#I should be fine tomorrow 🦐
dimorphodon-x · 2 years
I really am just having a day🫠
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spiderling-space · 3 years
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Floyd Leech
Despite Azul's best judgment, he agreed to leave Floyd alone with MC while he and Jade were away to order special and expensive ingredients. Jade seemed as if he was eager to leave Floyd and MC alone meanwhile Azul had doubts. The worst-case scenario was Floyd and MC setting Mostro Lounge on fire but there were fire sprinkles, so his restaurant would be fine. That opinion of his changed when they came back to Mostro Lounge. Neither Floyd nor MC was in sight so Azul and Jade went over to the VIP room to put the new expenses on the ledger. They were about to enter the room when they heard sounds coming from inside.
"I don't think I feel my legs, Floyd." MC was panting as she spoke. "I can't go another round, you left me sore." She chuckled, letting herself fall to the couch.
"Hehehe Shrimpy is so cute when she whines. Was this not the activity of land dwellers? I crave for one more round, Shrimpy and more tomorrow." Floyd countered cheerfully before giggling.
She sighed, loud enough to be heard from the other side of the door. "I don't have any energy left. If we were to do it, I'd stand still and you would do all the moves. Wouldn't that be boring?" MC sounded as if she wanted to change Floyd's mind even though it is highly unlikely.
"Shrimpy is being silly," Floyd giggled again. "Don't worry, you made me a master at it."
Azul heard one of them hitting the coffee table and some more giggling from inside while Jade chuckled, bringing his hand on his chin. "I didn't think Floyd would confess his feelings today. Come now, Azul, we should give my brother and MC more time." 
Azul had known Floyd was interested in MC but he didn't think it was romantic. While he had not been on the land for a long time, he learnt certain things from his board game mate, Idia. His mind went over the panic mode as he thought Floyd and MC had sex in his office. Jade's grin didn't soothe his worries a bit. "Right there, Floyd!" He heard MC moan, making him want to disappear in the deepest pit of the ocean. Yet, if he did that, his office would become even more desecrated. 
Azul couldn't handle the voices anymore so he decided to barge in, only to be stopped by Jade who put his hand over the door, preventing Azul from opening it. "They seem to be enjoying each other. Do you think it is wise to enter now?" 
"Not in my office!" Azul declared but then he considered what Jade said so knocked on the door rigorously. "I know what you're doing there! Dress up and do it elsewhere!"
Having heard the austere knocking and Azul's voice, MC panicked, freezing as if deer caught in the headlights. She was just lying on the couch while Floyd was massaging her sore feet. She first didn't understand what Azul meant by dress up. If he knew what they were doing, he wouldn't have said that. 
"Floyd, couldn't you mate in your room?" Azul sounded angry and exasperated. The moment those words left his mouth, MC couldn't think of any answer. 
Meanwhile, Floyd stopped massaging her feet momentarily and laughed out loud. "Doing it in your office is more fun!" He responded Azul, before continuing to massage. MC's mind went haywire with Floyd's response. That was certainly not what's going on and he was making it worse! 
It was up to MC to fix the issue calmly. "We are not doing anything! We were just d- Ah, Floyd!" She wanted to protest Azul's claim but the massage was so damn good and he moved to her calves. After a tiring day, it was like medicine to her sore muscles but now it sounded as if they were doing something else. "You can let go of my legs now. It was wonderful b-"
"Keep your bedroom talk to your bedroom and get out of my office!" Azul's patience was running thin, to the point that he would rather barge in and see something traumatizing.
"No, no, you don't understand it's-" This time MC bit her lips to keep quiet. She didn't know how Floyd became as well masseur as professionals but now wasn't time to ask. She was certain Floyd was doing this on purpose so things would get more awkward. "Just get in and you'll see what I mean!" At this rate, she couldn't form a coherent sentence without having an alternative meaning so she thought it would be better if Azul came and saw the situation. After a few moments, she heard Azul's confirmation and thought it would be best if she was standing up.
MC withdrew her legs from Floyd and quickly wore her shoes while Floyd stood up with a pouty face. Just as she was taking a step, she stumbled on her shoelace. To keep her balance, she held onto Floyd but she accidentally dragged him to the floor, her falling on top of him. That was the exact moment Azul entered. She made eye contact with Azul. "This is not how it looks like!" Jade entered soon and saw her state with Floyd.
"Congratulations Floyd," He said with a smirk while Azul was fuming. 
"Get out..." He said calmly.
"Look, I was teaching how to dance to Floyd. He was just so energetic and enthusiastic about it so-" MC noticed her state when Azul raised his eyebrow. She was still on top of Floyd. Blushing, she quickly got off of him and talked as she was tying her shoes, avoid any eye contact. "So I showed him a couple of moves and we danced a few rounds. I got tired while he wanted to continue." She stood up straight, "I sat on the couch to relax then Floyd said he will massage my sore feet so I will be able to dance more and that's when you came in." She smiled, hoping that Jade and Azul believed in her story. They looked at Floyd who was still lying on the floor for confirmation who just grinned.
"So you are dating my brother?" Jade asked with a smirk.
MC's cheeks flared after hearing Jade's question. "What?! N-no!" It seemed like things would get even more awkward from that moment so she smiled and waved at them before rushing out. Her heart was beating fast and she was still blushing from a simple question. 
She was about to leave the dorm when Floyd appeared out of nowhere. "You answered Jade's question with such excitement, Shrimpy." He said, closing the distance between them.
"What? No, I didn't"
"I already like you, we should do it." Floyd continued.
"We are not even dating." MC tried to find an excuse for what Jade and Azul assumed they were doing.
Floyd whined, "Ah you didn't mention you want me to be your boyfriend." He ended with a chuckle.
"W-wh-what? No, I didn't say that. You- I-No you," MC didn't expect to be asked out by Floyd.
"Shrimpy is so adorable when she stammers. Just perfect to squeeze." He laughs, closing on her. "Do you want me to ask you out, Shrimpy?" His smirk covered his entire face while blush covered MC's cheeks. MC couldn't form a sentence then and there as Floyd asked that question. "So little shrimp, do you want to go out with me?"
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