
❤ She never touches you. If the two of you sleep near each other, she will wake you up at around 5 am - the time she usually wakes up, with a hairbrush and stand there with it offered to you until you take it. She likes it when you brush her hair. She will even give you the hair tie to do her little side ponytail - unless you don't know how to, and she will grunt and push you away to do it herself.
❤ The only kissing she will give you is neck kissing - and if you try to give her any affection she is pushing you away by the forehead.
❤ She doesn't like to be too far from Fuyuhiko, though, she would rather the two of you not interact in any way, so if he comes around the corner while the two of you are together then she will dunk you into the nearest garbage can or push you through a random doorway.
❤ (Something positive is - whenever you need help, like if a kuma is trying to get you, you can just scream for her and she will come to your call).
Izuru Kamukura
❤ He lets you touch him more than he would like. In his mind, he is sheltered off from you and he has you at the perfect distance. But whenever you come around in your darling formal attire and put your hands on him he can't find it within himself to push you away. He wants you to touch him - but he can't place as to why. The only touch he will initiate is placing his hand on your back, or grabbing the back of your neck when he wants you to look at him. Sometimes you feel as if he is completely devoid of love for you - and when you do, you try and kiss him, to which he grabs your cheeks with one hand and groans against your lips, sucking on your tongue and keeping you flustered against his mouth.
You yawn, and when you step closer to him he already knows what you're going to do. The moment you place a hand on his shoulder he bends his knees, something you don't even realize in your sleepy haze, letting it be easier when you climb up on his back. He does a small hop, fixing his fingers under the curve of your knee as he starts walking.
"Thank you," and a mumble leaves your lips, a word he assumes to be a petname of some sort.
"Yes." He says with no point. "...You are welcome."
❤ Sometimes you find him in your house - where you wonder how he even got in, as the Future Foundation makes sure to have their high employees resting in the same walls. When he senses your stress he will work your tie with his hands, undressing you with no sexual intention, telling you to calm down. You'll sigh. "Yeah, yeah."
❤ When you first encountered him in this state, he had lingered his eyes on you, something that unsettled you at first. But now, in nights where he rests his head on your chest - where he lays awake on your beating heart, you wonder if he predicted this entire thing. With that, you wonder if he initiated this relationship on purpose - if something for the greater good will come from it, else, he just needed somebody to care for in general.
❤ If you climb on him more than once, he will add to your little profile in his head that you like being lifted by him - where he will start picking you up when you get even a bit tired, or throwing you over his shoulder when he wants to bring you to a secondary location without any issue. You know better than to try and wiggle from his grasp (though you are incredibly nervous that another Future Foundation member will see this and think of it as him threatening your life).
❤ Naegi figured out the relationship between you two, and he'll ask about Izuru whenever he finds you alone.
❤ You wonder if he is just pretending to care to get information on the Remnants.
❤ When you tell Izuru about it, he assures you that that is not the case, to which you nod - understanding that he always knows the truth.
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years
saeyoung !! happy birthday!! my love as well!! alsomykin!! sorry this is late (its past midnight here)
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- mod kokichi
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
your humour, your bravery! physically - your eyes and cheeks
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
he does! he has a call where he wonders if he can actually have his dream of a family :) equally he's more then happy with just you, saeran and vanderwood. he would want time to strengthen his relationship with saeran especially, but after a few years...if you want. i feel like he also would only want a few, and a few years apart. he would want to give them his attention fully,, equally if you have twins he'd be overjoyed too.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
clings to you! he likes any position (aha), but expect a lot of protective ones, especially while he's in / just left the agency
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
eventful LMAO
honestly, it depends, he'll take you star gazing and to the movies, and theme parks
but also driving at 2am, and making robots, the list is endless and half the time spontaneous
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
"you are my world, my dreams, my future"
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
over the chatroom, and he felt awful and selfish, he led you one despite feeling like he could never actually date you
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
very gentle!! he'd feel awful if he ever hurt you,, the whole 'im dangerous' would come back
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
he likes to have your hands near each other, little fingers linked, or fully hand holding, he'll do the 'bring hand to lips to kiss' thing a lot
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
someone cute and who clicked instantly with him!
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
he'll hug you from behind in front of them he has no shame, resting his head on your shoulder / head and glare at them
might even try kiss your neck too
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
i think the first kiss was more a 'both sides drawing in',, his kisses are unpredictable, sometimes soft, sometimes teasing, sometimes 'misses' just next to your lips,, but always gentle
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
you kinda say it when saeran grabs you, but in terms of sitting down and etc its him ,, and it feels like a weight of his chest, pure euphoria filling him when you say it back
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
any moments where he felt pure joy,, which happens a lot round you, wether its falling asleep or chasing each other, or running from either of the other two roommates, you're his joy
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
not buying so much, but he makes you a lot of stuff :) some of it is jokes, some of it actually really useful
he does buy you some stuff though !
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
blues! your favourite colours!
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
"606, my love, my baby, my star," a lot of overdone cheesy joke ones
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
probably old technology, stars,
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
complains, sulks, pouts, he likes going out once he's free but he doesn't actually hate the rain that much. he'll try cooking, and you'll need to help or the kitchen will be a mess of flames (he is a good cook, he just 'experiments' a lot)
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
bottles everything up, admits he's kinda sad in jokes, you'll need to confront him and be insistent to get anything out of him
he'll drop his jokes when you're upset, trying his best to be a shoulder to lean on and support for you.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
look hes a nerd (lovingly) he'll talk about maths, robots, hacking and cars, but equally games and shows and whatever you're into!
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
he likes making things !! if you read to him, or just talked about something he'd like that - might even fall asleep! not because hes bored, he just finds your voice soothing
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
his babes (the cars. and you/lh) but honestly all his gloating is jokes, he's pretty insecure
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
like saeran, he wants to make sure you want to as well! he'd do it under the stars, with a camera somewhere recording, music playing
he's a romantic at heart
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
,,,,Line Without A Hook- sorry its for everyone i know
i cant think of any love songs :(
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
you guys had matching rings and bracelets which im still sobbing over,, plus the normal ending,, and the the fact saeyoung is catholic i feel like the answer is yes.
plus...marriage at the space station :)
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
cats!! we all know the man loves them to death
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homestuck--edits · 3 years
What we Will Do
-Panel Edits
-Sprite Edits
-Pesterquest/Friendsim edits
-Canon Trolls
-Bloodswaps/Aspect Swaps/Etc
-Fan Characters
-Requests with lots of detail! Don't be afraid to be specific with your requests!
What we Won't Do
-Anything trans/homophobic (more or less up to the mods to decide, sorry, but I'm not listing out everything that might fall into that category)
-Backgrounds, Moodboards, Stim Boards, Etc.
-Not really much else, but it's up to the mod(s) judgement.
Panel Blacklist!
Sorry I just get sick of doing the same thing over and over again ;v; Nothing personal if you submitted one I just don't like doing some of them
- Davekat kiss (sorry gays)
-John/Vriska hug (also sorry gays)
Bonus Heads Ups!
-Requests with outfit refs are totally fine! However, please submit a ref along w/ your ask! Just makes it easier on me :>
-This goes for oc requests too! Outfit/hair changes along w/ a ref are totally okay ("could you do an edit of this oc with longer hair/vest/etc" is fine!) A picture is worth a thousand words and such.
-I delete requests I haven't answered in two weeks! Helps me get less overwhelmed :> If your ask goes two weeks without being answered feel free to resend it though!!
Meet the Mods!
Mod Davesprite
You can call me Dave, Davesprite, Davepeta, or anything else you'd like! I'm the only active mod, and I have a bit of a busy schedule, so be patient with me! My edits can be found at #mod davesprite
Mod Jasprose (Deceased)
you can call me jasprose or just rose, either work! i’m one of the mods and my edits don’t take as long as you’d think! you can find my edits with the tag #mod jasprose
Mod Fefetasprite/Fefeta
You can call me Fefeta, or if you can find it, my ~real name~ if you’re smart enough to find me. I may or may not do things, but I do prefer to do ministrifes, and you’ll find me at #mod fefetasprite 83!!
Mod Erisol
erisol or anything else also. we vibe. i probably will not do any edits im just here to vibe because i thought itd be funny. im a trend setter. im at #mod erisol
Mod Nannaquin
w wher am I who are you people I cant leave healp help hel
Mod Becsprite
You may call me Bec I can't fuckign type sometimes. I am also slowly going nuts. The shit I do in in #mod becsprite. (grrr bark bark bark)
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Hi! I'm so sorry to bother you, but i was wondering if it would be okay to request Kokichi, Shuichi, Nagito and Hajime comforting their s/o about the lost of their pet? I'm sorry if that makes you uncomfortable! Feel free to ignore my request! Also I was wondering if I could go by 🍓 anon? Once again feel free to ignore! I'm sorry to bother you! I hope you have an amazing day!
Kokichi, Shuichi, Nagito, and Hajime comforting their S/O after they lost their pet
I’m going to guess you mean death of their pet. If I got this wrong, and it’s simply a pet gone missing.. do tell.
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-Mod Shuichi (who is very sorry for the last line in hajime’s imagine)
He notices people’s emotions, even the slightest change in them, fairly quickly. Especially if it’s you, is S/O.
You’ve looked more down, your eyes red and puffy when he first saw you. He acted the same as usual though, maybe you just had a bad day and need cheered up?
His teasing caused you to break out into tears though, sending a chill up his spine. This.. isn’t what he wanted.
Kokichi shakily hugs you, rubbing slow circles along your back.
“H..Hey.. S/O? What.. happened?”
After a few more sobs and sniffles, you tell him what happened, and that on top of that you’ve had a bad day.
He beats himself up (not literally) for it. Crap.. He shouldn’t have done that, especially after he’s noticed you weren’t feeling too good..
He’s best at silent comfort, so he keeps you in his arms while he rubs your back as you sob.
Once you’ve finally calmed down, he offers if you’d like to watch a movie and cuddle, to which you agree to.
You can tell that he was doing his best while he was getting you comfort food ready.. to which you smiled.
Of course, the pain didn’t go away immediately, but it definitely distracted you for a good while.
He’s a detective, he spots your sadness immediately. So, he invites you to sit down with him on the couch.
Shuichi takes your hands in his, and asks you what was the matter.
You denied it at first, saying it was nothing and that you just were tired, but his grip on your hands got tighter when you tried to get up and go to your room.
He looked at you with.. this glare. This glare that said ‘I know you’re lying’ and ‘Tell me the truth’. It intimidated you, and made your eyes well up.
With all of his detective interrogations, he’s used this stare to get any other possible information out of the suspect as a ‘I know what you’ve done, just admit it already’ way. Never in his years of training have they cried.
It, too, sent a shiver up his spine to hear your pained cries.
It.. sent him into shock, and panic.
He wraps you in his arms immediately, feeling so guilty for having done that. 
“Baby, baby.. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t- I won’t- I won’t ever do that again...”
After a couple more sniffles, you reassure him that that alone wasn’t what made you cry. It was your pet.
Shuichi nods, letting you know he’s listening while you’re describing your pet and what happened.
He silently wrapped you in his arms tighter then before and rocked you back and forth.. letting you listen to his heartbeat until you’ve fully calmed, and drifted off.
He carried you to your room and tucked you into bed, kissing your forehead ever so gently, wishing you a goodnight.
He gave you breakfast in bed the next morning.
He was oblivious to your sadness at first, but once he was around you more, he took notice.
Nagito didn’t bring it up immediately though, thinking that was not the best thing he could do right now.. he waited a couple of minutes, before asking.
“S/O.. are you feeling okay? You haven’t been acting like yourself..”
He did his best to say it the best he could, looking at you with concern in his eyes, his tone so gentle, and caring..
It reminded you of something.
That something, being how you would talk to your pet. You knew it wouldn’t respond, but you cared for it deeply, and thought that maybe it might understand you..?
You tear up, his eyes widening as you let out a choked sob.
He’s straight at your side, pulling you into a big bear hug..
“I’m sorry, S/O.. I know I have no right to touch you like this, a worthless scum like me should never touch such fragile hope like you.. but I can’t help it. What’s the matter?”
You try telling him through your sobs that he wasn’t a scum, nor worthless, but he only shushed you and asked you again what was the matter.
He let you use his shirt as a snot rag before you spoke, telling him what was wrong.
That.. hit so close to home for him. Now he was tearing up, but starts apologizing immediately.
“I’m so sorry that happened.. is it my luck? I knew it... a worthless-” “N-Nooo...”
You tell him it isn’t his fault, as he was sniffling now, but blinking back his tears.
Nagito tells you that it’ll be alright, and that the pain is temporary. He knows that it won’t go away immediately, but he tells you that it’s only a matter of time.
He offers to mourn the death with you, as he heard that some owners did that.
It’s your choice whether you want to or not. If so, he does, in tears. If not, he understands, and that not everyone does it... he just is glad that you’re brave enough to tell him this, as some can be rude and tell you to ‘grow up’...
He does everything to make you happy again.
Didn’t notice, like.. at all. Someone had to ask him if you were okay, actually.
Once he got a good look at you, he mentally slapped himself.. how couldn’t he have known? It’s so obvious you’re upset!
People don’t call him a himbo for nothing.
He’s an awkward guy, so he’s gotta think about what he’ll say and whether it’ll come out the right way or not...
Once he.. thinks he’s got what he wants to say, he goes up to you and finally asks if you’re alright.
“Hey.. S/O? Um, are you feeling alright? You look a bit... sad.”
Way to go Hajime.
You just smile, and nod. “I’m just feeling a bit off today, is all..”
He somehow doubts that.
“Are you sure? Your like.. eyes are all puffy.” “Allergies.” “To.. what?” “Pollen.” “You don’t react this bad when we go out together, though..”
So pushy.. it feels like his pressuring you to tell him..
“You can tell me what’s wrong, you kno-” “I know! I know.. please just- hmehh...”
Your voice cracks, finally reaching your limit. You cried.
“W-Woah! S/O-?”
Hajime’s hands flew up to the air defensively, but came back down to wipe your tears.
“Hh..hey.. I didn’t scare you or- make you feel stressed to tell me anything... right?”
You only sniffle, shaking your head no. He lets out a relieved sigh.
“.. You can tell me what’s wrong when you’re ready.”
It took a few minutes of sobbing, but you finally spoke up, your face dug in his chest to save you any embarrassment.
He lets out hums of acknowledgement, saying ‘I understand’ when you’re finished.
He can’t.. really relate. He’s never lost a pet, but, he’s a good comforter!.. he hopes..
“I haven’t lost a pet before, but um... I sorta understand what you’re feeling. It’s hard, I can tell.. but, everything will be alright. I’m here for you, okay? If you.. ever need someone to talk to, or to rant to about.. whatever. Whether it be a shitty day, maybe an interest of yours.. I’d be happy to listen.”
His words make you happy, in a way. Not many people would say that to you, and not many people would sit down and listen to something like an interest.. so, it distracted you for a moment.
His arms and chest were also... really warm.
“..Your chest is warm,” You mumble. “Is it now?” “Mhm... your chest reminds me ooof... anime honker-” “Oookay. I think it’s time for you to take a nap..” Hajime chuckled.
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Stay safe, everyone.
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