#can’t even draw🪦
dimorphodon-x · 2 years
I really am just having a day🫠
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profanepurity · 2 years
Lil’ Something Something
You guys I’m working on asks and drawings, I promise! To make up for the delay, here’s a little snippet of a working scene 🪦
Terzo felt his heart hammer in his chest as his legs carried him across the cemetery.
Even when they were boys, Terzo had never seen Secondo cry. His brother was always so stoic. Secondo took everything in stride and grace, and demanded nothing but authority in every situation. But when he reached his destination, Terzo stared at a man that was just as lifeless as the bodies six feet under them. 
He was almost afraid to touch him. He didn’t want to upset his brother further, but Terzo couldn’t bring himself to leave either. The younger brother’s throat tightened and he stood rigid- but soon eased himself beside his superior dark Eminence, sitting on the painfully cold metal bench that faced her grave.
He held his breath for Secondo to snap and tell him to fuck off, he almost wanted him to, just to have a sign of normalcy from his brother. When that never came, he slipped his arms around him, and just press himself as close as he could, remaining silent. When there was still no reaction from Secondo, he laced his hand in his and squeezed.
 “Ti voglio bene...”
Terzo hated how his voice shook and cracked when he whispered it against Secondo’s shoulder. He needed to get a fucking grip- 
Weakly, Secondo finally squeezed Terzo’s hand back. Oh- Lucifer, he can’t cry. That’s all it took for Terzo to press his face against his brother’s shoulder and hug him tightly. 
Thunder raged in the distance when Terzo’s blinding white eye spotted one of Nihil’s ghouls walking over to Imperator at the top of the stairs to the church's entrance. The sight of dried blood on black fabric made violet lightning split the sky- before an explosive peal broke the silence. 
Now to get to drawing 🖤
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valeffelees · 1 year
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hey, g'morning ☀️ (he said, even though it's literally quarter-to one in the afternoon.) (LOL.)
thank you kindly @hushed-chorus, @blackberrysummerblog, @artsyunderstudy, and @larkral for tagging me today, i'm really (!!!) excited to see what y'all've been working on. 🤸‍♂️
i think editing is going well for Without Sun, but okay, fun fact: i pre-draft all my fanfics out like a stage play before writing them, right. and so as i was going through my fic yesterday i found a scene right in the middle that's still just, like 300 words of raw script? i don't write chronologically, so i guess i skipped over it and then just forgot about it? lmao, RIP 🪦
so n e way, i thought i'd share a few short Penny and Simon moments today, 'cause their friendship is very important to me.
He looks up at Penelope, standing there with [Simon's] bag hanging over her shoulder. “Ignore him,” she says. He doesn’t know how. Baz lives under Simon’s skin, and he’s been there for so long that Simon doesn’t know how to draw him back out anymore, wouldn’t even know where to start. But he takes Penelope’s hand. And she doesn’t let go, even once she’s pulled him to his feet. 
[...] Simon looks at Penny. Scratching something into her notes, too absorbed in being ambitious and clever and all swotty and shit to notice the turmoil happening over her head. Her hair is tangled up into a huge, fluffy ponytail and her mouth is moving, she’s talking. And she’s smiling.
Simon heads for Miss Possibelf’s Magic Words classroom instead. Because the only thing he wants right now more than a warm shower and a soft bed, and maybe a hot cup of tea, is Penelope Bunce.
“I need you to wake up,” he tells her now, whispering into a silence he can’t actually break. An analogue clock is ticking on the wall above the door. “I need you to help me, I don’t—what am I supposed to do, Pen? I don’t know how to fix this type of shit on my own.”
i love them very much. 😌
Tag, you're it! 🪄 @cutestkilla @raenestee @thewholelemon @captain-aralias @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @imagineacoolusername @ivelovedhimthroughworse @facewithoutheart
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logically-asexual · 1 year
Thomas has done to Sanders Sides what Jacksepticeye did to his Egos. (Except Jack made his fandom wait 5+ year's)
5 years ago Jack's Ego videos would get 4+ million views within a few days. Then he started making Merch for them which was fine for a while until he stopped making content about them and only did things with them for Merch while endlessly teasing his fans with false hunts in videos that never went anywhere or amounted to anything. Fans eventually gave up on him ever doing anything but make excuses and shill Merch so they left the fandom. Now he has hired a Fan to write his Ego Lore and is once again making big promises that he will have more content "Soon" but the video's he has released so far have done terrible.
Jack waited too long and now the audience is gone and not here for his content now. I fear the same thing for Thomas. 3+ year's filled with false hope and Merch drops disguised as actual content has made his fandom weary and bored. No one is excited anymore about SS stuff because we think it's just going to be another money grab with no actual story or relevance.
yeah i’ve heard several takes on this jack guy and i can’t say anything about that because i am not familiar but what you describe does sound like what Thomas’s fate could be.
because like. the long waits are annoying, yes, specially if you’re an active fan and want to do stuff but you feel that you have nothing to draw upon to get inspired. but the Sanders Sides fandom —like as a crowd— had always been willing to move on to other things and then as soon as a new episode dropped everyone came back. and then you had your dash full of Sanders Sides even though you didn’t even remember that the blogs you followed posted that kind of content!
so yeah the fandom could stay dormant for months and months and then wake up and shoot to top ten trending hashtags whenever there was a video. and that was fine. but that can stay happening only under the condition that people like what they see when they return.
if you wake up the fandom to say “hey!! here’s content!!” and they all come running and see that it’s an ad, many will be disappointed. but okay. they’ll wait for next time.
few months later comes thomas saying “hey!! here’s more content!!” and they all come running and. it’s another ad. well. maybe next time? two in a row is enough surely? but by then lots of people no longer trust you. and maybe next time they won’t jump to watch the new video, but wait until others confirm that it’s not an ad or something similar before they go watch it. and once they do they don’t have much energy to rewatch it and post about it.
one or two more episodes come out and they seem alright. you’re thinking okay maybe that was all and well get back to the normal show. so you keep paying attention and then thomas goes “hey! content!” and you go and see the thumbnail and it’s a goddamn ad again! so you get sick of it. you don’t come back. you gradually lost your emotional investment that was previously just saved for later. now it’s gone. how do you get those fans back?
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gust-jar-simulator · 1 year
Summary: Drawing the sword, and what follows after.
Prompt: Nonhuman AU, Hymn- Van Canto, í tokuni- Eivør.
Characters: Vio, Red, Green, Blue, Shadow
The shadow’s infuriating grin slid right past the edge of his sword, wispy smoke snapping playfully at their heels. “Really? I’m supposed to be you? Maybe you’re supposed to be me, and you’re bad at it-“ Link whirled, teeth bared and knuckles white, but the creeping cold at his shoulder vanished as the demon reappeared, bobbing in the air like a fishing lure over the hilt of the divine blade.
The Four Sword. Something that could hit him.
I can’t-
Stab his smug face-
Where’s Zelda-
Out of my way-
Laughter, high and skittering along his nerves like spider legs, as the shadow grinned down like a malevolent moon. He rolled on his stomach in midair, chin pillowed in his palms and feet kicking like a little girl. “Aren’t we a hero, Mr. I-don’t-need-teamwork? Maybe you are the bad imitation. It’s okay, I can keep Zelda for you- she’ll be safe with me. She’ll never see her father or the castle or incompetent wastes of breath like you ever again.”
“Give her back!” He tried. He really, really did, but the dodge-roll felt like something slow-motion, pushing through the treacle-stiff resistance of a dream gone wrong, and by the time he’d whirled into place the sword was slashing through nothing. The laughter was everywhere, in his head and in the walls and pulsing against the inside of his wrists like a bad idea.
“Little baby can’t handle not getting his way? What next, are you gonna throw your pacifier at me?”
He couldn’t see, couldn’t think, couldn’t stop shaking- but he could see the sword, gold and backlit like the only thing in the world.
Kill him.
Something screamed in his veins like wait but it wasn’t enough to matter- he grabbed the hilt and pulled, hard.
Somewhere in his chest there was an answering pull, hard, and he didn’t have time to scream before the magic took flesh and voice and thought in a seamless ripple of unmaking.
The last thing left of Link the Hero was a gasp drowned out by a shadow’s laughter.
The first and most powerful thing he felt, facedown in ancient crumbling bricks, was regret.
He didn’t have any options, true. But the shadow had been goading him, it was so obvious, and if he’d just taken a moment to breathe he could have found a solution. At the same time, of course, what options did he have? It’s not as if anyone else knew how to fight demons.
He didn’t know how to fight demons. He fought men.
Not himself.
He wasn’t men, was he.
Sighing, Link why did that taste wrong rolled to his feet to observe the damage, and promptly realized he didn’t have feet.
“What the FUCK.” A fist sized stone rolled out of the way of some truly angry squeaking, and Link could only hover there with a chill where his bones should have been, staring. There was a whining chime, somewhere off to the left. A fairy?
Colder, and colder, and colder, it sank into him like swamp water through boots. He couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. And then he tried to, and he still couldn’t, and-
There were dark magic stains on the floor, the walls, the pedestal, runes and carvings gouged out in heat-cracked fractals where something had torn its way out of the spells, it was out, Vaati was out, what had they done-
“Zelda…?” The little chiming voice was stronger, and gasped. “Oh, oh no- mx poe are you hurt? Are you okay? You’re-“
“Lantern,” croaked a lower voice, accompanied by the scrape of something heavy. “‘S over there… oww, why.”
Link it wasn’t right it felt fae-stolen it was all he had was he even he curled in on himself like the little baby his shadow had mocked him as and tried to hold himself together with hands he couldn’t feel and the phantom pound of a heart that wasn’t beating, something horrible and yawning and quiet torn open inside like a grave. There was noise, somewhere, around, but it didn’t matter- he was dead, he had to be dead, because his name was dust and his self was dust and the world would follow.
“Hey,” said someone with warm living breath, “it’s gonna be okay. Look.”
Nothing could be okay if the hero was dead. He’d been killed by- what, drawing the Four Sword? What a joke. What a horrible cosmic joke.
“Maybe tap him with it-“
“-are you sure?-“
“Ohh my god get it together-“
He sat bolt upright at something going through him, them, whatever, and blinked down at whoever did that with biting offense at the edge of his teeth.
In what remained of the Four Sword Sanctuary, past all of the rubble and ambient evil, there were other creatures huddled on the floor. A Minish, tapping his foot impatiently with an almost impressive glare, a pebble in his fist. A pegasus of all things, something from the stories, young on coltish legs with flicking, worried ears. And most importantly a fairy, straining bravely with both hands against the weight of an iron lantern, trembling with fire-spark magic scattering from their wings.
Their lantern. Their purple lantern, stable and steady and safe.
Link was snatching the lantern and holding it close before they made the conscious decision to, and tried to cover the overwhelming relief of homesafegood with a flustered clearing of throat, or the closest noise they could manage to it. “Well, ah. Thank you, I suppose.” They were a poe. Of course they were, after failing like that. Best to move on. The little fairy gave them a cheerful thumbs-up, dropping down between the pegasus’s ears in a puff of sparks. The Minish scoffed.
“Yeah, yeah. Now that you’re not freaking out- who the fuck are you people and how am I supposed to kick demon ass when I’m tiny. Any of you seen a portal?”
“I applaud your enthusiasm,” the poe said dryly, “but with the hero being dead I’m not sure how much good you’ll do.”
The pegasus flinched, stumbling back a step, and the fairy chimed alarm. The Minish on the ground puffed himself up with a glare somehow more searing than the last, pointing emphatically at the shattered sword pedestal. “Dead?! I’m not fucking dead, just tiny. I’ll stab Vaati’s eyes out with pine needles if I have to, but I’d rather do it with a sword, so where’s the goddamn sword and where’s a goddamn portal?”
“You… can’t be the hero, no offense.” The pegasus flicked an ear, speaking over the Minish taking great offense actually. “I’m Link. He’s me. I don’t know why I’m a horse-”
“Pegasus,” Link cut in smoothly.
“-I’m a what? Nevermind, unpacking that later.” Stamping in place a little and shying to the side, the magical horse gave them all a look. “I don’t know what happened to the sword, but if you could help me look…?”
Silence settled in the shattered sanctuary for a long moment.
Sighing like an open tomb, the dead remains of the hero Link turned to give a considering look to the little scarlet-gold fairy trembling between the pegasus’s ears, tiny hand fisted in his forelock. “I have a sneaking suspicion. The Four Sword splits its wielder into four parts, doesn’t it? According to the stories.”
“No,” said the Minish on the ground, but it was more denial than anything. “No.”
“Mx fairy,” they said, as gently as they could, “Where did you come from?”
“….I pulled the sword.” Tiny shoulders shrank in, wings pulled tight, little gold tears shimmering in scarlet eyes. “My- my name’s Link, I’m the hero, I- is that what happened? Is that who you are?”
The name still tasted horribly, ill-fittingly wrong. They couldn’t answer.
“You’re Link too and you died?!” Fluttering close, the fairy hovered and circled and reached out, pulled back, reached out again, scarlet eyes wide and lost. “That’s awful! You’re really not okay, are you? Do you need to sit down? Oh, oh you don’t have legs, I’m sorry-“
“He can’t be Link, he’s purple,” bit out the Minish, arms crossed. “And I’m Link anyway, I just said that. The Hero could turn into a Minish, and I’m a Minish right now, so fuck off.”
If they felt like being petty, they’d remind him that the hero was at least one-fourth dead. But they didn’t, because they were better than that.
It was going to be a long day, and a very long quest at this rate.
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onlyswan · 1 year
hello! tulip anonie came back from the dead 🪦
i’ve just been catching up on your posts and why am i seeing people saying you’re leaving?!? 😭 but i’m so glad you clarified that you just need a break and i’m so sorry you have to go through that my love ♡ i just want to say if you really need a break then take it. you don’t have to write anything, and you don’t owe anyone anything. i think sometimes a slump is what we need to make us feel the yearning to do something that we love again because we’ll miss it eventually.
i guess may was a rough month for everyone. take your time to do selfcare for a whole week because may was an ass and i -too- wanna kick it in the butt for being the toughest and longest month so far. i know the ‘lack’ of interaction / appreciation for your writings lately can be discouraging and i totally get that. like sometimes it can feel as if a negative comment would be better than nothing, because at least ‘someone is acknowledging something that i made’. but i’m so happy so many people came to give you the love and support and it proves that you’re so loved and appreciated because your works really helped people to find comfort and have a peaceful time even just for 10 minutes of their (mine too) 24 hour long and tiring day.
oooh… and i want to tell you about a bit of my life lately… remember that i was going to yoongi’s concert and it was my first ever concert and you told me to forget everything except my ticket and powerbank? yea… my powerbank broke and i had to borrow this lovely lady’s 💀 i got a vip soundcheck and practically a barricade 🥹 i still can’t believe i got to see 1 of 7 of them right in front of my eyes 😭 i had so much fun and as an introvert -i hate crowded places so much and meeting so many people makes me anxious- i never thought i’d love concert as much as i did! but i’ll give it to yoongi and the lovely people i met, army 🫶🏻 because they’re the nicest people on earth istg. talking with armies online is so nice, but meeting so much of them in real life was soooo much better. the whole time i saw them, my brain just went “wow… we really love the same person / band huh. the tannies are so loved. i love it here”. speaking of concert… i got tickets for coldplay too! 😭praying that they will perform my univers live 🕯️🪐✨
and here we are in june! let’s have fun with tannies because it’s our month! i started this month still with a neverending college final project *booing and throwing tomatoes*. but i’m so happy because i finally found the type of pencil i’ve been searching for soooo long that i got out of my year long drawing slump… and i’ve been practicing again with drawing jungkook’s nose because i love it so much and i wanna *boop* it. and as i was sketching, i was watching the festa livestreams the whole day. a therapeutic experience :’] i miss them soooo much ❤️‍🩹
as i’m writing this, i’m eating unripe mangoes with salt and chili. reminds me of that drabble where jungkook, his abs, and oc went on a beach vacation ♡ OH! and the latest drabble!! i wanna be loved that way sooooo bad 🥲 and so steamy😮‍💨 and the bathtub scene… oh artemis i love how you can always always make the most out of the very intimate places in the house of lovers… the kitchen, the bedroom, and the bathroom. EVEN THE WALK IN CLOSET FFS. it’s just how good you are with what you do and you use your heart to dictate the words to your fingers.
buuut how are you feeling now? how are you doing? you can vent if you want to, i’m all ears! i hope good things happen ♡ have a great day artemis!
hello my tulip anonie! i missed you so much! aghhh you got to see yoongi so close?!?!? i’m so happy 🥹 you deserve it so much !!!! 🥹 and thank god the lovely lady let you borrow their powerbank lmaooo. so nice to hear you had a wonderful experience at your first concert :") hopefully it’s the same for the next one too! coldplay is amazing!
and omg you draw??? you’re so cool <3 jungkook’s nose is my favorite nose ever if i was an artist i’d totally spend all my time practicing how to draw it. hehe
stop now i’m craving for mangoes 🫢 and maybe a jungkook. the latest drabble!! the bathtub scene… rips me to shreds when i think about it until now tbh. every room, no matter how small, can hold an eternity of memories 🥺 i guess is what i’m trying to say.
thank you so much for your understanding and endless love my beloved <3 life has just not been very kind, like everything that can go wrong is going wrong? i’m ok with challenges, but maybe only one at a time? 🤣 but you’re right! hopefully june will be a better month. with festa and pride month, i think we deserve that much !! hopefully i get to finish the next drabble soon too, which actually been helping me release my heartache little by little <3 i hope you have an amazing week my love! ☁️
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bhloodcbxrnh · 11 months
𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 𝕳𝖚𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖔𝖗𝖊
Most of it will be under read more but here is the lore to be updated as I go. as well as head canons
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🪦 Based upon the Lore of the game Mortuary Assistant, demon hunters will bound demons to bodies in order to cremate them. It does not affect the recently deceased’s soul as they have moved on.
🪦 Demon Hunters are called Morticains in my world in order to hide what they do. Not all funeral homes are demon hunters, some of them are.
🪦Ghosts also exist but they are not as powerful and are left to Ghost Hunters
🪦Demon Hunters are the children of demons and humans, you need demon blood to hunt them.
🪦You can train to become a Seer, someone who is called by Holy Power whatever that may be - God or not - to fight demons and must basically become a nun, priest, pastor, parishioner, etc.
🪦 Not everyone with those job titles are demon hunters - if you are you are and you know who they are.
🪦 Most demon hunters are trained by who the demon parent it. Esmeray’s father had sired six other human children who all hunt demons.
🪦Her father is Stolas - not the helluva boss character but Stolas is a Prince of hell, only higher demons can have human children.
🪦Most demons tend to just want to exist among humans and they are allowed to do so
🪦The only issue is when they fuck up the balance, trying to create a new species? Overthrow the Gods? Sorry
🪦 Depending upon culture, folklore, religion the demons are different and no just because Esmeray is of a Catholic faith based training doesn’t mean she’s not allowed to fight Yokai.
🪦 Most mythical creatures, not all came from demons merging with animals...
🪦 Weapons are made of bones from Seers, and can be merged to be a part of the person wielding them. Like she can pull a sword from her stomach if need be but it’s powerful magic and really painful.
🪦 Runes are tattooed and burned in various placements of the body to create a barrier, used with spells (touching them in a pattern and saying a prayer ((spell)) in order use them against demons.
🪦I will be making a basic list but no - not the shadow hunter type.
🪦 Esmeray is a portal - that being her father had six children to use as portals to enter the human realm.
🪦 Esmeray has died before from fighting demons and is stuck in hell wandering around to find the portal before she is drowned. She is lost in a swamp and has to find a door to her body.
🪦Her father possesses her to keep her body alive, while he won’t admit it he adores his children and loves them equally
🪦Esmeray is a prodigy with swords and hunting, Stolas spent a lot of time teaching her a lot of things about the human world
🪦Esmeray is an orphan, she was one of the 15 kids orphaned during a town tragedy (idk what it is yet) so she was placed in foster care then adopted after finding out - oh yeah she can talk to the dead and demons
🪦stolas when possessing Esmeray is the most terrifying thing people have seen. She doesn’t walk normal and smells like death. Think the Conjuring in terms of possession but not chair lifting off the ground.
🪦Most demons as I said just want to exist and can be friendly and help out, some even have married humans but can’t have kids.
🪦 to be added as I go
🌹 Obviously your muse has rules and so does mine
🌹unless they are from another world, not human do not make them a demon hunter within my lore they can be a hunter with another lore but don’t godmod and take over my world
🌹ive had that happen before but when I made a detailed vampire world a rp partner took over who could and couldn’t kill a vampire ignoring my muse’s backstory.
🌹 runes and bone weapons are holy and can’t be put or used with regular people, you can but they dont do anything really. Except maybe the protection but why draw a demon your way?
🌹 Other supernatural being exist, let’s go with that but they don’t and RARELY make themselves known.
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