#It is not such an awful thing to be mistaken for a trans woman
captain-lovelace · 1 month
#Watching ‘egg discourse’ go around frustrates me. Not even fully certain what the current round is about but. Augh.#Especially seeing a lot of transmascs get worked up about it#Like. 1. Reacting so violently and negatively to what is in reality a harmless comment by a trans woman is being#transmisogynistic#2. You get on trans women’s asses for ‘assuming’ genders but you are ALSO assuming someone’s gender. You are assuming they’re a cis man.#3. As one of my mutuals said very well: ‘misgendering’ a cis person does not carry the violent connotations of misgendering a trans person#And 4 and this one is transmasc specific: If you are reacting like this because a switch has flipped#in your brain and is saying ‘this is a sign that no matter what I do I can be seen as a Secret Girl’. Turn that switch back off.#Just because you feel uncomfortable or unsafe doesn’t mean you are#Versus the trans women who are ACTUALLY unsafe right now because they’re being harassed. This is a You Problem.#And it’s also not what’s happening#You are not being misgendered! You are not in danger of being misgendered!#and you know what? One day another queer person may in fact mistake you for a trans woman! It is not that big of a deal.#This has happened to me! It was fine! It was honestly a compliment in some ways! It is easily clarified!#Calm the fuck down! You are not in danger! No one is in danger!#It is not such an awful thing to be mistaken for a trans woman#YOU need to work on that. It’s on YOU to interrogate your discomfort.
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 4 months
@recoveryform replied to your post “Cis people must have some weird fucking infra-red...”:
I think its straight up islamaphobia. When I lived overseas in a place I was required to wear hijab and posted a pic on social media, plenty of bad faith 'friends' made jokes bout not knowing if I was 'a man under those sheets'. Its a common racist trope where I am unfortunately. Sorry you get hit with it :(
​I think I could probably write a detailed analysis of this sorta thing, because there seems to be a very persistent intersection of transphobia and islamaphobia. Where people look at Muslim women veiling and either fear/believe/joke that underneath it could actually be a man. (Hell I have people genuinely fear and try to exclude me from womens spaces bcuz they see me as a threat and they can't tell if I'm "actually" a woman). I think in some shitty book I saw an except of, they had it that a criminal was disguising himself as a muslim woman or some shit.
There's this fear that Muslim women dressing modestly and covering their body is some scary safety risk (I've gotten people saying that they don't think I should be able to wear a niqab because I could get away with crimes) or is just scary in general (see: all the people who have harassed me saying I look like a murderer or criminal or demon). And because of the also common-ness of transphobia (specifically transmisogyny), the scariest or worst thing is someone they think is a woman secretely being a "man".
Plus there's also a thing where people paint Muslims as being both sexless/repressed and/or sexually deviant. And I think transphobia can tie into that, given how transphobes see being trans as something sexually deviant and peverted.
And I mean that's not even getting into the way there's lots of people who fetishize and sexualize hijabs/niqabs, and how I'm commonly mistaken for being part of a fetish group by nature of not being cis and being a niqabi.
Anyways, this all is to say people are already terrible about Muslims and Trans people and Gay people and Brown people and it just intersects in ways that are exceeding awful for anyone caught in the middle.
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soup-mother · 10 months
Frustrating trying to talk about trans women being legally or socially barred from things and people trying to turn it into a conversation about literally anything else.
like yes I'm sorry to hear that their laws might affect cis women too, but i literally could not ever compete in the Olympics or any kind of organised sport. like yes it makes it harder for cis women but I can't stress enough that i am just barred full stop, Just a blanket ban targeting people like me specifically. same with people talking about how awful it is to get mistaken for a trans woman and experience transmisogyny, like jeez... can't imagine what that's like...
or like they don't understand that you just needing to use the toilet could get turned into a smear campaign or get you kicked out of university or anything. and it just feels like even aside from the actual affects, just the potential of making it worse for other trans girls by letting grifters stir up a controversy means you put yourself into a little box and then people wonder why you're all so on edge about "TME people" and don't find their "haha well I'm big and hairy and it'd be funny to see me in the womens bathroom" jokes that funny.
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myragewillendworlds · 6 months
I can't believe I'm sending this as an anonymous message to a stranger and I won't judge you for dismissing it (it is admittedly more of a "vent" than anything else) but I'm frankly at my wits end. I'm AFAB and have been wrestling with the idea that I might be better off transitioning to a trans man for a fairly long time now (ages 13-22). The "wrestling" comes from the fact that I have no sex dysphoria, but nevertheless have a profound feeling of wanting to be a man, and an envy of the bodies of cis men. For greater context I'm also attracted to men, and have a hard time discerning between those I'm attracted to and those I envy (although I do sometimes envy people I'm definitely NOT attracted to). I have gone through every possible "gender identity" phase in trying to reconcile this apparent paradox – calling myself a trans boy when I was younger, to nonbinary, to trying to accept being a GNC woman who crossdresses and doesn't mind being mistaken for a he. It's not enough to stop this frankly humiliating envy of men. I've read an awful lot of literature on the subject of transsexualism, spoken to tons of transitioned transsexuals and listened to many different political viewpoints. No amount of this or soul-searching has come up with an answer. I don't want to transition without sex dysphoria and regret it. And while I deliberate it is wrecking my self esteem and preventing me from functioning properly day to day. Have you come across this or something approaching it before?
I think this is the point where you look into talking about this with a professional specialized and experienced in this subject.
Based on purely this text, on one hand I wonder if under this envy does lie sex dysphoria that's been dismissed or pushed away, on the other hand it sounds like you've done enough self-searching to understand that it's not, but that begs the question what it is instead then. But I've never heard of this, only in people who ended up realizing that it was sex dysphoria all that time after all, so there's nothing I can add. I think a professional could help you figure things out one-on-one better than any online conversation can, since they will be able to pick up on little things that can't be seen through a text message, and (if they're any good) they'll be able to ask you the right questions you may not have asked yourself yet, to dig deeper into what this thing is.
If not that, then there's always turning it into your kink, lmao.
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lostandfem · 2 years
Hey I dont think jumping from a cult to another one will be helpful to you. You should check deeper into a more broad generalisation of life experiences instead of making your whole life about your gender again. Radical feminism isn't helpful because it doesn't take women accountable for the shit they do to other women too. Blaming males all day long won't work or do shit because we have to solve our own issues between females to live better lives. Sure men can be awful. But so are women. Radfems are also full of shit and attack peoples physical flaws at the second they have the occasion to. They don't really understand that women come in different shapes and ethnicities. Shit like "oh look at her body hair/facial hair" for exemple will come on the table all the time. Or while trying to make fun of transwomen they'll insult women that are less GC too because they don't give a shit anymore. So be careful with "communities"... Those women aren't full on accepting. That's my two cents. Good luck with everything, life's hard and so is finding respectable people... Or real lesbian women and sane bisexual women. But never give up. You'll find your way.
yknow, i appreciate youre trying to be helpful, but i trust myself here, and i dont really appreciate the patronizing attitude. im not some helpless, lost puppy
its interesting youre talking about making gender my whole life again tho. its not something id expect someone to acknowledge. most people dont want to acknowledge that thats what its like in the trans community. but this isnt making gender my whole life again. acknowledging misogyny and sexism isnt obsessing about an identity. these are judgement calls about peoples lived experiences as well as my own. and yeah, absolutely both men and women can be awful as individuals, but thats an entirely different issue from recognizing how women are treated as a sex because of their reproductive capabilities. that capability is a resource people want to take control of (if you support abortion rights then thats the cause youre addressing for an example of how thats a real issue that needs to be discussed). if you recognize that, you recognize that theres an imbalance between what sex holds power. were not “blaming males”, were recognizing who holds the power in the situations we are disadvantaged in. you have to find a source to a problem *somewhere*. women doing bad things to other women doesnt mean that power imbalance doesnt exist. and looking inward to address an outward disadvantage doesnt make any sense. if we examine ourselves enough, will the pay gap close, for example? is it womens fault theres a pay gap to begin with?
also idk where youre getting your information about what radfems think about other women, but do you think theyd even tolerate me here if they only wanted a certain type of body? my tits are gone and im hairy from testosterone. if they were anti-body diversity, why am i accepted anyway? why are they accepting any detrans woman? ive seen these women come in every shape and ethnicity, and praise women of every size and ethnicity (from thirsting to beautiful photography).
if you want to look into it, check out @ laetitiaky on instagram. shes a black woman who describes sex-based oppression from her own experiences, essentially (also makes p cool art). if you want to see examples of radfems of colour the blogs @oneblackbraid and @rad-by-nature are two off the top of my head (hopefully im not mistaken rip). im sure if you scroll enough youll find them talking about radical feminism in relation to racial issues.
anyway thanks for the advice, but i didnt ask to be helped. i hope you find your way, too
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theophagie · 10 months
Lots of awful things have made the news in succession lately and it's astounding how the average person still refuses to acknowledge that sexual assault, feminicide and the overall misogyny that goes on in this country aren't things the randomly happen but the result of cultural and institutional backwardness. Honor killing and matrimoni riparatori were outlawed in 1981, up until 1996 sexual violence wasn't an offence against someone, but against "public morality", stalking became a crime only in 2009, in courts it's not the accused that has to prove that the violence didn't happen, it's the victim that has to prove that it did (with everything that comes with it). And so on. The people who grew up before then or during that time are the parents, the uncles and aunts, the grandparents, the teachers of everyone who's alive now, they're the ones educating them. And it's so painfully easy to see and feel. But whenever a woman is murdered by her violent partner or an ex that she had already reported, or is raped out in the streets without anyone intervening, it's literally impossible to raise the bar and move the broad discussion from bullshit like "he had a violent raptus" to "the problem is that the average man in this country doesn't see women as human beings, and many women have internalised this as well"
If your molester touches you for less than ten seconds he won't be charged because that's too little time to count. Sure we can acknowledge that these two men raped you, but they didn't realise that they were raping you, so they won't be charged either. Seven men forced you to get drunk and then dragged you away to rape you, but we can't dare say anything about the environment they grew up in. This was just on them, at max on their parents as well, but not society. Never society nor culture, no no. But we can have a high-ranking military man publish a book where (among other awful things!) he goes on about how awful and useless feminists are, and we can make it into a bestseller too! Wohoo! In the meantime, let's just pat ourselves in the back by saying that rapists and abusers and stalkers are just beasts or monsters or just mentally ill people and are thus inherently different from us. How dare you say that they're the direct result of something much bigger, how dare you say that even us Normal Men™ should do some self reflection and think about the "average" ways in which we in turn treat women like dirt, how dare you say that the two things are correlated 🤡
There's been so much talk about the chemical castration for rapists, so many calls to bring back the death penalty, but what would that do. What the fuck would that do lol. Good job, you've obtained your revenge and that one single man won't rape anyone else again (maybe) 👍 And then what? Are you doing anything else to change the world around you, to prevent it from happening again? Are you educating your sons any better? Holding Normal Men™ accountable for their casual misogyny any more? Demanding that judges be more responsible? Reinforcing networks to help victims? Ah, no? You just think that the prospect of more severe punishments will be enough of a deterrent. That if rapists are brought to prison other inmates will "take care" of them too, even. Right. Cool.
And now this is just a tangent but as I've been writing this some discourse that often pops up on this website but also in Progressive Spaces™ in general as a whole came to my mind and just. The patriarchy, rape culture, misogyny (whether it be against trans or cis women or against afab people who are just wrongly perceived as women even if they aren't), and so on are things that factually exist and that we have to grapple with. And for the love of all that is good on this Earth we cannot allow terfs and radfems to monopolise the discussion regarding them, we can't stop or hesitate to talk about feminist issues out of fear of being mistaken for one of them. We can't, for everyone's sake we really, really can't
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gender-homework · 1 year
The weirdest thing to me in all of this is when I came out - back like 10+ years ago.
I spent a lot of time figuring out my sexuality on my own& I like queer best- it fit what I felt. I tried our bi- but that didn’t quite feel right. I knew I liked girls & I knew all the times in the past I genuinely liked guys- but to be honest at that time I just really wanted a girlfriend. So I wasn’t sure if I was a lesbian or bi, or something else - but I liked the weird implication of queer. That it was fringe and counter culture & political.
I first told a friend I thought I was queer. My best friend in college & she was super supportive & asked me questions & one of them was, she asked if that meant I was trans- and I was like nope nope nope I was mistaken I’m not queer I’m a lesbian. A woman who likes women- that’s it. (Because I was scared that she recognized the transness in me)
So a few weeks later I came out to my parents I said I was gay (bc I knew the word lesbian would be a major issue & I was right) they reacted so horribly. Just cruel and awful- saying things to my face with such disgust and hatred.
They tried to buy/bribe me to be straight & stop the nonsense - with an aquamarine ring & I handed it right back.
So I was like fuck that - I have no respect for either of you anymore- but I’m very much financially dependent on you & terrified I’ll get put in conversion therapy or brought back home from college.
But I didn’t back down. I got a girlfriend- who eventually became my fiancé, who is now my wife.
But the whole time we were together- I felt like I had to prove how much of a lesbian I was- that I hated men- I think a big part of that was of how my parents reacted.
Like I couldn’t think any man or masculine person was attractive because then they would win.
But now I’m finally free of them & I’ve come out as gender fluid- happily accepted that being a gay man is part of my gender. & I’m finally ready to admit that yes- men are attractive
But it’s hard I still feel wrong like I have to hide it
Which is weird because I feel like it’s normally the other way around
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honestly just white women constantly profiting off of and sexualizing woc is so awful like the way they’re always trying to look racially ambiguous with big lips, imitating east asian eyes, tanned skin, like to the point where middle eastern women are being called “white”
It’s gross.
Like it makes me so mad.
Because woc can never have anything. Like poc in general can’t have shit, but woc?
They’re constantly sexualised, masculinised, called ugly whilst white women get praised for having their features, and, y’know, woc get murdered. A lot.
Black women are either ‘men’ or ‘too sexual’, and almost always both in the eyes of racists. Megan Thee Stallion, for example. Whilst white women tan so dark that they’re mistaken for black women, and whilst black culture is stolen and adjusted to fit white standards whilst the thieves try to claim it as their own. Black people, especially black trans women are murdered at a disproportionate rate and their murderers are walking free. The only man who got arrested for shooting at Breanna Taylor was the one that missed.
East Asian women are thought of as subservient and ‘cute’, and are overly sexualised and called anime girls, whilst white people pull their eyes and mock their languages. They’re accused of eating dogs and blamed for the Corona virus and were murdered violently as a result of White people getting mad over it.
South Asian women are called dirty and smelly because of their food (which is stunning btw), whilst people casually throw around the p slur and racial stereotypes about taxi drivers and corner shops, and ‘Indian men’ on Instagram.
Native women are literally going missing, and getting murdered and the media hardly ever covers it because it’s not trendy or cool. It’s what america was built upon, so no one is surprised, it’s old news. And funnily enough, if a native woman was to speak the language of her tribe in public, a white woman is sure to tell her to go back to her own country. And their culture becomes an accessory. ‘I’m a descendant of a Cherokee princess’ is a sentence white women throw around too much.
Romani women are over sexualised and under represented. And attacked when they get popular for being a fucking fan cast for a character. Their slurs get thrown around like jokes and their culture is stolen so often sometimes it takes me a while to see when white people are misusing it.
And those aren’t even all races I could name.
And let’s not get into woc being called ‘white’.
when white women tan, and curl their hair as tightly as they can, and fill their lips with filler, and pull back their eyes, and use makeup or surgery to make them appear more ‘slanted’, or claim to be native, or mock foreign food, they’re hot, they’re lucky, they’re fucking hilarious. But woc get killed for it. And you can claim it’s racism or misogyny, but it’s both. It’s just both.
Let’s not even get into how Trans woc are treated because that whole thing makes me actually sob because it’s that fucking horrific.
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ringneckedpheasant · 3 years
u got any trans anders headcanons? 👀
OH BOY DO I EVER.... i also just have a lot of thoughts abt medical transition in thedas.... please forgive me for turning this into an absolute essay lmao
i think it’s reasonable to think that even if they’re not commonplace, some form of hormonal treatments would be available—naturally derived estrogen has been used for quite literally thousands of years, and would at least be available for trans women like Maevaris. i haven’t been able to find much on the history of testosterone usage before like the 1800s, but i don’t think it’s that far-fetched to think that that’s a development that could’ve happened within anders’ lifetime or even before, especially since we’re talking about a world where like. magic is a thing and herbalism is widely practiced. Krem seems to indicate that there are magical methods of transition, though iirc it was implied to be through blood magic (that, or Krem has an aversion to any kind of magic being used on him)
as far as surgical procedures go i don’t think there would be much available? at least not for trans men, which is part of the reason i drew anders as not having had top surgery, but looking like he’d been on t. which i think he would be, though i don’t think he would’ve started until late into adulthood.
my thoughts abt like. the timeline of his life are always kind of nebulous and subject to change but i’ve been thinking a lot lately about the subject of his name. i don’t envision his parents as being particularly accepting, at least not his father. maybe part of the reason he never disclosed his name when sent to the circle was in the hopes that no one would find out what it was—even being called Anders, as weird and dehumanizing as it would’ve been, might’ve been preferable to being called his dead name. i think a lot about the way that Anders’ name changed when everything else in his life did, and that both of those things happened as a direct result of being rejected by his family.
when he was sent to the circle at 12 i think he could’ve reasonably passed as a boy without much effort, though it would’ve gotten harder as he got older if he didn’t have access to hormones. i think it’s safe to assume based on interactions with Krem that knowledge of trans people, and respect towards them, isn’t something that’s commonly found outside the Qun (and perhaps Rivain or Antiva—but certainly not in Fereldan, or Orlais, or the Free Marches. yes i am still mad about Sera’s transphobic dialogue if you bring her to the winter palace). Anders’ absolutely miserable transition to living in the circle probably would’ve been made worse by adults in charge not understanding or respecting him.
I like the idea of Karl being the first person to accept Anders without question, to try to help him find information about other people like him with the limited resources they would have in the circle. there’s not a lot of canon information about Karl’s life, but 1) i think he and Anders met fairly young, maybe as soon as Anders got to the circle and 2) maybe by chance, Karl knew someone else like Anders—a sibling, a friend, maybe an aunt or an uncle.
his time in the wardens may have been better than his time in the circle, wrt gender. my HoF is a mage, and i imagine that even if he didn’t remember anders particularly clearly, he would’ve been Aware of him—people gossip, especially, i imagine, when confined like that. my surana is a nice boy however and would’ve tried to ensure that no one in the wardens gave Anders any shit over being trans.
by the time he ends up in Kirkwall, i think he would pass fairly well. and while he is absolutely dirt poor, i think by this time he would’ve found the resources to start some kind of hrt. he probably wouldn’t have regular access to it, and just going off my own experiences, this would’ve been something that made transition a slow process. it’s filled with constantly feeling like he’s taking a step back whenever he goes off it, when his progress halts, when his period starts up again, when he’s subject to awful mood swings from unstable levels of hormones (i also think Anders is bipolar, and i imagine some aspects of that would be exacerbated by being Hormonal)
by the time he meets Hawke and the rest of them, i think he would’ve sort of plateaued—after years of HRT, even inconsistently, he would be able to pass as a man without much difficulty. some things, like facial hair, simply do not go away even if you stop taking t.
i Do, however, think that Fenris would clock him. in an ideal world this would be because he is t4t and like recognizes like, but even if that weren’t the case, I think Fenris would be the most likely out of any of them to know about trans people—I may be mistaken about the timeline here but I *think* that Maevaris would’ve come out before Fenris left Tevinter? Fenris likely had at least passing knowledge of her, maybe even met her while accompanying Danarius if she had assumed her father’s position as a magister. my understanding is that Mae is literally the first trans woman ever to have a seat in the magisterium, and that it was a Big Fucking Deal to a lot of people. it would make sense for Fenris to know about her. also!! fenris spent time on Seheron with the fog warriors and it seems extremely likely that he would’ve met people who were aqun-athlok while there.
my point with all of this is that 1) Fenris would likely know Anders was trans even if he himself wasn’t and 2) as much as they hate each other, I think there’s no way that Fenris would out him. he refuses to hand Anders over to the templars, and I think he would know how dangerous being outed to the wrong people would be. (my thoughts are of course heading in a fenders direction, and I’m thinking about Fenris disclosing to Anders that he knows, and their shared transness being the first step in realizing that they have more in common than they would otherwise think.... in learning to understand and empathize with one another... g-d.)
that is the extent of my serious thoughts about this for now, it took me a half an hour to type this up on my phone and i hope at least one person finds reading it worthwhile lmao
(less serious thought: Anders and Fenris should have t4t sex in the back of Anders’ clinic <3)
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lilallama · 3 years
Valentines Day
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TW: Obsessive behaviour, mentioning of stealing and slight homophobia, proceed with caution!
"Taehyung sweetie, wake up.~"
I groan and turn in my sheets, slowly regaining consciousness. "I've prepared you breakfast. Get dressed and come downstairs." The clacking of my mother's heels echoed through the hall as she went away. Groggily I sit up and stretch. I push my bangs out of my eyes I stare towards the window to my left. The sun shines through the thin curtains casting an orange light on my bedroom wall. I yawn and stand up, pulling the curtains aside and flooding the room with light. I take a moment to look outside, admiring our beautiful garden before remembering what day it is. Today is Valentines day! My God/Goddess asked me to meet up with them. Oh, spending Valentines with my saviour is the best thing to have ever happened to me!
I rush to pick out a white dress shirt, a khaki sweater vest with a black pair of slacks. After also brushing through my hair to untangle any knots I opened my secret Y/n shrine. The picture of their smiling face makes my heart pound so fast. They are otherworldly, absolutely ethereal! I take out a shirt of theirs which I borrowed a while ago. If I close my eyes it still smells like them, it's addictive.
Just to make sure that no items were robbed from their place I go through all items once again. Five chewed on pencils, a small box of empty wrappers, my 20 most favourite photos of them, the candle they accidentally bit into because they thought it was edible, the borrowed shirt, a pair of their underwear, a bunch of pins and hair ties they touched, the bundle of 36 hair strands I managed to collect (I only collect the hairs that have fallen out, I would never dare to cut or rip out my God's/Goddess' hair) and my water bottle which they drank out of (I had to buy a new one to keep this in my shrine but it was so worth it). All my items were there.
Suddenly I hear clacking and a small thud. I turn around in confusion, what just happened? But then I hear Yeontan's bark from the other side of the door. He ran against the door again. I can't help but laugh as I go to open the door for him. He jumps up a bit so I kneel down to pet him. "I'm meeting up with Y/n today, isn't that exciting!" Yeontan immediately started yapping, he loved my God/Goddess almost as much as I do. It's really incredible what an effect Y/n has on everyone, they all seem to love them. Well, then again that is expected to be the case considering Y/n is such a godly being.
"Taehyung!" "I'm coming!" My mother called me again. "Come on, boy." I hurry downstairs with Yeontan following me. "Good morning, Ma. Good morning, Pa." My father nodded at me while my mother beckoned me to sit down and eat. While I finish my breakfast my mother was talking about a lot of stuff. "Have you heard, they're trying to make gay marriage legal here. That is complete nonsense! God created a man and a woman for a reason." I have no clue what my mother was raging about. I concluded that she's probably just misinformed, Y/n said that being part of the lgbtq community is completely natural and alright. I know they know better than anyone else. "What's so bad about it, Ma?" My mother looked at me with horror. "They can't help who they're attracted to. It's all natural, isn't it?" My mother shook her head. "No!" She exclaimed, "Being gay or trans or something is inherently selfish! Gays are selfish! Men and women were created by God to conceive a child and stop the human kind from getting extinct. Trans are selfish! God gave you a body and you chose to change it in it's entirety! Such behaviour is unacceptable." "But I thought God loves everyo-" "Where have you even gotten that idea? Maybe you should go back to homeschooling. Clearly these other kids are having a bad influence on you." I look over to my father who just continues reading the newspaper. I respect my mother but she clearly isn't ready yet for the wisdom Y/n has bestowed upon me. Not everyone is as lucky as I am. "Look at the time we'll have to go now." Right, it was Sunday which means we're going to church. I always like going there, the windows astound me everytime. And the pastor is always so welcoming and friendly. I vividly remember asking him about the lgbtq community after Y/n had told me about them. He said that God loves everyone regardless of their sexuality or gender identity. He truly is a wise man.
As soon as we returned my father got a call from a business partner. They said they'd have to go now and want me to take Yeontan with me to my meet up. While I was a bit saddened that I couldn't be alone with my God/Goddess I decided it wouldn't be a problem.
Yeontan excitedly trots besides me as I make my way to the place where my saviour and I would meet up. I debated getting them a bouquet of red roses for Valentines day, but figured that the 20 letters, 12 stuffed animals and 18 bouquets I gave them during the past week would be enough, for now. As I make my way there I couldn't conceal the excitement I felt. Getting the chance to spend time with my Master/Mistress was something I believed I'd only ever dream about. The euphoria I feel from the mere thought of getting to see them today is dizzying.
Suddenly Yeontan starts barking and storms off. He never leaves my side, that's why he's not kept on a leash. To see him run away from me like that was surprising at best. But then I notice the reason for his behaviour. The puppy ran towards Y/n who was waiting for me a few metres away. How could I have just ignored my saviour like that! What I did was unacceptable. I would punish myself, but it would likely ruin Y/n's day, I can't let that happen. So I run after Yeontan, towards my God/Goddess.
"Good morning, Y/n! I'm sorry about him." I look down at Yeontan who's still getting pet by Y/n. He better cherish that they're even looking at him. It's bad enough that he practically demanded pats from them. So disrespectful. "No worries. He's so adorable!" At least Y/n seemed to enjoy his behaviour. I doubt it would work if I behaved that way towards them, but that's for another day to find out. "I dearly hope you didn't have to wait too long." They smile up at me. Oh, their smile is to die for. So incredibly perfect! I feel my knees getting weak. "Don't worry about it. I just arrived too." Yeontan started barking again and was noe excitedly jumping around, making Y/n laugh. "Awe! Yeontan is so adorable. I didn't know you'd take him with you." "It was unexpected for me as well." They stand up and take my hand. My heart is beating so fast, I feel as if I'm about to explode. It's getting harder to breathe. "Let's go now!" We start walking along the path with Yeontan rushing after us.
We sat outside a small café and each ordered our desired dessert. "Have you ever been on a date?" That question caught me off guard. "Oh, no. I haven't." I believe that much was quite obvious, but perhaps I was mistaken. They look surprised, shocked almost. "Really? How come? Aren't you getting asked out left and right?" "I suppose I just never had interest in anyone. I barely know those who ask me out. They're all so shallow to confess without knowing anything about me." Just then the waiter returned with our desserts. We thank him before we start eating.
Both of us watch as Yeontan is running around and playing in the snow. I look over to see Y/n smile at him, leading me to also smile. I adore their smile. Everything about them is so perfect. I could stare at them for hours and never get bored. Each detail is something new, something beautiful to discover. Unable to take y eyes off them I-
"Excuse me." Who dares interrupt my special time with my God/Goddess?! Two girls stood next our table. One almost cowering behind the other and mumbling something along the lines of, "Oh my god, no. Jess, don't." But I really couldn't care less. "My friend thinks you're really cute and was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with her." So annoying. I eye them down and make one thing clear. "I'm not interested." The girl cowering behind the other looked disappointed, perhaps ashamed. Good. She should be. After they interrupted my date with the Y/n they can go burn for all I care. "Have a good day." After the girls back away with the other girl exclaiming, "What a jerk!" I turn my attention back to Y/n. "Uhm, wasn't that a bit harsh?" They looked unsure. "Was it? I thought it was reasonable. Better to tell the truth than lead them on, am I correct?" They took another bite of their dessert. "I guess you're right."
We had a grand time strolling through the park, even having a snowball fight. They won. Obviously I could not compete with my God/Goddess, no one could ever. Yeontan was also very entertained as he kept trying to catch the snowballs as they flew over his head. Soon the sun began setting. It was incredible how fast the time flew by. Both our clothes were slightly damp due to the snow. I didn't think much about it untill Y/n began shivering. No no no no! My saviour could get sick, or die! I couldn't let that happen. I take off my jacket and gently place it over their shoulders. "But, won't you be cold?" I give them a reassured smile. "Don't worry about me, my God/Goddess. If I may, I'd love to accompany on your way home." They let out a bashful chuckle, making me melt. I feel my entire body heating up from that gorgeous chuckle. Their power over me is simply astounding.
All the way home I keep my arm atound them in hopes of providing some form of warmth for them. I cannot bear knowing that they're freezing. Never would I be able to forgive myself if they'd catch a cold. Yeontan was also slowly getting tired, which was by bo means a surprise considering how he played and jumped around all day. "Thank you for bring me home, Taehyung." Hearing them say my name makes my entire body tingle and flutter. "You do not have to thank me, Y/n. It was an honour!" Whatever I expected, it was not feeling their lips against mine. My mind went blank and I could barely stand. I felt dizzy, yet so so good! They gave me my jacket back after the short peck and laughed. "Goodnight!" Then they went inside and closed the door. I stood there for a moment, shocked at what had happened yet freling absolute bliss. After a minute or so I manage to finally pull myself together. I put on my jacket, it smells like them! And then I picked Yeontan up and walked home.
Oh, this day was the best I've ever had!
If you liked my work please reblog! 💌
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bixbiboom · 3 years
Anon is correct, your pic looks very Kdin Jenzen.
Kdin is a trans/intersex woman who is (was? I'm out of the loop) a member of Rooster Teeth and edited for Achievement Hunter for a while. She's very cool, very nerdy, and made that "This is my kitty cat, this is his kitty fat, it goes pat pat pat" vine that went around when vine was a thing.
Aw dude, it’s nice being mistaken-by-icon for someone so cool!
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nothorses · 3 years
Related to the affected by transmisogyny thing without being transfem: I'm a trans guy and I was nearly denied emergency meds contraception by a doctor because he assumed I was a trans woman and wouldn't have a uterus and so I nearly got gatekept by a guy clearly operating under some transmisogynistic assumptions. Like transfem hypervisibility sucks and it's almost like other trans folks inherit some of that treatment if trans is only considered by many cis people as just transfem
God, I’m sorry. That’s such an awful thing to go through.
I really do think a lot of that “only X group ever faces X oppression” thinking is just really detached from reality. It comes from this desire to neatly divide our experiences up into little categories and boxes, to draw clear lines around everything to make things “easier” to talk about. I can understand that; especially with how closely tied queer theory is to feminist theory, and how much mainstream feminism likes to draw hard boundaries and create perfect dichotomies between “man” and “woman”.
All it really does, though, is erase people’s experiences, deny marginalized people space and support, and hold back our understanding of oppression in general.
There’s a great example of exactly what you’re talking about in Stone Butch Blues, actually. Jess, who had top surgery and went on T for years before going off of it again, is visibly trans. When she goes to a “women’s clinic” for help with a vaginal problem, she’s met with nasty looks, assumed to be taking up space, and eventually denied treatment by the staff- who assume she’s transfem, and trying to “steal resources” from the “real women”.
Obviously transmasc struggles are not solely based on being mistaken for transfems, nor do we experience it in the same way as transfems do. But it’s silly at best, and dangerous at worst, to suggest we’re somehow “immune” to transmisogyny on the basis of our identities and AGABs.
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artistocrazy · 3 years
Making my own post about this because my hope is the OP that inspired it meant well and didn’t intend to sound terfy.
Growing up afab in a sexist world that determines your genitalia and sex characteristics are the baseline of how you’re treated and viewed as a person is terrible. To lose your childhood early in a culture that says you end up growing up faster without acknowledging the traumatic things that happen to you ON TOP OF puberty is awful. But they said something about equating a cisgender girl experience of wanting to be a boy being universal as like an escape from what girlhood means socially that I just... I just need to say something about it.
I am a trans man. I have overtly known I was not cisgender for almost six years. I am admittedly a very feminine man and am fortunate enough to not view my years in ignorance/the closet as something shameful or anything I’m inclined to hide. I’d spent years learning to love my body and my voice and how I interacted with the world and other people, and it was still time well spent. At the time before I knew, I tried making it a point to say “this is the kind of ‘woman’/person that I am and that’s okay”. Except I was not okay and had not considered it was abnormal to ideate every day for years (an escapist mechanism in my depression/anxiety, which I have had for a majority of my life). I had the thought that I was supposed to be ‘made a boy’ when I was five, waaaay before puberty set in.
I want to say there is nothing wrong with acknowledging puberty is traumatic, and there is nothing wrong with admitting the world is not really a safe place for teenagers who are being demanded to grow up too fast through traumatic experiences (especially afab folks). What I am saying is that it’s very dangerous to say it is a universal cis girl experience to desire to be a boy based on the idea that amab folks have it easier (in some respects they do, but please keep in mind there are femme boys and trans girls who have experienced some of the same traumas afab folks experience when they lose their innocence).
I don’t believe OP meant harm when they said there are afab folks who have wished to be amab because we live in a sexist society and escapist fantasy is normal when you’re in a shitty, traumatic situation.
I’m saying this line of thought and rhetoric that cis girls universally wish to be boys can be dangerous to trans folks, especially trans men, because it invalidates their dysphoria/euphoria and risks pushing those boys/men deeper into a closet (especially those who were like me) and have them think they’re completely fine when in reality they’re destroying themselves. I’m in a position where I’m very lucky to have realized I’m a trans man before my ideation got worse (for those of you who don’t know, suicidal ideation and self harm urges don’t come from out of the blue - your body is trying to tell you something that you’re suppressing and refusing to listen to and so you’re looking for an escape from the stress, and trust me when I say were it not for the dysphoria, I really had very few reasons to wish for a life that wasn’t what I was currently living - that aside, I was pretty happy with what I was doing). Other than the ideation, my knowledge of not being cis came from euphoria - of being seen as I see myself.
And I am not saying all trans folks have to experience dysphoria to be trans - some of the folks who helped clue me in to not being cis were very euphoric trans folks whom I appreciate dearly. I’m just relaying my own experience and trying to put my thoughts down clearly, since there are people out there who really have no idea how the OP could be mistaken for a terf, and OP was also confused and taking a reactionary stance to receiving hate anons. But yeah, here is my attempt at an explanation on that point.
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fierceawakening · 4 years
I may regret asking this but I just read a post by a trans woman talking about how awful it is to be mistaken for a man when you know you’re not, and... I get what she was getting at I think, but she was saying all this stuff about how men are horrible and all of them are sexist and don’t see women as human and she knows what men are REALLY LIKE in ways AFAB PEOPLE WHO ARENT MEN NEVER WILL and all this that and the other and
Dear tungles, I’m kindA confused
Bc I’m trying to imagine it and like... even if I couldn’t stand being mistaken for a greeble, if people thus mistook me for most of my life, I think I’d kinda... come to understand greebles? A little at least?
Maybe I just really do have weirdly high empathy but I can easily imagine myself like, “oh, they’re a greeble—a lot of greebles experience x, so they’re probably asking for y. Is that okay? Cool, great. I think you just misunderstood there...”
But there’s just this way the post talked about men like they’re some horrible and horrifying Other, and... idk. I feel like I should grok it and cut the op some slack but like... I have a hard time wrapping my mind about thinking that about another human, even if I think they’re a dangerous one and everyone should probably avoid them bc there are a few brain switches that do BAD THINGS if set in certain ways and stuck there.
And maybe it’s just a weird artifact of my own non-binary ness but I’ve never felt so... unable to get into the heads of women or men, or various people who are neither or both. We’re MOSTLY the same with some different features and hormone balances. So... wha huh?
I mean I do think patriarchy is a real thing, and even if we’ve dismantled a good bit of it sexism is like racism—it has long lasting generational effects, including leading some men to still honestly see women as inferior.
But the idea that someone is a monster because they like the beard they grew whereas you don’t is just, like... no.
Ew, even?
At least a little?
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detective-werewife · 3 years
@nureyev-steel-institute brought up the idea of a Jupiter Tungsten/Juno Steel crossover on @straighttpp, and it was gonna plague me until I birthed some abomination on it. So there you go. Working title: Local trans lesbian beats the shit out of bigot detective.
@dont---just-dont i hope it satisfies your thirst for cursed materiał
CW: lgbtphobia, misoginy, general bigotry, violence, straight tpp
One thing I learned about the galaxy is that planets have wildly different cultures. I'm not just talking about geography, politics and art: entire sets of values and morals may vary from one place to the other. Sometimes you take your rights for granted, and you don't realize how privileged you are until real life smacks your face with the sobering reality that you've been sheltered your whole life. My name is Juno Steel, and as awful as Hyperion City is, at the very least I've never had to deal with... People like Jupiter Tungsten.
"You did what?!" Nureyev and I had the same scandalised expression on our face as the jagged man in front of us shrugged. It was uncanny how much he looked like me. Skin tone aside,and not considering the fact that he was almost as tall as Nureyev, it was like looking in a mirror.
"Yeah, Peter tried to seduce me, so I had to kill him. I have a reputation, what if he turned me into a homo?" His eyes darted to us, and he made a face like he had just bitten into a mustard-covered lemon. "Speaking of homos... Can you please stop holding hands? I'm not a homophobe, of course, it just makes me uncomfortable."
I tilted my head, squeezing Nureyev's hand tighter and getting noticeably closer to him. "Why the hell would you be afraid of homes?"
Nureyev surprised me by bursting into laughter. It wasn't joyful, more like the hysterical wheezing of a broken man.
"You've never been to the Outer Rim, love, have you? Homophobia means hating on queer people because they're queer."
Jupiter crossed his arms with a scowl. "Oh, so you can say it and it's no big deal, and when I say it, the pc police is at my fucking throat? That's bullshit. People can't even take a joke nowadays. You men can understand, right?"
I gritted my teeth and my indignation overrode the logical part in my brain telling me that maybe what I was about to say wasn't gonna be taken well by a homophone or whatever. "Actually, I'm a lady, thank you."
Jupiter widened his eyes and I could see the rusty gears in his brain frantically whirring to make sense of what I was saying. "Shit, so you have a vagina? But you don't look like a woman. At all."
I was about to kiss Nureyev on the lips simply out of spite and throw hands, when I felt a weight on my shoulder.
"Darling. Anything the matter?" Buddy eyed Jupiter up and down, with a puzzled expression. "Who's your friend?"
Jupiter grinned and stepped towards Buddy. "Barbara! Baby, did you miss me?"
Buddy tensed up, and surprise turned into cold disgust. "You must have mistaken me for someone else. My name is Buddy Aurinko, I'm the captain of this ship."
"Playing hard to get? I'm into that." Jupiter cackled, getting even closer. "A woman as a captain? That's funny, Babs."
It was only a moment: one second Jupiter was standing straight with a cocky grin on his face, the next he was doubled over, trying to make sense of the fact that Buddy Aurinko just punched him in the stomach. "OUCH! That's not hot at all! Men don't like violent women."
"You little-" I turned my head to see Vespa brandishing a knife, Jet's strong arms the only thing separating Jupiter from a violent, gruesome, and frankly deserved death. "Let me go! He insulted my wife!"
"Lesbians? Now that's hot! Any chance you two want to make out?"
Jet plucked the knife away from Vespa and released her into the wild. "He's all yours."
We collectively turned around as soon as we heard the first hit. None of us really wanted to give Jupiter privacy as he was violently beaten up, but we figured it was the least we could do.
"Mistah Steel? Are you okay?"
I shrugged. "Just shaken, I guess. I feel like I've seen a glimpse of a very dark timeline. I could use a drink." Behind us came the cathartic sound of kicks hitting ribs and whimpering pleas.
"Would ice cream do the trick?"
I looked at Jet. "You know what? Yes. Let's go for ice cream."
"No no no no no please don't-"
We couldn't resist turning around to the sight of blood trickling down the face of a very frightened man. None of us felt particularly sorry for him.
Vespa spat at him. "Transphobic piece of shit."
Jupeter widened his eyes in confusion and disgust. "Wait, you're a-"
He didn't finish his sentence. A well delivered blow to the head knocked him out and shut him up.
"Jet, darling, can you please throw this pathetic excuse of a man out of our ship? I need a Rocky Road."
As Jet picked up the unconscious man, Nureyev pulled me in for a kiss. "I really hope you won't kill me, just because I tried to seduce you." He smirked. "Your reputation and all."
I laughed. "I was a homo way before I met you. Now let's go, I'm hungry.
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(Up to)!5 best and 5 worst types of villains in your opinion and why
Oooh this is a good one.
Top 5 best (in no particular order)
The theatrical villain. They know they’re evil (or if they do, they don’t care), they’re okay with it, and they love it. If there’s a backstory, it’s frivolous. They’re just here to have a good time and make sure you have a good time watching them. Presentation!
The angry villain. They’re the villain all right, they want to burn down the entire damn world, but it’s driven by a deep and (most crucially) understandable rage. The kind that can almost be mistaken for a power fantasy (because don’t you just want to snap sometimes?) if not for their motives often destroying themselves and innocents along with their targets. Their demise is rarely something to be celebrated, a waste of what could have been a powerful force for good. This type is most often female, but it can be pulled off by nearly anyone who’s ever been victimized by the world. Except for disability. We’ll get to that later.
The clever villain. Chessmasters, manipulators, magnificent bastards of all stripes. They’re fun to watch and fun to learn from, and exist to give our heroes a genuine challenge to their intellect, bravery, and skill. It is very easy to write this sort of a character wrong, either as a sort of masturbatory “oooh look at how smart I am and how stupid the heroes are” and/or just giving them a superpower of just knowing or predicting things incredibly precisely even when that makes no sense, but that just makes when it’s pulled off well that much more of a treat.
The complex villain. Often a tragic villain in scope, this villain could be a good person and might even do some good things, but their own flaws warp them into villains. Maybe they break out of it, maybe they don’t. They often have a tragic backstory, but that backstory is never used to excuse their actions, assuming they didn’t cause that tragic backstory themselves. They’re their own worst enemies and a reflection of the worst traits of ourselves, profoundly human, and have a deep pathos to them. In their eyes, we see a reflection of ourselves, the kind of people we could become if we give into our darker impulses.
The monster. It’s here to break shit, eat people, and look terrifying doing so. That alone would be good enough, but more often than not, the monster carries a sense of allegory with them. A monster can be an allegory for anything: the untameable power of nature, the danger of hubris, the banal evil of the rich and powerful, the atom bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The monster is fear made manifest. Or occasional, the monster’s just here to be big and scary and smash things. Hey, not everything has to be deep.
And now Top 5 worst! (in no particular order)
The disabled villain. Not a villain with a disability, but this phenomenon where  every fucking villain has to be disabled in some way. Scarred up, mentally ill, albino, using assistive devices to live (oh the horror of the pacemaker! the terror of the wheelchair!), generally anything that can be termed as a disability is slapped onto villains to underscore just how eeevil they are while our pretty, able-bodied, neurotypical heroes sit in contrast with them. I am so, so fucking sick of this trope. The worst part is that when people bother to explain why the villains are disabled, it’s always emphasized how tragic and unfair and horrible it is that they are disabled and that’s an excuse for their villainy and also their entire personality because wouldn’t it just be so awful to be disabled? UGGGHHH KILL THIS TROPE WITH FIRE.
The stereotypical villain. But hey, disability isn’t the only way to marginalize people, so let’s throw in every type of bigotry! The racist stereotype villain! The evil woman who is evil cause woman! The incessant and sometimes literal demonization of trans people! We just fucking hate certain types of people and think they’re inhuman or inherently evil, and you should too! Commit this one to the blaze too.
The "woobie” villain. Oh yeah, they tried to do a genocide or owned slaves or were horribly abusive but they had a tragic backstory isn’t that soo saaaddd? Not that they have any redeeming or even neutral qualities, they just have feelings and that automatically makes them worthy of forgiveness for everything, usually at the expense of their victims. Sure they killed people, but they cried while they did it, they’re the real victims here! :(
The villain who gets an undue amount of fan attention. This has nothing to do with writing or the quality of the villain themselves, I just fucking hate having to endure it.
The villain with no agency. It’s all someone else’s fault, most often the heroes. Denying agency can be a key trait of angry, tragic, and complex villains, but in this case, the narrative agrees with them. You gave them that formula, you were mean that one time, and most often, the heroes simply didn’t bend over backwards enough to forgive and do all the redemption for them. Blegh.
So yeah, that’s my list of favorite and least favorite types of villains! Thank you for asking.
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