#can you tell I don’t like suzaku because I don’t
sassycheesecake · 1 year
Being MSBY‘s manager for a month and secretly hooking up with Meian (you work for the Adlers)
Warnings: suggestive, mentions of sexual acts but nothing explicit
Well it’s time for a little experiment that was originally Foster’s and Suzaku’s idea at a night out together
“So Samson, you think you may need a manager for the team?“
“Yeah I just want to see if the team needs a manager that can keep them under control if Meian or I are not there“
Both being drunk and having the time of their lives, they agreed to let you stay with the MSBY Jackals for an entire month
The next morning you arrive at practice with the Adlers, you also see Coach Samson Foster of the MSBY Jackals standing next to him
Weird that you don’t see or hear the team around with him
Anyway, right before you’re about to change, Coach Suzaku calls you over to him and Samson
With hesitant steps, you make your way towards him
“So (Y/N), what do you say about staying with the MSBY Jackals for this month huh?”
Say what now- 👁️👄👁️
They explained everything together and you were NOT happy
“It’s just for a month, (Y/N) and after the month is over, you’ll be back with us like you usually are.”
Just great
You went to take some of your stuff out of your locker to take with you for the ‘MSBY Camp‘
A month of horror for you
The Adlers are mostly very calm and know how to behave themselves, whereas the Jackals are the complete opposite of the Adlers
Wild, immature and to put it simple, a group of wild dogs, living up to their mascot animal
The Adlers wish you good luck 🍀
Especially Romero as your best friend from the group, tells you to call or text him as soon as one of the team members dare to flirt with you
Have you seen yourself?
As you arrive at the gym hall the next day in Osaka of the MSBY Black Jackals, you take a deep breath before entering
When you open the door, it looks like you already predicted the future
Lots of yelling, Sakusa and Miya looking ready to kill each other, Bokuto and Meian holding them back, volleyballs flying in every direction
Still with a blank expression, you begin to turn and walk out when Coach Foster calls out to you
“(Y/N)! You made it!“ 
Nine heads turn into your direction
It’s a stampede
Questions flying from everyone, from „Have you lost your way?“ to „Finally had enough of the bird brains?“
After introductions, the first week was not too bad
Sure, it’s a lot more chaotic than what you are used to
Someone always makes sure you’re safe and not overwhelmed by three certain rascals
*cough* dumb, dumber, dumbest *cough*
Meian freakin‘ 6‘5 Iron Wall Shūgo
The strict hot beefcake Captain of the MSBY Black Jackals
Protecting you like a big mean-ass Rottweiler from thirsty guys, helping you out whenever he can, he is basically your bodyguard
And you may or may not have developed a big fat crush on the black-haired Middle Blocker
Unbeknownst to you, Meian longs for you just as much (you lucky star)
After three weeks and a recent win against EJP Raijin, you and the team went out for drinks for your last night with the Jackals
4 glasses of wine and three Tequila shots later, you’re already at your limit and Meian or Shūgo, as you’re suppose to call him, is slightly intoxicated but not as bad as you
The two of you stumble across the sidewalk, leaning into each other while giggling like teens in love
As soon as you reach the train platform, you look into Meian‘s beautiful dark orbs and it seems like you two are magnets, because your soft lips collide with his own
The magical moment was interrupted by a police officer that scolds you both of the pda and to keep it low or at least wait until you’re both home
Utterly embarrassed you both apologize but you can still see the fire and passion swimming in his eyes from your steamy make out mere seconds ago
It seems like you’re both thinking the same thing because you’re inviting him to stay over at your place
The night is full of pleasure-filled moans, heavy pants and the sound of your headboard knocking against your wall for hours
Bless the stamina of a professional athlete
The next day, you wake up with the biggest headache of a lifetime and a body so sore, that it takes you a full hour to get out of bed
Looking in the mirror you notice multiple dark patches decorating the side of your neck
On the side of your hips you see very faint scratch marks
Images of last night filled your mind and you almost scream for hooking up with the captain
Arriving back the next day at your usual team, Romero immediately pulls you to the side because of your glum expression after a quick chat and summary of being with the Jackals
"What’s wrong? Do we need to beat someone up?“
"You know when you are driving and a bug hits your windshield?”
Romero just gives you an incredulous look, not understanding where this is going
"I am the bug.” You clear out
The Wing Spiker still doesn’t get it, so you hiss in his ear
"I had sex with Shūgo two nights ago.”
“YOU HAD SEX WITH MEIAN?!” He screams out
Ahem… yeah
The rest of the team turns to you, looking like a mix between jealousy and disappointment
"Really (Y/N)? I am so disappointed in you, you could do so much better.” - Hoshiumi
"At least it wasn’t Atsumu.” - Sokolov
"Shit, you’re right.” - Hoshiumi
"Why did you have intercourse with the Captain of our opponents?” - Ushijima
"Yeah (Y/N), you slept with the enemy!” - Heiwajima
"Guys, knock it off.” Your knight in shining armor, Hirugami comes to the rescue
Scoffing in annoyance, you give them the cold shoulder now
Thank Goodness Coach Suzaku wasn’t here to witness any of this mess
All of sudden, the commotion stops and you turn around to see a big tall figure with his black and gold MSBY sweatshirt hood up but you can’t make his face out yet as he sort of hides in the entrance doorway
The guys look extremely tense and almost ready to charge like hunting dogs
"Is… is that Meian?” Heiwajima tilts his head and squints his eyes to see better
It seems like Heiwajima is right because the person who pulls his hood down is no other than the captain of the MSBY Black Jackals
Romero stands next to you with crossed arms and a pissed expression while you are still in shock
Meian waves you over to him and you are about to walk over when Fukurō stops you
"Wait here”
You obey and watch as the Captain walks over to Meian and they both head out of the gym
"I hate that guy” Romero bites out as he walks away to practice with the rest of the team
You can’t take the waiting anymore and quietly head to the door to hopefully catch what they are saying
"I know I shouldn’t be here but-“
"You’re damn right! Be glad it’s me out here and not Romero, he would rip you into shreds.”
"I don’t care! It’s not like we are dating and I cheated on her-“
“So you took advantage of her and just left-“
“It was a Heat of the moment! And that’s why I am here! I do want to talk to her! I am not regretting what we did and I love her!”
Feeling your breath hitch in your throat, your face heats up a thousand degrees hearing Meian’s confession
"(Y/N) are you alright? Your face is extremely red. Do you suffer under high-blood pressure?” Ushijima asks you with concern in his deep voice
"N-No I-I am f-fine. I uh… I need some fresh air.” Pulling the door open hastily you step outside and completely forgot due to rush of adrenaline that Fukurō and Meian are standing outside talking
Both looking at you with raised eyebrows, Fukurō pats Meian on the shoulder once before heading back inside
The captain of MSBY gives you an extremely unsure look, almost looking scared to see you
"How much did you hear?”
"More than enough” You admit in shame
"(Y/N) listen… I am so so sorry what happened and if it seemed like I took advantage of you, I really wasn’t! You’re beautiful, smart and gosh your fiery personality just makes my heart go crazy… I know it’s only been a month we have known each other but the more we spent time together, the harder I fell for you… uhm what I am trying to say is uh… will you let me take you out on a proper date? Like dinner maybe?”
Smiling brightly you agree and make plans for next Friday after his practice is over
Walking back into the gym with the biggest smile on your face, the Adlers find it highly disturbing
At the next practice match with MSBY, you walk off the bus, excited to see your boyfriend again
Romero walks next to you and leans down to whisper in your ear
"I better not see you making out with him at games.” Romero growls under his breath
"Shut up Nicollas”
@rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno @wake-uptoreality @darthferbert @lyditheoverthinker
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Talking a bit about Kallen's story arc
I came across a comment on Reddit not long ago (in case you don't know, it's a nest of C.C. fanboys) saying that Kallen was overrated since she had nothing beyond her relationship with Lelouch and the episode with her mom. It is not the first time I have read an opinion like that, although, fortunately, it is not very frequent.
Actually, Kallen does have a character arc. It's just that it's developed in a very subtle way. And by that I mean that I didn't realize what it was the second or third time I watched Code Geass, but much later. This is because the series doesn't tell you directly, they show it to you. I understood it better after reading Kallen's poem. Everything she says there is in the series. But they don't explain it to you with words like in the poem. The same thing happened to me with Euphemia's little story arc (yes, she has one of her own).
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At its core, Kallen's story arc is about transitioning from a reckless and immature girl who finds herself adrift to a selfless heroine with a purpose that transcends her. It is a coming-age story in all its definition. In that sense, it is essentially similar to the Lelouch arc as the rebellion brings out the best version of themselves. This is compassion, empathy, altruism. It's not very noticeable because Kallen isn't Machiavellian like Lelouch is, although she is just as pragmatic. One of the best samples you have of Kallen's development is in the penultimate episode of the first season.
In the early episodes, Kallen is deeply concerned with protecting her identity to the point that she does not hesitate to take risky actions that include killing others. But, in this penultimate episode, when the members of the Student Council refuse to obey the Black Knights thinking that they would harm them, Kallen unmasks herself before them to calm them down and ask them to trust them. Kallen prioritized the safety of her friends over her secret. The thing is that she had already done it before. By Zero. Kallen comes out of her Guren to ask Suzaku to let Zero go in episode 18 of the first season. She again places more importance on the safety of her leader than her identity. The difference between the two moments is that she calmly makes the decision to reveal herself in episode 24. That was not her last option as it was in episode 18.
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You'd think there wouldn't be any further development for Kallen in season two. But it's not true and, personally and based on Kallen's poem, I like to see her relationship with Lelouch as a temptation for her (temptation in the sense that it can lead her astray). Characters in visual media are often built on two pillars: what they want versus what they need, and up until that point, Kallen hadn't had to choose because the choice was so clear. That is, she had not faced a challenge. By the end, however, she must choose between the boy she loves and doing the right thing, and though Lelouch helps her choose the latter by keeping quiet about his feelings, Kallen decides of her own free will to do the right thing and, by extension, embrace her identity, her values and her brother's dream. Not caring that Lelouch has returned the kiss. Also in this second season Kallen is consolidated as the best Knightmare pilot of the series. Her most badass moments are here (and there are still people who have the nerve to say that she was relegated to the background; sorry, man, you're talking about C.C.).
I would like in the remote future to both write an individual analysis of Kallen as well as an analysis of her (misconstrued) relationship with Lelouch. On my Code Geass Facebook page I do it in Spanish and I use this space to address the international community. Now I am watching Code Geass again with a good channel of reactions on YouTube (since 2020 I have imposed the tradition of watching Code Geass once a year and with them I will fulfill my purpose for this 2023...) . I will see what new things I will discover now. I discovered what I have just told you on my return visit last year.
Fans only complain about her fanservice, spit on her relationship with Lelouch, accuse her of things she never did, and judge her harshly. They never take Kallen seriously. I want to be the first to do it, if no one with good analytical skills does it.
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gingersnap2010 · 1 year
Yandere Platonic Lelouch x male Autistic! Kid! reader (Code Geass)
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Name: Lelouch
Type: Platonic, Protective, Possessive, Delusional, Obsessive, and Controlling
Nickname: Name, possum, chaos in the flesh, and lord of discord
 Lelouch at first has no idea what to make of you. He probably meets you at one of Nunnally’s special classes. He’s shocked to discover your just a kid. Though with your needs it makes sense why you were here since Nunnally attending special classes for people who need it had greatly increased. 
 When he finds out you are autistic, he isn’t very sure what that means. He literally has to ask more than a dozen people, before researching it online himself.
 Eventually, you come over with Nunnally for dinner and he gets to see your quirks in action. You eat out of a compartment box, which has the correct amount of portions you can handle. You hate veggies with a firey passion, more so than his hatred towards his father. You proceeded to tell him your conspiracy theory on the veggie industry and how they will take over the world. 
He pretended to be interested even though he had absolutely no idea what you were even saying to him at the rate you were going. He learned you talk fast and loud when excited. Personal space is a word that is not in your vocabulary, also privacy.
You are very blunt and see the world bluntly, if Nunnally needs help getting into her nightgown. You offer with absolutely no intentions of doing anything funny with her. It makes sense for your age but with sex questions well…
He’s worried that no one has told you about how babies are made. Only to be proven wrong with your very open discussion on the topic. He learns you like being prepared for future events, your boldness of sex. Is a copping measure to make sure you don’t do sex wrong.
 He finds it endearing in a strange way.  Though you couldn’t discuss sex so often, then again you were one to discuss open issues in society so he doesn’t mind. Though he does keep ohgi the hell away from you!
However you have no table skills, you use sporks only, with the occasional spoon for deserts /cereals, and soups and a knife for meats. You have a variety of strange interests. You know more about zero than the average joe, which makes him sweat like you wouldn’t believe. 
Then there’s your animal hobby, you just love possums hence the nickname. He actually learns more about the animal than he used to because of you. Then there's the time you spout some random ass animal fact out of the blue and it catches him off guard. 
“ Hey lelouch! Kangaroos pause their pregnancies in times of drought! Isn’t that neat?!” you yelled rushing into his bathroom as he was getting out of the shower.
Cue him being perplexed as to why you are there and then you follow up
“ also there’s soap on your-” he cuts you off before you announce it to Nunnally
“ ah I see thanks name! Got it!”
“Also Nunnally says hi!” you chirp
“ hi back!” Lelouch yelled trying to cover himself 
Then there was the whole fancy dinner incident. Truthfully he should have told Milly you wouldn’t understand caviar.
” Where are the nuggets?”
“ name this is a fancy restaurant they don’t have chicken nuggets,” Lelouch whispered
“ macaroni?” you ask
“ no,” Suzaku said eyeing you 
“ Is there a kid's menu?!” you shout at the waiter, who turns confused
“ oh my god……” Milly groaned
“ Can we go to Mcdonald's?” you ask
Lelouch smacked his head on the table.
He  becomes your dad, without realizing it. He’s like Mr. mom, seriously he figures out a schedule for you after he convinces your guardian to let you move in. May have used his geass for that. 
Your social skills are zero to none, and so, is the perception of volume.
“ HEY LELOUCH!!!! NINTENDO!!!!” you scream happily pointing to a  pokemon manga
“ name!! shush we’re in a library!” Lelouch hissed 
 When you get hurt or sent to an area he’s gonna wreak havoc on, that's when yandere mode goes on full. He keeps you locked up after that. He feels a bit guilty but he may use your trust in him, to make you stay away from the television if he’s not there, and so on. But it’s honestly for your own good. 
He goes permanently after a bullying situation at school where someone calls you a retard after you did not understand something. He was livid at the person and has a smile the next day when they are found dead. 
This is a good display of his protectiveness, his delusion is in the thinking you are like Nunnally who he perceives is made out of glass. So instead of helping you in a way that would let you become more independent, he caters to your needs.  
  Don’t like watching movies if there's a sad moment in it? Perfect he’ll set up animal documentaries, and animal learning shows instead.  Or craft shows, you name something g rated he’s got it hooked up to the tv. C.C. is like a mum to you so he sees you often cuddling up to her. It makes him jealous, though when you cuddle him he gets flustered easily. He’s shy about hugs sometimes.
C.C. basically gets you stuff to keep busy with, she also teaches you about the history she had experienced. So your understanding of history greatly improves, and you learn a few more languages. She also is great to teach you anything since she is patient and mellow, and has also learned various teaching methods over the years. 
So while your skills don’t improve with people, academically you skyrocket. You're able to get your point across faster with higher-thinking words. Such as parched, instead of thirsty, and so on. It helps you fit in with the higger standing kids when you do go outside so that’s a plus.
  Lelouch calls you chaos in the flesh after the tube city incident in the club room, your idea which you somehow convinced Milly of. Then again she’s had outlandish ideas too. Was to make a giant system of tubes for hamsters. Then set them loose across the school as animal enthusiasm and awareness. 
  You also drench yourself in paint and tried to paint with your body. So yeah, chaos in the flesh. He calls you the lord of discord for the poker game incident that drove him and Suzaku up the wall. When they learned you had somehow been playing with Uno cards. Then said Yahtzee at the end. Truth be told he should have guessed that smile did not seem to get the point of the game. 
C.C. then congratulated you on the discord you created. Hence the nickname.
 You also hog the blanket, yeah you sleep in his bed. You have trouble sleeping alone. Your mind at night tells you that if someone is there they will protect you from whatever monster may come after you. You are not wrong in his case, but the point still stands. Every night you also sleep walk so he has put up baby gates and extra walls, in order to prevent you from getting hurt.
 When he becomes king, he’s hesitant about how you’ll take his death. Since you seem not to deal with the concept very well. So he may tell you he’s gonna be back. This is before he knows he's got code. You also like stealing his hat and sitting on the throne with your favorite drink and people watch. It spooks the guards that’s for sure. 
 You also like playing with the limo’s buttons. Much to the annoyance of the driver. Your favorite thing to do though is to sneak under his robes without him knowing then pop your head threw them scarring him every single time!
You also take a fancy to watch sleeping beauty. He’s not sure why though….
When’s he back with memories and code, you launch yourself at him before kola hugs him. He’s trapped by you and knows it. It takes bribing from Suzaku before you even consider letting go. You watch him like a hawk since he was gone for so long. 
  Lelouch sighs and lets you lay on him as he walks with C.C. to their next location. Yeah, he’d figured out how to keep you with him, so you ain’t dying anytime soon. When you ask what the funny tattoo is for, Lelouch just tells you it’s like a bracelet.
C.C Has dubbed you The Jelly bean of absolute Mayhem. You like it cause it makes you sound powerful, as you try to imitate what Lelouch does with his eyes. Lelouch just sweats in confusion when he sees you trying to act all threatening. 
He tried teaching you chess once, and he watched in horror as you ate the pieces. C.C. learns you are more of a tic-tac-toe person. You do it in the dirt with a tree branch you found.  The most recent incident was when you managed to find a possum and wanted to keep it. It liked you, but it hissed at Lelouch with fiery hatred! The possum had to go, but he got you a plushie which you dubbed mrs. possum.
All in all, not the worst yandere…. right?
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kankuroplease · 7 months
what was the reaction of the husbands of your Ocs grils when they learned that they were pregnant (Au founders)don't forget Sho and Manda pls they are so cute 🥰
Pregnancy mentions under the cut 🤰
Butsuma (Asako’s husband)
He’s not overly excited about it, but he’s concerned. He’ll be stern about what she can and can’t do now that she’s carrying his child like she’ll listen
Tajima (Sumi’s husband)
He’s so ready for this, don’t play with his emotions, Sumi. A shaky “are you certain?” and he’s got the goofiest smile spreading across his face before he embraces her and tells her he can’t wait to meet their child
Kawarama (Okami’s husband)
Overjoyed! He’s peppering her with kisses and can’t even hide his excitement! Everyone is going to know he’s going to a father by the end of the week because he finds ways to just bring it up
Tobirama (Aori’s husband)
It’s a logical consequence of not exercising self restraint. He wasn’t jumping up and down, but he felt accomplished on the inside giving his wife something she’s always wanted. He’s adding food from his plate to hers from then onwards to keep her and the baby well fed
Itama (Gou’s Husband)
He’s relieved. Gou’s been sick, and now this all makes sense. They’re going to have a baby! He is happy and a little nervous about it, but he knows he can ask his brothers about what to do next.
Madara (Katsura’s husband)
“I suspected as much” he’s smug about it because he knew she was pregnant before she did. He’s getting an heir, so he’s satisfied
Kagami (miu’s husband)
He’s confused. He thought pregnancy was supposed to be a joyous occasion, but Miu is crying and blaming him for impregnating her? It takes a few days for the news to truly settle in, but he’s excited for this new adventure and will talk Miu down from her dramatic edge she’s not her grandmother, he’s not letting her go on missions pregnant. Sorry, dear
Rei (Sora’s Husband)
Scared and guilty feeling. Sora’s the one good thing that’s happened to him and if he lost her he’d be a wreck. It’s his fault not really, she wanted to start a family and he’s going to make sure she stays happy and healthy
Sakumo (Kōmori’s husband)
He’s caught off guard by her stating she has been sensing a a faint chakra growing in her over dinner. It takes a second to realize what she meant, but he’s happy. Happy enough to cry and kisses her sweetly
Suzaku (Erika and Aja’s husband)
He’s happy at first! Erika was the first to announce her pregnancy, which made Aja a bit sad as they’d planned to be pregnant together. Then he’s stressing. It wouldn’t matter to him if Aja was unable to carry children, but it mattered to her. So the relief he (and Erika) felt when it actually happened a few months later for Aja was enough for him to laugh. Two pregnant wives under one roof is stress he welcomes if they’re happy.
Orochimaru (Tora’s situationship)
Didn’t find out he was father until the child was a toddler. He found it to be an interesting development coming from Tora
Manda (Sho’s husband)
He’s a little embarrassed. It means everyone knows they’ve been having unprotected sex 💀 But he’s really happy! Building a family with Sho is beyond his wildest dreams.
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codegeassfacts · 2 years
Code Geass Lelouch of The Rebellion R2 Novels by Mamoru Iwasa // Non Canon
There are 4 novels for Code Geass R2, always written by Mamoru Iwasa, and a last one, the Knight of Rounds novels, which focuses mostly on Suzaku, Gino and Anya, as well as a part focused on Marianne. You can find additional info + Season 1 novels translations right here. Aside from the first one, Turn 1, R2 novels weren't translated in english like the season 1 novels and while the novels in japanese can be bought, and are actually available in chinese online, no one actually had the courage to translate those fully; **Still you can find some part of the novels which were translated amongst various places of the internet right below**
I'll be honest, I don't have it either, novels aren't very interesting to me since they are merely an interpretation from an author who isn't part of the writing team, so no canon information can be found, and i'm not a fan of this type of merchandising as i'm more of a fan of the CanonVerse than i am of the various AU/Fanon verse.
Season 1 novels were already translated and not much enjoyable to read for me, so i didn't read the R2 novels, that means unless someone is motivated enough, or if someday i am motivated enough, I'll only post some novel bits that can be found over the internet, or some summaries found in Animesuki when the novels aired ;
If you are fluent in chinese and want to fully read them, you can find the novels right here
R2 - Turn 1
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No information for Turn 1
R2 - Turn 2
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No information for Turn 2
R2 - Turn 3
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For Turn 3, you can find some tibdits that were translated, mostly about C.C., because you could get some interpretation by Iwasa about what could possibly go on within some character's head.
Original translation can be found there, I pasted it here because it's put in the middle of various texts about C.C., both mixing canon stuff and not canon one, so it's a bit messy to link it directly;
It's supposed to be an insight of Lelouch's thought after he comes back from C.C.'s inner world/past in Turn 15.
I’m ‘too kind’? What stupid words!    
Who’s the one being ‘too kind’ here?    
C.C., when you first made contract with me, you didn’t reveal anything. I was afraid that I was nothing more than a tool to end your eternal life. But now I know your weakness that differs you from the nun, the Code bearer from your past; you are too kind. No matter where you go, even when your body is immortal, your heart is still that of human. Whenever you make a contract, at first you have no feelings for your contractor. However after spending some time together with them, you change. As your heart longs for love the most, the girl longing for love would appear. You become confused, and finally come to conclusion: as long as the contractor grows to hate you***, they would leave you on their own. This way, you wouldn’t have to assign the same pain to them as the nun did to you. How stupid. You are really an idiot. Then why make contract? Wouldn’t it be meaningless? How could you have feelings for the person you intended to use?    
Here’s one thing I can tell you clearly.
“Don’t underestimate me, C.C.! Do you think I didn’t know your weakness? Do you think I fell for your cheap ploys? For being manipulated by you, do you think I would hate you?”
(*) In the novel, it’s explained that one of the reasons C.C. sent Lelouch into her memory (and not just him, but many of her past contractors) is to make them hate her by showing them that she would ultimately betray them just like the nun did her. That is, if they haven’t hated her yet for ruining their life by giving them Geass.**
**This is one of the various instance where novels contradicts canon, as it was stated C.C. sent Lelouch within her past to actually protect him from the emperor, it is atually even stated by C.C.'s dark double herself who understood Lelouch was someone important to C.C. for her to send him over there My Own Thoughts : C.C.'s past didn't show her betraying her past contractors, it mostly showed how she came to acquire her geass and Code, the suffering she had to endure and the nun's betrayal, so it really doesn't make sense, Those image are unlikely to spread hatred, and Lelouch had already witnessed how C.C. was dealing with her past contractors with Mao, he didn't came to hate her anyway. R2 - Turn 4
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Once again Mononoke no ko translated some stuff about C.C. in the same post i linked above so you can check it again right there
It's a Monologue that Iwasa pictured right after C.C. and Lelouch's scene in Turn 23, after she comforted him about Zero Requiem being the right path to take.
‘I do not want to lose this man.’ Thought C.C. without any hesitancy. There’s a way for her not to lose him. However, he wouldn’t want to use this method, and even she… did not want to. Then what should she do? C.C. hadn’t come to understand the way of the world, even when she had lived for who knows how many years she still didn’t understand, had no way of knowing what is right and what is wrong, but she was sure of one thing. That he, the man named Lelouch Lamperouge, would not stop running toward death. He chose this path on his own will. He’s like a horse that couldn’t be stopped. She wanted to blame him, but couldn’t… She wanted to cry, but couldn’t. So… "Lelouch.” He said “Hm,” in response. “Do you remember, that time in Narita?” C.C. asked a bit out of the blue, that Lelouch felt a little confused. “Why suddenly…” She leaned on his back, then continued, “Why snow is white?” There’s an instant blank, before Lelouch immediately answered, “Because it forgot its original color.” “Then do you remember, Lelouch? Your original color.” “Stupid question,” he replied, finally back to his conceited tone. “I am me, I would never forget.” “Is that so…” “What about you, C.C.? Do you remember your original color?” “Who knows, but -” “But?” “At least right now, my color is your color, Lelouch.” Silence came. Then Lelouch laughed softly. “You selfish.” “Of course,” she wanted to cry a little - but instead, her face revealed a smile from the bottom of her heart, “it’s because I’m C.C.”
Another scene that was summarized is the Lelouch/C.C. hangar scene from Turn 24, you can see it in it's own post, once again by Mononoke no Ko, so no need to copy paste this time it's right here
My own Thoughts : Basically it doesn't say anything new, Iwasa tries to expand on the position of Lelouch and C.C. (But since we saw the whole scene between them without any cut till they even stumbled from the Guren crash, it's yet another contradiction with canon)
And the final scene which was translated is the ending of Turn 4, which is basically giving food to Lelouch is alive theorists, when, once again, this novelization contradicts canon in every way, shape or form, as you can see in this post here
The wagon was filled with hay. There was a girl sitting on it with waist long hair and incredible appearance, that's the first impression she gives to others. She was focused on folding a japanese origami, something completely irrelevant to the surroundings. Finally, the origami gradually took shape, it was a crane. The girl gazed satisfactorily at the crane for some moments before putting it on the hay. Then after stretching her body, she laid down on the hay vigorously, the wagon shook slightly, the horseman glanced backward without turning around. The girl didn't care, she inhaled the smell of the herbs bathed in sunlight, stared up at the sky and smiled sweetly. Then-
"The power of kings, Geass, will make you lonely." The blissful and ringing voice of C.C. echoed in the sky. "Heh, not at all, right, Lelouch?"
The horseman holding the reins still, glanced back. Before turning around, a faint smile suddenly appeared at the corners of his mouth. The wagon continued moving forward slowly with the pull of two bad horses.
The weather was mild and sunny. The sky was cloudless.
Translation courtesy of Ok_Wallaby9160 on Reddit.
That's about it for the Main story R2 novels; As a side piece, just like in S1 with the Red tracks Novels we have the Knight of Rounds novels
Knight of Rounds Novel
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Knights of Rounds (a novel following Suzaku alongside Gino and Anya, set mostly during the time between R1 and R2, although there is a special chapter that goes into the past and follows Marianne as a Knight of Rounds before she became an Empress) Once again, not much was translated, and I can't blame people on that, still you can find a translation of the first chapter about Gino by the amazingly motivated Ellen right there
For the Marianne chapter, I read it a long time ago and I only remember she was quite blood thirsty and mostly seemed to care for her children as long as they didn't get in her way (so very fitting with the Canon Marianne)
That's it for the R2 novels, There will probably a third post about miscelleanous novels, like the Talkin Rebellion that can be found in the Guidebook, But I won't mix those in there, they'll have their own post. Hope you enjoyed !
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bardock1991 · 1 year
“Penny has to stay dead, and I think she will. Anyone who thinks she’s still coming back is setting themselves up for disappointment.”
“The point of RWBY has always been that you can’t save every life, but you should try anyway But that also means accepting it when you can’t save someone Also, Ruby won’t learn anything if she can bring Penny back”
This what my friend, @asm5129 said about us talking about the possibility of Penny coming back to life after V8 & i completely agree. By bringing Penny back, it'd only undermine what Ruby's arc is in this show. Instead of coming to terms with the cruelty of the world, but still finding a reason & the drive to protect the good that's left in it, she'd only use her own suffering to justify hating the world & betray said world. That'd be no different than acting like Salem or Cinder. In the words of Suzaku from Code Geass' first season finale: "You betrayed the world the same way it betrayed you". & Here’s what i think will be the ultimate reason why Ruby won’t do what Salem tried to do... When Ozma died, she was all alone... She didn’t HAVE anyone else to turn to for comfort. Her birth mother died due to childbirth, her dad was killed by Ozma & even if she wasn’t, she was an overprotective & negletful asshole who kept her daughter in her room for 16 years. Ruby however is NOT alone, she still has Weiss, Blake & Yang. Sure, they can’t help her right now because they can’t fully understand how & why Ruby’s acting the way she does or how to help her, due to all 3 of them putting her in such a high pedestal. But sooner or later, one of them are gonna confront Ruby about this cause i highly doubt they’re gonna just LET HER keep acting that way forever. Yang did that with Ren in V8, so there’s no real reason why the same can’t happen here. But yeah, TLDR, bringing Penny back would not only go against the show’s themes, but also go against the main character’s character arc, which is NOT a good thing. Death in RWBY is permanent & should be treated as such. Now before anyone brings up: But Penny was brought back to life after V3. That scenario doesn’t count because Penny was a ROBOT! Meaning that her coming back was somewhat INEVITABLE. But she died as a human this time, there’s no Set of Dragon Balls, Revives or Phoenix Downs to undo that.
Plus, how did this entire story start in the first place?... Oh yeah, because Salem tried to get Ozma back despite the GoL clearly telling her that doing that would go against the cicle of life & death... How did that end up again? Oh yeah, Salem becoming immortal, her manipulating tons of people to try & rebel the gods, only for them to be wiped out, essentially making Salem responsible for the deaths of millions because SHE was the one who dragged out these people to their certain deaths, NOT the gods. The Gods are the ones that killed them, but they wouldn’t have DONE that if Salem didn’t form a fruitless rebellion. Then she became a demon, a new human race popped up & the rest is history... Do i need to explain why Ruby trying to do the same with Penny is a bad idea?... I really hope i don’t.
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the-name-is-loser · 2 years
I think it’s incredibly funny that suzaku said the black knights just used self righteous ideologies or whatever the shit and then it turns out that he’s an enTIRE FUCKIN HYPOCRITE
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sweet-evie · 3 years
3, 5, 11, 22, 34, 40 and 43 for cluclu. I really love this pairing
Oooh cute! 😍 These questions actually suit a lot of AU CLuCLu fics.
3: Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?
C.C. for sure on the covers!
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This girl will hog all the covers and leave Lelouch bare in the middle of the night, but it's not like she means it. My headcanon is that she's just susceptible to cold and ends up stealing the blanket. 🤷‍♀️😊
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And we go to Lelouch, who I think secretly loves to cuddle. 🤭 And he thinks that C.C. being cold is the perfect excuse to cuddle her without being teased by her. 😏
5: Who usually has nightmares?
Honestly, I think it's a toss-up between Lelouch and C.C...
C.C. can claim she's forgotten her past, but having dreams about her past lives (all the unpleasant and pleasant memories) are inevitable. So I bet C.C. has them.
And for Lelouch... Well, I bet he's going to have a lot by the time he starts the Black Rebellion, and by the end of the series, he's probably drowning in a lot of awful thoughts that result in nightmares. And I bet he can't escape them, unless he tires himself out. That leads to another headcanon of mine. I think it's the reason why Lelouch stays up at night.
They both get nightmares. xD
11: Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies?
I bet C.C. would secretly like romance movies. 🥰🥀 One of my headcanons is that she's a closet hopeless romantic.
[And no, I will never stop putting this reference in. ⬆️ This is what I always tell Lelouch and C.C. in my head. 😝]
Anyways~ 😆 I don't think either of them care for horror movies, but I can imagine Lelouch watching them with the Student Council, and with C.C., of course. Problem is, when CLuCLu watches horror movies with friends, they would spend too much time poking holes in the plot, and Shirley, Milly, and the rest will complain, while Suzaku subtly reminds Lelouch that not everyone is here to listen to the commentary and the debunking.
22: Who goes all out for Valentine’s Day?
Lelouch! 😍🥰
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Because he's our favorite drama king, and he's great at making grand gestures. So you can bet he'd plan something explosive for every event. I wouldn't put it past Lelouch to launch fireworks in the middle of C.C.'s birthday in an AU, or during Valentine's Day.
34: Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
C.C. would wear the "If lost, return to Lelouch Lamperouge" t-shirt. xD And Lelouch would wear the, "I am sick of pizza" t-shirt.
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
They can be both. 😄 With a question like this, I often think of Lelouch and C.C. parenting Alexander and Aurora (<- my two OC kids from my fanfics).
Some people may automatically assign Lelouch to "responsible parent", but here's the thing... Don't forget the fact that Lelouch has a very broad rebellious streak. One of his dualities is that he's a stickler for the rules, but at the same time, when he chooses to let loose and "FUCK THE POLICE!", he'll do it all the way.
C.C. doesn't like being told what to do because she can take care of herself (not her fault that Lelouch is paranoid as hell), as evidenced by the number of times she disregards Lelouch's warnings and does what she wants anyways.
They're both responsible in their own ways, and they can be fun if they choose to -- and as long as their kids won't be in any immediate danger. 🤭😉
43: Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one?
Depends what kind of game offers the stuffed animals xD If it's something physical, C.C. would. If its shooting games, I think Lelouch can.
Can you imagine Lelouch's face though if he tries to win a stuffed animal for C.C. and he fails, and C.C. wins the stuffed animal for herself and Lelouch is sulky, and then C.C. gives it to him instead? 😂😳 Maybe that only sounds cute in my head. xD
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rueluxprince · 3 years
Code Geass: Akito the Exiled review:
The thing about Lelouch is that he is hyper competent to the point of being overpowered. Give him an army and he’s very hard pressed to lose. The writers in the original series had to throw curveballs left and right at him (mostly a Suzaku in a Lancelot, then it’s metaphysical Geass nonsense, then it’s nuclear warheads), just to curb Lelouch’s trajectory somewhat. We know what he’s capable of. He conquers the world by the end of the series for god’s sake. So when you put him into literally any prequel/sequel adjacent Code Geass plot-line that is not solely about him, you have to do some severe writing gymnastics to not have Lelouch bulldoze over the entire story.
Case in point: Julius Kingsley.
By the time Julius Kingsley is introduced in Akito the Exiled, we have already established our central conflict. On one side is Akito and the Euro-Universe and that rag tag group of soldiers, on the other is Shin Hyuga Shiang and Euro-Britannia. One side is good the other is bad. There’s angsty interpersonal relationships between the two sides, more metaphysical Geass nonsense is introduced, a lot of EU political intrigue is there too. We know our two sides, we know what they are capable of, game set go.
Except Lelouch and Suzaku gets airdropped right in the middle of it. Because fanservice. The creators are basically saying: “if you keep on watching this movie series about a bunch of random Europeans whom you’ve never met and don’t really care much about. We will give you: Lelouch being an absolute Magnificent Bastard. Suzaku as Knight of Seven but on Lelouch’s “side”. Lelouch fighting for Britannia because we know y’all have been writing a lot of “What if Lelouch remained a prince” fan-fictions and this should satisfy you at least a little. All done in newer animation and in High Definition. So watch the series please!” And we all went, yeah okay we’ll watch the series.
And the writers ran into a problem immediately as Julius Kingsley got going. A massive problem. Because if Julius Kingsley is going to be as brilliant as Lelouch, and he will, because he is Lelouch, then Kingsley is going to wipe the chessboard clean all by himself. Lelouch has proven himself to be Greatest Of All Time. He is going to defeat Akito and Leila’s forces, Akito has a Geass that makes him go berserk? Well Kingsley has Suzaku “I have the enemy battalion surrounded by my one Knightmare” Kururugi. Then, as Shin starts wilding with his whole kill-everyone-and-their-mom thing, stomp down his coup as well. Shin has a Geass that exclusively kills people well Julius also has a Geass that can kill people, and a brilliant strategic mind, and unilateral authority to do whatever the fuck he wants. He’s going to takeover Euro-Britannia and overhaul it’s entire bureaucracy just to wrap it up in a pretty little bow for the Emperor.
The story thus becomes useless. You’ve wasted two movies worth of character establishment and animation. Julius Kingsley will get out under your pen and he will make the world his.
And so the writers quickly nerfs him twenty minutes in. Y’all got a small sip of Lelouch being brilliant! That’s enough now! He’s going to have a mental breakdown due to mindfuckery bullshit and be taken out of the story! Because he’s too powerful otherwise! Thank you for your patronage! Goodbye! Which leaves the audience feeling cheated and unfulfilled and very very bewildered.
So we are in a double bind. I want to see exclusively Lelouch being the brilliant asshole he is. The creators want to tell a story with these new characters. No one is satisfied in the end.
(Side note 1: Same thing happened with the new Ressurection movie. Lelouch has Cornelia, both Suzaku and Kallen, Anya and Jeremiah and Sayoko and Llyod and Cecile. He can take over a nation half awake with those powerhouses behind him. And so the writers gave Shamna an overpowered Geass that can “see six hours into the future” just to even the playing field. Else the fight would’ve been over in twenty minutes.)
(Side note 2: Yeah I know that Julius can’t use his Geass, but hey, you could get Suzaku to jump in front of him if Shin orders Julius to die, taking the order. It would serve so many different narative purposes. 1. who’s absolute command is stronger, Lelouch’s live on or Shin’s die now. Battle of the Geass. 2. serves as a metaphor for Suzaku’s inner turmoil, he wants to die but everyone he loves wants him to live and how does he reconcile that. 3. shows that even when Suzaku hates Lelouch with his entire being, he would still die for him.)
(Side note 3: I mean, it’s not a bad story if Julius gets out under the writers and bulldoze over the entire story. It’s honestly a great way to show how brilliant a commander Leila could be. She could go underground to preserve her forces so our group of war orphan pilots survive, or orchestrate political turmoil in Euro-Britannia to keep Kingsley off her back, or divert his military forces away from her E.U. and into Africa. Kingsley is an unstoppable force but it does not mean it will be a bad ending.)
(Side note 4: how would this series end in this half meta half headcanon? Kingsley takes back Euro-Britannia from Shin and gets most of Northern Africa from the E.U., before the Emperor calls him off with a Zoom call. He is also informed that he is needed urgently back in Pendragon, and would be flying back the day before the victory parade in St. Petersburg. Julius is so excited to see the emperor he doesn’t even feel bumbed that he’s going to miss the chanting crowds he’s been promised. He goes into the throne room, and we are treated to a disturbingly heartwarming scene between Emperor Charles and Julius. Like, Charles going full “I’m glad you’ve returned safe and sound. I’m very proud of you. You’ve brought me honor” fond father mode. And Julius is almost deliriously happy to hear it. Then the emperor goes “your reward. The dukedom of [insert place name here]. And some rest. You’ve worked hard these past months Julius. You deserve both.” Then he activates his Geass, and Julius Kingsley collapses before he could get a word of protest out. Suzaku catches him. Last shot is Suzaku cradling Kingsley’s prone form, staring at his eyepatch. Credits.)
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onwesterlywinds · 3 years
PROMPT #6: Avatar
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Dedicated to @cogflox​ for reasons.
Set roughly ten years in the future of Hydaelyn’s present day.
"Hmmm," Edge mused. "A story, huh?"
He had Tomaj on his lap, with Sylvia on Stella's nearby; they all were bundled up in knitted blankets around the hearth while Ashe watched them from the far end of the living room, elbows-deep in scrubbing the week's laundry. Though she longed to join the rest of her family, this task was the last of the chores that needed doing before bed - and it was the least she could do to give Edge some respite, since he had cooked dinner and cleaned up more nights in a row than she could remember.
"What about the story of the skeleton war?" said Tomaj, ever the morbid one.
Edge chuckled but shook his head. "Nah, that's your ma's. I'll leave it for her to tell."
"Not because it scares the living daylights out of you still?" Ashe quipped, to the girls' laughter.
He whirled around toward the corner with the washing bin in mock affront. "Oh, hush, you!" To the kids- "Anyway, how about a story from Doma?"
Tomaj wrinkled his nose. "Not the story about Tamamo Gozen again. We hear it every time."
"But I like that one!" Sylvia whined.
"I know you do, love," said Edge, in his most diplomatic tone. "He's right, though, I do tell it an awful lot. Maybe... the story of the Four Lords? I don't believe I've shared that one in a long time."
Stella stared off in thought, looking for the moment rather like the wide-eyed girl from ten years ago with no reprieve from her Echo; then a warm smile came over her, and the memory faded in Ashe's mind. "Right," she whispered. "I do remember this one."
Ashe stilled her movements against the washboard to tuck back a wisp of her hair with sudsy hands. "Just tell it normally, please - the way Hien does."
As Edge launched into his story, he threw out his arms in elaborate ninjutsu stances from where he sat.
"North. West. South. East. Long ago, the four nations of Othard lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the mad auspice Koryu attacked!"
Stella bit back a laugh at whatever disapproval was surely brewing on Ashe's face, but it was already much too late: Edge was in full swing and their two youngest were hooked, their eyes wide and their mouths agape.
"Only Tenzen, the greatest samurai of the age, could stop him. But when Othard needed him most... he vanished."
"That's not how the story goes and you know iiit," Ashe sang under her breath.
"Excuse me Grand Steward, Madam Representative, Warden of the Undercity - I don't believe you're the one telling the story." He cleared his throat for dramatic effect and barreled on. "But Doma did not lose hope. Doma believed that somehow, Tenzen would return to save the world."
"How?" Tomaj chimed in. "How could he save the world if he's vanished?"
Ashe glanced up to see Edge gesturing toward their son on his lap, as if to accuse her of having awoken a monster with her own interruptions. She offered him a shrug in response.
"It's because his spirit lived on within a new hero," Edge explained. "And one day, that hero set out to calm the four auspices of each of Othard's four lands..."
To her husband's credit, the rest of the tale proceeded mostly without undue embellishment - excepting the parts about the Firebird Suzaku's love of Tenzen, doubtless in an effort to appease the budding romantic that was Sylvia. Tomaj ceased his pestering and was mostly asleep by the time the story concluded, and Ashe finished the laundry in time for her to lift his droopy body from Edge's knee and carry him to his bed.
"What happened after?!" Sylvia was busy demanding of her father upon her return. "Was the hero okay? Where did Suzaku go?"
"Tell you what," said Edge. He let her hold onto that thought for a moment while he stood and stretched, wincing for only a moment before bending down to give her a kiss directly on the top of her head of purple curls. "Tomorrow, if you still can't think of an ending, we can write a letter to Lord Hien and ask him what he thinks."
Sylvia gasped. "You really mean it?"
"Of course. We can even use your ma's fanciest stationery."
"And my fountain pen," Ashe added. "If you promise to be very careful, and not leave a mess."
"I promise!" she said at once.
"Then that's that. Now go get into bed."
Sylvia sprinted into her room without another word, let alone a goodnight kiss for Ashe, leaving the two of them alone with Stella.
"Still meeting Sihtric?” she asked. “It's half past nine; you're more than welcome to stay here."
She shook her head with a smile. "I owe Sihtric Selsson too many favors to let him think I'm standing him up." Family or no, some things from their time as Heart-Seers had never changed. It warmed Ashe's heart more than she cared to admit. Stella hugged them both at once, gave them each a kiss on the cheek, and hurried out the door with a "Love you, good night."
Edge was smiling at her before the door fully closed, and Ashe wove her way into his arms. "Your story was wonderful, by the way."
"You do have a point, though," he said, drawing her ever closer and swaying with her in time to some rhythm known only to him. "Probably should get used to telling them the real versions of Doman folktales. Before my versions are all they know."
"Before they embarrass you in front of Hien, you mean?"
"Yeah, that."
She giggled and buried her face into his neck, and soon enough they were both laughing too hard for a proper kiss.
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rolotouto · 3 years
A transcript and translation of Rolo’s donjara route, from the Nintendo DS game Banjou no Geass Gekijou. 
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Screenshot I once took from the official website, which is no longer working.
(Someone recorded it on youtube as well, in case you want to watch the video)
*Rolo enters the student council room*
Rolo: …………。……あの、兄さんはいませんか?
……………Um, isn't Brother here?
Milly: ルルーシュ?さっきまではいたんだけど……ちょっと出てるみたいね。 Lelouch? He was here until a moment ago but… it looks like he just left.
Rolo: そうですか……。
I see… *leaving*
Milly: ちょ---っと待ちなさい、あんた!せっかく来たのに、2言ほど喋っただけでさよならってそりゃ無いでしょーが!
Heeey wait a moment! Now that you are here, you can’t just say two words and leave!!
Rolo: ……?でも、話すこと、ありませんから。
……? But I have nothing to talk about.
Milly: 無くてもなんかあるでしょ。お天気のこととか、最近の政治とか、なんでも。そうやって色々話すことで磨かれてくもんなの、コミュニケーションってのは。
Even if you don't, there's always something. About the weather, the latest politics news, anything. Through talking about many things is how it improves, the communication.
Milly: そ、コミュニケーション。お兄さんに頼まれてるのよ、その辺何とかしなきゃって。
That's right, communication. Your brother asked me to do something about it.
Rolo: 兄さんが?
Brother did?
Milly: よしよし、納得したら、え-と…… そう!あなた、今日1日は誰かに話しかけられたらその相手とドンジャラしなさい!
Okay, now that we are agreed, eehm….. Yes! From today on, whenever somebody talks to you, play donjara with that person!
Rolo: ドンジャラ?……何故です?
Donjara?……. Why?
Milly: ドンジャラやってる時って、話が結構弾むのよ。これなら話すの苦手でも大丈夫でしょ?
When you are playing donjara, the conversation becomes quite lively. This way, even if you are bad at talking it will be fine, don’t you think?
Rolo: ……はァ。
……Huh. *sweatdrops*
Milly: 何、その気の無い返事は。とにかくやるの!生徒会長命令だからね!
 What's with that half-hearted response? Anyhow, you have to do it! It's an order from the student council president!
*Outside the student council room*
Rolo: (ドンジャラなんかやって何がどうなるとも思えないけど……でも、本当に兄さんに頼まれてのことなら、無視するわけには……) 
(I don't think anything will come out from doing something like playing donjara… But if it really was Brother that requested it, I can't ignore it…..) 
Shirley: あ、ロロ。あのさ、ルルどこにいるか知らない? 
Ah, Rolo. Hey, do you know where Lulu is? 
Rolo: ……ドンジャラ。
Shirley: え? 
Rolo: しまそう、ドンジャラ。 
Let's play it, donjara. 
Shirley: ?? え-と、よくわかんないけどすればルルの居場所教えてくれる、んだよね? 
?? Hum, I don't really understand but if I do you'll tell me where Lulu is, right?
*match against Shirley*
If you lose:
Shirley: え?結局ルルどこにいるか知らない?じゃあ私、何のためにこんなことしたんだろ……。 Eh? In the end you didn't know where Lulu is? Then what did I do this for…
After you win:
Shirley: う~ん、負けちゃったんだよ~ Hmm, I lost~
Rolo: (……ドンジャラして、勝って、だからどんな意味があるっていうんだ?やっぱり、こんなことしても何も意味も無いじゃないか……) (……Playing donjara, winning, so what's the point of it? As I thought, even if I do this, it will be pointless…..)
Shirley: ロロってドンジャラ強いんだ-、知らなかったよ。……そういえば、ロロと私ってこんなに一緒にいたこと無かった気がするね。なんか、ちょっと仲良くなれたかな-って思ったの、私だけかな。あはは、よかったらまたドンジャらやろうね!  Rolo, you're strong at donjara, I didn't know. …..Come to think of it, I feel like you and me have never been together this much before. We have kind of been able to get better acquainted, or maybe it was just me. Ahaha, if you don’t mind, let's play donjara again sometime! *Shirley leaves*
Rolo: …………。 ……….
-------------------- Review of the chapter: (Milly) そう!あなた、今日1日は誰かに話しかけられたらその相手とドンジャラしなさい! Yes! Just for today, whenever somebody talks to you, play donjara with that person!
Rolo: っていわれたけどドンジャラでコミュニケーションが強化できるのかな……? ….is what she said, but can donjara really strenghten the communication?
-------------------- *Suzaku arrives* 
Suzaku: ロロ?ちょうどよかった、少し話があるんだけど。 Rolo? Just in time, I have something to talk about.
Rolo: ……それは、僕の任務に関わる話ですか? …..Is it something related to my mission?
Suzaku: まァ、そんなところかな。
Well, you could say so.
Rolo:(……仕事上の話ならコミュニケーションの訓練はしなくていいような…………でも) あの……ドンジャラしませんか、ナイトオブセブン。 (……If it's a conversation about work, I don't think I should practice communication…………. But) Um….. Would you want to play donjara, Knight of Seven.
Suzaku: え?ドンジャラ……?……うん、いいよ。それも面白そうだ。 Eh? Donjara…..?….. Okay, fine. That sounds interesting too. *match against Suzaku* If you lose: Suzaku: *sweatdrop* こうあっさり勝てちゃうと、キミのことは何もわからないな���ドンジャラが弱いこと以外は。 If I end up winning this quickly I can't learn anything about you. Except the fact that you're weak at donjara. After you win: Suzaku: ルルーシュもドンジャラは強かったけど、キミもずいぶんと強いだな。ところで、今のドンジャラってどういう意味があったんだい? Lelouch was strong at donjara, but you are quite strong as well. By the way, what was the point of this donjara? Rolo: それは……それより、話というのは? That's….. More importantly, what did you want to talk about? Suzaku: ああ、それならもういいんだ。 Ah, that's fine now. Rolo: ……? ……? Suzaku: 今後を考えて、キミの人となりを知っておきたくて、少し話をしようとおもってたんだ。でも、今のドンジャらでなんとなくだけどわかった気がするよ。また機会があれば、キミとドンジャラがしたいな。じゃあ、また。 For the future, I wanted to learn about your personality, so I thought we could talk a bit. But after this donjara I feel like I more or less understood. If there's another chance, I'd like to play with you again. Well then, see you. Rolo: …………。ドンジャラで、確かにコミュニケーションが取れている気が……。 いや、でもたった2回うまくいっただけだし…………?なんだか校門の方が騒がしいけど……。 …………… It feels like with donjara you can certainly create a communication….. *noises outside* No, just because it went well twice…….. Hm? It seems that there's some noise at the school gate….. -------------------- Review of the chapter: Rolo: コミュニケーション強化のために、はじめたドンジャラ。会長の言っていた通り、ドンジャラでコミュニケーションが取れている気がする……かな? The donjara that I began in order to strengthen the communication. As the president said, it feels like donjara does help you communicate…. perhaps? -------------------- *At the school gate* Jeremiah: おおおお!私は、そう、ならばこそッ! Ooooh! I am, yes, therefore! Student 1: 何、あの人?さっきからおかしなことばかり叫んで……。 What's with that guy? He's been shouting weird things for a while now…. Student 2: ヤッパリ警察呼んだほうがいいのかな。でも、軍人みたいだし……。 Maybe we should call the police, after all? Although he seems to be from the military…. Jeremiah: おおおォォ!そこのあなた様は、何か私に異常です!許されない! Ooooooh! You standing there seem like an abnormality to me! You won't be forgiven! Rolo: …………。オマエ、ドンジャラで勝負しようじゃないか。 ……….. You, why don’t we have a match at donjara. Jeremiah: なんと!私にドンジャラを挑むとは、たいしたことありませんでした! What is this! Challenging me to a game of donjara, it was no big deal! *match against Orange* If you lose: Jeremiah: そうでした!これしきの相手、無いも同然です! That was right! Such an insignificant opponent, it's the same as if there wasn't any! After you win: Jeremiah: くゥッ!無念、残念、観念!しかし、見えました!次は私こそが、オールハイルブリタァにア!!! Tch! Chagrin, regret, resignation! However, I could see it! Next time I will be the one, All Hail Britaannia!!! Rolo: あんな相手とまでコミュニケーションが ……。会長の言っていた、ドンジャらでコミュニケーションが強化って本当だったってこと?それなら、僕が一番コミュニケーションをきちんと取りたい相手は……! Even with an opponent like that, the communication…. Does this mean that, as the president said, donjara helps strenghten the communication? Then, the opponent I most want to properly communicate with is……! -------------------- Review of the chapter: Rolo: 会長の言っていたドンジャらでコミュニケーションが弾むって本当だったんだ…。それなら、僕が一番コミュニケーションを取りたい、兄さんと……。 It was true that, as the president said, the communication is stimulated through donjara….. That being the case, I want to communicate the most with Brother….  -------------------- Back inside the school Lelouch: なんだ、ロロ。こんな所でどうしたんだ? What is it, Rolo. What are you doing here? Rolo: 兄さん、僕とドンジャらをやろう! Brother, play donjara with me! Lelouch: ……何だって!? …..What!? Rolo: ドンジャラだよ。いいだろ、兄さん? Donjara. It's fine, right Brother? Lelouch: (ドンジャラだと?いったいどういうことだ?……罠か!?いや、俺を殺す気ならこんな回りくどい手段は必要ないし…… ならば付き合った方がいいか。拒絶して、機嫌を損ねられても色々と面倒だ) いいとも、ロロ。だが弟相手でも手加減はしないからな? (Donjara, he says? What's the meaning of this?…. A trap?! No, if he had the intention to kill me, he wouldn't need any roundabout method like this…. Then it might be better that I go along with it. If I say no and hurt his feelings, it will cause me some problems) Sure thing, Rolo. But just know that I won't go easy on you even if my opponent is my little brother, okay? *match against Lelouch* If you lose: Lelouch: ……弱いんだな。ほんとうに何を考えてこんな勝負をしてきたんだ? ……How weak. Just what were you thinking, proposing this match? After you win: Lelouch: くッ!まさか俺が負けるなんて!しかしオマエがこれほどドンジャラに強いとは思わなかったな。 Tch! How could I lose! Still, I didn't think you'd be this strong at donjara. Rolo: そうだよ、兄さん。でも、これでもう僕のことわかってくれたよね! That's right, Brother. But with this you understood about me, right? Lelouch: ……?何を言ってるんだオマエは? ……? What are you talking about? Milly: お、ロロ。ちゃんとドンジャラ勝負するルールは守ってるようね。感心感心。 Oh, Rolo. It seems you are following the rule about playing donjara diligently. Well done, well done. Lelouch: ……なるほど。どうも変だと思ったら会長の差し金でしたか。ロロ、会長の言うことはあまり真面目に聞かなくていいぞ。大抵、ただの思いつきだからな。 ……I see. I was thinking that there was something weird and it turns out that it was a suggestion from the president. Rolo, you don't have to take what the president says seriously. Usually, they're just things she comes up with. Rolo: そうでもなかったよ。実際、ドンジャラで僕はみんなとコミュニケーションできたし。みんな、また僕とドンジャラしたいって言ってくれたんだよ。 It wasn't really like that. In fact, I was able to comunicate with everyone through donjara. Everyone said they wanted to play with me again sometime. Lelouch: ……?まァ、オマエが満足なら別にいいけどな。 …..? Well, if you're satisfied then it's fine. Rolo: (でも、兄さんは言ってくれなかったけど……けどいいんだ。兄さんも、前より僕のことわかってくれたはずだから. 僕は兄さんさえいればいいんだ。兄さんさえいてくれれば……) さァ、兄さん!僕ともっともっと一緒にドンジャラしよう! (Although Brother didn't say that to me… But it's okay. Brother must have understood more about me than before. All I need is Brother. As long as Brother is here…….) Come on, Brother! Let's play donjara together much much more! *END* ________________________________________ Nunnally's donjara route has some cute (read: possessive) Rolo as well. In her story, Zero rules the world and has established that everything should be decided through donjara (yeah, Rolo’s route at least was canonically plausible…). It’s an unfair world, so Nunnally, together with Sayoko, resolves to defeat Geass Dark Lord Zero. So when you reach the Nunnally vs Rolo match: Rolo: ここは誰も通さないよ。ナナリー、あなたならなおさらね。 I won't let anyone through here. Nunnally, all the more when it comes to you. Sayoko: ギアス魔王ゼロの側近。親衛隊長のロロ! The close aide of Geass Dark Lord Zero. Commanding officer of the bodyguards, Rolo! Nunnally: 誰であろうと立ち止まるわけにはいきません。ギアス魔王ゼロに会うまでは! No matter who it is, I cannot stop. Not until I meet Geass Dark Lord Zero! Rolo: 僕にとってキミは邪魔者なんだよ… ナナリー、消えてもらおうか! You are an obstacle to me... Nunnally, I'll have you disappear! When Rolo wins: Rolo: これで……これで兄さんは僕だけのものだ。 Now… Now Brother is mine alone. When Nunnally wins: Rolo: そんな…… …兄さんは…僕の…。 No way... Brother is... mine... Nunnally: 急ぎましょう、咲世子さん。 Let's hurry, Sayoko. Sayoko: ええ、ナナリーさま。全速力で行きますわ。 Yes, Miss Nunnally. Let's go at full speed. Rolo: い、行かせない!僕のギアスで止めてやる! I-I won't let you! I'll stop you with my geass! *Rolo uses his geass and Nunnally's wheelchair starts moving forward on its own, crashing into him* Rolo: しまった!物理現象は止められない!ぐぎゃあッ! Oh no! I can’t stop physical phenomena! Gugyaa! Sayoko: ……あら?ロロがいつの間にかいませんわ? ... Hm? All of a sudden Rolo isn't here? Nunnally: わかって、私たちに道を開けてくれたのですね。ありがとうございます、ロロさん。 He must have understood and is letting us pass. Thank you very much, Rolo. ------- Yeah, Nunnally, you’re very optimistic...
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ohkiyo · 4 years
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characters: msby black jackals, reader, and schweiden adlers.
warnings: lots of cursing.
word count: 9.8k
a/n: I wanted to upload this next week, but this one have been sitting in my drafts for almost a month. So hope you all enjoyed this piece!
(c/n)- country
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When everyone woke up that morning, you were all greeted by Coach Foster standing in the middle of the living room, hands on his hips with the team’s bus driver standing beside him. Wearing the standard black jackals' themed t-shirt and jacket.
“Today you’re going on a trip, go pack your bags” those were the only things Coach Foster said, straight to the point and no more opening speeches to begin it with.
Those words barely registered into everyone’s mind but the moment that their brain did manage to process it. They all dash back into their respective room, grab their suitcases, and stuff their essentials. Everyone was excited, a trip? Like just a normal getaway and not some sort of out of the city training? Hell yes!
They have been dying to have one, because of their new and improvised training regimens. It was rigorous, brutal, but overall worth it because results show it all.
Quickly, they ran downstairs, backpacks on their back, suitcases on their hand. Whilst they try to put on their shirt or shorts all the while sprinting towards the bus. Again, too excited about the trip.
“Where are we going?” Takato asks as you stood beside him, waiting for the driver to load the luggage into the bus’s compartment. Coach Foster remained silent and instead gave you both a smile in reply, patting both of your backs then pushing you towards the vehicle’s entrance.
Watching from the bus’s glass window as he waves you all goodbye, you and Takato shared a look. Not having any prior knowledge of your trip was a bit concerning on your parts as managers. However, Coach Foster would not arrange a trip that could potentially harm his players, so you hope that he will send a message when you arrive.
You hope.
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“Where are we?” they look from left to right, as they try to decipher which part of Japan they were dropped off to. Apparently, sleeping during the entire ride was a bad idea, because now, they were standing beside a dirt road.
In front of them were rows and rows of pine trees stretching as far as their eyes could see. Behind them, was a hill with a big wooden building seated on top and a footpath decorated with stone lamps on each side leading towards it.
“Please tell me that’s where we’re staying” all heads turn to Takato who also has no idea. It was clear to everyone that Coach Foster did not discuss this trip to any of the members, not to the managers nor to the captain himself. Because Shugo’s standing behind the group while scratching his head with an obvious question mark floating above it.
“Let’s go up there and find out” grabbing their bags, they walk up the stoned footpath, and towards the big wooden building. The hill thankfully was not very steep, they had packed quite a lot of clothing that carrying it uphill might become a problem.
The big wooden building turned out to be a guesthouse, a traditional guesthouse to be exact. It was big and very spacious; from the front porch, alone they could figure out that it was not just a house, but a mansion. From its lavish and intricate designs to the furniture and other decorations placed outside was an obvious sign.
“This is so cool!” Hinata exclaimed, taking a seat on a wooden swing bench, Bokuto joining him.
“There might be a caretaker we can talk to” Inunaki examined one of the potted plants displayed on the wooden deck. The leaves all green and healthy, its soil still wet, meaning someone was just here a while ago.
“Look at that beautiful home!” all heads turn to see the Adlers’ team reaching the peak of the hill, their bags in hand as they walk towards the open area in front of the house.
After noticing that they were not the only ones there, they pause in their tracks as they stared at each other. Their reactions a mix of surprise, confusion, and delight.
“Let me guess, Coach Suzaku surprise you when you woke up” Shugo watch as the rest of the Adlers members drops their bags on the wooden floor. Fukuro nodded his head, sitting down as he pulled his jacket closer to his body.
“Coach Foster too?”
“I don’t get this” you look up at Takato as he stared at his phone, dialing Coach Foster’s number while his other hand scratch his head. “Are we supposed to share this trip with Schweiden?”
“I’m not sure” Takato answered, before he held up a finger, bringing his phone on his ear. Walking away from the group as he talks to the person on the other line.
You just stood there, wringing your fingers together as you watch them interact with each other. They may be rivals on the court, dead set on beating each other on volleyball, but once they are outside they actually get along quite well. Although, there is still an air of competitiveness floating around, what more could you expect from a bunch of pro athletes?
“Listen up everyone” Takato called out, pocketing his phone as he went back to gather with the group. “I just called Coach Foster and he said that this was prepared by both him and Coach Suzaku. He didn’t say anything else, other than we’ll be staying here for a week, to enjoy this trip, and to keep the damage to a minimum”
In the last part, the eyes of the older ones immediately turned to look at the troublesome younger players. If there was one thing they could all agree, it’s that their younger members were by far the most chaotic people they’ve met. After knowing each other since their high school years, they all have become so comfortable enough to show their true colors.
“Did he say who owns this mansion?” Tatsuto voiced out the question that was on everyone’s mind the moment they saw it. Surely, the house must have belonged to a close friend of their coach, or maybe another generous sponsor. It didn’t matter much, they just want to know the name of the owner.
Takato shook his head. “He didn’t say anything, but I’m assuming it’s a mutual friend of theirs”
They accepted that explanation and didn’t question any further, who were they to complain? Everything’s free, and their coach themselves said to enjoy, so they were going to enjoy their one-week break from their training.
They went inside the house, each one of them letting out a sound of amazement at the interior. The living room was the most spacious part of the house, in the middle was a sofa with two love seats of both sides and a coffee table in the middle.
In front of the sofa were a fireplace and a flat-screen TV installed on top of it. On both sides of the fireplace were two hallways leading to the deeper parts of the huge house, and on both sides of the living room were two sliding doors leading to the garden.
“There are nine bedrooms in total so we have to sleep by pair. (Y/n) gets to have a room of her own of course”
From behind Sakusa’s mask, Takato could see the way his lips just bend downward. Clearly not happy having to share a room with anyone, not totally convince that they are free of germs.
“There’s also a hot spring at the back area…” Takato trailed off as he stared at the text Coach Foster sent him.
“A hot spring?!” Bokuto and Hoshiumi jump from their seat in excitement, wide eyes staring expectantly at Takato for confirmation.
“Yes that’s what it says here”
“Whoever owns this place must be crazy rich” Inunaki mumbled as Adriah nodded beside him, agreeing to the libero’s words. Of course, they must be rich, only those with money can afford to build their own home a personal hot spring after all.
“Let’s just go to our own rooms and we’ll discuss the rest once we’ve settled”
They nodded their head, grabbing their bag and making their way towards the area where the bedrooms were located along with their preferred roommate. Each one choosing which room they like best, you walk past Hinata and Kageyama who were fighting with Atsumu and Hoshiumi for the bedroom with direct access to the gardens.
You just shook your head at their squabbling, adjusting your backpack on your shoulder. Finally choosing your room, you opened the door just a little bit to see if it’s occupied. It wasn’t, opening the door a little wider you gave a wave and a smile to Fukuro and Toshiro who walk past before you continue to drag your suitcase inside.
The room didn’t have much furniture in it aside from the wooden cabinet on the side, and a wooden table on the other. With another door for the bathroom. You pushed your suitcase towards the cabinet and opened it; the futon, blanket, and pillows you are going to use later were inside. Neatly arranged in a pile.
You quickly unpack your bag, placing your clothes inside the cabinet, and just as you’re stacking the last piece of shirt inside. You heard Bokuto’s laughter in the room beside yours, meaning he and Takato were in the room next door.
Once you were finished, you stood up and walk out of the room towards the kitchen to check if there were any groceries. Takato was already there going through the fridge, while Shugo and Fukuro were checking the cupboards.
“The good thing is we have groceries” Takato closed the fridge, looking over to Shugo and Fukuro who are still going through the rest of the cupboards. “They’ve just been brought in this morning by the caretaker, but I doubt it’ll last us a week”
“There are canned goods over here” Fukuro patted the four cupboards, he was just checking earlier.
“I saw like 3 packs of pasta here along with some spices” Shugo gestures to the remaining cabinets.
“We could buy some from the farmers here” you shrug your shoulders, leaning on the table.
Takato nodded his head. “We will look for anyone selling tomorrow, for now, let’s rest”
All three of you nodded your head at his words and left the kitchen. Walking back to your rooms to get that much-needed sleep, and shoo away the fatigue from that long travel.
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“Ah~ I could get used to this” Adriah closed his eyes in content, resting his arms on the edge of the pool. The warm water rippling around his body as it calms him and his tense muscles, the effects of the training from a few days ago still evident on his body.
“I could stay here all night” Toshiro rolled his shoulders, cracking his neck. Those familiar sounds of joints popping reaching his ears.
The hot springs were most definitely one of the best spots in the house, and everyone could agree to it. Just sitting on the pool’s rock floors, with warm water to soothe their bodies and the peacefulness of it all were just purely therapeutic.
“I might just build myself my own private hot spring if I get to feel this relax every day” Shugo states, as he runs a hand through his wet hair.
“Invite me sometimes when you do” Nicollas replied from beside him, eyes scanning the space they were currently in until they landed on Sakusa situated on the farthest side of the pool. With Ushijima accompanying him. “Kiyoomi, are you alright over there?”
Sakusa just nods his head in response before resuming his conversation with Ushijima, Nicollas was worried that he had made the Sakusa uncomfortable by persuading him to join everyone at the hot springs. When Takato had suggested that they would enjoy the hot spring together, Sakusa was the only one to deny and instead prefers he use their bedroom’s bath instead.
However, Nicollas wanted to spend time with all of them, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity after all. Their team may be rivals in sport but there’s nothing stopping him from making friends outside of it.
“Seeing you with your hair down is so weird, Kotaro” Tatsuto observes the multi-colored locks. “You look like a completely different person”
Bokuto laughs, his voice echoing throughout the huge bath. “I do?”
Takato chuckled, before adding. “The first time I saw you, I thought I was looking at a stranger”
“Gahahaha Kageyama you should’ve seen your face!” All three men hear Hinata’s loud laugh. Turning their heads, they saw him pointing at the setter after splashing his face with some water. His hair, sticking to his forehead. Kageyama glared at his former teammate, before placing his hand on top of Hinata’s head and pushing him down.
“Take that you idiot” Kageyama smirk watching as bubbles float around the area where Hinata was earlier. Removing his hand, Hinata shot up, splashing him again, pouting.
“Bakeyama! I could’ve died”
“Careful” Takato reminded as Hoshiumi push them both down into the water, cackling as he and Atsumu share a high five.
Takato let out a sigh before he remembers that their other manager was alone on the other side of the wooden divider. Moving a little closer to the wall, he gave it a few taps before he called out.
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“(Y/n)? are you okay over there?”
“I’m fine, Takato-san!” you replied before a shriek from the other side was heard, followed by Hinata and Hoshiumi’s laughter.
‘I wonder what they’re up to now?’
You thought as you try to listen to the commotion happening from the other side.
“Shoyo-kun, Korai-kun. Gimme back my towel!”
“Atsumu, you might wanna cover your junk”
A few rounds of laughter was heard, Atsumu screaming for Hinata and Hoshiumi to give back his towel before Takato spoke to you again. “You were so quiet; I thought something happened to you”
“I’m fine”
You rest your head on the edge of the pool, a warm towel over your eyes. Listening to the voices coming from the other side.
Flapping noises reach your ears, a hooting sound followed right after. You remove the towel, wanting to see what it is. There, at the top of the wooden wall was an owl, a barred owl to be exact. Looking down at you, its head cock sideward.
“Oh my” you slowly leaned forward, wanting to have a closer look at the creature. “Hello”
It let out another hoot as if responding to your greeting. You chuckled, this was the first time you have ever encounter an owl out in the wild, you have seen them in zoos or sanctuaries before, but in the wind? Today was a first.
“You look so beautiful” you continue to observe it a little more, it doesn’t seem to be bothered by your staring though. Whenever you would tilt your head to one side, it would mimic it. Whenever you spoke to it, it would give a hoot in response; you look like an idiot for talking to an animal.
You were thankful that it was just you over there. Although, you’re sure that the guys could hear you.
“Where are your friends?”
As if on cue, another one landed beside it, your eyes widened. Its familiar black and white feathers and the little horns at the top on its head reminding you of a certain someone.
“No way” you wanted to laugh aloud at the coincidence, a barred owl and a horned owl sitting side by side together. Watching you bathe, somehow this duo just reminds you of a certain duo as well, the ones you have spent your high school with.
“Why didn’t I bring my phone with me?” you muttered to yourself. You really wanted to take a picture of them and show it to Bokuto later, you were sure he was going to be ecstatic about it.
You watch as the horned owl moved closer, preening the barred owl’s feathers. You press your hands on your mouth to stop the loud squeal from leaving your lips. That was just so cute, are these two a couple? You were hoping they were.
“Best day ever” you sighed in content, watching as they jump around the wooden fence, flapping their wings occasionally. Not only did you wake to the news of going on a trip, but you also get to stay at a wonderful mansion as well, and you have two owls keep you company. If that’s not considered a great day, then I don’t know what is.
“Hm? Are you two leaving now?” their heads were turned towards the thick body of trees just outside of the wooden fence. Flapping their wings a few times, before they eventually flew away. Their bodies disappearing into the night.
“Bye, see you again” you wave, hearing one last hoot from them before it became quiet once again. Even the chatter from the other side had stopped.
Did they go back to their rooms already?
“(Y/n)? Have you gone loco?”
You giggled at Hinata’s question, his voice lace with genuine worry. You had not realized that they had stopped talking to one another and decided to listen to you instead.
“I’m alright Hinata”
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The next morning, you were awoken from your sleep by a series of knocks on your door. You turn around, pulling your blanket over your head, the knocking continued and it seemed like it would not stop.
You crawled over to the door and opened it. Atsumu’s grinning face greets you, you almost slammed it shut but a hand prevented you from doing that.
“Get up, we’re going on a run” Atsumu opened your door further, to reveal the rest of the monster generation waiting outside. You just stared at them, still half asleep, observing through sleepy eyes their attire. They are already changed into some track pants, shorts, shirts, jackets, and running shoes.
“For exercise (Y/n)!” Hoshiumi replied, a little too loud for your liking. You deadpan at them, a look on your face clearly saying. ‘Seriously?’
They seem to be determined though to get you to join them. Although it’s just Atsumu, Bokuto, Hinata, and Hoshiumi, the rest didn’t really care much. You let out a sigh.
“Alright, give me a few minutes”
“Great! See you out front!”
Then the door slammed shut, you rub your temples, staring at your futon longingly. You really wanted to get back to bed, but you were sure that if you do, they would probably come back and drag you out. You slip into a pair of track pants, sweater, and running shoes. Brushing your hair, you tied it into a ponytail, then spraying yourself some cologne before walking out into the front porch.
“I thought you went back to sleep” Takato laugh at the look on your face, waking up early was not exactly your forte. You would pretty much prefer to claim every second of sleep you could get. Now that the team was on break, he was sure you were hoping to sleep in. However, that does not seem to be the case today.
“Why am I doing this too?” you yawned, squinting your eyes a little. It was still a bit dark, the only source of light was from the lamps near the footpath and the light installed at the porch.
“Alright everyone stretches first!”
You copied their routine counting along with them. The warm-up exercises were slowly helping you dispel the sleepiness you were still feeling, your joints cracking with every bend of your limbs. When that was done, each one chose their jogging buddy before going down the footpath.
You joined along with Nicollas, Takato, and Oliver. Listening to them discuss family stuff.
“Is your wife going to be okay on her own, Takato?” Nicollas’ face twist in worry, having experienced the fear of having a pregnant wife alone at home. “She’s eight months along now, right?”
Takato nodded his head, as you fastened your pace a little. “She’s with her parents right now, so she’s fine. I also visit her during the weekends”
Nicollas hums before turning to Oliver. “You also visit your family as well right Oliver?”
“On the weekends I go home to them”
Nicollas let out a groan. “I envy you two; I haven’t seen my wife and son in six months. I miss them” he sniffled, as you stretch out your hand to pat his back in comfort. Going to another country for work has many cons, you get to leave your family behind, and not see or touch them for long periods of time.
You could imagine just how upset he must be, to not be able to see his family.
“How about you (Y/n)?” Oliver turns to you, as you look up at him. “I haven’t seen you visit your family before”
All three men turn to you as they waited for your reply, their pace steadily matching those who were in front. Just to make sure, the group stays together.
“My family migrated to (c/n) when I started college. So I can’t really visit them whenever”
“Oh (Y/n), you must really miss them huh?” Nicollas rest a hand on your head, sharing the same sentiment as you. Unable to be in close contact with their family.
“There are times where I just want my mom” you laugh, feeling embarrassed at the prospect of still relying on your mother even though you were already in your early twenties. “I just want to taste her cooking again”
All three men express their agreement at your words, also feeling the same. No matter how old they may be, there is still that longing of wanting to feel their mother’s love again.
“Now I’m also starting to miss my mom”
The four of you fell silent; now enjoying the scenery you are passing by, on your left and right were rows of rice field. The crops have grown quite well and ready for harvest, you may not have like it that you were woken up at 4 am but you were grateful in the least.
It was peaceful, the breath of fresh air, the spectacular view. You can’t experience something like this in the city.
“Hey look!” Bokuto held up his hand and pointed to the mountains, the sun slowly rising up from behind the two landmasses. Everyone stops in their tracks to admire the wonderful sight.
“Beautiful” Toshiro whispered, holding up his phone and snapping a few photos of the sun. Saving the picture for when he will upload it later on his socials.
The sun slowly moves out of its hiding spot, its rays gently covering the croplands with its warmth. Drying the morning dew that came from the previously cold night.
“I guess it’s time we go back” Shugo suggested and everyone started stretching their bodies once again. Preparing themselves for another long run.
“I’ll race you there Kageyama” Hinata jumps on his spot. The setter shot him a smirk, accepting his challenge as he cracks his neck.
“Woah, Woah. We’re jogging, not racing” Atsumu reminded them when he saw that they were serious. “No one’s racing anyone”
“Last one back to the house will have to eat a handful of jalapeños” Hoshiumi added, ignoring what Atsumu just said earlier.
“And where are you going to get these jalapeños?” Sakusa rolled his feet, both hands on his hips.
“I saw a bunch of them planted at the house’s backyard” Hoshiumi replied, preparing himself as he positioned his body.
“Alright, let’s do this!” They immediately dash away. Leaving Atsumu in the dust, coughing at the dirt that he accidentally inhaled.
“Tsum-Tsum! You better start running or else you’ll be eating those jalapeños later!” Atsumu curse under his breath before running after them, catching up in no time.
The rest of the members that were left behind just blink, watching as they quickly disappear from their line of sight. You let out a sigh, knowing well that you need to go after them to make sure those idiots don’t do anything stupid.
Even though Sakusa and Ushijima - the more responsible ones - are present. They also get swept away by challenges that they sometimes join in as well, and today was just an example.
“I’ll go after them” you run, mentally thanking your PE teacher for having you run laps around the track field almost every day. Because now, it had proven to be very useful.
“That girl’s a blessing, don’t you agree?” Tatsuto looks to them as they nodded their head. The black jackals’ members witnessing firsthand how (Y/n)’s inclusion in the team had helped them keep everyone under control.
They started making their way back home, going at their own pace. Passing by some of the residents who were now up and about their day. Some were on their way to check their crops, while others were on their way to go out into town.
Once they reach the house, they immediately went into the kitchen to see you already washing the rice. “Where are they?” Inunaki opens the fridge, taking a bottle of water and drinking it.
“Over there” you gestured to the open door leading towards the garden, they peek through the door just in time to see Hinata stuff his mouth with a handful of chili. The others watching him with interest as he chews the spicy plant.
“They were actually serious?” Adriah questioned in disbelief, watching as Kageyama did the same thing Hinata had done earlier. “I thought they were just joking”
“At this point, I’m not even surprised anymore”
They step aside as the two ran through the door and towards the fridge, frantically gulping down some cold water to help the pain from the spiciness.
“Sakusa, Ushijima. Why didn’t you two stop them?”
“We did try to stop them” Ushijima answered, watching as Hinata fans his mouth with his hand as he took in deep breaths. “But they refuse to listen”
“Something about their manly pride at risk if ever they don’t do it or whatever it was” Sakusa shrugs his shoulders before he and Ushijima went back to their shared room to change.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
“Is it this one?” Kageyama gestures to the river in front of him, looking over his shoulder as the rest slowly emerges from the canopy of trees.
“Yes, this is the one” Takato place the bucket on the stone covered ground, wiping the sweat running down his face. While they were eating breakfast earlier, Coach Foster sent another text saying that there was a river a few kilometers away from the mansion. With many fishes swimming by and that they can go there and catch some fresh fish if they want to.
Since half of them have never gone fishing before, mainly the younger ones. They collectively agreed that after breakfast they would go to the river, catch some fish, and maybe enjoy a little bit of nature.
“The water is so clear” you crouch down near the riverbank, running your hand through the cold water. The river’s current is not very fast so it was safe to go down there and cool down if ever the heat becomes too much.
“Alright, boys! Let’s catch some fish” Nicollas seems to be overly enthusiastic about this, the man looks so happy to be fishing.
There were not enough fishing rod for everyone, so some had decided to forego them and chose to catch the fish by hand instead. The group split into two, those with the fishing rods stayed in the same area while the rest moved a bit farther away.
“The mosquitos here are so unforgiving, sheesh” Inunaki hand landed on a particularly big mosquito on his arm. The insect squash in between his palm and wrist, with its blood, splattered on his skin.
“I have some insect repellent here in my bag” you sat down on one of the rocks, rummaging through your bag and pulling out two spray bottles of insect repellent. Giving one to Inunaki who started spraying the area around him, before giving it to Sakusa who quickly sprayed his body. Just the thought of insects and other disease-carrying pests landing on him or even just biting him makes his skin crawl.
“Ah Wakatoshi, you got something!” Ushijima grips the rod tighter as he pulled it back. The end bending down at the weight of a possible fish caught at the end of the line. With a flick of his arms, the fish finally jump out of the water, wiggling its tail as it grips the bait in its mouth.
“Oh~” it was a catfish, a big one about the size of one forearm. Ushijima drops the fish in the bucket you gave him as he took another bait from the can and swings the fishing rod back to the water.
The rest stared at their respective floaters, calmly floating above the water, still no signs of it attracting the fishes. They could see the silhouette from their spot, but somehow it seems like the fishes are not satisfied with a bait they offered.
“I think they don’t like it” Adriah muttered as he watches the fish swam past his rod and into the other end of the river. Towards the area when the rest were channeling their inner bear skills.
“Should we go join them? They seem to have caught a lot already” Toshiro pointed to where the rest were concentrating on catching some fishes. They watch as Hinata crouches down tongue struck out in concentration, hands ready, before it strikes fast into the water. Effectively catching a fish.
“Heiwajima-san, you got something” you tap on the libero’s shoulder as he immediately focuses his attention on his fishing rod. He stood up, grab the handle, and started pulling, excited for what it caught.
“The hell?” it was a clump of algae, with sticks sticking out on the sides. The fish that he hopes to be at the end of that line was nowhere to be found.
“The fish outsmarted you” Nicollas pats Toshiro’s back in consolation, as he too is yet to catch his own.
Meanwhile on the other end of the river, just like their other teammates. Some were blessed some were not.
“I mean, catching them wouldn’t be hard right?” Fukuro eyed the fish swimming around his feet. Slowly, he leaned down, before striking his hands into the water to catch the fish, unfortunately though, it swam away.
Shugo snorted, leaning on the rock to balance himself. “This isn’t some sort of survival show; catching one wouldn’t be that easy”
“Oh! Kotaro nice one!” they heard Tatsuto exclaimed, looking over to where they were. They saw Bokuto holding out a big fish with both hands, a wide grin on his face, proud of his catch.
“Good job! Korai, Shoyo!” Oliver’s voice followed, the two mentioned players holding their own fish, as they carefully wade through the water as you stood at the edge of the river. Holding out the bucket for them to drop the fish inside.
Fukuro shot Shugo a look. “You were saying?”
The two captains went back to whatever they were doing, determined to catch some fish.
“I think there’s a high chance we’ll catch some on the deeper parts Tobio-kun” Atsumu pointed to an area that was a bit darker than the rest of the river’s area. As he slowly walks over to it.
“Isn’t that a bit dangerous though Atsumu-san?” Kageyama followed behind the older man, as Atsumu waves his hand. Dismissing the younger player’s previous worry.
“Atsumu, Tobio be careful” Oliver called out from the side when he saw them going closer to the parts where there were a lot of rocks protruding.
“It’s fine, it’s fi- ack!” Atsumu stepped on a slippery rock, losing his footing as his body crash into the water. Disappearing into the dark pools.
“Atsumu-san?!” Kageyama stared wide-eyed to where Atsumu was just standing earlier. Atsumu had slipped on a much deeper area of the river, and he doesn’t really know what was down there.
Atsumu emerges, shaking his hair, running a hand on his face to wipe off the running water. “Great, now I’m wet”
He walks towards the shore, the water dripping off of his body and down on the ground.
“Told you to be careful” Inunaki handed him a towel, thankfully. You had prepared towels and extra clothes for everyone in case an accident like Atsumu’s would ever happen. Although the house isn’t too far away, it wouldn’t hurt to be prepared just in case.
“I feel like water went inside my ear” Atsumu mumbled, as you place the bag you brought with you in front of him. He crouches down, pulling out his spare shirt and shorts, before pulling his wet t-shirt over his head.
“Uh… Atsumu?” Toshiro stared at his back wide-eyed, waving your over then pointing at whatever he saw. A gasp leaving your lips.
“Yes? Heiwajima-san what is it?” Atsumu looks over his shoulder, by now Sakusa and Ushijima walk over. Staring at his back in a mix of disgust and fear.
“Miya, do you feel anything?” Atsumu’s eyebrows furrowed at Sakusa’s question.
“Atsumu, touch your back” the setter followed Ushijima’s simple instruction; carefully he reaches behind his back, patting it before his hand landed over something slimy. His eyes widened, turning around and looking at them in shock.
“What the fuck was that?!”
His outburst caught the others' attention and went over to him.
“Atsumu-san, y-your back” Hinata stuttered in fear, watching as the animal clung on his teammates back. “There’s a leech on your back”
“Leeches actually” you corrected, shuddering.
“There’s more than one?!”
“Atsumu, hold still” Takato push him back down to sit on the ground, a Swiss knife on his hand.
“Get them off, get them off”
Nicollas and Toshiro went over to assist him. While those who were in the river earlier, immediately started checking their whole body in fear that they too had one.
“This might help” you pulled out a jar of salt from your bag and grab a handful of it before drizzling them on top of the leeches sucking on Atsumu’s back. Their screeches, reaching your ears as their hold on the skin loosened.
“Why do you have salt with you?” Toshiro asks, as you grab another handful and covered the one that Takato successfully removed, killing it.
“I actually don’t know” you laugh, covering the last one with salt, killing it. “I think I accidentally grabbed it earlier”
“Is it gone? Did you get them all?” Atsumu shakily lifts a hand, running it over his back. Letting out a sigh in relief.
“Anyone?” Takato looks to the others as they shook their head; thankfully, none of them was a victim.
“How did it feel Tsum-Tsum?” Bokuto crouches down beside him, as Atsumu shuddered, remembering how he could feel its tiny teeth sinking into his skin and sucking his blood.
No one went back into the river after that and instead opted to switch using the fishing rod. They stayed there until the sun was high up, and the heat becomes too much for them, so they made their way back towards the house to prepare their food.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
“What are they doing?” Takato observes with curiosity the younger members of the team as they gather in the middle of the living room. With you standing in front and doing weird gestures.
“Charades, I think” from their spot on the deck, they watch with interest how you tried to act out the word you’ve gotten. They aren’t sure if this is a competition or not, the group wasn’t exactly split into teams.
You draw a ball on the air, and just as you were about to add another figure. They all collectively answered. “Volleyball!”
Shugo and Fukuro laugh at the exasperated look on your face.
“Do they have anything else on their head aside from volleyball?” Nicollas shook his head, chuckling. Taking a sip of his tea as he watches you act out the word again.
You draw another ball on the air, then drop it on the ground, and started doing a kicking motion with your foot.
“Soccer!” you shook your head. Bokuto crosses his arms, furrowing his eyebrows as he tries his hardest to guess what it is.
“It’s not soccer?” Ushijima asks as you shook your head at his question. Before doing the kicking motion with your feet again then gesturing to the whole living room area.
You pointed to the view outside and made an x mark with your hands, then gestured to the whole living room and did an okay sign.
“So it’s soccer but indoors…?” Hinata trailed off, as you excitedly nodded your head and urge him to find the right word for it. “I don’t know”
“Futsal?” Sakusa added as you clap your hands at him, finally happy that you could move on to another word.
“What’s futsal?” both setters questioned as you took another piece of paper from the bowl you placed on the coffee table.
“It’s basically indoor soccer, but the rules are different. I’m not good with explanations but you can search it up once we go back” you pulled out the paper, and on it ‘little giant’ is written.
You stared at the paper for a few minutes. When you ask them earlier to write down random words on the pieces of paper you gave them, you didn’t expect their choices to be quite hard to act out.
You sighed then pointed at Hinata and Hoshiumi, and gestured to their whole body.
“Hey!” Hoshiumi kicks Atsumu on the leg as the setter glares at him in response.
You shook your head at the answer.
“Tiny?” you settled with that one then you pointed to Oliver. The tallest person within the group.
“Atsumu, I heard that!” Oliver’s voice boomed from the outer deck as Atsumu flinch. Not expecting him to hear it all.
“Giant?” you nodded your head at Hinata, before he immediately understood what the word was. “Tiny giant?... no little giant!”
You sat down on the floor, crossing your legs. “Let’s play another game, my hands and feet are tired”
“I think it’s best we all go to bed, that was enough brain exercise”
Everyone stood up, saying their good nights before going back to their own room.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
The next day you were once again woken up at an hour earlier than intended, not because someone was at your door. But because of that rooster crowing endlessly since 1 in the morning. You weren’t bothered by it a few hours ago, but now at this very moment, you want nothing more than wish for it to shut up. It’s so loud too, every time it crows a few more follows.
“These damn chickens” you sat upon your bed, grumbling. Your sleep ruined, listening to them flap their wings a few more times before letting out the signature cock-a-doodle-doo.
You got out of bed and went to the kitchen instead, a delicious cup of coffee now on your mind. You entered the said room and found Takato already sitting in the table reading a newspaper.
“Good morning” he greeted, that smile on his face had you wishing you were a morning person like him. You could do so much more when you’re up the moment the sun starts rising.
“Morning Takato-san” you took the kettle and filled it with water, before putting it on the stove and turning it on.
“Ah, Coach Foster sent me a text last night” he turned on his chair to look at you. “He said he had to cut our break short, the doctor wanted to do the medical check-up for this month a little early. So Coach we’ll be sending the bus to come get us tomorrow”
“Schweiden too?”
“Yes, Coach Suzaku doesn’t trust his team without anyone else to look after them”
You laugh, turning off the stove, and pouring hot water on the mug you prepared. “He doesn’t trust his players unsupervised?”
You started preparing your drink as Takato continues reading the newspaper, flipping through the pages every few minutes, whilst drinking his own cup of warm beverage. Sitting down, you stirred your coffee, your ears capturing the footsteps approaching the room you’re in.
“These mosquitos are killing me” Kageyama enters the kitchen, scratching his arm, his nails leaving traces of red marks as he rubs off the itch left by the insects. A thin layer of skin peeling off at how harsh he’s been rubbing, but he seemed unfazed by it though. All he wants was for the itch to disappear. “The rooster too, I can’t sleep with it so noisy”
“You too? I thought it was just me, the others don’t seem to mind though”
More bodies entered the kitchen. Yawning and rubbing the sleep from their eyes.
“I swear if I see that chicken I’m going to cook it” Hoshiumi grumbled, flopping down on the empty chair beside Takato. Resting his head on the table as he closes his eyes.
“Right? I can’t sleep with it cock-a-doodlin’ every few minutes”
Each one of them took an empty chair and sat down on it. Waiting for the water Kageyama was heating up so they could have their own cup of their preferred drink.
“I guess us leaving tomorrow is good news then”
Everyone perks up at that, now alert, properly awake, and their faces sporting questioning looks. “We are?”
Takato nods. “MSBY’s monthly check-up was rescheduled to an earlier date-“ he points to the Adler’s team members. “-and Coach Suzaku wants them home too. He said he doesn’t trust them alone”
As expected, the reactions were a mixture of disappointment and relief. Some still wanted to stay, while the others were already excited to go back home.
“Well, what are we going to do today?”
“Remember the old couple we met in one of our jogs?”
Everyone nods their head. “I saw them again yesterday, and they invited us to come to their farm to visit. It’s not too far from here”
“Sounds good”
With that, they prepared their breakfast settling on a light meal. Cleaned themselves up and walk to where the farm the located.
The farmland was wide, rows and rows of vegetables neatly planted side by side, fruit trees standing high and proud. Aside from that, they raise animals as well; pigs, chickens, fishes, and cows. All these crops and produce were either sold to whoever comes to visit their farm - or sent to the market.
“This is such a beautiful place Hisano-san, Jiro-san” Hisano –one of the owners- smiled, with her husband Jiro standing beside her.
“Thank you”
Everyone volunteered to help the couple around their farm, just so it would lessen the stress on their old body.
You stayed near the farmhouse, Hisano was about to collect the eggs from the chicken and she needed the extra hand. You, Bokuto, and Atsumu volunteered to go inside the coop to collect them all whilst Hisano stays outside to collect the baskets.
“Bokuto-san, careful. That hen doesn’t look too happy to see you” you warned, eyeing the hen that was already standing on her nest, feathers spread out in a threat, ready to defend her eggs if needed.
“It’ll be fine” Bokuto reassured you, slowly approaching the animal.
“(Y/n)’s right Bokkun, ya might wanna go to another one first” Atsumu moved to the deeper part of the coop. While you collect the eggs from the chicken that was just beside Bokuto’s.
Bokuto crouch down, the chicken following his movements. He stretches his hand to take the egg at the edge of the nest when the hen pecks his arm.
“Ow hey!”
“Told ya to go to another one” you heard Atsumu say from the back as you turn to Bokuto nursing the spot where the hen’s beak hit, the bruise glowing red.
You expected him to move to another one, but Bokuto being Bokuto, he can be very persistent at times. As expected, he stayed on his spot, having a staredown with the chicken.
“Okay here, listen” he started, eyes never leaving the animal. “I mean no harm I just want t- ow stop that!”
You sighed, shaking your head then standing up from your spot as you walk towards the door. Passing the basket towards Hisano, then grabbing another empty one. Bokuto still has not gathered at least one egg, and now he seems to be giving that chicken a lecture.
“Bokkun, you’ve gone nuts” Atsumu said as he walks past him, fortunately after 4 failed attempts. The chicken has had enough and just let him take the eggs. Bokuto happily collected them all, saying a little thank you, gave her a few pats on the head before giving the basket to Hisano waiting by the door.
You stood there dumbfounded, staring at the chicken that had a beef with Bokuto earlier. Now calm, and sleeping on her nests.
“What just happened?”
The three of you continued to collect the eggs, filling up basket after basket with the produce. Until only one hen was left, and she seems to be more aggressive than the one Bokuto dealt with earlier.
“Calm down I’m not gonna hurt ya”
You and Bokuto stood behind Atsumu, watching at the hen spread her feathers even wider. Angry eyes staring at his colored hair, Atsumu didn’t notice though, too focus on the eggs that were near his reach.
“What the – ow!” the chicken seems to dislike Atsumu’s hair and it now pecking it endlessly, the blond Miya shooing her away, but failed.
“Gah! (Y/n) you deal with this one!” Atsumu pushed you towards the hen as you instinctively held up your hands in defense. Afraid that it might start attacking you as well. You kneeled down, carefully you took the eggs, all the while making sure she doesn’t peck your eyes out.
“Thank you for the help” Hisano says as she accepts the last batch of eggs, arranging them in the tray. Then moving the trays inside the farmhouse so it could be pick up later.
You walk over to where Adriah and Sakusa were washing up the vegetables, a crate on their respective side of the sink filled with the freshly washed vegetables.
“Those cherry tomatoes look so yummy”
“Right? They’re tasty too” Adriah gave you one as you took a bite of it, popping one into his mouth as he chews on the fruit. Ushijima and Kageyama arrive with another batch of eggplants and cabbages. Placing the crates near the sink.
“Ushijima-san, Kageyama. Have you tried these?” You pointed to the tomatoes, Adriah pouring the last batches of tomatoes was washing.
Kageyama took a smaller one, chewing on it as he hums at the flavor. “It actually tastes nice”
“They are” Ushijima added.
“Don’t eat too much of those yet, they need to be sorted first. Some might have worms in them” Sakusa reminded as you both nodded your head. He took a few pieces of eggplants them putting them under the running water.
“(Y/n)!” Bokuto calls you, as you turn to where he and Atsumu were standing. Carrying a hook and some crates. “Hinata and the others needed help with the mangoes, can you come with us?”
You jog over to them and walk towards the area where the mangoes were planted.
“Those mangoes look really delicious” you stood beside Nicollas, looking up the tree while holding a crate. The mango fruits dangling by the branches were big, the tip was starting to ripen up, the perfect time to harvest them.
“They are aren’t they?” Nicollas watches as Hinata and Hoshiumi started climbing the tree. “Shoyo, Korai, careful.”
“Why are they climbin’? they could just use this instead” Atsumu tap the hook with a net strap on it. He and Bokuto standing in front of another mango tree just beside the one Hinata and Hoshiumi were climbing.
“I dunno ‘bout you ‘Tsum-Tsum, it looks kinda fun” Bokuto grabs onto a nearby branch and uses it to hoist himself up. Atsumu facepalmed, letting go of the hook and grabbing the crate instead.
Mango after mango was thrown at you as you try to catch them all, running left and right to make sure they wouldn't hit the ground. From the other tree, you could hear Bokuto shouting. "Nice receive!" to Atsumu when the setter would run to catch the mangoes he would accidentally throw a bit farther than intended.
"This isn't volleyball practice boys" Nicollas laughs before easily catching a mango Hinata dropped.
"Nice receive" you clap as the Brazilian man lets out another hearty laugh.
You look up to Hinata and Hoshiumi again, the two climbing to another branch, to get the rest of the fruit that was at the top.
“(Y/n), do you hear that?” Nicollas taps you on the shoulder as you look at him.
“Hear what?” you look around for anything he could mean, there wasn't anything out of the ordinary. There wasn't anyone else there either, just the 6 of you. The others were back near the farmhouse.
“It’s some sort of buzzing” He explained as you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. A buzzing? You look around the rows of mango trees, carefully observing each branch. Before you finally saw what he meant.
“Uh…” you tug on Nicollas’ shirt, he turned to you pointing at the big beehive at the end of the branch Hinata and Hoshiumi were standing at.
“Oh dear” his eyes widened, slowly the both of you started stepping backwards.
“Hinata get that one” Hoshiumi pointed to the mango just above Hinata, the orange-haired male stretch his arms. But because of his lack of height, it prevented him from reaching it.
“Oi don’t jump, you’ll fall” Hoshiumi warned when he saw Hinata crouch down.
“Don’t worry Hoshiumi-san. I’ll be fine” Hinata readied himself before he jumps up, wrapping his hand around the fruit, plucking it from the branch.
“Shoyo, don’t do that” Nicollas warned, pausing in his tracks. However, you were not staying there any longer, not when that beehive is so close to falling.
You saw Ushijima enters the opening to the mango plantation, about to assist in carrying the crates back to the farmhouse. “Is something wrong (Y/n)?”
You silently pointed to the beehive that was ready to fall, taking hold of his arm and pulling him away and back to the house.
“Should we tell them?” he asks you again, but you shook your head. Nicollas could deal with it.
“Where are the others?” Oliver notices that it was just you and Ushijima who came back.
“We’ll hear from them later” Oliver tilted his head at your answer before a scream from the distance reached his ears. He turns around to see Atsumu, Bokuto, Nicollas, Hoshiumi, and Hinata emerge from the trees, a swarm of bees chasing after them.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”
“Korai-kun this is yer fault!” Atsumu screamed the white-haired male that was running beside him snaps his head to glare at the blond.
“Haaaah?! I wasn’t the only one up there you idiot!” Hoshiumi bites back. “Besides wasn’t it Hinata who thought that jumping on the branch was a bright idea?!”
“It was bright at first! I’m sorry!”
“Now, now. We must not point fingers” Nicollas tried to calm them down. “Although, this is Shoyo and Korai’s fault”
You all watch from the sideline as they round the pigpen. Hinata jumping over the fence, running across the inside of the pen before jumping out again.
“Should we help them?” Takato asks in worry, watching, as the bees were so close to reaching the five men.
“And risk getting stung? No way!” Inunaki vigorously shook his head and the others agreed with him.
“Miya-san jump in the fish pond!” you shouted, as they run towards the pond.
Atsumu’s head whips in your direction. “Are ya crazy?! There might be a leech in there!” he shouts, nearly tripping over a rock. “How come the bees aren’t chasing you?! Weren’t you with us earlier?!”
You shrug your shoulders in response. Not wanting to tell them how you know there was a beehive there in the first place.
“Jump in the fucking pond!” Tatsuto shouted.
“Oi Miya, choose between the two, bees, or leeches?” Sakusa asks as he watches them run with mirth dancing in his eyes.
“Just run, they’ll stop eventually!” Shugo offered, as they dash out of the farm and into the streets. Running away as far as they can.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
“Ah! Isso dói” Nicollas hissed as you apply a cold compress over the part where the bee had stung him. Offering him an Advil and a glass of water to help reduce the pain faster.
“Fucking bees” Hoshiumi grumbles as Hisano treats him, having the urge to scratch the itch it left. But restrains himself, or else it’ll become worse.
It took them at least 30 minutes before the bees finally stopped chasing after them, they did get stung and thankfully only once. It was like they had run a marathon, Atsumu’s legs were burning with how much he had to force himself to run faster. The heat wasn’t making it any easier for him either and the only thing he wants right now is to go home.
“When you get back home, go and visit a doctor just to make sure” Hisano gathers the materials used to treat them, and went back inside the house to put them away.
“Let’s go back” Atsumu says as he lays down on the wooden floor, brushing his hair away from his eyes.
“We will in a few minutes, I need to talk to Jiro-san and Hisano-san first” Takato stood up and went inside the house to talk to the couple, as they all waited outside enjoying the afternoon breeze.
They stayed there for a few minutes, feeling the cool air blowing past them as dark clouds start rolling in.
“Okay guys let’s go”
They stood up, dusting away the dirt that got into their pants. Waving goodbye to the couple, the group started their trek back to the guesthouse. So that they could finally get the rest, everyone had been wanting.
Just as they reach the foot of the hill where the house was situated, the rain unexpectedly dropped down. Drenching the dried out soil, and watering the wilting plants.
Later that evening as everyone was lounging around, having had finished packing their things. Fukuro approaches you, his hands behind his back.
“(Y/n)” he called out, you look up from the book you were reading to see him smiling at you. “I heard your birthday is in a month” he showed to you what he had been hiding behind his back. It was a white-colored gift bag with a little gold ribbon tied to the side. “Here you go, an advance gift from me”
He passed you the bag as you accepted the gift with gratitude, thanking the older man. The others now curious as to what it would be, placing it on your lap, you gently opened the bag. Hinata and Bokuto now glued to your side to see what is inside.
“No way” you gasp, as you pick up the signed album of your favorite band. The members’ signatures and their little messages catching your attention. “Hirugami-san thank you so much!”
He smiled at you ruffling your hair. “No problem kid” he went back to where he was seated moments ago. Leaving you to fangirl on your seat, Bokuto and Hinata joining you as they too were a fan of the band.
“I know what you’re planning” Shugo narrows his eyes at the Adlers captain, as Fukuto sat down on his spot among their little circle. “It’s not going to work”
Fukuro help up his hands in defense at Shugo’s accusations, feigning innocence. “Hey, I’m not planning anything”
“Just give it up; (Y/n) won’t leave us for Schweiden” Shugo shots Fukuro a smirk as the Adlers captain mirrored it with his own.
“We’ll see”
The rest could see the spark that flashed between their eyes, challenging each other to yet another unsolicited competition.
“Okay stop it you two, we have a game to play” Oliver calls them out as they snap out of it. Finally focusing back on the card game, they were playing a few minutes ago.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
The next morning, the bus of both teams had arrived early at around 8 am. They loaded their luggage into the vehicle, making sure nothing was left behind. All the bags and other souvenirs they had pick up from randomly walking around were stuffed inside and ready to be brought home.
“The next time we see each other again, it will be on court”
That was the last thing they said to one another before they piled into their respective bus. Situating in their chosen seat as the driver starts the engine, then driving back home.
"This was a fun trip" Shugo nestled himself in his chair, leaning on the window as he eyes the passing scenery. "Wouldn't mind going back here again"
They stayed quiet after that, once again falling asleep through the whole ride.
"Wait guys, where's (Y/n)?" Inunaki's voice rang through the bus as their eyes snap open.
"What do you mean? She's over there" Bokuto pointed to where you were usually seated, but the spot was void of your presence. He stood up from his seat, looking around the empty seats but his eyes never found you.
"Was she still inside the house?" Hinata asks in worry. Takato's phone rings your name on the caller ID. He accepted the call and put you on speaker.
"I can't believe you guys left me behind!"
"We're sorry (Y/n), we thought you were inside the bus already. Where are you right now?" Takato says as Oliver tells the driver to turn around to get you.
"I'm in Schweiden's bus, I'm riding with them"
"Wait what?" Shugo stood up from his seat and motioned for Takato to give him the phone. "(Y/n), where are you?"
"I'm with Schweiden" Shugo heard shuffling from the other side as the phone was pass to another person.
"Shugo!" Fukuro's voice rang from the other side of the phone. "Thanks for the new manager!"
Shugo's eye twitches, as he listens to the man laugh. Cursing under his breath as the bus drives back. The driver going as fast as he can, all the while making sure to keep them from any accidents.
The next time you go on trips they really need to keep an eye on you, or else you will get snatched away.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
a/n: that charades part was so messed up, I haven’t played charades before guys. So I’m not exactly familiar with how it goes. hahaha
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Suzaku's symbols
Months ago I saw a video of the MBTI about the differences between the cognitive functions Si and Ni and something that caught my attention was that one of the defining features of the Sentinels was that they could carry with them objects with a symbolic load that they were connected to a direct experience. For signs of this, in the video the author mentioned two characters from fiction: Mikasa Ackerman and her scarf, from Attack of Titans, and Katara and her necklace, from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Both are Sentinels (if you have seen the dolls of 16 personalities, the Sentinels are the blue and the Sentinels have the cognitive function Si in common, either in a dominant or auxiliar position, which means that it is one of the cognitive functions that they use more). Specifically, Mikasa is an ISTJ (like Tohdoh and Villetta) and Katara is an ESFJ (like Shirley).
I mention it because until that point I hadn’t noticed that Suzaku had its own symbols with which it loads up and down. Yes, I know that Code Geass is full of symbols and there are other characters that also bring symbolic objects. The distinction is that the Sentinels take objects of concrete reality and establish ties with them (they are part of their experience).
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"But if I don't effort, then my father's death will have been in vain"
During the first season, Suzaku has a pocket watch and at certain times of the series the direction gives us plans details of the clock so that we concentrate our attention on it (like this of episode 5). The appearance of this clock occurs in quite peculiar circumstances. The clock is what saves Suzaku from the bullet he receives in episode 1 (it is as if the clock protects him because it isn’t his time to die).
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However, the most important appearance of this clock is in episode 16 of R1. When Mao reads his mind and tells us what really happened in the death of Genbu Kururugi, we have the flashback of the incident and the clock appears fleetingly. Due to the characteristics of the clock, I dare to say that it originally belonged to Genbu Kururugi (and that, in fact, he had it before he died) and that Suzaku grabbed it, thus turning it into a symbol of the fault that drags from that day (the expression of "carrying the guilt" becomes literal). But every symbol has its positive spectrum and, judging by the conversation he has with Euphemia in episode 5 of R1, I would also say that the clock is a promise of redemption for Suzaku.
(Like a crazy INTJ that I’m and that I pay much attention to these abstract concepts, I think that the fact that the clock is a symbol for Suzaku means that time hasn’t passed since the day Suzaku killed his father. In his mind Suzaku is still locked inside that room with the body of his father and his hands stained with blood. Hence he can move on. Notice that the clock doesn’t work. It’s broken. It marks the same hour and minute).
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Even more interesting seems to me the last appearance of the clock. In episode 23 of R1, we see during a montage that happens in full telephone conversation between Lelouch and Suzaku that he has placed the clock in the Euphemia’s chest and I don’t interpret this gesture like Suzaku has freed himself from the guilt of the murder of his Father or that the new symbol that will be replaced from now on has replaced this, but both symbols have joined since now Suzaku knows how he will atone for the sin he committed in his childhood: fulfilling the purpose that Euphemia has given him.
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In fact, it is something that Eupemia says while tending to Suzaku the badge: "I just want to see people smiling. It's all In a past [Lelouch]. Can you help me? Will you be my Knight? "
(Remember that in her death bed these words are repeated: Eupemia says that she want everyone to be happy. Also, she tells Suzaku that he had to "do it for her"; although she said she went to school because she couldn’t doing it, Suzaku interprets that Euphemia's dream should come true, so he does his own, just like Lelouch is his sister's dream and Kallen is her brother's dream).
Here we find a new symbol that surely have more fresh in memory since Suzaku practically carried it all the time during the second season and is the badge that Euphemia granted him by naming his personal Knight. A symbol that Suzaku himself strips because he thought he was unworthy of carrying and then used again after the declaration ofEeuphemia feelings in episode 20 of R1. Therefore, we could say that the denotative meaning of the badge is the honor of being the gentleman of Princess Euphemia (which represents the great progress that Suzaku has had within the ranks of the army of Britannia) and the connotative meaning, and which matters to us, is the love of Euphemia and Suzaku at this point in history.
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A love that is trocked in Suzaku's hatred towards Zero/Lelouch since he kills the girl he loved in his noses and if Suzaku had his head inside a dark well before, he will now get fully into him because he will take action to avenge her murder.
Do not forget that the denotative meaning of the badge is the high degree that has been conferred to Suzaku, which is the gentleman's, which means that Suzaku has the duty to protect the princess and ... He failed miserably so much so much In duty as in love, to top it off (I didn’t tell you that Lelouch killed Euphemia in front of Suzaku to cause you a dramatic effect, Larry, it was to try a point).
Therefore, the badge is a symbol of both guilt and dishonor and a new promise of redemption for its error that was just his greatest failure. One that will torment him throughout the second season and guide his decisions.
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Now, if we want to compare with Rolo, you will notice that there is a contrast. Rolo is an ISTP. An Explorer (it is the yellow doll group). He doesn’t have the cognitive function Si. He has Ni (which is the other function that I had indicated at the beginning of this publication). It is his tertiary function and that tells us that he will behave in a different way of how it would do it if Ni were a dominant function (for example, Lelouch who is an INTJ and C.C. who is an INFJ).
Rolo's symbol is the keychain that hangs from his cell phone. A keychain that Lelouch gave him for his birthday. But have you set what shape it has? That's right. It is a heart, which is the symbol of love (in this case, it represents the fraternal love of Lelouch and Rolo).
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Do you see the difference? While Rolo embraces universal symbols that we can all decipher and understand, Suzaku confers an individual and personal symbolic value to objects extracted from his experiences (neither a clock nor a badge means what I just said, but makes sense within the context of Suzaku).
So far this analysis comes. If you liked it, you can support me with your reactions and comments. It will motivate me to continue elaborating analysis. Without more I say goodbye.
PD: Suzaku is an ISFJ. I have an illustration with the Eneatipo and the MBTI Types of the main characters of Code Geass.
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burnsopale · 3 years
So back in August I ensconced myself in a cabin on a mountain to do some writing, and I decided to do a take on the classic “Volkov returns from prison”-scenario.
I got five chapters and 35 000 words in and I will never ever finish it because I have no dicipline. So I figured I could at least share some of the readable bits with you.
Working title: Ashen Characters in this clip: BBA, Russian boys, PPB, mention of the Euro-team Setting: 7 years after season one, Russia, a beyblade park in the evening Summary: Volkov has escaped from prison, attacked PPB headquarters and taken back Black Dranzer. The Russian boys have been living with the PPB, and were used and hurt in the attack. Yuriy left with Volkov for unknown reasons. Daitenji Kogoro has gathered the troops and sent them to Russia to find out what Volkov is up to. Meanwhile, Kai’s grandfather is on his deathbed, and Kai is struggling to deal with it.
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The crowd swelled, until there was no way that Takao was going to get any kind of private conversation with his friends. He gave up on the notion for the present, and threw himself into matches. He played the kids who wanted to, holding back as much as he could and leaving Seiryuu simmering in the blade, but eventually they called for a match between Takao and Kai.
Takao loved blading against Kai; somehow, he could never do less than his best against Dranzer, but when Kai now took his place on the other side of the small, grounded dish, something felt off to Takao. Kai looked dull, like he was going to the dentist and just had to get it over with. He fitted Dranzer into the shooter with a look like he was miles away.
“Hey,” Takao said, having to raise his voice a little to get past the crowd. “Are you there?”
 Kai looked up, a little surprised. “What sort of trash talk is that? Are you there?”
 “Just checking. I’ll be in your care.”
 “You’ll be under my heel,” Kai said darkly, and now Takao knew something was wrong, but a beybattle had always been Takao’s way to get through to people, so he just bent his knees and raised Dragoon in front of him.
 “Tri, dva, odin! Idi strelyay!”
 Out of the corner of his eye, Takao saw Emily startle, but he’d have to wonder about that some other time because Seiryuu would not be contained any longer and came out roaring.
Dranzer took Dragoon’s attack head on. Seiryuu bent over it like he was confused as to why Suzaku wasn’t joining him. For the longest moment, Kai just stood there, while Takao watched in disbelief.
 Then, as if he was lifting a great weight, Kai breathed in and cried, “Suzaku!”
 Even the vermillion bird herself didn’t so much soar out of the bit chip as climb laboriously out. Seiryuu hissed, offended by this poor showing, and the battle was over in less than a minute.
 Kai picked up Dranzer and went to stand next to Boris and Kyouju without even commenting on the results. The audience was, thankfully, satisfied, but Takao was not.
 He played Eddie and got a much better match out of him; Trypio was one of those tricky blades that you needed strategy and forward thinking to beat.
 Afterwards he got a chance to say two words to Emily about Kai.
 “He is going through a tough time,” she said.
 “Yeah, but he doesn’t usually let it hurt his blading.”
 “He can’t still be grumpy about the finals?” she wondered.
 Takao shook his head. “Nah, he agreed Ralf deserved that one.”
 Emily nodded, biting her lip in pleasure as she thought back. “Ralf was incredible. It was a team win, but he had the best individual result. The data output was like a laden buffet table.”
 “Ooh, buffet! ... Did he lose at all?” Takao didn’t think he had, but he hadn’t been able to catch every battle.
 “Hmm. Rai came close; lightning is good against such massive holy beasts, and it was close for Kai too of course, but no one can quite top the sheer mastery Ralf has over Griffolyon.”
 “It’s not mastery; it’s teamwork,” Takao insisted, frowning.
 “Call it synergy, then,” she said, shrugging. “Ralf knows his business, that’s all I’m saying. They all do, those European bladers.” She chuckled. “You know, Ivan calls them Earthquaker, Wingshaker and Heartbreaker, from back before he learned their names.”
 Takao matched the nicknames to their right bladers in his head. “... What does he call Johnny?”
 “The hedgehog.”
 “What about you?” he asked, nodding to the dish where Max was getting ready to battle Steve. “Are you going to play?”
 She shook her head, a look of pain crossing her sharp features. “Trygator is ... missing. He was taken in the attack. Volkov has it.”
 For a moment, Takao found nothing to say. Inside he was boiling. “We’ll get him back, Emily,” he vowed, clenching his fist. “I swear it.”
 She smiled a dangerous smile, not unlike a crocodile’s. “Yes, we will.”
 Eventually the group detangled themselves from the crowd and began to journey home. The world was growing dark, but the sky was still pale above. Long stretched of road lay without light, which came in handy when they had to escape from a few fans who apparently wanted to know where they were staying.
 They stopped on the lawn outside the hotel where Emily and company were staying, and Takao finally got to ask his question.
 “What happened?”
 The others looked at each other, except Boris who looked down, and Kai, who now said a brief goodnight, reminded them where to meet in the morning, and walked away. Max made a soft sound, but didn’t try to stop him. Kyouju seemed torn between not wanting to pry and dying to know.
 Emily made it easier by briefly telling them of her encounter with Peter Trotty. “Turns out his real name is Trotsky. He’s one of three Borg spies that have been undercover in the PPB for years. Or rather, one of the three we’ve found so far.”
 “What did he mean by that thing he said? Baba who?”
 The Russian boys shifted their feet. Sergei’s lips pulled back from his teeth in a silent snarl.
 Kyouju could, as usual, not help doing a bit of teaching. “Baba Yaga is the name of a witch in Russian fairy tales. She is an old woman who rides through the woods on a mortar, and lives in a house that stands on four chicken legs.”
 “Chicken legs?” Max echoed doubtfully.
 “She is sometimes an enemy, but can also help the hero or heroine, if they do the tasks she sets them.”
 “In this case,” Sergei said, “she is a real woman. She was in the abbey. She trained us, Ivan and me, and sometimes Yuriy.”
 “Don’t ask about her,” Ivan said, putting his hands over his ears. “I hear the creaking in my head all the time. I thought I was rid of it. I thought it was over!”
 “She is dead,” Sergei said with conviction. It sounded like something he needed to believe. “She was old when I came to the abbey; she must be dead. But they had her voice on a tape recorder and ... it’s hard to disobey.”
 “Fuck her!” Ivan exclaimed, and then grew suddenly pale as if he had said something dangerous. “No more,” he said, more lowly. “She’s a fairy tale now. Only fit for scaring children.”
 For a while they stood in silence, and then Kyouju asked the other question, the one that had been hanging over them all day. “Why did Yuriy go?”
 “Because he’s an idiot!” Boris said, holding up clawed hands like he would like to wrap them around Yuriy’s throat. He turned away and roared behind his teeth up at the darkening sky. “He’s a stupid mudak! Fuck!” He kicked a turf of grass so dirt sprayed up. “Fuck, fuck fuck!”
 They watched him stomp repeatedly on the uprooted bit of turf, and then move on to a flower that was unlucky enough to stand nearby.
 “What Borya said,” Sergei agreed.
 “But we’re to blame too,” Eddie added, pulling his jeans jacket around himself like he was cold. “We thought we were doing a good job making them feel at home.”
 “We thought Michael was taking care of Yuriy,” Steve said, stern with himself. “But Michael and Yuriy are nothing alike. It didn’t work out.”
 “And we didn’t notice,” Eddie finished.
 “Don’t talk like that,” Ivan hissed. “Like we were your homework!”
 “But you were,” Emily said in her factual, merciless way. “At first. Then you became our friends. Now you are ours, whether you like it or not. You won’t rest until Yuriy is liberated, but neither will we. He’s coming back home with us.”
 “We’re with you too,” Max said quickly.
 Takao and Kyouju nodded determinedly.
 “The first step is to figure out where Volkov is and what he is planning,” Kyouju said.
 “And that means getting to bed, so we are ready for tomorrow,” Emily added. “Come on, boys. I promised Judy I’d tuck you all in by ... well not this hour, but she doesn’t need to know that.”
 Takao, Max and Kyouju watched them go, Sergei grabbing Boris by the lapel and pulling him away from the flowers he was chewing up. Then they turned and headed for their own hotel and their beds.
 “What do you think we’ll find tomorrow?” Max wondered.
 “We’re going back to the abbey,” Takao answered. “We could find anything.” A feeling of foreboding was growing in his stomach.
 Takao surprised everyone by being the first to get up that morning. He was too keyed up to sleep any longer. He was digging into his second round of breakfast when the others arrived, but politely stuck around to keep them company until they too were finished. It gave him time for round three anyway.
 “You’d think I don’t feed you,” Dad said as he brought his plate to the table.
 “You’d think Grandpa doesn’t feed you,” Takao retorted, looking at the mountain of food on his dad’s plate.
 Kyouju sipped his tea, two slices of toast with honey lying neatly on a plate in front of him. “Like father like son, I suppose.”
 “They snore like father and son too,” Max said, yawning as he took a seat between Kyouju and Kai.
 Kai smiled. He had his own room.
 Their friends arrived from the other hotel a little before ten o’clock, and at ten precisely, two large black cars came to a halt in front of the hotel doors. A huge man stepped out of the first car. He had bushy moustaches and bushy eyebrows, and a great big belly, and he wore shorts, sneakers and a yellow Hawaii shirt that looked deeply out of place in the middle of the city. He shook hands with Takao’s dad, and with Kai and Emily.
 “Hello hello, everywan,” he said, sounding exactly as jolly as you’d expect, like a big Russian santa. “My name is Gregor Gregorovitsj. You can call me Gregor. I will be your guide today. I understand that some of you will be coming with me to look at the papers and other inventory that we cleared out of the abbey, while some others of you,” He looked to Takao’s dad. “Want to go see the abbey for yourself.”
 He looked at them expectantly. Then his eyes alighted on Sergei, and travelled to Boris, and down to Ivan.
 “Oh.” He said. He scratched his head. “... They didn’t tell me why you wanted to go there. Why would you want to?”
 “You haven’t heard about Vladimir Volkov escaping from prison?” Emily asked.
 Gregor looked surprised, and then a little embarrassed. “To be honest, nobody tells me anything. I am only archivist, but I speak English, so they sent me. I have never been guide before.” He frowned. “But if that man has escaped ... hmm ... that explains some things. I may not be told anything, but I do hear things.” He frowned a little more. Kai cleared his throat, startling him out of his thoughts. “But we should get going! Okay, those who want to go to abbey go in the first car; the driver knows way, and someone will meet you there to show you around. Everyone else, in second car with me.”
 “Who is going where?” Takao wondered. “I’m coming with you, Dad.”
 “As am I,” Kai said.
 “And me.” Boris took a step away from his own group towards theirs. “You won’t find anything without one of us going with you.”
 Kai turned to him. “Then it should be Ivan or Sergei.”
 “No,” Boris said simply. “It will be me.”
 Emily pushed her glasses up and surveyed her troops. “Sergei is taking point on the textual evidence, and Steve and I read enough Russian to aid him. Daitenji Kogoro mentioned a warehouse with inventory, so Eddie and Ivan are going there.”
 Kai rolled his eyes in disgust. “And how do we know you won’t have another episode?” he asked Boris bluntly. “You think going back to that place won’t trigger any memories?”
 Boris lifted his head stubbornly. “There will not be an episode. I am going.”
 “You are not safe,” Kai growled.
 “Stop it!” Takao placed himself between them, facing Kai. “If Boris says he will be fine, then he will be.”
 “Why?” Kai sneered. “Because you believe in him?”
 “Because I trust him,” Takao answered.
 Dad put a hand on Kai’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Kai; we’ll be together the whole time. If anything should happen, we can handle it, but I think Boris knows best if he will be alright or not.”
 Kai shrugged off the hand. “I agree,” he spat. “I just also think he would lie about it.”
 Emily, Eddie and Steve were looking on in confusion and shock, while Ivan and Sergei’s faces were growing dark.
 Boris said something in Russian that was clearly an offer to throw hands, and Kai turned back to him like he absolutely meant to take that offer and go through Takao if he had to, until Max suddenly stepped in front of Kai and drove him backwards.
 “That’s enough, Kai!”
 Takao exhaled in relief as he saw Kai’s attention snap to Max with the irresistible awareness that Max always commanded of him.
 “This isn’t about Boris,” Max said, putting his hands on his hips and leaning forward like he was at work and lecturing one of his kindergardeners. “It’s about you. If you don’t want to go to the abbey, then you don’t have to! But don’t take it out on Boris!”
 Kai’s face got all red and pinched.
 Max straightened up and exhaled. “Kai.” He shook his head. “I’ll come too, and like Kinomiya-san says, we’ll go together, and if you’re scared I can hold your hand and then it will be fine-”
 “Just get in the car,” Kai said in a strangled voice and immediately followed his own advice.
 “Guess I’m coming with you,” Max said, nodding to himself like he thought he had done a good job, and Takao thought so too.
 Max had a way of diffusing – or confusing – Kai that sometimes came in handy.
 Takao just wished they could get to the heart of the problem. This was not about the abbey, he didn’t think so, though it was about going together, and about being lonely even when you were surrounded by friends.
 “Well,” Gregor said, swinging his hands back and forth by his sides. “That was awkward. Would you like to go now?”
 Kyouju decided to go with Ivan and Eddie to the warehouse, and so the teams were agreed upon.
 Takao didn’t know what Daitenji-san wanted them to find in that black stone labyrinth, but as they left the city centre and began to near the desolate edges where Volkov had picked up so many of Moscow’s orphaned and abandoned boys, his feeling of foreboding grew stronger. Something was waiting for them. Something they were not prepared for.
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rolorules · 3 years
Last time I watched Code Geass was more than a year and a half ago so correct me if I'm wrong but to me Rolo and Lelouch in Last Moratorium sounded if not natural, at least credible, given the nature of the episode which is intended to give us a rare fragment of a regular student life, we can't possibly expect the both of them to act the way they are shown to act in the anime episodes 24/7, can we? And if this happens right after Milly's graduation my guess is that by that time Rolo and Lelouch are in much better terms: Lelouch coming to the realisation that Rolo, an orphan and trained assassin since childhood, an outcast we may call him unless under disguise, is the victim of the same darwinist society aimed to crush the weaker ones such as Nunnally; while Rolo on the other hand finally starts to see himself as a proper person with intentions, desires and emotional needs to fulfill and instinctively starts finding his place among his peers. Lelouch's hatred for Rolo can only be explained by how much he loved Shirley; I refuse to believe that a brilliant and clever person (and a SECRET SWEETHEART) such as Lelouch never felt a bit of sympathy for Rolo while also ruthlessly using him for HIS own purposes. I also believe that Rolo only killed Shirley when he realised the part she could play in ruining his plans by helping Lelouch reuniting with Nunnally (the real menace), in that instant he acted the way he's always had and killed her on the spot but had she said she only wanted to help Lelouch to fight the Britannian empire for a better world he probably would have spared her, if Lelouch didn't push her away or somehow made it clear to Rolo that she was really important to him, we could've avoided this. And that's the whole point because as far as character development is concerned it's so important that we get to see Rolo act on his desire to be Lelouch's little brother. That's it pretty much, he just needed some more time to learn how relationships work actually Shirley and Nunnally are the sweet caring supportive figures he needs to have by his side it's so tragic how well everything could've worked out so easily :/// I also love the fact that Lelouch thinks people need a place to go back to, it encapsulates his vision and it further reinforces my abovementioned conviction where he recognises the damaged child in Rolo who needs a home but never had one (not to return to but to grow in). And finally, to me it's pretty obvious that the home Lelouch refers to is Nunnally and Suzaku but I can only say intuitively because it's been so long since I last watched Code Geass but I'm quite sure of it? Maybe he was being dismissive due to CC's flirty tone? Idk but I agree with everything else you said and this is definitively canon and it makes me think of an alternative epilogue by the original creators which sadly remained a draft I guess, I vaguely remember to have read it somewhere, I can't tell, but Lelouch is dead and CC is able to revisit his dream idk and she sees him greeting Suzaku, Kallen, then Gino, Anya and Rivalz, Nunnally and Rolo, Milly and finally Shirley (kinda rude that CC is not included). It ends with CC saying "so that's what you dreamed of Lelouch" or something along those lines I don't remember at all I just want my three little meow meows (Suzaku, Lelouch and Rolo) to have their Ouran high school host club life it's what they deserve!! Thank you so much for sharing it I've felt something for the first time in months and I think I'm gonna rewatch the show life is beautiful take care xx
First of all, thank you for your comment; it is very touching, and I hope it is fine with you that I answer it publicly. The power that well-written characters in interesting stories have is astounding, and the joy they bring to our often mundane lives is something we can only be grateful for.
Regarding your explanation of their behaviour, I very much agree. I only think a bit less highly of Lelouch and his capacity for compassion as you do. He has probably not forgiven Rolo for taking Nunnaly's place, but has at least grown accustomed to his presence. He once told Rolo to be less formal when talking to him, and this is exactly what Rolo is doing here. In fact, they (inter)act very much like brothers in this picture drama, with Rolo taking little jabs at Lelouch and Lelouch seeing right through him. Maybe still a bit too good to be true, but very heart-warming.
And, yes, you are right, Suzaku and Nunnally have always been Lelouch's 'home', but I think we have reason to believe that at least the events of Turn 19 (whose anniversary is tomorrow) made Lelouch realise that Rolo had become his 'home' ,too.
And finally: an Ouran Highschool Host Club Life for the boys? Sounds like a great idea for fanfiction or fanart. I shall have to consider this a little bit further...
Once again, thank you so much, take care and don't be a stranger!
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misiwrites · 3 years
Beyblade Week Day 2
this is probably a really bad piece of writing to post for @beybladeweek2021 and also a very strange take on the day 2 themes and i'm sorry - i do try to come up with oneshots that make sense as stand-alone pieces even though they take place within an AU, but for a oneshot about kai it just kind of failed because he's a very contextual character in the tale of four kingdoms, so i just went and wrote the weirdest shit i could muster out of these themes and this is it. maybe it entertains someone out there anyway.
this takes place pretty early on the 4kingdoms timeline, it's a little peek to kai's PoV that's not in the main fic. and.... this is based on my g-revolution-based headcanon that kai writes really embarrassingly melodramatic poetry on his free time. i felt a need to say that
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Friendship / Beach / Summer
The Sun is bleeding its brilliance into the crimson ocean. Midnight is said to be the time when demons come out to play, when time and human emotion alike are at zero – even here in South, where the flame of the Sun never truly goes out.
Kai has always enjoyed that hour. To him, the level of human emotion being at zero is a thought of comfort, when everything starts anew. A blank page. He welcomes the demons to join him.
Not to mention that it’s the only genuinely pleasant time of the day in the South, the only time when the black of his uniform isn’t trying to suffocate him to death.
“Suffocate to death.” He tilts his head in approval. The word death has a dull ring to it, but he jots the line down in his notebook all the same, if only to please the demons around. The ink that follows the tip of his vermilion-feathered quill on the paper is as dark as the sky of the North…
An abrupt shudder rips up his spine and he presses his eyes shut tight. There it is again. The North. He wants to move on from the thought and fast, but the spell never works.
As much as he wants to forget, the memory of his brief visit to the Country of North keeps coming back to haunt him, a snow-coloured ghost behind his eyelids. He’s very good at forgetting, an expert at closing his eyes and ears and pretending he didn’t see nor hear a thing, but this memory persists, both the bone-chilling cold and the uncomfortable, invisible yet inevitable bond between him and the other kings that hasn’t left his consciousness ever since.
He never wanted to go there. There’s a sinking feeling within him that the journey was a horrible mistake – that the supposedly infallible, the oh-so-flawless Hiwatari Souichirou made a mistake in his calculations in sending him there, and now Kai knows. Something has been set in motion, and nobody will be spared from it.
He doesn’t want to admit that it terrifies him, the knowledge of the outside world being so vast and so different from his own reality. Pretend you don’t see, pretend you don’t hear, but how could he? Three other kings, three other kingdoms, the North planted a seed of awareness in him that has since been growing into knowledge – about him being part of something greater out there. Something way beyond these stone walls of the castle above the red ocean that he believed to be the centre of the world.
And yet he’s here again, staring at that ocean, the red, foaming waves ravenously licking the dunes of the South. This kingdom of never-ending summer was already drenched in the dubious colour of blood the moment it was created. The others were not: although he has only seen the North, he can instinctively tell that they’re different, all three of them, and none have the red horizon of the South.
He doesn’t want to be curious about the others, doesn’t want to engage, but the wheel has been set in motion whether he wants it or not. An irreversible force pulling him along to join its cycle.
Under the previous line of writing, Kai’s vermilion quill loops around to form a new word. Friend.
Friend. Friend. For a word that he doesn’t know the meaning of, it sure keeps coming back to him a lot. He knows it’s something that can only be done in cooperation with another person – that’s what Hiwatari Souichirou is pushing him to do, now, with the Eastern Seiryuu-ou, the dragon king. “I need you to befriend him.”
And in his message on that talking device that appeared out of nowhere after the journey to the North, the Seiryuu-ou said something along those lines as well. “I want to get to know you.”
He stares down at the word for a moment. Then, underneath it, he writes it again, this time with sharper angles. And then one more time. There – that’s more like the handwriting a person of great importance like him should have. Not the childish curves of the earlier scribbles in the notebook.
“Still here, Kai-sama?”
He jumps a little at the voice behind him, then pretends to have seen the appearance of his royal knight at the doorway miles ahead, not giving him the satisfaction of noticing the successful ambush. He hurries to set the notebook aside.
“So?” he asks in response.
“Are you going to stay out here till the hour of the wolf again? His Majesty won’t be excited.”
“And I couldn’t care less what Hiwatari Souichirou is excited about.”
Johnny breathes out a scoff. The knight has always been humoured by his protectee’s manner of calling the old king by full name, as if they were strangers rather than family to each other.
After hiding his notebook away in a drawer, Kai gets up from his position by the ocean-side window and turns to Johnny. His eyes betray none of his thoughts, as usual, but he isn’t quite as versed at hiding them from his voice when he opens his mouth for a question. Midnight has let the young Suzaku-ou down, he’s past the hour of time and human emotion at zero, now the wheel continues to turn again.
“Tell me,” he says to his knight, “what does the word ‘friend’ mean?”
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