#can someone switch brains with me
kxmpfflieger · 10 months
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the-dance-of-italy · 10 months
i have auditory processing issues and everyone at work must think im dumb
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tennessoui · 1 year
Obikin body swap idea: getting to see how the other half lives. Anakin just being super flustered by the idea that when he touches himself he's touching his master even for innocent things like running his fingers through his hair or getting to touch his beard.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan is trying to cope with how overstimulating Anakin's connection to the force is and even the best shields only dampen it slightly. Inner peace? He doesn't know her.
ooo i feel like when we talk about obikin body swap, this is always what we go with (overwhelmed by his master's body! anakin and overwhelmed by how anakin experiences the force! obi-wan), and it's good it's great i think these are great interpretations of the characters and i can see why it's such a popular take on obikin body swap
so what if that but also:
anakin overwhelmed by how little time obi-wan actually has to himself and how busy he is and him realizing that it's not that obi-wan purposefully doesn't spend as much time with him as he wants it's that obi-wan's body walks down a corridor and two younglings want him to give them a sparring demonstration, four Council meetings are scheduled, and one archives padawan is coming incessantly wanting to ask if he's ready for book club this week because she has thoughts on the last chapter
obi-wan unused to how strong he feels, how easy the Force suddenly is to manipulate; sure it's loud and i have a soft spot for that sort of headcanon about how anakin experiences the force, but i think we can't forget it wouldn't just just be overstimulating for anakin: it makes him powerful as fuck. obi-wan feels tired and the mechno arm hurts and it's straining his shoulder so he decides to use the force to call his datapaad over from its charging spot, but it zooms over so fast it shatters on impact with the wall
anakin overwhelmed by the new and unfamiliar aches and pains of obi-wan's body, the way he hurts when he wakes up, the way long space travel makes him feel sick and stiff
obi-wan realizing how persistent the chancellor is when it comes to comming and meeting anakin for lunch--oh lunch won't work what about tea oh tea won't work what about opera----
anakin trying spicy food for the first time in obi-wan's body and he's.... actually fine???? cue realizing that obi-wan was just pretending when he was younger to not like spicy food the bastard. (upon confrontation, obi-wan says, 'well it just seemed to mean so much to you on a personal level that i wouldn't be able to handle the heat of tatooinian food, i didn't want to disappoint you but you should really try stewjoni cuisine')
obi-wan realizing quite quickly that uh. anakin was not ever faking his very low alcohol tolerance
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caimitos · 24 days
saw a post about projecting your ethnicity onto a character and started missing vespa ilkay. so so bad
#pov u grow up in a 3rd world country(/planet) where healthcare workers are exported by the thousands like cheap produce to richer countries#it's your ticket out of poverty as long as you can deal with the loneliness the separation from everyone you know the discrimination etc#ive never talked about my hc that vespas mother was one of them sending money every month visiting every couple of years until it just stop#like why return to the swamps when youre doing fine working on a richer planet w much better living conditions#cost of living rises every year. sending home a % of your salary used to be enough to support your husband and daughter and then it isnt#you know how it goes#vespa is also dead set on this path until ranga realizes that hemorrhaging healthcare workers leaves them with little to none of their own#students on scholarships or in community/state universities are bound by return service agreements and are forbidden to leave the country#until theyve rendered a few years of work on ranga to pay back their tuition + as a really shitty solution to the brain drain problem#this is real in my country btw but my professors say a lot of ppl do break their rsa's and fucked off to work in other countries LOL#our state unis can barely afford decent facilities they do nottt have the budget to chase down their own alumni in other countries!#but the mental image is a bit funny#vespa ilkays first crime: tinakasan ang rsa#i do also think it lines up with her having a network of med friends everywhere in the galaxy (heart of it all) you kind of go into pre/med#expecting most of your classmates to leave to work in other countries eventually. mine are aiming for the usa / uae / europe / japan etc#anyway whether vespa breaks her rsa or not she leaves ranga asap decides to switch careers and the rest is history#i also deeply love the fact that she's superstitious i'm very sad it wasn't highlighted more (i've only heard s1-3)#as someone who did grow up in a rural area and went to more albularyos/folk healers than doctors in my childhood. (they never failed me)#lots of folk illnesses (ex. balis; pasma) local medical superstitions (dont eat noodles in hospital; youll have a really toxic shift) etcc#theres also a lot of potential in tying her past as a rangian + med student + assassin to me idk how to word this properly#being raised on cautionary tales of not to touch/disturb anything in the swamps then being given free reign to poke & prod at things in her#lab classes (now with the proper ppe)....she was having so much fun with the curemother prime too lmao#years of walking hanging bridges docks boathouses in ranga etc gave her great balance & stealth#cracking open alien shellfish in the swamps to cutting open bodies for studying then for assassination....#I MISS HER SO MUCH BALIK KN SAKEN 😭😭😭😭😭😭#i get why most people + the canon focuses on her being an assassin bc people find that cooler i guess#but vespa being a swamp girl > 3rd world med student > assassin is so personal To Me. the whole pipeline. eugh.#skl.txt
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captain-lovelace · 29 days
#Watching ‘egg discourse’ go around frustrates me. Not even fully certain what the current round is about but. Augh.#Especially seeing a lot of transmascs get worked up about it#Like. 1. Reacting so violently and negatively to what is in reality a harmless comment by a trans woman is being#transmisogynistic#2. You get on trans women’s asses for ‘assuming’ genders but you are ALSO assuming someone’s gender. You are assuming they’re a cis man.#3. As one of my mutuals said very well: ‘misgendering’ a cis person does not carry the violent connotations of misgendering a trans person#And 4 and this one is transmasc specific: If you are reacting like this because a switch has flipped#in your brain and is saying ‘this is a sign that no matter what I do I can be seen as a Secret Girl’. Turn that switch back off.#Just because you feel uncomfortable or unsafe doesn’t mean you are#Versus the trans women who are ACTUALLY unsafe right now because they’re being harassed. This is a You Problem.#And it’s also not what’s happening#You are not being misgendered! You are not in danger of being misgendered!#and you know what? One day another queer person may in fact mistake you for a trans woman! It is not that big of a deal.#This has happened to me! It was fine! It was honestly a compliment in some ways! It is easily clarified!#Calm the fuck down! You are not in danger! No one is in danger!#It is not such an awful thing to be mistaken for a trans woman#YOU need to work on that. It’s on YOU to interrogate your discomfort.
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sherlock-is-ace · 4 months
i'm so brain foggy today i feel like a baby fresh out of the womb. I keep looking at things like it's the first time i've seen them, i'm looking at my notebook with the animatic thumbnails which i explicitly wrote down every step so it would be easier to draw and i have no idea what anything means
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blitz0hno · 2 months
I love how John Milgram canonically (if minigram can be said to follow Canon which I think it does) Loves to Yap. Like he's very read-the-room stoic yeah but he also is so funny when he's masking as Mikoto, like who gave him the right to be so funny... "Why r you talking so fast" stfu Kotoko let him cook
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luvring · 6 months
scrolling past every babygirl joke people make with a frown on my face
#💬nia.rambles#we as a society can do better than this#i think a lot of people can. struggle with What else to say#'babygirl coded charas“ specifically . talk about how easy it is to fluster them. how ur gonna annoy the shit out of them#call him a sopping wet kitten. say god hes such a dumbass im going to kiss him on the lips and serenade him#say missionary because his eyes pretty and his face handsome. say youre going to tuck his hair behind his ear#His x y z looks and cringe fail personality have captivated me. his big eyes and loser boy personality.#this is also for when ur trying to talk about female charas w/o saying girlboss/mother btw#just go god shes so fucking cool. no ones doing it like her#someone might want her but you want her in a deeper intellectual way. no crimes to forgive because she didnt commit any.#she could fix me could make me worse she could say whatever and i would heed her call like a devout follower to their god#go i need them so bad im dizzy. i could change their life#like u have the brain capacity and meme/reaction album to think of jokes outside of. 3 terms. i believe in u#& how did babygirl charas go from ironic Big (serious) muscular men to Feminine Featured(?) Easily Flustered 'Pathetic' Men.#like im sure both cases existed before but. what its turned into now....its majority the latter... Hrmm....#< part of why i switched to saying my handsome beautiful prince etc etc. uve made me feel odd and upset..#babygirl character just say pathetic guy . loser dude. shy and silly . errrrghhhh...
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hydr0phius · 8 months
If the Pantorans have Australian accents and Thrawn is often mistaken for a Pantoran, does this mean he attempts an Aussie accent if he ever decides to play into that assumption?
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shirogane-oushirou · 6 months
love watching river otter videos and my brain just being like "👆🏻 ren my boyfriend ren!!! that's ren!!! it's him, my little otter guy!!!"
and it isn't even his fursona i'm picturing... it's just Human Man Ren but like... giving off otter energy. Human Man Ren elegantly gliding through the water. Human Man Ren cutely wiggling in the dirt. Human Man Ren crying and whining and chirping if he isn't actively getting scritched on his head. Human Man Ren growling and hissing and lunging at anyone who gets near his food / the object he's holding / his partner. man idk.
maybe i should draw these out to see if i can interpret what my brain is seeing and so i can have a pic on hand of him in a bathing suit.... who said that
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I exist so you have someone to obsess and have violent fantasies about. Come break me darling <3
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toastsnaffler · 2 months
every morning I'm like wow.. birdsong and sunshine.....hm.. u know what. maybe there is hope in the world. and everything will be ok :3 and every evening I'm like I Hope A Meteorite Crashes Through My Window While I Sleep Hitting Me On The Head And Killing Me Instantly. and I switch between these multiple times throughout the day and alsosometimes they happen the other way round and theres no sense or reason or order or pattern just the labyrinth forever. yeah I'm good why do u ask
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duckduckngoose · 2 months
Can my dnd character PLEASE stop evading every attempt at me trying to either develop her backstory or just anything
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starshine-selfships · 4 months
GOD GOD YES!! Also fun fact I lowkey knew you specifically would see those tags and got excited to see if you would say anything hfjgrgj
Here's the guy of the hour, the week, the YEAR
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(The art with the oranges is my own lmao)
I got the game he's from as a gift for Christmas from a friend who really likes it (and I was like yeah!! I wanna play the game too!!) so everything I'm saying has a grand total of a month and a half behind it, and I feel like the short time duration is important to highlight the insanity here kdjffk
ALRIGHT SO spoilers for the entirety of ultra.kill as a game bc he's integral to the overall plot, but some background before Gabby, the game is centered around a robot (controlled by the player) descending down through 9 layers of hell a la dante's inferno style, bc this particular machine is blood powered and mankind has been completely wiped out (partially by war, partially by something that hasn't been made 100% clear yet), so you're just going around slaughtering everything in sight, with the chunkiest graphics known to man along the way.
Gabe's role here is to step in and try to stop you bc you're basically a walking abomination to all that is holy, Gabe is the angel that sends people to hell and is also the one chosen to carry out the will of god so he's also done a lot of killing to do that; he loses to the machine, gets so mad he curses at you (calls you an insignificant fuck) and then leaves, but we see a little behind the scenes, where we learn he's never lost a fight like this and the rest of the angels call it heresy; they sever his connection with divinity and tell him he has 24 hours to fix everything or he'll die. So naturally, next fight he's pissed as hell, and starts out MAD, yelling and threatening, but as it goes on, he starts having fun and laughing and taunting, and when he loses again, he says he feels relieved and needs time to think. He starts introspecting and starts questioning everything he's been told after he realizes he wasn't feeling hatred, but a sort of passion in the challenge of the fights. He starts asking himself if the angels he followed were actually in the right, and ends up killing them all, accepting that he's going to die but that he'll die not only having been freed from the constraints placed on him, but also having freed heaven itself from the angels that basically held it hostage with their power.
He's also as close to trans as you can get without explicitly calling him such! The devs discussed angels and pronouns in a recent stream and said they wanted angels to have no pronouns if possible, but then realized that they needed to gender Gabe when another character wrote a diary entry about him, so they settled on pronouns as a mark of angel status, which means that he didn't originally use he/him, but picked it up later and continued to use it no matter what; the other angels called him "it" after the took his divinity, but the overall narration still uses masculine pronouns for him, so it comes with the implication that he's still exactly who he knows he is, no matter what is said about him, which. as a trans man. good lord fhsjg the trauma of his arc hits very close to home for me and that was part of what propelled him into the spot he has on this blog.
The other thing that got him here was. and there really isn't any other way to say it. This man turned everyone into rabid animals, I have never seen so many people look at a character and desire him so violently, everyone wants to do unspeakable things to this man and it is so funny hdsjgks his VA will also voice pretty much anything in-character as well, so there's a lot of unhinged bullshit that makes for an absolutely incredible image of this man. He's a little uptight at first and throws a fit when things don't go his way, he seems like the exact kind of man that would be kind of silly, this man would struggle to peel an orange, throw it at a wall, and then later hang his head in his hands about it. This man would be able to speak multiple languages but would somehow mispronounce every single word as he goes. He's an astounding character and he's also kind of pathetic and something about all these factors just. lobotomized me. There is a gay little angel where part of my brain should be and I've just accepted it. I had a gay dream about him one single week after I saw him in game, the grip he has on me is UNREAL and I've fully accepted it.
He gives the very fun aspect of "is not human and has no idea what humans need or how they act", which makes him utterly hilarious to me, I wanna see this man try to preheat the oven, he is trying so hard to cook something for me and he is burning it so badly, he does NOT know what a car is and is frankly too wary of it to even consider getting in it. People also arrived at the consensus that he's probably very tall, it's been confirmed that there are no canon heights in the game, but everyone has agreed that Gabby is at least 7 feet tall and it is the funniest thing on earth to me. Very large and somewhat confused angel who means the best trying very hard in his new environment. Oh my god wait when the developers had that stream I mentioned they also talked about Gabe for a bit in regards to his personality bc in-game he saved someone from being swept away in the river styx (now an ocean after an influx of souls), and they were so grateful they added a fully functional hologram of him onto their ship, saying the lines he'd said when he'd saved them, and the devs said that they'd wanted that to be a glimpse into what Gabriel is like when he's not immediately targeting you as an enemy or fighting, and the specific words they used were "he's kind and loving" and that short-circuited my brain immediately upon impact.
He is The Guy Ever, he's basically trans and 70% of the people who drew him gave him top surgery scars even before the devs talked about gender, he's got religious trauma and guilt, he's too tall and has probably never read a book outside of the bible, he giggles and whimpers, he is considered to be one of if not the most wifeable character in the entire game, he has an official body pillow, I want to put him in pretty little outfits, I want to hold his hand and take him to the beach, I want to pin him against a wall, he is. Such A Guy,, thank you so much for asking me about him he makes me feel so insane hsgjsdl
#fun fact! i typed this up on my laptop and then switched to my phone to add the pics#i uh. i like him 👉👈 this gave me an excuse to infodump about my favorite game ever so thank you!!!#this man would be so so afraid of accidentally hurting someone he cares about; he is so physically strong and it would kill him#he would however. be kind of smug about it. he is purposefully putting things out of reach so you have to call him over#the guy ever.. love this man... i am still fighting for a ship name bc i feel like i can do something so funny#sitting with like. match made in heaven and in the arms of an angel but he's got light motifs#he is literally called ''the light in my darkness'' by someone in game like. it's like there's gay and then there's whatever#this guy has going on#i am having such a major gayboy moment over him and allegedly the body pillow#(which is always out of stock mind you!!) might restock tomorrow and I'm like. it would be so funny to have it 😭#he makes me feel unhinged and it's so much fun bc no one is normal about him#vs my bug boy that no one else cared about. the whiplash has been absolutely insane 😭#i love my stupid giant angel he activates every single neuron in my brain simultaneously#okay okay i think. this should be everything. i could talk about him for so long 😭#star speaks#asks#thank you so much again!!!!! 💖#i am. not proofreading this kdjfkfk whatever i said is what's getting posted. stream of consciousness 😤#light of my life 🕊
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sharkieboi · 4 months
i keep having to like fight for my life at the pharmacy to get prescriptions filled and I had a call with my T doctor that was supposed to be a few weeks follow up about switching to T gel, but I haven’t yet gotten the fucking gel because insurance sent it back for prior authorization and this guy is too fucking overbooked to remember to do that and/or this hospital just fucking sucks at communicating between doctors and the pharmacy.
so we had our call to check in and im desperately just like can you do the prior authorization so I can actually start this med like fucking PLEASE I’m so tired!! and he responded “are you okay you sound pretty distressed” and I was clenching my fists to try and respond cause YES. I AM DISTRESSED. I keep having to call and fight for every medicine I need to function as a basic human being and be the person I want to be! I’m so dysphoric right now I want to die but my hands shake like a fucking vibrator every time I try and stab myself so I need to switch my method of T to something not a needle! and I’m constantly fighting for my life to get my adhd meds filled and not to be a meth-head but i legit don’t know how I functioned for 27 fucking years and made it through GRAD SCHOOL without meds cause my brain is so much clearer and I function so much better when I can actually get my thoughts in order and focus for real.
so yeah!! I’m in distress!!! I want my brain to work and I want my body to look and function how I need it to!! and this doctor’s blasé attitude to not being able to get my prescriptions filled is going to be the death of me!!!
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s1mpactafterhours · 1 year
Is the default reaction to seeing Cyno and Tighnari together at the end of his Cyno's story quest wanting to be sandwiched between them...? Asking for a friend :)
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