#can´t believe these two dorks are gonna be my death next month
meep-meep-richie · 9 months
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Paul Mescal & Andrew Scott Buzzfeed Celeb
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marvel-ousnesss · 4 years
Hand in Hand
Pairing: Harry Styles x reader
Summary: Y/N and Harry the night of the Brits.
word count: 2806
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A/N: I wrote most of this on my phone so sorry for any typos or mistakes. Lots of love 💜💜💜
“Y/N, Y/N!”
You approached the source of the storm of voices with a wide grin on your face. You still couldn't hide the thrill that your fans brought you, nor you could stop yourself from just hanging with them for a bit. You ambled through the red carpet exchanging smiles and posing for selfies until you reached the end of the path.
When you stepped inside, you greeted a few other people who had arrived at the event and went to freshen up a bit so you could pose for some photos.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and grinned widely. You felt like the girl singing covers in her room, yet here you were, attending your first-ever music awards as a nominee —with one of the best albums of the year under your arm.
As you made your way back from the restroom, you felt a presence behind you. Before you could turn around, they spoke.
"Well hey, fancy seeing you here.” Harry's voice was raspy, tinted with mischief.
You stopped, turned toward him with an amused half-smile.
"Right back at you,” you joked back. “Do you come here often?"
He exhaled a fruity laugh and smiled at you, finally allowing his gaze to drift down onto your figure and then back to up to meet your own. "You look… wow."
He made you blush with almost no effort but you were quick to cover it up, doing your best to get rid of the tension that seemed to constantly glide around the two of you.
"Well, don't you look 'wow' yourself", you smirked.
It had been going on for a few months now; flirting here and there, hanging out at parties, and even a few dates which you had tried to keep out of the spotlight. Nevertheless, headlines hadn't stopped gushing on about 'the newest, freshest face of the industry' and the 'beloved, eclectic Harry Styles.'
Looping your arm around his you subtly prompted him to continue walking toward the awaiting cameras, where you were headed before bumping into him. He obliged, smoothly guiding you through the crowd of crew members, press, and artists.
After a moment of hesitation, his hand traveled to the small of your back. When you felt his tender fingers against the silk of your gown, you lifted your head to look at him.
"So, what’s the game-plan for tonight?”
“Y’know how ‘t goes,” he explained. “Step one: performance, step two: get hold of all the tiny statues, step three: world domination.”
You laughed, but insisted, “really, how’re you doing; ready?”
Even if he seemed to be perfectly collected, you knew that tonight’s show had his head spinning. This was gonna be his first live performance of the year, and, to be honest, you thought it was admirable that he decided to go through with it after what had happened that weekend.
“‘m just a mess of nerves and excitement right now. Tonight needs to be brilliant.”
He didn’t wanna talk about Caroline’s death and you were ok with it, so you didn’t push on the topic.
“I’m sure it’ll be. The whole album’s just amazing; and, you know, the guy who sings it isn’t that bad either.”
He chuckled lightly, then sighed, “just hope I make it justice.”
You smiled, “you will.”
That’s when you found yourselves between the gray wall upholstered with logos and brand names and the army of photographers equipped with cameras of all sizes.
You both faced them and quickly displayed your best angles.
Offering a smirk as he fixed the collar of his blazer, Harry asked, “what ‘bout you, eyes on the prize, I assume?”
You turned around with grace, so that the back of your outfit was visible, then faced the cameras over your shoulder.
“Well, yeah,” you sighed dramatically. “But, to be frank, I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep them there with you looking so dashingly handsome.”
His eyes widened for a second and he let out a ringing laugh, his cheeks reddening slightly. It was truly a beautiful sight. However, no longer than a moment later, he concealed the gentle blush with a snort and a devious grin, which he directed at the cameras.
“I know ’m irresistible, love,” he smirked. “And I hate to tell you this, but I‘m ‘a be professional tonight, no funny business.” His tone was dripping with feigned seriousness.
"Your loss," you flipped your hair.
You guided Y/F/N to the table where your team had been placed. Being honest, she was thrilled to be there with you, but also quite surprised that you had honored the promise you both made back in middle school. When you had first told her about your YouTube channel —after a fair amount of bugging on her part—, she had shown complete support and joked about being your date to the met gala. But, as the met was still clearly out of your league and you had missed the Grammys because of your mom’s birthday, here you were.
She already knew your manager so you introduced her to the rest of them before taking a seat, ready to enjoy the rest of the evening.
The first few minutes were full of laughter and conversation. When the event officially began, you watched the presentations with a gaping mouth and cheered hastily when every award was presented.
Before you knew, it was already time for Harry’s performance. You bit the inside of your lip when he climbed upstage, effortlessly rocking a lace jumpsuit that gave a deific, but simple air to him.
“Can’t believe you turned that down to bring me,” your friend whispered to you.
“Seriously?, my first ever-awards were something I needed to share with you, dork.”
“Awww, friend.”
“Aww”, you mocked, then hit her shoulder lightly. “Shush, let me listen.”
Everything happening on stage was truly breathtaking. You mouthed the lyrics as your gaze followed his every move. His eyes were full of stars and his voice was so flooded with emotion that it made chills run down your spine.
“I’ll rip his throat out with my teeth if he ever fucks up.”
Those words somewhat pulled you out of your daze-like state. Part of you wanted to ask her what she meant, but it was no use. For her, you were an open book, so you didn’t even try to hide how bad you had fallen.
Only with a glance your way, Y/F/N managed to catch the way in which your eyes twinkled when you looked at him and the way you blushed ever so slightly when she brought him up.
You tried to conceal the impact of her words with a sip of your drink, to which she responded with a smug wink.
The following half an hour or so went by uneventful. You nearly fainted when Lizzo performed, and it didn’t get better when you discovered she was but a few tables away from you, next to where Harry had been placed. A couple of categories where presented and the moment you dreaded the most arrived.
Celeste was flawless on stage, and you couldn’t be happier for her. Yet, as you listened to her song, your brows were glued in a frown and the corners of your mouth seemed to weigh a ton. It was time for the rising star award, and then came international female solo —to which you had been nominated.
You turned your head to the side when you heard the scratching of a chair against the floor, and offered a quivering smile to Harry, who had not so discreetly sneaked to your table.
“Hey,” he mumbled, taking hold of one of your hands under the table.
Celeste’s speech, which ended before you would’ve wanted, was followed by Sporty’s introduction to your category. You tried to stay positive as the nominees were announced.
Y/F/N managed to dodge Harry and get her hand on your shoulder. She gave him an awkward attempt of a smile, then looked at you. “You got this.”
You nodded at her words but, not so deep down, you knew this wasn’t gonna be your year.
“I’m so excited, they’re all so brilliant,” Sporty began.
Harry’s grip tightened on your hand while she opened the envelope, and you barely heard him mumble, “come on.”
That’s when the winner was announced. Billie’s name echoed through the speakers across the place and your face fell for a few seconds.
You were quick to recover and clapped just as eagerly as you had for the rest of the winners, but the smile plastered on your face quivered a bit as you swallowed a wave of disappointment.
That changed when she got to the stage, that’s when utter pride kicked in. While Billie said a few words in acceptance of the award, Jack Whitehall made his way to the table and squeezed a chair between you and Harry. You let out a snicker as he clumsily tried to sit comfortably, then you moved a bit back.
He was given his cue by the camera guy and began.
“Congratulations, to Billie Eilish! Now, I’m just so excited to be here with this power couple who, for some reason, are not officially a couple yet.”
"Glad to have you."
His eyes drifted between the two of you, then settled on Harry. “Harold, you’ve been coming to the brits for 10 years. Not to make you feel old.” Then he looked at you. “Y/N, on the other hand, this is your very first time here.”
"Yup," you chuckled. "Total newbie."
“Sorry for the stock question, but how’s it feeling so far? Kidding, we don’t wanna talk about that, do we? I bet you’ve already got at least five rehearsed versions of the answer to that question.”
You snorted.
“Let’s get to the point here.“ Jack leaned closer to the table, to which you responded by mimicking his posture. “Ever since the ‘Up All Night’ era, when Harold here was just a lad with his little bow tie and a mop on his hair, he’s been a ladies man.
Harry scoffed and waved his hand dismissively.
"And, as such, he can only be paired to someone like you,“ he pointed his finger at you in mock accusation, “my dear Y/N, who has been leaving a fair share of lads and ladies’ hearts broken —including my own— ever since your very flare-up on that strange platform which somehow houses both Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ and your phenomenal album ‘Tears of Blade’. However, putting my broken heart aside, I wanna Know… you didn’t come as each other’s date, why’s that?"
Harry took a sip of his drink, "I tried, but she turned me down."
Jack faked shock. "Should I get my hopes up then?"
"Oh no, none of that."You shook your head. "I just brought a friend tonight."
His mouth opened in realization, then he smirked, wiggling his brows. "Not to intrude, but… a special friend of yours or a friend friend."
You threw your head back, laughing, then said, "Jack, this is Y/F/N. Y/F/N, Jack."
"Hi." She stretched out her hand, which the host gladly took.
“I like the way your hand fits in mine,” he gushed.
You struggled to stay awake in the car to your place, your eyelids didn’t seem to be obeying you anymore and your head was feeling too heavy for you to lift. Harry chuckled when he looked at you, bringing you closer to him so you could use him as a pillow. For the rest of the ride, he quietly hummed to the music playing and did what he could to ignore the feeling of numbness that was beginning to invade his arm.
You woke up when the car stopped and raised your head, scanning your surroundings. When your gaze met Harry’s, you smiled. He grabbed your purse and helped you out of the car, then you both took the lift to your apartment.
"Make yourself at home," you said, taking off your coat and shoes.
"Thanks, love." He hanged his blazer on the rack by the door, together with his vest and the purple pashmina that adorned his neck.
After changing into some sweatpants and a t-shirt, you made your way to the living room and found Harry, neck deep into your fridge. That's when you recalled you hadn't done any grocery shopping.
"Tell me if you find something, my fridge's just sad to even look at," you jested, standing behind him.
"S'not that bad. I mean, carrots, beer, tortillas, we could do wonders out of this," he scoffed, still looking for something worth looting.
After no avail, he closed the door.
"Or… we could order pizza."
He chortled, "Y/N/N, we ate like an hour ago."
"Is that a yes or a no?"
He sighed, letting himself fall to the couch in fake exasperation. "Woman, you’re a bad influence." Now, that was a yes.
You giggled when he ended up sitting on the floor, then taunted, "worried your Gucci suits won’t fit you anymore?"
"Ha-ha very funny." Harry settled on the floor, grabbing one of the decorative pillows.
"C’ mere," he patted the spot beside him.
"The couch’s right there."
"So?" you mocked, "you come here." You clumsily sat on the couch, but he grabbed your ankle and pulled you to the floor. You let out a squeal but, taking advantage of the boost he had given you, managed to place yourself on top of him, caging his body between yours and the couch.
You were about to gloat, but he placed a hand on your waist and used the weight of his body to push you back, turning the cards.
"You got me where you want me, what are you gonna do?" When you spoke, your voice came out quieter than intended.
Harry's hand found the hem of your shirt and he began tugging it faintly, brushing your skin ever so slightly. He looked at your lips for a moment, then your eyes.
"'Ve got a few ideas-" his words were drowned by the doorbell ringing.
"Fuck," he groaned, head burying in the crook of your neck. Your fingers curled around his silky locks, then you mumbled, "I have to get up, you know."
He grumbled something else, but you pushed him off you.
You received the pizza and locked the door, proceeding to put the cardboard box on the marble counter. As you cut the tape with a small knife, Harry joined you in the kitchen. Stepping behind you, he placed his hands on your sides and a kiss on the line where your neck met your shoulder.
"Patience is a virtue, Harold," you teased.
"Don't care."He rested his head on your shoulder but his hands carried on with the feathery strokes.
Just then, you opened the box and swiftly turned around, giving him a quick peck before stepping out of his grasp.
"Help yourself," you instructed while grabbing two beers from the fridge.
After giving him one, you took hold of a slice and walked toward your previous spot on the living room floor. "Don’t know bout you, but I’m starving."
Harry followed with the box in hand, after settling once again, he placed the box between the two of you and grabbed the remote control.
You shook your head and scoffed, "all that wailing and you're just as hungry as I am."
"Not my fault that the bloody doorbell killed the mood." He took another bite.
Three beers per head later, as the credits of Dirty Dancing rolled up the screen, the pizza had been discarded long ago. You hummed to the credits song as your head rested on his lap, enjoying the feeling of his hands playing with your hair.
"Thanks for tonight," he mused.
"What d'you mean?" You adjusted yourself so that you were looking up at him.
"Just, you know, "he hesitated, finding the words. "You made sure it was a great night."
Your mouth opened in realization before you smiled, lifting one of your hands to his cheek. “That's what 'm here for." Then you sat up, and joked, "besides, 's only fair to admit that, for a business night, it was fun."
"You break my heart, love" he sighed, "all your business partners get after parties like tonight’s?"
"Nah," you avowed, "just the cute ones."
"I'm relieved, then." He pulled you to him by the waist.
You beamed, throwing your head back, "you're unbelievable."
When you straightened up, after your laugh died down, his gaze found your lips once more and he leaned in. "Can I kiss you?"
Your hands moved up to the back of his neck and, without a word, you pressed your lips to his.
Requests open!
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thdorkmagnet · 3 years
How Far Would You Go For Love? Part 1
Hey everyone!! Today I got something different for you all. Not Star vs for once. That’s write, I branched out a little and wrote for another series I’m really into. My Hero Academia. I’ve been in love with this show for years and decided it would be fun to actually make something for this fun and entertaining show. So here I am! This story is gonna be for my fav ship in the show: Uraraka x Deku (I don’t know what the ship name is oops ^^;). I love these two dorks and their chemistry and I had to try my hand at writing them! This story is also in first person so I really am stepping out of my comfort zone for this one haha XD I really hope you enjoy! I had a lot of fun with it and I’m pretty proud of the results!! 
I shivered violently as the crisp, cold air sting my face and hands, any semblance of bare skin felt like it was being jabbed with a thousand sharp needles. I scooted closer into the warm body beside me, ignoring any feelings I had in favor of staying warm. I tried to ignore the way the form shifted awkwardly towards me, possibly trying to provide some sense of comfort, either for me or him or both. Thanks to the harsh wind in my ears and loud-pulsing heartbeat I barely heard Deku whisper to me, “It’ll be okay, Uraraka. We’ll find a way out of this.” I knew he was trying to make me feel better, to comfort me in my moment of terror but... well...
Comfort was hard to find when you were a hostage.
At the mental reminder of my situation I licked my lips and shifted uncomfortably, trying to ignore the coarse ropes rubbing up against my wrists or the sharp pain from the movement. My wrists had already been rubbed raw from my pointless struggling, my determination to escape stronger than the pain. 
Of course with every moment I became less and less sure escape was an option. 
 I'm sure Deku didn't feel that way but as always I was well aware just how big a gap there was between us. Deku was a born hero, he saved people without hesitation, and when I was with him I always felt like I could do anything. It’s why I looked up to him and wanted to be by his side. It’s why I strived to be as good a hero as he was someday.
... And it’s the reason I had fallen in love with him.
For a long time I had denied my true feelings for him, justifying them in my own mind to avoid having to face reality, telling myself I just thought he was cool and someone I admired and wanted to be like. But now, faced with the possibility of death or worse, helpless and alone in the hands of a psychotic villain, I no longer had the strength to fight it. If I denied my feelings for him anymore then I might die never coming to terms with them, to let that empty, gaping hole in my heart remain until the end. Because the truth was I had no idea how this all would end. Sure, I knew UA and the other heroes would do everything in their power to save us but-
No, no I can't think like that!I shook my head back and forth to try and rid it of the nasty, taunting thoughts. This isn't the end, it can't be. If I give up then this villain wins. I forced my brain to think straight, to be like Deku, and I took a moment to examine the situation at hand like he would. We were on the roof of some large building, probably abandoned, and although I hadn't gotten a good look over the side, judging by the amount of wind I was being constantly assaulted by we had to be at least 20 stories high. I shivered involuntarily again but forced my brain not to panic. 
Instead I tried to remember how we had ended up in this mess, hoping it would offer me a clue out of it.
 When Deku had first come to me with two special tickets to the grand opening of the All Might museum he had been beyond excited. I had seen him turn into the fanboy I knew and loved before but this was on a whole different level! He seemed almost over the moon at this. He was practically squealing when he told me in his typical Deku ramble how he had spent the previous night sending in what must have been hundreds of contest entries asking basic questions about All Might’s career and judging by the bags under his eyes he most likely hadn’t slept all night because of it. But all that work must have played off cause he was declared the winner.
And then he offered me the second ticket and I thought I might die right there on the spot. While the museum itself sounded cool and everything, it almost felt like Deku was asking me out on a date! Something I had dreamed would happen for months now. It took every ounce of strength I had not to turn into a blushing, flustered mess at the very idea of such a thing.  I tried not to get my hopes too high and overthink it, but I couldn't help but ask why he picked me out of our whole class, considering anyone would be thrilled to go to a place dedicated to our awesome teacher.
He had grown slightly embarrassed by my question and I could still remember the adorable shade of pink on his cheeks as he explained that I was one of the only people who didn't judge him for his fanboy love of heroes. I tried to tell him nobody cared except maybe Bakugo but  before I got the chance Deku had nervously muttered something along the lines of “It’s different with you. I can be myself around you.”  And if my heart was any fuller in that moment it probably would have exploded.
We both decided to keep our 'date' a secret, Deku worried about upsetting the others for not inviting them, while I was more concerned about the girls finding out. I loved them but they were born gossipers, especially Ashido. The last thing I wanted was the whole school finding out that me and Deku were going on a date. Especially since I don't think Deku meant it to be one.
That still didn't stop me from spending a good two hours picking out the perfect outfit though, while trying to ignore my jittery nerves. I kept telling myself that this wasn't a date. That this was just a get together between two friends, nothing more. But convincing my racing heart of this seemed to be an impossible task. All my hard work paid off in the end when Deku spotted me, blushing and muttering under his breath something about ‘me looking really nice’ and how ‘he wished he had changed out of his All Might t-shirt' but I quickly assured him he looked fine and considering where we were headed, would fit right in.
What happened next I remembered all too well. As if I was reliving the same horrible events all over again. 
I can’t believe how lucky I am! Here I am, next to my favorite person in the world, walking side by side with him on a date! Well not technically a date but still it was close enough for me. I can’t stop smiling I’m so happy! Or wait, am I smiling too much? Is Deku gonna think I’m weird cause of how much I’m smiling? I glanced over at my friend, only to find he was too distracted to notice my weird smiling. He was talking to himself or maybe to me, it was hard to tell sometimes, going on and on about something. Probably All Might related if I had to guess. His eyes usually only gleamed like that when talking about his hero. Even if I couldn’t always follow along, I loved listening to how passionate he was about stuff like this and it was hard not to get excited with him, his enthusiasm was contagious.
As I listened to Deku’s adorable rambles, I gave a quick glace up at the towering building coated in All Might’s signature colors of red, white, and blue, his name displayed above the front entrance in bright, flashy letters. 
“Hey look, Deku,” I said excitedly to him. “I think that’s the place up ahead.” I pointed it out to him and his green eyes seemed to be filled with starlight. His whole face was practically glowing, he looked like a kid at Christmas, then again for him this probably was like a second Christmas for him. Before I knew it I was smiling like an idiot right alongside him. Date or not, I was just so happy to be here with him. Today was gonna be great because I was gonna get to hang out with the coolest guy I knew. Without realizing it, my hand reached out for his and to my even greater shock and surprise he actually held it back! I felt my cheeks heating up in a blush while my heart was busy pounding away a mile a minute. I was floating on cloud nine! Nothing my quirk could do could possibly make me feel more like this, like I was walking on air, only Deku had that power over me and I loved it. 
Just before the two of us could enter into the museum, however, a sudden scream reached our ears. The voice was muted and distorted from distance but there was no denying the call for help, nor the fear in the man’s voice. One quick glance at Deku and I knew we were both on the same wavelength, our thoughts for a moment one. Of course, Deku being Deku, he ran into the alley without a second thought, but I was proud to be right on his heels, ready to prove myself as worthy heroes in training and maybe even Deku’s equal. 
We immediately came across the victim, a man crouched on the ground, clutching his chest as if he was in some kind of pain. My lessons kicked in as I did my best to survey the situation: the man was alone so it didn’t seem to be a villain attack, from what I could see he wasn’t bleeding out or in any critical state, although that could be shielded by his arm. I watched as Deku knelt next to him, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, asking the standard questions: ‘If he was alright?’, ‘What we could do to help?’, that kind of thing. But for some reason I felt an uneasy twist in my gut. Something wasn’t quite… right. 
Instead of answering his concerned questions, the man simply asked Deku if we were heroes. Something about the tone of his voice set me off, there was no sincerity there, only an underlying malice. But before I could voice these concerns, though, Deku had already replied with a cheerful smile. "Actually we're UA students."
The man smiled and I heard him whisper something dark under his breath, before his hands lashed out and grabbed onto Deku’s arm. 
I saw the look of confusion on Deku’s face before he realized the danger and started to pull away, lifting his leg to kick. The man, however, simply twisted Deku’s body around, holding his arm tightly against his back, the awkward angle looking incredibly painful. I watched as my friend squirmed and screamed in pain, demanding the villain release him. But the look in his eyes was what caught me off guard the most, they looked distinct and half-lidded as if he was struggling to stay conscious. 
“Let him go!” Wasting no more time, I threw myself into the battle, too, determined to free my friend from this villain’s wrath. Whatever he was doing to Deku, I needed to stop it now! I tried to touch him with my fingers, hoping to make him float so taking him out would be easier but he moved out of the way much quicker than I was expecting. He threw poor Deku to the side like he was a worthless ragdoll and for whatever reason, my crush was unable to catch himself as he landed hard on the paved ground, his head no doubt taking quite a bit of the fall, the impact making me cringe. I couldn’t help myself, my concern for my complain greater than my hero training as I turned and shouted, “Deku!” 
And that was the only opening the villain needed as he latched on strongly to my arm. 
The instant he did I felt my head grow fuzzy and everything began spinning in a nauseating circle. I was used to this feeling, thanks to my quirk, and did my best to try and pull away, but his grip was like a vice. Everything started to blur in a flash of colors and noises. I heard Deku scream my name, followed by a grunt, though I couldn’t tell if it was from him or the villain.
I knew we were running out of time to act, so I forced my brain to remember my training as I attempted a move to dislodge his hand from my arm, but thanks to my functionless mind, my movements were too sluggish and slow. I didn’t even have time to react as the man grabbed me by the hair and slammed me hard into the cement ground. My vision began to go black but just before the world faded away, I could hear Deku’s panic-filled scream call out to me, his voice slurred as he began to lose consciousness just like me.
And then there was nothing.
When I finally came to, I had a massive headache unlike anything I had ever felt before. My brain felt like it was on fire and I groaned in agony. I risked opening my eyes only to discover my uncomfortable position as this villain's hostage. I had lost track of how much time had passed since then but my guess was that it had been close to an hour or two.
I let out a slow breath to calm my racing heartbeat. I had to find a way to escape. I just had to! Before- before... well I didn't want to think about that. I had to focus on getting away at any cost. But I was unsure what to even do,I had already exhausted all the other escape attempts I could think of, the few that came to mind. Maybe Deku had an idea?
He probably did but it wasn't safe to ask him, not with the villain pacing back and forth in front of us. I looked over to said villain and noticed he wasn't paying either of us any mind. Which was nothing new, ever since we got here, this unknown villain hadn't shut up about his plans. He had rambled on and on about his goals, about how he would make the heroes pay, how it was thanks to heroes his life was ruined. I had nearly let out a sigh of annoyance the moment he started up his cliche monologue but caught myself at the last second. It felt like every villain I encountered had the same flawed view of hero society. They all wanted to see it destroyed and replaced with their own messed up world. Didn't these guys have anything better to do?
 Now though, he just looked agitated, wringing his hands together nervously as he continued his incessant pacing. I could hear him mumbling something under his breath. It was clear he was becoming unstable. And that boded poorly for me and Deku. I had suspected this person was suffering from some sort of mental illness (after all what sane person would kidnap two high schoolers) and it seemed my suspicions were confirmed. 
What terrified me is what he would do when the little sanity he had left snapped? What would become of me and Deku when he got bored of us? 
The thought turned my blood to ice and I fought back the growing tears of defeat. If this was the end for me and Deku then... 
I cast a longing look at my crush, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth set in a flat line. There were a few new bruises on his body and I guessed he hadn’t be taken so easily like I had. He looked so unlike the Deku I knew, the one who I had seen not a few hours ago, giddy and full-of-life, and I could feel the tears nearly spilling over just looking at him. This whole ordeal must be affecting him terribly, too. I didn’t want to do this, not here and certainly not now, but I doubted I'd have another chance, so I drew in a shaky breath to try and steady my frayed nerves, gathering what little strength I had left to muster.
"Deku," I squeaked and instantly regretted that decision. Gosh my voice sounded awful, like I had been gargling nails and hadn't spoken in a year. Not to mention the noticeable shake in my tone even though I had tried so hard to fight it. 
It was no surprise then that Deku whipped his head around to face me, his eyes wide and full of concern (most likely for me). When our eyes met though, I felt a small bit of warmth settle inside my cold, tired body. It wasn't enough to completely halt the despair I felt creeping into my mind but it helped to give me a little strength and hope to fight that overwhelming feeling back.
I tried to summon the courage to tell my crush my true feelings, to ignore the darkness and terror we were trapped in and create a small moment of light and love to cling to. But what I wasn't expecting was for Deku to smile at me.
He actually smiled! And I knew that smile better than anyone, I had seen it enough times to know what it meant. He was trying to provide me comfort. In this dark, hopeless situation, Deku still had the courage to smile. It was forced and shaky, his eyes full of fear and the corners of his mouth quivered with the effort of holding it together but it was there! And I was once again reminded of the true strength my friend had and by proxy how little I had in comparison. Before I had a chance to speak he whispered in a shaky but determined tone, "Don't worry, Uraraka. I promise we'll get out of here. I won't let this be the end. I swear."
I had no words with which to reply with but I could feel the tears threatening to spill over. Without thinking I buried my head in the front of his jacket and sobbed. I knew how weak it made me look, that a hero shouldn't behave this way but I couldn't help it. Deku didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve me. Even though he was scared and worried, he still had the strength to try and help me. He was a true hero and it scared me to think that he might not live to prove that to everyone.
Deku didn't say anything to me while I sobbed brokenly. He just let me work it all out of my system. He didn't even fuss over the fact I was completely drenching his limited edition All might hoodie. Instead he just leaned his head on top of my own, the only comfort he could offer with his hands tied uselessly behind him. The gesture only made me sob harder. Because gosh he was too good for me! 
I probably could have stayed like that forever curled up on Deku’s chest, if my loud bawling hadn't unfortunately attracted the attention of our unnamed captor. "Hey shut up you damn brat, before I make you!" He hissed at me, the venom in his tone enough to make me choke on my tears, trying feebly to stop their flow. 
While I was busy with that, Deku shot the man a glare and I felt him curl around me even more in a protective manner. He looked like he wanted to say something but he held his tongue, his attention shifting back to me as he began muttering meaningless phrases in an attempt to comfort me. It took a bit of effort but I finally managed to quiet my sobbing till it was nothing more than small whimpers. 
This seemed to quell the villain (for now) as he went back to muttering to himself and I tried to take this as a small relief. I blinked a few times to clear them of tears and felt shame at the sight of my friends tear-stained hoodie, the whole front of which was soaked in my tears. Deku’s stare was burning into my skin but I kept my head lowered. I couldn't face him after my breakdown. What would he think of me? Here he was being brave and heroic while I broke down over the littlest of things. 
Before the tears could start up again I forced myself to meet Deku’s eye, my heart pounding painfully in my chest. As expected, his look was one of pained sympathy and my cheeks felt like fire from the blush that spread over my face in an instant. I was the first to break eye contact, staring sheepishly at the floor. "Sorry," I whispered, trying to resist the temptation to hide in Deku’s hoodie again. 
"Don't be," he replied with a small shake of his head. "I know this a lot to deal with. I don't blame you for crying." He tried to crack a smile, joking awkwardly, "Beside you've seen me cry plenty of times before."
It was true. I had seen Deku cry more times than I could count but I never saw that as a weakness. When he cried I knew he was just overcome with emotion and was expressing it freely. I respected that. That he wasn't afraid to express himself. So why was it, I felt so ashamed of doing it myself? It just made me feel weak. Like the barrier between him and me had become even wider. I didn't want him to comfort me, I wanted to be strong enough to protect him.
"How are you so calm right now?" I wondered aloud. 
Deku shrugged. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm scared. Really scared," he admitted honestly. A shaky breath before he continued. "But... I have to keep smiling. I have to believe we’ll be okay. That the other heroes will save us. Cause that's what All Might would do. He'd stay strong no matter how bad the odds are."
I couldn't help but admire Deku for a moment. He really was amazing. And if he could keep believing, then I had to do the same. No matter how bad things got. 
Both me and Deku jumped when our captor let out a loud, guttural howl. It sounded inhuman, filled with malice and insane energy. The sound alone was startling enough but the fact that it had happened seemingly at random put me on edge. Whatever sanity the villain had seemed to have finally shattered as he began loudly talking to himself, getting more and more agitated by the second. "They aren't coming. Why aren’t the heroes coming? They should be here. Maybe they forgot. No, no they couldn't have. They must not think I'm a threat. But I am! I need to show them, I-I need to... give them a reason to come. Yes that's it." 
With that the man slowly turned towards us with a long, creepy expression stretched across his face. The little comfort me and Deku’s conversation had brought me was shattered in an instant when I saw the look in the villain’s eyes. Those were the eyes of a corned animal. The eyes of a beast pushed to its breaking point. There was danger in them and I knew at once things were about to take a very, very bad turn. 
For a few tense seconds we just stared each other down, captor and captives waging a mental battle and I had no clue who was winning or losing. The air was so thick with dread I could almost feel it with each breath I took. There was no sound, only silence, but that seemed to have mesmerized the villain, like he was waiting for it to break. And I feared what would happen when that pin dropped and that silence was shattered. 
Then, with no warning, the moment was broken, the villain moving towards us in a flash, a crazed look still in his eye. I flinched instinctively, closing my eyes and waiting for the pain to start. There was no doubt in my mind I would be the target of his rage since I had been the biggest nuisance to him. He would be quick to dispose of me. 
But to my surprise it was Deku who cried out and my eyes snapped open in shock. The villain had a tight grip on Deku’s hair, his fingers laced painfully in his green curls, while the other hand fumbled to undo the knots around Deku’s wrists. But being Deku, he put up a resistance, squirming and making the job difficult for our unknown assailant. Meanwhile, I was forced to watch powerlessly with my own arms bonded uselessly behind my back. I shouted to the villain and kicked my feet but it did nothing to deter him. 
The villain growled in frustration, giving Deku a wild shake that made my stomach twist into knots. He leaned down to hiss in his ear, but I was able to make out the chilling words, "Stop fighting or the girl takes your place instead." 
I watched with horror as Deku calmed his resistance, allowing the man to finish his work still glaring daggers the whole time. No, no this was all my fault. I was being used against him! Deku, the one I loved was about to die to save me. This horrible villain had just twisted my sweet Deku’s heroic nature into something wrong and despicable. 
The villain eventually loosened the ropes enough that Deku was no longer pinned in place, but his hands were still tied tightly behind him, keeping him weak and helpless. I thought I might puke as I watched the man drag my friend away by his hair. By his freaking hair! I could hear the roots tearing but Deku, to his credit, suppressed any screams through gritted teeth. 
I continued to scream and thrash in my bounds, desperate to help my friend, to save the boy I loved from this nightmare. I could feel hot, sticky blood dripping from my wrists, every movement painful from where I had rubbed the skin raw struggling but still I fought. I refused to give up. Not until Deku was safe. "Let him go! Leave him alone!"
Deku didn't give up either, determination hidden behind the fog in his eyes as his body glowed green. I recognized the power of his quirk immediately, the air itself filled with electricity as he swung a leg towards the villain in his signature shoot style and I sucked in a breath, daring to hope this terror might finally end.
But Deku’s reflexes had been dulled thanks to whatever this villain's quirk was and his movement’s sloppy and formless, at least compared to the lightning fast attacks I was used to seeing from him. Our capture was able to easily snatch Deku’s leg before it made contact with his face, a new look of dark fury flashing in the man's crazed eyes. 
And then he began to twist Dekus ankle, my crush struggling to hold back his pained whimpers. He moved slowly, so slowly, and oh gosh I don’t think legs can bend that way! I was gonna be sick, I wanted to look away but it was as if I was under a spell, mesmerized by the horrible display, while my brain and mouth begged and screaming for it to end. But he just kept twisting,
 ...and twisting,
 ......and twisting,
Deku’s blood curdling scream burned itself into my subconscious and I watched with teary eyed vision as my friend writhed on the ground, his foot twisted at an awkward angle, already red and swelling. My heart ached inside my chest. It hurt so damn much to see my crush and best friend hurting so much, while I was powerless to help him. I felt sick, my stomach in knots and my blood cold. Without realizing, I had stopped struggling, I lacked the strength to even raise my arms. It felt like my heart had just shattered along with the bones in Deku’s leg.
And then, while the two of us writhed in our own agony, the villain started to laugh. Actually laughed! 
And I saw red.
I was not an angry person, far from it, but that laugh, that sinisterly gleeful chuckle, made me feel for the first time ever true unyielding rage. And it scared me.
My struggles renewed stronger than ever, I didn't care if I ripped my arms off! I was stopping this! For a second I had a flicker of a thought, wondering if this was how Bakugo felt all the time.
As I fought valiantly against my bonds I watched as the villain slowly pulled open his coat and a glint of silver metal caught my eye. 
My heart froze and I could see from the corner of my eye the fear in Deku’s eyes as the gun was pulled free from its holster. The man seemed amused by our fear, a cruel, wicked smile splitting open his lips revealing a layer of crooked teeth. The villain soaked in the power he held, taking his dear sweet time as he cocked the deadly weapon. 
The click caused tremors through my body, the realization that all of this was actually happening hit me hard. There was a real weapon before me and right now it was loaded and ready to kill. 
The barrel was soon aimed and level with Deku’s head and despite how brave and strong he was I heard a tiny whimper escape his throat.
And I lost all sense of self control.
I pulled violently against the thick ropes, blocking out the pain completely as I twisted my arms as much as I could in any attempt to get free. I didn't have time to waste, in a matter of seconds Deku would be dead. Finally I heard a loud snap behind me and I had no idea if that was the ropes or my wrists themselves, all I knew was that I was free.
 I scrambled to my feet, running at the villain as fast as my sore legs could carry me. I didn't hesitate, I didn't think, I was reacting on protective instincts right now, my only goal to keep Deku alive. I slammed hard into the man's back, jabbing my elbow into the center of his spine, just like I had been taught. I knew this wouldn't be enough to knock him down, his stature was much greater than mine, so I reached out for the gun hand, my fingers just barely managing to brush skin, but that was enough for my quirk to do the job. 
The shift in weight was enough to knock us both off our feet. On the way down I heard a loud bang next to my ear, causing it to ring loudly. The ground was much harder than I expected, my body skidding painfully across the rough terrain. I could feel skin being scraped off, the pain sending jolts to my stunned brain. When I came to a stop my whole body was radiating pain, I could feel every gash and bleeding cut as they throbbed in agony. 
 But I quickly shoved all of this to the side, focusing my attention back on my hurt friend. Deku looked shaken up, his leg still twisted at an unnatural angle but other than that was no worse for wear. I could see a tiny indention in the ground next to his head and realized the bullet must have missed him by mere inches. 
But at least it did miss.
Deku’s eyes were wide in what I could only assume was shock and fear, his gaze locked on me and me alone. I had never been happier to see those green irises in my life, the relief that he was still alive and breathing far greater than anything my battered body could complain about. Deku was still alive, that was all that mattered. 
He was safe and I could rest.
 But just before I could collapse and sleep for a hundred years, I heard a familiar voice yell to me, the tone dark, twisted, and most of all angry. "You bitch!" 
I glanced up to see a new terrible sight. The villain was still alive and he had his gun. Thanks to my quirk he was currently suspended in the air, his body doing slow turns. I must have hit him harder than I thought because he was dangling over the side of the building, a long, deadly drop waiting just below his feet. 
The look in his eyes... that was the look of a killer and I knew at once I had made a terrible mistake. 
"You're gonna regret that," he hissed at me, venom dripping from every syllable. He once more raised the gun and I flinched, expecting to be staring down the loaded barrel. But instead, he pointed the gun at Deku and fear clenched my chest. 
"I'm gonna make you hurt," the monster said, grinning at my pain. He knew where I was vulnerable, we both could see it and one of us was too late. 
I tried to stand, maybe I could shield Deku or push him out of the way somehow but my body refused. It was failing me at the worst possible second. 
I saw the terror in Deku’s eyes as they jumped from the gun to me and then back to the gun. 
"Your boyfriend is dead, ya hear me!"
My brain scrambled for an idea, searching tirelessly through my limited options for some way out of this mess.
But I didn't have one.
Nothing would work.
It was over.
My heart squeezed painfully in my chest as Deku tried to reason with the villain, trying to delay his death. "Please, you don't wanna do this."
I saw the man's finger slowly pressing against the trigger and I knew I was out of time.
Out of options.
Only one thing would save Deku now.
My hands moved on their own, my fingers pressing together as a strangled cry escaped my throat. "Release!"
And then the villain vanished.
Disappearing over the side of the building.
His echoed screams reached my ears, every second growing softer.
And then they just stopped.
The abrupt silence caught me off guard. After the rush of terror and adrenaline that had been so present a moment ago, the peaceful atmosphere that remained felt strangely out of place. A cool breeze tickled my sweaty face, blowing my hair and ripped clothes all over the place. 
Was it really over?
It had all happened so fast that my brain took a moment to process it all. All I could do was stare at the spot the villain had just been, before he -before I-
My hands flew to my mouth as I choked back a sob.
No I didn't.
I-I couldn't have.
That was impossible.
But I had.
I had just killed someone. 
A feeling of guilt unlike anything I ever felt before hit me at once as the reality of my situation sunk in. I had just broken one of the only rules a hero had to follow. I was a murderer. My breaths had become shuddery and shaky as I fought back the tears that threatened to spill.
In a desperate attempt for comfort I looked to Deku, hoping he could somehow make this whole, nightmarish situation better. But the face I was greeted with was anything but soothing. Deku was staring at me with wide, pained eyes, his body tense as he regarded me and he flinched when I turned his way. Almost like he was afraid of me. The normally bright green of his eyes that I loved to look into had darkened greatly. I could see the judgement in his eyes, I could feel the disappointment from where I was. Deku saw me for what I had become, a killer, someone unworthy of being a hero. Someone unworthy of Deku.
I felt sick, bile rising at the back of my throat and I whimpered struggling to hold it back. But I could no longer fight off the tears, Deku's dark expression had been my breaking point. The tears flowed freely down my cheeks, burning my skin. 
I sobbed pitifully, burying my face in my hands as pain and guilt racked my body. How could I do that? How would I ever be able to face my classmates again after what I had done? How could I call myself a hero? 
 Warm arms wrapped around my torso and I tensed in surprise, looking over with tear-stained vision to see Deku. Deku was hugging me. I had wanted that for so, so long and now I couldn't even enjoy it. I didn't deserve to enjoy it. His eyes were full of sympathy and I could see tears forming in his own vision, but that just made the pain worse.
I didn't deserve to be forgiven. Not by him, someone who was already a greater hero than I could ever hope to be.
"Its okay, Uraraka," he whispered, tightening his hold as my sobs only grew. "It's not your fault, it'll be alright."
Not my fault? Was he blind? No. Leave it to Deku to sugar coat reality, to see the light in the endless darkness. He somehow didn't believe it was my fault when it so clearly was. 
"I'm so sorry," he muttered and I felt something wet drip on my shoulder. 
He was apologizing. Why? I was the one who killed that guy. This was my fault, not his. 
I couldn't stop crying, no matter how much I tried to silence my pitiful sobbing, I couldn't. My body and mind had taken all it could handle and it needed to feel no matter how much I wanted to suppress this. 
I couldn't escape this. This feeling was my burden to bear now.
The cold wind swept over my body, chilling me to the bone. For a long time, I just sat there, weeping in Deku’s arms as he spoke soft words of comfort to me, holding me as if I might break. As if I deserved forgiveness. But I didn't. I had saved Deku from death but at the cost of my own morals. 
And the part that scared me the most was that I didn't regret it.
Despite the heaviness on my heart and soul, the guilt that was seeking to crush me and pull me under, at the end of the day it didn't matter. Deku was alive. He was safe. 
And nothing else mattered but that.
Part 2 coming... whenever I can finish it ^^;
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jbbuckybarnes · 5 years
PR Stunt
Desc: Fake Dating AU. Celebrity AU. After pity posts for Sebastian skyrocketing, you two being seen together as friends a lot and with a big movie coming up, his management decides to pair you two for a PR stunt. You both agree, pranking the public seems fun and getting rid of pity tweets seems convenient. Pairing: Sebastian x Reader Warning: It’s not that good and one of my last real people fiction pieces I have left. Not beta read.
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+Pop Magazine - Articles: +Hot actors that are still on the market!+
*@lancebastian: Someone give this man a family!* *@stanfanfam: I feel so bad for him, he still isn’t with a woman or trying to build a family.* *@aliburger: Poor boy looks so alone. I’m volunteering!* _______ +Pop Magazine - Candids: +Sebastian Stan seen with his friend Y/N Y/LN in Manhattan, New York+
*@seabassbaby: I know they’re just friends but they’d make a cute couple.* *@lancebastian: Get her, Stan!* *@vanillaiceice: She’s cute af.* ________ “People are pitying you so much, it’s insane. What is so wrong with being single at your age?” you looked up from your phone at Sebastian sitting on the other side of the couch. “They’re just projecting their desires onto this.” he shrugged without looking up from his phone. “How does that not annoy you to some degree? I read it and get irritated by it.” you chuckled. “Sometimes I do, but at the end of the day it’s so unimportant.” now he looked up. “Yeah, but doesn’t that suck energy out of you to some level?” you two never talked about this specifically. “A bit.” another shrug with a small pout. “Well, let’s stop talking about that then. When’s press coming up?” you tried to change the topic. He looked at you for a second with a confused face before answering, “I think in two weeks.” “No, brunch meetings for weeks again.” you pouted like a child and got a smile back from him. “Poor baby.” he played into it and laughed. “You know they keep me sane.” you answered chuckling. “I know. I promise we’ll eat like three pizzas in one day when I’m back again, chaotic mess.” you looked at him offended. “I’m just telling the truth.” he held his arms up and grinned. “Ar-” you were interrupted by someone calling him and went back to checking your socials. You had a decent following and were friends with a few photographers, which gave you the opportunity to try yourself as a model and influencer. One of you photography friends is also how you two met and as soon as you two found your love for New York brunch meetings the friendship was sealed. “With Y/N?” you looked up at the mention of your name and saw him raise a brow. “Okay, yeah. Good, tomorrow at 11am. See ya.” he ended the call and finally saw your confused face. “Guess we have a meeting at 11am tomorrow and they also want you there.” his hand went through his hair and he exhaled a bit exhausted. “Why that?” you weren’t with his management or something. “She didn’t tell me. Maybe they want to sign you?” he was just as clueless as you and sat back down on the couch and you sat up. “That would be...sudden?” you said even more confused. “I feel like there’s something more to that.” his eyes narrowed. You shrugged taking your phone again, “We’ll find out I guess.”
___________ “We know you both don’t like paparazzi but this could benefit all of us and would be over after a few weeks.” the woman ended her little idea. “Wait, you want us to do a PR stunt, did I understand that right?” you said it out loud. A serious nod came back and a sigh from you. “Can’t believe I’m saying this but I think that would be hilarious outside of the paparazzi stuff.” he snorted beside you. “Excuse me, what?” you turned towards him and got a shrug back. “So...would you be on board?” the lady asked again. You let your head sink onto your arms on the table with an, “I guess.” You both left the office after you got handed a contract to go through to sign with the management and the comment, “I hate being friends with you.” “Did you mean being in a relationship?” he joked and got a stern look back. “Don’t take it too far, Stan!” you warned him. “Won’t. Promise.” he said with that boyish smile that guaranteed for nothing. “Idiot.” you muttered while walking out of the building onto the busy street. A hand was reaching for yours and you looked up confused. “What? Need to lay down the foundation for what’s about to go down.” he clearly loved the idea to mess around with you and the public for a while. “Dork.” a smile finally found its way onto your face and you shook your head. You didn’t mind holding hands with your other friends, so this wasn’t the problem. You weren’t so sure about the rest of what was about to happen in the upcoming weeks. “You love it.” he said nudging you lightly.
“Only if I get some good pictures for my Instagram and Twitter.” you chuckled. “I’m sure there’s gonna be some of your beloved photoshootings.” he grinned. “You’re gonna be an Instagram boyfriend, don’t you forget about that part of it.” you grinned back. “Oh god.” he had the realization hit him. “Yeah, didn’t think through that I might get back at you, huh?” you laughed.
“Lunch date?” he looked down at you after you both were finished with laughing and had walked for a block. “As long as I don’t need to play honeymoon phase love, yeah.” you bit your lip to stop the laugh that was making its way through your body. “Don’t worry, I think the eating each other alive part is one or two weeks in.” he wheezed and held the door to one of your favorite places open. “It’s gonna be hella obvious that it’s a stunt.” you pointed out. “That’s why I agreed. Why not have some fun and confuse people for a bit.” there was that boyish smile again. “Like that whole Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello thing.” you shuddered. That was obviously a stunt but there was that part where everyone kinda thought it might be true and they just wanted to get the extra publicity. “I have no idea what you’re talking about but I guess my answer would be yes.” he said before turning to the waitress that just arrived at your table. ___________ +Pop Magazine - Candids: Sebastian Stan seen having a lunch date and holding hands with Y/N Y/L/N*+ *@bellastann: I feel like our dreams start to manifest stanfam!* *@lancebastian: Not entirely sold, holding hands ain’t that special. They are friends for months now.* *@evanstackiee: Yeees! (Y/L/N)stan is real!!!* ____________ Your contract was signed, your game plan was well organized. There were appointments and activities planned out, what to do at which one and the paparazzi would be there for some of them. You kinda cringed when you looked at the little calendar in front of you but you also were about to have some fun with tricking the general public. “Just an insanely big acting exercise, right?” you looked beside you to see him read through the stuff too. “Uuh, yeah.” he said concentrated on reading. You were both extremely open with each other and rarely had any miscommunication. So kissing in public without starting friendship problems wouldn’t be so hard, but you still had a weird feeling about it. Not fear, just a feeling.
__________ The first thing you did was pretty mellow. Attending a small local event together. You did things like this before but this time you’d have to cuddle up a bit here and there and make a few Instagram Stories. “You comfortable?” he smiled down at you holding your body close to his arm. “You’re 6 foot and fit, I think there is no way in hell anyone would think this isn’t comfortable.” you gave a sweet grin up at him. “For a model you’re pretty good at this.” he joked and you poked him into his waist. “Hey!” he laughed. “You act like I wasn’t a drama kid in school. I might be good-looking but I’m also a nerd. You should know that best...space nerd.” you chuckled. “Stop calling me out like that or I’ll make you talk to that dude you find annoying over there.” he pointed at a man that had bombarded you with his boring business ideas months ago. “Don’t you dare, Stan!” you looked offended. “You wanna sit down with some wine then, madame?” he said in a posh accent. “Of course, it is incredibly instagramable.” you answered in the same way. A boomerang of your drinks with each other tagged in it and two glasses of wine later you officially had glued yourself to him. He had a very comforting vibe about him and you clearly helped with his anxious moments. A kiss was planted onto your temple and a black and white filter put on top of it. Followed by a funny selfie and a picture of your empty wine glasses. Shortly after you already left the party under the flickering lights of a handful of paparazzi. Holding hands and very close together. __________ +Pop Magazine - Gossip: Are Sebastian Stan and his ‘best friend’ dating?+ *@stanfanfam: Cause of death: That temple kiss.* *@vanillaiceice: Damn, is it the late 2000s? Seb leaving a party with a girl? Damn!* *@evanstackiee: For me it’s confirmed.* *@seabassbaby: It looks kinda staged but if it’s not I’m super happy for him!* __________ The second little thing on the list was a photoshooting together. Since you both had modelled for magazines before and with other models you were kinda in your element. It was for a mid-sized fashion magazine that published every month and you two were having fun all over the rented AirBnB. Some expensive yoga pants with a knitted oversized sweater and boots was the first thing you needed to wear for a scene depicting to come home. Falling into each other's arms multiple times definitely made you laugh because of the dumb faces he made. The next outfit was a sleeping outfit. Silk shorts and an airy white cropped shirt. Your socks were pink and had donuts on it. “Can I have them?” you gave them puppy eyes and the team laughed. Modelling while laying was hard. You needed to look realistic but also show of what you were wearing. Combined with a giant baby blowing air into your ear ended in him being pinched by you. He was clearly not prepared to see you in the third outfit. Lacey underwear and an open button-down mens shirt. You could literally see his brain work and giggled “C’mon, get it together.” He was wearing briefs and a white shirt, needing to embrace you from behind while you pretended to make scrambled eggs. “My eggs are definitely scrambled after this.” he whispered and you couldn’t hold back the genuine laugh, ending up in some good pictures. The last two outfits were a bit more editorial but still wearable and the pictures were taken outside. “Well, that wasn’t bad.” you said to him as you two walked out after changing back into your clothing. “For YOU.” he answered. “Poor baby, needed to see his friend in underwear.” you made fun of him. “Yo, it’s a different thing if I see an Instagram picture or the live version.” he defended himself. “Clearly...don’t you dare fall for me, dork.” you joked and he huffed. The walk back was silent but he looked down at you from time to time. You just couldn’t see his reaction every time he did. __________ +Pop Magazine - News: Sebastian Stan & Y/N Y/L/N modelling together. Check out these pictures!+ *@lancebastian: Damn, so this is really a thing, huh? Holy, that’s cute.* *@evanstackiee: Can they adopt me?* *@bellastann: That kitchen picture sent me into cardiac arrest!* _________ By now you were trained at sending each other stolen glances. No matter if you just needed to go to your management or when you had brunch together. But for the last three days he was in LA for the press junket of his new movie. There was this weird feeling again. It felt so close to fear but it wasn't fear. You couldn’t quite pinpoint it. *God, I’m way too used to being around you now.* *You miss not freezing to death in any given moment, admit it!* *No, real talk, I miss you.* *Realtalk: I miss you too...but admit it’s the freezing!* *D O R K !* You had taken a flight to LA the day after because an award show was next on your list. You were ten times more nervous for the dress sitting right than the man on your side. You also weren’t used to hair and makeup. You were an Instagram model, this was a luxury at experimental shoots. “You’d think I can smile on command and not look like shit...but I can’t.” you said to him before stepping onto the red carpet an hour later. “You’re looking good, stop worrying.” he said in his usual calming tone before gently pulling you forward. 10 minutes later the torture to your eyes was done and there were interviews. “What do you have to say about the rumors about your relationship status?” you were asked. “That people should care more about their life than mine...oh, and that he’s the best human being on the planet. Doesn’t matter in which way we are connected.” Sitting down at an award show with your hand being held was not were you thought you’d end up when you agreed to this but why not make memories? Your head naturally landed on his shoulder after a while. You really had missed him being in close proximity for those 4 days. His thumb softly wandered over the back of your hand. “What would you do if I’d win something?” he asked in a low voice. “Jump you?” your head went up again to see his eyes wandering over your face. “In a happy kinda way, I assume.” he had a lopsided smile on his face. “You’re thinking about that photoshoot again, huh? Literally a teenager.” you joked but saw his eyes wander to your lips for a bit too long before he concentrated on the host again. For the rest of the evening your mind went in circles about him playing that or being genuinely interested in you in that way.
__________ +Pop Magazine - Gossip: Mysterious answer to relationship question about (Y/L/N)stan+ *@vanillaiceice: They are boning, come ON!* *@evanstackiee: Look at how happy she is while she says it.* *@seabassbaby: Gosh, just say it!* __________ Today was the day you weren’t really prepared for. He had an off day from press and you were still in LA. Your plan was going to the beach and getting photographed. Well, it wasn’t your plan. It was the plan made for you. “I hate swimming in the ocean!” you mumbled. “Hey, it’s gonna be fine. You have two excuses to grab onto me, right?” he chuckled while watching you undress and revealing your red bikini. You both laid in the sun for a while, talking about his press junket and the social media reactions to this. “Wanna get wet?” you opened your eyes to a child in a man’s body wiggling his eyebrows. You punched his chest with a laugh and let him pull you up with him. Hand in hand you made your way into the ocean rather slowly, “And you didn’t want to admit that you freeze to death without me.” he chuckled. He got impatient and just grabbed your waist and jumped backwards into deeper water. After a squeak from your side and your nails clawing into his back a little bit too harshly, you got used to it. “Look. It’s fine.” he put some hair strands out of your face with his free hand. “I still hate the ocean.” you pouted, trying to overplay how fast your heart was suddenly beating. Oh hell no, you were not just slowly falling for your best friend...please? “I get that.” he put his hand onto your lower back and you put your legs around his hips. “You’re my floatie.” you giggled putting your head into the crook of his neck. “And you are...I can only assume a freezing rock.” you both chuckled.
Your head went up again to see a big grin on his face, “Fuck you.” “You love it.” he said like usual but this time you slowly nodded with a serious face and his eyes widened enough for you to notice. “Wait, I didn’t…” you exhaled deeply with attentive eyes on you. “I feel like we should just stop this. I don’t want to see this friendship break apart just because my body thinks close proximity is a good reason to send hormones out.” you got out of your system. “That’s an odd way of saying that you’re having a crush on me.” he smiled and put his other arm around you. “Yeah, well, I don’t wanna ruin this.” your eyes went down, you rarely made yourself this vulnerable. “You already did by, to say it in your nerdy words, making my body think it’s a good idea to send out hormones because we are in close proximity.” he answered with a nervous chuckle, hand going through his hair.
Your eyes met his again, “I stopped acting the moment it started, Y/N.” “Well, um, it took me till about approximately 5 minutes ago to realize that this odd feeling I have isn’t some suppressed fear.” you made fun of yourself to make the situation less awkward. “Wanna give them what they want?” his head nudged towards the beach with a smirk. “Do you mean give you what you want?” you joked and he remembered where he heard that before. “I hate being friends with you,” he bit his lip, “I’d much rather call you my girlfriend.” The reference made you melt, he remembered that dumb little conversation from two weeks ago. Your hands went from his shoulders to his head and his free hand pulled your head closer before your lips met. You didn’t care about the camera clicks in the background, you only cared about finally making out with the man that made you love brunch dates so much. It felt like an hour before you broke apart a little. Steel blue eyes were staring right into your soul and the most calming voice in the world said “I love you.” “I hope you don’t say that while thinking of me in underwear.” you joked. “Nah, don’t need to. You’re grabbing onto me in a bikini.” he said with his hands wandering down your body and a giant smirk on his face. “I love you too, dork.” ___________ +Pop Magazine - News: (Y/L/N)stan confirmed! Couple seen kissing at the beach.+ *@vanillaiceice: I’ll fistfight anyone that hates on her!* *@evanstackiee: Look at those SMILES.* *@seabassbaby: Maybe I’m crying.* *@lancebastian: She makes him happyyy.* *@bellastann: I think this gave me diabetes.* *@stanfanfam: Make babies! lol* *@Y/N: Gosh, @imsebastianstan we have heart eyes galore in these. Might need to go and get that checked out.* *@imsebastianstan: @Y/N, yeah, heard of that new disease called love. It’s attacking every part of your body and mind!* *@seabassbaby: For real...ADOPT ME!* _____________
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40. I made this for you + 76. I want you to have this
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader
Word count: 2554
Genre: BoyfriendAU!
Warnings: None
A/N: Hey guys and here is another drabble for you. It´s been a while since I last posted a fic and in this post I´m explaining why that is and there is also current and future writing in that post, so if you haven´t looked at it yet then I recommend doing so since there´s going to be a few changes for the next few weeks.
Also, I decided to combine these two requests ecause, to be honest, I didn´t know what to write for each of them and then I put them together and this fic came out of it.
So with that being said tahnk you Anons for your requests and I hope that you will like this and also for everybody I hope you will enjoy reading this too <3<3<3
180 Ways to say ´I love you´ masterlist
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You couldn´t help the small smile that slowly spread itself across your lips as you looked at your boyfriend, Namjoon, through the bathroom mirror. He looked like an adorable dork as he was brushing his teeth, getting toothpaste all the way around his mouth.
Namjoon caught you staring at him, but to be fair it was pretty obvious that you were, making him slightly smile back at you as he lifted one eyebrow to silently ask you what you were smiling at. You only shook your head in response as you finished brushing your teeth, leaning forward over the sink to spit out the mixture of toothpaste and saliva.
As you stood back up again, Namjoon were still looking at you as a fond smile played on his lips. Again, you couldn´t help the small smile that made its way onto your lips, slowly spreading as you reached for a hand towel to dry off the water around your mouth.
“I´m gonna head into bed,” you told him in a low voice as you turned around to look directly at him.
“Mhm,” he only nodded at you as he was still brushing his teeth and couldn´t give you a proper answer. You took a small step towards him, standing up on the tips of your toes as you tried giving him a quick kiss on his cheek, but since you weren’t tall enough, it landed on his jaw.
A small giggle left him as you turned back around, walking out of the bathroom and into the hallway, leading you down to you and Namjoon´s shared bedroom.
A warm wave of happiness flooded through you as you still couldn´t believe that you were lucky enough to live together with Namjoon for almost a year now. You were so happy thinking of all the good memories you had made in this apartment together, making every single day amazing and wonderful even if it had been absolute crap for the most part of it.
However, you had to admit that it had been a struggle too sometimes with Namjoon being a world famous idol with many responsibilities. There had been many sleepless nights for the both of you with Namjoon having dance practices and late nights working at the studio and you waiting up so you could see him for just a few minutes before you would both go to sleep.
There had been countless of minor fights about Namjoon working too hard and you not taking proper care of yourself because you wanted to see him on those late nights, but putting all of that aside, you still couldn´t be any more happy or imagine yourself with someone other than Namjoon.
However, the happiness you were feeling came short as you entered the bedroom and saw the suitcase standing on the floor by the end of the bed. Namjoon were leaving for tour the next day and then you wouldn´t be able to see him, through other than FaceTime, for five months.
You knew that this would happen when you started your relationship and he had been on tour once before so it wasn´t like this was gonna be the first time you were going to spend so much time apart from each other, but it still hurt to think about you not being able to physically touch him.
You loved being around Namjoon and be able to hold his hand, hug him, kiss him and cuddle with him even if it were just for a split second, you loved all of it. Even the nights were you would wake up by being almost crushed under him because he had rolled himself on top of you.
As you looked at the suitcase, you could feel the tears slowly build up in your eyes. You had promised yourself that you wouldn´t cry when he left since it would only make it harder for the both of you when Namjoon left for the airport, but you couldn´t help it, you were going to miss him so much.
You could hear Namjoon rinsing his toothbrush out in the bathroom before he made his way down the hall to your bedroom. You quickly walked over to the bed, crawling under the covers as you tried to blink away the tears in your eyes.
You heard Namjoon enter your bedroom, closing the door behind him before he made his way over to the bed, sitting down on the edge to pull of his shirt. You were lying with your back turned towards him so you still had a small chance to will away the tears before he would see them, but of course they wouldn´t go away, building up more and more in your eyes.
Namjoon quickly laid down on the bed next to you before he wormed his way over to you, wrapping one of his arms around your waist and the other under your neck to lay it across your collarbones so he could hold you tighter against him.
“This is nice,” he spoke through a low whisper as he laid his cheek on top of the back of your head. “You fit so perfectly in my arms,” he continued, the rumbling of his voice in his chest vibrating through your back.
You tried your best to hold back the tears as you slowly nodded your head, but it was all pointless as they escaped your eyes and rolled down the side of your face, wetting the pillow under you. You quickly closed your eyes as a small sniffle escaped you, making you silently curse at yourself, as you felt Namjoon slightly move away from your so he could sit up and look down at you.
“(Y/N)?” he spoke in a low voice filled with concern as he moved his hand from around your waist to lay it on top of your shoulder. “(Y/N), what´s wrong?” he continued asking, but you gave him another sniffle in response as you lifted your hand up to cover your face, preventing Namjoon from seeing how pathetic you looked right now.        
“Nothing´s wrong,” you told him a shaky voice, but obviously, he didn´t believe that.
“(Y/N),” Namjoon spoke in a firm voice as he grabbed your wrist to pull away your hand that was covering your face. “Is it because I´m leaving for tour tomorrow?” he asked as you only nodded again, a sob slipping out of you.
“Oh (Y/N),” Namjoon pleaded at you as you turned around to face him, planting your face against his chest as you couldn´t hold back the sobs anymore. “(Y/N), please stop crying, I don´t want you to cry on our last night together,” he continued as held you tighter against him, planting a kiss on top of your head and wrapping your legs together so you could lie even closer up against each other.
“I´m going to miss you,” you sobbed out in response as you wrapped your own arms around him.
“I know Jagi and I´m going to miss you too, but I have to go and you know that too,” Namjoon spoke in a low and calm voice as he ran one of his hands up and down your back to try to calm you down just a little bit.  
“I know you have to leave, but I´m still going to miss you,” you sniffled out when you suddenly realized something. “Wait, I could just come with you on tour and that way we could be together,” you spoke in a hopeful voice, slightly leaning away from him to see his reaction. Namjoon gave you a fond look as a smile started spreading on his lips.
“As much as I want you to come with me on tour I can´t take you with me, it´s way too hectic and tiring and besides, you have school that you need to keep up with,” he explained to you, moving one of his hands from around your waist, to run it through your hair.
You felt your hopefulness falter inside you, but honestly, what had you expected? It would take weeks to figure out how you could fit into the tight schedule of the program and it would be expensive too, with plane tickets and hotel rooms, it would just be a lot trouble for the staff. Besides, you had to clear it with your college for whether or not you could attend classes online.
“I know, it was stupid of me to ask you that,” you mumbled out as you looked away in embarrassment as you hadn´t thought about the obvious reasons as to why you couldn’t come with him and the boys.  
“No, hey,” Namjoon quickly spoke up as he moved his hand from around your back and up to your chin, gently holding it to move your face up to look at him again. “It wasn´t stupid of your too ask me that and maybe once you´re done with school you can come with me on tour, Okay?” he continued as he gave you a fond smile.
“Now, where is that beautiful smile that I fell headless in love with, hm?” he added and before you knew it you were pushed onto your back, Namjoon sitting above you as his hands roamed up and down your sides, making you thrash around under him because of the tickling sensation.
“Namjoon!” you gasped out as you tried to grab his hands to stop them from tickling you half to death, but you were laughing too much to do so. “Stop, please!” you continued screeching out as Namjoon laughed at you, but his tickling did come to a stop as you were panting for air now.
“There´s that beautiful smile I fell for,” Namjoon chuckled out as you lightly hit his shoulder with your fist.  
“Stop being so cheesy,” you sighed at him, but it was soon followed by a giggle as a blush crept up on your face.
“I´ll stop being cheesy when you stop being beautiful and that´s never going to happen so looks like you´re gonna have to deal with my cheesiness,” Namjoon answered you through a chuckle, making you groan even more at him. “But hey, you´re not crying anymore so I think you secretly like my cheesiness, am I right?” he asked you as you only wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him down on top of you to give him a hug.
“No I don´t,” you only answered him, your voice being muffled as you pressed your face into the crook of his neck.
“Yeah right,” Namjoon chuckled at you as he leaned away from you before he started planting small kisses around your face. “Now, no more tears and then let´s make this a good last night, okay?” he spoke in between the kisses before he moved on to your lips.
“Okay,” you quickly answered him before the kiss started to intensify and turn into something more.
“(Y/N) can you come in here for a second?” you heard Namjoon call after you from the bedroom. It was the next day and Namjoon would be leaving for the airport and about two hours.
“What is it?” you called back at him as your started walking from the kitchen and down to the bedroom. He didn’t give you an answer as you moved a bit quicker before you reached the bedroom, leaning up against the frame to look at Namjoon standing by the bed with his back turned towards you. You saw him fiddle around with something in his hands, as his suitcase lied open in front of him on the bed.
“Namjoon?” you asked chuckling a little as you slightly startled him. He looked over his shoulder to give you a slight glare, moving one of hands to lie it on top of his chest. “What is it that you need me here for?” you asked him again as you started walking towards him.
“I have something for you,” he answered you, making the excitement start to bubble up inside of you.
“Really, what?” you asked as you quickly moved over to stand beside him.
“It´s this,” he answered you as he handed you a small USB stick. “I made this for you,” he continued as you took the USB stick from him.
“You made me a USB stick?” you asked him in a joking voice as Namjoon raised one eyebrow to silently ask you if you were serious right now.
“Yes I made you a USB stick because I´m that talented when it´s comes to electronics,” he answered you, sarcasm practically dripping from his voice. “No, it´s what´s on the USB stick that I made for you,” he continued in a softer voice as you gave him a sheepish smile in return.
“I know, I just wanted to tease you a little,” you told him as a smile started spreading over Namjoon´s face. “But what is it?” you asked him as you were still clueless to what was on the USB stick.
“It´s a few songs and some videos I made so you would have something to listen to and watch while I´m gone,” he answered you as you felt your heart start to swell in your chest.
“Really?” you asked him as he started grinning at you, looking very proud of himself.
“Yes and there´s also one more thing I want you to have before I leave,” Namjoon quickly added on.
“Wait, there´s more?” you asked him as you would have been completely fine with the USB stick thinking of all of the hours of work he most have put into it.
“Yeah, I want you to have this too,” he answered as he turned towards his open suitcase to pull something out, turning back to look at you with a sweater now in his hands, but not any random sweater.
“But Namjoon, that´s your favorite sweater, do you really want me to have that?” you gaped at him as you couldn´t believe he would actually let you have that.
“Yeah I do since it looks great on you and the thought of seeing you wear it when we FaceTime will make it worth it for not having it with me,” he explained to you as he handed you the sweater.
“Are you sure?” you asked him as you hesitantly reached out to take the sweater from him.
“Yes, I´m sure, okay? So stop asking me that,” he chuckled at you as he wrapped one of his arms around your shoulder before leading you out of the bedroom. “Now come on, we still have a few hours to kill before I have to leave so why don´t we watch some of those videos,” he continued as you walked into the living room to set up the TV to watch the videos on.
You felt a small dread when he spoke about leaving, but that quickly vanished, as you knew you were going to be okay. Yes, it´s was going to be absolute torture not being able to touch him for five months, but you were going to be okay and even more so now that you had something you could watch and listen to while wearing his sweater. You were going to be okay.  
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maknaes-and-hyungs · 6 years
When You’re Play Fighting and Accidentally Kiss {NCT U (Boss Era)+Kun}
Note: I know it says play fighting, but a few may be just like arguing while playing a game, but like same thing am I right????? Also can I just say that a lot of people see Jungwoo as really shy rather then Kun, but I see it the other way around with Jungwoo being a really smug ass(loveable although). Just wanted to say that alright enjoy and request (also sorry if you don’t follow IP since thats all i’ve been posting)~Rin
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“Give me the remote Taeyong!” Instead of complying Taeyong stood up and held the remote above his head.
“Come and get it then Y/N.” He may have been your best friend but he could honestly be a dick a lot of the time. Although a lovable dick so you humored him and got off of the couch in an attempt to jump for it. Of course his arms reached too high and you failed miserably.
“Damn you Tae.” Rather than try a hundred times you got up on the couch and leapt for it. In hindsight it might not have been your best idea and instead of grabbing the remote you knocked him to the ground. You two then proceeded to push and pull trying to get the remote from the other. It was with a particularly hard tug from Taeyong that your lips ended up on his.
Separating at the speed of lightning you sat with your back against the couch and he sat opposite you against the wall. All that was heard for the next few moments was the heavy breathing that came from the pair of you. Taeyong was looking everywhere but you and his cheeks matched the red of his tee shirt. You on the other hand reached up in shock to touch where his lips had been. If you were tell the truth you had been wanting that for months and as you were about to spit it up he sprang to his feet.
“I am so sorry. I should’ve just given you the remote instead of being ass. Just know I didn’t mean for that to happen. I would never-never- kiss you without your permission or if I knew you wanted it or-”
“I did...want it that is.” Silence once again grew and now both of you were blushing profusely unsure of what to do next.
“Good... good to know. I’m just gonna go ask Taeil something.”
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(You’re Yuta)
“Oh? Then how do you explain the fact that cheese is one of the most popular ramen toppings? Hm...HMMMM.” You raised your fork at dongyoung and waved it around vigorously. He wiped the liquid that hit him and shook his head at your behavior.
“I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but false.” You stopped in your tracks and stared opened mouth at Dongyoung. It was a look he had seen many times before and always hoped that it would never return. It was a look that said you were about to start yelling which was never ideal. but especially not in this particular moment. You happened to be walking through a very crowded fairground in the middle of the night.
“HOW DARE YOU? HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A LIAR?” That was all you could get out before dongyoung grappled you to the ground. You however weren’t one to stop fighting and you rolled across the grass trying to throw the boy off of you. It was during on of these spins that you hit the ground and he rolled on top only to plant his lips on yours.
“I didn-” Before he could apologize you pushed him off and scrambled to your feet. He yelled after you, but you were already gone and driving away in your car. It wasn’t until you were well on your way that you remembered that you had driven him there.
As much as you didn’t want to see him and probably accidentally reveal your crush you had to go back. When you got back into the field that was being used as a parking lot you saw him standing at the entrance to the fair trying to get a signal on his phone. He didn’t even notice as you slowly drove in front of him and called his name, headphones.
You left the car running and walked around to tap him on his shoulder. All you saw was his feet since you didn’t have it in you to see his face. You just assumed he was getting in the car and turned around when you where pushed forward. Dongyoung was giving you a back hug and laughing.
“You are so cute sometimes Y/N.”
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“Oh yeah Y/N. I bet I can get closer before breaking then you can.”
“You’re on Yukhei.” When you weren’t with Yukhei you had no drive to compete. It was just something about his smug face that suddenly lit the fire within you. That’s why you two were sitting on his bed slowly bringing your faces closer together.
“You suck.”
“Wow. Good one Y/N, but I’m pretty sure you’re the one more proficient in sucking.” Yukhei winked at you and if it wasn’t for your stupid little game you would’ve hit him and turned away in anger (really just to blush.) Instead you stuck out your tongue and got a little bit closer.
Not one to be beat, Yukhei followed suit and you furrowed you eyebrows in frustration. The boy always new all the right ways to push your buttons in order to gain a win, but you were determined to not let this be one of those times. So, you got closer, but he decided to do so at the same time. The simultaneous shifting of your weights caused you to lurch forward and before you knew it your lips were connected.
An attempt was made, on your part, to separate but Yukhei pulled you back in and deepened the kiss. To say you were surprised was an understatement since you always thought your feelings weren't reciprocated. His persistence, however, proved you wrong and you were pushed back into the softness of the pillows and mattress. Yukhei’s hands started to wander under your shirt but before they could get anywhere Yuta opened the door to the room.
“I was just leaving!” You pushed Yukhei to the floor, grabbed your jacket from the desk chair, and headed for the door. Before you could Yukhei grabbed the jacket effectively stopping you.
“When we get a chance later, we should do this again.” You nearly choked at his words and stumbled out of the room without looking at Yuta. It wasn’t until they heard the front door shut that either of them moved. Yukhei threw his hands in the hair and squealed in joy.
“Dork.” Yuta shook his head and left Yukhei to his fanboying.
Yoon Oh/ Jaehyun
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"Yoon I have a date to get to stop." Upon hearing this news Yoon Oh only doubled his efforts to tickle you. What had started as an innocent fight between friends turned for him into a fight to make you stay. Or at least for you to be late enough so as to dash your chances of the date going well or going at all.
"I'm sorry I cant hear you through all that laughing Y/N!" Yoon Oh pulled you back down to the floor where he was laying and continued his assault. This encouraged you to attempt one of those death rolls you had seen those alligators, or was it crocodiles, doing on animal planet. Considering you were next to the coffee table one of you was bound to get hurt and it happened to be Yoon Oh who smacked his head against the wood causing him to release his grip.
"Sorry! Still like I said I have to go on that da-YOON OH!" Before you could say the horrid word again, Yoon Oh recovered and once again pulled you into his arms. Except this time you tripped over your feet and your lips ended up on his. Yoon Oh was in heaven and went to deepen the accidental kiss, but you pulled away.
You stay still with your hair falling in front of your face and your cheeks on fire. You couldn't believe that you had just kissed your best friend and before a date at that. What were you going to say to your date...what were you going to say to Yoon Oh?
"You are so cute Y/N.(Picture the gif)Come here and forget that date of yours. I'll make it up by taking you on a date of our own."
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“Get together already!” Yukhei yelled back at you and Mark as Jeno pushed him out of the dorm in order to give you two time alone.
“The last thing I want is to have to kiss him.” You joked to Yukhei not noticing how Mark winced slightly at your words. He knew you were joking around, but if he asked you seriously he doubted he would get a different answer. In order to hide his disappointment he decided to join in.
“I’ll have you know my lips are perfect for kissing. However, yours...” Mark raised his hand as if to touch your lips, but pulled away at the last second, “are not good enough for me.”
You gasped and he assumed it was you playing like a hurt damsel. It was really the breath you had held in while hoping that he would actually touch you. The tension that was between you was only ever felt by everyone else in the room so of course you too thought he would never change his answer.
“How dare you Mork!” You pushed him back as you held in laughter at the disgust on his face at the mention of his nickname. He caught you off guard when he grasped your wrist to stop himself from falling to the floor. Since you weren’t paying attention you were pulled along with him and both of you fell to the floor. For a split second you lips touched and the two of you scrambled back. Mark said nothing but you, in your surprise, blurted out the worst thing possible.
“Oh God.” It came out sounding like you were disgusted by the moment and it hit Mark straight in the heart. Unable to explain yourself he got up off the floor and ran into his room. His head fell into his hands and he tried to hold in his tears.
“Idiot. Stupid. Dumb Mark. Of course kissing you is disgusting to her. How could she ever like you? W-”
“I do like you. I was just surpised Marky.” To absorbed in his self loathing, he had let you enter the room undetected and climb on the bed behind him. Your arms wrap around him and you rested your head against his (You’re Doyoung in the GIF). That was how the members found you when they returned an hour later except the both of you were now slumped backwards and taking a nap.
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Dread spread through your body like the caramel settling down to the bottom of your iced coffee. It wasn’t instantly felt all over, but rather something that slowly went through your body before settling in as something real. You were reeling from the spark of confidence you had felt earlier and wished that you had never felt.
Sicheng and you had been arguing over the last popsicle in your freezer. The weather had finally warmed up (thank the gods that it is finally true for where I live) and you had promised, at the beginning of winter, that you would treat the boy to a cold treat. The thing was that he had been busy with promotions so by the time he had come over you had already consumed nearly the entire box.
And even though you had promised him the treat, you were really hot and craving it. He wasn’t having it and he grabbed your wrist to pull the treat to his mouth. Not one to give in, even if he was your crush, you pulled it right on back to you. Sicheng then gave a mighty yank and caused you to trip into his chest. More accurately you “accidentally” crashed your lips into his.
Rather he thought it was an accident and you had actually stepped forward when he pulled your wrist. You had been waiting for something to happen for a year now and in the moment and the heat your frustration was at its peak. Wanting to kiss him, but afraid of rejection you had planned to somehow accidentally do it. Afterwards, however, you were mortified at the look of surprise on his face and you shoved the popsicle into his hands and fled the house.
Now you found yourself at NCT’s fansign with your coffee since you promised some of the boys that you would show up. Even if you didn’t want to see Sicheng yet you couldn’t let the others down. So in the back behind all the fans you stood with the rest of the staff who knew you. Things were going better then expected, but then sicheng picked up his mic and spoke.
“I have someone I like-”insert fans awwing in disappointment and support,”and I think they feel the same way. So I wanted to show them my heart.” Sicheng put up his hand and gave a heart to his fans that all laughed as they realized he meant them. Except he hadn’t, while he was sitting there he had finally spotted you and as he spoke and gave the heart and looked right into your eyes. Maybe confidence was a good thing after all.
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(Has to go but is a super flirt)
You weren’t all that fond of following your best friend, Jungwoo, to his Hi-touch events with the rest of NCT. You only got to talk to him in the few mintues before things were set up and then you stood behind the scenes doing nothing but watching. So, finding your planned hang out once again sabotaged by the event you took your precious few minutes to jokingly argue.
“Jung~~~! How could you do this to us again? You are ruining this relationship.”
“Y/N~~~! You know you love me and any time you get to spend and look at me. I am really handsome after all.” He brought his hand up to frame his face and you flicked his forehead in annoyance.
“Boi. Just cause you have these girls brainwashed does not mean I am. No way would I use my precious money to buy into that bull.” You rolled your eyes and started turn away from Jungwoo. He reached out and turned you back while getting right in your face.
“I bet you would love to get a kiss from me Y/N. I can see it.”
“Your dreams are the only place I would ever be willing to kiss you.” You provoked him by getting even closer not expecting for him to do anything. Except as he leaned ever closer, which was nearly impossible, Donghyuck took his foot and tripped his older member. There went your first kiss to your best friend and huge crush Jungwoo.
Although surprised Jungwoo managed to pull out his classic smug look. The announcer then called his name and he left you nearly hyperventilating. But he couldn’t leave things be the way they were, no. He had to walk out on stage throwing signs and hearts at you in the guise of doing it to a camera (GIFFFF which I loooovvveee). Effectively striking you dead.
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(yells thank you and is embarassed)
“So this was like our first date... right Kun?”
“Wh-w-what nonsense are you spouting right now?” The blush that adorned his cheeks was adorable and you wished he wouldn’t brush off what you said as a joke. You were after all walking next to the Han river in the moonlight after eating dinner together. While you lived in a world where the two of you were dating Kun lived in a world where you two were nothing, but friends hanging out on a typical Saturday night.
“Kun. Buddy ol’pal ol’boyfriend of mine,” Kun choked on his ice cream, oh right and you got ice cream, “Don’t try to deny the love that is between us.” You brought your hand up to your chest and looked mildly offended as you brought tears to your eyes.
“Please keep your acting to the stage Y/N. Why can’t we ever hang out without you trying to seduce me.”
“I am not seducing you! Was I the one who bought this ice cream?”
“Exactly so sir, I am simply saying that if you are seducing me the least you could do is own up to it.” Instead of fighting back like usual Kun grew quiet and looked away from you. The tiled path couldn’t be that interesting so you got close to his cheek before he turned back. When he did you didn’t think you were as close as you were and so your lips brushed each other. The shock that went through you both caused you to drop your cone and widened your eyes.
“THANK YOU!”Kun practically screamed in your ears and the both of you stood in silence after that for a few minutes. When Kun finally moved his arm you jumped and he stopped. “I was just gonna give you my ice cream since you dropped yours.” Kun visibly gulped and you decided to suck it up and grow some balls.
“Well of course you are. What kind of date wouldn’t.” When you said this, rather then argue, you grabbed his hand while taking the ice cream and continuing to walk while the both of you blushed.
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phan-of-the-pen · 6 years
I Dare You To Stay: Chapter 14
Hey!! I’m back once again with a new chapter!! Sorry this took so long you guys, I’ve been super busy with normal life, trying to write new updates for this fic, and trying to write my three PBB fics! Anyways, I hope you enjoy and thank you for sticking around! @billetdouxblossom
Tags for chapter: fluff, minor angst, major BFF bonding omg
Words for chapter: ~2.7
Fic Summary: Dan Howell is a barista working a shitty job, frequenting his shitty apartment, and living a shitty existence, hiding his asexuality and going for a PHD in self-depreciation and depression. Phil Lester is a part-time intern, part-time employee at a local weather station, trying to get experience in his field and make a name for himself, while juggling a second job at the nearby Tesco’s to give him some financial breathing room. Their paths were never supposed to meet, but what happens when they do anyways, one rainy day in Manchester?
<– Previous chapter Next chapter -->
Dan curled himself up in a blanket on his couch, phone in hand.
He hadn't heard from Jaime at all today minus her early morning texts, but knowing her, she'd still burst into Dan's flat in a whirlwind after her audition for one of her and Dan's infamous Best Friends Only Nights.
No significant others, no texting other people, no social media, just the two of them, ice cream, pizza, every blanket and pillow they can find, and sad romcoms playing in the background as they talk and cry and laugh.
And as far as preparation, Dan had already ordered the pizza, there was plenty of ice cream in his freezer, and at least half a dozen blankets were swallowing the sofa.
All he was missing was his best friend.
>> From: Phil Lester (is amazing!!)
so youre telling me I wont get you at ALL tonight?
>> To: Phil Lester (is amazing!!)
yep. a Best Friends Only Night was called and rules state no s.o. just us bffs
>> From: Phil Lester (is amazing!!)
>> To: Phil Lester (is amazing!!)
srry mate but youll survive i promise
>> From: Phil Lester (is amazing!!)
I might just die you dont know
>> To: Phil Lester (is amazing!!)
wow i didnt know i picked up such a needy boyfriend
Dan grinned. He may have sounded exasperated in his text, but really, Phil whining about not having Dan for a single night was making his mood soar.
It felt good to be wanted by someone other than just Jaime.
>> From: Phil Lester (is amazing!!)
>> To: Phil Lester (is amazing!!)
>> From: Phil Lester (is amazing!!)
fine but I get you tomorrow so I can catch up on my very important dan time
>> To: Phil Lester (is amazing!!)
u can get ur dan time and i can get my phil time it sounds like a plan
Dan clicked off his phone when he heard his door fly open. There's Jaime, late as usual.
"Daniel Howell, where the fuck are you!"
"On the sofa already starting this Best Friends Night without you!" Dan laughed in response. She sounded breathless but happy, which was making Dan's hopes for her soar. She had to have gotten that role.
Jaime was there in a moment, landing on him in a heap and talking a mile a minute, too fast for Dan to catch everything, but managing to grasp a few words here or there. Still not enough to piece together a proper story about her day, though.
"Jaime," Dan said quickly when she stopped to breathe, "I need you to slow down—you're talking way too fast for me to understand you dork. Did you get the part? Or do I need to kick a judge's ass?"
She looked at Dan with wide eyes and smiled, wide enough to cover her whole face.
"I got it. I got the part." She said in a whisper, like she couldn't believe the words.
Dan felt his jaw drop in one moment and the next snap right back up so he could cheer as he tackled her in a hug, his much larger body easily covering hers.
"I knew it! I knew it, Jaime! God! This is the break you were waiting for and you're gonna be a star now and oh my gosh when are the tickets going out I'm going to buy five and-"
"Dan!" She said, laughing. "Now you're the one rambling!"
Dan clamped his jaw shut to stop himself, feeling his eyes crinkle and smile go wide.
"I'm just way too happy for you, Jaime. You've got to tell me everything."
They ended back up on the couch, huddled together under the blanket Dan had previously been under alone. Jaime relayed everything to him, from the sudden call-back to her trip there. She talked about how huge the theatre was and how Dan would absolutely love it. Jaime talked about the director and the cast so far, and how there was this really cute girl that was a part of the stage crew, and Dan just soaked it all up, getting caught in the glamour.
Jaime reached for another slice of the pizza that had arrived half-way through her explaining that the theatre had three gigantic chandeliers.
"All of the main parts have been casted already, but now they're moving on to the 'second wave' so to speak, and auditions are opening back up in a few days so..." Jaime trailed off, looking hopeful.
Dan snorted.
"Jaime, I know you're excited but you can't have two parts."
"Sciocco, I mean for you to try for a part! Not me!"
"Jaime, I haven't acted in anything in over a year-"
"-and besides I won't get it."
"You don't know that! I thought I wasn't even going to get a call-back and look where we are right now! I'm the face of this musical!"
"Yeah, well I'm sure that all of the people that didn't get a main character like you are going to try out for the smaller ones and there's no doubt that they're better than me."
"Dan, you're an insane actor—there's no way that you couldn't get even the smallest part! And besides, do you really want to be a barista for the rest of your life? Acting is your dream, Dan. These directors are picking new talent that hasn't been seen on a big stage before left and right. There's more of a chance that you could get this than you think."
"Jaime," Dan sighed, "we both know that I can't afford to miss work as much as I'm going to need to for practice. And on top of that, I won't be able to pay for the tickets I'm going to need to get to London and back so many times. If it was here in Manchester, maybe I'd entertain the  idea, but I just can't. I'd be out of my flat in a month from not being able to afford rent once practice rolls around."
Jaime groaned.
"No, Jaime, I'll sit this one out."
She muttered something under her breath that Dan just didn't quite get before nodding a disgruntled 'fine' and pouting. After another piece and a half of pizza, Jaime knocked her shoulder into Dan's.
"So, what's going on with you? Was today really bad?"
"Steve was a royal dick."
"Mary almost had a go at him."
"Mary? Little old lady Mary? Mi Dio, what did he do?"
Dan brought his bandaged hand out from under the blankets, where it had been curled up over his stomach. Jaime nearly choked on the bite of pizza in her mouth when she saw it, and her eyes immediately darkened with anger.  
"He kind of hip-checked me while I was making her coffee, and I ended up burning myself." Dan said, definitely playing the situation down to avoid Jaime descending upon Steve like a grim reaper. As much as Dan might have loved to see that, it wouldn't have been worth it.
"But don't worry it's fine! Phil wrapped up and everything."
"Phil was there too now? And what the hell did he do, go out and buy bandages? We don't have these kind in the first-aid kit." She said, bringing Dan's hand over by his wrist to inspect the bandage. Her eyes roved over the rest of Dan's frame as well, looking for any other sign of injury, frowning.
Dan blushed.
"Ah, no, he had these at his flat."
Jaime raised a brow.
"You're telling me that he went all the way to his flat, grabbed some bandages, and came all the way back to the coffee shop just because you got a burn even though we had ones in the back?"
"No," he said, squirming, "we went to his flat for lunch. After he nearly threatened to dump a coffee on Steve's head."
"Why the fuck-"
"We're dating." Dan blurted, eyes going wide as soon as the words left his mouth. He had meant to be more tactile with telling her, damnit. Jaime blinked at him in disbelief. "Surprise?" He added, unsure.
"Tell me everything right now it's about time you two got together, jesus christ."
So Dan ended up telling Jaime all about how Phil showed up at his flat, the texts, today, their talk about Dan's past, and how Phil had swooped in like a saint to take him away from Steve, breaking for Jaime to disappear for a moment, only to come pack with a gallon on ice cream and two spoons.
"Oh my god you two were snogging on this couch."
"Shut up!"
"You can't deny it, Howell, you literally just told me!"
"That doesn't mean we have to talk about it!"
Jaime snickered and spooned another mountain of ice cream into her mouth.
"He's going to be in our coffee shop at every hour of the day now that you finally said yes, isn't he? God, don't even answer that he's like a puppy, he is."
Dan's face was beet-red, and he suspected that the blush wouldn't go down for a while, or at least until Jaime let up on the teasing.
"My boyfriend isn't a puppy. But yeah, he probably is going to be there a lot." Dan muttered through a mouth-full of ice cream.
"A lot my ass he won't leave unless you do."
"Jaime, shut up."
"Oi, this is the first relationship you've been in in years, it's my right to tease you to death."
Dan stuck out his tongue at her.
"Love you too, Danny."
Jaime shifted on the couch, and continued to reach for the ice cream, but thankfully stopped her suggestive smiles and teasing in lieu of smugly eating dessert.
They polished off an impressive amount of ice cream before Jaime pushed the container away, onto the table.
"We've had way too much. I'm throwing in the towel for the both of us."
"Speak for yourself, loser." Dan said, but admittedly throwing his spoon into the container of ice cream and flopping back into the couch. "What's next on the agenda, then? Are we going to cut into sleeping already? It's only about ten."
"No, you're not going to pass out on me, Danny, I'm not done with you yet."
Dan whined, but obediently sat up when Jaime swatted at his arm.
Unlike the rest of the night prior, this time Jaime looked stern. She wasn't bubbling over with excitement and joy like she had been when she had arrived, and she wasn't oozing disbelief and I-told-you-he-liked-you-but-you-didn't-believe-me-dumbass like when Dan was busy talking about Phil. She was determined and slightly reserved, but also showing hints of worry.
"I've been honestly meaning to talk to you about this for awhile, I just didn't really know how to bring it up, I guess? But I finally got my head out of my ass and realized that it doesn't matter if I'm vaguely unsure because this is about you."
Dan swallowed, suddenly nervous. His head immediately went to the worst-case he could think of. Was Jaime unhappy with their friendship? Changed her mind about her acceptance of Dan's sexuality?
Something else?
Her eyes seemed to be piercing his, keeping them from darting away. Dan wasn't sure if her gaze reassured him or heightened his anxiety.
"I want you to see a therapist, Dan. No, don't say anything yet, this is non-negotiable. You've been depressed since I've known you, and while I'm sure that some of that had to do with repressing your ace-ness, nowhere near all of it is, and it's gotten worse since you were just that too-tall kid to stumble through my store doors looking for a job. Dan, there are times when you can't get out of bed. And don't think I haven't noticed your increasing anxiety. Dan," Jaime said, grabbing Dan's hand, "I want you to be happy because you deserve to be. You don't deserve to suffer through that, and I don't want you to alone. I'll help you as much as you want me too, but I'm no professional, Dan. I can't help you how you need."
Dan felt tears prick at his eyes.
He'd been depressed for years now, ever since he was fourteen, really. It only got worse with his sexuality and his girlfriend, but things really went down-hill when he had gotten kicked out. It had taken him awhile to pick himself up from that after he finally found a stable place to stay, but he had thought he'd been managing it. Sure, he had more depressive episodes, but he knew how to handle those, what more did Jaime want?
"How do you know that? How do you know that you can't help?" Dan said, quietly. "Maybe it just takes time."
"Because I don't know how to help you other than support you through it. I can look through all of the forums on the internet—and believe me I have—and still not be able to help you like you need. All I can do is keep you going, I can't give you the tools you need to climb out of this hole you've ended up in."
There were tears dripping down Dan's cheeks. Was he really that sick? That his own best friend didn't even know how to help?
"One appointment, that's all that I'm asking for, Dan, please, I'll help you research the therapist and take you there and everything, I just need you to try. If not for you then for me." Jaime pleaded, wiping away Dan's tears with the sleeve of her jumper.
Dan looked back up at Jaime from where his eyes had slid down. She looked like she was about to cry herself, her expression looking so pained.
It's not that he liked feeling so numb.
It's not that he liked having a hard time to get out of bed.
It's not that he liked not having the energy to do the most basic things sometimes.
It's not that he liked being depressed.
It was just...all he knew.
He just wasn't sure what there was besides it. A normal life? That wasn't for him. It had been too long since he had had one.
"What if I can't get better? What if I'm just stuck like this?"
"If you're stuck like this, I'm going to find whatever punk-ass god or goddess who claims ownership of this shit universe and make them regret it, damnit."
A laugh bubbled out of Dan's chest before he could stop it, and Jaime smiled at him.
"Don't laugh, I mean it."
That only made Dan laugh harder, wiping away his own tears now. There was still something hard in his chest, but he felt lighter. Softer.
"Okay, I'll try, but only to save that 'punk-ass god' from you, you maniac."
Jaime snorted, but she pulled Dan back in for another hug, her smaller arms wrapping around Dan completely and making him feel warm inside. He hugged her back and whispered a small "thank you", not entirely sure that she heard it, but okay with it if she didn't. They didn't always need words to convey things between them, and Dan was sure that Jaime knew how much her care for him meant to him. Even after all of the tears and the drama.
They pulled themselves together after that and dug back into the ice cream, forgetting their prior self-restraint completely. Dan beat Jaime several times over in Mario Kart after they had finally paid the remainder of the movie that had been on in the background some attention, and after his seventh win, Jaime declared that they'd better sleep before she strangled a giddy-at-winning Dan. He teased her about it all through the clean-up, and didn't let up until she threatened to make him sleep outside.
"It's my flat! You can't kick me out!"
"Watch me, Howell. Now get your ass in bed."
Dan stuck his tongue out at her in his usual fashion, but did as she asked, pulling back the duvet on his bed—which she was already in—and flopping down next to her.
"Night, dork."
"Night, nerd."
Dan fell asleep easier than he had in awhile, warm and curled up with his best friend, the normal background noise of his thoughts settled for once.
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